Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 7 Jul 1899, p. 2

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V 7' INDEPENDENT. FRIAK ILJuST.7, 1899. SUna"ut mitii Post-offlîuat lurtytîte &,VUnUiUO aSAT38 MADE ENOViI ON PPLI' RlIVn Butter Markt. Buter on the £lgin board Mondayà vuauIt a tIlle; offerîngi. 142 tuba: @ia Stuba. Butter tast vee Mmrne, e a yjea go 16c.t What Matcou a Town. The commerlcal spr t s aptace la ehal asahesuanti mtains a town. If ft5tUf expect a goond market for tbuli produce, they muât patronîse theïr home mrchanteantid nol pur. ohma thaîr supples of malt order houa. n tar avapctIbla. TIteq nckeat Uap 01 i.preaalng propertp, ejîber reai slais or permonat, lu auj town, lu tat. c kling the ovu, la for farm- es.mati vltager. 1go do their tradlug .i5whare. A tovu muet have the patronage <ut 1h. uandting country lu order to matalaUi IDe prestige anti positionsa. a commetnt place. The growth of a"lorder boum asabeau somthlng gueuarable in the. past titres or four yeurs, mati no on kuowa hetter tuant lb. country mercatiatenov, deeptye MIhqore cutilg tut the rural traiter aad tepu.salng proparty values.a lactut ofpetitng their money et1 home, ubere Il helpa 10 builti op thelrt lova. peule menti thei mouey 10 Chi- tmq0. o clmhere, untier bhedtelnsioii t&M ihe o»nbey te gootis lbey needt -at vholle priemor aa cheapty me- '11.1w de" cra, ati thumnsate hat th"e eaider to be the midd)Lenmaii' pmàt. Granleti. ihat bbey do obtaln anme th,, ucheaper. va doubtif, u"mes the vbowe,&bey do auj btter byy buptuE %haïr tuff lu Chilcago Iban llîey Wi4 ddlaecnrta l; th t iuir homne o local marchanta. Thcy expect their local mrchante 10 tae %her butter, cheffle, eggs, pota. 1.0.matid other faim protincts, anti puy llhem te ic het marktlprlcea for lUm, but if thap wthholti thelr pu.ongc rom thaîr local maerchants, lh.p enanot reaaonabîy axpect that theft home dealern will do as vl hy theuxas 1h07 othervîse vonîti The t local marchant caunot lire sathout localpelvonae. They'caunot keepiup thir stock, ant i gîtacredit tb farmers cad pap their runing expensas, unies. 1hey hate the trate of the, people lu 1h.b*Iovuwns v hich tbay lite anti dot Mrchants aund farintrabsoutt pa- tronise cach olher ;âahouttibelp oach ohe,; ahouldt est a common juterast ln th. vea of ihir own, il tbey ex- pcct L0 lîve in a prosperona commun- îly, have thei town grov anti thal: àtarud mtivillage pmoperty increae in e Valse. Wc believe thal one great cana. of thie prasent tiapresalon of tanneai n fa"l. ofrmal estaie interettes la the centralisaton of capital. A f eu mcm arc trylng t0 du ail tht' business the. in lu thc country, inateati of dis- tu'buhlng itlaogtble many antigir. imageverona a chance of o)tmàiuing i The Tax Rate. Ont' tf the tir8t thîan that the tax- payer would like t, kîIow tii conuectiuiit wth the new asomament iaw, sapa thet' Bnomington Pautagraphli l how muehr taxes he wlllhave Lu psy, or,;lt other vords, what the' îew ratilo is ljI Ie. Wlth tht' rate and asseule vaijle tof bis properîy lu hanîmiec Cul)t'aslty ligutre