?WIB NDMPNDENT. PRAI4K 1H. JST. Edhta. VaNnÂT, loune 30, 1899.Mr hUai. e scFF.-Mr5 ater (or th stai det the. int-rruie t ILlbrtyville Mde.tu fodmor oU osaa hleo &IDVMMTINO R»Tas MAtiR KNOWN ON àPPLI' t- yem CATION.LL.Mrs. Me HAN S IL.AUCTION SALE. M orril. WAUCONDA. Hurrah' ror the Fourth! rhe undersigned Adminimtrator oi Mr. an pied wynkoop, of Woodtoi ,sPeut Ueo. Marshall la criei nfthe rail- the estate oi Thomas Coper, deeeased msovedt ilt sbunday huie. roaders. vii at-Il aet Public venuîe etilelie Avenue t!i Un. Ladd lae tertaing guieNts Misses (irace ifattersali and Frances restiîieuce of deceased, Ronckefeller, MisasNt to Chicago. White vere Chicago visîtors Tuesday. lstardsy Jîîly 8, 1899. cirmueueliig at sveaiwe WgwSoda people viii celebrate ecisc CM. Cleveland halis barulnoa1j2,30 onchickp. in.. sharp tie inllowilig liio ,arbtreJUIyF th. nuto thie site of the nid * o d. property: lamy mare, M years oni.; r.Fr betead euincrut wagon, u.intber wagon, toi) Jme haaady store. tbe old Taveru fixed rai for a remideuce barrow, light mingle liariiese, ltev!visft, ste!t y. L. Car moyed intibts nleu, bouse sud bordlug bouse. alugle hiaruesh, leather Ély net, bornre A girons the aval of teleeîl)aniket, Scott's <drag. corn drag, here atte AbsureLiteal estate lauithiehonni. Mnudaysy livel drag, suèlky cîltlvator, 2 Crtiîversle* Mms Della Wckwlre, of Oak Hill, JO wtucsscd the sale nf C. 1). Smitbis diamnud tnitb iitivatnbrs%, iit-be d oeciig. vwminlg ber mother. Ms. Kluwlu. store building to Mr& E. Riebardson, freine sud senti. 5 etrds ofi vini, eni.k Miss Sil Parlimfront Chicago have rentcd i OfVolO. stove, lard (-oui Leter bndue oni il teacb thti th. Jobuseo bouma for the siulmer. Al kinda of repaira are golug onu. st(ve. 111-ft diiig tablle, ý2 iventer yi'ar and1 Kru. A. C. Hill aud chîltîren, of Hurrah for Huliesvilllc! the la t,. tables, dnzeiî chairsi, 2 ariliî rliairs, Avon (a Chicago, are visîtinE relatives here. bave a uew breecli loariug cannn lu roeklug chair, :1 bedrooin seta. 35 yds. r.l Mrt. sud irs J. M. Fuller etertaitd a short time. cerpet. Langiîg lamp sud other ltemps, MT.R lusUhrfotLibertyvilla Suîîday. rn set diî,bes, wilie Press, refrigerato?, srrîved li BonneY oi our honorable ctizeus are 2 dozen frit ensm, 2-gallon iment jar, tj' lienk1 0. W. Pratt and A. R. Johunon ere czertlnq their Mr.tp r ecag onaI~bhnibrlcrI ri re strail le *k vmitrsIb fistnitb vek.tAe rgh4A wy ni thc railrnad, tu the alrayer, 2 lauders, gerrdeiîtools. toriks, 'l'le l'a, WillJle Syder and C. A. Golding. (f nnrth aide ofi towii, but it evldeitly sliovels, rskes. axes, boea, cavsanadî Mrs. E.B Chicago, spent Sunday lu Wauconda vill be s filtire, so rest coiiteuted, other t;o 1s, liesirles îiîsîy itbeýr articles tbire