wmIblfandmai0"" doezs. adbouent One et the Oseffm or Ge. 14~8om lits ebooyo. ln thé neat.et buildings dM*Imcuobaevo moag hWc axa a cul- of tbir klnd open IbtheId. The aup- oredjtrooiier of the Tentb eavaty. on ply of irou in practical, Inexhaustlie. bein( quetiomed. thémnuexplaineai It eau lie miaed. transport(ed io 504k that he bad lbat bls command, amaisali- board, crrled by ocean to Phiiadeîptf la ed ta b. aflowed L remain where ho and tbence coaveyed to Pttsburg. at a wne. lower price tban Michigan ore eau be He stayed snd did âine service that bought aitheb latter city. Thiîs ls a day. None' hif biswie comrmdes were probiem la labor and transportatIon abie t. =udo lm lan deeds of bravery. wbich la wortb considerabie study. Ho twlec îsked hie lite ila ssssting Up t0 date the Cuhan rallroad la a wounded men to places of salety, but - - - -1l'heach lime escapeai uninreai. ÂROtJND A BIG STÂTE BRIEF COMPILATION 0F ILLI- NOIS NEWS. Chougre. In Sala-le. of Illinsois Pont- mnateru-Enicitle of s ChoryValieY SIOULO PWOSPEA UNDER AMER- IbAN INFLUENCE&. Tb* partisé, but Dvetatod Zalni»a Iaozbaumtilb Ro»mruo thet fto. but »pw muasoaet te kake Tho om i Hl1~7 Pofitble Bava rivaadoDmcO fearful andl a wonderfil tutus-. wuîcu - - « ,Tlh problem of Cuba& future ls one Amierîcan geulus muat sbOrtlY nevolO- That ilght be azkeai tbm offcea' shOný tbat la nov crenting vlde-eprs-sd Inter- tionîze. it le uarnow s-nusc. wlth cars lie hall met earller la the day te e lit.H est aid it la a relief te lui-n fromt a tiat s-oold net make respectable Oire- hlm a note te bis Own commander, ac- rea picture of triia anai onos te a con- wooai, aud englues of a past as-c. Taai countlug tot bIs absence, aid certlfylng sait siiomton of the mmulifest promperlty trucks are loosely laid. Titers-Il& a vaet la bis gond cooduct. This was wlUlng- sast hmS soomeai.gnally mure te0 islit the amount of business lu be done la rail- iy dons-. aids-itb the precînua papes- uti land unudor auspice thal s-lU hring way itupioveint an sd extensionaid clasPea tis-btly ln hie baud, uDler cov hil Ite iront [tu inexhaustihis- resources. us-w Immigration rides, put la force re- mn ot darkncs e.starteai la searcb ofet s- Thome ood but prupe management te cemtly, faver te stundy slama of labon- bis18s-fl comman&i.ore Mate therfiigtly profitable. Pritelis etrs The"- prevent the Ingresa ut ny The ns-t morans- aet dawa, Lieut. La auj b. elila ow doppai verthemore Chinese. s-boss- unaauit*i'y ceudi- atantea ou aseamb for s-ouuded men 1liN paorlsama of buman s-oes la a past ieu- tons bave been a menace lai.pst fhm Iith.ae apeeileoa-s dos-ad ls-es-oua by the Ilordimate The healthboiure«q bas alreooly burneai bic over a pLrocarate body. He Ininedi- sî grecs!oo a greedy race, adil tDovwe. dos-n lufecteai quartera occupleai by ateiy reitogirlzeai the brave cavaryman At, Ait qaires only te palace purs-bascai s-th thlm ciaam. Another undesinable cie- of the day betono. vho ws anat losmg ust thc bound of the me-n -bo fs-ll aI El ment la tht ws-bIs- ave overrun tec on@cleuSleS. Ai, After etruggliaig a moment for Ait -- atengtbbth apealt, teprotrate man Anu" bel u iele allp of paper, anaisali ,l "Give Ilto Captain A. of L troop. if h yncnfaihlm, aid te- lm liiWiliams il - asa't a cos-ardai" If] Then. wltb a lok of satisfaction inlu ' Ie eyea, bis baud droppeai te bis a, aidho s-as deai. t'a, Ci ORATOR. SCHOLAR. STATESMEN. CtI Ch: - ~S-pain Lest Oreatesl Of Ber Men ila - 4- naîlboCastelares ieath. The dast of Emîllo Catelar hss re- %CEE IN THE INTERLOR BEFORE TUE WAR. moveai a man wbo outrankea IaIl bis -i contemponaries lunte public liteseof Caaey, lintlamui on ite bis Of s-aes-n part of the isiand-shifl ks ne-é.u udsh e Ban Juan, topthsr s-lth thte gens-soua. groes.fremn Junoien. Ea>ti endi San aides enjoyed Inter- t.:: free-epited enterprise chanacterlstis- Domingo. Ns-w amesusions oft Uts s-ase national reputation E, of t.e Amsran people- te make Cuba are nos- quietiy shippeai bas-k home.,- a sFIe.suoa am arden-ilInas lu the primevai des. unIs-sts-ys-en show-te possession of lor sud s glatesns. lmneduatay mter te psace protocol, $40lu rcmdy mous-y. Cuba doca nult le s-as a nman of ýremdent MeKlniey sent a spesi-al com- wsnrt sny