Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 4 Aug 1899, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, Libertyville. Lake County. Illinois. Friday. August 4. 1899. $1.50 a Year in Advance. Vol u.Vil.NO * O The Month-OId Egg And the Egg of Today ýtglve . th, attr tii aiiii' litt o with tbc New York Good s va are show- ia. 'i l cre New ln Designoindof .Excellent Quality. Take liamask Table Linn for Instance. 58ich lii Tiei ialn Lincît, per yard S zsc 9:0 inch i hl eithu l l r nili an iik, pie ryd . .. 4 3c 0i4 in h b li cieillarnaik. p r yd.... ............. 7c ;;4i loch . S..... 3 c,C.83C 7 01 iii S atin F iilh )amasikk , pcr yii i 3 3 ,2-hidi Extra maruy Liinen Damask,per yd 65c,$l, i 23 2 Invi 8liower of learlis' Dama k, p r yii. I 75 72 îiiî îîiiachtiHeavy l)auask, ler yii So tkin in ail mies ti match mot of these, anminieîm facy dettîgnfi for thu Whî o tîelt vaut a match. MOUSE ESTABLISMED NOV. 25. 1"t3. IS SILENT. ii 0rt eoitfer lti. tWo îiiiîîî TAKES HIS LIFE. 1It¼ S E E T I- E1S E Krueger Refuseto Commît Hlm- uKru;7ýrtunei o ltshsbeîit titis ues. H UnknoWn Mn rnlsHimaeli re i fil i reia .replies to an y tut ail iii- As state in our fait lune Go. tionsi. Coroner Kuight vas eunmnici to Krneger vas arreatedteslt veelk Thura- R55<51<? ERAIN. Warreiîton GroVe lant Friiiay eveniiiîg S U T I G S A Tdey anditallen to te couuty joli Krnager hit big hearing lu the 1.0 lId au niîqnest. Arrlvin tîgic chargeti vitit the murtier of bis toile 0oilty Jal before Justice VanDI1sen. tiapot be fonîtîl lie loiy of a matn, Sutrha sud motber-iu-Isw, MN. o Waukegan, Wadneuiay mornlng at prohaluly a lîîhorîîr, tive fet actvon I bristfianVues. 9 ocloak. lFor obvioua reassons the ileohes li, aniiy Iiîrllexjiîasdul'iâut $0 CD evelopmau1.a mince te postýmOrtem public vas kept ln the dark asir tilme moustache tii natchlî, trii life ei*uiinatioît bave amnnnted tenotbhing aud place of baaring sudnot until il veigbed I.SouDdliotlihe iitiîy watt \%(e have about haîf a dozen suit patternls andi untilibe bearing wvilcb in set for WssVOavoi wi, dia aven thost i rght ID scantily clati in iiveraiim iu,îrt andila Friay toi.tay> îeîore justice WaukegaLn wbo bave tlîttresteti tbem- pair of haavy situait. in il oolScoch hevots Fal 0tnttingion lin Ela township, naugbt Vlves lu tbe case, know of it. statue A jury vu mlumaneleîu lanilt- it-ii attunufoueti rumnors are available 1< Attorney Hedce ias a is quest began et 9:30 tîchîî>ck. feert the ezcted hImagination nf the remignu for proceding lunt40 Irrogular Fromt the temtimnty of îStatio n wieghts, that we Wii populace lunte rueger nigbbor. a manie? Ibatnexcitmnt hâti reacbed agent Carroll, niglît iileratiir %fuir botut. sncb a piteit i tbe coun1.y tlîat crovds ray, andi section furuinian litî-Ilîî make while they Lalirautz, vbose testimony in relied vonît Ilhe proment aetlite hearing, muano, 1tg develnluad that theetmaihit il u pouuy the defensemas a strong factor ttus precladte ail pousibiity Oif bring- been in the vlciuity tuveral des. ilI I ast at lu Ibeir favor. lmatsîIl empitatlc in bis iug Ott the casle lu Lake Ciuntty, ha-tilret