Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 May 1899, p. 4

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IM H INDEPNDENT. g GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. P1ANKH. JUT, E<ltor.mie. E. a. SPIERMAN. Local Edtor. FaiuDA, la Ii., il. ,99.. ~ B I ~~Mrs S9hernan lm sutborized 10 rceivee : e forile__N________ TWV W orers or ob printiug. Colt on her for rt& Eaoet l b ois@pH-olIksai LiI..rtyvllIO.fl eIN.iEiiTaloodrfrabslpomaadeta ba fi linos. a5s *-cOn'-lts emltier. Unfjm fSd ame derkdoSaPd wfolem for GRAYSLAIKE SOCIETmES. in Beloit, Wlm.. June lat. Beloit W.h AUlVrMTEI MATER MADE KI4OWN ON APLI- F L toesu . iam. Woodmefl are doiug ail in thelr power CATION. SUri N Lodgro No. 11s A. F. & A. M. to moite iis one the banner pieuticz of î-î-uhi~un r ommunlottons Mondal, MI, that have ever beeu held It wilUSi Biî utrMre.LAKE ZURICH. VOLO. t. A. o o bfoeful Clon. w but $1,110 for the round tri'. hs Offerngs of butter(nithie Egini Henry Selp bas a uew clerk in is Johin Iîook aud > ' i0100814 ha ter N. 35 .riirnastr Last SSnoday evenlg ai 9 Coclonât Boud Monday were 223 tubs, on ail of soenw Volo Tant Frtday. triliet fIrstL and thIrd rios~ifily cvenus ocî-urred the death of Mr. Hucker et d whchlblewa bd ndreusd, Frank Meyer la now perched ou a 99 S. Russell sud wlfe, of Waukegaii S'tt ' Man. CARSIR HIiLSY. W. If. the residence of bis siti Chas. Hueker a whlc hi va bl an reîisdMlldet bke. @petit a few days boere recently. MssJXINriEDoccusi. tiMcvil. ehd en ylu l manufacturera holding for more. 'rie ev aîdyS Ïru' lkF01 lKeoh,î ~to IYSLAKE Camph N..1lui M. W. A. cco n ouvl . e btva Ltdbught to bave h 0001al prîce Wastilzud lit l'W. Btter barber shop. bis lparents bore aI preseut wrlting. ca--h mnut. been daugeroivsly Ili. He aas efghty- a Tatweek 16c; one year agi> lc. Chas. patten, of Palatine. W&@ iu Frank Howard and fainlly. of (iuiuee, tois CnsîRRTNiasClrk. J. MUIiIE. V.C. eiglit years ofage and one of the obtdentLi i _______________ towu Tiuenday. vistited bis brother (Ina. tuaiSunday. , Wt FHN u.14m-îîg mettis gnal, s dpaut disp osition No idea bas bten receiveil s0 A1g1lt Dettiunan sd faiily visîted Mesdames Torratire. Raymionid and 's, andOFdSaNORda NUf. 164 meeitinlutiia en andhl t e eatedisosiaiond *nsasutlcallYlu Wsshington, for a MI Dundee 1atweek. Krwau wore Chicago visitîira Mfiday. MM . UG. e E. L. ROSE, W. C. b- willI 1 gretliy mlssed; but lie veil logtme stta o teprcaeo a Fe HlaidadFan hlt oh James Brown sud wlfe, of Grayslake Ms . iiRdervei. the reward that lm surely bis. Lac one dT dlast tip A -set Seontd home for Admirai Dew5ey, SI the have bought bicycles. sied u i lmslI alln uli&ý,V. Baa. oal. rlnne 9 National Capital, by popular sub- The ire laddles hadi a specil imeci- Henry Stadtfeld andl genilcmîîuiMss.