OON 1it1atE N-T noN ardspin ad lntfvorablew ; MANqYKILLED A&TPANA ', MORE litoTING AT PANA' BEST IN AiRMgTOL x.'r t àet to_' - Nebremka Pastor Refuse@ te Give Bond adices Other feature of the week are De1ieNere1adWht.Mnr ý, 'A & qq>àJLU Pellin &an A ppa Came, a further quieting dlown of the excitement Mix Up la a Fatal Battle.' týî ,. ,,The factional fighit between members of in tront and steel, though here lack of sup-TROOPS QUELL RIOT IN A MIN.- A itw occuris red t and it mna-DA HEOE OHESANE ,St." B Andrew's Catholic Church at Tecum- plies and not lack of consumptive demand' ING TOWN.btendptengosadwiemn WAR ARE BURIED, 1, #AM VIVL&& - - * D.LIE01L. seh, Nebr., reached the point where Rev. lsassmigned as the chief reason. Lomber• ers. One white miner and teaother man nit w i $$€fnm ardg - '1- 1 ~ ~ - Frederek Speriein, the priest in charge, la feeling the induience of expanding were killed and sevrerailaother persons in- w myb à ra i ig1-1 > . ~was sent to jaif. A month ego Father spring demand at many markets, aend Bloody Retrait of sa Batte, Between junred. The trouble, according to a press Entrera Ceremseny at Washington 14 ]BEST FOR TH E ISL AND Sprlin a";temptd etain Possess'a"ion f riesei's*,it,7-rn. Tirttsi""atioa" PisNa.ro Minsere . nd De..ty .herie. disat, w n p'se"ptotin'.'o dr'he"in lU-'ed-ttint ol'•..U3 tak à on y the. opposed tohriml. In the collision which ly lower on fuller cropt movement, but -Wsma Amaong the Dead-Governor and then ran wildly through the streets toryr-BeatteoiAre FiredandTape Are rS hwrt«o Srg &I followed the property was damaged and manufaectured goods are firoi. Wool and Tanner Proclaime Martial Law. discharging his revolver ln alt directionsi. Bonded over Grave* et the soldieri ydbWgo dr$fe&Vraý . UBANS IN MEXI00 FAVOR AN- the prient defeated. Father Sperlein hiadt woolens are rathrer quiet. The situation Leading upito the day's outbreak was - NEXATION. his trial and wast fmed $75. He appieailedl as regards prices is still a very favorable The riot at Ppe, Ill., Mondial resulted an Intensely exciting night. One hunde An event unprecedented In the world's AnC¢$. ¢e&n3g t€ Sy$ € to the District Court and on refulsing to one, the liet of staples advancing or re- fin the killing outright of at least neve deputy scheriffsi were enliein to theFie history occurred at Washington Thurs 1give bond of $W00was sent tojalil. The mining sr teady, being by far the most peYn.Nn oewr on e nebamn and Penwell mining districts to pro, awe 5 da odeswhs e 1111lesteam Herald Advies the United action rsurrects a quarr i chh all rileousdwiear bookclearings, sstatbttes lre, and a reign of terror prevail es evera.far liesthef nee wo ee mishot nb ght traiheCubaand mofle amth l sttstoGrinteIsadfo ecBso ornmof Lincoln is closely Con- measures of trade progregsspoint to an threeCo nites ofr tIlineisrational preparatory to leaving for Iowa and we re emetery at Arlington. Vu. Thre dea was ¶ †¢peat¢stspg¢ ¢l Yreare-Vanderblit Country Home o0n netedl and which has twice hadt the at- immense business, specullative and athier- Gad vr teti h iyWassoo being prevented by negro guards armed aslm oiay ypolmton of'th Long IlandIDestroyed by Fire. tention of the authorities at Rome. wise, having ibeen doue during the Brait(patrodb oder TretihesaeCigty a- ihrie. Tharedmnclie lPeient. Folags we reclaatioalf thadeaf quarter of th er19.Weat, Includ- illwwlhwsivkdafwmnh goods the negroes were moving ere com department buildings were losed. A ][ntead of à eep sa nights, with con- diptc fon te it O MxioQUARREL RE8ULTS IN TIRAGEDY• inir dOur shipments for the week aggr,-fo a he al noe lfwmnh pany property. The deputies guarded the i 1.tl 1 A iptc rm h it fMeio---Rare 3,384,800bogheisaainsitier3,)88,238 ago, Immediately after the bloody riote lbe- negroes while they loaded theirfgoodesJ'a great cortege, compr ing aitie nmilitary sequtent irritablenesa&n-i an ndtone, tired S ajrs: The treidlent Cubans for the most Suicide Followe Attempt to Micurder busmhels last week. Corn exporta for the tween the union and non-union mmners' wagon», conveyed them to railroad cars, and naval forces sutationied li the viemlity, feeling you wi 1 have atone and a bracinq partfavr te anexaionof te ilan ofWife and "erbe. ,week aggregate 3,724,634 bnshels, aglaienst idenced the hot heads and suppressed the Band packed thremtfor shipmnent. ecre termis.ot uifrs.air fthat will enable you to enter intor every Cua o heUnte Satsan te pa- After attempting -to murdter!his wvife and 3,411,442 bushels test week , dgain ftectzesoe h an- The negroes, their wives and children, igpaeart tePtms hr day's work w Ith pleasure. Remember,1 , ish capitalists who have tert Cuba and 6-months-old bable. Walter Miller, aged ton sacrifice of life. There ls mourning wlere then marched to Union M.