issuttl, Whnils luindutrilUtns aetity T I L0FM SGE R i Ul O UR WU& *UEPATRMIM IMM t M&E osmlticnes unabted. The we'l-iugh uni- speaker uto Poitin tteaTeleuVisthe T. atad Plan U Tsere A* Versai tettimfonYte todamage of the Win- Penhs.ud et Law. Mouor Em.t N n tlise.Who Wt..b 10 Roer. ter wbet m t coah . n surpirdui lta HRie IHSHOIN RS homaà Bmeatatlee.d bas becomo th FIFTI %atruedaepalme. W&eO tl the reat ffeCt M VI>Cffl 99t iWTHB 11,R~bado ttNe ok a Buuthp dissoution ot the Cubais Aaemhly won Improved eabe sod tienls sreugtbcnl- M INE8 THER. béat of&te BNewYork a id 11onde,-p UUOI ta representitive lu tini Country, aaid lise tue the hope ot a larger area lu s»àprinsrJeBanu.mi ûlatallr other day thant le wan now engaged lu ta- wheat and aise to gstl rop reports attend titho wli 5001 renigu bis ceat ln cilltating tise repatriatisa et thse Cubans atroad and incresed isible Supplies ne Ceîobrated Canton, Ohio, Cas.-Prl<m Contrets and remove ta that City. The mu DE TI Y X LO I N hio bailleft thse Island la cesseluence of uompared with a ycar go. encottrilD or No*s Rematîa.d R.makai OI'cOntract bas betfl slgned whertby ho in D A H B EX L SO the war. Fuiiy 40,000 Cubans, lie de- torelgu buyers in their neglect ot Ameri-Cutot taire nie the practlice of i. profession lâleo ciared. tend eîtigrated trotteCuba and vir- caul oferittys. For the moitseutfMarris While Pasaiau Umdor th ibSaow 09 £mmodlatlY tipule bis returu from abriet the. tuaily al were aulioutstu return. whlt a drop ot $18.000.000 lu experts ot brend- Dnth-Scemen andl Incidents. trip mroad. Am PLEER'S HMIALWORKS AT tewt sere abte tu do sa. Mont of te atuf. ttton. provisons, lite Cattie audSeaerBed asICALth.etihe a d PHIADLPHA RECEM bad coule tu Iis cotntr-to Tampa. Key minerai eole bas been parly made up by The trial Of Mma. "ua I. George at of the rin for many 7.1-s snd bas badl PHL.OLPI WEKE. West and New York;enui anildgalle tsa a gain t neariy S1l>000,000 lu otier pro- Canton. Ohio. tor tse mortier t Go. D. frquiit bisusa dealiagu wlth thesu. The Mexico aud Santo Domingo. Throngutiste ducts. ieaviug ise net deficiency. asaroi- Ssitensbas aroused mensuela anti wdt- Though he hadl reetiveal offers te go tO th Ceivedi 'l'l Parons ille OutichtFcor effrts r " sumad bis assoclte. isun- paredl with a year ugo, 7tter cent. Thse Prestd interest.IlIad thteman wfbm abe head of setarial prbaps botter kuownton, OsrhtPiiCdreds aibldbeen rturued. The bhuile ofcotton gouda situation la stili a strout une, . kmgsla tuhave Shot Il en alliuter thmn firmeho ue wt wh ol a tsd i peen asu ter, jI.Jured-Fuiiy a Rundreal Bonbon %hem. botever, were stili exiled by poser- thtitgis Carrent demtand trom agents l thse brother-iu-Is, t the Pi-tmIdent ofthefrteoe t hihh at a&S-thcrfa Ilamstea - PruJect Of Building a ty frot Cuba. ligit. Foiiowiug tise Outburat ut actitlty United States it la flot llkolY that ber ta-cont lune e T es i ool businfess bas ratiser folles off, but trt wuuld bhe se ubject t speeuiation cruelt Tune t Ieiaa.NEW TREE FOU ARIZONA. Talliea rettîin Steadi. Lestiser and biles lu thousanuda ut homes thronghoul the gritel mree ezn i ýerI ,II,, bgrmettTeaot a troug andi boutsanmd ames bold receut countryaud tise newspapti-5uutlde ofthse traitert ey miau l oaitihtt ut ittiie it l-lmena Dauteri Pae frontoTfrmsPurî d.anceff. W~beat. iuclitding fleur, sip- ioaltY wouid Dot routider it worth whilie havet weetialrd vo.aIlttidiiartisîa 1 tiin Th DateetPatrokgstAfic A g-ments for tise week aggregate 2.932... 1)tu sentd represetatives tier. ta report bv i for and tune woniatîtvas ft aai utred. rcultural Departuient. Dr. Zwînlt'.la in 'kCoru xot orts ck aggre- u e ra.Ists rmnneu ie~ tS Ascore utftîtrSout o tirlomure or t..,S r- Dow lunPaorocco ou a mission wiict %Tcis tisetsforth df etria Ibat@th cts atenoftion Laere ouulyin ajirt-d. The ttsttiry id a tillai deprtmeut hulpes silI isuncitaa ueo sudbushets est oet. -i*Ts rseutnocîie eryîthe pe ureck. sud buldings fttr a diFtinfof iaitprofitable industry ln tbe Mtost aria 5e-S ber.ekaluhroectt tisa-m sîie ut h art.,th a square were tartialiIy dt'nolt'ise luntiens ut the Soutisweat. It ha% en froud ARRECTin DX A PRIIACHRÎt ie f thercae. tor lu toetntace io siin strucstures ta tisaIdate paimes, tit ame irrigation.,iiliTedçtutoud Sqae@ wywr in'r-otSfrn esI rzoa nAabie. v 5 Prlunlthe Court roule) lre. George bas cou- by the sqars os ot-i htteiî. ~ [mi ~ r48W eil rzsaa nAol. Clergyman Descende frona tihe Vlait sat. ibr-iebe- es o, e.Admir can be learuc-sltisere ut ne tnit ix-tnin ofinluuskn acoestd ttise At- and Csptrt. TIwo Fugitivea.