- MssT (. MOSS1LLl. o uuilincIrnîsprilsoit (.ONREOAIONAChOrh Sudan er- Gadînier lt s suuoessors. lesseeS or mo-pio vrboi alu aôr> u Tedyevnn.frîsuil. of Waiilegîîu mspent Suiday .vices.u: 7:0'ra1no- et- asiilrgste cinstrifltintbtadlprt and everplfody expresses a desîne to Fred Feddler le breaklng a pair of!in Volo. lgdnsaycfhiW.1' <~Emuttel,îOevhie l I v1iae of ryslake fil. fireelscotsdorS.anîlmîî gulis Mt 6 45 P. m.Juniors. B- Il or-lalnî-d LIte Prossdent su Board Men' eontrîbute. Wbeii AdmciraIl Dewey Ue recotsfo Indîlma. iîyîier, ofiii nre V îe'L'lytS 8 t" ms - . u Satt' liSeou.il1:30of Trustees ufthtc lllsg .1vf (rayslshe Il arrives ln the tU. S., wblleh hliesaysMmiss Emma Selp la viltîlg in Chics- Wis. spenit Satunîiy andl Siuday e~.. Sc.1il'hat pii-rmils-ion bc and la Iorcby will be ln about four moniba, bie viii go vih frienduanad relatives. Raught liros. Bav. FBEENHAGEN. Psstîîr. écniial lu W. A. (sardinier or the gurvivor of ___ FrnkMeeran Mstr is Ana. rs. Albertlitigbt lia-s beeu W tei'>IJCT. U. weetiinirs evvi> ml.-i-iiii,-hlmaoi lihts sicî,csaors. lssî,uit dassignai prbbyhave -perforincd bis Test ses FskMjradsitrMs uasck w<ith au îack of pueliîmiiua, bat Fr125 i froin 2 to ic . tn. t) ,n-truct isîanisin re-îir and oseratce In duty. Fromithu imie, util hl, viilted lu Chicago tiis eek. lm betîer ut proeult writlnig. m a. FioAsrscatus. Hi. S-c iîî s v tIi iland iii orlandlakerslic~ death, bis duly as the rauklug olilcer Misn Belle Dlcksjon ls novmeu'g TeJlyRlesac 1)iigliR((EELI îilcN.ii10 t. F. it"of ut srismor -loect-aI -iduoteofrteWn brhmwibthe Seip faîily. Thve -tlne iud sudareTplarulog lisuRv oiîlol(nunuids snd signals Unir ty of the Nav vili bh e îrformed lut Wsh- hv ub oiffrtt ou-i tW. DOOLITTLE. N. 0. m-usOf .il,-itritty. Chas. Givens sud vite euîerlsined the Ni. E. eircli. Jaite 2, A. MCMILLEN. Seen. Sic. 2 Tri sald W. A. Gardinter named lu ington. Be lias no lueams oller is thon, ro auodslmISndyGsald ccctIfl i th sîirvl vur or the hi.s malary wtlchstufromldauotbca Tantclgguly. Dnt forget the (lime SoilIt aithe BAYSIAKE Lodg- M. IV.W. No. 16 of--sc illsi O ls, csc11. ssiu Csrp are bcbng caugt lu greatidcsi o f rIs Hoiwardl tlisiek nMeetings md tati 4t imvi. f-., t.eiuriivsc vf dolnglbuccins ses. Iofl for igitte prelaccea Wahingon . MOORE. W. M. titis grit i, i-il-t a sy051mor utivlcsanad forhi topuchse s asîgtn tumbers ou the vesi ide of theb lle. riîiay uigbt. Ev,-ryl)(iîiv co-n"' a,(' -miss MAU it JrKKLS. Se"). msiln.-vilere-O, Il) a55 if tihcstreetimand alliys home lu keepiiig with bis rank;.heuce Heury Briuding bas IWO white have as gîoîl îiiie. ifritvilla_____________aoi__________d lIedeîe lth i-uîl o bWtierShetland poules wicb bie oliers fur .OfficiesleCalie sud Irs Sasiitlrvîiii&niG apprecimiion 01 bis great services by Sale, vere Uitied lit marriîmýgt- huit -riesdav O;IwIaI aver0fthre elle. vt clossfKic whlc r murîîring ti ic cuiîiin tioieCorbiîlleici adm- f),rsan h-vrl giighlm une. Miss Mnute Pepper in vlsiîîug Mrs. îhureb i. e extend congratulations. Miss Anbi Whl îîe istid l ofr i .0ilîgtt aniesd tliir g.lvlug iisuiimstiu atlarie cin 11v ut is finitd sfrinK4nn of it Ir ________________ iera.n ud ssiiingai arptÀAFolier of MessIes -nlua nyi-Chcago lait Friday. 