Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 17 Mar 1899, p. 5

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-I Is it"not Wise t To trade-with a house that Gooda at lowest prices? We mean. isn't it better to - -- get new goods at new prices, than old out-of-date trash, which is dear at any price. This store has the reputation among people who are economnical and particular buyers. of being the best and afest ffiace to purchase Oroceries, Canned Goods, Fresh and Smoked Meats, Flou r, Etc. Triggs & Taylor' s Liberty ville, - an Illinois. 1 IHave Received i8sw MODELS I ncluding the Chainless Bicycle. COME IN AND SEE THEM. Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Etc. ......At Prices That Cannot be Beal C. R. SH1E3P Srnith's Bargain Sack of Flour ....... 1 lb Package Bird Sg 1 lb good Cocoanut .. 1 lb good Roasted CE 1 lb Package Baking 1 lb Corn Starch .. 1 have fifty epingere and nev milk- ~I,,hIIers for sale. 4)W. CATER. PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. 91'l'ho Eari Ladder C'ompany shlpped 96 * 45 4d 4of Ladders ev4'ry .îîy tis Local items of Interest to Libertyville Readers.. e :. I r.- aad 11 r. John MceAle., o 4444444444*444*4444*4é*4*44*446 Chicago, nmoved canto Mrs. UMeAtees farm e vet 0f tavu Ibis wveok C. M. & STr. P LOCAL TIME TABLE. Lol-on rtàilroad track betveen, To CHICAGO ltIidntaitd Lîberlyville. a cabinet AuE Au An IEAIE.1. 4"PSaP.E11;I l VU »*.A.1.AIE 04E 1.1. botograp4î. Finder please retin to 114444...... ........... ............11..... ... ...... ... M2.0 4,457 LIEN. îEosRn 44440tN, tindotit. Wwslsorth ...... .... . . 1 7 mate4441..... ....6.1à)..... .... ........ m12.174M404 Ouru.............. ... .u7 .....4.07 .. 5 244 .. '.374404 Lee Finir bas a tilrty dasa bave of Lîbort val. ...'ai" .3 .4. i o . ................ 4 ba144*1c4, 4lling vbiclî Ume Se isaii'y- Er.r,41. 30 747.:4046 44 47....... .... .4495.-17 l)o5'..6.40 7.W) 7.04..... ..4133.50.64 .5 6.48 . 7,M,4940 5ami4s024 Ni 4M. 6AP 7.2vll . . 4 I Ks.... ai0«.27.44à3- U 3 . Ol4,,46.4il... .,12ý4 9537,lerF4Oie n ode o aOienvIo i . :9 444 7.3148,47 ....540.34 4 444 A16.07 6.5810lOW) 7.31 4.3410 KI e,43 (140an44.e fo Moi14,44 (Or-.. . 57.37 4..14 . 39 1.11 4.06 E.12 701 10.36 .7.:n7-J.1644 1.0544 rd ' 'hro .741 .85.61- 4544 .4 .4 .01.37.303411430Ix dhzendog collarsî roin J. L. Lincoln F r , U1 . - .W 7. 74 0 .51.... .17 404.126.41 7.4414 .44 47 34 2 43O.184445 3eC NaPCeI..... .. 7634;~,.4 44 >5~ 4 77 43 a il. the44 Chicago <hîg fauieer, Ibis veek. U n. l'".sait. 4.. 7.00 7 .36 1. 5 #.-W 1- 43 4 55 LW, 4, ,6 0,7.401116M501.4 544 3 4 .4 Mhr. Lincoln must pay qu4db a noat sute FROM C14Goý U a.Pax s 8 tn...7 :1 .439.0 Le43J,444 4646.3.0.401 .« 4, Matl . 4,1514 Mé14 5.4-J ilU 744ýx -O064411.55,04J44..3 8.04m.X)4 j50 417 5 447000 .5 544 K,O (,kv..... . IS14,1M 444 00 4 6 5 4 73 1.6935400 ' . l)'erl,.1. 0 44 13 2 :.0 i à 1ý22.04447E4 4.013.13O9 18 '2.3 l.i.2tsvlbo . 40 . 4 75 2048014. t1dU.... k 4 il SA . *.11... .. . 4 WoU ...l 8 0.r... .. ..:.',,4,9 l4444lul.... ... . . . ..1,.5 Dl. *Eo.-14. 4 Sun ar 4i4î n lay .uly, A 4t.I'. n signni ýA-Oîn Suolayii ,.IV î114*j4 45114I4'4l46 j'04444,i444 t 553îp. w 4oandsrrV" Aw Li4ortyvll44 51a n44. 