SItAN. CFGRYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. MRS E. B. SHERMAN. Local Editer. o u "IBAr, Aprîl 29,1999. 4mrs. Sherman il, aîtorized to recelve subscriptons anddertienfts %01e for the INDRI'ENDEBNT sien orders for job printing. Callonhber fur rates. q »&I«" eat lhe pont-oMfea et Llbertylii8. It has been our Dhlaiaaseond.158 ~îer. uio.tblmneoIIousodwhIsu~IeGRAYSLAK SOCIETIES. F. 1).lattershiall iin building seurio er6 - -G - . i addition to bis Store. John Lee, ot Shoes in M e AV~H"~ CÂURNÂE KWNN O LPPi- -o . unluy Lîbertyvillo, dîd the mason wrk sdChildren's, Olt(Hii chtorli. N u.l trotin. M sa e Atiar dig instiutions of 1h15 country as tins nJ. mJ.niuiflh* IIIi. c1.A. FK.i-loN. W. M. eseerWosrn n d.ugi and Vestin ___________________mystem 01ofpooling and combing. 80 1N UURIKMRL J J rdi O' 8'Y rpeoter vor The trust ta the one great question sarme« t lors~ and t Iird 1 ueîo.ay mon'ig AtTiieldilys meeting of Mizpibgo ds a Truts Worue Than War. Obfretepeope. snd in my liant ah we go tepreas vo are fl- iCBlitlN...Cm I.N fA lwxdcddt fl mns~uar eiel ta teMIS., JassicDosi iýi . sendtihie delegate lIrS . NI urge u 10 a Thei»5atspwm elees filutth pion n ofthe mone qu -fomdIy eehoMsaestIson. SAK CmýNi.1141 I. W. A. molt 01 thonum nttsim bro, u oiint m femd' îîuîîtamctîgo 1batG îd fort Siatriityteralii 0uth( Suprexue Camplu lie field litSt. *à,..-.BUY before tl p ort n ces h n th e m l e f g si e. . L Iay e rmei c:ith.le . v o e ..1 .M u a i , V . C P au l M i n '., lu M ay .* * B A G I I IM eonty bodes no good 1 tbe thse Uni national politîcai campaîgu, sd .T.în iv or( aîrfit j oaN II'OFHOA N e- I"»tlgl trt Chig e a ut NTi uday look1 -lb BnlimaSorten..... l.mulapeople. We slac belete thst sud the people maY lhe rOlied uPen u Lte IBoard uofSîspervaia M aLme N(1l Ird1ito0F (> s i No.-Ilrolgfo lîeg ee u usa ie-2 * Bn ens froni tilt, "Ilteht. ~~~~~E. ila. W. 1C. ig o.a sli oitWt iw lc Mo@sire lasthaleeala brit 10 ail stle it, adstt rgt sud Ywil(Igwll i-.'V."'"t 3 rd $s, R.- , i îrîut IWOO14 Jlthat sUr'e il the country have foctîled eery greaquestien that M1ZA 2' oo.m i .A emo B1lscktiigli oflr url lby re Gg lm bé oueu of t psell l tb tr nc sustoa is te t Uem" Ie î.iu aSandnooh tOsîppel et GraymIlake Hotel. 3 "Bartleti i'eare. *relu____Omo__in iLaooidssw bolt 'mil wutiffiMa. lista R a. y. fiunu K. Ora-. (Our .statîin agent, W. B. bMlgleY bas 2 "Lobster...... u0 tha lr fainaoutsoaif by si micombina- 6.Mosauîl.. R..'. me mifia.I cobn- Elgin Butter Market. buut ile lîcre elow,' wurks il rigli < 'L hîr BeiOla r- a aloîlnt studlug the intricacles ot 3§ Ibn Drled Apples. 8M aOg capital a foislong hesded Butter on the Elgin Board Moudey bMuenuîslrumeu sudalsn.-lpracage inceMea ijftlllieoevers tfinit'illse ~.i.îa sîlr. .