0 sriî hail l h- ndîr tîit. contrul snd Ilrioîvuiii lintgtcîm li!let Extra sessiou talk in feus positivewevug ialiiis a permîiliieîingh foi.o- Su rs. Euîlîd IlO-uitee isthe- gui-t t f -Site 3Ttie Rali1 W A.miarialer naraed lu Ihil;Il ata5 eek agu. But ibisispro- Mns. . Nickoley is reportedon theisttack of measles. l Paiu ffle àr(agh nCica ~ g.motion1 -vu-i-sthesud îIV,sfgusshahi bar. W ltcrcBtBe, forîtorifht elmîkîn MIS. Bitticisentertaîiug lber icier s vinirmuînu-t Iliîurr ltsolsursse. ide-5 thely accontesd tfeî byiheatbsenceofrginWelle!. shlfl ram Ito N. C. Timies, saya: Tbree eeks Mrs Saline Shaw of Ihwa. Ma . lîior iia [ lle lilars or scaile Hu Peidntn tefe ieat ehn ~lhed ýÀm iniii*uto ne$e li Rev. y jee iimt i gtlr -. o u muiiucnr iliSujkrior binnteur Repreiit*tlvcs s! prmSeut I Ws5hi e. ade 1lWre sgu. 1et . lba bi cn to6k .atvet hetn r = 11,i sdh rt lgostte anysd osn n uc.Home.pto asut several doîses ut Chambierlaii s Couigh Part of(bIs weklubetoian vu Hi-' we r îuî u an d hcxssr M ingon rahe (bu y ad essuig zrca lon,.Remedy sud fie cîogbbas enîîrely othier tîîvnsi. i- uci-i.. s salli-r. allc excavajuti o i oflu pobshliîls oranoxrasesin. Otto C. Fleme vîll soon leave for isappeared. 1 consîder Cbîîmerlin'o Mids BB,fiiiosînsry (if Indus, silI vslut t IrvI prourng as î-unmhfur iciat sorie Men Who oughi 10 kuuw Say (bat New Hsveu, Colnu, wbere lie bas medclues the Lbeit on (he markt.", Ecouidiietthie ser'.lî-ov lit the ciirch îîiiîî,efront the iresîdenit rthutsvillasge, an extra Session viliidepend-ii ipon bow accepleil a position. Forsulc by F. l- LovzLL, Lu ci tv -nt i.iiii iîM.. ll-. hior dliisu-sri-talers sor *nGen. ttGlus'auforceeAgîiiîildo lu Toîîey Jansen, of Diindee. bas vill-,.R B.n-î l.lunie.F L UrA W "Wn iî l iocl e r- inSt ri-et. csU,-. i,.walî or «rondu 80011 W ~~~~~~~~ FTU--<rNsa. li( le. icf i.K ovcrriig front a un, ne î,ld bc ' il> ioyt,rliilî,u -ialfs- o.>asmis iisr amaeder-he uinRov, tryilcg tu do oîeulied up a saluc i ieBlia theaî.fot nuL H ilhii. îreîondîLeuiîii..aihi- W, uus 't',î duî li r re mn P A NA Y,-O NMEK E V UI0 . t rilndpie io i.a i i tii liiti l.s a I f Iul, hllri-li soute more negotiallng. 'l'bey argule building oui MaI scet. o t mriunstm et' thttePrestideut cauîuot ulteniameC Fifleuî golfers vere onI frntmthuePAE IE .TelryIeCuier - OCery lsaiodi l it.] suI l..Urn lîciev iait e, PRAItE Vhe. -su if esett suulNI"uv .E. E. Hendee LiîI.-ii lf- .t-i-ilîci-cît vIsaI 10recommend iu tbe vay of yity u$alurday sud Suiîdav plcyîng Io chtheus îr is iijiZuirv Ms 51 Tia.ill illi-l A.îîs arlir iii lm IIe, gama.e it ia ao aa fw The Ladies Ailtmet silbti rs. III-su. --e ira. l1s.-s--, oi icna shlai Philippines otil vo have pesceabe Fîn setic ycum ms-huî-oua ilîîîîîu.Parler, of H ui--ýv i l. e WeîbeUlay. ý!'oui ci > iIItlîî-l III,- agi-tm-iUna control of (lue islsud, sud ubst ibe sM'iuîln ,scîng on Paine sirelt. For 1 iiIt f ere was a large attendiat'c.