Ilsaeim tomeusuMStiago Xswe AÀ»rski Mm. wtje * .s»t 1>ssIsiNe- ftm Os moe» he raale. ohn A Ienter i>ewle vented ieis l.w wrlters, wth be tureeeption, Jo?- DeMr .bPlekMurgs atepte l0 wrath sonant the doktors and thenews' bajus,:t Rudyard Klulia& oerithetr luiormosa, mdiuee growin u tpflgo hcaoBna i nad« dat e otorieti te thse extolt th"t W," bi ut. wme Urns lbefore à large ieting t Zion Tabor. ".Uncle Remue,," jouitChandler Harris, lits.,Tvisercnevusei Umangulaedos. an affable andTu ent genial manl dangerfronm thse tresocbery of certa~in .inoat foui. htheforctt purnome remener Offclai mdi bombe atitedeali On PrésidentlcKlnley han hought the aganst the doctors a se*tbey esse, rdlariteftt.t 0eadro mq eue occasion homdlisbie hl ret s Canton. Ohio, bouse lu whleh lhe and the arreat or one of the eiders of hieocf bis work la desrous of aeeing ltr one ccaion a dsmised ill ea Urs t. McKilIey béton bouxekeepiDg tweu- church and one of lis membors for mal- produces a lt of nervouaneus whicb and waiketi ou alone ln ordtie au y-lght pears so. The bouestead paing- practite and crimilnel negligence inte ecana. hlm te pay hide-andtiseek, anti1 the capital untier cover ofthtie ulght. @i out of Mr. McKluley's posseossion lu case of lire Flauders, W.ho -lied récent- If this fallu andtibe la confronte-i the aU- 1 and ti e areah lplug, wbere hoie S1"- or thereabouts. snd such Urne asnblie y. The ne wspapers and itheir employés thor la generally founti to be a mucb would lid a boat. For a long distance oreupied the bonse since wss an a tee- more scored or tepcriaitg the affair. lie btter ilistener than tatiter. Hie home v.ysDip the path led througb Chinese grave- sot. Now leh an purcba.ed Il of the. metioned 0one sfter aother of the isCIN- la Alants la ou the outsktrts of the It'i.urlvor Ayyards.lU boider. Mr%. Haurler. for $14.00. Teppr u odo rOit' aldu De pill. T1ecure8cli tvdf, My prospect or gettlng peut Taiwa.n- properybeef arous as the '"ittie to hlm. He arcused ail of tYirgand cai -tof.adatohadalcorburI lieadapi., dypeamm d ilflusal tueoCity unilacoveroti andi lea fetY wooden bouse on the bil' fronthe bon. ed reporters aas Lwh l ligrî'puita)ii te the Atanta Constitution ie morke 1 7 p*laieSc. d W ts asd.tote at g 1sC Oer et, qualitying the terni wth ournerous .ntirely at home and sces very Little O wroêght by filles@train ans eacisement0f Josephi Medili %o it 'Joasepb Mie- Âlthougb Atlanta la vlsited in thse ~~ r wr~~~~a tvexa tio n aral sud eatme ouddetve.Bc.y .uuiN9Feeing letb eet cfa mOf hMr. Fioîiders. the hil,.taud of the kuomu to go to the theater 10ýsftOne ~~ ~ ~ and amoe Troublted onap bain&m, t (li:1~0~tU Oaabi cus ftbyrre il col uof s - Cisneft fauhien. timide oe ~of the -tse only tIme that emlicrn u e v si tombe. and .oarched le my batiger.sklf inseiben bis Jadies.lcm pura. fo mp Ira pipe, mlch I fhled ltley gives one of bsraîg.i apurgedmtounaypietatichs1 ll This happened about six pears aigu, My puncanny surroundingea nd ts 'at io therews'0mr etbo atlneso teelb ed 7 thegt appreciator in the bouse than 'Ucl sctfof th n bootetrr oug ub Remua." For the next Ave pears, bom- paces ti my eay b elot legosts. ever. lhe carefully avoided the theator. wf placsuat y splug temeît ht i Tlt When about a pear &go the Hoosier baili ottromn tibo bcpsb auperati- ______________ _poeot macle anothor tour of the Souths, tiens whene suddenly a milti flaine bursi