Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Jul 1899, p. 4

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-t- GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. fl.p_%mIL H.J1ST. Kdi*o. *I U~MRS. E. S. SHERMAN, LOCal Edite.- Mrsitierisu e athorized go relcve subgeriptitainud sdvertlemeflts VUIDA?, July 21, 11109. for the INDErENDENr aiso orders for Iobritî.Ca!iSerorrts Ï* m 84 thpont offile t Ubs.rtrv!iIW e dth ae sCond aimmari~ter.IIAae h o d mor tWocaos edwoli "Mrs. uoril &eonpîauied ber daugh. eodth ae au ce ms anse.ter, Mrs. Sluitb to Itloit Ttîe8dmîy. D.-ath har,lle-ed nothmr *of Lake Nir. Wiii E.iwards, of Chicago , Countya ,ld .att,-rs. T!e.tlirdYi)ioelurs a-___________________-________________________viîtaad tirer Sîiuday witb bis sintar, t0 wbù.iiW, oSe 'o I nd îîII ios cargo».o Mrkl.voo.Mrs. Wayne Harvey. remililat-.aoft mari y lays Inlake Cotnttv Elgn Btte Maket VO .willl mre- s h-w ym.a,., retoIIIbyhir el ________- Butter >UtIoEgnBadMna iaRsi n e io r mt ers entertÈtiùed this week by ber tothlr reward. liu 111t fmwk-ursil sili M W. a fo i n Laktel Cfo unt Bo a s mies. ofieringa, 491 tubs; a-Il iug InE gi n it preae it w riti g. uleceti M esda nes Edw rd a sud C roker. bc Im p osib le- to, a eri. te laîid ot ai, W*ammyhoete l uni o i.&.98uba ut l; Oficiai îmarketl8'.Di raiaîidbla- A. B.Lewis-Wil réopeu bis Photo- oriinal pioi.a.r ael.r or Lak C.ut Y. Kil Soc CzumsaODYswili tbutter tantweek Die, sud ,eya ia itsg odytfIi ek. giaPh gail ll bsae ucext w oek. Aeti.alu.-L. uIt -.I n-t l i in tawrafl- ~lO1m. Ouuy l Iei inesiga .~seu f irt-rotiae In munit weeko Co.. N. y..jîly -4. lm-i?. At the lire L ak e O tu u o U h i? in ft " i n un s i - g i 6jM rs. M . D . Sm t h r a t îrn d to E lg i n issu e . tw e ity -eîg ît y -ar-. . -1 A, , e , L alo C IIaiity ý'lMos our dairymon, m tbey are t AKEiat Frîiay. Sibe won aacomutild Mr. Wooîîiey bas rettirued fron bis wiîîrc aile., rriltc'l ail lier Ille. ()il Nov., i lo onts TeFXA E onte Iiylier mutîier. long '.îslt lu Caiifairnii. le bas been lmI, h aiesAmrtai .d to V, lltîhiai iirdai .4190 nadioini oLue . T .1owuseud, of Fort Hill, was on goue milice Jauîîary, aîîd reports a veyenl the town out irant.I.lIta aspeut afl ot oue luncondeming caille Our treeta Suuday eveuiug. Mijsa Nelie (ieuienof tMcHeuTy pluagamit visit. mîarri.'d lire onîîth'. Itufflesr' li. Lake. MWpaiethe lucikie"se rmer aa mali Mr. J. Daiziel. of Digbi'ou, was a t'oz t*aathe Muent ot Misa Mlary lRaymonîd Yr .n.S rua a i ertea ieu,.ea., i.. fll î,kaaas,, Ip lagaifs of bis tous. Inestimable Lake calier Huuday sveulug. i e as stwe.tbe fore part ot tris seek. lier wh,-fl eîsaîd hlut-i hanuilti mVi to "lue dblbflo lb.dairy ludutry recuit- E. Brown and A. Hannon were MsîmsJuiHutîraîisduepbe eu cr lioiuuel retîîrîîetl sitb hont lieI.r tiit-i. Me. .1) V. Watsiare mtbomtWeir premaure sud drastie Nippersink vistiton uSaturday. châtries a tîgbt.of Watik-gaîî, viaitet lier to tily severai moulus a41e realddIttI. .li'01- eli ii .o5 bahmmlready tbeendoue. Tbou- aMiss Jessie Brân J e visitîug ber relatives bere biat waei-. Dr. iBrowni and le ite gotluChicago ,-nt.,.