îiiîa-iri eeui L u I. rfti-- patc lr alo IB ik .E,- i, nit.nv iîaloi îiiiIl i-ior Hiveniits- ninînulu- Tat eaU ICotagress in extra sesstn atîuar aî u lR.Fek. sooil spoit Siiiv vsliii tiir 1îîurouitti1Charie Thvosoniretur uil fmuni ;rlaratrrO hai4. ifîrdollar. uuleu le ses bs vay cean tiimaineDcso cerulIeHati -andîlCairnl ilf-ui1ivS îît-rollcruamii tr-I uu nuui 1-Sr a i SalI W A.gluariutar incd lu for puttlug lu the Zurich severs Tue-Fît- <ffiîîiu îii i frîeiil t lii îîîrRosiîîr futîîîîrse iSubisIV "eh srecomnieuthatîvu. But s-ulbou da ,hle being the foweet bldder I iIl-es-rssListilgn uisî ouiiruiett cooumdeing the lPhlippîinut at I. ounIici or vbeeols rallIe lin gel Ri,,l iifauufOîrt i uv -E. A. ne iiiliagii ailtil fu th -uOmil. .ai-ai lt(luoiiie her ar stou revou l rfaovf ralied yoîrself hit boy a Pollock tire ftue uee tfui atte-nd the (lrîmud .Aiiny ctrt1 iulIîrhrtherMro rdri- iiis.I ,nllis iSim --. ledance Oongreas meetinig as uiitîh on twv setter ouit of AI I. Ficte agnt. ouianiprilentingcbg llihi-tiIasttîîu lae aguand vîfe frun CiaU a lay il- î ii lii aliir- t'ysubl i-r-u etale h uiiil I i [eltlutlist e et. ni--lOI-i-ii.' lut, i W Mil Illv ciailliî eanie tauusaf i yl o t t-st Kohl Bros. bave the tinest dimlasy W1 îesuuireeuly siliil~îîJili- - --n montb after Cougnesti ratls before of cuufecliuînary thai vas even seen unn bis nuei hay carulagi-hosire -Blek"t u MnIT.îndî lfrs. Svîisil IîiiLavi - n i- îîî î-sîîlsllait ir,-.-î îî elui--i--i the, Boune Comuuttcov sali betsappoint- Zurich. ireat your best girl, boys. Juîdgî-e îr 14î -fSt .Ji eIb iiloiii it-if Ironaat Chi-ugo it bliir Iliisme- vi uiî4l- l--.--. mi- r iia.l iiu. ad wn o te eeto i ewCousidcnlitioiu,$4i00.lli-id goîilii andl lass e l-aîîî Làf i .Iu li thlao Il. rslk alliu- i-r altiî t u .4 oin o heeecîîus<f ns The rîîadslInbe tuwnshiup o! ElIa îI:l f- h-.iii lti-- i.svsWi ui-i--vfa sriteo Speaker; and uRelveut bcbng lresl- are lu be gnsvelcd, sui lay not there Ernest Lauuvîîî i is pUninlig Saf5>eîî%îîîlîre ibis vumier. i-acclu- ir sIuliv mt.-ms us pleniy mouey îua the lreciaayr dy Ihuu.peli1 i alii us iinafbrloît M1dn a iitîfl v~ - îhIilv rant nit ., lesulje--i vamui delialycar, the poliiiansi, egardless f~ ~-< banelvopuvliN-sXîr hr shMnilay slalteng w haltaus -uhî nl-f iitiuorh ireu-t - umînala .glturoe tbeŽai ni ay u it N ew or -er is lonelae ltîîbcnlE. Slsdduthe f. Shrhe utt asu* ,,iiuii of party vomidlike lu bave Congressmo- thywl lyictwe.o h âeRbr .Iadu ileiumsîl, ai untitIi--rcircalac-cOfr journ before the Natuional Cousvent'iis The licruor 0f fiho ZurichRou8e-iv, uDr. lertol uuulîîsled s autifbouise -ual tfrun hare ti lcHeury. lili-f mirte.r asî l--is îamuîî îuuîîc as-si i-.i.h la ilo. c.. tm, iaiiî-a l pbi c -t alu s ia-f bcîng gn-uovated uil nd îler isismQin"- hol'lm gîî-îul i--t if tit.e îk anid n îbîcnvstu i 1 nntd, usui- rluuhit, u--au