'l car the cond 11nd i rd bat . Ip to pi d l w s w t - Pn1, t. The regimenlt cnumlbers fou h ria of the. regriment at pil Lindinthe rmen were assigped to q rsand t4e camp placedi n con- nfor work;. tiad mounetwas hiId 1'lok Inthe afterinoon the men 1 ut throiugh a hard drill by con o o-. Ires parade was given alt 7 : k inthe eveninr. ;ile in camp th,. regimýent has been ed, hiard and the boy. put through e-v- thing pertaiténg to a sloldier' a lire. h I time has been pUIëent on thle riie rivate Theodore Clepishil of Company Seond infantry, was drowned Satur- rwhile swimming at Camp Lcl, 1the accident caused a spirit uf sad- ,tu prevail throughout the camp. ut 4 o'clock ln the afternoon Young ppish and -everai companions entered pool for the puirpose.of bathing. Cle- , who watt not able to swim, got nto er so deep that he was carrted off his ,and %sank. Rudolph Gilhauseow-ne lft copnosKaw the danger hie was ml,ý swamt to his rescue. As Cilpiih ,k the second timte Gilhau-e sizdhim s tarte 1 ard the shore. lut wasthor- hly frightenled, and seizing Gilhause th, leg, drew bima under, thus forcing ito release his hold and smeek hie own ety. Cleppish then sanlk for the last ne, anad Gilhaujse himselIf would have n drowned hadl it not been for P'ri- es F.ord and Hiemphry of Company D,. o. cae-onh&fterdtak si ron the wate private Erickson, who dived for it. ,r over un hour the physicians worked resuascitate the drowned man, but thir forts were unavailing. Friends in Chi- go were ntte of the wad event by3 re, and the body was shiipped homne eppish was about M- years old. Hi s a tailor by trade . Ilis father lasa rgyman- , The Adjutant Gentieral has confirme(d te following appointments made by Col thur E. Fishter, Third infantry: W. Hl. Brogunir, lt.xckford, captain anl àjutant. Ilarry E. Lander, Rockford, captait n. quartermaster, Fredi L. %Manny,.elidre aptain anl sp..tor of ritte pratctiýe. D)r. lienry ltkchings, IRockford, majo dn as>ietant surgeon- IDr. C. E. Starrett, Elgin, captain an sistant surgeon-. djosepjh C. IJvs regoln, and Arthu V. Moore, Joliet, tirtlieutenant and a tailnt surgeon.. h1Ie following appewntmients; in th vaal militia halve als be contirmed: ( f'harles W. Johnson, nmne eo ip' rew. Hlarry G. Fionney, ær(utive Office ith the rank, of lieutenait nt)mandier. William H I. Thompson", navigation an] rduuance ottleer, with the rank Of lhe Char-lesWV.Thohrun, signal offtter", wil [lerik of lie tenant. hepi ranF lim rt, secretary, mwith it rank of lieutenant, aillOf the first ship rew%. clinton L.a.veCarner tontle. Thie corner stone was laid at Clinto frea large aiudli.nce of thetonp là. andi neighboring re'sidlents, of t ity's irst Universalist Church. T ierj. (;Ossuw delivered the principal al ress. Dr. Cook of Leroy, president th State Society of Universalist You Peoýiple, and other clergymen spokie. Hlugh Wilson, contractor and manufi urer ofrJaeksonville, has filed a voit aury rxtition in bank uptrey. a d i sets as $,38-1 Byron Lockwood, a well-known old r ný,.t of Rockford, who attended the mi rit e of his son Daniel to Misa Kather ric rley the olther night, was found di n his bed next morring. Hie was years of age. 0. C. Merrifield, one of the stockhE holders of the Western Pliano andl Org Company, died at Ottawa, aged 63 yet Captain Miartin Burke has been pointed successor to Maj. Fitzplatrick superintendent of