Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 5 May 1899, p. 8

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00.mmer Gôods! 1 have a good Une of Summer Dress Goods. Lawns, Mulis and Dirniities. Also Shirt Waists, ready made Wrappers, Beits. etc., which 1 arn selling cheap. 1 also seli the Leather Stockings for Ladies and Children. They are not leather, but wear like leather. 1lalso have afull ine of Men's Crash hats which 1 arn selling at 25c to 5Oc. My line of Shirts and Overalis is complete and the prices right. Summer Lap Robes, 50c to $1.75. Oranges, per dozen, 12c. F.L. Westerman, ROCKEFELLER - - ILLINOIS-! WE CARRY A COMPLETESTOCK OF 6RAINMFLOUR- M STUPFS, SEEDS ETC A ISO Lumber, Coal, Lime, and'Cernent.ý WE SEL THE 1 WE3BER W AGON, WH EN YOU WANT Buggies or Farming Implements. CALL ON WRIGHT & SONS Li bertyv iiie, - - Illinois. Reliable Seeds. Prime Clover, Alsyke, -Timothy, Red Top and Blue Grass seed always carried in stock and sold at low prices. Hungarian and Millet seed in season. We give you choice of Ferry's, Rice's and Leonard's garden seeds--aIl thoroughly reliable. Good resuits can only be obtained by sowing pure seed. V. Sauer & Bro., LONG GROVE, - ILLINOIS. I WANT The Furniture Trade of the shrewd buyers. 1 arn bidding for their patronage. 6 If right prices. backed by proper qualities, will influence your trade I have the inducements. *'i>@rfection" (ouebes, warranted for 4 yeaf a....... $1400 Qunsxter-sawed Oiak, patent sie Extension TIable, l10 t 10.04> Iron lieds. Boy sir.o ut prieu pward f rom Z.00 woVen Wire Cota .................... ....... 1.25 Solid Oak Center Tables ut prices upward f rom .... .73 M,.logauyyllOlSL Ceter Tables $1.30 t .b - . .6.00 Iiolud Oak Seretary. N ft bigli .......... .1 10.50 1 have the exclusive agency for the O.W. Richardson &Co., lino of Superlative Carpets. Carpets f urnished ready to be laid on the f loor. Caîl and see Samples. Ma W. HUGHES, Wauconda. MI. Around the County. ROCKEFE LLER gOCIET!ES. CO1IGREGATIONAL <hmrh Bundai air vices 1:30a. mI. andl 73iP. D. Prari mneetigWediiealaY eeau.Y. P. 8.C. E. meut Stinday aveùRgs ai 4:48. JuDiOr C.E. t a 0,0100k. DIAMND CampNrio424. M. W A- mrt month. D. GRIFFITH. V C. o. 0. F. No.i. 5,miii e-nd and foirtlh Tbiîradays ofa.dî month.ý, G WILL rîo.NG GUO. A. UIT. NirCY. JOHN G. RAOAN P'ost G. A. It. in saturdsy iliit(,nor bîîfore foi iiîîiiiM. O E C1iUii(,ILL. Adîit. Mail Moig ouhý ... w:54 a. 9: 22 1P- m- Mail going forth ................. I00 1a. [m. Mai oser lad bY taugiarrlves ut lu a. Lu. ilegiaitiB t Il a. M. ROCK EFELL-ER. lira. King was in Chi-ago Friday. )oii't forget ltheîmeeing for IrsY-rP tu-i-igit. Mrs. Wenterman vas a trîsylake i vititor Saturduiy. i Mr. and Mmra Cronklilte vlslted in Waxkegan Satnnday.a Oea. F. Carie took 