îîuîv o i. -.isl.i i sunl arn held, -This il eau scacly idu, f il proved ail snouia, luirecour e Ie ih uiloicaletetathie Hal!l>sy Clublieri Jonsl onal îteii ISpt i--et audluýi i-i-u, îîlig siti"-r-.uuna"ii etluai-i l dosesnot get cod o limaill-ss belote traveluug public. Hiosenmakiugulaily tiîps te ftee ity, Mesnhum, evbnekieraldiui.oumük " I s(-Tc.pii i----I -luIi ho nei-lu In-sm thue lai oflanuusy oul faitl 10lutte in the graunuhliencei- hene lbe uvîl ali bave satoffice. issu oii a hioitihil faitîlitimaîmutidma beiug a preseutt groin bus fathen. alil hi-i îî sei h IOu ii- u1.rUuu and hall Penîecost ovi niaiy ai lOak Tht- ichooîl huouise lu dutirt Nsui I bosocial givefa hY tthe . .S. C. Sït- 8 Til,.îrIin.eshslvitIIfore,- Brave Men Fait Part peute grouloils giri-uili'v flue bas Tacon reî-enffy esinkfcs.. I le E.Lit Friay cveauîug visa sony v fIliîl usuîîlsuhiu éi ne.t kinyZurich Voliuiiheer l'ine li-paneut average ateuduncc urnug tbevîmten r luîedunlîL lctar <n I rc an d Mio su toVctims te slomaiset. "ver snd Rd yAil are invitel. muasvs oyli usedu tttsyerv l austsemlecureisoniyi-d Aasjînuvu.îloic. s trobles as wsou as wviiecand ait l mof d îçtv woih tado ift ersi 'tbu a tcl noydI r",l-dMur uV. usas. the resulta un lus@ (tifpotilv-. posus Word bas been recels culbere of he t. ani as f1 yaîuroep f md bhîniA.-1.Li-iiiard of ElfginuSHERlu. l' Oi-slieUit. in thse blond, bactaîce, uevousniess, deatb o! Gottfeab Wallt aianal 15 lentf. IIIr i-liîclcr thet- oucher - Penhttbattird.ay mvi t incutl eno. fits At.O. Ieadache aadtilrd, listlems. rtîîýu dos-ailuWisconsin. B u iI u. oice urHceirouoi umnv .leiiuaal wsuai v 1-î iT ls.ov Illug-àIih feeling. lBut there'. no ueed (o ftel fvorably knovn bore sud bis finiia Chas. L. BT],.il Ihucago Iiaaîiedit luîvichaici uo the cave and il is sf111l like tIsaI. Liste o tiJ. W. hlandier, mouru is eaLry eeaiâe. fhnîîigb bore Iass Saturi l iiîîtug îr Mas». idavîUle, Toi. fle ays: Elevtilc H. Hîfîmau aavas ssanvd-udîiîages iii in tthrotute ielsecu, Tneviirvisa ResoIutions of Condohence. Bitters are jusl the tiiîg ion a culostîtronu, e ~W î S- fî h u-u-milue I uuiuiuîStoiie rtiqnîîs luuago At a stccial umeeing fielud lhuiti wÈgen be 18 ail crîu du-as v. vih ilfou i h C.i N.î W.iiei Couî fohe he locc> NIT 131Bu1lm us i-uhlhilimt hi- cul) ic he l' iv flniiiuîu 51 , ( Iatui ,IZ. Ni-I WiIîIF -vS. I lis iliile irsi meetinsg stagr- e beie elires unr ducsTfitilid l.ulldi teaclu t iriui.qaul doîslia-i luv ov waiiug tit- A iiit -'i 1Lyo i iatLee ySceymlc mor togîe ue îrssîeuiît ~ larriugtuin. Vu ileeîrising 111e aulirsd .itneshihi l-si iiml bi uv ave i- îutv-es vi ilit-iiii env îuîthue Ili o f LysFox Lust s-ho mor 1 9ve"l 'lm trýlgtt U'St--k b is tLorme vuskillil î;lieiuLi.vtsuuliuug deîiasrhi-v ilîls lifo Febnuary 1in n"", good appelle (bsn asmiytbuuug 1ioul - buggy sniashed. ougbieu-uî hiutirianîd sîlI uvuk-leh oisanngdpre hslreFbuy15l9 taire. I eau uow et a511 iioc1Ilhuivitrial tîext Satnnuliy rti îinillonisdv Sm s fruker aili laLiiglili-r ])cllasaunre of auadTi cmunt n h a nev femse on flu.