more public charges-it ns-sais s-ids- culture sud at- (,i mniaoner t& Cuba te imuvatigate socil the virm sud muscle that built upthie lalumeuts. Thnough eonditions there. Tiis bai led te a great West andi developeai the mines of . - a tornmy cars-sr he t study and a grouplus- o the reai eco- Penusylvania, sud Aabama. - talutaînea ishlps-r- nonis- itastlona, and te iaauds huasi- Progressives-os-k lu Cuba for isomen mEIiILIOCA8TaLA.SOU&I bhor unaul- a neige salvation muet corne out ot the wîlI be somieshat s-l-sumnssrllaesifoi- a LesdUoubatv-y tggdl vorbIngit. philauthrpie sud conamer- time te come. Titsre are fs-w avenus-s peltlcs he dMsain-d flic artifiesg of K: _______________________ tfu n Ie sinaiuo l s-tsb ts- etcprastical politis-tan. Ki geutlen se% cau sarn a liielibood. Noue Cse Kazbr nCai n13 -are seen lu the ahopa, noue bs-inai the Csea -ibr uCdzI Sconucert,.tin n offices. The "us-w and et aunsaniy sgs- lst is fater. He t. s-aen isnetluCubs- Stijl, the bad a bard sinuggis- 10 oltain nsu du- La Inîls or opital service sud thte cation. but by the aid ef bis Peu suc- L, organisallea of a publie ch-ool systemt ces-as-s. Tite revolution of 1834 sa the U. s-ould gis-e s-aplaymnt te many made startîns- Potnt ot bts poiUs-cai cars-sr. ' destitute by tbe s-ar. The value of te He made a speech ut a public mes-Uns- Ni; Amresan trains-a nurse canuat bhovc-sr- lu support of ds-noosracy, aud the us-lt cstlnated Io influence andi gras-lis-aite- moruiug be s-ns farnous. He alied M- nuita. One endaIimmediats-iy deired le limms-If sitb the thon aismes-s-sUc pa-Nil that tb caindcate Cohen s-orn for per, El Tribune, sudsas-h day as- bis A I bosptal service raInins-the btter popularlty gros-. ln 1806 ho took part Ft elasla et wumen-the reius-ansd luIs-l.1- lu an upnieins- against the crevnanmuai < gent sud now- practically bomeiss. s-as couds-mus-a to death. Ho fis-s te Aus" oai. (1km ca ardly s-ainetat Cuba In l'arts.s- hrc e ns-mains-aits-o ysars. but a htmdrs-d milesaa-a fromt our eturning te Spain te ho rs-sos-lzs-d asio cia, ot thoso s-ho are uterete Inbure- Foride.coest. Tiis mes-ana vs-ny eady the s-ief o! the Republti-supanty. Ii doemlug a people sud Ilir latent abili- asceea. Thens- le no colon lins-; thte Affen Amadeus, s-ho s-as slested tien, There are sxstiug ws-nus te e- average Iuhitats ane pliale, Ian- King- by the Coites ounte expulsion et i drms. ic eds-sructlou of s-an 5tensgai- s-noseus. ctlalle pesons. sith tradl- Isahola,rnsis-ns-ai.Castelan lookthelita -noat pi-as-Icls-l aid Importaut. tire hi aIescho ofIbmpeoie u al smit o!tiens oft iens-ansd sas. titat muet ie foleeof te forsigu Office lunte Cal-h eleite of'the peopsla ua twat s of episclls-thayaks-fui. heaitity ambi- net of te newly formeai nspublic.g Ute.It- e Inustral Cba tat iein. It le htuiisveai that the hum cf Later, lu 1874, Castelar hocame Pnegi- s- caneoe lIe opromineai vies-, and a iudustry viii&rouge these psepie andi dent ot the nspublic. sitb aimost dista- " compréboaatve *ttslt ai te the future evoke ~-apertiou. Itll iUte mus-b torial pos-ers. Whiie ln titis positionoi skova Ith" thm next des-d asi et itned e t.lests-mof true snrgetlc Ameni- ite id goosi servis-e for thes-state. He i te sue, a aien sicenai tce alepplas- cao cols-iprise 1e acs-omplmil. Ihos-- s-usunabs-. bos-even. te maîntain hlm- h: gltis.ofet ista'y, tift a i -Igbte-- rsr. (radually. as Ams-lcnistngouda s-f lu pos-er, saidthe nspublic fs-l. Ai- 11 mn-t. PoRtis-si questions aid maIiary cmae iore anai more loto use. there la fonse XIII. s-as ts-a pnosiaims-d King,.h poils-y aranov heins- conoldereai oniy ý a -tempormry transition lmen-ms; il la b th tIn ldumisiBimavemet tat viii con- g duceote ctle ail i sturbins- questions Pt sud improve conditions everys-hece. th VtitaIof ail,te couny pgossmore laborers le vark lunts-fils-laisnsd it furtben acoda a foiLubis-, definite plan et empoin on a satisfactoi-y bau lb.esm-alavm laboa'lms-population nov hl Cuba, The conditions tht baveli fpig prevallea an te plantations. mnd g b-kh& o-ibaestifl la ho met s-bIb. are netl gt*base nulS Indus-s- unopean Immi- giration. il la quite uncenamon te fluai e lahonîns- ielsu s-be s-suans-soion s-i-il.A Marrnisse ta lomteleiisgandeai. andi