p an Red Tis! Around the County. Cook County Department. PIOCKEPIELLIER SOCICTI ES. THis DEPABtTIIENT WTLL Bit DBvOTZ» TO Towriâ IN BOUTIEERS LAzE CoIUNTY ÇOMGEZGATIVt4AL Cb ANONOBandâCootCOmTT ve«io1:â0 a. m. and 7:90 P. m. PrayerAN OTE CKCOT. metn endaT eveninrs. . P. B. C. .________________________________ HE EA EA FEW Meetflnasoinaîl.JulorC.KPAATNE LNGGRVE 0F MY PRICE S-et lebOCIOLm PA TIELO G RV.1 D'mol)cap ' -11 K w meet lr. Dàntelaon la on the mlsloitt. A.fsuler gants a trip ta Wankegs u ta nionth. D. OEiPTITU.yv0. Miesa Veile apent Sunda! with Misa Waals 0.0P.N.ms etmodadfourtb Fink. Edua Bcbar veut teothe Ccity lust o F Good Prunes per lb .......... 5C 'Thurs5yaofearhmoRtll Mr. Win. House arrîved from the Friday. R iisprl............-6c Gao. A. OuT. Sece WMxL KNIGOO. N . aoutb Bunday. P. Bitzenthaler weut tb the city on Raisis pe lb0. G. T. raeei Thuraday avenluga of esoli The infant chlld of Mr.slr. Monday. BeâtRiceper b ..................se eek. LESTzz BuEDICEt. . T. Selp la very lit.suMatnRzetirINhm gn JOHNRie pr0l.QRAGAS 4Peut G. A.B. meet Mima Mnuteuthaîer ViB t;ssaîfl "SAMARIenant Soda Crackers per lb........ .8Sc JSaturday lghteon, or belots ful monn. final hcg.peet 1.8.Gnàoi.Co'd.frensinChcgoB. Fehiman and fsmlly have moved i Bacon per lb ............. Oc SG 0 OOsacsîuL. Adit. itay Fox spens, Sunday vlth bistaet their future home at the Heîgbts. Smoked Halibut per lb ....... 12C Mail gong noth................ 10:3 suda. AMMI. Mailover lad by stage arrives et 10 . M. M"MtaGaeclelo redluwekTrdy tiManM@. BY JOSIAI Salmon per can ............ Oc departe ut Il a. m. lu Patatind Tueaday. Iiedlluger of Wheeling sud lMr. and 5c M. m lia. ceantera.ied uele lra. lehI, of Aptakiaic. .'Bamautba Anog the Bi Oranges per dozen .......... cBr n r.Vsetrandge Tuendav evening a jolly crowd of bouse" vall wrtten 1 exhil 2 akgsYatWafers ..... 5c ROCKEFEL-LER. from Chicago over Sunday. Long Grave young people gathered et againat womefl 'ý5-sêttin- Packages Yeast ~~~~~~~~L. H. Litcb.leld vas lu Chicago Ion- Miesa Deli. Cooper la home enjoylflg .lhApatebpedteve- eretu. isî NOI 10 Bars Soap .......... ..25e a ekavcto foieholdus ng. Alhadasgood time but Ida and and beautiful, the' Ieat lot a John (Haeoa u nrsysake Tues Mr. snd lrs. Henry Roper, Or Mr.-had tbe goodeat simue o! ait. Alleni Wl!te.,' Siua""'m dey. Barrington, vistedaut Mr. Blieuses Mon- Well, *Crue peote mueut have pienby ber neiglibors sud the tril L. H. Litchfield vas in Mfleny lasg day. ol nope. mouey ivth whicb t'. î>sPl C hase and Sanborfls Coffee. Thuraday on haueinees.lieas Louise Thies, of Plum (Grave, The Y. P'. A. reonganized tant week Mr.J. E. Bolcomb la entertaining van s vey plemaat enier ou friends Tbursday evenug hy eectiuig the 5 X ber mother train Wisconsin. lu Palatine. offlcra: Premldent, H. Oehaefer; Vice Irving Payne uho lia vorking lun lira. Henry Schultz Se Emmna Kraft President. Edna $char; Bec. Becretary, Chicago spent Ruuuay ai home, la very ick t lher home in Chicago at W. Bitethaler; Cor. Secretary, Leur& l.L e t r a ,Mis. Jullus B.dka entertaiued lier presuint vriting. Stahi; Tressurer. J. Heekertaveiler; (BUccEsSBETOiL :.H.LITCHFIELD. iler from DesPlaines recently. Bey. Droeghmuler and lit@ danghterLA rinhM.lrTesV P. a atOlve WOKFLE - ILINI. L. Berghorf and W. IB. Morse Lydisa pent Soniday' atternoo)n ith tenherTeY.PA.au .