*'o. iîly -, I -ltsmnt tiuycles cbeaîer Iban ever $lu sud up veathien are suituîle.lie silî strate Ibe casleiii 5.ayit udlsi xeker- los- WHeldbaIutsgidu-guorih F. B. LoILL, LI, rtrvilli-. u. B. '99 Mi-dei$20 and $25 hugb grade Mifscauatcc treuil aIt .lhîctyille sbul>t lai(ilî ucu iât;as IatbRai-Sbr ivtlubuticLta gaîtb sihclu the TuxosON, Grayaàlmt. Lery IîuttIe guarmutocil seon iiapproval, walî teep Il a. m. The wsagi-n as t.u bust thetlîi as liit-ilîîit asto l iandsi< sas uaîClr ieliIelnmeo 1ewi guarausieed. Jour sheiel in nepain tis Kumimer fret linmer!f tae Stock train. brouîgbt tu Slsywoud for buuai. muuy bnuglît bules foîr tbe future and Swih fair usage) If youa purchaise get a 51irs lica-. TI îcs Laist beiver 1 uhbuin ulîîfaftuelf as WAUCONDA. lair 0of hiboe bicycle psuLtm cutis hNo01î aviaeeulutm i l aitIîshilengubtteofsaufutsurersfae li lasEnamaasiustui 'musniat'lî et tikeunoriaf Day viii bu- observed by I.O ut iIlî)nebv uit svo riuli: s Waksgas joted tis rgeuiezatioybs-blottsIle la.ît cs-hi-ans of the- Zurich st-boula 0on Loft S*id a" wlscre siloNcsa ttetulvg <clu- o Iut tif ils eouetf, fasllfulan sd active menm Notice M. IW IliIsiie, fliînuictirimdl alurday evenlng May 2. 1ROI. -as s-cttagu bu-na. Itreluire ho il la this issue. Dutton asslistedl by bis riends vil bi- 'ivîi.,iliâI the Grant Cemelery H. Maimanus inLqul îtog au aihlitiontere. Insbtruniental mnie nud ggd lhLli i teieée.led aSîueclvyeîh-itu lier bu-huband, Mn. on hbis bouste. mhiglug vifiho a licalure ut the pnro-- iiietill nd ~ îuth orasy (iaiV. Loovk ad5usdbe hr parents, Mn. Basrry (;rraiana esigli a înie -truing gram Amot oria iviatonicuo. BercaIl-r itai-ti gs uliti liz h Uil MiairAl. Foxandulir harstfel oS BahTuosîay. clned tii sîlîl oldiens and cî,uradc. - tt s nl cliutuulyatnuu f i ,uujîuah B.i-ox, iun fberfierv 09 âhTueily.Admission fre. atri ,i0Ms-uit sd vàiiî le îmur f i em tii- misa Boey, of ( i Luc- iitefie ber Sîns L 4. llrm-suientau-iga-hasuîîuan ie ro ises si hora l) parents recenily. W.C. T. U. NTS m .Al ag ei madlgt iii pnwo-pomimserle Mori, te Mr. ali-IIl is. .5 ).1 ii er(ofn i Sf ti C(univi ft1h e Sut îînouî uinug llu-e ait(]l s-la e malle bt-r blules May if1, a daugbfs r. Viii-mui liii siil c-i ate nuc-h ..f sn-- ru - - < Mi îîea- lviuî-uIi ti. Pauîl, uofletvru Iuigier as the great change 0. . liuui t- -. uie- li sds l"itlluîeîl iiilie " o-. uiwter I l-s h l. .Il fI Muus., fit -e. Site repiirîed as vv-y onî-v tiiar. tounisuus tesat 'iek. l î ssi i hii.hi-se- ii i I sid- l- enjoyall is Wil a o iiiIalfu sesslin ui'-. TrialItla the dosîre o Steplsel f uscnti Ili i,-ulu uce Il. -Il - - Ii Hiý-Ste rehuriîc-l ivturduy eveuîiig. memluîrsîîfthe (,TntsuCcmctcny S-ociety 4unla taller-i ividiiu. - -loIlîluh .