Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 16 Jun 1899, p. 3

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11, - _ ý_1 Il 1 1 ý . 1 . - , , , . î ý - - - 0 -.ý'. 1.1 1 ýà 1, , , . 1 1, cm«om4 and au the eunUght of thst Isab- 1 The wite of M illet Goft of Nierris City ý ý 1 ý Kt &trait b window ILLINOIS INCIDýEN". Ivres leilled hy burgiars. THE SUNDAY SCROOLI.1 BO'f m'y o' III 111 -_ 'L. a througb the charc .1 1 Had a Dme et III puer Admiiasete»4 ý -» and rail alleu ber brover and cheek aile ý T'il- onantil crow Jetant ai Elxin -111ted a le&& like their altier daughter, vieille» ftOU Il Il Teach.T. . ý FAITH. ý in 'ami 'J"a ýill-l'g "Il "'éI". -FMY OF CALM ý John Triple, the 7-year-old son oit Hors- ý., - was Ulu'àinatÀ--d lvità the brightuelles of no- SOBER OR STARTCING, La ilaqI. joie, enrered il,.. ,,lnt..ýi for IrMOUGHTS WOR 1 ae Tripp of Derby, Court., bu belleu et 1 - ýý Iý. ",]ýW other troll on the day wlien the ilord FULLY RECORDED. "il ý', t',P a.-w ..".e.1 ,,Ié.ý,1. REFLECTION. tàe pourrit of dé,ath front, the effecu et 1ý ý _ et tenté lier luto bas tiesvp.aly ket-puig yean ý lb,,,!:>ýéall ,vit .1,I,,n,-d v,1iiI,ý -im- ý &Cu. - ,ayenne 7pper given te 1. 1 ý A Ifint trous Astronomy. Live F't.,k («..,,.er. May ý Ming il) a ,1,ý,-p i:rI uni ilar Ch-t--r,,ýI,-. A ]pleinement, 1 ntemutingond lanstruct. bien by his teacher, Mise consideration te you than the gratifi ri I ehoubil net w.ader if, aller ail, the" 1.:,-,It le,]!,llIý.1 InIIý ...... I .If ý-,t.-aI ,Mary Céimcry. Miss 1 parents III the evening or il lire in Terniras 8ýe..i.« t«indiýý Caraglot Al- 1 lI,..,.' I lit, ,-k, ai Illali -,od ,:I;k, .1 ,Jt. ive L,écautrola. invé Wheere Ir X.y De M * Comé,lry ta teacher la the 1 of your ecelevriastical tante for forty or III F.ven Y..,.-W..t 1).,.. R- M 1 '. 1,.,t,.., J'allié. , tels .r",...i .il Chi- Fou.d-A Lesterrierd sud Concilié Ili ý 1 pnmary &Juértment of lifty yeurs. A man or a moral vI would the %&me churcb, ail differencées of elleurcie, W preferrel overcortue by the joy of beius «,ový,l Ist- t Fight il. 1>..... l l'air ý.ft.-r la :11I'.-uco or ý,,ý,eýri nII,:,Ihý, en violer of the lisérinellexe. -_ the Ishelton publie il . $1op hall a minute te weigh preferenc« in the bouse of God wliere their ch.ddren _ _ ]ý,e,.,I,ý. . sclieoi. Young Tripp as tu whether be or the had better go vieil The siibjêrt of the Illetison for Junf 18 gave lier more trouble the unconverted compandon te this or that werefrepared for eleefubli tend beaven. lu ri Ill, t , iiIii,,y f,ý-,I, .1 A, Egayl. 1 'I'l'.. -.r], nt ,,.,,ý,je"Î":ý,z thé, Sý,,,.Ind can Cive you a recipe fer ruining ..,,.,,.Ia,,, *.If tir. Siate II ,ý'I.1 ý>r lie.;IltiI, roil jet, 111,,,,i:I ',.et,ýIIal Guard, bal I- fil The New Lire in Christ. The lesson la . than aIl the Obier pu- charch or derrouraination han no religion et your childisen. Angrily conleind in the foriod in Cci. 3: 1 I., r ý_ý____, Inter. and nt limes was &Il and trever lias bâti, and 1 tenir Illever ý,,tI IIII ý- Cé .... ... 1 Akie lit, 1,,,;,iiI..,l an 9illé 'il ":,r","I, l'ail ý, le-ttrr lu tire chiir(,h net (-'ýilIIge miss comF.Ry. titterly unmanageable. - . Il bousehold that yeur churcli lit right and opiee'. il ý 'ay, ri, f ,III, lé kti.,,% 1 NI i sý 1:'!:i l' il oing, f-ýr thirt y I,,v,,n wille Il will bave. You are loaded up vrith wbat the church or your compamora tg wrong. 1;ilI",.,,r,:";.,ý,,,!,...ý -I- , !-, 1lIý- liI.".l -:- I 'T'r'é , 1'.] ,'ch III, Chélain, .,..11.,"Il, primonnivnt thrre in ihr ytar I;ý.' O, II3. At break him of the hablit of whispering.Yen suPliose te be religion, but lion &Ire like Bring saler and caricature to empha ,djl ,Il . . i,.ý.ý .... . . ni t lé, . , [ rronn Ilime durinir l'il ira. She tried in vai ý%I Zia Il I , , l'inter ý rI-,.K,.I .1 il, .,,ýlttIt s ,I»ýrintPndPtit. ftbout tirer, sanie titne lie- wil ni letter te friend adviété ber te try putting rayenne - ý Captain Frobisher, who brought back your opinions, and your children will ma' IPn,,ýý,,,-ý'1ýý,,,'1é al.,.'s or -I, r .."II*,ý,Z,."eI ý m- .II.,-,-ý E't't'il 19. Chial ,non- pppper in ais mouth, and one day test front lits voyage of discovery a shlpload of àk" Il , . f T . the chnire-la jet EpjJü.ýi and unýi-hpr te . 1 what lie atipposed valuable minerais, yet, up their altitude that religion in a tâtera., and or infé.,17.11, ll:ýýý.ý,I. anne'lz -1 'en Il I air', ! teItt.-Il , .... .. le- hy thI,,,,,ýg hersolf ira front philmon, a ripril of the charch et week site took a quantity Io achool. Bey- . 1 . 1 1 inittead of beint cliver and guide we li 'Vill have noue of il. lu the nortillerrat te 'a , et. Il.. i, -if 'Ii, il I.,;et tiý.-' )-trd S i , roui tieurturthé-nia. 1 Il but correction Oreilles of thés fielra %tortu 0 - 1 ý,f a train. Il Cülo%ýe, rnii,-PrtlIng a fugitive slave of 1 frai waraings to Tripp errent unbeeded and domestie controverny the rose of lrii13 r,-lý,1-1 ;Il III.. 1'li.,.", ,i ý 1. 't, ir, ýl:- Ili tre,,,of tonesimlla. Mill Cemery called him te ber desk. He . Sharon and the lily of the valley wili not 1"' 3 1 TIoý ire tifr;il eýlliýr-hip Ill the Churchill PhLfémoti's Ilv t' tu lie hurled out au finally unelens. grow. Fight about apogtolie guetterait otnPI t-r k[lýIlliL 1-1 lui-11-1 1. -Io "" ý tir (;,-l .If ilo. l'ýé,t,,,l siai,-Il ,Ioged ai De- This 1,ýitPr',s ý :-gýýy g ne o persan&[ opé,ned lits motith ,vide for the pepper, and 1 The Chriqtisng I)uty. o 14 th.. 1.,Irl,é,,.- .If Iéýé,-11;ýý,,ý,,ý, - ,1I.,eé,,ee- il Mighty God, In ail thy rendait Je there fight about electinu and lice agency, figh Il ýLr1élýIIj Ili.. ,él p lit .,,ý ý, li'. ;,,I-. il 1 ( FI t - fil- - r lit I!me*-' ,il Anderson. ln(l. warnirigs z, the t:,.!ýýsiIin,, admonishing more Of it wPnt in ben Miss Comery in- . - 1 ý 1 1 about baptisant fight about the trishoprie, il ýlIýý ,f ih. .,IIiiiI,,e thui il, liai.. Ill 'rire fý11t.1 'ýL:r;lý"::ýý,týý,.,,ý,,ý-o.,mencomýnt théni against various berýirs and dan- tendpd. The lad troéd te swallow and vras fine men or womarre professing religion, fight ,sbout guwl, and surplice, and the P bld Cers, "I'prsuasivptipý,I or 9,ppe(,h" is ores seized with a @(-vpre fit of coughint. He (CopYright, létouis, KI-p-,h, IM .) Yet 90 si su unfitted, IIIIII fer golle unie, ,If Ill las th, .arté, ;,,ý,,,-,. lent Il,- X.