Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Jul 1899, p. 5

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rRIGGS , TYO I Always keep a fresh, clean stock of-Màw FRESH M EATS SMOKED Groceries -Canned -Goods )'Flour - Bread -Confections -and -Tobaccos OOOWE Libertyville SEIL RIGHT... - - Ilinois. CUT IN BICYCLE-- FOR ONE WEEIÇ ONLY COMM8tNCINQ SAIioAÀY. JULY 8114 AND ENOING SATURDAY. JULV 151H. Ajax Iisrl 5 rivrr s','52.00. asv 52.5 Fttrrl sra'ilsylaasîi ins$ 20.(W, oasw .......19.30 1 ALSO DEAL IN WAi'CIES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC., r%.ý ras'...' Il55sais..'....a',i .... 02t liss isî 's. .ailia-' ainsi ifî,ata . îaer paiîr . . . . .. .. . . . .. 23 Sli 'a ai (l ssls i l ait l îla' ucai . . .. .. ....' . zst 8181 [WIIPPFII ICÏtU[RIARSOIN[K CO IY Bargrains in liargains in Ladies' (it>Id î:iled Six Size Watches. Ladies' Gold Filled Six Size Watches. AGENT FOR EDISON PHONOGRAPI4 AND ~-GRAPHOPHONE-ý CR. SIHERMAN, j Lihertyville -.5" COLUM iA1 - -Illinois.1 Hats___ We have a new and complete line of Derby and Fedora Hats which we are selling at right prices. The hoe wecarry are made of the best of material. We have them in ChiIds' Misses, Ladies' and Gents'. Iatest styles. Investigate. Carpets,.*- Just received a new lîne of samples. Corne in and get prîces before buying. F. C. SMITH& SON, Butler BIdg. Lbertyvîlle. Illnois, Lawns, Prints Percales, Dimities. Ice Cream You can always get it at Loveli's. . . . lOPULAR FL Ir Pure, Deliscii ..WE KEEPTHE BEST. F. B. LOVELL, Libertyvillaa - - Gpui.a od Farguni Ioctorlflg. Na'A. N. Nn'irtAsiarvuiiel tsaivss '.r'S s, usisi aig-.1ssi arin 'innrattandiwa a atii I. A s ranf iarrla R hta'ussa'rt sUai ais ..I.lly ia i i t. For i .a. 1 F. ;. .lai'tY LAIS onuiv,(i.I~.WiITEIMAt4, Bok!clUlter, 3JOB; MEIKLta, iauiioe. LAVORS. ..- jous, CoId Illinois.i S'airai la isansiasi Ilyspopsia ('aire h %% lia' salmi itliirrsrai naCr e. IL ssi, t Is.- li Oa, 1 ra'1asuta tee .1ni.- iii,tir arrltig the ailgetinaua ains ..fsaafainr nt fîaîlusi a'tariug the nl.'irtisga'ai nge'aiava. argaisa toas isatnîrsl ILrrtutt lmasa a iatvery saransa- lai.nai iug tl kaîwila ýtan he ans' ai îratasalsas F. Bl. lOVF.LL. ib . WRSTEIAN, Riieteller t PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. k Local items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. Mii»Cirace Madole ta vliting lier L. Sluaier in paiting F. l'rotiue's tather, in Evanston. store tailringm. Boran, t) Mr. snd IMra.John iledam, Miss Jesale Austin. 0f ('hicago, in Snnday Juiy 16, a baby girl, viiiug vitta W. C. Sauboria s famiiy. Father Cadinan succeeî.s Fathe? tStone là@ on the groiinsi for tbe Meeban, as pastor of the Catholir faundation oftG. Il. Sîijaaar'k ai nO cbureb. buli. Mins$ita Hall, of Wankegan, lai visibulig laag withilber cousin, Miss Etbel Henry Lathrrrp liasi;be contract for Wigner. painting the exterior ofthtie M. E. ^Lee Wash, of Chicago, in visiiing cprchsantg iwr uhiea bis graudpareisa, Mr. anal Mra. Levi peat Whitney. Mr. anal Mrs. S. P. Cramer, of Stuit- lirs. L. Woodnaan lilas gone tso gari, Arkasaas. are spenaiug a few Michigan for a ivo mouilîs viit witb veekai vitti Mra. Cramerai siatrr. Mr@. relatives there. E. C. Pelton. Mfr. and Mrs. flarry i)eugle, of Chica- Mrs. c. R. Sherman visitn ipalyulbar go, guadayed wit B iert Austin, vite brother, E. R. Tupper ai Formoi at ien, anal baby Austin. Tueiay. Mr. Tupp e rpecas to lien Miller bas returneali te Hm_ remove to