apptiard at the deî.it aliaI eth savertain that shota trote llred afler cause no IllibîSStt jury could be secur- Wadueaiiay avenîng, tîî'îîg brouglît Krnegar arrivei at bis boume. ed lu il ony by the section men Who, lmlreased Winey & t'pton bave been retaineti Te accompliali bis purpose anti kcep hy bi@stsrsuga actions, thîîîglut it lest lîy lrueger, andt iere are many wbcithepublie in ignorneothpo-t arfimoraii. lelitîve tbey viliivalves ezamination ceedoing lie dusmisseti the case befý;e Whbile conversing vitlî Carroîll, tile N DON'T W AIT TOO LONG. andtitbat irneger vili hobitIoudover JusticeHntnto f Ela lownsbiP strauge? sauti ieb boihtithe I'stiakes" to (GrandtiJury, thus net glvlng tbe anti isatid a0ev varrant hafore anti neyer vantad theni again. 1He proseuton he dvatag ofknowing Justeno VanDîumen, of Wsukegon. [he dasclietito give bié;hne, loti saiti tîpon vbat lines Iflaisproposredti bearlng tvuanthen arrangedt i 0h etidbis latt renidtence vas at honfé, o n~iJ estslilisbib e daoeue. It la alsun lu the lail. Doctots Xnigbt aund wis., on the LaCruae idivliion of the SA Iî C osil hehmngmybeblreaFly testti regarding the autopsy. c. M. A St. P. railvay. 1He also - Waukegau justice inaiead of Justice Krneger maiti notblug. lie vas bald ésaiti ha foartitilbe oulu hil l imself Iluntingtion any avrent i De ot 10 tbe Grand Jury of the otehr terni but grev calmer ant ievnt l the Tio s a d H b r a h r . promise"1te prove 0! tinturent, lntuilaof the Circuit Court. valting recul, sa bosunt midnhght, the tiefensa malle a igt, vbicb it la8-accordhng tu operaitoir Murraym testi- Kaiser Block. Libertyville. Ill. praditeti they viliiDot do uili the JUDGE CLARK DEAD. molid ose anhlm epsot. asrhaya TlmIy oment Dliypaersbae pblshai avealWas Prominent In County Affaira bnsy at bis deil. W, Chares .~lowaI h Mieuy Comnt.thaîovîu s..ires b.ave provelen .0 M for Marly Ysare. Nothug more vas sean of hlm hy i.>r. C aresGCitay oer i ce lonytebvn toizwihbv rvnt c Francis E. Clark, for ninetsen years the ralîroadars îtbough minlora that " officoover LovolsD)ruK tore tuher(iuilioitia agitation buas r0ehei & imagiatie, amnng thai nuoe t'> tire coutty jutige of Lake Couiy bus . cazy man bauuntatitlîe wovinui utiots iis r iLaifTOi . . white Iteari. l'le Wouhaock Ssenl effeeti Iat a blond staiierti sirt Weon«. patsetiawsy, after an lîhinies of more the viehnty. rame to tijir esrF, iatîl IlltI oiimeutitig upon Itiefolloviug bhu t> hrnager bati ee n, ountobs thailonnine muenthe. Heurt fellure vas Frlday nigbt att 6 ohoc,, vlàen sec-tion Lbryil. - Iln s item propiiuidoti ne jratical qiies- Phao E i ru gar hevumatri forsIritelm medtiate cause of tieatb. loreman Hiîtebiinsoîu iscoiveret the thonn, amure to Intererit our farmer I M5 r lrkha eot hes dyligbi the car bousîe, readere. rueger anti bis shtar keeps bouse for coun ty jiidge fo0uit a vacancy causei a short distance nortb (if the depot. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. îtlmt. Vluiala aC îi lfivi.