Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Mar 1899, p. 7

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Among the eariy Teutoulie Iribes.s amons ail1gavage nations. politiuy vas openly Practiced. Accordilli to Herbert Spencer the Merovingiait princes aise bad rmore titan one ulfe. But no far 8asla known no clvilzed Eurepegu goyernint ever autboriaed the practIce. IU the tirty yeara' var the Diet of Fýancoflà,. ittini At Niu- remberg. passe tii. foilowlng remark- abe lau. "permittlflg escli man te maiiy two vivea. ou accoUtnt of the numerîcal superiority of the unnien." Article 3 of titis law rau: "ADY Imac l8 allowed teo marry two wives. but bus- bands are advised that if tbe fate of tue perOns le lnirusied in tL-m tliey .uat7 lu turc bebave wltb prudence and diseretlou. ,providing for tbem euafs ,iei.tiy sud îkl ng aucb mensmures a ni;prvent quarrels." Hc-1rbert Spent cer my c îdrthe t)let ubich could pagss suiîl a law ivilized. And tbey msy bove been. but te the camutil eo server It tould seeni that lbey vere aise te a crtain exti-ut Insane- Tender Vlesh. The more tendler thceflesb. the blackeB the bruIse. The soutier yen tise St. Jacob*s 011, the queker Wililibe theecu"~ of any bruise. and auy brulse wulli dis- splear îronipty ndtter tbe treatmuent et the great reniedy. Hia »l>otrifle. Iloix- Ray, ld cbap, do yeti beilev lun maklrîg Your vitelilve witbln ber a. Iown sue? joa, No. air; nlt wben ali.f eau mai- il girée wiftrte OU aia oge telive wltbOut t.--Pilidelphia §bat 0*157 w-Y u-1-0 sanid Record. poiseilew maiafais e.Y. body., It nu. te ucetfVMaco yout sulaiti, 1oc1 it k a Scientistes asert that eerly man usée Moeililuporile ieS m7Ut te bc able teavgi s aauanIndice blood. Sead for lier beok«on ien or pleasure. or te br1isb awsY flil Hcrrousnesse. froni uider bis bock hair, but as th, T. keep lu o beal yeu Muscles vere net brought tu( con muet bhave petfect ef-B11111l tinual use tbey befalile rudiuientary. bowois. Aer' "iISý *~Try rale-O! Tu rai n-O edo"on &Bd ait Font Geocer ted» t. sboit 7001 - ~ peehageef a LAI.NO. the »Or food dcél Un 0 lle OWw*- iet tsbes tb, place of ceUsée. Tb@ &OU dise Maj drilibt wtbt ht IU ie ne ths admt. AiU Whe ryt l .lb. la ('~ iRAISI-O la« that clé s-al broum ~Mi~us. .o ar. lorh.a? ora, bt it ie masde trom Par ~e. graineansd tbe mua edlcate sîomarehri &Ou@ nu& cues «It without distiess. U the sprice. crue. 15C. aud 25 et& a pst earl-soiS by &IL grucesI. inettatble fer Natinonj'. A l1%w receutl Paused ID Norwu ~tmsk.-s girls hsligtble for matrimoi unie#% they CernShow certjIlCat@s AmaturdBlacklSPltd dby siin ucookflg, buitting and apînuiti g bshs. The tIvo rieet Prima donnas a] 1141Sk. oe Pw& uI.. AdelinAL Petit and Sibyl Sandersoli. VIlEBEST ~PRNGTON WI AS W'Igttf 1aSSeS &w&Y it leaves Marly peopt feen4 weak, depressed and tâsily ~ired. This means that. th e blood noeis attentionl and sensibl eopIte alw&YS tale a tenic &t ihis, urne of year. Purgatives art nt t.heýrê ght medicine - they wealeen lnstte4 ot stren 4thenin. Dr. 