Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 17 Mar 1899, p. 1

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LA£KE CO1JNTY INDEPENDENT. Vol. VII. No. 23. Libertyville, Lake County. Friday. March 17. 1899. $1.50 a Year in Advance. A prosperous looking fe1Iow--umu ( is generally a n<bly, refined dresser; ca.'t al- .~ways judgc by that, it'éiia pretty good igu of what he may thintk looks right. Our garmett are ail the latest patterns and style-thât imdi- viduitity whiclm distixiguimhea them from thle hoat of ordiîîery muade-to-meaiiure clothing, is the very reason whîy we are doiug snucb a businessi. Our Prices are Right. We knaw it, and you can reat auured tliey are vaincs auch as ca't b. dupiicated anywiere, quality coîiidercd. Our Furaislung OGouda t>p.rUnu«t msy Iiareat you. SANBORN & CO.,9 Taiors and tlaberdashers. Kaiser Block. - Libertyville.1 Cha Ai EXONERATED. rges Aita<nat Supt. Appley 01s missed. Ale charges ageluat superinutî'uîeiît lie f'auîify l'ior arlu, Cham. l. ley, vire, investigated iîy the Boaird perviiors fiaturîlay tairmnan Eaatuîîi cailed tii.ý 'oîarîl eber tu tflic ounéty coiuirt roou. tbe case vas une wLieh vreated a leopreed luterest anîd the curions od Ilied the roanu so rapidty tbat giotion of Siîpervimor HSLllaîu ait iurumîent vas taken ta the circuit rt roi Cbalrmaîî Eestî,n laaked cry Luc a j udge anîl the Supervisorâ 4werë.d veil as jury. Witioint ber adi, the mette? isniandvas ;t up and the attentive aud inter- d lste.'tators cauld Lave displayed more luitereat Led theecas elcen a 'der trial.1 'flait ciargea and report of fuh'con,- mttee as lraffered were as foliave. To the 'ir'ao and Rouid rýf Super- rîsors of Laike <'oihls<. i îîîîr c,"iult on Poor euîî-iî"rFam ii'.'lfithsiu<nmllt tocour limi,rahi],. iî,.y iher«',.andlsii',flcalina'wtii lâ- le. ,c niail ii lin. m againsl Charime îîiy 5,î'lî. il'fof the L«ke C.îIuly 11.0, Firm ufli a- ta rcth. 1,s fa u.',. ir.'s'sf'l i lii' i.é o,oriiii 5,ý ,u,r,, Sii î'iîaies &- m iaii.'b y Esc Prsioor and W.E. Mll.~ csrlshsl' <[lîri'sAuiî,'i.Suumr- l,'îldentflt'ltik"i.' iîl, cunl iylPour Fawi. Eilliegl,.i'< iîldîîiy anîd imtropi'r maiadtm- gâî'nl iioIl. i,i rF".aim iii' tili mproî..r diPohii.n lii trw ti, < "f O'l '. ai,'Ciumay. Dr. Charles Calloway. !A mcs 01 th~e n CbUiCU5.ii'oi.'ss'.il'M'llîaa Officeoove rLovel l'aD rugStore the township of Libertyville la ereby Mi' 'il',llliiii'Pi î nousFaon i TO asn &TO W5P. M. cailed ta mneet ai the tavilibal,'iaru,"f Il..s<uppli-so!i'A <iîath-- .i. Libertyville. - Illinois LiLeirtyville.. , n 1Sturday thie Istb at tia' -.i1lie h'îîîslu faki.iea,îi ali day of Mamch 15h1, ait ta o'cloek p in. Iliii .il aifisiif tIi, fnkfîinad fric., -fqi îthe purpmme 0f placig luuonmlna-iiîrk. Iîît.'r and laid d ivguiilallowý Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. tion canuldaea for the folovlug tovu iîigîii.'saomto tmgeglsru '.ura B. Hiil-i Offce verTrige, te luevoted for st tLe aunuai aij. viti.oîf'inii'nîatilî 1<.',' f-r". Offceove Tigg £Tayors.tovu electiouî, Alrîl4. î.iM9',inlVulifalie -nofî,o.î liesf 1 t tu . lu. 2mtuo4nd a. to a . um. ~ToiwCeit, 'Ail l.f" . <i 'it"hif< s ial liteidence on Brudvlay oppoeite Part Assencor, ibarn. 