-ur.-,i jîie 1. Si. te,, li-s V ,, flourni inte, ltre W.Pouet t Atioié.Moiuday. Mrs. Brown reîoained la iher h,,-.aait a.'.il,îî.,siîun td ,six childreil. iniilsof ilkuse$ t Chcag baeiaMary Mllen, ot Chicagoltaala mitsilli Mr%. teuîiîiglou sud FoaniMr Orland iî,i taî Iray.I tak.i lors. bM prejudiced, sud emîunt Mr. sud Lrs. A. Krwin- euter- apeudîug s few weeksamouag relaitivest Meadl, of Oak Park for severai days ) .WtMn l Iotn fFr il Iluslgot as wotb 0 c u is t mt udfind uthia vicinil lMr. Eh htl,-lîar-ti.a I--au;Mc-..J. talauwrtyofc u ingbc omeaîulr su riua utyMr. iPratt gave a very intpreatiiig iototj,. îtitollua; 1M V.rIilllîl.iai1. Iscac. au the coterie of pbyniciaus LMr@.Fiddler aînd daugbter oft Lra i e. -Hîîsîulas beeiî the gîls a nbsteavlt sto Mexit of-lîlix..B irte -i grtlaqlilandie Wionto ottetleclgsWiseoulofber amtnîfoîr seat-rai week-t.!Site re-fie Coiîgregatioual ebirchtu .la i r-iltlî.re are-- f.,-i cumnamiiedtoxaakalt;ndr ay liibâi-wtt.liLaouerct-nl.* . 'i.. thîe s~~eou, mupb hicîiy dclae, ned- eceuiy. tiried u Eiiiî aat 4 stytsd gave te audience a very god a o , -lvinîg ,f te tJ.,ul fiui îill> lay 0 Mesure. B. CoamunstiandR,. herwood. The bazatir bel,! îu the M, E. cr i-benh ilas îî(,f gthe cuatîos sud habit» of!h bbc . ti ir ( ,r B"athéBoardci walted until fi bad of Lake Villa, letf for Arkansas, Mou- Wduesday aud Ttiursdaty sas largeiy pul î hteuty ..t ltIitl.rii r sr 15bea bUised beyond doubi that day moriug atoe itidîs lt -îutg. Mî,îîîîy eeuugth tîbOcuratl ,ralit WtlMimt Aas- l ru cattie sas on W iearued bbc deThle salin of $95 Mas cleared ol iilelp tlî,.auddeu death aof Cec iul tut (ii rtt euaYtetof lilY taerulsi aon etiewuco- tobaejustat busth dah oardfilîe reptiitg Ofîthte î-bîîru-. ilîlu atuii. the inîfant eiidi of hnIi-rlkebs - oloous (w11101tgileisnot> or that bends Mouday ot s sou uftheIbeête LiMr.. îîi r. Mer 'Tîtb tieoi, 11ir i w.- n-Il it>ti.-- wmWooed to&Dy gester ctn Burueti of Lake Villa. U 1 11la i.,ro iltt fBlir t ln ok- wug. iufocted 10 any citent Sommer Tours. Wina, whî le ou a v lat .u til their Oari. Iir . iliitbl m@ bnfor years paotticwbe s MLr. sud Lrs. Shepard sud daîîgbiter.prits, Mr lsut! Lrs J T. Marriliut AuI ,d.nIli ttî--ttmirt- baliOVOe 1.ame Doit)heir action u lnue, also Mis bue ee The tiriigbtful ntommler tours ottered thia place. 'l'ie, cbiid halbeei-oi! H-tlîî la ,,.i--.-i. G woflnt c mnale udrakFoi Lakeectilers Hundsy. bY the Chiîcago, Mlsauxî lre- it. poufi lut one day. 'llie nemalus sare tskleu r Miss Chrsîlua Webben retîîru-d to Riwyau mie<Aia .-r ft ieotfrbral"ima.ýl, OrFIHaKm lajute 5r. tbe Amoeiciail riToriiat Amhociatioi-rt- W 4taI-ti tanîl bo.