îîy iirtriiig lm. y the deatb i Jlîge Tursier, ant iehaThiere vare nominsgnetif a siruggle, rigs&Talo' . tialei ittiemof rosutîei iîîî,îi-l'ye. ragrva ho vie ecame mii PuiPula&r irougbont the santi tgbtly hiîckhed arooiii thedeail tuil ofhtii ti ss -ii .iti. tuîi Iiuî a rîîybj eai nd e eene- oi Oflice over TlS&T ayor.tî.Iiitii t ti .iXieuit ,iu it the bliai ta..s ahthar shot hohàgpfatal, anti oua aliter -tint ~~~~ ,ii..~itt.tit Yb),ttr iii,'titi <etriin a Iiii g haboOf h laietrt swhite the le..cut.tevuga .1 îubvt mn ira a arufatpnl utli,,ie um a - itrthitx t ilt velva va fîuut aîcb camillntisatisfaction, thatliha vas lu accortiniauce wth the facts, fle 7 111 lo liM2il.,Iii al i FI.5 . ,I)lu îyune w vlm h a.îiighltel it tutuileiive a f dluber riglît baud ut ra-_eleelaîl agaîn antiIgali until 1894, jury. Fred Sheil, Malt Eiuh. Johnu oeuht iin IruauYIvay upputti 1la lii hitvlhihbave irivlihiii. ad ilt iith ie States trotIgeat Point. White huJde1.LJpswaeetd Mhsn onHysAbrSbi Libertyvlle. Illnoifi. t.iuui m u as dairylarlm a.iiiiion nota phyaslti IP'itbltYtsieos m- Jutige Clarke hbithetapoition u iî,ttiiî<ahllioistonging tuisarreaîî<uIbableislam voulti saine noan sk. fig ant illa ucitInrtiie - Ile.t,,n prtendt, reetitconuty jutige for ulueteen cotittecu a verdict thst tire *ideceasted titiath 1lt,I%..titir Vhou.i uti malle th, ispection, yard a posithon t'> kili berself as vouldti tve yaara, turItig vicb ltîmeahbisuevasae by strangulation uat tbu Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG. îîuia,îeiie e mliîyed?îWhWli uullhl-honecassitatd haltileabestt brsaîf reputathon as a jurist extendeti ovn banda, wtublInnane." A.afiloiuj ast. biiitut tt'tt. vhO viiihack tif ber lafieas? white l dingsa throughuîuît thre tate. The Mint tfl and SurneOn.ldied are tititrevolver n lber rigbt baud..In cage Deceasati vas hotu lu Willamatîuvn, Opjliion ooan Expert.- tiiîuitii.C ittOuTKurtliS OTSILOni. sîîav.ý". rl oîîiîteîitt thte lEmetieton vîlI ablie iti oantve, the sîtot vas fatal Vt., Mrch 4, 1528,spending big s ly- looana counly farumera are getthtg GurfleO- ------------ lilnOifi. I- tnd"l'tîth'- tiiut -teitiaryor on@tW i ta anti abecotnld bave bardiy abutliternellf bonul uaya ounthe farmIluflis parentis. vakedi op on the tuterculit -xfrhuirtt _______and____,_lent__________________ <i. wtîst h btire ai <tii tuulortuit Hle prepareuil for college iu the tle antiilitera pri)rttuiei§to0Lhamoute hnt it iurlstiltîtut uas l ber litta(i&anti Ivo lu Mes. VoNS'hat aatidtie t Ludlov autti io'5timniu, teraathng lingot pruieetinuguntitittîi Dr. E. H. Smnith, pliail uitaestajd thehr tusine" sandîl 'niatb the bc nhce e.Vt. Enterhig Dartmouth collage blu.4a recover puy ftîr e citsciuieliuoih l'Y tionugttllcoitiettut itlii ue; tbt am rue ngrs voulut acconuta for Il ite 1847, ho recelvid bis ttpOMM 44I uter h1e Bute Veternarlan anî sent Mu the OENTIST. tt un ttir.luaeuop»dInlu institliii te tetitbllais Tlat teing the case saiit nuoJiy 82 ivn tant 1g sksagtrpn tl îîurîlîu h titi <icdjo'.uotLake CouftY Bank atiafwt,,ry or lu tha lautttit rIlialuih.? ymeltbin lvn oidct ol,15,hvn tand ihrn lube e. lI eoti nwa 6pai A ltit. ai.t., ay glititt phyxitllainlua emjty hall t gfuiîtti 10 dicte " a tî4tta