%iners' hall, thousands of heroes of the civil war lite ,osaneser disappoharai.. taken up residence here are of the sme 3 0, foreman in the Detroit sotp works at KILLED BY AN ELEPHANT. in miany homes, and heart-rending sicence where they were fed and cared for by in weli-cared-for graves, ibot "Witre was...so apensin in. M.11»- ion. The Mexican Herald satys on Detroit, sent two bullets into his own- were enacted on the str"ets white union mainiers and given ample Pro- Other nations have patid tribute to their cat, nM etat let min. a.. It maéde me. afish El point: "Cuba, like Spain and likre the brain and died &almost instantly. The cou- Frank Fisher, Keepr f al the The refuoui of Henry Stephenc, a negro tcinb agadomffydptyseiffallen herx- but none Wfore iotenderly rrect w eil ouil mtooki a a dsruper il, pren Unte Satshs tsclsso pofssonlpe bhadquarreledl, and bMrs. Miller, with Anaimal'. it Vci• miner. to submnit toaerreutsestrae tbigfaedta ere woddntePresis esla ltpeem or ose Who dlm south s., Utc, N. Y. 1 politicians who are a menace to its Peace the childen, hadt gone to livre with ber Frank Fisher, keeper of t h igee-reipiaed the trouble. Storiets conificted wlishr thremtoleavelPania would interfere It is the first in history tatprivates ot- RnnngSre--Fn a gomya an rnuliy. This mob, hunrgry for morther. on the night of the tragedysellePliant Rajah, was killed by his a .1rge at as .l,to heoign fth afay btal are ndateptfrcbl o reet herde des howrekild n oein-oirer- -tincyearunigsoennmyleca salaries, is threatening aillsorts of devil- went with her cousin to mecet her husband thre winter quarters of Lemen B - ir- thatr Steýphenswas the direct cause of teparture bogtbc oterntv adfri-in egetaua.Ho' asprlap try If it is not provided for. All this will tth aerseusMiereterCous In Argentine, Kan. The keeper, ê fusillade which aroused the whole city. During the night, white deputies were M"etAent. TheustrnmsportifCfook.left. this han have a familier sound at Washington, and on the street and shot her In the back, coming angry at the elephant, struck hima He is a giant in stature and strength, and guarding the negroes in thre Penwelil dis- Country two monthsiaego with a maluitar- -rlt roten the politicians thlere must have senti- thinking the baillet wrould penetrate bis fiercely with a "'book." The hunge beaist One of the leaders of thre negro minnere. trict, theýy were fired upron by unknown niy of undertakerg and grave diggers. Thée e g omp 1 atentat clamors adfaenlfeigfrwiesbd n ilteb bnher arme promptly turned on his, grabbed himawith ,It is said on good authority thrat he wasprosoupoenohv en ere oisofmnwodeeihri cinor .1 ave the clamorous cliinants of Cuba, but al8o. The buller, h-.wever, was deflectedl his trunk and threw hima high in the air. the foremost in Inciting the riot last Sep' n rvttgad ttePewl ie romn disease, at Man Juan, Guantanamocea whbat Cuba needs for the makre of hard. by a rib and did not penetrate. Miller When the body fell the elephant trampled tembser. His desperate character stood and fully '200 shrote were exchanged. The l'onti. ao uanhrCollntin Cuband ati- ain prea working peasantry and her property own- then shot himnself. Mrs. Miller laeaptect- it and gored it with his tusks tilit was a him in such good stead that lhe evaded fBring greatly terrorized the resridents of 1,ceinJun eo unE nd - Lrt ers Io a long. period of Peace, and the ed to recover- shiapelesls maie. Fisher ts Rajahi's sixth the service of a warrant for hirs arrest in thtbcino h iy h peldt ter Porto Rican Points, wetre disinterred United States should definiitely announce WOMEN WIN AT THE POLLS. victim. The people who live niearth the hadlfSerfionyeCifDpt Cenyfrprtcin ndbogtt NwYr. T e hi ,ý,..