l redlsof delt'gstoin;of ilsitors recelved lrank L. Stauton asked Mr. Harris ta t Woore me. 1 saw stars Innumerable, tbere ln the 1800u campalgu. It wax front a ccompany hlm tbat nigbt te tbe rend-t my pipe vras mlrled troamlomr menti, the pcrcb ot Ibis boose tbat tbe speeches l1 ug. Wbon the puet caUlet esrly lu the dt snd 1 feu saprawlilg on mny back. ut- of that esmpolrn wée delivered by Mr. evening taemishe sure that Uni tonly heipiesa tram teer. my limbe McKinley. Preident and Mes. beKin- * Remua" mould be resdy ln Urne tbe sir i.>- bave Marsnaced s.sociatiouî wth latter was airestiy prepared -dud-as trmmbling and my hoart beatlug vit> tbia bouse. I l t tey mot moly set op àbelnigte a leutl. boume, but la it their chiltiren were bore I eln omlo. 1was powerles o ta tn& * 0 5CÈretiand i tes. noWIR'O orXL AND 1sOeFKTAL. "W 't e holater' hc aaked. Tise plongent ametlibosai sd lse"Msf and su aken mes 1. se, s"tIag Ou à "Not for soveral bouts yet," aler- E tae cf the mal krowu remedy. pvImleintlIge slnT n udoipasaotefrtsslg oan Who died millier the cre ofoment- ed Stanton. in tre-op Avis mactae,,dby thse wben rnp reasonrt sesoerteti ltaeîf. 1 isait wmssestabliatied ln Engl- Intebers of Zion, Who vas in the audience, The ttday the Goorgia poet andi the Cà » aetrCo..liluaSsaglad. ho said:ilna, Mevaiet obtalnng tbe liquli bcw graaped Mny purmo and examined Il 1801, st the suggestion o Mc. Cbsrikm "You sheutd have cornnitted suicide Indlana peet meut for a drive. anu t seclpie et f laut& keown e lie ClrefullY. W. Sikes. s aY a lgsa vhen ou aaid pou moulti. Then there accortiance mltb tbe formers Plan stop- W 6» idn1I eaih ve and flhliitter te ower uelsal dois os. la batk se ostmatde-a wouid bave been one dirty dog the Ieas yod at Mr. Harris' bouse. Mr. Rlley ati tasutheani fortae ethe 575gte00th owr news .oe o1*o, i partmoete o rdeat , le Chicago." frt objecteti to golng lu. on the gronoift y tilnt sud steel. and Iluoeso theillie 0ftl@oins Lawyer Stevens, ago ln the audi- that It masn't fair 10 surprise a man *0 ons e rieet argv.selnsg in»h. PstaIsoîgience, lbe said: lu tbis may. 01 Uiv.. c=auegthe matem e.eftallyp opper pockets mss a quanuty 'et arnaitbatiks bave Rinc~ e ben"Stand op, you scoondei. lu the Damre "If he kuew pou more comlng." te- tmyyW< m lyandenalioo 1usery mrebd mont te F opaucoutrie ler, ai0traducr hotwaitedRemu andve foThat 0 et gjfl'i bl.qsielty ideeba. Y"n or frtating thon, msaue.lit bti de The mbole sfair mes tUnsmate ie erau theUic uiter C the Zion tiorning Sue and! the ZIOD thse proper nervone pltcb, andi, tlpugh t Is is pocasettelpof 1deieastors se thtufedpostai. Wek is 6.6.-Evening Star, sud seoth" a titrent ho smung bis bat ta anti fro in a nueb- aa e soti. as1tbev nattu'tie th tlmeoa t'iitildgt' loto mypipe, of. deoit»oihe ostal monste6m862,_ that <;ov. Tannerand te Stale Soard abuuabetimariner uing tise firait to fi toebut thse medienai qualticssof the sd liait smoik&d onuntttil It beame cepok la $52,01)0W. lethe eumbe, of Healtb. or "'deatb." a-ste lie vd it. minutes efthtIe conversation.lie andthtise erometipare obtaluedt fre cma and red bt: lisen It huiti ez1loded. Produc- jof depoilors et postalboouka ltnly standi would lbe bld iesucially enpouodibie for man lho atmireti se much 500f becarne tbr aroseatic planta. by a nethot ilng the toyaterlouta sti-k wbieb bid secondti.mtis3.00,00. tbongb the lota: the errent ofthei Zon sorkera la tie tast frienda. ant i Rlep seitiornvisittq keOme te the CALIVO5LNion Fi.111"t gis-en me sucb a trigtt. outha Cern-aont of deposita le oly P.U.I Fraudersa e. the South mithout speutiing saineLittle Ce. only. le ortier te Cet il& bcnoficia j'anion. 