Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Apr 1899, p. 2

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BLAIN FOR WITCRES. SQUATrTERS3 CRUELLY MASSA- CREO IN INDIAN TERRITORY. ~ectswliedil.. N . i. lae, o Iseitlns the lanchter-Elght of the Tréie Arreîd -Ch icago Bridges Par- f timillv Destroyed by Fl re. "uomon Iuea cc- medicine .i.anud etght other Choctaw Indianas Neye srrested by United IStates deputy marshals and brought te the Federal jai at Autiers, 1. T, under accusation of mur- derus t hre whiteq aud woundiug sa-n uther near CoId Springs. There ha. been a grent derii uf sîckiess among the Choc- tsws Ibis winter. wihch IHotenia.their chit medit-ino tuan, fiiled te cure. He tried ail of h. incantations and applied alila bis remedies ini vain. The gick wcre dy-r Isg aI an alsrmng rate ad ithore os n «renl dissatisfaction iu the tribe ov,'r Hi- temas inpttwuy in effetning cures. Fli. ý ua1lIy a movenct svs strleil to depuse n Botema sud, it i aid. Iou bih hiru. 1loP- SUg te put au eud lu Ibtis mosement and te rstore hingelîte1 favor, Ilotoina de- 0 dard that his iuahility lu cure wag due Io the influencé uf a party of white squat- ters siLo livin the 11w eighborhnod ami Irhu. Le declured. ocre sijîches. Lesd that tbes-m icre try ug to exterminat L Indiana in rdcr that theý' might iossesl the Chuctaw lands. The ludiaus becane; aM mueb serked nu) over Holemai I.ry that a party of thcnt descended upon t he camp ofthîe squattersand kiflc three ofPi them. including one womau. .James Elli- c aou, one ot the men, oscaped with as ligLI 0 wouand aud brought the neos te Autiers. P OIL ABLAZE CAUSES L089. h Ciens« allroad and Stteelj Bridges f va.agd ta the Eittuut r oac>g dgaged lu tLe eXtent ot $5000 by a lire the ailier ulght which Lad ils utIgin trout au explosion of gas or crude oU nu tLe docks near tLe !orthwestern elevator on lb. west idle uf the river. The diamea aprend rapdý;-, sud owing lu tLe tact that n blssng il liosred ftm arrels lu two I *beds hich tLe lOre attecked tLe surface d cithIe river was aise ablaze for seversi bsndred fel slong tLe dock. At one lime e fi vas eared the lOre svold becummuai-T naffluo Le eaal @ide outhîe river, but . ne. qunutlty ut off wss insuflcieut, aud ri Wm iii tlfeen minutes tLe conflagration m the river renard. TLe western portion « thei railroad bridge asi badiy damaged. Mdaiti la possible that tLe Kinsie street II duan sd the western spproacL gi L ave p le b. entireiy rebut. ZNII4s EXIODATII To NEXICO r Uis.atisiadWalli s dleiu. onslDens, l vatioma in th. ?ervittry. s VITe thouilaaad Indians, disssîisied wit o Oilloaaaexialing ln the reservations l tb ladian territory. Lave lefttlu a had lai Mexico te eaabiiab a union reaerV. 111 on1 «a large tract ut land near Gada SajaRa. They lngis: teîLe Cherokee1 <àtmk aid Delaware tilLes. The end- Wuaxae sald lu have a capital ot $42,-. M 5adexpert further addition% ta theird eSissy tter they Lave orgazized their set-il ]Race ferthebenanu. Tbe ltanding ufthîe clubs iu tLe Na. th"saILeilgue rare linas fnlos- W.IL. WL, Eskimo,. 3 OCinclaaut.... 2 21 U»L Lois.... 2 0 Louisvile. ... 1 2 IYAIL90g... 1Boeton .... 1 2 Pliladalphia. 3 i Washigton. . i 3 141:ilburg .... 2 1 Clevelnd.... 0 2 Brooklyn... 2 ][New York. ... O a E3eth Are Broken. Dr. James <. Field. retireti army sur- pwim uho solunleeresl to restiume isdu- Ills vhen the Spaniab gar broke out, sud served through the gar lu Cuba. broke balth a-ms blb the ribow by a fali gbile lâtegcimlns lu s gymnaslum ln Denver. Tbrae Vîshermen Drownedl. Ibree iaberme-Jscob Oak sud Gro.1 a William Van Wsrk-who lett De-( seruato, Ont., lu a sauI boat for ILeirt boume near Roglus Ferry, Lave brenm irOwud. Their skiff bas heem touud dontaIf 119g battomnt pward. Crisse Camad by jesiousy. la a it ut Jealoîsy at Cleveland, Wil-1 MIatinBeatty, sged Z2, îLot sud kilîcîl John Maiden, aged 32, sud sent a ballet tbsumgL tLe torebead out Msbel Day, over VinamtîLe men ad quarreled. The wumau vIl!recover. Uleven ishermen Drowned. The ising seouner Eliza ut Beveriy, Mass.. whicb sailed frot Hyais for Uablg grounds, *truck uniRose and * Cruwn sboals dîriug tLe night sud leven et th.e rra- or fourtecu mnuwore lest. Indien* I)yiuag out Caapoz. The Sac sud lFoi Indiana lu Oklahoma ame being csrricd off bY sii»Rpoz. There afe 3W0 full-t,-looils iu tIi,> trie, aud siace Fcb. 1IS13ofut titi-nibave died of the dis- «ase. Trap Dewe'.lMe. Fitfeen %aillonrutorte reof thîe York- tovu, wLlch Lsd toue lu Haler, in te Isle ut Luton. Pl. I.. were nni,ui.hedl by Fiji. pi*08 and catturî-d. Their fate ilu-. Avanired s iter'. Wrong. lismuri Abbot, a sldier lu tLe Fîret AJIey. sumutsrilY avengod a 5iter's wrong by killtug Thomnas Craig at WVses IAaing. Ky. AttLuit gave