Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 16 Jun 1899, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, V n5. ViCl- No. 36 Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois. Friday. June 16. 1899ü 1 $1.50 a Year in Advance. Am.THE ELGIN.m SUMMER SHIRTS Negligee à= Ali Over Stiff -TiiEY %RE 'IIE- * . . .PROPER TUING .. Neck wear, lHais and Underwear. EVERVTHING IN SUMMER WEAR. SANBORN & COi, Tailors and Jiaberdashers. Kaiser Block. - - Lbertyville. 111. Dr. Charles Galloway.1 LAKL. ZURICH. Office over Loveli'sDt'ug Storeirailunie anBd bal] to'-mrr0o NouaS FaOW 1 I T" i iuiut T- -. M. Jli l""rb.e. wax Illi Wht.on"eilav. Libertyville, - Illinois "Ilîî matb tl i r ri'ily t Mii.. Th e hietle î'..,in îutilier la imi the r. J. L.TAYLOR. jva? pat. Office ove? Triggs & Taylors. ' biatiiite uon lr.advay tppoalte Park Libertyville. Illinlois. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. Physiciafl and Surgeon. GurnOO-- ---------lilfoili. Dr. E. H. Smith, office over J. W. autiers b Libertyville. 111. PAUL MacCUFFIN. Atwrney anti tînnuueelur ut Law. NOTARY PUBLIC t OFFics WiTH LAKE Coi aTY BANK, Libertyville. Illinois. W. B. SCHAEFFER'S NURSERY. 0it.'Mil.' .,,atli 1" i'f îG rie 'P. . .Le W. H. MILLER. "jONSHOiIAL ARI ST, 4> Wieii yoîu it a icauttb.ive iir a 1ptiiitibar v't î'airloun-Bill.- cHlll E lANDSOP O. iiAlS. N-i liir tiiW.N C.t'.r g Si t, Nuire LAKiE i COUNTY -. BANK.... Wright, Parkhtlrst & Go. Liberlyville, Illinois. -ote itrs-Bern l. (;leaki'.,of Palatine 'wah lu loilI rTuectay. 'i ry Nîcle deltciutO ir îe î'rî'sîn liee Vurtit tiaja. MeGinty mîts are tîtlg"et i in i le Ii' daity MIm LA-lia li liliilm ihoteîctii peud her a'tici Il lirandiug lîtou î.igageIltu titi iviry buiness. A biite itgith. a gluot liglit. Aek Chiam. %V.. Kla. Hl. (roit, of! Barrîngtiiîli îiiv î'erk- log InLI'.eili'c chore. Johniit ti'vt'Iitt valxtver front Jolil iida forv lt'a viit. 'I " .-.îiit baîud wbrehi. î'lîap îAppy ho il B Fi.le. 1!ý B lýliiig y,,. a tttgiviii to l'ueuiay iui buitness. Mr.î . .cblniiu and itou uttl viiît idt Chiigo I tuncilay. H. Sitcer anti lanttly wil mucit' loliel in tht' ceai future. Anmil l'uîkard atdtister Mies JuIli v.'?.' at 'alaitie rneuday. H. Liitntan sti vife,.1 tiftantioitt lak.eii t'in i. irii'b Sunday. H. ieller v... a ilarrington visitoi lit ifthe veek on u tsiniess. Geourge' Froelicl enteraued niauy relatives ch bis buoule' Sîndély AIl titiite jiartit'patiltg in te artj ut ýiiitýri report a pleasant lime. Chiai. Iytie and vîfe, ot Palatini ver.' gîie.htlier.' lIrsIof lte veek. H. L. l'rebnu bas ail kinda ot barbes muherial in stock.(dive tintaaca)]. Ah Ilaundry vork heftviitt Mns Dicleon viti receive due attention. Base bail Zuricht Amateurs vs. Ivan ho.' base bil teant, Suuday 2:3u0 p. in Boy a Polliock tire lîgbleulug oni liI cutI istopthe rahhling ut your itugg A new braa 5baud luit tlie îîmganizt mec,,iitig to report. Weil Jetsc bai luer Ititiertéoti auîlvite, of Pal, line.nomuv upy Ibeir ili ututet CuItai ut tislait'.. The.' rieude of tire. George Priies vill tee! i)rry 1 itear tif hemsecrli iliiece liiCitteago. Cilas. Kohl ihalltigtic"Nealeremi treahed 10 a nev coat of pailit, Pb Yoîung belng lte artleh. 