14. J-lin ifunday (nl44a4trai1n willIl..154Litorl vilh- â1091.0 I. und44 44f117t Wt N.,.2 14.4ondo ut. Village Offcoru. lIrs. iHorace BlnkleY exPeeUt t visit l'.'llnt............ . Wa làer Imother at Newv lh, . 11141., for? two Tho.. Kern. 1. J. Boyi. weeka ln the neur future. Trso',.James Mcorea.), 1. M4. Gleffl. 1 - B. Mrs. W. C. Trigu.. As yet vo bave board luttle or uno talk clerk-................C. H. Simth relative ta village eleCt4>43.Probable T.4or. . . m . B . colby canididates 4lir4 e gar, and44interesi Polk4, Ms.Imt. ...............W. E. Dssl4 MIlsIal.............. -....... M. 14545h4fl11 lackîng, Ba0rdaa t ecllmoth. Vlaitns bretber ACME CAXP No 17, MM W. of A.. mets A frot and 1iIIT.1aturds uof.'acb montS ai WooImn's Hall 4v44er r'shardvar. 5104. Vélsting nelgbbors ays velcamo. H. 1.EG. V. C. A. P. STÂPLK.CePk. E XCEL81iJI CAMP. No. mi,. Ji. N. A., mc'emt5 15., OrgIt lhursdlay or ewch m4nhIl t23i.i. .and 1the third Thummlaay '44 .aci. mon'uth l., .,rnlng. lu Wffldmon'â Hal.e igr' lhardlwar. iore. Nâ *à8.Mu.Lza. Itecorder. L BEIOTVIVILLE L4)D(0. Nl,m. 1 (). 4G ( LUL4fLITSI-I. EI>Hisr. COLi1UMBIA 1.4DGE. 4No. î..p.M. W. -%V. ixt d und 3 144 'r-'duy m 44441, . 44 Ejsld. CMA, '.VR46kW. M Wra'4asl. CI. krk. P KE4BYTEIIAN CH4JBCH SundaY s.r- .-v.nuw I73Cý E. nnetinI a? ci-"of~ WWa4Ig4r4'. t 1En41. Ju54440c.E. I. A444P 4 Wed1l.'Ily - .vrnntr yer n4Al4u î7s> i1 Il ,.Paor A NEICA (,A111ISO4. N,. 140 K. of G. 4444441342dîand 414 A"l4'.Iy .4 01444O .-' mont440414iin I V,Odzoel. lait L4. V. rî,, Jr.'.. E~ ~ ~rv 1"t1or,~ 4,Ad F.S4. KRs, o. 4 LIBERTYVILLE MARI B4lter. ('i4e5114ry RKET. 12IU~22 Ethel Ellis vilI spend nî.'ît ilunday t Hammonfi, Id., ne5 glegtm of1B. IL. Mtiller. A tevw of the vise Orles are .jnieîly arranging a lavis ticket, 4441tbey are t*1411454401Vtisefavored 04464 ita their conne],We learof no c.anidadtes as yet L. B. Hanby in expected homo from Sodus, N. Y. gBsinrdsy. vbere he vout with a car blad of borsea. We are in- formed lie founti a r34sulv market for bis horses there. Loy Schanck hbasaccepted s position villi thse eCormick Reaper Company, lookingafler tiseir interesth lu soutbern Wisconsin sud nortber Ililinois. He mausmod bis nev dutles Tbureday. Spend yolIr money in a distant lty, and ail yon vili recels e ure tite goods yon b ay. Spend itilayours,.and Iil] corne back ta you, ntt nuly Ini the goods yowî buy, buttIn better? streots. better scbooîs and btter overylising Tbe Ladies Aid lto.'îoty 4of the Presbyterian chureb yull give a social st the cbnîcl4 Tiesday evening tiarcS ''leasaw.1 entertinnent and refresbhment4 silI 4>0 tlhe'4d4r of the Butîter, choice daiîrY .... 1-41Wî lise ladies oflihe W. c 'U V. vili ZM A N ,) Eggm, fress, peT dz 1..4e gisesa dame 4,04101 el the home 01 mis. per Il'1....lao iiarbo.ur 4.f4il 71.ho uecreomn Illinies: Po44141.4 ..... uke sîlli ie erv,'4. A gond pro. B.eaî,per bushel ... $1 1.7 grame lias lo'e'n 4r4 e44. Eryio.'ly Heiiu. l4<'ito.. .. ........M.- 'O4r414lly il. <lI . 41444 Siviens ........ '.-A V.ord Not 1 se liluthe New lesta- Oati ..... 5 if'i. .î ' 4r 4444143'44' ilI 46 1w lth. R v. John34 Leesm licel. alîve, P' ,.w . .. . J$.4 tol Â25à 8undq' .41then111. Hse 8eh 4444(13 04 1'iv",'r <wt clressed ¶7 34tu $484 44iOgHseoilg14]4 ptlel.4er4Ires-wt $8 (u44, 11111Le 'l-Te [nie o444s444y4f logm4 alve, lier f 4.... . 