ot what bis takxes wii lit' andt compjare thein wth thettotal ,,njiîr ti0t, olti lmw. The' city, township, aubjîtl board, conuty anti state atl deeide iptun their neeia anti ix uniuttivîîjtlirate accordinigly, sud tIiese severai ratones Whnu ttuatîzeti hy tht' Bute botard, mate tht' rate whichà the taxpayer la raquireti to pay. lerr'ttîfjre th., countp board has dettrmnîeî thet couuly rate t thejtly mierting, an i1 the state tboard Oas perfîtrînetitheté work 0feiquaiizatinii 8o that thttaxes voîtîti he exti'udedsnome tinje in Selpt-1 ember. Ata i anow tht' atheti jleafrtîîn the connty board of revîew arlit go ttî Springfield about September 7, andj the, Ktate board of equlizatîon 'titi complete its rorka andti txthethuaI rate about October 'JO. t wlit ie juat abont four ntlij efire the, taxîayer AUCTION SALE. 'thlie undersigneti Armlijtrafîjr 01 tht' estate of Thomnas Cooîper, dî'eeased wlt sedI at publie venuejt lattae resîtheuce tif decease, Iijt'tkefettt'r, Satirday J.liy h, 18W.>. ctinmueuelug at 12:30i o'elock P. Mi. shîîrp the fîtlîuwltîg protlerty: Bîuy mare, m years otît; deletras wagon. tumîner wagon, top buggy, rtîaj wagon, eutî'r, wiîeel' barrîîw, light aiigle tari.îsa, htary mingle liarnesa, leather ly niL, horst' titaîikit, Ilots tdrag, corn îdrag, mhîtrîl il rag. sulky ciltlvjrtor, 12 jîtamondti îoth j'iltuvattîrs, bot-bt'd frans uani ai. i5 etrdmla t orttl, î'Ook stove., Lard coal heater, binîe Idaie il tlîre. 104 t riulug tablîe, 2 îventer tabîles, i doiten chairs. 2 crin etîjîtra, rjcujg hair, :3 Leîrtîtîmsets. 35 yits earpet, Luianîg lump andti jther lampa. set dlttlii, .wtie pres, refrigerttr, 2 dotzen fruit cana. 2-gatloîî nient Jar. ton uitI a half of baril cîîl, fruit tree aprayer, 2 tatiderm, gartdon toots, forks, ahovels, rates, axes, lities, auws antI other tîjols, Ibeaides iîîaîy other artIcles totîlu tîrfàtotî 1iention. 'j 0S F SALF.--Al us ofa!$10 anti (iii sini@nto)Vi'r $10 a ri'dit of tînt' year wll lie gtvi'u îon got.i itaukatîle notes bearing 6 pjtr tcent literemt. No gotla tît tt remort'd Iltitl sttlejt for. J. W. ('rju'8i. Aunijttratui' W. HA 'L.,Aîictljjecr. :7 21 yl bc able tu, finît out uat ilhtw jnu'h A ouadT ite tht, collector wI il temanaI f bhui. fiL A T ou xpsathe on ture may beha aliy assumeti however, that ulile E. Spritiger. îof 1125 jHouward i. the. man vho has pai bis fair prupor- Phitadeiphia. l'a., w hei sie foutuuuî fiit tlon of tailes heetofure vilI fiul aI)r. Klig's New )iscjurt'ry foîr cou tiecraae ae lu ismtaxes nexî mpnîng. liat cnpc et'uretl lirtf whîle the muan Who ha@ not salîl hlit' matile a burir!,Ail îtherri'ieiiem lkatp &0 inti &hemn cuuslderably i-,sud ldoctirs etulgure lerUii.', lp, ceaneat. bInuitehi'a o tf ta ltRoyaIl'Cure -"IL soin remtved ilett'pain fl t uy <'lest "We bave sulti mauy duttereut coîugb sud 1îeauu nîîw steeti sîuiuilly soîute- remetilea. but noue lias giveti batter thing 1(t mîscrct'ty ren'muier tttiug satisfaction Ihan Cbamblertauuuà's" siys efre. 1t ted lifte sîuioing îits pralaca Mr. Chartes Hotbàaier, lrtiggut.t, trougiîuut flIe tSuîrî"5 i Il Neyit, N. J. "-Il la pt'r!ectly acte every îiue who triesa tir. Kiligut New anud en bit r,'ted upoulinlu lat iiî'tvu'rVtttr ila yiv trjuîe t. jthe' cals.oftcougbs, i'iil tr'ur ',ts"thrîat, cheat îr Itnga. t'iî"50î'vents Solti by F. B. Lo'jELL, Liberty- antid '11 l'rial fjttl' ree ai ' Ville, J. R. itialUga. GUtrne,, F. L. LOVELmL, Li.tetrtys lle, . i. 