Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 Apr 1899, p. 2

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PM MNDNED TO BE U8ED FOR - PIOKINO COTTON. Uv. nomgwsas llPe.'imace May Leva' lif.elaeze1h. Cotton Isdasir7 la Our Sotheras tate.- Moket lves te unImport"d feose A fricmas Prensa Moabcysares deveiaping Intelligence mat& lffl so mme hUes of human en- dUvesand soon ma>' become sncb a h stisai laor unions whl bave ta lznie lu ihem a formidable elemoni fttbibSts et nosl labar. Tii.tan- &W Iorta or tDaritest Africa. whlch. la the eari>' siys of the nation. snpplied *@ outheru panter wth slaves ta cul- MasI bis rattionfieldis and ta gather bis ampshave agahu heem drawu upou b>' Me faruet'. wbase hgenuit>' le oqusl>' gimt. whWtber hoe devates bis energies la t» manufacture of wooden nuimega la Bortieru lStotes or of liquli moon- IbI Unib e demaud lt for moukeys -49»e&i.aile-bodiesi maukeya. who shall h e eual ta a heavy day's work lu the udisa tfields. For tint la the achemas vUmis the wily Souberner bas pianuesi. a" wiicb h. bas found ta b. practica- Me. He wl set monkeya ai work pick- bis raCtton crop. acrardiug ta aur seiloul correspondent lu Vcksburg. Auj whY neitMnk-e3s have heen lisitla seine prts of Asa ta fetch and MMany',d they learn rapily aml ihat a ffftsiresi of them. Beores of then bave been warklng on Me platation of W. W. %langumI_ Missippi sdace tbe taîl of 1807. Bau- IMM atiended the Vicksburg tar lu MS i-i Prof. S. M. Trace>. ansi W&~bc the autics ot a number of IsMbid maukeya who were performiug 'iebs tincksa under the supervision of Ibktraîner. "A sure as ycu're alive. Mntaum." @M Prof. Trace>'. "ihose monkejs aut _1 à tto pick qqqq btter xag 4far qsPetal fainte will b. the pri5r0~ MM a otrieé.the experi ment sud inds Magnum lauglied ai tic suggestion. b« tb more is friead taikesi ta lm - 'utheicmtter the mare Incilnei ho WM tloir>' lhc experimeut. ln Sepiem- Sm. 1M7. lie butitesi up the owncr and sSampeli aril long the row end wo . ld ordets of iercblandisitthi a 5 e oU Isnmediately resume their work. The ta China tramn the United Statea. whiel îuonkeyas emed actualy ta enja>' pick- bave been broken, salild or otberwlse luS. Eoeb manke>' wa pratected tram damaged. simpi>' hocatse tbe goode the raya of tbe son whtle plcklng b>' a were nai pscked ln a way ta autaîn cotton cap, wbich was led under ils transsblpmnent and bondling. otten chîn wltb a piece of string. roug bhandling, wthout Majry'. Mr. Mangum la enthueiautlc over the ()f course, gooda whicb were received Iticcs of tia experiment. "Tbe In- ln thîs condition lu tbia cauntry' b> one tradnction of monke>'. as Ctton pickers merchanit roam anotber or b>' a :,us- meaus mare ta the South," said bie. nattomner tramn a merchant. would be 1..' long ago. *'than a catton picking ma- mediatel>' sent bock as unmercbaini chine; for lhe mankeya are a succeas able, but there la no meana of endini as pickers, while the machines. sa for, gooda hock that bave been sent 6000 have heen falures. The monke>'a are or 8,000 miles beyand aur frontiers, andf ln every way superlor ta uegraes au the long consequeni upon a purchasep pickers. lu the tirai place. tbe cSa t oto thia kind commeni>' talle upati thet plcking la about ane-third. Then tbey porc baser, who moitis an inward re-t are fer more caretul thonnue"reaand salve that hoe will not again mun thea pick a imer grade of catan. Even dur- rsso ucaigAnrcnwrs ing the rainy tfol. when &Il other cotaonoria t nrhaatepIng AmericlI arta.E waa of a lor grade. that picked by the noimthe ribaw Thmis l ay ppOatal1 monkeys of My plantation was al mrid- hah rc.TismyBo ml diing. And liai cottan sald for more m tter. but i laof vital Importance If1 than one-baîf a cent mare thon that aur export trade la ta recelve a healthy( which was picked by the negroes. la development. because an experience of1 tact. 1 helieve that the