4.4,5to $342. 1NaI4treaîd of lIan.. * u m - Ii ~ Hogs, per ev 4wt 4e $4.(M lu $4 25 Nis lîso MaS htic leis 'bhome fr4,m p r c s . Lafi ...... C4 ceago. vbere 4,434' 10431 14,44medicul 44 I 14)061 $:i uétreatinent.- MIAis tn Ilîey sîlI retun U> Chicago, 1304445r, I., ondergo a ..........95Ci 1.3 I.Patrieka Day. phvsîal 4pe4l44I4i II as 4'-01 4fslie ýeed .... 5c For the next D orit .nhsthere 44411i be ordal. .. . . . . . 2 cinl to itndlois , I 'i 1er4' 4%tii ,c 44a imeetin4g (f lte ~~"'-. .. JilAyres and ite aîf xec4T I44t4'41Libe6tyl3 le Cenetery Associationl belfi offee .. . . 10c 134:4.4 the latter part of ibis week. u1t the Town latlITuesclady llarch2s. o4 1 laven bli;as a :<tract'tu,0 su4py 1899 4ult S4'41)4M0. for Itse' înPOSee Powder. 5c FT*4444414iî parti"s vith i 'gltcarloads 4of ele'tt5 gofierm undîratisacting much ....... 5c 4140i'Iedoy. olt'? lbusiness50am44 te.4r ixItrly c '[,hnt4re vill lie work in the frst su0d i44forTi e e metin4g vlen 4vouven'd. tird degrees at Littertyvîhle Loxlge A. Ali înenîlors ore' Tequlested o b,.le I;ark-Ltq. WoArkzincr i' F. d .s oM. 1natm ian,.ay ii.0,t . t %A47EN NIl. H F.ATII, itupt. Pants. Shirts, Boots and Shoes. A New Line cf Spring Goods Just Received. F. C. SMITH &SON9 Butler BIdg. Libertyville, Illinois. rG. TO LOVELL'S DRUC STORE FOR >Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, >1 '1< PERFUMERY, SOAP*I COMUS. .4Brushes, Trusses, SupprerShoultier Brace., Fancy and >k ,<Toilot Articles, Bookinds = tonery, Dys Ste,.s, Gus, Puty, q PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. PATENT MEDICIN ES. Family liedicines and Phyoiiapa' Pregeriptignse areflliy q4 eompounded t *11 iIhourq. oods C arefully !ýejeteçj- QOnIy the Bes. New Store, New Stock,1 Rlght Priçes, 0GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS. CIG ARS. AND TOBACCO. SOMYN 0v1.SSUÀTYVILLI 0*UUL Mr. Ed. Cookh movcd enta histarin ai <(imer T nesdaêy 4f Ibis veek and lits rcén4de14V i n Ibis village vas4 n444411 ately occuîpied 4îy krauk iBoles. A timboxr of lad4s abtl.4to14>43are esîdeavo044405t4i colleet 25,41481 caneelled pont4agec stausI4s. .A bicycle irte bas .SIvred a wheeî te every persan senfi- îog ilium 25,41444 oancelied stamps. Th1. I04. G. T. will muet wilS tiro. E>. Mel)otsall next Baturday evening and ail members aie rged tla le prea_ 601. 0ah there is some husînesn 0f im- portance ta bu Iiansactud. 3Miss Harden in negotlallng wibh a Burlinglon, Wis. Man for the sale of ber bakery and restaurant. Iftlie deal la closed tise gentleman la44quetion intenda 10 1)u1 lu a $2440 brick ovon. Charles 8luseer isas reîîted 1the flot 4ver the Fair store. Rue~z Osborne vilI efect a 00W and modern residelice on tise lot visere stands thse bouse uow occuplefi by Mr. fSînsser. l'sual servicesa £1th1e Preabytorian çhsurch Snnday. Nlorning sul4ject, "ýTie (Great teconciler" amd ilte pyeoing --Pontins ]Pilate." 