'I . uvi WzsTEiWAN,. Rockefeller. G(kAvaL.ah E aowN (rayalakî'. Everv lutttie ajuarai,. PHAItMACY, JOua MaIsRL, IRaUbot'. teeti. 1~ * GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. 4 MRS. E. B. UieRMAN. Local Eidiior. àMrm. Sileriman ia aîtliorlzed to recelve subicrtptiuua and atlvîrtimilîelits 'Tt làtht' IN OEPRNI'RNT aieao orders for job printiîîg. Cl lou bhîr for rates. e6 4*4*44*é 616 à *a a 06 4bé6té416,661 Makes the food amr oudous end wholesome the other ,itbiîlltlliîgs i'xt'pt thei granary wilei l a ,mi,vîujl biarjd wiirk. 14thouigh Iètly aimait tonltiet from 124 batu. A Il the ilIe jtîwk Waxi saved tii a gîîîîîl siy tijîjî. A limjait luRuîîrîe waxbeîll. Il,,,fatainli ltiigm fIlMr. Clark, iSr. father et Frl'ank. At Llîo meieting aI tuhe Village thjardt bâti?.ouîay lglit tle îthe 5vî.tjîl tu bhtin a biandl înglite audtitjt'riama the mileasof Il re prîte.tlîin fîr îuîîi village. Am inîjt of tit- priîlli'rty ()wu- "rH bave algultilil th.îr il î'alre tu liane a stand pîipel t lmu strsilg thte trtita. Kbjîtll (1othim fli iIrî'j't îopposîitin tel the wiles jjf the, pelplit. 'Theî, 'îîi- mittei wil îjaw geL jîriem, ett'. tuj itlthuint tui thte ujext meeting lit the. boa rd. Welneiiuy lsv ii.rîuinîg *onti ralîl. exciteiint 'Aw alij'edl ly a rtiia'Aay Mr. Harîlen, friîm ljeufel'.Wax dîiîthg a tesât îjf spirlteîl hîraîs i&iti huit jliptIt frn,,,the' buiggy to adt]ust the bharns"u,,lit fronut jif titty'i tment market 'limn iuneiof thet hornets blukejl hlm anit away tht'? rait witlîîîtt aiv appairant t'aise. l'bey rai lîki' neuf ai oig Whlitneîy Mt., aunt iluto M r Flaryti yard otjr'rijverali of f ji ilg trees iutîl tunetrt'î'larger tian tht' resit stopîjelIthpiîî Thetiras Atre uinlnjîireîl, but the btuggy hallil m t- îel broken oif. We tiectia uitglit watchmUa,, lit (>tir vilag st tr îîrtî"jrîitrty friîtilig moveti. 'ilîrî'art'.aî'rerai îîtîîg iiiiii satout tîîwn 'Whoît it-eî'tis lave 1i titillig lte di, te use it)theirtsurplus .uergy, sol ttey gî't tgtlthîr at iiglit and hIy mn chI lît'ary lai,r ttjtv-" ljytji planterma ar' l it lthevillagi'fo r alit-r auj jiaeirelit litit I t, vo ,iljt madeIl'a mnitate, yetiu gti t i tti-î Ar.iîig j.1-r. It t itilîlil hiart't î'î'î jia u t fie' îtîîîr jfu i,îftîune taît 'A liîj'j- att"jjlit.- sijie mure, Ijtym, iLs lott, off(tti. Th,'re la a ti i jr [tilt ttjiligti. The Ime t i te Deli'Wtt'j Little' Earlv Btisera loi dieu votîare ' ati.t ri iig frljiiî vititIoîi, Iétiîîîaia lî'k ljaît aeht'. itîi.t.Mtiîîii lr jtl'r tj.1tti il.r livîr t Fjttjj . 1.i L ttu t.l,.urty- ville: .'IL ît . u jtu. 1--tj' . L . WESTF.iisAN, lî'itlir ROC BOTTOM FRItES!I! <iroujil .1 t'ppt'r. pture',lier l1) 'iafty Si'rt"itpe ruIlj. ...... i... .. .. lbuty S1er jijr' îîîr Hooutte Cc5'.oI.sia rk'tI tI FIuII.1per Il, .... . . . . 