Virgintaiaon 0owigin moud, mnd.. baviug recovereal froua bis bis failiug beaitil. sîchuesa, of a few days Cool andl refreaibing-~(iiiaiibr's pure I. J. Hoyt andi Misai Myrtle vill stant lenion dropsi, ai PEaitsIIiaS TUARANT. for New York Claie nexi Tueâdasy, W0 Lee Finit anal family removeil to bc gone until Iepiember Forest <Gien tibis eel. 1fr. Finit being Mr@. Win Milbizer anal aon, of wan- transferreal ihere fr001 Evereit. Hils kegan, are viniuing wiib Mrs. Milbizer's position laithatof niglit iperator. We mtiler. ?Mr&. Clara GeHinge. are sorry to learn of ibeir departnre A fine monument viii lie erected anusa ihey bave been prominentian cbarch liobi Rsy 's loi in Lakeside Ceineiery circleai andi bave made bouts ef friendai the latter pari of ibis week, by F. flair- lu Lihertyvilleý slow, of Waukegan. The Oraler ofEasstern Star lsa iisriv- Ellyn, III.. reiunedto te ieir home l'uesday, baving beau tue guesta ut chas. lsbcock's tamily for a week. *'Draving Power" wiii tic tise Rev. Johtn Lee's aubject ai the Meibodiait isurcb ou Kuuday moruing. Hiaieven- lng ainisect i iiiha NokIt lThoazgt.' John Keiioe, 0t W1àu'kitu, bas the eontraci for movung tbe Alice Davis aud L. I. Srisaack bouses. receuatly purchasoal by tteralîrosal Company, (auto Iota owned by the latter near tise fofofutNewberry Ave. Mas. Frank Masou bas been very sick wltb ailacb comptant, île exact nature pt viici bas not been dellueil. Her condition was sncb sncb thai Dr Knaghi, ut Wabkagau, vas callea lua cornsultation une alay Ibis week. A Commuanication from J. Bl. Allanson Couataius the Intelligenre tisi lri. isîlansun Ilivery ick, aiufering yul asrrvoaîs prostraionr. Tbey are ai Taberg, N 'Y., anal vii stant for Labertyvlile ash soon as ber corndition viii permit. tirer 25o eti o f awulng bave bren irulît la projeci over the nortillier ul %aslain îlte fuir grouni. finlapro. paise to rebisal th îe stalîs blowu dovul rrenfâly. Wisatever buildings are put up yul ho veillbii itansi per maneant. 'Tie dîreators very wisely deruilealtisai to contiuàiy penal bi'ouaey -fihing aop" vas foirliai. Ti saleisto lie huili viii have ahingla r rrrtKand hoaaabataniia inluevery vaY W. C'. Achen lai reînoviug the tiallo way biuliaga,'bouse, barus, etc. ba rrou tise farn, otf tise rigisi-a2 of the ncv ronds. A atreet vîlI ha ojaýne'aiup tii conueititi tle aires ai footr of Nevlierry Ave., osu viil uev aireot tise buildings wil face 'lise teant " rn tise <alloWay tarua il irccupy tIse buildings.;viaile Mr (ialluway anal faîily vill move lui. their new bouse on Newberry AVE nîrv ociealiy the tenant. asintat opersior andtiren. The uev imsu la E. s. IDouiaiue, ut Waverly, 0. Business dovu aetitue delsot bas in- creahiet to suris an exVsnt tisai Mr. D)uBois vas unsisîe 10 kemp np. Sbisiirents ut1Ialters, pickles sud gravel laave beeon naîmrouis of laie anal gýouerai business bas remrkably ian. prosaii. Iu facyu tva wmen la do tise sorkt h is ueces8'arY t-r Put in twvea sd itteen bours.daily. Thia opesaiâ weil fur onr tovu. Wben h lecaîne koovu île latter pari of list i eekthuai Mr. Ersuas, Of Branus Brans. 