btutself up. Il in reliably learned LsIat de al Las beftcsead in New York wbreby th. à6ind TerminailtailwaY Compsny sud tiW Florence and Crippe Creek ltailway umiFlorence resiaction works aiPlor- - l4IMA X vi tvioLI Bide a yTisun Trach. A fri-igLI train un tLe Bîrlinglon Rail- rosd a-as wrecked ai Old Monroe, Mo. 1 Engiurer Sled X6mped sandescaped un-c hart, LuI Firemuu Oreil was caught lie. nett the engine. The train was hrsvily i losded siîth stock. ail ut ghicb gis bilîrd. i ettllinir s los@of rîauy Ibousaudu ut dol- i lars. The oreck. Il is declares!. aas-calt- i ePd by fluverumeut laborers wobiecamei lneused hecautse thcy sere refuses! a trie ride durithî îe îrrviousaternoun. Af number ut tics ivore laid acroîssthe îrack i ans! uther obtacles thrussn lu the svay.1 The opininis Ibm? tey luteudesfbutirde-t rail #hi St. L.ouis sud Hanuibal fest mail train, sshieb mas aboutt dire. A number ot île ivurkbien a-r srestes!. MO-NEYTF0OR THE BIG FAIR. Fl-e- Millton- Dollar Find! for ct L.nlat1 Likely 1inlBe Cibscrbed.i Tho elal scripbioa fuil ut $r1.OO0.-i 000l fur the f,uuisisua pîtrcbase ceubtn- t niai,.b o hi-tlrat esi ly a oorîdu fair e s? St. Louis in 19103, is froua ail utîpear- i notes a t-rt ainrt y. Of t lis imoitt 'I. NK).l900 bbaslt--,n ulscribod or gîtaraît t leld IY nienbers ufthle cunttie ot 2400 1 sudt a $mail relîreîotttaion ofutbîe ari t ous ltlueu interests outhte clty.'rThe miîb coulrittrîcaruthbIe cotiittte of '-00() continue ru cauvas tti-esvarionis business inter-ritsanad truies ut tbe ity witlg vigur à and! qurceosg and une ufthe leîdiug papors bau opes! sa pputlmr aubicription lis?, lu- i viting the obole poputlation te tolke shîres e ot stock,. GI)LD IN THE TOWN @ITE. ]Prospeta~ .ocaeeCIlams Wllhin Limaits uf Green.eod, B. C. Titere s groît cacitmns et aGtrren- sous!, B. C., uver the discovrry ut goid in s ptortion of the tuwn suC-. cairses! by the ulening ut the rira-chanuel for Bottndmry croek. Clalurs Lave Leen icites! for sev- r-raI miles up ans! doivu tLe cre-ek. aud osiners ut the lugu site are lLrenteniug proceediugs aI kaw agsiusî the localers. vhs Say they ouIl work the ground if tLey have lu do su glîL îLe aid of abotgnns. Work lla bing doue w-lOt pans nad rockers ail over tLe creek. Back lu tLe sevra- lien cubsiderahle placer gold ws taken "ym laMs f'r a - - TAXES VIoRDICT OF NOT GUILTT. Xvîdesuce Foud Ineufliclent t e Lake City Lvnching Case. In tLe Lake City lyncbing case aI Charleston, B. C.. the Guverumeut con-1 tents-s! o s verdict ut nul gulity against1 Lhe Ilree mon nter Indicimeni, îhe evi-1 durne Leing instîfficienl. The Ibre are1 Clark, Kelly sud E. Ituigers. ail noelbera of tLe Second South Carolina regimeut. Thbe disqualificatin utLe.. oie ut the lwu menu wLu lurneds! lte*s evidence. mante- rially arakeurd tLe prosecution. FiresCausa Heavi- Lou. lice uftbe Elkhora road. say tL. losot Property froua tLe prairie lires sias enor- mous. Henry Habercal. John Manch,4 Jonas Conrad, W. Be-rLesness. E. BiaLer- ry aud Opp Brothers luit ILeir ranch buildings, iieludiig Lig stocka 01 Ley aid mime Caille. The lire @preadInto HuIt sud Garieid connues. Rteports froua 0ga1211a, tLee ouny ts t orKeltL Coun- ty, 111y îLeentie nurtberu part oft t cOulty as swepî hy lires. The fismes. driven Ly a suif gi,-reached North ~llte. The raehet-ut the Hocouab Brother, Juonathan SmaitL aid the two MErst-ut &. munor tLe Leaviest stock ralsera lusvestern Nebrasksa, Lave bee-n destroyes!. At Loup City George W. Min- ier, su nid revldeul of Washington logu- hlIp, vas bhomes! ludesih. Rouidesofu squatrermiles ut grondatlaid Las Leen bornes! unir Ly prairie lire southî. CasI sud west uf Cheyenne Wel*. Colo. Thon., sanda ut Csîtie Lave Lecu driven ta olLer ranges. B8h11 fartber weai. ou Wild ne, acollier lire alarted. Fini tb. Crater Dotl..nle.. Passeiera un tLe steamer City ut Rio de Janiro. froua Honolnlu, atala 18.1 r.- cenly tLe Loltona or the great vulcanu tell ont, tolcyci by ogre-at louonda ust lsud @toukle. Soute alaru as feul y tLe guete u1the Vuleano flouse. Lut nome of the gue-tuhecule rasure! ans! startai to fiuvestlgale the phenomenon. A bote 150 tee Inludiameler showed tLe calent ofthe cave-lu. Ail nîleropts to locale the Lot- touaofuthe Crater uwcre nuavslllg. Deah Robbe ut 111,»5., The privai. batik of Bai & Soi ut Co- loasa. Mich.. was robbed tLe ailler nigLI ut $1.285. Whei Mr. Bai came dogu to tLe baiL lu tLe marchas Le founni tL.donr standing open sud tLe bauk vailt wreek- Pd by dynamite. Valuahie Papers were scallere! ail uver îLe main flur. The dlock Lsd stoppes! at miduigLI, which was probably tLe lime tLe rexplosinoceurre!. as the emuretare outhe dCk gas bruit- ru. Trains Bun mb a Fions!. Word hms rancLes!Cheyenne of a terri- lIe accident et