5 aliio eggs 10 Waîikegan Wedneaday. Mr. and lira. Wm Skîiner were Chicago visitOns Moîîduy. E. 0. Payne was il, WfukegalOon business tRe latter part of l week. lirs. Cronkbite t.ntertaineîi s friend from Iowa lAie latter part of lanI ceet. Mmiraus. Wilson. from Rocittord 115 vliling bier parents, Mir. and Mrs, Ujeo. IHarden. Wm llerghoîrn iiîterlaitiiîl lus brotlier and bih latiîly. lrîîm l.ukeý Zurich, Snnday. lira. Cole las fiiîiilcîl lier %%ork ai the ilîtîle Trnîing S iio n ithc citY sud la bomne agalu. *'hlp!ingtim e i v'-bsitwil bû tise theçue (fPlustor (uic s sermnî nleat Suîiday evening. L. H. Litcbield and fumily moved 10 Liliertyville Tnesday wbi-re thiv wii make tiseir future boLne. Miss Payne dismlsaed adblool tibis week on uccount of sînkucas, boltaie bope le wll soon be ablit b lake chiarge of lier aebool. lirs. Holcomba asister reluroed 1<) lier home Mooday aler viBiting bore a short timue. Mr. and lins blolconsb accompanied lier t Chilcago. R. F. Riouse Iook a load of Mrv. Terpiiloga furilure 10 Rogers Park laut Tbîîrsday ishere Mn. and )Irs. Terpunig expert to imkelte heir home. lin. Zîmmermais, froni Evanstiîi Whbo was 10o!fspokeil aItliée cbapel Bunday spoke to a large aodIence îîîî lionda'y evening. Alipresent enjoyed bis taitk. Ueo. H.rdeiî, Ir., of RIockeeller wbo bas lieen icd for the pasl lt-n days wiltA a severe allacit of inll.muiatiiry rlîeoiuatisiinisiîiw couîidered onît of danger. Dr."ravis isnlthe altendiîsg pbiysician. The neai limerai car recently lpir- cliased by WiIi hnigge arived Tues. day of lait week and ls of th3 very jutent style witîl ail modern imprîr meotu. It la a ci>iveysulct of hie bs qualily and shows thee most, perfecl taste. I VAN HO E. Mr. M. Wirtr, Sr., wlli cuise a lbar. Tuesday. Louilalie hutiiss Nililbis fatimnIii li. J. Ingrisb. Mr. A. Wintz Is gîIiig reaîly finrflie muastis Iii tuy tise salb for Aiis lse. Odellu RaUte Lad a lirlhday hart balonduy afternionu. Tbebic lbe fcuiki Aîîd a fine tinte. Misa Ena h iiin inruight 31 isi Blanuche HinsI ontebîîo uiMn. J. iDykes ast week wVdiesîiy. LasI aet Monîlay Mn. (iilir,îiî lii ered at Grayoake a %sery largeinursery sloi-k frntm'iroy, (liii. '[hiedirtetori havi 1tiiriiui!l usnew îînalînldged eu,-Ycbol)tcUia diî'liiiian: aîsd a fbne set of itîus' earla Ion the Swaii slstol. .1 ittaiuy Vs' gier, ij o'f 311. t. Viag- ner, diî-d of eîiik imisiînîitio ie wùm i.iiiteen y eals uibl. 'Iiesbm il. Lusse uniir myiliiitlNin itIi m i'n'av 'bi fulimecai of Mii .i'îrse Ehînnige' e as cîndiicieil l ii,' %ýioeîîîîîîî was a sud fltterai, destin lakmusg the hove-cismon amiî brithier liai iig île lit- reaved l initiisr, a tricandI fiour iss, ters sunvîsîng. astiie lbnsîalsd and father uii s uevî'iab tarm ugo. Ilh Rbningi-n was a guI'tîl Naîtterer aili liis broken i mb suicti 1u-îinîted in lu ood poison. i Le aorroiing fuinly iv our sympathluii teir great aflic<tin. Dont tbîîk you au cure Iliat lighl attact of Ilywpeptiia Ay dietiog. or tibu il aihl cune itaurîf. Modol 1.yspept.