1ev Geo. Wrght, 0? BethlehsemNehaycé, (Chiscago, sWIlI Solp 1u q qeies ai nieeblnge aetishe Preebyteriau chureît the vook bof oie Rater. Tise sse.54îbgins is vork itis yeai April ;, and you wilibave to wavmi la tIhe anloneof amîoney sou bave It te 1înk or elsevitere onISaI dsay,so If1 yoîî have sol del.ts you Cao puy, it better ne doue. I010440 April 50 Uasflot la have ta pay laxes onvisaI loo 4. C. H Sheman believes 1lu ylndoy decoratlon as a miedlum of advertieing. Lut wveek 10 test its vitue lho placeEl a vatehIs n bieshow10vindov mqArked 15e, and not a persan isePPed luIn t *-"ekohlm up." fa iseh adveitised a gold l atch in.te IIb.l.EI<DEIT for. 15e ha vould have beard front bie ad la shurI Ordor. Wannil comas Id proof*tale dversligsmPdlUuw the n.w00j8q heunal F.,liairsto4w, (if V .îiîkegan. bas josii nînipletefi a very flue granite mono. nientb for J. 13. Allauson aI Diamond Lakte .'enetery. Tîte design lit uhat la4 kn140n as te collage style of mnonu- mont. antd îî fron4 a 061 aud original ,lesîign. The beiglîl of lte le!nment is about11eiglst foot. and Ii licertaluly oue of te ise v4emt mnu44ments5 erected in thini viclniiy for somne lime. Mr. Allanson 4'. very itueb pleased vitl. tlîe voit. Tise famons Struekman .damage suit, i14 wiieh several Lakte Counby mon were detendants. an4ong Iboni J. IB. Ayreki sud John Ballard, of Ibis village 130105 bitterly contested for years and tite court cosse alone tu say nothlng of the jîsdgeînent for damages, sggre- gtlngseveral tlsoîîsand dollars. Tbat a settlemont satiafaetory tu al con- coneerneis bas4 been brouglit anoub yl be gruttfying intelligence 1e friends of the parties interested. Te cinlota Jeplitiali and iHie Dotugisttor tas presoted Mb lite Union elhnrch i ast Tirsday sud Friday uilitîs. A full1 bonno greeted tise pro. duction Tisnraday niqist and Frlday nigist a fair alied audience vas on band. It waa a very mritorious pre. sentafion and great credit la due the participants. Tise mufio vas Inspir- iog and catùlhy. sud th4e4 elitesien iterestilîg. Ail tomS their patsaWeil, Wbile e040e of tisa more proînaineit cebtracers impressed tise audience vilîl the sîîpeiloi excel- lence vltîî ehici t hey veeportrayod. Mr. Il.-J. Davis and issn Alice Davis vere ,perfetion asn.lepbtisah and danghtmr, Ihir ,aolos aid duels Seing partlculaily fine. C. W. Taylor and tirs. L. B. Hauby sang a duettiesii did theos great eredit. Thse minai parts vere equaily vel biSon, and as gwhioletise production-vas crtalnly j u t the e at ever -"put on"4ta in I. ertyvillo. Aà11111.over 10 vas aken in sud abolit $W0 matai. A letter fromth ie eleetrie rallroad 44l1ltia5stages that after a ihree day. 8enaion la ('bleago. ail arrangements are 'oînpleted andl that tbey viii De ln I.ibertyvJlle h' etIrsI of the 10614 10 "go. aI the rigbt.of.vay." The engineeos eill so aecompauy thete. Wankegau parties ralsod 1'. N. l)urand's honne tbree f041 Ibis veek, and masons are busy laying brick, no mas tobring tbe foun.SatIonU p tbree feet bigber. Mr. DiiT.adnd d family are hoarding vith E W, Butterlleld whute tise work progr. ses. A nulober of our and sedabe business men appearcd in tlgbbs and abbreviated akrtm, iii trno Oriental style, lu Jephtisa. 