~î,~iîtuîe tel'graîhicisrmn n le,.hpcaeMneMu ftmoiga o ontrol a productsud gaIn vîth2ôe tube offered sud bide ot 15c Si 1.yu liulrî ' "statlin wî)k. hris inr.Iliay frem 8.oz hottle Venilse.. lmuaisriches threby,,scores et on ail, there vere no sales et butter. vnai a.- îîu Oîikesî, 8sIl. hurd. I Iltel lisBicyleC:3e oeStpiwbail ust as rîcis sud long The quolation eOmulîitemase Wteleîliouuîe uîiii5- m lT U itîtOFi.Lu -0111ut'u. '~, Avititu.1eaLwi y boaluiviii terre comblutions sud market steady et file. Let week papens were tu enitich-e înrItivîduuair a ,, 4 1. m Nao'iil îrAusinîlrriîrrCicat-1 i ckgeis lye Nd vàh &U dealrable products have beau butter vas quoted et 1iceand eue year treely as muy peup rliititiiiithle Mt.Eu gswe4 up by tise existiig trusts, &go wth no sales tihe markotiwas mede newiquillerli. Eavril .iru iNf le sd R Mn. FLORILErNi L, 1 N-! I. .Weî- inM Iss C gn h es fte .zpcag ie urahamlreuuSilt W. DOOLITTLE. N. 0. ier. 'l'lelions bote] lu the city hliasS libeli hree, four aud e dozen , au W LT U OE. clarity, aud moîtteCr lefh out-t fruttb. A. M MuIlEN. cY. lot-en mulot and possessionîilwîîbc i quert Bottie Blalng. . .. powarfuîl, ricis combluaions battllug V .T.1.NOE. iot gessuip weild ofiertmore shIl ASLKl M . V.N. M o . . mna. egue predomînance lu the saume field. And as lu avery other gu'sitm0VCmoi t<î Pl Molualî tise îîîat'î-r pîllîlîsilel. E. W. M.i WalC h O lus.. Thogaretocmanyric ms ,lieruchralsait up a leader equlal te the great vort If an uiller could gel onît a celd tact 0iaMrl eni..SC eulcue elushs touo lu sl ur.-. ffl. marna, aud ton tev trustah pourIble, Frances WlUard dît the possllltesS wriîPPed Oditiîn ihome day, anîl i lîu gel up a tal for thse rTut f iis weektsow is M om.pred vIltha vbwole, te alov u nthe usv movauent. To ler It was tree aud val-h tiseresuit o iiew, adot VII Ofi inte anîl Mn. Davin tu attend tbe F . H OUl or a smani part Outrihe ambitions, eaboulieblheflr a «Test womnaun nîolcnanî a pcunie fil vld lie.Vilge- ierNotheru Illinois Teachierameeting pepn eli riuast ar-andsbelleav tolti her hat powcvrs (if heuartl .l'.r'i ................ýE ..Sh-ri.nri ulixîij. l'bey vîli retuireallunday, Grayslake Dept. saleeelOl u is sdiorala. Under ber magutîr leadi'rsblului The Indilanla sîîpucîie ioruiitLs î.0 î 0. illluîi.. gse.eaedto isaîrth. W. . T.U. rapida'aeial rai decided ilest wbi-n aC. JnmaresIi H. 4ir 'y. DrlEF.Nnii îerisnteil tr@uia itiug snd tormlng. Lackef veat suid luallant orgalatliiu l lli bâihe.dishre i iiet h ubn lr .... .... E .1,V» hoisl ecig .t" fotrmlng material" viii noes- not yra i dseoyead ILS pesslbilitlefr lto thiie dshrfr uliiir uîehsei ii éme. dpicat cmblatuus ten o~rful rgaliilhonof to-dati lîlrrh 01filtha IîaRY havi- laien ineiîteil efore Tiur........ .........Il. H. Neille At tLe (,rayslake i-Lunch Ilex, sun. Ihene m ghtycra hes lstimun o f o!liasaurimias i I th et m rigi 'iae Ni L i u n Pir g-e tuoiýt.'