Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 Apr 1899, p. 8

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-I fi Pa erq lnts and Brushes. 1 have just received a new stock of Wall Paper, Paints and Brushes, which 1 arn selling very cheap. 1 also have White Lead and Linseed Oil, which I would be pleased to give you prices on. 1IAM SELLING Steel MiIkCan at ................... 4-tlnéd Fokrs ..........:............ Post Mauls ... 4....................... Barb Wire per lb ..................... 12-Qt Mllk Pail ...................... $1.70 .50 .45 .03 .25 When in need of anything in Hardware cali and see me. F. L. W ete,ârman, 1 Agency for Champion Binders and Mowers. ROCKEFELLER - - ILLINOIS. WE CARRY A COMPLET£ STOCK OF GRAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUFFS, SEEDS ETC Lumber, CaoI, Lime, and Cernent. WE BELL THE WE3BER W AGON, WHEN YOU WANT Buggies or Farming Implements. CAIL ON WRIGH T & SONO Libertyville, - Illinois, QUALITV ifi -PRICE3S TALK, EDITOR INDEPENDENT:-- Too busy to write an ad this week. Just jot down that we are sellng- Henderson's Queen Shoos, fine as silk 1wlll wear as good as any $3.00 Shoe ...$2.25 Henderson's Profile Shoes, cheap at 12. Our price............................ 1.75 Women'a bright grain Slippers, solld leather low heels, broad soles, full uppers, people corne ten miles for them............. .90 Menes Western made oul grain congresa Plow Shoes ................................ 1.25 Men's Cornet Caîf Boots, require no smooth talk to seil them ....... ........... 2.50 Full Une Men's Fine Shoes at $1.50 ta ........ 3.00 Mens Wales-Goodyear first ciuality Rubber Boots ............................. 2.85 We Invite comparison of our Shoe Qualities and Prices, with any house in city or country. V. Sauer &Bro., LONG GROVE, - - ILLINOIS.1 J. Sheer, Bedelia. Mo., couducioon ou NoeIThis Umprocode.ted Offer.p élléo tret Car lina, anîted thàt ber' To tlubacibsrs paylug lu advalca - IiM M dughter vas verp loy aitil oupaim ber life aved aller aij agv l asFiiss n er aMsa ad fafild, ouly by uihg Oua ths Fsrm Journal ive poire, the MasCougI Cure. F. B. LOviLL,1 Womusn'aRooms Compesion one year, IdbolyfflO, J. B. Bxâclist, Guru.., sud Ivo boos-Bauîntla Auiong tbe tounEs .L L!CHVILD. Rockefeller- Britheren sud Bimnthsalai Baraioga itemank&b1e Cure o! Rheumnatism. 2dE TN AKauna, Jackson Co., W. Vs. About tIres pea ego iy vife huad an attaci of rheunatlam vhiol con- Insuranceis'usssvj andronad tl1r sbon10 alkt s sip vitheut seistasce. ber limbe OF bing sadIen bt double their normal HIARTFORD, CONN. %as M. .Pado laseaoum Putcha.sid a flfip cent 10111e annd fass FIRST î1,secSd edngb l iirooansd the CLASS I N M. e I snp bakfarsd EVERY RESPECT. shhsobeaiuaratcuIe-- A.- B. P&ruen. For sale bY F. Bl. Lovuni., Insures agalnst Fire Libertyvihle J. a.BaBEcENE (urnes, Ughtnlng and Tornados. 1 mF. L. WscTxa.r Poerrate etc. apyly to tlieir You Netd a Wlndmili. ~ipga reeodaug ageîhy ID»lu fcievory former needa . of Whp not bnp an Aormotr sud have One lIaI vl ruavWhu otheri are RT SAUER, matla tmgalA. Ton cmnlimru partu. salars cf BE. RUOWN, Librtyvllo - IIl.ili.mI Around the County. vkm o:loS. mand :39p. im. Frayer meetng ednsdsrevelug. Y.. C.B met Bndai evealaos to5:t8.Juniorc<. E. et 8 o'ioek. IAMON» Camp No. 1114. N. W. A. met am uad third aud vunnof eac O. . p. No,. ai meet seeoud and fourtl> Tbursdays of eseli motli. WaýIIKsOO. N . 