vm t r4omm TO lUSa ÇLWelUn Jack Vasu Sskci. 000 ef thls millon- lgg - U. rugit.Peter Van Ichaach of Ch,- eshol ILLEOI ~' regJlid hi. vite. At the bsama 011 calc - ul, b latonîi to ber atter a long dead DON PAe " ration hl ie ii losa a legaci ot $M,.- tatal T N00.Ma. Floue Van Schaack d her c DON PINT.bsand met by chane et Bath Beach. N. whn fr te trettime for [more et thon;a year they came face to face. The %»A 1999M LIKKELY IN NEW immedste resuit of the recognition -viii Tb ««MO AND RIZO & bi the discontinuance ot the suit for di- hi' E UIX~ AS AIZOA. vorce which Mr@. Van Schaack began te. lent Januani'. Mr@. Van Schnock aiwaYa tesa, rOé U~V.usase Uon hadeclared that ber father-in-law, Peter man, tho larder.t Tt.. thtV an Schaack, was responsihie for tetc "fLumiltti, m laaeret hre ofth:trouble betveeu herseif and ber huabauê. the Wab-Ues how tâts orou «Two îearsa go aile obtalued from a corn M a podisa lu the South. Brooklyn jury a verdict for 8".000 sei iagainst hlmn for the. alienation of ber bus- go - A frions outbreak beweeu the band@agne~lons. This muneY vas Dev- ailt U.éSS and the Zunis in iooked fur. The er coliected. but about six montbs go dowi Wbaa bave alwai'. been unreleting eue- the nuit waa compromised by Mr. Van ais80 s. and the Zonls have juat murdered Schaack, Br., settliig $25.000 ou her oui' arti( Ousncgoeklgl mutiiated an Apacesou Calvin' ______ 'Amek, bis squaw snd pappooae, who had BIG COMBINE IN VIEW. corn toit ther celervation near Camp Verde -hi mi orer. surprised lu a loue' detile. A Plan te Unt. Dri Gondsftiorta indlar Ia ton" et Apache bought a large supply Ou* msnagauan sd « aumunltion and extra guins ai Jerome, Arrangemeata are maturiug ln New the J&àU Tb@ SZni are et New Mexico and York for th organisation of a W,0000.- vanc *0 Apache. ot Arisona. The iglt thus 000 dr gooda corporation tu cotrol sud gras tuevel la lAel te venauilu the prac- opeate dr soudeansd department stores quel «usalexterminuation of one or thetrtibea. thronghout the country'. The Mercan- havi Lia. ama uo soiders witbin reach, snd tie Roorganlastien Comupany bas beau twvi ru sataare flot dis dto lriteore. lncorporatad lu Trenton, N. J., as aalpre- 000 ~kApadte var parti', sfter takng au lioinani' ta creting the bg corporation. tibm tah ot revauge on the dsmemhared hodl- Me Weili knowolu the dry' gouda trade fac 'su et tir aiaiin, etarted onortb toward bave be workiug ou the plan for six tri' IlléeZual country'. mouths aud. It loa mid. bava interested Wl financiers who wili back the tuterprisa. vee mBACE FOR Tau PaNNANT. It la expected that the Corporation wil)asai bie anncbed lu time for the fail trade. M3 NMO etha af th* Clubs lu h. Nti0nal Th parent store wiialu l New York wts * saidl Westernm age as tha basaet supplie* for the brsnch 8,29 vle standng ot th. Clubs lu th. '%a-stores. Expenata of traveling salesmen bul Ua!Leasue race laes foliows: vilI bc eliminated. and tht promoteri or v.. W. L. W. L. the enterprise helleve tbelr systm ili aga Ereoblyn ... 75 35 Chicago . 57 57 aven t tha vii of basd debta. Ih ln pro- 643 iitoat...70 42 Pîttabore . .55 58 paeds to contrat the output ut certain 2,6@ Pbliadelpbia 71 44 New York.. .49 61 mili. sud &Il purchases will ha made tu ei, ,BIhMmore ..60 43 Lousville .. .40 62 Immense Qoantities. 1899 ibaclunti . .61 49 Washington. Sb 73 St Lui.. .458 Cleveiaud . .989 AVENORD BT COWBOTcl. Wi Stalala th standing of te .clubs WaalCbr Cttiean RKIeisifor Atck 1Plu W. U W..J.* *aalg, s a thi' cattlemen. B CNi dopetS.Pni . ountru4iir atplut terpits fin Oloride. pub lgâeW&70 4 Mlwvaukee . 48 58 vas kilt hi covboys ntar Falcvview, N.Pac i$btat 54 Keats@ City.45 65 M..lu revanga for i. mederous amenait mou O&"n Rap. .57 55 Buffalo ... 4567 upn Mien Nalle McKnstry. Spradilug. a a vithout provocation, made a thresttulag ces :S7IS Rt IT URROUNDS A DEAIR.L remark to the voman as h.e vas riding luj hi', both belng ou borseback. aud folo-v-rai t a < Wamsrn baud la Omaha éd It up hi fliritg s revolver et lber point- wit vlth a Vrcisred *htl. blank. Tht %hot took effot ln the vom- hoi Theody' et a Young voman vane round asu'%neck sud she tell trous ber borse. sed bVI118 tllaedô ia *pooltaf biogd lut the Oovboys near hi' started atter Bpradllug.