'J 1e'display of fat, lean and indufferent celves vas not t1he leant Interoating festure 0f 1the enter- tainment. Jsy morse blased "avue commando tbrongh a fierce false boand snd looked a voritable a-saer. Will Warond'a amiiing festures veTo disflgured vitS a buneis of borae bair,, vbich gave hlm a top heavy appear- loue. White Charlie Smith bad s --boavy" appearaneà ig vas flot top beavy. and bis vhlakera vere Cf the Wandering Wle varioty. Every lime be promnigated near 1the foot lightstise audience amiled oui loud, but Citarlo sslely bld 1h1e diseowior- ture behind his heard. W. C. Trl«s and Paul MacOumfn lookeEl barnies. and angular. "Cory" aoemud deliginted at ovory opportanty ta gel behlin nomeibing, anything fram a spear bondie te a svord blade ansvoed bie purpose, vwhite Paul fonght for posi- lion as end man, wbere ho vould loom up and be approciated, vbih eb w»va. Tisere voro others but tise aboaedis- c700!t4'.42theifi&IL. Poopils VillageCaucus. Tisere yl Se a Pooplo's Caucus SelEl ai the Town Hall, Libertyvillo, ll., ltaturday evoning, Marcis 25, 18929 Bt m o'lIock for th1e purpase of placing in nomination candiates for the follov- Ing village offilces, la le voted for Tuesday Apili14 181 Presidont, Tlsree Trn.stoem. W . E . l)svis, B. 1. fIAsse. 1 Comînlte.. Pas' Up. 'lax colleetor Attrifige wii ultulmis t434<k8 over Marais 20. If you bave not palO 4444Ttaxes yet, ,lîîî't fail 10 do sa m44 144f4re ltaI'laIe Tbe timi e ab4rt u3444. Unclalmed Lattera J',14.54 4g i.. a i 4.of biiorar.'w.tdIi.5,glnw I.IIwl vll e-4. N, 4'4t'f I44. ai. 1. 1055 Isen 4444ii: f4444 4-1'. Ilotrs ou"-%, AI4',ýr4 f4Ili. lobisEL. 444, Ismil 4's14444,' E . 'mor4 4,.0 . F. 1;476 i. i4444I. lhand.,d, long eulted, bruit Li ttheep aklît inilten on Milwaukee Ave., MareS 11113. boîveen Allison'a sud. o04ne uile 8044113 of t'neîe Bob's place. liodter wîli pleaste leeve at Fattshender &1 Arnolîd, WI5e'4iilg, sud reveive reward, Sherlff's Sal. .;TATE 0OF ILLlNoi0. Pubie Notise Ib h.'rei'y g t.i 15.4 y vit'tue oo? mrtal iwii 'if 4.xe5'ation lssued out of the., circui4t 4'ourt of liake (334.14t £144 st414..' ,fIllinois and to me iirected .lth., 5113 .i.y ff Lso'ni.r A. D. lias1In favor of L.'wis H. Liteiliel454a41 tg5.l14t Chiarles Butterfield 1Imitait on Tuesday 1t4e, 4544daY ,f A4'ril A. D. 4156451the, heur of cite 043104k in tittarnoono'40,i f ald day 451 lie Oas?.door 0f tb.'court housée in the ,citi o? Waukegali Co4ntr oftsLa ad stase oIllinois moi 4a1 public vemsnduo 1te the, hlghetbitider for ceS nil "ise rlght i4and Inter.,st of Chares ButerflledIn1'the followlau ieserlbed nei este ,sttated in lthe Ca44nty aLaks and ,tint4e of Illinois. les Ieoan by me yhi vrtueo0f .all vrlt as 1th.e prro cr fo? ald Charles. B4tîtelid to-witC 'J'ieout.bal[440f of ..f i..rih S00 of the norlh-east quarter (4 s nd ai] tit.arOtof thibo 4rth liait il,) of the.,nartît liaitf 4-4) o? tihe uo"t44.vesttla t 4444441W44< ibh lie» .'ast o? 1h., pubic..highvay runalil norttterly antd fsatherr tlsrangb adl q4uarter seollon. 