We -have just put in a telephone andi can therefore afford our patrons better opportunities In ordering goods. Just step to the 'phonelin your residence and tell us what you want and we will O'send it up"ý--not by 'phone--but by the delivery wagon. Triggs, & Taylor, m \ - m IliInois. ý>-)-CUT IN BICVCLEe~- R emCOEE wC I ,OUI,, GOMMîNCIN 'aSATUROAY. JJLY UTHAI gNoINO SATUADAY, .IULY ISTM. Ajax Bicyclea, old price $U8.00. ao*. . ... ..... . Fealberataule Bicycles, Old prie $20.00, nov ý..................1. 1 ALSO DEAL IN WATC1IES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC, Une-place Walt Plus, maih. ... ... ..0 Liuk Bustaus, Ladie' sud <outa, per pair ...........1....z Stik Tet Chains euth aide. oscia .28..... ..... -z SESI LOIIPPLO ICYCIL - REPAIR M IIIlAKE1 M I Bargains ln Ladies' Gold FiIIed Six Size Watches. Bargains in Ladies' Uold Filled Six Siz. watches. AGENT FOR EDISON PbNO"<GRAPI4 AND COLUMUI m GRAP14PONE- C. R. SMIERMAN, %ýLibertyville - - -Illinoii We have a new and complote lino Derby and Fedora Hats which we ai selling at right prices. The shoes we carry are madeo f tý best of material. We have them Childs' Misses, Ladies' and Cents', tate styles. Investigate. SCarpeits-.*- ILc toua ià sud vs lire., lam Ibis Va Misa tram i L.M ai» uhat preval vare Mnh. *J. A for0 sectio aUri. gram, Jerai and hi mora We Fo eptil bonm D.1 Scl Job lng f onto w-. uhen Te and1 baer lang aud of re ho ln est Just received a new lino of samples- Corne in and get prices before buylng. F. C. SMITH& SON, Butler Bldg. Lbertyvill. Illnois. Lawns, Prints Percales, Dmities. i Ce Creaum You can always ge t it at Lovel Il,' ... POPULAR FLAVORS.à . Pure, Deliscious.-Cold Libertyvill .WE KEEP TH9EEST ... iF.- B. LOVELL,- spe,,i ' Gooui Farn Doctorînu. A Frightful Blinder bair. a.N. 'î.If ,ît AeiIrville, IIII aufLea ceuse a hovillle humu Kataiu-, eal]Yslie apet a ,. lg-I.uudf,,nia à aslit or bruitses. liîekeu'u Arnica aklr.oa'llel,li.f fI.îI-iir.,uIujuin ir.lilve, thie lm-Nt lu the vorlai, uwil ihI pblia'a.l,lg.t Il(u alibftalla aitid i,*th. iiuti banal pramptly heal IL. Cues %btal a.,u 1.1, l.ie a)'uihigetlaia b,liréa., gsver nmaie, llera. hlls. 'luili ,fllI i cù..i tai , i biteIl. flu, a"rnie, &ail altagaraptiîîua. Besi , bn't,nuîandDisrionliaies Reaeuuansd: pli. .-lyo auemrth. Ouly 26 cenits -usapuapuaetiî cuvr't hy l.For s liiez. C(Ove *im t«bl.ea. Ilolby. j bit i. vrj, -L.brly- . Lvna.. Lberqyville, I0. '10 Ir taoii PICKED UP HERE AND TrHERE ocai items of Interut to Libertyville Reader.. Peter Payai, or liantho. uatl lut Tuamdsy. 1A. M. Briggttelaavisitlngfriands elslivga.ia Cbie«sgibis uak. mJ. m. Waadmusu suddauglais laig villaIr. a. Jl ud faili. au Clark psiutad the villae haln moek. Ji. la aluas dolag coin ible thinga. m Nai& Cl~ichaW ba sernad hou Meuico, uberae 0heid s 4ou asnurse lu s bospitli. B. Back eviii accu» the ler banse oun KlvsuleeAve., llJy vscsied by Lam Pink. a Ors.. ?orbes, of Kt. juoph, , làsPendiug 9 couple Of veeka Sber cousin, Kml Lida Loo. s. C. B. Slhorman la snffaving vIlla b m ascma tu bc ormed 1he me gvip" sud vhlch ia quit* lent lu Libertyville. e. French sud gvsudsaa Chenue 30r u ted for DoeavauLiak*e oe.dzy 10 viuit visât