0f saiez, batiks other thon those conu- .MAY OSRUPT FRANCE. Unme mît!,Barris at AtiantA. affece andtut avolt iImitations, ploase nectet i mth thse postal departimeut Great MrHrrslaaon___odM snembr th fullîcameeofthe Comspomy evea Hund,'.d Vos. of Col. Britale bas 23. wih 1526,00 ep dt pr. ,,r Baa ,onio ok rrie s a mtehottlcan pritudon hefrot e evrypackage. :Accordug to themont sutbentic bis- ara sud etotal cepotn of 823!.iS30.000). leul fie lnoatIg t8O'lc frt CALIPRNIA IG SY UP CD toryot tie cea trad. las pearmark-Franco there are 6.(W3.000 tepostors, 545 'The 'Prclpapera. o about distinction, in vrymrigaiSecoc o i 9" ,mâucMo. Leti the ses-enunatredtis aunnlvcary tauks sud totsl deposta of W62.800t000. express iudignation aithtie outrage Of mail and papota, andti rmains about gd@lgvLLI ". wmwVoIe 9 71 of heuse et cent as fuel. Taklng tbeheInRouasthere are 8611 savings baeiks hich Labori ia the -sella. Tise Temps hait an bouc.goait homo te morkÉ. In by U D«WaPrS M- prbeàb ment moderate estimate ot the antlq- outnlde of the postai departrmeet. 1.870 deplorca tbe "tate ot di-r.der toto which addIton te bIs nemupaper labors. la uity et man, and eeoualderiog the tact o1tO depostors, anti deposîts of I~.». the Dreyfuns siroir bas dagged proet ongazee Ion m b kat-- that the coal was always bere. t ap- 000. lu the Ulited! States there are 979tr),",sud gays that it ins luth turne for urday Evenng lPest. pene tial WPwee alon tIje tn avions.batiks. mtb 5.38.'..00depssitors us 1ato stand opsad bie ourse[tei again.' pars Ibat nure ereof a lontvine-luanti deposits arnoueting ta 82.(O.00.O.. Contîtuiug ils rerlew o f tise situation, at- anlisgershi aofthuroa t vaua- the Temsps c;iserves: "Caîiwîr-l'erier tes- N EM - QUL EU A hIe sse o lch atue Iacet atour Ouly lu tihe extrêrne southmestere cor- tifledt l bis i.hcbs for a reconciliatiois. diaos L auy cls-llzation@ tOur- lier cf Kansas are tise grasahoppers giv sdn o e o a ri tn r. SI) TUIE IOMEN ALL SAY. lahed and dîcti out witheut its use, sud laglmitait trouble this year. There. bow- Perbaîso ibis otol %bsot marks lh iscu- it: mny b aad that its poteutialltles. es-cc, tise, are tbick sud buugcy. aud tise ninatios or the criais and wnul reoulure sus a fater lu the progresa of Man.1- fariner@ bave adoptetiauan lgeniosa desire us to tise petit ot gsod scn-e." hlud. were neyer realizeti tullp until Tbe Liberté, wbich holdn the Goyecu- I K R the rottnt century. Up te, Is tiawn. Meut respoosible as; the *'apostie of tbe WII.. KEEPYOU JRY olde front thse armlug ofthei bodyp auarcby that han existeil foîr the lest ta-o ant tsecoklg f eoDRUtle.mor- ears sud tisaIbas sons brotadecsa thIe an h okI ffod iteIpr-ses'ds of civiilita." says: '*The outrage suce mW" attachelltu th ie fuel question. in ontp an iuidt'ut in tise era of calas- .abta.cmi. I yca.lst l"or th~es purpoteas a fem fagoUs or trophes tut.ard wiir the country is Ire ot art"sai billets of Woodi aufficeet.Bulurnrais. ~huW fer aisla ' e dicosereti that lu thse lire thot'o .The Journal lDes flehatssays:"ie ~~TOwW * mW" a giant ai tbousand times more revolver suotin bonod te hoe tbe end,. aud