Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 May 1899, p. 3

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1141ý-ý1 - ,ý ý ý 1 ý .,-, ý ý 1 . - ... M- ,,l, I - ..ý-.- ý ý - - - - ý . ý . 1_ 1 - darknems. tri Vrille Il 1 - -eaprything you fini, Y-- TRE SUNDAY W HOOIL ' p '- 1 t.,h..'-'ý,lý.,,'.ý-. 11oI.heýr il wilvii lie inald7hi: Aummmm ý, «,M,ý-nZ,,. tu tkàrn Il. gold. But the ý I .ý ýý . 1 are othrA af you wbo are litre the ahip ; il ,1. à .-3 le exit train the hauv. AgRiD. bý May bave . L&9 " M L- 1 . ý on Who h Patil ýatlIý,i Where tWi) Beau Met, 1. 1 . . _. . huit an a,ýI-,,ini.1 ...... wh. 1::,re tire gold ; und you rire lirý,kfii loy the violence of the INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE ý . 1 . away. Ther, i. i;.,tliig f rther liant 1 ý ý 1ý can do Ilivre fi, ri.g!,r. The inqll"t [gay 1 . ý wavq. By :Ili iiiiuIYi.ývii indorqernent, or LESSON. ý 1 ý devplop niany fio-t'. If i, .et for 10 o'clock 1 , - . il ., by ri vonpir', 111-11 ,r ,,,àf,,ri.ýe.-n events, or 1 . to-morrow. 4;.,,Iil oiglit, gentlemen." ý 1. là ' vtirri >[-:ri,ý, ýýr"ýà '. .1mleill, tiini". yio L' 1 .. . al Wili .C'LoloJauý )O. Il, th, do.r", uaW ý _. ý Ira -fi il - -t- fi il ,; ý 11ý-_,, aloi ,her, lop IROBectie.e of a- Ellevattras c2uumctm l . Il arma à ý ,,ýnv,.,ý ,lil,,u--ýl gr-jLt Iliariti- riw 3ou -wholefflme Food fer Theught- ý . . 1 ý day a ilark vinud hi verasi over your 1 1. '1 .. . . . * tellotin n il Il t lý,-,,- gI-nt lenàýII." Il hl de- ý il hià'.1 -,k ro -, yo,,r lail, bread. atudylus the @cri »tual l'a" la- '1 . . .1 tý,.tie gad. -You m ill have nrrange- ilo:, aloi il got ,1.,I,,.> aloi -Iiirý--r, III, t 1 1 Il , - > ý ý, 1 à fý I r li I t l - il 1 -, t 1 i: à ý i k 0 ; I i 1 fi ý r y, il r . iývnts ta male for yonr iig,,,Ie*s funeral. . of .if thut , land th.? .h!r.i.g in-ý,,-,,,zir ,f dn) . or ,,, ýýp-ity ,oýd thut th,.,ýigl, yor telligently &" P"âtably. . , ' -a unie ail lionoorta, 1rýa1s,,o- or 3,11 Illive Y)ao4ý il)v,.stnliýlit-4 j . . ,nad uight.- aloi lie mtappd (tain the Il- 4-1 ,1I.,,..tàileýl fi, toi , ý 1 .. p brary and ..I..vl th, door. mlocit. Two, littl, filet 6turt,ý,] an ail ,li'r n loi il ,ill I ,otiloa- nflor fil.- lat btinli; of John ils 1-14 stillli.-m tho, text for the 1 . 1 A dark fom .,.ad uabbing et the rear rial journeii, aloi you were tu 1--:tl theili, il- norbl Il ,, - ,;,'-,ýli-I] aloi tho ,!!%I r nuil Irson ,If May 14 Ili -libiI-ct 'm "Christ end Of file 1'.11. ý a,,ei.ài. to flailli in fo-aven's caront, aloi g,,Il ai,.. toiiI il - l ilo. fi,.. of . lo.rnng lý.-trA>..,l aloi .ý,retii." ý ý il fi, 1-11,11 il. il.,lernal aJ;(ý ni :19rit ,,ýI,1.1*! liae ),u, aillid ail your 1-enles The further wrd, ,If Jeoi, an the lait .. - * ** 1 1 ant,.h:" 5 . 1 .. Fol1o. [)le fom tire d".r." i ..... 1 lark:u- ,.ie,-h,,Ii, fin. .,nrting - . il) ý 1 If n'Id ,lj,,ý,tir,ýg.,iiiI-rýts. forgt iliat theý pit-roin; ar lits lire. .ifti-r the allegory of -,%» Q ý,ý e e ,Ey" yy,.- Arri,--ii Ill the dtlý,tive a,ýk,-l thlui ý a io-nly in-ati-Il Irvature. Ywi r 'Joll lid ' m - 1 , 1.1 y-oir talde thim ni-)riiiiig and the viril- nuel the branches, were mostly , blade of that ; mal ý-n t,.ýiiti,..l lit th.- rýýsli-tý.ýitililY thlot thi-r, ,ljjll lie a she-1t.-r for your to-ad wrdA a fromfort und "uziýl. He pray- _ _ _ _ - _ question: -W11c) drIrere th : t Li t i:l i ... Ir lIi,,ý,.ý,i,,,, un iiiiriit)rtal tr(,a%- 1 rial,, fil, storrl). aloi there im air fair your el for thein. asking nit deliverance trom Cr1APTFýR IV. ding and drassicit them train the bed, j.,_1 shvath knife to yolir mamter's heurt?" . ý tir . e à - m a, [,Il, Yau pra3 ed und rainivd 1 Iiii1gý aloi Li,-1 for ýour hl-art sait light trial. lait support in trial. Wben theY To two of th, ladie. train the ficlor movvIl the pillows, Overtur ed the mat- -i ,Jouit kun. that, Mars lang." soli- _,ý ', ý. ri who ý. - 1. 1 aloi 11,1o aloi .ourivred. you ,t(,n- varn- , for v,,ir -.. iiiol IL glial nuit gloriousi and reai-li,-,l la-tlisiýmon4ý, ail must have be« Id relit il throligh sud through; bed the nerram.: "but 1 dois Lin-w . ,ý 1. 1 J'l.è" atiur, that y, 1 ,lit teint Ji , . , ' sillonne $1.11.1rq, f-onsigntý(1 him charge, and trias. ai rung de dvior bell, an' da wu& in de bouse." 'il lit g ý tr ' un'l'hant r 1 " ,ri for your -,il? vry uvary, froin the strain of the lent examinpd the ýts:,ýIjiLà LfI inii, th, Lingdoni of l'-,rhiài. ,i,,','r;".ý's, 11,111I 1 apeaking a few wortis in a low tona tO ý ma, il Ile býlil-d out and fi tir, bu, L door ,Inlý,,-kel'."' aldild Sel- . ý ý le na% a hervave- day fin,] th, pri, k-iling days. (;etbsemàuf% ý Es ..I ' th God. Hannah, lit- re-entered the fillrarY, while w.11A- nit turnad Io the bureau, and the bouge from . ' 1 1;,ýý.i. . - a tiý.àir in lion, aarnv-tromý ru, 4, t. Týu' Il.-art whoh in childhood 9. Ji, -Il kIlIi,, nus grave on witii(Iri,,v every drawer, which lie rum- jars, "and (an you ünter , an alive the negrf-mm raturtieil lit thc kithrn sud the rear?- lit Tia-rv nus il iýOàIi!ý interive about th" ý na% ytir rfiige. th, partital heurt, and the wýt*,rn siope or the Nieunt of Oýivm joineil her ,Iatilrt)t-. ' """" "1*ý.., NIR" T'unit. ', houle. Tla ri- %vas ai, :Iqi(iitiI,,;iil intlerest 1 ,,hall h_ I...-tà a miIàri--- ,if the quikest fa, ing Joroal, ni . 1 t wag r"ched by a ;e had railàed 'hy )"il ,1à",I:.l way ( - muliderdy Leconte rond or loith lIiiiiiiig domn acrotàs the ,rat- II observéri ' :h 1 1'ýýIàrý',- a là In 1ýhIi. meantina ', 1 - lov'v und Il. filithful, "il avertis invredilde. "-Ilar., e 'liL,ýý,-b. ISýXIA LI. lit L Il t . "In any way i eau -l«Ion f.1low an'. ICopyrlgbt, 1-uis Ir I , 1 uYUJlaghv eler sini v. bd,, Il. , aIlsý Int ror'ever. And lion- s,,iiiiýiiiiiI-m. wheý Ipy ,if file bý,J.ou, ,onth or JerueiLlem. Dr. Nortim. ~tant Rolivrt Campbell 1 . e ,Iût,ýIti,ý aloi th, ,,gr-% c ' gel Ills germon of . 