elalve. tor seeka. Mnv. Frouah i vittenUd Delevan Lake Assmbly uhil. A. Gage sud fagnily lesve TuéadAl Ontario, Californiea. Beur uhiet ba their tfutura box"i. Mr. Ongle wriieaàaerlaa of leon rsrni h« to for tl Issz'sDEvu hen hc r. Salaud Moore vacaive a stele- a 'Fueada7 dating ihat heM broter mmisb Cauhiavas dylug. Si" bal sou Judson' loft Wedeedy' aing for Plerport Mic*.. M r. ae baveoas yet tlUed 10 leavu of lb. ire ofion ou0f tha mach lalbad of Éug bugs. Jualge Mascourna la utrlously asruciing for one thai csy axperieuce 1h.esiiegoa ple.aing Muion of h.ing kisaod. oLitchfleld did a ieishome ii ejefeler Wedneaday aigal ai4 1 lk. A vile sud daughlar, Mri gflo Polttsurvive hlm. Fanera iaj) nt the houa., intermout hala Libertyvle. Ohltusry nazitveci .0 I. il g k. Oha Le. bm the contrmct for baUd- fouudstiaiaa uder the AilesaDavis L. Hf. Schanckhane. 10h. MOvea wilots on Navhasry Ave, opposite B.Fanera recidenco by the rallvaad .psuy. The boumse vii e for maie ai reédy for occupeucy. rudsy Dr. Ochaner, 0f Chicago. Dua. Taylor sud Travia periorand & ouit sud maicemflui srgie.l opera- m nUi. Chas.Applai ey mavlpg a eigu grovta fr0 lS».loft aide 0f usBcki of over moyeu luchas la aglié. The. patent la resllug esaily ilI iii vers. t,by alauaofthealestlolgaauveaof lie sMate lu effemJniy 1,Ailprions com- maaiig suise lu the alvait, aitysud couniy cuarts are requirou 10 psyrlthe cotadouniluarvalia.CUnder the aId lau sut. voesbrougbt sud tho court@ ver. loft gotablle for their caste l s lange number of them. Futly one- ball Of the coste of1common la csi vere neyer psid sud nal collecishie. Under 1h. Dew lau going lutO cour villa every 1111e grievauce wulîl ual h ao fashionabla. G. R. ilohanck recelveal a latter Mgon- day trou Iesou, Gordon dalod JInn 301h it lit. Kîcius. Alaska. Heansu anotber man loft the Koyukak country *hore lbey apent tb. ululer, Isay 23rd snd cm@e doun the Yukon ta lt libaels l a optait bast. Tbey las mauy eiveutuvea ud voesonce colt plegoely a&upeai.balt »je bc saltvua noiug te,1110 tilla. lit» hd in ocosing blite Belaing ses, tram ahe y ukoai tu i. Iliabeste, a ditana ci tory miles. Thaio e rdIVen b«X by te upd 1our liam" is ai l S cm lhe evoulug ai Jane Vi1latioy arive ms aad muud, haviug iboc hirle seven dors ou titey *sy. lie said ta Ibers la nolug lu the KaykUXU counryjiasu iaithe iigblj .010v, &tories in 1h. eepapereare aMt tske There is conidereile oatlsmeut Ju Dow aval the reporte front Cap NOua sud Gord mar Isba a tilp Over IbeD as nginer ou assmermsd praspec sltte 111..laviiislay lut. michaela b ouever untIl ha heure frontihi companyin lu obîge aud then Il b dom. ual goton Cape, Noms. viii pro bably comaeborna. The atone fonudalion for G.0 ataisuki u double store buildin je halinglaid. Ueo Blanchard,c Antioeb, Milton Doyl, 0! GraYalab sud Dieu Butterllold. ut Lîhartyvilq sroe iatone catons, 1h. Job beln doune by "-day vox.' Nil Puce ha tias contraci for lie brick uovk, ai stipulated prîce psy lbousaid, via Thas. Corleit in bonss arpntar. Tt building ui b une a01ithe si Labertyville. Tb@ canner alorse w lie 22x64 fest, sud wyul be for r« uhile Mv. Schauck witl oocaipy fi vemaitug store room ni hh ,il bha e mrontage of