ý -m- ý- --- - -7.j,.U _ a thaât the Amnericans will garrison the isd- - show quarters are determined thaet the Sundaiy he was walking the sitreets arm- Deputy Cheeney thereupon sept a special nbreahedothesmetropoislateek. A rlage. true and for tenl yers and not a day lessi. We Tiredt of Man Rule, They Put Up a beast salli die. The show proprietors, edt with a revolver, annnegthte detail of deputies armed with 8pringfi ie tur fbdes an o w ere claihmed byra-b-t t. have many Spaniards in Mexico recently Ticket, Which la Electedt. however, insist the elephant was justified! waslooking for Sherig ony H a iiewoparlea..tet adso Il e ndfrwredt te, u aotere airrived fromn Cuba who distrust the fu- At Beattie, Kan., the issue in the city in his act on the ground of cruelty. made repeated threats that hie would kill succeeded in restoring quiet. Several net- 30mente ntitonahington.frithe.u tome Island, fearing the United States may election was strictly bet weens the men and- the sheriff on sighit. .Monday morning grues were arrested, charged with incit- metintenainl eetr.OfteA gie oofre hndtoth pofssonl omn ndth wme wn.Threre has FR O8OF$0,0. Stephens appeared on the strets gain Ing riat. One hur.dred ad6fynere bodies that were buried nearly one-haLlf ;.. Ekin alement. NowCuai ansevery indus- been much dissaitièlfaction over fthe way ----sad made threats that lhe wouild shotteethe hect udyand 00 mo romn are claimed, but laid to rest in Arlington .1 ý tine trious man, every enterprising capitalist, the tity has been run by the prestent no. Hershey Buildiaget Reading, Pa., De• sheriff at sight. Sheriff Dowiinybhad been day,.at the wishes of relative. To thece the111 . troo be hie Spanriard, Amnerican or native, and minfistration, which was made up entirely sitroyed byirFlamee•warned of Stephenis' actions, and mas on - --- sapecial privilege of a position within the ,..E, the silly Contentions of parties who were of men, and the women put up nanopposI- A fire which originated in the Hershy hbis guard when hie encouintered the negro DEATH OF STEPH EN d. FIELD. ,lines waa granted. Many othernt beyond ri ne»ver niear the firing in the tlae war tien ticket composed whlly of women, building at Reading, P'a., owned by Mil- in Locust street. The sheriff comimanded theselines looked on with moistenedt eyes our1 should lbe topped at once, giving h. e ihteecpino n a o tetnHrh fLnatradocpe yStephens to deliver the revolver and told Former Justice o ebeoFgtupon the rowe of caskets. They knew not 1sltr. et and laborious People a cac og Connell. The women drove their Car- the Lancaster caramel factory, of which himr he watt under errent for carrying con- e; oor ee tae, ,h but what bomne relative or friend whou .DUR wrork ,, riages all day through a blinding snow- hie is proprietor. did over $100,000) worth ealed weapions. Stephens, without a I h e fSece .Fed o-death bhad been eported but whose body .c'r atorm, bringing votera to the polte, with Of damagle. .The inmes spread rapidly word, Instantly leveled .his weapon and bntedaho tpe .Fed or- tadnot ben identified slumaberedftherae. ry N_- IDLE HOUR DESTROYED. the result.tjgt-they bhad fity to ninety ma- and come cted with thre building of fired at the sherifftrbe builler weant wi .nel utc f h ntdS tsS-amogte ligd"da. . . ..4 E ý - l~orIty. bMáygress-lect Totten sayn she Bard, HebeY& C. adaedalers. Thre sheriff Immediately opened ire en 1the preme Cour, the countrjko tow Mat of Full fmillit a hnal rwI paid the dead. hýý im r a'nderb:lt Countr osteat COak-.will appoint a mon to bre marshal. The Hershy building was comupletely de- er.Dpt hri heehaigthe great ..jurists of soldiers. The militaryi, mmtt*)eric date,1U I., Barned. BGETEEATRO AT.stroyed. Loss un building and contents tefshooting rShed to joineyShering w-aprevious genera" was conducted by Post ChaplinaFsreandýma . William K. Vanderbilt's Country house, BGIITEtAO NBRH $75,000. Bard, Reber & Co. loge $40,- theaotnfute]t unSeifDw ion and another of of Fort Mtonro, accordingoathelal o A E celen C mbiaton Idle Hour, at Oakdale, I. I., was destroy- Wl ot$,0,00adHv Oaa- M onhrthe exstokand thei buildnga