1,r iii.' sfati'î irlos' id pr--!i.'.llgjtii Libertyville, Il linois. Cîlîùctor. 1-i m iii1-ieieiivilc'd(ir i". ', uti Hlgbvay Coin Càiéial or, 1liit. Ni- 1 'iiUr soif liinu rn.stees of'i i. i - îî"f.&-a 'î",aIýén Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. And for the transaction of<if a tî,l îer MiMne.t1 . Eisîsi,I. BOU T-Lm . M 1TOa ND T àP. businem as may properi y ceine Ii'ore Tf. ii If i miiiif iolOfi , il 'if -sothuasp a. i Dvlid.1 ski'f i i.'i , i,rity r 'y hi-Lin md kipeclal attention psid 11. the Iiis. toi.r. ..u i..1it Iiî-E.1 Mil.i ' oîI<if- treatment of Cronicebehumatianu.<diaA Wsîî.î,iC .îi.f'a. îr."i ,î.si --- 1it1 LLKiNi .'.M 1idaifi.E.SOi,.1i. Rockefeller. - Illinois.I i, .~ei-m"li f.i .ei" Vi i hîlf'r im.' i. VI' i. MWL t.ri. saîd lie hud fî,iloiîa oii t"ue i.i-,mad 'rii u' 'i' a I uis.".fi'-i 'am n puy for th.- <ai!, iut ii<îît kl<iw lii.. a.l"uo . is,.B îîîiî",.wietiîar Le dii it Url&aL %I1iii,î. A. Mur auî'lFrank fiddl,-'. SI PEuss i'.ili ONî..Fî,a Fru 'u SIiýJ. 'Ii.ouifnilf: '* .um Ioïaod î' ii lîrla. Siiwis,,rMillr ir'l.rldLis4 i fil:,.,af'lu a ailehaigý,-r"firrel it. latLerK testîiini n, and lregard ".nig îay- ýI....- ifoi],Si ntrî'i.nin tgai 1. '-- tuok ise doil larssud WfLLI..U f 1 i'i. ent Iflie piuir lacis, sud sa% la'iacnle. %V. E M nLLî < 1- I ifi el finluthie iorîe'r lait Le re. 'rHeoAsîshTAaNi. iiuii'. luAc-d. and shived lai' liu entires in ili', te ciar9ts. 'ttariley Cîarlea bis booîk i'largiug tu'e .11, lvi, îialil<r Wiiîtiiey, oun leliail of ir. Aîîpley en. trsuuipirtstious vmeua inue Ladt beeO teruil a ienial. It ses then tliLM"-Me ale. i foudiithaf W"as n uvy ta dauies E. l'rosser, iClaraIlIiddiento,do LKIiisiiloansd lie Saidl'Yoit uiiglmt as Fruk Hîdoiestoni, NW. iA. mller sud ccii gel 5iffS s e ay os timi' n-at of Wi. E. IMiller, stere morii asme ifiiesses thî'ýlii Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. aaUai.a IRPî'ifml Ka NAi BOTUL ]aLlI. GurnOO-- --------lliflOts Dr .H. Smnith. DENTIST. Office over J. W. butlor'a bldg a te . 12 a.i. aîîd 1 . . n. I ILY LibertyVille, [ILI Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTIST. - OFFICE lHouit - s %. i A. M. l tO and 1 o 8P. a. Graviake - llinois.1 Ini h. Pen. I)eputy sLeritf Brown sîîd tis ligrahaltPowell, oî Wankegau, fam.k Pehhe, the self noufosse. murerer ai Rev. amuel lireatvell, Tîîîn fte the bah. Forest bouse lreaker sud Wllls ibtheV.'utegan rulber. ta Joliet )Munda! noranug. AuctIori Sale BSUIS. Farmers vwho contremplate Lavîng uctions yull do velI tu rememiber tbat vo pruni anction bills viti. nestines and dîspateb. Our prîces are rîgLI and vo gnuantee our sorktu agive satfaction. Poisons aving suef lot bills prlnted attbis oMfce receive fiee mention of their sale ilî iLene Clununb aud nu paper lu Late CîîutY Las as largo a circulation aiîiig'farmners as tLe IoDEENfEIiT. f l'autfnl vords vitten Ly lira. Adae PAUL MaçCUFFIN, E. Hait, of Uroton, S1î. " Was latet, Attorney sud Counsllor ai L&v. it a L4d tcold vhicîehleidonmy long@; cougb et lu aud iîaiiy self led NOTARY PUBLIC l un conauimption. Four dituitr.4gave lXN, nie np, ssylug tcoulît lve bunt a short t)jl.T %l'rHi liiLAKE CoUXT N . igne. 