bli L. M. Hil, of Chicago, speut Stîuday fîieîîds. too ni-roins tu mention. considereg withbis aren,04Mr. nd Ms. R C.Txiems c0FSAiLE Almumnio $10 and, F. 1). Balt IlithhmpratM. u Is.l. DIAMOND LAKE. undfie cah. Oiiiiiiîimiver $10 s redtit M r. Lau A Medicine show @peut s week lu Tire Lomond Lake Cemietery AN- ni nue year wilil fivenion ,gîid faîily i tii place. It dcpsrted hlnuday soclation vill meet the airt Iihis a ukelîle iiiitem lerriug ill~ier ("-lit They cooi nigbât. lu Ju ly witlîLMira. M. Andrews. 1 LîîerLt Ni) go<iil to lie reioved inl the fai Frenn fl1rîti etîclfor. lits faml Mmu». i1tter sud F-e-m--- (i Elgin, miade Win. Marbie s short visiit Tht Lous De.Scas ha cuires vith .. W. ('onerli. Aiuitrator Amonlî rnaeday 15-. MZile EV 1ATR eyU. W. H. AiiLEy, &iitoieir. :17-2t onlîs, a. C. HUillveut to Wsikegaii witb K iebker, two loiofn furnture for tIr. sud Mre. hall. Thur Mima Ieons Golding la tha guest oni ~MrT Wo mime Rotina&lReynolds.on i cHienry, at imlrrie ai pirent riing. here boer Mr. ud Min. <Aodwin sud soi#, of, ad eit NAer açuiaA - Mlr. sud tMr& N. J3d.sî Dom e îcenly. Mnuday. Mr. a»d lire Lester Morse sud vere no r. daeghter, of Librtyville. elleilunu ngrati ieelain Ibis place Saturdsy. bten, Fnl F. Young and faznly came froîn the yei ba 0117 SUuaiidy sud wil occupy thier rmh cottage onlt.esat ide of the tare.1eV;.Dy Jiu. Monagban. . W. Pratt, J..fre Maillan sd Mise Elolse .lcuks have iqew lavai swings, ftiuisbed lîy M. W. Hugli«e. Ilium. E. (itynrh la gettlug tiei Mmdcv Via, sommer raaort ready for The Knga Daughter il give ai hOln1 lava mcli aeAbshehomle of Mis ,C. L. Praou n tuîday avaning Jn17 . Ailý WhieF art invifted. Salt The Bnrrlck entertaiunt vasnOut Blitter C eselargel attendeai mAt ahnild have Ye-. Nt .Ca bee. Thoaeattendlflg report su ("i FI excellent progiani. i rirsolis) lllreI.lrirl rjl.s-îhrlo b. i îrl*î.îoîîrr.L- 1 ai The ieitalwhlch as gîven lit the Iin 1,..ý-rf.-rt limb., vithi, grrr.,119nn irgotm. A-r iiàIrrl W.l rl r.-I , iir-.î'-i. bMeus Fi M9. . cburch ou Saturday eveniug (f lîialm lrirînlrt ste,...,i riiye- -.il- r..IlirtIier- i 1, "f14. (riinb hli liaiwmek by Prof. BSasis A clis a I'.ir-,lr frîrs- 1 by iHir-ru,-54m , r1 w.ti.-j .1Hr, s i î tirly velsatendet. Those whndid ii h2t:25. Hir--y 227. Hiý--ýtili 229, trrr. Eliî-r 22. Itan-li ýo, .1-rih . -ý , l mot attend rainuai Ouni Ofthe hat TIre rîrlu, rnHiru, rtN- l -lcrîy. a r-rîr,-îni.-tr i- ýI b1 ,y t.- iik,i.1,5-I~ i *ntairtaitimeté eve? given lu WsLu- ',ioloi- was sIn-d lv th.- reirwrîerl (r.NrMIlCrîy. i.--. sihun. Mini--. h, 81a. v,, The Apptite of a Goat. I2i'vsr lgîyih-r-' slîr-rand r-filir-.12- i-lr 1¼.I,.- -l- 8~Sv.S-1d 2()s4 anrd ,.- d2ii I h -I hn,,u -d r, 5-- I-i liir Iu d.