-hac lUo i Omaha, Neb. Her haïr vas Who emptltd laie revolver t tbam. A fao 1U" d dblondi' sud thera vu»a seulgsa fusillade trou Wiuchastara lu th'bauds hi' 0f br bsi. aluns lvin fettht porsuars brongt Spnuding ta h. Tk4 h~l*lrhuo tat thedetetie rund vth six bulleai la is body' aud pl& *~fr~~v .ai.iet i o'loc t boned. Rt ied imet lustaatly. Tht lu- ad ~* âo ess ~ o ae- toa t as hoissekeepar for Spnadliug. BIse IS Iss. luaet bmvgttWvidv i ra Yer. No causa for th troublé Col; M »v. galloplng dovu the errent at la kuGo. ___ ft . g d" a largahai' hbore draving a DOUBLE BANGflCG AT MUSKOORE. " 't u« retl tevh l n irst ILeili escutiouof White*s Ev. 1111* Ch ho irt. Tht voman lung to ]Raid tuIndien, Trittoni. 1 M0,1101,1 OSM atmraming ai tht top ot Cyrus A. Bruwn ansd Matthtvs Cnalg fi' b« e" he 1 aéd vomsan bas boeen ere .xeruted ai Moakoget. 1. T. It J. ~"I T-I i Uai McDouabd, a vaitrais. was tha mart legs[ hanglug of wIite men50 1119*9018 CTIM-N Tac SOUTE. ever heldlu atht territoni'. Brown klltd cI XY NEON ACiVElB eliOuh at spd wbite man on B51 ilb", R- th Arkansas river nean Wehbers Faila. us Uh _"k1B404 '1, T.. lu October, 3800.Outabert Ived5el ui* bl; v a 1 nsa delat sud baiccoaild for Braon ~ uid lthelb. hec tha latter was liI. When lbe recov- te, -ls &»Wv Cat 5M eiders are laborug oued Brovnu shi bihaetactor lu the b t aSut' lTo a siktdddaas ae' baok. tbrev the boili' lto tht river sud MM u%1,0011smiles whie uurehina made off vlthhbisbhast. Cralg klltd P ~4 3 L. TWYi lttd Us2»» famil', Utt- tates Depti'Marcshai Josepb Ci )W W mtnga sd er rtod eHlariche t ai Tsiseah.1. T., test Sr ~~~3la eut51fmes. h a tha CeriillsMarch felviharrested Croig forp cotruethlti-saven chlde selllng lquor lu tIse territori' sud look nu 411 suschhngThey valkad 98M miles, bhlm te is ovu bouse for tht nlght. th . - _VW1111114 1illes, and tbei vers ne- Whie the deputi' vas ssieap Cralg 1bot ln " lae trttn afoe rne, uthai sudIkiUadhlm wth s revolver paased lu TI >kKa lOc i' outrent, ort-six hi' s contelderate. wý $M =peoe beyvalked 884 ~ ~~bg2 ~ nose. Thé report SIX KILLEI) DX DYNAMITE. ~ *Ol~55y5a'ablB owtb lu Mormon-« ýr'tà Ibobutthe Sout. Explosion Bear Joplinq 11M[..,Causes ni victsMantsLu..etfLit snd 1Proprtir. te lal t Whisky. 0 Br au explosioretdyamite six mena Gssdlsa, r~tilrli orulu vrt kilied aud tht plant ot the Man- tr 41 Bahetr e thtAisesa ethel5tguarie isx miles traim Jopinu, Mo., g( ~~IekN sriedva otu avaBlre boa- vas total' dstroyed. ive boxes er N ** ev or.shnata derim att p*der expioded. hurllng men, ma- fr~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~Cn7 iBB.Teltrai tlgsot1.<urtimbers sud rocks lu everi' dirc- ",.l Cha 5ev ranisenvas titon. lho explosion occrred as Hennry 1 ý % ls tured lu Providence, B. '-, thé Gilbert vas engage.) lu th preparationw »M ai'on tht subject. "The Evils ot ut a isair. A stick et dynamite vhich e Zisuer Tras,-.,,_____ehabeli lu is baud exploded sud thetel elouce... et 3îmanOu. concussion exploded a box of dynamiteC AudrianeoGrntin, thé repreeutative whlch tood utar hi'. et th Sato Dominîcan revolutiontlal at orbSnss o Mecontry, ha@ recelvtd the folowlng Aunnslsonne occunred lu the City' i cabiffra. stgned *'La Marche"' sud slt- hall at Kansas Cty' wheu, ai the lu- aidaetSMariago, de Cuba: ,Revolution in sigation ot the board of lectioncomn- e - captal. Govemrmnt sunenders." La missioners retenty appoittd b! loy. e MareI he rePrenetative of the .hlml- Stephens. s locksmih masbed lu the murevontilouisteaia Santiago de Cuba. isoor ut tht vauli contaluing the records et tht noce and bllot boxe. or thé City'. pensionneransd Froissât Cols. Former Blection Commissioner j. H. E ast-bonud tier No. 10, on the Rock- haise all reftsed te surrender tht ei' i lsiand, vas vrecked ai Keas, nesc Man- t theTovast. i bats»n. Kan. Tht accident vas consedl br the lier ronning Ito the redrit fa Hlm Four Giais fDamain"s. fialgrâi train, vhich boid mt pulitd on to Tht Cleveland, Cincnnati, Chigo sud the sldlug te allow the fOYer tui paons At SÇ. Louis (Big Four) Rsilroad anuouces blaidquauters ht la reported no onuevas thatIl hba% met tht *demanda ut tht au- I 7 ai& ight persons vert injnrtd. glutena on tht system hi' agreeîng te lucrost,«the psy ut Passenger engîneers live RortIni.Aieîs oadry. tram $3.15 per 10 mile. te $j&25 sud White holi.lur an immenescaxti!lg five tht vagea ut freight engineera tram MeM vert serouali' injure.) t