Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 23 Jun 1899, p. 8

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Iky FOrsiCSPilmys, Sctos! Iwili soon b haying tm and here are ,....some of Westerman's prices__..ýz,. Double Harpoon Fort. ... .. .. .. ý $ 93 i5lleya ..................................18 3-tineti farta.......... . ....................33 Grass slckle..- . ........................ 23 Scytise sud Hatl ... 1 04) Wood Hay RBkas .... ...... ..... 1 W hetaioues ......... ....... 6 (irindtsone complote ..................... 2-30 Machine 011 par gai ............ z TeenNei, par pair .... .......... 3 73 Single Net................... ....... ....... 90 IN THE GROCERY UINE I AM SELLING (looti Floîîr. per sack. .... ........ ...... 95 GInger Suapa, par lb .... -07 Evaporateti Laiertes. per 1l)....os Saimon.................................... ...... 1 Plcnlc amna, per lb . ....... 07,V, Boneleas Hama ..... l1 Colee. par lbi.... .... 1 luit Creaus Cieese. lier lblh-,. 1. 13 Todi, per lb.... .................33 Rien, *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 046 If you want good twine buy the Plymouth. It is the best. F, L. Westerman, - - ILLINOIS.1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF GRAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUFFS, SEEDS IETC Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent.1 WE SELL THEF WE3BER W AGON, WHEN YOU WANT Buggies or Farming Implements. CALL ON WRIGHT & SON§ - - - - Illinois.1 Summer Goods -F0 R- Men. Crash Hats . .25c to 50c~ Sttaw Hats.... 5c to 75c Balbriggan Underwear, extra good value, at. 50c Tan Shoes. Full line of Gents' Shirts. Ties, Suspenders, etc. We are still taking orders for First CIass Bicycles with Morgan & Wright tires at.......... $23.00 Women. Shirt Waists. Shirt Waist Sets, Summer Corsets. Cool Underwear, Parasols. Sailor Hats. Belts and Beit Buckles. Tan Shoes and Slip- pers. Percales, Madras Cloths and Lawns. V. Sauer & Bro., LONG GROVE, - ILLINOIS. The Furniture Trade of the shrewd buyers. 1 arn bidding for their patronage. If right prices. backed by proper qualities, wîil influence your trade I have the inducements. -,Perfection" Couebes. varrented for 4 years .. ... $14.00 Qnater.aawed <ak, paient slde Extension'rable, 10 fi 10.00. mron Dota. any aâze at prîcea opward iroinsZ.00 Woveu Wire Cota ............... ... 12 foli Oak Center Tables ai prions npward trom .....73 lbàogany-fintab Conter Tables S130So iD .... 6.00) tw i Oak secrtary. 8Mfi biglâ. .......... 10.50 I have the exclusive agency for the O. W. Richardson &Co., ine of Superlative Carpets. Carpets furnished ready to be laid on the floclr. Cali and see Samples. JW W. HUGHES, -Wauconda. 111. Around the County. ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. C ONOItEOATIONAL Cburch Bunday fsor Vicens 1000 a.Lnsud :30 p. ms. rayor meeting Weslnesday ov.nilog. Y. P.. C.E. moet Hunday eveanage aIt:i. Junior C.I. sfi 3o0,010,1. D)IAMOND Cmjp No. 412, M. W.A. meet month. 1). (taIPPTT. Y C. . 