010.A. O8T. 8007. 0. 0. T. meet Thuradai eveuigsor 65,38 week. LEETUE BUanicE. CT. ion OHN. lBAGAS Post . A. a. meet gaturdai nigbt on or bel ore full moon. 1. OEÂOI omdr. 0 Z CaHuEOiLL. Adit. liatcoing sonth .... 8buSa. nM. 9:2 P.uM. Hal&Ugins forth ................ 03. M. 11.1 over lsnd hi stage arrives At 1e a. M. depeflai I l a. m. ROCKEFELLER. Ueo. Lîndeian was out from Chicago gaturdsy. Peter Litciflld was iu Deerfilld Mdouday. T. J. MeBrde wam in Chicago Wdenday. 1fr. Elcks, of Chicago, viited bis sou Baturdsy. Mns. Frank Bnck vas sa('hicago viN Iter Wednesday. F. L. Westermau vas lu Chicago Ou business Saturday. Brt Terpenlug vtsited vitb bis ram- lly bore Wedîiesay. 1fr. aud Ur@. Frank Sbsddle were Chicago visitor8 Muuday. Ed Payne shipped a carload of pots.- toes Ironi bore tAis veek. Mfr. sud Idra. Will Kniggo vislted bil sou ai Gilmer Tuesdsy. Mfr. Gedka sud !sMily attcuded cliurch atiLake Zurich Suudsy. Thie Christian Endeavor gave aDime social Thursday evening at the chapel. N. A. Wlcb sud MigssLotte McBrlde atteuded Teacbers' meeting lu Chicago Ssturday. Otto King had tbe iiefortune tO break is &rm Wednemday vAille play- îng 51 scijool. Anus Cronkhlte, accoiupauled by Lsura (iorbam, vlaltod ber parents Bas- nrdsy sud Suuday. Mrs. LIUI from Chicago atteuded the faunerai o! ber sonin-law, Thos. Coopel i lset vek WeduesdiiY. Miss MarihAsRogers, of lowa, las bere vlitiug ber onucle sud sîînt, 1fr. auU lira. J.5. eBride, sud fsniily. L. H. Litlileld bas secured s puai lion vitb tAie tirmu Deau Broc. A Liii coin, o! Chicago, as saleeman. Mfr. sud Mrs. Frank Shaddle u Mr@. Fred Shaddic vîsîtesi tbel mother at Pulatine thie tirat o! Ibi week. Tbe cbapel loiks particularly piesi lug lu Ita nov adornumeut. Masu tlisuks to tAie Messrs. Sbiaddle, fathe sud son. A large sud ilpful additioun ti linuday Scbool llbrary le oune o! th nov things on foot. Quite a ehîlO bu Sbeen already rasecd for IL. "RIouseeleauiing Tinue' îli Ae tI theme o!f1fr. Cola's sermon iiei Sui day eveing. Al vbo desiro sîigge tions coucernlug tAisnbject cordiall invited. Aî-.Luyaitn Clark. i OU RN EE.0 ara. M. B. Bayle aBs a Chicago visiter ilut Baturdsy.1 Misn Blanche Oittenden ls oue O! the latest victime Of th*, mOeies Arthur Gulldge made hil&nattai home visAi over Sunday tbia week. 1 IL. J. Thoruhasa rented tAie Patterson faim sud moved thie tirst of thie aeek.1 Thie 1:30 traiu struck a borse Satur- day belonging to Mfr. WlekiluskiÉ breakiug Its leg. Mr&. Alleu Dixon, o1 ItUsieli, vislted ber son bere Suudsy Who lias beeu ou the sick llst several <aye. Thie funeral or lMra. C. H. Welcb as, lsrgely atteuded TAiursday of laut aeek by friends aud relatives. Thie remalua were bunled lu wsnkegan cemetery. About ivolve lîundred dollars bsve beeu subscrtbed for the nov hall. I leas much neehisd iniprovemont bore aud thie promoters o! thie sBeemue deserve encouragement sud amistaui3e. Thie location