'l'a ritait, und nheil la il f4'%V noInthi Votlr holls * v mi Shollld have vommitteil thià tntit-der." 1 1 wi.h 1. .saisi Il," hl -- d Thlire-hold, nuit S->Ilar-. not very Zwy. ÇÎP the Il of Mardi stirring icvn1orbOàý %vus fillil mith Ili-- niu:ii, of'the (-Illli1 m ' ,v,, in siolden atiil-I3arwý and Without There Ji Wtl, of il lrý,ý-k- in rios valleY et "Marny thing4 kosi Increllible ut first à. 1 d ýo lie menoing .if Lit a ý laughivr voir -r-ý %truali, through mith ,i,ýlil,,rati,)t) yon m83, -1 .ill go nuit tel) tory tirov; à,ý,lýlý ,Il :III lit .11niàie,. But the cioued th.- 4> an interprets t 1 1 t lie fa, t tLat Y.Oi liait a stuk,.ýiil,,tw tais- unir glanI-,ý." liait] the llntptivû. 1 i n..b t is 115,11àlý» xxxix., ý lié-r," the tholii duliéým an yoti. -1 vaili-y is a di.,j) ai%, . Tia. garden is marlk- ý!. ,,lý,j.,e .,.m ... er. T. imi, contiroind.) vicissitudes. The tex ,,,IIlp probability is.- rcmRrlp<l lier- .il rý ., lie contente of Yanr ý"I'n..iiý" , .ion hafi fil) nutiilýr." Or the riilher, witb ed tnday by m ýiinlII illi-,.ýlàrý'.Iwith »T- , id lit - - m, Il il i Have viol lierd: thut viw" Ila, .. . ... il tint lion; ý tri ipýk - 1 ..1 ,lit .b%êrve." _ __ .__ ----= 9, -Wbile 1 was mui fil.. tir, man, -that niy uno1c infortio, ý eýI Here in David, th ' . . ,I,,Iýý I.-ss tender, bat with heurt as lov eral Lire, oliii, tr- ail gretit aile. lit la me m - .r. mai t e l'a ,a. - FINIGUERRA AND LAUNDRESS , 1)"klàà,it. th lie IlI-ýie,] big dangh lero I- an did me), and down ta the boit Or forýfingvr ,if bis right huait agailà-t bis fi.. W<-tsl any ,if thes.- Iiiii,ý*ý la your iiig. lviiti-hfiil et ail your ways, exultant maid il) bc iýfIsIlliý that tlà--y niay rench wife; tant lit- tittorly éfuR (à .antion lille ' ___ __ Ili., : banni. a. mui-b fi, l'In a. il nsall fi, l','! I,%-ýr jiur mut-efims withut RaYillir much, brick il) early tiiiim, though hardly to the r'r týd t Ki.dly Avt .aght Atteint - temple aroi flic doior ahut 119-illdt bis unir, nuit tirer in a Id I .t Neuf th, uti.lerwnt inspection. A (",..t 1)fià.okneýy- world. iiigacil in ýtitýýlý,làlý,ti,,,à. Aloi Ir 1 Have thase :àntiI-ii)atiIriý been gratitilý Illtli-,Ilgll the old peaide do talk il Over l'y tulo. of Christ. The impot, Ilowever, là Camplieil phingeil the 1 The rug. before the fireplace, wu% re- Id be né il for us to tak, ILI' maux' l'"m- ý God III il, lau in lotir ,,,I.ý,ýýn r,-Iiiinil,1-11- a. tio-ilisi 1%,s. Iiim trembling hand ou thât n,ýli fiXiý,]. nithiti roinjoirativt-ly narrow lit. ,1,ý,illiess thought 1 ý o Leur a prettY ""' , do' a ni 4w,.týt -h- ý aloi let his me,'y rail upou your soul. if simili mijoil yon nom, lit-el, as a family lýil)itq. min-, tilt. b,.trà,ýuI niai arrest o'- knir'. ta big heurt. motred. A single ji ai the P-n sur- il là, alwayr,; pleaming Il ture orteil m hile we Ait rý koew of bis ir-I-,ýn(,e In th. , le of th, brý,kýOrk toid theexiserieuved story laid tir a juan who lias vrpated toile In contemplai(.. %our hum boen ill r,-(Illit,ýt. 1;IIII rýýM,. I- no-inory vuiloifilied in gratefuý ,or_,Iý Il il till,, ,no, ar (La lien, Jud«Ik led ut t Iýýü -en Liasty Two groups of - il, -y on the Parent ,,il th.- urii)kl--s learts- im iaki-ti awny forever. Or there .il,ýý of g.,,I,.,l hi.try concerni.g wbieh n::",n, ,,.,,.,,àip. fin wu. appal ho .IIe(.ii ve that there hall lx no lA.,Iuliflll thiligs. In a sruall jjaà,d air fil, ,oast ,if Novu i L- f --Il bloody died lie hall committed. 1 dolitit 1 tampt-ring witb the brilk.ork * - Id -*il' in Ili-]iKlit- ' of %%*Ii,,,Iý fa- is writt-,ti file xiory Ill il m us vour I,,,,àýl-àtriwii n lire. mharer of Your il, riony li, lIta.ti,-iilly cerlain- not. Ibut ,Ihet mine heurt] my unebi'm frul"x 1 The ,)filer rugu were I7orýrtuMvd hý tourists vvera standing lu the Pittl Pal Scotia 1 Once pasm a J'i - , Of pure silver fui ,alitude. for 1 hall ".",i".,l that I ý l 1,,],I', ý;n. 4 ,oil have mercy ou the joaillier in3 , and m- Irr- ý, tak,ýià. Ivaving the bearl ,1,ýilit lo. ý iloi ilitý[itiI>ii the ,iiditary pray- ý 1 oeil élown, ni atiother moment lie I casinq of the windows und door Pxar;,ilt",i """ befora th, large ,liste ý 1 aw'1ýýà,d-II I-stained gar ulmon n iiii 1, 1*11,igll,.ri-Ii. IL., great [lias- wotild bave aile day of ,ni - quiet t)t-fý)r-' ý %vloo, il, ii,](I"i,ýn ta lier atla-r pân>m. hRý An ,iii ruin. ýli--rà- th-- M mitilés Illow Ovel er nuit ,t,,iI:zi,- of J-us which preceded .a- lied, uni] this noirder might 1 --na Ili of coin, no Idole Ilnj tiý.,)ictp(l bis 1 entereil upon autuulrial -qk. 1 thorght file liand ,Ir a (L;ld*ýi illiquit). Oh, tio-re a mide ul.le,,,.ým, of 1,solation. the loandi the arrest. Il i, noirratil in Niait. 26. 'lit tb dhy in lay,119 ait, Plans ar- àn.ny. loany .aIl 'oulvIlà in thi4 siol of fil'. d'..ert ,Iri,,uz R(-ý,ý, th, Place :"t;-I.;. ',Il,. 14: :ý'ýý4o ý ': 3Sýý ý Io, g ^ là ,,,,, remainati a myâdery ment, mus revýa1ed. là ild Ji, a trelliseil te have mlx - ,ad l'ok, ilý . "i erhapi,- assenivd thiv (là-týltil". "aud ý -Now Yeu A4ýf," 9jjid Rellarm- 'Il am û1dý 1,) Mallatilla and (ý«I for Christian mark. bat it,ýti-foI ,If that kt ý nolil, loit tilt. ý:à'Id..ýt ,..,i,ý,l that lx -,r n L'i h onvo bký,méý,1 liko fil., gardan ci Or (,,tiiI. tiiii (liý.,Ilv sllriiifiviint passage then nome inrorx-ant party inight have been it ta 1,,tify that 1 bave thorouglill, inPf"t- arilor . at-ii-il n Ill- rosIýý. As the tour- biscarale a day of feu,], r r-ýtà,,[ài-lI --ii(t-. 