-i i-m l, i ti-, ba e ys ilb ber ister, Lra. Frsnk lHAINfES1t Vki- iILii, Itlillila.l 5 iwd ot l ijr oe0 afier.dysAiigust3rd 4,00 uàiîi--:i I.,vsîn alal i-m f-,,--. l- . .--lg - f DosaI 0 nmaerlall injue oue f Gahger.oinîg aaliire carry day. Iiiaîa. mrg.las. May and Lira MerbouiSmith i.l-. ii.a.1 flUisua grestest industries uder W. M. Gaiiagber, ot Brysu, Ps., molys: Aîîgtst 15-A trolly toutr tbritigli the wcre the gliita tf Miasea Aggie sied iiiati~i .5.5i vrete.as01 invesigating s possible --For forty yeas-s1 lhae tried vsious Coloîradoî R,îcieasîîi -iatndl lîrîîrBîitili-. f Dhuit'Lake, au(iînmiîa Ma lh I iit nii- la st &Io" t le ougb medicines One Minute (pugb Park comiiieti. Tî-ai Atîgini 15 galiîrday lent. -M..JIiIii lSeiiEd. Ilta fime te maliguauîly Cure la best of ail."Il releivats u- A trip lu bbhe liîiahtîoue Park. Mr. Nl). Pratt, ut Primuritsc Lodge. oI?.ztleemmexistlng danger, wshen l tmul!nty and cures ml ibroat sud ug Tickets iiîtlitde ail i-a1iloem every gare a tslk o11hIe tour tbrougb Mexico. Ntwibstaudijig the threateuiilg troubles. F. B. LovELL. Liberbyvilie, shere. Senti for dt-a-ru tIse lileratîîre 10 fle C(iigregatioul-5i rurche4t (raya- westbeir s largetiîtomber gatbered tu 00 .rOyen. A bdu las been Placci J. B. BitAcRi. Gome, F. L. Wr.aTEB- andîtiuîersries. 41-2 fite tiiîllay, a. 11). A ftîî l bougewax in bt-anrua v.Mr. Leaitard autlriuir,îse nioa 1the principal produet of Our lMAN, lockfeler. tivO. H. IEAFFORItl. Oeuf. PaAm. Agt. atteidaute sutlai! sri-ru tteateil. LIlge. i-u-eaLake-, Hîittîy aller- hamhmtin es 01ftibis Idiotie agita.-Lira C. O. Huîtb. il raymlake,whsuion uitîvare sam-i ra-paid for a-îmug. tics, and &fier al bas been sud and A maguifietupaortrait of Adumirai Dewey, iu tes colora laize 14121 iu)I-iemsbinns teriîmtîigy iii tIens at llra-u 1ev. lr. (bidenber tf tue Pri-. hytt-rlsS 1 on, mad public sentimet bastonigits wtb ervotia prostration, i. as cbiirtb, wsukegsuî, sMil speat îîsxt olhogmeatl11.e iîupetiouh profecsions] la betug prtîîled for tiîe INEIPEND.ENT OU beaVy plate palier, iitîs fru iiitbe mo fur rri-ovret as 10 ride oîît. Sbe la Htiiîay aftermaetiuthallfpliat titre. ~fa1r5 1 lb.bockgroud, he fr trming ilyoute Ia irgelit art ltbogrspb li iesin iAtierita. îîî tht- ioder lb.,ailie treatinesl ut Dr. iBrown. iclick. UOV5 Wili b. poorer by ibousanda of fumnons FrenchL style ut color-piste stick, verv liuw sîîbsarilterr irti,! tîhi bIboiis, beomause a credulous Publicesariber pyîug une year luu sdvauci wiI b.- preacubeil sîihi ue- s1 ere illmporarily imduced lu believe _________________________________ têtellr cttte might possibly b. iufected M.e leof uiltk, unisuse ilbal been A boil,and theu but iu lbe smailest No. 468 R. A. P. R. Opouilo qanties. -Il sold uot surprise the edtor 1 titr ritlr- - -- - --3 au 15aninestigaliou bâdi -eu ur ri ea.. .. .. 