-pio the ciemnical nork l.o~ivt-ttthetasitrophe ricin date palm. selecting tise a-ry Bineta iere- r ekl fts rtW ton0; lier sster. 'Mrs. Bron ut Hanover-prsn look pace. One ot tht--c was tloiottbiigle varietles and tisose bet adapted tO unr Ie Cv Isrc. r of rte arlong sttdton, sud a number ut frieuds froîn ber od - seli-! tath arad it bî~ ran!arid region. Tisese young treis wilI ho Breîisreu owren tids on ni il h i , a di . dy tondhegou de ti resome circuit in Mercen Count> W . home, ler ormer busisnd. S mple C. o nD t-tnt> ivere 'fs-tut theise]]t. Tit- is rretnllty s 10 dtArizona,. stiere tistN'a., smung tise motînîsino, la aito one of George. was preacut ut une session o ut i e, woan burned aîmttu ' tatrîi. Flly a silI ho plauted and rare-Ifor tndr tse sr aIea eoin Ts iel court sud sook bolidsesitisber. Fronithe pu bondred bouses w-trt Muirle s t-tdanîag- close superviaion ot tise department'5 te- - li iifsbsit u big b dTrh ut Ps- isfese frieudsansd frotupeople lu Canton Irans. frequently gîte. in i undlArtfpu ed. tclt-se rxîimiytisheelrieti!- pett. --- pers lu serte as is maien ibis monttiy TMmr George dsliy receives bouquets ofutc proa vl. tetirtitat tir'coni.ti a- lu WINiOTORII WORKS DAMAOL trips uver bis circuit. At Spuiisburit o ber and rwhitethe out stone.l tu&htieur Z «C-tecongregatiun gatitened lAdivinte taor- o e u rgsi iecutrou lts t" One Verso. Kiiie< l nl everai Inured aip. Atterlbe boa!girru out tise ispan As lise trial pruceedsabcmiseIsreaponalve tet BIG11 TUNNE PLANNED. 'lear San Autoulot Te. snd badl rend tiesetI Mr. Berkbal nu- ho every mce tftise attorneys and oit- SPEKERElICED. wber- Seierai Txas ltvonua ere visited b, à tîred It utgitives in tise c-ngregittton. for Inessles. Alil a nel grimla oemnity l isn ttheTs pae a adl aebt Tefisti Ocra Enloe-niag eatticoz ou-terrificwind sud bili storm tisat totiosteti t-son om h ati varranîse.'Te mutistea-corro. Oco-sioîaiiy tisete are ex- asmuret ot an income of ai leasî t W.000 a tiseab mideaeà in London. SieavY rain. At Lie tbe buialding on quitetiy d.ew bis revolver,. alked doa'auChantge@ of oit by the Iav.ytrsan d then year, auensellement equosi latisat ut ths Th pui-t ft itîuc fon Egint tse'X" anis*5 dmuiastd udatise bail. plaredth ie tutu under arrest, . Preident ut the Uuited States, frum lu- Tisec Ce ScOtiantilIontlatit! n ver> 'Illih ti'tise Mexican cowboy killeti. At Weimer tbe handruffedt Itm. fastenedth ie isadeuffs surance cunpaule. aioie. He wil. cou- de ture jsst eno oudon Ii aanoouttued ihome or City Mai-sbi sall ~iwas bhtisn bv a dog Chsain ~te t ulpit alld ps-r- - .tiue ta et un *ferefor tiese aeralinl-s&id tianu ofewesr thanîtie lelarmîe prtjeci dustu and Mr%. Insaliland iber tati)ciil- eâA itis tisesermon as if nuoîhug hlbaisilît- cu rporations for sttîich.lie a ca-mat am eunder tou.deratîoa. Tise diticulies dretu injureti. Tise scisool bouae t Me- penti betu receutly acting, and trleudesosi IhâtAl r ,iatan te enheh i lurome mai tuount t 1000repi> ta the vay am reittheibe l-pis ut-sts- itesdnawon uveiturued adts ersr Ide steel) gradeuai. for tht distance trat- MISS Ibnit Haiatemd. recived internai TWO W~O1hi ARE MURDERLI>. annuaîîy. aullu 10000 etW h ealw stmininia o eveu- injurie., Tuo pupita. Tom Maston and gare i ty-fite fatium«. sud tise disanace. actord- Henry Wiliard, atere seri-ouslyinnreti. Mutîltote fodie. uof Mm .Davie and Wasingtonls poetiocin gbeySpeakter- er !