LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT, Vol. Vil. No. 50. 110w. are you Fixed for an Ove rcoat?, Corne in and look over our Sampies of Over- * coatings and Suitings. We can and wi Il do you some good if you will give us the opportunity. SANBORN & CO., Tailors andilaberdashers. Kaiser Block. - - - Libertyville. 111.1 Dr. Charles Calloway. A BIG INCREASE. Offg0oy.r LovOilesDrug store Paranal Propertv AsSasêmOft for *0U rIa O ~3 Ari)4 T 8 . M. Lak*County 01.291.829. LibertYville. - llinOlS The person*l property asaMent -for LaLke County appeare ou Ibi age i,îluding the figures an fixed by the r.JL.TAYLOR- »ordoîRevhev. Fur thewholeonn- office over Trigge & Taylor'S. ty thetotalporsoflal property assea- ment am retnrned by tbe sa"eeorsfor Baidauce un Broadway oppoite Park w b overu the saseasmI en fr ln, LIbertyvIlIO, IllinOls. uiat the aasesor'g parsonsi property l igures vere almooet double the Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. nzedy te bard of R iwfor the Physiclan and Surgeon. personal prnperty for 1M29in $1,467.829 or uIncresse of 1167,777 over the 51595L5 OPOSIE LISA 31-tEL * t*asesora figures of 189. Thun the GurnOO - -- ----Illinois.i Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. .UlfflcOover Lake county IBank LIbertYvilIO. III. PAUL MacOUFFIN, ,%ggorliey sd COUnseIl-a% 51Law. NOTrAAY PUBLIC opylOl WITE LKE 4CollEtI? BAS, Lbertyville, Illinois. 6.-. CHA-EF F E R NURSERY. Orne mib, southut ,fLong rove tP. t0,. Lke vine asdlimai, Fruit. W.H. MILLER TONL40RIAL ARTIST, Whben Yomvaut a dean absytOr a good bair n cl tIOu "Bi"-"~ -cuiliet 1IS5orD50V IGARS. Nat dflr oor W. C. Trinsa 81,0e tore ce Sopragse lit. shîpp ~eni eV.ry t ev,, 14 nlIunday morangs. WRIG HT, DXMOND & Co., LibertYvilIS, llînolS. Ilisues ntercst 13earing Cartifi- catem Payabile <ni Denîînd. BY FEEDING CALI FORNIA CRESCENT FOOD Vou save 25 par cent. on siîn. It n'.,tîl ltI..,lk Itlqt" Ia ,OtI, uSfor ,,ulds anî l lnlu.'naa. I , ,, e V -18: I vBts,,*s . - (5 tm yak. If lm thebhat femmi 011 ebu fior horsts and saIlle. ED. BLEIMEHL, Agent. Deerfield - - lino.îi £LOCUTION AND IIUSIC. Haviîîg completed a fourycar *course in elocution aud muuicata thie iicitgo M 48ical Collagre, 1 amn prepacui t Leti idivid ail o classesNtlîebe branches. UForior formation aînd rbteS, apply 'tt my1 h omeiîn Liertyville. tg., . mmsaCI."44Aw towa1lucrese of tht personal propert assassnt fOr 1899 ~ lm18 inlaMMre tissu double, $758,329. Bo much gond bas the uev revenue lav dont for Lake * onuty. Wankegan bas tht langeaI quoi.> of persal pnnporty asseasmeut sud like- Wise the largeat lucreasa. As vili ha seen lsy the table Wautgaln~s person. aI aseasmeut for 1898 vas $174,469. 'flicastesors figures for '99)are $366,. ffl. This figure the board o!flttvlev bas naîsed 10 5438,160, an lucresse o1 $5,3,26ý3 sud an lncreanq over the '98 aýsssmeut of $2W,691, almomt triple. shielde tovnship comas naxit visé su Inctesne nf b59,756. The asseament for 1898 lu Shields vas $133,369 and '99, 5103,125. Cuba bas thje amaleat lucres» by the Board of HavieS', uuly $35. Gjrant bas a deerase or $319, Wau- couda, $45 sud Fremnt 56. lu contrant 10 tht lsnd asesament, Il vili lha men that the persona property ià largely Increasat in luoë every district. L.Ibertyyilie. Lake County. Illinois. Friday5 September 22. 