ýIOC EF LL R LLNO S.wee n Waukegan on jury test veek. frieuda lu Chicago. Sscrded tSoungeEnoi. bSn oln Dr. Corson froim Chcago spent Sun- Miss Dora Forep) came ont frum Sce ogN.1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK 0F day with Mr. and lins. J. E. Holcoinh. Chicago Satorday nigtitand 8pelit Sui-OO OTS CalU sud sec F. L. Wassermnn'@ uev day wlth lier parents. *'Gll3" but washi't ezsmnlu' iVILL ST JF S, Une of dry gonds before bnying else- Four books have beeu added to the tough?" OR IN ere.MI L TUBS unday achool tibrar>' purchaaed vibli This veek closes the vinten terni ofm 8. M. Knamer Pliled bis sou DeWalt the birthday offeringé. achool. vho lîvea lu Chcago a ew day. Ita Mise Augusta Bliese speut a week The 0. W. C.stai i meeting Tuenday SEED I2T vee.~ vth br asterju Iarrigbonsudmade parliamentary Tuls the aubject. ,t Id& Ludd fromn Waucouda formieri>' fttufi ~baite lbinda>'. --, - 1La.eEW Trda'udFl fr Waukegau la vtiting lier sont Misa Goodspeed entertsluedt ber day vere exaninallon dalt. Ou as ~. ALS .Zr.n. John Blouse. ntece, lira. Paut Boyinfton snd uttle average neat and good work van doue. Mn. and lira. Cole vba are attendîng daugitOin trume Park Ridge recentl>'. The foltoviflg three prizes vere avs.rded bo the uuderaigned pupils for Lu b r o l i e n e e a uetave.Bcns etl he odygresassest improvemnt duriug terril Lumb r, oal Lim , a d C rnen acoltaneChlcut ei et vcslou e Msses oe pstu dCiaoMna N, H Wech Ltti MeBideFlue ladies peu, Lucy Stabi. lt prize; N, H Wetansd LtaeB i l m orngt vieit relatives and apeud pocket knife, Audrew Horclier, 2ud ________________attended the teoher'e meeting lu Mise Lydia Blekusse'tilgbbeeuth lîrbh- prize; draviug bok, Mary Luebecli- i « WE SELL M.Hmn' reosvst. ~(rs Dea AynleyfnomLaIeFoieb M. Haanusfrieds bilhaon The reporter deatres to apologize tW vistedt her parents, Mir. sud Mslira, bihrthday. A baud of music fnom the public aud parties iuterested, Burdtck test veek. Chicago waited on hlm sud tiuongli IL becanse the articles shoot the marriage THE ~ W E E A r. (0. HRtich la preparng ta tormed atl the evenitng ktll bey of 0. Mieer t0 MieHeckertaveller sud unload a car of touevare to distribute resched their destination aud euîoyed Ben Breeze to Miss E. Bnhert dld not orsevu"ia 1 ra 10 IO WN t he uelghbonlng tovus. the lime immeusel>' appean. Tbey were wrltteu sud Our ate are gWAing cosidera e "'ive me a ive: regntlator and 1csn aled mas Ususl, but oviug to unavoid- o' elle i stillvery pooly.The drngglet handed him a bottie afl eiresn estiinsite. ou lL aRe l sttt ver prol>'.DeWitt'a Lttle Earty isera, the farrouster Btmggies or Farmling Imiplemie *ts Anus Cronîhîte accompanled b>' ber little pilla. F. B. LýovELi, Liberty. Bey. E. Edward.p55tor ofthe Engliah Bsamanlba ut 