( Cure yl cure it; it "ýdiageate abat yet eut"-sind restores the digestive orgaro Iii heuth. F. B. LoVELL. Lbertyvil MAN, iRocefeeller. use. aîeuli. W. A. mealaat GAGES LAKE. W. W.Ai-rîsi ln.C GI>RN EE. Cliarles Lawhou, of Walikegan was îot tAilrat of Ithe week. Misa Frankie Dilley la entertauîîing ber niiece ias Tweed. ThAe Ournee buse bail teumn was out for practice lait Nînday. Thomas Me Clore went 10 the eitY huat Suînday on busineas. Miases Dora und Stella ixon of Russel viâited liere StandaY. Fred Me Crac ken, of Evaustîn viturd bere the lafit of Ilie week. lIra. Wakeield entertainedtlteW. C. Ti. 1 i adiea Tliursday aiternoonl. The C. E. business meeting waa lield witlîMrs. Laite 'lbrsday eveniing. A new road grader lias reeently lîcen purecbaseil for tAie townl of Warren. A concert wili lie given hiere lu about Iliree weeka. Date vsiii be aîilunnced neit week. A number o! our Younsg lpeuple attendurd an cntertailioicît ut Walsi- wortb Frlday eci inig. Thle undatloti for the ntw bail 18 being îonstructed and the building wili be eompleted liyJIIIY 14t WAUCONDA. J. E. ratt ws a iity vîsîtun sulay. A. L. Mlulitu was us Cary cabler Suni- day. James Bbarman &pont a tew dayp ln Chilcago last week. Ada Manchester rttrned gaturday to lier work lia the City. John Farrel, of Chilcago la viaîtiiug bis couain James Shierman. lirace Manou is visiting ber ister, Mi. Wleeier ut Libertyvilie. Missi Liella MaraL, of Evanston spent Sniîday witli frienda Lare. lira. Ciarene Boyd and clilldren art vlsiting at Mr. Shuas Wrighta. Volîli Chand, wife anti baby, of Chic- ago apent Rnnday wili relatives bare. Mi fsa Anale N'aulew, of lRockefeller lai spending thse week witli Amy Clsîpbam. Mabeile tGilbert wiloisa ttending school ln Waukegan aipeuît tSunday witb lier parents litre. Ed and Francis MeCleary, af Chii- cago are spetiding a few tiays ut ibeir sommer home bere. ForeD. ar tandeir cottage ae Lake for lise sommner. Fev. Zimnierman a tamperance spleaker occupil thIe pulpil Sunduy mrunîg. lMr. N. Pratt coiiîlîieed the eveiiiig services. Brava Men Fali Victinia tu aloniacli. user and kldney troubles as iveil as wouien, and &Il feal thie resîilth in losa of appetite. poisons bn tise bloiîd, bactaclie, nenvouaneafi, Aadache anîd tirod, listie8sa. nin-doun feeling. ButI Iberes no ueed t10 feal lite tbut. Listen tb J. W. (,ardner, jdaville, bd.HMe maya. Elactrie tInideaiwhliilie i alrunndown. amd donIt fliisicuîre wliether Ai lises or dieu. Il diii llraiîdua Slîîcuîi îimvivlvtilig friîndlo more tu gise me new sîrtîngîli andi lu Iis place. gîîîd appielite than