-î iIl -i-nd. la le evled hy ail pour dyspeptica sir, or M.,,I SJno. n--niN innf tlbgri-i.--. -".oirni-,i. whSe tomscb sudlilver are out ni order. Ail snchb eould kuow Aat Dr. TERMS-$ 1 5 to inaure live colt. liU@Ne 4w Lite Pilla, tbe vondeiful lcmaoh and iver îemedy, ve0 C A P LaV splendid appetite, suidigestionanC.A P L Y a reglar bodlly habit At insmures peraeet helaliand grest energy (nly Owner, 26o e . B. LovajLibelhrtyville, 0. B. Ttoxesox, (raylaka. Libertyville - - - - - Illinois. H I i THE PFAIR. SPEC-IAL OFFERIl!l We bought of Halloway Bros., of Brocton, Mass., this week--60 pair of $4.00 Sample Shoes in Tan and Black, at 55 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. We wilI place them on sale Saturday morning at -A PAIR $250 A PAIR - - Sale will last until ail are Sold. Received this week a car load of Mason 's Jars that we witI sell at wholesale PINTS, Per Dozen - - - - 35c QUARTS5, Per Dozen - - = - 40c ONE-HALF GALLON, Per Dozen - 55c THE1 FAIR. 0. . WYNN, MANAGIER,. - - - - - -- -.v. Ir d f à GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. Mots. 0. B. CiluiBMAN ,Lmcmldter. mliernialuîiia atîthorized An reeaivea sbcriptionsaud advertlsmients tie INOIlPENDENT altCoordera for Job PTintlng. Cail OU ber for rates. eîý bas gole Atribe? home lut An t speiîî lier stimulmer vace-t erton h-inltil. nifHBelit, Win., guicat of lier muther. MrN. and Mrs. Orson WaLshburn ti Abair îîev hbouse nMapia te past week. Ncilie (lodirey insspanîling eek's witb ber cousin, Mis ofWaukegan. Pradeuhageu nd s ter. Misse i bave gone te Michigan! nu a Altng Tuesday. t nialiy Yong people froni tendevi tbe rîuce Il, John a* uew lbarn lest Frldaày1 iveriil lias been eugagad iAn -b oon Lake t-on he- comlUR 1 Mrs. Sherwod lii ea,'b the iter shiiol. ioblusoii. ruil li Ati A'Win., blet Monday wlth lixtures for kend viii (open for business lu igaK furnîture store. adaile'Ahi Society met vIAL B. Siierin lest Wednesday, .ng a gond ettendance, veather rti. NexA nmeetinîg vItL Mis. ahn, ofiAllcego, vislted bis lu liaiiivilla, st ceeS. itemplate movlng tAn Clilcago il, notIr. Lavairu maY bave1 y viAh hlm. gthuîse viii, eîit AnChicago esa lest Mîrîday vere Mesurm. TClevelandrr, Dr. Brovu. Batter- îmusoîî and Sbrîrîiiau. 'l'ey Bibussinera mi-ls trahi, îood-r, chi ,is.crrkiiig ifr AI and Who liîd Lis fatîîllv onît qrîliug vti, Mrm. Moille hl to mnve oult liere permsiitly lt tir (ieago frtatturpose Inlsed ilaât rbiiroaav. Thore i-lonsiig ,xrri.