'i1gave mysel ni) iii my Savioi, 1,I,ibertYville, lllnOig. determuied il 1 î,ouinit stay vltL my f riends ou eart1à, I vould niel My ab- -sent ones above. IMy Luaiand ai asad- HENRY Z. DURAND, vised te get Dr. Iingm NevwIiseovery ATTOSET S"ND ÇOUBEL05 5?AIT LAv 'for Consotmption, CougLa aud <'olda. I ilitCHAMBER OF COM2&EuCE, gave iot.a-tial, 100k lu al clgLI bailles h as corsaime aund. ibant (od, 1 aia CliICAGO. s»vert sud nov a veil sud lbellby Stafa and Fedi-rsi lk'sld@nîu: soman." Trial botle free ai F. If COUaT0. LAiE F »T. 11J-. Lovelîs ding tore. 55-47 lBegjar ize soc sud $1 <i. <iuaraîî- leed or price refnudeai. Suilî hy F. B. LovELL, Libertyville, G.. B. Tu<ahui'- LIBERTYVILLE HOTEL sos, Gisyate. Dang-rouI Service FputCls AUCTION SALE. IThe nnderigned vilI oeil at publie lleadquaaiti'nef or Cyliste ansd Conimerlali moellon one mile soutb of the Highland Tras,îirs.l'ait vater taveî, Wednesasy Mareb W. A. DEAN£. Psop' 22, 1899, commenclng t lit o'ctock a. Car. Ma'. Avs. andlCiîuiih IMt,. ni. sarp the foltoving property. LIBERTYVILLE. - - I.LINOS. 2 cova fTO5h 2 inontha ago,2îjecraey cave freab 3 montha ago, Jersey eov - 4 years oit comiug iu soan, 6i yefflug w. ~ SCtA~~RS Iefeis Jersey, 1 heavy springer, W. B.SCHA M RIS balance coming in mooa, : Hostein NU RSERY. I helferu jear aId, 2 Jerse.y ballera 6 Oue mita soutfl f1,0119 OrîîsuuP- 0.-fI..t.e tuothsaid, 2 Jersey beifers 5immouirs Co.. fil.plul, Jerspy' bull 2 yeara aId, bsy maie, PuIhauundUOumC0I~iuQs <rape- gr4y hor@o, 2 bIact pouies, 3 vhite vinoesudnd iiimmlf Fr'uits. CIn a wva7 nmotbs îld, onie : Octai p$eîa u imih11ld ni~~. = :01sotd, 2 seetea surrey extension top. pole sud shaitu; express wagon - . -- ... -wifb adjustable top; open buggy, aid; ,îairov tire vagon, wagon box, top W. Hl, MlitLERe buggy. Day pote and ahaft; duap lbox, TOMBOIAL ABTIOT, ' borne rate, licCarmiet maviu5 machine, nesrly nev; plov. cultîvatar, WLben yasî vaut a clesu ahave or a tva rubaier lier"encvera, hay cutter, gond Lair cu cati ou--Bill." Dov, Bond pover; 2 seatedai sogh, sel uNoiffi iiuAfDS OFC CuAît. runueis, ight; aurrey barrisse, îearly ge;eprs arneam. bransatrizumed Nit <jour le W. C. TriagEs 8UneStOre n'W;: ligbtdouble Liarnesa, single 'II îou ueSt. sfîpop iove ven dary e: ih evenîhiga auI Sa Bnday morniugs. 'lîrus, ligLI driviug double Luîriîega bicycle, 3 horse bsukets, six M galain redit caue. Excelalor lucubahai, goimd runuiiug order, tOlI egg ire; Larrel LAKEchunf8 5gallons, wasing mchne LA ~ NTV beatîîîg slove, Blue Flame oîliao BA1K†† † ew; parlor laupne 2pale tablem, Wrlgt, ark urs & o. tnds,o0"tbedroom set, 3 piecea; Wrigh, Pakhur & O. 13 mattlroesa, ouk dresser and mirror, Libertyville, Minos. 