1899. Ail PAIR Lake County Agricultural .5%oclety's Annual Show Attracts Large Crowds. 11WR801! WU3 1 REORD BRiMER. 50H(1IHIRI. Ezlibits Not -so Large as Umual-Races Interesting-Soeiety Makes Money, 'Thougl Exponses Are Unusually Heavy-But One Accident Reported. The 4tb Annual Lake Couuty Fair1 bas comeansd guet, and &bat itwuva a auceéa va are happy t0 report.1 Athough fnot np 10 standard tu nome1 departments, jet geueraily apeaking the fair vas ail tht vord succas impUe. Prom a inancial tandpoîuti hbia yeua' fair exctlled aven tht anticipations of the management, aud1 witie l la impossible 10 determine ast Ibis vnlting the net profita, a coustrva- tivae sgtlmate places tht receipteasB $5,000. Until ail premiums are paid It vili not be kuovu hov expanses1 viii figure up, but lsd vwIii bt large,1 oving ta permanent Improvementa made thia jear.1 Tht dusty condition of the roade probsbly kept mauy avay Ibis jear,i atthough the delightf ni veather helptdg 10 make np tht denciency by înduciug1 a larie attendauce. Once ou tht grounds the amai number 91i fakirs vas noticabla as compared vlth former yeans, snd1 gambiiug devices vefia not, vltb Ivo1 or Ibret exceptions, iu apparent1 operation, and the exceptions vert cloeely vatohad by tht management, vhiie oue or ivo "gamea" vara closed np becanse the oparators vera kuovn 10 play for money. Around the grounds aIl vas hubub. Tht merry.go.rouud did a lucrative business. (Cane snd doit racks, cigar apludîta, tht dodglng ecunsud Hâte amusements llned tbe avenue 10 the grand stand. B.tfresbment stusdansd bo-tha vert everyvhere conveiosit. J uns a vord of favorable comment le dune Bd. Payne becans of the excellent moria f nrnishtd sas tht diuDissuai. 8* M& tdmoUfprend sMd UIs is patro3na iailed 10 Seltisair money's vorth Itgvas tbrough no isult of tht genial Bd. fi wva good tampting food, lu sufliciaut varlety aud veil cooked. Mr. Payue fad theba isost their stsatoalthough tg kapt hlm hnstling au the diliug bail dld s big busiinss Iis jear. THE SIHIBITa. lu the main hall the txlilbits, vhile not sas large as usnal. vers excellent, sud soma dopartments excelled. For- instance lu the cllnary dapartment tise display of jellies, canued fruits, cakes, pies, cookies, etc., vas never htter. Tht hotcuituirai exhibits vers large and contained some pretty floral desigu&, basîdes numenous beautiful plants lu funil bome. There1 veres eefine spacimeus o! potatots,1 corn sud other garden sud fiIdg producta. Tht fancy vonk departmantJ proved tht conter of attraction for1 ladies aud tbe dispisys vers fiue, not1 ouly lu fabrlc vork, but aiso lu the oil painting#, hotb on canvas sud Atrakead by a Buil. china, lu tise soutih anu !tise bulid. s tira. MeCrain, a veil kuovu resident ig onu tht second floor vas located i nf West Daerfield had au excitlng sud tht couniy W. C. T. U. bootis, vherep dlstnaaslng experlauce laht veek, several 0f the vhite ribboucrst uarrovly esieuping death throngh the remsîned cotnunnsy ho grees visitais t savage attack o! a vicions hull. I§he sud dittibute literature.a vas eiideavunlng ta get tise bull lto f the pasture sud hat gone