Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Jul 1899, p. 3

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"d muaof tb m M lu eb chmTIR ESUNDAY SCI1OOL.Am M inteormaioryinstitutions tryinte b etrin ot tho msoli gosie or acundrel- Lam whlle n ther grain levatorsanmd l Sa IUSSSJC netFILY H tlaelr trhouscea datey are fatteninig ae EIanaBECSCREUL carnet, which daey eapect after accrtle to CONSIOERED. tvtb' awallow. Society bas to be eatrely re- git \\ constructed on tht, subjeet. W. e e dWu " s find thet a sin ln inexcusable lu propor A chOlaOl Eep..Ition of the Le.oU Jue tiono a. f ln treuil. t know ln our dîne -Tho.,gbt. Wothy of Cales. flec- vivor S the. tendenry ici to charge religons frauda tion- im.f uliHeurt. Sts.d, of the the opeont!oodmen. They Say' "Oh. wat a brpu IieWi pet i host of frauda you have 'ntVerho crvua I.eWl Seohnt God binbtis dey!" And wbela au eider ofito tef. a Cburvb, or a deacon. or a minlater of "'hi 'iîîtu iln~nu ~ii the gospel. or ea uperntendent of a Bah- s8"The-Ho Iu uiîtth,. !'T'he bath acbuui turne out a dfeuiter, what tell i l. ',17;'l. du,lrî:Y bada there are lin aany ot the l.t,.dt.rtay. tGi jep's ireat primer type. Five- Botîr vu ntheu ast tesson osu his hor. ouid net Malle thé,ir sodt!rempsnd, to Cati lir e ica. "Another Seint Abeeonded." lujuss entirl'u u ntrîr :iu 1,jes foner asthirgodmibt irnoairuvelp* Il Sr,,tadrelisim," -ibeligion at a it thév rvreti of u ,î'unni.t r' loudr, a ther gu mu~t hosunu 1a5lOP h nse t,-"'Shaîta.on the Churcbes," tagieandtthé itri*t! of th, tnrruu.îîote o UT e -huntlng..Joi uued it when ho- Wsbile thwre are e tbousaand acoundrelu have îu'rr iabouut W8, rît -'r Ih. o- *àlid tluis h i, a-coiied corfrters, 'Wisdsîuawli die suth you." Christ nut! out-ude the chuirch teuone nalde the trutovth ,fJ'uuu'th, or.o i uuld oniy .aed lit in Uth t. ibuwhen lhe rua- chureh, and the itîtbehaior utfhon who bee at.urît frrr> hO,-msfuir wu~ u@0 iraly otn)Iiif-tedthecoruptPha-neyer si v1 the nmode of a chnrch in n0 talit-ii% hr(:%ruis lu 579. h un this i " cul vuplîoutd te îorrpt har- retlitbatilt ii,.ttîoîgh to tempt a man tors ail i.' ,e 1uinînedthe . ,l rm utel,- Cin. and iutf. ho hunevod.Ou! a ph> i tubeouna. a Chistiuan to get ont of theïr unhbi(ut-uî,enr y-aujuin vhî'vr 4, andtthe clou." ud-,ihf.IhIing fIe ord, he d. -oavril, ui But in ail urcs, religiosud strengo nîtuiuvtthre r " N oth- and tthol'un nn g foxi l rod. onie '1'.u irrvligiuos, the tendeury intetexcuse in Ing s nsisurnrît o ou ie hitrî' ' nu coantenalfon t fhlt tua." ? agi- te he r in proportion asit is mammoth. Even Nhuhîjî/u rs srntp. rud- vummulolrsfr01 lii' nrutpug luthoJohn 2îtlton in i "t'aradise Lost," whie -iyîauhfruiîu .'las the divtiunrra ,s nIil Cleo uv îs'tvd st i uh hma e aiit.5r econdenuns satan, pie sodcha agrand Itus "011i tfl u u. (if lie- ,glux ut cînue sîthhie lî'scrption of hît youu have bard work l olutieîn'erîsnAmi imnîuut Humue Iu Religion. ssuîhboid jour Oh. this 51)) uand s i nu laîrSNà:i lierazuur ( John Bunyan'es writingo are aes full ufstraiung sout of notai ine lke giateand .,!1I îîîau'! tiho attv.r' n, îo-nr huîîîî, as Iller are uofees îng truth. and thn gul&îuug (Ioangeat inquties like Naueiaiîl t1 5 hé- 'uI.r Dlaniel thérefi nt m an cs] ruen here ssho bas amelîl has.îutitîu.làt, sîIlEt sii"nînr.,, uîl e'rl'r rend "Pigriîn's Progrosa" tlledos 1b..,t MnuitFoillaitrhings. fronti,îî lisi cre lu li i'lîui, niit nu! rr'îîîvmber that whiie rmadling t Lv Thi ubje'ct do, inet give the picture rîprî týsi. lirls,tzzr as lb oýs' n rf Nvh mît l<unrgi.Lits Kluuo, 1810 i s io a u fie s-e howîpt. Chrysostusi, ut une or tain persans, but la algallery in îevadritzzar. o borahort-i uoi vis iru uîiy nt ord' N tIL I 'îos.foulîîdérd iou n-auGînîgi Herbert, IHubert South, George vss hnvb tbouusnds ur peuple May sme. their a 5mu), but wtînt,. îaî ni Irîr li ni i., 'nOt. Am r ient à-igîraui l rIîîatvsl b>'('brîs!t, r. 'iehi.JeremyT'aylor. Roland Hitl. Foueêa. r instance. ait thos ped. turttvr. il l'ails tvlsh;Izzar Litînît shrvas ré St'alruagî' llutares thoetuîly u of ting ..haei Settietrîn. Cherles G. Flotterandt pir mo. bu. îe Iller would ntu! Iohther àavsrîtîruite lui,î-nu'iltushoi-55 îuîiy gMar Iery Ellrtcular eabouutsgtiîî'aît thiuîgaail tien ofut eithe amîbugetty ad- n'îghbors ut a tarthing. approprîméte thea apria"' réentrt un" i, tutlieîr Saiîu- * bib tr i gI fnl t st .