Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Sep 1899, p. 5

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KOiI at perr d iln Rugs, 1 3-4 yds long at ....................... $ 1.00 F. C. SMITHq&SON, I3utler Bldg. LbertyviIIe, Illnois. LOVF3L - F-FPS-.màm Collins' Brick Ice Cream. Friday.. Saturday . .. Sunday Get a [B: ick for table use, and you'Il vote i the best warm weather deesert. Try it! 4 Libe rt yv:i 1 F. -B. LOVELL9, Wlwn Paid in Advance-.mmo i m' i'~i ipa i.î é ro.', Pain .uauid iiruîde une year, iv.,,. l. u.. . ru. f lmu l s.itsti aur. Furtà i rilia s v. y»"f 44LL *FOR $2.201 illa stalei Sndmy, onrita aqulvalaul. lu thea siapu ofai ebrlgilgirl bahy. we belleve il Isolime geuuraly acceptud tieory liaI a girl le vonlh a timauîand uîî.d a boy lilve indreti dolmlars, xltllouigbitilla ouI topiniothIal the. reverse la mare liku it. il. Il.Eger, iii Liberlyvillie. colti orty cotrn biaders ibia sesmiut Wt do uOt kumîv lie exact mumlmal piametltY Wrilghmt «tson, baltimhey tiapt'ed of ai goati mauy. wviiim gmt.ito 5imOVJtimm furmre la Ibis Ncctii n aeof lime art gresive mort, aivaa 8raady lu) lavmz'i lu lime sud mrney iaving devicat.. 'hrimalîromid gradala croaset i li- yaukee Av., ibis ceukit.ou cuiverte valu piacad lu th imadîcies ou aitiel aida of noadway andthIe grade lovereti suiiceatly tola sow lemporan! tram truck& ta lie iiti. 'rimatram cane sud raIla are ieru sud onct'hie contîructOa gel Iheil wark la shaple 50 time cars mami le uaed t advautilfe wOrk viii jrogrees more rapidly. Volcanto EruDIions Arc grand btl kin enuiptione robm Ille Of jy. Bucklen's Aruica Salve, curai Ihaul; aiso aid nunniag and fever soles, nitare, Imoils. felous, corna, vanta, caýti, bruites, iuna, scaldN, ciaiiped hlianda. eiliisi. Beal pile cure on eartb. Drlva ontpains and aches. Oîmly 25 cents a box. Cuire g,îaraiutet't. Soiti bY F. B. LoVEuL, Lýibertyviila, C..B. T'ruaioN, Grays- lake. DeWII'. bittle Eariy RiaerN P130 maunlti!cure Crmolieconalipatitma. b)illoasimuaa, aarvîtunue an sd vtin-ut feelinig; cleanieansd ragulatus lima etîllnesyaqtam. Srnsii, ple"aau, nvar gripa or sckeun-"tmmOti5 11111e puis." F. B. LaVEbi, Lîberlyvîlie. J. . BitAtuElt, (lurnea; F. L. WESTEBMAN, Rlockefeller. 'hrieas alwaYâ hope wbialeheue's olna Minutue Couîgi Cure. "An allsk af puumouia lefI my luage lu iad saipu and I vas iean lime llnet stages ai couangitin. ouaMiaula Cougim Cura c(mpi.tIuiy'cured me," vnltes HeeuMetiHary. Blsmai k, N. D. ivea instant relief. F. B. LovELL, 'lime arul! worm wclcb ttde 'lea ubeutyviiie; appegansuinlabis colitytî antdavai- .W EsTER latedth ie lavai vielever it -"stoppeti aven" bimnov tlke tektuil lmaiee. Admitr Fnom Waukagau oicaes s report It PUBLIC 50T maUi! lIegshmiow uamlaakitbhe igusuhmIciibi-r Adn of some knîlofa speuat. sandFidcu»laCoire Cauneîl fiurS blmen. Leaves are ealen lute s&bre, dey aifavemi hak la gusad la pleces aud tigs &0auon.tlfs sud briochmes grov veak ai polis dua vee lte Waorms eucamup. il la 1tae skgai baped LihartyVillS Vin emepe lime- pwIbs i»Jea7~ lrtrslor' Nattas. .i 51 EAPSit BLOCK. CHICuAO dminitrator 01ftlime8aIte c f deeted, vîllattend ltae aiLkCot .tYa a serin h.14. it th,(10t àn,,Rein "ýICKED UP HERE AND TI4EAE. le Cas * Local items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. : A H. J. Cater, vimo tu Supt. of lime W. E. Miuer lm atten.isuuee lip< iglie tif 9 uaiy tepartmeut aI lma tte fair lait senommiousuomut lime110.11 