Sheridmn, IVyo.. lunu-LicL six pensons tast tbele live. The uaeiîing soow caused Luth Big and Litlte Goose creeka lu ovenfluw iheir bsnk» sud Blos! the tugu. Ito tLe raglug torrent a Bur- lîngtou and Miissouri train Pnges! sud six pasargers worm îlrowneîl,Lefore heip could rencb thcm. Tweuty-tbree Crow ludions louttlhir lies in îLe fuos!. Grand Jury Refuses ta0 lici. The flot Springs, Ark.. grand jury Las rfuard lu ludicl Sheriff Bob William*. Lis bnoiher. Colle Wuilliamts, Ed Spear sud WVill Wstts, a-u geechanrd glîL mur. drng Chier ut Police Taler. Sengent T. P'. (iouler. Detective J. K. Hart aud L.ouisî Hîndie. ouithe grouns!liant ovideuce lieneir mved the kiiling lu bsve bren in self defruse. Thé arcuird Lire heem relensed froua their bonds, Uýnîted t4Mates Consol* abu etir. The Socreîsry ut Stsîe nt Wasbiugton Lis direird tLe reluru lu their ponsa la Spain out heCUnite!States consuls gLu igene obliges!tulu h-ve un secoîuti ufthîe a-ar. TwoofutIhese oBeers. Consul H. w. Boa-en aI Bareluna sud Richard MI. Ban tieman aIt!Malagas, are now lu New York. The tbird, 3. Hugeli Carroll, consul ai Cadix, la nuw ai Gibraltar. LionTaser Gebas a Diva. WilbelmiDa Gertrude BlsLop. bai becsi tua theiLoiier. Th«IF eay a tid. ftueld upon tLe Lody by wvbl h e volaneconfl Le fidentiliai wuas s ey lu euec et iLe puekets ut Le- r ltmarked *i. De-is Roiel. No. 317.', Boum 317 il the St. Deni svas oceupies! mtl a s e-w deys Lefore by '.esr. Lylea. lihe re-cenîli- seul dugu tthîe oMre fer tLe route clerk. uo wbom the sais! ber plie conlslning msure tIbm $200 LadbLeo siolen froua ber ou Sixth avenue. The room clerk ad- vased ber monoy enuî tl communies?. ,vithbLe- riulous lu Coltumbus. The clenke ai the Lutel sais! thai îLe description tii- -n iîy tLe police if the body litled lins. Lyles. A gearch ofuthIbm ront he occu- pied revseid uolhiug lu tLrow ligLI ou Lhe case. WIDE IIXPAN>103I IN TEADE. il. O. Don & Co. Par Itl Rat Neyer Been Fo loirked Befnra. fit. G. Dotn & Cos svrekly revleir ut soi s: "Th,-re is stili increase ln ail egitittate business andtihîe productiv-e t-of grnt inusis inersss ven thugh ausue u ofteitocks doduie. The bhan, nu-mtitîsin speculiîttua arek agu n ituo my titi-ci-s!heeproducing nmpacity of fiinaî-ei or msilleand Las beau in lpant re-ove-red, sebile tîge disturbauce u of us st- otîtîsos Ly tLe formuation otf re51 orîsinistious Las in largo meaure ceaies!. Th- guons-y marstinIsin saler sud mure s lolesonto condition,. eus!in spite ut tour tracy papuacots by large syndicales, amnulntingtsgîuabotl$N4,000o,0i hLa grosen rasier. The only sîringeney Las teeu in calilouas. It la not owiug lu itweu-itiiln aioîîe ILuI payrnenta tbcougb ho chiot clenrng hou"@e bave bren 80 pen cent langer than lu îLe sam i-ne euto 12, uns! 103.3 per cent langer ILsu liai ,esr. Nesw York trnsactions far excerd huae ur sny îtrevioun wcek.$i4.b50- di9 in ansunl, bîtt oulside New York the -lenitgas ere 41.5 per cent larger thon in 1148, and 4-t.i per centlaliger Ibmn in 8142. The irutilais ibainu such «euî- nionitn the genenal business ufthe cuntry s ever bren open befure. Failures for Lhe wLek Lave bren 188 lu tLeCUnites! States, igainst 254 laet yesr. aid 22 lu Canada, againsi 18 luit yrar." DAM AGE DONE TO CROPS Reporte Show Unfavorabie Cou- <ilons NesI. jk ili b * p8flyT eutffites *wte giveh of Iho are& aeesi n teinter whist and uf the damage doue by tLe uuseasunsable ireatber during tLe ast tiru maths. lnuIndima considérable damage la reporle!. a-Le lu illhe-raI lli- nis tLe outiuok la veny unfavurabie. Iu IowastLe losa tairly large, ans! in Ne- braska the outlook la decis!esly iscourat- lag. Iu Wisconsin tLe damage vas rather se-rions. A somuaary ut reports, lu con- Jonction itlîLthe iate Siate reporta, lmdi- r-atea ILai tLe condition ut the ginler wbest crop ufthe United States lanul iut excees! 75, c-hlch, even ou tLe licressesl icreage, c-onulnul produce ove-r 155,000,- 000 lu30.000,000 bnsLels, or 20,010,000 lest Ihon ]soiyear. fàawmstll oUer Expluies. TLrec men kiiled and fi-e injuein latîe tn-ai t oshuilter explosion in s saguaili loated about elaht miles pont ut Chippe- os Falis, Win. The miii vas a suall une osines! by George SîrmigLI. Power a-as taritishesi Ly a lwenty-ho-se power engine ans! Luiier. Without aoy warnlng tLe boilier expiodes!, entirely demolishlug îLe building sud Lurling cîgLI gonkuacu LigL in the air. The explosion was due te tbe c-ek condition ofthehboler, Living be-eu in use for a number ut yesr. Theatte men kiel eere residents uf Cadot, Wiî. Deraied ou s Bridge. White a Cleveland, Canton sud Suth- e-rn Itsilroad train gas croasini s aca- bridge over tLe Cuyahoga river, ne-ar Cleveland, tLepaene ans! lhree cars le-fi the rails ans! rau un tLe les. The engins ersbasiinto tLe suprtontthîe Lridge ans! wsthua saves! froa oppliug over hât tLe rlveý1 about lLlrty tee-i beab. One Lundsred paaaengers vere on huard. Buton Mseumss*curcmd, The Boou IfMusenum. tLe oudest play- Louse in Boston, c-as badiy damagai Ly lire. Thelisse alarlesi ou tLe Tremunt iree-taide sud ln ILougLI 1e Lai-e Leen causci Ly a carelesa amuker. The luis te tLe musénum la estimaîrd ai shut $0,000. Fatal Vire la Coloras!. At Victor, Colo., tLe Triar blocks vas de-stroye! Ly lire. A miner, sibuse namte in nut kuowo, gas sleeping ou ILe top fluor and ie-nahslu tLe gamea. The lus. in estimale! ai 810,000. 