anytbing 1 conid soli 0 lid ro in uitouly $1,ai aite I aunonw ent a nlyting and ave Sold ok lcil100 sut înlyil uta nî'w lease ois lue." only 50) censsnt M. W. ilie es. . .L-sx. Liberlyville, G. B. Mr. lBrown, of I arY, eusam a legatguanI wosq-s, Usslk.Evr bt (aller lanI week. gaaned Fred tîreen wav (in the istrict,. if LONG GROVE. Chicago 'ruesday i î.itztenîbaier la iittk"ail upa W ilI Baaeley , îf ltîrri ugtoiiî . ei di m i 111. héaI Sunday bere. Gt. Meir i% liaving thei- arpeliters E. L. lHarrnlîi, if iliui'agii. spent l bis utîl. Sunday in Waicîoîia. '[b la Iocosilersiile sick ness round Sberilf Urifin, of W îîrîkegîîîî, W11 abol ut îîreseîîl. on Our treets; lasî week. Mir. aîud Mrsý Cham. teiîîlel vlited Mns. Dr. Drake and darîglîter 'ira ai tLe Heigbta Sundaty. vuitiiig lira. C. L. Pîratt. Fred and tAie lio Jaktez iade a fly- H. Foller and J. Freiiud we-ri iitY îng tril, on Ibeir bites Sundaày vîsttir4 the irsI (il tise veel 'IThe-Moulnner Cheor atteudurd tise coni- h, A. Northi, o!fliarriiigtoul, wan Ou cerfaItlPalatinîe lat week Fridsy. olr s c e sFriday o f last w e . M iss C ar ie (oms seiler fro mn A ustin 11.11 .Nville s iv iitilog lier huiler, las vitilig vîihfrienda at Long (Irove. 3lns. lerry Jo)hnaoîî, Of Nanda. Iîrs. V. Sanrs faîber. lir. Heracli F. D. Wyiikoi.lî, of %% oolulock, wmul e lirger, froni Palatine in aurionsîy ilîl. lis parents il short suit H unday. 3Mrs. BIüllbtacb c14iülelîg con. Moisnes Lucy aui May Spencer te sieratily litelr. but in not yet as Wei toi ied iant Saliirdusy ti) Avolîdale. ah îîrierly. lIra. Jane (arr, o!flliigsaîod, i '[lie f,,tiiidiiiioiiîtu10 aucr.' larl bai vîsîtuîîg Mr. nit irs. Il. fHarrison. beeii laid aiidimuoniitht-fralue WOrk Mrs. C. E. Laipliere, of Mu-HeuryweiIIlnîom rip. Vcileil un rt-lalives liere huit FritlsY. Ni . ul NMiam. hieîlinger and. L A. IL. Johnsioni, Of CîicagO. isas a iialigliler Julla, visited' ut j P Waoconda imiîstor the lirmt offtlie week. liltzentbaler'a Suiay. Mn. W. NNbtcoîob and friend, Of lMr. iluei sa urj 0theeltY aîsd got a Cilîcagio, venu jleasant vilitorii Su,, is irt clamil cool Likely Iliere ahIlibe ilay. usa sedîliiig ee long. Butl, lv 1ue way, Ilarry Wigltnmai. of McHeîiry, il in a gentleman conit. I)as.sei throngli Ibis lplace itact satur- isbop Esehber ailli occopy tle 1îui day. 1111 0f he Evangelîcal ehurcli Sunday, Calienterv eiNlecI tu inmeuce My7h J oci. P.lun Eserybotly wuork ,ili Llitr ('arIa lbuitlding 1 cr iby v td ueel. Wallace Sehar un romlîany usili (lias Whîîney, of Dliaminui Lakte, oitburs okitnsu inglbng Brus.'1 giow c'aled oniifriends iibîls place ilie trISaturday and Ithe show imanagera vere o!filie veek. 1 gladi ubecome uquainted aillifilema. Niu. nui:t Mrs.t'rry Johnsonuî, iOfîorbe reporter would buse enijoyed Il Nulttvale lreliativeslttIKvoimr