bau uot been declded ou at this date. The funerai of Il. M. CliaPlu aas iield Saturday fromu lils Iste home sud sttended by a large number o! !ieuds. Mr. Chaplu hall beeu a patient sufferer msuy years !romn a umber of causes sud tiually succumbcd ta tAie fatal disesse cousumptiou. STAFFORD DISRIiCT. Mfr. Worthbubas bred Mfr. Pauîl for thie comiug Joar. Pearl Fsulkuer blas returucd to scliool once more. ltr. P. W. Stewart was Ili(lcago Baturday ou businéss. AI. Fanlkuer bsuled a load of tile from Wadsworth Mouday. eWAile drawlug corn 10 Uurnee luit Frlday oue of 1Mr. Wlekinski's borses vas strnck by tAie cars. "ýFoot and a bail" le the game et scboo) now. Soule o! our boys are 0gettiug to be great jumpors. Messrs. Bruce and Swauson bave returned from the uortli vIbre Mfr. yBruce purchaseil forty acres o! land Mise May Peterson returned froin Chicago Suuday ulghtbt ere <Ae basi beeu staying altAi ber brother Who bas - tan sck the past aeek. r he es Ily GILMER. Md. Morse vas a Waueotiuda sisitur Satîîrday. master Heury 'l'biesbas the uboop- .ug congh. Frank UllrIe' children bave tAie ehoopiug congb. Pbllip liorne -vas a Libertyvîill vleitor Weduesday. Gîsyton Loomie, o! Mrileuny Couuty vlsîtesi frieude here lust yod. Win. Blum and AHenry Schwerman, Br., ebipped a canbl o! lifoge lioudsy ulght. For front bItes, bone, Indolent sores aczema, aiu diseasansd ospeciaIly Piles. DeWitt'5 Wlteh Hazel Slve etauds liraI aud beat. Look out for diebouesi people Who try te Ilrite snd conuterfett I. It'b thoir ondorse- muent of e good article. Worthless Ç ocdà are not Imîtted. Onti DeWtt«s 110h Rassi Salve. F. B. LOS'ELL, Lîbentlvlle, J. R. EsÂcR, Oure, Lois@ H. LIT@RFIEE.D, Rockefelier. IVANHOE. The dance field haro lait veai vas poonly attendesi. A large number sttendied tAie enter. taaenet gîven by the M ystic Worhers test Thuraday ulght. Mondsy eveulug a numbor o! pon peuple gatberesi et Mr. M. Wirtzei sud eènjoyesi themmelvea playîug cluque. Mfr. and lire. E. M. Avenul froni Michigan bave been vlaltiug lu lAus place for a short time. Mfr. Averill au givonunp teacbiug sud bas couuected himeeif vîthai sbusiuess lirm in Michilgan. The ie lglng achool ahich lin. Spafford Aie been couducting viii hold ita concert lu tAie church Friday eveuiug April 2l, l899. TAie proceeds aie fur the beuefit of thie IvanAice achool. Admissiou 25 conte, children 15 couts..lTlie prugram aIi conaiet of choruses by the dauis and sevenal aumbona fuirulmhed by ontaitle talent. AIl are coreislly lus'ltod tu attend. i'AiîO0F TUANIS. I alsb1 to thani tAie Mystle Woriers and other friands for their kinduesi shovu Ibmough thair attondance ai sud asaistauce lu tAie unttinueui given lait aeek for my benelit. 8àitau Joi'es. Happy le Ibe man or voman Who csl éit s goosi b.arty meal vîthout suftem lng aftervarde. if yon conuot do 1: tafole Lodol Dyspepse C urs. Il dlasl àbat you eetande ures aIllformao Dyppa Msd Indigestion. y. B Love" ' Libearil, J. a. BaACBUu (tutu., Louis I.LîvcLITa»IM, 1Il9ciî louer. WARREN. school meeting nazI Sstiirday even- iug, April làtAi. Meeting of Grange Hall tockholders April i5 et 2 p, m. J. L. Saayer as entertaiiig Ail eleten f rom tAie e98t tAis veai. M ie Cors Ausin, of (Irsyslake, le Visitiug inonde lu tis locallty. lir%. Chai, B. Wilbur eutertainesl thie w. C(' '1't. Ist Thursday alter- nooni îîîeucedtibeir sehoul labora lu Wsîiko- gan lest liouday. Mfr. sud lira. J. Stafford, of Wsîîie- gan, sere guestà of J J. Feeern sd famlly test Sîîndsy. lire Dr. 