5a4t1lnoPetlon tibrti-Iva >(41) utownsip.forty-faur (64- ) 444ralss levo 411> eaut of 1the thîrd plnl4s mrdbsn Iml nîxti-uJIe and 3- 1411-64ea o~f land mare or Iestt. exoatilbrfm the6 follovîna doeil arysijo0-la <ici w40 est o ?for bcme a L.tovt: Qom- m,'444l1g £4 a point vhonIt14g n ItSlneo f seo1' à ,,t hIrt -IWO 43(4 )oaab1 nuinor fort y -tourtir .north r "a (Ilin 1 est of the t4lrd vjinel m la [y and soutay t b dscIon th.tne. iotl baco l gbvy 1105174u) rafis 1t4tenu e lforty (40)1 o. thon- .làertO17t161ty 4M18roda prla iS14 stM blgh*a1,WY thonce vagit on nUi lUne 'hplme0 tgaigeontaning Être4(0 tirca mon osi vbiahtret aost os 10 hlm nigene isdchâlesngmbans..Aloote-i itksoeatof 1the aoftb-wsai cener o? the vest 0on0 bati 4540iortebeortb-aaat one narter 41% cf Uion tbeiy-four 4(U) v1- ah Is u= atl v i esttUnes, oulIenl West hall 145of5ai utlnorth-osst one éluarter ix) Ofm ma otion 1.enty-two 44414 ebatus ad fty (§a) lInkst. lienoo eaat Ove le) obalits thonoe norts Seralluu wlth the east Un4e 4ci West one lia i 14Lof aaid .îuarter setion îvejnty-two 4(23) a mna andl fityi nks 10 iî.9 north lineof sf aid notion. tIbenc vWest I ' (5) c3hianj4to ta 144plagie of beginning con- taininK Il3U-î00 mores more or l.'sa. Dated mt Waukýongaîs t 44514. 45Vo? Mikod ,J. Ilis rs.54.rllf cof la.,. Gai4of4y. Exoeutrîx' Notice. Publie Notice ls bereby givon th1451 tle eu44.41'4>r. Eloutil of the lot elîl 1and testament of Phllim Davlo deomed, l. Ill attend thoeLounty Court o f LaS., 14ODI n447t ateru thereof te h hobllon 4et tuel ou4.3444 Ho y»4 Woea. in 51141 County 4on tb. tiret MondIN o fAil n41011 1*8ven and m vbs er osons lialng 7 'am "ent nalEl ~ ~ S asaeaeottodadrq...~1 rirem.nt h. 10 Oort.forj o We want the best Do you? We want the Best Trade-- YOURS. You want the Finest Goods-- OURS. If you are flot trading with, us, an excellent time to begin is NOW. We are the Largest buy- ers in central Lake County and LARGE IBUYERS are CHEAP BUYERS. How to Bave Money Is the question with each and every person. Answerff- Trade with M. B. COLBY & Co., DEALER$ IN EVERYTHING, Libertyville, Illinois. BARGAIN S Just Received 15e.cSUaaped Pillov Shamas, very large per pair ........... .... 20e m4e tamped Linon DoyiKo.. ... .. .......t. C 25e Stamped;Linon Doylies ............... .15C $1.040 White llarnask Table Covers ........................... . 60e A lot off iÙe Lîiien Towels oisly 2 4f each hind at l.eîeeov regular lîrlees A big lot oad ..4ies and Misse8 AIl W44<4 Cashimere<lesot frat e hcta 60,4' y44urchoico au...... .....................10e 144c infants Fleeced LineEl Vesta.............. ..... .I.... bc4 25e Boys Wool Clot b ehiool ifatsq..................... ...... 10 504e Boys Wool Knee Pants... ..........M Bo4ys Woal Kneo Bus. vorth 5ot n34r........ .$1 44 10$1.50 Men's Heavy Socks, 1 pair . . . .... ..............m A lot of Mlîise.s Heavy Ribbed Tan Home, wo4rth 20e to 15e go st..IUe We have just added a nice line of WooI Dress Goods to our stock. Cashrners, Alil WooI Henriettas, Plaid Goods, PRICE THEM. The Pair, Libertyville, Ilin ois. By JACOB BIGOLE No. i-RIGLE MORSE BOOK Ail about Howe-à Commo45.enýa. ti.', w,',.444-f0 74 11155411105 4stàbdd wO6k. Prîc,5us .. . No. 2-RIGLE RERRY BOOK No. 5-RIGE OL! SWIEOOK Ail abt I Aloult 41g'-5 dBookid 13. W -; W47. ternesw,,. cImp. Con tai.0448 *4 ins al trea doi rai.t . Prplion. Su raius Ail about Co..a Neil. 5-BSESML13Sr" ChBOOK cI0I*N A i u dl a' ' iE.mýuth I h1 tiýýa OL ýig. .cm. y "il ,< t.. '.4> 1 A "ýo-%ri lima nf ('IvarmIlq-

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