notice abiout certain Younng j'lae 1uday.ladies; but teing bolAi landicappad Miss Libliami Tiibmaicabi cauiglît a iliv and Liî a bopeleas Minority sbouud IL Y tring Oîf ba.vs andl picitirel wtsile corne 10 pugilîstie encoofllera, deemed trollng bot weelîdûiretiols tise botter part if salir. W M, W. litglies, A. L. Miiiii sloitA,.iIOL O18 h. Pie, w ti t I i iegiion ins T u- iii ertatiimeut In coming. l be tra Itîiwt't.blie altenitanin stili i uîcreai g. Mis. E:. Laniibere andlMr.. iasii'y .b lie cîghlli grade pulia are bumîa i ofIc Hi'iry, caîet ionîî ri el-is îîd Itbeir grailuatis oelimayli. relaiveisivbre btsi i-k. Itlouâtaes nu differilice low badl tht Y MN r. anid Mrs. .1. G(i îy, tiîWil, id ! itsei' e itV saWitcili arel su.nie: its iblqi jiclby lesi sd le.iviiuni 11I lige iiidViitv'l the latter v nioifheir, scasr F. i;.Lia CLI,, Lib ertyvibbe; Mrs. A.tînIllihlasi it t. *J. hIii ui:. jiniF LT 1 t &-*dir Cooîk, lK V. Wîrîiu 11, I i i okibr Mailiii, i. loi les amd Mr hîîriîliaii wire \m ankigai'iili'rs lavti veek. E RF LU Nir. saitIMrs. L. iC bh1 ii IdM'i ih iila105vrtigIatVue l'ail M rsm.11-L.l'",wi'rs aile dia il1 i.iiv 'm iite Lict. r nîctii.g ,f 0bld Fi-bIous.îat Wiiiiltiiibi %I r,. Petl ostr f IBach tî,vî ls ouisy. v iiting lier îîîioter. Mrs. listier. ht la Je DU atteîslddth-, funuenabi'IfMr. Gel'. Ebîiiiîger wtî icb cils lelsi ut lI ssi e Sîmnuay. Mir. Beatty amiuîtl ssily cam(" fruîm Ctcago lai wet Iiispesd tibe smîînmer. rbey bave rented "Tain Laurelv'" of Misa M. E. iyisuA FOX LAKE. Me, E. fil Brown vas lsuni-Ji ls tht 'T AFoA Lale Ceinetery. ,£N Aaiut lIen t-daat (irayalakti Mn. UGuy llhîîutAms movet iuIsithur Inuac opyboe vatedl y lr .t1nioi nsu anceMr. J. liileet andl lira. %.Hlait are 0F' Fux take caltera îast acre Tuesay. HAR FO D, ON . M-îleainîes Dîsîziel, o! .l)igisttif wasaa MARTF RD, ONN. Fox Litie usîler on Shuimîtuy eveiiing FIRST Mn. .1 . . aliger su lady, of Avoo <sîter vert Foux Lase calrra recentiy. CLASS IN Mfr. 1.lMeadle, of irayabake bats beeui EV ERY RESPECT. fxiiu sl lu thîe Fox Laite Cemetery. Mn. E. Strang, o! hake V'lhais uskepî Insures against Fire buîay ieivenlng guidm fur bits lroîber Witl Stnang, o! Atiodli. Lightning and Tornados. Mn. anîd lMms A.lRichardls and îtlugliîen andlins. F. Gailger were For rates etc. aîîyiy ta ilsein liraYa§lale vîsltîura on Fesday. locaol reconliliug îgency ili Mn. J. Brown, of Wauconula and Mir. Sbîîttim, of Wauîegau, eacb bougbt s chiarge of lot tu tbe Fox Late Cemetesy. Tise Foi Laite Cemetery Society wiii A LBERT SAUER, est allithRrai. Horace Culseir ou Thursday aflernooin, May il, vialtîtra Long Grove. . aiways aeleome. SH-ERMERVILLE. Misa§ Sophia Voila viaiteil ber parets Aumday. Henry Selinardl left for the city Monday.P Ban Freeze and w1fir were Cyhicago Viallor Ibis week. ira. J. KiesI lbas bett Ilstite cty vîaltiug friands. P. Johifau made a liiinueisa trip tii Chicago laut week. Mias R. Rngan was premented witb a whe b y ber parents. MissMartha Rticbwart waaé visiting wiib ber parents Sunday. 