'ioîîg, <lîruee's popular mutile teachier. bas >uito s a sa lu mutile lu tAis loclity. We nuderstand that Mfr. [sud lire. Day aho have beeu vîsitiug relatives bore tAie patululer bave rettirued ta theîr homie lu tie eat. A. IN. Bckeoui, o! Milwaukee, vlsited relatives Are liset 'eoi. Hie nephea chas. 1). WVill,îr accompaiîied bimu bomee ud lmadea shoiurt visît 'lun Miwaukee. Last veek occurred tAie deatb o! H. M. Chaplu btter kuowu as liajor, one o! Warren e ulo4t Aighly respectesi Citizalue. Major ban beau s great enîferer fron, clronle rhuîmatism for years but receutly contractesi a severe cold allciehresulted se lefore tsted. Major vasi a patient suifera? sud slmost s hero as Ae bad 10 vage aimoat onsitant vanefare agaluet thie diseuse tAie muet o! ils lîfe. ies funerai vas hield at tAie resîdeuce o! is elter, lirs. Johnson vAieneAie made Ails homo. Last8atbaba large coucourse o! frieiîde sud relatives gathered tu, psy their triAnte cf respect ta thie lovesi fnleod and nelgbbor. Miay our lotis bo is gain. Mfr. Harris o! Milîburu olliiated at tAie fuunoral. Music by tAie Guruee chir. M Resolutlons or Respect Adopted by the Warren Cemetery Ascoclatioii. 3 Agin han tAie Warren Cemetery Asocation been callesi upon tu paui allAi au aged anddearly iovad imamber, lirs. îRoda J. lionne, iberefore be It Remoied, That lu tle death o! Mrs. HousesOurasocation loses s mont blghly respectai member, one ahos a wlîhuf bands vere ever resdy to do sA&l abe could tb aid us lu our aonk, 0 er !smlly a cheriabesi sud loved mother abose loing couusel aill evem liho remembered. àResohe.ed, That our associatlon sym. patAiliesaltthAe bersaveil famly aund vili ever holsi ber memory dean. Resoived, That a eopy o! thes» tl reeolutlous Ae sent to the !amlly,a ycopy ho piacesi upon Our minutes sud s copy be sent te tAie county papers for publicatIon. Miss. ALMSA E. ROsF, MEc. ELiA> E. BWAtES, fMEsS. ELLES S. PATTK5IION coin. No Rght bo Uglînessi. TAie vomas abu la lovelp latface, orui sud tamper aili always bae friands, but oua aho vonid be attrac- tira muet keep ber healih. If ah. la aeak, sickly sud &sllruu dovu, sbc vl Aie nonvoum sud irritable. il taebsu5 counstipation on iIdney troubla, ber Impure boosi causas pimples, blotches, skun eruptions sud a aretchisi cois- plexion. Elechrie Btters la the beit medcino lu thie aorte to regulate stoissel iver sud kdueys sud te purlfy île blood. Ih gives strong nerves, bnIghi epes, emooth, shlu, nich complexion. Il yul ma"o a good-looking, charmIig vWonsno! a run-dovu invslid. Oly 60 cent& et F. B. Lovia, Llbertyvilîs, 0'. B. Tuoaiffo, raebke. 