lb. Cuba u aid the Spattird aibte are la- vetenate samblera. Fis-id labon s-ases average about $17 ps-r mout, au ose-s-- sge- gels $85. bis asaîtaut $3M. The heursetflaiss ai- nslong-fnm 4 ln te moning INS lla tsenigitt. Laoers-s-t- lus- empicyment iu Cuba t present mnuet facte t-e conaditiona. Ms-n-sr food aid pour sssomttiesatlotus have go - - ftr saras-aiaway outaido laboner, s-vu-nc tbit ns-s-no. Witii aivanes-ss ud ailvaus-Ins-coudi- ,a Moua, boawavsr. bt lmbelleial tÉtatDun-1i a-ttlngly te à,,tit-lan nagro w-ta-ieho di- "'l 1 - ts- Pions-sr cf s nes- Iltoorsru lundCuba. lt ftllows tisat o-bal bas enuobleai la- berna bu ie i'îtsd StuateiswlUbhae lis eevatins- Influon-e smtoug tliaborntg people- of Cub. Hendiug labinarsrt u bannas-anasLikegse tuur s-tle, aia-ap- lus- ths-rn.fs-sdIng ts-m. bathing tht-m STIAIIVING CUBANS AT AN INTERIOR RELIEF S-TATION. s-bt lesas -are titan la showu nte lite _-_ -________________ s-tUc, rulins- ts-m slt-blP aud gîtus-.-aspsi-sspt ibIs- ppnesiatiou o e utllil- muaI sncets-n Spatn bas b-uamu maki«s-Dne brua'slateor alios-ios neulis-s. Arns-the youugon Cubaus, ton, RAi's-y tims- for titt.ir mentli or taentt imanove-- s certainu omuistion. s compiehenslon 0f late ys-ars Castelan bas netta1keu mntulilaisainail s-ouisr fluaI foi- laso tliat îitngs aeuns-Ioules-toin'anda a i-ciy as-ite pant in poiitls-s.tous-i s-tuisate 5tiari-pintera enylmîs ns-w sruisau--these s-bsms-ts urge he ws-a amember of Ille Cotes aubs-- ns-s-sibas blas-'uflileul oand effii-ta-ut îoccupation sad ambition. Cuba to-day tout ile is-im e-sn ho s-as Prs-i labor. The beter grade Ibl "t ut- cou-lias fanr mono ln viaiblle national ne- dent of the nspublie. ls- uitmately srce te encourage prbspector anti lu-bscame convins-rd titat s monsrs-by i .. '~ r' vesaoi- tan id auy cf ts- Wests-nu nas tite btst foi-m of governmeut for - States mandlemt ffty >sas agie. Tite Spain. - ~'~ - tevel îaofet it-se la botus i u le010 IvDie. lu Tasinianîs tittilt e isi.1--di-tnt. Ttîa' mIs-avia Ifrte tats-meut of Hanny Beujatiesi. pairtail enis uteCtuba - its-lecolo- s boilli dus-s-r u Tasmaula. la s-last, msl-s-lai aleition lestow'sd lay ti'tistiat ceuntry muet las- ondus-ive te ous-n (-aintry 18 liks-y ia to easop it Imb un lire aud its ettf eltaiy te live lu. li- oes-cn denaat. a marittîime ns-ai-mg bousesa 3 tat te inapulaion of Hoebart and a -h spoint fartheItsiransactionluantI troa -ls suilurlas la 40000, snd stbal lu 1898 t sr:fs-s-ts-s-of Lattluess. te valmue of arbitit its- total uitttbter et deatts o-as 561. or s-iftsn't ccnry ls stlsd 11 tht-sal-.about 14 lusvs-ny 100. les-oa, ____ te tt-i-us. te etrygalis dasys et a tunben. that of te 561 persous woi cm p~nesafle lswly fris-si fs-cmte bonds of dis-si3M5 ocre more titan (Z) yenrss la. s-ruAIs FAut tot5. îoinai ataî-ocai slsavery. aud jitst o erpeenllns- 9% ps-n 1000 cf ts-deatbs sitailu sili maluitin s-bs-ra tlle pi-c hIe tresbols cf a Irigbti. glos-tua tu- fc sbuIrn-ndsuaaiil otitens eniern67 lem.. sud ls oals-tnmanust, ln the lais-cofait ition,. saIdliens--. inulssry. y-ars old. ie Us-l-ls-vssl 5justilies inl auaie of prielfs-ai iliukera. enter au Tu it lî.tittal Cul"as' ses-tha' s-loe- eînsglanycter sîy blnts-es-os-bd era of prscps-i-ilsfur Cuba fer ail tit S ~atudte priltee alite lookt for te prcdus-s- s-sliy fav-orable ligures, classes. iÉtat oilastontlîtitansi ait-t uts--theoderrestibti 3et lu stoes-foi-thîs liarticlrlny te sinU figures fer tbe s-os-laI'lIe of tesa-m" mL-mtbstitinder t65 yeura et ag-e.Tas- "Anoren-ationl" mot toto a btand -IîualtsltntnsnBili et-o la te reitalitttoiof tflua sa>ftali-go5NO OOWARD. for shoot ans- s- enfui-y, s a l rge s- lo" lai deasolate. sud,.olIl t mInuýte Aaste -o! a Braves- indier ~ itse porfionuof lta poputlation lg uaýttv--îaais- sovuleslltt te salue la bound te aie- fs.la Compalacn. oet istlsaitl arntage.