'Williami *Pink Pis for paie People art. the bst tonic medicine ini the wvorid and doe La±ct on the bowels. 'They stimulate the appetîte 0 nrich the; blood strenf then the. nerveb and mait people (tel bright, acstive and stront. iNote a .btterabli. 50spak e %hia Wtthan MsId leASildr. eeh-.a rLigeyeanda atppSerr, yblelt taeh. ls la Co.k%=ailli.A ysr seeMisagaider vas eytta. et-Sa.Sak pale,. eyssuuiabea so duli. bb s gtob ledvtit morousnss aebe e»oM done pted. t1.w" dlsooutsed sdCiiil fot k nev Vh.& t. e . onead1resd su iL-t ta a.jape etotits woderrti emuraue quaitieset Dr. W 1-i.o nk ils.for Pl Peopie. trtied the ubea aescily thi-ough it tOt e eond bel sotioed a elange ath botter. Atter t had talion igit boxes t as cored oesmach ta Dr. Wiltisms'Ptek Pus for Pais Psople. pobabl7 iay -Sold by ait drug.________________ 0 %rsent pot CgÎdst he Dr. ilim;Medicine NY., on rectijt of P!Ict. e',ptr box-, si boxts,$ZU. .,,The Best ls Aye the Cheapes Avoid Imitations of and Sub- stitutes for à% Miin of B"04a vtI~~i r- 1. tht r. &, 1Os. ntp'. Z Ne- 12 Ï-A O 14C EN, *hI&~aI5e,.s a- 7 Aaud le St o te neW rvous exhaistion? alvas fol so mach brlgbiret bev v. ien P" bealib. NV& yeu bave coetige be suffet- logi vitti beedoe, suivons prostration sud guai pbysical Veshuesa? Would you nt ls. to e b. J1 tbis dcpression of spirte? Hou? Dy remoing ibm cause. By toking USOICER TELLS A.. THuiu ag~a all pi o ermteSnÉ FAMILY LIFI. A B V < ( Kili. aie Wig. wit la e . et a"Ig ip lceor Tperhape 1iUec.Ways tu Whicb Il. Ilne 1<01Moibe. fores Bar 3n4y.*' Th* mother sulcered and the thinks lier daugter Cbsa, r t e ii oang. Recommnds Pom-u a% i Autant A. Becker, thse Chicagoieis ut Meer a. This 15 true only to a lmitât! citent. No Tb* lIdian boys and stils ho are be- Family Xd~~ murderer. nmade aSsecond confession ta ezcestive pain la bealtby. Rvery mother abould inform, ber- iug educated lu tiie scbool ai flartiae, the plce Tuesday igbi. la ai detailed self for lier own sake and espcclall.y Pa., spend lié sunîmer vacation on thte A scientifle SprlngMuikb& tatenient tealusîx.ct.r Hut he teld etr for the sake cf ber daugl- ter. Write ueigbboctng farms, earug nioney hy Colonel Artbur L. Hflia. .et1li à crime ne revoitlit flinst for nome Il me j oEI t5JT te Mis. Pinkhao.e. t Lynn. Mau.. work tu the fildanud bouse. Ou titeir Seventb Obio Voluteers. 2» enQS5a l eveu b plil. fai etsdte~ ~or ber advice about ast matra returu. lu septeintsir, the smailer hoymî street. Couimbus, Oblo. vrlm M. 1Ulnie pelu. ofCie f oiceKi, D EAJIIO5 concerniag the lis of the feminine rery natumully dlscus-'ed titeir experi- aies itavint tie masite of P64,*- lel etht re n.ofCapetaois e p * W W and a ces. Many ef4lieniliadit eaenlute ley Inpecor aut Catai Laia udorgafil. bouses of Quakers. and Itega-n toob Assistant Itates iAftecney Pescuon the Mny a oung girls beauty la vastcd by unnnccessry pain a gouebmteîyaath iç.n" or_ buc intausge taker broke dovo nsd