he E.R. 1 3.75 Par 100 miles te $3.80 per 100 Allis toundni' lu Milwaukee. Thetcnt- miles. sle w eigblug iventY-sei en toua, sud th structure hi' which Il wu# hulate.). gave Attpte te Brde ie isWf5. vai'. Atter making a futile etttmpt te kilt bis vite, Hugli Herm, living et Cleveland,. Toussa Vantashes in Havae. sent a bliet itt bis hesd. There ln Hoyard Lykea. son or a Floida caule Utilet hope for Herna crecoveri'. The king, bas disappeare.) iu Havans.attller cause ten tht sbootlng vras that Mr. V.'baving bhls a fistic combat with Gen. Herr did not vautta1 ilve with ber bus- 'IOeMea son. ltini auppo.ed to be a case boud. r etbidapin. ______l40b Arttr ltreet car Mou. Cts l. Etectrle 0,4cr trout France. A Big Couaolidated motorman sud con. A Cincinnati trou ha r.eelvéiau mnor- ductor vont threatened vith violence hi' Ose amountiug ta $M0,000 f n,în a French au augri' mob ai Ceveland. Tht Brosd- çupani' for eectric rilvay geuccators, vai' car vas muiig et a rapid rateansd te ie hhpped te France, China amil South gtruck a patg agoos. thravlpg the ~ MUta.tour occupants eoutate .pavement. The police, comins ouen et CRlU, sd great dt- largd hi a Petcoat. iculu lnprottcting the trtcar men. A herse lodgtd lu a culvert lin p.ng- $el&ii IL Mc. . G. Britten diffc.,red Onard Tars Trater. *a q&anls' predicamet ti beore a Thcough tht treachar, ut Sergesut ut *t -à s iisahsied.) tt .he1sud s. arkee, luthaeigbt dia. Bar*le d. O'BetlVs voüni la Bot ensl era.) a., tactoni Stmaor Traie ReportrIl te businesa situation la thua raported Bradatreet's: "Streugtb lu pries and dines utf deman.) are stili tht salleut aune. ufthe trade situation. Pal de- mid la expouiln At Mentumarkets, par. Iaa'l good reports beina recelVed freis !Nonibvait sud tIsai portion et tht s gruvlug country vIsicIsth,§ Year nae likli' te ho notable foc surplus Auction. Wbe't hbaroen quite 11cm tht veeh. partir ovlng te a whlttig wn ut Northvweatena estimatta. bot ; due te isteiLdi demaud for tht cash cie allhe 00 torelgo aod domestie se- uti. TIse relative acsnclty et cash iu la responsîhît for the adysure shovu yacwek lu 1he fate et s toncedtdli e produttion. Conditions ot aupphi' ddemeud vrentseau 0b.ai th« Wbem ut e cnt rislu bref prices. Thlî md- ace bas attrsttd ncreastd rceiepta ut a-ted ett. suad tome ahsdlnt ut etions le note.). but Chlcuajo pries e euh betu eqosît.) Ove limes ln uy-tvo i'erz. There are nanl 10,-' .000 lmasbeef cattie lu tht country un tIsera vert seven i'etro &go, sud lu bt there ara fever cotule lu tht coun- Vnuev than lu ani',i'ear mince 1882. beat, lucludlog fleur sb[Pmentt. for the .k agaregate 8,343,M25 bushels, at 4.040.009 buabela asnt vctk. I3e 3476 buabels lu tIse corrempondlug eeh ut 1800, 5.149,058 buahels ln 1807, 21,854 bouhets lua18m6asd 1,871,M2 hels lua180. Cocu exporta for tIse eeh aggtegaie 4,500,097 bushela, raint 5,531,405 bushels tesi yack. 2,- 1,S03 buthels Ilu is veeh ajyan mgo, 92,452 Isahelà lu 1897, 2.610,30 busht- in l1896 sud 1,124.5W0 bushoislain RaITE CAPà WHIP POS]rEASBTM lrie Mon le Beatan EOCRe BO Euspleiei a Negro Cierk. hiton W. C. Crum efthue FlorieR.- ilican vas boesenhi' hltccapsAta ch Ouburerbs is. vhéra be la poil- saler. Sousn. vcehs *9gobe sppluted1 colored assistant aud s meAs made tIsa Pru glve op the office. Crum vas go- tramon tht office te bis bouse vheu ho as hait..) hi' ftteen mashe.) men arme.) lbt gens. Thei' touk hlmtu ram bis art, tic.) bis bandea andi eet sud strlp- I hlmn. Hs vasitbasete. on the rbk util Ch. ltesh vsas idpi' eut Elle e sud shéniders ver. badi! bruisti yhkchs admialotered hi' thteasaliauta. ai'y ibrettent.) te kl hlmIf be ever, se.) a utgno lu offre again. Canboiic id vas applied te the veundsansd hs ras ailoved te go. Mn. Crum id.)tb. Mce sud bis resigostion bas betu a*- epied. RZIUIEN or KLIYDIK]Kaâ ano ilgandi. inding Ci warussn. Comme mach on Il umiboldI. Tht Humboldt bas arrIve) st Seattle 'om Alaskavlith about 20M Riondibeca. O. . Hesivue.) ut Stattue hrooght dovu 00 pounds et guld dunt unt-thîrd ut tIse !mo-up ut mines ovue.) hi'aunIEastern qudîcat.. ut vhlch Mn. Hestvood la anager. Amung thaelHumboldt'@ pas- wugers veasCi' Wsrmsn. the muther. ho hs een lu Alaska gathernug nma- triai ton sketches. Escape trontsa a isiagship. Tht steamer vbichbnt'ped off Fair- port Ohio, vas the Sic S. H. Tliléey, a anadien