....... . C. ..,-day tir. Charles 8. lreu t taC I OUMarduplicates, to i y rsofent ieuapsnue oite ty la existencea. admiîîhtraiitorofhIi wiltuir e te whoMaîr agoillie Suciety, vîli îeeuîîy the pul- &"Ithe INDEFENn4"NT irmiy belistes But Lje maImore Ibert wbathas baril set ondawo slrgNi 1PUDY'ptmnu nt#màe.lhéofr-4 &iS rm tise debrîs o ali iitrb I eagreat vomans olygoffzailu uu ul 5 isi ui lre lul ieroui-y -. -Ppir o- , pali. ngl oln he V eveti. Ihe ad-tr spsla ane* business censWil tisa olduiiDig tisa vhola vorid eut unting b t yuthaeiîîuiîlrluePouaî-r__îd OfIIa P-e 0 GaslKa îg ii oor îL3(,te illeCerise.lts isapa buines maîoda u voue. omin otavry natilon. rilloand ias leu and aftertvird married lber. îl'hotenlllet.1,ts l. .al e i Mp ule mtoe nvou. the reategt aturtatonal institioniifor weman dled a lew uîinths Ier sud ho Mrii« E.' J ' lhglsy suri Mter Hovardbid a teinperea eetlg wchvi Apeopog Iis groviug agitation vomau. Iu IL thtirî have laarnad and y lanigilîsir iaetrrvrited inlu rayslake'îver Sîînitay. bh o addrasaed hy 1ev. tir. Mialîenrant reashiteg10trusta, tise foloving ad- davelopat thir powaers B f ilthîrarecle litaaiS irett o drMsa Sissemploies by su ardent belug filtet for the lrgeart n hay are te $4,IllIO andîfi îs t'erîrulc rtlrs ImIi nt Muny from blire attend ulelte ra[ et Evensin. t9.,. tuile in tha vorit's vork. Ilu aterdirthe' valid.rThe esse 'prt"u(iiutii imour'le iii ofMr. 1E. B. Broiwnuî It uluvlle lest Word rearliem usn ut eainuie o! omas.htious employer, oue nudsr tise vom,, orthe vonld thaîr ona gruau ailuniterestiiîg festîos on te qr.ruest if uday. guiuîg lepriîsiuof utte death et RItl limaof trust a i hlaept sud rapiate tialitirtuformulaia thei lr ertatilad dat apylug asie, tl ' y matrioiuy. miss îLeoila tîlîîrurolîfi.,rett.rued te Madollen, which orueurreu làsOsetharu lIT la Vrlmexpresstions vorthy, Calrai con- mallsihai nitedi nfluencea apowercu la tsaulireîcliiilefo i bathef 4 diagaSon, athough the lheory moldinBefworlitidiutiC~aclvllisiOîr .îAtfîu<r illîlI a toin lOklahiomaîr iLeagoaltter a sta4 lit Sarvra eksttever'hbiloeirhebeîLTtO No Cbntaiu voma ought tu o lrrîside iti iltewrs au-iiu. n thie etae a 'n;Natro ii #w edrltvtith litepo-taali The Womans Clrîtîsu Tamurr- Sun Ludge ot MsllonîsmuId verYweili NSI ing ta aultrusts mbtounegigautlelcin- once Union la et oselllsh lu lis parloses Il al tht' îpeple voudi-ri- u lit it uealrt lDr. Harvay's honri- in itn ' f lot-badekiîiilubli-e. 'The rnmi-ni il!bla keui Maillon, ja ton many nrouons Im- vwu not to vin tuensd hai-r thut the Ih wastfle talk if tIr.-tou , saloiuîl'a of the plusterers whui -xlif'r-t tirfinish 1 )Tonerhuli atr pa Sladipsil.Ilea etforth te eeiy aidlir v ()y-okiiiaragrîll l' it( , l ls:"I aa lire îîexî 'aeek. bruîIt r -lu sutlvnu th aloons.Itotfofueo ieilo LSaIlv a it lui . the 'Services tir lit' unîler &»*utnetagen, beceese auono or position ibat tIie worae olfLii,'W M.uliiy l luv .