LAKE Vol. VII. No. 22. COUNTY I.ND'EPENDENT, Lîbertyville, Lake County. Friday. March 10, 1899. $1.50 a Year in Advance., Y- 'Kw' vus. Vas. 1,1%0. d&.ý. _ _ _ _ _ _ D o Yogi K nowicut.out..esi ron. Ga Frost l ronlRetards PornA ut f CutY ra Inign a rg ue-t We are not unmlndf ul of the Couirt <,iivelled l onduy witb Judge Surreyots for the electric rond are The board of SupervlaoraaubpSoenaed T Iiat A ppeal to the Stomiach. ?(Garve? on the balets. Tbhis lm tbe tiret waitlng-RA ILIe bave for severai a large number of witn.aeae, cbisiy best interests of our patrons? lime Judg. (larv.,r bas premisin weekm, and il ia tefiotns aud annoy ftrain Libertyville to, appeer before We know their needs, and Lake Coiiity silice bis electioii. lie la iiug watt. Littlhqo llyailes causaidt.îera lent Wdenday, andIL wasaisner- ail &ieî jurist whome houle in nt hy village 'ýddi'" la failing to rush tood tl.ey were ta tela t t e It wouldn't be fair to you if we famied we shail suPPIY them in a îtorkfor.. emired leglalation thfOngbhie@ rompue- knew, If aîîything, relative t a alegedtasyaw r abu argrcr pres The criaii docket hi a In.dy and tive village b.oardsa d't com tre ita niconditct on peut of Coanty Superin-Ic most agreeable manfler. in will beof iutsrest. %%bat mure. witli nature'@ falire to ie fotlaof tendent C. A. Âppley, of the pour tarin. COfe-Cholce Seiected Rio -par tb.... 3,dr îdlg, oiei',a-th rud i nfy gfatescn Supt. Appiey upon ascertaining the Prune-Fine Quality Black Prunea--per lb_ ............. e G1fANDCCFI. elther sansil.icerose abic5s ad ail, colld siderc.d. Nature wo4't s-iurried, ,nature of charges ta [ie preferred, DEaialns-Baaded, par lb. l. oOod Cu.king, lier ih) .....4! Il.. .leslrd by the tcolus court et- wbie tie village "-àlas generaily throngh bis attorney, <Clia. Whitney, Cornatarc-Flne Snow Flaire Gauli-par 1I) ....-. 40 M ade-to-Measure Clothing, tendanta'fhc nrderer, Cari i'ethke reaiize a good tiiîig asidare inluenced demaandeaitiiey b.onmade la wrting and CondenaeMiaoe Ietea-per package .......... .....ij Up-to-date Furnishingl .inoods at iiiitetiy coule ho triai thia i.y publie opinion 5t a nt ail resas-signesd by a complamsnant IStates Atty. Heorringe-Smoked and Sealed- -par box ..... . ..14e ~ ptod G os.triîeila ansious 10 bave thetrIal able concessions that th.e rouad îay lieydecker ,c.uieaced and tbe board Boneleas Codfla-ln 5-poand boxes-per box ........:9 .fver aud assenam big attorneys, 8. 1). becoane a relity. adjourued for an bour IbLt a coin. Sugar Coru -Tender aid Sweet- par eau ...... Taicott and E. L. Clark wiii prc.duce EverYthing lm iis reauliioesa to "gmt ta plaint mighh lie proiriy signed and lSardines- Fine QualityPacked lnn (li per ibox,_ --.:. H eadquarters for wituelsss that wiiiianse a surprime iu w,rk- à&x.l .on-e the grat IN.out <i the IllBtr oo TeW.R1 opZ peg f...16 regard o bia cane. Angotiter iintereât- tue airveYOrs., grierm 'Lid Vilisn roeo.nveniug iltappeared no One No byGe tlme 'sWe r ig feahure of the criminal doket wili elctrivai cuigineesrx wil e 1pot tu. could hoiearina wilhng to aigu mch a obby 'Wea liethie triai of Thomas bilycrm, Uic worki.m iae. complaimît. Tbe super% imors climed lllgbw..