-Ns-w York Pi-sse. While btlng lu Lake Caluneet Mlehad Jevcsk venturesi bcyond hie depth and wsm drowned before assistance could rs-ach hlm. The 81ltughter bouse ef B. WVolf at Chi- cago. wbcrc infected cattie are bcbng kili- Pd hy State officiels, was partiy destroyed hy lire. The IlEni. altsc Board of Fire Insur- aure Underwritsa.umbering 125 ttm bers snd represenîlsa the principal cities of Iliios, bel-id ils annuai business meet- ing and outing nt Delavan, Wi. %'. E. Skinner, foi-ms-ny manager o the stock yards et Fort Worth,. Texas, has bs-en appointîed gens-rai agent of the Clii- cagoetUnion Stock Yards sud Transit Coomany sud the Chicago Juuaction Rail- way Comopany. If the ratio of gain lu six townships 01 Liaingaton County is, press-rvs-d in the otfr er teenty-four, the increase lu assena, iflefls for this yesr ov-sr 189 s-i i gre' gale over $1000000. In the six the lu- ceuse was $226,040, ns-srly 15 psr cent. Col. Jantea1R. Campbl-l. Mct>anahor0, commander of thte Niuth Ililinois infantry voiulits-era.su d capt. James il. Toiliver of Louiavilile, adjutant of the regiment, arrired, at Spring'field witit the regîmnctal isa, wltlci thêtie urdei over to the State. They will bie picerd lu Memorisl i h11 lu th li- tateixouse. Prof. WVodNorth or the UnlvrgitY Of Clifornie. s-ho bas bs-sn st the Uni-en- aiy ofIlilinois irtroduring lis ns-w method if tihi- d"-tructior0 te $an Jose scale Ou frîlît tres, bas las-voet IMont icsllio witsre te o-ais-hais re-îiliy tls-vloPed. Pthat the lreira ay not las- îjitred liy the gas. il i.- ec-aary f0 <1dot-eas rk nt 1ight. Judse Allen b int- Unîi-cd StatesCircuit (tort nt Slriiigtelil r(iiders-iI a siecres- or- uts-i-ng os ld nl er fors-closure of i-f ortgage the st. Lois, Indianapoli ansiEasters Itti nr' oil Theii- -nttla istotaigte Csentrali Truti f inîtîîiio f Ns-wvYonk City, trima lasý f.,r titi irstiiuurt fua- baniboidera. Th itirmtîalsags- i. for $1.ifilf.814 48. Ou w0iý uthelis-r-ad lias,li-lt iii Is-ault stucs- Cati Co(îit'i(of T'on a, as h-,bas hias -iii t oidif tr-s- ltai tantes if the Fiflt Illlinîios-gti1-itw iit> ai Plai. store, 1îtloy rt-at i A tri 0l at -b laus-s-a nas-i li lîî alîatns f Kiiititiî1. Tlii- reai- sîîîýoniii uirth iir- 1.0f)nottia- uiýii Ottuli'înoii.î 5 ly su i ilir lui-l , --ttirs-e i-ît n isilut s- tliraiiuitf te'cil- tira -ity. Mintis-iara- lt.isnig sîa- atl iîtifY ittia int-,o us t- j l, IttLAiorderis. OEATt4 CIAIMq UatmD Mmoirl Co.g'cromU n uptuos Afto Oougvmo.n Richard P. Bisai. battu, knoo a@"Siliver Dick." -sied Thuraday monning on bis famr, about thre ilesm freouaLebanon. Mr. Bimnd hmd boon t- tacked by the grlP somne lime mgo and il soon dev-sloped loto ilimona of a meri-ona isature. The direct cause of bis dernis. was sceh-bai congestion. Richard P'ai-ka Biaads-ns bora Aug. 19. 1835. near Hartford, Ky. He went to Missouri wben about 20 yemra aid, ad Ove yemra later ws-ut la Califoruieansd tiacec to Utah. He practlred law thene amoagte minera, and had ample appui-tu- nity to tudy thé minerai intereota andi the relative output of goid and sImer. 'hee ho absorbed the doctrine of bimeta- hanm. He returnesi to issmouri la 1865. locating sit Rolia, la Phelps ConntY, and La 1869 retovesi ta Lebauca. hie lats IP Ci Cse-Offices.'si I 'sted by Staccahee Fitnt Asistait t 'î-asti-asfer (,inerat eleth bais nuti- il ltii sxtisutitanimai ýadjiotitts-t of ya-îduilpoatuiasta-ra blries, ltse-Ilitg,âinî t la4talfiaUtton and ilary f to ake effatat ou the llrat of nes-t noutit. Unden ibtis r-tijtiimeul lts- fui- uwtig chanuget antalitansd in- aea--a said dsar-ii tc-otlifa-isatiou o-iil ,cer in Illinits: Anri a ii ssi i )iIi.itk l'ai-k I i [oi-k lui r aaîad rt-inns- îndta tiraI î-li irai-jY, NuriyIs,,r ,- fs Tuaia n tî lis-atofu i advtavi-îi ftau be sird tu sthe toan.d csIns. .sers-as18-a 0 lt-ralI a biais.... 125>itfiard .... 1300 Lta nt . . li1. Nluomra,-s----..12.00 Lalsu- ipt il l ît ... 1. fl tbloi 'cl t e 1a .. . 1,84.5 tta iiia . .... 1M llanII Pfark. -. . l1,90 ifitlIa .... 2:i4 5 M .18f .. l . 1,700 titis la .. .. l . I l . I I lt-r ... IaMi 1.4l : 1 . i fse - .'Mf :ti .t a i l i Sterlingf... 1. lt1w s li. I l la f 21. 5'at. 'arratO _-2100) f.atl , 1 s>d ... f. U 1 fi N'piiialîîîro ....2.0 0 2 lIaI , - ll f l a l ... .... 1 l hat t t ... 1 i. t 1.li.a- - 1:81 11, t1U sti. .. t. i a-aisI25 E SI 1i.iiîîu s- -.iSa F,11-,- , t. . il ý i , k ....- - O. 1 S l Ilr - 4 t - rît . - h ... fi S O.î2tIt - - la4n * i.ei' tn-,lîî i- Loi K S3, ltai la . .... 2401 ... . t 2il'. "1 tîs 1 . . . ... 1.2Ix LLa rlia nafi 1h ..tvi fals- Nala ila niOn i r a. .. 124 t i a î-litîit-a -. 