0Ljjjljjted Ia i -,, ro ,, . ....... Ilcij. Fila' stn,îw lIaIs 25 tut....... 1 î'atît w th î *' i aî'lî'jjk Il jr (lIc 04C. 25C S Oc Those owing me book accounts wiII please cali and settie the same as 1 need the money to make improvements made necessary by the ad- vent of the railroad. Qeo. Battershall, HAIN ES VILLE, elcmpetoence andi becomiug selUreliant m w-LII)I-O I.It ... roe rs nîtrlo bije. îrfe.ýt li hab , ati, ai tnt, « 'i Ilj'. A" aut, j jji %ji j u 1 ,' j. ij iir' t, t I- nîjai tof ajihim iiu. ias' i.. .. -l u Ii l-.-î a jLttij . ,f 2 utj ic Ô *dJ NiB N O IR II New BrldaLILLaw. Hi'j bradin la.twtî 41-1'ji t,, mjut" 54,m, tru t,.. j.. Il-. j , , ROUTE. RO om iaJu r n a.tre e i- wlak 225 . HresLes i2:17 , ,ljk,t lrîftu2k9. Franki.,Il i,'j:-19, lijijilit .j,,i l erg,,. Boati comm acinr nistetci. Tht' dam of Berme 'j C li,'tay,,IL i t tra' --iiit. 'uraji j, st.. iit ,,JI.îu , j.h jiVi. , aaon e. ill do wellîo conaier thal t ,-ur was s'ied jI tht'uujticîi î.t' u. î.,îjlt huî,jjll'y îS, , .1Bo go. into affect .i uly 18, that retirrji l. Thijrd doi, bly u rt' le.,' u l.'it"ah.,,î'j. , ji tjjlj u Maheuitunlawful beremfteto 0conarnel t MaîXtu j j5t Si ,' t!ý and jotir ,tîry tjtî. 1lj -A'U 2' .t,,. lu lui, t2: -, EI 11, 1 toand tI y Iag ujis ,,tiir. s iL Lrto' ,u I. I. , jj . -,,¶ l t J. -:2u . .. Et..l u t 2:.,T'-j l ay bridge or culvert ovar auj ravine, .i@luu. tical itand s .iV.jrJjju ij ',i , juIlir. I j I-t,tj-, r -il a rujj' j' . 1t'jt-', tIlt cehOr river, UPOn Public hîghwap Of aira o! Kaud 8 N j e, , Hr(,1. 1.1 t fui, '., ýt 'l jr' , ittli..jj-.ri.i 1 sut a &y tIi an Lvaiountp or ity lu lie ale, unu Lsuchbridge or cnlvert TERMS:-$1 5 t insurelilve coit. mWIt bave the capacilly ot sustaînlng a AP L Yn eitof leasliti10 pountiti tu the 'C. A. gFbOPPLMEIYLI1 po i aoîjwt r. muln pwJ5ptlà L ib e rtyvtir 1lea - I-lîlinois. ANoCITY OF MILWAUKEE + Btween Chicag", St. .Joseph and Beuton Hlarbor, Mchigan *THE PAIR _________ +SIDAILY EXCURSIONS i i Iii jri e LuI lutI-n on - u t- n u luutudo, I L , l Ioru jr 4frW aukegan, Illinois. + : j,'j4tjuei u. Si, t turj/ ..i*lTh.8 - t 'i ra i oui tn,ro ýtiluIt att 7i~lt i. tîî Iil l I i 'tuîm t We skyo t crneto Wakean toLrae nd to +t H , 01 B yMtI,. f cal an seeour tore 'tTe Far.ui.i&r t, tVtu ', '.1et ht'-t N. to ~la I Riat? We ganute c rr t h aue best tock of gondsi : îît?:;lctuoluuwuuhri' * MAKE THELOWEST PRCES ON 4 Ii ustiVjl' îcy aus. Brvrj. tC ..L~, ilit. i If , ii asîliper bs-t.ergî i GOO ad s. .i soe,"T e ar.priturA-t.rv i ietitlus tIîe iMt.,iu We uaante o crr th bst tokîoîu'dsin +u artet yea t'ui i i r I Iiand riitHEi'WEtT P Ii'S O GOtl + tit.' i k uo IL iti j.tul ti)jr b ns ith ititi'o * Waists in white and a fine assortment of colors. Every lo-tt.ttyyam ,L Ilu.ý ui d i l Itcnty eîra 1s ) + y vast.,-t a dot , uuof filj in fitîi Waist worth from $1.25 to $2.25, your choice '7 o .