ý itlif ih UShikng men issitâe ti c cePi sC. T. U. toîl on. rivwu net 1 leu- i piîirbirillî ing bal larrul rîrroirvi art ft'ru in hit ho i. tarni t ai<îges-.Laike last vekt l, i Irigrt tormniton li fast wiekeSEE Il ful terisnul warrantaid by cou- that senu e uler, out t teand rîirite eoprhletloe'ked lira vii-.Nbut it f rit. \u-uies-ilîv. prnitatwste esaeV l 1imme tha -iot.. S Murrit- vas eleu-lî-ul attins, tisey do net hocome necoucilst rreh I a tamasz-laid 0000 flirIrThe' adlmisiorrn woouril v2-,rfoaIn. ire hete lr (odtelua epeoperidclaur'hlug ifs W~iî uuulrrt Meu-rua. Leeot itr iîIutrrIirIll.r(tairun irietir aitheîe rîtng the- aIth yoth ith troog drink. Tto menra-rVote,.i eumulng tise natunel chances sncb smealthir alxgte. but ItlaIstirat tIlu a iaiconfbrt ge' fil, tIre Iriber lhaituilubyrY eLbrtlil ai o' gintrophlees tand o e hot hwanted therhava poear te protert homoeusuitl tht'e vitirf lîi rlîrilig i ut ii(' A.).* unr-lia 1ev h. Wol vaarv eomhiro arieeivluug a inajuanty u m. ae hy mateielize, sud ibesanuve lent from th. manifoîl aili whiel l iir-hthu- nirîribi nvr mitlîuî lui thet M r. sIdi trs tr Uuanitul - Il l if rtwi votaeîs, tfîlî- tlienesilîidate ori the7 tiraatauisteîr lIta.Tlu bollsiîlisaitr v-Ilu u.l uîu ee. 'Ard TeOhilu, tuppedul t (raylaLke leiuiNits. Saurahi tungasugh. Mn. -UMunrMichances' lu ths case su que&- ictbeforu iis organtution o uteieu il e svsanies lîrrirl liantl nak agod irléoi li are t.hîe ksy te ise stuation. lu ho measuina OR L yme"rasiug th e ovas grun lser r m hui Nw, ae egfiul iaitran car opinion. possiblitlas ut vooluIu nuerjlbisa haprîeullîu in tauna, lutlaîskîli E. BL. Sherman îatte-llapoiu o-atîrîl rae(tiu uuurnt COL. M. C. WBTMOi'$INION'uusounty: A jury vus beîag anununr"Il eitmriation ahtlGardenî City Lotdge, thon- ebouldl#lie al lei ont' ladlylin E Bo colonel M. C. 'iVtusora vaasunili PEOPLES' COLUMN. te îry a montrucase. A tuaut wîîlî Chicagor lait; Tir-vray î'veiuig. tue Iourd. ut tie Llgatt &msnsl hay hirkea anu brou cerî tirsud bMn. uWin. lhirmmoin ovrd ' le Fresi Masoiins tvr do iligs hy G A S A E AuglU "Presidet o h igetà heurbyL y par ti mlbkiSrsatslendnyeaki lrr Tuauie utoMniLaver.hi var antet lstSaur * MyersTobacco cumpaiiy, a couceru You Neait a Wlndmnill. anîrruirîla ailiernil ueurleillU onsi liittyhuus s u tenlied aeent . buly nighi bli Lîhaietril Lurg terhe s th e trust hall long belon Iu tact svry fermeOr ilieculaon. vaa luenogalut!thy utLefjurtig thu!v: iut'sauseoîns etir le luouPl sl a v ay hanulit ihen etrv hlla l Iba row"ig. ou tissi day tisa Liggett & Why not buy eu Aermolen auit Lave --urtirrrî aebulîre îî rap: u sa înih ir.Snaeusi-s lies ly in ivethîaetrsxn-guuru oea Myer plant wuslransifenrad t10htista,ue tiat vii ru beî litiers aeaSirudo