Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 11 Aug 1899, p. 3

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tb griat pleIne. gdallesothe .wOg1'T HE UNDAV SUHO . the. oid mna.eraa" the Y oungsmaîters, T00L. Il la fnt satisfleduntil It ha$ conquered _______ thmunsie of the. vorld. Look 0,cr the. program 0f surj magnifient musical tes-SERIOUS SUUSJECTS OAREFULLY tival aMdsec vhat are the &rget perfom-NIEAD . ~ anc.. and learro that tii9 greateal of au OSDR . the. subjecta are religions ubjecta. What vas ft vi-len 3,000 voicen vers accompan- A SCbolariy mm pouiton of th.eLassos lid with a test number of instruments? io btWrt fCinBelc sion, and, ssaeîd fnt Sont betore bhsI. lraei in Egypt." Yea. Beethioven de- to-Thoabt au Wor o alyo te- death at Long Brancb. hie vUS giving luded until h.e vrote the bigla marna inD on aiauor.8h7 Ie tome friende an accoant of bis e&rlire-* major. Haydn delqgd witii this religion csipuwe-Tiase Weil Spsnt. He aaid: "ILy fther vent dovu lunlie-oustil lie vrote the 'Creation,." Handel hall f f théUnited States Government t0 delded ountil lbe wrote the oratoriesni h eaooofug 3t tndl put au sud ta Aaron Bnrr's rebellon. 1 'Jepbtliab" and 'Estiier" and "Saul" Te lmi 37 -1f.r A ubje1tla "Ezekiela vas a cabin boy and vient along wth and t'leantc In Egypt" and the "hfesaiah." à rent Vision." Tire latter section of hlm. 1 conild ivear lîke an Oid sait. 1 Tbree thousand deluded people singlng Ezýekiela pmophecy la un idéal pictore of coulit Zambie in everi' style of gamliiug. of a delusion ta 8,000 deiuded hearera. the future nation. when it shall bave 1 kaew ail th viekeduese there vas et Pss'maaemcy of ths eoel. been revived by the power uf Jehovah, lisaitie abroard. (hie day m a tlhller Yeu, thils chimera of the gospel Je not re egtsbiiahd ilIa sld homne. and atarI- CI I yrbd uto h rbae-utef âi tge o n ulsIzl ed on a nev and mure glorlous career. ut -. /cept mysA4f and iocked the door.le aald- buto th@ mont permanent archtecture, no Thistensaon, the tbirty-geventh chapter. « David, vhat are jeu going ta de? Nht iltnoreemaas If is nster te getla1Qune of the mont striking pass&"Irn are jon golng ta lie?' 'Weil,' 1 said, rid of it. Wbat are nmre of the finest à %hieh the rentrant hetweeu the oid and 'fathier. 1 amn going t0 follow the sa. buildings In the vorld? St. Paul'. St.' the new le llluutrated figtirativeli'. it 'Follov the aea, and lie a poor. anisera- Peter'&, and the churches and cathéedrala shows boie dlsconraging vas souretimes hie, drunken &allor, kicked andl cufod 0of ail Chrlatendot. lYes, thia Imperti- the prospect In the exile of accomPlishing -about the. vorld and die uf a fever ln a fleua of the gospel, Ibis vaut delusion, la the irreat lrposo for which the proPhets <Cpyright, uais ilopscb. 19.) forelgn hospitai!' 'Oh. no!' I raid. 'Fathi-neo satisfieilountil l projecta ilseilf and iabored Tl'iie magnitude of thal taak Ih îl_ý E antagounasorfthe Christian or. 1 viii nul lie that. 1 viii Uread the in on. jear gives, conatrihutea, $6,250,- Irépreaiented hi' the miraculous fest of 91religion are In Ibs sermon of Dr. quarter deck and cometaian s 5 7 do.' 000 ta fors'lgn missions, the oron09 givInz life ta lbe akeietons of the dend. <hTenage met lua very unusuai 'No, Davild' my tather si. 'NO, De- hich sa te maire duncea and fila on the ~ p.aoy va>', aud the triumphe uf the gospel are vid. À person that bas jour pris les ethier %Ide of the world-people ve bavrq "The baud uf the L.ordi vas pon me": depicta'd. The teit is Ezekiel xxi., 21, and jour bord habits yull neyer tred télé ' aera. Deinded doctos-220 phay-afrqetxpsio ndcethd- "He made bis arrovs lriglillie ronsult- quarter deck or command.' My ftler icaris meeting week by veek In London a retueut xrf aiéovah.u indiae the d ed wilîl images, hie looked in tbe Iuve,." veat out and shut the aloor alter hlm. Inla th Union Médical Proyer circie ta etpaeru eoa. opr h Two modes of divination by which the and 1 said ta hlm: 'l viii change. 1 vill erahip iýO "driving" ut Jeuelait, the wideruemas tu kng of Babyion pruposed tu findl ont the nover aveaur again. i will never, drtek Deladed lawyei-Lýord CairnsIithelie tempted.-"Carriedl me out In the vîispirit ut the Lord': spirit ianot here per- Wit0f "u. lie tu,îk a banaie ut ar ssaie. I will neyer gamble jagain., and. highcat légal authurity lu England, the. soiîied. Il Indicate'.a prophetic vision. raies, put hem atugether, mized tbem up. gentlemnen, b> the help ot God, 1 hae ex-advser ot the tbrune spendlng bis va-. fcus gke olnla bslm e then pulled for% Oui. and b, the iuscrip- kepltbose tiiree vows lu h. ltime. 