11ev. J. C. Rienthas been vlaltiîîg friends anld relatives liere. Chsas. Karaten Lad bisa wLeel Idl Cbicago haI week for repaitra. N ias Clara Funke lnastilii ulbnding tise Chicago Businiesa Collage Chriat Lies wa» vlsiting frienda in Chsicago the lirai ParI o! these eki. 3Henry lielerbofilbas aecured a îîew wbel, wby not gel a tandemi Ifenry- The Party on Misa Rose Roggus was weli attendad. Everyîoîly neports isaving a good lime. 5 Meussi. Henry Meien andl Jolhn Wbîirbsun were in Chicago INIoday ti, get their miut money. Mtev. J. C.Rient bas lefI for t.ermanjy, clhe aleaiuerdepartrd trow New iîrk A muail dog bLas beeli aroiiiàlla' iii i vicinIly iitelng at. Hansan, Lisi pbysical ia hiopeai for bis, reciivery. l'bu old(jerman Laitharan a servicesi msai httiUi.kt mrv t 01u5aJ i.s Cook County Department. TH is DEP A UIÇT W ILL BE DRYOTKID To TowNiBo u s a a rLsA UCOU NTY AND1 NOItTMEN COOK COUNTY. Meivin iiugge bas st'cired s poition n the brick yard. Mir. 00. Plagge ln Impîrovng tua ulace by Illilig np tfl i old r owl t and maklng a Dew one. Mir. Jacob hhtic I tbinklng f luîîy- Lng a top buggy. Iflhi dois Ile itll 800on bave a bird in the cage. Mir. J. tiarl tjendli tu have hisb private lbouilevard limproved t1ils anmer. . liHock întends 10 belp. 11ev. J. C. Rleat llied te pulîîit af lthe E. A. ebolielufst 81înîiay. liqMP J. J. ENlier will preucli Bonday May 7. Alvin KiesItise Wbeellig seant1y admirer peit autber hauppy l4nnday admiring bis lîeauty acrsé telie n. Iteapon pin lsîl i Ithtter lirm tlae Albert Sbolîr. brke tht- record Ou, a reîent Sitnday. He took lise girl. hionie inalde of anulioîr and tîsci bail fimie to atoli at lteiîry RIgiýns gale lhalf an bolir. A yoîing coupi le Ii Wleiig attell ided eburîliut Sî,rtnlfelil retenty. ewben tAie collection waaln )4ig taken rip the youîîg insu u eil lilabing ini bi% pi)cietm for a dîme lits fac" exjîreased is insarramielt um le lioiarstely whisiitred, * c -iaiîgîýi ny pants and h~i1got s a l Some of LtIse ris . f nitgleiteil dyâ pepîli îîirî(iitîi,î s ifi i s tina)LLi are à user.iîialiii ir -îaî iulae andî eptielmy hidîîI li culSi rt- c o n i- i i sl i a iiis f F î .î s î . . I.u v i.i.. 1Lllii.rtyvillî, . 1.hi: uo'itJ, (i instee ;iF. . W s ...v .. 