intathe barn AEOt'ND TUEE OOD. for &isaI purpose. Thompaou Bin., of rayalake, hadl Sisa hnled variona methods off proonuesni thebhast dîspiaya ou the grounds, ceadora, vbeu fInally the bull niaddan- counslsing of hsundome vehîcies of ed at her antresties ruahied terrlficatly avr, description. -"boe e ere aisu ut ner. Belote M»s. MeCrain couid dlspiayed coin buskers, vîndmillia and escape tht animal reached bar lu bis îarm impîtints. Tht poultry ax-F augry attack, butting ber vîclo'îsly hibit vas sali, vblle the cattit astails ant i brovlug han 10 tht grounti. veonot as veli fiied as they shonld làirs. MoCrainas»not kkocktd sonne- bave beau, & as aa5150the case vitb Ie@ and site acreamati as the buU thue hog panse. Tht sbeep emxhiit vas j uîmped upon lier visile aise lay belpiass very flua.-t oit tha gronnd. Tht vomausa terrîîy- Thuradal mornlng the drlvlng lug cries ettractedl the attention 0i tvo hornes, coachs horsts, etc., vene diven men uamad ivey aud Edvarda vwho up sud dovn. tht track sud svardtd vere Dot far avay a vork sud they rzsTh dftosnwe ao came te tht renoue vith easvy clubs driven ot into tise fieldi for inspection sud succaaded tn driving the buillsud prisas avardea. saa. THE ATTENDANCE. Bsd it not beau for shitetmoly Wankegau people tnnnied out lu arrivai ut the reacuera lins, MoCrain goadly numbers, vhila tovus along voId baveant erhd uhanec bdouI tht Boillina ma fan vonstas Barringtoi, bY tht bull, but as it vas ais e eaptd vert veil repreatuteti. Tbnradsy vas vlth sevote bruises sud an nueviabla a record breaker. Neyer vas there expanituca. sncb a crowd on the, fait grounds. ASSESBLO VALUATIONS 0F LAKE COUNTY PERSONAL PROPERTY HHO-ItWNG BtOARID OF IEVIEW FIGURIES AND COMPAIISONS. NAMK 0F TOWNS ment Q lms Inorease Asas- lcres,. <15r Aa.etmniment a. as Fîxeyl Asasore, Flxed ly by tho FIgures of lof ,,f Iof !for Itasa it..-W Revlew Flxed bit lm> a ovur Board ou Beîst',îi............ S 15.272 S 14.702 7 27.525 S ij.2 S 2.520 ewg.rt .............. . 2.5 055 . îo> i.s 25 Anuoci .............. . 0.2 ssse isA 542 445 Girant................ S.e S55 I Avili .................. à55 ase 1.0 2.421 .8 WaMre..... .......... . 2.e osse su i.î 7 s 121 Iei1 112 7 1 2m5 Ubrtslie........ 27 5.5m7i50 41 1. 771 WseonIa......... 4.7 2.75 160.120 540 flut...... .... ..... 252 45*444 414" 'ILii as ffla 5#.N 4", 9. 74 Toeiit .............. 7~ 5s st .e ai Every availabie $Pm@a wax taken tu hitchbhorsts and many could fiud no place to île their taons. Over 504<6 peopla vere ou the grounda. MPECIAL ATTSACTIONS MINUR. Tise management advertisad somne special attractions, sncb as an striai arlist sud professioflal lovn. but thoetfutures faifl tt materialixa. Hovever, thse programa vene full vltb- ont tbem, bance they vere ni uissed. POIREsTES DUILL.1 A tenture FrIda aflrnoon beveen hbuts vas the drillilng hy Lake Camp M. W. of A. Foreatertom aio! Waukt- gan. The boys vert ont in fnil uni- form and made a bit vith tise crovd by their excellent vork. Tbey sacured tht $25 pris. offerad 10 tht camp haviug tse hast drllled team on the grouud. A 11ti1e dangttr of Chester Page, of Lihrtytlîle, vas kod dovu by a horst driven by Fred Bader, of Rocke- feller lae flday alternoon, sud thougb fitappeared