youaa aieve il -lu rirrunisi- o . ivo ag ousuguenhas it tuyrule. N-;faefasEsxteuStar. -lLeogeasu e" &thsevihi of W tmre, Whoîinie- standing asîlli. Vou i-au lhîtrrparti. menrt?"rlielrlrwîtlî ae r lrrruurîlitni-i-'u. Moaygebitmi i Batns tfalî ur. laiant intel-s lliecaIllioen jlalaly resigued sud, caleildbis 3,UW cuIs tB E. H. BiROWN, Lbenîvvilla, ucapiiit la tiîi gri' it e ihi aMai uîîar.krî le J.mV oa uiltip nas m irîe long tu heoneîeembened, iley h"mptayuniogthisrl&,poerlilui oientt ~211f couutry rigbit titismilnut ilo hau viry-lbig uatlt itiprlloy Fraînk Puuvrîriai- poNir limakle tie visitonstel iltishe firm voul i neyer haeabeaun Bicycles for sale. lliug ecin It, al 'mnaiuît anu ot Pul- manager Nlcume, aîd ftle menu wvae cent absorbait by tise combine The uuderslgued bhts second liaud hn tt h uletlto h a" MISinii lieu icuu in aarîu eaclîiîîg alîhîî eure uni-sel rou tnas toi.d.B peda lissemloasbnglu . . Usi, on irrv îage aarîlai it a'rriia. tut aivayaepree For tvslve years e h esltd ho huid bicycles for ailseht 16 1(m) auîrl elov hIJY ikeY. i ir reerrhai fthe Swan i-rrirîl ualer ail nullh ak m l fiyNeer ro nt anet to q b t th t u s t a d a ë Iii a l y o r e d C o ern e 0V . S aute r & U n s . s to re a îd v a -a ti rn ru I t o i i i c i r l esite p e t fi u fi te l y v e- re e s r oa a n d . t e a d a m e s toiibis tia ruand va ltlnollytordnpalsthocnlieLttla 8i a îrueuruuuni atîal uni,- rît t- luerceuo h-err. lîge, Lghu taerho oelisd-citis sel tsea21 tng n.raiultlis rmaa il,1. 1ruulinaus Work isiigrrîîrgu alili iii luni ,Uonl, Broni eandi Sherman, Mn. Dir aflarha davieicle eliig in I have ae1ilahot repsatlng Marlu 38-- Coîaghis lteîey w-el i r1rîlkly i-rre a ttlekia ut-u Ilt. lI ii iîday, I)rruîiski audîd îaugtr, Jonîîl, Mru. 55rleada 1sd aul oti leîîîan. itpeen uatc fa ouooi s eigrt4dan un ovrMs %ieed n ebe Sa filetiha mont grave of ail menaces te 5 il u-a iesade oupneuu lu.Iti rui at iîli tulurci- 1, Ste enation. nearii usa, visicis Ivîiltratte ton ally for flinît asuitent sudulbisa beeome "lie aie lune. Dlilitrrk andi Fanlun, Jr. 1îN CLC lu eplaetin u th' auiv reank yung ie or for lbens. lnqîuire of taunouhs furi t-iirire.. rver s large prt Muzia rip oalhuiI 'Neinî-giouna toonkHILie a av In r. Hu.iruIof he abe iihertb vungle. outhebe iîilizei orld. enu. ut uiuteracti nts Hiîrrnlit î-lynib i .e Lirby. a prSavaenitizne' Col. wemora te a iieinepiper man,. - ýiiAiLietvil. auîy tendouuî- of a u:li!toivard litud efrvn,-tbre t r-iuîitlrra g flue l r, J.uEuiill y o, a hitcy id eioizen- M's su:-Agetmjority o uelsargasl -1rutelrlisinia. 1'airu ruuii rn;itir urglcrt i erml(1- ossogo v fHniaM. aeyhl odr indutriel concerne ln uetsacouny Brick.