îî nu rrî .'T', ' anî*d the LnUîI'r tGod coaso'rated moa, -", sied the t'easrîre uf the publie. A na'uNîi\lîîuliusî' ari tell!iéNu atituo Xssi. 24, 'o biîud thî'tr oit aud thrrhrur Io the e'nuie uf titanbus ahose tu oeil,. and he tellis hlm 'rh(- 't-i tu 111W b' vît l>'îu'nve tive gudes, IIhairain et e guet sud awal('hist. Bu lt habr'în in ait the aMes. vécuuîîe t lansorth 920.000. ext day BeLla,,nr th,-' triil-e rotent. lrnnîsutg 11o low a Sil,1" atl E s>tIi ail ou toi lîtil heigîcalin-ttuthî asîsoor cornte» aruund nd the owner Itzt,%Irsi.a, ~ i%,.rît" ,subnu-rî ifî.s tain-and A àn îriîslin miull itdrîrtu. kunisi îi.-îîts. Sha rima yo a s.tsuiit:lIltle remanassfain uswrtb $15.000. The.Govero- or. S oxl.un,.Iuu I Nîlunt îî'ilIlet ing inntseolie' edgv 1itîntIns.a liuîrnry n a nluoîn hîîtuàas avîmîaters soitftI l abo theniliilmn-t ufthe EUited States tuouteoff the a y>untg îî.înlti ul Athé-r'.l f ut uth ier the vi oufIt uitaIly îdoua.tis d i-h e gI'ni hu s l!y sa r. lt! s a sery short brietexta friu, prasai i ni-ore. aeng ther oand urs 'i -'i ?,* , lu lu tîriîted @tu iu ouil bt, a rui'r pin" îl'rnnugîî a îîuîi oto v8naillîne and a tu or. as uspension ursos, hîs-aime bcteo' people would tell pol,î(r. '. iy 'I il)iart.i'ir.uni III lme l're raie~Vlu'n Iurî! th' pesnob iur.nliuo err jvtuiI.. an]il it "on011th t i,. auj tnusaa nu uuh an Un puni rusiiiviri], u. l...ittatliter Soind, et uetsr. uerivîs t st ort tti o rîusýsod us r.and e auile ius rnifit ,e U Imuirdt rdollars a day made. n-tu l 1 il. fathIirt luI'ontde djrî,îîs leiî'îur f thîîaej il ouate a usaaoerd as a tear. rheme usas ,stateuul'ttvilihut meed te tftillr he wa. mass as .-lîlr> l.nsi m u:iarilItid nia( gr e li ntrIlî.îu stai Pt!0s .1 ha vo1 muî-h roligion, sud. 1'hutu . a ltle mure. s loutt u hoiehadeuluirer tu the oersèce.r ualturunîînd ultt u-el lns L r thtic,] n,î 'e- nunn if g re.îni rss 11iîu)t'lent lu a srnnig tho. n aaalacteusaut thé peur. ('&ernittupar their passage sur h drîtiiueiTur.isi i i land vé,ur os vaSi aà 01 i.l usoIt nadoia*larý,rî'quatîlraiîvd art' îîuulîugh. I lihg.u.tnsoîrk i wtbut au, tront tuvrpovi ta Ne. York. jet .Utg- s. nuid uuaîîrallî nul) iiîsrçrsn là. 'Thé' oi-evel canus'l it set u atoeuolîral uia hauteur îor ait ia ut us ahbaquet sith a 1 1g nthir Saratoga trunk te'n .11k ktîtro itwn 'u tmIf ut-ro* s i narIal't in ho Cant.Ynbaet ià" luo ut tiîe ade utflcet, and t.iat rase. and n n i- rosse.trullil'aris aud hait a domen 1 -Quo NVaîgtua uu>'guve oun r.iîueof Ceut desrt "etutithé ltter. a xaeawwassisrd . ,titsand nu de'rt aîîCves'<îg.People ss'iti-etrainGetea, .Switzein el-teproîlugol ate'fîultioemamIodthe sîîome-a aprawitînr àret4tr-, m l o ittubaInts.storreas ., Il nou!ait dos.n t u souda anquet. By ing th,' vuattohouae officer on th whrf fltslcti tehut Ini allednt s( I'res s ulh nidstri .t'aoileéî u a ntgo îsti'tnn f ai, l aausroulIse *a i usstty and -&Bl*'The" r.oins listhet! teaah'br4w J" t'of UsinebIllear-dril t. tik mh 17,'rrnrs déi.sert î Rnsv, s îu.11ita ifieutos aut'al ligbîneisad vuigerity. uug rprel' and putting a five-sIolar 1on fruntthte mplev at îi î'îfor ri.1t tarhi.ldL nt, tIl .ui, sas fouît8_1 ui a i train thym sut ltruigh the sucre utfir I lyad ptin hia bahndte topunetuate the r luas drtDulruîg 1%vs aieîriii, uhouI lu vould tore imaun) trrrrsvu.lîi"h hfspnrfthé'- t. é rslin. bti!.Inntheé ther band, statenu. 1bî',fuill)uîuIirst-nnnul ly mienolur d ut.l;soif déerrt.~'T'.- ilurit spolikera 'fnteiotlîv r t htoni en.le ohieh uerabad iscrnbed lu thé lent are ail thîise who ftai.îîlsurb laiuî rî'à é-. lntunial lassa ltC là lu the. rtuilîf'rru EtIuiu rrrîîIn p. 'l o thtoChrstran echrrcti itayr-iven-erre partuvular neyer lu break the 1gw of asu rîtsuo s vals quts as lu. rîînrus an out Il pond. atti vil'i..tes.sus u-ss ina oma ty îrnîungup fronttthe great Sa- aramutar and Who meat ail their tan- ,fense n labIi lnuai t t snit luuhve bev ae1 ain î ité terî st', a tes. dt ,uor'r"iara di-srtor teol-sustliem, avlng ouguage au ohgant spéciunofut yntax an Jérîusalem. 'Te, orsn -minus hbaev teKnot aslre rr-rI l.eut onîtth.I- u t bai, b a ho, f 0a51uuinoin lo Srott traurng out Itthe ilacetradtel t eiorr vouîld strie a tai i-ut eNsas met e!l if ivn usIn rus.serv so!ad ts'ti iti, refus.