-kiti gus --- tîînI r. i-> - a-r - Ial ibis i-xpressiion ofuth(liun astment liîid<i i IA tOolui.aslii I ll ti .. or-. - MrI s. ltî,uiuils, (if Lvuaiîuuu. Ii, esili-ni siautull(,i- s houillrci ,f recordînd u the Bell Cfîng. oflu llaciiîgf-,i iuis i a if r - li.-it ,u t-ul-uI Iii..îI, Ifuth(le llhlniis, W. C.TI . . îWitlectuarTe Bsiety finitlIts nemblens iluithe future pîmsat chIr IuiuiiiyfraS, -lIno.> auu -ili Ie îiihgislliial.haarha a1 bis 11uithie fusét maay li ui riuided oiflber si place îLe eeisi ug i .1 uuuai i. f b - lI11ý t; v itu-msua Iit oal vonts. Mn&. Meald iv spieuiig aS liv da3 5 s îut n-tiîs-lm. 'Tilt u-is .Yîi D!r// -thefbî- illi- c n yit!W. C. T I'Ta oyoftteroli Wantegan at pr-sent msfluung tie l I'li satv-r wiiisclits iluilu u>wliisiut ci - Idllttîueîrtnua o nluaioltbMetufi.oct pesfr 1 J. A. Norhvunit il ils -ofuithamri mugf v baste. w5itiuîu<î i-revuTIla, tînr-i- te saiplace. piîuuliionaand tibta aopy hue sent o10 viSil- Isl i-,niueig iiOiiiuuy.htisililmin' 1A great msay Wuidmen sud Ilairthue fauuly î,f î,undecî-aaed moucher. 1 vuld.- fllau a cs bor S uit iuay Iil. s u, 1ii. li tiil. fr h yasI suffered fnom aivîs frontu here are giilig itute RATE WAuT, Miss luI I FAic faiviani l sii ltolî-rl-riilsusut lîilee--ta l . leu-t diseair. <oul.d fot ie Nontha-nua Illiisansd Siutin mu <lina-FANFu iW AiT., Booms tu rnili I--nfhutilier ilii i ias tl.ueoI "flatsyhiluiybvf 1wi a-- ..lune suai&-.. on My kft ride, hal dizz-y Wiscounsin WNu,,,duaeiipiretohobbelldEIALREL tien caîf -uit('artî1 ilne-iuunitI-îîsîîu i.a-u ituto isîl u u Spcfls, and at titiles tny liaxt 1 Mn. nulif iv. teluuî s SilI î o f liil,,ut- saIiîai Saurnai-iraI i l- would skip a bcat. PhyFi- OnaLyolatv- s-ni- i Suit I tellst if '~~ 1ucuîU' *lv--t-iIîulîî cians and propritary niatd 1. monday. -.- miIo, hh-i[oti'lulall .f lu do mie ans A1N O T tE R 'CiR bA T SA L E! i ui giS-ail rsfeali lOIst ii- l i . ood b t t re b tir f0 Mn. IRose auitlf il end -f (ihlillgiare Te'. ri-at iallelaluiw auuiisini. r1. ~ b t tire b tis o aloppluag at the lai-ulit lin-utt'nI IIvuilczduouku ale-i-s l.uut. a ,-u îîu D.les'liai-tCure ma&e PRICES MAY SUFFER, tic.. uai-îuln, Ui ohtiili n i,; vritingrd is.îuîvbut licaa Wh')îums iit i hie ue. - fita healthy man.aau .u MIlssNettie litItlier,, u <s -g <lu slu lil u-Mu BUT ti aa.r. Or.iII iht- asua..ilii Ist eivei is, 5 a-lfib, c-i ilJ. THE QUALITV NEnai.VE1. -- pent Su ni(aa Wîttfi ler pî ulîretia Nfr. amîd lat .iiu lîîuul fI- id.l uîlel u ui-OR. MgILUWT EQU LT N M». Jas. Mura . c t-.s ,eat-h d i-tulfo i-h - uu i amouto- lofi llu 81 eouu-ai-t t Ii-il ltae-lanc ih b -a -lut illm oa so -Ol' uigU. IBhicyc le Ci 01 ..... .o...z...... Muull ii -hîsý. g tlui lue , - illi-cîh. 1.i.t ,i t I AI e ota c h Vie - susulcuin-iM-Newi lit mli ihiltpet louiti li..I.S..........s-.C...m....î............... o0 YouReIz-- That we have the best for the money in ery instance and that we have one uni- rrmly Iow price on everything? bave juil receîved a nes- aseortmnent o! Prints, Perca les, Las-un, Dimities, ludis Linens, Piques, Linen Suullngm, Satinesaiand Novelty Drems (oods. AIl desirable colora aud patterus 50, 66.. - $ 75 Ir W aists . . . . . . .. . . . . . .2.. . . . .. . . . . . 