1 lý h,ýiirIl j,, lie, bré-akinir of a iiiý,th4-r's holart' (,,Iýi. ,flud, i,,-,ýit,. for S.rah al m,,t ,air b, 1,llý>,ýil n"er lit lia, l'limons. An sisiw(tiý(1, Why, ,%en yI ... r.,If, livrolau ý ,il vour rnom, and that n.t a single evi- Ist, 11,I,ý,..] :if rite exquI.,ili- nok. au ý wtl niy [,:tsttràlztý; 1 ,lomdi, bitinis 1 find an,,tt,. r point lit you, lire historY. the cave Of Nla,-Iil,,ýlitti. As )ou ýN.-r'ý inov iliti.,ý!![Ig il'l.,,ti,-ýý ,à'I'.., froui the tact ý X Cr.'i Il is fortunâte illat y Our uni Iv'là ' IJerl*,e ai guilt ,on the Part Of à ta ý)ý,,Ilpallt titillai) gulibI tIlsi ourleýd oixill file v a lue with ail ald di-jarted frit roJý , hoin 1 .1à;ýl, ý fautai aile lay )air mrý la Ille wrong loir along your path in lif.%, gudleiily, right 0oàt fin. ý 1 làlýg,ýl,,t,' il... ,ont ,if the strug- (,ri,. ar,,Ii-Id you.- i -qild 1 disrovvr. 11obert Campbell will o f tilt. sýI-r. :111,1 ofli il iliagnifyilig Irriý,.t .gIllý, ýlàI-ri tilt. - 't'.1.,ný, 'If lire rive ! 'agd; 3eu ,loilli iiiot mloij) al iiight; thert, 1»ýf"re lon, mai, ait .Peu xravtý Pellid, gle n'o-t ha', un, tr'on .1,,-,Is himself, iliriijaii's palv rare t.,çamý Piller yeti 1 (1,,,11,tlý,s undýrtaki- to shift hos ,-rià.,a in . . mitlh N'hilli Il. .)I,-rv,. file deli- Iift.ý,I. ,rin, Ilays lit 1uý tI,ý-î,.,ýl carné-1 ýa, julut ont- word that seàlmed to mot) Joaki-d domn, suit ilivy man, if mi Only a lII,, lI-r-ý ,lits no Imtnarà mitni of th* rire] hi. g1rir, ell ou, .iý,ly nt the detvlive. yur sti,)liltlerq. You now se 1 - b"w 'mPor- a lillus lit lili- ilinviii'g'. tilhilig v-Itl- Lalk, and 1 ,-m 10 J--:111 'If ýgi-. und 1 tl,,.,Iicl, yo-ir 1,.ýýkiwi housv or thrntigh fvw relit Il ... ýp und a few femst wide, but tc s,.,.:,,,. lis Il, ran ýIo. ,Ir aile liand through ý tant ri) Yeu that 1 ilistitlite, tilis afiarl'h est lily aini uii-ýriug al statially, ' lt--Ilo!" mas S, .foi I nus ., '1'1,-.. ,-as toit ,III,- .-- oifi- or %-,a. shý,i) Or your he-il-ai yeti if ma. ri I .q,.,rii, dnn-n In hieil tivnt al 1.-.Flit».t.ýy. bol I.:ikI k, là.ir. ý t,,.fI.r, Iaing file 1,nàl- ." 1 tilt , 1 thnt , - 4 , il, ' ..t,.mà,ty.*' yon ,aid: ' .Kliaitneýl liýrman. -1 ainl - lt,ýlli>lIl,ý-,' ' ils lie reil Into tllet. hou- ,Ili fin i-1;àlý'i. a . et 7rOàn S.IýI,;-Ità ' an your bops and ail ynoir (ýxlà-ý-taùi)ns. But jipla, kit- t% t1o. lý1:1,ý,-f,ýr il mas a fav- '*I*ý,,týti.a,... ir,,Ie,.Il"> lý,,>xlaimlý-1. '*'%IY ' -Th.ý dust.rIl:*' , . , davl"..ak, ,1l.ý,à !là'. bir'l I J'mot nOkI n"'. "1*,ý, toit r,ý:à-Iv t-r il. Oh, (;ad havýe (.Ilgýýr op, in ri)(. ,,allie of the I.urd jesui PI ý thonk lie toillil malie ou ,Ille believe that ri.-jl 1,ý)s,.s ,f iiii!iýii,:itiol). At the sa . 1 1 ýI oing illi-Ili-.1 vulo file ba, Of no ri , - TI- 'I.ord heard. Veuve vaine Christ. the Ciiiir,>rter. lie is toit gOing Ir ,,,,t.. ri- ,t ,r .1. ,- aloi Ili, ýlisi[,I". This fýý,ýrIIin,-Zh là., bel'n lilie il father fi, -. -ar ait unle. WhY, titilec ar, itilliau Lady nus t.ýiliii,,, lier ont' t "' "' . . lýlýi-lI lirâý ri làý:";, of th, e, lýlig'.1imt throwe Fuioly, frin ,ià-," ri, Ilà,-riý tl'I'r.ý ,,,-I,- ti-là ' III ,4or bo-fort. In thl. bà-vath of rio- bill formaloi y4xl. Pid the flord take that chilé 1 a 1oîjýv ltlnaý4 tra-d f'l ruent tintàffl-, 1 %%-.,qilil mouler uly di tjIIri, 'joil klow. g.-Ilili-in(.tj, Ill)' mutiler, ýh,-,,- -11III hava hel- the D'I'li""'!*' frl,,iils il) un Illolorloile t1w charming h,,,,.,.t,.l tri, uiý,ri,-ý, aile] t L, lir,%, ý mre ' and eu'ttýe wati-rfall's dush you fleurit the ont of your aruà.,e livily, Le , coing tc lutt) 4el je r ýlii-lIýýv,,14w r*,rli,3Y e Ille W., + - soit .f - t . ,f Cadis -e; the clonds and - S le Il .. ' 1 , ý .., Ihý joltil rooo.- n1j fi Il One, toit. Of Finiguerra nuit file laun tht a Id. 1 il ru, -. G. t 1, - ,il ,Il. n Ils aile nt the« 1 1 nus hi 1 -,r." ,,yri-Iý(1 SWar8. a _11,1111 nith voives liant bal] lorig lign %.ýliý . la% shelter Ji better th ri yau Cl) u liquet ,,tais, Iàlri-;à,13 loillon-A lyl the biens- *«Idv 1 e b a Sellarit. "I 1 Il lit in, ý W. - oà, 1, ,in tli,4 oor. ý tr.-I-i, hailvd >oti mith Zladti4,ss; yon cloue going to array Ji in a white robe and PRIM -ý-. n .ý: ilit ý ,- r v , Il , . dl,>,4. ýR.ed. , ' r you .il] hý,u_ ,peut ilo - il, th, past. Il abould wfoilà ] _ fi, , > , agir the bou-e %'a,, . 'Wa nill tnk, ihat nellt Tia. artist, Ji ý,ý-ýljs. in,-r!ri,- rite youth im apt toit math In .1Iýii'l .11 ils -Io 1 ý tw bouse of (,ait. You reniernber branch suit have it ail mady joli; eet hi.% li b-u ,no ril -vu fi, il Judas. as the Loo., of Ii,,ir-, that th.- q,à,sl;.n ,mill 1 ..Ni, ,aiià Joýre. and evrythi.g 89 I'ý,-u Ir hov ý,nr hati.1 treml)l,ý,l as 3loi tank up nt yeur caming Ironie. Blessedl lie limiter nroiv :km fi, n lýI-tiý,, th, jr iI-s mer, 1 a, a 1,;t,," Sellar. five ilouutes artr 1wv; aini itilli. tilt art of týijgr':Ivilig t'lion lime in li,.ýkitig forwaril. Old .ga ls al ýýo ; -IV L ton inuih In >1".iit ail il, 1,,,,ý. il, kýýirig lit,- Iýiii, (If lit.- ,oiniiiniiion. Yimn retio-11, hegoit thiit Jesus halq! Blessd the i., un.,it llzir-1,ýtý.,,l ,,ý-ýtIli làI,-itatl'- to coin- I il!. ,ed il. ti.I fi ý . . à . iiiiitl,ýr or roi-1-I r3 in a ( hurch huild- jaor, hed. Il ,î b- t, Ilo N ... 1, Là. - ' [,svirL:* Ill, l'ail il, ,iljr..Il a ý If ilai ,,jr brick, :,,,]. 1'l-I'i'l'ý lu lliý-illf" !'ait on file h. , th, old àýýiiýist,,r viho con'.ýýýratI.ý) iý. portul'ata cry that Jemus cIým paýý.,ionate., 1 lit . ,iý,,,,Il '*%%'IýIýr-- n-ýxt"!" -,Izi-Il Ilerolun I.N.- anil ,1ý-!,-:,T,. tol:'.11; lili 1 Il.. al-l' lm,,,- -Iint. Cra,. il. that III, fa, t * aMx look 1 ... th mays. Il ý,,,ill 1,e -11 iiii-1 ya r,,riie-int,--r the vhurh olliiiais lIl,ýssIýýl the n.,,epillg ,yé frosa whih th( ilig. ltl:t .1t,ýlaý %%lis file mort of man te lx. .-ýsIaLlý,i- I tilat a tha'nugh mýarh 1't,.