1 l l î A grand May bail viii lie gveli 5 ir 1 iiotli'it " 'ty iii l nm ns as H all. illieriners llt, , ., C h va - Satunday, M ay f I, ta it l'very ýiiie M iss . iiliiî h in/ ile l i for a t.0 acAcome. Weik s vacation. Barnalseeli lien renlet ilbs giio5t, M issme iini' Siirusi a te i t-ei l a which vas known aitlie /.iisserniulsiAnlsritc.tsîig ut Lonîg (irieSiindîsy. place ahd i ahIluiate fisîire l'tac abi-r li'd bi lit'à pee Itan la P ark Ai n iie I iiu se tI ,- b asild in ec uitene At e ra r B b a t b e c a m e f r i g b b - i -i t M M r a Ib h e - m - î lthe alidlAie otlar day sand vent ar m1SaiiiNitai e Il l eîds ii t I;rriigliiu. tise pralisefor a mile ornreuni aiLlAit,* ownar alter I ith l"pitebinks. ahisitle, Mr . t. lsiitir's 1eti f Loîng trive brick bats. etc., iiely ih usa (naltulr, i iritcel tiiibsniii i'i'.ii,'n ý-rSit ils a barb aIre lance, after abîcîn lI iit aN biailt Wretire for tlierelit of tihe lui' Mr as Il- i tili î n in Aiinîr.î. s%îii liii il . liii',ver "Twvo swoohoarls of Mine." s iîitalv'. l'bisa long ualnrcieved Ivlay oifrotte Mn.IJ'nait, iitel illi.laitely li- tisa publialiera a fea days agi., ansdt lî it, t il iit Ir' sl4 ails ju'altg iiij melody sud wuords acre no isîitsun r i tit, lvlie e 1i îi ly. sd îîneîtth lal veeai-anoulbeilei 1,111 I li.i esilles Inss lI il is itl ig ut reprint tbe chorusa for our rusdins ltîs tnuigiiibtl eiucltii ien O11a liaibaincf1aIlv.ry grily, i uie lin &riimvlll,.r Il . îl'b er îi.siaile old. iintf'u ii . clt iI a 0114.e la gandsolîouibiîialil!rll-u ml Wflilli, ths. th,-r' a lient asllid W,11 reI)reMoi-ih i satti nias li glit it. But deas'irrt i li îe arae 1- i i'. Strî,ki'r wîîun lîn ai .-Isl'- îli A n d tro uen oi li es w ù 1 1 i r o t.i elas b u re T u d r ouin d I l i s g h I îk One lo My motls,'. i.i b.:1 M ,i-rI l"'. sd iseî.itl us Ilseu Tîa, nitiîer la mi, tw.the ad on n.'siilui l ,m This long coiptete, vords andî ii~ tiîî,k a tnpi .. Viii uilne uds aihI bie sent 10 any addreeé for di2'ost Hi. l iiti'biiiî [lit.. llaî'kmîiitb v411 in siluer or alamps, by thse t .buu'î iLagt-Lsfi' i i nclcete ae.,icIICi tii îe irese 't lut L1sis-C,.,,32 E. FIiîbn)le o ins md lîy lAnsr. i etîiWlelîg Street, Cîncinnuati, (). 1Mia Mui' SNavaicti rtunluîn-ît rela- liv ca b h ieatiy 'î il i ItiI., i il iîg lise If y<îîî sînîfen froni teniterneiss or iîil aîsîsiivî'n'uiiy (iflie r l liluly. ailien bess on tAie igtnt aide, halos tioder boute ll l'niaifiîi sbouideriilade, constipation, bbiou linsa îc-headachie ansd led dol, .1annîd t g.ltciiiilii i' titrurd heavy and abepy yonr laver ta torpid !te) «vay utlel i liii gr-sa iii Wood, and congeslad. DeWitt's Little Larly ,ilbImoule out1.1 fît Pils a .liai îîey Risers ilI cure yoil prom iitiy 'd ei gniiw ouîîtlîî-tI pteasantly and permaineîtly by reunos% ing lisecongesliouasid ceanîalng tAiele i 'a I.. F. ('stoan sd lItti' NIi Mn dueta 10 open and flow îîtîîraiiy. I-seyt-IrIt. il .,sti.sîitSur are goad pilla. F. B Loi mb, Liberty-llP4a,4pei tir ville, J. IL BitAi-Fliu. Ulrnte. :1'. L.. îty and Siinday uitii ru latiNeýsfisere WEsTarniMAN, IRockefeller. seîonîsîuîg Mîulay mn i boss iniveun