Seheshok o ifhelondsucedd r otrs the ProtestantEpniscopal Church, and the Teplaanlehoondbnica ed by lire early the other morning. No ,tyr of 6,500,000 Bu.hele of OrgsIn.i gaining Penweli's getteral store In I o- h4h' Rev. Father Joseph F. McereOf S. 0ffet& of tha well known remedy, ýthr< âves were tout and no one wast injured. W- The Orat contract in the construction of tially insured. cost street, the principal thorouighfare, J t 'i lhi* d s d ay Patrick's Churc h rend the Cathiocer.etBaur o0 FIes manufacturedbytheBa"o 11Vanderbilt, J., and his bride, fortnerly the largest grain elevator in the world has CHICKEN THIF KILLED• two bnecks distant, and took his stand in 1hadticb ilod i-vieovrte hoiead. CA".r 60,F 8YuP co.,irlustrae0 VignaFiwr cuyn h enle yteGetNrhr ala.-- the entrance. lit- hestitated there an in- o.en ofr The customary volleys were 6ired, tape the value of obtaining the liquid laxa. cla, boucle at the timie. The lire in believed to Schmidt Brothers of West Superior were Fatally Woonded He Droits Dead stant, and then stepped to the pavemente for two yaso1eesudd n hnec a-rpe iePie e fpat nw ob a haeorgnte nth elaacietal.awarded the contract for the foundation, While Making Hie Escape. leveledbis revolver cdown thre street t-a . nre, t tCame to ciradket was lowered into the eartir. There medicinal laxative and presenting :of S I'an hour the magnificent structure, with their bid being $8,000. The elevator is Martin Furnibal was found deadl near ward hill approaching pursquer and lired]. \ Washington as a were no addressem, and the entire service them in theform mont refreshing tou the1 ,1 1 an its valuable fittings, was totally de- to bie locaited aet West Superior and will the city limite in Toledo, Ohio, with a Thre buillertmissed thre deputy and struck ésurprise, becausie it consumned but a short time. The militari tante and acceptable to thre system. It h ol Mtoyed. Besidles young Mr. and lMr. be built of steel at a total cost or over fond of buckshot in his back. H a avenecaFeehmanwhowasIl ' "as not known that ecrlopiedauo h rileytop stheoneparout strengthening laxa- hol Vanderbilt there were twelve or fifteen $2,000,000.lits capacity jeiltobe 6,5m0,000heen shot by Henry Hartma, ho haditanig nth ntaceo anarb - hi. conditon lhai atih ahigo arakoetroop 0oti en sn ngthe system effecually, û Oerants in the houge. The total loge is busheis of grain, or 2,50,000 m'ore than heard chicken thieves in his yard ni ,d fred loon, squarely In thre forehead, killing him JU&TICK FIELD. reached a critica hecalnfrom For Meye,a battalion of dii ng dam, headces abingferth estmatd t fom$25,00 t $00,00. th laget eisingelvatr.The eie- to get rido en t. Furnibal, after the instantly. Stephens theýn turned iand raniltage.baet life atvhig a arines from the navy yard and omarine oec bnlcntpto vator will have provision for wheait, corn, shoo0ting, hadi gotten into his buggy and into the Penwell store and sought refuge ttetheibe h D i4 barracks, and the entire national gouard o aenti. hitu efet reedom frora pi S NEW ALASKAN MAIL ROUTE. fiai and atsa and lis to be completedt by drove away, but was overcomne and fell behind a Couneter. home since quitting th n ue e e. ' rthe District of Columbia. i01 ery liao j ectionablequality and sub- 1; r- --next January. fromt the rig demd. is dog was watchingCt R htoAm 1807. Il retirement from tat high po- vrOrWinbeqatyndsb Besidles the publie, that showed sym Pa. eanna and lit actin on the kidney, er) ThkreeRound Tripe a Tour from Et Antarctic Explorer* Retors. the body when it waes found. Furnibal's By tiss emrheuit exc r0mientwsge ti e n ord e a g âg e 1fa' ec..thy and patriotismi, thé,relatives who shed liver and bowels, without weaken ngl' Michaet's to Kotzebue. The steamer Belgica, having on board partner escaped.