1 H. Hedce santi vie viii rentove1 L,1erhyviiie vitere Mr. Hei8oe v itianage lte ereantery for Citas. Patte Jiosepit Kovalski itadth ie ntieorluî tii gel icmfoot, crîtbeti vil.' aulil, gravel 'I'eiiday anti bas been limpi tieliubetui in susîîciîing soinotli ltat'Wl urot'uriiîg tor tîn base lii]tes :liitiiiitit. Itemepniber lte boys vil! tht' reht. ivatt'ilien. PAY AS THEY GO. A Sure Indication That Stesm Road Company Wil!! uiId. Apropos lthe long dravn out raliroati tak anti specniailolt. cornes asaniance taIlite Cook, Lake anti Mdlenry Contes Riailvay Company are buying sud paying tur right-of-way vesi uf Hineaviie, To determine te aitenticity of litIreport te editot leat Monday viaitedth te section vitere ltight.ot-vay Agenti boùm la ut vork, and caugitt hitu ight tnute act. viticit as convineing enougi proof t&& no fatrte teant roadtin cotîcerued i il aa anre go. Mr. Duntam litaiti ettled vItit C. 1. C'levelandi anti Shermant C. DavisaI Hatnesviile juat previais tu Our arrivai andi expiane t ta ie bcd heen obligedt 10py "10tiinmcb."'However as in tee aies mentioned te igbt-ot- vay would neceslale te remuval of ail Improvemente or buildings, on bath larmea,lite itd been more lîberai titan vwu bis vont. Every foot ot riglt-ot-wsy beween Nipperehiti l'oint anti Hainesoilie in secureti, excepiing fit.' properties, anti contiemnation proeeedings vere severai daye ago Instituteti in ttese ive catie, andi a jury viii determîne arnonul 01 compensation te Ovuers AbaU receive. Froint . M. Harltt'ar il]nsection 1Iq, weet to Ntpperiîîik, ve learnedt iat ail rtght-ef.vay bati nol oly been iwçiirrctbtât i been palet for anti quit claim deetis given. excelîl lu lvi) canes, ant iîn titi,»e.'tva cases il vas Dot Uadtuierent'.'In price' taI madie setulmenIt imposible, but te tact il vas ueccessary for te railroAd eîîmînity tii go tnhtî .iirt to iaciliire *tîtie. 'ibie e ir.'eleven ld. ir titi egradiug by eotracture tut andi near, anti abile vo conîti col learu 10 vitoit te contratclva.. let, v.' diii lesr elieyou.. fiailiht il iad been let, and te graderfiVer.' nly vititiiig tor t.e erigitt.ot way agent tu gelttgign sitape for tem 10 commence vork. dMr. Dunbam infairmed un ieexpeote.. 10 be lu Lîbrtyviîle litelatter part eoft tiis veel tu attend gu ceenring te rîglitl-of-vaY uItti. End otf te lîne, *anti aleo saiti b.'oulti Dot leave titi territory b.' vue tien wurkiîîg lu illtil te graciera ver.' hiorougiîly ..arhe< tut wtîrk Fro thuttt w.' Lak.' t gradlng viii e cttltt'teiieK hile wt'tk Hliel,îrtht.iîiîîfiined iOs taIail deperîded o11 u i aiilîty lii iei'nru )r tite rtgt-wSy in a gîcen lit., as V vien te rondti vlI t,.'in operation, t-but til i lrmly belteves taI ]Nov. 1I vill i vinss cars. rnnntng over the roand, anti front every Indication ni the in vetenti of tiiefin.' v.'bt-lita.lib knîîve vIîtreof teci.