4 Parker lidturuoti over bis coniraifl for grgulng to Gtrnt, l,luasil & Co., a rumur hacame nurrrent uSai le bld -faid. Cre-Illons vere imtsidiaiely relimved of worry by Mir. Evans' bovever, sha --a---a----I prse i- 1an Ail vhs isal business oonuectitn vuS ina wtuc tiere are universal an ibeir lansdsuiois of lis fair, square dealinge. Wbislie btic Ostbevily, no one else dd anal tbrough a tranger, lbe provet isi mnanlinesai anti reaponsibliiy by aolul everytiuhe tcagred to anal payinî .eny dollars gindebieduegh. la It Ragt? FIrons Iylvain Valley Novai. Brev.rd. N. C. fi uay tac a queistion visatier tihe eiter ofa luewspslpen bas the riglisto puililcly recommn any ofthtie varinuai proprletai'y mediciies vhie lcfir tle market, yet as a preventive 01 iaieing vo feel It a aInty to aiaY A1 good wvarti for Chamisrina 'mColie, choIermansd Dlsroea iîemetly. We bave tuowvlU41anasei tisis madicine lu unr tamily for tveutY years sud bave sîssys founa l;h elale. lu î.suay cases a dose (If tuis rsmedy vauli Rave Sonna of sufernag vile a pbysia3iaui lsa Ruied. We du Dot Iuelieve lu dependiflg lmpliclly on any Muedicine for. a cure, hat ve do imlie ve lIai if a tottls Of Ch&mber- lalins Diarrloesa Remedy vers kept atu banadanti administeret ai tise ac.ption ut au atant mucis snffering migilie arolaleal analin rel-y m&My cases the prese'nnA of a pbyaiiaa vîsualaiaat ibe requireal. AitIsst Ibis glias heen Our experience dning tle pasitveuty years. For sale ly F. it. I.OrELL,' Lulenyville,J. . R BmuA'llnR, (iuruiee, F.' L. WPRT.I5AN, Rtactfelier. (IIIAYALAKE PUARIÉMi, Jouai MKKLIE, IVanbOc. what yon vaai la.nul iemp'sar relief fnaam piles hut a.curela-s41 cure. DeWitt'a Wiieh Hazai Salvis caures piles andti they tay corail. F. il Lorabia. Liberty ville; J. R. fàxlAH ournee; Y. L. WBTEIAlf, IhocdLtOtu enrolleil anal many candirlates seebing admission. IfislaDnOW thorougbly eâtablisheal anal promises to liecomue one ofthie muait popular lalies' organ. izatiOnm lunfLbertyville. .lisi wby Chicago papers gariei reports of the Krueger marder aflair as they aid la an enignia. 'l'heY ladth ie , làthe csagse, vet chose to adal to sudU ilangue ib rpor lYs-an-rVens -splen andîchagestoe repotei nrea m îiy rerVent ingSplefar aen in recorrlaug uevs. for everythliug andlaLuytbiig-aatr'bea, tbreslug macinaes. s lire stock ersus Condaemnation Sut, missionirm. sud lnsftlct auyiiîg yuu Jurige Jones boldos forth lu tle ! migisi desîre drifU'd uao tow Iassu circuit t'oari roOnis isere vîlI ho vaek. He gave ti i mrna'asP. J Uaam- triesi the condemnation m'llis t@ Obe mingai, anal before leavlug saisi ho ould Cook, Lake anal McfleurY ('iriles write up tise tevu au Chicago papers. ltaivay vs Hart snd others. con- vbich lhe aid, aensing lu une ut tise mitierable difliulty la bing axperlenceal mstesla articles for publiartion lu getting a jury. Jualge Kruvn, Cook ve eer. resalil appesred, being lu & l'pion anal C. T. Hejaleeker re- 'subsuice tisai tise tevu vas retrograti. present tise railrosal company, while ing beca... futhtie adrvent outhîe nov Whithney A- Ipton are reproseasiluz tle ralîIroal, tisai oar mayiir, andîlmsuy defendautit. railromil men wonlal lesior, ihat tise NOT AFRAI O0F MAN. travelIng metn voulal -goa irougis" fiereafter. where ai present tisey tu. eSi.sai S .k. The sîanghter o! birde basSamIcalM- iirely removet one ofthlie deligisifut se- couspauimenisaiflite lu tise rural smet -tise munie ofthtie festisereal ostema Apropom of ibis, it idayils midt hai one ti liasmnti peantulfealurea aoflise drive lisnoaagbtise Yellowatone Nationial Park i lise apparent iatamacy balveen man and tise animal anal bird lite lu tisa park. Tisankai te tise vaasandi alringenl regelai ions. nu sbootiug lai aflovea vits- lu ia bounalaries. "Thse requit,' - mye an Engliais tour- lot, --ia posiivsly risanmiug. Hundreda of litile