0. P. No. 815. muet soonl andi fourtb Tliursdayë of ants ioonth. WILLKNIio. N G. 0 CO. A. OST, Nve Y. J OHN G. IAtIAN Post (0. A. R4. meot ltaturday nolght on or bofino tisumono. 1. M. OLLS5ON. COKotIr. O E CHURCH5ILL. Adîl. Mail gong.outh..... 8:w»_a. n.9:22 p. KM. Mail gonia oçrth................. 10:0 a. K. Mail ovsr lant hy stagi' arrivns ai 10 &a. . doissrte at il a. Mo. ROCK EFELLER. Walter Mnse 1. the uPosonsr ofa uine new bicycle. Mr. Hisyt. ol Libertyville vlslted ai R. )ooittleiqlant Naturday. Lyman Fargo leit for ChIirago ]&et week wbere ho bans ecuroit onopluy- ment. Thomsas MeBrlde stilO vears thlIt oestaticenmile. That LoIr, Who arrlved a week ago, la evidently sstiistactory. Dr. Travis vas calledt 6Madison, Wla. by the itînjei4sof Liatier on Mouday 0f ant week and rettîrnediou Wedneaday. Adams Titus came into towu Tuesday hringing a ernsoed inger for inedilal treatusent wbih eis o ad the mlofortuue to hurt wbtle drilltng a vol 1. Mater Roy Ks.gge entertatued about adoze» of bis voung triend. lant Friday afteruoou lu houor iof Lia uîut Is brtbilay. Ive creau) sud cake were serveti and a gond Utnis enjoyeti. Frank Cronkbîte rettirneti fron Beloit Colioge on Weduoa.tay sudi mi"sAÂnna from the LtgL sehool ai Waukegan ou 'ILhursday for the snm- mer vàaailoit. Thse social giveis by the 'i. P. 8. C. E. ai tihe Capet Tuesday eventng was tairly veil attendeti.1 The tve creain and cake vere voted tirsi ca&s and ail viso attended declded to go next urne, havtng eoneludeti that tise liberaI allowausce of refreshmeuts served ut a low price couhi î,ulv lie aeoubted for by the lact that geoerosi bais loe coule a habiît wit th e memiiers IVAN HOE. Mns.Dykes Las ptircieh tia tbtggy borne. R. Churchilvîi teach thte Ivanbos achool. John Snyder viii bave bis nev baru I p 000. Chldren's day itile lDewey }tadke vas baptisesl. Ivanbue People are solivittug futiti to tisîta parsouage A. Wirtz' Isoiuse i enclosedi J. 'aniPtem Isoit thse chimuney taxit week. Mrs. hlykem and NMrs Wiliniogtoîs vislted at Mr. Msrdtbsrms's tntlatur- daty. Frank DLolpb in bsvinig the remanter oft bis bsus,. tiiîise.l loy îstttog a mtoue fouudationu utoer it. Mr. H. Ahbtotts achiol closes l'nes- day witL a school pleute ai Druce Lake. Ail are iuvitesi to attend. The Swan school closes Frlday ai a ptcuîc on the achoot groundh. Misea IanL Iloon ta vislting ber father iu Kankakee Co. a lew weekso iLen tbey yull botil viait ber tvo sistera lu Wtsconsin andi fion thero tiseY stlgo t., Iowa to ber grand- parents. GILM ER. M. Morse Lad a wagon shtislitt tant veek. Dan iztbaler aippeti a carloati of Loga Montiay. /.oa Morse loseti ber Belsool tn the Urtdley district, J une 16. Henry Scbvernsan andi faîutly Nisitedi frtends ln Elgin recently. Tise (turer sehuol close(f June lIts vltb a picole ini thse wvoo uar thse obol bouse il. hltPP reobingled Lis Louse aud added a bow-window tant week. Frank t'llrteL did tise work. T'ise rosît Ltwoeethe 86010 sud the factory la Letng gravele tiâ sweek. Let the gondi work go on. Herussu Ntelttug sud M. Hsdgklns are dtggiog tuisular volae. TLiey have dug about ne bundred foese. VOLO. Wubt Roiog in eiertlug for Water Evanson in Mclienry. Jacob