- yoîr culob nI nu hi- r u.nblatirlu a ne unruy cr-au, aruoi r-ni te ni ru- ...rvnetfui rh-i iveranui, ro.uina atrîglîtfuil deali. M baebeon'combinsd, and othiereanae 1 Leve brick for sale. NiFIL PîîRIE, eauihole l iftr a triller Fuir sale lry Mn.Lau-ire has a!poiioILS aa asl bu tellig of it Ltmasya:Ilvas taken .eave ug Libetyvîlle, tIl. 221h F. B. Lo'.Fî.r,.Lîhetvvllle, .1. ih. . - it( t kflrinvri y li L thty1rhuud lever tisairaul mbt in proleus et pooling or lgoiuiB UAunnit, Giîrinas, OtinrYrL Alun i n- unbip aib.iorerl(i us.iil3lipnmiieni)ia. My longs elaame lbard- trus. Afltrarilhmanufacturarsi FrtSae.iAi y, F. L. WEsTir.O , îtuoceufeller. (Lin-agoni ir îîlnl iirhalYniyuînre his cudlwInae 50veet i1t-oilrl aven Suits nadi ForStHesae o Sale. -ao flil 1hr i hefll it tir iut-ild. Nîthluîg elpeti me. 1 diteet ue recohue i ee nt PotatoeaIt 50c per iushiel. AIS arîl h-i-îîte i t'xuected tri Soon (lieaorust nmpltin, . . ..-Cail ani requirea agreal streteh ot the imagine- nnîlîcua el ow vîithcal! by linr aide. Adudication Notice. Fli.3ul Wi Ofîr rt ;"rruen Ir.I lli nuu1 heurd rot Dr. King@ NewtDis- lion oS ee tisese ds!fret r-uniuana 21-2t. pliblii Ni .iilIg.rîn l.lnthe'iinînbuy rît îlcF. Ci W îllur eunvrny lini- bottegave great relief. irbilail-mi li. sîil i-lig, I cant gay tb ucliislu is ment sud, lu tact, hcuming une lunge Cinut(,urt lrît I,.i-k: territ ru t-rulu hfile uurv, brlraLtNlaantd office.- lrle hsmrelosmdcn eW trns onrllngal h eru"io owe for Sae.. In-l t»i i. l-lll u îtînîulHînu.,- In VVe" I&mrelosmd el . trissacontreilng ai ihe coimudlhis .1,ui-gu.nil aid bunrir. Onia Ililî. 1Mîru-N Ersilimir iarken aliiundifiu rthîe traI ant i ukest cuîrelInlte and fixing prices tut everytii» ~Nas Militena sud Spnlngens ulwayis iair, J .îu-.Ira, lir. aIrrru [ Itrei aiuesviiue, luftilt wîy tor a-uld fir ail Tîroat snit Lung Trouble. un bond. EXIVEsT L. Dura iîîý,rsî,irsi-iiug nbi uiii5iîul ni-t iili r"llanr enduRegîihar aias 50 cents and $1.01). Trial comman use. n«i..t olulîbrI nulr gli inj i u l' bi'uuui iLl au-gec awr-t oue froisai 1F. B.LOVELL. Librty- -iBSnch a c iiaiuwudho LnrumE Buonuiuu.u.. AlIlaiuunilS"arix. They vîit %natifl, nuaîut and tuIer ville, 6. B. fî-o*mpiio, 1raylske. Mag o ia in Sat ovornld .Fo el.WaUkr-gnub. Alrili17. ISM-.'27-3 relatives. Every hotus gnereunteed. Itmigis ho 8tronger Irhan the courts Seedad s eng potatoes. rice ______________ snld aveu stronge filon flantatihe subJecl 10 marktlquotiien. jLave sa _________W ._____ gpnerai governmunt litlai l iionî bombe o~îf desirable ;arlettesâ1U 5F-guu reoDtsi-e daubl voniud make tupenidotîs efforts erl n drî atibntyvi.lB. WTULS, 1 MlleJVV IarILi3L AAA'esJGRAYSLAI tela coulroi legisietion end tachsions out- tise courtsinluits ovu liteneste. Ls- 2.50gelul ple e atcb WOMEN ulledi~*~ i~ '.1 vnl liteawy hebndpeî.c -Arn. l egîa$2.00 1ravarnl fer te think -"fe-J>uiV r y doinos o! tue people en ueaus viil- atur etH fsaine. F. Suydsns. tm a le discases condiion. ____________ U A'~~ cuuhd ou 1i b. oeae T oit h ope 0f ib t i gunr cSue trea ed aller " la- 100011lb W agon n S prings îaon me l .. .. .. .. . . 