dîscover>' tbat Ibis klnd la 1k throwiiig a atone ltot1 monkeys con lie taught ta pick Cotion la a pool ot water. tbe greatesi that bas been mode for the The toreiga Conaomer taiks ta il cotton planter Once Whitney diacover- neighbors, açd the. circleofa Influence, ed the catton gln. extendilig aIl througb a foreign coim "People araund bore iaugbed ai me multy, affect@ the. gOOdodant onlY Of wheu 1I irai trled ta teach monkeyas ta ane hanse that carelesaly abipped pick ration. as tie>' always do wben a them, but American goada aofail kinds. man tries anytblng new. But 110w thai Tbe Germons. French and Engllsb uni- rny experimefit bas praved ta lie a suc- dertand tlils business for better than ces. my nelghbora are wild about It. we do, and pack the wares tiat tbey The negroes around tbe plantation bave aend abroad ln sncb a manuer tbai the>' aworu that tboy would Mili the mon- are ual likel>' ta hie njured. na mtter keys. The>' bsven't doue se yet. bow- haw rougb the bandliug majr lie ta ever, and 1 apprebend no gresi danger whicb the>' are subjected.-Baston Her- ln thal direction." Mr. Mangum intendsalad. ta Import more monkeys tram Africa. and be desires oiber plantera ta join FOOL TRAIT 0F BABY CRABS. witb hlm ln lmporting a loi of tbem. Mat isnsofTe el b MERITEO THE LAETARE MEDAL. Crsiling loto Live Oyters. An ayster abuciter tound lu the abel 111[.. Caldwell# Now a French Mur ot the bivalve wiat bie callcd a baby qaise. Hecelvea a "tubh Distnction. crnb. Mary Gwendolia Caldwell, 00w the '"rhaîs thle irai ane of liai kiud 1 Marquise of Merinvîlle. waa recetly ever tound in a Long Island oyaier." given tbe Laetare modal by Notre said the aid shucker. "aud 've baen Dame University- an banal Ibai 1s sbucklug aloag tbe saund for tweaty yeal-ly cauferred ui.ou maine AnuerIcan years. But suci craba are frequentl>' la>" persan tir- retogeilla of ilaltina- fonniti VIrginia o>ster sibella and are guisbed services rendered for religion. conzldeu'ed greai dellcacies when y00 education or marais. get enough eft tem. Lat esammer 1 Mme. Caldwell la the chiet founder o asns hucklng wbiieoan a vîit lu Vir- the Caibalc University of America ai ginia. and I tound enough baby crabe Wazbington. and bas given many other lu oyaîer aliells ta IUI an ordinary-size evidences of ber pilantbrop>'. She coffee cup. A yauag wcruan saw tbemn touuded the divinit>' achool of that uni- nd capped bler bands ai the sight vemtvwlh arit f C'iM.0Sbl and hberCi,,. aked rme.hat I would take for tbem the>' wouidn't puy attentiion. but ihat la ezactl>' the eiXte of the case. TO DE REARRANOKO AFTER EN. GLISM IDEAB. FATE DE FOIE GRAS. The cruel W8ky ta Whic aGrtIsaiDelli. il la Prapoecd ihat itcpreeentativas£sCF la Prodacad. la th. Ameriea Congre»a Bit au Do A recent Parla Fgara givea us a ver>' unaiand's Commoncrs-Daska Bave interestiug description of bow ibai dol- Proved Ltirely Tao Comfortable. lcacy of deliciis. pote de foie glas, la mode. To thea ordinar>' man or woman no> conception of te trture ta wbch A Washington correspondent of tie th. ponr. untortuête goose la put could Nansan City' Star a Ya liaiwhenube passaihi> ho Imigibed. peuding changes lu the arrangemuent of The gee. wieu about nine mouubS the HollatfItepreseniativas lu the Na- aid. are taken tram the postures and tional Capital are mode visitar@ wiil piaced lu un underground celiar. where scar-el>' recognîze the big room lu broad. siautîng atone Oaao stand lu whicb the lower bouse of Congresa rowsm, aud are bound tat te the tables. ateets. Amercan tourste who bave The>' are lterally cruciied. had the ratier grudgingl.y given privi- Feet, iviga. and bodies ar@ spread loge of seeng the Brilli hansue ot ont aud boun'l b>' bauds, nsa tiouI> Comeons lu cession have been union- and neck la loti free. As may ho lm. lahed ta mnd ibsi. instead ofthti great agined. the animal siruggles wlh ail hall lu whicb our Congreasmen meet, lis migbt againal ibis streichins. tltii wiere oaci man bas a desk and pleut>' attrr days ot vaisi endeavar ta froc it- t tmoftwienât>'tralned monke>'5un'la "-"'r= "ltàa lor"-' ..