the National Cemet nt Mound Cit'y. Master in Chancery Finnt has recl mended thlat: the Deatur City Elec- Railwd'y Company bie sold and a dec or.dering a saie wast granted. The almo due to bondholders lm $195,000 John M. Coulter, 47 years of age, merly a promuinent (eigar manufacturel l'eru, was found dead at his homeeinn Salle. A Lon ion -i-an who always takre cigar w-hen linvited out to di though he does not smoke, has uno collection of half a century's accui Inations, each cigar w-rapped upt and beled with the date and occrasion which it w'au taken. ln New York¯Cttythlere are 1418 b,,helo and 133,03d sinsters, bacherpls 37 00)7 single men of 2( laver. Insiteof a popular desire for Il Vation,, pet hyenas are as scarce 1 @& fifty years aga. fil. M. Lýtite nd I m lin -f Ieoria Are Martrited i . cgo I1,r.winl Mr- i 10 Spalding of l 'lljj( years, and t bert . aile lr SpWe a Mther f Hihop JhnUI Spaling of hs. w ri l' toi-r udicer awl i1-Uwell kown phyiia-n.-H- th,..4 aitholiC hurch. Ni Mi l Spading fe'll in 1(>%t withLi le , tw- years a obut lhtr famivl a orem objctios wre with- out n uit. Thenthey sint their daugh- ter to -boolin th jhopethat this l break Mf te1 ng- e .1On herr- turn theirwre eeigswre esn ani .iia t,.t a bc m mre fre- iltl.ft. T il p tnd t, Chi- cago u fe.w days afg.,a mi-re marriedi. ILLINOIS F EUD IS R ENEWED. a 111t t ELOPE IN SPITE OF PARENT-. Leaders f Two Fat.oneResonelHo- tilities aât a I nc At a pienic g- n by Menad ty \od enand uihsofloe t t aa - inrd aL ight wau saredby I wu Ilar- eatiers ut two fidltt- .T v - shal. in att i tuc i e lr a se-r lating. The Nlayier ,f akLford tsuc· ieerded in ql oiig the disturbamnc fir the time bingand Watk ins and air we-re sprad llair and hi. frie-nds arme.d themselves adIa ud of long standing is reewl.uring a nrecent ight 1 tween l lathe u fcunthe hime 'f ofthe l.aders was detryed by yua WILLOW GANG RAIDS A TOWN. police Anticipate the Trobte and Makle Twenty A rreete. The therday ver 2.-Mpeol lft l r frapiene nFox riverI. Tak. '(3ty ,.e il w gang" from B l oi ,t 'nadb. a r aid lon te 'tow , :attemplltinag to r"&hussai iliuddi-ate ¡Ih, tin thek stet. Th'. iie a nicp tdtro'u- ble and Ithe fir-. as. rasdfor the _ asi n , 41haf-d zn of espatrolIling the eity in b.ggieý These ottk rs r- r.te.nerly twenty o'f the trumps and alIl u ,wnty-tie other e e- "ronunded ,,- and marc.hed ut of town. Theýre i. taljl f netd cinto rid nort bern ..ã f tisnotorious gang, which ist naking .a great d.al of trouble. TrWIN BOYSb, COLT s AND CA LVES Mlinai Far e asaOe l ttreak of I.uck in one tply. Thle obil saying thlat unusual leccur- The wife ofl \ illtion Hary.ofSarn- l' t ih e ni: b g tr g,.t a gln . f hie tw- -ns and theu r etohis farm, a shrtditanve noýrth )f thlecity, lie w-nt to his statbles and found thant arla family mare had that m rigfonl.1I-tw h alhy cots, both of w icnre als l-ro Ihe sta- le heepirdt.. the barn it and ithe.re he waIl nfne by amilvih cow with 9 two n wbonbull <avsat Iher['side. CAVERN DiSCOVERED, Bald Knob, Near Ait. aeHa$ a Mammnoth Cave, A montrous cvebas rcenitly been dicvrdnear the foot Of Bald KnOb, two moiles wvest ,f Alto V'as%, which promi- ises all sts mofrevel,.ations to the ex- plorer. The entrance is hare y large enuhfor a man to enltr and ls almnost unnloticeable, but, once maside, the explor- .r flnds him slfin a Cavern Of almost MAUTIFF ATTACKS A