aveuty.slx feei mlvaukOe ATe..aud tueuty feal apragne treet, beiug in the shape an L. A tln &bop 2SX29 teetW adjolu the aeue$ sud. About lu cenu af builidig viii h.ie alarge vaut i goilroces front hala stores. i apactais lentraice. for vecelvlig i diauhaigi eavy freight wulh buill under ideusl Onu ffag1 aud accuecau lb. gsaioed lu ie.m means tif large trap doors. On roama on lie.ecanal floor frol iron sud soth vil iieb. igladf Ail lu ail I in viiaeascomplteà magaibOBlt truuere sd mataiu *0We11e«saaf ibni vithail lime. A. L chimn bonne, direct Wan1 strîke, bourg. viii bt Tmi B. chia the&1a] t0 sut lasu. ace Lake Wadaaedsy sud it goea :ut ssylag tbey bMdas..royal" L. Borge lanlaaviug s 60 foc1 Dey buils aetlb.e lecirie pover 5.The brick uaed le the produet 9Orayslake brick ysvds. Drdlng 10 the Wsnkegsn Sus the gory cousus ,for lm shaoy* ogsu 10 havea spopulation 0f 0. su lncreaa e al'09f2,196. la rumared tbe gpadors on lie rodsi lb. thel su ed are ou à ,a, demaudig 82 par dsy of nia. a. Wa ara iufovmad their requent be grantadl. mre vii ba no service% tu the 1M inreh Sonday anorning on evealng, &l May bc alforded su opporlunity tnd the Deailaines Camp Meet- Libertyville Mt, the lave ou on eof ai said b. si. a y )me@ Idng sud amw WOUND tWqO. Mi@. Bertha Kruanibr Was Shot TwlOce. Jusl at lime af closiug Our forme ve leau hat; tbe pont morleni examiaslon referred to oua Orsi page revesled some perinent pointe. Tva ballets ver,' found iu Mrs. Kvueger'sbhnad thei skuhl shoved ou. te bave eniered bsek of loftiear, It being found ln lefisaide of neck. The oiher entered nesr right iemplt, sud wusefoüud in lefs aide of bey The revolver being fouud lai ber right baud slter the shootiug, il uould .0cm impossible tha1 she could have shot bersoît bsck of loft moi. Sites Atorney Reydacker svare ont a warrant for Ueo. Krueger'ms rree1 before Justice Huntington snd ha wax ishen 10 the conuiy jail ai Wsukegsn tu &wail s beaving. Glest exciiemeoî preveis lu i the viciuity of Long Orove. IKauy heliave, George Krueger to ha inuocent of 1he terrible crime, al- sboagla circamsutail evidence acema incriminattng. UibertYvlles Oldast ROBIdOnt Dis. M va. Boeay Buiklay dled Tueéay, Jaly 201h, sged iuly-one joars, ai tbe home of ber son Horace lu Lberty- vile. D«eessd vu th. oldest residoni of Lihartyviila, sud ber demise closes a carier remarbable, because of ber «ozeptioaial hardihiood aveu in the lant Yom 01<ifber flte. She vas horu ln New York &Sage, Oct. 1, 1808, sud msrried Jane 27, 1826 go lialph Bulilkey.Elievan ablidrea ver. bomu 10 3r. sud 3frv. liulbloy. ail living, sud amang the mnat promîn- ant sud veeiihy citizens of Lberty- ville ta-diy are the, sous of daeaied. garvvlug ber are Wm. W., lIobt. B.. tibort . -lMr@. Ejhe#ett nas, Charies A., Christapher C., flani7 B., ff. na-nsi 1.-DumnbianlY-7"OgiiU B., lira. Boey Merreti sud Rorsace A. Wilh her buabaad sho came watt lu October. 