î..i wiuiîsaie r,,i,îr. Who las I l ockefeller l ont of il am lar as b lhave no, knowiedIge (,i the alait sud live lndi,-tmte t,,t face asfllowil getting the rond ti. conitetiîir wiky la appealc.l tu. their Po. r Faima Coin- ment. rcels îng tsud î..u.-eliug stolen lecellthe road psiait rmis lu tis.- mont personally fie knew î,.tilng (il tue LOW litillor cass..wiliiprobut.iy ie trie. Libe!rtyvîlle tfi) UraymIlkî. ui; ljunatice t., Mr. .tppicy t i. board aboutid Illuff City kBraud Plug Tobacco potr lb... ...... 7 ev,-îîty tlr,-e.-vssesare re,,,redl u in M anager Ong wiii bave .I..rg , of the, invetigate ItIe n it a fb ud 1t e Oo hoU IS 4 D NO .2 . 8 3 a~ ~ ~h, comuon lsw do.'ket. I wei.hy- construction of file oiîbottes tofane ethlmrî gbt breethe peuple.W UK G N IL NO .TE P4OiNOlB ba aDeiylang tî e.îî d b.11 itg ara *%*irWMeudettof acdthet liecoula provefibial 211Ibn. of N asa .. th int-restug feture o! te cc.,lch t,- Mas4,,,,Cit.vosud Cer-Lk-Trae7 white l1,alaudnome 4a and éflffee. Tailors and naDeruasuers. l1tNu,l.,,ket -r ijre are 1:13 ,erytiî.uC..iplîîcy,m boluiso Mtîl'ig r of!thb- were nuiimmoig fronit te County fura,------ casus. tA,,,,ît saozeises lrec- di 1orce 1t liiî.agu .1 Fo.x Lake Eie-tri vlRosa. th hit iît developd gileat lie wast fatbaring Libertyille. 1111- olirtytwo (if gisent aaxelieu..n..o v,'-iv melertrie roand -instruction. hcmattsalitw ilobé Kaiser - Mra - Lier'.vie *;f Isak ,,,5,, - hulta..1. ý,rii,r ~,,ii ,,*inest prsenaticnthe board bailbee:uin-WE HAVE lIEItIIED T1 11 PI(E la set f r M tr.h 1, andi est i.. to-day 11) suce-.,! ,filj.erati . cd t,, ma'tît ite ai.lunvestigation. Dr. Charles GaIIowa:y. LONG GROVE. lThe iricnd Jury fotrft,.. Macv.,1t, u .8 ,a t~thefint rosadbuit for freiglt' i lie iboardl iially adjourned mini On ail Goods during the dulilseason. OffleovLOVll'arUgMr&O . Niciiol! is coufilteci t. h ,ttatsI,'f.i.wcan iean as .,ssager sers,,-,Ili ,the io.' 'rburalay mornlug ta enable You wilI find it ta your advantage to ofc vrLv1 lougSoeJ. Il. B",g-.- I,,r ii.Pt, asoufibe fli atain mroadmA tty. Heydc.ker to secure saune oae bouse. j jseC, I.Î"" 'ilt*ooL h.. wo,ld re,-c.gîlze and fi,, firate wilug ta. aigria a-cmplaiub againslBJY [0 Bouge F5Oi 1TOi AVD a TOa V 1M S. pbFse la sgettlug fr lbls (P . H. w, .1 uni. s. -watail rlis. It opa-fates i,ctLcc-ià lasou %Mr. A ppiey sud repare bis cae. U NO aietvle. - Iln is oIton AiHî.- 'hi,' F i.W IiltlCty and dm-ar Lake, la. andl wa. Mr. Appiey in tstkngwvigilthseeditor ba îe icdmt h~a-.kl. Ttu.n.î-. M,,,.iil cîuilinlu1947. Weduiesday oignit declared ILawu ailla No. 8 Granite T kettie................. 35c D..L.T Y R. ,the persan of Mir. (iraff. Il. i' îi. i a-LIUIl construction ,la the it o"... s aîy ee o f milite work ouSuperviser 9-mn Pie Plate ........................... le D.JL.T Y O . A. Wolf la worklug for lMr.8tt W.f L- F .ankA ut,-,,,,road, vltli ixty Hoc mtylMllrs ,rt e asMillier lisand Pot Cavers.............................. le Office over TriggS & TaylorlS. i F. Marti i. .. FMtt'Il 'al.Iamtr.~l.lre O ,ila enedaoig1ogtts ~~-NOUUs-.-- -pleand îamlly froni the 11071-, a.Jr tpi t eite louded pesaeuger cars or îîîpoiutmient of iiaperintendent hilC oiaC tes.