'Saruab' cousIn Ida Brovn train Wsukegan ville; J. Rb. BitActiii, biurnee, Loi is H BRaptiai chure t M ituensville, Pa., nden the inspirationu CALL ON visitad it b lier parents Satnrday and LrrCnN'IEILD, Rbockefeller. vheu sufferiug vith rbeumnatism vwas st Saratoga, beiserudý Sunday. Blai. He molys: -A fev applications tales ail Follic.Flirtati The Ladlies' Aid met vttb Mra. Cole SHERMERVILLE. otthis linimleint proveil of great service Totîuggaaiiig, sul' ail tl ltTbonsday. The ladies have beaun Mr.in, sli. F. Clavey were bute. It subdiied the inflammation sotiîorS inimitale ai] W R I G 1 1 ~ S O <"f<~~I1 doiugcoiaiderabl vurk fo snrelieved the pain. Sbould auy Smnhi~utr i . W "doig cnsierale wrk or he ourChicago on Mouday. x ufferer profit b>' givtng Pain Butinm Sia a* -owr Illin is" nl111»lu Mime Lulo Malchalder speut Sanduy 'brisl it vill please me.' For galeli>'. F. jianiner," yull inake yot LietvilFor frust bites, burne, Indolent mores vllh hertfriandsain Chicago. H. LOVELL, LthertyvileJ. lb. BitàsîEli. - --(uruee L. H. LITCHffIiELO. Bockefellier. ______eczema skia disesees aud especlslly Alvin Kiang, bthe Crystat Laise sport:________ Piles, beIOws Wàticb Hszel salve stands at sud boat. Look out for eem to thlul the peuple don't kiiov NORTH NORTlHFIELD. ***SiSgu*uUeiUOU~iOSS*U**~ diabouesi people vho In>' ta imItate beolias s beauby 80 lie las tu sdverttse, TI-4 m iii' su~ad conuterfeit IL. Its thour endurme-lbutieNDlEzTauatuht Howvivse that surprise part>'aler F-.... ment of a good article. WorthlesashlatWh ePeliEngaiet ee e.F Sineblatnpoitai IIII,ç u UI goods ar e t imltated. Gel DeWtt-mel aaWel seut.Nvr Ry .Sire okati oChc uu PIN yWitch Hazel Salve. F. B. LovmL mid Alvin youuarent SI&miîl but Monda>'. NT RLibertyvtlte, J. B. BRAcaEE, Guruse, vbst ve eau ait sec you.N.Feleswn odfrM. eV'DLflIITER lu NLois MH. LnneEFthgD, Uo.lsIellst. Josie Water viabes bu tiotîf>' the Fraungcn. i aii dfrln CI(~JLOI 0--!----- A P I TE B WAUCONDA. INDEPENDIENT negardtug ber joiutug soltant week. suela'tEvn UbaclyRpuél-kanadvcating itBu ilt an always bc rled 0m H. rantham, of Cary, vas on tOur vithblie Kicat & Lauge puultny fri ascrlerioihngutausti dacln I of i aityerair and hbanal reportsci al PO gsteathe lbib s trnd. As fat anu eekuows no suclivr orY ei ou skhUlysd .rnsluss icd uiovemeutola..JItePPPjIJZ M ns. L. C. Prat laspeudlng s fev a Bm exita. Sile viaea the corres-w rfoY.Blg -g days lu Chicago. pondent vould learu that --Honesty le Joe Bachi took a liîad of ha>' bu uEWEEKLY INTER OçEAN BUPPLI» ALL Gao. Bates@ vea sNunda vîsîtor tlie lie beat puttO>." Chicago Tuesday. Wf1NULIIWANDSKSCUSENTIIAfi rtuof the veek. Henry Steak la îuoving ou the t'lagge ------Mn. listbewsavas in Chicago on tWrom saoer CorrspondeltJ fr erD led idli e Kan y Ckeu ad us a Famly Palier la W ihont à P -. g busnes saturds>'. MfFe eehtfB s vr' ai meses. Si ed u ui er ei i i* P. B. Seymonr snd B. Fullen vere M.Fe MiDoeFî. sveYsc ers. eld otuVel zwr mii lbe L.ftersfure oftifs columns la g cil>' visitons lut vesk. et preseill wittug.Detlden e. ogsi ta fhet