1IOratiorsen preacbing thet gospel of Jeans lin n t ecde vatcly e boldbo ate tatbeam aChisla, sdctrnist 0 teaer p te gpelf Scolanilsîaliy ac ai-'vt i ja. first assault. Then an animai vuaa lain, lat declded my rte for lime and for Illmvderlck T. Frielinghuysen of New Jer- It vas inner perception. But lie hall and by the ligbîer or darker color uftIhe etcrnity." mr Vr'u l n~tî probabty seen sncba things in bis litetiane. liver te rgsejoa v popetOfihieb covered mai! reara of wartare. Ibe nighu'r r drkerprosect t Th.eIbelualos of ÊfUeL ioned Evangeliral Chrstian, an eider In ,~ acmu ,îtml bo h suceas was iniferred. Tint la the menu- Anther captive ut llie grayal Chrlsîimn the Reformesi Churcli; John Bright, la I a omnatcsomt h h Iv uOf the tezt, le made hbisarrOsdetniin. There goes SeniultfTarus on deinded Qnaker; Henni' Wilson, lba Vice-_I1<odes ut men lsin inohatete graI briglit, lbe c4nlult,'d with 'm'kges.lie horseback aai ful gallupI. Wbere in 6e Président of lhe United States, dylng l a pItsendot sijs cciserod.tiaille look,'d lu thae liver" itîu1id delualoni going'l To destrîîy Chriatisis. Ile vanta deluded Methodiat or Congregatlonalist; bvera derltînu te ioa And >-cî ilîl theags have Is'eu filed vitb au bietter pay spe.'îibelan tistand and Earl uf Kintore djioir a deîuded Prentl>- Catholiec cemetêry iniiIlavans viii have delîiiîs. It wermas uIf the vorid loves wstcb the hasand ruaIs out he murder- terman. a idéea ut Eekiela rvision. The church tute îîuooinîkad, thé delusion of <tie ,rs.wo ar« csarn Godas childi'en. The cannibala lu South Sea, Ithe bush- reiluires rentai for tire lace ut lots n t'ie rlnt oIIY a spe'iîîîeu of a veut number 'rhere goesl the sainescran. Thils time lie men of Tierra del Fuego, the wild men cemeteri' sud when te rentai is overdue ut de. .'îtsxîpra,'tîcell uien 1the uman race'. la atout. %Nbpre sr lie cong nov? Go- of Anstralia, putting down the knives of sud in any rase atter the iiae ut a few Io the ltter part ofthIe laitceturY Jo- lacunz theomri ad uOtia tu die for Christ. their cruelty sud clothiug themaelves in >-curs, bodies are exhumed sudd Ibrusn on bannile4aîiîttc re éame forath ietending Tii,'>'tric'd tii ship it ou t bim, tbey decent apparel-alndterltbe power outh<e hune pile, wblcb in of large auze. ta bave divine' isîu.r. umade 1 tr,î'ii rîd t0aiar,' -t o ibm, tbey thought this delusion. Judaun aud Doly .end " Son ortlian": a titie svhich Etekie liaditlhilitlbluliiti lier Ilém, n sd Il)(),-11cr>'voeuld give lhlmalenough utf il by pet- Abeel and Campbell and Williamsand CoIlstianîl>-uses ut hiriisplf. It 0(i)disciples cairle forward tta oliovber. aux s, lmbtos a inowies, dangeosi. andi the 3.000missionariers ut the cross turn- bis tuuiîy and bis identification wtb Ablanut uv,' yî'rs efre teI riie of utkeepiug lmrumauitdiet. an denylng Ing thir h&ga e, hme'aj leIiatIoa, f leCauCtionut iwhieh lbe' osathe îîrîîîhet. Christ Aioîll,înius rias non, sud lbe came hlmu a clusk. sud 'undeîonlng hlma as a and rumtort and gong ont amld lhe The dry' boue@, as indicated iu verse forath, sudl sitar ive years liigspeech- crimineal, ail bowling utlitnathrough lhe aqualor ut beathenism lue releie, tu 11, ure the peuple utf Iraël; scatiered. lees, sccoratang il, the tradition, h.elîealeii iilflet. but tlaey ouldl flt aveat il out 0f save il. to bell il, taillir until the>' drop- disniembered, lifeleaso. poverlens uselesa tb.esaikla andraîsesi the ,eail allé] préoch laiad they emuIld uîît pound il 0 out fped luto their graves, dylng vihin At thî lime thé des, i<dantiofuthIe peu- cd virlua'îg tii the mytll ina'buts, 1hc> tried thé sourger>' ut the earthly com<ort about themt and goîng pie of the nurtheru rkîngslî,m vere scat- bavlîîg d--sa- was îrogbit tlrenur ,, nd ol ne stimuler day i elu15 e wvas nto graves vith an appropriate epitapli tercl, monme ut them in Ausyrlin,suome stili re-î,î. ln-~iîî' ,ebuitl@mightiesî Intel- when tiiey might have livesi in Iis coun- ' a, Sninéinr ied li bheî- Tire Dl-Iiil'orale,'Il î.i,,]est 811uti [--et'if tbhé(ir iaroutthe sarld's itry and ived for themnselves sud livesi aid iargeiy teotta luleti ew îinfuéi-e. lue tidi-s of n-îîIleii' b ai.-ii 511ll ifisîtii-'hiidin iîi',. héateM, rcjîîed, luxuriantl>' and bren ai ]st put loto bril- peopile uofJîîdab i-eri dividvd belsai- the t-emp, u eleo utl-ciiîg a 1raydut.oil'y theé<'hriulian religion. liant sepulcbers. IThat a delualon! Bat>-Iua, iPaleatine nnl Eg> Pt: th-îr jsrgîn trot wii lIthé làIi-,ilîie gi's'iAh. huit a titi. r-narkntle tbiug about Yeu, <is delusaun ut the Christian re- identîti' ais auationî oa simost luit. For ttcir hi d o,,iîr nutional foîrtunes r 1u iii, i ut I -ire, 'oas, .it laIpIw-ea ligionu shows il'lf in the tact tbsl it te lii mccc palt, respi.,t for tue ancien t misýrn-r,-Th, il criru î-î 15r..tso- i-,'tIfrliiotilllla latr b goes ta abroge vho are in trouble. Nov ,iiîui,'and halîu-ts lî,dbéceme s iii i t ha tii iidr-it ai iii lia> - i. a,,loa,»,ii(, ii, or uttii écu-it in5bsd enouugh to cheat a man vben lhe iinini-lig cet aiirt iîîTh.