-. .. . . I lLeonce i, i2ta 4d4. opo8tPar. em.tviltEa M.j Sndy.r tngaii.r tok cars, Inlisized, forty gelf, aud that lie Appley) ia glaiiof Nutmez Graters ..................... l thsavauarmnrsof ReuuianCacu. to hty tbousaud polindls capaclhy. the opportuuity to show Milers lia- Cake Turners------------------------.le Lietyile îhnli bsu edn nteDa ftr. Av el tte eulct oeao rite passeger rara are large, beiug aînceritysud to'prove tise wbole pro- Tin Funnels ............................. Ile _______________________________ t faut lu thenelochestiwm-. Audaicrsyîf tbedrepbia farcetero ofuigbt leotligbt iob Hunielasudlforty ceading..farce.....en.....o....w5t rIluaebl, whi las reateil S.-file to.wnsip of Lltcertyvihim. la hereby twltoulon, a tit-heeic h nentconbofiseui Huters laur lfte Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. hmm a l oiu u o snw ,-.Ilei tumeut ah the own bail, Wofe og10ibatit lre nbts neninoscnn ts uel- I-Qt Dish Pan ...............5 Tsi-. » .1 iToaa ED1vu s p. aine.Libertyvile, fil ,.on Satrirdaythue tb ibre overbiultrolley systeilà is use.l, hiler ou heothar baud clair o Large 2-qt Suds Dipper.......... 5 âpocisl awation pad go the r, snd ira. J. iitzentbsler viite,1 day o1 Mardi 1899, ut hwo c'cloués p . ni. mtemneecp o xr oe a pootecagsmd n iàd -W B s ................ 2 wit Mr 8.leb etAplti undy f)r he urpse 1 pacig l Do seassnusad la street rallways of Iitala sW10the satsfaton of the upervisora Large Extra teavy Fire Shavel .. .. 2 tr,.aumenut o!CirouiC aM.him*. aLfteruoon- hiait ,candidates for thc followlug total) kind, but tbilarond ln lu uo sanie a ThnuUda. Wbether or uot lhe vili do Large Tinned Wire Bread Toaster.. -- 3c Rockefeller, - Illinois. hM@. Faut aud Misa lehI vsiteait offices. ta b e'voted for ea hbe anUal treet rdlway, difteviag troain tm so vs arenatle to &Incertali bsere 9-inch Granite Pie Plate............... 4c tie seltgera sauot.lira P. Blttitiaer lai eecioAlril 4 Iýifrosa ouIlun xig lectricity Ilashead goiug ho proe stiisveek, but tisehr lait veek. Town ii lrk, of teasansd vili they clalm in doue aoanicd à anaDiniity of opinion aboutTh eprcsaefr tr tl C s. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUING. wbatdeligbit suitlsatisfactiin t Ahm8O t huit tihe epaume. The passeuger Llbertyviile Tbiradsy that ho bad Please do not askforedtitln a sh.r phyoician a nd Surgen. iaiordstglial;Michigan girl Wta iIte t u 0Iliiatouiai,,et, itt. N... I busîies as bandird in exctly the -bitteii off more bisan is.eaibicbev." Pe s on ta kce i n a v r aksias.aorosTEi-aMs eri.miaber coîiliaabouît ber deaxrbo. y TrîaCsoision.moneianuer as s Malians rond also,tauit hM. Mihller@friands aver lie la not tised goods. G.urnOE - -- ------Ilinois. Tbe 'i. p. A. c.! bue Ftangclcai iAud for the tranisacti.oon cia,tî , tîer riuilg evcry feu minutas as >4 treet actuased by ,,tier tisai a destre ta _____crchargued buaayeaangi,ît.tieus auy proprî! ,ome îwvore nzdTuay eig car do". This saute -compati! &]so expose vshale nerely bellevn ta --------- f er bavlng sanpsî,itied vîitameetigglug . i,.u-,ts imwhi ,-,,tveneul. bas two ines.of trcet rallways inlaeagrand andthglisa lio euiiuii- Dr E H mih, idrngth in-e ilntn.MreTios ORET. Maa.uî,City rtinnitug front ileoîcend to peacbabie evideue 10 subitautiste is LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. Dr. . I. Smth, .iiriu the vter it, .r- O. 