- beat ,lug îîslting rsc.MissahaY bas àigerl ýt,,(crh tielower riînm jr, but as (i-r-er fo i,?Ai, lPPer s nt yet Irîcu procîircil. Drew, of larmilngtii1, 111. anti resto? et (bis plac- bas beau lu g e i g t the llauten daye andtiocCetîîd tbe pulpit aAtlut SinîIlYssMeetingst, duriig the absence of 5ev. Fredetîbaz ei!. Bic many olti frinde vers glîîl to @sesbhlm back. Mir. Wood raturnedtu Anbis homle In Simuar, Iova. Mondmy after a vigit;iii Reveral veeks witlî oui frieîîîs aud relatives boe. Ha. mIid tra. Wood hbu balln liIMont ni Abs Aime Mince living thoras anîl cousetiitiy dtinsliait ilke it as vaGl as (Irsyslste. We publiis ibis veek a four page suppleiient An the 4-U5AYSLAXI< co- PENDEFNT, COntaliling the re6vîseti enî conaoilated rrdinauca-F niof tii IA village, as In required lîy lac. Keî-p ynîîr stipplaineut for future raferPtîce Extracoi-naes t.sîilie basl at ilieriusu1 jewelry store. c. . H lerinan, oi bibertyvîliesîuit 14r. lamarre. t if elicgo, vere laver t, Tayier Lake lmlsig Mdoaay. Tbey1 didt tcatch auY, theY wvesvery truthfîîl Ili saYluig, but lAvas he flate ni Abs other iahleralu i s atisutiey bail rompany anti coumaeitiy feit comifortei Vhs Junior Endeavorers lad a pieue lu Waukegan lest Saturdsy iu coplu!au wlAb a uîuuuber niftther Junuiorr Socisties. Tbey veut ove? vlth Abîir "echer, Mis@e acihn îIn a hsyrack, Sud jîurilg froM the utîise hey malle vers h-rougbly eujoyiiig It. lbh- aspensi.a vere ilefrayecl frîîîîîthe priiceedls n1 tue sale anfIvie Cri-siunut Abs W. C. T. tU<îrîiveiitlîu. I.ssA Sîînday a. in.(OrlanîdnolHî-hiardi soîn reteclvet the e Rill ievs iatheblg muother paoheed sway vsiry Msiilleul.! nt the bhleaine fber dîiiugbfr. Fort I1h11 She hail bal] the meuglsi'2, sud cas luet aidle tir lie abolit again vliei saie vas auuldei iy sAittelà iii fîî-rrul servir-es cere beid lnuich birlut ir-brui lnîle Riur the (Granut Ceitîry frielsy vbere labo ws blai ta) reNt. tMr.s'i liria.Iticlierds<în havI thAbs Ytnptbies Holiday Excursion Ratase. on Anulîîy I t, 9td, 3'l andurI4111 the Wisconsin Central L.lnes ciii seli excursionlitcke-ts tir iii unpoi uAriti >ilts lisevlthiiu a radiuis rf 20011 iui talliîîe aloil;,ne thirri fare for the rorli tripj là i ite<l for rettîrn passage to ndî lucluding Jiilv 5, I89It UCK BOTTOM URICES!!! 1l'epper, plire, par lIi b -1- Fish, per Il)b . ... . . .. . . . .. . ..04C -rets, l)oor ln<rks, ech ..b....Oic irîrir, per irottie .... ... 03c 'ake .. ... .... .. ... .... ... .. ...O ic un-s' Hi-lAs, hec, frrîr5virtir Ficl StrsW Hats 2'e to 'i east Wit, i-ack lirîlur se owing me book accounts wilI Pl and settle the same as I need the n to make improvements made necessary by the ad- vent of the railioad. Geo. Battershal IIESVILLE, - - - APTAKISIC. GLENVI Scho-1 loîsi-ti ist Fridsv citb a Miss Lînlu iuu tztltr Soil.iclil, u(of ciiwer (lrnve, cas hi-ee Miss Fvuu tstnl s iast trlnlay. astuler vac-atioîn. Fritz tn agauli ut bis <ndid osAbehluuu litirs. (ens-uts-r eutn tbe t!iurîtet Am suite ail tj.e boys binnfrrnm (hinagro u i sSu hlmniwrli.me. tIrs. iarttiîg