Wrtz ans i vie are îLe prouit parents 0f a baby girl. Mrs. G(li vistteti ber chld.reîs lu Chicago tise p tiaieet. Mrs. Rd Hans va. tLe guest of Mrs. lieu. Nîson iast 'luesday. Etam Converse ant i vie, of Chicago, Sundayoti ai; boboWatos. (ino. iieell ant i vie anaeeiîtentain- ing relatiés trani Chicago. WiIl Msntgonsery, of Chicago, la tLe isuest of Tbeo. Wria ant i vie. Miss Mary Raymndt bas Leen visit- Iug lu Evanstun tise pst vends. Mn. Dortier, of lvanhoe, vas lu oor tovoniiunday evening as uauai. Wil Dillon spent the latter part oi tise veet vith i& isparents her@. Arthsur Kiryto, of Monavilte, vas bore on businssas t Weduenay. Mrsý Frt-d Dnnel sud chIltiran vinted ltatives tu Chicago s iev days necently - N. Kretmchmen irauracti businnes iu Libertyville sunt Roctefeller lasi Fnistny. Mrs. Jaines KEirwîn bas Leen staying yuL Lbenrsister. tins lien Commun the iattvent, J. W. Tornrauce ajpent Montayisnl Chicago. lie sas aie.s.upsiied Lorne loy ias ite Mis. Gen. Hisumuitndtiugliter. Roba vimitest lnsMoavlte anti Lake 'sil luti Tbssrsday. Mr. sd Mr..Farîissontb en- jeuîoUe Wrigtgi, .f Mnxîco, calteti at ltaugbt Brns. at Fristay. MI îssMary Wcrtz bas.retsinisestt ibîagosur oss'sdîsgsuvenal ceetag wetb rtatIves Lune. tJuiie a îîînser fnssnî bon atteustesI the graatitîg exersins-a tus Wausonda tant Frtîtay eveotaîg. Mrn. IB. T. Husoî anti trienti Mna. Irin, 0f Elgn, bave Imeeu viauiing relatives anti tiends Lereý Johnisable ant isaeter. Mrs5. Iub, rsode 'out trons Chicagos on iheir vhen't. Sunudasudatireturued' lu tLe avenlul Ly rail. There vi L e a dise social lu theî 'solo M. E. churnL Juna 28tis fnr tise benetlt aoftise Hnnday achool. Every- body carne andi islp ie Ilb. gooc O&Use. 491 - tueMI W. A. moee a andi fourti S Burday eveîfclngof eaez mole.h. W. W. APPLyaoio, Cerk.,- on OU RNE E. Mrs. Dalziel and Mra. ilook are vîsît- ing relatives luIs owa. Mr. H. Boyle willI bave for tLe eaut ansnun Ois a chooil closes. Mrs. T, C. Froee visited friands at Wadsworth the birut of the week. Mr. andi Mrs. iBennett, of Ituaeil, vlalted Ray Dizuu anti aister Wedu- day. T'ies chool nntertainnsents vere vell attenîtet and etîjoyeti the irni ftisa veek. James Farrell and vifs vîsitet frientis lu Wiconu n veral days las& veel. A number of oui ladis atendedth ie Wý C. T. Il. convention ai 0rayslake' Tuesday. Mra. Frank Nottingbam anud daugli. ter came up tfron tLe citY Mouday eveping, NTAI'POHD DISTRICT. Mr. anti Mra. Wirtis vent to toWo lani yack. Mr. Eti. Faulkner went to Rtussell tant week. Un Friday tbe achool elosed iwltL a piense lu Mr. Metclfa vwooda on the river. Home of tbe W. i. 'r U. laies veUt tu the Convention ait Urayalake tant 'iuetiday. Oln Mouday sud Tuesday of this week neviews vere Lelti and on Wad- uesday and Tburstiay tLe aaml-aiinuat Couuuiy examntatioust Piri sYEAIS CLAS5S. ROLLINS. Guas(jable la qite alck ut preseut. 