tmo ulltssln n dzyidletmtes ih golhmrel tte"i hie had killed is vife by strikiug ber un mec may ndlnt ohrsvt and languagO, wlî<-u a little Navajo the hesd with a hatchi-t lu the kîitchea oft tistakcfl indaca. permit their daugters ta grow care gave a étbout. and ru-iing u in10tbexi, a bis home. lie thi u rt te body te pieces about physk*l ealtb. exclaimed: andbWiled It la s large bettie. Afttr miss Calait M. LAMB, Big Beaver, Micb., writes: '.DzAR 'I)o't th"e dore tu soy anu3 ing 8 watcitiug the disîntegration et thoe.- Ms.PNHA - ea goIsffrdfront profuse sud lagainst tbe Quakers '[bhey arecîny * m ain s for erieral boucs, sd uhen nat- M ils m eN n stA ru o 1 ff r dfrtend q l'M a Q uaker!' and i e - plat f leg ivas iett tat rcsemhled a hunian body lrreguar 1101tOtOl dijbt) bis liste lu t bc face or the fast r ecer %as li e took what rcrnaiued sud and leucOffboL My Speaker. b urnfd lu ln a red-bot %turc, the lire bar- appetite vas variable, Tesneyîo ovr 0tt-f1 Ins> beeu prepared by ini. The boues. atom.ach sour and bowela oThAe nomendo :îuxously lto the iî. îtî which neuld net bhum. lbe buried on the ver. not regular. ani ~ dthefr Ie Q aker curîb, ni hdou1 9parienar is homte., vasayaubjeQct ta pains andlinit - Becker as-oris the crime n'as flt pre- ts lutt pishieIgthttheyrîî ansoosutio i tfor I medîtateul. but t lita e quarrelcul with hie colicduringilisAttimon. qie thne yardatouidwoo. u Y ife. and in thi' i-st et passion lhe .trucb I marte you and began te ue oiiain j-hec on the head with te hat<chet. Ol tale Lydia9. Pinkham'a Thie teocliers of thle I toi attildtI-ni ue ne iîiow sas n.i-uhu'd 10 cause du-th sud Veetale Compound and say thot l.lle resieffîî'c os indilr(uiaI lit afler that bhilthien .tcuck te saîusagn efdîfiereut failliesafor part or tiec yen! maker says lieiinogoth f the nay iti dis- ud two lpauackagetselîlptetblouf Pose Of the n-mainis Of bis sife in Ortler to Sanative'Wsb. Youctte ain '[i-y aard e r Inîgthnur ciil-u rq detroy ail chance Of litî-cioa. imagin my relief. My Ialn hyaebogtuie ie IL Auguat A. Beck ler kiiied bhis vite Jau. courses are natureland hlomeu Influence. antd even If tite- bonnu e c tsi tMtTt<FCLU ae 27. but ivis uut arrested for the merdre gnrlhat poe - ' ntat ery gooti one, tbey leorii te rouI-flydmntaeli yfMj a-until after lhe bh(]marric-d a 17-yeac-old tnricitl Y ue of diotilireu, and te appini-s fiyduosrttdl yfs lt girl nanteulIda Sittin. «hi-n Beckber blns.NAimm ~ADKINS 'Ivwiiuu'iu]les ln affection. self-control andi haie a number of trieuda vis ise bcought bis suite home it conseil gosip. La Due. Mo.. -rites: lrltlitîg. evervdny acte ut uuselliesine.- tken il for catarrh and st.b MO vhii-b resuhe be ecs o e itpolice, sud .DKAR &m& .PINKRAM- .In-la srëecett report outhue managers of ble. and&Il uniie lupraislag IL.Ans fiuotiy led to B.