ýré-iý.,I "f NI-ý, - iIýge ýerse hoi sermon Dr. Tél disculestrés défaille that there would lie any hesitancy religions Prýpe,-ts of your eWIdrm sel , Il lie. i..àýL'él nII1ýt hat -!n. r.-u.,ý,téI,- ý NN'e-IieIý..Ia). Tjo. I la's IIl.nIli, 11J tiventy- danger l2:4) and "PliilosniIhy and vain de. was tell to his home, and thé physicien n N teille whiela %%lit interest dorm-stic in murrende-ring ail prefertences belette sache lie lert deud on the field. Yeu will be èà Ili, gluuioIý -,r -iilxý-tj!t,- Ili.> I xý-o--ié,c 1 'LI- ceit*' rin,411pr ,,_>: ,Il. jldaI.,t:(ý rltuali.m who was calied ri litre in convolai*" mafortunate as.CliiLries. Dake of Burgun- la also III lie av(ý;il(,,] '*let [,il) mien judge Acute gastntis and a bigle lever set lu. circles everywiée-it,. Thé, test la Gen. au opportunity of zalvation and beaven ly dit. wlio in baille Joint a diamond the value of ý till'ai .1I,,-itIý le-rore il ,1I,,ý,I-1 i,,ie-rfe-i.- The sé- klI.'l le-fr, ,if elle Cé,lumblan in lapai, or in drink, or in reýrýt of a Miss Compry ils nparly distracted with lentis %lit.. S, -Let tht-re 4 leu strife, 1 pray reurtion? If Yeu, a Charistion wife, are an you vyiu il 1 III kIrý,11,ýrJ> rIghtN l.f lire I allié ow,_ , lI.1,1d",c s'III Loati .%ýý"n ,If Binera- you thèe. betmtýi'n nie aloi thé-e, sud twtwtý(In attendant illion any church and et a kingdom, for in your fight 1 retint ilay, or a r,,w ini,-)n> or a Sabbath grief over ber misiakp. She, says the bad Pis. leI-iéi,,il te, test, fier fil appnntmp nt day." Snme II est "ýnri'qtpiug of the no idea that the pepppr III do any Your un- lý.e the je,,,el et salvation for yo !,n"i.l"I'r'ý: My hérditivii and thy her(liiivu. In rot the è tedsh b il d(;es net go there ur entire - ý ýi v.-Ir. ', ( llùlsêrbe Z 1#8 n"I be- household. This je nothing against the (»e.ýze P. lita-sierd (:.le Il .rrd augt-Is*' il Rlso nfl as à thiniz Io lie more harm than te buru the boy'@ tongue vvhoI,ý laitil he-fore tii,,-*f ,"» t like lis prescher, or Jits , ' ý . - wlnp la , mortitirat:nn a little. She in Young and attractive, a Unle- and ne-ilbe-ýf'. Abram sud Lot, munie, or ils architecture, or ils uncoul advocary of il own religious thecéries. (;,ý,,gI- 11. Illota"d. Il ,Ili- :,l .If 1,Pn i 1 l'ý'r b' t'"t "n'ý 'il "'sl"rv, th' ehiinir,,] 12:1(l). Aiweti(-ism . Il loovil, both millionaires, ixad Il fOrtable crowilint, and goes tant Ire sale Une ail forcible argument, bring ail telling elion i at .7elellui I«:'ý ,, ll!el and 1 t oý ý Pll vérultm ,et the, Nativoo vint- of th, fbPýh. are condemied IlIî,:_ iý. The favorite vrith ber pupils and was reg&rded h larg, fI of bliating sheeép and illustradon array ail demonstrative facts, ý,ntI,éI.,ii :Il i ý..- il, lit. 1. ,,, ""' " il Il. n,,,,.s,.Ii. Tio, ne-w revenue true inortiiirat7on, théI elitting off ,if evil Ils a tLùý ougbly competent teacher. bourré- of worship, but would 90 if YOU but let _' 1 Il nue ther; lie no acerbity, no gtim4ing i,-iiiatý an.i , Ir., e ,é-zil,éý.1 .,ti..r Il-1'ýn9 se lit ]et, tiolt, wi. il. iprilfýnI-i.-I and' passions. ii recomni,ýnçied -------- __ - lowing eaitlu thérit ilit-ir Ilitérelmen Il juré> %vont(] acompany Liait elornervillere elsée, FARM IMPLEMENTS TO GO UP. a figlit, pe-t-illips abénut ri 1,Pt pastel retort, Do Loi Insinuation, no supercili- tu i lit. i;- .-i-iiiie,.tit li'.1It il lit ý'a.ýiiiiig- ý 1 IriIýrt, t lie- 4 v- tri son of Charlos In th., lel,-ýn, ý, e I eýh , jj"ýl,,,.9,*,.Y,,,ý,r,, umh reIali.,ee. Take your amm", as Ill ail others were wrong t,,,, In r,%!éý_,, ,,j, ,,.ait,,r.,l rit .\rlaýIýe,., 's 9'1--tt,-,ý,t,, do--i .,f 1,i,-Ija,, nt thý faim- Palel*I thI--ý'-,zy attahed fur grenter lm- or iiiý>tl, il),- lest %%att-r privilé-il or b::: ý ý. e with you te-day. May and you Infallibly right. Cri,. Kan_ lak'il III fst, Il il, ilN r--ileýii,.,ý in isprinzilieill. Tlie chill ran ixlrtiln,-elc) the- résurrection ofChrist tirant M,,,Icl.rere .el arred Acres, te a carnet. il'.. low ,If on, &;,Il bonto-el l'y Ilbel rood-bil, te your friends in the neighb : . Gý.er.1 Adý..Ce. il vv j'h bilan te tué one ., ,-ri-« Tais, a hint fis0,111 4gtronomy. The Pil charé.:é- .,f .I--Ioiý !ij;ir>h;t.- iwi iý,I ,il I a-riý-y mel ,il lit, il nilit nt thfI ýýrrti(-il(,x thýlogions l Lis hoin, ,if elle- telle". NIt thir 1,,,výrty f ' Il ir b.- 1 1 1 Je ý Farmers and Celui dealers In agricul- Pépir'ri but Ill.-i, -a1th, véas Iýél 1Zé,1.1ý18él1b.1ý,:Ps 'il] Lis soul la save»Il and lie ýCm,ý.1y,,1em.inade the remit the tenter pris-ti ai Cli. , , r. i-, si-iý- *ý,- ré oiaiéiiný fil Vaté Ailéelvii. a 17 -V.,,Ir-111.1 ymitte tirne have gIv.ý!i i- ; and thereby savpd huii, fil", jmplé,ments wll h a ve t 0 pay merle rall... or IIlitrI'V.-r",...n thesé. two joi'14 )ou ire tire inarch te beaven. ,% sa .r yertent, and everything vives thirr-, il 3. :Ir, ýIt lots ti-r!tý, Il, l 11, - 1 - a 1 nt q>ý,1,-,i,, 1--j't h..uIý ýiX M,ýks reg.> il) take S'if t'une renn". ýf ttýp'r o""ýakf-"' Il 'a fer theïr plotivre, harrows, geeders and fillié thoucht te tor r and the eurth. But the "Ill' lit m Il, 1, Il.. bit, I.. - 7I Il fi'l, i ré m- il Tn'Abram, tJJIý gl.-ri,,eis ,,[Il M'I'n. 1 iuPertant than État ring on the third fil,- 1 CoKrnicun mynsteom entrée and made the - : a Ioo - ,,', -I.- uith fri.-ads. Sué,e thPri nI uz.,,l tý, ý!P, ilat - loli lipnir, sert- Plemýnts of a kindré,d nature In the tu. -ý,iiýr,,%, -r ,if y ,. -i I 1I:j",.,Iýél le,, la"I' I III C;ié-ý,I, .il Ilarli ,If hou. vatin as the t,,,.t nIýt ýi,ý, -f ýh, tioath t . 9 of manufacturera of potatoIan lie, ik, slu Il e -rmy I.-Pineli 1 gis -,iir l'fi hand it in that your Il av- Ili - ,I,):I":Ig ,a, l'il, ture At a m " In RL.",,I. Il ,,as 1'l', ,,,., silip, ,1,1,.,re-ligIgi I-111Y I"utlnýr célétaimand the angel or nat-rvy sein the center artitind which the planets --lé,tý,z,-i lis it1,1--;erIýi,--,- il -1 1,Iýý,lI- -If h, 1 rit l' ,I-1,fý,,,I. A. L. ltý,rtiIýtt*î flýIurIng of Christ bit "f bu, IIi-ý. 