13sets aprings, 8 It. extension inîng table, 6 dlang room chairs, set dinue' dishea, 24 yards Ingralu carpet, lo 5 uolug otensits, chusa anul glassvaire ls;u~s. r)'~ealn And"i*uiy other Articles toumieront certificat*$ Payable ta mention. on D.mand. ]tegutar teru. B F. ALLEN, Prop. IC. W. tTI1 utner were ruinîlg olîto alin.ethinfiletht was lait in thé <bargen. and it waë. tricken out, ('lirnian Eatoîn cautioung tlîem 1<, keel, totahie charges. Misa Itulsaull, thé butter Maker hadl given lielosr'. a <dter bMr'.. liddlesto)n Watter, sud 3.r. AppI5I liai gîven Mr&. Prraser pîrk ta take t. ber sinter. Mis. eîie i.'iLusellinlathé second girl St tihé lo<ir lrim Mis Rsseil, ac- îiorîiiîig t) the witaieaaes testimî.ny lied aaked %fi- Appiey if âne <'<nid give is cîînain,blIra. liiddleat.îîî assistance, and lie gaad Le dJdnit 'üre if îLe s(I<iilduî't let ih oui. lMr. Whitney îjuestioîed l rm. l'ros- ser 1ery forclhly, but the retaiued ber presence of mnd and anse ered ltralig. iy. SLe adnitted that aile toik tbiugil t', lier aiteras, but dii il ithjtI)PpIey'g klowledge and consent. -After MinseIRussell laid tivit 1 hall beeti stealing thînga 1 velit tu iigli- wood witb Mir. Miller te née . Hogau. eliairnian <f the Pour Farni l',mmittee to lleld mnacf. 'rbere lies been nothllîg takeli sinie I.,LnilliDLL5TON AN.I, TOMl. lira.Clara HiddlestOl. sdter aoflirs. Prosser, eorroboated tie former tat mony. fiLe aald ea@b adl lways been the iefit of frieuda vltli Mr. Appley aud ia family. Mr. Appièy badl told bier le vas wflling the saulti bave the tiîlgs but wanted l kept qiet: andl aLe Ladl aaldnotblng, lo keephini'fromi trouble. It w"ut muet anyvay. She aduilted that nLe r«eteved tLe things mîeii,îîed. Mîr. Whitney premaed ie witucs pretty liard but suie ezplainedi thaI ber conscience Ld"iat botliered ber sny iecanse lMr. Aîpiey Ladlle- frieîîded lier and %le djil ii it eimt tu 'om Iiddlîeton teétiliî t taiklug hoime aime lbutter.1 A <10f' r THE CALFi Williamm A Miller, father of Super- vi-r Miller, tî'stifled tbat Mir. Appley tbree or four years agoasked bitu Ifle dîid nos vent a calf ina seu. Be sald Lie did. end W. E. Miller wenît tu tLe fcî,unty Linume andiîbranuguf il home. Lâter vlien fie env lMr. Apley Le askd Liuî ios umunc it Il vand ii e mamlithflic alice ' as $:) but il vas ail riglif aiiii' lsîl Laancuud fiae i,,oka lîy euteriiig Ici -'liaUpur friispuorta- filim', b L.hîlîîM ilier. S2.50 ,'achb lie flîîuîr asets couccaled lu tbeir elatines. MRe. APPLEt liETAINXEh> Aller tbe case elasedl shortly betoýr. tbree the aupervîsors Lepld asshort session. Siîpervisor fivayer moved that charges agaiat i r. Appley Le dis- miaedt. It vas carried by a vote af sialeen ta threp, the Poor Farni Coni. mltee, Hogan. Milter andîl Htrang voting "No. It won tben mivtid bat tMr.Appte y Le retained ansauperlutendent unutil sncb tine as thie nev board la organ- lzed. This vas carried, Miller? Ual vutiîîg. sud Straug voting "-No." sel an si ad, til p.e en I t'. Of noi ait reE ill pe At He H: t, ai ti liiitb l ve s etgafh.n.i. 