--- andtestrmetiwre rpidly llnt vsg wih ut his c odiin ad ben alrmg eirtasaoetebde fldoeo riaigtemk ttenidelor A, e lsa alrot st ee-the De Garlache antarctic expedition, has Worships A re Na.med. men, all of whom bore weapons. Deputy but fter itio urnto>rvte iehedo'there were In attendance thefPreident of laxative. C1, S tablished In the Kotzebue country. The arrived t PuntrArena. Patgonia.She Th Presdentihs name twele newhheeneydadhe into heastoeMfolowedf.theeUnted Saten ademostof th mem. n the rocesof manfacturng. g soute lastfrom Mt. Michael's through Una- 'ver.etpedtaoutnaofPapubbe. Enotiecernc bersbs ofedbtb te d m.eenareabeused, irastothefoareedpleautsantubto nthce ý WaoIeide tton n atsas icebound for two months. The ant- warships recently provided for by Con- by Depuity Joseph Mullen and several citi- Hscntiuin.arnyimard b mf tis cabinet, armly and navy.oII aeBa, t the e inlequai tirofthe.A thek&heatf on e rt a toiotanseut aurctic voyage has beena completsesuc- gressr as follows: Battleshipsa, Pennsylvat- zens. A fus8illade of bullets was POured old lage andkidnyt') rubles, wa still fur-ers of te bghet trank. whose ptrettenc neemedytae otaind from tiennoatieand dstaen f orN4tionil A fltaK illeb-.aces". Much new land In Wedeill sea and inia, New Jersey, Georgia; armocred cruiis- jinothe store and stphens emptied histhRuweanitkndioby a trtmamcktofigrip omendicated the official honor and respect s t.er dyareoaineplatra.nbyianmethod Ir okbcetbishei tes. iin oce p Oopen water to the far south discovered.! ers, West Virginie, Nebraska, California; revolver et his assaiilants. fromt behlind the months ago. lie look another slight cold which those are ever ld llwho die tu or ra owt the CA&LrouiA Fie SymrP abl esabia d t te issonon Kot- Active volcanoes were alsot seen. The Bel- cruisers, Denver, Des Moines, Chatr-ta-ronter. The( infuriated crowd at the door aboutt w ek g n egaulytheir co'untry a sakre. Co. oly. In order Io get its benenlciali filloud hrerud rp aet escawill not return for another winter, as nouger, Galveston. Tacoa, Cleveland. continuied firing, and Stephens, seingttirrbecamne worse Itis vit ality thadtbeen In stpr"Tica dciiation.Peidnhe Kn- reffberadto avolidtimifttiospeay maeanal.Abac ot ilb riginally planned. The ship's Company Hundreds of petitions have been sent to death was inevitable if he- remained ble- sa pd hyb isformer sicknemssndithe ley sn a: "homse wh. did i anioter andreemberthefulonamof e Copanyg. etablished from the headt of Norton bay tost men by accident, but none by dis- the White Hlouse and Navy Departmient hind the counter. made ai desperate diaih ste dily grew wealkerntil the end caerlefii tdtiineany oe te din l gemorielpitdo h rn feeypcae with G oloe b tadthace o G0miecase. The tlast previous communication ever since the Eew shis were provided fromt his Cover to a stairway in the rear During his termi of more thrant athird Ofta tedte eocda f l gs tCAUFORNIAFIG SY UP CO. pr 1 ,rilâ anailea t te isio onGoovn fromnthe expedition was fromn Ushuaia, for, urging the merlitsof various names, of the store- a century 'Mr. Field was concerned in was ftting that with the novent of peace., I.e-m naararCo, CAL. ." a. the southlern port of Terra Del Fuego, Georgia did not petition. Hie fell piered by six bullets before hieisomie of the most important cases ever Won by their sacritive, their bodies shbouldtit ET. stir TIonxt. r. T. N . ALLING BRIDGE KILLO FOUR. Dec. 30, 1897. stating that on the next haainG Otu. bi adlgoe tenl feet. One of the bulleta passed urpon by the Srupreme Court. be gathered with tendcer care and restored osae y rugit-Prkce.50e. per bottle kli .-day the steamer would sait for the un- Caain 1 upt a ekaohrto home and kindreti This ho- been donse bet. _ Amlet tWttvnuNw okknown south. Originally the purpose was&tRecentlypublisthed offceal figures show hrl on hi intle other woundler Amn t thepoith a ins was th wthte ed-fCuaan-'ot Rco aceiai Htetns.t -Nieten Mn IAurd. traet a stad er ot eloure,$13,700,000, placina nada iin f pcewreofaiesteiohnaur.Thlaigchecstnglteadoroeth oiiofo hoe fth 'hlione sil es hee eerlvaieis f ateiahvet By the falling of a section of the false traia. Ttheeisparintchs haeit a er- rdci one ry. Of the total stopped hinstantly and Deputy Cheeney the court annulling the validity of the they fell, watched over by their surviving hwen dIs-oveýred ln frembly fallen hiait- i" wtork o thcWrlis h avleu rigerunter tnter sont fthe antaret c circert product $0), c o u men out of the ran to the wounded negro and placed bhim "ironclad" Oath. His dissenting opinions M inorade arnd crowned lwith the love of a stonles. Two of theml appear