WOMAN. Mep. IB, Bennett ln a Ferione Condi- tion un a IReent Of Wenada, Physlelans who atteded her report that Mr@. P. B. Bennett, aged over 70 ye a r, who lives south of Galesburg, was geriously injured by a powerful mnastift. The mnastiff sprang ferocious5ly upon her and forced her to the ground. It pinned her dIown with its weight and tried to gramp her throat. The womnan, despite her years, made a desperate tight, pro- tecting hier throat with her armis, which the dog tore and lacerated Ins er J. Peddecord, a resident of De- Cotur mince IS, las a. le went to 10istn at ci irbntt gr v nto aat nurishing acity of l3ndpande.svas while he was aivres ou that that he took in Richard J. Oglesb1y, who at the age of 14 walked there from TerreliIaute. lHe had a band in mnany comnmerciail ventures, mueluding the se-nding of ýathoats of produce down -the Mississippi to Ne-w Orlens. He@ was a miember of the banking firmof Pedde- cord, Buirro v" & CO. lHe married Mrs. Adamnsn, sister of Richard Oglesby, la |184. Five children survive hua. rac- 1 lun- as. res. nar. rine told- rgan -are. ap- au ýery trice Ount for- er in aLa es a iner, ýw a Imu- dla- kon ;,843 anu 10 or Inno- now .r r, d U- te d. . Ml' th rhe ad- of angs . t e .1 a 1. 1 JIN &nouias"* ebffls . 4e.19 .0wasl Ante ent oem et" 94 the h e-ad Com plete Saveed r • h trunk, va.1 .piumW up by section men near the Chicag and Northiweste-rn trucks a half-ile inorth utf Crys.tal Lake. F1 it fromfilgiwhere J:ohl,usofre lyis ed, idniidthe rtan ono P'. ketb-ook, Northwesteru baggage 1h e .Ne. 3719isuedfrom Maywoo saun a noeokand other ar.t i h-s efo'und iatrelear the 1body. T'.edead Mal) tous " E n t i l il a n i l e l i 0 . c a 1 r11 : t h aure ha.k 1e t e r: Im l e o u- rhe ben enu ad "fyou haenwrds tri)speak, spealt themno,"sId Sheriff Cobb. "Mrcy! Mrcy ' sra e the ab- Thecodnod a'shnds were le :o srp wile.he u ,s lakinggand h is o lm s w res -rly bud t g le ubao hr- One f te e œyten pel 1t v, M.l f n ra n tutra h r le se: p er clsig tnam naa he wanls Sla a hve mecy o Uiw 0! n e u PRETTY INDIA mmK. m'"& . s -.u.Tm unA w- e 1• •net to which Egures of turquelsebne silk K were applied. The yoke was aitnilarly M AK ES U P IN TO DAINTY AND composed, but steeve and yoke were sep- OUTINGS Of RmTHE11ECOND AND TATFLDRSE.arated by the turquoise biue ladies' cloth SVNHRGMNS TAi FLD SE. that was the gown's main fabri. SVThe EIMNT ' --- -gown fastened in the back, and was prin- C"uei hc h lrdresfces@, the long overskirt effect being simu-IlnoeoderEjo otnofE- Cotue 1n 31.chthe ieraessof lated only. The festooning was stitching liossiirs no 't"' a theWere I Mdeth Atrctonin black, ithat on the bodice portion below camplment Life D)espite High Tem- Bsome of the ilummner Gownà Fore- the bust line addin apciably to the Perature-Chicago Private Lýoeli. hdFall styles. trying effect of the severe cut. Only a Li.fe in Pont at camp Lincoln. a a owing - delicately slender tigure shuldrIsk such lieu, T.k a inolel thl h if -wIlltitted to such It Ne1Yr corresondene a mm lo, iugineCamp Lcont Springdield, i, not l:TT ERf trlees w o d is -t orofth.Etifunnel the coolest pl "eogearthl, but the liin 1 m o nof thse1 w "u ·o modelg-wn, Ild these State troops have borne up under s n 1 , th! i- plain dape s"naheant with fortitude>, have gone through d flwv l-l hof Mr-aa thelir drt ils, 1rile pra, t e, guagd duty and