11.51h Camse etieIsOw- a isd. lIai. JuiRansîomime, une ufthe ment noIes! duelliat plantera and financiers iu tL. Sonîheru States, conîmittes! suicide ai Vineville. àsuburb ot Macon.,lGa.. by iak- las morphine. ____ Dewey,@ @bip, inNew York. Tise Unite! Statoeruiser Rleigh, wLie c-ms one ut the shipa ut Dea-ey's liée- i 51Maila,arrives! lu NoewYork Lar- Lur sud was geicutues! selLtgrent de-mon- strations. Csptain Math* iel W. Parkle Captaiu Nathaniei W. l'arker.'îLe- oh1d- et riverman sud pilot in îLe West, ia de-ad ai îLe raide-se of Lit daughier in St. Louis, ages! 91 yesrs. Pelecies! for Munîster t10 Ppain. Brllamy Sturer bas bren aclecîni for UnitedS!tBates minuater lu &pain. M.A.sL" fW JbO'ATILON&t Chbicago-Cale commun te prime, 83.00 lu 8$6.00; bogi. sblppiug grades, $3.00 lu 84.00; mbrep. taie tu choice, $3.00 lu $5.00; a-Le-at, No. 2 red, 73c lu 74c; crn. No. 2. 34e lu 36ce; nats. No. 2. 26e lin 27e; rye, No. 2. Wic 0te ; buller, choice ereamcny. 19tolu21c; e-ggu, frech, 12e lu 13c; potatocs, cLoice, 50e te 60C per iîîsbrl. Indianapoliu-CsItle. sbipping, 83.00 le f-5.50: bogt% cbaireligLi 82.75 te 84.00; aheep, commun te choir.,82.50 lu $4.75; seheal, No. 2 n-di. 7e 07 lc; con, No. 2 c-hite, 36ie to 37c; nais, No. 2 c-Lite, 31c lu 33C. St. Louis-Calîle. $3.50 tu $5.75; Logs, $3.00 lu 84.00; shee-p, 83.00 lu 15,00; c-Lest. No. 2, 77e tu 79c; corn, Ne. 2 Yell.w, 84e lu 3(k: oâIs, No. 2, 28c tcP30e; rye, No. 2. 55e lu 57c. Ciacinnsii-Catie, 82.50 tu S5.50: Logs, THOUSANDS WELCOME DEWEYS GALLANT UtHIP. Vanguamrd et War V~0IlsIla theBut- ils ut Mlinlia Bay, vllh lia Crew ut Warrlurs, la Donosed oni Rturaisa lu a Dusse Port. TLimIy Ihunsans! enlhueiastepeupla abus! aluna the caler front at North riv- er, aI Nec- York, sud aiidly areelesi tLe reinrni croiser lRa- leigh, tLe- United States baille-sLip ut Dea-ey'$ fiee-t wbich Las tLe distinction ut uf May 1 in Manila Larbor. The Le-ce (esLip sa ecompan. CAPT. COOIAN. ird by tLe Ico cap- tures! Spanisb prises, theBsandovel aud tLe Alvarado. Nec- York forgot chuireb nd eus!dolea rainstiuullu Lnor tLe vauguard ut Deirey'a fighting ahipa ans! mci. Salvue froua rass-throated o-hilee ut evry bolI- or that carried aleat ounc-aie-r or land,. ponderuas saintes trou aLune- auna antI fiels! batteries aiong the Hudson, mingîrd glîL choira froua Ihoossuda upon thon- sands of Amnenisui, sitendri tLe croiser frotta îLe tinas abe amigbes! anebor tili tLe rus! ut ber lnumpbml tbip lu ans!troua Crnn's touaL. Glinitbehr aaupalul sud brisiling cuL h br gurus, tLe ersiser gLIoL luisfes!the liraI ebelil utthe batie ut Ms- uilî bny ltfMay diy wssa ombardes! by painiolie c-elcoars. Plats flutueres!lu ILh- rain froua eveu-y fiagaîsfin luthe cil7 and thotisundac-altes! ilnerlesbocal h uan- brellas in ftlvensiulm park for a cLance iu ceer îLe iahît iRaleigh ans! Dewey@ berces. Overdon îc-euîy-four boucs, the seelcoue ancane îhe lesLearty-so Learty Ibat modest Cept. Coghiau eud is officers prolesled against honora lLey de- ciaredsi aould Le reserved for Admirai Dewey sud pruifrrr-d lu noue ulher. The i-esilsararived off Bondy Rouis from the east Saturday et uiduight. aud suchore i n tLe Larborn Aitiough the tain pourd lu torrents ail day Bunday, atreams of peuple cmuid bL esein urrying tulLhe riv-cf front lu wiluensstLe triomphal pnîny outheL amaîl but distinguishesi leet. AfIn passine (iranttmb the i-cisela proeeeded aioa-ly dowu the rver and drop- ped ancLor off Tbinty-seventhbstreet. TLeu tLe publie vis lenderesi a royal gelcome abuard the Raleigh. Begren 4.000 sud IJ4000 peuple avsiled themeeîves ufthîe op- poruily lu huard tLe sLip sud admire tLe big gong ghichLliad doue sncb effec- tii-e work lu far-off Mailla barbor. TLe warshlp vaontncosuortably crowded. LuI everybody receve-sI a cordisl geicome. The crew spparetliy tank greal prîde lu showing vlitorM over tLe sip and partie- siariy lu pitiug ont tLe 5-lueL gin gbieh fired the irsl abat in the batile outMlinl boy. Iu the fors-casîle outhîe eruiser Raleigh are mauy relies ufthîe baIlle ot Manila bsy. OO t îe-se la tLe ias! Wa aSpan- lob sailor. shot edean trum tLe budy. Be- tween tLe teeth