to! Supervisors tbiY fur Springtiild Fridigy. thia veek. Ti Quite à numimer of Libertyvllliauà lira. Ed. bluDIonaid-ti ru.lut thiao uoueplte alleuding ltha big atate vee from au exteuded vut.t vith ber 0w] l1 cri C . . mail sud wvUe aud daugliuer1 Judglng frrnmlime uuîmiutr of giood Pisg Cors of vauoo, pen Sunay im ethgy jage about lova luis vat-k, lima hea J. J. Porteolus sud aiy. fair provei ao mucim for aotme aoflime airs W. E. Davis la Asat. Supt. of lime veak imolimra. serf dalry deparîmient as lime siste fair to out ha held as Spriugfield naz& vaak. Casino Ray aud fariiy, oi Sulimar-di Is milled especially for famlly USe and is made- 'rima railroami couîrsqtors seul a nu' uilvrle aL Ityi l f rom selected hard Wheat and guaran- 1tekLigiu tinIs eek in quest of mausu. vandsu îl mukbemrp rh teed the best brand made in lesman for vork ounlime grade. marient home bore. rOI America. r. sud lira, W. S. Hulcbinusouand A reporltframt Waukegatu couvaja lime kill Am ria.daugimler Lydila, of Elgin, vîsîted intelligence Of Miss (jartia Willasms' N friands sud relatives here lust veek. marriaga 1tusalMr. Iitz, 0f ls imtciy, sur Mr. sud lira. E. Hnbbard, of Nunda, Wednaaday evaulug. limebide la vali th attsîeuded lima fair anmd cailed ou Liber- kuovu lu Libartyvilla, havlug former- lie A R A yvlerelatives snd fieuda s uit ek. ly lîvei bone rue - * Mrl. Lewis Kuox boas reued Elmur T'rea Iii hea sreguiar rmeetiug o o wiII convlnCe you ofitas m eris. Ruse,useoulthe led mnanim Amenias Usrniaou. No. 14), K. Of (i. 1101 sud viii mave liera inutheanear futur,. Weduaaeday aveuing, Sept. 27. Evary bit _____ -Lumimer la ounlthe ground for lime member la uîged la oiue promeults gui itc toer tn eoctd t jnetonbusminesof importanc'e lv 10 coma Pli T rig g s & T a y l r, a--W lsconsalu )entrai andti I. Pauni haore lima meeting. m raUruauls. WC legaofltime daatm tf Mus. Wm. do * Wîim onua or Ivo exceptions tlime mn Meyer at ber home I l aiittin, uati Libertyville un, -un un iiiIflOIS_. vimorun suds ounlime far grounda lullamsliof atlie boyau .Daceaseul SU lent veek made good mouey, sud aIl vasa young vomau juil lanlime prima W] are pl"esetof Ille sud ber unuimly damise la Sa 51 lira. C. H. Avenu suadulsugimlerlara ads sandudterrible blovtothlie auflilced h returuati from a lhrea veeaki vîsim ubaud sud relatives. M] vlth relatives lu Webatur S. 1) . lat lira. Auson Wimelar uied aI het 10g Sent i uuday. home iu Ibis village lltPt. 14, sltar s do S h e e t M u s'rimaheciliiy veatimer Inclinas oua 10 liirigugliluess tram touaumptionu wu prepare for vinlar, allborigh wva v11iii Smaas au aarnut, cirlsllau wvaran, DO doubt ha favoraul vllh mauy milii but timrty-llve yeara of a, iece ber B~E flf ail days et. laklug aay tala emore ragralable. ..P ho grapAs A Lwsud elle movad Ibaîr Obîlîary uexl vaek. a iouseimlti ffecte a lcIi. 'W. Slafforda §lui a Sermon preached Ilu lie Metimo- l, homme Ibis vaek. vmee lie viliidist cliurcim ou a rt-cent Suuday w W atc es, C lo ks, Jew lreand d driug tl imanter moulima. , eveuing on ,Daniel n lime Dan of ti l'bo8. Hiddlosoiu auccoeda Lowie Lions"liahev. John Leaeaid: "Mases _______ ~ IU~YWS1 ~ ierman as navibo!on lime Liberty- lima vorîda greatstalawglvar, vas sa - S 1ve'"'m '- vile traius. Leis axpecla 1glaa Jav AÀ race tlim au nproduce &inchmai -"run" belveet Chimcago snd 0O'maima Ilaeslaem as Joseph un Egypt, Daniel id lime course of a couple of veeka. lu Babylou sud Lord