'iai n tIh- ,aii! y iet ' itcrîiosei MLS.i'hSaSarnmTES',IusIr'-. S<iervl'air l',ikî', seftiuug lbh'crowd 'liai' lSttes Atorney ILeul callesi Mrs.lun auilroar f isugiifsr.Mr Milter I Eve l'rosser on the stand,.lira. l'rosaer testîlieul tuai Lt' br<îgbit tLe malter up testitiedi Ilatebe vWas a full conîsîn ai belîîre tLe Su pervisiirs sud offrcd li. iIleyaud Iliafdite Lad been in thiunhv ie iey, Lutit leY eîuid nuith Lis etipliY ai the <'ofulîfY lse tram fLake if. Be tbeu said ied neyer lpay it tLe 9th f, iMacîL, I15111outil îeth aie îfotîii'esas akedril.r h.o'lbeuper. h Marclétalt. Slie ref c ent iLers' as a vîimrs sais iLe uiîd lrIig it 111), ft'ltbeyo Louk, littlbter eskeil ta o t îIli)sbairs thoimglit le saiilic Ssiilîl lever psy ( anîl cah eloeed tiido as. Mira. Clasces App1,ey.P I nîsser vi'cctfl' l> thîe cLarges abe lMr- Whitney as keif Mr-MilIe 1f Le9 Ladl sîguil'd iimd cleil li er 8t.ory aout was nat la isuiidate foîr kir. Appley'è as fi iluis ~poai tuionandîliLe saidfthLebSIas. f i1 selt itii ib i' ity Il aise oni îLe t HE 0E>ENSE. ( 9tio ,îl lardu, i unsd e srked l I es'sllilue uts i liîteiflrnoilu tîlufIa about thflitue tLe uev cammittee illierelit as1îcct outhie case. IL vas I camne ln April. luat belote tle coin,- evidenit Mr. .ppley's defense vasl utîe vaie iLere vas s surpluîs of makiîig a fss'oraole imîpression 011i tLc gua(8 ilsîb lanud. Mr. Appiey tioaUgbt Supervisors. He fief iy îenicd tLe if vould bce a gsod plan ta put sanie 0f vibarges anîd dî'îîed tuaI lie halldlaver f if ont of tbe vay, becense tLe camîii- tolîl lira Presser or Mca. Hiddleatony tee val slow about Luying, aud it ibat tLey cî,uîd Lave flue producta vauid Le beut liat ta have machb on froltbe county bouîse. He said thbea banld, su le luld us to take sanie eu teiret intliation Le hlofidthe finga and cofle 1u my sîters, simd 1.dd no.bemîug caîried avay wvss WhouMisa 'Ibece si% stili quite as unrpus sud Le iRussell aated Lîi iflu' kuev vLat was outil lie vas giug tu put &orne more of going ou.lHe tbeu tolîl Mis. liiddle- il ont ai tLe road. We gicla olfereu tu ta Stan sd Mra. Prs.sser tht I il ut top put it lu aur romu, Lut Mi. Appley i sud tbey sai lLe3'woudnt do IL aîîy tel.l u nul tauecause Le sali tue camn- more. mttevunlai amincitbe colffe'u. .%bout thîe <ail Mr Appiey denieda at 1-1 donît denly itaigg the tinîgâ ta conversationîuregardîtug h wlthbWm. uîy alafer, but Mir. Appiey gave thbe.M iller, gi., s anl tid iuit Supervisor ta tune. TLey vere ftalin lu lithIe Miler toîîk it, as a iniember ai the parcels ut a lime, sud 1 caîiai uît gaey ommlttee, and fiLu'regarded Lin. s just Loy uch tbere vas oail. ', superiar. NMe. .ppîi'y denied tibul SiLl entBted furtber tLat a criietofai Mller eveT <ioresl l a py for IL, sud ilaid vas taten tu ber ister 9. As La U ilai t Mllr huitt Li nmu tacharge the' tea udct eue îtîceiay inu îhe 1lî is hlcku, $1ilmpmeta of park ta Larn, aLe could nol avelîr weteler il uýieago ta the emî.ul 0fo $5, ansi lie, ever carne bac lin thblounse airSiO. Au Mlller, sçiîutd i K te bil.utu lie ne- fur s abe knie1hneyer diai. 'Mr. Ifseai tamall fe eîîltry.t iApuley,ele saisI, "lUuk the colie sud Abolit theLelua andili'rffeî' akeili f ttes ta the barn lu Isso Iiuurnaseke. 