Ili September fnlluuv- appears gutod ul tbîîrity tint tilti.u t LîberYViU. Ibis hatiotimnrt>ittzàberlut uh-uandtagepuiaaiu be a oni tbaegan Aeaiimy. aitzistittiittt tubtch te? bouse ttumuet vautiorsfor frutî2 tii Lietvfe I. iiifi t..wliI lut tmoriytl sti îmiîtil ,miby oad ire mahots ha alleges hc theti vas reuatvhutg uipila fot oniy t6 nantt Per pouti, teprivéi var3ing fH ___________________________ ati. i, itiittuie tart iii lira-KIýt, it ullht hbtuigrlouse afte'r ritegertrnutlmielit nntylniaoactdnt'thprgsahthuai -uon bie n u. ait If lie Il or1<îîî t i, ra" tter tlai s home. friam uehgibuîrll rtesh. 11 le st-1)tuhaitmadie. If thfii, troc aiumeiuîaiyit P AUL MacGUFFIN. tti lltaitii the tets Ilu-- et.iml ti Wr Ihe state bas vitiessesubo yl itiuu lie aiceedýLaullblrutiher, Isse making agouî thing onut tf tithercni.aia usitu..l<utileiagisii. tutvuiul tiite avear Mrs.Kregar denclaraîl tubawvu L., otfte Datmouiuth clash of 1848, cuva, andIstemeti it t a, vby .týorgO ttudil utti)r e taiLoatu. <md ilta lie dii&Y mrefroli George voulti shoot ber suitalvi>it Cvi l Iunii ttI II, tu .ntfoiiid i vuir oiutuhWulilusa.titIestflt&li iiaarblcm ieu- <tuaDottaell 1s t i frfit'u NOTrARtyPUBLIC Su n. ae.uîuhi.. A Ouittiitluhov$iidilen bis revoliver, and ti h as alter- tenant Cîlonel (tufttre 96th IllinoislsIoka as thongb the vluu.letiling bil v. W ru i a c Wîuui BANLAtIt Ct!liue5Tin eheuts.-nnei-llin- îiih iliuidltutd j int weyeiie wx Vtul, ersisivarrea lfuîîîuîd boad bee worejutai atubera tuaiga avas Lmberty ville, Illinlois. suiuui ni.ute? lelli îaittieit. iuuknogotihaveplacet it hiFuriber, Librtvilefiiity.uîuoin ai ernîiiiunt lmd, ltt utl u ltimesnirethireul mati bas itîentilleuî it vwhtelicommanîltu bis regiment ors, sudilfor aomehndy t' malle a good riýttasu v. vaut stees muliyeil. Thit, IIaIClcsmng. ung oui of it. Ituji < lmnUfr h eolver foui ln Mra. Kruagersau iikmua ii, ,rtaigiy ILa sieIl aoi I le nta adsbsonadtettt i Mr, Clarke contiuttîd aet e huaiti Dr. W. G. Havkey of Bleviiicri, wruîtt W. 1B. SCHAEFFERS TtiiislasOuo h .b.alii aty1' bu b mrhltlt u r Ithue acadamy for thir eatas, J. H. Wattlem. Praiteuut of Wetern NURSERY. îuî~eletor dibate. if itttes eIunItOyiilà 5Kruegera tLakiug a revtolver fr.m î'î.h fuuly msnuiîg s raîamn urnryClge iitta ut NU SEY.ternuli. Illau ureilît. u uturtain ari@ anwe ll a n 1bras an excellent tuhuttl, anti lu 185about the nmotter.andoitibs lmithe way ult' ai og ioil ý aken.iil.iut. lmt i Jdit<att'OF.t.. ar,. atovoesifo ctsbegaithe practice of IlotflWanke- tbe tiilng in veed by ahteexpert onti l utuiu.iutiruimiiaT.t.O a ee tit dtlet'ul mitthuai t"t> .ste are, &I l iai Ibâer Odâefnsa iI u hî ogati. Hiareputaitinas su edunatot sida tuee 'Charmed i Crele. li- '....1îîuhiKood i e. ttuy liurlyin liihnate tutit 'u<,arr otter to refie taeaboya. in nitI knou iv'lau . i lcinmi aeeln o nOatDîrt lrnieiuu iiîi>.iou ii<he uîmuuîr li t u m d u m y r eyreîetso tl craiterme te the office of couuty lette? ont <bis mail, antieau ausure yiii t . ii ri iîîuîuyiutl 't tiiik. 