- te wailiatsw that atu is-th a fiue ateveout iterary Gil- 1trinsulîl!lits r'eligio. l-u'ilrtîn!t X amalist sIuît. alinil t ptulul th-' suie-i. bhie tbt-u(ugl theur conversatton 1Atîti(hîuo Ellh;tiuuis. the Su ruatU iiuuurI'lîho tester, fîor au' etinusa tiiuturI,it aîu hh.,us îartiruuar a gréât loauy peo go landor and luîuuendo and profanity I1ssWbutperspcuti-d Itie Jr-mn ruthe îîsrîod lini ougb! tu reltit 'sîraun out a gnéat " pie are eaboutot hoeitbuutvntalsoble le'y sud tatsehood larger thau ntitule cara- 11 47B. C.,v.,mmittî"i s.ry tosunîior lot My tîntaslume y luit Le unîs ift re- r-Ii about thtlumagntudes! vaa ut cameis, ahea tuer might hetter outrages. le nt only d-ilpid the soered ed. sittenu is. A taon ail r ng .l,' Wtnit t (bCrus! ay? Diliho au!ex- frature every law uf the Language and votsesi-s.but otroui thue h utf iuintuSt bas fî.ruîed té .I hu'aonnuiut liarît o u r'î.atetire preuplé n bis timreW isba lloe shucti ther ltetierçual taatR and boter thîe temuple,.nsuiarruhie.isus ti' linathe wh water hi' us afflouît t.,n iluik, tîunrî-nta cretîtitii osb thrrbands botore a lt vvery verb seek ln vain tur fbn nomina- grîut aluar nf satrc v" rifie.The oftuttat pré lirai, n Ino arnilisrilr t a fit. 11o uteai.Iut diqi n5oi asb theur hs'arts? It hivtu. and every noriné.fur ita goTrUvetolttite. uiarting rnnior theso Iuto oru guées anu lgts a sis.' or sI-r o lie. 1i u sd liait 1 ntoss'veui-;eau bande. tIlatîd let ovéry préposition lune lka WaY in ssoiid Ltas' rn'iiiei'i h>'ruuilunît ut the ci tak-s theIno ani-r i ours rtrnu t le, a o oa rs, bt ru bo ave an uuî'au beart. Uic sentencve. aud adjectives and partl- aSift tati lwfiatlithe tiuiii-r ettemy steverît mliteIbru toii ngît. 1 H urh ton>prsnlîlothon' are n our lime Ies sud prianuixeget fieI a grand riat of job tnn. liazzlsuar. ter wî,îîîl fl, m lurtn:aîmîîst Iban rs bîr are e 5r;aontouns Uia aller thir oorthyu of eFouîrtb mard ut Now York 'I'hS henuirsrititif untheIbaul wmissnuYs- Set drink, li s s nrer uîurn. th.s lors a lie évtîr-île'a theay shiailhiLu'buriod Wot tici r on elctirea day. than Io rcntait a moral terînts 10the ruto3a -(uinîntrs aj nduîunb î- P pat-L lho t riIatr s, 'rItunlu oir uu oru1l ie -r'sat and nuit a ann- naovuacl.Bto oaiwatuuad srr uu svui tielt:ig !oso îusiuTu ,li'iét, or s àsitiivufuil mirSls t dumng Iiîrrwhoiu lfe the>'matA than uner auîîel. srtîen ia tArannauiifor thut uas frt- ol Theés nrrrsnohrIsrti !hi. ueIdatishnuld race ta the nght drctonu.seuthat Wa.led Lv.. fer iu Batryloa ntta!t uisti. tinugitou leur in ta lii.stI ut itest , otlé.' shiahitsminé up inuthe- résurrroi520n uf Sucti prsos arc aiso dearbed ib the. course very diitu'rînt trointhte Babytoia groin , uni--î.t'b lu' nu thotînan àril1tIli tit Itt. nhi--ivr oas Ui'y are burted' tent wou are very mach alarmee about teuguage; but Lu.-issopsrltîs of tht'or- a remis-s hein-i--t atmd dr.rins iouaut,î-r Ihun' îîîuuy Ierarneibtil> aUxos thtat te mslitauits utotbnreand bave nuo ratngemetof t he'letters-son,. n titi rPl iu jira- ut 1> fini! iuîil' oIi' nay, a.]auni nl.tîr Orît he gastrol sýhail Iusjittix le alarmn about thon" irmu great tranagres- sgg..t'tIo îrd' may have tii-vaTI hu.ugrt. h-lir- ui iuîrt ltée desemtS.lretirnotosililà un 51î-r,tirne ut curig islu so. Thore are la ovr, cummunity and smrttenu lasomee 'uîuuîguv rntre" or acre- Ih the voi-1ié, bu.éh h o Jî'ssm ere otri U) IUIii'>îonitherr -oieric fromtApostlein aevor>' cburîb lwaicbdag, sWho feet cati- tic tsrm-or hioîauîi ,tft dutble moan- tai dei6 tr i.-ml bue gi.u'iiun as ni l'nul rr Alentts- Judas! 'ilio>rbave a w"y Ouiapuate knep tbeur eyes on others and ' ing ut tbe mîrds t.'msvlvvs. The queevas caînuItI "fui ttro.îîn lié.'suffi rs nf nuýrsirtuta gua! outil it la larger titun (titis. Tbey arc fuît f utsipicons. They sut n remiuurtrl Iluluoz7r uit the exist- p froin n, nudi'tge-stin. liota thé usent j a -autti,.I. onder if thîs man sinu!etdishonest, b!f ui-r'ut of îuil n out iduvte thet 1the j jeternierteo r leeîuîla tunnel- ni.duîlbs IlEs.5 u. maannthat mar inusnot ualî'an.if ther usant agi-j trophit liaitnut for a tume theli opper jsn- user ti' hnuuutu tue h, 'atis Agustu, My istjerit photrrpsatthoso anensrtu rn uabaout the tllr man. proiitce smht-1bhi- hart frmiri; en- bavit. nitIgos- nlui 5a5 o ivatnlun,] aeoih-rutotL.aoil wbn e Thi y are aime> s ithr' brt te ear utfaMy- joyed. leo suld have i,î'nab>' this ttme vi drîrru-ibns>tiri n-cr trro.- Ehotru ttvîarnesi-l's O nr- oi omogle'u t hiu on grsa Vutures are stways the àole vighty r-ars olri. aundperbapa fer-bbe. nit sut a gueât. un- uaomssd ao nanuneb iur-t. 1uissil Sudttaty a uirLan bfri et anîiivarruua. They are self-ap- E. Pl . a ley. (bilet bld Nétt Flae.1t 55 ý,.>,hi.shle be la Sa aretol lathe h OouUI41 dtcie.1frîtscona lne i ntcr o h ea unu toinke a laerd uf rbth or a speîOl of ciat- ruie oithout aur exveptton, fiet thuse mi1ddn!vrfu terwsd e W'hite ('brýtan s sil r fast o oute s-uhutyagfu p-ople siho have thé mos! fauit.s them- eéin i iht seni aas hoemore wilI- Iug e tt. ottî t-thé 'of : am , Il tii outrwtotpynfo rbsii hr ac-igtuebswii-fipwr iml hnstratrrutîfor silihi->'dnI. nuaulî- th. ud oihi a u in co-ableér abould 'Isreare mount mervia n hifach n oror.Tise u nuud ofpoers sutilely ntuInn a toand oi ar[îd n a roll ut bilsng rut others. Front svaip oftbéaidta soie tsirFhir,-'h re upjht anth more t Iuniî nDi isalisituîlie Pr $* lu' us uul isachanése .tfout thev are fulorlufji-alousies and -hur ,ri-itioprphets, tube thoseia Jere- It p-,tat us ynnt -,l.