t., i. ,i:) " -11Il lhe reguly pli- lo ,-Llar r-util,- of encampment hie he wm iiml with energ,ýy and siit, and, Incidentally y t te d ee tht as utto hehapy e aedr Irnie:bepleasuire from n-ipd n c inIt ifront jaIIklet is the i anu1a1l outin1g. ilespi te (the b u rin i u h t l-Yanjor of the sun .tInce a b n T a 'a u as ago .Itlirdayý, atr aI eyl tjy b tnMy en a L o . heno thalt ot nUn sbrokeýn lat 3 j lok In - te n o f Sprlel id t : 0- 1 t 1 h 1 h a r \PT "John the evere u i m o ch ha e me. am n ra wahhirof eingir and inthun atedo 1 \Iot l. N o f the th . . tr ena ntce 11 w 1t i i gla l'he d e+v iteraý ' A lit lb !,f:Hlr- 'a led form o"f 11.rman 1, nel. oi .r ', I re m;n Cr le. 1[e Ilhe 1ureofabP ", hoe.h lacdthmilieig nIa je tterroIr-il- % h il tbm hmng wrtMoi,2 1 ht Miss 1 ..h, I e sat wIl ide fino fr" - ,n T brde a d ras ro gh te ltfoIrb elingi nat n-thearms of he VIII ons - tur It %was your Illi he aimed atSellar". -ya " lit '. a ws "Yeth our nae egedtothwdeenu , bier u.Th&Ie wviLbe but oe Iamea nd fars lild the 1- n tut te oreryT skd he ude. - ictim a lt the loating bee. 1-1Ilght ofthe tuwt happy broides Iwhen itheybdeh "No, your hlotier, the signatures, 1 prh have escaped,, and carriedl him wýith mle, him goo,ýd-by, to start un itheir wediding -ort. &Ume, are Valâtd:tbut in the body of the cwr huhh eBte o ite rp ..a will Hermuan Craven was left but th o so! It was falshoBt bo I-I hae l. "a orti hog ea e umt ofe fie thousnd olrs. am ify-il inothing to regret-no ,favors to asok. No), py as eone mibefore you poie obpn thua d th owllanos howasth at fifty-b,_ n n othi Idie. as 1 lie -a adead salit Sellars. "and May there lbe nothurne --a'cl thusand o Ls was therbakers% b- gm port!' And with his head! on the by th, roadIsble."W qusttohi nph w. Threwa n a- heriff's arm,ý the -fSepe r. " ha l eeare happy t-ight,' s:,dlil ministrator named in the will. A space ven pased be ore its maker. A..latteyi bhiuiigtoth gecy was leftvacant with the understanding VenCourtel isadored.for tedy"a-lneo n mn n htmnLn u thatp if returnedsfey fom my ip to nouniced the judge and a hir hour later 8S1lars. the great Southerrn dtective', who ra Euroe mynamewasto b filed m Atthe court roomr wa's untentanited. fulltill-d his led-Ige. Rbr apelddP Mr.e Deosette'soldIstationehad on The body of Stephen Craven, had beeon not stanel on the gallows trap). - 1 N e t e d t o a t , h o u lda I r viv t a e h i c o v e y e d t o t h e m o r g u e . - S e l lie r s p a s s e d a a n d b f r e h i e y , , -Jd a y Neiter ws thre aguahrdinnae' emaWraethe president ofr'The to hide the tears that hadl gathered sa, he ad bute th nesadn hr a aeFa in, cupied a felon's celltredaa. And he thouIght whatnes am.He desired me to constitute t at cinetheaouty ail. m( I right hav enhdb o.rcddw b gurdian and my unae woud have ap-iohn . lo ad benacopnd t h an withee aes, -- Cledwuan peared there but for iy trip abroail yJuhnDge Fw%.ler i s ridn cpe whee ma w Thhueen.) •,• the "Miserable wretch what have you there was jo er the returnefdone, ho --------criilh onay?" askte oudge, tu rin hs aId long been imourned as Idead. FIGHT WIT H A DEVIL-FISH. f-swat on hefatres o Sayephen Cr" aen . e Sellars was captureid by the mothler andfet "What can I say, juge. wht ears fi sister Of 11.1brt C o LCambel tpdaco- Livety Content Waged by a Diver ina,-. his gon een] re. "Except dth Selars s panied flthem