11st4o11foot by soine of tbese protes- .........SO mai cranks tu determiua if théetIis- stte ui bwor'@ bops i-eesusceptible lth ui tr-I ---E shoopiug eougb or is echiekens lu tbe CidiSi ik-------------- 0< I (b denilu lit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 _t- Tab«euisis in prevaleuli amoug omtli Lake Coiunly 10 about tbe A1ricots, per I,1 ............ - l iteut Ilban beeu for a score of Jeans, sarîl t .... ..- ..-5 »d sae Ouracetors mauaged go exisi it Mud tWY~o on produete of the dalry k (13 ...... ....... tc sOi 1the present gemîcrathomi. We eau 5l ukhi ....... 3 a o eemohv f uo eîisling condition thubate Ià,ýiclia S03C W ar'ran ts Iis uproar ith ail i s vii G lingetion A Thousind Tonguea É oukiDnot express the ripture of I Amie E. Ipinge, of 1125 Oosad s., G eo. B atte rshall, Dgr.iUng's New Dscovery for cou-. , NE. - - - ILLINOIS. saumption bad completely eured bier eof ______ l a baug cougb Ibasifor manuy Jeans Ila a baideomie bar ttallin 1 tle ands.iI,.,ileh, 1i1«111- tof k i,. l.,-aiIa lmt1 »Il doctors could gie eip, tla fh- ,eda.h-a l. îuia- Hiebrn edigfollowm: Ilil b5 Hîma ut- sc, l- ..tIl- . -I-25 --RO rI bu .1ems f bi boaiCueîh tIn i 226,HereaeY 2:J7, H..-k,,tlircltt-j:2. razil.Ello t ii.ha,. ROUTE.t .uî.- g I ..MO I @cou r.uuoved tbe Panulu My client The iln of Hernie la Sm-IltI- Cliy.a gc-ta o..-tle. icm 1 I,1. tnt, l.Ie .1-t-, m»l I eau nos al-ep souudiy corne- vi,toe sansiraI hy the.-iieiî.,wim-ml ia-.i-iaM Clay. s.- -1vn-I ,lat ,iti -i, i.. lI.-. st. thing 1 cas maarcciy eunember doiug -rrI2:1m. Tir,hilitir e--dm lIe- . aI, Il-i. - - , , t nl- IbtIl it..,,OtIm before. î fiel is esouudliug its praisel.'Ir Matîh . S. . aI toril , ,t - îr- Pin .- It-.'- I2 , - la, 1, lt'l J2Il.I -nt- througbout tbe Univense , 8u0 hil 10'-2 na eittt' ,thmca. and î,tiîoui f Jhi :11et .1 >O Khi'. . i. Il leey one shu rises Dr. Kilug. Neswl2-»14.8--sI 2:OmOî aiîl .m--cla-tio twi -taiilnrl1.- ti..-- l iî.ila im-itI-1d. Dlsovery for asuy trouble lu the are of Maud M.' -.. i. oI ,.-,.l îthei.--i dc,-, ntl,. atI Iboa, bet r uua.Price 50 cents TERMS:-$ 10 to insure lie colt. and $1.00. Trial bommties utFik. B. LOvELL, Libertyile, G. B. Tuiomir-C.A AP L Y son, Grayslake. Every bottie guaran. 0 n. rA. APPLEM&ta LY, ~ ~ ittiLibertyvili e - - - - - Illinois. mîIrnlult ie heuhe CITY 0 I4ICACZ çffl CITV OF MI LWAUKEE CITy 0 F LOUISVILLE ~ i-I1E 7 ~ 17)BetwenChicago, st. Joseph T H E aojJ ~ __________sn t onuIHarbor, Michigan 661 ampaSittve I would flot bc SIDAILY EXCURSIONS fli today but foiyu latlaooîî t IrWihailiuAvenue. WOfl4TIU ...Xld, Dr' M laîl .at 6W u l. a tun 1a --a Heurt Cure.1Ihad heart dis- nàiirrriv'at rsrati: a -.etm casefou! y s and doctors ....G ives A w ay Free.... aMA;rs t i. arrîie.:niti"ir ohl n.Wre c.-lt lt 51i t ch-Ii 9:0o I., m.fI1.11Yto I be.- -aill m ia-a Chil-ai' t 1 ,.