%p h ouMa PstL j.toattnINégTise - - ttMs llaitdNsroiisso-s. -la thie hest possible pliy ha coult mule er = ftl;nats o mc F r 1tsfi7,0WIO t h1 LNT1O K Tise bodies utf 0Iotuen, bMns.Mary tr- £16.000000 ,bttise sdraulaga.a ouid ho -E. Davis sud Misa 'MaYI Miiilst*d, viso fttupeieCy. Ithlatakeaorgtant tiseit enormous. Tise josureylueAmerica vouid Aaerican Woeieu Compiany- ulis CP- sshaleem murderet! naisle tiseYsiaeitad - edtdat he will netlie a candidatt against Deu -Vs- iof0f,0,l0 pa Ou ia-ode rgtuBYmtltewr cinlty urat yeoP, but Il la &W obelieveaT he la. shortenlet. arrordîng 1te eArnold ~ Thiet .rcan ooleoopany Io. lisurditt m e e la iuokings head te 1904.Of the ean- Thtae y 5 ie. ti hngtpoe $5(OO aia l a en ueans. l on 1Maps.btu t.b v)Thtu didates fer thé Spemkeraip tliocntCos al tthe b Ir0 is. Ilasla htgs po- cî.bsbgn rtombinv. ho ert wonkiig eer tiseisouts e. lm Shean~. wvin 44 jean olt!HOP- P I ae tis etie lshm rai ,alliricn thle Tise main office la in Boston. Tise tllov- bouse is mtuateil in a tutu-h plat of . s.Dthei5.Pan 16 ledS-,î tetae p nescsee r >tttstr,50tie angmiiie are at pi-tient îucludet lu tise grouinul.deuSets vk.-otriTht- crimet vaë 5 klmus le 5, Canon 654.ane Gi-osenr t v hoe t ttanusa ornntoigannt.Coupany: Wasiington mile ut Lawrence. evideotly roîtunitteni Soule imte dirithetise BUIDO i AC. National and Providence oS Providence. nightt vite te> os-ne ines-p. fonrloîi Hepburn 66. tm RURIK) ON h18 RNCH. eoladFitciburg vorstet Milils of vere rounttithetiiir nitgist nothisititand tiseARREST 0F COUNTERFEITERS.lier r VidigofShe Hrer* ichug.Itvmie ileo Povdnccondition et tise rotIn iictetl tisaI il - Capture of Engravera ot Famouna01001> .lion Fornisises Prout f ut uider.BoYEmnton wsttet!miie ut Fulton. N. Y"isall beeu pluîideredi Two la-utks otreBakNt.lo V saley vorstet! milta utProvidence. Sara- fou nd ouensud tisecouta-ts vert dentter- iani Note P arties arrivini frout Byerrît Colo, e- semiso v cso.Tise mont Important arresl by ecret lier- uon the fusengmii thutodylaf!abtout thse doa-. Besides a guisot vice men for yaars isan beeu made, tunthlise rpt (prt tht o lBroud ie ties vnul uae atN- aeount! in tis eplmie Misa Mlt-hticapture ot tise makera ufthlie remous $100 refus kumvlàe.aonBepratia ise v aomour- Cbn Wu t- a-. benddosa rut snd gaiset! frot, noms ieavy conrelansutbchaspuli hmaii a isepranisisu nettva emr- Thal publiea-opinion lu Havana dues mot dut! instrument.nil. Dattes éditil -- tiseantisot hat: frnoe thcas yea- OU dm"d on bia rancis Sept. 30. SGuetesupport tht Spaulis and Spautai-apeaktug1th uoriefrmretaayp.0- *lasared adbs_,_______ o-crelili oril mne. u.ANAI BOG.ere udethlie direction ut Chiet Job. te sud b i Oiles2.000 dreip ver thelau-yen atho bave ui-anite-i te deffentd tise cub uaion i aie.MS lO ER tag-ari midlu mab Adrat frlise excellences ut tise Latin lau- uva lise THREE KILLED BliTA TRAIN. lMms.Georgeomiet. vith lise rest. Wben ililprucured tht arrest outhlie Came- septs ot the salie as rasedt tlSaxon nd retar-d tiselegs! retormra now i it etcsu iers aetuh- e-eta.H m elkounv-sî (llo-aiuNaioaiBak u yler r' contemplationi b>'tise elitary adminia- Prio'ou .utRaDv t pn iei oeit er.tsIlkepatier eau in Wasinlgton City. wu.ieie. It adspeicvdisaI itîte taatio la deeontrites i b'tise ppear- Cro.îua Near Barmisoot Wis. duvu iser paie ciseeka but are not et>. Wheu tise "Monroe notes.' as they are Th vbeas h muriud suspicionfolrt wemure n La Lucisa ut a vigroos e-itoaial Wieu returuing trou a dance tour sertaisie 1te egreah ass fu pectahors. calleti, mde ieir oppeoranice about fit- Boosa.lie arere. ffrt vrtadvuestiug radical change lu tise exnsI'otng people vere raondovu by tise Ci-iOn!>'once bsmber nerte deserlei ber. leen menhe ago, lise vorks no muperti-ue usd010 eaiture iseu,. but al trace tf ine lug local m3stem. La Lucisa vanta bot aoadNrbetrefltmi tCa-Ts u hntebodfe st oacpe tesbte&&- iPe v let ai ahSat Loke. Thebtody out Guette tscriîa adts1cii poandeae ct tenttu aiui aas-Toîvsahe ie io adputii.te uluh repe I iesuîes th rmnladtecvlPo"ue -ftrt!s crosaiu<. about a mile trou Bas- ltainet i -aatovrn by Saxtun oni e eat eceaiGaedrtet ucl rh anthot bri! ensa trea ou bisomsmt odmanlui h *ssi ou. iis. Benit Teilia. Kittia- Mar-- igitî ofth* mortiervas intruducet! as evi- lu teissue u-hich bailotu couterteiteti. luit cac nittmrn an a!uerielri-minesi ractices. îîke incommuniaotir hllseOtton lh ee ntntydec.Tuenlt-tremillion wuas ien lu ciaru-bo It. A large isole lu tht aboilIcoroboratet! mudthie Imprlsunument