nispmunka, vuStisshir gsudy atriped ilsot, ssampenea ianpudsfaly &bout or peereal ai tise pmmsing coachs froui tise roadaide. Ties quirrel did mal boi for the surent lame, but nodalet s velcome. Al bird li teiteduao like- wias. Even tise lordIy sagle isovera near. sud tisa vilal iurkey ataîkeal un- oaoruealely tbrogis tise rank gram. W. were fortunale euuugb t10meais IIns speolaen o! tise volt triba. He atoual. eatitui creiure, sud vilciseda (;ma;u cdai sgbt, bowing only ouriosuly, Dot rsar. Anoiberuie vers perosiveda sdos aud tawn grazlug by tise rosl. fNot un- tii vs vers vîilhnan sfevteec didt tey aeek tiha sielter ot tisa wtaada.yet not to fiy. They simpiy moveal solae. Hare at leat mankind wvs. regarded esau trienti-one wilo cooid bai irualel.Tise ionîy saimailviso rau aiwsy vas s brovu ilear. He lurned tauail liseeigisi of s oosciig psrly, ysi il vas quite a noma- mounuiing ior Sean. Se approaeb lose la lise soimet taeiseti on tise rraefuse ibrown outi as asu &fier die' .uer relaxatiaion lte guelete laatuis Btiseni leeding. Tbey munnbed anal die- puteal the chiuisi morulia, for tise mont part Indifferent lte ompAuy. Only B is e v iecaime inquistive aud ap- 1prcced loo usar did tisey retirs, and lismeanimial@ vere psnisctlyire aud Il unfettereti lu Ibeir anovemeuli. Il 0May rrendl like s tsiry tale, bus i la aolid t. ace. '"-Troy Tires&. aiber roi julia as rediruoals. To cap tisa climax the )t'iukeUuan Daula, .Sun ss'apira Mayur Arertit wrote a bitter iii tha' Chsicaigo puhliaihrs calling tiscuadusn. wbiie ou ictîzenai treaieri tbe articles vus c<atomlt. Wby tine Chicagar paperaierer cruaiaered uarticle traîna île peu utfsa man viose iseesliair actions Qaisoi cirasuat ionci' itampe hlm as a '*Iltile o1"ve rvan- tovua vas atiîvertiîed auansaasr or ai regrettedl. Kil dNear Rondout. ue Mile souti uRralna rain rrew illrsuvered tise maugleal rausasilu, Tise bdy van, tatou inn lirullat aisi coruonen Kuiglis i rlli'a Exausiiation reveaîrd tva' lettera visicil establislaeritsi lltitiY nf ilia' nnrecogsizableiiO nsassa ft'Ab as ule bodiy t Lasirence Cains. auîndr-ir'ata'I ho ien ssthe'enipins! nrftise illinoli central ruirtaas. t>lioiniali Onf tisai roi woi aea'ireti tar infnrinaauln. A verdict vas renlî'rcs ut aisidetaî abats. W . M. Heathis raurosd the remailus innLiberiYviiic ansi prelrareri tism u fr inial. Nr'iiring isavilng iseen ieiftolfrountise iciegraîns sent tise hodsy vas takeu to Lakemide reme- tory Suasiay moorniasg for iniermeut, au' i yile beiasg lînrima. a islegraini unounrei tisat deceased's brother bail beau ttaund antd viulîtrogue fior the remasus. Tise brotiser, uf»Mattruts. 1III ansd, ut Ubicaigo, arriveal au thc moruiusg train SuusiaiY, sudvhilie tisey counait 3ldentity romains ovlig to lhieu aagled r'nu dition, yere saulatlerî tise body vas ibsi of Lawrence Can, becansso ut the Iietera fonana. Informationisas to viseneaboute ut vharh tiase ie h' saaisi' egsniasg tan Si John Mcready, vba vandareti from u ý Laike County P fl ue r an JUly lts. 8lai Paulhe od barmieme, about 60 yeans, ota&ge C. A. Tsytu ieluli n aisrs i A5ppýEy, Sipt. ('oaauiy Farua. ttauday, fur interosnin. Dieesiwai ______tweniy-sit Years If aige. ihistiai Ca mrissioner'm Notice. Notice la bereby giren ibai personai H.eepr teto having Canada tisisieai on ticr to au d b Ùa aefr irlul .irt propeniy, are noified ti tsai e ma s und pe areti tu di ira vk alt ha eni or tistroyeti aut not leite your houase or ~ store ut W. M etl