1850 sud s.ttled lu Lake Cauuty. Tlaoy vene amoug the turdy pioncera who did go mach go transorm s vildornesa Into vbsl shc livad 10 se. s comionvea.lth second bc noue iluIlinois. Bers wva shome life, sud lu the 3reuring of mo large a famlly go lve. of asafuluae, 4ah. perfonniod a tank noble sud grand, one vhicb lhoagh- luesotentations, as noue les. varliy of camendation Shan abat of more notabla persous. ubose Ile vork brouillt h.. more before the publie. r Funersi servies veve held ai the home of ber sou Rorace Fridsy &fier. Wnomn M 2 o'ciuck sud ber remalus >found s lest restlng pis ce lu Labeside 'r iley ______________________ eans traim Liberlyvilie thla Yea'*, lait Wednesday. John odvsys manage. ta hoa s BIle shaé01 lima, elpeCWiaili thara'. money lu IL For saine lime putl neglotlaiana have beeu golug ou for the pareils» ofl the Couolly feai b elumon Lakal Bluff snd North Ci3bcago. Il the maTe pulls thraigb s large baol villilh. put up, s pler baili for 1h. accommodation of larga lakle steamers, sud the place viii ha couvertod luto a large summneor resort sud park. Mon Vith pleuty 0f capital are msal o. leh.lu the, del, vhicb May ha clooed lits eek. Mayor Avenu lProteste. C. a. Avevili, Mayor of Libeflfvlfl, vraie thbs fllioulugle4 r tQ a Ch0 ag payer, lu coneqiienoeetf sid papar publishlng an arilea 0h. affe lota Libertyviila vuald materlally caller beucule of 1h. uev railros.d nov bufld- ing hlveu Fox ladie sud ltaM village: -An articla appaared lu the local olmua of the lManday itus 0f jour pafalunregard ta Liharlyvîlle taeling sud over the tact of &Rlieaxtansion et the frsiirosd throu«go1FoVaLake. The sorimor evidently la nut a rcoldaaal ai Lîberlyville. lia ta too pesaialal ta be uneof aiar cilizens.ur papularity ma splace of re.iiae. sud our buainess are ton ucil eeisblisbod 10h.u prej adioad by 1U.nDov opentinga oun lhe extension, sud the propecis are 1good for nome nev business, for vs hava the LaMe Conty taitunes aYer. Baides, va have Oovlug velu aifvater thali in h.iag abipped, av"y Iu quau. i 1h.e, sud strangers passing througb voiseasdl Ibis asud Vaut 10 knou Mme about the villaga. As for do- population, thera la at mncuaitdanger aos ve are &bon& lia right distance tram Chicago tare a uberban terminas. The articlea serlid Ibt Ilied saldt my prpoiyaI a ritce, bici 1 have ua9 onnoir do 1 lutend 10, for 1IDco aider Il wort bholding."' C. Il. Avgnt"L, Orainaiioe Na. 109. Au ordinaS tu ala eud crdînaue No. i ofeniUsd '&a ordimaneareulliawkaver (D~erkee;ersf ord tarles i mre sud tehbitisuns, shows ma àaoaening l smm,&"Pum.d Auc. 4. lues. sud aiproie4 cia ac. i Be Il ordslued b1 the Prealdel a sd Board of Trustees of tb. villageo la Làbertjilne. ht secti inbIes5la orovuln Ihaukera. peddlers. 1eere..Ma laaasilalu sudcollier exhilbitions, abuw go sud amsaiuements sud la provide fID * biesag lhe saine.passed AuL. t. lmawa aPpruved Aug. i. ilm ho and lhe saie1 e. h.'r.ba mneltil la ras foilowa: rt0Sac. fo Lîeume sallbsclte rsted i s,Ilcaath.refore taliarna tue occupa )atueInsâe in eion oe easd lueo!or tr O'dnaa, culiseothervisa expressi oedered br-rmoliltaof the Pretildeul au Board of'IYase5 sund tha Fiestieut an D. Buard of Tru e SU hforbireeoluliou ai tl &Mountocf t=e Net ee 1te paOld lu ea me cuase upon applielon smude te Iemfor th rups. hiei ssid amont of laaeai ide @h~aall haoinfforn as 1tathe alierez classes of business aipoU vici lb ordin..noe operatas. Bit courlais the dui ci hen the huard of Trugtemla nulsa