powertiuli tan tise tables! monters of -0-e-ine m îouing l ir II l cteiy fulo- w ~.antlqulty. ed hp the'uter ouf ivU mter, if vîoleUcê, 1? AuIB uUDEEUUni - hale, cooîeiopt for jîctice snd lIwan sd WF~~U U qulliy Great-L UN RASOPRL aul thse anaiicssl. suticisirand bouicidal UI~I~ UIUflUVUU Tmn chance scqoalutances oun RSsllPtt. psions continue 1tuIoisuthe air'tue y ri Icvrdta hybi breatise." semuos an a.un. W" tandaoeei ut le a for gatterîng tben ieby the nbolesle. Tise Figarso ays: "lunaaltitheloug serins ass U»s< soe. el o s aWsason, opieoriàlliy frontise saine ueigb- Tes ho f ig hey raeoianseed or crimes in tbe paie" of our historY thfia Usel Ume nsebi "M as wue5*0C 1i055. lorbooti. sud tel! te cous-rsIug about nitisppans fil'd with kecosene oil. At la tise BraI lime bn assabssuatiiu bas o&Murnmatis»auitsasi gis a ti ..etns .- niod IUnesi. tise iack of tise raeliétael reena are aIruns duw n acis-docate. andtithat. toit, soyhiai h1~if sassaegsd 51 sitf. ~ " pthe may." salit tise passeuger lu erectmd. sud tise misle machine is draetw aIetthe s-ccplaor tcben preparing to pleatiMs as par W» 07 c am s.iùt1 Ulmscaaa'ymai am averous u isse passaes a suia l 1 the kuli-cap. "whatever hecame outhîrougb the alfats fields, the power te- in densue of hbwis ot, tuestablitistcit Misa asSismm ytear. toucher Ia th iseh-lc bssa nh5sL~ AvisasSi Uts?. ~ larrîson Mî'elt'i" iîg fuculsiieti y a borne au ettier ide. n t ofudsosr. vasMsa specîsi mclter forBeue et ise Tb "opriers" Bp up as tise machine ad-____ ______iaseo.CscgiI..mes1efl 1 c okppru"rpis icpse-Tues. strike tbe sermet and are thrownu HIEXPEOTS TO DIE. iasgctr 5D Iatearo'sda CAJc4NwOorY or faîid h pssn-Tu l d.usu mbtbe panse Of ao.Pcrns hais:Oluasmsabei geri-rutihe long lUnea, duster. "Sttloin.aner tdy faO H î ecaia ae a ommsA lslg CAlATC dusssclm.Ba et h tutolie abse lm and relier la Ce-reasm doflrsacotnat lasago.t' Years ago Mes B. IlcSneeney ma oIY 1BeKitlled.This bas beefi My expérlence. a frte.d la o t"d Ihb Ied. ewnboy seiing pipera un the treets of John In esd.a pronineut castes-n Ken- uecd la a frlesd laderd. and toery boulte uf .Anil as otepr Ar.?'eto. lC.N ie in Gorernàor nf tuikypoiitirian.sasys that v.iale st Lez- l'e-re as i ever bougbi pravai s gond tcle.d "Alfredi le a fat Inau lu a dîme mn- CIbrleson. B.tate. ric. ltion bc et and iedbatialong taiS tits te meý-_Sassawyur. sem elsturbnre!at theSRme upatate *Beverlp Whitie, eheili of Clay Conuty. lire.Margarethu a Itsea. 1214 North Su c'hgty-eio p fourda. G etaa ooianl- dîcd ene fth rfrout o-iose bouse Tom Baker wnusmanus- perlse St. iacise Ci, .s., milles. hI arigt" srnall boy, agon sl- i sud b le wnoalxlsated, nisile bhi-l ugaclet by the Sitse réeltin, mil sud good and hippy nom tisai Fisssat PUst. ua1.~ ' well 11 muses! tiseOrtler."îo! papers ie urder ta tlisp. pes casant ,ieacriie Il. Pe-ru as la es-ry Osai Hav, IsOs.. ofUc. Sa. haebeîpvd uceshi "Shecif Whte îold me" snidl 'cnd. tillac taoie. I bave takee sveral bols-lee oumsOOU'TIPTIO. ** etîbe. tli'u bae acieseei1ucpansu bis"ortthiof Pbi lap one fto0,ceemet. es us or esole easil1l-.