ý,.. riotà,,, an Ille n1-t s'il, 'If the ,,-,.,I-,l :1 iiiiiilI,.t. Of ',Iý fýlo. ajA s!1ari, ri- ý n, 1, O " laui 1 III - a r, tri) ,il tot il o- A friend'a 1 .., for us, 1 thiok. la""', r. Io 'le nid lao carrwil il throiigh the allèle; y1lu re- soft hand ,If Jesua wiPes away the tenu! nalà Lýa-I,. yioi knon-. Campbell hOii..ý." liitriiiii,-[ýis, ,vial-1, 1 i-- us..Il lu Lis IVOI k. t iàu'ý ni rIý,,ý;,,iI.I.àý,-e. Ilý fil.. , .a,ýiitutou i ý.-ià,1.ýr illo -,lit peapie who ai the , l-n of The CI..i.jr of Lifý ai,, tel ls ,Il, rI IY ail ,ýi,,.Irtàiýiity to dafraud. llums tial ha brught a 1, nZ ,If gold i "'1'1,.-" rire toit thme. and nane of Iller- Il..-Jig a kirallv iliau. lie KI,11ý.-tillii-.i of our natlir, we spellit Most (If the tiDw ! Ille m--rvn" tillit your haini in tlo-irs in 'l'herv in one mort, point or abqorbini .1,àýlim' pli,- hall i..,n ,.Iràtiletl-d only a roin ii,- il, ,no ýini,)Ilt)tislly establish i or(-tipiiýii nt this finie. ' is jarity few lonirs bforv. ilis anger ut JesW trio. fact il'at ha Ir,,,-Ijr.ý,l il nt thi express ý next il,, ro.On, ,,ri the , .,;de 'A plat ed laith IÀS sol,. Laild und his fine ludiing fornard. And il,- ,toit t'Ili t,)iigr:itiiýýiting synipathy, as minh aý ta ruioiscncý. and flint in the test bour ci li lit tho xiipper table undoubtedly, 1', r,,r r,ý"ro 1 - ,var, atilI v." Oc, upivil by Milliv. n'y - or: .ý-r'iI 1. Of lit., fi*i.-I.11s Droit of isold, liv.. ino: lai miu il in the premelit say, -%%*ýIvouc b.,il,,, you lolit pr,,digâl." ,Ir,. wheu Ive bave tu look over ail oui ll...tlý,i,-Il file 'ulnonntion ut the plot. A ý i - future. 1 find iliat yau menu fi) 1 Aloi, thougla ttvse hindA lie ail witherii lqjsý ,ýxitIýtàI-e. %Vital a moment that wiP noin "ýý, hose vanity Las hevil wotinded in ail w with lier inallier, ri III -,Il Il- ghlors. in perforiiiiii, for til,11, moule as in thi ';'Z ;ý- "Il.ý ý t"ids :If fi' blilh ý Ili,! [ Place Niiiýok-,,li's dying reniiniscence - 1 Il- rioly hala, ,1,.:,.ý - ,- ,iaid ll.m iarà ý 1- ili'li, t - a t-.-I,,ilali-,n. You 111--ýin fil f-4111 1 iim u.,, iliat II,ý tàiiýrIIn Sitl)ath is ri,,ýtir- nith a ti,,àtl.-,l look that lie .Iiii-1 uni 1 yourself, und Ille .Idv.itýtng.., that yon ,x- ý reettA ta fluy. If is resurývted with ail ira air Si. illena bemàde NIrs. Judson's il r.turn ta it t.-tright. Ilat il. huit ni,.,., 1 lit IL, llitý1,1.ýr als-ilitiolis (if siýizry, niaki ".dy fi. yiid fi, teroptation if lie bas soir ,r nfiar hi-r lit, ihix nI)or." illitil Jý, aiquiratl quit, a rloitatonu fur 1 yin, tl>làll,.ýy il, that dirv(tiou. There haire l"nol. **I.,It risolu'. d.v là, ,lot , ... t - .lier il,,, LePt là peut il, lit hive alosorb a gr--Iit di-al ail Your . iraI-t-rA and mongs aini leurs and sert r,ýt:lluis(.týrWe lit thi- harbor of St. Helena, I,ýo-I- m1rh Il ,,, l- . lI,,ýý,ý.s,."ý." 1 .. %%,i. % III inali nt il." mali 1 Il, ,1,-t(,( I;vI , lis skili in ,Iuýtoritig thvir Lurts. time. ilut I sev il,, burin in th,,, if il daies 1 uni transfiguralian. Have you kept tlh'ýl'.nes th(, sain(- islaiai, tn-vuty years aliter. N'a 1,4ý-il uttellipt, fi, t.xttýiiLiftte Judas' crime. the dor. ý imIiir laundress mllé) Lad Sonn, loi- beii i lotritable enough to be- 'Ilow, t1o.n. Ild h.ý .,Itr,,,ý that loci. alIl ; n. lit. týi'n..,l the km.'l' 'If 9 or),. dâ.ý a out m.1ýo ) ai, iim, iut,,tt, il m ith the lIr--s- 1 vow%ý Have %ou been a I)a(-kmlidt-r? (;(,il lmIlý)n's dying rentinis('eu('e n as one of de- S 4 ,., The raotil ium. nuýLing i.iý,ti)Iý -I day kuavi ai the font of liriiini-"Tete d'aruit-c-*'-*'Ilvad of tilt Le%, iloit Li. doi ,lot 1,iýliqýveliis plan would . . ni Ingiug Out ent or qij.jjjjialiry yiou for lxiting dutivsý. ý JI, illlui e your ;,u 1, In , ..«ýý-1 à . Hall ta, 1 man toly, but the 1-1 ,_ ri mi in proil if ut IL, haok ,1ý,,,Ilg Ili.. Il.y Yo ý M. -, 1, ' iiiil il ti,ý.(!I(ý liait been Il i, a usfui tbing sometino - to look bal-1 à.ý1-ý,,_ý -nt, Týi,ý, agitin for beaven. Start arniv.,ý Nirs. Jutlý4ia*.s dying reminis lend la ,o-rions (-,,tisi-Iitl,,n(ý's: thât lie fully 1 -.Nfillie ha.] .Na ri-trd whvu 0ii, niiir- il ',';ýràýl"t't 1 11 " v i>sIýItI."l . vtl-d J-us ta evape front bis captom I,,1,,t ha,, kl-,,,t, ,f il - 1 ;il IýII.sI3, Ift. vu il il ,1I...Ily iniO 1-er and fi, ,a-, Ili,. danger. ne Il- e ilam, as yoii startli ilien. 1 rouge your ,,à,I.". es %lie rame hauie fram lier mis v'li . *'Oh, hi- .loi flot puy il lit il,, bank. 11, 'l-r na, I oui n'il t i-,I'!" ,,,;Ij S-,Ilià,ý. b-ol , .ff in 1b.ý aloi fi, se, il,,- ,orrowm w, liavI- suffered ý sfoil by that reminoivence. gionary rail sud her bile of sadr_ sarritlef by ,,iirii(-111Itis liý)"",,, und thus bruitent the 1 ..F:vý,1..Iltiy," iI,,,.ri, il Ilý-rnian, "týiil linfill; Ors" Y"t Il t-onsionniattati Of that earthly kingdom 1j'ýiýt - 1 ,.."ý,,,t ,ý,ýilý-'tnàI-1 1 liàI." ý ",,mtà,,,ti,,n bla- 1,,,,"gllt her 'Il "il ,,.,,iiýlý and il p'rt 1".Ili1:11i'.1 ..iil",.IIl(.,l and th, trial, and .Rnii, riogs or mir [ Bat I inust not spenil nny mnre of my for God, dying in the cabin of the ship in "I'..,)ýnt - lrýý,,gI.t . ,111. m.,i.ý'r.ýi Il, ' ,,, -1 fi) -tu ut, our en- 1 tinn. in izoing aver the ý1,1vantàig,ý.ý Of )Imir 't. 11.4vrin, wam. "I alway@ Il Licil intat Or lac .1ixil,[,,e expecteil litre - Il. 1 Il. I ,;... to,. for I Lave ,f,- ri h. a"I ni !il Ilo. t1_ 11. i;1,.ý ,,;t., in iiii. là pain. ëkorthlý loigrunage an the bürl,,Ir of 'oli, ulI.