vesaci ut 750 net tons. The ne stare, lu the englue roonsud It spread se rapidli' that tht engineer dîd Dot havetlime te chut off the ateain ansd the crev sud psengerabosut iventi' i numben. hia.) difficultYi'nluescapiug. Thé 'ilti' la aimont a total lest. Nabrasha Doctor la Mission. Dr. J. i.. lubbell, s promi1nent phlai- ian ut Napouet, Neb., la mission. One nigIs receutli' he vent ont to mail n let- te, sud lu about fIve minutes returue.) n.) sait! h ha.) a cmli to go te thtcoun- ni'. Hie bisse.) bis vite sud ouni'chiid ou.) uîghtsud veut out sud basnunl been seasince. Foui play' la teured. Twe tLiied thi' Etectrichtî. Tvo negnuts wvet bule, outright. ive wer. paîntuili' borne.) an.) hocke.), sot 'Ighteeo otheras eereli' shuche.) whii ergagerd lu tht reconstruction ut the St Charles avenue electnieCcar Une lu Neti Orleans. _____ New Nation Pructalusti. Information troinPana unnonctu tha he iuhahitmnts et Acre, tIse terrîtor; clamtd hi' Enaxil aud Bolivia. bove pro claime.) thein Independence an.) conati ute.) a to-v South American commen weaîth. @arIons Vire lu Milwaukee. TIsei'ards ufthtIe Uhnig Fuel Comn peand. of tht Fornts Lumber Cous p ni' ai Milwaukee vert hidi' daniage ni' tire. Tht total lois amouots tu sbou $150,000. _ _ Train Kilim ihre. Parson.. Tbcet pensons vert bille.)sud titre ujoure.) at SeahrIght. N. J., while dnriin by being run devu hi' a train ut tht Nei Jersey' Soniberu Itniltosd. MARDEZT QIcOTATIONS. Chîcago-Catte. common te prisa 18.00 lu $5.75; hogs. shipping grade 13.00 te $5.00; sheep. talc to choîce, 13.U1 te 4.»; vheai, No. 2 ntd. Tlectbu-d84 cocu. No. 2. 32e te 33e; nisa, No. 2. 2t te 21c; cyt. No. 2, Me< te 56c; hutte choIce creausery.i'.eO te 21e; eggs. fret] 2e to 14c;.potate. choice, 25U te 8Si per buabel. Iudianapolis-Cattie. sblpptug. $5.001 $6.110; hegs. chois lighi. 32.75 te 85.0 sheep, common te prime. 13.25 te $4-2 vheat, No. 2 ne.M1te 10 oc; cocu. No. whitt, aic te SU; oes&.No. 2 vwhita. Z te 24C. Et. Louls-Cattie. 83.50 te $150; hol $3.00 te $6.00; oshep 18.00 te 14.15 whesi. No. 2. 7ic te 7ac; corn. No. yellov. Sic te 38<; oses. No. 2.2e 24c; rye. No. 2, 57< e o59e. Clucinnati-Cabtit. $2.501 tea1600; hel 81.00te 15.00;,hoeep. 1.50 te $4.41 Vade Sam-Yen, Miss cel stniebeu vacd.-Wiiauotsp THE DREYFUS TiAL. Osnt ausmntte end eusailal 1las- tares et h. Dyliance. Dcmmatic sud sensations) as vas Tbucsdai"s motion et thse Drei'fus court- scarteita It jed les sobential aivan- taus te tIse doet. than the tricuds of tai andI justice antIcIpat.). The POlut- sei cbacsctet ut tht triai vaustrongli' empbslaed. For tht fi ilmalbhe court tiaif diretili Intervene.) te ahIeid sud proteet the mUtani' witneas. Tht re- fru ain o amîliar ai the .Zla trial. "chis question vil net b. put," was frequentli' hoasr. durngu Laboris attempt te cross- examios Mercir. the chiat et tIsa cou- apitators. Baties. mani' ot the ques- tions vbleb couuacl dld put and vbicb the court coold net decenili' nuIt ouiasm trreleaat Mercier Impy decliIist teau- With an unprtjudiced court a fev ses., iens libe tIsat otThursdsi' voolil mean a verdict et Dot guliti'. The testîmoni' et sncb vituemee as Merier la evidentli' vahualens, for oui' chir illesgal ref usai te asu.wer propan questiones *antIsnt troin distrae sud exposuce. But there »«eeo ureason for belevitg that thé court bas au'p conception et Ian. cvi- leneet juillet, that lu la abla sud viLl- luit te dsltlngulah beiveen the suspicions sud opinions ut miabti' "champions ut tise srmi"' sud actuel, valid anuitpreper teedmuoni'. Ail tIssI Lahort suceWedaInsiowing vas that Mercier vass ntniguing with Pt' de Cam n touhb.ver' tvaetftht prfset trial, that beho needsu allegesl nluinaluting documeut lu the. secret dos- slec vhlch lie ha.) Iilegali' bal.) sud tIsaI lie ha.)trie.) to prerent the defensa frent bnoving Its contenta. This document Col. Joouat vas fonce.) te mie ust. Al thse ceai ut the scathint croe,-axanlua- tien relaie.) utIste trial et 1@04. nov bueonte have heen lagMntly avîes and mioirnan.) hd no ebarntg en the questionuder luquliy except un tendlng te prove tht existence ut prejudice aud couspiraci'. Ai the épisent et Fidara stession et the court-mzartial, a docton'. eetilicate 1te tht affect that it vas Impossible toc 1Du Pt' de Clami to ha proet vas re.d. M. Labori ashai tthe court tIsai an oOfciaI phyiscan b. sent 10 examine De Clam,. but Col. Jousust refuse. RowvndsiStrong. Paris Correspondent ef the London Observer, aud thea0on1 Bngliah vituesa te tesif y betore thei court, vas tht iret vitus talle, on bridai'. Hc vas reaPitudant in ne.) vist bers sud London cithe'. Stcong told, - oy ha trie. te bui' Esterbazi"@ conte.