priapagate or go te saea untier penalty Maîtesam u s r as god as nov.k o1 a fine of fot leue Iban toan or mnore Carniage trlmining, rnahiong, etc. iîau on uelatndddollarsi. l'bilnotice Addrems, J. F. RoanEaFýt, Libertyrilia'. applieaialite to public higliwaya sud RolîCdth 1e Grave. railroad igisu of vaa u wnof A oartlitg Incident, oait vîsrisM. Libntvlle tsebiilaycommis- JohnOi ver. ut Pbiiadslphia, vaes the i oueabeiug lisaIs for île -ifalbu sîjci snarraetiby him sam alîovs: pe iomnca or ubeir subordinaies Iva aiamoidraadfîal coudition. along uli i.nse. Tise penalty for nson- MY satm vas almosi yellîav, a obsrvnceottis i*tu surscase sîuksn, tangue cosieti, painicontinu-. aily in batat anal ides, n appetite- pro inied for ra loadai lai more ésere , ý gruu l tin b ilest n er opy a . tlîey bing lhable t taa ie(If aotlems@fire hsctsldgnsom p tilanifittY nor asarrüte" tiio isadreti Fotiuatoly a frieuti adrisotitrylng 'Electnic Bitterai;' anal to nîr great joY dollas. anal surprise, the tirst boitle nsate s Wii ItARNIETT. aecideal împrovemeuaî. 1 uarasînumaî 'liaaitl ('îuuussi T ow, I'nship (art tieir use fan three ve, sud suai now LilaertyvilIi. Sept. i. a veil mau. 1 knov ibey sared ivm lits anal robbestitheegrave Ofut notier viatini.' N une sbaaalrî(1ail to try Notice. îlein. Oly 5ocetta, giarantieil Thero viii be a mueetIng oftntta F. B. LoVELLL, Libetyilile, 0I. B. V gt,,- 1.,lIersofihe i..,srît aai )ton a'ao"oo, Grayalake. cburce Naanaiay oveuliig July 24, 18"9t, tor tise parpose of eloctung trualesi . W. F&aHCIsT, Bee'y sud Tresa, Plymoutb Iaînding lvuail est.8 Far-asie ly kIf. B. ZRia, Lil>Oriyriile, ni., LOST MONEY. Evans Oro*. & Parkeir Torr, (ver Contract. LaiFrilay tMr Evans, of ERos' Brus. %A Parker, -viirilirlu ieldauthea coniraci for bildinag tee ne.a ruond bed beivien Fox Lakeandsaisi .irrty- ville, asaaaun osi iba*hir ilalliiyta ý carry ont iheir rirniraci. vithraît lrrsiirg lieaviiy. lu tbe lirai place tisay laot-i hem iiatrrilt-tir ala ip ttaelr t-oo, iorisei, etc .to Libertyvilli' ansi crni* miene gradlng ai ibis end. ((ver iweniytilve cars of eqaaipoieai arrivesi anal ibm bail to ha' reaisipa'sl ar larlea arosinthe cyuiltry tir Nlppermink becausie tise riglit of.way iisrougl Libertyville hsallîîoi tiien fren îeeured. Evans Brus., A Parker list iseavi]Y On ibat accolant, and bocause ilsey brîitair( low continurd u irs rlk mniey as thea vork prugressesi. The ralîrorîl casaapaarry sprciateil ibeir predicaauntusisii ra'la'aasl tir bondainien. givîng Ifie ,asltrairt ir tiha neiatloweïd it addera, tiriait, Liîsci'il.1 o., of M inneaposilis, M li, isarthsa largesi cottracting llir i iithe' w'at, Work bas bren roîittisiîcrl. ths' aria contractura pnrcsaaiiig asrîirigsit rancb of Ersan Brus. & P'arker'* crîuaîr- ment. Evans Bruai & P'arker hava' tiirty miles iftgrade titider conatrn'tirar near Madalla. Minu . only a part ut ibeir force b)eing bere. andî Mr. Eviansi wili leava' for Minnesotra ilumelisatriY bis affaira ihers aire aijiarteal, as tise latter coniraci needs lail tala attention C. A. Langalun who lusa a it-cir tract for four toulesa of gratte', front Libortyville weait hais a r'arisad rrf dump cars, a car uft tack sud Jrrlnta for dumup cars andd a large clevating grader ou ihe aide irack ai Liberty- Ville sud viii gritiru rrrk ast tiisaendi iii a tew days. 