îeake. ty ed t- i ids Nt" il iel en'. Ing Sdo t Piable Lti-ilcithiig uin crap onurittu1 9tertificae a ble Y lelveeliZuricht andtiFort teriden 1 on Demnand. iîeariug iitiais AiI R. F. Flîttier ploae.leai"ue aIsZuricht Ht.uie or INIIEP.l'F.Ni' Torne. c- -' hast 'iueeeay te rnumerous ftiendît L!EIL iofl itieig ilt'citian of e l titetirti jtuf lilnthMe.Jue osinoer1math ienrry .~~mmr' tlly. Alliig taos.'preneurli ' otied M M SA E! ,ertrillîi Shoiz, Ada Sitoîz, Aina Ei- 4~u na Rosa Elehttanl, Emit Kicitutn. Piwe tia Ils Btrtita Sîttînaker, Ida Sebuntaker, p rýVMOIJ'IH andi SISAL Gsietreiint Albert i'rebt, lRobert ' -àidiânt g le.LI Dkiu, .Anna Seitueter, ilary lansen, Twlne. lEnmac Secaeler, iuiilly Sehaefer, S Uîi'litulblIrtlic 'heutsgateit'nle. Halîle Jiseit sud Neltlo i.'Hlîan. -~ - I lefremeuto eî re serveti antiMise t~fTmFiajlSnwimg a compteStocktni J enule vIl! beuone year ltier nexI yemr lu seeewthe gooti tinte titey al TmnîhyAilaiiahadlltdim icoti h.' laukitot Zurich itke Jil.' [ - ~dover Seeti. .II CHAS. STEMPLE, A Carti of hns 1 i it!, u ay Ibid I liunder lanl- Grove - Iln is.litg oiiigationi. torn vitlChamberlain$ Coiigl h.'medy bas doue for aur tamîly. W.' bave naeti il u int any lHe Faied The Surgeofle. î'tuiei cf couglis, lnug troubles anud Al dtîlorsb ld ROi'IîL tHauniltait, cf1vioopig tungt, anti Il bas alvaye West Jelteretun, 0., afltert snuerhcg IN îvOUenMtiti.aprfent salislacticu. vo foth ruý,titnI i8tti ho btould teel greatly intiebted in tlie manu- disillelu. a ooîîaly opertthan was facturera oft tiis remedy ant i vsi pertorneui; lut b.' nred imaeef vîit titent te plesse accept ur iteaty rl tivxes uitBitelleite Arnica Salve, lbanks.-Reapeettully, lir.8S.Dolt ltie surest l'île tcure ou eartit andthie Des Moines, Iova. For ale by" bont SoIvn in te eriti. 26 cents a F. B. LovEtLL, LIbertlviie, J. B bo. Solti by. F. B. LovmL, Liberty- IhiAcHua, Gouneéa, F. L. WE5TUHIAX, Ile, 0. B. TnompaoN, Gmalake. Ro.kl$elr, GEATILÂKE PUARMAO, Joux 1MutiLai. IyiiiJi. Flîi-eu lirerc arrive inluLiberty- vile W.'itesday nigitl frîtt i MIe- apoile. lTbey ver.' sent bere ItY Evereît & Parker, raiirosd t'onitracîiurs, andi undetieoodtley ver.' 10 work tor te St.l'ai!roati, viici t iey ver.' lnformeti vas 10 buiiti an extenuion of liîeir Hue front Libertyvilie 10 Fox Lake or Nipperoink Point. 'rieur tools acre siipped lManday andth ie men vers looking for ten to1arrive Frîday. aiso expecting leb.' joineti boe.bly anter anti larger gang cf mute lt oftutthiis eek Titougit of course nul intornted asnuti ehailli.tbey ail ee u inder te impression thteY vere ho commience vtutk ai tts ecutiof the roai, witie anotter gaiig violt tart a helitevent tîT.'iîic ioula le buscies. Our Businoes rowa. NNe alînti viit justifiable unIde ho il% counhtet for fronthlb. tact of onr having a larger iegitîimate licI Of sub@eciluerethban y veekly publicitet in Lake Cnty. W.' priuî.ti titis week sixty.tive qulres or 156i0 papera tÊ viiet 1480 ver.' mailedti taregula subseribere, the balance be ing out as sactple copies, ezcePliug tveuly-ive viici v.'have ou banud lu ou? ofilce. Tieise tacts couisidereti il laseasy tu unterstanti vit, v.'mainlain an ctiverîiaing patronage of ove? $IMt( per year. Tital Ont'ativertiiers benelit