-'-"'au'ne----. - - - - - --- --. 1kwYor Ci>' nd odearangmens aste. Mss in . wBaraeasZesi- them, ansi 1 sais!381- itout llkn.of eibow rut. thoBritish represla- seil bM0 teobe>' tic monkeysansd ta gel lhe witx. asdesi310000 10 eredi a ciapel., She taok me np quiciter thon a mice. rive@ oft he people Bit hn raya on elîber pot unes. ef their traîner. wviasmsures Sclati 1bidwomou ta receive the and off she rau wilh lient as If she bsi aide 0f O brosd niole, oaci mion having aÈ Mm ioh v tonisi he the sîmpleat thlng Latare modtalt siuce the custorn of pi- drawn a prdze." ta ho content viii whai spore lh oua loig gel on the crowded benches. Aft er ail lms the loudation of aur system of aeallng bi our Cougreasmen. we bave snddeaiy 7 discoveresi. be arida. liai the HanseOf wil Commons Idea la lie correct one. bug The Congreasmen have tai îi.nk ma tbeuselves for the change. he contin- do: ues. The deaka have prove-i altogetier dui lacratmfartabie. lusteasiofa otenditig sa Ifho thie business for wish the> weelbh sent ta Washington,.li la chargesi tiot 1 the IlepresentatIvea put lu the lime mi wieu Congre« ain lusession vriting. Th reading or cbaitlng nwile seme speaker lot la wearlug oui bis longs tr>'lng to moatI, btmself beard shore the hutasof cou- tif versation. The onl>' way ta stop the tbh cobjectionabie Congressiotitl practice of of copenlng andI answering etorsaut hie wi iHanse.l was agreed. vould ie .tai takre li f aa> the deska 1h01 apreosi oui, tain- la ilke. tram ithe speaker'$ rastrttm. Joel iii P. Heainuole. cinirmtan of the Commit- S tee, led thia ta, s>' of the proposed Be 9 "Tie Hanse of Itepresentatit'es lnaa * , nois>' body>. Under the preseut arrange- ment each member bas a desit ai wiich tc he ma>' iransaci basiness Incident not f 3oiy Inthle proedings ofthte Hoose. ()i but tu, ils general dues as Representa- il lv.Conversations are ranstanti>'car- riesi an. ielevanit teansd dislurbing ta t pslametarOY Proceediaga. Thte size r Dfthle Bouse andi the irrehevaunt noise la v( inchtait nomao f average lung par- n 3r con lho heard tiroigiohit the boit. A t ieiibernhhivo bosi> representtlives of I lie interesis of 75,000,000O people, cught ta 5no canduct itaithlit ever>' asijelu MONKTS T WOK I A MSSISIPP f legsiaive diacusfsin ma>' ho icard Y id.KY TWR NAMSISPICOTTON FIELD. adunuderatoosi b>' uhoBe bo are6 hi.sobl. ta teaci lie monke>'s 10 senting l wo5ntittilun1883. Com- 'Wby do tiey go lnmune aier abeis?"iihro the i setcarr>'cfgeesnting. la i coion. ing of o tomll- of greol wealtb and "I don't tuas'. 1ositeti an aid ir- Impossible. The rarnmittee bas there-a - bawlng vas ai once begun. Thse ilgi social position. Mme. Caldwell gila shuciter thal nmre question, ansi fore approvesi a pion where net]'c nmsheigi about 110> panais andI tie ha& becu promînout lu lie societ>' of h otisel vasonbecause tic>' were loue- "Tic present bal ta tualie hortoe il 9&uim average 90 poois eaci lu Waahington. Newpont andi otion cilles, môme andi veut lu for Company'. Bol fnom a length of 13) test. lncluding gai- s wb. Sags vere mode for eacb andi on ber visite te, Parla aie bas been I dont belleve lu. Thal wculd men bries. ta a leugli et elgit>' et, lu-In- - j tisat vastisibelli twenty-five weIl recelvesi. ler fathen won Wilam Iliai Craho tlhlk. and we know lie>' luding galienlea. f pgmW cfetcotion, and a a gon 55placer! SiaksaereCaldw-ell. of Virgnie, and don't. Netier does a lohoten. I think "Tie presertlfliuol la ta b.shorienesib ~e ueh monkeja siahukder. It w~on mtion was oatiter cf John C. lie blggest f0a1 lu vaten la a lobsten. trom a lengthi of 113 foot te ai' t est.e upalolg boy tast the monkc>'5 learn- Be C'iniig.Of Kentucky>, tontueni> 1 suppose you tacs' bow vo