'The grade ta teing ritaiseal ail a100119 tbh a now. and tI ssaulti niaI-tuki long tu complete il vitti the preaiciat force and lnumber ofss lanrcirit vork. Do not be deceived by cheap Adverttsements, but corne where you know that word and goods are absolutely reliable. M. B. COLBY & Co., DEALERS IN EVERYTHING Ch inaware! Slightly Damaged. We received another shipment of fancy Chinaware this week. Through fauity packing a good many pieces were nicked and otherwise slightiy damaged--we want to get them out of the way in a hurry and wiIi make prices accordingiy:, for instance: 15.' Faiasy totea urittale'plates ................ 3 Sc 20vi i'aas'y table dilt.e ...r.... .3 & 8ci litec Faincy aval ni-ises.. .............. ....... 3 8cS 11) & Uic Dîep iiavls ...3 Sc I utilvirialiaii I r inI bes. înlr 'ni z . .... &3 lO0 $1045 F a u y vaier iitch or m . . - ..... . 0 & 3 3C We have a complete line of beautiful Semi- Porcelaine Chinaware at about the price of com- mon White Ware. The Fair, 1Libertyvilie, - - - Illinois. PEOPLES'COLUMN. "Ada Ini théai osioma. nDC pair wak1iai& a VI lif in- r lais.; -r1. 1 8 6lma. Sc parItli«. F , -wo LL-asr a r sai in toWu Of F %L',s,,sî W.-Ili asovd liod vater. :Rupture W.11 - ira% ( 1111irI 'AIE S'y , lw 1 itaîcra anal C irl ngr's ai way.o .-Iotrandi FiNzBL. I)aiva,,.(f) IN 301T 00 DAYS. fa rilX Eýsrr' trn .nawsLog i a'S.5 rrsaasc. li alas Ba,8sfaru. sss hur i sldlnus, Insuae Of N, Cor.' irrails VV sas (s1181, Is,' ia. aaiaf Aiiioab. Nol.' i r '(i ' iiasut.Antioh. No -.,iI ra'li4111 Ilrsr-irr taaiari bh ab l. betwsern i s î a s . ' s t r s r t o P . Mo v E s i . a f u y i dairgîr. Thlere as una warîiug, amsi AUCTION SALE. otraaaagiiiatiits frequaenilY resulis lu deuta. A rasptiare aiwsaYs rances s a T e nuderslgned t ll ii ssi 8ai lb« grait dai ()f aatiariug anal keess childi hume lu Libetyvilie, Saiurdal 5aly rear irruin lavekrPiug as vel aetaily 22, me cîng AS i P. M ., the andr Iuysicully as he y ougbt. lu every follîa'iug describeti properiy: oUt ('as.'tise geaierali ealt is li mproveal parior chiair, 2 large upbolnboesd atter baylng carest,ia biai ollnid cul hairs, (6 cane seat chair, ô raekega voaing. 12 bardwuod chairs, wubat, aida, A spelalat miti over iyeniyY ed@rs eniuer table, exe nsaio nl table, 4 W "s experienile in tbe..ireailntofutdifi- stands, waiail bowlandam pitahua. MItiises ii i asisi me. Ai Deane', 3 hureanai, 4 beateadai. matissats notel, i,itaeriy ville, Tueëaaay evenlug. aprîngai, rosi Slave. BamoliMe iove,4 ansd WeîtiegaY forenon utofeverY veel. coat andl wood range, 4 cmwPs52 oe If we cmii et caie Yaafl til l D1 ot disheai, giasaae, e iU m s*obia. rosi y ora a cen. Cail ana lie . ammock, croquet et. pi w u m ,p A. L.TtAvils, M. D). mirrura, etc. Regular tarins et" su hytus t'r" P r. Hum Pain P illa W . K .APPLET, The Seret o! LivÎn2 Rigbt BUYINC, RIHT. Our goods are ail good dependable stock. Not cheap, poor stuff made to offer at a so-called 'bargain" price. In our Queensware Department we have the Jatest things in semi-porce- laine decorated ware and white ware. JeIIy tumblers with tin covers lc each, 12c per dozen. Water Tumblers, per doz ......... ............ 20c Fruit Jars very cheap. Our Grocery Stock is Full and Fine fresh prunes, per lb. ............05C Evaporated Apples. ....... i............tlOc In our Dry Goods Department we have too many good bargains to try to enumerate them ail, but wish to cail your attention to our unexceiied line of Ladies' Hose Sc to 35c Children's and Misses Hose Sc Up. e Il 1 c ý r d ,tel Illinois. 1 ibertyville,

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