'Ihoman Corklill sud wife Lave a baby girl. Mrs. Ben Smith isasable 60 do ber own vork nov. Mr. Hamilton in the poasesséor of a nov surrey and borde. Mis@ Grâce Htroiuk visiteiluathe City a feutisys tat week. Olitver sud Orlando Buck touk a ousd of wool to Waukegiin Frtday. One of the Mis lonses tdasasisting Mro. Lincoln Lutik at present. Fay Hamniltonin laboay nov daya ridlng bis vbeel asiutirîving bis POOF Mr. Hamilton, vite, Fay and a lady tnîeud enjoyed a drive lit their new surrey Sunday. Um May (lalligar returnd to ler homse faut Thurstiay mfiter working for Mir. Smith a witel. Mis. J. Stern snd cblîdran viso stayeti at Fourtis Lakre for ovor a yesr bave gone tu Chicago tu nealde. AlLertBiumons, of Chicago, vWho sioppeti ai FourtL Lake Notai sveu years ago stoppei there again thse puât week. Quite a fev of tLe Chicagoanse isudayod ti iFourtitLaka bottai andi ut Fastaisie Iotel aud severai, other resorte. Our esîsool ilosoti fant Friday and theo teaeober preseisted the puplil@eho witL a photo ofthtie sebool anti chittiren visicis voeevery ntce. Jý A. Sceer, of Hdalla, Mo., saveti Isus s-iîli trous deatib ly Croutp Ly snaug Oue Minute Cough cure. 19 dires cougbas, colda. pueumonia, iagrippe sud ail iisrout sud long troubles F.i LovELL, Lbertyvilie; J. K. BRAcuixa. tiurnee; F.LWESTERMAN, NokefcelUer. RUSSELL. Mr. Piiny isrr, agent at Delevau visîtetibléa mother tant Hunday. Mra. Capron bs returneti trons vîsît- iug lber daugister iluMlwtaukee. Misa Thiuipson anti Misa Snyder are vtaiiting Lir. sud Mrs. Thumpeuni The vindovsanad chairs Lave been reinîvesl from tise Race truck buildings. Mr.(lunderson aud son are building a netve tu for Mn. Elusor Faulkner at Mrs. Deliroti, ot Lake (leneva vas calleti bore tant cent ly tue ilîneisa ut lier noothen Mis. Mont. Dr. Tbumpaou n ta euh uliget to nuse lis eruitches, an îLe resuit of a tati, wilie s praine tînLis sute. Mr. Horman Melville, of Evauston canme up 6u attend tLe tluerat oftlbts ltte epbiew, tant Huuday. A meeting of tue W. C. T. :.vulîl le fielt GSttruystato tueaday siternjoon sud eveuing. Soutse front lituseil aujl attend. Mrs. E. 4. Meille sud daugbten Berdolîs bave'returneottifrunta viit wîtb trienda u tChiagoansd Etigo ester, III, 'iwu DeW buildtings bure, a vare. bouse fon Mttssna. Blackburn anti Duwao anti a larueasabfolifor Mr. houspouii. Mirs. Johsn'TaylorIo eniterts.lnlng lier latter Mn. Crawiord, oft ranid lu.tauti Nebo.lie la u Lis Wa3 tuOhio tu usakte au extended viâit. Lat llndsy afiernoon vattiseldth ie louerai ut Lyle Melvlle the lîtile son uto Mr. anti frr. Bort Meville. lTue boeaveti parents Lave tue syoupattby ot ail. The briglis, sUunly uttle face vill lLe inflati by every une, Next Friday evenlng Bey. Corey, ut Necosisa yul delîver a lecture ai tise NuaseilIl aptist cisurcli. NIa oublios «litiLe. "Leruot of aIL evilasu t i effetiton character. After the lecture tise ladies yl serve ton ureans aud cake. A plenaant sud profitable irneis expecieti. Every une couse sud eIII oy hs. ThsomsnTinrman, deputy aboertifof Troy, Mo., masyaif everyone lai tie 1ulied States absouti discover -..te virtuaof DeWit Wtcb Haszel Salvis for piles, rectal troubles and atmn distase, tise denanti Couti mot Le supplled. F. B. LoVELL, Libertyville J. B. BaACHaR, (luruse; F. L. WEsTEJ- MAN, Noctefeller. Messrs. H. Davllu anti A. Tveed