et tbe lime the Huis1 one vansesriously sud parbapes ftaiiy lnjnred, subsequeut Investiga- tion fortunattly prmved the cotrary. She rau lu front of tbe horst as Mr. Bader vas driviig off the grounds, sud ho sncctcdet u aoppiug tht ani- mal, aller It had knccked ber dovu vlth i1s5 met, haire tht buggy vheels yassd over ber,@as liey vonld have dont but for is efforts. No boues ver. broken sud the horst dld not sttp ou bers tirst rtpored. Bbc bas re- covtrtd trom tise shotkansd la noue the vorse for her exporience outoide of a fev buista Thtettrea daIs races vere gond, and visil n records vere lovered or 9the track record broken, jet thera vert mauy close sud excting tinishet. A. J. Hammis, of tRichmond, startad tihe races Wednesday. Tht jndges vert: H. B. Troop, of Nnnda; Htnry Chesanan, of Chunton sud Y. K. The 2:25 pace vas the batraca on Weduasday'a program. A decision of the judges, hovever canaed cousidar- able diasatiafactlon and il musI ha admitted tiai action sema irragular in viev o! tht circumatances. Il vas in tht second beat, von by Molarbe s'lth George Abdallahi second. Tht driver o! tht latter boise vent tc0 the judgt's stand, said tuaI Sues .sad lonled hlm sud clalmed ha vas eîttlato tirai place. Shea admltttd lie bad committtd sncb an offense say. lug Abiailab vonld bave von bad ha nt rin mbhîm, Tht jndgea acoordingly put Molarba Iark ta elgisth place lu tht hat. lhroving It ta George Abdallah sud thus ralslng each of thea othens one place. shes'm action vas piaiuly tatun merely heaese he did not care 10 vin the t h&l sncb fast time (22j) as ha vould thus ha Ibrovu mb s fasten cias. By admittlug a foui the judges cuuld do uothing but put hilm hsck. The action on tht part of the judgas vas ractlvod very uufavorably vitb the speclators many of vhom had bat on molarba. The generai Im- pression vas thst Moiarba could have deaired sud il vas ouly iglit that tise judgas abould have deciared tisa hats off star setting Molarba back, vblcb tbey failed to do. Tisa monuaY vaut 10 14V abastian, George Abdallah sud Molatha retpec- tlvely. lu tht 2:25 trot the mauey veut respectitly to Edward E. lactrotype, Johnuy D. sud Chiarley 8. Glenvlev l'hallas vasi dravu lu tisa third hast. In the 3:00) trnt fiaet monay veut 10 victoria Phallus, second ho Black Queau sud third to Lloyd. Oviug ho tht Iteneas a! finlahing the 2.25 pace, it vas utcesary ta carry over tht 2:560 trot bld for Wednesday, ho Thuraday. The order of fiulahing lu tht varions classes lu Weduesdsy's races fnlov: vo Eletrotn . ................... 4 - TIme: 2:23.1:ii).i2.*il 8:0 ciAKK TROTTI5-Puus t»2. .Vlitra Phallas.. 5 1i ii1 .lak Quen .........iitl S rt loyd............. 1614 .Ca Hlla........... ......4ia 6 0ia5 4 .ittlly...... ..........i..... d. n .GAbd..........asesdr M . Boy ..b....a.......... .Go0 bali..... THRDAYS RC Oving to complaintoi otdrivers, H. B. Throop, of Nunda, vau substltutad as starter Thuraday lu place of Mr. Hamusis. Mr. Tbroop &acs started the the races Friday. In the 2:50) trot complaInt vas made that Matilda Doyle vas not driven te vin. She led every beut of the race it rpaut the third quarter sud then tither broke or dropped behlnd. Drivera complalnad of the vay she vas drIven luthie Ibird