3 0 o a e Wb"ci man conli appiy fur employ- quiraet F. Paolri-i. 2t tions" Il physi- ~- such tratmnt 401MhI , .... .....1 .....7 23 ond 10 noua iu quaiity asenoseachioce Banri MM% a la eah. .reuhia aan liaithe trust vonulËa the price ot Fesd illI!. ..,alsoe adtblaihorer vould parfrea Wa viii do cnsîîam grlndlng, crn - lugcmplled teaccepl. Itldut aitk and coL er mizaîl grain, nyti, ueis etc. avay the Jdiiuslity uft he peuple, Waunedays sud Satnndeye. (i. H. al a a M s nation out spluyes. i vofflaý*Wai the boire nu!thse yuutisPtth o ae jsountry, vlalch Las hut up ihavaet. el (usoo, Dakota -ékbgran naton.ltedâ end Rural New Yrkeriî hi-f. My -Thsge tu yt einla oreu.ner sv Vuwrierg yialdet110hab! i *'Ta tusteyeeli lenuia tugaoustires acres ledt yesr. Aise 16 iili-re Sa lise counry ibeîî anytingta tInuv cemiug Ivo yeers oi for saeaforcaehi, confronta ns. lu suiy judgement &H or vîlI gîte lima roui gruîintre. the vins that hava ever bhem tought --9-2H. li.LEY. luitisa goverumant silice is founda- Fea liaNTr My hall 011î OncheoTl teat. flion deouai equalin uimportniuce tha Sultable fur Lisige or nîeeatlug place. graity of tise trust itulaion. Mats.E.C. PFLTO'4* Lihienlyv ile --Theamen viso are prousuuing anud essgsnaderng trusts$ daim as su agument tisai bhc day ofthîeiudapeu- f r ==u =.s:sgoesd liai we are on RA a »w ormanufactuerant dernIere ud FO AL È je a &eat economie ftrucsehiiudfile W O SALE- . --IL Moyemat ton cun»olidtiuig andi pool- IOESL N R3AL MR tmbutin my opinioîn ifilenally a Ail kîselaoetPurs Claver, Thnothy, petasiipia o greeti sud îuîpîuity and Red TOP, Alfffà,ait.Asyke, hillhian ud Wb Me cf eeo40-Y. t1.agsrlafl 5.ds lunsa»cn. t -. s ha yatem lunMy opinion ls Try my Seed Carns. ,'n maadag 10 tise country tissu Mali Ordens promptly attended te. IWaa »MalIen boy tupaudaa, - mmftytldaght beonggelan, C AS TE P L us er of li =,eCHAS.eiliPEa fe *gou -s th Long Orove. - IiInois.1 h ) modesi voman sîlent about their suffering. Tseli- troduclion o .1aa Cru bas now demnon- sirted Ibat ulse-tenths of *Il iths casas of munsrual dîsonders du tnure a physcans attention 5ai.The dimple, pure takeai lu the prvac of a womaun's cvii home Insunes quick reliet snd seedy cure. Wounu eed ont heiate nov. Wiue of Cardai n- quires e nohIaitg examina- tons ton Ils adopilon. Il cures auy diseaae tIa ci-mes utun the bead of 'lamait tirubles' -disondered menss, as.flbrg o!the vsmb. 'vhltes." change ut lite. Il maltes women bealitah by rnakbsg tiseu wlli. It keepur lhem ytuuig by kaeping thernahcalhy. $.0t thue dnug Mtore. For advlce lunas- ,equmrinr menaI lis-LadIes Adcl, ýM-ytue,s lis Chat-asogeMelie .Ca. Chaos- ,iasgeTn. W. 1. Sf1501, .f.. ayUiaissys "l1aoe Mines etCardaietesvly la uypeaslhsasd sistseis 28 lb Sack Daîry Sai - - - - - -- .