5 a,s SofItShirts for s-arm veailuer, s-eh made, good malerlal, ut demigue, ivo Isuudtgred collersaud one pair of colis sîth a emh shirt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 30 ght Print Wrmpporâ--------------------------------------45 ieu' 26C tlauze Veese-..---- ..................-------- ------10 New assortmeni o! Washable Braidea ant Drema Trîmmînga. adies' Vici Kid Shoco, Black and Tan, Stock and VestIng tops, at about one-hall former prîce. -Ali our Millinery at reduced prices--.m --«FLOUR,-- îhburu .à Crosby'@ Superlative Flour, per bl ....... $3 90 F. H. KUEBKER, ýrayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. )on't be fooled Sewing Machine, corne in and see IT 18 NO OSECR[T Tet m - 1 1 S. "Sirue li.e " auiU ai. -tsm.U S -it .sf E. B.55iSHERMANSS.i "RAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. YOU WILL FIND athis store, a fulll une of BotShoes and Stippers at Lowest Prîces. Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries of ail kinds. IN CLOTHING, ACOMPLETE LIN£ OF Men's and Boys' Suits, Men's and Boys' Pants, Chîldren's Suits.. Suits made to order bv first class Tailor. ... Cali and see New Spring Samples- - - 14a11 Paper SuOul li sanifile. Cail iu ii vnake yoîîn selaictiou aund liRie yîuîr paper i-oint direct fum the fItorlNs W. W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE, - - ILLINOIS. Fer Sale. Fîîr a îîict remoedy aid one that la perfect-ly sale fuor chldren let ns Rome very cholce Puilanul <bina ll oneaîîumamGi'fnuteI olugb chune. joars rcaciy for mervice, Ibsi sre mst- t s vi x i hI tifr crouupl asns oud t0 noue iu quality sud breedinIl tîvlt g au the throaituaI udvumgbs.F. almo tme choice Barred Plymouîl .LOLu - letvll li BsRi lia, hock rooetera, at prices that mesu sure lîr Loius H. LIT(iEihFLDl Rocke- sales t ho Wlcvo vat stock. el F.1BAIRSTOW. M ,INU FACTU RER OF V. 0. Omoi, nvuacavam.a, vi.. ci.... MoBlide's farm 2 miles vest ot Coutaîy Pour Farm. Icnidlerfil net oiily a pleasure huit a duty I ow e te m y e ghb us t - t-I l about the vouderful cure eufeteil un My case uy Ithe timely fiseîof Clîuluber- lslnms Colle, Choiera and Diarrbu-ýas Remedy. Ivas taken vary Iltiailli wlh flux and pnocnned a buttle oiffiais remedy. A fev duss ofu it eltu-atuul a permsreui cure f tate plcnuv uî-f rccommeudlug hit uuiohers suII--rijlg from that dreadfnl tîhîaacî- . LYNCRn, Domr, W. Vu. I'bIs rîîmaî-ulv lu sold huy F. B. LOVr.LL. .be-v Ville. J. R. BRACUFE, lUruice, IîuuAY- LAKE PHAiIMAiT, F.. WES-TituIAius Rtockefeller, JOHN MEiKLE, hvasvbloe. nerb gCDr.I Marbie and Granite Munumeuls. lm CEN'ETERY WORI( OF EVERY Descrigtolu. Cerrsspendamte Soliclisd. ->6 on~ .sSt WALIKBOAN. fil 4 .3 $1 30 ýn'K $2.75 Mor» Hide Shoes . - .. - ,* 1 c . 1 .

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