5 tfftitil hatu" " tu tl lii h titirevr eiet n ie m lae ohurfo -.M iiiintau<i ut ita.. tuwhttia- ,st.rlu ll .lut. bv hl bnisuparitendeut of chonla. ta mpesu nhafouiyi.M entue'orobabmeywyeaea& lushow early baud îry p uai uppinion ilasithtutiarciuli mu l utsttta atîI canti it ur.we lattForumulyaeaI ileftueeIba trial. nDotdiagnstic. hIhaes tha car marks , L R. iîsbtlu dde ndoi onem 5<i <t ute îîaihfr hetilf Lake Conmutylha vais a tiupervor, 0f man suckilug public teusaithat are W.tH. MILER.iofuTh. asact oii f ueii ierdTit OT tIflTEtI1. anti thîeuîgb bis agancy as a ment-ohlgadtludo kanoiehlîiii b ihltheir iiiN S ttI LAlil HT i iaîint.d lauitlaiet o Im ctie itthi ut A lairai gathîrotlo<f <sti»ýtvr, Iýai tu er i &bnuiyiorth ai atnhsimliraus esofylresntlu baizet 1,Ntu ii I0 atia sclearu uhave or aaithue, or <lu, Dextday aller t>ltuait Itiuti. itI. Fairtiitilcmitrmi tuen Clrne tr ilt large ahare 1intievaulg s&tti msîîu- ttubruoiflt inetinuf ltttwuiculain i toulbar 'uttîi on 'Ilill." The i. tîrYminuwlo oetsitlui ib matiSirsDr. o t.Flywlsat- tonytiigth osraie PIe ua erua a gmiatin t'ulier-i g lu <ttiracantllu mailing nilua .. tit ru ie. Jtîn C Furimiraýtuil tta.,liienMr. iicuiiumlng tb ngcîatrtatl pîritecybas produatias gnraizefatl Aliîof - andî ii t i uat ittI>il05<5 ii v v e i tua ait 'i. uendtln rîlr m y gii ravirrItaitisutatttit'tieli ,.xDtgvni uiesrP-tetet aeb h iilrn ttsB .N1 .r I.- . CGuT' ti ic u t-t-v no asîîîîerid it ,or. uîrail, u iI liftoitii. Tii,-ibody vas Julin rom tii- t'numty, andgva tariuile eu h e stmaieyth duarieut atte, i.trîiuuttt -r da, 1tirsii wIi uithveifu1- ut erd a utaoffii e n îîlo îî,n tccmuu boxi, uttuittotu <n gondi that tlaDot excelletiaasupyi h xaiatisae <iiîioî i<rdilti. f'.oh rali. ,erttiaa aantiBun au ha boIt anouigl tn Say theL op.iiiii nî. luu sîuîî .,im ~sa tatl ')veiiihliiiitIithyilIuii hy any cîîunty hu the state. animal sitoutitlha kllat If areted, ' aîu <ii îuîu îaytht îuîuîî1eîîîîîîî rît me t to aork. Filetfh<brierain vît ei~nd lu185m Me. Clarke vasniartriadteto ul afterbhaliat matieaàn calied testlt aloi who Would puy lit.. un iafter ft8iiiioffuir part o ui alli Atira o n grv dasml ae fa uiti<f logiltittttliiiiit.tii t ,auermiss Hannah Scott, a gratinate o nimgaaedatipecs. 1 aIl q~4 1q4 'Theu tuîrîamiareilti-,lt iththe <lieuirtr iuiu as reit u atovuilfrntluitir onte ftheUt HlytitiiiC holiitbe aumîmîs flti ere tetedthiG LMrL lai vii înuîvd foi ti trwoiutud itit'nt Hîsukesailnryevîo atibeut uhrcuoaa vrecondambed,1 iaif A ifKE tutlemijkth <hum e iliDut. altoiiuidtrliîîlanaiîiiiouihviitiat;uih iîîlff'l Ili<ii tu u,,il i asitattoutchera in Waika- voultibhala dollar a polunt Il us. lefi H, COUN1'Y fielltahadtii i iptriali ronitîna.Rai Acsuamy; Wvobu aivveauint i vi te the meut luapecturi tu Say ahet il 1 1.. . «iil luî'liDtai tuî Iu )i oluh or an sma ietwtetsO ie9 w-turtre agtrltr.%,.T hail ha condemneti, andîlin outsiduer c E'ur<uîtuîly ait Ilotît ului-lu luarit. tiiu rndliiaauti-'n< grave. IHemi itaeviole msttemiappears to icha SL & Co. «iii lii'vuit woliai, torsy <Dii tuutm' seueii a trie thttc eat ot thuegrrve Hardy audt MImsesBeloti antiLucy. pefec arce."