'tL,. theoLtber of the main treetâ sud Coli- acusationus. office over J. W., Sutier'a b1dil, i 500k X(11 E>WII,L h ...i.cectiug witli te lrger file. 1The r,.sd hll banidled freiglît front, tbe tirât Want 10.000 Hornes. .,îr t, a . ~~-mi.DAtLX Hurrah! for vs.-atioi Milk Trust. 'sut.~ bila axtended splî nr to thbiCchic-ugo wiîî auppîy Europe witbà Libertyville, [Ily oouha ppl ae e-lvte S-. Hll. se,'rmtary o! tlic hiik Sip- itombler yardlsau.d stoc-kyards alironte 10,1K) 0coachend boa horis. Thseyare The fl~ 0. W. C bail 1h. k-uiL meet- pcrs 1Uion, ho bas beu lu Boston to .ala are handliug ail the lowa Centrai's tu came~ fron dfferent points of Illinois P lace Y our O rder r.'uls mivî-llgth le workiugcc o! tule truxst il) u bmios asd tîat ur ail o! abs cou- sud iowi and wlflho as appad front Dr. E. V. HARVEY, lng Tueaday. Vb'e a.îjert Wi wuol. Gmjot vity. mai, Monday tbere %as ti.c uechi.mus imto Clear Lake. Grain, cou), Dext'r lPark at the rate of 2fl boned s Ibis wuastbbcve.k if thei- iiî,co ,,,jarilcci bebveeliacenilk supî,ly o!' luni ber,limme alla cernent are bclug vas-k, cousigasmenha leaing for iast] I i A DENTIST. e mautioua whlci, iuciîilm hialviti Itosto iandlChic-ago. 'The lsw rcluure.l shippeil luto. (icar L..k-ise ilrge London amnd Liverpool. A fescdeysN0 i_ý O jFICE HOUR14 - deligbt é) .~;J cir cc-nt .ofbotter fat lu liustou, ,1îamtiten h i.yts fll, 'le, m i f t "t a&go a Chicago dealer seut aoir ssil) t1.X. i Tbe Sbornmervillc c'.irc-spouient i'iitiii tIi'àicago ît dcuamied I lmt 1,cr gtsga es ir' iir,î u ula fhreac iee hn nIeF R V U A N S O GraySlake - Ilinois. muatbe ibernablag lu fuParailtis ,mt NMlk rasretailecl a cent ligl.r 1 the blî,tsi,,ess Euglilb Market&. At tret be oild not sbatais of couccit sud las faien lubo ir ,îand fariners g..b mucre ui galion îuoduee tise auctioneer ta show tbem tu ---tise isamlistisg daimason 'f .dgitag 1htitut ithe l'flippecras- orkeu au WI.y Nat! hie ougbb ituhu the pavillionvhere Uic PAUL MacGUFFIN, other peopie by bitmaitîf lecaune hlie lmr!.-t tiarm..iuy and btli wé"t lh ia Il fl.ic .', hpsro.i.catioun fi,.matousere ta taskeplas.Theialcamaa Attorneand suionslior t Law. latanfortanstae eougl ho gmt the I-ld Mlt hilpped i) 10 H.,e.lie,-ndctermiumltt,- ublaliu'rculmatmionîof gaadEnglisbmea vauta not loîok ah pi g o Mittan oecaaiousliy, dotasa'lt ilt sbfy u*I1i ... l1, wi iiclai la u grade tiie'varions lputiers 1,,llialied ii the I-lci aie os'a ecalled them NOTARY PUBLIC hnu in saariblug iiiiar ,,uitm u i at. srei iii ty ail i.toimers. sal i î,,ir,'v,-,iira.ttileiitecar,,,- At ltestîmaiborns were piacac oiruaid.e h)V'iC WiiiLisa oiariBi alloier persans. A 1cneto.laticoclaini,.sot uliagraut iussireprc'- .-ThIt-y won lu a walk' is tbbc ny theIGU B.t~ my V ok an Libertyvhlle. Ilii...-f tLe kiecëutive C,,mtitt,, .1 bbcthe miationa by u'Lrtatii newapaper pubt- cablagramsrctadthliah vsesat back ca ik ih PALATIN E. uliri-tial.i.V*ndm-iivoti ,iliun..f lsite l'abers, file'î ilthbbc Scies' pr..,America. Mince gtial;tige orcers forStc ,a d an m k ih HENRY Z. DURAND. tir, D. i. Wood la un the i' ksît ol t .uîy î,îct Sat.irduiy, àMarc-i. 1h. at puqitiu..i ss aetic.'