Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 May 1899, p. 6

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TOTAL iS «74.» 1.07Z nai Report en Appropriations et the rifty-fifth tonfitrests. le appropriations made hi the third ion or the Fifty-fifth Congrens amuirait according tu the volumf ting to appropriations, new Milices, complPted by Thomax P. Cienven and tes C. Courts, chiot cierLs of the Sen- and House Coinmitteen ou Appropria- s. The npproprintious were nu foi- ýeuIturai ............ y .... ý "***'*'**' - *« '»*' - om ati ..................... riet or Colutubla ............ ficatl..@ ................... 4,900,902 ......................... 7.51X .776 1.1atire ..................... 23,110,811 tary acadetoy ............... r175.774 ai . ........................ 49,009.070 $ion ........................ 14.11,1= 18W tante. î;;ý .... -* ... ***"* 105,M'in Pr ndvil ... or, _ :*«-: 16.091.842 dry CI ..... ... 40.3M.931 ciency appropriations ....... 25,OW,913 vellaitifflus appnpriations. In- uding to la"Y out eaty obligations with gp&ta.. 211.144»D Mettent Grand to!ài.... :ý ........... 1674,981,022 n addition to the specifie sir, iiôir7i&- in contracte were authorised for in- ose of the naval establishment and for -ious publie works throughout the intry requiring future appropriations Congresq la the aggregate sum of r,047,274, ineluding the following items: ree new battle ahlpe. tbree rinor'd cruisers sud six pro- .ýtêd cruisers. ta cust, Inciud- ig armor and armoments ...... $44.1C4.500 w and barbor improvements.. =.866,324 bile buildings In States. iludlng a Deý g-émWent rluUng fEý la %%'ashl.9ton. - . 8,163,4150 U an annual coqt of $12,150,ffl new ces and employrnents tu the nOrnber of ,(M are ordered, %vhile thade abolixhed ornitted amotint to nt an anatial ,Icone of $M3.371, thus making a net ,rense or Or titis inereane ,315 are for the military establishment der the net In,-r(,asing the efficiency of P rmy, and 1),572 are for the naval et- bli.huient. romparison of the total apprnpriatlons th, tLirl session of thý Vifty-fifth >ngrI-ýs for lid)O of $1;74,991JY22 with Ose of the second for Iffl of 93,23l.GLý shows a reduction in favor the tbird sêziion RIZE MONEY FOR DEWEY'S MEN Rrticipants in Victory Fatitled te, IIIIS[) 00ý) or *36t),000 lit l'lie Navy Departinent han transtuitied the tuurt ut claitioi a report of Admirai I-,,,-y. In ýhich lie cout'rois that the ,auish flept. destr.yod by the Arnerican tiiidroti in Nlanila bat on >IaY 1, ýas lu with the @bore batteries, vu. -riur tu the Anierit au naval for(es. %Vith ,- report of Admirai Devicy was ment thé ,t ý,f the clainis fur bounty I)y officors and ý.Ij %ilio participated lu tLe actions Of at'ila bjjy, %Ial,7.atiiiio and NijIe bay. riing the papýr.s in( lumod are those relat g, o the crui-r ltal,.igh's part in the amla bay vielory. with a Wit of ottIcere ,I .,ýn f that entai 1 to bounty 'I'l- frutti Admiral 1)ý,%%*-y is the ot important atizi in regard th,, 1-'oint I, gro, Ig out of thf ar "Ith th, takvu hi -ort ýt iititi,% of Ad ... ir-1 Dellev', will I.-pond il- 3ili'),ilIt 01 to to De.vy .,et ilieortIcer, ,j in,11 or hi, -Ni.y ý1ay for do the Spanish siiii)%. Coller thg L, oi the t i!je (;ý,vprnment in re ý-a t, jay-$IiK) rý.r wl, ofliver an( ,tii ou nu ,nottýy*s ëli;t, 1ýý,troyë(l by ai itturoan %%hi-ti tiu. Anteriran nova - o i, to tho If, as Ad ,iral De'rey hldý in tll,4 '-e, tho en, iy'à fr(,e was the muperiur, the bount: iiit be $21o) f.,r (.a(.h oMeer and tjian oi ho -tierijy's %hii)%. There were about 1,>4> ton in the cr-v. or the Spani.h vos.el t ,%Illtliln, and the court of clainis moiâ é»cîde whether or t'14;0,(KK) ehte] e divided among the Anierienu crewa. PERMIT FOR CANAL. Later developulents in the arrest of thé dan Il gang or couriterfeiters ait Phila- delphia-%ud Lancaster by ofrIcerls under t he dire tien of Chier Witkie of the secret service chow thet the gang iras &bout te put hotu operation elle of the boldest and mont daring siht-niý-a ever contemplated by criminalý. The plan was te moulurée- Ure $10 (M 000 in $20, j5U and 910() not;j. jjcojýs, iht. Lèa.Ier, worked on the theory that every mon could bc purchas- ed and it was hie intention arter m4klog th; 8 large Lîrolint 01 plucel tQUýjV 1 se- celvini teller in a suIt;,jÎjl,ý, dëýUt Ille ýÔùn1tërff-lt% in sumo et out les% thon $100,- wo, take a certiticaje or dý-poâit, sud drav algaitint thein, reuriving genuîne money in reluira. This daring w-heme was being workeil out, and when Nir. Wilkle and hi& amiltantg interrupted II tbeY round a $54) plâte coniffleted which was eva 1ýct.t.U t the