by titeir investmntulIn eviuieut fronthlie tact thiter ada appear front year ta year wvllbmi weekly reglalrily taI i113 in itzelf aur boat advcrtiueîîeîît. C. E. Officers. AI a nmeethng tf t.' Ex.'eiîlve utuitu- mille.'ofut tt.heake Cîîunhty Cltriiii Endeavor Uin th ie foliîuing uijerilt- lendens ot departnieigt, ver.'etoseit. Oooul Ctizenebip, tMr. Perry I'.rtoite. waukegau; (dcci Lileruturi', Mias Stafford; Waikiigait; SYstentatit'(ilviug, Mir. Arthtur licClakeY, WsckeganU; Haute Micsionis, Mice Chîarlotte Harden, Rockefeller; BiIble Suiy, iDr.Cogmweil, Waukegan. Titecaliter connty tîficere ceeld aI Milibtiritare asetoilove: Miss Aile Smith,Ivauhue. j1res.; MisMary Lake, Iunnee, Y. r'rez.; à,i-a pore Diver. Waneegap, Sef.; Mr. Gepra.' badge, Mulibumti, Freas.: lilas (Irace Taylor, Lak.' Forent, Junior IlupI. il& ilsitopedthaltievery aaciely tuclte cannly viii cotniunicte vit lte Superilitlueneiaantigain itelp anti in.piialiolt fron tlient. Every Christiaindeavor 11s urgai t eddeielet la lote National Conecton i etroit ind 40 report 1 Kima. Sulthe lb mfhuiof tiiom Whioir poa.lttai. ins.bLMQUIeM la lté ouut7 wattk. NEW BRIDGE. Agoniev the *'Rltht Man lui the Riiaht Place."t Tiie' iîarîi of Supervi îîra eluit f regular .eeiion ah Waukî'gaîi Monîday. ail memnberi. reiponditg tiiheur iiit-mi1 viielirmll vas called. Alter teligcuai pre'itiwty buiuvmitti. a petihioli vas riad from th,-Ii llwa3 commiai.ionerm oi the tovu. (f Libe rty- viile andi Vernon, asklièg tttat th(- boartiappropriate uone It f Atihe' cii.i of a bridge ho De crînstriiiti'ti iite i. Despîstîtes river on tbe eui.t atit, wet roati, muning on thte tiwn hi ie-1 Iveen te Utiove fnarel t,tiniiîi.. The total cost ofthlbe bridge mtilie1 $5,0K. Sup. Lantey motud te pttitluli be recieveti andia ai.ntiuttee lx- ap- ptuînhed to act vtth thte cuîiiiî îeion.'rc. The citair namieti Sup. Ea't'im. 3ieyer andi Cartilid &a. ucit comLuiltteî.'l. ic conimithe.' bas. the. power t,, cait in equal vote vitht aiti comjlîilmiiî'jrm oIt1 al queteiotns pî'rtatnlng t, thei'îîatter ut iltte. kiup. Mamo,îî tremenhed a peittnt 1signeti by k IR. Siapter ud ttitni 1 sking tbat Peter !.tiivenitlie granheil a llicenée tu celi itîuora luit'\ illagi'ofut Hait Day. iteferreti to o utiît il iceliae. 9 up. waii.', Mei)onald îi iid 'iil Coîîîmnittee îon Foot alni 'î,r Farmt i.buittled a report on ti' îîropîerty, tbuldings antipour tarîîî in generai, 1containtgte isorîle "tw, ii l ie Mr. 1Apjtheu, lt th,. ral uil. 'it,, ivuil )citia. i inte ru/I >plaîce.t(lu itîtott if s Sup. Hîîgaîî the report i,îîî Joli Races. At te W04odst10CIkL'Fairt ,rili t Woodsek. Ill., ,Iuly 13. 14 tatI I15 wili occîîr solun.'xelletntt rt- i"n ia aarî..ti' of elase.'. Abiouit175 tuwi' iliI-lt Ihere conte "ft viîti aie gliat records. Folltîvilig i.. te ejiel irugrautfir te raesw l'5uirtiAT.Jui.T 13,. î'oî. N- , :uaîlas,. Trottittir. in" .i 'a".ldî 1. lit i ailI" l l, N '-. t ul-ii J m l r . 'i'I.- -. fl 45i irI.i'l ..'l 'î'l.iing Itî - .. t lt Iî' u-' lit iiii ,' lt Siilti'r- .' tti 1 "ii Cl.1 al. ' I Umuide Arlrow. I sluay. .iiie 5h liattte' Ii tii " the. lîmuilciter In Li t I ' ilst., octuredtiibe otarriage ou it Mîelaim Eger lu Jay B. Mora.'