ýl.,*ý ý,,l.,._u1, nt _ IL, lait.. aloi Si rai, y 1oyLO.nImý 1 .nan, go fur - G-lit troël, hf-IP , lire. 1 iiist litit thin in one grent sIO-af, dill lave rite 1,ord Jiýmýls Christ." And ta "Illà1'lill. Juda', art lu thus marie Ont Lait [,,,>,e,ý"." or il Il. for.. la ,là-qi k th- I ý,ilý,ti ri ,à,;à,k illat il nu, alla-t 111,11-4 :Ili,' on lo-r na3 bal Ii frion Ili, stivulu ý p yorir meinort, of ta, pa.,t, ý aloi 1 (ail filera tili lit your m(,tiiiirýý mith th ,,, the historiIili sa)s, sloi rail loin a ta hi- the n,11 invatit thotigh tragie blun- t., .. ,il - t Il,- ý lIýiIý ri, ur-ot', Il- rý" il. la-le sh, Lad tm.,.Il INiisiliijg. slie , Il oli- jnv, to IlIr Il . ' ý 1 der ,if a tilik-il.,a,].,l dist-iple. This the- 1,1i,ý. Ile nony hal,'. lliý,ý"...l 1 Ii, wvst rooin, narri nelit , isit.,.I, In that lit the r,-,à,w Y-u n'ai, ba elliaur- 1 ] b 1 ig, loo-h as the rearm.r4 souini sivil for ait haur and walle amid t in the gompels. lit in iiý,tI- and r--tain Ili% tié,to-y alý-,, lie là,av 1 .il at il., Lotos, of tlo. al.tist alid vins .Zed and huoilled and urgi,(i ri) pray. 1 Iý1i1ýý11; 1 ,al l 1.111: 111ý "il"I 1-11,ord, ye blond bolight fi,, ,longs of angl,. 1 plu_ the dying ory Lots ni, sui-j ... r baie .,,,-tIIi th, iiou lor, in the h,,ti,(-. ý -l L,- lire no ,thr ni)art[Ill-ntl on IILIS 1" ' purly iiiiagittary. The ro-vue in the grue- mu, l lion ronni ,If Nliý, 1>..It.,. aoliiiittad. Our Elorly Aý t«ti.... ilnnaorIaIý air earth' Priiise the Iord. ye reniiiii.,cýii,,t, of Aàiguýtus Caegar againut Airain, lo- Inay bave brui a co.fd- rat-- Il'l'ýr- sludia, mita ha'tilv set Aniozig the gràý8t'ý8t Rdv3nýnZes Of J"'"r croniiIýd spiritR of henven! the dyinir r,ýillitii,ý,,ýtli 0 af the alýstle (leu toast Lave Levu a terrible one fer the afld to-e'l Ili.. blig ý,ut or fi'.. nin-l- to ý ý..tti-'.." smid If.-rtnan, lis they 1,,ýý-,,i -it Entering Lis ýý di.,cil.l,ý.. %%,.Llj,.d xulldenly front the LI ni. - ý t1l, doo, of ilo. la't one, IL, on, oppoiile don il lier m et aloi LI'n, ý 11111all' , un'i put lit, werv au varlY hOnlv and lis mur- In the Shadolus. pard. Tire dying r,,tààinimI-Iýiire ,if Aligne- Li sitimiter tif great wtýarines%. etartkd 1 t loit ,Ir fil- 1.làý,kI,,*m langhter. là, ý Ill toit tIn. itijiire'l liali'l. begging Ilis rautnimils. The l'ad Dieu A the day. for But %orne of you bave not alwayst hall a jus Caemar min.. adlý.-.ging [lis ait Ddants, -Y(ol ff'r;:--I," ,olid III, d,.Iý,r, ~liant h, ý Iý,1ui,ýkl,,,a Ift Lis mark to the unst j'art, d'Il t beir b,.I,ýd Pension- ýn,->Ith life. Solne Of voir arc nom, in the ..11,,,. 1 played ,oy Part ivil no the stage by file flashes ,if lantertis, and the rough * 1 mill toit Il:ýtý,rt, ll.ýr,*' ,aid I,ýl!ar-. lilist;,,,..... . f un uiihapi)y shad.w. Others Lad t-htýr tw)ut)l". years ,if life?- and they all.wà,ýd ni the affirma- ira ives (if Ramau maliliers. and the shriU müý 1,,ýý,,Iii;z o'.., th, hody ,If I.y e1j,ýr. ý ..Il is '11",IiIý.ý;à'). Ni,,, fý , rie- rý,ý,àl,ýý ll(.1j, lier, un -' -ate Out of the i,.iliug spring O toiles of jý,%iý,h f.1,Iiti,ýýý4it io no wondeir iint fr end -th fil- Ili-sly ,,--ý-,ii--i in h1ý 1 il aller l"n- and d'lil borne. N'i .lire font surlrimýý to find that aga, You are a noere ivrerir of what you li,,. and he sid. "%Vhy. thvn, don't you ý 1), laud ilie'?" The dying reniinimýn(ýý, of tirai: they nere totally il h.lod mlo-n 11--rin." ..IàI.-rý::l fi,, ro,,ný. al..iI-." lilunilýilliiliI'il tý.xti-:I(.Ieil th, broken Bi-r(ja'm heart na' ci concentration of mir, one merx- Uinust gather op the morruws il 1 nprepared tu meet Ili- 'I'nid flot là.vi. ha] fil ... ý. TI 1 r.1 ilar roais lire not evun fur- ileoille. 'I'l;,- nornati ilaiàk--,l loin und w . lieu mie heur bon mailler vins alaiilý,,d of voul, prist lire. But bow @hall 1 do il . 1 i nul the allenitif, wu" "I bave foght , the ernl'rg,ýUCY bravely. Yet one woold ýui.1 Ili rrnan. .. 1 ýd.- xiiiii Il, Florin. , aloi [ait One of ' - compa"Y Of Je8un Iller **SI-un,,-Iy." 'ni'vot ni.là, riied to go. liftnig lier bulolle fl'onu and that tsbe nIad,ý sport Of bis iuhr-"tY You IMY ilitit ix impassible. as yon bave goOd fight. 1 have tini.hed my course. 1 thilikithat in kilo, t1leu. lias be,à, II.,ýýil>ie-d. You know, my tu ,J thirik lie hall th-- 9,,!ýl," hl- ,ýllitinti-ýl, --IIýI lis 1-.ý,Ii[ig 1,1:1I'à'. aluni ofteu (allait Lion t'the laine brut." la ail go mallY troubles au dvershies. bave kpt the failli; hvneefurth there in wouli ferir nothing. I "D"b. tiiiit this looist. but tour yvars oi;o. -e two-the firmit trou- laid up for nie a cmivri of right a e -Jesus, linawilig ail things that abould Law lie I'I't.,tà,.il that i-nn(,.[ý.,i ri tri. 1 , ait- ý - " ' ,; loqi In. sau tl'at Sloc lirol set if illI011 lie who bas vicions parents bas to fight Then 1 mill inst tak eou Il 324 nOt .iirnia. yitu "an ila[li'n, Ili) nu- Ther.. art. .,à Lghts at,-,,*ý." . . coule upal, hini;" titis, a characterfintie "4)1), -11. wv mill pass op and taký a ('l'e of là!. (.119ra%,1719S. Lilie 1111 l'Ili. 78 every ilicil of bis way if lie moulti main- ble and the lust trouble. As when "a are whiùh the Iord, the righteous Judge, will cl,*% d,-sk,." 1 malk thrtoigh th(ýtn," ot)sirvt-d Slilars. utthut là Ill,..; t m as a plait. tif engra% ,Il tain bis integrity and et last rlach the walking alotig file larti and tbere bas give in, in tant day, and Dot to me culy, comment of the vvaligelist. shows In a lit-re 11là-t-nan foilied ,peu evry drini 1 or file g,ýd in heavn. Perhaps Levu mukic in the distonce Yeu Unefm- but to ail tilleul flint loe big aW aring.,, phrase the coulpiete meif-mauitery whieh JA, I'i...ý,l the fidd't'z .1.,I,,m. , '*ItrLng Yotir lanip." Int-ial, compli-te in itself. and regardol bain' Il may ffl-jo,,My finit yourselves Inlssping $tep tO AuguRtus (,laè8iLr divil amid portail and the blamter huit attairied lu the etruggle .1 singlo Ili s ( , Lave bk.Iýn wbon 11(ýiiiisylvania avenue, the inusic, go, whien yon etarted lire, yorir titrent stirý)tiniiiags. l'sol uttvreà big dy- just coluplote - je , rai.ýIl th, à If I)il.ttL-k., ,X. your early haine was il, a City. No pieture of that scene and il ..m ilà-,,i.