1- ROLLINS. Willile Dnury vas lu Auitoch Tues- day. Mrs. Stroimk iaitsd ood savers Thursday. Miass o. Stroini vas iu (irayelake 8sturday. Clyde Sehieltuz, o! Miomavilie vs,Ilii titils viciulty Friday. Walter Atvoll sud sou vare lu Chicago Wodnesday. Mary Hook sud Daisy 'Taylor acre in Orsyalike Satnrday. Sidney Csrfleld and alfe traussctcdl busIness lu Waukegsu M oudaY. Mris. Stroini sud soun'r,'d vare vistrs st IMrs. Kapple>s ou SnndaY. LIlIIIn Ausley, o! Diamioud Lâime, wbo bas been vietlug Lors Cremuiii, returned 10 lier home Tuesday. LAKE VILLA. Misa Lydia Lîtailer, seient tAie iroit o! tAie aee k aitb relstives liere. Cbasi. MarksAas beeu givlug lii nùw house its Irai coat of paint tAle aeeký Those ou the Kick ligt Lnov are lire N. Webser, lire. W.. Kiugsîîy andIlire. Cook *County Depuîiet., Tis DSPAIBTMEiI? WILL Bu VD vo OTowys IN SOUTHUsU LAKU COODTY ANiO NoRTiUEJiN C000Koummy John Vaaey hai beau on the sick Mim Avis Oook, of Waneonda, speut Banday lu Volo. Ueo. Shaid and !sinily are entertain- Iug relatives front Chicago. Ms. John ltoniug bas beeun ick the past week witb rheumetism. John Dows aud vifte visited relstives lu Chicago a few days receutly. August Hintz snd aife of Uirays- lake, calied ou frlend bore tant aeek. The body.guazd ia cailed ont un duiy tast Flaturdsy uigbt aîihAils lauteru. J. W. Torrance will commenceebool lu tbe Mulleu district the l7th o! thie thîs moulAi. Mfr. sud Mr&. Ruiptel, o!f(lriswold Lake, visited (jeu. Hason sud !suily lait Monday. J. W. Torrauce trqusacted business lu Waukegan lus aturday sud lion. day of thîsa eek. Members of thie 'eto cometery associatiou are retuistesl tu meet lu thie M. E. church' thîs veekl Hsturdsy at 3 .p m. aise a&l aho are interested lu the cemetery are iuvited ta, be preseut. 6. Case, o! Waukegau, as bore lant Baturday aud purcbased s lot In thie Vetlo ceuietery. On Wedueeday tbey brought tAie remalus of their lnfaîît chlld alia died a few veeksa go, abere il aslaid lu rosi. A meeting lu the M. E. chîjycb on Saturday o! this week at 1.30> p. in. The trustees o! thie cburcb aie asked te meet aitb the B. Bl. society. Ais', the members sud finonde ablo are Iuterested tintthe repalrlng 0f thie clnreli, pleal ecoreneud hiltu thie Igood causae. lest Thiuunsday eveuiug, sud ciuite B crowd attcu.lcd. lire. L. ILWiiiuot vas stricken witA liaralygs sof tAceluraiu lest Frlday m>'ruing. iSh, (lied blouday o! tb±a Mfr. Tiioru ii fsilly Lalk o! moving lu tAie cit.ý lu the Oea? futuire ah hie vonk c,,uîluclels i» uii oliv, -iii thecicty. We atre sorry t ' be thouin Mr .Illusggecs etai run away fr.m Sii(rî,4rvilit' unid rai> thiruugb Deelild miuve5r t,, tue ris,vewoe. .'iisllY sas csuglut huy W mu. Merriwu u ud tiiouight ihomeu. PALATIN E. lZay Foxmielet Stiniay oltAi friands lirelicî,iî cuýltcrtain,'>iber nîlce IL. Cragg. r e ,pp, u j cl Mrn. and Mtre Frank .i.,ues lavel hirfi out bvon fr Ube moleu tAi comiug seaeoii. There was no 8ccloolbanc esut lion- dey on account of tlhe Ilines o! thue toucher, 1fr. Sabiu.E lira. Jus. Pester sud cîîidreu isl>e-rit onue day huit veei vith ber imut, M n. R. Thayer at Sand Lake. Mir. Henry Stoufar, alîo bas lie>, foneman o! Swifts ire bouse bere vent 10 Chicago thie lirat o1 tAie ueitu accept s posItion thene. lira. Minule Stilcles, of Sand Laie, speut 'ruesidsy altAiber coniu Mre,. . iR. Little sud atteuded fi. N. A. Lu»igu o! vilcAh i sle ima memben. Harry Potter