- sion foc publication. aud that Esterhay tbsd admitte.) bo vrole tht bordereau. Whou Esterhaxi' quitte, pison he told Strong several limes ihat be vould tell a]aIlsd tIbsi t vooid rmin De Clami and ail tbos e h a. ahandoned i hm. ts-ont esaid Esterhay Impressa.)bina as b.ing s Lthorongb trooh sud avindien. M. Gobent, Iandnitlng expert cf the Bank ut France, vas tale..Gobent tols hb hesu oginalli' talle, y hi'te vs office to examine the bordereau. Afleý e ousparlng il nuIs specimenu ut rtytu y bandwritîluaho dsonar..) tIsatfro i lins to teIut il was not the vonk ut accuse.. Cen. Gonze vas caliti lu contrent tIs w vtuesa. Couse said that Gobent va, wrong lu tht delailis utbis tt.tlmonY vheneopon tht expert esrneatly dcusou i- srai tIse corectuetsa ot il lie ha.) sai à- Ceuse retire, dsicemfitas, but isnuat I that Drey'fusha.) knovn tht vitucsil it tht banb. Drei'fus dtnled enîphatical hat haoha.) ever knovn Gober.- Tht rosi ut the- dai". session Wvas ivel éorar té the testimen! ot7 0 M. Bertillon gbad ettht nntbropoetric deparumet w erthtIe Paris police, sud who miintalu tIsaIlie bas prove.) Dreyfus vas tht au thon erthtIe bordereau. Berttiloncause imue court accompauls, bi' four soldlers tarina chants, prtfi 0. liéa, compaties. logaitbm tables, phet. , grapha., etc.. vhicb loobed like tht propel O tie lu a comic opera. Tht sudiens e; hurtmie lto aughter i the sight. Th k< judce themmelves looke.) dlsnsaied s r, tht procession lappruache.) tIs atfori 114 andi «Il ibeat lutht court vIse dld ns os have te hé there id tramstIsaréueni. Th rusfer tht dours vas note.) hi Beti e ion, vbo ramanke.) that mIteck Intel] 0: Sent people e underrtaud vIsaI havi 5; geint te demouarate. 2Art1er arranglng bit paraphennall eabout hlmet.Mtables sud chaire. the, v ess biau hi' tatint thal thteIsrderet b ail becu.produre.) b!the for"$a ut Bn ture but tissu somisedclimunt bave vr tten t. This Wvas ltu Çà thée maner te M an annouaalns a treat discvani'. 3 Béetilnonnmtinai hydiritlgthat lt borderemu bai beau tractihi' Drti'ft »- vhu lied echerli' Imîlatai is ovu a 9 vnltlng. Thon Bertillon proceede.)1 tle ire the exact messuremeut et eaet pi siroke, aud ibova.) the court a 1*1r 44dingraus tss.mbtllntht 111111111tOfàtoi me This ho lsîmie.)proeýai ah»-atWI tisa i Deifu vas tuti. Theo vitul ,t steosped cousttyteunutle packagessai tt surrun. hinustîtwth a myrterleus t 550 pacains te the lueragsd bewldeme5 5. uf bis adittors. Bertillon proceesi.. redemousotrate bis shol. &stselP, WvI .No. vîtIs ls rtio, anu. sales. Wvas un.) de; stood hi' un ont in the court. TIse tal sin lufront et tha vîtuasa vas fille.) v charte wbisrh camé lnteztstlreli'tte or uauerous poncuse Brileu eh te, tisna hcrehed the vboe expertas >th- tent. lisbrenoent vas hunt [h! as D a tact sine chargéaaelusi Dreyi wblcb vus unnuPPOrtaihi feahlhnfe à thon &rula ua dindeMMti) e vern 1;the terling pot. Mis u.ihei oes -e (Pe.) Gril. ake o crofu trm WILI. HOLO 'THE PIIILIPPINES. MeKtrnei OnlnînesPaliei' Beard tan the lelaiS Presidént McKinley umade sas sdrm. ai the. Methodst trongbold et Oean Grove, N. J.. lu vble c .onîlinasi hi& paliriregarding Cuba, porteRite. nsid th. Philippines. Tht chief Iniarasi «osa- tare.) lu i. remarba rtgsndiug the PhIl Ippne'.s, Is bcdeclare.) muet altetehé establishmnt ef peste e hanuderthse con- teol et tha United States. The Preelient sud: "I bllera that cher. la more love for ont ceuntr! eud that more Pepnle the gag tIssu ever hetore. Wbérer r hat tias la rais..) h stands net for desotil sud oppresion, but for librty, .ppét- nty and husslti' sud vbsi that tas bas doue tor n us e vautIte ude ton'al people sud RUl ands, vhlhb hi'the for- tur, of van bave couse tvitiftIra ljuie- diction. -TIsua dotaoe net stand for one ting lu tht Unite.) State.sud auqther la Porto Rico sud the Philippine&. Ther bas beau seole douht la seau. qusuisos te- specting tIse poaliet ofthe GCeva tual the Philippines. h set ne bare lu stat- lng ii lu thi. presence. Poes tet ra.then vlth charit ocra&l tstblsb a goveune- ment et 15w sud order, proteetîng lits sud properti' sud occupation fer the wall- beiig et tisa peeple vIsevil paticipsie lu ht under tIse Stars sud Stripas." 