î, 1i.unîtsiiri:tui hut haste tr) reruathe surluios, >t hp f k j mus Té- se d tu lreîn nbosia berlunewu>lImia rae9e urier -Thnn ,Us nt :xaI rst u nir lino UIIi go mbea t ati-k cipattp. , inuttnifît ian tirats and mudtrls1Ir i ntlngars on ue titile; r à ki alotit afa r tir ràuu 1Itad ot baatiug fur Itlovky Moontaia hâtes it in tu lie ssarned b>' a id count- miaguitue.Sutoruie v.îr -I -ni ru aluni oter a Wobto hle griscutruil ut thé aisa-uafi oehn eni-mlr i i nînîî ttefiae a i der a snrgeîîrt's hito îîuureoilu i fIi i ...m5. b eandtmalies zlél),ifflap tpersr fe luk , lty frýtthn en n eo ule rysi s. Au futheh eiurebogandb i did thé' laiti-" uunoI-riss seojýirilie uni>'mItoe $ltioIt> by th e tead utof uuvrhnggrnd. Tboy boit etrers. lou Dnlbga by1Cs1 o f u n u a n . A m a , m 'inl i5 s l itee a P er s u 0 .n ia la y uior t rotIK u tf o r t u e th o r t u o u f h h r s' i m p e rf e c ti uo n s th r o g h a 1ie i ii g f t h e g lo r ; to f S eI u c h a d îî za r . ,ert îu- s oii put ui t t uisilo etarirur sit uin tîat os> - ou crusvnps anjdiusut a! tbetr ownaiumter- -sebi-it %us aise the gorr>ofutthe kungdom, I ubro rsns't'àf ir iî a.n,-' itîa hs o uoe nsu n fei- trahruugh a télescope upaide dao, hieousiri be-gan lu reoi tthIe tuc>' ot - aille îi nss'a r lt o. terugute ous a.eens îhtazsulttg, tin eso-tuna- T'ssety faitlis of their uitllado nut butSct-uihiiinezzar'ia pitu.ibtîtt uand its ,à, o1 hIIeu hvsatori- te thonts) ut lla has one fault! uf aomebody itu'siilut. hum' durung are the mords ut doon ttît . àî!n nitsnx It a ! fl ietn tuu sry day tise.'Thoirneuighinors' Impe rfectionsaare t heotinîieinlavers, '_3. o bore hlieoluit>' clifir tino giais of sn"nlfrinlu.gsuut',on it id a nwharf rat teiilntng a Ik - , n hyri hmot LagsBlhza ,t éyn h I erat lutunIln IsUîlo i ii' ulis.pli.à , r ,îs 'iii> iIer front thhéusi-iuelt jour-as>'tluer(,uît's rd lb- staruue-nusout; c inihtarges it tiD isrnni eiuagion. A a' <lI ti- 'lui-ntssrul iltortlii,IIn .aulé, m.1ungo ou! and atI hthé' Uri-iun b>'oitnnsotoilvî.nnhàaudusîtoI eiin ily ieclluan witth4iia s igty ttn lo he.'lite tour mord. M iuv, Meiv, Tveei. auni uButnîeslutuit nllyuniiîîî tlu us tiieyuetuar livhn unilarare twunt tueou Therfaust gitrer ha-e a 1,irIuunlu r th-reiit-1,n als t,l'ti)ur fîliîîrhas nu prwer liéisu> tino!'.In.ittesýýt usi ofati> euutetnt e t; am UingruJ.are srunu.Tu ia b holie . 3dr- tus, se stn1rIse [jnul e mass rh.rst for kaoi-iige thait lsd btcîi hesrtm'uttetu.t aew aesuglrpruvti Smbrrti lîu nigrnl'- siii iut Ouo ta lun 1. - dishoniîstsoe u-t laitntithe uilar ttl ynîdtamre ail voume under the divine Lured irîeîîoteor tr imntai, iseighid'" ali , i,,l an " he ndtgir ag lhv é salurs' ustieun55e ua ke the questions Ot Th tourit h is oaiinlu t' 'a njduivsiona'" ur Ti- t- i o ràuYil il nu y nuitfiîr %Ou a luitg ist1l. bru anie tinsuvutou'i proiniom'ithan theluei us *'aloil nuuvb utthens i .led$ In ypapr f ur ir no etu luis. itaveu't )ouni -ftouru e w ttlshosguiieeii.s. Btteéfi od iesg gnýt ol -- il91- Io1Iý*a" )o lI;,eat)e wet(b'!' Ad ten h,-thAout ait tempteti to go-t surnis uttîitur <î, uso ihe vuerbe ut els soal- n-s-juniîuiî rs uthe urju- nt 4tinta«lins uîunsrgiller ilo? r h on l ate i.îîe tue querston, W'here sallai ine he o thte; arr' torlah-nara usos uf count- asnî'u -~ hoti e- u s il Io ai-n brs-e bot O ,i! youtt, os. gru-lUr1îhnnthequestion, W'er l ;aujd îgýiînnig tulne> un balauîrsrsa. é xeiv!Inslu-ngri-l io t1 T uuîsaine ilir, %enir of1811111ti1 t se tirevr«hc hum shall I get thé iri "'hio un nu n un y nus sseigli- et une ~~:u-itrinit., ail urus tii.- l>'.y a inuh hh i-iarnetino, lnknure udolurs homo? greater than the que.- vibut suggti'ts a siiiiliir nord Ns itell roirn tthhaili mbrp rosueainîîî. ul'it s. lugit t- o nr h"Ilu touund n lt- aboutuîthuin .