homle. Letaning on Robert's Tropical Waters. hin . gotanm de t ighs o niterýtank-lmwith Ithe Salue Party was also) the. Captnin Conrad, a Canadian diver, isan O aven e ward- i gd the will.Tiss young hecirelss, w hose furm, still trembledwaatoronherckftefut-.s i o ll d e r c w !De i s a b u t i . !A B er a v e n n e e d r toi" i t r s t e d e r m a n C r a v e n , "l s i p O e r i , w h i c h h a d g n e a s h o r e o n aao u g s p o t d i e o a r d ! i e g m e 'm oB e o ,a ng a u a i d l a t i e w e t h .- p a t y w e r e s e a t e d o r l r e f n e a r I t u a t a ni , IH o n d u r a s . A fb yl i spt tol helat; tat'smy" ot..ad.n.te.ambe .hmand Aunt Caro- new leak had developedý and it wals--- im "tsAleI heosy" ln hdplcd eore them an urn of nlecessary to stop lit at onice, although-.--- a areas tere anyhraenwhoeconizeWo ta fwihtego oltogttethe. our was four In the afternoon UMROWS WbH L SYEAEIOEIHDWD imi man edAlvinSteph e raven te" amÈkdladies stood sadly in need, "but 1 little Captain Conrad called Lits assistants, . _._ - ---- - == beeItErir)O ED 0 io aredAvnD osteasteaedraeofthe vilan i hsnaue. In and they anchored the diver's boat and a yoke of the saine was set about the word was laied'y several exten vat tI edjeyour honor." said Attorney [rciighmntouhmeydarah-W Ith the apparatus. Ou his wvay down, hips, where the topsa of the pleats added sive raisers of the. cereal nthe Norti, who Dobs " nve sw"iAbt nc. heerre timernd Selleas "But un- Conrad noticed the rare beauty of the sortnessof outline tunder the lace.Awent and along the >tun- of the Norrth pisyi marrte was an eholopemen.IIIMiss DeR der the tutelage of Steplhen Craven he tranislucent tropical waters, and the yoke to match fin shefd the nec anf ht ern Placific Rtailway. The bea F etted was h roo lran g hs willaincould not have bee less" oNely color of the coral and the tho ubdice, un elle t n K-pilk wraslsetnun- King" of Ilhe word to-day, howeveFor eloed ithheAfrm Hllsor uDwere- Oh ea obert, how you must have sandis of fish swimming about. .l . e rlne ihdlat at efound ln Argentina. So t ef the vas attending chool. A liuD-su ffered," Saidiliatnie. Adewsgtig ertepiterorhamlace .Fishgreenees th e obia. Amerla.ne llnIala migrat li ai Rosettle'S eueI visite Rihonto · aCee lamda teout where t.he work wais to be done,-a long, to fclr vas per*fect. espeially if the of the name of Guazone, and is lfroad w il why ich place, tehe raen at tis cvi- come, MY love, fromn the time that our un- dark oam shot across the face-glass of coloring of her complexion is emphasized acres are ituagtedj 1,Ille soilh of the C iey e hie dh n d reon t d she owr6bole frietnd lasaurted mlwsehat"1:ids helmnet.lHe hadbenIInI)tropical by a black velvet hat ribbon tied under province of Buenios Ayres is crop wa, toan n e oldnt oso o -oud ottd up e on hiergalows rap mwter b*efore, and knew ithe sign. lit the cin. occupifes anl area of over ,000 acres. rier ever, aand tephen Craven, entering the Me tnt anthat econveye-d by those Words ," IVIwas theO ctopus-the lreal devil-fish, Nuicturdeofotte silk tindefects ofiHe numbers hbis %workmen -Uby the ion- T houge and surmisng my object; ordered said the detective, grasping the young icfere by all divers. Hie gave the pigure; indeofd, llcae wsiktaken ,to gl ie sand, andai each ont.eeie a certaIn tAr me out. 1 cannot be mistaken in the man'shad.tdngergnal, and