ý.glàly ,-I:ý,,ýir,.ýd. isi. n1so 1 l'h,ýý diil go, Lut there was nothillX but lis , Ili titti i L il wu. th, ,ntirt- ldorury, ,hali-livr ailli 1 fi 1 th, jure mails lit be, liven. . ,.Ily ris if il Lad 1.-ii a painting wabjuglon. wu% rsidtmtial. ait Dow il la vvry lire was a musical time Lent. The lire reininimcenvv taokinz op through the eau satisfy our conueption of the calm- ro.rn, toit w, l'au ,If g'.1.1 mai r,-,-,.àI.-,I'.u ' Thoi narr- flicht or -tairs. 1 --i'r"Il,. «' iIiit ils th, .I:L:111, bondit. was l'ýli--ýýl, commercial, und Canal stmýet, New York, air nus full of joli and lailarity. With the ,&Il of a dutig(ýýn. (,ail grant that out nenà nuit ilinjsty or bis bearing wben ho '*%%'a nill go thrialigil rite ailler r,,-,I,ýs,«' ý Il Il 1 ýIoi( 1, ,3 , ,if J'itàigi,,rr.i ,il"> Ili-it if .au fur up tan-n. Thar old hýti- in the bright elear lotir you made the boat skip. dying pillow May lie the clq>mng ce a useful utepped forth ta meet tilt IllotIvy Compter said the -Il fi-, tll,-. , pasist-il in tire vie-1 of tac halIý t In ,lu illllIt.".,),,[l froin ,lie city tnay bave beau ilemulishtid or changed Ynil ment ou. and lire grew brighter, un- lire and thà- ()Peaiti.9 of a glI)rif)us eternity. that thruugtil th, little grave. Hfià frank , They m.-à-l talien ,,a(- by n,,,ý-tl,,- doulla 1 -Yv-ý- rýýpliIý,l hi- ,omrýà1Iý-,n, "ta the il:111 1-ý""" I.tore Isclwath. aloi Ili., quick into .toreý. and il se'-unir léliv ëiteril,-g,- lo tri alter awhile swlàleiàly a voice fmun ý - -.,ý-.-ý...-.-,:: -..-,:.:.:.-:.ý .ýà.ii..ý.n thst lie nus the one they sougli . : el parlor4, pantry. stý)r"r,.,m, kitl hi ri, -et- 1 ntt"-aààe large, low rau, il lointain, engra % eil pi ait!" and quick as the . sion or sëif-defen». titille. 1 understand, gave 1 1-1 familY lourd seizvd ai ,,ni , file suggestio, of You, for thure mal; mure meautikg la that henveu sailli ' -Il :: à ,,ithil.attillllt lit vin ronnis nt tilt> raar of the li,-,;-*-. ri " I u halte-d' you grvw paie, yau :: SHORT SERMO" . ! fallowing rite traiterons, Liss of Judas (am vants' ý -Ins. trunks and ,-,Il,", kilA, et id'ilà- file Ilo'sibility of ili(it-ijuittý ruprodue- 8m2lll huuse thali there Là in a granite ,,unshinc, yo 1: 1 JI muet bave azt- passage tinder tilt, stairway, eti,., but "a ý t luallsion or a turreteil calbedral. 1,,,ikiiig vonfrontýI your first sýrýow. You hall no ý-.....-.,...,.....ý.e....e...ý--...,ý:ý..ýýý-.-,- __ýI th, ailler th,- go- lu) toile of iion. le,> though I have never hi vu in il. lian- fi,,,, froni a single original. So thu ba(.k, yau m- il ,jý though it ml-re yester- iden thüt the tluisla on YOur ch'lld'@ check _ ----- ,--- t.iIi.hd the à,ttl,-ýr'. 'ila'viiig heard of the **1 imvlive thore i., na 1,ýiý%(ýnit-rit la thi. ý nall* haq the lo.y. Ili ,,Iiiy noather 'lie frul tire kindnos of IL gl'--zil arlist 10 a duy-the mitting rooin. whem the k>vtl nus rin tiiàhpWthy diýh. Yon indri il ,,,,,- Clirlstliin St-it-iltistd' B(41ef.-.%me woodrs lie %,lis said to perform, liber - b,,ii.«Pýl*' .iA S.ýIl.r.. 1 ga ber washitig there in dry. Now I lx)or výasIiervvoinarl 1111-atig liai discov' one mat by tilt. plain lump light. the math- not lie anything serions. I»ath in slip- may nsk, -I)o chrli â&blentl$ts hi' prublibly Ixix-(-tt-d flint lie would cati te iich lias plaiell rite bientIllfui er ai the vveulog ,land, the brothere and pere,1 tet walkvd rofinil about the cradle. Ile%, in Christ, nuit do ttisiy claliu any Lis aid soui, magie power; that lie would '*N.n--," -.m IIrrnaný, reýj,,nmv. hiiik of il, my ,n'l'in askell la-r for the 'm ,*%%,..Il, ma lvill ast-etai the mtIirsý- ki'y Rit the breakfast tabli, i,ýtrlay ('rY Il 1 O . , yon did toit Leur the trend. But art," L,ýýnetit to file world through the birth n a% e a n and ,Ir pronotince au incantation ý "n ring. Shl, statli flint :,h, foIlital morne I)roducts f Ille (-flý_ravers art mithin 8;.t.ýrs, perhai-4 long ug- gatl-'rP(l Juin the I, le , . 1 old ' kis, thu t.i.)ttiii;; titis(liitýf (in the fi anhil, the truth 9 1". lire of Clirist't" We venture to doit mould (-ami thein htýIlliess ai bis f t: Oh. lie voulti noi have aI-,iýIl 1 il rit - u ... rfvýtvý, ,ha, inl,,r,,,,ifl hl-r. aloi flint 111, I.,ý.,I(.I, of ail of ils tdliv'-Youth*s a a.h.1 on yoti. Il ,,d ee 1 ilerinan ,aid, **aftI-r boii ,-,,"Inlitti'Il or Initier file t:liiiý. lour initier vlith tirai walktýti the flouri. Oh. if Yoti could. mith Bay tillit the b1rth of Christ illeans faure or thlit lie mOuld dimuolve Joli) luisit belote, 1 1 '* .là,- ýi.,hi] il) scarril for mort,. 1 douht C,,,,,,,I,1,1,n. ýL th,. m,àriler." 1 1, voioü "niri,.,td,-g a millu- that lastell your mtrong. stont hand, have ivri-n(-Ijýý,] ern-lentisis thon tu mont their t->t-s; for in that age ail the common ý t'This senreh il, In your intervst.- maid t site bas Ir naw. Il wil: lie n,,l,,.,ary __ _ _ _ huit a n.intit,ý. that uhilil tri 'In the destroïer: Yolii welit te Christian Dr. Alfred Farlow, Chris- people mere iiittýlist-IY superstitions. Te ý- 1 no 1.11- lier Il, obtai. tbe key, if you lliý4 Connirywornan. . baie this driadd miracle worLer step t, a a '(' Cl'r'mtW&"s'- ', the ,1,,t,,tivàý. "Ilave yot. _- .. .. .. - , . Oh, Illos, ,vre gý)i)(1 du3*ý Ir yen hall Il, your rooni, And vin sa;]: ' iod, sure là il, visit iC , 1,Ord ,,,,-;Illl%ý, s:,>.ý, iloi I)iIgi,;illi,,r u,:1 -e 1 fini, svientist, Kansas C"Ily, NID. 'r,ýnd,ýÇ . 1 mtair8 sint, Yal, alciu]Pallli-Il NI'ms Pe- . your faut ilort, your inather always fi, iny child' 1;ýId, ,ai roy cl.iil!>' caloily furtli tu ski' hi If a 1 si ,,,miat.iý,n. 1 fi) rail il Illary il- to hord il. If yOu worv 1 oit in ,I.iri,*I,..,,.. you The Church Aroused.-One thing 11OIO il, 1."II,,,'!