~ IîuiI a.jîttitirm uilig ',I. slY ,I laiii' Î.itt1utîi i , I l oltitV tu au t ui li i fo r a -tuIre',-tut w.' tî I.L, ii cthujt u îjtifjf(auîir t+luîrr lu i n ltt'ich ere ti.te1 li tul o ait atta,,k iî.ili à.iit i g 1u Ugîtl ie vtîle. aloil un very iîuîsny W~~i j'tttme.t's1h' I If ~" ta piymit'usui N ~ A' LotuI1 t hiii 't lirtî md, At butasitIimlut humpnids ijîu ttr xperieiuce duîiIg- the, Ir- H E A IR114 palot t'elt'tjtyears, IFtr sal., h'y 41 + B~~ l u i muet, tp , F .L. W ENT IIM AN, R. D. WYNN, MANAGIER. + -tOitN MEIKiIE Ivantio.. - - - ILLINOIS.1 ÉCould Noi Lie on1 Loti da" 64 For thîec ycars I suf fered from heart disease. Could flot lie on My left xsule, had dizzy spcflx and at tirons my heart woul* skip a beat. Physi- cdans and proprictary medi- chw s ailed to do me any Zoodbu t thrre bottic of D.MWHeart Cure nu&d nie a healthy mans. Jl. J. Vandsr,. corneil, ii81t DR5 MILES' H. art 1r. .. Id .1 .1 .. r- or. ll»MedcalCompany, Elkhart ld. DOyipopsia Cure. 1Digests what you eat. Itmtjlciiidlgsttbe fcZdand m4da lNature l, trengthe= gadrocon- structing the e.haustei dizetiv or- gana IL As the latestdîsovee, igs. saland tonte. IN(oterpreltftlf cao pproth A lueflIiency. Itlut- atantl It.el.d nd permanetitly cures Mpe(, lndigemtIon. Heartburn, .on S our Stonacb, Nausea SickHache,GMtrIg5,CMMI,and aIl otber resltaoflmperfrtdittetOiL pupesd bi E. C. D*WIltt àCGO--Cblccs» Money Saving =Quotations1= The following is a criterlon of prices in vogue at Aruir'ti Catit mla HMm .......07c Bacon... ... ........................09C Pottai Haim, per CRSea.u .. 84 'lougue -« .... 0 C Chîppeti Drled Beef 18L, l'urk andl Beans.........................t1Oc Armîturs or SwllLsn Lardl................... 0t Early Jiiie l'eus................ .... 0l7c X~XX Gluger Suaps, per IlS ........ ............. i ai, Pîîm»pkln .. ... ...Ob I 1 3li eau (Green (Jumge Pluima . .. bc i :1-lb ean Egg 'liims.................... c. i Bottîs Iloot Baiur ...... ..n 1 .Witd Cherry Phosphaàte. .. .Obc F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. Watches... The tlri,'k anti Tilt' yard closcîlIbih1 wt'.k luring the bâti weather. Mr. Wellsj spent part uftIhis weî'k wîtb flms famuily in waiîkigsii. tDr, andi lrs. C. C' Whitmori,. af Chicagot apeut the, 4tht u (rayialtt. Mat Silivaijla4gettîna ln thefîîîa tiî,îî !or a new house î)j lits Park Avet. Mr. Itobîion. tt'e Itauker, Movetl his tainily tun Cariai i teaîs hîbouse oun SItlijser St. lIra iradway and ltwoî taighters were ntt over Bli4iijjay viitiîîg wth hier Iparentis. 'Ihe Ladieîsi' AId S-ittV will juttet wtlî lira. tF. D. lattershal ext Wednetalay the, 12th lmat. 'lhe Juînior Eitleavîjrera wilitieet Friday imaîl tiof Sîiitlay afteruajus duriug the tiniuer iujttiia. 't'ho, choir lboysîjf lMt. l7hryaottîîi'a elîjîrj'h, Chlîagtî iujît ont TI, iriiîly tî apeijîtasweek îîr twîj .jL lrtce Lake. Jerry SnîlthL lias gloue toriaIt flms brother at Adair, la. fjjr a itb, andl Itla is ueerely ijopedl thtechange yl imprilve bis health Miss Nelle (iodtrey returnei frein Wsîîkegaiî Suiîday ît'eoipiiailetli y Ler îcouîsinî, MISti race Chlîn Wlî willl vimitl eri' and ilj iAîtiîth several weeks. At thpir iueetlug 5lndsy lgbt thte villagte