uieAi-ouI heltie place. Ilrs. Zalîn and daughter Julia, spent twnî slayslus toue City this week visltiiig. %Ir. Thorn and iarnihlyae moved to Fourest Gbin where tbey've bougbt a homne. Miss Esa Woodioan formerhy o! tAla place suas married the 251h o! lait ujunîliin('hicago. lins. Ed.M hlle &peut lvii or Ilireu daya wiib lier sister, lira Coriett. of Libertyvilte laut eut. (hlm proprielor of thse Isotl ere lias flew the Cîop, ani gone 10 parts nu- tîiiwn. Tis leuvea rooim for anîîtber teniant. Mhiss Julia ZaLli speuit tAie sinter sailli Mn. Dîîitba fainily ut Harrisburg, jPeu., ainsi returned lastwuetk Wednea- lins himbarit aud son, o! Evamuton, vîsiteul grandina Adamas over Bonday. Mis Annie Dofiy bas accepturd a pîusitjiîutathe Fair. CAris Antea place lasttfi lbie asi! ing foras tenant. Wha inatAie malter Chris' '.ioiisougbtt 10 pulîu âaome modemn improsemeflîa. J. D. bridge, edit0r uni proprietor o! the Demnocral, Lsntaattir, N. H. asys: -l woîîld not ut, alout One Minute cîîugb cure for mny bo 'y, wbistIroulud w itbi a congli or coti. it in tisa beet remedy for croup 1 evar naed." F. Bl. 1LovELL, Liliertyville; J. R. BRACHEE, Gurnaur; F.L. WE53TEamAN, Rockefeller. TisI bmhîs. aeua.SWltii Dr. m s.wMEVtv&nu~Oag e RIGOLO, 19762. IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION.- TAie aboya isursa la oanad liy The Wauconîla ht'riu'henoii t fi rt'iumpsmiy. îîîul wiit makteieseaon aI pointestuthis vieinity. Hei-xldatrk urus grey mistu-ilin, and Rai the Alooi and boue o! tise filest Peîrchîern îfiinilbii'r.lls Frauv.It ..ii s about 1IMM) Ibnt aaigbt, sou 0f peïfeet tiunîu. lîîisg aiisosîi uutln lisa fii)riuglired, White isadiapolitiouîi. leîbtout failli. QUEBEC, 2147. WRIGH4T 1370POUND$5. Importedà French Coach Staîlion. Owned liy- Wauoniia Coaeb i lourst-C. 'Thi. fine hoisw ii niaIs' theî- easutsà lu cîmpany aliRu .iasith udboil cau now lie aeen at Iheir ijuantérs. ut FrankT[huma' arm. near Uîllisi-n, I. Quebec, one o! the lincat atallons avenrlirongbl 10 tAis country, wis lin- portai by he tate . W Dîmobaii, saind aur bava yet te Lisat a bormenias finit any failtlia hflm. He L a uhugany ltay W it olor, and lus dlspoaitîiî la ɧof îLel e bigbest dagrea of euine gemulenesa. -u -_1 BiaIh homes are utinaîl Iyrutmpaniea il! ftumiersca iniulIioSe1iîti, alo iili thes patronage o!flireedters. (aIllasud sec tlî-itiigli reit i and-s iusl turit ternia. The follîîaing stands art' Ion tLe api iîýg v vtSIN9. MONDAY At Diamoid Laku'. TUESIIAY-At home WEDNESDAY nigbt andul hsiréait'i niwliulrïAtilui Sillitli v fîi"", luelceen Volo and Feemnît Cînten. 'I'HSDAY uignt auîd Fnlday nîîsnîîng -At Il Vi ii'. . ofi uIWaîiu'undf. FRI1DAY nlgLt andîlSatunulsy A t 'lhîî' Ltkîsu'i iitu iiuîii iuîuî q e i E e E i i E i

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