the village don a harebi seltharized lii au wllh lue sdvuae of the l'neeadeu± or oreidei ,c prireem,to Issue smach Uceumssfor s fin 61 hje Do te da = the fUr#PZ@ pioruUugo 10e fullauiqg M W d oe f fa' tg yl; Itarsul aierchaul. suva i$ in nu 02er. e Ie.S.pre "o t ee. Sibr diented les. vi ho onei 11par dla-' pMlir vtu berse a pet dlan: tfilrI4aI u tdhl eM*esihaie4ilo5 sfa. lent on er,)ai i lmrusaiauoumerated ad orsciM.All ordinsuies sud parte ei.dluulau oUett lthe provisions est t.4or lsoodlume e f aor iemkoPo ordlnàuce No. les. cu e nw Pesd JuIi . ies. ie .1ed ~',.la . e. C. fi. AvsaU..presideat ut Ateiit W. C. 8ÂiiseaN. Vialasse Cleri me r. Thistie Ca mmlesîonare Notice. ct Notice la iaereby given liai porto lai, having canada lhistle. on lb hoi propry, are noiied tâtât1 mare i ea u& or destrojed sud net loft So propagate or go ta sed goder peu.l of a fina f otaletomsthan tan novr ni R.than one buudrad dollars. Thie ual ug appiies aiMke &0 public higbvsysaa 01 rallrosd rigbî of gavai lu Town all Lih.rtyville, the highvay comuz le, jiouera h.iug lable for the falli ngc performance oif theîr subordina bas siong Ibis une. The penlty for uo taobservance of the 1ev inBschuai c ile provided for valtroada la more seve Tha they beiug hiable ta a lina of uoi luI than ilty nov more than ivo budi ,,,ýdollars. Joaaph F.IRaieder, upboiaterev, tainl tounansd bas bemaifor tua veeks, sud anal la prapared ta do jour uaîvb M jour bouse or ai store o! W. K. Heath. Msgatrenesmade aver sas goaiau nov. Carriage lrimauljug, cumbona, 010o. Addrent, J. F. Bo»asa, Libavlyvillai. Thiltl&C9nimiesitiner, Tovnahlp ni A tartllng incidieni t, o vicb Mi. Lihnlvîle.sept.i. Jo ha Oliver, of Philaielpbia. usan tho ubject, ta agrrafld by biu as tollous: -~ --Iwousaula emont dhasaltul condition. Hausewavas Attentioni My skia uea aimait yellov, syes suaiken, longue oied, pain eaauiaiu. joseph F. Boeder, apholotevar, la lu aUjy lu hs.k sud aide., no appelli- toua. sud prepared ta uphaîster et gradusily grauing veakar day by day. jourIlaouse. Hair matresss Mmedo broa physicins ad «IOUveaimoup. ovauv. equasiasd feir superlor ta licses Farluually a friand advised tryig 11otgIt at atees. (larmts tteal and flectrle Dier;* sd t10.1gret joj laid. Wlndîiu aihadea taruitabed-adllanad surprise, tlietiret botle moela colorsansd aIzes. Orders by mail deed Improvemeut. I conlinueul pvomplly attendedt li. ddreu liitnusafor 1kv.. veeka. sad aminov Libertyville post office. a vit man. 1 knau lhey savedl my ______________ Ilite sud robbed the grave of sather Pnlvîlege Notice, vbctm." NUoee souid fai ta r&Y tien. Oly 50 cente, gnaaanteed Al priviioge. ounlime'LAka Oounly a% . B. Lovuua.. Liberty-Ille, G. B. Vair gronus for lie BptembOr fair TuaMao., Groyalake. ull h. offeniaut on maIdlgrouad.a àaînr- ______ day, ABC.11h et 2 P. M. Pool privilege ii hi hj aid bld hdînsTune. "4"0-ssd 60 lt.he avo 7. 9m mul algtuine-Sbe bu.t. ----s, ___ u s~ eia l i ay55 eaLbeIvie Li A Uood When told of George Washington's feat of throw- ing a dollar across the Potomac lkàver- a wag said: "Oh. but a dollar went far- ther iii those days. than it does now.m' It is plain to be seen that the wag had neyer deait with us. Me B. COLBV &Coe, DEAutiRs N £VtAvTmNIN* ibertyville, UoN6et Bargains I Stawped Linen. 