boîardl tasmd h aiu iîi'dliaiij'i appruîprlating $10W11fojr tire protec'- tionîîpirpllat's. l'his iiaki's a toîtal ojf $121141 alîlropristtet for ire protecLion. Mr. anti lra lWittii Richardsotn, tof linojn, ]IL, Wbho sare t'alli'tbore' y tti' Cîjîtti t,!their niother abjout s wî,ek mgtj, retîîriîî'îtaI thî'îr home tasL 'ies.iiy, tatlng wîiit fin t lttie Villa, sîîeiehîlLi'stininier. Then' 'Are afgrt't nîsîîy tlaapipolîtteil peopile hoere andj roundîjlabotttîjitst'tuea day avhiî lthî' 'Aatlîer was ièlny anî dreary. (Oum trai siîUe béajt SLuairîay ltrojaghàt oujt 4491 'Aeiielwted ta have a gay ith. httthie r.ii licipeu tht' ortîlfitiliijni"eilely. 5si) t' aiglit t Iti' Franjk Ciark's barni at <;age's Crners waa bhlu&ait4tohgroutidla"i alur- Jiewery.. 0f every description. Sil- verwear cheaper than you can buy as good in Chicago. JEWELRY, WATCI4 AND BICYCLE REPAIR WORK PRÔMPT- ... LY ATTENDED TO... IE. B. SHERMAN, GRAYSLA KE. ILLINOIS. Railroad Talk .. .IS AGOOD THING . . But our taNk is a money saver. NOTE THE FOLLOWING: i Il go i to ii,............ .... i m jarë a MsJI.City S .... .1."î23 ..A big reduction ir) ail shoes. A lot of samples in Men's, Ladies' and Chijdren's Shoes and Slippers. A iew lut tjf luttle St per Yardî.....lin11 Men's Suits at 25 per cent of good values. Men's and Boys' Pants, a large lot to select f rom. Children's Suits. Suits made to order. Pick out your sample now and have it ready. for the Fourth of' July will soon be here. W. W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE. - - - ILLINOIS. e e ,iPICK UPS eriAI eN J Eva tynti, ashias. iia 'ttrt'so, ayaF. O lI ESTIO . -Tlin' wjrid lmtafuit tf,! tit.wlilig î'igtit- MAUF IEO' limujr iineu wîth patient Io irten-hour MAUAT ER0 'ires. 'i et evilà after 'juti a .venter ijiiot aS s ti lt'?,are l' i iiM 1 1Marbie periist i asyllig thant j wmiaj cati w.4t tiirow a neatuid fiantI hi tl~'i g a nd Tliitjdelhaker -<î.mrpauy of Soitl, it',, tittiavi t, bareetei1 i l,Og, r ,M'iuments. ;>îat 'A. k t ,ioiwj. î' ' 1 l i jvjî.jgt ijiitcl lint iiy Allguu'mt lj' tiî,rî' 'titI lie ipuk~l eo'iii'try tawu',Milliiifolio. sait taljidly. flyoays Must Not Camp. 1FVERV 'The'îe'w Iaw 'hîivilgnîS laitjj eftî't Descrptoin. .$Il, y S i nakca it; i il.gîîit"r itiljeysnt prceiitia t.i j',,uj mipll o' hîgli w53'5 aî,,l iilijjjv tluidr lj'rt't'andiiil j'WM go ftl - ."'j tjj( al onig t hi' î, l ijtr iî,îjr e i j il t., i'at 't'let h.iîrm. A 'mral,!it niy bc awor ,rijfji'. I"" eSt miîy j itita'-jf thtic î,'fjjr sich pcrsoli W,%lI EPi4N. li or personla ati-jîtu e î ltue i. îîjt Patatitl r rye ulya... -- la l uit , 'It 'j r ,ni f e5li liv rîuittl-tr usîuî OuI' lIiutaju u 1 t .4iiijuti lu u --Bindîns Twvlne. onîîîa îu, Cl" îîîul.rle plyttlu tutil(iffg twii-tlestt.j daiail thnînat utItîttjgttîîuî' F lu For mls bp H. B. Eoues.Liber&YvtllIa., Lo'viLL. LibertYrIII-; -1- IL Bisugua lt. - i Ournue; F. L. W ESTEItAtMÂt* okefceuui. Prices are advancing on watches Eof ail grades. $4ow is the-Urne to buy. 1 have them--aII prices. i rl- 111

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