utruitnesses. but talueele ec etiaani'$.0.00l d!ot h th morier - ays ta raton isled.yFnk Donald bildbis ieg brokeit. Mm-s.George la apparenty die least cou- ltonsntot,00t ai ut h liseurthalo lisesdi thet i b uatos sud tise kThe l.Fuk ol sepdlet n ruc-k erneti poison lu die court roule. ise mnaeted are: William IM. Jacoba ant Ini Coillinema ut cvii justice. Refuri lu a mid tise spproaciig train, visenkov h tietaî., enlJ a W. L. Keudig. u-olesaie cigar menuis-ac o NRURDRNBEBS DRATII la TUAGI.lglpo-ess lage. kudh u ns teeaastltytmmcoau-tutonu-intiBldanh.Bedlmenrveau te romuen*honcearues, not ho pospn t bey vert caugisl by tisetat mail, wviiritheft dgei @s ntetwu e uretteeorLancater, Pa.; Arthur Taylor thei Pianste; frona lie @cme otCriae.Nte leruîitaun etnetand et!bcvsotile vas gui ahtfull iPt! d.Ntbing vaa dtsth cbalttCoiehbus. 1%0*ieugislot andsldwepia in Jaut. Blengain s of- tal Falla Dewa, a htt. adpraettu-ktgnanen ia!bovu ut tise accident nutil tise train il bas -pro sais!, come tand JmanBornee&a tise Au Douilttraged InluwtiehuistlIa]- h eiaan eisetl Cb iislm-rearhed Itiet cit. visen Donald wu- ouudduring ber long Incaiceradon. but néese kmpuof utJacoba. has lmandmt!his, vite aud a male hoarder vert ]y expression ot opinion Ilabgily enroua-- un tise Covralce ofuttise englue vîtil oue su confidient utacquittai iial; tht vision@ A cwvasntrund andi mncethat timetb icue, looksplace at Kanapolis. Kan.Tise agng hoelise Americau muttorities. viso leg broken aud 5tverai <>îbea-injurie&s oruthditdeatiscisair t!û nul appel ber. WiÀtofficers o e secrtsevcebveiir imbitaat!andth ie hourder ae deuil. NO set e teal utegml revision ub sitot Eri.keWek aTv thtemurs vert bein melut rorti.lngWhotir uklng mid. et IIItistie et] smneae given.,Tise aoman recogitedtl e pan..mat tiZ vsl i Ts artiut ut Steéatea Tw. bcl-their amcejsance ant! ambediIf tisey haimuvuvr sseîi ototltt'tht tehorderaauu esaped murderer vaut- ercsins pure!>' militari' andtinlterregnull oma yth osla anSlao hlany objection ta capital punishmtut, par- vert sure ut tia-geouuti dit! tisama-n ed lu Itai>'. Lea-ning tisaI bis identitY Powers. ticularI>' visart a vouan la tise tîctine. paettcutrelruodra- h a.haq hod'bcome nownlie dterm____te__ltise ciy ot Sau Vcente hsd recrut!>' sut- tm ftesettr undpt gyWUlkle aud m number ut hum men veutth lie over lu l'isilat!eipiia to b. preseul visen di tefamliy. lit startesi in ilssotingthtie lilîltary Blet et eauyFracisco. ~~ uîta 10tht stylimsprisoner, bot aise gave no dit a-eta Phildelphe.t opeen nat busbn and mt! ite. Tise vounds dad[nul Whaî came near ho beinàg a dongerous vert lestel îgisî£-bocks bmvling sien am-e udce ut a tiiongit ta isqeto h i-I ani tis t! nl occurret! nemi-the ,Presidioi reserva- pie varuliGbefore tise severe uncesrame. ii ia tl usin Tise Pliiimsitphisns vere laken Imb prooros-uacd5the0hourdr amaiet!tise couceruet! ier.T Man about tht face auua-dek vils aaazrtn.han I rancisco.Ca.u-heu a large Aco-iuuo scresodettsepup but te ls r-Ottsecrecy stma& . body>'out wiite troupe trom tise Pi-esidio Baise Windov OGlaePri-jet cod t rspodn h epemaluaus o-ta tflituu a Thtwvuman gave th alr sai.uinf antoabavemad a0 tise ofMn Piane e ea ffigtnn aa the mua-tirer plungesi beadîsunge8entu a tht rtsidioegitu!aaaloon buowu oz Tise AmericaO Glass Comipany bas i tCntnbvnada.ettu t i-tiecirîaa acatrleerpn-n .hait etahtie sait wisb Tehet va ietidioCuiare &Da resishedo- ai-- i-mre!price tvutw gass10 pet Gog.Tihaae adfr arma iemen e hunelhe daler locbandt!rtr touet! lu tht bule, 1000 fa-eleoywas rtbhcraedt ro01ute tiste Teuhy- cent.tlutlie effect nt once. Tise produc ig lber long im1risonent,wvisah bavet Ceu elufatuelle -yfntryrestaurantspolceluhe ionvnl ru .tddeturucuiah. luo pg ont!tea oi-lait lfood ttisete epu kav M. olksteretfoluancste gunde la Onairi 1.End@TwuoLive.. tpolice iret! opon thet notera h teltidate tu a strike l inti-éetEastern tactori. raditin teinrebavecoa- frishnt Boy vîis aiss e utis eniWo BrtIen l Love.eue, A dounbietragesly IoreportetfitouWil- tssua anti severai hunt!red arreste er dtinere . e .t ol es u-irtîtaveCuefiv!aîtsadf- ttl At utie IjterCitylbofia-athalyest vas âlmssprt. N. D. Two brother. James umode. Tht trouble grev ont ot Injurie-s Fulcide o e W t. * oi. es.Alclfors eevd etrf uit btone tia la e o t ise cape ustiot and oe aldwlllivig o a rnch inicteti on C. U King. a sidier lu the PaultrW. H. MeCool outhtia-Engluis a taruif Bitaistht utter day. nlcimng bal e ise n u li o esthve-a-at!eo cif. sanllsfotCtue ii. iiiuon eameransagtea Tenythird lutanta->. the prerions caiât Lotieran Churc in luWertl Point. Na-b., mont! toi- sbouquet tfa- Ma-sGeorge. thou- tat ollat e!