of the boat image Mr. filer, of Melenr>', vas sau- chans. Katîn made s trip ta Wilmette Her'Vofola1do!pIts glc.Iig s aisting ta the chu i '. couda vister recently. recentl on busiess. t h iytn ek dre 9 Wilasth arients .....li ra. Heur>' Goding viblted frienua J. Kieat made s busineusstrip Il Henr>' Wolf iaS hircd suue umen t., -: 1 tn Chicago the final of the ve. <~ uedyls week.heplmualiacn >T'HEINTE C n las WESTER NEWSPAPMR W. H. Ford, o! Chicago, spent bhe j am wwk eil rings lu the faiuUy Ti EVS 0F j lte ato st ell ii lc. E<. Palmer, of Chicago. vas seen 01, isMae ie-eYaetSod> TM !VORLD and v', III cad-s te bho)anid ablest aur streets une day lest veel. villi lien parents aI Nantis Northlleldt of ail questicnsda ator at presn nl .IL M. .t. cetulng.fr hooe tââ u coelhie dIsans ier uread politits f.oeiltbh»Wesern standpcintit ~3 Mn. and lMrs. J. rlmoldby, of Ring- her home lu Daveupori, ta., lu a tev better hlt sud neubed H. Blobertis $LU-MiOI ONE DOLLAIR PER YEAU '1001111edWscoua elties Fred Melenhotl Jr., lias 1,urcissuitd a 'Lie Y.P. A. if tise E'îaigelleal ~AIY AtI ~I<)AYELTIOS 0 TE J.W. uln vlI ivea fnevilnev span of mules ltely ta drive lu curcl lield a usitiia meting at 'wi le11111SAi OEAMM a At E l 'RI KIltl. dance in Oakland Hait Frîda>' eveuiug hiel top buggy. Wednesda>'. er" t Dlly mil .. .. $.00P. e ps? Match 47.55~Titil RD gi.a dayy.ui iisp. rMr. and lira. F. Bangesbhave returiied lins. &unus Kiesb suddlier msaer lins. Messrs. W. Trier aud C. Weasliiig gg***UUUqO..eSê~ta their homes la lova allersa piesasiet Harttng vislted vii t ra. Mîîhlke aI made a trip tu Highlanid Park la>t vr1011eof. vîsîl bere. Deertield lest wvekl. vwa titurada>'. ver olu or e'.a The achool entertaiuinenl and basket Awcne sold w"fr $in2th gra' social vas ver>' vollt ateuded. Near>'li ra. Egglesleli and ber mster vere Age(vl a ce i iegae If tblese 1wo .. istI ffl w30 ers laken lu. vistting in Chicago lami veek. We belveeu Wholieng and Sierierville ctrthsanami ~w ThesWaneonda Studio vili be open bope bey did nul go as u>' obler. one day lent veel icie he Cin a W atchl inRe near future. Special prices un The part>' o Mn. sud lira. Voltzsea A toad ai yanug folle trou Sisermer- Uhidrelnund gruwi &Il ame photos for short srne. stsbed in the taest veek sue, van on ville atteuded th1e literar>' meeting et these bwu Saganmthal ANDIt inreporsed iRai lir. Portien, of George lustead, being list lenty-firsiltheaeSoboul ose test Frldzy. coMnîn as ali - uiiiu.Cocks. Lake Zurich, Ras liought oui Frano itdy r hetrWiigwnt tuComi- e ilth iisbrti. Buueysallure Ilu the suieO.bnid>n.. haeComtlgvn t tgl- kee ihe rti ni We eilJew lry W tChs.ad Esd viinils heeimro eîground No vonden the pretl>' young lady ltend Park ta sec bis girl aine day tent books coutiiîmaret We sei Jewery, W tchesand an wilimake mprovmentaon bit acsrose heue nf IRe lise voodsahuid veel. No vouder lie amind wheiî lie ttoebwih Coka Dr od prft. bouse nsoon an the veathen vOll h a gatel e r Rer face the other came hoîme.b lvs hi ir i..permit. onexcelled ton realii s' For example: We offer Dueber Supday. WhY lienruhabs>' anOut ta The Nonrth Nortfiteilterar>' atciet>'.. factiou Or nefuînd yoti M.r. Josephi Coltina returned 10 lier meeslier. lietltheir veeki>' Meeting héls tFrida>' E.