îofou r'ligronuc-ni o nIl klo-elt'1un bbs fairuly n .raynruers ad i-tarcu' t hallqtuoSti ailttom aial pin- ,jea"sd leer"nlu'tltesuglr vasn tr.oaiîr--er iuinfîiinulth, ulenkits bs ebldeen god îught w, lh au ny ddoita tu lîlontgreter than the que -t llurnu"uge.shieti)ruli-r uuine tou. iuinoitser un' surnghnlins gt là* ar 55Ititsus tirs i su. *E hiupu ou ailt brin. Hrit, shuit t meet My>'obigion, toa h'rias. ub nssu vi i .miar. Sotu l andis vi tiiero oiunr m ufr tri% linIl gru ss'Il),ta lie us guni as your tI h(trxt? tho 1ui-at ou. t fum chaIt t gatin the. théu-un'mNtrunnis soulisetuulri> olIt>- in l: uIgMInU i- uviuitu iii tu tinuru- er.., 'rnsnutus fur trus un ses'î ni nt ni', s unît? greiaer than a ilet ue iotion. , at a doublhe.titit. -InnInn, n- .a tripleil tutnil- arelui r-t uis.air thre t, il îar batiîs plaraces f'5 ue r mules drniuiainNiî o utif ssunu'ki-ilthe quesiolun hy dij itn r uigri-strnruI. Dl mb1 5intirnr-ti trie)nd t-8 -re ae lt-utiru s rît ou-no,>yfoulrius ai utlI-i, i prortnu isb lt sinu euitembthe isoridl'greaer or ucoiurse -ri-rîmururd is iuuîsght lf,", the fil- iliai If lu ~~ iuin1,n1tat Itl " 18,teéunin io le,1gtltc ensi on- natreur ivlu ho thisi l'lait Apur boy sI>ly talles troilntie ibasket tirnuitt -rt fron ro>nature? Uic question. easy fnloril>' mnin. t iigi-nt. huio-Si-r. gudso u , letnt n-ruo îsun ]),-f'Ii i aktiro bc!o ritutia ohItino pien ur-svng VW'ha! sîtol I do Ns tthe tisent>' r furty tI mtu sii-îlthule -ndi un tlby3tUtau, salerire- guurrios -s rligonitîrue h h ou , -se toilite ss l-u uitîu or sos-it; >00 rsofut i>'sobtutoor entlt- àau'>'%ivls Co>erou ipr. (îr thit ami ot (y rusa thoi.c t lllertuine itutrt-tua'bOuaasersisnieeenehni-hett -e-iIr ts utthe queonu. 5,1'at >huî,i fu>iîntîira mIii lu-suîthe lii-tyt L drq-uîit,- tiroOi ii-s-iftheiaut ssî..hlat ia -irnit sutt ai;,or SNesw York saoli tdu nu nuthe miionns ut cyles ur andi tý,ii mut h e urîuî îloî r-iitut thé prîuîu-î teuletel ti turasu te corneî'ru 0f ti-i urtlis. ohit-bis couiunn. nWho hnus hi-i-u tO' nY Pt terestriai l s tiO Ttnte- aul)lié uuIte tlue'à i I itubli,--f unTiîliît,îu out ié îs,- nmeunîî g. un n lsL;IifIill etotîgl Iolustal $50.<XIOt ronuiiti- hîrîs .aoil ult lis! Etei-thon- vaut ilth,. Uir- fiiitiIsîts 'is us twundII,'theî!îrs atiliiI uu, saittrtrrit tanindotil t--i ti. sou hatée e Cndda'e for tha- State is!Thé-freror te igtifivsu! nt nco.n- Ititnhave !îîs'î the inîuviohir. The eoîî-ît,' .and t 1. u't tnls 1tbCir -parL.ouuun vtb the lator thon a Enat a! in1- ct>'w fn-g tîtatî ktrelu. nut l>' tityv, but, ata i'gisiatnre. igriiétennt îm be o uuîîuu mi ssAbarnmet. b>'t ratérîii 'Uiiat ilt unîblîbalisa the! poi-lits fuîl l uofi au-ivos t-isttînlu àmit I!nislng Dms. ce-el.. 5,Vi slutgrd the test. 5,e &nsid, 'lIat very aught Dlaieldit'luit sa>. aI-ordi.,u ILts- ars. omhubil itîvîr rà,r%-lîî.-ies at 'Tl'treuis a god detufuiesuems ataddus,lot menuO me, suddia! dioes ot tu the aýuitciî. If r e Lad. dutitles.s lie huirte os rr> Sntilay aeîeilte filtI >tî-ule-ns iuisu nIe atag Sonne peoile ln muinnis", autditb a rminous bernsv-a Issoîld Stn ue iitiiel-a nîaoij ns wtuthe sotritolosî'-p. Iho'> nulîv ulu-hur otntUCo utr-à,mCer bhave...u! utriglutouitufor -tî... meae re gurungtuheta. ole sermon et-le! aîîd îlîe goit ehain.1 atirrent duorîtîar> -aur t heur uf)niiàft-rItuaisuiCssgrs'at duaIut unoasuisie aboutu!4 anaasbs e po eru.rîos are a craille-anuithtIe'drrîss Iîj au! ji îrauîînîî. Itell Ibeuthalet(toad milI puia ut o u t sirctle othe charge.j io pînl> nuîîrsd si-tairi ns'uiu b> yuns an illi> - nhile soutei nsa kuful .(,ni iitiiubsr ii tl-u'inrgteou, tfortnes ume- Whait an sîuî abou!tt itatO itre! Vu bt 1bstue'. Altter the- capture,în t Be)i(,ui bu o ii oillfier ftaitue-bus th,- tiie'sofut îlî u are explousive tbsndynamuite-the lxporénparation fur a gis-nt uternnty!As b! n'as grn-eriuofur s tbîîuîtr Cyrus' i, lincsiri îî-suîsaipruxTiints'- SNoW, artitotuaite ut i omipoteut indignation. tliiha riiitin serît, rger ilian a le- -rat (uit> os. Ebîbîr (tub>ras bâti ait tRICAS ORANO OLO MAN. Titu. Belongm te Rlchaod W. The-iiP..ofutIdina on. Rît-bard W. Thompson, ut tndb-t o-who rocetitly celebra!ed thse rine- hanalsersar>- ut bis birlb, la diadUn- arrd lin man>' parliculats. Bora ý9, 154>9. bs-bs the bast muineont sur- ar of tha! 'yvam ut grr-at LaLi"i- year wsibh prouctd Un-un itin. Darwini. Tt-uuy*n, Oliver itdeli tiobtuies. Itobi-rt C. %Wlnibrçip. Istane and nîauy othur Ibtumtrlouu PL W. THONi'55 tn lie o ods the *long dilstance re- pllu otice-btoit.iiia otsong living s-ricana, bnvlng Lee eecl4ll toCou- as as far bat-t as 18-40. No other in Dom alive macl Ir atiotual Office as by as that >rear. Ira 1831. or eit>- -e yeos aago. be -aau oIirtent in thie tasla- of RepresentaUieof utItdianai, id bis public 11fr begasulit Ibat lime. e aa active Ina psoiilit a til stoîte- ýdote. bomevur, for lietotuuithie îoîî tor CIalatIn ei'ery ralidenliot u-nnvoss frirai thnt year sard. Inlutiait !of hoEl.b die spe-eches. lielbastu!ot ily par- Ipateut actîvely Ii itlmoenatiornaltaon- uses Ibian a au othîr muan Who bas re figured ho Amoricun polties, bul sbas bs-on a detegate 10 nmore- national tventions-lflrsas a* Whig auj !ben i