ba i tirs, Wilîugsî i-lit Airilionmiugttil mentet tibr lîrrue i ]ami veu-k lui i-nipeny cith berdaugbter veny uiesselut iay vas Helei,, tir siAil-55 tue grtduatlng 'llie -Epcrrtiî beam eteruisea tlucre. Miss Jeluiie Wtilgam pleanalti soruail la-rt Fri lisjiîg ursîl iOi the gradmisîca. the bLulne iOf tr. Ncls.i tIr Weidlur loias muved ihic ane niftrogers l'art, s sîstei bouîsei icarîrto ti lui, tore malri ciii as amuitg thîse luieso- rebute the ui tIn und s c rouvert l Iiti, t Miss lua Millet livuig romm. Whon eays Aptakisie Hiteihigauit anîil tut grircu We get a littie btoom psrenits, Mr. udtIrs. Oneiiinachut.lPrairtuew an aumli i i-itb lias agiifat ciimue uni Our Trîpp, rf Half i iy, las] oinein msittlera L.ast i-linuay Jonî Wutch for? a urgran 0108 bsiututuirbisglsein t Lis home lui hi- I-liiilay a-blnr Chiffln r Ile- cas wr-il klîîîuc îu bre as' FinrAi, -Wi- une luunrj fe iiiveil ArrCicagoiluit rer-entiy. of hall. a msteà-hî-ninî Hîs rt-yuni,îs ere urrrught here udl ennli. a hile rOt- anim taken tnu tle IBuffalo (ito5t cei!etary. aiready arraugeoi for. were (bey cure lnterrcd lusAide bis îiletiviec imla mm1 vufe cliii iedtoulitAa fev Mntha ago vllagt. euijnrt Themoirely lîereavedoiiilati- yearîu. tliîriîîgh their virAs i-r have (lue cympaithy oN tleirniy nId Ai! la chat ce wa fn-unis here.-------------------------tie iln Clorions News. (rumes irnîn Dr. D. H. (Cargile, of1 Walita. I1. T.ie crutes -" Four brutAles <f Eiecric IBitters lues cuIreti Mrs. Ilrewcr nofsurounls. dur-ic bas <-li-lb-r gret suiferiuug fous? ji-Si. lentilîle cres cnuîld break nutnu ber hlsSud face suri hi- lust dîsetons voillu give nu bell!; hut ber cire ta coruuîîete aud ber heatlhiAs exeieut. Ibis shuîwa chat thousatuis ahave proved- talatElec trio Bitteraslan(lie bient biontl i urltier kiiovu. Ilas Abs sltuirenie remeîly for ezema, tetter. mîlt rbeiim. uluers, boitasud rnuuiug @ores. lA stiuîuîiateslilver, kiiueusuiatI Ixicu-Ise, exii-la lînicolis, helps ligestion iîîiàids up (lie trougtîî. Oily Sîlceltt. Siriti iy F. . LOVELL, Lihertyville. O. . iiom'stoN. Ormygiaka. l-llhWay Commi*Ssonera Report Fremont TowuahIP. Statenut of M. C. Wrtz trasutn 0f (lie 1111=i wruynouias5iil uint unIt owuillni nn.îruuI'. buihu Cwril vyIll.. sîînllth--b aniiiu ncrivr.d uuiri rstvend-rl inylilir ilirliàbng in- lIn-nnl v-ar -i tiioc Mnrnthi28. Issu. l'. aiM. C i. ¶810,. Iilir u( lîlscrl virrvn 1-is-tajnl ici-un inn hx-fomn-s tilt1, 1'4U&. Mur(nisIs, Jui.ti-i I ir luî J'aCr.. Marr. 29 A ri nîîli n r iil - 1 n A,.#. %mr, u ina.l-r.di .1 .crn ,, In Irir. i nncrn rrrliî-lir C.Il. Sra. iii ni R24 t. [ln-nias ........s - bn.1 C »'Iin.set. dou ta ?......13& If uii Wccl au iîuîînrpr girontiiug; if crot crtaii!Iy corse thai vaulin 10Party piitii- Discoveroti by 04C' SOC' lIease caîl noney ULEARING NALIL..IEE Wishing to close out our stock of Millinery, we wilI re- duce the prices nearly one-haif regardless of cost. baia$.IA salior Rats aet .... . .. .. - -......... 