-elasulit- cru3., ntd .ii,, , , i o i i-l A b'oui .1 à.y itlo-r ii- îoi t a vote ta theinoas la veLIlsud vbeu bie la prospérons, but tic regil il for thé ' i, ial liii-,atore, I.aii- i,,ulrIIa..-nt I ok ccci' rit- this religion Co , 'lsma ive1be laiuglot cveii, ie tIr il,,îwri undiiii 1011.1.r i,, , 15:iî it-,l nlit. ui, i iiilai gei- uuihîîî theybcy iliigay simk ands sys: "Youeu l e vel again %mal leîfotrcetrinLit i. uîîiriiy îdry aii,-lu, h ii~.l.iiS ~, i,.iIX I. iî [a,,! 'a Wh-, rote Paradîse after awhiie; yuu are coing lubo a land Im,iii.' i(re a tttig c> iluol oft tbir cuir- barie or kill,.li n ai vil tuém-ai,nOcr1i ,'n<l.-tif i'rle fîcloah) Icliesed ni lwere there are nu coîîghianad nu pieu- dition. clii.,- i -nil .itil t l ilI , trrii, cl , iic.îli li ii Î,î~in ae n .,î,oi,. sd n n - iii cu u(ic iîbr,'tiî ui ilîlr ito Yul b, i . isrBible,.:, ili, i t il-amioI, ri-i[i.a n u o rntm to sa d ln tîi, il. ci l 1 p-1W g i't aii ilii ýirr,nlI'r,-d t i thi il, ia-i.,n, if giiabiig take eniragf aid lb-ar op' Il li- tc i , -iliai ni a1.-r b i tii théliré- , ,I r l - 1 huz -lo liii> ji- ig'.'fi", lutih(' liti'r i lat lte Yen, tbls au toIchimena outheii'goses,_ ial Iîs predi ted-til..- 11 bre lu frst. Ti ., satîl r-., pi illi. h . i fiài,,àrI %%î.,îiet,, -l i,1iuîil'aileeici-cg.ngIfim ta cres buetepolir, and il gay@ bu tem,, , i s îuîîle n uiîord wiîlh léi,'iin ri i -, l lt lîn h'lu tc agthe .%&I- .af in imta-ii 'ola are con roui' un' hota "itestates , îu liite lîccaîlivs,s cluaîal, ut t,, the' pcui. .t il. ii -1.i '4i,,c i,t. r-i.î m-p i iiil, 1rI-h i go iota btype andl anîd bu diclidenis siss ys décarahi.' I,-l, u îicil. lr u ii- iiaî, .,, o. ~,tuu1r. îîîI at I ri I ili. oîîd lco.(f Comfort h te he esved. î,î,t <i, on.igu mIt lite Tte New I- 111,,lii i, Ii~ l. ii ril. it'i t... i-.ît i a uihI Lelàc ,, ni> that Thiî ndelîcion ut Ct itianît> rimes te ali'tndrteu ii-sîrts g.i t f ,.*. .,,, ,,, ilit- î,v>tem ot iiio,,,a.,l lI'fttandlth,. réli- tteti-refî. and lata10ks ut ceunrion betore 1sa'l, tInilugY tt iiopiîyîsil b reaih lyIl i.-,ut:thna zil L le busîîm clii s au-ctire bist liîugs tiie trone and ut the ,cssatin t ail sur- ai.1-tiliritilJi/' Ch.. ti1 t.- î -. .l cIit-iuuiuIlî hll i iver Iciilr ci'il ipl>'to rv, sud atleu, toashow that atbie delualon S iiiîîî, tîiiO iii*t then i,Obirc rIe -e, I 'St-c,-k li,aî ru. thle,-i-tiic îbtain- viîli stmp at absi uîeiy uuîhiîg, it eues tii t Thiiiî,-atil c pictuireof'tlire or-c-1. fAliici .Nur, . ib; îOMIf 4i-î,luvi'ilYt>'iiidélution,te dyîng lied sud ila theminuvritba au- preiîiit's v-,is iio , i biliniîg ofîthli-î Si1 tIi iîi a,î se,.,dtht , ihtiet' s>.-rThé tbook a ,rih ail îth- hîipations. ltîîîmach lietter It vould f icgtrain ttcheasdis v,-ry vii(ill Ire- tcîîi.l'i. '. n'fti-e ailguifis. hy, r <moka pt i)îgml iî-r îu teli i B'l, e a ohase hma die vithout auj mure',-i îl ltme ilîo'lt If lîî, Ij' Ic y iiiithe .,'It' ismil i lîî-iî.. -li.Rn igt 'ouiansi hoa' I irin sine and rats sud unakeal [The trinzici t totther uaîiiîîfthtt 'lîu cr I>l'Y ., i .1 î;î. ... or eilan-iî'.iifL l'Ii a i,, lieit ot eIii-ai Shiiicihla unidir! T'[t s ail. Nothing t oiles tart tiiitiiî.h airc nei ut t liiit,î id n l i l , -l ii, r,î%r is.nî.. t.t lisi hi' ay? '1I'he o'nI; mini e fI otbila. le wili nee r ', kiiOwv tifl ît'h liîîlr.s i1ilit4 si'lilIi l ' thie ttlitciI in ., Th.-iî an1, l'nI> Ii ,u- , il a'CeI ii, i . a,,0 rcu h y' i nt g ag.ii. Suis cibilaillider '[lie 1,1.,a v5 i ci lomnie t-IIeI' i 11ti-t(rtîài of (L, iiThU <.i-1 li~nl> ie l5.ili' eW,in. tli- s-iiiig it lmmoîtr tucîii ia sîlpérlur part outIhe .bodjy ttc eielrrà-t 1111.'1,.-vhuis c saînotion aupp,,i-ad t, aîlblii S lie, ili, 'it s t lm. - bat sd dlie guy.,'lha t hlileua,îd heuthe hnuiy ii'integratcs th i uui taI hIre cliirrtîti î i~hou liii ails lu _%_ i'ii iilt_1,11 i' - 'i- hl .-iliii urr,-ttd,-tinug t iii Ibis i iin o f ttc<he bin liiiiiii'gcati-n Annihilation, vrasur>, ev- théi- iaeinmbliîg trte bnis adutî ii ir bitslîhrî ili il li',îl le -l AnIui no c'ligîior.i' ryiigu.îiliî-Ttc' siilîuae1.t î' a Illanir, obltéîration. 1N'y nul îo r grave ahbndiI ntI th .. p,-I S- 11- , li-.