50C le byr aherbone -dcorsetGo. tý $' 25 Hlgh Bust jFeatherbone Corsets $1I.25 Henderson Flexo Girdie 6 hook Corsets Wo have bought about 10', dozon pleces Stqmped UJneth-' ail sizos. shapes and desigiNte The price is legs than haif what. you usually pay. The Fair, ibertyville, - - - n 1Rupture ....Cuireb 1N 30OTOSO0DATS By the veil kacua i F- liiIsli methoul. No Surail Op ,ratoai No Sevora pin.- N e Lasse! Tam. No Psy untl Curodi '.Ada 'hmlmmk% .sus pgene ORSAL-es0srs tr fhmor lm.o R SAL mE n ovPr W FOI, a 19 Everj ruvuireulpersan la lu conatant We des dsnger. fixero tenouaviug sd and eg strangulation frequsntlj is inht lMsda daalb. A rupture alwaysacees eAm11i great desI of sufferlng sud baaps chiNtd- galt h t yen froidevoapilig as -voneU m aily sud phymicelli a lbay ougbt. la everi case the general bsalth la improved star bein.g curel, lu bath aid sml Youg. wl A apeallisi viii aval luety jean I eselDr, lu lioe ibe lreaixaneuf is.u- me Butel, LtbertyvilleTuesdaj ovepliuI sud Waesdaj fariêomo0seffy i E Mm U t sau uaMeu» e pasth yUl am us" Foua ai. Ma Msd massi. se tatIoe Mt lI% nw C. A. Lsngdan, the cautraclor Who la bc bud the grade aithIuisd ot the uev oSd basa gang af men 84 work nemi the rivai bridge. aud the grade la h.iug vuaed. 'The M01a l h. bouaod lu in tva ohanses being moved bythie @OMPSuY antO lots Ou NewobevyAVe. jasa as maon as tbey are raady for ooeapaucy, veceatly pur. chased by them ut L. H. Scbanck sud Alice iDsvis. mix car icada of telegrapli p'les foi the lin. ta b. erecied aloogalde rail- rosd are on tbe truck ber.. The contralors are nuabie ta gel hall enough meu sud are offerlng good psy to ail vho are uilig go uorb. Fair BooaksOut. The fain book sud preminni litfor the 451h asual fair la haiug is. trihuted. 'The book la emhellltsd vlb #&Isl!toue reprouciions ut good iaoklug men. amoug theni W. E. Miller, president ufthIe Agrlcultural ilocieiy, ubose teatures aeam t boum forth au invitation la the tair of '99, wlule 0. E. Chaurchill, secretay, appears viseansd lvonhled. probablyinluasuicipationi ut tbhesaduons and multituditioas dues tu h. pertormed. Lîheal purs.. aie ollared lOis year, cousialing ai $2,300 for races. $76 for base bal sud "0 iot bicycle races. Il Il flOts.. Sto ry Is often spoiled ln the 'telling, just as a good meal ls spoiled bocause one dlsh is not not up ta the standard. We aim to keep nothlng but stand- ard goods and when wo tell you they'ro good--you can rost assured they are. a 1 1 0 wim Resent ililins of Cattie. The Chicca Tribunae tant Mondsy coniained the tolloving: Labe Conuly former@ aie greatll aglaated over the prapoesd invasion 4#f Ibis nectian by the Illinois Board ai Liv. Stock Cammislonera lu liair vavk oai nspecing catit for tuber. enuans. The caile ovuera maY Ihey vin Dot submit peacebly ta the mlegbtv o Ihi&animais. This sen- timen$ la axpve.aed lu no uortaiui laugage sud it la foared thara vaJlib. trouble ubeai tie lusOpeaitors eacluharo. A Perceptible dimlisbing af Chi- as»ga iilk consomption ln attibuted hy dalvymeai ota ha tuberuiulasim agitation. 1 d r m r d rq 1 - 1 Robbed the Grave. 1 11 VI