tieat of the race. they claiming that the mare vas driven 10 the disadvantage or other horne@ sud to the advantage of Wiid Eyes, the horse that won the race. The judges vere o! tht opinion that Ibis vas the csansd debattd for nome lime vbetber tu declare It uo beat or ýo put Matilda Doyle buek. The latter vas the final declalon, Matilda going ba« t10 ilfth place. Thiasvau a pretty race, Wilid Eyes, Keno and Matilda Doyle maklug stver- ai beantif nI spurts together. Thse wluning horste1M ovued by A. P. Amen There vare eigbt horses lu the 2:35 trot sud thetlighte for tirst place ha- twetu Allen K., Belle Wilkes and Bîugold Chiot vare vry xclting. FiraI oueansd then another vould lad but Allen K. alvays managed 10 vin by a nosa. Belle Wilikesvon the tirat head and loet the tblrd tu Allen K. by a noat in a beautiufnish. Rlngold Chie!tvas a close second in tht second. Iu the fourth beat Prince Guy *as vaîl In the fore for second place. Mary Bell von Ibrat stralgisi beais lu the 2:25 pabe, allhougb bard prcsaed by Wtllington. The tiret quarter of the first beat vas paced et a 2:16 clip, but the best mile vas 2:25 fiat. lu the colt staea race Water B. ovned by J. itouey, of Waucouda, vas an uy ayinuer, but not, hovever, un- tII some friction was caugad. Hie vas plcked as s vînuer by the borsemen and hais vert hlgb on hlm. In thse tiret hbut, bovever. ha lnilhtd a - cor third sud vas apparently lAgglng. Tht botter& complainetdtu the jndgts sud driver Bmitb vas called tu account' sud cationed 10 driva 'tht horset t vin or à~ wold he alhaen ont of bis banda. Ha promlsad to vin tht race. alier aIl hais on thet frthbat lied beau decisred oif, sud dld vin tht The order of tllisiing fuilove. tac cLasa........ . -... as.... c.. WIailDEPB .......(8ts kýsi ia TIme: 2xs.Ïîi4s. ESOli. Dli. B............-l....5 5 t Ch.str D... :.'.. ..:. ..-..... -Î5'a Mrgaret ............... 4.. 7 7 7 Efluaold Jhlef............. .. a 2 4 i AllenEK.......... .........2ii Belle Wiie@ ................2 1 PrineeGuy...... ...........4aé 32 Bibbe ..................-.6 S6IM M Tîme: 12).:1, .0v :0, 2:2 CLABS PAciIYS. CONNOLATUR RACE kU ntl.......................i 54 à Pni Ot ..................... a 3 Kondyke Girl ............... .. ........................i TaE WrAXI5RACE. s TZAR OLU-p u£ $lmi. arrum............... A 4 3 4 0 trR..................... « JaLmax...... .. ... 1 4 TRE PRItDAY RACES. Thelt sa at of the Ibret year old staka race, vbloh remaiued uullnished from Thursday vas pulied off jus$ ha- fort noon. Il vassciucb for WalerRB.vho came noder the vires ao far ahead of tht othars tiaI ha vasu early vaiking. Tha others came lu as folova: .im Tîme: 2:16. Tise2:20 trot vas one of ththoast races of the day. Chetnut Girl shov- ed up lu the last threa hasts lu a sur- ptliug menuet tht last hast balng won by hsrdly a half leuglis. lu tisesecond neat thare vera tvo bard llgbla for placet. Svlgart's Laut sud Lady Lambert came dcvii tht tratchl neck sud neck lu tht ltad sud the ltter crosstd the vire lestissu balf a langth ahtad. For second place Il vas s close fight belvean Chasnut Girl and Hum- mage, the former securng il by s very &mailimargin. First money vent ta Chasînut Girl,vhlle secondsud third mouey vasdlvlded