la a amnali silieltu clncbrd lu tLe grlp ut deaîb. The Lead sud kuifet were founi liosting lu tLe svater, sud unet of tLe flaleigLa snailors dives! ove-r the aidea for il. TLe ghastiy remuant uf the battuec was hermrtically seaird lu a bgass ut alcobul. PLANNING TO CRUSH REBELS. General Lewtout. Commandi retiras te Aid Geserai lirArthur. tIen. Lîgibotî's expedition relururd lu Ilsuila NMsnday usorulu: pursuant tu or- ders rtrm ai. (ion. Otis. La-luu aban- doues! a nunîer ut town u ativlent y tuiles uft trrnîtury &long the joi wbîct Lad! bien cicires ut Filispinos. The wihdrawal ut Gen. Lawlon frunt Lhe Laguna de Rey country wa8 not un- lKpeed lîy utileri ufthebm ar De-part- aient. Gen. Sthivan acting adjutaut goueraI, sudi:-Geu. titis sent this cape- dition toutheru f.umfu fr the purpoir ut deslceyiug uîy insurgent forces tILs? migLI Le touas! thore, 10 make a osrotul reconaisance andtd 10 pread!broadnsit îLe recrut proclamation ufthîe Pilipine commission, setting forth the npomue5ut ibis Governmei seuLt respect to the isl- euds. 1 undentaud that lite will rceeni ail tLe prisuneni heho astakou. ans! lLoyi wil Le seul vu tuile humes. By titis action il la Lopasi that le sîlli prove 10 tLe Fili- pinus Ibal tLe Aurlcaus are net as bar- barons ai the lnaurgents preteud r ire, aud ILît wr propose tu trial the Fili- pinus bumaneiy.' Thbe offiialgwere reticeul regsrdiug Gen. Olis' uew csmPaign ui îLte norîls ward. ltla Lelieved tbsa amovemeut gi Le made on Sai Fernando. wberê tLe in- surgent leader Las ealabliabed is Lead- qnarlera. Dlsasches from Mmniii say tisai Gen. Lawton Ibinks it wusid Le neeesssry for tLe United @tIaes lua end 100,000 troupe tou tLe Philippine Islande if tise natives cuntiues! hostile. He sai ILat iî ias essentiel lu garrisun ail tLe cilles cap- tnresi or Ibal are lu Le captures! in îLe futurce operations if tLe insurrection wis lu Lc etudowu. Cen. LuirIons opinion is gSlivesagreat deai ut weigLl amoug the officers ln Washington. TLey say is vide experience witL guerrilia garfare makes hlm a mont capable Judge ufthîe situation. __________ WHITNEY SYNDICAT! EXPANDS. ComLias Feaks National Cuntrut of lletrlc Trausepurtatlus. William C. Whitney sud is aasotiatos, gLu Dow have au irn irp on sIre-et rail- way lunes througbont îLe IEastern, lIstes, have completes! preparatlois for securlng conîrol ut ail sleetric transportation in tLe NurtLeru sud Western Blales, sud saLiie- ket charter gi-ins lhem n ulimîtes! powe-r lu ltaI direction wilIi bLe 15kmont ln New Jersey. 'ne syndicale will aeek ta conîrol snr- face liues, batL câble aud eleclric, .1. vaîrd ruads aid Lorselees carniage trai-el. IFourteen branch conîpaules tu carry ont the planasutrfMr. Whitnmey lu tLe large Western chien gi Le formes! aI once, sud 1Ihe iraI une organises! wîlli aie Chi- .cagu. where il intrus lu builsiand! uperit. >electrie caLasund irc-ka and inerge ail of the treet sailway fines luto une cosny. Cbicago In tluc e emain Wesern Lead- quartera of the syietcae, snd klarg s- ntaclnrlng anud llribuig planats ar el >b.esetd Ihere, trom, vlch il.Ocu~ bvtest et Penusylva l vin mWagVuld Vlisde umn ..sur édetim mb couvmalastistu maeautino Wa, Velereme <atled. A convention te conalat oft-udelegalea trou eneeh outpany Ibat eiher serves! in the- laie Spsniah-Auerlcau c-ar, nera-as orgtînlxed aitL îLe vie-w ut bina musienci bâta service, Lis beeu esiles!to tetelt Washigton, D. C., Bept. 4, 5 aid 6. The oUjed t Ibis convention, asastatos Inluthe circueîir issues! by tLe oxedînive ommiart- tee ufthIe "Proposesl Spaulsb-Americiu Wer Vetermnsq' Assocation." la lu organ- Ise tLoîr a-bu 100k part lu tLe laie wirn.or -a-r memîsers ut provlsiitusl cumpaulei. çîbue intention Ita-as tu enliatinluthe ser- vicefr the siar,Itb a "Grand Patriolie Fratrno-Beneficisi Society, or salGrands Anmy ut 1808, Living fî,r Its ojedt, amung ulbor tinga, tLe si-îingt ofutse-c- tioualisua in tLe lans!. tbe promotioln ut clnerenrelations, tLe foatornîg ut a more onarîtash pstnlutiauî, andthîe corpurate et- fort io sî-curr tLe enscîntent uf egisa- lion, in Blute sud nation, in tLe lîteni-sîs of euldien, tLe arrgny ans! uavy grnonlly.' The chirinuruthîe oxecutive comîtmit- tee ofthie issuclîtion isa Mai. lis-n. JueepL Wliseuî.r. Trhe heaiquarlers ans! tLe place- ot neaiclunîce ut its seî-nmlary. William Chriv'ispLer Lillen, mu-e in Lnunstînr, l'a. Il insiuatrl i tLe circîtlgr tîgît the uguvo- meut Lis meît a-th ussqîulfetl pprouî eveenyshere. Steîîs have- ssreadîy bt-i-n lak- est ly tLe coinittee lu aeî-ure reitgt-,- rilroad fores ton Ihoar alto oilI attentd tLe Consvention. ROAST BEEF FOUNO GOO. Arssy Court Samples 7,000 Cane snd oily Ten Au-e ilpoilel. Tihe army court ut inqiruy, ilu arsiin ait Washington, inspeclesi nealy 