-GoId Filied Cases, warranted for home as Crysit Lake Mouds>' aiter spendUS na fcv daya vllR relatives t10 hiebauenthe vJlll0of (bd t1i 'ail bo evenliug sud huitgreat siiccas. The WOMAN'S F 20 years, fitted with Elgin 17 'tIli&place aud vicinit>'. hisaseil our beloved tniend Jacob Iluel, pnogrsmn consstaie t of tuiging aud erjunlILi1 ! Jew e m ents, for .. .S.. . . .. .. . .. 24. Win. ates reured frain Chicago vhite oeing the corpse of F. Sehrb pealng sud questions ere aaîsed ytger 32journ a ge t the rti ofthewee. HeWil Co- jgeis grave, Mr. RouI btig u o!Ifaud debated sud a gond lime vas lhduit ndgeiv 32 0 40 p IRe Ors o! ib veel.He lot1-- une*ndhbeattendai't.e OUR IlUMSe Inny Books 9MI« IR MRFi"o LM ALLEN'S WIFE. neliern; un, Tise 1pholdîn' o! the MeetliU'. Ét tise couic slde ofthile mon'@ argumnt in Ibe confereill't,' and aho due. h ta iau aaya o! il, *"Illa irnesistibl>' Rumoralis ail that ha. came !rum the peu Out qasà 'gossip about tlie ..îlin'a" o! Josish sMd bu lotions of the vomen-folîs lu naielng r tlho meecilu-huse ar e o>'f onu>'. a hTill You C[y. )g; unrt<aiîtAler Fashion' Van vrleten 'fa smmner beas#on nid lise vurld ut1taI&Man lent pleanure resuunI of Amerlos. The bool IiI.. Lijc rieed Dreseiig, Dodes, Pug-doga, le extnîeineo o! tanionakble disalpion, iu the ilu) niirtiinîulvakiug aijîr. The alun>' ut 'saratog, naeompsnled b>' ler 'wa>'wstd t laogh 11n1your aides a"be- 5i1' e A ucari ,i bleme Iuuouks, lu expeusîve blnding, uupy. w e tereo ,,ier special premiom ediliona iuuiuuku.. ,uiuii1coutaili ever>' yard sud even>' itue 32.;uu edtitiona-. Size ot caub, 5j b> 7j il-up) peojle alike rend evilli aptunooti delîght L ooks. Tie>' are wnitten lui a velu of mtroug ire anud îil,,ceuit as tRe praitie of a ehild, wlieh iati>' enjoyiiig an ever treali feail i.! In. sl are thjý t' foumakerslfor lise e'es, Uit l bese tWu tiai> '218)pictures simulan lu siru7tt ildt tharacten Tisremîe tea greî'aliaîgh-muikiug tiotika are luig alouilI. tis e ftjil>. We g.inîtîutee sella. :UT lnone>'. HOME COMPANIQ14~v~~8d , rluteult uhue paper Sud protiieii1ý iii:..iratpd. au> itinuîtis. eaclipaie Il b>' 116 luit-lc a îîmfqnew ini colons even>' lhume. Ils editlars notr$- popiîlarAnienienil wrilera; inalort, f» lm aut deaf igniiteutly lliuiatrslt'd. 'lisaoregîiti#r ptiai uit il baim aven 325,01M) subseriboris. on s lVlE a i M'unialîsituuîîîle l.omipatitO, 1491 Nasaii st., un oden la inîroduce tiscir ppen Iii îu1nleaders .,iaa'e Homo Caompanlou hlave gictît um a ver>' aluileis iu4. o ole le heiangain aller bel. ATO(.A. AtnOt'sE,Iil,, , 1W udfor . 82-isescupr THE BILETiIiEN - A ",nE.iii'iu o lîl fIr [0, e.6laoupi F. a spl'i liui )"arnî iti-' - - - - - le a year %i AN. ul.'i L tagîlui - iUnsa rear T, Tih' ilu uutil ',150i a B r £To AL. ,t L i. 85e".. vo aBi Five For $2,00 bers or OId Paying One Yuar ln ice May Accept Above Qffer. i M j1 #14 4