îr a p~ ~hil,sphy ici11,'arth a h-le pbiliiaipbY Of pllriaenhail tuaIiaiîtautiul doctrine lu the thîe o is if liîavvn Paula iron th-ni'l,-i', ." î'1 1, ' i, rîî i é te I gei." [David iBrewster, Ilitic pro- dring intnaof ut eng aitb ibis hai.lig shouiiiit îlîîieo aver>'différi'ent viie. a Ii ,l i g îî.l li.nei 1bis't o-,îuîîeîaîîoîî tof-buose ae ever>' snenti.t ibis suindi t fthc Chriétian religion, sud 1tur e l ic u abat hil-t lb' bu;huatis rai-eS v-il Iliat î-ti i la i i ei li- é i lol1,5r ou . bis lieurt. l&a-ti îuins te 5> ig mai wîth anticipations Il ltr tlite lire' <lly hatliaI5 , iliiî hi.eii Aloii, i it ilit. iih1i ~. iiel Bi-eu-mth,'r asyti.."Ob, thîs religion iie suitlier lite unhîl mine lu lie lasItor Bttennmn ,cil i lcn-a bis k-. î.ug.Aî,îlai hnil ii'-.luce I i.bus cîl a s-ealiai liglit lu mcsec>crY gréâthave clapped Irr auds, snd soin.sae>iii'hîiisiclemc iiiît.cii Siîghttni!tii>'Raya." Président 'Thiers, ttce,,boutcd. snd tuome have saung, aud some1 .é lnIiiriebtlakm;iis ,hîîî,, i. ltlilt Iii t siimii fuît V ftte.mnwkowcdgiig hvebeen su over'wrought viîh jo>' that .o1,i1lI,"icr.lite Agi-n, hefori tb, - A z - I -hilnr1i I( , v%'tee em h i- ,'soîd, ii I us tc' b,"coutid unis'look enalatir? Palace îîtiîî> I restéii oa,,hini Itie t-a it i Téîî ii.f Ili.- i,5t -,SiiuI>O ai'i làui . L.rt(lu. in %ai 1m anglid asié b- guti-. peniDg, ""lhe>'thosgb-dianoond lîte .If tiilai l là'. ici, ,iil 1 ......I l iise Dasvid Livings.toneeailte tua"Inî criineta lashins-, baudfs ieckoning, or- Siiidi'ts outitue OuI Te-stament knis sus f ttl ii!, cf thiiem I-, lu-,r'Ibh'itm. able luilîliquér the Pantber. i-braIras souadins-. Litleieblîdren dylng sIeli enunh Ontua fl cuîsy ililu-uuil ici cli,. ii îîîîîl.I, l î,ci, ,,1 '[ey u( Il-,ule tui ronauer ttc lavage-rt esinquler aitual>' believing the>' aav their depart' 10111il; ho dcc lii e ttii- aurd ,îtfl-éhovah, s-ci-iyd. t .'c r i "rî.-dIli,' peoplei. tI,- -cî 1>'Iàislusî,n, I bis ialuciatîo..eilparents, utaat, although tli te ito lir, i al-i IIl >lyscmiua i lv tii lre m cre a.Isu i ciii.i Ilici cmleaburi.Ti-it I ii.,gréstai vidie if ttc laces, au vi'en ( tîlsirenhnd lie-n sau wrak and rttbe and i(E0 'Theiiiiiiciî-er o ,,fhîfiireito I-peuoi it, i uipiiotIi-y hlii'.,i, il is, iinS kilodeulthi-; find bin i.sisc'k for veeks the>' coutdl neltaura on thii, loi- -.liii l ,uintîîil liîlir- s îîîîiî i îîî ci iuu nu -s liitesr' Ib> . -~ N'lliRum E. Ghlaioiie. te sImilig--their >-îng pilluv. nt the teat, in a paroz- 01Pu îît nlii,,, ilit ' iti- scipt urai I i ,-iiii uu'îuî hi-l lii o-t,-r1,1 i t-iiiut in Enciiad. tmai le ho renîitysm ut capture uunnroiiatîe, tbey ift ,rd ýt,î-i i :ikiIiriîiiu t iihi litîîl tîéru-ii ilii-, i lii i-vi >hat i is chialnera, Ibis taillîi-Y, this dciusaon utfsprang tu Ibeir fiet andshaonted:- 'Moth- Ipiu l'ie c-mI', c ieil tl'II he te u.o thi-e t'Iuîîîîîîîî,,, ii larsn' ta .il<n1g i <bCrisiai religon. sic-t tai the hoas er cartcb me! 1 arncmn-'munIt irsu huis ihé, ,1li ti ie Isili lthttC (tii.,U.bripé n orhpéi, Iliul i-iguîn.'lliitilliiiiic l,.,1ci inuvitau-tioîn cf th tci, hicrend lbh' ina> Cc., 0om>' Lord,noui' (ld, wa a deluion, Ii.sti lb,'éucr iiibr titiiomît ie [lîîis iu I i I. iupî.I ti. lich-it-liI Iîsir é buutbanglocînos delision! Submnerge mie t)liiTestoament eiti-ýsion fi, lt'-Iifîli (ft.i5Jlt5 iuj--Il iuiliil.' h ii ii u'nue iuiurbiime by thi ~dion. Obs t cîbh ifi[my cymsand aidersvith it. put véaknhess. "Wr nri-lit iff flic aun in i ,h iiilîîil, li',.i i lmevaitlà rtê anehisiefo o dfr ni? t auuclr w>'heuatfor a pis, ibis dem'lu. iits 5i liré' ltevsu1 I-.l~ioLI ' iser b-nillri buridlve.1 Insisabtltirof i1aiseilevers. sîlîuuspcead lbtus-el- me for a canup.r, put cl-un eut odf'-Tii,- liàleliu.sormI ai t heira. Aiatu I Il langoîe o hads., IlBesid.îleata1.hirlinoi e umlsI it first t a ndc'caeatb me fuir an uutspreading Israel wis-li thaliii t I e11-st it th.- Ba~!kuin aiiii ii, raslngéiics ut lie; aie hfidels u-îuîtîh l,-sit-niLI, mn fîîr î s.min]l îîoser me in oceln surges, 10,- andîl nut hiiîeftiii hilicits illili. étlsil hsr. lIaI E i,-uit-nIaisnicas u Ini'hé îîprolaationîouthtbir j5sj athuns dee'p. If ifdeitj ans if tenu-cil tItalri o aliaiaîu, eîîiiî t beiri ladadu ni ui b 'iii-iiSt'.- i,îa-s : anciua.Goethe, - ediug %abeu-. tbeisrnaid ut annihilation are a realiiy fr-ont eciletio.un -uin thé- boiîîîu I pîîîî ,-îîuo. n osi iile ut j lt,-tnsvmurught uipn t- b t'liumsiatiiy .,,ilthé Chrisian religion hsa adeluion, l'ils,' **thé li, îst i a or sei':llins hiien 1 hueagoanillin i",n nlmil lii. î,cf- batin awéaîu mosntsi'ekîuîu,îb-e ri, u t' ,1. gis e ac tceiusi..O0deatt, where lI . il.eI h;l'y llîls a guiS îîmanu in(,.' Ez, tirtaIu tli.iitUhasc l.en Iiiul. it ,- gl'a -Nybeluefithtt Iill.bas sm'éd nie- lu tb>'stigO crase, sibere la thi'vie- tiél'.Ilmi-, ansiitîi oui ieusme tIf1 .11e. oun'i N--aîîesi undî li-oiii',i uidlOY lilîcrar>'unid 'Il ilite." ltoiiaeau, lui'y? 