$(0 gan taking this icmcdy I wa.s IIîn.. dilt nî mdaut laI iP. m. Satuirulai nft o :Iy. T,1-rn.30ooîtri, dom- iliut f a f aniu.,ot foi six Iîî- eît I-. n . uha iI,iiiofs months I have oit pmf"ty WITH A DOZEN Iualre. tl,- rilut ,ti, han«m Il. WcL PMaMatnWado'ff ,.oitîiil~s.ihtai nll. By il'h.E. Grattât For ik Mmm -'lit tlî- tuilI raa Iîî I iîtet th tI,fttI ,Jdm-atti'hîruiuI( aw E lits.)uul litt,,H Mason's Fruit Cans J HT~ n u E Il. P. Cok5. (.îmil Arel .S~2.III-..AT -.~z--Fm.-tiWsaah Av.-.. 48aiverl i. t ,Iato. 411 i sold by il dnsiu ts onu gamastee 40 cents for Quarts JFILbOR Sli..tLErtroer ,.k .55 cen s f r G llo s Bndllg Bln, onhurtwV55andnt5 ntn! ai FOR SALEmDr. mi! preral lpay lîîmltern loney -Quotationsm The f o owing is a Criterion of prices in vogue at àr - Bn acionuaHtn ...... T- - ougue -* .... -1 cbipped Drieti Bei-f -. Pork aud Beausç .1.......... Armur or n wits Lard---..------------. Eaniy jouen e aas ........ ... \\\ (linger Buae, per i11---------------- t î-au Luinpkin-. .. .. 1 Ilb cen tireen..Gage Pluin -. i lii cau Egg plmma ......... IBattie Roui Sien------------------------- ., Wid cherry Phosphate-------- Lapiemi amîd etiiut' $3.(K)I tan siioea--------------- 08C: 08C: ioc 07c: 06<: ou< F. H. KUEBKER, -ayslake Deot. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. ýVatches at Hia f Price! i, Jesel. lmt i, ilveraiî 3 OZ Vaxse. - . - .. Ail)îriîeâil 'di a[ tl aiul,lmt sIZte1 . îwei îîî aillirailema- Elgn. utair,,7 ifu.- I - - 15 icscl, 8 501 10 (MI) tla .81I li above Watches are Stem Wind, Stem time-keepers. ight Day Clocks $2.75 to. .......... CALL AND SEE THEM. $3.7 5 E3. B. SIiFRMAN, 3RAYSLAKE. ILLINOIS. Eco0n my--,Ž- That's the word to express oui customers' reason for buying o E d ward s. 'ý NOTE THESE ECONOP41CAL %RICES. Ladies î1îîîk snd likieinjackets, stîrîl mt t-$'M i Laliea 'sun alipîiara, simli $ Iîm iîclî,ac73 75vtai - T i t., ... .. i.1 00 i - li Id aI - 6 0 Lmaînt. abiace 95v t------------------------ - 3 h09i .. uita $2.50 and unît ... . ... Bt vo- utt, vviat aunul hnulol, fsg.ýmt-a b m I A full line-of Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions sold at Iowest prices possible. 1~ W. W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE. I ir aitillm i r ail thîngli. Tiî i i., t i I i, l>îWitt m Lîtile EariV l<î sers î lmj,t. a léit are su lferiug frorn et. 1e1ia CUut.1Wii, Mick I lier Digests what you sat. .&nictlna ii.e baulstied digestve or- mr ATRRO gmns. 1t te the aftincovered dWMNUACURA ua md toute. No other prepaion cmarmproeL it inemelteiîcl. Marbu- eleundpermaentlT grru Mr = ,Indigestion, Keatbuu J -uoe Stomscb JaU@ein ieutachwe,G@*àt î&BmdIaSn an av L r- De4OfîIULlà Ce c Gran ite Àî Monuments. ouji omet la = .04 we ma M-19 Imm Wu "M S.à m dm- S 3.4 ir« a ig la wcwt& im D« "If tbe 1 mu bole. OW&O WORK OF Descrlptoin. .26tiasesSt W AUIIBIANI loi Saving r )f ILLINOIS. 1 - 1

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