catch haib- "The prescrit galienles are ta oeà ta te pick ration. Baskets ta iahd lie rVice Presdent 0othle UnitedSiltotes. alors ln lie sounsi? Taito a box, bore:it'ougii forward orlornforrn ta the hall a a~ s. vre placesiaIair e c n te uc 11'ile traveling lu Europe lu MS? haoles la lie aide of l. ansi sint IL Put le siontenesi.t mus. a" nain abesideslhe traînler Mme. Caldwrell became Interesteiluinoni your bmo>' noyou'Il kuas' viere ta "-Tic baIl. as reducesi lu stze, viliie C Ssceecanv ta laithle ration oui otunuiverai>' vont. ansi ou hon etoru ta insi lic box.LeLve lie box unk ail seatesi with bencea son sents. rnnnlng M5e me"s and puti i luthie basktstipro- Amren offoresi tic counicil et Bouli- nigil andi go oui noxi mornlng ansi aralei viti the Cast and weat waliso d".balh 0.asiyu'egif o thil tle ciomben, boit of them focing ,ne female monkeys provesi much hat lisica nd yth'e tut> tia boi vetward and hait facing ensta-ard, es-t à~10 pictora thon the maies. ForhIla thai lie>' go Inta the hales bock- coi lie echces or sent@a ln the nati- thal o oui>'n plekesi cleanor ration, but yard. Even people viii put thir a-est ansi noniheasi corners of tic 15e>'ablepcitesimore ofat in la day beada mtobohles wbere lie>' arelooak.- hamber. ici wl face sauirard. tba Md le mles, lu bisa than amooth ltksa ose& bc L n open space 15x40 foot. viliiitiensi affltmhel. Ieni>' monkeys wene tarted îa bogle. ansi lie>'keep on doig t lu, ai from lihe lpatnadtnriad ilory Coutlipick 300 pounds ot aced -i a trumnt o aet ps'vl e d alales ai appropriote Intenvals wili lm a day. Tiey tîleked ln weather te gai lieut la bite. But obstcrs, tic>' -i Tcflnthl ie shreee wbogznegro" osuld oal ulhave pcte-J, bc i noyoram.Bg t'etstTeoram i alaiceas litwesn li «Wbock nigalclntoeragrademof Bigtesi rromi auci open space. The ciamber Ibe elyst o cn a ofcurerl-faiule iaitlire."-New Tank Sun. miii bave a seatiug capooi>' of 406. No urbfal cerrietponta hto usr. The suail la hiessies i ti greal povw- trovides inlutle chamber. rilci vîlllieh Maaogum ta mnonkeys ouillie' c rs ot vtality, A case la recordesi et 'On legieative business excinsivel>'. wilS Veat uCccos as Coton piciters. an Egyplian desent suailtahiehcamore "The apace taken tram te prescut »% in our,1.1W, lie gave an entier fer k la lite opon beihtg Immersesi lu warm mhali ai eciend b>' lie leratian de- M zmais eofthIe saine breoui la an rater atter iaving passesi four years acribed i yl b.emode mitva io arge re- m ~o m totera tramn Atrica, U'tb gies taea ard in lie Eugiia Museum.. ilelng-roame ton membera ansi liuesi haeuicuatandinig thit thle grester part S- ome aPeclges. lu lie collection of a cer- wivil tables. Chairs, lockers ansi otier Wet thesa nre te lic femnalca, About lhe tain naturilsit. revîveil atter tic>' hall furultute oz needesi. From those rooma t et leptember orthiis yesn tic uew MAY Ats WN)t.NcLDWELL,. apparentl>' been demd for litteen yeara; Liher. all ho cs> accest ta the ciam- bMIlà et rnkeya arrived. and the mr- andi aaîls, aviug been frozen fer ber tirougi fi>' dara filled I vh glass ~ cd the lad trainer vere again cn- more $3W,000 ta shrt the propose-I vocha la oit blocks oetee, bave ,e- pnels. Eacb ofthle retiriug-rooms la ta gffd ta train lie uev lot. But ibis Caiicllc univeraity. She ba since guv- coearm won belng ianesi oui. Tise le elght>' foot long andt hirly-nlne feet vu Mt anci an easy t as v as nt en liberal>' lo tie Institutou, her latent oggs tare as bari ta siegtro>' as tb. ua I -de. Tie galles arelobe supporte-i am lataginesi. for ntanyet the mout- if t mode b>' herseif andsinsite. belug Itsoit. TisYo>seon perfecti>' indiffar. b>' on ofotpillara exteosilug utiband bff geera ild aud untiamabie at irai. $10000 ta rountdsia felowsvipin lu 50001'euitlta rooang. andi bave been kuovu soui acrosa lhe reliriog roaus. Tic wit. vtie nc id ofthle taneni>' alet thein parents. te gteeve Productive