-Ialu CUR coui"TIA .. oter. Attecss-ardu til.hIes i ey nPrt e thésetcisitagetaflire sad Il dues e on. ~..,~ , ~ M Inluliteeas apace-illera." h eareaprn.umîbece<i. lie nuis confident tisaI soiert-uiase cm al et ls eeglar a 1* 55 O a@W-.eSsce sud lhuscalmîte-a f tise Bker -rond wouid kili hlm jisst leU si e eta-ea pehe u m ie cetlle alerasig ien ~capital of $65, lhe be- ' in a iciipOIiip cselty Pelsh'arrh. W La D Uoeasepoccllrie r uOcstiie Ale Ibm «- gan a few peaca ago se teul. He aitîlcîl. hicîever, tha isaI hott 55 anddeemsn Dr. Uartîîju.Colunmbus, O.. for us WNO owertLle hkenotmte lte.prepaceti for tisewost andl tiiheu hittr- ie S3&S3.50 HOIS I il' mees lt ce ' :iioe fuel seul;glyen the publication of a bel,. In whichlise 4oi rii'd 100 binge Cots iebesfr olsuuy WstbBIsSO5.arsi rliftaoandls oulo atise agl.eessaer i n o i t, 515.' asSai4 trallea cofor i îaers ary fteaiasCuspos ie me t eolvers sud a hocsyi' butte. Whsie e- Rememiser Ibî llsol «toruen, ebol iadensdbva volihens'5fuoel. la s ert.4 curor@ le- .Hamupton Guardian. markeoî thüisa e righîl leave Clasy Cîîîs rs lfalan anomer comaiiat.billonse - grml~oass, eechar.sot iclngted x. . a'sw.ucvas. on oftis noî ~ ty but fer thé faut tisaI ail îf hi. claà- clte. dih- l'etand dpseatecl irpe-hiî «""O.tJOivesais. i ts . tyaelcue hý" d ut11calirrhl if the OSnse (tari u A LLLOsII5LS.LL STYLS.At ail resals oise .stores 2Me. Trial eaflppdsofte It, u198h lse a v iiI r'lsal'ltsr" tis h.ny orrcutu.&mefor tibfteser-e as surnui b- sW . .aU' b'51F.bil A511Âd Iess Ales IL eected Lieutenant Governor of tise MEY )àýNU PT1 . e -b i1tse.AtLs y fortheste almnts. s ib ire 80scommuna Tai. nstl..dlta ld _____lilale on the ticket eofnisich ill'tiham H. Tek. ad ltiB55 sbe a umitner. Dr. Harîna. la s Prastîce tf abou sios oi ac d ircciiht. Elîci-be nas thc bead. Mr. Elirrbe'a ce- French se lscay that1 ltu .I11-"iov oft ier forty 7ars. îles'c]ot sasale -loeuY-oÏ;-etlrhusdieP Bs. Pepper-yoli tioneot Muct, cent death lbas-es tise chair of tise chier Pecîvosi Effetlv-.caeicoir nntndste. uut. s Ika ie Il non, but o-heu pou proposes! tu eierotive te be aceupied hp thc former e A ni-w rs-uuuuIY furtuto'iuhicoit lerel- dais-cea.or ecOsheru, morbus sud bis sua" et ake. 1 tu ai lhil plste u pou 1lo;isme tisaI >ou fell In love o lu l'n raiii-inso Ieis rtecid lu lthe lifrhrprAuiesol ei o W.. mou "ItuS iOE C.. sW«kie, ans. I th mnéeIs testsigisî. itale Deîc.stnlilb3FUited State's 'oi- fcse.pco f*"Suau, aiert':sris.-Ad - c.PpprAuiitns h tn!,1 Tepeople et Soutis Ambergt.Mass.., mPircuculAgt utwoonalttucibix. Il la dil"a Dr. "attiriez. Columbsio. wlir. PMpper-iuue tywal>che li'iîîh1-Th TheUevesîy l Ntr Dme cetainly didu't have the gfl of asecondiare arouses! t the strocious murdier eofastréesnft 'alhedto istise auetilon stL NORsîI.ININ.ý Rghi, or I neyer mous! have doune IL.- 1,îttM rt e , roflavtstotise su ad L cto isn the dul injection ineee et r5"sedbp ?sOilýt»mE AXE. USPIAau. r Phladelpbis NoçttisAmerican. ele dîaa esmeti tise blchual tubs 5ofessence oft u('lll3P- Tisatthere May ho aucis a tblug as sas-. t.m. Tkab.crtiu~ie sul iliiseon heid lu soinu carrplng lusurintois t efartIn dicatetl Clas. Le te Ph* ye 9 W siNiIsr.E~ne e petise. hm n ndsuigb h aeo I.Nuch n r .5e Il., c1 .~0LL sgsaar- We motilti hosatiafleti If me bsti! st-ho morketiooslber tien la uli' Cii. T'elisohlu eiedo yts aee c ucpat r à PcL~tarns. tau p M~ittsensd -aalui tise monep Ibat la Inventer! in Ira stlefate-safaim. Tise maîowip e.cnc ontactîîdî itis tise Wells Muiboolp. Imo Irias gentlemen. m'n m«f - r M. ý"s ' ' 'g Ibýtat are placet o n celnter tables andi tilas ftUle lalove T fts nb niIlrlonigs. Tise gas set Theugb they tsere kuowt u 10 hogreat gt 5durs ûH i -Pr -WashingtonneyerDemocrat. mth the grlbWo . 