2,51s fi 'titi. t ti ~i. îîl t.t -,711 n - n i l yîgttn-12 catgit tSc laia ' 1 . ..... 1M9 G 11 1 tsiticliCtk.1îy:.s. il AI la km l,1 dig wi Palmner Coyn- lut nut youi- trust ln ,hs-s. Byne coyne--No; put jour lebsl Is-uts-Life. lie-Why do mars-led mnulire iongecr ban lises? Ie--Thcy don't; Il 17j seeme longe-Ex. He-You cau't abo-sys juaige a minas tai-acter by bis ciothes, Sbe-You an bytoseo f bi~s-wifs!-Juaiy. "I nderstan ltaI nid (Otrs-eouasde Je for-tune eut of asimuple Invention." 'No, out et s sinaps-Inventer." Tommy-MnImna, sty bave you s-et ipa's bain bu e los-ket? Ilus Mother 'l'o nsmind me ibtiteoeu-oied mre. Tommy. "ta Tomntl- uny i-s-tion of yeui-sl" ike a gentleman of iteblabe; "ie ban te saine nanas- asayours." '"s-s,'"mala eobbie, *"ula pap mas-ied my manama." -Bazar. Cerouen Wns tits vis-tin onascieuts -lis- yeu rcsctied tino? 'aI Vis, son;, e o-or-. Butt becu-alue us. I don't te- lavebea-kues- Ut. ilhadelpbla Nos-lb Amesrit-an. "Vou- fris-naibas a s-ondes-fuI ms-nt- -y.' "N'iants-i - "Nea es-faits naw?" "I den't kutîs- about îlot. I overs-w astrehlmounlth 2e llsss tataid" _Washington stan. -Sotte iay," salîl lts- lis-l lasos-sai Fouf Itian.'I a-ai-aut teuhbas-elthe wonlalaI uîy faet-t 'NVIat iîitte yeu tien dolug ailtti-a tiiîtt-.' sjas-lad Ibm i-nie; 'o itiîg sut our latl ' a stin-Ion Star. "Andi yen have niis- Jica Jaa-tiou a s-ns-on lu your chustr-bt 5 N -1s, sali. tnt le, bessalga-s-Ievet ls -on,'sait" Andi ll'tina a blresvet îs-a-uuc U-ts-et lit-s s aif-acdat saint Itandie Da icmaay sit tcs, t#and inîDe-aler-. "Wiydits- lies muis' ail tîtise nie- ouan o-It hbis asio 1*fore i-e ls-pîces the bail*"-hase as-e sit-nais tolthe ctcer. Tithettoi-nenaways Sos-k tn coert.- 1w-tire' Ilali that lts- -ont-srt pîfeh' l'as- itard absout lie fIsoS"(lat-e-cTribun-. "LId lbh-luvsutîgitior anmîy you- Nat mm ti ti sa s-rt-d thes- ilasia aittiaa %ilie ulaidjust li'teue liethe wlte-s stand: "it puzuleai me a lit- le nos-ands Lts- (ni-ds- islis-lier i sheulai sy. *1 i-t fia anisa -s'on 'I eon't i-g'aa-niasr. - -a4I atiugtiiîîStar. Once ulîps tSias- a bes-ga-importun. -S nL iaw>ss er u lula. "Lettns- gba'e you sonaie %itiat)i-al a it" amiSthe La yr. -l' ai iesr o)-)it sotil ts-ead. vis-e mîtti s-uts- mc0 mi taaiii'va- tus-eSthne bWsglus- îîtins-ir:otto sttlui enas-ard or -obtrs-atuhta'Det-roit Jou- nai. lins.ioiettns-aiin iîa.îioay - on- der s-hy i-iirs->a t.ltg-iliiî lat wril luLi.n.tî . iiîil lnlial:itshatin (gnItlys NWIi, S-araIot.metllstu lthe tnulb.1i ltik tlitav- p i fs-9 - rý i Iat e t suthIn tua glu y ablutfa t y lu y l taI lifilenia titi-y diii t %taut is il. o-w aboul. l'ont. i thattitt yit aass-'-i horne rai-ei stiu it lIt isi- lidi.Iîlg sanîîy. 'altt.' i-i tl1--d Ferma-r Corn- teascil. that'm 1tînt v-s- se -tIt l'- Canîes itelii-. aOifitCd uaîilusas-ut camtttsd cîa-îd bs-sf. atidiconlilsa tootii. ltbe main(- as y--o>res- os-te.*- WVashing-tonl bt'r. Ni bis liUit-La 1 n,-at a t stp and glvs- 30cr sa-lIit l ienle oa tîaa-d olai lady ys-ala-rslly. Ni- itît: 4 a -i. I ont) l ltL- a'bniltit"fai'ts i ntfiai. Ninsâ Bti'iek-Is 'IluItLItua a'. 1'3 to-id of posi I sutt sos-a-Ibut tIoleou ai oaY-ctîllel tbitlnti fnît ilit- sottic-tor s-ais yvIra iltif IV. IIIlit li n! as tt- nn la-s. 'alaletff -l'? ila tuth e Ltit- 1 illua attiis dl-u olt 1t>Ialit tal tay" t.î3'at ie Suaof a Ial ,ft I l la f11-Vf tln,- leîral-ii)ina v Ia l vta-iiy iati>th ît isll tor- t-kp-i lias- isy gîta ait Ial'tins- 105 l'Iils. na-iar's-. moOlii- rttaý tua11rit-ios--e aie lizbitsm.. I îibuueidomii - ast- s-i t hoea-olisti îîa t-- -Igot 1bu bnrgeiy ou a i.toiratrnn'ýe ialtoruin. ns 3-cc Ui5y i-s-a'tiit.