1titebarnM r. Aîpley suai ILvas laidu' iaav iu do i i sbarl iter lreîkfautsi ie oldua nd mlii cue, ssleu the uev e Onu morijng isat siriig" aLîl<uat ine.i, ndiii,,' <p iri a aset 1, She dia nit knuuw Loss mach.Il. andî Lang îului'esîeutfuir tho ul.ido anmiglit bave leeu eigbt or Liiu potinds lef ~3 ior if migLl Lave bLeetimore. SLe M. plysibuerto ilr 'fuîhber sai fliet s box if uutmjega, a r.Ame!sdSueior ile ejar af multard and soame villega? vere lhaut leenî lu the' habit of ol tiilg ta the hîpacu'dlunthe roumi occupied hîy Lrseif farm at albhone of tLe nigltbt eel aînd Miss Besie lîtuascl. lthe simdrerets houlo c hosent 1h10 "5iV ai vere Mr. Appîcys exact viirds îesoeroave ecoe sn ta yumWhou ho told yan ta tate bee Mrs. Proasera tcys. f thiiugs tu your asater?" aked the lititea There vere several tarmy argu- Attaney.monts dunlng tLe defeuse betveeu the el uWeIl lie told me Ibat It vau't aDy tturoiua., aud the Lord Voted tucon- la voasefor me htta ienu omtamy aster fine Invesigation ta the charges. than foi Henry Lavrence& family ta Mima Russell d.nied &It evideuice, sud have Iteons,sund heosatd ho bh" teptsalit Msmdameis Proamer a»dHid.dlslou &them a vbolo iater,' Rametbeybtout tlansavay lunt i1 epoPllu01c CIRCUIT COURT. ilghwood Murdorer Sont.ncocd b Penitentiary Jaor Lir. Carl Petbte, on a i 'eJa of guilty vas oentenced ta the peniilentiary for lire gaturdsy afternoon Iii the murder 0f amnel Brcakvell lu Iligbwood, August 7, 1898. It vas tic wort of but a norent, tbe sente icee havlng been nmmitted no quIckly that the iguor- &t man dtd not linos, bis fate vhen bean ly a reporter &fier Le bad 7eiurned to the lait. Attys. Ferry Persona and J. L. KIndt dvised the umurderor to vlthdrav hie Irt pIes of -not guity" and enter a les of "ýguilty." He conaented ta do ic sud wbeîî brought inta court Satur. lay aflernoon vas looking pale aud loucut. "-Wbat do you ausver te your charge Mr. Pethke" askod the jndge. ý(iuiity," reptied thie murderer, a tiu eara atreamed do*« Lis facea. The îdge vasi astounded. H. Lsd expect, 5d go set the murder trial for Wed- eday, and ta have a man plead guilty ýmurder vithont a trial vas a grave tuation for a man lai vbose pover ested the fate of the pieador. After a mnoment of suspense the îdge suid sloviy --Do you realîze the penalty: vbat la the penalty, States ttorney"" L'e asted, tiung tl r. EeYdecterî "Ezecutian l'y baîîging" ssii Tr. [cydecter. "ho yoa tîli piead gullty " asked te judge. Pellike ni<id.ed n feeble affirmative nil tiers streamed dovu bis cecks. Wltiîiut sacc edetay the indge said quickiy -1i sutelxçe yoîî ta m- prisonuoent in the penitenéiary foir the 'iroî <if yonr natural lire, rive daya aolitary confinement esonh Yeau.", i as aI «5r anud lellke vas led bsk to j"uI. w'Leu accu >y Ja reporter aftervardis he di i ot k'îow Lie Lad ibeen seuteuced. 'iau sun ggo tavse niy trial Tues- Lsy", Le Raid brokenty. *'Sentenced b. pusitelitiary" bLexezlaimed, -"me ta peuitentiary. I tnav nie uot vhat 'cii meeli 1 Leurd the mudge a-Y i'xî'cutliiu.' Vi LaIdo ibat mesu 'îLe Iîvycýr 557 îuîîplesai guilty Bave MY life. I liasi îîotriai Yî t. No I don't iclieve tme senteneed." l'au? Petlîe laboîs uindei luit de- nîsion andl lit untitLeolantalon ta aoliet dili Le renlize vbst bas îapiîoled ta Litn. COU S"'NPE TO JOLIET. Thomas Stone, the Lake Forent liegio, wbo vas esuglit sleeping be- tween îiishresaes lu the liuchinghâm bouse andd indicteil four limes for rot) biuig the Jolin Hannali resideuce. C. (;. Wentisn'g