elatit frow w4icli thýp il c.unttr -ils wù e eri Inied and whicii baffied the skiii of l.xperto. Thebe men had the marhini-ry for mailing Poiler wbivh is ainioàt un eounterpart Of that lised l'y the It in enti: mate(l by the (-,,:titiiissiutier or internai revenu(- that ib- (;,)vtýrniiierit loýt about $240.iMM) j.8 a ,f the veork of Coun- týýrfvi1er jarobi RýI hi, galig. Four wortiout plate.,i %v. :4. fitiii-1 in the poý8t-s- si,,n if th-, il,. t,, -w h .1 obo-h i4 Callâblë of printinu 40,il(K) ý,f t,-,i o*tamP$ enli. TIiiý,l made 1,411M),IKK) ew h of o Ili, h -ild Le f- ýtâi.j,;oz a box confilinlig tirt y hi,- l,ý ý Il WA.I und- r Couli- l1i[llpý nt $1 W., thon tio. warket th- ujâkilig a trtiiývii- profit the rwý(.iluo tai of im r TL, 1,f t['e te Spam in ri-turil f,,r the ,i coin- the àih luild plir.bale toý t,*t:.I.ý lia. b-n a Party. J'w ,;x Yofl,ý i'g', Jef- li.. 11-f') pr-live by pay- f thiil lo-re BI ýià .... ý A a,ý i,.. lis all,-Int ý,f 1 lind à a part ol th'. 'l. iý Spi-J tý Lit :i'n In in Iý-3 I'r- 1'l. pni.1 f- thit i,,ir? -,t A- , iia NI- - ,itil f the f;,ýa Jý,ht-,n gale $7.21fouiloi f- IN;7. la ,ig 1b.. .f I1- - iî th'. l'nit- .,f 1,- eu A V-nl -nýe fil- -ii. e t'ý't c, ih' MlpA.ý lie. 'f Ili.. 1h. :il - .P in d repr, :l- i---ý 1 ier- a joz- Y t iii.. "t,;y a t,, ba- y iti,,i tli.- - 1. ln:iý t, ý!e-rt. T he 0 h l f- ý rably 1-s 4) tii:,:, a .q.ý Tio- Pr Il ix!#4.0 iý in lit ' I'h,. f to appar--ilt tlilfi--.1iity ,f ai) eýti- b.nt Il lie woren aiboulut tbem thst wM le&Ve » ILLINOIS STÀTE NEW S conuty farine. bave ortam doulut ait tu their guilt when they are au, r Ingtitute work. raigned hefore a bar or justice. Such a 'ilowenqua bas a new $10,LKX) Plectrie 0111111icil case la this. go, thouch seemingly 1 Re- light plant Ili opuration. quiesced lu Sheriff Cobb's opinion end op- OCCURRENCES DURING THE Fairburv vi-ill make %voter morizq im- The proved of your lorother's appreliension, 1 PAST WEEK. prov, col, Io le amouut of sessio ilssure you that even then 1 was fully ýý_pm ta $61 anare tiont bc liait au Innocent man in ghilIg il r railny mailit tri Illitioiq relatii vustndy. Robert Campbell wns not the t tidatet %vas rerently done. etc., e New Town Fille Located Neur Gard- lin nainrolûrer of Alvin r)tiltosette." A ait [las lin engagement ta Jaunet "Bless yoli, sir' Blems you! Tour as- ner-blysterione Dýath of play nt an expo>itit)n in Celli- etc ut stiraiii-e will give my mother comfort thât Furmer-combine In cov:,ny.F...f.t aria, next July. dons. 1 bc words of no other "nid. Not but Cool Prices-Telephone War Likely. Thore il grent rivalry amont; the towils 10wa: tha t abc know. Robert ta be innocent, but in the %lilitary Trfict for the lQçotiQU QC &MI that yen. a mon n-hose faune as a det ter' A new town, toi lie l'ilovi Il as South Wil- the new normal -chool. L)IPIýr of crime. and wha. it la ýaid. reulds men*n un - or Fort liveul, their motives and their thoughts. in illigton, is sprinxiiig oil in the cool til-1,1.4 Miss li Tain John I)lýtllti t4pir eyes and fentures, as Vire ordinary npon land 0,ud bý 111, Chicago, %%-il- broker, and Polirenion J. ýtiilintl wure taillai oui-9toi hart in ri runaway on Nlodi4on stret, rieur .1 anq VerijjýlionCi)al Ci people I-viu!à a printed book, bave pro- 1 cý il e1tuafed in a il iul W ooie, lits- Chîrk, nouticeil bien . Il di Naval lýPocvnt, "'page e-nwe' 12 trici on Marron rrëek, lel.l thon two miles The body or Hiram P. Nfarvin, w a ci- le.sil CHAPTER V. din*t think bc had mqh use fur bis oen." Yoii flatter me, %figs Campbell" salà 11, 1 Uet loprared train bis bouse lit Chicago posno e= Il 01-111 in 1 ýiiàli or Nfar( 1, don't thini; lie would have tiven the detectiv(,, as bc foilowed ber. au ep a; hi,, 7uti "td t ré -h 1 wu@ ound lit Lake Michigan Iliver «W" bas the key ta the attir of the M acres of cool la:iI. ýTr1lcl,.s hav, been st Illu, fout of Jackson boulevard. Kundr ,r'b hand in marriage" clin scarce speak ilnmerited words of Defict bý t» agkéd the detectie, 1111Y blini bis daughto huit, tilininir bulidil te, o reripd. mieli-n(,ry Ripplien Crowley, NI. C. Chapinart sent MI." bail dkmended from the pilizza. He ktiow %lisa Hattie love flattery. sir, of the man who saved the installed, streets la;d out. liait fi large Henry Daly werc haut tri a fire vnused by clud «mi» Hattie. mastër; she askd me for ',%lors and 1 orten bear bila praise hie of Herbert ]Rtissell." Il I«WHay niorning." Murs Robert op." The mothrir or Robert Campbell mat number -if fivé-ro cottages huilt. lin pNploxion nt the fat-tory of the Son. ptr a -Woll, that iý ait to-night, Hannah. Not I Stouts. I-htir(-h and , -r imbli, builolingm light uns Loin[ C Ili Chicago. Utre marc thon one?" bowed in grief in a rocker neRr fi tnble In ':tlliý, errent 1 . ta nnyone of loir ý.., Il ce 8 Io ren oýe y, etory «No. monter, only de one." t1w center of the room-the most bitter are in Proiet. and it is vstimnted the Ill Mr I., F. - ,4rAme 'roulait lieue on the enst lide Of ýýiiu.r lierniant speaks ta You. grief slip boit ever known. for ber loved wili tigre a popillati,11 of beilveen (X)O insPc ter or Illinois, thinks sweatshopi In ý1o a lay incarcuirated in Wilmlngton Jail, aboutit bc aboliýbed. She advoeutes a law tions the bouge. la that Y.11, ,hl the gtiiit of Robert si,' end 3,(K)O by next fait. 