to be new, il, enestrution acoss theHarlem iver inKlondike. Offecai estimates place the under arrest. in the con6aation cases, the legal ted r at•acorinlt tenadstveernF.C Ne1 ok or e eeistnl ild Wivesà Mar Be Beuton. Output from the Klondike this year at StePhienis of robust constitution, big cames, and in the New Orleans slaughter Thean oHaybogh oorlarrison, of Guelph, Ontario, while it l and ineteen were injured, somne of them A decision was renderedi by Judge Peu- $00000 n rtihClmbailo an brawny. The shock of his numerous house case attractedl the widest attention. shores have been delivered to their fa mi. others are mllanifenstly of terrestrial i se»riously. The unfortunate men were aillbody in the St. Louis city policeecourt the$expected to adBrmuch betterbtanle increounsddntaprntyhrlifries for private burial. But for other o rii; ndmsthvelencaredu S MIneyed on the work as mamons, tron- other day fthat under certain conditions a vinus yas ota aain oeta he swvore pond said] to thle deputy, "I sur. Sete brave omeiers and men whou perished into the clo Ius by wim,ho-ri asiendingýil 1 workers, carpenters and in the various husband has the right to bieat hi.s wife. Canada will sonon beneaur the top. render," mand with bloold pouring down his tl eebas benl esrvdinterment lit d el of-.bridge building. The accident The case was of one Bernard Kretzer, clothing walked with his captor to a phy- gf round sacred to sotdiera and gailore amnid a r e-iurn n-lts n ,ý was caused by too gireat a weight being charged with beating his wife because eshe Accident to a. ElectricCa, sician'sn offte, w here he was given miedical (, f i the tributes of miiitary honor andt na- - I , get en the traveling derrick thatr crossed would not agree with hien in the mange. Mr. 8.E. Plowman of Topeka, Kan., attention. lie was thren, takien to jail. toa ounnehe aesowl1e.W,;apradDiess thge superstructure.metothrcile, Judge Pegbody sustainedt fractures to titre of the tribu on Meanwhile the riot was raging in the s.V erved." "Dr. Chamtel of Cornell University,-1 - oâ~~~sid In Passig judgment: "In tis case hier left side inaR car wreck on the Los street. Am -on am thre first shot@ had .,F obmerves the Kansas Ctty Tiiries litsil ' Lieaced 01l Mille Absorbed. the %rife was more guilty thaon the bus. Angeles and Pasadena Electric Railway, been fired the whistle of the electric light "ditora rtceMac,,,bsmaea ThbmrcnLnedOlCmayo and for trying to contradict andodhwart near Los Angeles, Cal. Several Other per- plant was blown as a scignal for the citi-.announcle M et]hich Is alla l. h meia ied te opnyo T e " 1i Glao a asrbdth ou ilm liso er husband's will in the presence of the sons were slightly injured. The wreck zen, the miajority of whom haed long ago ce ý -aa uireasumnt he m uarke r tc thibe Twrin Cities, Douglas.& Co the e children and setting tthera a badt example, was caused by a number of sal irou been sworn in ,as depuities, to turn out -1,1 --lm ntr aktfrsokr nmota Liassed Oil works of Min nea Illich hiebhad a right to rebuke. There nuggets on the track, which eausedi the armied and ready tIv o fight. At the gamne Pennsylvanria mory be ·known as the ofthle wall paper trust. Tire doctor says 1c / Archer & Co. and the St. Paul inee B are imie@ when a wife Irritates her hun- car to bie derailedl and crash finto a tete- time thre ineirs of the Piana and Pienwell "Quiayker" State-.(that he lhas made chemical analysis of11 OUl Company of St. Paul, Minnr. These band to such nan extent fltatie canenot cou- graph pole. iines-. %whic h art- located abcout four Thre $20),(JmpOIo baking; powdier trust lis . a lar-ge numbiiter of sanuples of wall pa- c f iour-mills have a capacity of 3o,000000tro himuself and uses his hand or flst. As -_eBrigtnFcod blocks from thre Penwvell store, which is rising into prominience. . per. aindlu in narly all of tibemthaes foundV buselsa ear Te pic pad as $,-long as no serions harm is done 1 don't Thewst-budrington fast mai in t he-center of the town i, rushed into the it is not surprising that thre whisky an.a p.osi sm f hm h budlwa yux Te pie pid $1-believe in punishment. made a ect-od Sreaingrun fint maha tipples an.d opwned fire ,,nltheicthronged trust ahouldt be in high