-l .Olyi.y gthe t15 Auermcami hargsc have bos 'noutisaPrices on Good Hand-Made i-Av. lix l'iîurstou ifile the t i. , o f iss tClia Sta'tYcrd u ft i fte ,,thc-r paptrs uîc'îa im,resc. Nîw comas the latestorder AaTOn5KX AND O cUMBLLO T AW r husonfid the iîslrt.uii.- t..,a.Ik,'guito.. isr.iss llanv for aggres- ttinedlitithe N. -Iiallenige arc' Doib for 111,100s. At bbe stock yards the Goods. lh2 CHII0CAO RE a Lsbra ive s,,in filte couusty. It vas adc'- afraîul uf the plrolu..stiou, whly tbmir .xportars are jubilant aoier the8ic tstm-eand tFirraL lý.'aIdeCm: Tbehemper Fidella uue-t wti tIrIs 'iddtM, hold the aail .iv il iia'failuire to iitiC l' it 1, Jtii!htleir Ortlear.Tii-prie@psta, toi, arematin- Order NOVJ, and your Harness wili COUaTa. basE F aT. h.L. Converse Friday mîgt. Mîîîî,.rmî luMay iext, and Fidevor-' adverbaacrs m .aiii5i,,il tley îîut tilI- mctcry raaglag fronts 5150 ho $1115for 384lilas LitlIe Baumigarbeni vislted Pestarc Irgc'.l t.. iegotisansufor ugi!yagre.~ti',,,iii s1r. leba oc ie cd$11h '7Ib ed w h esno es frianda lu Chicago receti!. tikut eveot as sonsspossible ari b i.. oe is ' n timf.or Is l,,ra. LIBERTYVILLE MOTEL Druggto arc. uot lnappruuriite]Y malte cvcry m-fort ho lie therc- andl luredolla .mc mîu rs. fr hc'yt* aeda.l is5i14 hraEheh.gouda tbey iit dc'lver lflirmlimailt- iehave iuauy lucîmmrica ifor farine C has. IK aiser, A gent5. Misiosa DreevetLouise 'îg isaut'"iiifd uc hcy r tobt iaris esrtgtaby iOaka.LIER Y IL E. -- ILN9S Diain-roo Serke Frst A&". Park ttoaday for au aztanded vîsit utoSaeBle nlitai--atre ao h aeiotyprisdsrngtbYanrntLIE T V L .ILNO . HIJIatesfrayclses arnda.St rtasshdIbtiIi- iera wo cuteiip1ih a ig I tiiig as uîahy paiers. asthm-y repre. If yo.n]lave a feai for reng or sale, W, 5. OCANE. Pao,'i naStewervices snday evn. aî- telonsawill do volt to ramemibarvhati salit 't,. iicertiserm. tbey have shuit-suitertîsa 1h lu bth Sme m- iu -It W. A OKNCFaile, dit intheserice Sudayeveing thg, ribevs.Ipriantkiiaunseb'ol'bylililaac yo itiouhucabuilesnd (,r.[hw. Ave. and Chancl iS.. tir. Knovles removad bis fml awho tocto il wt ettacre b ac ai.Thyvi .lc oci oc halknabelit att is. H. N. laxbsmr's lent HALF DAY LiBERTY VILLE. - - the o! lonu famuly asd dlspatcb. (Our priceasare rigbt regebitg omietictg ort,.tling o eishmafuudrou<ta slet nmewedeaîa .'eciîi II elrtag(cd 'eapuviitseflect l LIBERTVILLE. ILLII S. hesoutb partof oaFred Gieske's sdw urue orwr i îesud ara fearfîl est su investigation q1at sail piese y.c.a.Try ih On hîdme. Chiii AIeotigo Ms .ILag ovripph.mAdafiadsi bouse. satisfaction. Personas aviu g' fiction lMriseisieni t1cehicagorails liey are W. B. SCHAEFFER'SIlntan eyaedigbl ug ene a w oLtién M@. Y. Sonoe, o! Long Grave, vis- bills prIuted et this office recelve tm-ca 1f no , ud te a iiire dlmî bîaesu. ou JN LKE MnaygeLeakifo e tvas d,fot. lieniM.hotîn eol to £m onaliteouti o! Long Grave P. 0.. La~ke l Lthe chllenige'ad rooster thtemaI ip bîpe.lMt,- eek burst Cameuof)i lpuiscelebrasts the c..jl. »Dundey. sud no paperl a ke Commty bas as George W'itqey im reported oituie previoms. birlumday cof trs, baeblie. priait Siciil.amend ornsmmmatai Treat. Grate- Ou week days jou buy your musc large a circulation amuomihhfanmera as scetlist. Wo îudertaud thît