-ket's orreat. At first I feel it mny duty tai tell several oriluati utti touudliug asylunîs rencedy for catarrb 1 can fali u nIl - 'e Beckbec deniî-d huauig illed bain wfe. dt- yon of the gondx your lu Eliglanil. tbe factiras urged as of menti ItL- Mrs. Hamiliton, witecdM il ing(a tot sh e lad i-f ansd gir o le Mii , etableCoinpound bu "seci isiguiti'oiu'e *that wblle the girls galiant Colonel,.lit su ardent f-t, vatbee. t'nder îressttre hiefitnally made gr trateti lu these inu-utittons made excel- Pc -rin alun. lu a ietter on t» w - la- s taise conff-ssion, lu whiîh hb- sad titat done rny daughter. Sbc lent hoeiolis or louindressen. tbey Jectt. sie irites: 'i have bo te la hoe lid positei hieiife Intothe lIs ites suifered nintold agony at conld net tbe trusteti an nurses Of chiu Pe- ru -un for soie intme. a" 1 the foot of the ltnndolîuh tret pier. Tht. time of menstruatio>n botdeTetanngl ag 1- Jyngwterbatbnvti»a is, vtheftru try of suhui o ese y ulîedhe foretakingycflTmedicine; could gve ibent ortieri> babite. but lefttfoc yenrg. t attribute the eh~ OU Pd o ifeant o fw Be-bebkutr hihe b.Compouind bas dorment theirnaffectious Sud thir wotu- iy heaitti te Pe-ru-na. sud ceoe a-.< vt sfltkourlioved th. pain, given bier a better color, aud she feela sol>-, nother>- Iustincts. titis excellent catarrb remedy tacm@V r's TOOi< 400 PRISONERS. stronger. and lms improved every vray. I aon vcry grateful te go many girls are noir pushîng out woMau. believing ft te be espsUM ie yon for the benefit ah&hoba roccired. It ia a great medlicule of tier haumes 10 fied a lite lu publite beîtc'fictal toi theni." >n Generat Wbeaton lialicts iMen"i Les. for ouifirl,." ____ tiat these tacts bave n significance ltaI 'Te spriug-tume t ueot ftvisi ou Filipiuos. sbould cot be overlobed. finie of the yeoc to treat catarre. IMM Gem. Lloyd Witeaton, commaudiug tb. THE MAKIN O0F A KNICHT. scato Railwv, y sielu ot Heigiain Among lods purpeses lu pîscing mecnisaonucb tenu liabîlity teto Isa United Stales fiying colorit,. sîtacked and The *tâts rallwoy systeni, ot Bel- and vomen lu familles are the opportu- colii tlintltte trent- 5 defetted a force of 2000) Filipinoe at i ifflffl Cereinenibai Whicb the Qeeo glui. la eottniated as tite Mnt profit- nle otecîaresdtue n in eulopdd Pbtis Wednesday atternoion. illetin c.fra*s,"lto5 able commercial undertablug, bothte so rrong that watt au the humble home Aliloid casesoto al hbryileu. poit the-n. Thte Amen-can lots The party a couveyed by stiecial tite gîurernieut aud te tbe'people. ever iteartb, wbilh are round nowriere else cbrotel catarrb vL as lilght. The Americans captueeu 350 'train sud royal yacht toOsberne. Tbey promuigated lu Europe. It coiesaof lu the world. sbould beglu fi- et lipiuos. Msuy tbodies ot rebels iied cere uben assembled lu an auteroom, .2800 miles, et wblcb 2.000 are goerr- niedintel>- a cores M. ., h ngg n brigîadeddon t it river. andj sfter beîug lnotructed llnte re- meut property. litsprofite more thon shako leho Tour shees. <T be-ru-us as di- 'Of <Inn. Wtet.usbrgdeion guiste spéecîve ports lbey ver' 10 jplay wc-rc psy b1e entie ter-tt on the Belgian Alen'& Foot-Ease, a powder for ths tert. rected lun r at old Paslg. The Washington v.