Beacusfild In b, ilobt. Rogers sud family occupy Teu,, dma cmadlmavrd Onl o e B cy le left at a aparlmuuiela ltlie brick lactory build- repect, la a receal commncementla inn ecaloneseaadcmy lme arIaddrasa, lDr. John r. Buchanan, ing eSnty vcute bythe arlprincipal a1 a himgh sciool lu Brooklyn0 Lsdder Ca. Il lanaceasr Oâilim' sdW lm ereilm olv faetohauii. orliiimli'aieing uotable tributa: 'Fuliy izby on lime hildlui.par ceantaoflima ppls inluiieî imgim Se!rvices in ireihytaliau cbnrch i Iscimua aaeHairav boys dravu n otly ci - nasa ioura luule!a. lorning aubjact, fram lime poorer clasmes. I have navarli --Thiuga Thal iJoul irepaxed fol Them seen ga mucb ambition as limer a 1) 'Tima Love Hilm." ILuime eveulug, auuuug these lats frmnlimaeIleiruv P!muu5%liI ~l"Ie man Wimo Isougimt latitille quartera. 'rie dominant Ides poasea- m~ss.saeeUVMP uacience" lug lheamday sud nîgim la la rmise Wa -sel np" Our c000 alove liis temealvea sid Ihoir people tbronghIm . vaek, sud nov are patleutlT valuglime aganCY ai Culture.' A PrOmîinuN for a sulicient uumber of suimcrihars New York papal alales lia lua aConteat tu psy up 1toW lorus purchasa lime uol long &go for limebhast aay on lime îeceeal! fuel 1tuieal Omr saucîum. iecartiou afi ldapendance, lime prize "' R ~ NALDroîp lunsamd ena. wv aken by a youitg PoUash Jev." CI . SIlI2ERMVIAN9 F. c. Smithm ias purcauai lim te miuroul Companylima f urnace lu hbae. A Wonfuit Cure of Oarrhoea.1 Lieryvll - - -Illinlois. ment mver vimicim L. H. Scianeka A promineal Vrginis edîlor liadt sud la ramovr lngsmoml given up, but vas brougiml back bouge formeny<trly ndlareovn to palfec eultsiiby Chamerelan'» aaau Ihbs resldeuict, wera hae vili Cole, Choiera ana Diarîbties Eemedy. nel il ap Ibis vînlel. lRosi is aditorial. c. psge's 1tIle d.ugbtar vio wvail'romu theMages. Uiitille. Va.1 l inifeneul wim dIarrimoasfor a longi iii urad on lima fair ground lent fflday limeansd Ihougiml 1 vas pasl belng îîy b.-iîg kuockad dova bY asthorbe ine ured. 1 bati skpent much imemasud rapidi! recoveina frontlime aimtck, muuaysandaiiffi'red o muCh mlisery tmsl t1e rîn Sae..0.sud as no boues velu brokan ao IltdI5bu1oaUtdeiddloglveiipaUbapa5 of recovary Sud awaîl lime resuit, butl Permanent ljury viii resut. atllnig lime tadvertiâeauit of Cham- ,,ima fauiousgGale Bodea mitât con- Corl llei, Choiera sud Dlarboee Suinn er Shirts and deumiig fsctory havea graed to i ll einedy sud aigu soute testimonilei îimir alriia51.5 pn el. or ilismallug iow anme vondellul curea bail ber aton $.2 erew. orm kbeau vrougimî hy tIbisramedy, 1 Laudies' Shirt vvaisti for liva m<nti, commecng Set. 1- lt, decided lu lry il. Aller laking a ev vhlch la cerlainly s moaey naklag mdoses i vas anlttrly vali ofi liat figure ftor formera fnaibiulimuthra troual,1.and suis lh ta psy brIer la my readers aud iliov-auflersthuaI i.25 Si ....a.......' . S 90 miik. amns aie sud haarty man to-day sud ~Itlm sirts witiu lvii cousu,....... 75 Mr~.Stone, lime bridge conîractor, feel as veil as I aval did inl my lf.- 75e s8i4tviirta wtliot ocl lar . ...... 30 connecteti witim lmahev railrosul pur- 0LkthMreyîlu. S11. .BEA N. Lourne, 75c w'- " colleuimui 40 chahuat a teain of Normags of Fraak F. L. WESiTEEmAN.iRockfeller. (iaàva- tiood w orkluig shirt .... ............... 25 l'roci.or, ti Grayelake, 'ruauuay, veighu LAKE PHAiuMA(Y, JOHN MEuKLE lnga,1miK pounda. T'iehy ere bestiis, lvauimoa. snd aoid for about $'250, beiag dirt Il g) Kirtwaimm ... ... ..... 