was pulled upni thef warer's nd.atu crealitalint eirf share of the profits.WhnJI asnArt man, ,,, At this time Arthur Dobbs and his At the surface heê consdered the ait- va lue. Then the gown was of espeei eo shrete and loaded for tratna. "Ne, you are right, old duffer." cried father joined the party. "Aillhonor to the ottIon. The ship) was leaking badly, ineet rmben-n o h1lts lakprtto 1t.il7oe41 0 alayer *tepenithanoter sne. ýdte ma iwo has vindienteda noble namle; uand could not be left lsafely thus ailland white cminations. The tsilk w"nithilthe111graI, the hlk 0of01wh11011gol an- "This man dei ose!ecamdte naee obemseradbogtngt ecalled] for a heavy harpoon, white ground with black dot, and litsen- to Eropean imnrke(ts. judge, shuddering. ~to justice a fathier and son, who fur cold' tr caacercmefomte seo bak ------ --i "No, no! You are wrong, judge, wrong. blooded villainy have never been equaled and cut the hanle, making a iwealpo vielvertronteh a v elvee o a ApplePkklni. I am nothing ifonot a dead gamne sport' in Ameriva!" exclaimled 'the seniorIMa, about three feet long. Armaed with vyoket i calc uedltoephasitoize ahanlAeLodon ecnigtelshoinaa Lire in a faree-a field in which we each as he approachied Sellaers. this, lhe went down again to, ight the some lge, wh(Il th nelcntA'innslin-11ofpAckagoe oTamaianeaplsreceIntaly n ply urprt tenmkeou ei t b 'Therl was one quality a man could octopus and stop the leak-. black from bhodice tOo skirt hemn v reeie in l;nghuuiil one was found ass seen no more, There is no hereafter- respect in the rathier, notwithstanding his This tIme lie did not notice the beau- height and grace. %White lace was over ra dvineile o hc wswi. This is the end of lire; that is all, and 1 ilany,"sid Se llars. "Bravery. Hie t ftetasuettola aewiesl nti oe h f-hudr P willt!dieas i hvtheda dead-gm wsfooroad!I hecarcetoh1 e approached the spot where yoke Seemls a little lessiuasalthan lit was en.•lbMi,,:t eupor thesftho utlaofertorthe pres- Hermanthere is not on redeeming oould lerItheblige earlier in the seson, and this eut, by add "This apple %was pa<ked »y Mla wet or thepfuture bTo tatliidtrait!" he ecl.s As hldien um c dt eing to the lshoulder's apparent width, doses Piety, granddaughter of the laten woe-tbgonepiture Thatismyis On. o n! ecamdteIakrsoltevse.Ash pra heleaway with any danger of a look of toc) Thomas Plety(f o Kent, England. If a Ait hen a beat? Hf edna ieshiaon.daughiter. "If lhelhad tnever entered our ereuiture moved from undmer t he si de great slenderness, which otherwise the ayo o nwteradmpes Heat, owttday ofperi is aedt hand. homne, dear fathier %wouldot lbe in his of the vessel, gathering Itself for the velvet trimming might crieate.snd oft ou ne athe dret ouxe lbls, . e put updthistob. eorgdlyth e bank-grave to-day." attack. The shoulder finish of the tnext of thes" enew Tasania. nt am ery darkile andà w bserwll arn ws asto cowd ly rmove Before the residence iiof Selleastwo ne- There were but four or five feet be- dresse, Js of wiedbatiropis lth in coIn ---asai. i er ak n e hd i nle from hi is pth.Ili ly i- groes were seaIted ou the grss, and they tween the coral reef on wýhich the ves--- ed hilm. Lok Il at d im. theell-igr1were happyAfi utojudge by ap sel Lhad grounded and her side at thist wa ulled the wire that drew Robert puearances. point, and Conrad settled himiself hevre t Campbell to the door, leaving the coast 'il Spee' you feeil rmighty proud now', for the blattle. fItwals noit slow finvoma- th clear for me. 1 thrust the blade of the Adlamt , ni' u "g tu e es 'oule u.Tesak-iecetr xei conanhe nstisathkif domscurd h e g f t ad one oflits long armns. Conrad gave ric coiandthranoupstisond eted ysl s e 'longCaLban' Hlow 1 gwine win a iluick thrust with hbis harpooon, but Cr Durigl eeScars foin it nDrtanu dat gai, if se tink lis de, debbel? 