îp. aiotiendtisb mlls rouWtiutsptrt bs-me ngae inl tise saloon. Tht oitier von su batiuy Cummeittet! suicide wsth a siotglitu Ile' laTht prisouer bas hotu visitet! trequently louer it wsecret servceupraindurh dis f tn au aterration. Tse foimer îzet]à ao rte and abat i brother Ibrougiste lis sels ta!hnrt! tbis lir mrdesaretif. ons-sureot!ehvaverb visaly nal omse o tencityde sookcanonfu ci tie udsecret m-riice es t tisebdureau.the dessein, inistiug injuries ta-utunaih it-se the saloon. Tise iseper as-them cuming ]y-to tise future. Letiera of s>ntpatsy Ttsacca-sa uttise burtau'aoperations cd ditti. *1seorviring brther -isen tt,b a ant i fet. *Thy bueitardedthelsplace @ob si>houshiners. have coma- te ber trounsar.letroîn Strate- île ulsetc'otnu eiui tvrik s doe ( arsois ot!so aatltes ba ils $loue* sud Ihen set il ou ire. TheS he Bi-f J. S DawsonofutCoola Countl.gry aoba!ra tIe cs iep-neyev eer retry ut I neiaiaboring rancis,wviset- ieds bortyprovot ue aa-t viicis bappeusd tluha Tenue.vos killted trut asbuahis ahîc u apers. Ma-a Georgelisas nesl>' been a t ae e paublic. Au aller hîs arrivaiinafroutlise cotored regimeut, sud a revenue ndl iemutiîan-rtrba-te.sdnt piua.l iei a-osae rrntomid. esîsismeisaI het -ru Mare tuirlthe Penant. large detarbuaut outlorai poice bai mach Nurth Carolina lune. Zaiaru s-re. OrdinarlliNia-. (Gaorge l h itetuInee uu islieth-h ý NAiltheIl nd heefulandin hapy ouvr-tale plateslis thisa-a-possession,. imal tisaIMo Tiestaanding ut tise scu luInth a- trouble lu quellingttiseinotera. A!ts ngtîdeerta niiiihip o ter hie publie ues'd kuuat ut tise tu-mUra Si houaI Lagne l au tolovu: ufenders rau- B.rOtta.sbaisn1 mood -trhe ter5 da. hetoeboondbandss secrsud ecret orb ut ieie! n W. t. W t.. Hia ut lifte NewYoi-k lau- rui ut Simpmon, ber ai-a-ry luugh mai be ieard in te jaîl Wnieat isasstns St. x)ug au .... ; 5 Atlenderaun Tanua s ob ot masked Tisaciser & Baronu=.He viii drop poil- corridors. TROOPS'TO GO TO MANILA eut Piilad.-ttisa - 7 34<to;n:ati _ . 4 4 ma-n overpovee era- rBs-iff Seithanti rom-licsaenlia-cl>. Tise prosecutiug attorney,.AIfle'orue-- listo u i ....\; OZNewYurilt- 3 6; pellti be et tise pont ut a pisto!lue0oaeue, a yuuîug tian utftmarket! individiual. Yourtes« Tbsusand Begolars <oer Otto Baitint-iru--5 4 Wahltt t .2 ?1viti t bre t t lite lutis ell ivert A. Extradition Tesivils Meul-, I> odosttuitrleil-syftt!h omtea uCaeHat lui*iaslis -.t 4Pi7t)g Ii M. La Iue vs confina-t!. vio in Mareis Tise Ma-ilsan 5enate hsallnuaoîmuly I bys-oddb i sitnJms Fute huadrtlr r eb Brooklyin ' 4<1. vn-'atu-1 - 1 3bua-t!John Young. a nigihor. The aduptet! tise utu-extraditiolu n t uilbI h> eod]Us i sssatGams Fsret dareuas r 5b j. Onat, aaho vassaxtns osot lainismte sent lu re-entorre Gen. Otia aI Mendias as miasi men pl5ted a i-fpe arounuth ie the Unitedi States. trient! lu hua apcîsina- adureas l'oreane @ouu as tise nutorsani marine traspaorta- Ne. -Por ua-ti-R.. 4a. n of L ut l ue sud tries! t dragiie out Th i Tu-s 'titîa oi t -ianesnfi-si bust cudnot u. Tisa-i Ien sisot ie Iaanmeuraisis aWatempaaut. emllTira (Georeu aciveîtîuregssand!lu- tien aau ho pnosiulcd. Il lanDot expectet! aun sîî 'lult-Ss'l'utla ii" a iroughthtia- eat! u'] lbody sud litl e. A vaterspoul nt Fortes. Mo, visised timatei tisai ber relattis .ith Sston that tht bulke ufthte large body out i-een- hans aet onu- i, mtr- tia pun,' ii t-t ils'ot a mile utBuriington Railîroadt ras-k vert nul tise olp bittekspots lu lier lite. forcements catimach Mania until tise eut! Ferount -t1,'b'.aItia- lutirluts 'r-oFi-s1. Pihiadelpie. i d tm.daag.Hesaidthie crime scouîldu- usbrosîgit home ot the relus seastîi.n, bis-isbas juil bt- is-ht tu tai. J..