'Tes. Mars Lang. it'a Calban.', our mistress, Say that 1 nuit the font crime of murder was charg- MysterY lu a Formerloi, Death. loi III) auvay with foot-power machinery. crüns «Ne ens, bas lert the boule, bave thOse ,il[ sec lier t,,-ýiorrow. Tell ber further, cd arainst bina. The body of Willioni ir., one of Illigh droppeul dend ut the vari, 3« know?" tispicions, ta keep them ".Niotherý" exclainied ber daughter, the %vealthiest soit nilist proininent young Kank.kee insane hompital as a rüstidt of cou" "Ne, Mous Lang. net think abc believes -hpre is one who will drive away your former, If Washingtiol Coiiiity. whobe or the heurt, ngt-oi 51) yeurs. l'y ( 'New, Ilannah, W ho mourdered yiur Hermon goilty: but she tutist net secril agonizing retira, one who will assure you front hiý country residence lie wâý formerly a Chicago bileino.,s man $77.( salm ?1. suspi,ïous of bitr. She must try and net of my brother's innocence." a few miles yvest (If NýIlivillýý wam a cati- and I)t-(-àinit, insane rive years ngo after big Th ý «à d«'t limais, that ',lors 1,nng as though the Iwheved the right party triol "If 1 caillot have the assurance of one for mondermetit ta the t-iiiiniiiiiity. %lits mife's denth. sr. ýY« de know whoo ranir the d'Or bel]: been appréhenolpil. Tell ber that Robert mon atone in ad] this brond land," sailli the toit, round rieur bis home ith a tuilier in Iii,, Fdward Davis, a stritugtr, iittenii)tpýl to Ing boit de yen meurt when Robert Cainilbo-Il Cailipluoil ' thoneh in cristouly, la un - der th, widow, -that be beiieved ruy son ton(>- brsiý. The hqirse %viiii-Il Nlever rode wlien roi) th, honte or Iiiisil Grepri ai Dnytua Itivel mmàrd it?" - -t Long Sýlinm. Now clin cent of a tarit crime of which 1 know hinu he left tonne wa. ilit, hud t, - a tr- silo Pub[ r 1 nt 2 o'clock Ille (liber morning. Green, In, ýR« Mars Long. no. 1 diden know Murs ý>.uI ýr'pli.-r-n"7I l.ýef balise without you - r eh- ta bc net the perpetrator, my heurt would [,ait apparcntly l'coin 1!wre Ill,' dfl ,ho tins but one leg, and lits son ýValtpr, put Robert was in de h ans, , lit after 1 beard senve having Wýil noteil bY Hermnn-*' be comfortM. But clos. bc alan bas con- fýet fuma the lliot toit lompty pis- gh, bas but one auto. capturcul Davis, At de belli; but bc inust houe been, for il mils ',Iflrý lnng." demned my boy. Ton know of whom 1 il,, wa, fi, ai 1. Whi-ilier Meyer (oinniit Ilouroi bini with yoix-4 and lookhial tu Ot- offt, bethst went ta de oloor, illil "et filü uli ïi1cli da' bc, aloi match closely. Do Dot speak. daughter-the grent Souillera de- td -o leri-t! il not klown, tavi il Il). wagon, aloi turtivil iiiiii over to 49 (p slpfý1) atone. Your younc mistress Will tetive." suit iIhý or %' il l nio: il r' ortus, arter, wil 1 vu col to de door of , bill th, lutter il lis th, shoriff The son droup Wh e o a stoM7, der tue stoo-1. with dû bloody kili huile ruany lady friends bere in ber trou- '*'iludam," gald Sellars, depply moved; cause (if bis (Iva-fi. the fathpr sut in thiý rear of the %%agoa ex-ý1.w la bà hond, and Nimrs Wrinaut 'c",ing 1 ' 1 E el) Mi'lie as rieur you as You cou. "he whom you in(licateàtý front motives -'cring their , apiive N% ilb a ri, o1vvr. Incr. blits of niurdcrin' nla,ýter." 1;:ý.d now known ta yotir ditught(,r, or partly go, Illinoi. sailli coleil TU.L, Was that the first ou knew of his bc- -Good-n1g;ýt. 3,141ra Lang,- said the ne- it is true, did seemingly approve of the Tire Central Sft Cool I'iýe huiolred lti,.siatil nuit Grillang, 38,3 bug la the balise?" gross, and she bâti started along the siole nppreliension or your son, but let me as- tion has bcil fo-Ilif il al t', reguilite inchidIng o.ýo, Imou;en quoi ilIýilri-,i. arriv- tend( 1 bad il.ýil 1 lit 11,kin .il lu train frein Fre- the j «Weil, 'stars Lan Ir. . Il' or rite bons, for the venir entrance mbcn sure piu that In bis heurt thero, rests mot the oulpir, prive lie] Tir.