vene Wantegsn visItera on Itiiesdtay. A number ut mn are vorking ou tLe Wisconsin Central tailroati gnat- lng antiratstng tise track vhlcb vwiii Le a greati itpnovement. Qiatite s number trous Fox Lske atteudeZ tise funenal ut Mns. Chaties Blnut, ot Grass Late, Tnoatiay aofilat oveet. Tise hurlai vain luthe Fox Lake ceînetery. K-oo Dyspap&as Cure complnteiy Idigeats foot vithin tise stonacis sud I italstlDes anti rendors ait classes of foodi capable ai bluîg auatiilatansd andtissune building aubstances. p. B. Lovuî.x, LlLertyviile;i. M.SBa.icaa. Ou&", y- L- Wmms maiu a OoUore WARREN. Miss Cona Austin, of Grayalake, visitait friands bers ibis veek. Supervisar Svayer vu ln Waukegan several dsys laut veet on business. Quîtesa gooti nunsier of aur W. C. T. U. ladies attennlditthe convention ai <rayalate lut Tuesay sud report s fine ie. A. N. Dîctaun, of Milvaukee, visiteti hoe vits relatives rciètly. Hia nnpliev, A. L. Wiibnr acconspanîed ihlm bomne, vialtlug a feu, days lu MdII- yankee. The telepisone lion@Las been extend- ed iise e trous Lamba Corners to Oiransge Hall Corners sud viii Lie ready for ose ln a tevtisys. Tise 'phone viii Le put lu CLan. Wilbur's rosi- donce. Justice Wtthur mayail you vaut ta gai niarrleti, telepisone. Our populan nudertalgear, Cihas. Lamb amye if you useit bis services ha bas t@le- phone counecilon sud Cali serve yon op short notice. Wbile Dr. .lansleon, lent but Dot toest, Msy& if yen viii telepisone bis lie vili try sud taep you avay fionstise undertaker. Guoy Bactuasbas beau vialtlug roi&- iveas ber tise puat eet. HoebLas t gradustati iroge a Iav sohool in lova aud ve suppose halie ii bang out bis sbluglo lu tise ne»r future. Carl Lamsb vbo graduated irons s Chicago Lav seboei neffently vus Ligist honora la anotiser one of 60,0 ut Warren'@ enterprising youni mon anti vo beapeak for bots of thoengeutte- men a brigbt future. Lest but Dot toast in Lonule Putter. vbo gratinstes iront the Wantagsn 111gbh choot tial veet. Ho delivers the onation Chate day. ____ G LEN VIE W. Elîna (lutior isnLhome tfr s iov tisys. Wîli Hach ispropariîîg tWbuilti a bouse lu 60wu. Mn. J. A. iluteilngh la liavlng munie repuirlng due tu iesnonse. Misa Bertha i>rawbtt. inenjoyiug s two veents vacation l i im!onsinà. Mr. Thumas Joues, 0f Part itRidge, visitent rotatives iu the (len lasi tintiay. A mgrawberry festival vasfiseldit thîe Laine o! Mr. Wttt Andeirson Imm& hatun- day aiternun anti oveinng. A gouti Lime vas reportati. Lent Maturday the question of in- corporatiug (levview osas &gain voteti upon andi carrîsti Ly a vots, Ot tlity- "tue tu titty.oso. WLen the usatter camie up ti u oas ago tg vasmtic atesi loy sa umî msjonisy. Misa Belen Burson anti Miss Esther MeOili cluoot a auccemtl ynar ut achuol lu Uloev i éâWednàedy vltb aIL day pieute lu W. L. Huicsna grove. Tise day van permect, pteuiy ut swings, temonade anio oud ililuga tu ta& matie it sa iccbmdil day ion tLe aixty happy ebldren viso camse to apeuth e day. A briof pruograu vas roissiereti loy the chldron tneur tise The Nortbfinld township tiuuday scisoul sun fu a ieldi a tise UoLgregatsoiis cureb mwhil Utouview tant Frliday evontng. Prealdeut (Jeu. Kieng prolideti. uly a fuir uusLer voie prenant. TL. peuple uft tit tuwnsisip are no& spprecîatlng tIhe Hiunday achoot as &beyugisi.Letn nlot forge&t ta Hstiua sou la tise gresatnaiolfor thse tevetotoment of ssLsracter. itelptul atitroea v ere made Ly Nov. Herrict, utfHlerniervtille anti Stuart Murbeati, of Chicago. traveling agent for »Chocim laitCook Connty. Mr.