-Marengo Repîbliciît. Wright. Parkhuret &C . .I w)liae oa.n I. ' oatu ao ineeKailgt-Yi ouWtit< "ho funerai vas helli 1nastiay after-_____________ 'lii7ie IiO&- 1o.' tSb o LPesOsTi fpitintaaysil-h"dati<uîtuhiîr anrk. HilntIi uiois aupieuiioon, lier. B. W. Chldeater oiliating. Wll Mati Thom. rh<n ahuouîtheft h. ueWtlul fthru t<ien iautuit suidtJoute brotera toot samoonua laie lutterament, tubîcit vas Pelvate, vas owtng telitegreat damanti for fthe issues <iilîuteuitrthnt ti mre hluhi nroi1i1tuilsbtrs. laient ounte proras-it n Osuivond cemateey, Waîîkegsn. Dewey peotralttu e araeuoabla te gel CerifcaeSPaabl ius iilertiîuitailitou'rui îîîîîtîoftue axatîiathoti. Wben Dr. Fot.y fîîtt>îi tem faut anough te tilt the orders f vhuifiatshi lal d,,algeeulned1., I fauiii ho>. u t(. luu' bu iutlotigitilate brait. Kriia.r le Slow Work. Our pattons vWho have taken adrvaulaga attî ittîoi.l t o tiutve <i t .b01- uii mtly a nd dsititiippeatet. lisafttuer. on D.mand. Wiindiliinti. Wore-Iet Keltq i agu .au rtur.Frîîl. Pib. Buildinig a eairoatigrade la slowu of ou? ofer te give onue t' every emt- liai lur tie xpie. iiff,'in.l in iututut~ Wliiam Kmail He.anyd sîouî,attu<tire vekaisieb udanihandicappertios acrîber payfug a yeaxlu atvance. 11nt11 Coroner Kitatlut pi liuieit-u' second ih iey are by Jack of bi thiecoîiteactors Conseîuuenlhy bere ahlIlha a -delay of tour Net sermai. lbillt. ou il t.e ~l'uiulextension, saem te a fot tisys before titose autîliati en CIvnln wortb ttbeini s",lnOurme naziTien KSOi,, sAttorney Ieydtiker hubans a ll lwnewy itogi h o eiiehn. un)cieidar s-îiindit SctîociWnnvnntion.iive. Hl. -aau luokhnuafîr Kriieai'r. HI,mk îu tsvy îiog h o aavta.T utciesdsrn 1 li. Frîuut.i>,tt h uwnslip Sliituay serlal tory, hy te )uchess. This is foîurui hun ittina ail aîîîuî in a suiuluaandteamalaborltdnatriously. A quai- one of tusse portraits, va vwould coiiuuîvcutuîuuu iliil# itu d Itidl ia sellaiofunttiualand tuaiataexcellence agousn outiuu te ie r bighi il-- ter rmile of grade lannder Slnsrutiou auggesî an Immediate ramttauce ai var Ilut,îuti ub,luîîirctî uuxt SItutILiy.assentimlly I"abreautotf the tintes "ID tieD i i.anilanSd tibiisthOe atiti le-autul nariy complatetiutathebaLiberty- bave butsa few buntraulrtiredansd plot, Ilavor anti 1< tnuumutaimr.îuy M meut vheantiOftif iIlie, bhagiina ait aunot givatem avsy attar uur Aitutt.I .i Il i10ii lie tai iitoettuti,1 t loita ndcoluîring. T uh nuia uîîutr. M.KI.r .mltv eio ies.Pu rc n rgia re a euehut atutu iihuiuuii leu o Prgiau characit? of the iteruina isof titat the itiatiitsAttorney, sutakihuamoch liklb'sItertseciliueS altak tiiogmalnirbsleinahsat -': iéut terllîîg description tvbliîbenlIais theaminuideaiaitr <upaeru uttuuuîniuîg norib.veatly, wite mauuy Reand conditions in asmtendr tillaeîu iioguii-tt -.. ... sympthy tf taereatier ail tîrough rrit it.h atanotilloter Itulrs elufiroe iigangs i>1 monatieSt Stvrk ail along the îîFtîr (ute Subacrîberis. S. hî14 sî Co W file tu îy, ant intgers pîeashugly sataetua (Iiveloplaeatit tloinstuuathietpont- it -______fron_____________eu 0 ~ ~ ~ . o .......... otgtarmottueia aor.