1 le the devil-ilsh wax quic-ker than b, and boua I. Herman had provided me. with sIah'nuiff gwine blow My born mighty 3unat(.hed41away the arm.--b key to the attie, and 1 remiaine-d there har.lgine tell her 'bout my trp Again the creaiture struick, this time three days and nights. WheIn 1 took m up to Baltimore, on de 'ralroadl wid Mors touching Conrad on the-hill; but on the-e Meatr etteins ehnd bneth Lang. an' h r 1 says in dfat spress offce Instant It lost lits arm, severed by al the hearth in Ms8Dloetesroorn 'Dat's de Iman, Mars tLg lo frmtehron*d Yeu have everyin dea to rights now.G'Iog, niger!You didnit o noth- l'hefrnthe liht a n i eanes. Te Whaare you waiting for? Why on'in.->- " eiltherie t en vlop te man dn yo et a move Dn yourself?'et Camp "ha yu o.Nuw tellmedat! ei-shte ueveotemainl yu get o t.. .lbo ll p t l fool' D idden I e e is m a y te tacles, and ilthe i ler kept P sneaking son and myself in it! Dou sou (.1 dose yere Ivwo eyes on Herman Craven slashing wvith the ha lin e intiect- thing", nht ad jdy es, even whven lhe was ed wounds enough to diseoneert thet "This man meutbe ;an incarnate.lt iln!" 1tg o. a Yhad more "creature and prevent it from enwirap- t exclaimed the judge. i, , pg hi, butforaome tmernne "I'm a beaut, 1Iala":"ejaculated heis-l,, ren Ldn1Iis. ate wund fwr erous. menn- fi t a coourow yo alkin . Say, Adam, 1 spec 1,a sassn. ButIm nt acowrd ,mise ai uyfat gai Cindy for yeut At',astjust as the creature ha "Getlme ofth ara, sad henow, an'yuu e ekhryo afully comle to alarmingly close ures e judgebo,tnngcourtheustwallvetmenithwif'ie." lmtumged to drive the harpoon Iinto a r de a vedic of 'nt uilty* ntcse of "Golly, Calbani! 1Does you reckon soT' vital spot. Wh'Ien badly Injured lin the the State against Robert Campbell, and "Suah 1 doeis. , ,, bdte uteihdscagsaget no one Can More regret than dues the "e, ginhntru hott quantity of dye, whiebi colors the water court the unfortunate position in whi.h nmightily, directly aile get ober dis dlu@- ajtbak ntnl ordfud an innocent man bas been placed, but trauion. 1 spec da bang Mars Herman himetelf in a mass of uk. Henaefourei throughthe efforts of Mr. Sellars anl hon- -o". i nuelf nadmaso p uld egaup. i orable name has been vinidicated and theci "Fer suah da hang Im!"gnlan E • ltiu murderer of our old friend and his ae- "Da Carn hang he daddly!" fittook momte time for the dye to ver . complice are before you." -"G'long homne au' tell Hannab and Mil- awoay so that anlything could be seen In "*What gay yion, gentlemen of the jury- lie. 1 need Une Duke at de court house. the watver. Then Conrad went down v gult o nt uity" skd the clerk. You'à a fooal! Whlat da gwine hang a agailn. HE did tnot have to renew the, "'Not guilty!" responded the foreman, in dead man fer?" . baettie. The oactopuns was deadl. NSO RM IG a Joud vile With what hie intendedm as a witheringNOI ALE ORT TEU ARNGM- --- A _herwn