(ieo. Mlest van re-lecteti Preaideut anti Misa Lîzzle Moirer, Seeretary for tise Comng jer. W. M. GatisagLer, of Brysu, Ps., amys "For tny eura f have trieti varions cough ifsedioez One Minute Cough Cure ta Lest of aIV'fit relelve lu- stautiy andi cures ail tisroat aud luug troubles. F. B. LoVELL, Libertyville J. R. Baàciitit. (luruote, F. L. Wga@aos- MAN, Ruettolter. PAL.ATIN E. Mri. Paddockt vîsiteti friands lu Lîbertyvle aven Hunday. Misa rndes it vittug Ler fnieutia lu HamsLlre for a feu, veta. Martia Tisas rous Elgin vii noy beor vacation atiLhsme lu eluns tirove, 'lTheMisses Tisa vli attend Camp Meeting Lotti lu Barrîuigtou thia weet. Mine Dora Psorep came homne tu vieit anti vaa s eicosne guies ithustils I Monday. The Missmes M. i',îuam anti N. Forgior aitentint a vodding lu Arlingiou Nieiglitas 8iindày. Mr&. linavlisanti Mn@. 40. SHiti attendes thîe Calup Meeting tn llarrtngtou Sîîntiay. Mr. anti Mm. Hîsusa anti Mrs. Sînlt fruns Chicago vere guents os! Min. il. Scbîording'a aver Huuday. Mi"a Clans Harrison of the LigL achool wbo grad'iatea this yesr. vîli apenti ber vacation vitL neisîlves anti frienda lut Canada sud tise Est. Thore ta a time for ailt tLuga. The time ta tate DeWItt'a Littlae arly Rtimers la wLan yon are suiferiisg trons consUatliu, Iiliouanu, siek beaud- acise, Indigestion or other stonsacis or liven troubles. F. B LOVELL, Libarty- Ville; J. Il. BisÂsun, lUrne; F. L. WBSTxlsMos, iRockefeller. Mi d'o e. LONG GROVE. The test day ot sChooufinsfritay June 29. Fred Lad Lis Lest girl oui Sunday evontng. Mr. Hoehi vent tututohîe-City lest week one daty. Even tLe Oli foike are getting the bicycle Craze. 8. Rundier sud tamily vlitet i a J. P. ititzeutlàaler'aS ntay. The Mystic LotigeLidl]W moutisly meeting Saturday evenng. Misa Etina SsiarLa staying vltb Mnru. Ranz, Wbeeliîtg, for a vent or tvo. Nov. Siierle ta entertaiug bis aister ant isiacousin irons Louisville, Ky.- John Heckertaveiler vas ont troin the City onuHoaîday. Tisai la wbat tisa people gay. Dr. Mollet raul ovar a bliyeliat Suit- day, asussehetioiwvieel sud sertotisly Injuret he bicyctist. The acboui titrectors bave doue a Consuendabte deedti u iauling moule vravoltluto the scbiool-yard. The Famous Morris Chair Can be quickly adjusted to any position that best suits your comfort. An Ideat Chair; a chair that has proven a wonderfnl success. You'iI thoroughly appreciate the finish in which.we show them. Cush ion reversable, covered in a good Velour. A handsome and artistic piece of furniture, but one that greatly contributes ta your comfort. This $8.oo Chair for only $5.Q. WiII Knigge, Rockefeller - - - . Illinois. RIGOLO, 