îuitiiiers csp- adniitted onue b>- eue tu the preselîce etfunl.ul ett.Tie Ielgian railliays It cures palatatl, svollen, sunrtiug feet and mac n Hasrctti tnred snd bîîrued l aterros. nmeetiug vtil a ber Maiesty. The bnlgiit ou entericg bave been the mabing of lte nation, as lustantly itikes tuesting out of cernsand mi ok nti b b a r p l r e f r o t t h e n e in y h ite c r s s in g h e r o u a m o d eb u n i o n s.atiI tstw lie en drhm o n s .t 'aeth ee ctad i aco ur-r td î gect- e.s aT iieT e ee aa r shap icefrtntrie initu> iitie rosin te ron ine isoelnute ulc, mifront a eompratlrcly 1nslguificont ery et the age. Alleusa Foot- Base malles noutan> diferent ,y the river. Thte ightiug uas ltke that et advancicg close tei ber Muijesty tovet agriculturol couinwenitti it bas lir-teliit-fittinh or cev shees farl easy. uIslaa My the l et-lu. the isstîrgi uts ot-iagioualli a uhîrul tinte snd droppeti on one buee. 1>- developeti mb aauummlng bectire oestain cure toc sweatins, rallous and bot phatse@ antd stages of Maigamsi u vnuly§en.tired . aciiefoet. Try it te-OnSo.d hy ai ofe ntarrb tittone of sblg astnul bu esulisly frma ler Majcsty then cesleul na sa-rd ou ot commercial actîvit>-. drtiggiata aud asias sucres- Ev mailifor 25, hardly Innoves wbem Th rgus fteAircn'aunehie sitoulder toc a moenttand ttered Oie Brka gvrmut w u tnp.Triai packZ eFREE. Â bas IL A gremuto tg.n bi bren slow. Ob________ven:etson natu ae Three îhousand nsurgetsnicoved deun tetverds 'Sic -"<mentionlug onlly railiwoys. iitougi lu ne case basteAl la bbc __ I__ y,__ N.__Y._mou>-people tlîluk tbey am qgf arelcda>- night te tuvwua off Pssg sud Ps- the Christian naime). She next pbietiex perimeut( proved o suceastut as ln Fineet Riding Scianol. rtti somethItng else and lis"- t - tru., on shore et Laguanda bay, frcutiug the rbboc et the erder round is nck ig tlum. Germauny. In addition to a Tite inest mnliitary ridiug acitoot lunimauy mediciues ln vain. vhea, VIMf Wheato' troohus ou Pnsig iver lune. By aud attacbed the badge ton aclip witicb targe quntI>-0ofstock lu the raltway, existence lain lu scatw. hIs a5W0 tect coutld ralinseflint lis starrb " j henry igitin Weaîn dsloge au itd aresy eenfnsene o bibvediasyretedtbeNorNo SescanlSong 1canalroa sdlontgtbg146P-runa er u lîe woidan~ dreve thent bock. sabîng 400 prisoers breael. He iben rsised bla a-m. saui rnetîlsî u uaao. iead alxol b iln îriuepopi-sdse eoe and inliiitiug beav>-liotain kilird and te u1.pacu brbadobs age a itr ald ntheir ovu rail- lu Loudon. litsroofle the largest in thte Tbere aire ne substitutes- Let ssa veundrl. IHis losvos s ery modeirate. uriat, be couveyed Il to bis lips, rose, ronds. 