7,000 cana ut ruent bei-f ihît Lii bru shippes! to Porto Rico uinrg Ibmei-smciîbth pipnr as!lae ise maipped to luai-ana, EseL case uftheîLeIeot -sa opPed in tLe pneu- euce ufthîe the exterion ut each can inspectes!. Cons worm s-iotds! ilrau dom aîs! up-ries!. Of thLenime lot only eue- loa-u or si-ollenonue a-as ftuod ns! lmi only ion canaea-e etonus! ILat gave any Indicationi ut Lavint berri ajolles!, sud nu eauwau tounîl spoiles! ihal dis! nul ludicate iîy en- tenion appeananres ibat tbe contents ee defoctive. The bfr exîntines! conuprias-g aLounI Irnty-tllrscases»t Lh#Ai-moue Eauîala Cdsfuny esîiCaillt ise tt ~ee Wilson Pai-king Comp~any. WitL the Pxeptiui ufthîe spullî-d Cana. thte me-at bu sîl ibm olbers upenslitresontes! a fteub sppearance, unsI hat a irbolpeume odor. The membam re tthe court iastes ut uaauy samples eus! Iroungces! il pertectly zgeel, LIEu IENANT LANSDALE. This brave omficer ufthîeUitedi Statea Croiser Philadelphie i-as sabusabes sud elalu 51 Samua. BRYAN AT TIIE DOLLAR DINNER. Riv-er Leader Aroasa. Enthaalasss ai th. Jefferson Ianquei. Three Iboîus! dpeuple ut Luth sexesans! ut ail classes sud conditions est dogu et tLe dollar Jefferaunian dinuer lu tbe Giraind Central Place et Nec- York. fMore Ibsu 600 c-alters na-nerqiilnoi tu attend tLe guesis. The finet Course a-as serves! abonlly Letune 7 ociock. Tbe- menu In- clndes! aoup, fnL. mtoisI b-t. nnkey, Ile eream., coffesud cigans. Thnee thousani Lottir utfc-lue seere grstuituugiy serves! by a c-ie Company. The arrivai ut William J. Brysu a-as îLe signal for e tremenuoîs outbursi ut cbes-ing. Amont those ah,,net ai the gueule' taleo u-ce: James lR. Broa-n,lire- luding; ou is rigît?, W. J. Brî an: un ia loti, Charles A. Toirue ut Minnesota; 0. H. P. Belmunt. William S. NMeNary. sec- relary ofthîe Demucratie SIte commiat- tee ut Miunesota; Msyor J. L.. ltbmoobs ut Covingion. Ky.: Bolton HfallGergce ltrednniclî Williams. ex Cungreuran Wil- lisa E. ftyau ut Rochtester. A. S. Toc- mon ut Virginia. Coli. 'rhumasithuauofu Virginia sus! John Clark (if lluîlualh, FILIPINOS SEEIN-4 FOR PEACE. Cnsssstiee .Smupi.nied bu Cuiter wiih Sehurm.n t omuntte. Aecondiug luaIlanilli adeicos. lien. La- garda sais! tbat a of iiit-v t lueut) la-o lF'ipinios haill -t-ut atîlinteil io cui- ter a-itL tig e pait Comisisott, anti ouls! ofier the tolloîs îîg lnroront 1. As large îîîîtonîîîuia rîgbts for tLe Filpi)nus as possible. 2. To brins about peicittil relations bc- iseon ibm insurgents s!dtLe Ameican authoritieu. 3. Tu inist tient Agneriina ans!Fii pions oîîy uhall occopy public offices. Anevalo, a former nid lu Aguinaldo, la uow lunIlanili. fie sait! lu an interview that. if the Anurirais sund emisarieta Aguinaldo isow,-.bLe hinkus apeaetful solu- tion ufthîe prescrit troubîles in possible. lnuialiAmerleansti tiuk Ibis com- mission uf ich Filipirtua is niger tu pro- tect prupeniy, sud Laulimtle influence a-iIL tLe lusurgens. 1,000-MILE TICKET ACT UPS&T. OipemaCourt Mli. Dichîgan Law la litsrlsslnatlng ans! Invali. TheCUied StasSuîureute Court, Cint Justice Folle-r ans! Justices Gray aud MeKenua disseulîna, oPset the MieL- Igan lac- reqtulrirîg allosy couasies lu seil 1,000-mlle tickets, god for Ian 7e-ara, for $20 e-seL. H. C. SmithL appliesl lu tLe Lake- Shore sud Michigan BoulLe-rn Rail- wsy Compatît ton s ticket unie-r tLe set, and îLe raila-ay company refuses! te seul. The- Supreme Court ufthîe- SIale decied Ihat 1the-Ia vras a proper egulation ot railiac- orppenies wc-hLa tLe- Sîte ans! gave Judgmnulrequlinuathe Company Il oel he teicket. The coutpauy appesies! h tLe Supreme Court ufthîeCUitai States., [ta juiguant c-as announceed in an opinionl read by Justice Peekbaut. PATRIO Tà FOR REVENUE ONLY. Ten Thoeand Cabans Enlieted @face th. ei t anilago. Cen. Gonmcs'5 îiet ut staff raites! Ic s presa correspondent IbsI over 10,"<5 Cohen soLilieni a-Lu are actuaily lu au-mu wil tIIl aen onfthîe $3,000,000 tii-en by tLe Uied Statcs, be-cause îLe-y ouly joinesithe srmy afler Ana. 14. TLey ii unc cr@ 10uSitfou- Cabeafreeioni, Lut c-eue c-lllig Iu ishe s share outhlie gifla of the Unîtes! States. Ifl sahI.ecassa c-hieb le aoc- mont clamrona @bout the alle-pi alghtdl'outhlb.