*' nt, m iation flilui puur titusm ,uîr igh.ofus ofrmaertiyvlaeuvahsil Pona Niru ti.i W lonbuîr eri hemury Ayeni vilb ivte lvine.?> upiortuuuiliy to non-u. Fiflyfon? carsomaealrenibWI Pco lii iuill>î, iiiilii ilnutWibr.- Sirriala Ploti." aimiatingas aàtdrame.aistrou ayiSu ieuliShtOu.head rc iIoiot nivl anu- Vernon Camp, No. 1:35, M. W.A. Il,-,l iT tu. Caola tIi preaptrasauiesalhuornirouauctuttrndîuglandavec b t'p' 1 WrL tagreet tialopinathottite erleltuaitte donsnut ihtou fatanay w an- loadati joug as sonu as a tempnrarywulîl bolti a picute ai herbail'Parti, ic., T - i n sL t tag f eW l n g la. if acth e m o rel. fo ger w rr l e ~ o n s oil v l tt rack u c a l id on tilve acr es of Sy ntii- HliI D ay , T uurs tay , A uug. l7 ib, an ti uit",isîwîr eu.,îyul.w.roryo 'rert. l.ituthitihastialylll rc aI i ffn a~~~ F. W AM- gem--loth the literary II.ldtca rance gi uuup nu iueo cale ptuîprirty, retuteul hy lita contraci- they are planning for aIlkhtso ii i ii II i i i i u i i N ' i i i> i i J .Leei i g e l h i - y e v l d - &g r oe m au i nc i im e ( t ui sli t iie . o b a u t h eu t i r i i b t s u o r a io r t o 1 t t o r a g a T h a r e v i l i h a a g a i n e i o f a s e i a ll, tirai tilue ahome o ho med dallgbh t ut thtme aral it e t w of va r n l r o inîu i m tit n go mnbicycle races, fo ît races, et. D suning .. elltad h utuaTrsieru n arnt lm mID <eil oTI. u.irIalalle s noh htititta îatvii iIpo feronat vnng Iiuiuu auiatlgvaItInfou heoduîr îru,î uu o. u atuu tui.((oirui heI'ItîutAtgîu iitt iIitto . c dn re iiederuatut er aîîuî lîea'pro-s un bit advay <ong .Just Arrived.. -*.. ACAR --oo- M3CÇORMJCK ÏMOWERS and rCORN IIARVESTERS. -aving rented Mrs. Penniman's building on Milwaukee Ave.. 1 have ample roomn there for show purposes. McCORMICK MACHINES ARE THE BEST ON EARTH. :M» =C Xrn:n LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. FLY NETS. ,e t e i. ii uut11la he -Iashoet.s iîrgai 8 WHIP OFFERINOS. uiudi a tocîtiti java 5oivlîwip, thaelieut fotr thte muîny f aver bantilet ioit liatuhîde, the dollar kinti ..... ......i. ... table shealta fromtun tiS .... ................ 1I 28... 1a ,iiuit lighl hamieau. muckle trltutuîui n t'nnîi............... licItter tittality . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . o Haîtt mate tancy bartueta .. ... ......... I 0 Large siz as . .. .. . Chas. Kaiser, ..IBERTY VILLE. 68 - - - ILLINOIS. IfYou Could FIy Onl the wings of the witil joen coulti not 1o qiiickiy transaet yeutr businesS amt yon caoii y the lime of the modern teleîhon. lutheite ldaym 0of "aipa»- tion"expalil yiiur teýlephone serlOO 90 meet yî)Iîr I laesit rtmeilremeftl. An eiteliaiiin timepholbe at yonr deask @»Ul hut a nlomtiamaun. Telephonealln j the bomne are poItlar, couveulefli. andi Cai the Contract Departmient, Lovell's Drug Store - - Libertyville When Paid in Adac--« The lNriaeP.NDEN'T tîtiti year, Farro andi Firesld@ ODrna7e, Wt.m"auaHome îmia ume jear, Faim Jouirnadl ire 7.5 and two Iioolkn -'Sanuiitit aet llarattt«R" andi *ifmaa1.iiaAmont the liretheren, ALL FOR $2.201 fAUKEGAN, ILLINOI§. TELERHONE NOAOO. . 2 75 ilà%l %l 11 N rt 4R -

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