0f ureuy wonk world unsupported by pilars.Illpesaeenteraeehr iientflouce ccubiesthesetvu ii utf-bowe sud rettred boclivard. ius ite brii ost ia b>-fothue montliavisbly oruameuled, but ln ever>- re- reieies joat slgood. Officise a i ti-e ar l)epsrtmeuusare The moment the door ciosedi bebiit profitable lu Europe. spect are ise Il la qulte ecipseti b> "Winter Catarrh" la a book wsNé gratiied avoirthie vuctories of (tru. - na h blie vas selzed b>' uvo officiaia. vbo tite aublerranean ridlug acbeol lu Wel- by Dr. Bartmau, Columbusa. am ton. suid preuict furtber auccensful sd-. tripped hlm t b is ribtuon sud badge H~ bs beck Atube>-. Thtis vonderfuu sport- free te auj addirels. vacsin te uesr future. Ifisnmnder- sud placed Ibm burrindl>- ln a case, ve fler On. iiuodrod IDoueansr@evAcfor metIflco le aedsca38 stoo âttepicofGoottlat hc hyaded thaaitit ie-Cg, ue feet long, about 130 teet vide. aud itesrabDvreLw drie he nsraelsvitou cesaIon ln- liens te 'depoait I lvtIt bis gresl coat" F. J. CItKNEY AOToeo.0. gaires rooi~f la niole test bgiter thon tha France ban nov a law b>- vhleb - te the uneultivated region before the csiny Tecrepcetsfinldantlb o h <i avekiol. j -Chea.>y- a gemib îelvdvtet t h antreble 8mbdi ataeus e= ssson sets i. Thereisaemn e n. te>- vilI have natth- tbis.BeH e uldhave desire inath ebte 15hs -mibls pe nit lo o oso cclthe applIcauts. The Parle IDtoe» lezteambsston ad This bausiu ley badge sboud rein sivlays ou bis e tlea yuieyllglash=teyThers la Ne Telliig. devotee Tbursdays te gratwUsiê5 viN la>- doua tieir sas. Ti a rnunîtriweeOeQienbdsxdWasvhaitesx. vbeiwilui)ist. Toledo. 0. Be sure. net te et rbeumnattlm sta>- lu creee. Ou eue day receutWg2SOEsg preveuteul bertofore b>- s geners. ir rotbeliehef e bd fix WALttIli. KNA,&Ka,.Vbkà h yfealne huYueuglawr iocddrn od ,ý amena îhm tat bbc>- uoutid bc uhot or Il.Atter the us-ole part>- bail been KutT.ieas À't.Uo5mSte5>Rcnlneob eiti gtavr iocddru impisnndiftit>-aureuerel.decorateul the>-adjourueil te luucbeou dHan# ctum N;~e ataten Inaruiy mnebottle orEL u.Jacoba OUîta cureIlu. Tiiere tour heurs, au arerage cfnir mcm ______________ sud vr. ccreue boc to Tudon l iupnn lPOtii >oo<id itmceus amiaos cla uo tellîng vha± part il nia>- tribe er eue divorce a minute. The _____ad____________ c tuLodoninthe itO.Tutlnioaiasmiea ou Prion tas.bow much mIser>- it i5i give. bluelt h obn l PLEADS FOR IS MEN. tinte for aluner, pst botite. laid btsithearouisia.closes,______ fi.psim Vrs.a lhe Promotion&ne * Mr. Etilter-KindlI> nforni our rend- TWO AT A TIME. Dmer itIe . dîverce p ssagen lltequ t Ma.. ecouimeo.ded. esta rmnwo eArl1 eMercur>- la a rte tIlie Toe bepsaetlIea. Presideut Mc-Kinleyr niceveil alu iian.prpi > l eallItentmvelastar Weodcatier flsgged B i abe mirror abrometers or titermunt- Lune@ Vaii meaom letter fron Rtar Admirai Suumitofi beur. apii fei repl b ami tl. eta our vo- F aTitm r.elers. etc., aou feei the effect oethtie U l e isbevesa " 4d". sb ita on Oie cotroters>- n i lenate ove'C dertul 1*5 >ROPS." tree et charge. Vie Au sxtraordluary sbeetlug sulventure nitrate et mercur>- in leetit, guinisand te lie beetiy eme*.mcv A the navet promottion% for gaitantr>-, wbich de tiis lu order Ibat ever>- eue et the-i Ln recordeul