*' S illir, glati-,-ý-1 nt hiiI ý . l' u l. ' le stand, the Ininp in ,on balai, loliing 1 , a si-tll,.g .,iil", morili m,ýIIilieI gI.,Il,, inore fistonishing th-111 anything else cou errnan. "A il 1 ý il ,,,,,,,,ý,ýý,,týý,,ý-":",ý,.ý,,I ýýn'I . , 'ai.1, "I 'au't 'var "I hav, not.- reill'alil Il . th, direvtion of thv stairs thfv und as 0 I lI:11:11% s s %) 11 Il 11 wrýI,ý,l in 1 hl' sivet, your father m as al- 1 il: I (,iiii*t beur il." colllr(>i.ts tilt., and tinit lit %%Itt-rtI%*i'r 1 hu%, Levu. NO nonder they staggered irifý,rniiý(1 Y,,,'. 1 J'loi rtirlA nuit mau ln ald. as if colitt.iiil)latliig rt-tIl«riiiii; for Iili'ý affé - t tio, 111IM:111 Illind. :il t1ýIIl9 ways r(-adY fi) [)r,,It,,-t yau. 'I'b., year , ýlý Yon felt flý ir yail (,.,Ilil not joit Ille ton .- luive gowI 1 hklNe fourni the I>es)PI'. of fi,,, k aloi til tO flou gratital. %Ve tnay rien- . ronsd rrni ,].,t-l) by my an, lv's vri- 1 1 I et 1'l'ýi:I.Llll.ý'. one run.ý ,If frýý1iv liait mirlh. Your grtat- inlo-s ovr illa bright e3ýýý, never te seuf * , titis ý bill-, Il !11.otlsýý4,t,) thl, n'ýiil.4 of ,x- s,.Iltlily stillý,stý that ilivre %%ils a strange sh-,ild linow hi' 'ýlil"'-I 'ati m,..Rr 111111, file k.-Y. . lo-n' ajain 'Inorklo. If yon vould hav. m ,ai - nearth - il is àl,.,Iiý,l." laid S.-Iýqrm. "I will Oro, il;,V V,111.11 I', n'as On Incalq a est tr,,-jl>l,, wai au April sl,,ýmIr, more ' . il t'II.,4ý,11 or fin. ý%,,q*k or, fil,. utit,ý,,tý4 (if look tli,,,,, hi, fui v. pi-rhale, I. Irt.ý I'ra n'Ir thome 'Ir nt',ýtla,. I -1,,:àý,z ni(-rt-Iv siep tif) und try tilt- door fi) malle il lit'-ambont. Ill 11"11"ý,l il lady. suL111111, than mbý,,%,,r. Tiw heurt had toit t.1,ýil thiit iittl, one in ytir Amin nu God's kiliglialil. , 1 , Le trouble is tirait We iv ,,Iàitiitýg -Ir trilliàil,,-,> allant bis Persan. eil in the hall bv ý . 'l'ille Y 1 -o . lion, gladIv lisait 1 hat amd tiotu mith ri mouse ofthesuper- r'on, n'y IIIl. ,il, joit, il il 1,,,k,ýIl." niul lit- ,i:ý.nl thI sý ti-ii;,u, 1 been rüiiý:iIkkýd L' trouble, tior Lad 'ick "illi il leni .... 1 ille , gril, Lave uOt vulongli youtig Ilieu trailled, Î 16 lOY 1OW1.11. and t"g..ttà,ýr ,,, di-.,,-Iýl,ýlij IL'ýý lu", (.ViIlýiiitly tri ,Il :il ,],,Ii,ý, . 'y nes tr,,ýI-ti il. n'Id o, lundi liait a warlll,,r lolirld have '1-1', it ' 1 . f Yu catild Il-% ýV" _ , . . natur.L ý ý .1 ý >T. JI, ,1.,...Iv Iiý h, inadi, IIoý ,,nI:trk,. in ,ni, land .an,, for Illis.,iIjjjjjl.y v;oll,,. loit that Is lier- .tair, ' sigils. Il, ,xlil:111, III il.l. lIffil ial, ,ý,iiie 1 tliu hoine in wilich yOur 1,,IýlwrIy en, ý i Iiir là. ý- g,--,, ý - - The ,,-"s«'I'r":Iti In c;lllýýl minIPlY I)Y-àmL Il, tl'i' tinoý fil,, tel, Ira-n m,- in fi,.- 1 The svrvatitý ialo, t-xi-ill'r't l';"ý 'If sb,ýilpf,,II1 tiau . - - - ,hi"l ,tI,-dý liot:r str, lool- go, li-,%y g:adly >air vvauld Laits our fitkilt.--l'isl'i'I' lL""4ý- l' - tuigicy w 1 inoi niat,11lass Là e i i ed - naltr Of iiilI,1,1:tjl"., 1':Iu- ii ing tll!ýt 'l"S"Q il til, hatis,,- L, maid. *'ttit-re il il(, dirl. hurv, ' __1 là, Id si ir-T hall abole. i ,%. là air the ýtais.*'t., ,lit. nu, il lalluti,ýN11,111:111 (If 1,1., oviii. 11và-11:11', ýooi "..- brought lip in the Ika- .411,nud i[Iý.t,à fi ilepart if yoin voilJ palluil. (,Ilillgý), Ill. fi, show ilow lire, %%-as this surmader. ýs;oL, ,ait r.-mil,ý -icom ýI-rý em.n.itiý,, 1 .. liannali is a foie dirt in auv fý>ýin," Il, uslied: cüuotlý. Y,11 ,ý.1,,,I non t-,Ii1ý in 111,-,Il ,I111v 1111%, l"Iit tllat ,le, trI,"Ilr,., idoral aloi Iti-ligiolis Gloulidm.-On . %N-ith sýtkrckýly eý ,ffort Le could bave ý fil,. ronni -if the 1,liiiýir*s LIA lliýrmnýý. . -'lo, yoil spl-11, 1:11;zll>lI', l ory undur tlo, -,,il l'I'o. y ... 1 cllitiý,.,' à, i il ký , ý ",ro ,aine op ,à , hiIl 1,1:1't no 'rai unA religions 9roIllidý, %%'il VVOIIIII pu_ , 'I through tLI4 friglitula,ï] illob, could I la 1 ] z 1 1 1 r - nq, fà _ , ,,1ý,u,:,ý,Ià,à,i, ;il, 1 1;: n, I*àýllar., . oluli lin, 1".(I"",tlý, Il u Il in- - sa 3 : " q ) 1) ' 1: 11 -' Il ; Il w as a front rharrilier (-il t1w e - ist ,, - Ili-iii.,rat.ýiv ,, :ýll,,,l ol, th, mtair 'Illa Iloor I:1ýIý liail t«I,:illýi. I- t lier for fnut tl::,t I- ý ilýýt (loil, ril- ' III, Il ,,,,id, ,..;týllitl w itil ilal. (ýi-,ýýIý,i til, iiiii fi, rial. vastward, and 'i'b. of Ille tomme, and a dor ,IiIt,,.,l il,,i, ý . "YIýý, il im W k- 1".:"I. aloi slie could ,ýiil% ,tilll!l!jtl, ont, Yeu - 111.I!, t - Iil :,iiy 1,,àIgI-,. là , ', 'Io, 'igl,!, ,int ont, nud th,-,iý ""tt'i[ ý Irning , Itild lizi%,ý III-eti .iaft-ly bidden wny uni tried flic 'Iorý . ý,,,:i,ý I',:,ý, ,r, ren,1% tif malie his way il il. a r 1 Il, bond nt the ,itairs. .1 -t il, IlI.,I.ýlýii. - 1.,ql,,- illat i'. .il Iiiilo, th, bro, I, rit.,Ilý,.ý ný-,,g ,- . ý >,,,::,,,,,,ý,,.àr,,"ý.,ý, iI,ý Iý. inarkv. ità,1,Iý:,ý ia- lis and v- Nvill 'land vvitil 3ou Ili .'lu bý Il' 1 ý .ýià.,], I ..r:, il 1 . he maid. "I't * Vil Ili. il, i,,ý..ý,. Ilot 1;.e Il"i ,.ffI1't to 1*11W ILI. morld, ,ý%,,[,ý' pa'-t of Il. Il ..T his lit, rny ,-I,,.i." sai IlIýr,,,.,n ;,**",i ý "' r iv.. m itoites lat--r Iliv Im , inen - (,il 'l'Il,ýti Loril Itii1!11\%t-ll colýlillln,1 Ille bi;ý.,,. lool ýý- 1, ýý,,, '10O Ille f,,,r.,,,,. . '1ý,lýl'i. r;l,-. il . 1 -, to Ilo, sý>litýiiliýs .Ir fil,. Joidiiii %allvy orthe - t1y bark ,if m y I,,,,iit,',. Thu ill ý t 1 t.,r.-,l the lit),ny. Th, 1,.IrlIlr9 11-ele Ilght- 1, à, - )I,ýr 1;,!)" 1 III in, .1,'t .,!,ýi-,I , 1 lo't Iva". l"'I iti'.ýý,,. NII,1,ý ý,1-,II-. A il Il in fil,- iiiti.nýst tif Chri't's king, oui. ,,iii,-r,ý,-,ý -il* IL, là- loi Son. lie wished i, ,,ta Il, ling alo-n a- 1 Ift il." .' ation in 1,101il 1,; l'lit it l", :1111:ý . [ýoUl'1, 1 ,ý - n. YI,,i frglItil 1 . - Il t.ý.