attepubllvau -Ihan un>' otherf mac ho ta living _to-day. i*roiI'b1ý lanothor Aituerlesu Who r tisa-sideetinout80o an>'Itmpaortant lies, diplomaatiesoanatmiistrative. îileres iii h; liriisdeutuî as ho bae. e a-as on the' itîrru soit e lootoraî ticte la p4i41), atusion utherhslave'I. W.ith vr> treont!of the United Suntes '-v-lt %N'asliuiaitn audil the tirât Adaniq ins Lentipirsonatiy acijuttinterl. utîugi. ot course, nu! ail of them Le- >gi-s 10 the Eîîrty s. iuh he support- ]. lie bas wrenti more onational andî ute pîatfornus thon an>' othet tmas ci litas Lt-en atiro lu recent years. atnd robotîl>'mure Ihon an>' otîter Aticrb- an io Lu oer lis t-ut, iIs tien bas aigu cea acei-tnt rotberfields. For sierrb pris be mas iu Coragresa. and ho mas -cretary of the Ses>' ln the Cabinet of oatîidt liayes, resignîng troîn tut bics- neor Ilteondi of the terntu0lie. 'aie Chitrîan ut the Amerivali Cotm- itiee otthe Panama Canai COtipâna>' tut lie o as IlkNi'se a direor orutthe ,anama tsliron(i Compîany. "Dicte' rhomiisou, ao Le la tamliarlY vualed, hougli tara tess tbon fourt montla ater ihuin LincolnI auj more ti au iX moutIls eartter 'thon Gladtone.-Ilaec- '-o-lent to mnate a few spieeiuuis Iln ttc ri'siittiI iatRoass u Of l. )(,aà 1to ire di-tegat- ai large o thbcNational Cou- rention ut tha! jear. NEARLY PERPETUAL MOTION. su hka l lOcthO Mass. O A cloukte bt ls the neunrest ting to "'()-na ttlion Yvt utscoveresi Is thu us i-t -tî tesr I l i veastelle, ou ilie mn .Ili.tlie ltiete s anlovviarabr 1 it kî'îîîm. autriNs111 rua for a yu-ai Sltuonutnlt-lttiuîl.T[heocktuteprouer Isu mîtiltu a %% lui-I asti>lîrcs la dr- tui fu-nu nu-i -'mitli- uier - s urfave of tho viri-uutift'riti-itamei- susî-uiled 12U itsl uUAtlr 8 utu i l one . uul ut'liait uts-h lutittuti'i t n aniul t tir of asut ntt l i é u - i I-ac-h tort>' ot tht-ýse su-i imu i il I ntrr-uivvi u-oîtuilnnl inlstirve u-tu' g Illtfin mh Ili luumiut s> înuîte mi utl infil ts 111-Puri II u> tit- isi-iglut Ut tirsn halls iiotuft lýlit ifaNil on! of ils Ihiltu nuls IunN I l a ii' 1WELKIEPlane 1111 utty tutluti Ig, shu ut.b;Ils own e-lu-ut rtily ti uni s ain leoI-ate) b>' s InItle cor tu oltgtlotug a sturopef lu- vîrumu') l ulitt i l11wiititoutthe wbt'cb, mh.luire utt l itoil utip whlu vit andls % urlicuil for a shotîlie. Atter lthe i-ar litsctlrir'i-O lt scrgo 1! reluiras te Itsorigltial sttionui frontîîils 05v-n wetghi. l-ritthet' tue netof thleso bull& la itrotuîiid luto a Cup nutit bIta again dropped labo anotiser cup bt travels bbirl>'-six luches. Thus lise mottedue b>- ail the halls la equiv'altes 10on. hlîtrevellng OVer a naile a day; 400 miles ua ba ue jear, and durlng a lltettme or a peraonli ving tIsree score years tis distance aroun,! the globe. Tise aise- Irtebtty uses] Es generated Eu an ordlnary storage batlery, mhlcis dues not requîre an>- attention for ftally a ycar. PhiElippine Wumnen Love Jemeir-. Philippine momen are lnordlnately tond of »ewelry, but at tise mare tbme uhom nneltant tante ln tise malter o! desigo aud diplay. Thomte o! the wealth clause otten order pleces ho be made and smat ont b>- the beat Parts- gIan rM emomota empense; but En isma-ot Ils exibition no criticlian eouir1 b. ma"e except. perbapsait ah baaor daniee. and thon lie profusion et«t u *IoMme s a trIf. bewIlder- iag 9*4~I 'udve o ho netur- estl. *o H&of Me OouUoaMMU ýHolland and Chicago Uine ....GRAND RAPIDS SHORT LINE .. Th e Il iN' lîne opcm.tlng pausenger selnîcr'. betv ru-n CHICAGO i)and ihitlmnuisMichighan Sutnmer Resort' OTTIAWA' BFAC.ji .ind MAC- AI AWA I'ARK Also hctvucn CHICA'(î(i and HOII AN\\IIwxhcre îîrîîudtuc ttrn nufltîoniflaietcmade foirr (uR \\'Di -'lii)5*Ai HF-GAN and ail ither intel or Michîi!p-inis. Thi ougîh hici-i on rîC ligus.î uc h-c.l ttru I-or furutlierm ttimttioi'tl it lt' CHAS. B. HOPPER, Pa.Mas464e. 0f ies . tae eAe. oi. I St.f. 'înet hie-eg TTT~(hI4 Cm~Ut"~s~s7~Jnitgto uuuu 12 moars .1,1, bus beein 1LJN01 1-TTiltNEWS isJ - fr-m bhua h-tir'- rit limagi for nev- At MlitîO. Miss 31tuge ulomîie, dsngh- OCCURRENCES OURINO THElt e r -if l ite nn-it ('uutuitu-Irh George W. PASI WEEK. liuîlîî..msttrut oVmlaiie Tii--puinove fbos uppoureulinla aserions C beeit la-ilsut iensi Cîs Onu- tun uutbiig ube î'oltiu' au ligher, e large ana14 tre tie en o asuette ou îmurr iiii-nuit uni- berrI buog rs-pur!od bllstd f., T- %1- ru%,volsirt amuI SlissJeunot te Di- I u iauîgbt-n mutA. Dious, anti furne?IY n Cs lilit u Bunntu rglun.usrn united Ia L , iit 1I.5i i.- '..n -uIt an.' L ILn I iii Stituslun îî -n i au ti Kmi u $2LuC1t it-î'lst ý . e I o mi Ltuu Nusinuitn muiluig- ogrI 1t*Iuit uru i.. uint, ITrtlIn, en Luu u ni t îunumitî'l .L i Ii lii u nhi!