b> A. L. BuIler, et thielte tienne% et the body. genu on the lir a" adl. cWilil were s&ituang up ou acunt cf the-ttchie>- nia>-bai-ete great OPPOrtunity Le tr- State Museum,. Selangor, Malaya. lu the Te Cure a CoSOLe tuie a sick beadache. Prim. 26 Sud ML Sempson tigit. Atten recittttg a lot erthlie grealest remeul>-thte werid bas ever lent number efthOe Bombny Natural Taie Laiative Brume Quinine Tablets. Ail Recooleoîions. veli-buca fr ats, anti sa-tîng fortit th.produced. i. lnever bas tailed, ant inever yi tfisfcte r.Weel-etsp p aliegation tat bu titd bis dot>- ithontu a fî,tecr a> t b olloulug mAstr>-Societys Journal. One dey lun draiugrwcornait thevo moue au, specual hope of ni-sard. the admirai diseuses: Rbeumalsrn, Sclat.ien. Neiýl bia Jul>- a Mlay voculcutter veut eut en..ieeuieeah foi ever>thing. su> 5. ralgia. Catarrit, Backncbe. Asthime.tinctohIe jungle lu cut fuel, takLugvîit The liar wbo i-au relent a stor>- tee Mr@. Whipperly-Ah! ài etten fiâ idt tot atitrip5li litot ltsatlsfac-flieuri Weakuesut. TeOtbai-e, Earalii', hlm, outhie off-chance of a abat at deer, imes vititeut n>- sti-rutien dservea teni>- busbaud about the lim ubm tien f ronti acttattnesotf mit ouai Ud Croup, La Grippe, Malaria, Creepiuxant auodusingle-bsrreleli muzzle-Iusdlttg more credit tan btigets. we batilto-Puck. cause titî Suttulte bst itittulu front other Numbueog. Bronchitis and ludreil dis- gun, loadeul viit lie rallier uuart.luitie offiers saîpromîoitsi iui tht-y bave wellt cases. Within thete lst thiee rea lt charge of a bulet and four bucbstiot. desenvitisu1lt ih iia lui-tn tironîtly itau tureti more ttonuausmillion antiad vu qlt> hrublt&jnl.b grsmtel ia suttar circut-iiiiti i-a tu e qre etb 10l fPeuiple. mnuof et vi oitid ___________________________________the____jungle.________ Mr. iser pronotuncei incurabtle b>- coîtît' sudeul> came upon s tiger fccuilug oit I iburufre ruitu-.tfiil i .tgzt--t. nr. lent p1uicI-aosSoune o e ied aulteu the carcans of a samtbur, anti, wih Premidi-tit. bi.t iyutur n'.uu of these btstidîn for years. others boititro- touchiiug confidience ln bis weapetu. omfnes iuutl uci tt tlu.-c.- a'.ti.uî-ttnrtil te voilu over la sean-et ofrelue! ireul et a distance oftwIeut>- paies. l. ahotili t onu-t- liei r t-îu aia-rhat aumi sput s large otittof uoaey. bubi tiger rollcd urer, and,. vien the Maa tht-y i)jtuut>i.-ir-- iiiur su imiîattter taileti te gel It. but were eureti b>- Iis cautioualy a1iproaclied. lie fournuieut the t- pi-.tuti-l bill tu, tu ittu t ti-sare nu- itui-dy lua aver>- short titme ant i Otatounedeudiluger. itut Issu, the second bar- titled tînd suiituttruittii i t. utosi en. ln faît. otan>-oretlhe curea ng bee bitide n tthîe sportutttt whilou. I DOSlabt md ore noteliaire.n-aItiougb oi>nl tu-uv fet distant front 1litei IcIne. but wos perfecled ouyi> ter vast animal bctiired ti . Mr. Butler. , t h K n nu 1 research lu sclentific fielassud at a Matie Iapoal niorteuit eXantinatlon f heKet o re> retepense. Il 1s a linotate