'l hý, il -t only the9e articlette, held in Chi,-agln Monday', rerélved. T he bigot m alles bis titille lie- ,,, ý, _ ,- '. le as lie. I.ý,,,,ýl. ,* , Iý-I I,,,-,Ii 1 ,oý,II " 'Il, .i:e,éei.zl-,i by tire, to fil,, am I ... lit true. but il il .i,ýi - r, I Iýl. T il, !,te Il >I a rnoui tri 0- inold!, ,f tir,- All:àlj:ý,,ý 1 ,,::ý:ývPrjJ, 9 Your 11114band nt .hi,%, ciivPlr- Christ. hov,ý--. IIilI,.I,, ,m ý lie It waq decjdell tc, maille a Il advance ,le . aiý. ']*h,ý'.. m as .e , le,* ral te .if cité - , - , as il, elle parable of obi. 1 t a ring lier the escalier or everything, but the large ....... ý,.i,, i..;[.I,. il [.r.,!. ý ,- j,1Iý-1'i.é1. , ,ýf ý'-'(,.IAWI, 1,,,,i,;Iýel-,- $11-.exx)ý This in ý,- i1'I la the price of &Il agr;rultural implements. tr', ,.,rlIt'. M,, -p ,Ie,-I,. 1,ý,,,e.ýII ,JI ,,il le'. band - .. sol Christian mailles the sun of right- III. ,%;,, 1'l' 1 iý l,;-,ý:, ý;.. 1-1 no , lit , , le. l tiri), Ibis iiiill lia, b-té burned. 1 li hýf'ýrP tire -" 1tý-\-" li'l a' s " "ai Thé Northwestera i1ow AIsoeiation ex- pl. ,Il, l1 1 ....... r tri éIIr,éýýjIl,1I- cl g.- ý xin le t 1 Pr tir rinri. im portin cle ev'r f';lulp e()tiýrýI-sâ the retirer and ail denom inations , Io. ,ý,,,,,.iI'..] 1 ,:;, I ..f foli, ri 'Il tý... 1-1 1", * ý 1'..ý,I;a il t.- Ila- il -ra cariiittl Tl"It 1 fnr-.ver. IP Ilt:11 1;"s; l Il i, by ,ýrftI . - I. III Il without any vlashing and enrh in lits ow,, 1 I "., ,III, ,Pý.,...l III.. noté, c, il f ,: ýI ,ý_ 1 ý 4 I. 1 lé. r. ', luý 1, vé,Il att'.'li 1.-..IilI- troua ,,,Oo,ý.,i,,n ,élite hý . as a !il Iig,,('hiýt that il, ý ', , - -.1 , té A bc j:! ý , , - i - t , ,tg If- ý to il',- gréai tif), nf Corinth, ail (eu Il kindred implements for the purpose of f..-, Il-,"*, ;,ce- tý,, ,et , ,It,,i:, irtri- r>, 1 m,ýýPtjI PalkA the -BrAge or tbé- S,.a," jbe-r.- r-eý.ItJ arcund Ji. ic. t'Il' I -1ý,I L r lé, Hifill , 'i 1 , - ý ý il i ý'. 1 - , ,rai Sra i..s, Ir III liroIý r thé. ,til),rl>i.siiin diséritit and formiiliiing plans for rel àn.-;.t l'y 'I'.. I."e'.. 1 .é.. be-I -'l. anni et Il la et 1 1,ý1.1"éIg utile s,,illt,],P. and gallll "..a Out yorar Light - wfé crip- the, 1,1i-sýitigs won Il biné hy us. ýIating the prices of the viré Imple- wi-le- rI.;"ýI-liIg lIrý-,I,- I T. rind ri, r, is tilt- ý %vIlh a -1ýI, ,,f bass ille. mail .... .. f Ile fildri tillie3 in England before the %%..,t. Illert.i. 1).... Ne'..,eel. il -f fil.. Ill .... Is C.Prri Gr'oel .ýIýý.-iati.11. Th,, l'aul - ,tantly insi.t'd 'iplin. lusi 1""I14-rn streset lamps were invented every Arui I- jIIýý-lé- I re, , iý , 'l 9 *!il, 1 .NlII L'Ilian lti,,,rttrI. rié,is,,,al dirý,tor phra- **tri Christ- tripil just rail' Manufacri Company, Springfield, p! III ri ,f .1,ý,ýl.él,, ,,, Il 1'..I"é.1 l'lx - ;u 91l...> 1 ,,I,é,le tiée fýil-,,,IIIg .Il 41,11. L'I't ls...rà ý1 8 . rPu, , , I .1 11o, e Iý ' yý, , 't'je, lIje,é. ,.IiéI r - 1-1 , Il Il I Il a ý 1 ... t 1 allié- il, PuI- ýýfI!.3' ,ý,,it.t.., and làltiý-lil,!,Ier iva,î expected to bave a lan. iaio-r, il !;,',,é- 1- , tr', ;- - ! ,4 rýo -NilIlitie 1,1i*,- ýI-héý,1%, bal telugu- Thosý ri men II ba,,I Il e.,Ihieniý,ý,l .. ' "' * r- 1 ltf-ru sqjýfi4 l"18-dýnth of l HI un attirée- C Il the Jünpryille ),Iticbýne C-ompw .,, . AI , , lié lis ý%1,,;,[,l III i I,ý:gll L.I'. 1- il .-i- ' slé;,d,,,,Iý,l ly elle- A ,ro-CorintIé,jý, a flirt- led in ruent or hie bouge. and PIuu,,,,ý i- IL, ý,ý 1IlauII- .;ý.. ;Ii,,l La i .-I. :iléé. , ,Iig.,t.,Ilý"J..Iýilitý a,ý-,ýlt the the viftri hie cry Le watclimen In London as Giring, li.iI> III i. I ;il Il:, :, , :,ýi,. tý, th, : I irair .if musi, il, air endowed colltýge ment for sin tient Il have ignor rail; 0 pe-I ý, .1 - i th.. >ý ,ie.1 ohl.j. P, riad, ilo. ý rvits, ,If réel k 2,iel l Lgh -1 suy nu jet- ,,il lits Janesille. Ný'is., actui an wemtaêt. AU ' tirs, .eIéIfý,,,,. and -Ih il' t'ii,ý,lI-iy rirai ' ter rePr Ian.4. te, flint il city (if notre thPý vtent Il ut eventide was, *,Ilang lo-é'pié ,r Ili. liii,é,:I ..', , -iI.-ý :IlI-1 ý i't.-rI.. ;>,ngtitPnrprp.ýl>nnjtjle for mursh T's t Le Jeadiug tnanutaetuIerg were represent- tIlý,., !. Il l. . Ir i il, J.- A 1 -.I,ý, .:I,11. -II il, lioii. impPrýan- I. titan that If.ti#.r in il bi(ýil l'ae;l errit your iiglii,"' Instradçpf dimpnting in v% il] o a-1 I., il 1-1- InP--ý -- in III io-il :il ý .1--hré Siaff.,rd, ai, old ."IllPr. nt Port. Irs and net f Patits goil In nérarly , . - Il ,ý , il,:, , - 1,.,,.. 7". r...Iý, :I;I.1 Ili.. télé'. Joies 1b.- two ,1,1,11;flg qtlIý.!I,.,és: **%Vl,.i't 3éoir ltý,u,, about the diffélérent kinds of 1,11, Liwhail p-1,a1ýI, ILI- ,cié , lI:,,t of 1111, : agP. al gatlo-ring fil>ýIIr.ý lir,,I)iiratory 811 bis elliestles hé Il miich promineurre Committem wil attempt te maire out iIInIIýrI1, as a materhuiste on the walle of mé,11:11, f.,l:..ýýýi I.ý ,.lie. il' .1 l'il ! te thé, l or the re-feurrection lit Ch p1-I-;.ý ý - . 1 'Il :111 t:éý - 'b. ,.e:!. , nt the .I.c kr..l".ý-! tient,, 1) .'IP, Ill lienu s11.1t - état, Ill ! i., éi-,ràrýng file ,:r.veý., ..f lus ,tend cour- ý ris- their priee l'si during the stimmer menthe . 1 Zi-,Ii 1 I rv, -JA-t Yolir lié;ht go silice before fjI.Ilril.J."% Il. 'l lie la"Il ý,11 Il. ý 1 farl-t- ý ,allé 1, 11,11t I, ,in ,uiliniiiling and hanged tilt aloi ils effert ripant the ronduct and wili report tu a meeting of the N'o"h- da; , .il il a ý; Il . l, , Il in I ,.f ý i,,,ét,. d'. - Il. t Il, i",.I.;é!éll'! (0, fin', Lit vée-let ILIII , ; .y, sPe-iiig yoar gond workil, ers of t il- % , P- I ,, - ý 1, ?P:i,, i "" [,.eeIý. if. 1 Il la o, ,,,a, 1 as ý lit, biýlipf et the Christian. western 1'1,)m Assariation tu lie called th!