otier baving tsoa *ntrance 10 gobon i« lteest andi Mutaga. wbo anre ot poent auistanca At anc tinte Mme. Caldwel won shelveles up luIn a ven îo the sein.s'est aides aofte cioniber os rcocon- - slapeit 'bdo a h puelobmeat about being narnied whuile lu Paris t0 blance of grains aftesndi. trociesi villiehob>' a central outrance @M et aeud. the new Saug et mou- 'rncuse Joachimt Murant Napoheon. a de- ta caci gobler>'. oaci otrance to ho %nu vas timseth >'le midlle ethestasiseudau t ftiec real Bonaparte. but DalleS D"4"0»s Are Lsig-IAved. resceoi b>' a bridge pausageva>' cs- Meuor.tiec'ruid not ngree o an alcltermis. A statistielan bas boom' deottUng lm- endilngrtrmhlb.nppe main Corridor Cue. plantera througiout the SouihBomee Urne laler aie marrlesi Marquis oeilo ae ansi> etfballet dancera, ant i croïs oemu rellrng-room nse cnstruci- kve aiches te expeiment wti a de Morteville.bils Investigation aeems ta etablitae ds aste tuaurs lie privacyso>'etitrlog- - _____________Mo__ tact liaitho>' are an Usua' long, rama. Tiesae bridge passsgewas arse mo habostoiousear linesid teacCAREFUL PACKINQ NECESSARY, lved lot. The remous sCarilo a i a lobea ligiiesi tram aboya." haýkeys as tou vork. Ontic iig living nov at lie gof tTT. andsieeoet Arraugei lu theiRamanuel doorlbes b>' »AUW& th le s»wa vers hiesi vîit nPalaflt Warung te Msoufacturera the baletdancera aitie Operaho peai egaannHsvi i alo oan s.&caci viti ber tie oeteea gsgdsgl. olag rae, 70T; but be hi a mon. Amaillo Fer- epreseutatives wvl beh a compact rcuam 411* alsot ber zeck pcing ava>' Joba Vowlcr. oui Conslani aCieta. ri arîstielteacîînig ai lie age et 78 hi vîlci speakers eau mate hméolvem. sdetei'ans i vilis njrsu>' s rillen ta the Siate Deponiment. lu paritsandi secms lîkel>'te continue hucrd aliant siMlut>'. vwie ticMos- * e~t*neospioiinug bitteni>'ofethle damagte liai vat for nmrne Ur e amre. îenîng membera yl ho a&rrngeti lu tise Oncey g "l i oirsae taeronian forelgu Inodo b>' lie Fan>' lslr vas 74 vian oa iedis. ruws on ancshons buhewio ths> 1..I oemveuld trainte lb. end careiesauness ans Iignorance etfmai>'oetandt tgIloobase pussi ber igiUtol1,usaict rf5horeegIveataienilei. Tic lu- a on vs ialosdour mercantile hanses la the pacting of ya". losla maouri. the o PoUlar P- o.*ffcent imembora vlIba-o lie relir- er the moucilute Seo" slutendesi for tbe@sorat trate. Heobmiegeant tseOpora ha portla ogverM 114 10. l -rma hphindisposai. OsMSU-hqU ugd4 i Ubmifoieaf tiS hUstmiale t and 5bu bogu alk et0f Mri I l lochs a lutte M U irAlg tie Ceos- f trm th bons ad li postion li wers of resistance arm overcome. and duil resignation. braken oui>' b> lis )w cries, takes possession af I. Twc inths muet pass away before deatb lungs relief. [he animais meanwbiie are crammed tb dumplinge made of a dougb ai uckwbeat. cheatnut&a. nd stewed mise. Every two bours. six tImes s ay. tbey recelved tromg tbree taive ,mpiug pila, which ln lime become a weet ta the tortured creatures thal he stretcb tbeir aecke ta be crammed. rhe mont difficuit task la ta deter- [ne the right moment for death. *ose wha die oftbteir awn accord are 3t ta the liver factory; therefore a nd of study ls needed ta see wben ec cup of agan>' ls btmmiug fou and he liver la ripe for taking. The bodies ýfsucb ripe ones are hike pumpkinm-- hbere ardinari>' lingera are huried ln lesh and fat noihing but skia and bone itound. TheIlivers bave absurbed aII be strengtb nd nc. 3AKEO BEANS EXPRESS TRAIN' Dt rings Tons ofT Iis Food to Exile fostoalsas. Yotir true Bostonlmn who la forceý ýezist lu New York bas littie t0 coit rt him ln bis exile. Tbere la onlj se salace ta bis cup of hîtterneas. au( tat la bis Bonda>' mornlng breakfast And as be mita down compiacenti> tg hiii one meal ot ail the week wbicl rminds hlm of borne be offers Up a fer ent prayer oft iauksgivlng for tw, mercies. Oneis that be las sill a Bol tnian, and the aiber la for tbe bakel