sirits. poison existing In surprisng quantities.v iss»'Ug Bill la Recovered, recently. IltleftChieago late on accutsres h esta tpes n f Why not Call thrat mani Agonillo H ws edtomae te-n--tgao Two Ntabl MenDrowed. ). H. Dickason, Chief clerk of the Colo. of a wreck in the yards, At Creston it hirnmbrghdbensotaoue tcmi... osave ieadpitr'ik? Bulgarla has seenred a loan in Vienne byhangbogtohiateina fitate Fish Commissioner H. D. M- rado House, disappearred neur the end of wars an hour and six minutes late, and iltat a pitch of fury. They shiot ati any hiv- 000nuBero assoricnsibihwr . Gure and State Senator A. W. Reed ef the session and Itwras openly charged that arrivedl in Omaha twenty-nine minute»sui in.ark in sight, and as a resuIlt amnong Aguinaldo. last stand. don't last long of $50, ,., trace to aer C ve r SCe oos. tis twe1 Douglas County, Oregon, were drowned hiehaditlen the public utilities bill in tate. The run fromt Creston, 104 miles their victimis are thiree womnen, two of eniough for his congress to) have a sitting. Cecil Rhodes' telegraph line has reach ed e presum veed thatlansheIfutur housei nthUpuarvrrpd.An earlock order to prevent Its beintgindbefore was made In 113 minutes, Including toapu.,Iwhomtare, white womienv,wounrded and aone Agiinaldo "la st ands" seem to bet as A bercorn, at the southern extremity of in ore detiberclsse afuturlelybod-si broke, the travrez were high and their boat adjournment. MWhen round Diekason or 103 minutes actual running timie, twoe negro wromniad,,.. freqluent as Patti*s celebrated "*farewel-l Lake Tangany ika.erwllhvtoaefeced al.t walwapd-wsnckddgen by a member of the stopre being made. ' The inilitary rupon its arrivai immedi- tours."Tecbebewe ail n ie "ir ll e nth veubjeco Wall .per, Murderer Treed and Shot. Hueadwsdagdt h eae Wre eadI ed ately arrested ievetry fdepuity sheriff.icu- Ta ta uptuthseie Tly hs âben reaie an commn ition heonlle ci et ou l confe'r a1 George Waystaff, a negro murderer, chamber, where hie was forced to deliver Warren F. Leland, proprietor of the ill. 'ng Chier Depimty Chveney, ail of whom been formned fur the purpose or taking in once more established- favor upon mankind by pursuing his 1ý vas shot out of a tree neur Prairievill, the missing boll to the clerk. fated Windsor Hotel, died at the Grenoble were disarmed anud then releaseýd. (Chief suckers. IThre Sultan of Turkey will sendi tite en- investmlkition furtner. ItwU ldbie in-. oab os hc a rce i tvnBre oDah oe nNwYr."f II i,--William Kiel wm oarre.f Aguinaildo is not only gamle, but the voys to the Czar's disarmament confers teresting as well as instructive to know: 1 tethrat place with bloodhouindir. The ne- Fire broke out in the five-story dwell- Bill Fixing Intéerst Beatten. . er, who'disarmiedl himi. process of baigginigthiml is actually a dear ence at The Hague. whiat pier cent of thre inmtates of insanes- gro wasbrought cdown by a shot in the fng at 2 East Sixty-seventh street, New Tebl xn h ea at fitrs aetesmeeeigGv anri-haunt. Germiany will takle no steps to purchasle asylums owe their mental condition te bâk. York, the home of Wallace Andrewis,pr-at5prcnwsdeaednthNw-uda proclamtioni 5cngePnacuder hatakesItalnso adi thatNeshe thea Carolinesn until ratitiuder .cations of the terhvn encmeldt iei '. Lawtons Capteres Bantar CrUI. ident of the New York Steamn Heating York Assembly. martial law. After cailling attention to found the oipeu dooir in('China swung the peace treaty are exchanged between Spain roomis whose walls were covered witk Gen. Lawton has captured Santa Cruz, Company. The lire spread very rapidly - _- the existing state of affairs ndi reviewing wrong way, and the United States. realistic portraitures of an opium smoki- ; Luzon. He drove the rebel, who were land when the firemen arrived ln response ma UT UVOrTIona, hk is ]ate- action in removinig the troope Wireless telegraphy hia.s ustained a Lient. Lemaire's exploretor pry nera dreamn. Somne of the designs which comne y hntn a d, a tothe firertniearmtthey found the interior - - fromin'ania, the Governor's proclamation practical test. lWireless politics, however,GranEsiArcarc ntlycovreth ned b kdtore e blivinotrerooms cozy .Wahl, into the mouintains. o h ossali lms lvnhe Chicago-Cattle, common to prime, continues in the exact language of his for- in stiti remote. 