* et, ! ffIý- r , - - ,,, ' j'. r !Il, Il ,ý L'. ;.,, 1 iIi. 1 ) Il il, , Il, 'Il, Ir ilili i ,;Il I. , 1 no ie litat th, .. i leur I % - 3 ",y ' illa, ri 3,our Father whir h la In heav- effnrt ,L,,Iý iI. piI: f-th t , ,I ,lire tit, r, , ,, :Il .L1vký.,,ýiI1, with I..I)I.n.t.,],. fait. fi in thought the interpellés will lie X.,I:.I 1 . ;;ý-é-, Il 1 'l.. ,,ejIl'I .. .... né. -Ir. 1 Il l f, '! ' Tiý, ilI..Irý ,t sairrifit e ,,Il the part ..n,:;, IIIIIli; out your ligbtâ: YOU May m- al of ILI ,, daités. , , nI,ý , If 3e tiévri 4 risen wilh ChrisC the 15 ta 25 per crent. The manufacturera said , l%ý , . ý = ,I. :il. 1 l1ý .1nlin E. B,àJýé,é . ý Il av Il #_,ý- - ýI.» I ýý - ý, ý ,,, ', il. f.,,. -r ý-r ! fi.. I,, iý , lie-al, if il ri si i- ILI- ,,Iià*ýr bat. a illý.,inarýIl idens about religion and ___ _, , _' . that priceg for territoriale have adv&nced ee,,ý.ýi. ;I, 1 g,ý,.t .ýI":l-'l .%t,,ýIl,, ,:,,,,Ii ll..".r Z.- lié lit-- ý,ý,ali,ý,f, ,,IýIik..,t. mollet ),.t teit til, grt-at idt-a of pardoraing merry. Editroir Strilirel aro Asnot . toit r-,ýrloA. 'fli.- ini.swe, ;iýl,,it,,Ii Pont- revl'e and that an inemilse in the price of the oni ,:p ý,IZ. ý",r, ý 1 'léo, 1. 't *'Le - i il- - ,Il- irail, ;tilt - 1,!,rI 1, ,en ..ýlrli aloi Le I n- ý1 IiI.Pst ý îé,ils rt ý ,il vorson III a bMter translation, ý il ii lien tire iitiniber of blesse but the ý, "Lié -f .1"itI" ,jet i, IýiiiI ii!ar% ce -lit -latie Io hie re. "If yé, il wI-rp rilio,(l toglher with hé- il , ý-,;fé. 1 io-aý ,ýI-. t-ý-.n no Iliol [---,-Ili-", lit --télital léllées tirait pa- ,our A ri 1 . é- Ili ... ILI.ý 4 - ; - ý ý i ,é.uPý.,. , Christ - ,rjoit jet, 1h, r,ýfiýrpllI.I, ii Il a marinutactured article la neressary. ý j g-ýI-iitiii.,% of tilt m. Ali ideas about forme te"1,., IInoI,1.1-Iýý, aitél 1 ,.I,ý_ lié ,le I., tb... , i,ý:.i r ....... il ,iý !Il.,.l ....... ,,!,.l lh " y -ý;ellil, fIý,-rt.iý.,,hij, in rr.ý'! gorgItij) 1 aloi Il.r.ý:ii,ýiiie-s Pend churt-Il governm ent son .,* *. Cit:1 (;nvý 'l'éiiIr,,-r La', ail ('Id. il. elle- 11119 lé, definoe p étrel 'Ir pa't ti,,ýo.w h,,n the h..,ý!,éi, !, 1, ip.1 i .I ', Loi.. !,.:, 1 1. ý-- il! Ir.ii [L'é. 1 h!,r' le vé biné 3-1r ý lIjI;, 1 Aid- . J'élit, Il. IP'r. .. ý Ill, , .1 .1 . 1,I,1;.ý,.-r, --ro riiýý.,,l i ,tri 1 , thý lite COURT'S BLOW AT TRUSTS. ', IJilr aré. not ml the one idea of r,.,s. ...J,,-,, ': ýhý B--I, i.ý-rI.T. ý,:ý Ili, lý-,,,-d,.v .If l'hi az,, f.,riii, riv tstil garni ý .Il, ,,,ýtillI- lit - ;î.ý, lie al i n,!IIi;,ý 1 - r failli. 'l'hi, pé,int w a, Ill, tinu, ,if ce- .1 tbé...., , * a,!!:" -J, ?- ý r éý:aI, ;l ( ,111111 ,siééner tinder et udi.n.le Supereurire Beach on .Ptirllta ý li '- ý ,: .::i! ýýég ý,,jýh1j-.,% PIé ,eJI and taking your Léa,ý, tiIl"."lý':iflII 'f 1"eIIL' ýI:Iýl 1. 'ý"élI'I._'I ý 'il' .iIýl"* gr,ý,I,,r:, i ...... ý)nil,ý)liy.t-(] latvr by tbe rising %%..Ith .1 R.livieý,. 1 ý I., 1, a, I. t L. ý , 1 te, ', n; n K 'a'. et Il., a ', ., ', ý Ir ýýr:r 1iat.Iéo1IýI JIoý lam I>11;I"tIL.1 J'y thIý J",Irlýsfirst I;I-tieral of Comhi..ti.08. Ille, . ,;, ;ri 'lé,ý. ILI ýRst deverd, ,If lýo- li:!,eý 1 à ý!- qI ihan l-l lIiii or !, r gý, I-o, il v, 1 Il 1 I. f é I à Il >,il. li'rit th . ..,It ', ,é.;,ý,. t .,.ý: ji rire, belptý,Tnùl W il-ýr,. il . . ,it,.,,. .il ý .ri thi- 1 ... il :!,III l;I.,.]. ý-- "Il Il, Ili III, ;:,IIl.,l lul"I's or , 1 IIiz J., joli r.-iiIi-t Chrislianisy. as merny ,,,ie.1,ý ,il Ili, pâq. , thé. l". , - 'I dai. T', ý%ýýe»,eIl,!y, '«Iý',,r v,, art- (loil" lw-:ter in tiré, rpvi.%Pd The Indiana Siipreme Court %truck a . -NI a 1 Ili,, l'. - .,I.ý tlif-N- are no many sentir. Let tiers Ij,ý -I'l- t'étalé] 'I- l",IýI.1" bard libelle, ut trusta and combinationil, ce- wh il -é' , ,el'...] A '. ri a. Pf,. r .%".. ri, ,,, j-,,tiI- -Ir i ý,,IIIt-1:, L 111,1 le,. N. S. ('ie.Iv ,],,-] nt Caire, Il the v,,r,,,le," -for y o Il,.ý,1." In thé. le, "n'ent versing the case of the Statie on relation -jéjiIý. thal, aitliotigla part of our litilliilir, ,. ,trii.k biné :, - - Ili ,, ý ý ,il III ri "' il' eLff.., ls .if Inici blé le hé, ti,,)k, (1) ville- m lie il lut, t)-ý!ý,ýý,-r linsç,l frý,tii fille realm et th, pré> %*- ';-'Iý ýi-, t'lit -iý'I'..-I Ira' -» Il- I ý. 1 III 1 9- il l',efý,e.ý-. faielli, Inlay il"""I"p ore Parth In one ,hl 1 a ýlý,,,r,- l 1 r. 'aPy ,aq a nalie of or tI,ý nattiral and sinfol joli, the relative secuting atto.-ney against the C'aiýc;,I,. ,. :,fi- r '. -!., - ,- r. 1 ý.i,é,é,ýi,,ýý ý I.1.'Iýn:1-I '. Ieý.Ik If bé, m"d 1 , til Til, , il,- in -: : 1, - ,I Il 1,il nt il'.. fr.lé i chure-le allé] part in another vhurch or bvew- ,I 1.11e. Portland Naturel Cas and Oil Company. ' A ". I .tir. !- 1 1,; - , ý .: ,j: I: Il ý .Ivi ('ý,,,iIt,. ,[,..,ý hl- mées borie in of tir(, .el fi(ýI'lillIlig 11) VIII The court derlares thât a publie corpo. m e. !,." . ., II. aille ,ýf '. _L: ,I, 1,,ý,.!. g. alui - - ,Il,:.. be, ( II, ý!ýa!- ["Il l"I' le ho nul ý ,d ai t'ne biiie altar in a (ýé)m prom ise or Ité-her 11. r il. 1, fi tir I', , i'. ý . " 1 Jaroiarv, 1 '%'-'t;. ' (,I,,;eý,-ý,1,,gy Ire d'ed III 'in. T hi, th'inglit .1 ,J, il ,- il, -'". ,ý bé Illid, ,,oý rnýIly e ,nIrIIjI-lý Il rital: Il 1, ,,,Il,,,,ýý:bl, in I)r(.feN.rices, me lire, if redésemed, on the - ration which enters jute a comblnation s,.:,-ý,- ('ii,,i,,-ý, "il, ,,,rý ,-Iý Gi with other Corporations t'o destroy coutil Ié;ý,Ii"ý'.ý,ý,ý:'1I -r et ! , 11, ý.: . !ý ,.iý ,,,, 1 .f .ý,.J"y tLl- srlý,-, A il :.:Itý,"I.r Ileu.rn- w av *Io a rý-rrert churrh, w hore ail our ý "*"«, ýIý Il ,a,1,ý".,d the m axi'num, Il Il [l-t,ýr,ýl ,.,tiil,.iiiiiiii of John's fr,-(Ititýnt I,- !ýi - ! i- i :il , I f lý,.ýt,->,é aloi] fil ,,;1ý-',."i ,ýIJýý , A:i L ... I - 1 ,, ". i ý , ý,:é- r ,, ri o - se»I-lariý. ý [Ir, . re.r,.,ýI, I ,et Ill leu fully gratified. N . . re . le., '-Ii..ý. Att.ýkýeL 1 liroi. "', - _'. tI ' AýL,,ri (;,,,l,-I. ChiI,.gc 11-1ýtfliIteIr of tilt- seiloil bir'il If nue il t Ition and therely raise the prire ai wIliebL Il- - Iýý .II j ;1>1 ý 1 - - - f - 11ý - * ,r- , --r 1,iI,ý, ':!,,ý,;-. ý- ý Ili-- ,no- :, - iatýl-, lac ; (;rI>it ( a-h, dral (If eté-raity, w ith archelle Lý're'1 ýl,-II"ýýet..i:I' nt liIL"lý IIIIIII l' f 1s'in i 1 , , I-r, . flir - ý1.,i,,Pé nf thé- horrifia ilorti ,iree,,,, ,,,TiiIileieg no',et leI,.,.n", or the an il ide es sold Io un client tient in det- M li.1 ý.;ýý:ý-,,ii, 'I . - ! , :-, ai* ,;-;-rýu 9- Il Ill, Ilà-- --i ne , . lé, Ille ,crj, 1,.,ti,:el;iý1- 1 ,Ir u,ý, ilI.,,i, and pilars of happhire, with D,14,li T.,, il, ,,,i,-., il,.I,,. _I et. aIjý ail ý'r, Ililil, , il, ,.Xl-ýli:Il; Lm,,)1,1,ý t, a -ié- oill ,III; uni Viiiii ,aýs il di-, .,r nul rimental or injnrictis te) the publie be- n,,, , Il, ý Il , Il il 1.