eqtnally hatveen Bvigerble Last sud Lady Lambert, eachL o! vbam stcnted oua tiret place, tvo seconds sud Ivo thlrds. Edvard B. vas tise favorite lu the fret-for-ail trot sud provad a diaspolut. ment ta bis admirers. (Jontrary ta hie prevlous vork, he vent oif hie feet several limes duriug tisa race, Bennie Bwvont hsudlly asciheat. la tise second, tiseliish baotwen tise ltter aud Edvard EBvas extremelî close. The 2:45 trot vas exiting sud il lcoktd as though £va Wlllam a hd a a ura tiing, leadlng tise bunoh for a gond distancto nulitht second hail. Here se vent off ber test, howver, sud Mois lime Allen K cametu sbtad, with Victois Phallas a close second. 1 As tha rannung race dld not fil, It vas eueaay ta delara ilt off. Haort s thse order the horsts camie under tb. vire lu the vanions cluae: 2:5 TiO?-POaomtm2 a - e t t Ia4 di a.......... ...ii .....22 $1.50 a Year in Advance. For Children Going to School . TfliIIIlffl aitBlckStkngarpr e FiatDlak DauIe r ,r pairs 81911M Fast Back .."Extra stout," r p ir - Tht above hose are aIl made of Hear, Cotton Yarn Clevarly Ribbtd to vith. stand bard wear. Tht beet gooda ever offered for the mouen"n y. Scetthem ... :14) lu Cotton Plaida lu bright coloe, per yard ...........................I C Dealined especlallr for Rehool Dresses. 32 Incbh Eeavy Plaide, Scotceh style, par yard ........ ................ ..... _2,5c 38 inch and over -Jamestown faucy Weaves," par yard 45e and ............................... .. . 50c AiIlu the lateat efsaterfi style. Flanuelette Goode, tieeced ou oue aide, par yard.............. ............IlOC Make Iretty d@adresssudvrfienougt for faili vei. Haudkerchif», - faucy colored borders, caca, 1 aud .......... ....5 MIlllary DaP't. effers a Prety Asortsset of Scbe ts 2. 6.R .kïW NOUSE£ STADBUSHED NOV. 25. 1«3. WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TELEPIIONE NO. 100 No other Steel Wind miii has met with sucIw universai favor as Fi Ps, lt ls a Leader. Everything made of metai la advancing, but we are selling wind mllis at the oid price.' Ilowever, The price is sure to advance and yoq, wiIi save money by buying a miii white we are in a position to seli it to you at present iow prices. M. Crnmm LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Bankes. a Something Fine ln WooI Blankets. Alil Kinds and Varleties at ...Right Prices . a S Chas. Kaiser, ILiBERTYVILLE. - - - ILLINOIS.ý If You Coud Fly, On tht vinige of the wvlnd jon onld nos ot qulckl tranhact jour buiness sa 0)1 eauS by the use of the modemu telephone. lu these dayu of "exiB- ston" expand your telephon erv«,ieS bc mieet jour buainess requtremeflul. Au extension telephone at yonr dosât c'sia but a nominal sont. Telephon tu l * tht home are popular, souvenions, snd oecoomlcal. Cati the Contract Department, LoveiI'a Drug Store - - Lib.rtYvig*l 2:43 72o7-pubLI I$M. aafnoOn Md auwog*o 1ItSUSý Allen K..... .............. fl.bardtiSd E~ Ila,............ 8 32 The t w» a RWVh ÉB SU M 89 Netilda Doyle..............à4 4 oraii J..nka...................4 q 91cYCLE BAC&5. aGqv*a.C té- A bunch cf lhiiteurida. flm . pVU 5a for the thra. mls bloyi so > . tha larul - Eue. rb. .brs o bua * Fork . bau sets- at thea l ab the M.60If MApt. 1 - 1 ,,r e di it