. Miis E ger ta a hter of Il. B. Eger, tut Libertyýi ie. anti matie ber hbute vîtb iiit lait cumumer. at hiîcb i Éle tir. Mirai' tinrttmatie ber acquiainhttiltt. M r. andi Mn.l. M orme leit Lu't tlle lfr st re vi Ir el P& 1), WAUCONDA. t ltîîi'IPratt i. ii- i' la a aatiij,i miti,.i,illiai ' [îIiiîar'ilî i î'îtliga teNî îlaysii] E.lgi n I1uy a la.t itSwing. MNI . Iliigliem ha thetiii ir al.. i railv Iiicl ytint li> iraýýI 'alin bisu ulecl sîuid.V.1 tite. cin iii iatkt*g.îii. Mitrrit (lark aliîul brtiiînii, Caîry viiitiîrNit 8iiîay. If. i ftî,iîily il.' iiiti i ng relati ve i-aurlt li4 Dixin ut lretilit wrtiîg. Mir. undiMir@. N al, îî Silîeiig thi it.auiii 111 lgiiî. Mn.. W"Itoiîiine anid iaîlt UcJiu are viititpgilibîagî 'ltiiLie atiem Ald iii iiiety h. arrîtîlg. ieg J. Freliîiiiaîîul fauil eîîtettaîîî. il relîti vemi'iutîiîîii iîiijltiîrg Ti i-mduy.i Boirnî, tiiMri and Mrii L. (Groii v,' r, A. iook attndl K. . tW erdi-iiî ittrt Il few dayh A iii tîs ..'l. iWallirk.gani Miii. hli' uiii. allîiîît."f (.lîivagîî, Ni ititt"ilirr ji.tiîi'u lîî' t t fthti" M If.'îvii'huliatrtu.-Alis ta ari f ir Elgliiillîliirty andi l ltii ît'to i. lii' Ig mi. Digliter'i ill iît"t wîtitilt i. ili, i'lîll 'i liiiilay atir Miiim8Juii 42.bld l;M uta Lîllîvitn' if t , irlî itt.. litha j'art ut luit vtik. jlli,'. iîîtandiîî(i,* %V. l'iîtt are. u'iiîii t Fiml akeLîî. P'rof. Siarc. f l.arrJ119ut,, andli, îtîîîlî a .il] gia ' a fî'te iil iii tit..1M j».. '11eli ri titi' oî'..i I itlit'. Mir. and M"it. 1'. ...lî ofîit i Nuia .IC ilcuta l itiiftlait -i"l,. h I tll the ltter ,i eî'îî h, M r. aitîlMr,.. 1, Ne'ville. Th Ri' l. l t'igflhirit airjîrîi.'iM. -J. E.. ilvîîî'liSaiiirîiîy 'ltr ii h,. Neiigliira ti ilk ref'rî',ii itis A i .'ry b li'n'aIIt tlilleman ai î i. i b.'N ilgaritiFi ne iCompiîany van Mii t oiii drilIlit iultîY ec.ilgig. uraYs- laIt' aldewlî mr it'î iC.'hturütoIl uthe bt enugin... iui, Mr. Sùittrtan. 1r,'ile't il tîlelboairdl %va.,givecu tahîîýwer liîtlî wi..iîî' ua.,ii.,lt i,i ti' jr,,guîili of laitt'e.1. ilîî Iaî'l.r .' i tîi îiîîd ice ' reuai'. tir theiti pîil'. iriîlaY atter' blie bll in tliiM. h.'iîtit.n. Idai evviitIîg iif tlîim T'.' iii liit i.îîîig lit tti'31I uil ililali-a I -iii ig t NI L.r 'iii M. il. 1 1:0-NI JA 1 PIO" Il.îrt- lia îW uu lI . lii i.ui ii -lii .' Iii in lîrî. l'tî'l iltilt I. lli..î."î- 'nit:.î t i I tîîtî Ittîu lut ,î îiiii.lÇI., I iii tiiîltt lt -Ii li .tl liii l't.I_4 relatives liefore retomlnig to Libîerty- ille. Tb3y viii ibu.ut boulete tiiri A K G N frieude ber.' ln aboliu a ci. Oi~ 1e. ae>S't. oet tw ees izpectiug tu ruieeltitatit Mr. tierce' iot.d" arents a short tinte llitil a boulte nau bc prepareti. F.Finir amuit-tlectcii I)y tile I;tiiiill The.'bride durnugfber shourt ru'îtid uc(,,aumlit id mthloklle in Lîitcrly v lle mtude iitaity trikuîi'u îy I[ou ltie'rtii iilfici.'tii iil wuu itii111 ler pli'aiiing acdremmîandiî It iittig vi atiti'y t-aiiaii 1lt e u'îitî I fronit wcylu. Site îc Il otiNig lady oh itemrlingtg ici' ity i il 1 ' J t. liiùititloti quah itîca of m i n ulit heurt, ouiiNhoiiitiîit-lo Iii eil f;luth atiii prove a t'tîîuaîî o iiilu i L, 'lite gaieof in uiel lucbtteithlie journe couipten ttu lm ci ,, ttut1el ýA. t 'miluuday cttur- îonrey cuitiete ~ ~ ~ ' l'.