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . 235 »J 120 Sheeis Llneîî Nut- aPer .... -. " os 72 page Compusition Boouk ... ... ..... 3 Corrîîgaled Elbows sach... .......O....0 Doter Egg Bsaiera----------------------------------------------------. kira. Pelle Sadi Iron Hanite...... ....I 10( 'l...-.. .l...a .. 0 10001 ydî l'îiuîow Case Lace pur yard 2ecsuit..." 03 New vaniety Yellow Dent Corn very early and large y!elder. Earîy Potatocs, new varlety. GAeo. Battershall, HAINESVILLE, - - - ILLINOIS. luuîî1-em viry- uighiîîrhoiiiiitht-rt' VohO5fllCEruptiofl in auai iut'unirs lite lias heeîî suvedt Are grand, hut siin eruptions rob l,'y îarîruiou'trlle. chloiera sud lite ut jey. BuikenaArnic& Suive, Dui rrhoeùi-sRruuIy, unrvLu hies bhen cune tu ;ai suo nid, runnini Aud lever etireriouni rounrrlî-nhnînnhea lîy the uni-ei-rus, ulcera, boits, feioils, corne, varte, n1tut Iuuii-iiir-. Simi-îpersons mait etgl. bruinies, lîlrus. scaldes, ciepped a Poinu of te-biug orît Il vhuever banude, chilih li ent Pile cure on opprrlileity oui-na8, luîpiuîg thal 1h may earthl Drives lt pains and aches. ie tht- Ieanuniof aviig ulhaers litas. Only 25 cte. a box. Curs guarauteati. Fur Bâe&y. F. li. LovELI., Liberhy- SoU hy F. B. LovELL, Liberty-o ville, J. it. uîAiCli 6ilrea inutivavilla, o. H. THeMoPsON, lrayalaka,l LAKE l'iAiuiuÂCY, F. J,. WEBTEiiMÂN. druggists. Rocefeller. ,MIPi5lU tthe Benefit. good fortune to )0 pairs of Sample en's. Womnen's and Black and Tan, Stock ng Tops. These are new style; and we offer t and below wholesale price. the assortmient Is broken..Oà* YSIN GROCERIES ae ... .. .. ... .. .. .. . ... S c 7c .. . . Sc . . . . . .. .. . . ASC .... .... ...u........-..- - 23C Smoking Tutar.uu ...4C H DAY SPECIAL* ........ . .... . .. . 2 5 C . 1. KUEBKER, Store. Grayslake, Illinois. fe fooled ricked into bl.iying an îinÈeriôý ig Machine, ctone in ar"d see aNO SECRET J N. "e4 - a sY MYOTE L SHERMAN,..Il ILLINOIS ýry Goods, Notions, iroceries of ai kinds. .2TMING, ACO MPLETE LIN E OF and Boys' Suits, len's and Boys' Pants, Children's Suits.. le to order bv first class Talor. id see New Spring Samples. - - Paper S 1oîîr ttr>('t~ 1 11ii 1i 111.1 itaelie *W. EDWARD5, KE, IL IOS Fuir s qulck rtuedy sud oua that te pertectly mati-tor ehiîdren hatn Poiand china recîrénlil(tne Minute Cough Came. listal are èsac- is ii -xcPiieut for croup. Loarseneas. suad braading. tivkling laifiî l niai sud cougbe. F. -ad_ Plffluîl B. LevEi-i, Llhertyvîlle,J-f.11 BAcasa îlesn0tss vi a t stock feiler. F. BAIRSTOW. M AN U FACTU RER O Marble and C. . 8mai, okefeller, . o ru l nG ranite iicBrlde's tenus 2 miles vash t ofeuiiity1 Poor Fan ruîsu fs L-FrIETERV _____________________WORK OF~ EVERY 4 s u, uhit dsceCorr efsonanc Mte Io 16 meem ' 1111i1 WAIJKEAN. MI £00.-- A