'nt President an.) Mca. McKinley. wlth Vice-Presideni aud Mm*. Hobart Gacret A. Hobant. Jn., Attorney' (tanana Gnlgga, Dr. and Uns. Bîi', PrIvate Bac- retari Conieli'eu sud Exécutive Clerk Bannes, arrive, ai Long Bnancb trou Platusburg un a speeisi train uftfonr palace car.. Prasîdent sudurs. Mc- 1Rinlei' louhesilu excellent berltb sud buve.) iheir otbnuwleslgmeuts repetai- i' te th. great ra s hai ver.e e- conte.) te tha eir cagse hi'thé roaeo cemmitte andi driren te Vice-Presl.)ant Hobart% cottage. Normaubursi.eaiNor- veod Park. r BOERB ES S Y UIAIN. 1 iUtle ta RCe als Johannesburg ta C h@ Ca" o et o.liitîss Prtela adivce' mmi' chat tIse volka. erand, by a vote et 18 te 9 adopte.) the report ut tht maJoriti' of the dynaemita tcommission continuinz lhe menopehi'. r Commandant Central P. J. Joubert lhm s ueda.)cirîculer tl U mil id cornets esu- a tlonlng them s gslust sust tendilug ta -bring un a conflilctwlth suethar paver. i Re decare. that ni a single stranser i-vho dota net volunte«r la tab e b uros. y into b.arlng arme. 1. Commandmnt Vijoen bas giren ones i lu the volksrsad tbat he vilii ss h. Gev- I enuiment if lu case ot van h lao prepacesi il to tonfiscte tht propetyi'oetluhabitauti v ho taira op anus against tht Gavera- a rusent. In tht course et au interview etf ter lb. session Commandant ViIUoen sai ce that if vsc brokte ont miltari gavera- I meut venid ha esiablshe.) ai Johannes- Lr bqrg sud ail Brillis subjecta vonld he .r coupelled te leave. 0. Tht Britis tertigu office at London là- et sued) a Transaal boc book containini turthen corctsponsuence betveu the sec e etari'ofut ale tor the colonies, Joseph ta C'hamberlain,.sand thteABritiss h bgIct. y, missloutr ton SoumIs Africu, Sir Alfred l- Miluen. Tht principal dispetches des] . wrili the Tranesla requettfor arbitre- ýd tion andI Mn. Chamberlain'%s sggetior in for a joint inquiri. vbish vas telegrapb Ir e, lu SirAlfred Milmer at Cape Towvuor Juli' 31. No information la giron, hou n evr, as te tht viessou the Traniaa n. tiovernumeut rtgacding ibis proposition. "WORK 0F THE HURRICANE Almtuss2.000 Perse . itiB d n9W ed000 iiandered Hiossutem. ýo Tht reports uf the Busc.) ut Htalth t ateluenst Fridai' sire tht felovîna abs r-2 tîatlcseofthetIseincause.) hi'the Port ce Bjco hurricane. te MilleS........... ..7 tas utaing......................... 1.00 U. Honces detmoied ................42 ot Persous homeitss..................U:22 'be Citios n ue.) utphysiclana, dcnge su, SCaffuts. Tabucot. tamanuabc. Utuado. coassa. cant. laThe Board cf Chait' tSurt u Jan1 @..oding ont supplies hi' land ansi vals au irly. but patithous heap comlng ln trai lu, ta er th. countydessaung ot lu-ý medicié« and flouai. Iiaare are la -a mes rna traisntnd@uaIs t h. 14er.l M* imlocntle'.At Mauelle, aneffort vu th made te start a populan suhecriptlon. bh ta. oit te. ptos vallstiute.. ad . luequsucaet the ptreftecilcc ta bodies ty'phus tarer bas levelopesi ,m Arroy'o. The, captalus of cosstwiss ve rge sala qompialu ht tht hast ador&aiet ýr- rartou peut. -bave catied thala mei sengestissutht burrltanae. 1117 h ulecW h* iogtuten. "a WhII. bating lu tIse surf nean go idbroeseVis.; a gl r vs ille.) h iIgi *> nlng. ut te A Mie bouter claies ta bava os Wh, basi bis pipae gistdhi' a flash oet igi e, nia. bIe liatasa boochel s <hi!.) trams ri1h mteer'ame durini siret aiCcli -om Georgie. Ab A voman t tlepho a oprater wv mg5 struckby hi ligItow vleset worb in t IaBere uexalsage. SAIB.ue Ulghtilng s ara net ue bu go mmuebas îley the ve'lher Il rasaMsage Chavarftvlus. @"e.k Cv.o vae t rua os é: @ ooeLAPSE op fAo~M coISUsMuubtwJollLl Crash Couse. ithouS Waraine C. Worhgmen. But Mai Are Caunot ais - T miseth ean Bale-la Adition CteTho - Iran irders et@ lard. hll a vaWi aboot,'*Look eont! les a lliugl"' s vlld 1he rush et men ou the groun.) tise agonisait Ne cri' et thirti' bridge vorbuna as ttera venthNe hurla.) isqive freat t1rongs tht air; f sued tise frmework ofthtie mir Coltacusm. h Wabssb avenue and) Flftetnth treata B Chicago, Mondar attarucon ai 4 'ciockTb vas a wvr.an d undan liseruina amna o met lay idsditthirte*n injnred, maoi' et lu thons