> tuti1, itîuunt tîru-urI tu5,itIiiulut Dity lt ,, g. il 'ip -L . ni'lu r iîu ite i (ii I steigat te-\ng inulaslonituitti of'Illt inouullîs ili the ititi jtil f'.-u'ilitîr liii iitusb Simu l il ris u u lîu tl>' Situe' lie wss tseu-t tugt uit u na ss f-ut aths ag. bu tuei t- tIt i"ui iuy aroat'usiltrIs» e-r4 Bont.,i- u l , t iîuuviuîg liii t1iir Aa I 'tut->'Il.-habutstis-t îli.nir - ii- ui-ru luý-1 1r t , i lu. -lis t iuuîî -I a duO l-niirt .f t ui t-i lite i iitu'î st ilus s lliiIr ut('L iLILi9rugi tut1t-1 iguutuII lo LILted ueIltn (;rtruî'& (Chui ILu'f iîgiti L- oiîuuîti dial wittu Chicaugoîa-I Sauta uni.ulIttalis n tor tit.î-uIiu-n. f ir1' -tgut u-i îî iiinblilIii' att iî>lu- fmîLînrn, .. a large uit is-ly equtipi iu'i îrluiitg n ili,' aîuttIIuLa~t If thr ity.-liii uît rlui-ts. s nitiu arr- ltt.ylt imde- unI'lniiu. ss ii tii RtOunk unmuîîuîn ii - tn' outiftltfI tt, rîun iiîurtîi Il-id'inti.'i-it, ni iiu a iuig-ftr il[ biue ttiui T-io'li, blace- a i II.luttuuinu'l ulti ole. tEgid fso Mr*. Cao'a Murtdes'.1 Tlhi- finour'gi'.Jamres Il i Is, EtII 1!,' iei' I-l i ltîîkr rasoidutis urtitu.1 cotlitîîîîîiut Iiu biuu(tio.briti ba'îing uîttîtr a ssrit out titi ous urpuus. The- jaîîugî'n-f usitb tem humit li i lui d- es tlta-tu tii joliteu no-o tlt.i-a-liait If lbe grandi jury litthueui-So1te-itber term ot cour!. Thîe tp riiiîi-i' sare obiargontmlh 2bsitta opaurt if the mt) tu but irent tato ttoi- ',îuiî lindonf uegrou milletsruesd titiir lauiu' î uîutbît mne lin Jîur,130.. O'lot ioc at ltEads Lite. Idra. Caroineit-r' iîluîss ut a sviai hY tariner NNbu lis d i-bae-urn Ntnliiig.culuitîttti suiidte in a tîu-t!toii rîltuiîuaîuîr. 'Arba- tng tu,fîîe oii itr iiiiills tif tbte falItil> o cedîîtîîu in lu, g- ui t ilnitdi, irtt isa eto tutitiift. mur uit-ut îu'h t-ni- îî%%is nt breo tf oul i utui l l u r isi.. o ,ls u tlîiul nniiit ) t Stiîîg ru-unnunîI buitt int- îînuuu tf titi ssluh l I zi f. nu.. i SIu- s io un itir sili r-the ilinut tf New Rond. Ar. nirprtu q ' lue Si-n u-Iîni'utSILtetunsi,-viihe plir -thul unut îîtusu lit lu bh.In itr in ' uLt.-, il us .,*(.,î.I>,.ilb t ri u struîît a lin-. -tfniitr tIluItLtu'11llli thtnuigii LI-tSu lnnr- uIolfin-in i'nIiisîille ' lu t-tn. lu lira- t1 l..-LIuiituIii t I tf liii' eLL r. Ifin initu i lin inn- \i u i tlIa ata1il ni i Sînutu $ili2m i 2 ad ier Ltrntkl. i22 un- lui.-l-v ruîssnî-uiun titîîi, lihiu L it nu t l isilli-. Ibmr n,-I s-naLs, uungi lose lttthe tis ar <i el sh-ui thiusii LnI uloiuBoht-tbcr i-si-t t. lttii- lis fut. otint uti seizu-îblahas tue is us inurin ti i ..,tlu- i l liid i tihri . A ii n i tnt I - - uhibIsI-I. btli tiie- 1t tn- Susut r.rulets il-nto i mur .liit muni I IiutJul> itiii-ar- rhum tnng înr. li jau s-t m. i Brtef blIrat1aoîpsrnuau linkrut n- ns ha,. vn.' i brou A trîtnnti- lite> n Il1ho u-aîablnshs-d a! Ntliîî1'elu11- .- pn.înr- .' uniule nif titi i'trýIrs Sp.... >11 ugnous nll'sb t.. Ilii nuia lNnîîuuîuîîltî nunnutu uuthmntigiji' tsrusî-uuul b citîrritutu'r insît snuuuru-stut r)u Irai t1itruun-i iren rnnanugîslfur at I,-- onua, . la. lu Mtlli! i (ttîir-ulrîg unr im-ui.i-rrîrs h sa-u-t tirfuir- olî 2 sa nii--r lu ut luniu-bfor -ilrest F. u -t tmtar a prit-aga. imtîutotE.'in '.inaii. a îî,sî..unu lijnison Couit>'.ut i iu s5,5,arten lins ait 200 gluns is on jouîîmntii ttrutrluarimiu, fui iii u,-ilml biu-aliî'ruýff rt inri-setýiiug tito 'he hn' it >- i-s! îîînîrîlutruîuîn ntuipin- uis uftheii ld etitiv-blur. uit La Saulle-('ouit n twii ii-he -hI a!tAllenia itrte. Ottawa, A uug 17itîs t. itîst î-îîifuthIbs'2-lth. as tiraI t uîuîui T he li i ttigil uîîhuti- s5billhi- tdi- i-i-i-l .>A. . 1 riibtsu .iiof s i Suit h bui uiat oiii.u nt a!Quine; b; i Ithhis îîîl miunîmtrour unr tbe Aui- duîugltt'r. 5,ri . Sutmiii - i tclîî-o1. .Sbe ctatiiis a fiai-tuof21 Pai ueus aîîind l1 ts-r- souiliiîis I t> li imm.1-usa gift trotii bs-r fitti-5s cii lt nlince bis tî-uth. llotb ocra' spirituiiiîttand the daughtsr boldo fulîl porsm-aioll iauim sd csYii@Îh. mii fend the property mîtb a aholgun if acve«asry. The colite lm valued al, un. sii.,-n i ti')u Chicagocomtans- -surmmii li'he autlinsout irkapo n tuý-tir 1i.rn,3'ntnîiug amurphine. Mis- iunia (ursîrî iirli ars nId& lutin urrt ns li Irnîni mu-i- titb elba lin i hwirg ou i.,ruustanly kblod by iiz - eutlîbri lusutmen or inthe buitd- ix rit sn Ilulin,,uinl i lui .