-Iý ait t le lott'-r ( ill. III pul Il 1-1 1 I, tJ,ý 1",.,,ýt,, .. of ,,,,,Il :1 I)tiij)ýi.ý,, Dur. fi, ,inlifiaizv. ror tho >ak, or Lis disciples ,1,11, twO tio.n Ititi-reil t1o, rooin. It w a- in- evident . il , à , ,i,,,,,,,,,,,ýll:,I .!, , ruftIý,ý, ,If lit,. l'ânà 1 ,loir Ill- (;od saýýJ. -Iý. t if jl'iý,." ai", ron, und IoIeril,ý ilwl,-,ml ý,."Lll fil,- ternis Ný'ýgt,,,,"s 1,adinje citizoio; ir,-,,-nt, litrit the lady 1 1 1 , 1 u;ii . :fini ,If file ný, s fi) ( liw, flic frve choice finly appointe.1, for a g'-ilt:..Ill:àtý - apart- 111M I liiol liali;I11 alai t:,Iý'. j'l-t ,., , _,: aral ýiJi.Ul ,,oor f.,rtl'ýil11, us J'y tilt, LuIld of unýZIL:ý, an the old loink iitt,)rii,-y. s,-:ti-ý-I-ly il Ný,,i*ýl. (;,.l ý ,If t1w M oriro', doi-tria". lilev. tir. Io, NIli,,Il lit, gi%, h[iiitii ai) ta file for ,oeuf. Triii, ,hi, flirilitlir, thlit jt - ntail, ,lut ,à %, _ 111ally loi,] it-silits. Finally she cooý(iI n- 1,.. >ý131:!'- tl,,-y m iii lait D is. il. Ala., Illi, wus [Itt lut, ýOir làulà,],. It ,Iovll,àýtiýl. NI'.111l)Ilist, %%'àielliligt,)U, ll;zlIkilii. . (.il watild to-day lie iIiiýiýté,r,ýýl son ýwhu,' ý I "'.1,1à, Stllars,*' lie ex(-I:tifili'(1, "a terrible ga i ,W this colniulinity lias sll.%ttino(l. 1 jolillered audiffl Y to Il,-[,>..Ir: Yeu Inke :à ,i!."Ii :,g:,,àý ont .if fil, ,.i.ry . a, 1 1, , .... pot 4.ý,Il', i,-,àý,ýi:tti,,,à. Awl lis Peter', :lit %Iaý %,'!ý' [,:Ittlrtil, Rail Yet etim ber.ý(Iiiit. finit voiritidt-rald). ont (if date. 1 il' ' glad ta Fee you livre: but iq if p,>,,ili,- ,.11.ýv 1 n i'h I ý),.[.,. safe rit 1,Ilil(,!,, 1.1l'h.-t thât 1!o. -ld - -Il f,,tý-hI'd III, YI,,, ,ail la" .. ,.,ý,,-Ilý'. ,l lft,..l TiI, hool lit a Il. t'. qhe renia nus fully twvIv(ý fent mquare 1 on ". , a t o -lit ,f ,,,iiý,r ;c I ;,iureil wiin- ililo hW (,II*istittil 1-:111il ,. 'l'lie gi*tý;it,,,t weak- ,,ý,, fýý-,I,,Il Il IlIý- 1,ol le,. ri la our time, . go for lit-- -, iglit nuit finit tilt l'natal, revolver in bis that nulle ( - '11,11pbell can have voullilittea -11lit -urt-ly ýoiI .1.) l1l'al, Eliglisli. il.ý*iIàIgti ili'. loir,. hl., si, GOI) IInIý I- 1,!t iirni uioler your nesils of (lut, publit, school Systoin Is tire Putcr mon;d ha- ha-I a The bigh-Polt bedstead ý'ý.tlll't"l a Pos'- ý tLý1m cyriiii,? 1 crin searce b(llit-vI, a son of [,Uýlliýir. tl, L.LjoJý. hé tient tion in rite llc)rtii,,nt carner (If the rooni, üx(-Iailllà41 file Baron. oftt:t:,l., in il,. I-tý and louiy str,ý,t4 3ou h-I il ... 1 '11il, là:, n0a banil lit- lýrs in- laek (if tf,2tt-ilitig along tire lino of Chris- Vol J'I'l, :111" nould ha%, ,,ouglit t ils Ilend bi-ing ag.iii.,t Ille vast mali Of the D'y . q vaii't splialz anything ('I,,-!" , ,ý1.1ý.,I-t,,tà'IN' 1'. -l' il. Il,, ,%lis one et old friend, Duticau Uniiillýc-11, a wur- she w;'l' >"il -j., 1,ýýlý,.ý again ..Il thut ,.,IýIl ILI yiolir lips fil,- m4uu of [lis cl.infort and lion (.tillI.s. J'Ids lacli; sliotild [le sup- I:,. il' Ni ho- i,ýI,ý":,U" ain ayt shows 1 drer." ý . ý Il là,- house, m bila on, silla ltr,,,,fIl ngainst the 'oldwil. -1 bat , Ni luit luaLes Ille su gra's a, -, tin. r.o, I arlivi ... 1 hall of th, b's con'olatioil, ulld ýou looked nt the Idid by IL, 1,ý.I..ýIillil (iiiLi-ttl-týýr ,if tho -Sheriff Cclib lias him in riistodY,*' was .., - vaine the ,'ýààlýty lr;.,11,. ;,,mi lI,,,I,,,.l :il your brolien r itý,.It lit h,ý,:ý ai t, rathor Illan in Ilclitwr- parti lion thut (liidàý.1 thl- rentra fr.rn flint file reply, "and cireuinstances %vould indL- livildess aniong illese for,1gliers, f.r.1 hou-, tiý,,,i,,ýIt ,1àilix therà loirt. sud ý,u loulieil ut ille 1.ord'à; chais- toucher. Ily fully :tI'i',Ilàillii-l'ilig YOII ai,, .,Itýitir;à,àý,,. Il,- nitil Il noire mie ghould or the hanker's (lau;zllttr. lie that bc bas tire rigbt man." - - - breaih il( n- 111,11%là IlaY or th, 1,1,11oui yes, tllll(,tlltIý,lly .olll,ý-.tàe liait .rctipitl "' ., Perhaps lie ham," said the old attorney. The LýlýtjZhiàà,, 1-jant, or Arabla. or Lui li, loiL tii.ýýI.-lit. alA 3on ýaoI, -î«Iven ma, Fathvr, InIssiou livre ýou , shail tilt 3our on"Ii 1,111111t. III ii-r Ir lo. lail kI-1,t doit Aword Là e bel] that night. The clozliing m-as foi. ma il 1.ý,ýllýýlli gond in thy sight." Illes with Ille "N%., 4ost and (.1101t'est of ih, - albard, loi, bail bail Ille ellllrûke tu 'n't amide just as il 11.11àirtill>, noulil have "l'lit remember that but for you lie would li'be 1aughing illant- grOWS 111 Al'a- Nl",.ý,ýie. of Heure. nalv Ah. it ý%:is.>ilir first trouble. HI)w did 1 1..,sillg4, and will aboi Le a 1)1,.slsllg il) ,,à> -ý-', thI - 1,,ný , tlà,t Tiiglit iiiýït,ýadot Leon hall ils oecuPant leal,àý,l .uàldý,nlv ont lin, I. bung the wronc man nu one occa- ida. If obtains ils t'aille flou) il'(' et- you may [la%(- ni >our windouq Noir get over lt" C ,,il vont fort ed )lOu. You vour riwe und g,-ii,,r2Iti,àu.--lt,,ý'. A. C. -io, - ý , - ' litilig ils sVeds. Tire b@&Utiftil planis and flowers brought froin liait bvu a ,etter man ever since. Yeu l ., or bed. one ,if the large pillows indiented a i(,n." fects produved b3' ý 1 .'inither, Christian Church. I.os Au- .ýlýIttl""I und N'Ilý'lý il"' t'm that »11 the wherp the latlad of the arouseil livrilian -1 think," Sellars said, cadril "thRt 1 nutIves of file distrit't mhorv tire plaut across the 'l-us, bat , flot one of theul gr 1 ri hali hven ri better womnia ever sauce. in (li,,,,,,,II,, iitt hinà and lied. Nlark allais "' - . 1 May promise you that lie allait not bang _ _ drv iloise svl1-Iý il nil 1*i"Illce theln , in y.ur .,ý,,il ,,, iiii.(h.(hnrm and iii("""'Y geles, t'Ill. W4ý... -- ilint il ,,,rý;àý,, ýouiu; tuait. aroused from, 1. .. ,h, ilor Of tha I !,,ýi.,, ente Ili tlw sevulvher 1 - . ý ___ - ._ _., - -- --

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