'T'bnitlte unitu(;ud vho gîveti iu-sbIlîîlt-c-oit.. ,' outil 'lui- 3lniu>în lî,l lu--nl us educnde oun,-t ii ruttIesenut -Ixiniii-lî tit chamions.outin-us lime s icto>' Ibrougb oun Lord Jeans oit a m mlu,,i-,a lecitîI-ralu-îl ui ilinul In ie .-nisiii a, r n ,.,Urriri idé-lî>. spcuidiuîghi., n tle lite swarlîg Christ."m"l srII,. uu [i îîu quli d h. lîimuu ui-muui-ug aiShu ,il,.int Chriutialil> - iries ount,*'The nia- ....- -----n=c- c.n coule inivleti'nim h lîimnî 1151 i-n. ai]Siiinra anî Cu.1, andi Jacva J-l fieSirpaé- uan' e"Al- 1 ::n lI<maeliieiîiuli lii' . Im ',u-înî-1 lutîîî.ibn urthe î îînfil,îonue' o ,uîmî SHORT SERMON&. 11,lImu- ciue tu nihc i toue tullnund" iser il i~. Ili tth' liju thCdliemiraclbaee.eîtisteas-îut t.5"..,.. of....---------... -emasserta lsîîîîssvu e Iue~ ae 20010 nep t.ibis selusion outh(e (Inniias religion. ..I ai'i i hmu-Ic 11 loti hmei. ln fits 10.uImbliv' olciail> , tire dallés'i(! Ater ialkiuig mîainat Christia- iank Ahes.-it vas Bouechea'who raêl": igai andl tiain aliia irinh-e ufthlis Christisacrulgionî. andidfuthIligsa ty'ail bis das,sin hiis st iant@îrse criardsaitalbakahun.tcdlio treui-lulsut'utIîî. 1,-ur go ou as Ihe; ore nose cimng oun ldif 'in- omIl"Ohtthon hloopfhtiredetilé.osî la ilu uee-fmt 11,., criat hallucmiation omî dulgeit Lord Gud. beiliitaaif is a refueail taitb, cas better titan the turrible aim i iîi i u ii' tia tuesg-îi aumt nestrppsi lbiilIoui f il bide me tr'oue tIi>'froai'." Voita. tiiu i 1 .s-hcsopraei li s nahoelthat s Sm u-iw".r si-iup liiniigh loi'e thé'glob.. Sipp.iug thti tIClie-tle moat taleeilinluidel tie vorîsi ever seul, desîroyesi hope sud set up a fiend 1 rulfil iu is a îîueul tiallity in he iuguihonobrus-htent'ieu8,-inisteibrug mutftih,'hast. asRoeiauitytIe- acioun t ie 1 euturic a wrtg25a0 pbiainansi Ihe lu pltc of ed. te-v. Mînut Savage, "l'e abat)îlle. audîuui iiilacemîri iîn sha moe li anepoons el, I popolu ul t ot oflibemla pileful as-ainsI Christian- UlIarlan. Ne'w York Cily.', 1jour osan laid": hîreaai hue oullica- b>'h Ibairera, Ibis tallar', Iismavi, il>, himselft<ha' met tnoterionos Ilîho' e Oporu.T eo rtunîî 0of ta- lion tu gospeli lhig na 5 trknmgon t of - ibe cilur>', une voul avse Ibous-it'1 Ibis sîninie ,of the li. lte cruldhave beeu depnded lpnorda'laIs maeaaarably great, for the Tue breathias-ouithttcspirit nm ati nutian Wooerfol Truneform'ea.a. teadrataresa Ithe advocnej ut lnfisieiîy countrle"ta mta obe aaved b>'on bold ul rn- utmii ia.llli rni Audsin uthe- tirait place t> remara thot and in the var asainst tlus terrible streke Of Stategj eOr Valo, bUt bj ith e eoui bai-ktaluius ouvue hu'houe, tire Ibis Selusiun outhetcChrista religion basnibinra. h sis deinsion outheIb el. iB lttud<e of altf --- b teo lnd vbere OGuig nesandsitnilmenDiere aiecaselrainsf omStios-no f bul. lIbis lant hourlbe asaafor Chi.' malte ber lutegrît>' tuà acîr holt ht brothers,.heaccnupîîînî esrth. thi'('sarrau ma hrcè.1wl odw h i)'vicl- Isc'ihed c'en hece uuy faithtult et an>- rhum-h lu Cbrsicnium, anhe1 5ll sthea urlai sud the <Lrthe>' Chrs. m-aet Chattes F. Cairter', Congrega. pilgrime. finS un etlber ide- tt kle t a od yu, h. arrseu at b LrdJ-ss h is, lonajlitLtxiugrtor. Mmaa. eciuMn thoseai'lo Wiy. jo ne tdepeudmillin thbsee finasauiitfns aide once pruglîgale, profane,uCde-anut frite ImOdela: je Calantld"eeufupon lmmortnlijy.-Ttc promIes of the This icason viliicertailli' teasvailey speech sndnucni-Insu t -ion. dtsnkel thir pewer 10 rouai IIs gmtaldolupiola Lord declare lmnortallty. '1s la utf "dry banes" ta the Cllas ua iées thc aindtoul. Sît by.thu puwer t Iis de ut Cha'sanl7. Theomasle Paine, th.engd -i1i ot him that sent mehatier r haiher rau gise civisme-sta tirue visuon FIRE19EN TAKE PEIKIN CAPTURE THE TOWN FOR AN- NUAL TOURNAMENT. .Manrilyeau.s Coipete la Couleshauto [speesi .ud A-ut le .oil dr.d Fireasaco lu Auleodauce Thoaad. .ft Sighttacer. Wisoess tht porî tlîii ici, Ii umuiîuil tuiri.uii I u is iceild it <ukî cul nu ttîiî-i for Ihuru-,- vard-i lîie îlulmu-tiuf ti-luluun cI'l- S iii l'it>. l<Iu, .Islandt ,'ucmni- .Canutonu. ix- oni, L.mitcieid, l',oeia, Soîuhi'.-i. I'ula.ku cniShillîonî. 'lheresacre 71M) lin-liu i n nthec imlnaS lb,nmi Sif Mits' arl-yuit ttc, tu-n ta tueur 1'îî'niul,'ît 0 1). M'imus aid uther Stilte 'illicers omît jts.iatiaulluser,' in charge. "liv're' as o pliad-î,ui futnuti mm,'d tr'- irt uluis-cac uucula tasu nde t-unnti-st. Ttc- jumlge-'.iltthei' su,mhî-au omîtehie imesupriai- o h. lu -fu i cîîu i cumpir sa-ireftelSduit Sicumt-il. ' t '41, îeThi-mi s Ose huitlreit ;.cnd fuîýt eu- -runue LýIoA Ce--iuiiity A.ouumt uan u-u <ba'rai- aîer ii.. -:- aulUln ace-,nd; . IhlhI1lId, ibtît Nos citybookt sad laului,-ran, -ýtiîo.i maI. ml'%nrai-e Na tisiIreitîîul> iii C> i <(nu s u laintu- ane>,. 