125 .. ...7 Chlldreiia SI 041 Tnîmmet Hat ts ........... 0 Ail LadiessTrimineti Bats at est, bails f50C scia'ries ......... . 15 - $1.001 Kid Uloves, aIl aias andl colora ........3 Spectl Ladies 25e Brcs sud l'ies ... .......li Royal Worcester Corsets .... . 1.... .....1i Balls cors§et.... .... ..N 0. i). l'erfocAlnu Corst .... ............ 89 sommuuer iCorset .. ...... .. .. ... ..3 Mensa Lilht al-vool $3-00 paute i.......875 F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. Waqtces .. ... Prices are advancing on watches of ail grades. Now is the time to 8 buy. 1 have them--aIl prices. Jiewelry.se 0f every description. verwear cheaper than you buy as good in Chicago. Sul- can JEWELRY, WATCH AND BICYCLE REPAIR WORK PROMPT- .LY ATTENDED TO.. E. B. SHIERMAN, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. Railroad Talk ILLINOIS.1 But our talk is a money saver. IEW. 'NOTE THE FOLLOWING: wsni blî îe Siili I lb gond (olyse ..... ..... lui 12 bars gondl Wasbîng Birap Z5 m Iirnuii oiuilier 8 boes Mmiii- City Srsp .... Irtinliierieu-ins ' the Airi Society ..Abgrdcini i he ct I i iiislay. A . . . A bgr d c ini i h ~ui- gve viry A lot of samples in Men's. Ladies' and lniy eeuîîîgetChildren's Shoes and Slippers. ali Mrs. W b, A iev lot i libis at per yardî........ sr an sd tirs. ist ci-et. îi rf evets fuît ien that a gaulîe ru of d<lrlheta s caki- waik, are y iii tlie rt-ieute said!' !utit <sult.' Let the ftie urîice-mau Il nA tîîîî ni-if. iriition illîîy lie a îgiy rîîn, it la tu nothiug We m bee. a Woman. AnoAhter great disci-very bas hîsen matie, sui tithAîîo, by s lady la! thîs conuntry. Dr-afatet tuics upon lier nuit for meven years she cltbstîrtîtiits severest tests, buA ber vital organswv.es ud,-rnîlneti sud îleatb sieemerîiminnlît. Frr Area montha abs tonîgierllnr-essaîly, surI cohiid notAsie-eh. Be 111511Yaliyrs- covereil s cay tt-irvtry. by pur. r-iuasiurg f lus a littltn ni Dr. Eluga Nec l)isconvery foîrecouituptiolu, anti cas ci. uuîcbrelleveil oui tatiuîg it dlose (t shMle sielt al uight: aRug iAit W) brttîlis bas lesu absolitely cured. Heri-nrue la Mra. Luther butz'. Vilus crites W. C. lianitiiiek ,l C., Shell)y. N. C. "rial lattiesa Nts lttu. l. LOVELN., Libertyville, (; i. H. uclý-- mON, G(m! lt. lAtgular ize 51Wsud~îu $Lo 04 -vcylottie gliaruutetil. Cucumber Pickles ,Siiotîlil lie plaîitcdl fr om June 5tlî tii .