%nîgmual S. nI n 11Cr f ('bru-agu utio troM f-a inuu oil hirlhuitdenter- Stut eequur.'lime hurlr bs in the base- -uitnt otuhi sr'A physician sabd the anîta itou. roit duit wveral houri. I. f. O'N-ilsaduamund 1 kceattChi- reporcutrs the o lt f$ tX ot et iun.iib. bhiuh ho ebanged for sa chirî'a eck. The naa o-ha go! the i uîisguise t hoesuame of William D. S. tL Crisnilun & C'o., cloîhiors of Pa- iao -th btu-instaore al Rureka. have tI a ltitin antkrîptey, -o-bhlitabiti- - ruof iiStl ofu, whih onty $3.150 isuen iru-ml. Theassets are sabbsed ait %N'on] unasreceî yod nt Itockf ord Ofthei rutit ut IliroainIl. tDrake et Preiil. 'li .tir srs s-s thrugbthse Porte ilICan rîrîanu mguit 'haCtuhany II, Third 111- uta., sut l!okfnurd, sud etter his dis- linge eotutsiruun the regular ar>- A't Rock tuloaut. (erg B. HeDri, 4 îrt batitik ssstujler. wsios li-nfroiD A n h libed a ntehboule uit bis mother and ui-ut ahusrd a train fur Grand R&Pîda. v-l h- obtuire hr-i.ta -nterlifor pasaita orgîsb ceeetendu'r ihe tuante ut Adamsa. Fratnk Eriiger and Charls Pope ef lain nouthdrinco-rnia a ishtng party un e u)han niver, tise mile, s a t ofRam- %y ai ndut in hathing. ister tisey 'rr heord cr3 ing for hoip. tint bafore a- iaue reai-hesi themta hey mere droun- IllitockuefurlCycle Compati mas unoi!lu; thoeaheriff to.stistî judgnseint îltes otfl Th.'reliabiut!es are pluocu nt $"2. Nl.ih osast îwce Ihat arnUont. 'bu- onupsîu; ao-a rgsaniesi a year an wiub a capital stockteorf$10.000. bhi J. W. Mbn-bar-l J.5,5Walsha, alpreme preatdeat tr the Ct'îtihîuîeKnights of Illtuois, bas 1-11 ili'hchitn h1)uabisoffice by tiesu- matni- board ot triistees os a resut of lhe fguIt botiscon theî-ninLrs ut Bt. Par- rn,-ha psrish ta East St. Luis and Btuh- op Jauseni-of rutl'le-ville user tbc appoint- bruiit oft a lînsuor tii suceod liev. Father At loin-teItlant.,thel'onnaylvauia OI1 nt TankUteLns- (utiipon>'s marchoum tut hiuaig statrion mas svupasl ont by li. fo louks crsrtsnîg 30(8<0 gallons of ul i-aib ere t)rrr-y sttor'sb b the lire de- nuîrtuinuîît. Titi'total hios e$17M00 s bit-l ropes-îts in addition tu the buitld- ig. SIoffrigaltrisotutillîîmiaatbng if d min)rîr-utuuug onls.bonzrie pan u) totib tf 5',(140) inumd orutgriuut' and 1,000 bar- Stotu Ilîarimeonl iitlas beve sent ar-rd triulLort relatives that the Aitri-aut îîuîubassador ao!lit. Peteraburrg reoIrtrs hat be tarIl t unitthe narne et i-o J. NVh.nni-y. the 5,Vunîîubsgn Cotat>- n--r. lu list utfii hM by>'the itusa Itnoruuî!of thei-oilorsi arreated on lhnýuuIslaîndifuir îui-hmuuîa nseals aitd!Dom coiiîtis u n a Subi-ruai-alun;.The lu- vosIuguîto n iit seaosrefur hlm in ii h % liii u) -ur un thlei' lin ihre aud Ohio SuîtitiîOusternn.ssuturarler near Tomer Ir i, and Mltil nIl igi-s-eciil-jinjuries a brui't b-he i-uit aluni lru'st t bat o ut re- .,,It tl i>ly.mîlIi '>' ert legs un dl cl-l t,1a1;huit samputation Win lui ~ ~ hal îu-uar.Mlrri u Strrs;'s rigit rui ruti t lît tog Nu'riefruituîtnd. John 'tniIciri't fou!toas.'iih and boti lu-ge lruussb - Juini- îrrtutd'5cgttlet us is. ssr-nihsb andb lins nnîontbruscE. Johinu Turoner ussii ylurîii ir-st about lie lîrnos! and bhîîuu Autana ('rnuu.tiiin niIÂ,rn>ofutthe tDickinsont Cu'uîuueuu (oumîuun; at tuer ni u ho, I, alei liet snilh a seer. artideint. lie iNOsuiuinih ca-trs ut rock utiiiiiiiseu'C uir anu in corne va>- 1, il ii ihem uiuumin hunni. tno befiuiued b>- lin.ý, olsrtrts' buall ibu' henry- car. Tb~e latrin vinas grui tmg1ik at the imte andl fu-iluîs s rrkiiietun1i r-iiituoa stoppe] Et it outs cr-aîtnb uhut litîtuin mas tut te buit ii.-nuse-nintatter lhait au hnintýusorknit mthlu lttuflsimg phyatcbau uns is hi-4tnitue fn-r ricovet'Y a gond. Pi h s1 îtiiif ponu hmsticks of dyne- t tu oîi tîîitini i,5 Leis sBranden inaa sus t slueît nîtihua fara!,haIt a calle surît bo imu t t iii'iînuîinesat Carlerville. CrtIm-t inett i uîîîîu-duatety coiftaatcd thse m-nurl r- t-I. 'ro t be drent of t*e t n.ttr i-r nls str-frMey mode lu hlow tili tii-mou i.ans ilutrus tnosen thal the dynuîrîîut, vits theri'. I1! s uum bajie-vei illart Iruit forn tho presi-nce outhte troupe t ho- îuhuiutii-r-t pil aad naebiner- ln ijiriuni tth to riisbminsa outd ow Lu- in ruina aud otninuyliv-es .outd have 'fTho distrietcampîît ur'o-ting associaion mtiturt itive orunumîr'nue hi* selecteul Aiig. 17tbu 27 us the dateastsar the annua i-enEr rne-tteg ùt EiirurtiiGrav-e, lait oiens!t ofis'lsid're. liesldlnt Eider Har- r it, cotupIetes the- liflueti satversary of shua misitr>' et Ibisîtinte. Bi*hopa Merilà Pandst )rs. Speuiter. Swift. i'araharat. .Traveli-r. Bitbrh. PoIl-r enud uarmiiloe are t îtîrîta tti'enatisi bper tlihoin attend- su&e-. Aîag.-d7 ili [se Grand -Arsny d&Y r -tth eaidag rsatng Ang. 23.1. goldn meu- Editsadaî iad Au&. 20 HPmnrlh Lassée Bday. Mdair uew collageshg"*ve bac "1 ita iloeth Gre .aid u se êt >-,M.41

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