tatalhi', aud lv. vare M"ing. W WorlÔuen ut the Pittshnng Bridgé Compter, the A1m vbilbdid tht lrnu verh. ver. ttrtng dovu 1h. traveleril use.) lu buiing the tweTe 5Vaut arches. During the towerng ot the fiot section th. structure vas notice.) te tremble, audv couspinlt vas mad hi sellerai ut the la Than canne the tahing dovu et the vu massive hoame thet terme.) the mie" da section. ÀAtrope thrown uver thse Chi aI anch tramntesonth vali as uoaci 1 ba steadi' th. pleces ut lumber as th.be. W l aended. Ont vasapoie.) lu tht sic a0i Engineen McCabe vslttd b.low for Ibo signal te lever. Soddenli' tha enge gave aàsmert, tIse sncb tremblad, belgean te saai. Then carne the ashunt otalarmtlui tise raefor safeti' aud tht coilopse! oet ' tise building. A Men on thé ground rau thcough tht u anche., nov b.gllug tu errait Eleba p breahlng lattis, sud mon t o them ilbad i dome te ranch the treet or the alîci', but their enfortuoste comptaiont un thetut, arrhes camea lovly dovu tu mmI' su adta detbt. ai The nmllement ut tht arche. vas ea ina trotinoso i seeme.) as if minuts vert coumelad heore they sivaytd fan enough te toochl each other. When bai' came togeiben there was tht soussi ut rtadlig lion irdiersansd braces, tIse breanlg outhb riveta sud tnusses, sud the uhole strac- i tore came deva vlth a crssh,.vblie the dcc..medmn biebcd oui iheir laiprai'- ae astSBi' vere «Iabhel! againît piles ut anus.. braees or tell undOr portions et the brabéen arce,. One et the fsillng colurons overturned tisé bollransd the escaping teaus rover- ad the vrech vlth is blindlnt ceil. white eloude ut duit rasa tront tht tarth tu baill the saarch ton thet vudesl, some ot wbom colle.) eut piteouali'. Colmuaesu anaches lai' plie.)en on.. enother, bruiterasud shatteredsthboutih they ver. staff: héavi' timbres. fvo frcet millies, vere tviated sud apltntene. as If ther vere twis,sud beceth ibl Is msaot Ir«an sd vood sud atonuram Ni belotga vaert blug In pain on verthi'- ad boa col.) lu desih.w Pire adi..) te the borrer. thte veninrn- t ad menlus kindliug the voodwork nêer w theul, but these Ine(plent blasses vert meloneUU Mtlgued sud the vboie ten- h tien of firemen. olceen au lilseusic vas given to recnngtise victimad h takîng eut th. bodies of tht dead. There vetre bundreds et villing banda tu e IlpiC test the trou bttes trus the cruche.)a aud battere.) fragments ot menansd te o éanyti'tie bodies tenderli' te tht amnbu- Y Joue«. ai The living ver. finit talon fronstIshe srins. bot ai tîme' tha rescuers fonnd Ile t itficuit te detaumIne vbnîher or net thetu usamgiad forma tisyti'can ne.)s.teuderli'm miii)retaîne.) the saenh ut lita. Nine men vere dead. Their bodies vent ishlen ont mutilaI..)almosi b.îoud boumon' sem- blanu.shi' thtebMo t ege.utthe pontier- 01 aoesmotel branle. Tvelve other nor- e tumates. still alive, but ohcleking an.) vn'lthing vlth tht pain ut Cruel Injurie., morne ut thora leglein, others maklng pite- -eus appentis vlth tht stumps of vbisi vare once arma, vtre removed, sud more deathé Mai' fllov. * It bas Donet 't een decide.) vhere tIse lons, *hicbs mai' reacb 130.000. vîli fell. Tht vork et tht Pittaburg Bridge Coco- rpeurni' v s t fiulshed, the last amIs bac- i lui beau place.) Stunday. Tht mnu ert placlug tIse boit&ansd riveta Mondai sud a removîng tht travelen an.) scaffolding saed lu dolng tht vork. Ihembers et the ir wc ert congratulatilua ihemselves a théttibti' ha.)liadt nuaccident, sud tIse l. work vas dou@. Bot tht vork lssd not 5 h. ein accepted hi' tht Coliseuin ronipansu y su ad the quesatio.nsof rt.p.,uibiiy for thetI l oe on the building rems is uettît. . Tht exact cause for the colapse item, i so e b unkuovu. ai leami ilionse lppose.)p te boolw heaitate tonîpnt theuiselvPg on t a- record. Mani' iheories are ndvancéd, boli il niai' e-uire an oÊlIciai investigation to -bcng outi tht truth and properly place~ the h respousihiliti'. v- Emile Zolasa latent ta.) la amateur pho-1 KItographi' Crovu Prince Gusiat ut Svealen oses an automobila. King Oscar of Sweden taies deightinl fishlng ton saimon. * Henni' Labouchene neyer est. butter, nias hie pretena oloomargCatlnt. a-Ne 1i'everi' memben et tht Rusas I n u a n l I a m i ' r i d e s s b i c i c l e . Baraneés James de Rothschild uvus rr Che fOuest collection ut fana lu Europe. 