beans train. The baked beau@ train cornes rollin Intp tbe Grand Centrai Depot ln Nei York every liuuday mornlng ai abou 6o'ciack. it comes ln ever>' athe morning, ta b. sure, but oni>' on Sui laya dos Itposseas a n>' speciai ail nilicance. There la alwaysau exprei car attacbed, but on week days It1 llled wlth a miacelianeoits cargo. Nc o0 on Suada>' morninga. Then ther sn a peneirating arao which cMEr from stacka and siacka of fresbl baked beans ln pots. The>' are conaigi ed ta an enterpristng purveyor lu Ne' York, who cavera a regular route wit t number of deliver>' wagons. Withl twa boursafater the train cornes lu tl contents of the express car bave ho. distrlbtited. The Saturda>' nigbt ri out or Boston la knawo smong It train banda as the boked beans runa. losose Usutige Nuebevé te Aoespt a *asseabge Prisesfer agent. Mhen Generai Wood. laie Calonel 0f the. Rougi sau medcharge Of Santiago de Cuba the conditions of lie place were about as bad as the>' conld b. The ciiy w u* Americsilisod trontu a sanîtur> point of vlew. Then came the question ot tood. Ment md gune np ta 90 cents a ponnd aud wm& scarce ai a that. Bredi for tabulons prIcea.y Ver>'saon there came a change; pro-o visions began ta corne tram tbe ordin- or>' sources. As the suppi>' lneosed.v however. there wu@ no dWanlln of 1i prices. (lOuerai Wood sent for lhe al-y dermen representing the differeni wards OfthtiCcity', and be aisesain.m mcned the butchers. When ihe>' weret assemblesi lu bis oMce ho arrangedt tbem lu two Unes. facint One aueothe. Then. tirongi os interpreter, hoesked the butchera: "How rnueb do yau charge for yanf meat r, "Ninet>' cents à onaid. suor.' "Wiat doesait canti you?'" There wos heaitation and a shuMfing ot teet; then ane of the men saisi la a wlîining toule: "'Ment ls ver>', ver>' dear. jour cxcel- jonc>." "110w much a poadl" "it censaus v'ry mach. sd-" "lIlow mnch a pound" "Fitteen cents. your excebency; but wre have lant macb mono>' durlag the war. and-" "go bave 3'aur cuatamera. Now ment wili e o tli ntiI.) eentsa a pound. ndi not a cent more. Do you underataud T" Tien. turning ta lhe aldermen. be charged tben totanefMtaieisorder wu@ carrIcri ouit totihe letter. unlalcs5 e>' wqteid ta be excpciicd tram office. Tlitn-etarwairel meutt was soid lu the markets ai 25 cents. A simhilar reduc- tion wa& made' la the pr!rPs ot bread. vegetable's. and ail food products. Ih was the firaiet lisil of the master bond ta tic public, sud confidence lu the Arnerican metitods o attministra- lion - tceagtltens'siràpidiy.-#Msti A NURSEMAID'S CYCLE. ltrookIn's Iiaonle avration Provos a Bo.. 1. Babies. A nuraenaid's cycle ;a the laitentha- vs'niiou ln the wheel [une. V'ery appra- priatel>'. lie InvenIor oft titis boon ta miulAiansd babies in a Brooklyn man. A. C. Kusier la bis aime. it la a tricycle'. the two front svbeels, of whilctare quite close logetio.r. *Abiove thoe.àlat a passenger sent resoht- bling a amali re-lining chair. For use lu carrylng an Infant ouita air the fpas*eoger seut ha provided i wlb o bing e t i. t- r9- ad g ýw' un la lat ne les iiy lu le ,un the A man lies te preveut trouble; a anoman lies la make lu. Atliessuesa In a a ruw-up voman la the recuit of training ansi expenlence. A dovdy vaman hlasepieaulng tc; a mau as a muai>' &Ponge liails falng ta ploces. Il la ouI>' vien a girl la gettIag Inter- esiesi lu a mon liaI sie takes pantîcu- lan pains tole lt hlm tne aie 18aut. Wicn a man la sure ibat be bas mas- lereti a womIt ilea a igu tisai ai 1051 aie bas bim vicre she vanis hlm. -Tise mont vondrttil tbng about IL baby la lie va>' ho couceols bis siarne ai itearîng tie qnocn sont of staff bis malien taike te bim, The buabasi viho lins b>' resola-. ing ta ict bis vite have bio ovu o>'ln everylbing Seuerali>' endis b>' leiig bon have Il lu nahblug. if mcan ndenstood boy vemen reut- es them la Importance vîit povder poire andi curling sangs, more 0fthema venta go aff snd le>' te mate doge leve lsiauld bcho mmeconolatien 10 a mon vbeeluag a babY buggy on the etreoisteo v litai at losai bcbehenga toe .Penis. Borue peoapu. $PUAmouke>' ouI7' yb.f 11.