4 is i .l - uîsu r., l;tii-' mueNaimeciHe, lest <n1 Nu.I iy hto tris-h I 41er -- iltin.t -' foriî a i t 1s.- e 'a-u ,hl.I N.oueu'slf.. 21 5. li.1.lcliht., tl 2 I-eu-c'f-n.u1 I-u l-i1 ,,u1,- rau-c'-ijunm tIs- e ,sc. tel, unt 'ur n nul aumm lima vii,,'! la In bthe fni.-tuilI I 3ui-u 1 1i <"ua- .uu,-m t. , ii.m val I"w,.t th-lmmIn fi'fe:1 aha'ebi 31. , lu,,k si uiuc iîîî iit a i- tue fnýe fuir nil l an n, 3ut 4 5; î:dSarusilhle. Frce fou a-Il tinctandulihit l noc. 'peun lu, t ec1m lu lai-c i .oa2 in ,t .1 u'ee fui' iI l iîî..b u iad uuln hait , I tri, mi-. llnfuir ual. laîîîn 11/ucui;Iifui fu, al ac is.., 22 t -id . 27. DISLIKtTHE NEW (lAME LAW. 11,1untlsa Club. Wili Make s Fis-hi As-ainsI the Lbccase Tchl - nu i insc- ih5 th,' lllii' IisgiaItumi ý lml n Illilg taiu5lig hn us uic-uit hiaul'y mi hi. utmu ,- i- thme heaumes mut Iliii.luugri. a 'muur hIe,9k' iuilubiug ullls t.,, "u-.<uual lit. tmuýthuucgm- ,.uit,-linIS.îullt a.nd ru) lusill itn-h.i -, 1 Ii . i.t î,ugcI l t r1u .i fNIî.uh t-n liii1, 1 n . 11iii mu ý lîuiii1; ,1 - , uic1 il1 , 1 p a 1s .,u.u.huu lt a 1 ;t Ilu c- IusliuhIl lt lIl us 'I'l". - hu-'s iand tig ,iilils ut liii- S, n iii h ."î i l-ti .ii luds trlict. illo il, ..' l, bu t iii 11151 t re dur-1su ie lut,mui.utiN11 t ii'leon-al cu&uIli i,tu-iofu. a lurr îuî p,,îl,,n riu Ironu te ,il- lur' ofm' ui eopfle mmlio u il u n tli,Iaeys .uuml,!ai u, 11 h lc -uuî 01 rl. i i u i d u do-' smlsnl mi.>r uuu-dp-!narîn -,mles inlui ', smc t,' 11ii iu i leS hum use,.u !ic 'us-. thlimurtui'sn-efr-ta lem patrois ttceMSie, nîmld care'lil bthe ,osth parst. vu r, coit îl, e tu-lulet thue coreInirci us ut hm l e mt emu thi,,i tc pnangm mutIl.n,, lhi I -i bull t rî, SuI t,,, I m ci -4-1um MISSING PEORIA MAN RETURNS. Robtar Clark Cume, Ra-k After ..A Il se-eIîf Four e.ra flubent 'iulark. lii .iilm.uui Iiurinii.ar_ el hum c linol it"g,, hI iii ulu(-îuiIy cuill, îm,'r,di ml lui-, liu, nilirt eus rI e h iue usisn s Iiiuh lu iuuir im n. m li î, ii, lit- hfl bis huinu s a. m i itc - il h l lie 1,Ill nuîcîl mdl i uns g,îm-u NMr. Ctlark. :1111i 11niiif ji>tuNl mi 8iig l<m "iuru t-ct îuuuîuîu,Ilî lu'. i-i mni tii- înnn andIlule cmtli, C(mliiiMrie la-t. utur tinie uîuauuluc nm-s itîi -lu aI îtu nuu-s Id- îilî- t'tnnsi ilm.- ui l u -liiit l ai,- I et Imînia ti thhai-u-. 1oilnlI mIlul tilt l-v iiy ,amul>1,a tb, r.-uîunucin ilth, cut- amulfume bmu iii> Iiýituu l iulrni,- calt 1i ifi'imi I mini, i .-iii,<, i vl iu uic-lt. 1, -îîu li utre I'ii, u-l u it 'rt the troubhle'.I1sui'. tiéi-uc miig-c,-litmu brhîk pmi nu'iltuac-t at t'1uunnmgu auiiut-i ili i- lmli , i m-uu1c Iild. uiiiîi mut uuy nu-wiaii isi-uit EImu'ta itiuih uq.- if nuaknm -iin mi,'h 'lummuu- ,ci 1I iululpasi> omît SLIM PEACH CROP OUTLOOK. - IhInuba Fruibt flansagi laiMin- ter'. lat. P1roft.J. f'. hMn ut li'titi , nu c hmuîc,'uomutheiii StIu- Iwîî-în> iiIL. . rIe> muIftIluh 8iliIii 1 iuiAsî-n vsigion -l' ifth, duIiiillete Inth, fruit sciater. 'NIre. ît.î b t,- himt the severul 7mars. TRUCK PRODUCRiS ORGANIZE. pueMOreNanr Ihar lot ci U nlue lu <'roaca e hippies- Istees. nue truck priiducer ut'or B&Ii'a-iltuvn aid imure eiPteeailj Imtheoui -sudsa en-t polato gruisers, tav aeiunilsl lgether for ubutuai pruheciloal utf their iLtarus-sti as sblpper.An s-guiil.,n tas leu-n bearnt ommeS salthT. 1sf Cuodit as pue- de'nt ausi EE.FL kNw(uanilwmcrautsry. -As direclors Heur>' J. Ni. I1ujupel, <'IunnsuiF. Kubaiisu, John R. Hunton). Thonan (amptel, S. Il. Johnri umbresn anS J. D. Elîloîl have bee-i 'bcsn, c-('kain- meula tas beeaualort-eIgemunil minagi CRICKET PEST IN GALESBUff. A Visitation hy lIasee A.0o8pa Her- chante and Retards iDuelIu.esm Svamof ol rick.,i it'ta i ama<sl estur- fecenl>. No.uparu t ju-licou eanesppd. buI lhey ucec uo'l,.uimsu-ar elciIrli- lampe, ulniausIf ,sivh uv-s'ois1scMad. Ou %nS siuit ris-t tIls-c'c nu lkasmlui miale c-atkiia. c-myioî î',igneii 1. Pe',de trionas vuuliS t îî miiitrciinillingupon bhern antd bahig saîori hi ; Iby teu Holel guelasac e , lriu ii hsuu', andi a leeding restaurate'urn huiS <m cve tîp mer- vice hemrî'cc' ut the umucluls-r ut rlrkete en lie tables. P SHOaR R--1R celuI 11 Jat8n lam it,- The only line operatlng passeriger steamers betwecni CH[rCAG&pwd Ihosc famotîs Mchigan Summer Rusorts OTTAWA BEACH and MAO@ ATANA îPARK. Aiso beîween CHICAGO and HOLI.AND, whcre immediate tain connections are maden for CRAN[) RAPIDS, ALLEGAN and ail other interloir Michigan points. Through Tickets on sale. B.tggage checkeui hhrough. HsaLsc.s I.OWE titain %la Aîsy IDhesr Rute 9 For furlher information vrille . CHAS. B. HOPPER,1 Féesm, Mals 4648. (bsec.! lassw-er Agent, N-sa. llUe S. GCOte ILLINOIS STATE NEWS; et S> ni uSmiunur dwuset Ittc DîljWh OCCURRENCES OURINO THE IEliI mutt11c' ane -ot 21. PAST WEEK. "uliiîIl. i .'auîruî.a readult o ________W*iu, su, bf.,nc fi., scs sud lia veil- kîcumu-nuribla-uc. duic-h tbcu,, aced (M6ean P.Inai. Inithiahe lent Man Cortiand he mmiv If i Bn,'I. shinuer vas e.a leSeiat. Hi. NWlte'sî. "dru-- huuind lit.,t it.iiîugliîîin (;artieid Park, n'ersAsitlid hIna taluta lrahia- 1plinlueiîkuenn-uiii. Ss'crsl iet- li , sI I-eu, -lmummuln li.I Ilumuy. Ielohios- that ste ..an114uaI lie Chaotîd. t', u uil ,t llfu'. Skinncer vas a Mi- mi et. a1 sinu i- i1im.1a eRS I-lui. Il ,,itih ti. 11.1 d hi ~un ,uîumii nu, \-i io-i m,,s stîirkman, îîîn- 1-th fu1i tii- iii.i i.lîr- il n'ur u nlimu i, l.,uo u ative-or ilium u,- fl.i- uejîl in-i. Il li I , f3 '.i iiNln fui-'li -u miyI u 'ut, - 1- I îir,mlum li, IIumI,,,. i lmcuu (iu tseif ,Il i l , i i iii - .> - utluh ft i,,, im -,muu hu1 îtil , r iufîuî-Prxucahlon s nnu. mI ii- flini ii. 1,tul c nu -ui t t I tii î t I i ti :mIii ti uml stî,,nk utf*1$W .- 1uuîsiibe.. 'auun atn duit h..ii, til 1<g""cu îlic*p-iiuiu ùc %rthur G. uIu-uu. -', i Ih.,u Le I - < t i 111tu'n' a ,i i liiin I . Iilit aundlLouis J. wI-uIlIuug. I- I. I i ieu rull- utIl :Int> - Iliblilu mt 'uî-,gn lu ~ u ,î th,- bliu i - ltha mi 'ut- , mii iiîuuuî h bit. nsiikuiuun u<n1t Nio i hu,-M.I tutr, innsint aUPeS- mmm uuli l,- mi ii ii h,- mii,- -Imu . rui-uîuulu mtli-il iîun-u 'rranlcg BSaihol tien,'n fin.ut i t u' fi (I uiu tiiu hut :ste bas hen iuîîmuînu.l um nusmu l ibte Unitedi KiltIs li.aNiI' .. le s stî-e t Stîîs sîh i nur m t hîu'. hilipineus. Il 1], k owI i 111 ilil nuiili. il lu1u i 78us as e-are, lu-u-n l hm-- i i hu.în,.I f ui h, hîis Il icI -i- d-i in iu-un sii'e 18.42, H . lut l,<< iclui -fl j-,u. I-h, u, IltIl i IIu, , t,î îîcîuîîî,uon pn usite to Ga- s, %lau - li 1,1,4 i îlî i, [ i tii mi l 1iii- liii l br uhrit> uiuî,lrenditn.-1 0 1111111 andi , lîsi ii i l . Iif . m, I l,-', i c -mli uI Il. t u i, I, f I i î; ' ., At at u utl- lllîi lu-tre jlustire- Van% iii,-d mi ""Yuu iii i,, -1il l i . Is:". illtuuic,- umity juil it %'a'uke-g*n, lii, lii. iuui îîî.îîiuîîuî~uîu~tîmiuîegu- h î 1e uurdes- ni Iii ti- lr 1.-- , t!1.1i.r lldnili. zl Iluthe landJ h l J 11-u u1 l hutC i Illetbumn,-u. e o cii, ii u Il lu h-ruIlv,1% luhI, 1 1i I lb,,,s Iaru-b C ehmrl.ct'. l 'ncnmi hithili uîuuc' in IHamilton Il I I u t- ii.îîîîî. I. IifmîSt i i.rl u l -ii(*u iii - ,,, dire dans- I' -î ' 1u-tunut Iluuu l um inii i b-cit (' îî.îîî(ailljiiint..i fomer State . it II -.ul. u: 1- . s (i ' Ii .uuiiig i .tiuliî 2 ii i"ium- l ,]hhns,-ru-uh ,I.>1e NIu,-uîv. Nu Eulc i- - of Cii, ii',M' litinK-r- ifmlSt.iu m.1'.I (i. 1thi.,lbemu of ghiuuui iiui i'ii am uftl'luii- eiii i-f E.'a. Azhlui andorîl -i lui <iliîi t l ium 'au ,'iu clhii mbu e-hiirun-,f cii,, l fl.ut li ntuii-.ltdlu the luit-nl lmhun Si"111. niuty tuîiash Chagge ColsCoure. An huus,'uîîaouumamu uthIbm'esm-s-i.n utrtue Ilm-num-tin icll i l, un usic-hetii' iî, inîî iii falcu hit uh,uus thb tal lîci'trmnuulonlmuîe Irnuit i ii , i h , , ilUs -luth -omuitry. Theiu-nls sum-ii mu gui lhr ilu h t s uigui Si 'illiri b i-i h igl.b'mi il ui' imuisI li"se- ilieu-ilie jli-u -usli,- The us hcl nuîu>t3 I.- i ' 1id ilcpalii rt rîcîîî,uî tuiluis i,. 1-iln linultie,' aseuilucnoui nicý ilititfuItNsa y umil l munI agol uuea,-u hn uiIliiui - etuig Iiniîs anS ut long 'nul titistSîîî-îîîîbu-î1îlu-rthe(miiihrmus ou Saln ts -igali up .11)t 'lm ut lii,'thsi-ui t bas 2<lf u,-u i uîuimî21 su-ur, utfa', otf mu 1,1 e î,îic'o sandI 14.49<7 fer'a-. a1 d l . ,mi lief12 ausoitîn unf î-îuuil nag'i,.i,, au,- Il(;ii l'od nul lu.n, ~ai Itur îîîuîl,-î f -i hîuulmu u -î,iI,'m ty-i lii, tel, i d i lai...1- l,.mi ,tesuiiuu-uf ugnng $C-9.17 furi i.,,n aid I-Fi.1,6 tom 1i e il . NI.ta A.s.iuaÏa. Titre e.fiNeec. ru-, vitub IN "' su--ut rnuu'mciIi s> uu,thîhaîrs snd of vui-s, Nim-i-ms- n auuterîani minis eul ouit mî tfmth > 1 lt niIl,-r-t; y I ho sçsîîil 1tmi I i,,, ln, mi- i îîî-r mur tc' iv Ola indim. ft iiu s. (ii,, if tb'hue în 5i- iiuhi m l"i. ici-m ici-ouia ling il,,, mît, h'l. ii uigt liei -iimml.i> etiihu. mufth.l, 1141,. il i's cminîuu',bu tht-m Osuuîutit, thaIliumhuYm'> c mireun-l i o fou tîceiuiniv.i-nii lue,' I ugi Min- mcg Cuiunils s b iple, bmu ut ili utthe aimBi ts t c-f,, Furgels Hi. SM ife .luVinie. lt-ilM'rt '(i mu,ithi. %asl oii slie ailM,'ms trin el lvil o l miluemi I.huis bîo'uuc l-it ed lt iiimg Suîuu. liii a'auu' b'menut asn sy leruti.i c,' ui.rt ic u îks MIau frini,-uuil- itiuucsi,u mmnin,-m bsc'.-u'e luilc, . mlii iliik- tsluutu-m tiumg tini ho et. Bfnef8aIla hnls. Juiun ' e ii.sslcd 71. in dai Amucîîst Iltime-. 1t19'1 44, oa dcosned at Qtiu-s-iv ci .- igin s-h <e river. 'Te body i-ast., r-l W'ahite bnthirtc iii hIe Emiarrasa river nt Oune->'.Otu'c lîctiua c h,, aias uuahie tuo5 sira. wa-uic lui-cmlctbs deltt nuit asg drosa-uîsi. 