- ilgo- ci - and Ila vre tald ait gon, ý) Ili, detective called ber back. a single doulot of yotir sorl'm innocence. Tu titl hel'e Il'el, o progr 1 els fir t1l', broti'ght hy tho 111moi, Sugar liefining A be& end wbea 1 wuke ut, 1 illoughi. l'il -ýve Adain. the coachman. aroi Ilerman aýlIirp yoIl of that filet and in a moasure monthl, loir th, 'Iv ('ý.ilepI1nY ri, mrk und teaill the of t ses, kt sir master ha relieve yoti of anxiety. lie la here." flectio. of ýIIfi 1 ol il goue to twol, aloi loit 011 fricrolly terms?*' he asked. ïwl. "Adam rallier vi(t. pri., il th. 'i'n'it, h,,v ri. 'ai'e ugar Conn "e the deuil thnn Niars. At tire firýt sotind of the det"tive's vq «M de lights in etc hall. Yeu st-e. 1 kilow- dis- 1 lins une Dulie hall golle ta b"d, si, 1 ilernirin.- said the rl "Mars Her- voice,%Ira. (lampheil hall raised ber tenu- lilag: -oIr, Th., a the ilininil rooùi ilod out w1o) the mon sr*iet- mure et elle, eFe& Mi 9o,,ý> n'id now n depp tory. Alexatidir Uoý,:o r. Ait fi,-- nla- "ilooed antong the $89, -, I happên ta Iold, 'Ill. t thnn'he il,- higsf4t.-" i% . la 11-1 a, rvs if bvp!ý or.; ut ut Il boa sonnellon *Ob horst ftloffi r ai, and for a ma- hijt, il. t1w I',-ýhI"IItrI, ,, il, apm 1 was touilla' et de hangin' lamp; "1*ùiidorstand," eaid Sellarg. '*Tl,.it ment abc seenied choking with ennotion; cluded. Th,ý I,ý ioh 1 *o ýil Coalition), of Ili.- 'y el bM 1 »ed %emporte gandin, 011 'le stairý. «,ill," and as the negreýs agairu started off then recovering in a degree ber composure, luis will bandle'lill If th, o 'Itput. plant ni 1'ukin. abstit ive steps down. Da boit on a long lie jIiill,.i] L'alban. e bc extended aile land to the detective. Bý.Iid-e bal Irait a 'Inalpox l'lie - aight gown. At first. 1 thought il - ri go hi ' me nour, Callan." bc "The Lard bc prni.ýe(l!" abc exclaimed. Telephour War in NN'a.hinutonCtsinty. (-i,1,,r-ýi triatiii) Crithain il Ili) i- aled fui, il l'or w» Mm Hattie; but then 1 seil il m-Il. -oid. ' t ail bc 3 o'clock in the worn- "Lang Sellars! With bina assured of my At a sI,ý. iA ! til, a il III bel,,- bois ffl and big for ber, and -le huit; 1,11 iiIz." boy's innocence, with Robert tinder bis Colint3ý Kird --f Sul, r%;--irl lhe Ciiiiion lorouiol the 1-81 tr'ililf, , vardi be beau] was vie black and hrt. 1 Vit, -I -sper il ta, -%Iqrs lan,-," bailli the ne- protecting cure. al] ta well. 'Nly daughtor, suit -laliin I'ni--il To lo l il,,. ooIrý-ad noo, tho-ili Io t bu usbout ta speak wlien de person on de gro. ri, lie malle off in the darkness. we have nothing ta tenu. We will banish vi-cre gruilti-d fran- P, vr,, t i licir till. Th, the a 1. )- sollicite tient aller, sideways like, und renh- - -ýr inysýtcry ta titrýivel," motter- God bless you, sir"' litres lIIýýng Ill,- Ioýh,-v in th, tiloi. :'od 1'.. Spa ad «M une aura, and wid de hand cized col the lis lie passed Ont th, (To bc continued.) M'ilhin a f.-Il Iaý, ile.', o Ili.. Ilis ih-lo ilitin, talled tly aille bob sir de wire dat.lends tu de brill ut do, Craverus bond milieu bave Central Union and .ýiIero ;Il, Long 11il- aloi lie bloi in Ili- 1,I,--,.,,iýIi, il Id,ý- cour] longer end et de là Il and pulled il. 11, goided lhe leen Huile el that bouilli aile, t fiat%. min- Ilo. ýqoý Grahnin il ri, 1'l", >,iI1ýý,I lot peur EDWARD THRING-HEAD MASTER I;ý cc' "ill 1 ý ni suivent times, and as bc ma' notvithstanding the tact tirait liatinah llltw.Irk If 'i o, II tiglit The -lrid oýI-1 I;uell.y bffl o»ber, 1 aw bis face." Ill, t Illit ira% the face of Herman Craven ?* stlii(ýs theut it coutil not bave been he.eNot A mo.tR.-.rkoble Man Inthe feciences t lie Anleiiiln ;,iii a li%,I mur b à train f- Cliii a drop if blond on bis spothiss garm lits. ill lie livguil mlo.. Thi. arl. 1 l'Ill lei, wles. Murs Long, and lie wns as white - of Education. bon of Ili-l' ol,- , 1!11, Ni Not a liiiin ou hi., white hands, bat a pIeted. i- Ioo- inriluoir ri- t ne librath. 1 diden Il what ta do. A ýdumonId,. ne en lits guilty conscience. Sulon alter tire deith of Edward il :IV ussobu in' sellier] nie, end 1 won tbat skeerý \%,hether or net he struck the blow, bis Thring, thirty-four years hend-master hi, lafi- lor q. le. t1he il. I ru r -il aie,] aloi $14mi in ligil 1 hik to fýII down. Suoidenly, 1 heard Thl, arr-t lit St. of 1! . a mas the hcad that planned the mutiler. or J'ppinghain School, a member of m. ho adroit tient ili- il'.. 'f aloi -o mil., gme maiter'a voice d someone start,-,l Il, pillied the mile and soiinded the bell Ilarliainent said to lits Idograpber: aud lar de door front de library. 1 thouglit it that f Ileged frimilliliil pâl'il hat al", Ill- T 1 -Ir a nionient left the cousu ohar. -Thring was tire most remarkahie Il ýil Illilt hi. 