>' bave ou audience. f CYCLE FOIS TtUE Ni tShuiàtAtt. e1 bottannt.ttatirîg tie botant parnttsil uffihe rt a ievt'li tiith' #est In on- d( der ti)tenui a mes for lte infautt white D sleep~ing. A foot resu ai lite bottoju C gerves as lte fOutotfatheii'bed. The front wa iodaor' pilvotailin sep- ri traie tanks and htasil the itachIene S -il tind.'r ail ardinary conduitions. buns pros-ru nthe ii'pussenger frotui Oc-t cidenis tram in oh~ ven. The oilîer parts ettictebi ne. trmn. ren r whlicl. pesais. godilile, oic.. are the sarnea as lu ilte orditifry bicycle. 0 The, stening la dune it t he frontk wbeeig. Stahsiiity la malulained b>' the, sutpportaoflIse tmacine bcbg constat- ly upon tiree ixesi points, h>' Mount- lac tile front ritocla ln se-parole piv-c ile-i traaîts antI connectlug tiicm aiti tie ianieclar go as tu turu them irn i- ultttneotisîy.n Amer eau Peiir>' Condemned . NIne tang ut poUitry, cona9istlag et b 2,100 geese, turteya. cîtictens anti a docks, fron Boston. acre lanuies re- t centl>' ai n Londlon dock. ritere h a-as toiind tint tilev l'adi de-ye-i0o1 the t voatge. Tuiey couisi nat b. candetuned, t bowev'r. tili lthe>' iasibeen hoadeti on i wagons andi carIed toao police court.3 nubere a police ttitrat' cUoeout. i lstened 10 tlte Inspecton's siary. atis- lied lititseit b>'is a-n sennsatint lte J Canula a0lC utasounsi andi orîeres thisera ta lie degtroyeia. A police mangistraleE la appareiti-lthe oni>' Engliai Officiai w-li acu tcotidt:inntbas mcnl. andl Ibis4 bic cuit(do onli>'atter Iistening toa omain plaint ansi extmhiuing tic corpus delicil pensonaily ituis ovu courtroarn. A Trille Tna Mach Celas. On0 one occasion tie Prince of Wales hos ieIdnrt>' mugi nt a Hîndu sciai- boy in madras. The yonngsler hasi been drIlled mua lic propniet>' at sa>'- kit "Tour royal biginesa." sauld tlic Prince sPeotkta lieut, ansi nuen lie ielr-apparent acceoste-i a brigbl-e>'ed lad ansi. polintgta a priamatic com- poae.astosi. "Wboha etuls>" the >'cuug- mter. ail la a ilutter, replieI. "ita a rayai compos. 701 piIsmatic higi. neso."I sandardi Porfume Pialat. Au invesigailon of lie fessiblit>' or produclus the raw matretiaarf num- er>' In thls country' baslicouD under- toton b>' lie Department of Agricul- ture. Neani> ailli te 48't amouni et perfume use-i la 4upo ani sd largel>' as rav mnalenial. Ticetiepanimeal yull unsiertoke te dîscaver whai standard perfume plantsecon ho groan lu ibis icountry. A Four-OOntui7 Scresp. In Nagasaki, Japsu, tiers la a lire- nuonka mueker wvi anactucres pyro- technie hindi of greot ase liai, vien 1 explaed - sI l u a lielke m anner tirotigi tic air ansi perfonm rnsny movemenia exict'li kt i Of etlivung bînda. Tic secret ef mckiugtiehse voo- dentul ibinga bas beeu lu lb. poscssion 0ao tiheidest cilis of lie faahi>o e e generaiOn fol're lia. »4W0yesrs Sistilles fensile ammntuap.'ovm an>'. *1Ins xeept lie iruli eofthe ligotes. ibe teIane of "no- non T' Bright pupl-Heirees!-PucIL Mine Mary. are san sarry ibai yanr er Evolyn la marriedr' "Na; Ih ad- os me ane uumber."-CicaBo 550 oes." lie saisi, "wben i was yanng 1 eagerly songit afier." "Whol re- rd wus oifered?' ashosi the.swsei mg girL te-Tuas la tao muci! I won't bear nyl langer! To-morrow I &hal] te- il te my motiser! Ho-My> dear-is La tbreat-ar a promise? .mncle, wbat ire>ofat ckensla the t?' "Weil, sal, do wite ones la de >empleut tsund, and do ijahit anes la «aient bld orter yo' gels 'ii-O tapahis Journal. let 000k (reading>-Wauted, ta go lolnecUcul. a irai-dais caok. Gond &go$. Second coak-Niver on yer laite. re. isu'ttbai wiere they mokae alsrurn rkn?-Jewelera' Weekl>'. 'Il ear ibot yon assistesi ai the pont- notm exasoluaion of "18sr aId eue- y, sid Gasweli ta a surgeon of bis ittalutauce. "Ires; 1 cut bim dead."