te tigersafe iiy halltbeecu skitttuad. mcii sud affllcted., a batntu ufferlng rounmd tiat l itb i-ucse a single bock- ; i ituanil-. '15 DROPS', la the ncame. Rshet bail goet 10tItbt-aert. one liit Always Bo.g and "** DROPS- La te dffe. aise su lnslgnfitcant usoutinth uIe lut-ad 'flue aboive errer does nol bold god troni aotiter pelle-t. "For a reali>- tji 5,a-yoU 1 sk sliter April il0. If cou wvant a bottie Iigflube," as Mc. Btter Bays, cla fi-eeof chtarge,. write at ence le te Pallu e h SWANSON RtINAI UE -ttsacieiaetttcof the Mals>- ire,,.is th lu hsn b en dticemni riwtda ilCOMP'ANY, No. 167 Denctuoru Street. cuIter yULt bc bard le bteat.' fiIolacir- filie v iun sc 0<> "ýfrm (11R i ailChicago. tuill>-net n performaince att>-sotte a 5~ble ddimptch res ot ifecthav white macwilil lry to parallel. tuttih gn t i in-bens i-d r. l'the Se.s.ese te eclipse. 8nr mw There aretorao roi ec n. Clice priat svorks use 40,000.000 mumdlmt_________ onie beieg the rogni>-o o heam. doxen eggs per yuaî, su-me clerifiers useNt Mrse f11mMohjIhISfIW.Of sud the othi' becais te usni my oi- î,oe.idz the piotogrspltertu The Cuards Bauid uu pwon U u i< EC T diti nus wihw eitintChb nt te and oterIndluustrieis use mon>- mililonls. the Windser ('atIle terraue tiurlng de- ginuing o e lie ysesc t iiect- sud tbese derantis Increase more rap- jetuer recenel-. ouîtl theaQuevo iras s0 ed to hure naiti.eioluttt-trs 0ontof te Island us hio s mentit uandiertaiulyby b- dI>- tbautable demnde. mut-b trutck lu- otune IIty moruti tune m;td mczm May- i1. beirare nn obout 25.45)va!- t t h bdesireti one of te ntaldis oet»6&LtmJ noitrcis and suitn ttipý-tau-t suilitdnaus-n Nuari> eue third of the cburcbgoere houeir togo tun(] ascirtaîn whIt w l sa regulars ilnaul bu sent ta reiere t ht-m Ofrbt'nitedi Statue are Roman Cath- calco. Tii imuNsie featurcae ft lit etlonoi-eda-the lîresit( iu,i sç-tuttu uugarri- dît-s. t'onoiderstii>-more thon nue- îigb bonti damsel sure anffueed vitit son Cuba n b su sînuit antuuntîr tut treopu firth are Mlethodists. More tbnnoupu blushies as, site rettirned sud made su- au posasil o c auon fth-leii -n- ixtb are Baptiste. One chur-bgoer lua str oe~lur ieHoel once and as bte roltnt-i'nuwillbc beriturn- eteene!aia P.u teria n oelnCieae, Msur3jesty. @il uasson as transpors cou Cesupplied Wheu the troopua rdii t i ntry te>- Conglii Lag uite Consoimption. cobCrefc r CnsoLumptio a te- O. FosSbOISY!i viii bc ni tened ontlnt titipont lut svittcb Rmps Bosasonvill mtop dis coug sit Aîitrîî mitt ue i ybus.D tht>- srri'esud gistato ittv it i-t' extra ence. Go lu your dnuggist t-deyansd gl l igt. fliubucg. Ps.,ise. .11, 1.ilo-0&LE 1- - Ftbotn.ooarne dly reda-eceurbs n-e8Iseuuwl ll la ddesid o ttiSt--r-tt-yat-.1.rsd i tt ni-a t ss. nodih.nsanu5cit L ek n- te on )r le 1- or Ij t he d rd he il@ ut le. a. M. de SI w- RY re Ky ce et te eir Mt be Md m lý db- oSd M pUMOr. brIC14 W»O or Snva& lageo4 prupersy iauçwuï -v

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