- ar.sî-'Andi 3100 itpù'nk-o! mat- u it ttIiiaruing*a;pis- liei a4 rngit-u-Itsîy a-tillae s-illo pste.' i t saltbakea- mo irast'tIna i a iifsllme 'a s-tt nt îtof lts- lies-alata ny stitlu- s-uta Ilat gu9to stitote kicS of aic- btoits- be-cras-e. Su s-ntulbilsts- pofeatas-r ' aOs o - raios-ther-adisatlge (if aflrtic'exs-ut-- s-las'. he-Iiom lta n isi lis. be s-nid. "tîsesi temavintli ts-ce ius us-I-osa lthe TibPbe sfera la'i-taf. A Scethtitsi- dent sutitles, ai olîlsh tite i-ifs- pro- fsans- excs-inet: "Ms-. lls-Alls-s-, iviy (Io Yen gamils-? Ws &ballbcilasgi-i te ahane yoon amuasems-ut." The s-tîumy S-o etsplis-a:"I o-as ilatbhntitosair, tbshts-heRomnuYoutita muaI bave Is-f itou- cbothes ounlthewo-nus-banik at lthe endi cf Ibeir atrit." The mattir et e laes---englue-t ng oes-thapbesnesd le peantrotîgîlithe mouldins sitoe-day, sud note-san Iish labone- lesuins-as-ainsI te all cujoying ani ts-eaislis-bis of a stuepU- tiens samotal. "My man," safd be, aais-us-spte lthe sus-pras-aiLboe-, -i Rarnonisls-tltecatls-btyenuBroek- ln us- in -you- s-ci-ins haur-s. Don't veo u oaN- Yen cauit do to0n ueit tos-a s-Ccd nse-i, 'ltgorru.' salid the SdI.t rett-imus-n bis pipe aleatîs front lits tînulth, suto aytlîe-I 1 11' "Af- tsii tit -asn lthe managetr stulsia. Royal Encouirag-emenit. 'My tin-en.'exclimesi lionadorer, tlnoiSby. uîay t tiss tte noyai baud?'el 5tCHA5I0 P. 5LANXi. ns bcnm, ia mua noteaimessoiras-as a fl for te fice andi unlimileai coitiage af i-%e-r, nesto-ins- 41U% grains ofs-tandarai y Li-ve an tbe dollar aud lthes-nil of valne. o- LIter paun.g te Houas- lvs-ss amenis-i i, athe lSenas-e by Senlanr Allisea, sud wasC cos-uas ts- Bians-Alson lais- it vs-as etoed by Premident Hayes andi passed by »olbhouses oas-r bis veto. In 194 M& Lelanaidsbs the -publican eau- i date, defeateai bfofr Congres# by a L aitrros- majorlty. but the sîlvenrbchmpiono -wu ne--les-ted îwo jeans bale n -d &gala- l 18198. Bs-fore the Chilcago convention- si man s-as nameai oflros-r as a presiden- LaI poastitinity titan Bisai. Blondai s-s-sr accepteaia i-ai-osaipas. tu ni any s-ts-n preifsut fur is poiutut-a iU wont, slthough ha' o as res-ognîzeai ms ibm c leadi-e! Uft.e ilver a-tus brsacb of ltheil louas. Eariy ln 184Z, oviile-Bloandl, intthe spadlty utsfa stilmnasf s-u an vca tion as visitîns-Ut othe louainasSrmuasy0 et Cals-douta, Mo.bisma-tMuns Vus-s-ta lit-lf. isgitten o! t;en. E.YV Nlitaibrl. t-hem bislater t-s-la.-at up bis simpîlep ls-es-Suesm maid plein, kluatly maunes, NiLs. . Blond s-n a warm place lunte bes-s-tof i., es-nitgentà ansi solpes. HITS THE GLUCOSE TRUST. 's-of. Mln, .ap-st rienauiost. eoti s us- industrial (,scafu Ts-utiuiny be-fora' Uts-Industriel commis-. son aiW'ashingston alias titt mthUe lis- o!flis forwtuoi nlthe glus-oas-trustt doubleaitbhs-pice o!fita edOst. The e-i-- s-are 10 thass-ifs-cic-sa -i-en by Prof. En- sm litsaun exps-ertiteist. aWho Say$ h. was ais-bargesi b>'tb,- trust bs-rangs- ho coulai mol is-n cer'tn li ts--. ayiug ts- im- loaties food ps-dtals - arîtàcoe- er- sot t snjus-ou.'Iran. NIais nilthe by-proalucts of t-os-n tour ai-etstfufr,- eeap-aims- s-ha-aIfleur, te stare tinoutts- ktud os-db-1 îaiîy moisiounlts- maratket aa corn stsas-cb lie corn otlinta ts-sifor iitttoitsld livér fit. mîiis- l it iit oui-a'oti, aad ai s suit- ettute for Cotton as-sa-si] iu fut-lts-n e-nsmîatinom ts-e profa-aqor t etas-ai laI ts-hesimioaty af s-i ont ailn1 -orn ou la se close lthaI a cemisinesnt Iistingua* b bs-laventlb-m. Tbre lua diîf- feenan- rf 40 s-s-tt a gallomn ta- a-esn lthe tavs Imtftoto fliat-i aiL 'tt- saiitisat-iîso te, 0 anars- exient. nix the- o ala.te, ~tii,-' ut- don mat cuisoit cn iaof- linsx-at IsathPara rubber inaso r tciiaî-iii.nîu n si-id1 pi-onts-rodîtct. T'ri i I imi t Itt rulaber goods. KIONAPERS ARE ARRAIGNED. Ciaope .tes--s nfb ltas-fan Clark Casei- Us-nasris Barro,.Atîle Ilarras- nsi Blla Atnds-saiuio.aiaa Is-(:ris mîties. sas s- ar.g-in aNs-w'Y'ork monin ftherniniLl ra v orihî -e Satlra-ins- C'nho!tt. -eu otith l.arl. As- a ao a a:. J.at- abt-oiaa bol aÊ'nutgntilty lil li-t-if gaaîlty te CvARME JONES. tir uhange tf kýduap- ping. Shewos-as ranittil ta lts- Totmbet. 'rhes- s-no!fs-ectis- a juryIna ts-y Bar- rafl was ltsha-s-ungi. ANTHRAX KILLING OFF STOCK, Thse tir-saded D)aitas- .Cssia.i.g Altarna ArninELonufeta .a.I'ianles.. Ptansn ltounsîaont at-e ilats-ueslat ts- pi-avalcia's-of ebarbin or antitrax, uts-Is-h i la kttua off stoîck ris-bt ansi hifL. Ens-ny dsy tleesranîs from is dtîrent pars-t efth U tc îte, anîd -spuaîiy lias-Tens delta,s-e-port bai-oc beius- roughtIt y lthe daise-sissi su-tnta. Rteports aise s-oms-frountfthe tilia flot mnes-srai planter. ansav ttls-acts-d ts-dis- s-as- fs-sm stock. Tiasr- ari- uosv 550 rase et anthrax ln te chity hosiltof Ns-w Os-iéans. Onceofthtis-tîpatnsJohnILt- île of Livînsaton panist.biastneeu