600l miles between Lake Nyassa and Lake as thre efforts of a dissipated artist te S @enwere tu. -p:5.00 to $6.00; bogs, shipping grades, mer proclamation, issueod on Nov. 21 fast. It seems thareri missionary businecss Tanganyika in twenty days' erdc h xerecso natc ý ý Teeerien heoos Downoed.iv.r Pornic in Gotham Hotels. $3.&0 to $4.00; sheep, fair to choice, 93.0X0 The troopis were ordered to disarm all per- In Samioa isOt conly a vocation, but a Considerable alarm hbas been occasioned of the delirium tremens.". e cebok nte e(ostnerve uss of two Broadway, New York, to $.25; wheat, No. 2 red, TIleto 73C; Bons and seize al] arms in Pania wherever provocation. In Constantinople among the native Chris- Alabastine, the rock-baeremenit for a"Cend the onsaoftevnteen lives near hotela were routed] out of bed and thrown corn, àNo. 2, 34e to 35)c; oat, No.'2, 26c found. ._._ __ Columbus County, N. C.,lhas issued Dnolein by the receipt of many telegrams coatinig Walls, is free fromt these objec- 00 wleadie ont.riad te dsrtonoalin a parte early the aother morning by to 2j7e; rye, No. 2, 52e to 54c; botter' PIG-TAILS AND dAPS. marriagre license-s during the past year. fromi friends and relatives in Smyrna, tions. It is sanitary andcosts legssIrhan , j *M* wgonbrig• flames which destroyed several buildings choice creamnery, 19e to 21c; eggse, fresh, This is singulaer. signed "Are Safe." Such telegrams in %voit papier. 1 Roosevelt In chicago. btween the two hostelries. Coming l'O 11e to 13c; Poitates, choice, 55C to(5e Thiey Coine Together In a Bloodyr War It shouldt be tundýerstood 1thratthe Samuel 189?5 were often the forerunnuers of aH. )c o? 1, Gov. Theodore loosevelt of New York sooin after the Windsor horror there wasu pner bushel. Neaor Honolulu. Jones elected Mayor uf Toledo is not tat massacr.Ho eYu addesedtheHailon lu o Chcao ild excitement, but lno casualties. 'The Indianapolls-Cattle4 shipping, $3.00 to The woratlrre cuie vrkoni te a oesTeSla fTre a rne o The Father-lLkhere, young Iman, rpon the anniversary of tre battle of Ap- botel were the St. Cloud and the Stuart. 5.75; hog és choice light, $2.75 to $4.0); IHawaii occurred at tre Kahuku planta- Cou b1Cm t .C ha e m n h ih t ul a e o ss Idon't wait you to take the Iliberty of pfflattox. Ellied by a Motor Car. shbeep, common to choice, $.50 to $4.75; tion, niear Honolulu. Four Chineste were aigelcnsdun teptyar and docks at Haidar P'asha, a port di- kissing my daughiter again. .ý. Ex-Fenator Tabor Ia Deui. At Kansas City, George I. Feurons, an wht,, . 2 red 1c t,,o.c;2 white 12 keilbled, ixterendlwhieoundedi- and mallny "Thia em nuesuin as ea.rectly opposite Constantinople.IHaidar h uprtBt1srh-e-ae H.AWTbf attorney, was found lying in the Eighth wt, t ;oto. • sigtymurd hle of, the Jpns o Pasha will be made the western terminus me to do It. 1 1 .A .Tbr, pos mauster of enversre unlbsdetetak h ther oM3c. one was badly hart. A bout 250 Japanese The lPresidenit %watsa acale oteo heAaoinRila olner "ae o an»ddeitt aesSn ,io afternoon unconscious, and died sonon a- S. Louis--Cattle, $3.50 to $5.75; hous laborers attacked about 100 Chinese la. Philippines. What fieconrymot edO Construction by German calpitaliste. "Yes,#Ir; eshe said 'Hlow dare you?" grendiiis, alrtree doy' 'ues. ter being taken to the police station. The $3.00 to $4.00; sheep, 53.00 to $5t.00; barerm, charging rupon them without warn. ýa rople aonAguinaldo. esarrpotntTintthe--PldlpaRcr.1 . ;, penr usyt osertop of the skull wrais laid bare. Appar- wheat, No. 2, 76c to 78c; corn, No. 2 ing White the Chinese were enjoying their That Manila campaign isant least a pie- ewsaeeprsatTrnt hee--Phldlh1 eod DoeusytMnluhrbie. ently lhe bhadbeen truck hy an electric yellow, 34ec o36c; ots, No. 2, 28e to 30c; BSunday mrest. Twenity-three Japanese are oic au fur as econcerns ithe'1 iliinos rfre- e teaan i rrItorY Ir ast crArienShke-no-ou-Soe ' e« trial at Bridgeport, Conin., on a charge car unknown to the motorman. rye, o. tiCe t tle02.50 to $5.75; hats under rrest. uently taking to thec Woods. tenue exeltement, notwithstanding official Allen's Foot-Eas. a powder for the laee.