Wllie t.ut.t Motiday eveuing WIi Wells issd stcinlIisl rla by the oheet; on Sunday you crut bave tI Na)EIENDENT. tf 1Ten Beaus for Every Gtil n Idaho. MrJonBtitinteu(io wt Ginm-t n mur rutsimt to1 s- lwy hioor.'t'tli eIbm t elurs .oltnimnberiig hr o n B nît . bet'i. ii Meyer lbas severc'd bis con ectlou eah1tue omisfortuie gb. reak iss Ma0 by lila Bele Tylorsud oyMatch 17.1899Q. ithe muisis ln eterY Statei he u Iie 'uoî ,atsc ! sIiPeSqîr Iliam fan , irbe Ame slng t l yDr ayrlorm th m-edvs MeBelTalradbrotiier Gy. Ntice sud renieniuer bbcCatholic i oît O a bcbeasy for tbeîumassrrled tMr. George liartlett iccat ()uie,f bisli 11 e aeatitahery sat. h vrOtalaiast thif a. zD Taylor W. H. MILLER. of Chicago, visited vibli relatives lI Club gîvea a bail sud grpper ah voman 10 aeciire.i partueruywhoe, iccrdlng hborneslait weak. heeutaid a r adhbale andouiadleinanod tie !rn atre 0»obi TONSORIAL ABTIST, palatine aoir uday. Llbortyville Townî Hall, Miusic vîli but bbc reglon wier, bacbeiors are J.îdgs Lenikie la gatlg rcaîly for trust thtstPcisce vili le rcusitorud. 'Nowlexpccte.i. 'J'in ouvat dsashveOha The lterar! soiety met Frldsy be firuished by Profs,. SinitIs and mont in excusasla, of coursethbe mont lima regaîar trip bLake Forest. watl for tlijbilea. 1Cr Ieccple are preparing for àlIIIr Woo li u t l u "Bih.' o a iag.A ino progransud au en- Hertel. Admisionlc541hcents, suPPer favorablehta hoIe apioster. milie the cmotc iNn o iasa. joyable tna, as Das]a, 251 cents. Ail ara invitaitConte and abundamîce .of uuurricd mnugives George Ray' hall bs vood iavcd tbîs tMr. IL P. Barîet langstd"LBafat iary sud musical enertaient, te bil CnOIC IlDNDS F CIARB-b hae a deigbul thue 203 ber a vider range o!fccie.Frcîm a veek. Hîîv mati! cords did vols bave sudatioardedthie train Monday sa.ii" given ua a,,,t ltsie icisfý. Thi« ii Nxt t ocr ta W. C. Trufl ites @egatrs Dled, a bis home lu Palatine, Marihimatrimniuail poiit 0fvlew Idlabo lathe George. fr Wauks«sn vie e l iserve as beusomth ietSyoîîdon't vant le' "r asiM-t. eSitoit Op.e', eery day r. Mm. Weu klmnilFuuersl Mou- Spaîna O reateshflood. ba iao bctuofr eathe Oua of the Grand Jurorm.'anmi. it viii constat of diahagmos, ___________________________day frontthue Reformncd Luterlau tir. BR P. Clivia, ob Barcelone.,lal81 mbr !aiebaclielors Isabtuia ! tr iicyFyi loi coeig tr ilsMxhn u i.Da acs leax.ravitaios, ali «M Drib.'speudl bbis violera ah aAgliul;SofCl racîhat h tIr. esnervais lîd cmers e erlkanabc miaa 554 o111 a fron igIslaiue Iaît imier tbe rare 0f Ayusley, o! Lake Foreat, verelamc nsc.Nteviibgvo lt' LAKEevslii cue svr uslnDg iiiimrrid voas11m,584da 1421t'eereDr. Taylor. Diamoud Lake Suusday vsitlngureasan -music __________bit_____ M LAKE M~~~~~~tr. Saura belli biguautskir'in bbc bsck o! lts bear0.l Ouaridwmmslt dho hre cOUNT Rihmouda Fmiday evening. sud ail Electric Bitters, Amricas gratait baviug tan or leveu babelors, not W. M. Hic-ks lm golîîg ho omove tu tivesa ad friands of Ibeir youthb A Frlvhtfui Blunder BAN~.. .. ... ... . '-Ieedtom hobats iatlsfied viththe Bloond ad Nerve Remady, al painiMou eshlimt lier beck, htutavallabie as aibake Vsilla the firit .of the înîcth. The Dismoud Lake boysabave glveula ii artencause s a horible Ile,