trous-ht lu front the itte itlages-ofMaus-spas. Ha contrgcteda lts- sis-aas- ilroutgh havns bs-en bittea by fuis-a whirith asi es-n inoeu- lateai trrin stock staffs-nas-framritcarbom. TLhe ether patient la Salvador Mailna. sn Itallan, s-hos-ors-htounts-Wootliaids plantation. M'ileIs-trs-stins-e als- s-is-h lidcharbon lthe vusus sniees-ssiauaaion on bisaasm. WAR'S END 15 FAR AWAY. Bris-ad lai es-(esrai Hail Ps-mailste Long Conglet vwIth tise Natives. "The e'ni -d of the- sar is s long s-ay off," s-s-ts BrIs-. Gen. Hall, uow on.duty la thes Philippins-s, la a bls-n lu oa fnieus inl W'asinigton. T b e ee1sr is dateai esrly in May, about ts-e lime As-uinaldo s-as Mattus- bis oves- ions for ps-as-e ansi maht0avs8ihat ts- Atîinricas si-my o - s-s-natd lutIle falth in ibi s inccnit(y os the raquas-st for pese-e (bsn. Oinsitan been fIs-Y. HALL. insfru(týin 10eluison611itns-s-a, and, to lie CInsistent. lias-%V'rnDePas-tmsut, ince lthe sispartur- of Secrebmry Ais-s-s,lian de- s-lins-site mstie public rny amessages ne- ceiveti from ttqPhilippns-o lDn. BIl. tI, lI f fluarr3 naia> ite Iflita- laiLia un i titui a îof uuurtiurutli liai., a nî.înîuî 11,1 alui tai- l'y takînîs- o i lo onu iniIIi nl'î' ia iita' q1tu r. 'nt tts-a f îa- l In tu'I I, i anar a-ai %olt.i ti l I (I- fa r7 It"li'. ' ,,s lunn Io- 'is--tîb l i lv, :'l,"d -u it ', us l'au ouuaîîf r lu, ital lta , lt iiru -it. Ia sa u-ata- )f i, ilIm 110 nai lit atrait ita lsun-s aits-nr rntnî-uplî. i %i - tî.î illt moItutu a-rt t'ai la to- sarIs- nu 1tîî u W'lia-un bu-a tanin Smai- ut lu,,-11o.îîî' I liu a ai-t aa I ita $ul l' li- fniuI ...'. im e tt-ti hi-oua la-'it t it lutit, ii ndîl > la thui t-il Il aoIr a liiiij lîniitt i-latni ni î Il a iýo-' t S'il t irl. titilîlil uitîts- ir a - , Il 1 tu-- -n'It-n -t l ina týItih -iuali-t (ai ai-u il- Ina su'mut lIa gv uRa-ru-aiby na taii R, ifurul ttt fIf i Th, aciat as-s-s i mIl".Rscrs,. o f li tr I- ni Iel, il -i.ii t t. 1 lui. No% t'h 5 n . i . 'a mat rtu- m tar ' e , 'ail .-I .h- a lt-ait r. titi l'ut ut. iît Nîlata- (lo u,. Isas a araiis-e-,ft N'al rl.A I. au'. n l-11 1 i titi:ta- it rtal u a Gu I. n «ii - l I a l a i! um I ol lia a.î, . f f i 'i rnî 'f lî rittua -a - nu 1 î '. Y.'liai' tt.1,1,- frai p t g 1 ,11 ".îu f 1. - (' 1 a 1lt a t, il. 1i' -n i, I1 Fulu ' i 1t %Vi!-,lu la-l i nui i, t rn It u-fl a i . s-il ia I i tun tii r. ha, i ia a 1 ai Ku, Sn, uio utia nio IaM-t.- ,-tha lut-i ut- front ,usius htiaa-, i Lsk lu t N ut-' ad r t,îa ltt ntat,. ilt utaI itittI.in.N ' - u itul ,a t ît-ut- Ias-att lit> i o ltai l luuna oruntf litîs-u" Ii Sunt or' lui , ilt 1rt lut i t, a"'ui o $ l) it i li' fa i- . t l z-l tIi îuanîtnuarts M Bs-tcf tase a f cthoa lias i i l 'it ii- t o al ieu uual ouu$.>i tCOaLit r.r fi t.ta's al Su -îîî -t AutiIîl.- miois-v . W IL abte- -flts- uvi tata- ara-tilo i ntîs --uittha.t liia iI s -utulllis Le i ti la. t i f irtc tiat b 5as ln apitalita-id llii- ti la- sal'a-ns uwIý roftt fi s-t C bn Cri uu- n tua ifntI- alb irn,'if i- luit ha-s nlis- ut Iuas vil] tcttaintht 1 <a toa t iiif nr t s al-it irait-s-, 1 c l o- ulratlaIm, lilichffitaleehuas-- y as-tuaitingtnrita'iut- in-vhiunta ofstty ns E,>'Iaifai ,t ite I"ofm whiteo! Juiy i.-vlo atiraf 114 i ls-bciets-s aIlic Unaont-fa ltîaii San- taaui). aua bs-r, aner ais-t. it ttueieuas afMai.u C.îfaîaC a'ai, hotanderoftiis. tbeialn las- dfuts- aI as-uai tonuta. f ct tact uasgisa-o Coditioansrafshtite isernareof o!ite- tfueli-at a-flis- puitt d wits'Shinthea-u hua ni au t onatheaist-s-wr s-rro f lita bos-dis o.,a-lîfr1t1Nosuit Autos-rt h dEitauta muItlua-n'i s -urot i hspil , uirI a lu' fasauraf tIi.- plu titl n lis-a- os -t siitigh' au! danDri'La . t. limfanygas it(lant s-aîv t hil ifa- .ant thelCntainsaneo ta'it Warof '-s--t a-I -ednfonfi-ilef bis-apnait."entads- niaimrer oIbi- asas- inclut s-s aeJi-s-s- rv as 0 edilisgaias .Ju avogeo(larves- bsi teois-yinte ei-muai, r,îIs- i u u a- -s- ii a . ! tsLs. l > ' ' n), l'lîs In iaiVit al 11. tati finat sit as-s- ain-V iiaila-îaîîi. ra-apsta eiy. tla tittîot Lei l Wrinoî tirkha it-n-al-itluis utan mi .orittla 'a flunu 1,il fist naittil, t'ntd ii, aIsla 1Il iI'rsklaainl'lotny Van. ;x lina i it . ltuo- b.l'rliat ftil îtt r g mi s- atti lit ii ilions Inats-talfltii ttty. Wtie theittal. taa-Iliîataat i lt r( ,aons--il a- i-na- aaiott litar italai i-tiî i a- thi ts-r t>' a rillirtns-n-to tît- t l-ti. A tlao- ttii Iii'Silaaias isma- h titi a fuartuni,,- joutIas tht-.tstin i--h ai-hie ti tpor-taitulitiofth a-aia-si x ,-i ti lt-asr-tiitt)n. lTi s i-ti stas- fr- ii t> n-,iut,,a-d n Ist iiaa ti f planb sty. . i- Inh-aIinns ai-t. Th.