- t1oburg Chronicie-Teiegrapi. mrm Hornbeae-whai ha hua game cf f tbat's ho tie papers so much, an>'- )w? Farmer Horniteak-Wal. sa tue 1I kmn mokae ont. It'a nauhin' but a i cf Have yau given bir. -taleight an>' ioursgemntr' asketehe Impatient oter. ".No. mamma." repiiesi lbe con- leut daugiter; "'no for 1 haven't fond necesss ry."- Brooklyn Lite. Mra. Dath-How dreasituut about yaur acie drowning himself lu your bath th Mrs. Cash-Yes; wasn't Il bard? a cared tie ceook no ibat we bailat iove miat anoiber bouse Imm e,~atel>'. île.0 Naliris-; " s our *au go >'0U othier's or-faiher'a -aide. lJaba.? Dbnuy-Oh. sametimes on one aide andI Dmetimes on lie cher. Depeuds au roa getting ibm beat cf it.-Brookl>'u Me. titg>'New-Yez. i quareled w uvihe i sding manann sd, os ail the ailiers tu ýe campan>' sidesi witbhlmi= 1resigil' d. Sue Brette--But didn't snYOu e k@ our part? Angy New--ODlY my undef- tudy.-Town Topica '"Mr. Gizzie>' seeme ta be a very deep binker," remartei the lmpvesslo»iia* oung ivoman. "Yes." repliesi'Um tyeune; *h. canttlk Ove minutes lthout getting sway beyaud bis *pth"-Waiblugtoa Star. "What! A man wth a nase thc colon jf ours expects tme ha behleve tisi ho is Ilvesi on waten for ithree muoutha>" aid tie lady ai tbe doar. "Yea'm." Oaid he tramp; 'y00 &ce, l'ut a subi juat isore."- Yon Lers Stalesmau. Cripple Crt-ek Il gresi on etIquette. A ant ouItitere met a ulttle girl wllh baose tamnl>' be Ilver>' lntlimate. sud tIlsi lt.iio. Elitbh îow tare o ' rhe lit1tanlse dew berpeit up sud re- Ilied: "lie veny wsihl. but 1 oin't no toi' epholie."-iiot'l lt.'porter. 'Woolilves ln that l1111 1e111,1117 ross fthc aircet?" '*Thot le where eterkin. lie celebiratosi po,'i, lives" ,Abi! And seho ilvea ln souder mansion >n the bill" "Tblt la lie bornte ofa 'Unow wio once wrote môme foui verses t a î.epuiar sn-ieadLeader. Mliss Smart-Ob. yen; we hasi a lovel>' me ai the bail. Dr.-Dr.-D.--otb. deor. 1 always torget jour hast name. Dr. Sm> the spatranizing>' rodest)- Oh. neyer miud! just coul me IdmPIO "dactor.' Missel$mant tQnlckiY>-ÂI iglit. simple dactor. (Total coliopse of Smythe.i-Jsdge. lle-What sari et a tootatool vas bat sou gave your busbaad? She- What are sou talking about? I didn't give hlm Sa> foatitoal. j gave hlm a beautItul band-wurked caver for the nanteiplece. 11e-Oh. tual vas IL 1 know ho tata me Il vas sametiag ho could put is teet on.-Tankers States- Mlan. "iis here hast war." remankei lh. ild lady. "bas been a bisîn' la my 'ami'; John's drawin' of a big pension oer one ear an' tire. lingera: tia oie mna' wrhtln' a wsr bustor>'; MoUls en- gaged t10a sergeont; un' Jeue's gwm. to marr>' a feller ibat cernte wiîiîn an ace of hein' a ginrul!'-AtOnta Cousti- tut ion. D)eacon Hardacre-And nosu ou seen bhai ere spectacle show tit tbey're ail taîkin' about. disi >on'i EIder Nipper. s on-Yep. Deacon lla'datcre- Bow sd t-ou corne ta do it, LIgeli Eider Nipper- son-W.eli. Robe Ilami>'. le aald hi wosu't lit for a doceni lierca h o ok nt, andi 1 wauted ta lIns eut whsetber be lcnawed or Dot1. I've :tisbail my suspicions of Robe.-CI.'ve;an Leader. iotmleai a t evi>' janesi cadet)- Conle, Myy utile manl . sutt nttcry ou b)oard of ane of bar Niajesty's ahlps or war. Dld yronmoither ir>' uben sou lft? Cadet-Yen. air. Ilaatawsin-suilly .wt woinan! Andsi dsaur @iier cryl Cadet-Tes, air. BoaiswaID-Stupid it. tle ing! And dud your fother cry? Cadjet-Nao. air. Boatowain-Ard*eant. esi aid heggatl-Pltinch. "-Tiere la a coi alla ever>' night On aur hock fonce." ho expîlulesi tu the 10w. yer. "and ho yowls. sud Yawls, and yaowls. Now. 1 don'î wau nt t into an>' trouble with rus neigiior. but wouid lite ta know If I arnul Justiiesi ln puitiril a stop 1tult." *Certointy.- repliesi the. lawycI'. 1"1amnwehilwiîiîn -y rittIf I ahoalticth.tho -i

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