-ini reillteit i a viîîtî y furirle bîtrdelte anti ji.yc. tutfile cgriiiiit u, lii uiforter tenat, titi'sc'orecbei îg 14 t id. was reureti ii) Ltbcrtyviil l'ietidlmlaone 1' Ilie' %%ittkt'gitit tiali ail..adeftgud ofour brigitetihyîîîlin, il -iittti.s loig, l'li i h talle'i tultigîuîî hall uaelesst tu come'nt. itl ~ l nohiii tii, ut te' Itym tu,ît Fvv'tt. popularihy, tnapired ley a îtiial, 1litn thi'irr alu mtu liselect a n ui ec lui ioviug dispositiont, yetci itt ha lin g iopposî'e Fltuer to ti' auierunlliu.ratcel. in usnatiability. He wat a leader l1ii' utattir Ntuttimtposilcîl in iitiita amnig bicl friettîlihieti tnttidinîr(tir..'..i tiliaiit'i'hat a iFuttri 1n. Lui iatl)n . 'I leue was licitu u i by oid anti yîîung. tdiiie an'fimtlm ivi a 'rty îr te liiuitiîuîtt.. 'tiît bride vil i bc 'acîîrd..'ia ivîarly Conrat i atima nt-huiiteitew tunan(tiatI veeonieuouit huit rt'luii. blin tUhie ticket ugîctiltît Filuer ut tIhe 'l'lie INDEtIiENDiEN Untesvitil h lirc lei'tiuui îîumeralie trienîli ftnt ilî'îliai ltatieIn ktug hortBiiiie Cunitilited SI taglu lit exteîndiig lisheiu a'isiîeitfir a et.(ti iîg i l iii il itg lu ilieir prtip'r13' procsperoîii.unidhappyu!lîife 8Ytu'1gt'. icnu'tiiu'(.utaîti loirlte Mîanuifaî'tue ut riii I ur. toriiolt-i l ite llilrîti for ltisîîîrîîî uit'. d itîî lla Kai tii.'best Candrey - Quatne. . qilit ttrîbtr 'îluetuetrîîi Ahtlite bitumeo t1h.' uit". îrl 'itsi, 't Il luth of uitrî bItr goii hibe Mr. anti tra Bili'y t' îîîIrutahlitm-ahi irtti îtt'ti asuîit'pcti lte iew leller oct.'rt'i te nirrlage oi t îlciitilii..'iit ailiIt cperuli n iiilt. tiaîgitt Liliîuu, lu Mr. Fre Ltliilî', (il 1 ii lonh Ivimtt.'o, ut iitluîîWi'icl î auîY lit tv iJîody e. hdit ut iî1tttmulariîmgî'Nlmm tAittliti C. l'il, ut W. tii!.'. of lianuli. pîuîitifiiletiti liltýi tii', iandl.Arthuîr t'. VWooditîl, sil piî.rt'nut)tiy îîîrnîîîî mîîl, Iy ahi t i liiiityv A ft'r tiie .îurtuntoy te y îillg si xly relatives, autttr w itiî'btheîu' ol ple w' ii p -'i't hItte bIidel'i uretii andguïNt reuird u te arg ilni ton il 'li Liherlycllle aitere titey a ii uni gieti rpurttiliili.'hîrg' hîl"g reiailà îm ia uayii aýter wvictitiiti roant viere a mch uî ptihilit rep'iith 4'tt wil tI i ui o 't ikegutt an il lI. epreCti. tueur hiLue ut 42i1 Cîrey avenettIbc"ty 'i'î.y ver.' recîpe e ît nîîîîîay t'uutl ill bedl lt' 'iiueît"' aler A tigiiit lut. sui prttyprHeuh, niog ùiiLi asMre 'uWooid i..vlikitcwn fiîlth iti'îy, haing tre.iilieuhly vialiled biere. tir. $110 tn cash, si;verware, tatle' igent, Wood im nîglît eiechrivilii ut lit.'wirt lampa, eba&ro, Itable, santi, ttîvela, et'., Wriki. 'I'ier maîîy trienii extlil benaWes taty t4ucy anti ueefui artiicu. coungratltionsa. Mr. andi Mr&. (.rabbe boartedthie 5 To 1rev.'nl a gang uf tliuiiuu ltiyiig c.ciock train at lhockeleler for anu.'y. trut'k011City ProPetiy Sattiîriay '*unlei $kiied vedtilng trip la Grand liaven lte ire deparîmntol va elleit.