- llniti.tbtiI is-us- ais--. N'ao-ait isi bse, atrc at-ras-a dsis itifo sauiain -stiffard ti).ttta i--s'i>'. t A-aat t OlSiý-i-etIry 'f il.ta lretansur y d 'ti.ti if Ile, liiî-NltIsis tnlianAs- a- înîîî iti- fisi - ts pulalîta'taîildaint s! - taii Itli otl thea-iai t fus- at ,lig tsara-a-i ri. san et ls- ali oi iito its lt-v- aIs-ss-a. 1 9illas 'lTeé.1,, stt-awi o l'aluýn CfBas - 1-v. ltiîî-aîlithe ia,rta-ifotIii-tan> tsi sutrtaI-t-i1.20 r.f-a-I h> 11:01fat. taa-a-tf a-n ,t-ahiti-sal fiai-thes-Public t hui1il nta aISti n-a ton. l'Telas-t-s- [nidwsa Nf bts- ataismal-metingoftuIhe Clittia- andi i~t Illinoiîsîa C*-anoobai-l iuntht- l-a-r-a'il l irs o , l. îs tî-r ll-îî,ia a!litai "ts-i:lu Jf'ts-aatta . traaulsiî. O S. fia-f. an-a-îîr-c.la-t -C. %'.htiltla.- rn- ic-Ia- slttmouîli risnnan. Il. A. lîittililgi. -ts--ais-> IL .--t-nitit- tut -ia-i. n d 11A. -'IL lia ir.tta at trntatit-n.Ns-un '1mb (l. 'Cii- smaastt lous - -aetintas-a forat- eleit-iast lý i s- l"It-ut :I1l ito ,- 1.fi moi. - arnl --ftItsI-r-stltr at. la-nItts a-ul-Ilisa-, stla.2iI.atî . 0riii.15- la r bti15,t ia--urilisn . - fin-a luîisfai astaes. lI.'-7 n, i-it$2aiai i ils' lra luttata on. i'. îîaîa ru tua tit iuîrîaî o! lita- Sîtta r, 1--t nt tti- naît-ii-il li--. boas- ais' ts-I.,i-rt laiits u i iigalmoi o A 'f-arra stlIt flanlfling olt- ipl.ittttg a'as . bliii s-ýi-tuat-tii> aritasalit-- ti rii i)tiltii ilo f.nai titi Ihris-n arIa a.! ina-Sils ai lt-inlid lia-s--t. itiîaaî atla'.uti .î-lu tap'-. f min s ata --iitt-in lire a'tiîl'at, î m nauitî- vil tt- gr-zIl i rl'îîî-lt ilsal itîu-n il th,- .îîîtîana - -u itla-rthfait anaIl iiihe-lait- t il-f o at! as-i ana-ruali tn t îth ts-rn tarî sitii-liar-s-itu lthais sau- pat a Ii .- i trîat -îî'îîsî ilt-as ilits-b s-fSr f - u t. a iýi l i l i, ta illinis und nitauins- ast-illînîlurtiti t -- ri itillm inus- . ,t., t.- .,l h, m r i-r- ii>lirfiiu unît naunlîr iîinlitnirypra- i %-.ltu ,at lUutai u t na una s-e- il i tuta- allis lIi"ltrntii-partis ts-eIîIiti fis -iIt. sai l fan> iipas-i autaloaai,i,alia aoes- .mnîan---n. 13y v Irtou or tiis ptuitnîtMls. f45anitoit bs las-an ltte o!rftie, tIaaiesifanrtthecoalolpO- s-s-Cýlai ttitise1Parui tr routils-es. Ili îti'îiautit utas lie-t a it ilin li t ns-a-s-la ad moany fs--uaiuiitis- ta-lia-na. titi(- ilittia atingatin oliai- ast atritis-ri' ltil huaima()ithia tatfii a-igs-t. Nis- f ft rlsilt promptly isa t fiatla- 0inlutiCabaissanal ,k-Ld fuir a -uatal 'f saldult-n o csua-sithes rt.-atia'tci as is-lus leces-aintti'aos beins- pî.nfaitd atthil. "lien n-aius-at as Blaf s-st M. BRIitai- el i bînau t tirosis-it oui Iliis ais auta os- iapýansd o'slthy steebtttn, d da I(lanlstois. lrIoo! lItsvaoiren o! Sprîugisid are Itoaflial 1 lite1bralsio! valusitis- hai- slIita-o e.A vorian bis bIe-ncanvassins- frattoute"eto ouse,. acurins-tes-ils-he fer s-bs-ana-, luaaditionto b atins- Ih bain for ce-ning s- st invariably bons-os-s-a 10j c-suts for gs't s- ai- fane, 10 niais-dos-n town ou. As.fthe linos-bas long s-une by for heri un --am lthe itatn.lthe peopls-bse duilSci tl tthey have lia--lt aupei.'lthe isasilwit'lts-, aa lPtie abouS 200 Of lteént, anc salus-si aIfront $7 te $14 s-as-b (if siylis- coa-uis-at lte tar-o! ofthe hita.îitisifoi- lthe iusottaut Elgin lws-uîy sahaustesi b>'the tubai-s-tu tsa ltaIts-y ma--se disttistsd. 'rues-Wansaas' Bulle-tin prnîîa Iis a@torsy fraont Colittsa: l-'st-n Smlithtindi Mas-e Oas lass sseeuovi a sPile O! olsi lombe- o-aivirertcy suas-ove-s-sit il -iaitenmllY sus-e wiit -sas-l.'J'be-y proattresi lts-ne-ces- anny s-lobas ad itulifo-ks fais-a gondde- ffulaecsails-Ssvas-ydos- lutta s-ivire- s-eles-slt iiinltotitie- -omalis-s-an tuovins- Ihe 7ils-bs. Thes-Job sas complelesi lave bours basnes-, ansi IlifShad touthem entait seveuty- se-i-ven s-f lts-es-blets-nestesakiliesi outris-lt. 1tventy-lhree s-ouuded iansi thirty-aix es- cap-ai -Ilo'lla scratch,