toui pombessiomu of Hotel Lowry tliis veei su heu Mn, Lowry sud vile renîoved tu thue East- aide ai Foi Laie. Tbey gave alu (>l>,'u lug bail ou Weduasdlay nîglut lu i i sereraI ofo! ur Yo>ug people perticipsicil. Married, ai tAihe luuu-o!thue 'ride*m pareute îu Chicago, on Wediiedluy, Aprîl 12, Fred T, Hsmliu of tAis place suid Hattle E. Galliio! Chicago~. ButAi arc adI ikiovu yoîuug peuple Are and bave tAie beat viebes of a lost o? fricuni. Several relatives fromu here uttendeduu the veddîug. GAGES LAKE. scAinol eloction viIlui. liuaturday8 ulgbt. Mande Jeffere speut lust Satirluy lu Chicago. George (illîmore le vary sick t vt île pueumonis. Mir@. ias Wrighut spont ast veai aihI frieude lu Chicago. Mn. Mac Lachîsuà, o! Chicago, spentC lent aeai st is fermibore. Pster Jorgenson, o! Waukegaîî, seut1 hgat wvea i atAiIrleuis bore. George RIay sud family bave moved1 inte 1fr. MeOregors bouse. Mise Lotie Chard, of Cbleagu, meunt Suuday yuino rinda bora. Mr. snd lira. Albreclut sera giveul a suprise pariy Thursday aveîîiug. Uru Rooi and alfa, o! Fox Laie, speut Bunday aith Frankt Clsrk. Edus Chenil, o! Autin, epent a fea dsys vitA frienils bore ast eeai. Mies Viola Edie $pont s few <laYs yulb friande lu tAie city last seei. Tbere vas no pneacing services ai tbecbiurch Suday oing to the IlluieNs o! the paster. Thie last leture o! tAie sertes lu, ho given by thie Epworth Longuie vili Aie given by Dr. rbomsa Friday eveuing Apnîl tIlt, ubjeci "-Thebunuy Sida of a Coaboys Lies.' Admiasion 1itct. if pou bave a congb, tînoat irritation, vweak lange, pain lui enet, diflicuIt breathiug crup or hoarsenesa, loi ne sfges (neMiute Congb (Cure. Uasrelieble Sud safo. P. B. LOVELL, Libertyrhie, J. IL BSACIER, (turnes, Louis B. LrrcuwluIs, EoclkBf0lr. i rani Ds,,icîehenumut (u a huiutiig espeditu'u 1- Cary Sl.tirulsy. tir, sud lire. d. Ruuules untertaiti- ed frisoda throu> ('hirugo SIIn l[Y. tir. Frank Wi-ulan froîn Laie Forent aeuit Suulday vitAi friands bure. lis',Sarah '] Imis 1kft l'alstîue 10 apeud tAie spriri .and seumuner luI Chicago. Misss8Martbu b;iaue uand ('amrie Hanianu u'auiu'd on t? li,endii l'ai stine Sui iay. tisti LulaIîuiis,riruaou Cam, and utteuiuI ltAie 1,Aaltolu panty Friulay eveni g. WAU CON DA. atteuded tAie Orgsu SocIal at the M. E M. C. Sil lu e1,,ou tihe- dck liet. Nellie lia> ly îe dangcrously iii. 1'. L <arr %vas a ticHieiry vistoeltuamt iîuînry <,rsntiiulu visited Chicago> toI' dayý F. il' uft. u>!<Cry eva.',ou Our utrects M.'luy. Geo. 1a1,it vus lu%% auukuglun viei>>? hasit ocuk. N. (uii.y, ofllleu1ury,vi..ited frienda Acre Suiuîly. M r. M i 1<>A. PIn ru-tîuued te St. Pl IM<îuîiy. Mr. BîurlIir. îîi I vîuulhe,sM asm<un Our etreetn Friday. ir.liHenry, of Chicago, wusbere the' tlrst of the veck. GI. W'. Pratt aiul G. Fitelà acre lu tAie great rity tloudsy. .1. B. 