barn.thbe dveliigs ai A. pool andi E. E. Bnctingbam, plead guility toami lfotur charges. The îudge askedl lini if lie vas avare tha&%lhe faeed a peuiteutiary offense but bis face aasumod no ligbter sitade. When asted Lis age Stone said he vould Le twenhy-one lu May. litates Attorney Ileydecker bid vituemws e aprove ibat Le vas aider Iban that. Fiant Protine, of LiLertyville, testi- lied tuial; Stone tald Lin, three or four yeera ago tt b eas tvonty.on0 e era a1Id. Stone vas remanded nntil thi aiternoon vbeu Jndge arZveî éen- teuici d lim ta the penitentlary Ou au indeterminate sentence lu eseb case. 'I',m saicaei' iStone Raid toaa reporter. Johin Wlllams, allas George Listel, vho rabLed X irta residence lu Wauke. gau vasIglso given an Indetermiinate sentence 10 the Pcnitentlsry. Tlie jury lu thle lODdit--DadY Mas svarded James Coudit S15,liOOdaunage, iîchla isthe largest verdict ever secured lu Lake Couuty. The verdict la for breaeb0f a vrltteui ouitrat be- tveen James Condil sand Robert Dady sigued by both parties, vhereby Dady sgreed heosel (ondit a tract of laud. Wben it came tu close the deal t3ady îefuned te, carry out the contraot anl thug the case &rose. Fomsith at Mauslla. 'bLu Furti U. [a. lnfsuiry. vLicb left k't. Blleridau Sunday mornlng, J ait. 15h bouna for Maniju has reaohed the. eud of is 19ff<) mile joniney. Telegraphie commniucation froni lisuila Saturday sunonuceed the ur- rival of the 17. B. transaport Grant lu icommiand of tieneral Lavton i v flmthe 4th reglument and several caulaines of tbe t7th iufantry. Prom the tume the troops left the barracks ai Fi. Shieridan until tbey lsnuled at Maulla ihey ver. tînder vay fifty.flvedâas, a long lime ta Le ou board oie sbp. The number af men ou boerd vas 1,716 sud forty.bvo report lisiha thé.flouerai ieasth ofaithe réomment la good. Selling Ooods For Less Than Others..... j is a plain business proposition. We win the trade by doing so and make money too. 9We profit more by selling many articles at a small price than we could by selling a few goods at a large price. ....TAKE NOTIONS FOR INSTANCE.. Plaid Diens Ooods-guitabie fur Chludrens Dresse&--per y4il.124e Cbildren'a Ochool Handiterchiee, îiew lot, eacli.............. le .uîU Siliail rablets, eseb .... .... .... ;c Sbirting Calico, uew patterna, per yard.... . .... e Crochet Cotton, white or;colors, per hail................ 4c Hîîmp Hook and Eyea, 2 dozeu for....... ... ............. le Jap itose, isometbing nev tu Toilet Soap} :3 large cakes for 25e ' i lets, freah from the imakers, per tilnceb................... 5c Crepe Tisane.Paper. per roll ........ ...... e BWketDaruing Cotton, @pools. . 2cM. A K Mluiar rv . . le Ali Linen blasan Toweliug, per yd .......i. 4 wMomt PZ 2W PRI6im Garden, Flower and Field Seeds, Now on Sale. I4OUSE ILSTAàbLIUHED NOV. 25. 1943. WAUKEGAN.IILLINOIS. EP, ~ O WE HAYE RENUCED THE PICE On ail Goods du ring the dulI season. You wIi f ind it to your advantage to BUY NOW No. 8 Granite T kettie................. 