(Caban si-U7. cisla iuiy se orîwn ruouit. au s l Admit arai aun uabise- tree-ly. Preovild WAR ENDED *Y TIHE EXOMANCE everytliameic for tLe- cou-k Le-tue bs- or TREATIES. - inunn. wNe ew gbroota, scrutiblas bLtsmsheLaumiers sud tecks. Fer eleaulug pilais, svtudown aud presses use anA.t Preident MeKilar Pi-octaîssa fes- ri5 caIe-r ans! i-ou-y auap. Fou- pnritj* tillîtes Are, (losai-Furma Caru. litg sînksansd duaiequaLti i galer sud canbolile sels!,For ciesit icer se- ssomy ai Waiaius-prench Am- ailla lit a huiler c-itL gte-r, ais! Loit a bar baaior Acta for Our DecontI ut I-ory wu>ppot ia tb. articles. aidset over the lira fou Itraiyminutes. ' ELAIA IL PARKRI. l"ai.bloc-n ap..................cFb. 15 itulOar iWeI A-n. Unted States. deelare wsr-.....AprIl 21 itrnGad haAbo . Spain declarea i-ar--------------...Apili 24 *,%len Qomen Victoria gues lu Nîce for Finat battie (Of malansasi......April 27 tLe sprlng seasotu a speclal force ut de- Dewey douerys spaulali fluet-I -...Day 1 tective fr-ot L.ondon go«. at tLe@aima (Crversa.leet dsstroyed-----------..mJly a lae o1 ugidpuinl f L u Sautiagu sierendere ...............Joliy14 lmwrigIdpne yo h o Pencear.potoragnites!----------...Aug, il Cal Police. Vbeu lbey 'sPot" îuy sua- Trealy ut pe-aca algocîl------------..De-c. 10 pecles! person tbmy auuîpiy report inLlu escaies!.......lmlO. l the loc-il police., w-o drive li out îîetlicatiîa - - Ape iltif togu. Williaîm Le Queux. writiug luo The formai excbaugeofu ratifications urtheîLeondon Mail, suya duriug the lent the peece Ireîîy boL lalce ai lige WLite two yeara akimut by the Quero tn Cinilen flouse Tunay afiernoon, Aithaîsador Over 100 per-nméu-tramiu, atîpposeil Cambon ut France acing for Spain. Thisarint saund plain ibleves- have ligua formasi recognition that tLe a-ar laees! lacis tiriven aîvmy froua tLe neighbur- aud tbat tLe Untled StaIes sud Spain ,,e- coi ufthtIe Queen. gain un I-ruas utfp"ut-,oceurres! just one __________ yesr troanîLe day a lien I'resient Me- l>ev.y Let Us Have the Fibre-. Kînloy recagnlît-s thal dtfflonatilceousid- WLeu Admirai Deswey doatroyes! the ermitinufthîe Cubitue îîstion badailies! Spusait Navy lu Mauilla Harbor tigere ans! that iîr a-as luevilahle. ce-re lyins ln the barber ix Lg big a Il wona ou Apnil 11. ), I at I5 renaide-nt aden wihL Mailla libre for Igle ISEEEt 1McKiniey sent Lbiswanr ie-aago lue(Cas- INl(;IIAIIEtiTE4II CtO.. of Chicago. By gros, ssying tbat lho Lad exaastod dipin- a spet-iml trder froanîLe Nuvy lieîîsnî- mall efort an ümingConres to ment lDewey va-as perutitt-utelu ne t-se mill i-ortsans askîîg Cungeis 1l't-goe hipîs. Thoin cargos-i reacbes! tLe clothe lti nuL Lte a-ar power. Var bering 'ivine- Wornain Chicago hlutu c-us nutdl canes outil April 21. Luithe and rî-.tisIhat to-la ige a bchousc es!l end Of Peaceful nrelaionus bs-wntohoîe ins!the sheaves of Ibis sea"n,, Larve-st United Stasîes ans! Spain woa on Apntl fI. ail uîer lte gord, 18fl4, and! tLe retoru bu grecni-tilon ut peareful relationa occunrî-d ou the fini8t LighbLouns e .eu ury-eigbitMlra. anlivermary out hat day. nmkiug tLe break AI Cape Gliazen. ou îLe French eoust Letwven the ta-o nations liai ooge year. Ofthîe Brillsit Channel, a noelgîs- At 3:28 ocloek S-cnelany lHay attarbes!boulue lia bon erecled. Thge light la ut bi&s isgnature lualite hijaniab ccary of tLe IXai,000 estîdie powr et aioî-îliry Iresîy ans!NM. Cambon bis lu the eovy for limes, but ut 3,000,000 candie power ILu tLe Ulited !States. The officiai se-iâ s na IIc-s-aflLer. uns! eau lho amen forly- affixes! at 3:35 o'elock. compleint the ce-r- cîglîl miles off un a cietur niglit. Il emuony. The iPeideuts proclamation an- seuisfine auctessive whte flashes lu- noulisingthîe exchauge ut umitiig- tbe texI ufthie lreaiy, chicis la s! d fthe lb.hrewhite fullosies!by a quotes! in futl, sàas folios s. miloruthîe- oIeilgiei. WLere.s.A rretly ut pesc e ee-n the saoIi- Tu bs 17alted islaeç cf Amerlosa à ble-r hsJesty ÂinaFu-aespwe o ietet the- Que-es Kegetaiet Sp&Mi. 1<11. nasse oft le' ot Aeapwe o h fl leru-sguet ss. iDsu Alfoasu ii., on ou.Il Oumreainini, savnlM.amartàIn. terrons rludes! and! signes! by the respective pleie-pu-feetard lsatuîy laitu "seing outo< ourus leniarles ai l'aria os the luth day oftLie- sud boulons, It'a thebm raseblouliart dts- nemiser, fMs. IL.theorginal ur gLieL coauatnovai-y 0uthe m a&.Alleu'a at-E ai tkes tion. Leluatu tLe- Ensilait sud Spaîlahlai g I-tliug oitr 0ev sisue eloey. Ii&&a guagfes. Sa or!taiou-ilnsfotutu-a-6 certin mfr 1 soUJag cous nasd but WuLraa. Le saisoth aesadtL at e--idt-ggiula ansdabus sMore-s. Be mail for 25e. dut ranes usLuh pnasas IL mltà- lr.ta p.Tu-lipackage FIIEE. Adirmai, ratios ofthie- uco givecaube-iIa i-e-e x, le S lasaLe il., N. Y. chaîgesl lu tLe clty ur Washuigo n ILth eleveulb day if Aprili.