'lurubull rettrued froin Wsnie- gsi> Fridsy cveuilng. To'u meuiber> o! tAie Sl<îcinu Laie club Snndayed thora. lire. (,rives.o! Laie Zurnich, vas visitiug lbvre tlat voci. Mr. snd lire. Wm. Brooks acre Me- Henry visitons last acci. GI. W. Prattsud A. I. Johnuson acre licleury vluituurs 'uesday. Oscar WVhitcombt, <if Chuicago, 1le senedlug a 1ev days bere. L. C. Prîce vas elcied smol trustes for thie towu o! Wancoîîda. Herbent Werdeu, of Chicago,. eatl sevena ab Iys haro hast veai. 1fr. J. Freuind bhas eommonced buli- Ing hie <0v bouse ou Mli . M r. and tIre. L. C. Prîce sud daugh- ton Alta acre aI Nunda M oudsy. Mime Myrtie Dizon. o! Evunston, le vi8itiuîg ber parants ut prasout wrlling. J. A.N ortan sd dsuugbâter, o! Bar- rnugtonuî.visiteul relatives lucre hast acai. J. Golding andl M. W. Hughe.s acre lu Chuicagou on uitsiness Waduesday rof lt aae. Leoui Oais, o! Chicago, Auîriai Ais baby lu the Walicondiî cemotery Friday o! hast veei. Qulte a number o!flthe Volo friands Fred Knocoeiuss la able 10 Aie out agaiu. Mina Ida ilcbiddle la reported very sick. Mies Lulu vwu vlsiing lu Chicago recently. Election pased off quletly, ino ona got hurt. lire. Annas leat vicited frMende Chicago lately. Fred Melerliofi maile a business trip ta Chicago lait veex. Rer. Ueo. A. Walter, ofr<iueso, MI., e isiig Mnedsasd reîstîveu thero tbis aeek. h. Bechier expents to puniup s uea baru this spriug liaving hAiîled tbe lumber the puit aeeek. A. Lang our Shiermervîlle sport vas lu Chicago reoently vlsitlng alth bis folk»ansd tAie little gi. We acre aIl happyaalu Màouday moruing waben we beard the wbistie o! tAie Alsip Brick yard. 140w long tbay wili von rk aard telliug. We have iately been wondening vby Heury Melerbol! awu seau drivlug tbrougb Bach Town freqîieutly,bnt vo were couvlucedl that Aie stops ta see bis btter hall srounîd the corner; belî,r late than nover. LONG GROVE. Gi. Meier le having thie masons isi week. The bicycle seasoîi la openiug early bhis yeer. L. Bolleubh'bmuIda top buggy 'bî Mr. Wickensheim. Mir. Reunaci from Plalatine visited Mr. Queutin Bunday. Mfr. sud Mrs. 0. Melen made a vieit W P'alstine Sn»day eveulng. ThAe Maenuerchor expeets te attend sud participate iii s conerta ailain-, Wbeu litie chlîdren returu troua Suuday eveulng services tlieY bhund not quarraI. 11ev. Stmeria's conforelice year came to s close Suuday. Re vent ta cou- loreuce Auesday. Lait Sunday lire lichar enterined lire. J. Wolf tAie Misses Noiue sud Daiay Wolf aud W. Wolf. 'ibe Mfissea Olive sud Emmas Iitren- thaler speut Saturulay afteruoou vitb tiieir neuiS. Kaudier. Mfr. F. Ititzouthaier Who bai lunt gradusled fromilite Chbgc Collage Of Dental Surgery, vlslted ai J. 1'. ititueitaler»n Suuday. N imitors Bt tAie Evsugallcsî churcbà Suuuday vare Mfr. sud Mrs. hiedîluger sud the Misses A. sud J. Itledlimger, Mr. C. Meler sud faieily sud Uns.J. Wolf sud !smîiy. 'TAe Y. 1V Alliauce ea isIaMOntblY tinsi micas meeting beeldos trasscting '.thî-r lninces doclded teO have the devotional meetings ou svery ibird Suudsy eveuing led lu Engliati. 'l'bis is s stop lu the rigbt direction. 'G(ive nme s lîver ragulator sud i cau reguiste the aonld.' sald a goulus. [lho druggst bAisdeil hm a botte of DoWltt's Little Early Risers, tAiefainons littlo pille. F. B. LOvELu, Liberty- ville; J. R. litAas, Oure, Louis B. For Rient or Sale. ,j-,acreso! choeice land j mile from Aptaii station inoan am the lehilf&srm. For partîculara cunsuit C. ltKIDLIN(iKE, ExOCtiur. 24t! -iureb Fridsy. C. Rowsun sud famuiy moved from tbh- Laddboune mb part ru! the uo (Jais bouse Fnlday. 