âmîe Q'2001 tr in ii re gnii< (Jmnp. Contuituts atndl Peil t-au,'lie lud itîl NIt. 13. Colbîy & Co's. R. W. STAPFOnRD, Libertyville, 111. (29 JuIy 4) issuz t There la sa ime for ail Abilugat. Vhe is iilrn-rrn nrirl-.ba ... M3548 Me ieAn Otake l)eWiAAs Litlte Esrly RiercciTULATION. Itisars inla ieu ytonare sufering iromn Auurînrîi u, Ianr$13-1i2.r dronstipatIon, bLlo u selk heati- --~~ ~ ..-.........--------.... h ambe. ludigesitiuli tir other stounaclu or T4.1 îalurusi- - - i lver troublas. F. B LOVELL, Liberty- Ansul eiXîîiuul urinuîtllfu r. sa:6, 70 villa; I. lR. Bxuu4. Hi, (umen; Y. L. BalaDcs un» baud -'à"52"1WIEOTESMAN, Aickefller. M. C. Wasi-z. Treaserer. Men's Suits at 25 per cent of good values. Mens and Boys' Pants, a large lot to select f rom. Children's Suits. Suits made to order. Pick out your sample now and have it ready, for the Fourth of July will soon be here. W. W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE. - - ILLINOIS. Times Its Price. . A R T W I acoke lest Iuight wlth nevere psu4U.oI VY lu My stnmsacb. 1 neyer lfit n bailiyjMANUFACTURER 0F lu ail Mv lite, Wheîî 1 came dtwu tir) work this moruing I feit an weak i criuld barrlly wotk. I cent to iller Marbie & McCîàriys drulastîrre sari tley recommeuuleti <'bsmiirin ,tis (iii, Chieirrasd Dlutrhîîca Iteuîeîy. It and wnorkatLike îusglc amdui in- lse lîxeri illucIngLA. It certailiy Jeta tilnîest Granite tbiîîg I ever used fur sttiiicb trroublet. 1 shah nîlt lie witbtîîii It Iin y hritueMonuments. hereaiter. foîr I shoulîlil not -ret ti enduire the stiferlugé,iof lest niîglît î,galu for lifty times ita priet- G if. CErF.TERY Wllsnîe, Ltiîr3'uaii, illiîrgtttsto wl,. Washlington Cr., Pae. Tlîla remerly WR ]is formseshy F. 1B. bovue.i., blîFIfty-WRI Ville, J. li. lilA<-HEII, tiurliîs, <IHrus- OF LAKtE Pl1iIAiY, (i. L. WEsvFiIMAN, Rtockefeller. JOHN MEILERu, IvIIIIIioî-FER Descrlptofn. LasA fali 1 aprained mny leit hip vbiie baudilug smne haavy boxes. T ha dioctîît 1 cailetiou sald i atirat lA vas a Cîresu..c cliit strain sud voititiacon ha veil, but lA grew corse sud Abs loctor Alien tiCer seiti 1 hall rbeuntiom. lA contintîcti p aSW inG....Si togrow vorse sud I couid bardly gi-t WAUXE441AN. Ili airound An vork. f vent te a driîg store snd Abs drngglst recommenderl mie An ry Chamileerlu'ain Bslai5 . I rlad Ilansdonue-bah nifa 60 2ent bottlî Ntice. curati me entiely. I nov reetimineuri Sîîîrdtrv I Jirrll..uîne 25,11 làrrrnue it An ail my friands.-F. A. Babrrock, vas tîîrr,,îil iîrr,-y îrauîre. ti iugzy Erie, Ps. lA Asfoi sale byF. B.LovELIo, bînesnl riiitukt4 i liîg lait Libertyville, J.A. BaAcHRnt. Aunies, iv r....irln. rîrîineau haive sîllue hy G;BAyaLAxi PUaitmAtiY, F. L. WZIdTEu- pryiugchllagi- iaîl ileîtif.viiig saanie' MAN, ItoaoesUer, Jouxt MEiRLu, Cees. Lonrmtu-î, N-,rth-eamt Liberty. Ivanhoe. ville. 38&1 Mien" ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 1 1 1-1, 1 é4d 1