'a, bý jlýt WM olp ralamer. 'Man Ilrtiian irait d0dg- , alipparl uo lie a gizanr, ,, indl., il, h.ýý.1 "v', -Il upstair%, and 1 rail through del ,i.ýbhcpn, mal, h, wihl re- Christian mari of this generation. Bc- marrants, lit thil mo ... Int in ia'h 1-- 1 no, but ath. But the II sihosog »om and tri de kitch,,n." from la ag of &nt and ilirk If ilo lt>tt-ii Ni,. Tio- t h1-9 l f le ooi% ile. 'l 1 CI::ýnýr1;,othp huit a confederate, and cause lie mas the first man lu Englind thai Ilo- loirgior, - r, ;os ý1 btgs you did ont sec Hermon Crav o.oýf e e to assert opýeilIy that in the economy of 2, St. Ciair f T- cri struck the bleue nid es libliervid the stairs?" rapod ilh the coin. Why, Hermon had God's %vorld a duit boy hall as much col. Th, "InI ..f Ili. all Il.. -lo -pllý,oat-ll II, lo.r. "uni, !nom Lang. 'Mars Hermon wels i h-t f- tioi. Th, n,,iý- , iak. , -I, t'o- j. r- In 110 ktiomlt.,Igq- of the fact tant Campbell riglit to have bis power, sueh as It la, triol:io 1P,11, \%il! ai no', bko Wsbt shirt. and lie rail back alter with ilo, coin ta pay that fully trained as a boy of talent, and 0(mi, aloi 1-1Y -a, Il -nai prop "Il If il,- ffl pigkýd de beil wire." Attorn- C-- -I E. C, Akiil ho, gi-n "" he sec you. Ilaunall?" menu, last Ilight, Ilow-un- that no school did licinest work whIch 1'..tit.,tý Date.. ail "Ilo il. If opho III bý ile. la "Il cun't bc certain; but 1 dou't think bc the 11011se and the dId not recognize thiq truth lis the ha- Thv lino. of iiititits il I blini in the library- Il id - , rliq'l' loi'l'hol: Il il Iioi, as- man lnag." sis of lis working arrangements." In Ille 0- T- ICLI-th If il I- , ilI Il , ý 'f -- loli "If he did, your tire may bc in peril, and then he did not know tirait bc moulut When Thring berame heid-Inaster of di-t ri, t il lis l; e loi là il the ilerir witly bini a liait of coin. Not ri living .%il m« thst bc would leur your telliniony, Ulipitigliain, a "faire, free grammar %%'a., lie. 0, t. 2:;, 24 ý Ca.', 9 4. _il1ý ,oui witil" :tate. Ile illat fo r s soil tiéat blow. Bave the one bait tibet Joli go'ght glve me Information' who struck it-not evea Ilormart Craven schoor, founded In UM, Il ha Il twenty- Wal.a'h, OIt. _,-;. 27, 2',; Gallatin, (iit. galle- liait rock a, ... ioitiiin, I., Tm sang be on your gourd, and watch perchance, tue strurk the blow. seven puplIs. On lits departure froin 31 Ni,,. 1 ; Illordio. N- ý 2. 3; Fr:,,ik in, ri, the iloit Ill. i-ýk n'y um ellocely. Tou mont never be alone- Ilannah atone saw hi% Idancheul face hie lite-work the school numbered over Nov. 14, 1.,; J, NI). 15, Ili; Wilhe. Inult lie iii th, nain(- ..f the no »vu leave the bouge by your.elf. lie lichen bc pulleil that mire, and ber oath four liundred pupils. The schoolinas- Dec. 12, l3ý t1- rIllu, I.-ilig toit '-illy fil loin- 1 lie au" bave committed this murd,-r." vould not ha admissible in a court of jus- toit til- to silures lo-Id in ni,, "Soin, could bc. 34ro. Lang? 1 Il leu ter, as be calleut biiiiselt, hall a passion- Niurder Ends a Quarret. a ' lice. Lang SeIlaý, yoti bave solved "mp a Henry Millier, late of the T,,,,,ty- pIedge as l,,>Iirit> for loal- Th.- borr- - su bure bock in de kitchen no time whe%ý intril-rite caspa. Solve this, and bring te conviction that ellucation vins, In a fipurth 17luteil lletat.-l infantry, shot and et 'l"It bc 't't 111Y on th' il s gToan. 1 rin back r,, special sense, a work of God. Thot ta de du i lit,. tour( b, or murderers of Bunker De- killed George M iIIiaiwý ai a dan- in Quit, i-rty loit abii, 'l' th.. piedired b, sagise dent, and was standin' there trem- Roettp«tojnstivý. lltlllll)h! conv iction m'as lits startIng-point for ý,ot a doubt y. The iiiiircli-r was ilo, uliniziation if ,il % trio Il bis b-ela %,,Is -o un d. n.r quarrel uer a girl. Nliliier go%(- il lu,- entilied il- any or do dot lion 1W. Indien Nfors Robert pushed open de if it,,, the dvtertive ëXclainied Blond. school work. 2r«U skier and ;uun in. Ile was bute- "Why," bc tholiglIt, -I eau place my one night lie had the gratification of op. Ilzýiiiilt ille ahie of toi, to ;e, or or! ac- ' end 1 dodged bock, sa bc entered bond. any minute, on the formulator of hearing a statement that ebeereul latin or m"l") 1,ý billi frutn de Illibrary door. The next thing 1 beard this tragédy. Now for the évidence that greatly because it disclosed the forma- Brief Stalle liappeningý the association. bi»eU,- '11elp! MurriI then 1 bear Mars will conderrin hiiii. Now for the titiknown tive Influence of [lis teachings. A gen- At L.,ory, J. Il. ýhoe ý1ore 100 Imié knock on %lis@ Hattie's door and if bc huit onc-and the bag a Id stoi k vu, LiI', folly L. :lël 3,urs tir nge-. for- emil ber, and saw tilleul come down @taire of ( tleinoui, lecturing in the schoolroorn on 1'.. ý ly of Sterling, fiîý, .1,11 due -oin. 1 wonder," bc thought, auddenly told an anecdote Illustra- At F'airtiiir>. t1le argi- fann fil lie, mas iiiyltt-ri,,ti.,Iv iiitird, ril lit ýýýiiita a 1 llllo"àlft.11 coming ta a fait hait, '*if 1 bave hi fait N. NI. Ile mu. . louait il, hio 1-1ging a. -Robert Campbell, yon gay, pultheul open motive. NNInq this mortier Planned 8«fter tive of the valut of a teacher's indu- Chrillian Kirunh milli &ILI t h.o IN i i h foli r ho, ez o il t l o ri t Il , s, o 1 e a nd l.,t sbe OmM door and rail in? It muet have he ,ai, arrived at the bouse ]agi night, and oncle. elllItl-L'tl. lowk of the hortil. Th, o lit% mùr,ý botte senstened. then." was hi. sole object to get possession or A boy, traveling on foot In Frionce, 1,1w ileit -'J'oo i- court If th, Rovul '0111lie dollar was giardia' ajar, Marz that inoney? If so. bc hall a confeulerate, full of spirit and lire, liait been asL-,t4 N . IY iliffi'ted "ith lin ax. Th.. ala'nI ý14a op. wiii toi. fil-ill ut M ay zi'en bv %Vý E. Locke, NI,-rrill's tr(,titir- t ri Ida& boit he Ifft lit, wben lie W,,ut out to sure. lie raight have abstracted a mach by lits companions to start early on 11, ph m subtil won dot." Il. '.Il. tfiat tho- vuuin vvas 1 -2b» you do mot think Herinan de- larger aura front the batik. Ah- YPS, bat Sunday to bave a long day. The boy At a Pc, ial ineeting th, Court, il If et ý r..%"Ivq.r hly ut the'side of th certain detection, m'ould bave followed. refused. BeIng presseil, be luniol: Ilighiand Park oýed III ann-ýx It.iiiin, a t1w body. loit tile coroso-r's jury found o e sono" the glaire alter you saw bila one illing ls certain: The object won to *'No, 1 M-111 not (Il) Il; the bead-mas- suiburt, adjiýini;lr ,il the s-oith. *hlit ill-ath fr-oir th, i-ot,, and 1hýIt ri, palhe the wire, outil alter the mortier gel viol of Boulier DeRosette. 1 think b" limita committe'l ?*' that liait been dttt-riniiifýd in your mind W ter wIll not Ilke Il." Ilani lli.!gi.tI EILn, :1 el loillut that had iliroligil je, «LwdN"Ifare Laits, be haolti't time." foire to-uitht. Ileriuziii Craven. and if bc- The other boys lauglied, and said that piii- vr. àigt-,l 7!, ýi zirs. il il' l"I. Il, celn'e and niiittre.ýs bu.] loir iI,,,, h. .1 1 ho. luIlli' (,'I «Da y« know when liermait entertoul fore to-Ilight, IbY. lien the sectiring of the head-ma ster vous live liundred milea t,, ibis Ill'hana ri, ISIS. li-reil mon. A letter **NI,-,nll" vol *P banal, to-night*.," this bng (if coin , lis no part of yolir mo- away; bis excuse mets nonsense. no i lsioW fiind i u , be roln. In il III. loi'!, l'y t 1, but 1 know bc ma% in de library. il,,: boit Robert being there with bis bug But their jeulring did not chan e hl4 Wni. R. Krr. Chio lig,, ti, lie, ille 1,-itti fiit W, ud 1 won in de dinin' room, when tue pnss- or oin vla" a g . pr oi he;ýIt1I. l'a, 1 ' li-d a lIlIrl>I,,i, 1,ý mal, e a-lý ch th . tt",tjjzll out purpose. Then the lecturer turned rapt i ý. Lialoiri- 40 gh de hall and went ut) ta bed.- courItd on. yet fi, lie takeu or. roulait toward Mr. Thring, and sailli: Ils m I. «Bew long was tais before bc pulied the outil slirtý%%(Ilv the loatter vus inanaged. "That hoyý was from Upliinghain; Elard Il. front A hel'ing voloillitt'il ri.. Iild. 'r irimr The bunker lis ni4irlé,r(-ti, the bal; of coin Tio. Stale or Agno Il il in- th «Ob. a fang time. '.%fnrq Lang, belote 1 und lire inan ýtoýd in the that hezid master wns you, sir." Illtriot, Chivago. 'le na -o Il in th, lu-t-IlY of Sheriff Ttw school chéercd. The lien(I-mnç- mas iliarro-d t.. Mi- N.>tiiI.. Cstilo, also "Did Ion hvar lolid voo-vl. iiI ilviiigli ni Y ter, grectly moved. rose and salut, -1 of ('Ilio lk:". :1 fý Iý d-1ý ' a-l', f ilati.ol f iho rpoi i, -,il %% ;iitr CoM, to- iIi :il,]% li And 1 am "Ilvat InIod, t'o lie. Illiroo, Ihq,ý,r1IIont of rewmuuxter uni] Heruieill mure quarrviiiig t-I lol- il'-' ToI,ýcrY Oint ,qlrrf>tind, am sure you will ait thank the lecturer; Prof. .ýrii M li.-mil -,f itiv de- ul'ure May 1 Ili,- fi dz IDILight ?', ile talinz off or Il god [non. 1 ,orider you iiiiist rcel %%toit 1 relit deeply. 1 partioot If I,-I..Z,-eý -If Ili., of . 1 1 1 of il fe, I :;liolýhlol,, el No, M arI; 1,nng. 0IIý iillilý,r 111-l'hi-11 if NIr, Il;,, I, o ', 1i Il 1 t ". 'x querm. Ile ay hm lo, fi, a., 1 t hi. l 'Il' 11-ft lu mill, nail %%bat thank the for gling one such the stat.., thi. i-p ha, thut 1-11oold "Ill A Iltthý titre boy. I think therc are Ilinny suell boys lit 11. Ili the and ni., inaiber amour, yI)ti."