-,. t 'Iil J'e- s-tI-nl Philadt-lpieafiae dratropes ill'tilam u dt utîadtur-ber sud it rouit! aiu a- showa î tel e tise n, but theî stiti cs-iot-h oltoa tise de- Il n- te.a t.-t it ri ou -iîat.uin J. MsCustsu!mpalli-rtube farîory. Tise Q5l1115.iat torta-ite alil sonfidenlceîint sa iton çprtiers ut tise tlunteers truinitht PhIl- coma-s t ils-i- ï&,t.trilt l uit t i... ata-im %sidtes-adl îta-& <iaîins yarn migist have reposa-t!n liear. Ippines. liets-l - ipr 'rt-ss--.I1 Aiu, b-s, and thm.destiîoreisi,iie.damagîna lise Mns..Geaorgesfattorneiy, John C. Weiîy Witiste regular Irouiple sready orda-aed ha sst-s ust 10 theisetotrt$4,09). le sCane- Clmgo-Cttlît, commun to prime. -nahoasistet! b> Jamea S. Sterling, Is anti on tise siai teo anlft Olis viii have we.tsa y l~--i ad%los in $331100.WhîakEr & DE, $9(m) te$4100; bts. shippina grades, eaking agooîi su aray of legal talent au effective tort-e of 21,729 meu,.in addi- va"sg ue oki. t aen1 . 'u ure,$30) t $425; amit, fair lu choira-,$300 as coulijtte roud lu tise vis-lit>ouuîIued lion luetise res-îitu bcbug sent every fa-s At iiliu y I .s.t u h s- uttis rii, acr alo d-it-os-ilby ire. lu 55.25; a-haat,Nu. 2 maet.73e telu74c;har defeluse.le gsait aiue vas nul daim for tis egnimantsalmnady in the Prouilto ui imililstt i' l ThIstuailaestimnatia t! aI $10,oWls cea-n. No. 2, 34e tu 35c; OmS.Nu. 2, 26e guilty. but dwelt maint> ounha-a relationsPhilippina-s. Titis fonce in tu Ut ralset! g1l0- tu u* v.IýhKpc. Q- Dý.e etGns itis Saxton. ltîdisatiiîg tisat lise defeuse lu 35,000 ma-n hy tise lime agaresaîre op- gnitty if tht suis-futi u ta l r it-t QaiDcsei itGuî -oire aremer!.l(-16telse;.Pggg. tresis. voeald reli ups the tise lu of justifiable eratdous eau be presg a the dtari> an' nahuut loi!Nias ftti hiiia nus-uitîti- Mttiseat anley Quaisatthumi-ru sCiuar is2c lu 14c; potatuta. a-oire, f50cho ta- oiieo mtoia naly Vietuni ievlueri ortrei1 duan stlishitoalitr-o - - aitrtp--etCla ajury tu be nulguilli ut tisa-charge mpi-hus. bel. hlicWid remtiaops]hei pniture utisertomis Thcuontri ta-o rsnita nub er 12,1100 chohiOs Itrîthe i usouutilii ai n nutrupoit ltue fru imauvor t atufl iîdîsnapolls-C51t. u cispplua. $300 ta uniappy paît Ma-. George sst vititoeeseSathe deterînination lu ent!14,000 able- hinougis tht- ht-ad a-suasut! ptnit it in tts sa th, S554. humbo-s.a-oielilgih. $275tal" .;ekoseti and ai-tated and! tare Iluriledte 1- hutietiregulars lueIsa-e their places la cal- _______ l't-anu.o iltasda-tlpuit!l ts lepl hi"at.Communu tuabolet,$250 tu $4-5;yard tise table lu fro t ber. Wlth culatedtalushowt tha- r~ e'o aders tisaItise David liai-k foc ca-asfi aut, Batk t ifuriieWh.a - nt, No. 2aet, 72c t 73c; cen-n.No. 2cotesrmhiea-iheb-Unei tealtarI>'ucan-taot the itiement ty tluta eois ulu-Ais-mls- tnt aauthttisîto2,wit,3 Illnc ll ea- h htiroupSatsinurbl n enetabu bede ah h- ln nrl, l negaement int qi i. at . q0341 o e ut.N.2 -st* tory ot ber gl-iout ier ta-rbppy home. ber meeting its reaponiblîtles tor pseerving th saa-a-ttîatas-îuu-î i 1-itr Mu lssu ih eialtut l Iiung t er k -. ho 32i- ual ho Canton, anti her relations îi ortier enti toeeanting respect Ibsougi circutustances sait lirrytus le ilttra'u-d. a( di. ara-hipt83.ltsg.7;obgi..&Zo # I 41 as-a-e noi!dlTie rebuis trît-t$300 hoil,$4M; sisp. $300 te $5.23; t llh htd ia ie arey lutht Plllp futou wnt Aerene. tiseCUits- t tsîtots hîî8ba, util ren- isbaat. N. 2, 78e ho 79c; cra-, No. Ilplastatd li h e ureiset!10the.00 mes Ciuluaui-atle $501 2$50:ci-t Bh,tha ebeltseabndonthe fienoldue AP DEWBY'S ~EN 0r TIHE YORK'TOWN-& CREW OAPTURED. moied byhiWiinos ah lialer, l15 bof Lnun-Ouniat lUnd <0oue te Rameaout panteis Prtoso5i- mirai Cabits liriet DetaitlS. th I e ispmlch trou Admirai Dte res- aIe tise Navy Depatucu.t lu Wash- nreponding tise ambuscade ur LIeut. nre aut! Sis party, aud lIsting tisaIt rate vus unkuovit, cased ga-emt con- i et lise tepartuent. Bestause Outhdi ty kuov u ho e uset! thie Filpinos t!d tiseli- prsonerit wil I e a8i'DOM nIW surprise ho naval offirers ho learn the beatis ot(limaone and lise others aut iset a-ut off ant!thisa-a-boies mu- ad. ructluna atere sent ta AdmIrai y lu use- evers effort tu ascertalu if >ar>' las tîli alîve. antiItfno, tuiaseua--e reicase, if possible. eiter isy raumoin excisauge for nome inuragent»ha-lt! he Amena-an forces.