ý :! Iý - I '. et ý,I- io,, -. As fi In3 -If, 1 f- : ils mu. 1, ai wMu. In , il .... rI .,f kiii-ýr il.] tired windown figlow l Il IýlI-- IIIAI- e 1 týI Jýo:ý il 1 tiég.-ii, I!,. aIý. to ,lie. crimes liable to.forreit its corporatte train. Ili.,> Jý. Il I ,, ,.. , il in !Iý ,, 1ý'. ,ý[,-,I. n! li', 1 ý"PI ,1I-,e'.."Ie,étiý,ýý ýýf P, ang. Iý. il) I'fics ".1ie ilo. sIi,,ie of heli What sin- Mie,,, fil,. aý, ,,f , ,..I, In -, I.-t.. 1 111 1',I il lt.ýtik. r, I,é-ý l -if a Chwago h The information met forth that the trj, 1 , ,l *:ý , ý -11:, r, II,ý Il. .ý. ;,ije, ý- . lo-'. :Il;,i 1 tb::IL 1 n"ilit ha'e ý, ' ' 1,,,Il,,ilýly il In bo r-,ti-ii ivIl III a final ar, P I'i' lnéiiqis tomtas, with chitues angel bolet- IL, '1t1':ý,:l 111. ri 1:1.1 il, ý. "Il, 1111111;I ;.éý,-, ý ,,.ý,,'I ,ilg héni'... .1,iýll tina file. Pfi of I', defendant company huit entered ici au , I,ý, "'. Y Ilirativi, or manifestation nt ('lirit ira the actuel Il .Il :Ji ýl Ili te 1 "! il ý . ý le ý1,- i ;,«i,,,ti, 1','r'i'i'!'%"-r, n.-air il,, iiii(.. 1 "klý il"' ý ,,I and angtl ning! Nil MY riads of Il ;.-'iý,ilt- 1. «Po. l'or... thé.- Il . luil. i IirlI, 'hP ý.,...", .1 ', li;1,, lI,,IiIliiig il 1 rombination agreement titille the in ,.: -nz ý. - ý ,iý"., N- t,-,IIt zII,,,,t ý ý.,:..",éé 'nil --f 1 le.. kýlIý,, 'q'al 1,!,Igý, and 1 1 ,,,,r,.ý,IlI,,r-. ,hitéý roll and coreinetedl el'ave w,,rlý, loir is tu lie alI;-I,,ýd to lits graffileil ppostred rival Company. The Circuit v. .11 III 1 ý Ill. :1 I.t,.ru.. ai - Ieý,:, .. liée ,I-I,1ý'Jo il) ..f Ili, .\I,.Il";lliIfý, ý tell'hat art , 1 I éýe;é- !Lit,- 1 .n.l haý III p, , trio ', i -, ' 111, * -en I ý . Il T hé. l"quid ,ýIo, ,,,, ,,,i,,g vil Iguit- iýeiiIfI,.ýt.itiIrb in the ,oining (if 1 , jet king. an -Ml-iat-,r ut the aitar, cveti '*the p" 'Il., I,.I;.ýiI Ill :1, ,'r o'e 1 Court threw the case out on a demurrer I1f-ý ý I, .ý il - ý. l"', - ;iý 1, 1 a;-t.-n,:,ý I ;"I-1 1 1'lI Ili.. ,yl,,-11:é:.II gý'..ý in 1 le I.1- i jiNýât Iligi. Irwst of . unir pores.i..!,. as a , _ __ Ir a ý Ir l'ilr lo r e li-i long ilini ilirIiigh the ari AI In, 1. muni- and the State appPaied. The Supremerre niýý,iI '. - é fi ,ý,I!fý!! l4 .Illé , - I 1-:11- 'i ' 111I . ...... -' '"I-ý]- é l'3é ""' 'l'ill:114, I-Iol 1 1 leje-hal vJIlý, b"'Il with t he C.11Pue Lée.- Ir. pv-iIlr.t 1 Triée P lýf 1 Ir E, A 1ti- 11, a 1)ýiiiiiitýiit ff-.,te.l,.untl tlioýréýlýy ci ,ritied, "'ose n-lý""é Court holds that when a corporate colin- captured . ; ili,.-,I ,ai, lit But le r. l'a., Pend IPPr Ill a lit(- ils blet M ith bleu 'b.11 al In 1: Il Il - I., 1 'l. 1 f Abrain Il,. ! , Ir, t ý -1 , - j! il k. Ili,. i -i ý:n -f Ili.. ('ý.rl;rr,.gat.IiýIaii.,t,. ý ý,h,.-;dýý .!Iýl Ili ,,,ý b, 111, churli ilitant I'rI.sýd,-ot 1-11:l U firadl, , ,.f 1,1,él,,], I . sp be mailircert- pany faits in the discharge or lits duties ,,,, :lié L. ýI,',> Il !:. te. in. , ý ,i I l:., , l'A 1 iIL.ý !!ý.. g",. 'I'n'. :If arr'l il". t ý llisI,-,] .,Il t'ý III . leur, Il trinnilhin!m! What * la"W fIlý:iI h- III il lot il) Chiragn, cet. shall share in lits Il as they have a. il enters inte, combinations te injure the .pr,;Iký,I- 1 , :et !:ý,. I ,111ýI,, 1, f Il Ill I ,, 1,I., I... , r lit.. ,if il,. 1". 'I', *, . Is- C e'Il..g". .il .1ý,ýl,,-Illlill,. bal te 'Pl. - d l'il i éliéd il Il Ili uý,ht Ily hiI nýlati%,-.s lie liai shared in lits tiré,. 'I'li.s sullin", :,r"ýiee-t , . , a réel 1 ,I_-i,,ý:iI , .,f .III iiIII Crécoriet to corte. 1 ,elIlé..Igii ý 1 bIîc il offends aliainst the laver of ités ..Il* 1fI:Iý L ., 1'"'. :,lý t!,I. .1-..-I1;é;, Ili ,élit, 1, ; l".l. ,,i;I,,,* -1 il- .!1t. '. j'", il, ,IitI-le il, _ ', I vieil .1 in ,,,n,1>81. barre to harp, (Ir. r,ý-i--,,,IeIýi:i. i-- 1:,k, I Il. I t .1.11e. . ý ý-ý.ýitém urdrId and rI)blxd. provillus Ille incrieti%%, fnr iibier living prention and -foril ils right front- Il.. -Il '. Il 1 "Il I.1IIi:ý *ýn1I -ih 1 ý%-bili f.11.w. tbI,,, vre.ý. Lises.- The case is remait back te . IIý'.- ýf 'L, 1 tIn r-, I', 1- 1 III, 1 iý.el" lo' !. ýý : 1 'i. Illoi 1 . - lili lI;li.[.Il) ý Ii t, -1el l'oil oeil the trt-tntil ý ,. ' I .Il '*NlIrtify" m ill hé,- to NI Pxpliinol t,, e il, ,,:.!éII ,,, ,»,,,Innt stop _ýI, ,.",'- iteh ergiIý.-I of théI s(IIf.,. 1 p- li- 1...I,,Iý, éo. x,,ýl ttIý,,, -P .".l I- ýIý 1, il, 1 l'. aud let- l'III ý. ,! fýI.,,r 1 u, ce, all il,. sufferings plait! .nt tien ýi "' ' nl.ý Ili. ,é ' le-t-le fil, : . Baltimtcre a,,Il le * ,, - Ir ,et, iI..,.Iee. , aloi t j, lie r-1 ý i-Itý nt il,, In. lint .,Thý, a- 1,..rýI .,fil a ý !ý,e,,,I.. i >i.,;. fi, e,1,-I-,ute the ,ictory' Ple 1-11 aloi ha, ,,ý,:ý..,i J,ý,,,j i tio, ý ailli 9 1 )I11, Iia:Jr,ýa-1, puiling frPiglit ,îlers in yetitig(ýr pupille. Il il tisé,d tri ils litléral trial nith instructionsi tliat the complaint M ..,é. 1, , ý, 1 Il. ', ý,..I.. II,ý 1 lé'f'. r'r . il".. - : 11ký1'é,l - 't ... et, .le oiInIýw IL;:, ("lie>.ýie. il, . ,:,,,I, Ili S,,,iIti Chicajil éolided, ,,n,,, tu put in lPalh. Ilerr, regain %%if tir lie held good. _' 'rII.lý"a ' 'Ile hé le Iie.L!l thl-de eYeS thY beaveli il ___ ---- )il ... I I lý,ei,-é. .il ,-rign.ý,-r, v, an E q I, ý.Ili, :ý Il f ,ItIIIýt.. Il il. :I f - Iýýp I ý Ill.- fý : ,ý,:é'. Il. ,iý".IiiI;ýt,.,t, thal il ils a I- i 1 Il killd, tel ', ýI i:, Bolorter litoh se Péréatertil 1 ý,ilei>rs slightly injured and Luth enginea re ... n1si or our Lor-fi iiiitiiiiiin lit the BANDITS BATTLE WITH A POSSE. ail- ,lnzý 1 li', ý,,ýý,,!, le! Il - r ..... . Lfý,,- "! zi'.. n,..-st:ý ihry fia't. the ..IaIIt.g,» .et ,I Il. éhy gares be-h.1d, 1 n'i' "... 1 ,,,ZI-,] ýt,,t- , .\I:,,-II:,l '1',,],II .1.ý[ýl.,I"lj.-J. sermon on the morint -If 0iy riglit band d'pre, r ý.- 1, a lIei,ý. - 1.1 il Il ý il ,, ý ý, l'. '! i il;& t .,a... lé Lat iii.-Y Ié- IL'Il tl(J'.1 t, ['t. ý . , offetA t1iPe. ýu! il ,fl Tir,, -,fiil lI.-,;r.-.