1fr.sud li. W. S. liclaluare viq- lting thie litier' t Dis- îuuuud Laie Ibis ei. lire. Bauge and dsugbter lMre.BR C. Kent, o! Chicago, arc vlsitiug rehatives and fionde ut proeut wrltlug. M. W. Hughes hansaifuilllineof up-1b. date furnture sud carpets. Itou bedi a sî,)eclslty. Cuit and get prices. A number o! lishermen front Ibis place sud vlciuity took cîuhd ater bath@ awlite lbiug near Shocuima Lakte n- ceîîtly. Th>e Wsucouds Studio ahIl be open every Tiiesday, Wedue<Aay sud Fridmy o! eacb veci. First chians von guar. auteesi. Carl Ericicon, o! Chicago, bas re- turuod to Waucouda vbere Ais aspects ho latea aposition allA Otto waeltiibis summer. Mies Lulu Oa, o! Chicago, alo bas keeu spoîdîug i few a s a tAi ber grnndparonts, 1Mr. asdlira. Il. Ford, returued hAome Mondsy. The social at SlocumnLaie school. bouse Saturday night as a great suc- ceus. Msny fromu Wsuconda atteuded sud reportas good lime; a goosi pro- gram sud an abundance of cake sud pap coin. The "Ivwo preity girls lu the corner"' esil tlîep "noverAiad no much to eit free beforo."- Hie Lit. Wqp Ssved. Mn. J. E. LiIiy, a prominant citizen o! Haunibal, Mo., lately bad a*vonder. fui daliverauce from s !nlgAtful deih. luntoWngofIt hasmaya: -"lyws a keu wîtAi typholsi lever that rau lnio pneumonIe. My lanige became hard- oued. 1 vas se veait i couldn't aveu eht up lunlied. Notbug belped mue. f bexpoctod 10 800f dia of couasupiion, wlbon 1 board o! Dr. l(ug's New Dis- coverp. One boitie gave great relief. 1 coutînuail 10 une il, and nov ais wett suad strong, 1 caut saY leumuch inlie praise.' TbAp niarvallous medicuinl theisaurent andi quiokest cime in the m orld fuir a]Il Throan d Lanmg Trouble. Regular aise 60 cenaisandi 1.00. Trial' boUe Ure ai F. B. Louahi, Libeuty. ville, G. B. Twoigrson, (trqsis. mEvery hottin guaiaaloed. p NORTH NOR-FHFIELD. Mfr. J. Wentbrook is tAie hapfuiest bird lu towu. Mfr. C. Keobelin llxed tAie culvert sontAi of 0J. M'a corner. Mfr. lHerman Bubert vcnt to the clty to a borde recently. It le runiored omîr sport ls te ho msrried Aprîl 31. Boys get your cuw belle sud tini caus lu order. A îîarty was held ut tAie hoîme of Robert sud Edua Weber latFrldsy uigbit whlch proved a great succens. Everyoue vent home aitI a llgAt heurt sudsatfull stonscb owing te cake. baisususeasd leumomade. The youug people oujoyed tAie games more ilian n',ual baviug the bouse l.a thentseive. lau't that no lioscoe? Roi) aud Calle sise, Ioouino baci s"ut, did tbey boys? Wbststlie mattcr wtliyou W. W.,iiome ounes co kirk yo' W leli thera eve more partie. *Ihlome pre»ent vere: W. W,',,slin,u . .Weelo C. W"~Is.A. W- -I111«. L. Sîn l P'. 'si, M. 'l.uog". .M."r,. C. Mýut.,. G,. Bu lwert, W. 'ri.'>. A. Bu-,. L~uî~u~ DEERFIeLU. Mise Auni ulaity Ile visltiug lu the City. L)ck Aduiis bhea Positiou îu thie City,."lo lhuards ut home. Dlur batel iropor and bis alfe-srpeUt liondsy lu Chicago. Mfr. sud lire. Str»yur sud l.Aiir childreu returncýd to their home Sun. day. tir. lulun baid a stroku'(i paralysis lset week ud dict.tlu.udaY (if this wcci. 1 -.- 1 ---- y- & --ý

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