(la-n. OtIs and! rai Dea-va- bave abiout 1,6W Flipino ta-r. lu tia-possesion. Agoînalduas -kuosu repulsîlun fur ta-atisertng hum ta-aI leads lu tis e lusf, isoveve-. that ziII prefe- lu lista-n luo otatua-es ton prriase outhde taredueut tise Amer- ,ordlng lu Admira] Dewtey'» t!lepmts- war.isps coller, vils titteU Mcl s-t!, aisa-unt tromth ie Yurktown at hot aae moumnlga s-ar Haler. re a amal! Spanisis gara-ison isat!bts-n sng the lusurgetits tfa' usarly am sas. obijeo-l naas lu asi-intatu biatclose tu aburt-ttia gunhtoats sent hi Admirai vy Iu remnue lise SB1iiards r<iuid go. r utter isat!gone for nomtua ime stien a-ni>' thret v.lleis, tirs-Iinluraiitnuc- non. va-na- haart! absathn ie orbtowi. rloum tealure ut tise affoa- As iaàt âno y to lta-e souting wu@ m nade bs tisn ni! lise s-utterns lit-b bat!a machuine in ha-t- ituitThts liai!,lu liste imîres tuaI Lient. liluuure andt!hi% tmtu 7eiitbuIut-i anti issinbsîsi ail miaugis i- heoure tisay rouit! naîse a baud lu ir defenna-. 1 asa-5's diskpatrs a-a-ds.afollowis àê Yorbktwnvisiteti Balor, Luzon, eamt st ot Lsuaon. P. I.. Aprii 12, fuir tht ose ut ress-uuîg and bringluga soay Spautish foncti. conaîitia- ot elghty sera. lhr- sfhcs-nrn si Ivo pria-sîs, va-ee urnîtuodet! iby 40 usurgenia. re ufth lieinsurgenst§ arma-s! na-îlb Mu- rifies. aa repors-il lu>naives.iLieut. C. (lmone, ta lta- itialaan examine- uto tise moîttisoutthe- river n aun srm- toit, wuambuses.Iet!. ires] upon anti ;ons'd.i'Pa- ie uvît. as insurgents sedt!a1 couniatafteratard. [Il Thiuke ut Fludina Hec Roy. Who W.* âtbien Fifleen leawa Agu. ise tindins utf(la-raid Lapiner, tisebld- et! Chis-mgo bttybas kîndmi auew lths sa ot hopte lu tise iresmut ofMn. Liraiti ckînuon utflI-utgistou. Mit-h. M rit. toi, sn houava-s tisaIahi oa tîr >ei lbeha- ynoatgruus u s ta-n fitteen jtSarm agit. la 1884 tise Dis-bnunsissa-e living aI -reuce. isi.,sabirs Ma- tiiluuunaS ainlua engua-a-a sut upa-rtstettda-t o! mems.Ount!sî lise boy, Wiltlievas nitru Hea-as tisan (6 yeaa-a oIt. Tise unr vasasdvanced! tiretlisal tise boy id luen biduape]nlu spmîiritt ofravenge mornme of theiminiera*vWho vire Identifi-t ish a tribe. Thsi tisa-r>' aSabandion- lata-, a sear-is boving bren msde lu te meandle-of ail lise aianilunet! sant tise viclnity u insîis tise boy mutîg ne talla-n. Almsa y>ear pasatt i lt-tort ae it! uita detectivt vas raIls-t, snd lista isorougs and! organise] semi-citfurta-h MIe fa-hou- sruade. The lîttie fortune oneil hy tise para-ute îuà aprit lutise suînt fuir tisa-buys h ie lnentou detectires. Cia-vs vire crisac rm un«ened lulise otser ut tiseUnit-t taes. Beveral limes il vms belilevedt! iaI a-res asunt aId., na'iî ra ndouhta-dly a trucps-uta- led lise deté- ves int thSaBoni uthîldIntoa setîtemenl rnega-ts. vhs-eethtelboy5 adi Se-n se- a-ted Sur seveai mutntis. Uumnitab- ,e traces urthtie Dickinson boy>' er. ount ams-ung tisa-se na-grosslits Phasîmâtt- vin leat-et! tisesute pntrns lue a- les] wben ant ome tu ais) ohiîauu -ain- - a Irie des,,ripiin tut i.sbsostein in onain. But tise boy cututdti ts a founul. lu tise yearsa taera-tti.ttse te Éolis ýbauslueser obtus atauuiuiuiti! lta. lis îmsbaîud in deat!, suit!tise iultssat other bas traîreil]itoit-ntiseCUnitet tlas. Bshe has mca-n l13tairsa aout son t tier- vas myntmry, po;tttli lu an uduction. sand!bas bei-n thteaniutfns- orlugt tiirtecu itýIelt Ityst tut lit-upr ata. If living Williimnov w211 î-ars oIt! Slinioglike. -IL Plasp Whuaflh wrttof et1 terage et Tu-tay" la tise Century. Ma-. Whitusarsab wo croaatd tise ucetS lu lisesteerat himeei,says: Tu lue ise moaI nuticeable ding about tise Iut ras thteeaet idi lsîstise yokt ut ethiîgtition vas Ibrostu off. If rondi- touis ho favorable, 1 opine that a large iasortluofuthttcstaeruge passengera tiroat bas-k tlu dirDarwlau nces- t-y about tht dîrd day ont AWaY froe home, country, andI religions lu- itenres. unreslteine] by cututu andi onva-nliouailty, bondt!b> nu iaws ut cton, fins] septurale! froî U l that fra-t otopinion su sta-onuliste worid altore, liîey lt tiseinselvtS go.ytnd liost their bae aitures lu run nul. No souer bas tis easia-knest lut t them, tuan tht> gnose! audmnari user Ilîcir food! like doge, sa-raubiug tfua-tise il-a-pl-ces, andi aunnlng off to diela- buobasîlîi it-tue; Ilîsigrosv quarrel- sme; tIlr talklu les-d ans] lusultîn; brute sîra-ugl lu lite acndat; and]. stithont baute. both sexes show thse anhiml ida- oft(heur natures. Bt mosî apparent ansi obuuxioue are tue tiltby habita Imtowhist mai>'oft histu ail. 