'l'le Imîl i lyia rcu.-urvd three l'risiuirs litmlhti-luuhhea i-suay jailiat Bk-iul-e ni' cmiii mu Ii u-ucc s-ont îandies, iape imcnnanhu i s.'eti lu 'aiiuvi-rssl salh coun i ti-da. 'l'iîce risouu'ra ri-useot 10 le-ave lb. jail. 'lT e fluri reuiiu.t the Aikei sol' 51cr Réunui uAaactiu-alin. wisue sgrouais. ai-.reuer i-Immýun. aso nbeîcUd y tbe Iiirgeal enlwdianSluhe len 5 cirs' hexistencej ut the- urguaalcsîc.ii Jutai A. liuruurlimlu t iFrepcrt ut counupîiîîuc. ocusi-.1 lt-duc.lic vus lu thema ra amailsours ie Ihuit>'yes sanul baS rutca sit ut (lu it ilui 'lu 'lido, Obio, anS CeSar llitc 1uiîls. uun a.fuir yuss. [<urus- a thtiti olursui uatals William' IHale, rt-iaihg t iffauuiunaimt utEldo- ratio, sastiluk b>' lgbituiîs- ai-ite standing nsaar telie-kl'ceu duur. She la tertribl>'bumnesi sud parslyse-d, andi eau- tanl recver. Tue building w« as-bel> demaged. '1 li; mi i mmi li ni crs, employez oR mumi d ui- u îiluint grail au lucrease mu su î'-, nculmul urk unm îîu miles et 1 aLlii i îîu'mtnu el',n oas ,toppneS. 'lhe- în,-u imîul luit a i-uit bers lu vork. lit Cr. t.'. Jîuiun utSpinglli nS I, . C. 1'. l.îsi f u lriuu-etin uai tte %,i mminu, andîl Dr. Srutt ut Pionsa, Ouusiulîîuît Stals' su-î,riucri.,u. bliesithrso dl cire iowsuuit I'îurmîu. Inuitrthmeanm-' lin utfbc'rda cxauuiic' tor lubiertulos ini and auuboutthIe cu>Iluithse- ,.us vers th. irsI tounul 10 bs' ili'u-tm'm. Wil'liiî' (lffncy i'; nueiier (ut Company' N(I. Sstt ceguikn,-idt aiae-nsas a cîmumut fui'o.m c cuulai-i ii shile la Porle Rico ,duirinun 1h,.e ,imisîAui a r a. le m'a-h01,ci-nnuiof uicandc as a scur- mîissiouîn nit Iuuitiîr.îhInibis enlist- ucmu-ut. 0f 11thi- ,muc-n i ut ofCompany' Mi ciii, retirîcîl lboule ili Gsituej la the oiiuy une i itomIs-. A.-ciruing ho an iauîîacrhsnt rutins- bear- tac un lime losabii>t fuiling- andsIio»f assaumi-iiun, cci cu-ivvd'y Cumletor of In- ternai Reveues'('mu> au,' nt 'hicag-o, an as- soiatiiion t Ibu aleiîis limisouI>'tu, ils slunrchtuuiis s ituiIeiiuir,-d ho p5> neve- nul.' lax, itcuict uîîîitcks and siafstI, for instruments, escý-cliii sswthuun the limite uf t l1 eltitilil le uî,rs 1100, includtlg llt a d aclucîdo <tu îruîîrt>'. Ttc Illinisisriclt grcci u idge of tise GSrancdtUniteS Ormlr ot OulS lelliva (col-' orcil ie inlupSrehciin fui fr s tbreday,' - session. '[le' iulic,-r-,lu-aiai ersDi. tict (lrmuumi NIisi'iîr 1). J.- Smîith, Deput>' Grau agultvtr '(a' llnuu'Malle-r, Grand iiecetar> Chlairles S. $Siulb aiSGrn Treasuccer Howanrd l]. Acting Oovm ,cuormcNirtlihot uîîîlu' au asidrs'ss of vnka i-uule sud the anucumul rilcartsofu the ne- 'cers iscre Ir-A-uh-I. ÀracepilouwM cisc-auby' moiumm,'..1 îhil'ciiuas out<ho cil> lu Imînur of theiii iitinug dulégate-s, them st. lnuî,. Spingcicid oandVincenne itslsma miili ii, ss Icmue îprincpal 0o49 ns li Chicago . 'l'îlerailca>' la to lieseno.- st nu-tu-Sfrim<uni' oinw t buuk utf Wsaba riveur, ulii'me 'lui'v,'iI ad., <brous-b tue cuîlm uEcc ,n.u'e Ricl-hsa* Ciay', Marionî, (limbucaiain SI. Clair, la Illinois. luHasot St. Louiis, and troll Siunvneeîoa'u thlîcuulte ounîlea 92f (Sallinu, '((bt,', W'mmrue. Clay', Emmen* haut, i-'ayette, Shcuihu> Christian, Sangai' munsd Casil tu Ileiacsstown. The ca: itai stock Is l.lbtt. Th.'Ie Incorporer ures are Ilsrry H. l'hilmps, Clyde A. Mirrisoi, Albert E. lia,-;. Charles »6. Clark aid P['biljuIl. [re.'î-y ut Chicage ien>' Cronîin. 22 cs ur midla La JatBa La Selle, rbîîar,-S sit oussaut vithmua derousat nît, sableb charge mai' 19 chais-uS lu n graîver une laIe-n Il la ai. les-uS that lie tittlaced bis muiber, vhs l.', tron t.hebumse', iklig refuge in hI. honniut a niegbboc. lile folioved b«6, breakins Susin the 'dmuur vbirh barreS IaI pninsrean. Ou cntering the bouse he #W lackesi the osanse, '(Ira. Esiard Cuu'. mings, strakiug lc-r repealedfy t>vth -# bnIcher kuite, îuliti-licterrible vasi.f on the- bcsc. %ileariwbile bis mollie, uM rapeil and ttc poluc'siere notifeS. Cuaiuîius, soli utCroulu's vlclmu; tempted taustomili icîîuîall ai tarc,* Isi-keul. ha-is- u tam-ui uon the anm.. Florae iaiit m.agu-si35, of .A.teaQ? arived aitlice Iilin uiCnti!ral depet Anna ttc ot-r (ils; sud vans met bs- L~. Williama. a pilcierousFoadg tasm wbom she csrme'tu insrrj. Tb* le= mciety un the yuuog armUe'sface W* pard.inshie. lile saas about te met <hi' tiraI lime tte vuman t e los lie eiugss-md 'l'eh'>bail orrespomaled se tilt ail te>'n-su>' kiw aboua, eat=* c-r a-as %Vbst nilaoûlt snd cousin of cnsi, w vo liaie 1h. mainb, ad a hicu-in. AI 12:45 p. mn. ah. arrive&u 2:30 1h.>' vere niarmieub l hy Siré Bas-sot aIeththebule oRfMr*. MU7o' Luton, a uauet iie7ug O tIi aulu em~i9 m 'Q

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