îî anti aliter Michignints,salter witici Dovî thtieiililbey vent pull tue!] lhey viii be atiantme anult.'olti Swan aixudte vater vas sconiii ltiyiiig tut faim aI Ianita.'. icb Mr. GraitbethIe gang tof Ilianc ao it a'îiret e elteru. i e viîîti. u,urîntai hma renîtid. Both bride anti groom Tuple vas notitleil by tîte nttiYo.r lu 1 pew tu matrity ilte neigitioritootipereon itl lt etroublle W" i tiibc vilere hey have oeledto taarî lfte began moving te truck tiver ut "nc'. lgelher, and .ar rapeclti ntdi loved Il vae an effective citek tait!tatite b1 aYU g ilao frienta. Tlîey mayot aaye, *,We mumt prîtect oui asacere vieil liaI. nay be a iappy wvitl lisila a gooti vay lu do Il' 1 Uplaqreple wvIit mas icileal The trac viii nual be laid on City land. ghami Go4ia ppiOM. ltais carmain. Special Notice: Mr. Chas. R. Lyon and Newton N iebergail1, of ou r f irm have j ust re- turned from two week's trip to Phila- deiphia, New York and Boston and have purchased many Summer NOTELTIES including Fancy Rib- bons, Neckwear, Headwear, Hosiry, Underwear, Trimmings, Laces and Embroideries. The largest and most complete line of Summner Goods ever shown--direct from eastern importers. and can not be duplicated in STYLE or PRICE. Please cail and see them; no trouble to show them. OirP LOW P R % MOUSE STABLISl4IED NOV. 25,1043" WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TELEPHONE NOý 109. Ibo I quI et - Ka. .i g .e , P ' oPtt",.. in: F.sagnr' .edIshlosSMI e wt. ~rack*ry - - iisdy - .Just Arrived.. -*ý CAR OF--.oW MC CORMJCK 'MOWERS and 02»1%CORN lIARVESTERS. Having rented Mrs. Penniman's building on Milwaukee Ave.. 1 have ample roomn there for show purposes. McCORMICK MACHINES ARE THE BEST ON EARTH. M. - LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.- FLY NETS. ..... .... .... .. .6 5 ... .. ... .. 7 & 'ti lut i t. a. i ..ur '10 WII-P OFTERINOS. tt1u it-uuItidiva .5u0v'Wlip te iii t tfir t'the omu'y iever tbaudiet.i 23 Soliti 15whit-l, thuîdliliar klumil.................. ...... 30 iîup iumiei'nui vt'î'$1.9m ,o .................. . ........" 7s Stabile'iilîeeti. troti 65vto ... .................... .. i2 tioý uuîîîî i gîîitarici,, n icI c tri i iîci, a ulau ly......................... 0< N lît'tt'r iuality ............................... 12 00> fial matie ftinî'y iîarîîca. .... ....... ................ is 00> ...... ......5 Largesti Chas. Kaiser, LIBERTY VILLE,. - - ILLINOIS. If You Could FIy tOn the îwiîigs oftth iid it l îicoulti lDit iio îîîîîikly traoétiat youtr busibasa Rit yulciii l yteiv ie out f the 'modern leleiîbîitit'.lit hhe. i.t iyi Of "empan- sliîît" ext&iiiiivlur ttei4phtifltl ervice to Ineet yîîîîriîu.'ittessiîre.'îurementa. Au e'xtenion iîteleîîbotit' t your det C'm us th nu ae po tiaenenietoestic Lovel's D[ 'ug Store - - Libertyville When Paid in Advance-o. Wom u'e Honme Ciimpaniou une' year, Farm Journal Ovte yeff andt lv oi)iisSamtauLha taiSaratoga" and -"Smalfla iAAmeag te Iretitereli," Vol. Vil. 114U. %ju. i 1 1 net, a bargaiti

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