u ht0 eondd look, -Calban left hi 'sabemaniýCIIUion land Jap Students Favor Ann Arbor, -NokFOandwoud bEplaseto thrugh th er curt!ding. tenAtered5 thel].house nhdy fN- It lm noted as a curious fact that theiation with all--over laceundier which good g •• gOdrOde r n out!credtenA :5pm nthlr ýe ninthday of No. majori1t - of the Japanese students Who wras a foundation of salmon Pink. The see any of you whocome My way. 1. Caherltt re vember, a % terrIl I ilai sce n asena. cue mrctd stdy plitical' panel extending fromi throat to where it The story goes that shte found ler rel "RbrtCmpelyu r dshagd whn th ecoun te il ihington, comby e tyIo merica ot o i-merged into the skirt below the knees ative in England by this meanls. If this fromt custody," said the judge. ft Tndlw-ietrersog-thee numbfoea rlloe by econmygot ofsnn > Aoatoseekhin-showed the influece of the princes@ idia. tale gets out, apple exporters wIll have The Young man arose to his .et n law-eegthere eoeagesm tuto ne rfso dm. sI hse days when almost every dremss teh their shipmients. The Pla.n with a happy Smile on his cutennetutuetat ocpe a poition a lt the prefereince la due to the influence of shows somte Modification oIfethe yoke, n to w iite Ia ey pasedwitinth ba, her bs ratac1estutuedo, tero fe-to.The Count On, now chief inspector of the gown planned with somte ther formi of hastomaoyokngadrssond was to grasp the hand of the greatdt rewsome object %wlas t1he gallow s.and bn fJapan, who studied at the Uni- throatelaboration lsa n mterestingVo_-dark and g likn. dms uadd tive. "My preserver!"lhe crid. a hn heriff Cobb approached from aun 1rstyof Michigan tunder Professor ety. This ruche effect of highuchiffn o, sggst "oreporndence solicie God blm essyuLang Sellara!" arondo ha eaated the rooma from Aasvnewors"redngte r- ola ndgufybos" ewoead gwt gavew tomtrimn. "And he will," were the words that feIll theoweor tier ofmeflowe-byJailer He,&d' e@radn h reminisce . ne flu thbosa ithoutwhich Imthe lips f the Widow Campbell. Fily1 ndanasistant, Who btenfessor's reputation abroad throuighout fasio»n haes'Ifte be. itot h Rttle DeRosmette hadrl nt e hmwr arydagngaogawie h aaeeilns Many sle-eves areý being finished at the Whio!linz In 11oeland.atoof ee sRbrt approached. Her face robed, hrieking tigure, a pallor over-wrswihutelat abaio.Te W stngssadobea gs snmarble-like in its whLitenes, and sesredtefaebfchs s be. A loulton (Me.) man la exhibiting'19fashion is hardly pretty, ndllis distinctlIy divine Law by leelandlers. W. uet throughout the proceeding as Two clergymen followed the na a c- an Iron rod three hnches long, thr.ee- unbecming to the hand, yet the present aetaill tors in this fearful drama.eghsofninhn diameter anad ide, seemmslo bie tuo make the leeve a cov- When a man becomes great, Is eeàfà baor ad obeto much elfor- her, te ed wsr. rea..hd. The friant ir-weghngone and a haif ounces, that ering for the armndut nothing more. Thefredrmmbr anthgsbot tî.wr Rbrt"sefl or hoddfrmwsbdi ate n a- takien out of t.he stomach of a notion ls carried out in aillSorte of rab- h ed emme ined -hiadel- tob§e" gd nte rsofteriduonte Ptm.renhe vwas 1trothat vwas lesàýthan half apound is. ln the gown just considered Jitwas himt that never ape . placed fiIl in aostanding otr o h er o een in cloth, and in the next one the Pia Ledger- g eg dm enaet up fromt the Ip f|center of the trap, Ici elh