10 Tht DuktetfBieciaoch bas tIsa ouest Scollection et miniatures lu Great Britalu. TIsa Princes& ut Wales trie.) golf for sd evenai moucha, but doas't lîhe tht gain@. Dnnlug tIsa nummer mouths Abdul Ha- mid consumes eornnsquantitîts et les la cteam. »t Tbongb onuiir î.ansetfago, Prince mArthur ut Conaughtins taller tIssu bIs i. ather. ,a Goa"eBal Bler et the British ami' mtusalhi' goec te lied ai 9 p. m. and riscs ff et 2:80a. m. Mt Tba Primntofe Waleis bas sid ber ot gazo htnbo tlebécause illei' tre tee ut foud etf Oghting. T'ha bitbdai et WIllim Msbep.e- smorM, vbi<b vofas etatel usesi' rraails Ch. tact Chai litetani Engin" vw ovee a doubla e lat te huadîs So cretoe et tise acse," %achevriWva, cru lu C banu b. vue sers ûli bis atS S lied audtise lit- à* boy von saut lén to ewngl. Vbecs bis son eh charge et dm. Tat gond rous ee .dey fav Ch. chlld ici- mg on his unele's Wa, wbicb provéd W» So large tor Ima *at go large beal nou smaI aeiii vu asnat. usal and ashoot i a I Straighi- vii' @he akth e TIORE iCI.e beoy laber canniage às u tuéd 09 » conult irîCharles Clark, the fatm pbiamn. hie W&@ spparentmivln as thataRme) aunt. Pauhaps haovas fortnne ielier &Bd could ftoesthe tu- ora. At suy rate ha toidt1h.aut te lies ber uephev bous..asdnt teuvern about the aise orbs bed. "Itila alarge hed.t' ha sai, "but there emsa eha a Dr. Orobbyatehba. s tail-hleoded Me- ksvk hlain. vas electe) preuidest et se National Fraternal Congrestetsithe recen tsension la Chcesge. Dr. Oren- bi'stehhs cause jute preminen throagh * bisa cemankable te.- ors lu hoilding up thbe hudepeudent Orden et Veresters. The nesulta et hie von iare repraucut- Pd hi' s member- aip et 150.000 aud ssurplus utfever n.. tayaiut hj'teha vas horu îug. 10. 1841, in Ontario, ai the SIx Nation, heditan retervation. Hia Ep«lish inecation vosnIsegun 19 thIsnustriel <boul.sear Brantford. estabhlist, ilfor the training et yonng Inies. Laten ha sent te the Wesley'.. Academi' mt wu- brabaus. Mases. lleing vithout menti', eo supports.) hitf tIsera hi' doiug odd jos. Wban the Prince ut Wales visite, Canada lu 1800 Oronbi'attbhe. then lu bis tvenitth i'eur, vas selecte.) hi'the chiets et the Six Nations te preseut s sddres a te .sou ut theln 'great moth- er." The impression niait upon the vong prince aud bis party vras s. tarr able that Oroahi'aitsas incite) ta continue bis studie. iu Oxford undar the cara et the prince. Omuuhi'tthha ce- tumed te Amertca a tull-liedgcd docter sud practce) sureeatulli'util hc se- Spted bis position vit tIse Foresters. lu the bille &long the Chie river la thé mli' to-operstIv lvt tIih iics the expert- ouce ut ars bas sisuvu te ha thorougbii' surcessul. Founad- éd forti'-three ye'r. sgo, sud name) Ttll City, atter the greot William Tell. itnov bas a popu- lation ut 3,000 sud bousta ut tIse tact tIsat Wi pet cent et tIse familles vithîs its limulta ovu thele own hmes.,VIth, In tht limita outheb ciii' aretiwettix Co opetative ft- siAVOn PiNS. turies, empioying 50.1 vorbmen. These men nmee once a year sud fOs their eau wsges hi' a popu- lac vote. TIsci alto clect their own tore- men aud oMsi-en.Luit yseor tIse fara- luts ot the vokme n SidtIse surplus profite disitribuit.) abons tIbm amounte) ta *103.000. Of tht inhablitants 1MMO are Svtss. 1.2W arue Gernmas, sud thse reat Amertcus. Tht Boston ixiee seas, hat (George Simpyon lu thevont moin luAsuenica. sud tiuci havr quested tIsai nIl tht jolis ho tht United) Stateaslie searche) for hlm. as ibei' 1w ivec eluas'ueal- e.) lu one ut iheni. Fuinmenli' aàBaltlui miniater. Sispion bai been nal,,srglnr., horset itiet.Iicen- <han', forger uai. bigemnilt. nd.) n he ha vante) fer murder comniito.) mi Dorer. N. H.. <OtKl'5. fîrbi yes a 1.- Simpson began his cancer et crime vhlle hc vax a preairber. sud robbe. muni' boupes heure suspicion vos directes) te hialmieHtten traveit.) anoood the courn- tri' occupylua pulpita in amail toneos Sundai'ansuavndîlur on veeh days. W. P. Poellu. tht Unoted States min- Inter te Hsiui sudBSn Domingo, who bs showu decide) Ommuessa la protection Amacican climn tram tht revolu- tiouari' mobs on tIse Iland, bas gicen sérerai demnonatra- ha ~ uts of the tact b. poéssesas oeil bedadnsd s quîok Wit. It seou.)ant ha tengotten that lh v'las Powell vho osve) Port au ffPrine, tIse capital et the Baîtiau Bs- i.: :.public, rtramb.lg bombarde) hi'Ger- mani' e sotte..tt