ý fhýýiff of D..glaý Wyc6, Klited, lu , ,-Iýéi,- !, ý : ,1- ý,aééIi,:, -é,ý "It a', ,I. . .'l ', in . ,ýI--I;-,Iu -., .,ý'I'ýrl lu tI"ý 1 ThY 1.,i,,.-ks,.n;th salivation strong, arýýlté,,i V- Ix IZ,ý I,.IIýl>. li 1 Iý II.-II,ý ý Il file-tIg III Ibo rivr néýsr ý,IwOOd, aloi habils vIloch .livé- sliriI,] troué ilité Ficht with Réabbérarre. tilt rýIiý'- ,:e,,e.g h- .nid 1).-'t r . tI,1,.--- -III. i of JLI-ir erall,. if the tailler aloi iio>1ýIIr ý And 8:r.,t A , - ,;; 1. 12. ;,!é,l )1,l,. .\,il 1, il, '. ' ;et, I,ýIé,1,ta and lits brolléPrin-laver, (,,Il lifté tir ... Wh t1le-3 , Ill'.,,13 The sherill passe whieh bas been purl . I III y : ---- ------------- - ..... ý ---- ý - ' 1 1111;j P-I.b1'Iý th, , ': a ler-il K ir 1 Ils, m.ý sibould ý ri&r,ýI .1 ,- !, III , ý-f l'I,ý,lIýl,,ý,ý,,.,:I'. I- :et ' hall .,., ký.:, ,ný,,igl, fi, - Itý ý :--.-.%:--..=.=-..I: I h-é;ý ' 'l ,:."tlý:iý1u s ý ý , , Il Il) il-, farme-rs, were deuil, must I-e litre nit ,,f the, nul. The poing the men who wrecked the Union ý - ------ ý ------------------ - , - il. , 1 , , - 1'. - .-, ý !, , , - -'l and - 11 je, 'I'l", iu,,]. Il il siiiii),,,ýl tiret th, Il - - il., ý i ,,! ré -J, , Pig tr,ýIi ,il-- ;)ý.,. 1 é,li.1 rIý.,, ,t,,;, ,r)llég ut'r'l il., v hi S" .1 Il, ; f ri Il ýiuý named arc suis ,if tir,- flI,ýli, l'avilie expres. train witb dynamite et ILI , 1 1 m ' le] prit . - ORT SERMONS. n tr:.-I ,il iln- 1 iiiéd Stm- C*,,tirt lie Cla, i - unel were drawn w'l,,I-li rhe ,.Rl, ('Ir:,',iiI,,, ". 'e fur troue Wilérox. Wyo., tell lie with the despel .I,ý,,l ItI,ý Il l", .If I:i,.ýý.-i'e.l-y, Il il t il, . r L' .,lls a. a playili ri NN l. :. ri zt rituel tir the sviut, ,ollid , :ý :i I ý. Ir' , mil, a IlIvp holP. 1 ont. :l, ý :i.. - I. ', .ýi,. Ill'... ý.I,,:Iý, fi. d:,i ! -ý. ý , I- é e,,ý,l, ,If th, l'hérité, Ii,:,.. .%,,ýý - _ ý, iý_ . - -.---- -..-.-.---- - ý ... --.-.-..-.-ýý----.-.-..ý-.-.ý..-. ' ,é,,ý, - *,qui, ki, as tria, I>tý ýiirilIaý dates M onday nirht tri raies farther north ' ý . ý ... ýý aý,aI1. . n Il: ,: i i 1. ,, ,:é,, i t i. , il ri , ! - ý 1 , ý - ý, ý - 1 4ý -;. r "I I, l% L ,;I l-P, r.-nt ,f rit, ir t, ail., r:Ité, :.i - - ---- ---- - Býief Seul. hjapri't'-inge, IlýiIý)Iý,,,klIý,-. if 1, ?léý.,Igiit. Iv'l Vrilla 1. 1. ',ý.1 1 '11.1lis -xilv, brit the of the svene, of the fight that occurred III, il , ". ,il Ili,, Il. il , i -i ( Il ir. !, i Ij il:.,! tIb.-Iie.:ýt Ili I Iarat,ýr rails :ai 1 1 l'he Charte. lier or 4ýlirlst.-AS each Il' "'I' -, (,lie ý ý ,if lis.' Mr. alId M,, S Il ll-,Iýl,- of (;ai,-,- ý jJ;U1Iýo, il 'l'r'alif e-ýléléI."..ýl l'Y %V. Il. ('ýPKitýII:I, ;ýII-I eloéný ":I,.," uo- guilty earlier tbt, sanie day. The robbers made 2t,-ý - r 1. .é-,Iý :I'ý 'I', Ili - l'., - - ý 'f ,,,Iig".II.>:, as 1,Ietn,:,Jl, Il t bo. ,elle gaziiié; upoti the 8unlit stormi liperi, -I.-bra d th. A ý-HI-. ell-déling ,I .111I19, ai (;]..ýé,,I ,,, t,ý I n 1 Le , 1,17I, S of ,ti ', h.i 1, rire riro i:i,],-é,él aur.-ng a stand in a dette ravine and opened fire Tf, ý. ýI,. !I,,,A-ý, 'f lýi:II.: .. Il p. 1 . '. , , .1 'I'l' ri'.., lot-, t[j,.(*L-.Itakuý Il 'oi,11 ýý ,tond alter the sturm la over, secs a ,IIýr>ý,r\ hil JI III ri Ili .1 poli, ,I,ý:ig il wile chor. le Ji, !iil--,i I I, da . Iý 'fliat Christian- on the sherlff's men nt close range. At the tér',11 ý :. . ý . il , le ', , , -, . , 1 ý!, 'i' fi, il - 1 - il 1-1 le', t-, l11. il il, 1-!I, rTý;I I_ ,I l Iliff,.re-nt rul:tt),,ýv. lice in gazlil upoil A nian 'i;l,;,ý '. .1 ! - III. T. Ils, il ,if ]-,.itl)ý-r stilé. Shl, , ;, , '-"-' . y I-ar, ol 1 tend il ' , ,ý.;,!.l 1:>I":"[.I, -'r .,Ist;tIý!,s slomb ils Il tire Sheriff Jue Ilazen or Douglas. ,If . II il ý! ý ,- ý Il ", ,il Iý , .1 !é e , 1 I. , , ', 1 .. ... .... IýI le I f lilai .0, , l', , ý liée- charac ter of C hri:t éléach seeà som e- ' I, r lu,, , Il, u - : le ýI- ýI1I, Iei-lI., , atési by Ia,,ýI. frém i Ili,. E.,'t. 1. ,,, r t',ý%,i,ýliii-,,,. hý)m,,%-ýr, i, ,,iii. %%'j o., w a% rebut in the qtom ach. lie w as i, ýý ,ý ,ilI,,_, ..f ,,d-ý:,éI ,,, ýtý. 1 ,7 !ý.."I.e .\ ,, Il t tlo- ,,ill, ir bI,,I.,à:i 1 on, il ' ri tbere whieh oeil scý,- not. Saine- 1 - IIiéý., Il..I,-l ... i aýo Th, ,I n:ý > iiI Lý N, , à ,:,, ýi,,,,,ýýl ý,ff J,!jm,ý IHY j:,ýt ri sm til , teillé ri acte- carried ta a Il of safety. and atelier, - 1ý ý 1 i.I, ýI. , ý\ ý, - , T', , ý i l' 1 il, Ir , l , , I ý,,l'-FlýI le-Il ,al rtiý , :il. il,:: ! 1 1 K .I, ;il r II > Pr pré, 1 illilig élibicli goes stritiglit borne to b .9 III .a Id - .If I- ri,?. ,Irýlk, Il, -3.. in * i-,l-ý-Iýe Il ( Ili, :,-,ý,. Ný, ýff, 'vriot ul- l'j' :I", P'I 1.."gI,, ,ý'..ý,1,-,]. Th, history ward remloeil tu his borne, where lie died h- 1 ,,, ý 1, «il.. !ý ý, tý I f- . J - 7 I 'ý- . % ý t, l. 1- 1' r th' 'Ili" leIýýl' Lit" %iI'I' anli i ,,,, u leart soniething w hh-h creates ý1 pnd il 1l', ', es - 1"!,-, 'f 1h, 'p krrý ;,,,ýi ,ha 1 If ý, ý! ,,, ,,,ý,i,:,,y l,;ItIý,1,,i,, ý r,;-. ,,s iliat. In a Il luins. J,- ,i !.éI'. , III; . :,A - , I,.ýý i il I. i,ý , - ...... l'. Let elle. g,;.I,. ,III,- foýI,é,v tL'ý ,I Il .1. f. 'i'... Il, -,ý li.t,,ý-r lf ( et ' il ,o ..,,,l ,j,,-,Ik, pý:- i1, ItU .ni If. 1 il- I ali, Il -arinz for the, çher;ff the posge, 1 ý tilt- fl(,d".Stllon(l of sylilpatby (étiveen , ýe ,ýI'l IIII, .1. ;.Ili ..f J', a I li i 'Il ýi, i - - ., 1 I ,, k t ý I I- r: il, , lo, il ce 1 A ller ( ri, - ,-,ýf. 1 1P I, ii'.. . III - Il ý -Je n'. et , 1 r ,-, - t, s aloi ,IIiý- t.,, ,,[ il,. ial, ý,Iý ý : - I \V . T 'il kr ý ' le ' 'ý ý 3'.". , , .. 1 'l l",11. I.,i Il Iý,r , Il a >;.,,f 1.1,1 It,ý ànýI tl;,Il* --1 te,,-:ý:,t tr'ic, il, regains ati the bandits Il drove J .., :, , 1 .. ý , I , 7, ý, ;.ý ,ý1 , , :i: 1 III, fi - ,,,-r,. AI-,o,ý 111, Il, !1. 1 IIý 1:- ks ' f Christ arffl Iiiiiiself.-Rishop Satterlee, Eýl-I,éf S.-Ir, ,,:,, fa*ali, staldeoil in Iý.- ing al-- file- I. . l'. i -lit . , si, ,, ý,ý il ,d l.ýtry ýý,,,:iiit ,IoIiIý tht-in ta a iiiiiiiral fastari tri the rocks, ,ý - ', Il : ..ýI b. f 1, q'ý,- 1I:- griu . , -ll,ýt,:J -aý iýý 1, ýt . - pal air, W a.sliingtoii, 1). C. tl'.ý' ri. - je, L, .1 - ph V- 1 1',,.tl, I,,I. n ln- i ' Illiiit.: r-,41 aii-1 .