-- Youtli's Coinpanlon. h, 1-1, f lia, 'api at"'l gril 0, ilie ho-ar-1 NIeorý aod iltr of the %iýtioi or hr- t1wor ni., itou.h. "I'l'h *IsJN)0ý Il, o -II il 1 nt 321 lier -r" o 1111- tji', i'. ', ho ', pa, nr ', ith :lnxiIoJ.ý N,-,, y Ile.,M1,11 Ir 0,iý il, ril -.I go.. lq, t rat roir a noine I HE KNEW IT. ut III, ý,f I-f a lit o Il tl'di , ille Il.-r of a oeil in the cou nty -- , ,hoo 1, - r, I iloirloi tiA .r Ili la't ib the limer k Le, l. i Il 1 iulitfil o', ri obuenly he said: L..di.Vd C.Iýld..It 1 ul Ili. Rerit an by tir. t Cio il'oali. ri liý,rii-Ii 1,;d, I. resi. Ti- fr... a M Cn,!,:mý C. , lui 1, h- n riot d'ilv liait il l'c'li'! Ný':Iiiliit th Rent day In l'ai 1, 1, el very Important Ili Il- 1. l' Paua for iý il,.- o nuli, - -1, - 11 1,1, 111lý 11nall- b"ght forth front e fihi. Thiý 1. Il of Il--- -i arulo- il- UMS biüw and Illofi ou lie, il alol a, Il, st.-ppeil il the occasion. Tin, laivilord ls king, in a calou alo -le L know that, bul fi, o 1 Il lonjolbering pio or(- tri Gri, I, moi Chit lol-a a bov ltolln;llg -Ind relui-hed bis ri-alin %% lieue exai t il rude is tint orily cri- se;lr doule h. If ho huit ;Iý-aiIY 1. fr ... il 1 Mý- ntY no-il, in Palia. '-14 elud 27. 11 r o . il- I couraged toit ý ilforcod. Ait lý:iigil4li- il il now tii.:t - r litIf p. r dogon tairl wh- de b.-il 'l' no-1 ll1.1 Il.. itoight. oon man saý8 he NN.,iit lo sec IL land- The It, .%lin Ko k. D. I>., linl- la màstýr'. roIoo. ,r il, i,. Ili , aloi erv long. f Il"I', Cillirih. Si. of a on Ili.. galets ba- had lone aft.r Mile-, toril abolit soin, inatter vonneutcd, m Ith toi' I.-ft. sunai.inz op, il lie owl 1 t'osI. y-oir ~III und llr"tb- t illil, bu- l"', l n'ly li, li-A do ilil il 46 de d"I'r t'o \Iýd Ilo ran-- lie. do- I.ell. bc bonne whIch h, liait Iiirecl. The I,'f' III, tiI,.i-lIu,, il aloi pro- li;Il of th, o I- 1 1- ýl il, Illi- m sud dýtàýil op di. 1 aiý, bo 1-'. provvd ti, tic a very susid- f..""r or %,!, oapo Ih. of n., il lasi fait .7Il p-r ieo ,joiý r kilied short tronc aloi goi blick III 'I.- iojneil thal il l'id loi- lIý--iI tu 4W«. IIV IidlI't oll elfe- 1 vi clous and ohl gentleman, C,11,gi, VI'J'Ir lit. lis -that it h, il ri oH fiiiiiO Ivloo liait illeid, hil foitukie Ili the can- 1)">,iii-it 'l ti', ý "I' -- front 1,172 týo 111194. "Yrui lald St-Illir,, . - o, Il o Il k Il, lo m'h'un lie trade. Tio. ouloilly h;', Il ý NI et. 1 1 lli- - lIt or the nnurdvrer ut ytoir millier lo- I lis Il. Oppried the T1oý for " n ut !loi. lion, ýýo. le-ard 0,ot 'lor, tl 194 Il, *;I,, th., lait fort. __ _ -What il-, Yoi lie IDiluired. lie. il -I'l i.. a -iýnd-Ie of ;Ir ihi. dot, ', "xý llo r. loir 1h.-re la', 1.4o- hin', Ili,. "Thillie ri ".Ilto -1 1,ý 1.1, E. Callo TIIP;e. 'rite I:iiglý.,Iinieiii avialowledged th t ,:!l lie in, being n lue» He-man Il Lot the 1na,ý1e,- il il (;"Il: - f,11 tel, lie malle hil, bleuit by xi*ltiiig for the a leilid il, no:jny ltia, lilIýrriý-4 amter." ],,,,ed lits 1-hil Laki- et, of the III ý,oo b, il urli, aroi Yoý,,,r Lo;ýý,ýr-s and ber dailletiller kUow magazines 'Ill, laiollord shri ., 111 al si'o. il " ill li.. loi.. Il> \%, , il » -Wby did be jouit rite mire niid il, r n'oi t1int ltollk-rt il beloi in 1 Id 1 liavo- beeil milired in *rba? Ille munit have knoivil thii t or the c"'* Barbour of It.. or ri "01 am alr:,Iil.'* ý;0d lie, "ilint yoti will inat'y Mt Mas in thlý boule, fillil il hav'. I'Mog, ye'; Sherlff Cilli 'h Il 1 %,Itlk pour ro-Liton the loth M ariiii IýilIgloauý hoLad If IbIý Iý;IIIrfoolI Nially farnir, living in tir, 'il'illity If to broliglit Mur, 1tbert herk-, lie tolet, bouts f« the purpo8e of calling huit t c bill, ti, 'ail. ' Ther, 'a, a ',lors 0 f t be mont Il Ioý, l'e- Irio, .1.1> ý 1 but Il;, Cilsiiji Parti; arc I)iir(-ILetsili-,, latin lands tri 1 auýW." - - . joli, w.s not 1:I tir.. lonibiliotion vifi, hA -11-livril Idilloi'. 'Viril the intention or E 1 -- -111d .1iý -Id ýý,o.1rIý.. 110 eViIlýýlitlY finýd obi f:il"hiolffll no- , :.. . -o - _.. - 1' __ flo-re lit the nour fil- 'f', m ik y- a ýq 7onditlone Are Nemed Upon Which Channel NI&Y lie Opened. Sccretary Alger'n to the Chiago lrainnge canal resulted in the immuing ut ý perrint fur the opi-aing of the big ditch in ooa as the work bas progremmed sufb- -.ently to make that ponxible. The %an- tary district or Chicago in lwrnlitted ta >Vtýn the chanuel xubject ta three condi- ion.: Fiut. Icaving Il diatinctly under4tood bat the S-retnry of War ýi1I submit ertain que2tionm that have been ýý, Cougrpss, and thât the permit In sub- ject to suvb action as tuay bc taken by s-nd, that If nt any tirne It appears that the currvnt creatý d by such drainage work, in the gouth nad main branches of the CWcago river are unreasonably oh- st-clive to navigation or injurions to i,-ý,rwrty, the Sfýfýr(-tnry of %N'ar rescrv" th, right to lo- or m.dify the doýcharge Jjýroogh th., Third, t1mt the sinitary ;1ý.