1.. f ree saturnien tiseair in the logssudaianflds, they nere one dap ebserveti lnisaRse ïïgte oaiiod-c'tee -used.-Wsh1to iracta ou tise nlii'isn'iiieothrauem. lu ' eps al tir uts tetmts o nietbTect a. 1590.m a ey 17 peurse caeaabs.AIaaî recommeeti Pise', Cure for ni sd andi pretti. Ai- teen casta tceaied aller one or tno sseeks outageu. 3KV A igRiOSET.t 5.C..Prsidnt srnplo fr ad ide-Ms.Mulignthougli tise rdaîl~ibéré, iss le ail a iet»icmig or assioplete "Why. Mulcahy," a trleti ackedtin Plulatat. en. ngani.No. . 80S as etiocateis ut 1 cessation of Ibmeiough or expectorctions Fnsesan alesonar otthe Carliule seboill a neli as s retaruofit lecp, appeiiteadaselieu.'ieyn aniMliol ad senmoesoeé areg .quatrroled?" Flueseug ani exitet aI haiIoreor sirat -0ug G.________________ Tiat me bave net!" saît! lMr. Mul- haIt o sefeul aseoSmuon Iislie. Es!"Tb ol hri___cip iherses aeller Pope. esiian Indin. emsEd ESi t - aBUILO IN caSTARTO AGAIN.essi Kînues utcfseio dmtoy a- lg o o it hm.Ontht l it o5 ineg roksio "Tisere seemoti te be a C-oo1n058be- Tho greateatteodotiptferianger h de.bUter.e Cooark ofbae ice o rc*ue Tsesp" ~iî eI Mo ail suffeling Wmia In addressing Mirs. Pinkhamn you are con, [îng yotlr prîv5îte illei 10 a womnf-a woman rosè--xperience in treating wonian's diseases igreater tlîan that of any living person -male or femnale. You ca- talk freely ta a woman hlen it is rev'clting to re- ate your private troubles oia m an; besides a man [tes flot understand- Âmply because lie is Lman. Many womnen sàuîffer . silence anddif ilong fromn bad to worse, Iknown Full well that they ought to have immediate assist- ance, but a natural nodesty impels them. to shrink from exposîng themselves to the questions and probably examî- nations of even their. family phy- sidian. It is un-. necessary. With- out moneyorplcçC you dan consuit a woman, whose knowledge frm actual experience is greater in this Uine than any liv- ing persan. The following invitation is freely offered; accept it~." in the same spirit: Mrs. Pirnkhamn's Standing Invitation Women suffering from auy form of female weaknessre invitcd fo promptly communicate math Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mas,. AA oli.'.am . i'oehv4 eolga& à mW mand aaawd hy woeuoài&ieA maman cati frecly talk of her private ilinesa te a weman;, thua has been cstabliahed thc eternal confidence between Mrs. Pinkbamn and the women of America mhich has never been broken. Out of the vast volume of experieuce which she has te draw from, it is more than possible tbat ahc bas gaiued the very knowledge that will help your case. She asks nothing in return except your good-will, and ber advice bas relicved thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor. is very foolish if she does net take advantage cf tis generous offer of assistance. The present Mrs. Pinkham's experience in treating female ills is unparalleled; for years she morked side by aide with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and for sorne years past bas had sole charge cf the correspondence depart- meut of her great business, treating by letter as many as a bundred thousand ailing women a ycar. LYDIA E. PINIWAM MEDICINE CO. LYNNI MASS. w w w w w w w w w w w w w w SAPOLIO LIKE A GOOD TEMPER, 66T1 SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE."- 0. XU. U ik Là vas Is.12