éM ý,,rr,,n1 aloi ,I,ýlia- oz. w ilere they iiiireýtiilit-d tiietiiselves. The 1p , i - lý '. ,i lit, . v, Iii E pi, ' ., l'Il 1 .I ,,,, 'Il. :ý -, il. * LI ý il, et. I- i liit.-Il.,I-itial I"arâIý,I,. - Intellec tuel 1111l"Il 111M .-r' :il Ili, Siý-,iI-",ýi,- néinilég Ls- fil;", If 'l".., tý. ýL,, , I,,iý w, ,iýe il tézéira- potelée dividPel aloi .ýtiri,,,iiIlkl them , dis- , 1 , , , , - A D'Illat, SIli,,-t ý il ý ,ýjý,-,., ,; il. 1, ý I ý, 1 ., * ', - I : , ,III l .... 1 1 I,:itaI.\Iý> il 110 .'ittril)lltt, of tire church i- r lit I':eil.éý t."*, ý.f lit. A in-- I', 1Z., Iý,*- ,l in 1,ý.k. Il" I' !il, 1 , :III ! " I'. put, brut; tn(->szig(,I flic fun.1 and reinfûrý ,:,ý,1, ! ý , ,, il , ýý ý- ý i : , ', , , 1. *:Il,- 71 . Il. ý an 4.1.. l"', il ,,,, 1jý rd'j: . :. ,,,, 1 ! ý,., , .Il . 1 h ý f-"d ;e S'alé . ...... t,,,:Iý.ý - ', féý,,eéI-(] and , ý,ý- , - il :ý,,t' ,,ff IIII tell. - - elle r- m onte, V iiiieil Stit,ý% '%Iar,ýlial IladIi , '. Ill 1119 God. but intelliéctual faith tVrrý - . r tilt o- a' i, lit,- :itiýl - Il Io ., I '! - 1 1- - Iý 1 i :ý ., I, . -, , , '. 1 i. - I. Il. 1, 'o-Z lýo Il il 1. ý.,ý,,l - fý,, ý f 1 1 1, 1.e,, . rédi lit, I NI ,,, (*:,,,I, lt,,!t 01 _ _ 11,1- :1 Il,,I,.,!I,:, ý,,.ý,,ýIiiieiil **I.iit v, [in bal just rPturnod in C asper front, the , ý aitir tiat il iiiafflfellé by works. I,.,,,-;,I,,,,ýl('ý,:,I*!., A- bI ,Ifq",;.ýe-ýý, in ,]I,_;I ýjý , ,.. , ,ý p , ., I 7 : , _ , ., , '. , !- A, ýý-u I illé I, . 11-1 and Lapi. ' , LPt II, 111,111 :tsli-:i that this chiireh of ýi,-t li in !Il, i,;-1ýýarv ,Jý).e ý titré i R- If.,;,l -I, I 1 - ý - - , 1 ,., r, - ý il r . , and Mrse, lé,, pj, .\- ýi'ý -,iil f:1 t!jI->,." rh, ý s . il s parlait of thké other t1iree train robbers,, tý. .1 ,ý, ,lit Ij ý. ý 1 i, -!f. , - , 1,11 1 1 -I, ré, - -Ih po- ..:oI,ý ........ , l"', t IL, ý - ý "tirs il ll,,t Ail ué, l-ia iloi vus a il -i' 4:; ý :Ir' 'l'i lel,,,, tir. .If W >i,,IiIiiý! il ir,ýiiir,ýr. lI,ýe. i,,:I,.ýl ;n, ýý,.! ,eikIý,,,ti atri-g pré, ut on(,e started mail leiliri posse and : ili'....- lé - Il I;,ý i, - , ýýý,'ý ', ': 1. 1 î ý, ,,, !, - ', il, Il, In- ,,, ýlý- Ir,ý,,l j;ý Il ii:g , loiroli, t1iat ,li, bas lent faIrly &nd 'il, Illari, Il.1ý i'r'.Idt, ý, -,11 k,..,\ý, li. Tiée 1,,>ýl, ýf Ni- N1ý:I:.II PIIIII, rialogh- f. ,,,,,-, ( lII,,! I- ,f' -,î, L, * \ . A,, ze, vor- supplées. __ Il , , > ', 1 ,: 1 IiIi , - 1 ,.- il., L% ý .ý .!, I- , ral,- 1 ý ý i_ ýý 'rien . ý f thé p, - Iý ýIt d tloý It;,Ik --f S - l"InI, 1, 'joli., ý ",,,Il.", un, l': 1,,,r,,ý,e4 re, -l. , , !o , I - 1 ; : ;, - : , 1 .. Alivi- te, I'-rnt.ý 1 'Illlitrui . % alid in ail Illiiiiility and charlty 1",I,,kI l-Il. r ;Il si 1 1. I .,IIII;i il il 'I', f.lIl. _", t.,I;.,,i In ,ýo ak. zit .Nlllý., Par CAUSE TERROR IN CUBA. S.-IIý. l' 1 A 1 Il Ili ý .1 -1:11 1' ý:;, ý,,jý ... 1 lZ.-rielert, ILI tiIi,.I. If 1 ... il, 11, ,jý,,rr;- i i - t lit,- bnuuels véithiru %%litch ber w in- 41-1- ;Ih le ,.ý,,,I,,,ý III, I.,ý.i!é.1 1,,I,,ýIl Ir. , fi i h- . I- ,ý , .1 fi, l" '. lu [Il a,,ýý Nl.l".e ý 1 T io. I Pr-in, , b I 1- 1 >!I,- ,-,Ilýllitt,-,l ,,u1ý i, i,-,: ,I 1 ,, le , a. ".,«!,ýel,ý,ýtil ,ýeak*;n aiý '. i- &,! ...... : t il, --!*,,, :,ý,.,I ,I:,ie .. ...;,!.. a- %,-rý >lrýýiig il] 'lie if' - , taiai, i>iI.ts iiiay range- boureds tient are lever hiII- ,ýf il... ,.,I,ý.. Il il JI ý. Zr' il.;.ý. " , ' Brignifinds A re céonfensittinsir A il sorte 1 , dl-ý 111--r frit I,,Iý :é,,ýg,é ifil, tl,,-ý.ry ,If ý, '! -J , ", ri ý,,IIC le, tir. r- l- il ,- ýIt f [)eD', t.., , . , 1 -'I', ý, .I ha': i-;-.ék, .,:,ý! ,:, ý ii: ,, 1,z ilé,in .lie loi Th, liff- rI it I !,,tI il. , niill ,iiiiple and w ide enough and char- C alvvi lý,,,-ýtI,, 'l III ;,ý ', ..I,,ý,.,, I lit.. I-- p :.Iý:,, :I.Iillýlti l') ,1hý- s. n'I'l le -, ' 1 7ý , L:,ý., , ,:;,."ý,,,ý .Iiý,,," ', ,,,,I,.ý " i % ý'; , ,:, _- ý ý ý. 1, - I , , . , ý f fil 1, I ý ý i 1. 1 I I ý , ý, ý !,;, 1 1 , - 1. , Il - i. Il il ]Ili ýLI- - a1Y tlI:ét 3 ... I itill,.. let definite ai last.- Ite%- D r ni I"",é,,I,[ l", ýf III, ,d'i. I,,Iý1,1éýéiIrýIil.ýl ý .... J::",I,ý,1,, S, , - -i ( -- , r lit Si ,iný, :ý::iI 1 IlIlli Il i lé :,fil ný III.-n Il il, - , ,Il[ t, 1 Iti-ýg:IýIlagsý Il I auiiig à reigr of terrier 1I;,;,; - -, ý'! ,,,.I, \ - 1, lit ",;.,I..;, 'f I .,",II.1 IiLl' lal.é' 'haleté. Itl'1g:ýIýé il J... ' . E léi.,copallan, N ew Yorll 1j', gealé, III 1',Ii,,;,i,, It- Jalé,- E. 1. Ir I! I,,,,,e,,, abu , I.. :tiil-,elli,,ý t ,,,,,,g!i,ýit C olla. A ( NIII a band of ý Il , ý ý l. , , ,ýl:IT ý . , !'! 'il. ,,,f. ý . l",I, Il' - n ý-Inr I ,,,,,,i,..IIe aloi - ", G ,,.iý Lil Ilowglas, . .1 , ', , t 1 i f [ 'III - - ý.: ,, ý ,; Il 1 iIl-1,et,, ýlf IiIý ,.!, for ,,,,:Iii;,,,,,Is ,va, til,,] ,ri th" 1 'n ", Iý, 1b rie,;rtj ,,It;aw -ý, oarrivil .a sate ta the m onté- r. lai l.f .1:ýil,.,, li,.ý.11I,, g in't T inii, I, II.,ý'. , !I"LI'. 1 il 1', , ", l"J n , "Ig.el. lit,- 1, ,,, ,'À , , :il Ji ,,, ,t ýI ý ý , to tir, el rend Lnt. aizi, e [Il -01. r. NN blé, , ... l'i,- .\Il 'I'liliigg.-Durlng the ý,taj,. .I,ý_ _I 1, [dý!I, - fait%,. Il I-,)iiiairi,ý.1 $5,4100. L'allie art ".i. ý ý - il,, E. I(ý.,:, Il, ;",."."«é,lf' I1., rý-I'n ,If lý,:,ý, iý,_,.. Ir lit , .,:". il! litel i si ni lo-rils. 1'uhan ,,l,!,Ii(ýrs are sep- , .,ýib.ti, Point ... g in,, -a, ,ut --f %niir %ý,.,l, tlitt-,- mais a discussion cotiuern- F;r, in i, .ý ,I, ,z ,,, . .or \N*i,,.Il & ý%"e-st ri 'il ... I,,Iri.,, il, J.-II I.-I_,ý :,ý.,.,,. ;, Il L."lý Iýýt ,,,,, Ill, I 111 puiiit.,! te) rit et, pénil. , Ili sonio iiie.anc-es. V.," , '. !.,ý ,Il. , Iliat il ý ! I'jýý . , ,:tz. 1, , Ilale tý-ý,.ýtli, r I'rol ,n, ý- , 'on, 1, né aloi iiig thé. tise of Il B rIggs, w hivb took (-I,ý. ., (,:,,, .... n ,, . , 1 , s, (,. jI,éýi,,s t j,,a i s t le .... I Ili,, ,aý . . . 1 ',,.iýýiI * . , ;, 1ý1,11. III Illue lit vvnii mlere th.-y tiré, hý>tIst they are ' Il 1 ý Ji ('d I., il, ,,g!!, - , lo i et tai,- Ili,, <ai , ! .... ý i... I,:i,ý é,Iý,ý,ý,lI t,,ýIt, ;., 'ié'n, 1 11oý ,ýh- tire- --tieI,,, 1,e:,,t,], " ;,Il ,,:,I 1, iiiis zrouiid : T ient a N ,Ilef lit Iriim or- gr.-,Iýri ,t.-i- ý ... 