îe uhbusiaaud cigLi Why 1h. Iid IL. haîdres! sud ulsety aine. Soi-. iherefore. "'Wliy Io Il,-' tsey askesl, "lLm you let 1. willilsa m eltliiy. l'reslde.g t I.oseu!Laetiiha- ay l Uniles!States. ut Amerlos. Lave causes! île eumytblugr" salis! counventiouata Le- mde palîln. tlutIL. Recause." %sieepiles!. "t lke tu e-ad tha the asme aud verarticeensds!hava soime une tu bleuie wconthluigggo clause theneof may bhouboi-rveds! iilfuiird ril -oto ora cuL godfainhby hyLe Unteie taies as! ogd ~ Bio Junl tLe ctiiseas iLsrcof. What Do the Cblldire-s batk? usslas! cuesi the- ir1 aie if nt t m Dlos mf v. fixent lesor cotae., Have bon ad cnsil hesen o Le United tJOU sW the wm footo d miaLgcali State-.s afflu5es! .'soe- e the- il ra RI-? lt e doli*ms,ans! noursah- Washitoth elue vesîh day uf Aprni. la tha lsg. and! ishes the place ut cote.'Tb* ye-r cf oune ord oue Ihousaut vAgit Laudres! more Grakin-O yon give tLe eblideen tisa aind alîe-ly alue aud th, ndpade.c foscarme- slb jua dltribute ilLtough Ibeur tLe Uated Stabes thîLe u aasred and ii-e5- ystema. (haIs-O lassas!e of pure avais. ty-ILlrd. WI.»LIAàdM KINLEY. ans! i-eu properly,- preatous mlika BI tue I-residmai tise coies grades ongoes. Lut conle tOHN IiAY, lieennlsry if Biais. ahoa a mach. All greoea»slI Il. r The cremny ut exchangiggthe copies sbd U. ufthîe trealy took place lu tLe l'remldeuts Dou't eînpioy mvii mens ans! expeet office, wsiebge lheboronua bel-on Ibm cab-tedml. inet ans! the "ar renia" on tLe aunihgosmenl. front of the execîllive mansion. Tberf gere nu formai spee-chea. the Pnesiiect .Jfr Who Ansues Tçwu merely remarkgug tsi Ambasador Cambon ibat îLe proclamation ut peace i-uis!note AM sCatchesN ihra Le Issues!. The Secretiry ut Sîste sud met ofuthîe- utruabrrs outhîe rebinet gene pnee-nI. Lut SuIV à effAL uea OUt tLe ouly reprêeontalîve of itanimh lîton eaottomrI r« esta c-ene Ambassador Cambon ans! Fit m bW tum I r Secie-tany TLiebalsnhofutte Frenchh ma for. year to hum the cuifik basmy. Spain Las infoninesi iLus lonmnu- ment iLsasLab I apeediiy remaume dîi toitboth Mds, in the pirui utalle relations c-îtb theCUites! States, .hteo aid i-e %hall etîrru tLe complimtui. of pleasur ie trytng Aftr oe earofa conditon ut gar. attendf to busiess. My blood, i icthaculogiiis wene conu- ~ fines! lu112 dsyA. tLe UnitedSt iaît s estoniacf and Atdnys 90t UltO again ai pence wseu Immai. ans! the mur- .,c i ien ut iLs'Nlaine*â ires- Las bren svengatl. à VJtCC&d tJ stàlae and ft APPOMATTOX BANQUET. seemed that I could not caffy the burden any longer. 00v. Roosevelt end Others Mi. Stir- "ýBut nse my rlse-uunaî.lm Lssatoe, my ring: Speeches. Tbrer b'.uPîird persuua gredtians! oourats Lau netornes!, sud aIl un auount ceeres tbe cpsabers a h aI Im l 1"i ofuu ut Liutni-cl, Ilfud's a rsaapartlla, whicb Cinhas Appomnattix day banquiet ja cht- bas made me a pîcînre of baIL. Noc- cagu, Lut (ue. Iluoseectlwognithe siar. 'm lu for bome-as pure and slmp!e." lie, Pootuaister (det-i lSmnilL, Corîgrosle- I-Ip Olsas.-,-1 Lad esus auratu maninBtlle t K-tyaId (; loba ahigus pe.resous upLip. i .ac-as cî dtau M l y Q ittug(y iti ,lt.. e-ilai tiseed s i satoued cutoh- Rad's C. Black ut Illnois or e Letalîers. -da. tisnin y Lîp u-i aIarl. pi- (due. Ituooevelta îînartie-al pisurituisususna L-aIL i-01.1.1 . Asîssa r hit[.y Lnoîîgbt aplilause ligaiLuit airain. lits11-1.Dayo. piesa-os for active .isuinvauistriaund îtt I.digestion. - 1--- aoc - ai ead ar-- Ibm 'doctrine outhîe lavie ut ittiohle i- st wa Li. .- 11 u. Tje i o.tu. , siu peaci.' Ho anuîtgiel ugatu by de- iTi sas111tt. aiý-t irnls cuul e. clarîngththu"a greig atio ..n ru DU às as ise o tg . Ol.Isa' beas!aclîsir lite ua Oa5 ra nationucou,110imaise m, SAsndoL. Ohuis manu," and thon, in atirring sente-nces, le pruceedi-iltluan au!vo-at-y utfidc-awa ie nationaslisa. Toesaudie-nce aas kî'yed op lu a higL ptcb Ly tLe speehes tif (;. ItServeit ans! Poutuaier Gctneril Smitb,____________________ sehospolie on "TheCUliots." ani Ly (ci. asSa Bruis esmi 1.1 llea.ituasa-Irrt" al John Black, siht, lýat eIor oîry swi îala sdessa s a tribute lu tirent. This wua fullosies!hy a eulogy utflRobtîsnE. ber by Cougrosas- mai Setie. REVENGEFUL MA-DOS. They Are Beliaveil tu Have Pires! ILhe Andrew- sroe. The New- York police issu! uostuffice lu- - apectorsi are cuntnîtutint a mygtcry sieL conceals, they believe. tLe porpetraton o! perpetrsiurs ut s horrible crimeo. Il la uuw Lelirvediît îL te lire lu tLe Andrews cludingfbit fMiliionaime W. C. Au- drews aud bis gîte. a-si ut incens!uary orîgin. The motive. thern is reason le believe, c-as s deuire for revente, grusviug ont ut a petly quanrel sn îLe servants' quartera. Ananymoîrs lotions re-orivesl Ly Andrews aud is c-lfe Ibreatenes! violence. These threats alarmai tLe tanilli-asd îLe police c-er appeîied ta. Au investigation bas Ir- be-en golua nn for a-ceks. Bo gora-Ird wc-ast air Mn. Anirewg-batliLe arrsngrgl lu banc a asr.t sassas portable lire escape ptina oach ufthîe Leda tébim O.M0111P chambera. The police Lave tLe originale ndm. 1iaiiau of th. sialnu btr . -uc h.Lefine tLy n thyr Jes Lave- rougI vas aunl thab lîgLi de-rit les- tLal $*id nu t you tbal thei for E mas W il t.1r Lig but unu un Lu av nu rés tht r i 1~m~

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