35o 9-mn Pie Plate ........................... le Pot Covers .............................. le Cookie Cutters.......................... le Nutmeg Graters......................... le Cake Turners ...................... le Tin Funnels ............................. le Hunters Flour Sifter ............ 5c 1O-Qt Dish Pan ............... 5c Large 2-.qt Suds Dippe r ........ 5c 2-Ot Basins ................. 2c Large Extra Heavy Fire Shovel ..... 2c Large Tlnned WIre Bread Toaster..--- 3c 9-inch Granite Pie Plate ......... 4c These prices are for Strictly Cash. Please do not ask credit on adver- tiseti goods. LIBERTYVILLE, IL.. Place Your Order -~N O W FOR VOUR HARNESS FOR Spring Work. 1 Guarantee my Work *and Stock, and can make right Prices on Good Hand-Made Goods. Order NOW, and your Harness wili be ready when the season opens. Chas. Kaiser, Agent. LIBERTYVILLE. - - - ILLINOIS. Whon Butter Waa Hlah. Take Warnlns. Thme price of butter may seem lîugL te There are reasena othex i9"u the the economlcal houseteeper mast nov, deaire ta posseas the îremiums oiberOd but years ago it vas s) much Iigher hy Juat &t Woodnman to oon-subcribia that it «eeus quite reasoimable la Coin- vby ail aucL sbhould taire advantage of parison ai present. The Elgin Daily the unprecedented offer whlch appema News ha& itgured ih ont as follova; .n tLe faut page of Ibis isue. The ý1Seventeen years age this moutb following la one of tLe -"other rem»on:" faxoy creamery butter vau a luxury. A certain Mu as 100 tinxgy tu go was roll butter. The creslnery au1bacribe for tLe beat local puan ud the, acodin toth DalyTrade sent ia Young Loy t'Oa neWz@e then acordig 1 theDaly boue tobortow that veet'siae. Aa Bulletin, of Chicago, vu purobased as the boy vas comnimg honte ha SdI bigbh l46 Ceutsa& pound sation. dîîvn and brotre bis le«. Thé1à5h.t The roi]-- a favorite vltîî ibase wbaae beard hia cries anid ruontuin tM gela, IJMWI inaces preentd teirbut ailpped on the ice asf 4 1,dii- limted itlaîce prvened tlîirlocatlng Lis knoeeand iserAnS»A -mpreading' very mîleb on apreaîiing boaomoî itbs $111 paulaloons. HIM IMe material-then snceeded lu attsiîîlng rau to bis asasiatance, leaviag aBOve,- the lîîfty 31-centâ a pond mark. 1o- year old baLe osi thell00e. Thae»i crQvted out of the door and fait40 dtuy ereamery butter. just as weil cal. i- the vell, and vhite th. mobW W» ated t. plesse as that <if seveuteen tiug te chila ont the houms et~ years ago, lin'-king pin' of î tire andsiwvustotaliy detroyïl.a2f" at W'fansd 23 cents.ltRoll buîtter is vhleiî g0es to prove Loy dsngMfOb i down îtii 121 and 1:1 cents no% - f 1ifteen la ta liorrov a paper. years aie, whie poattman were detîver- Fllght et Wild G«».. li;g vatentines extra cresîiery butter For several days vild gensthe vas operatlng at pricns rangiug ran, larbingers of spring bave beaua fyme idh ta :12 cents a îsiund. (iood sliîy over Lake County, auj toesat quoe- atock, nov dolug business aiIN1< cenîts, meu are ctaaning up theft sem0" vas then up te 28 cen ts. getting ready fer the 5pfuipkeag -,Elin people eau reumember vhen Prom sonthera flhiuoias OU M crmemry butter sotd around- abouit SI> report $thalt1h. gréetse igiClf . cents. ,lu Y«"rsla nov 0& ý 1 ý 1 . 1 1 1 r n 0 à Pf

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