%arîrt of Chi- cago must amsun, all for daniage,4 to prop(-rty and navig:ttii-n inter- enig hy reason of the int-ductiou of a current in the Chicago ri, r. bila lie leriutiIg the etul,ýIl A Ille. Cont.-d- -lit, Iii it i, by ill. llri:,té.r Paliiivr that lieu - rk id th, 1. tell (ON..Imwo thaIl fil.. au-ilit ap- pr- j,ý I ;i : - 1 Iy 9 ri il ri - f, , r t I, erect lýjn ,,f t !o il pri rit ing offlot-, work ithili a days. le, Ille le ork il telle, n'l-ois pI1.1I. :et th,ý -rile-1 i Iume î. :il -el 1,lMm) an-1 the final wili be printi-r Aliz. '.C), ir the' -111 ýi1I bY il',- date iýli.TIt Mi N ýni, ý is ri, Ire- -- i Il, ( ;-1, 1 . >. ( irant. th, I.- id hi, Tt, wtjIl,,iiýýY rr-nie Ili-, lime lit ihýý lit hl, allient iiiiiiiiight. I),il, lie, ,111, ial the At thl- "thlIil't Il;-"t- r 1, t l1,ý 1-:111 i ne", 1ý 111 1 s t t il i 1 o r ri I.Ine le le - ire thi. thi-ory that Ci, IU Iý,Il4 île sitý1'l'ini; ilif. ilvliral- frli ulti( Il ho hail been a leuffer- Inolit1il. What nill bave the frýt towu called Fulist.,wa? The fruit woold like to know Mhat the cold ý1av- are Unlike most tisiurauts. Aguinaldo did bis running atter he got the ofâce. The Twentietti Nailsa% regiment in firgt in a% im, fir6t in push and firt in pull. Dina bas rio ships' but he fippenre to be MaLing a large numher or fleet MOV& meule. il la surprising that Agtiinaido*s force@ Pucceeded in escaping a btuffy death lu the Bag-bag river. The operation of the uew b&nkruptey law in bavinz the effect of showing how mueb some people owe, et nuy ritte. All previous records of berole aplt-ont, rifice are cast in the shade @Ince Wiscon- sin solons enacted au anti-pass law. An exchange gays Aguinaldo wants to catch bis brenth. If bis breath la ahead or him, it muet bc a Swift institution. "Throne Makera" in the title or a new book by Willlam Itoncoe Thayer. Per. haps a copy should be sent Admiral 1"-utz. t_7àe Drejfus et" la said to be neating the end. It will be surprising to observ. er% if it closes during the lite of Dreyfu& The capture or Aguinaldo might be hast. ened materially by settilig the United ý,t.ites secret Service dePartment after ýim. "Straw bats tire shy," sayn the Pitta- burg Teleurtiph. The sommer girl. though, ta not thou&bt to bc more bashful than of yore. The Samonn 1.ýlonlo are bpautiful and fertile spots in the l'aific orean, the prin- cipal product ai their luxuriant soil being trouble. modern hygienle Ideas sometimes get f&r-fetched corroborations. Aguinaldo, it tg bpllevel. bas gane to the mutintalu fer un Pawe, lias the ý.r il,, call i-iwd April a, which s ho ý,wlitioii of ilio national [)ýIllii.s in tho Ugiit,,.i States. An abstract of Ibo repuris which mine fmul, the 3o'M blink, ý,f th, conntry, briefly giv- pli. ýllý,ws th, total n-.ýinrros tu be $4,- 1,,iins and di.svounts aniount- ing to lied rcserýe of laiv- fil nluney $491.217,975, of %Ihih the 9-Id hoidit,94 wvre The depo4ts aggr(-gat(-(l $2.7,24,3ýM;.2.>7 and the over- of th, roserve beld is aliown tu have ao.1,9 per (-,iit. ,rh, or the (»veriiment in th, in.,t inunths wore iiginý,t in the cý>rr-ponding t en illuliths ended April 30. 18IJ7. This illhjýl- th, $'2ýjLK)OOW paid te Spain for the philippine,. The invrease is largely dtie tu the larger outlay on arniy and uRvy. In April, May und June, liffl, for the outlay for army and navy mure than the lik-e menthe in 11,97. Adding thib sum te the figures gi-o for the toi' nionths, tho audited ex- p'-nýlitiirý, fur the ivar so fur al)iffl» te haie been $275,5747,7107. Th, finding lit 1,1i.t.gritMi, platon of $, anj $10 ilver cortificates in a dark rooin in the wut,-ba,4-iii,,iit of the United e4tqtt.q patent ifflice. couffle<1 with a report thýjt sporiens inonoy made thorefrom han hoen in iiriillati,,n in Cuba, caumed seule- tililig of il sensation in sprret Rervice cir. ( les. (,hier Wilkie declaros he, was "Lits- tit.d nu notes lind ever been printed from thoui, and that no lirrestèl, would be made. The auditor of the War bepartment la del ugëd mrith claji" front discharged sol- diers. Fully-WOW hava already been te. ceived here and they are coming in et thé rate or 25Q Per day. They revresent the unàettied acSunte of men wbo, were di& gharged w1thout descriptive papers ",* 1 - 'U

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