19762. IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION. Tho above borne lauiieti Ly lb..Waîîcî,tla iàVrs'lîiroiu lsi 'si s andau vili makte LÉason ai points u itamvitsity i-Hu us Ianr ris grîv su s tssr, ant iLas tise blooti ansîlLina ofithe ibasosi l'enioîstîsltî' us lrs.uss le us abo)ut 1801) Iboveigbi, anti ot perfect iluru. Leiîîg anstoi:o,tb ssii a ti.rtiîglàlired. viie bi& disposition la withîout fouit. QUEBEC, 2147. WIIONT 1370 1OIJNDs. ianponted French Coech Staitun. Uwiietiby- Wauconuda Coacbh Horme l'o. Ti fUe Lorse tyilmakthîe seausi tn Company vitb Russoî, ,andîl atis can uov Le eaenn 4t ieir (jtsîarters, ut Frank 'rhumas fans, near (.imuer, 1t1. 94nsobec, one of the fluent stailios anar broughiteuibis couîntry, vas ltu- porteti Ly tise laie M. W. Diuhaus, anti vo have yet to heur a borsnsauî linti any tanli ln Lins. Ne 1l a Mabouy bay lu colon, andl Lia dispositionlsatsof îLe bàigheat tiegran of equite gentleinnsm. IloiL borse@ are onietiiy cotiàpartles o! tsnmers saiidIiirséeiîîn, viii> itit the patronage o! breedeos Caliland sec tiiese bigtu lre làtlion eîîsl h-arn terma. Tha foloving Moande are for tbe epriiig isculîsus 189. MON DAY- At Diamnst Lake. TUENDAY-At home WEDNESDAY nlgbt anudl lursstay morniug At Ira 8îsisils taro), Iltelseun Vobo anti Feemont Conter. TEirtitDAY nignt anti Frtday iorning-AI, Il. Werîten. vsot ssi %% auvs.da. FRIDAY nigbt asuiti airtay Ai TiseLatemisie isarn ls in WatisOiliS For further particolar caitI on or adàIîlean, FRANK THOI1AS, Manager, GILMVER, - - - ILLINOIS. DEERFIELU._ A surpenter n. lissis Cssigss 8 hin îstt i ng a aite cii k os tihe issi. niie uofMat Llzzie Fouis vas honteeifités]Elgin Ht)iîretr'n. 'r1,r linAiil. Istînday. Jases Woodsaziî vas boreitat veetltt)niLiuenl'Parkim n lisig lIiproveil yuL bt haall issi'netc. snt in Isa îein anti put in lis applcation tu jotîs tise îîg a favsrlte ne.. st us sei H. ut B. Guna Lange boasgone Lu Wantegi. Manieis lîssliamsuis s'uî.rv sisi tîor He ln prescription rienktlu au irriga- tbe utantl w- ui..lir liergnuisem tion joint. atioiendl iàss i besîr î,ist sti ChrnsBoisson Jr. ahot tirelf as- tidagei 1w.5 dnnty vhite playlng wvus a gun IMonl- 'Thie 4thil stlibe c e.'iruteî lisere. day aighi. Thoeo sit lisc110 îsîu ssMialîle Mna. Lucy Mubiko, o! Racine, vasiaitracc liiîgitlii.' tsy.l'iris orksirta ber niaiser'a Mis. lluirtianfon tco 1)gbi t Pss's arks. day ibis vont. ila.k Masria asol lreossMetalthiLe Theebhanses vitI Le orketi ont ate sîslidt..trsoi leri thle 4t lu dayaitaornuououub.iftrsct. Pnteudee îtv sî-r, tasi getuîsig uf t.. tn ai tLe sport are Inviteti, 2 P.ns. wnerm itiesraîsnerusi sugs! sa We are piessed to sae Walter LeClean Wliît alî,t . rust teisspsrlary aroarid agaiu alter a long speit lu the roliet frnt piles ssit a cure ii ta ty Preabyterlan ilaspitaIChicfago. cure. DeWltt's 'stitcb Hazel.-Have Mr. snd M».. Jus. Pyle, a! Chicago, curýe piles andti iny stmy éumed.. . B are .pending a mv venk ta bar honLvEEL, Libertyvitie; J. a. 55ACUUU »esie r. Miré. chni Ae. us;I..WMT M&N8jiU. ROCKEFELLER Libertyvil le, ir Il d

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