'rTe ea eemis utteri>lu tod emu ra!lze tiss'tu Bomte of t lun sli reuîîîtfor days lu dicirrhe vient-, wvîhont han&lng ditr ciothea. tisci ent. is-tp, aut! ar-ei s aillu tisa-e utinuat ituuiuit liaity, anti naithont dt ebiessig ot .oap antd weler Ha-ene lth sta-ernite as a whiole, tise "ittar re] quarts-c '* (u-lîre lts-rt stara' tiil r enfll ilu punticulitr .stas III sîîus!liug nds otiersiIbe objecstiont- able. Tise gret Martei o oera tisaItuur mu mny pears bave torue]tht Moat pc- ursque porionofut Eîgiad'a Ka-utssi ,uaah da-enssands- sahics neyer yteld- d lu lise ca naon ofthtie ena-lly antelit last ho!tug rnh asunds'r by ltebum- ba n im e tt ou f t na t u rea . Tis y e> va rs bult lu , real itte sals - Pd! invasion ot Napokemtiandsi saletaill ane sous! ns aaonry trant t-htI 1 -tve-'(cemi Is-lNo, 17, whlî-lîstîtts ,ai ljîbo, siv.asjit b>' j tes-s-lit gais, front top lu bulbe. vîtsa gistina-ite eugs >tor a a n lu salk thr5ugisut lta- bottue, nahishin stise iuarowest point utflte naure-. Tht Laheot in iteminine (tublos. N s'i s s t ua-th erapil y l i ln n r au s (Iatt etti'1icuhiduii la lits ait i littr Clubh, selîl-isbringa lthe 14. t u its s-lui>, lu Na-w Y rk ul u u tt 61 JI uu r k The olîjsut ut tise îtîu las-si ni-ti hisaI. and tise ra-siulrea-Ltuti ars tît a haitul houa- muaI ha sitsm-ltt iu-is tay lurt-ad- hng. exnî'pt ou Suntitus. A sîlut ai.u cou tl out siulî lait lisur ni smail ittiat be kept. ans] a ita-ofsut t-ttfuir s-vîty .ne ' aîllho îpâit lu th'ei str(any ut th n fthébe etarolo he t-enter ot t ia ta.d StutügaY Whn the' Aieuiill iiails wîrt, ur *far- theoNt west' Sali i %Namlsiu a tl,,ut hait wny 1»i.twKllil ts- n-aatîrn anidthe western h)outida risý. N tat thei PlbiliplntiS for- ours- Agiîtiifl tu- w ittintanilng--liiivetiral iit tust N-e Roinewliere tt M. aU kFrant-kBso and Iilooitt. #Courage and Strength in Times of Danger." c<Dtad the warning bel.uieen the lunes. What is that warn- ing? Atis of the danger (rom accumulation of badness in i the blood, caused by the usual heavy livng af the Winter mont hs. Spring La the cita ring, cltansing 'time ai thet year; tht forerunner ai the brightnem- and btauty of glorious Summer. .Iow the pthicitîle that Nature laye dîtut. Slurt lun.1 t 0, -earntiîrtfvy uUr S'arîsaîîaill& f Vtei-e ilapp-isits . M-. i a.. l ,. L 1 a.d r, folie Mr.s-ii lii1 V ts t, .l A s tsl#o ,ttat th. ttp.- L .t iEa"'tS CANDY CATHARTtC -Chicago Record. GIRLS DIE IN A FiRE. _______ B W. m N~ OrpeaatliHomne aetBern,,lat., Toa- usGOSIAI taîîy llestruîed. euam5* M.* A d1spathi reports tise bnrnlug ut the erpisans' home taIBei-ne. md. A territ!le .T 000»" 1u fV~ î pana- vas raumet! anona lise fitt-sevtu lumaes. A!] vere remcea-tt lthe ex. reptiou utfti-et, vite atie burne t e tiesti. Tise fine taiteti trou o aluve o Xin: die tihI-ti fleuonanti .vepl through tise -s buildiug vhth gretnel sity. The bumes ceulainedtomunates trou neaan>'ai]lb.he Central Stales Tht institution iseaon- dua-tet! iy Germen Mennonites. NO DEARTI4 0F VOLUNTEERSa COL. Ward @hjasAvani taReciute t l Nery05,0001 lieu.w u ýuf "Tht rts-ruiting ut tise regular arey np KMP lU>DI lu 1.( ,000 lae jra clticly sccom îsiiiseti." bu foi. otsî e tih .r t u .nid! Col. Vard tof tise djulant gtaraaeira-musa-a-st11yamm offire La Watuiuitoni. 'a-have cluseti usatli k-sy- y .tt. t e ost of unr rs-rritingug ,lcas. Ve Inh @%" liithelishFisB D about 3,11Wo yet, bll ave area- tviset! a àe; large nntea- ut the voiuniteenelu thei WE.~ i philippines desire lu re-enliltst!va-art holding upffltfer.&000 more te coter tise ..B Philppine ekiIitmetitt.' Col. %Vard s*&i lite at! been unu diffcittît wisahever lu «e~gladid reeruita. ag0. &. '. w. 5 liatls. n ti f t j it,