1 I- ýl, ', ,k, :.,... il I.,fal ý la". of IN es. . li ý.f ... irej,: - t ,,, il!, il, i1,IýI , ,,,)l'.1 'l., le- . telle te) Ibi l littl..,. Ile, .,ci, ,n the plan- lo -'Il. Ili,. - 'l - il J.,. 1,el, I', f,ý !,ýqqIi- I nilti a gý"-d M.'leuié aloi il till', .f llý',,tit- 1 1:1111\, tliv B ille aS jeu juispired book, l- '. 'l lé, 1,:, [ýi.!,.-,ý - Il al- .1,.,!Il,,Iýl. 1. ý, ll,,,,v e,ý."I, 1':éIil 'Ilakl lI 'l .... il", tarions ils praci,--ally ,,iilýnd,ýIt. Thons LI'II 1111 I A!(le àiA .il III i.11 !:, 1 Ili.l g li allie 1 ,- ,ý,', ; .... 1 ,% lie il ., .,il ... I . , il g., I Il a t 1 . W Inl, r,-;, - :,ý reu ,, ii-1 ,z:,ýI , ý.f t [le ' , w ith 3 Ill Il,- :en\ ', ý li - - ý. .1 tIl,-.l;..Z JI , 1 1 I le" IP)ý'ndLéý rPpa'( 11.1 11 III. - 1'IIýo!. 1 1 1 re-lizious truite (et any Linil, sIiIlýIy T j'.. collier, S q, 4,:.Iil,ý ,:1, a - .tilli ,If 11-é,lý1,;11,..ý pap-r lu,11 .e flelI-.ýLI Illlil 111 Iý l'il il 1 , 1 .. ,H ý itin :IIA [-lIlll:,-, ,,,, Ilo. [,,,,, M, ho stiiri,ýél - rk ha- so large an am ount libreer . , . , n"Il 1 ,,iIý ,;, I, , .e ,.ý,?,,ý,11, 1 'ýý nl ý Iýl , a, il and te, 3 loir ( lI:;éir(ýii and t,,' ';ý','ý 1 vouili [lot lie proveil lit avcurdance vl il lire ill" . ý- .... coll, ý,-,ýI. ,\hl il Ili 1 , tý - Il ýl-kilý,-:ý ,,, w ', - r Ill, Lené, , ;,,i,,,I,; thé, ý,IJ:eI'. "' Il ', "I.- a ,uil lit , !.If lo,,ý Yet . f irlp,,rty ,tIt. ,ý Ihat tlIy gi,éc up the .1 r 11, I InPt. !,:,:,., - ,,, Iýw le,'l PJtý to!h ,I.rIý il I,.,Ileii,: lriýtI.I:,l or s,11Ié,1-tiIiel -afo robhory Span- iniu:sII-:, n ;iIl ýi.ti,-,,.iI:ltlý,IIi that _ I 1 lI"...] lo-li', tient >,u ha- I-ýL [M.-Il ou , fi S, i,.Iltiile 111,ri or rt-t-týVt'tl on the firoo, arre ý,,,ý,,ý.1, , 1. ;lth Ill .,;,.ý .,il 1 ', I, - 1., Ili .. .... . 1 1 sint-Il. il the s Péril, luien il, Ir ,,;I,,I., aid ('l"'.l as te 1 il,, IIII-iiiit ut Transtigtlirat ,,ri, altlt,,tigh 1 ý,.,,,i,î of rilison. Aftor yoil have 1.II:Itl ... A ,1ýýl,,,I p.. ;d. IrtII.,,,ýý I, , le il liaill's eth., s. flo l 1,,ýrf""tly illi put 1 tlif ards tri MarivI Ira%,- seorottéel thvir value- el.-I,".ýI , finir, , il ;,:il -ý,:,.",. T ba t yo'l teint lit, loir ,Iiffer,-i, patté', aloi tient 1 rva-on ont (if court, vhat Till, Vit ýn VI S ý u ,ý ;ýIýýk , l,:i,-,Iý ,if - né-, I.ut . - i :, ýi r,ý 111,1 ,1Iýf1 I urrPu t no _Il iliat air iiiiI-ii,,I sirtigvl,- %%al re-quir . Il %ý;:, lia'., tI.,:Il . 1,Iý.ýii tAJIIý ilé, bre-ail ,.f I ' reFLson le t .il 1 Ji) uonqur ,III li rend bé,jIii il,. liew hie. el kI:erriIiei.,,l thvir dur,. Mayor th, Il j- I, 9 ,11,é ; f;- 1 lilit j'Il, ýInjr I . -réI fier bet-Ile-vinter atlything or lyellev. h, ,.!ItiI. ,fi . I . ;et. ,ýý" ..,., l'f 1,i,,.klI.Ii ii,ýýý,.I,,, .. I 'ald b. ýI%. Il. Il 'l"".- Q uinitieeI IIII , uli,.d ,lu G ov. G é,rr. Brouillée i ,. tl,..I,4ýh Iiiionde il h% I .III haud, lit l 1 lie [,te in ,%hýIh Chri't ha, ,ail,,l il , for rein III ,.,Iéi. iI,,,l ,nu zir, :I['é.ýl f-r thé lII-r" lent] . th, l-i!.,,r ,].,,, il ý,iý,,j,,_- il,- ,-a,- ,, oh f;,,r Thé. Stalo ý ý1I1 I II1Iý.n 'Ir t1né Illinoille Prý ILI l that illor, UNI t""tl!,Zigi,-zll *_ - __ __ ---- __ __ th., Il, II if*, rý r',ý r 'fifi fret and bal.Pil in .filierlit ing irrité thing Inore tirait, zinottier?-Itey. I,.'AuI-týq '. Il il , l--1, ... ý ,,, !, for . ýIn ,Il , , ; -:r In, 1 ), Il 1. i > a lir 11-1 . Iý ar, Ifflé r.:ei,.,, ,,,, > .'t', ... ... Ji.", (")""I ai De- 0IIIa,-ý lit tire avt of rijéentatiI RiIpid-Fiýr lie.ýti.c. l nJIý .. Il lillil &il-ltit thé, tliiliIr,'IL"" 1 ý'%Iiii,ét IL I.,av.ig,-, Viaitarian, .N,éw York ,,,,,,,,, , jý,\ léi', . "I'. 1- 1 ... ;lit 4111tIlla 1 "' ' -Irilh or ', Semer IIII aloi nife %%lit sait for I'l'i t' 'n'i '"i :'. ý- I l'l latý 'Ils " " Ill". kýIl l'y ,II,,eýý lit ],art É,I,ý ' L et ()i t Y . - t, P, t , , ý! il ý I ; ýr: ,,:, r lé 1: - i , 1. t lia t I -1: , , in lier, r,-gIii(Ir:itiIig lici nt fil.. Spirit. ,.ýtfvi« i ,IIpq ý. fief ,,:;,j'i.".. tltI,,ý et, ani ,,I'lIIn ils :11 1 Iatlir u illi :( ,:lloiIo 'ý E . Il. 1 13 \" ý(il'i .rraho ail tl,.i fýIliý,, ,-,l 1>,,,. E eiri-;,e. . .,p: II--,t,,ý1.1 , â, . i- leil i.rI-.,!.I.ýiet nuit , ,,IoIý four of '1> 1,,.tl,.ý -1, l,,:i :,-ý!*I.I ý,,Iý,It t'. mom '11,111 Ill", Make- thoir ovii , h,, ,. TIP-ý 'l'tir Bil)le.--A,4 te) vl liooles; you th-I1l:1ý' :1 h- I ', III I.-Iý I'i-1-iI,,i ,,ý,ýý'f I', . , ý 1% lit ji up m Ille re,- 11.1. l"I'r IP'th tilt, , ,? , ,ý ( Il ' 1 'Sl o LI' I 1 '.Le 1.1 Il 1. ýýý 1 ., , Ii Il--ýI*,Ir ,I Iýr,,tIlr,. l'e'illýrs il,, , 1 v , - . Il,,[ k,,,,,,i,,'g that il ,il, Devvvy h.,nio I,éléàIný!t- bas about $1,"b.- e;],ýl, l'Ir im pli'ant 1 ... - o " . nud ýl:,,ý ýlté,kill rréad, the niost lllellslx-il"atele, ", ut , ýý I,:ý,,jý 'n'l I's, ,,,,I-,l ,,Il tie'I iiit,.r..,Is p - Id,, lié- i".;,tI-,l illat il na, .,ýlIItitIel. o(i in siglit. liv iliv ',,,,v %*ýý,k CI ,I:i.el IZ ,,.,ý,-tl g"", 1 Il.-Il-li.,iiiitiý,,,, ý,lere,,. nivd I,ý fathé-ir ri , li:Irii\ . * * ' ' ' lit- l"Illo-, if ilsIifili und týff(i(,tive In tire Bible. l'haire "Il"l'ý I ý Ir i - 1,,]ý-sea,éd i 11Iý.o1I-1, nt 1'l.ýI.,;,,,, 'Iloffléi 1'.. Péth- 1, III, E'i- ],.,-[,*,-iéil in,'L, r Il,- 1 . y . ou l'y bu], lie-, clémil, toi those ('Juré ný... le. I.iiI11.ý\,. jalo ,rýý: 1 . RI in Iti-ar Adilliral S'il:"y mal &IL-Il with ille. l'eý,1,.Ml,: .... il IIýuièýol, auth, r I., l"e 1 . It"tli.ý Il li,.ý.i ri ý ls lie, book xvilose style is more suggeret. 1 ý ý-,,I!iii animal iý-)iiýf-iýtiIn ,if the r,,ii,>.-.l versim, **a Ïwart of I,(itniiisi.en.'* cheurs il, ('Il;, ,*, . , ,,ý,.,.,.I. ( lin. Y t 4tor liff% ilivil will IJI iIrtý ninro favu il. ý Ive and trente Instructivéo, noue of WhIeb Ce ,,t,-;,] S, 1,.,i'l 'l' Il 1, 1, I., 1 1 I le 1 "! ý , ,,, :,.",: ii I a ri "" ,,, -i, Priiinu ('liif:s Union votivend ira Tli, -1il, ,ý:.,,I in thé- aiIhý,rivI ve r,,.,,i B Ilti-,. - aloi 10l"., le , ý ,., , , . r . - III Ili.. - nIns or fil,. ,ý,,ý,é11,111, ý ,...ý.. - ,- .. . I., .... é....ý., _- ý .L - .. . 1 1 ' ý . ý . . . - 1 .1 1 Lew is il lit. Loli.,. instantly kili- . . I - . ý . - - .1 - - ý _- ,ý.1 1, tibi. -ý » 4

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