70 heu utthatfigre.Dancing faîhion in corininl for lis 511C 29 'hriea iii bca a peclal iouig ervîce slimagentlemhaneiiiThellaka ue ladysr $1.40 "" .......... .......... ... io09 et ulimethodilil EplioPai cimiîîcimon rîbegmî tdimaduhi, Jlaftitutlaround edane. fi 25 Worklug pat . ......Simda! uveniig. Accirding toprev- Sima viii unuelimaI 10 ioltI lier train. lousataîntîuucemetltlie paslor, 1ev. Wiallime l"llow:wIll do vithlitsbuleft, Tiesa are OulY a fav Of L'ie uuauy berguiîiqaai aur store. tva isc. have a lot of John Lau, viii t"0efur hal iit eecl bis ul beadecile(t. Ha migimtcarry nec Pereaien anti l'nts a va eare aeîîuuug rîgimt. "Thea Timare, Thme Card-'lali, sant l ady'î iawi and fan and other lime Dance." Hie morniug lmume ciii ".eolang out," apparîluiencea. mli as Wehae evra P"('softm)kfo 1Rhetli wrt 1e eryadwheheea -, -bu'"TmaGospel Ag." iuange8an audpsil of vatar. Mira. Wiliam Baifaur, one af Lake Couuly's oldeat selers, vidov ai Liaul. Wm. Balfour, dled at bar home tu Newport Tovnsbip iattFridsy star- Daonet 3 o'clm)ck. Dealb vas due taette advanced aga of lima dac aeti. b c b viug long lles passaul te Ibreaecoe aud tanim mileatane. Ira. Balfour im.d llved la Lake county aineslime esrhy sixîleai. Her imuabaud vas irougml homne vouded la lime arum dtîrlng thme lirâI yas f lime vand udnbsaquelY dîied aiti iurli. Fr muny yeara lime de- cesed sud imer oniY ion, Heniry, vimm survives bar, reaided oiu a farminunar Wadavorlb. buema vaikuouwnanti raspeceti by a large eîreia ai acquain- tauces simd bm.'ivad 1,Y botoal f friemidi. la vbom ber demiise braugmt aorrov, sud vima immld bier memtîry dear. Thie lunarai ss a»hlti Snday siler- Doon aI tvo a'ciock frolmaheiita reaitiance. 11ev. J. F. HunIer, oîf Itaisel, mficlated. Thme pal] bearaîs vere eissrs Taylor, Cîtunai, (irsy sud Bowe Banlâlvaa lu Ni'wPutrt C. E. Raiiy. 'The futioviitg uroKramttt<ltas Ihen arrsuî"d fr lime C. . lalir to bta tt' i. tt LlmiirYviile. Site'mhim met0 Sang lierviM,-tmtttlttStlt. .. Miuaist'.E. Smittt Devoioutai Extrltte- ......... iai May M.'CttIItttgtt soo.. ... . .. l.. tis.Frumuttei flank b 2:111Thme (uit!Ht .Mtt lt'Davitlatu Son- 2:66B butt Stu dty . .. ........ C. ai Singinu- .-*1) t M y B c m :2 0 e t'C E PteI - "ltW l Iîy l. u t i lttuu."Hlteit MurBau'me i Staff., ...........trut,'. E 3:45Qtm,, .i ......... .. . Cot'e. ENNiti SI ESION. :t 0 ong S r ia lIvt, i. Mt'uver Ls THE TUP ASSAULT IN BANK. ihier Pilimert fPaeisB k raly Asaulted by Straner. Aymmnuug mati a atranger ouilt, lmw1 urderuols yaxgaulled Fru">i-rm. i Charles fi - l'tutl, Paulir. Wi.Iu y a fte ru u o ta . F l berI v iii id i'. 'bu' abhmalai 't, chu, givmethue l'an'(' Walter Laclmi, cas uhol alh bit vu revolveor lii à& îiruggit wltu Hlenmry lgge, a farmer, wluo huard FilIiartaK a m d c aerne lu, i m kau u'tace. gg aA as .diY ieaten fabouIt the md wilii a iammer wlel-llt'iy lie rauger. Ris condition la cou.idered loua, but imopea of hia racovel! are iertalaed. Leeton ii ProbabiY Hia motive it.le bolleved vas rab- Bry, aithongh ha deciares thal Filert ied bit. home ad timat ho' lrled to I him 10 aveuge lte wîoug. wlthiu a 1ew minutles lime mauk vas irrouumied by cîtizena anîl a report la thme robhery of ltha iuutllutlou iîad au allempted b carne current. Mieu shaed lulo lime bauk 10 flîîd Plagge olding lime bleediug stramuger lu. tlhe or. Casiier FlberI Iay in a potul of io noirl the vault doorvay. A nard vas placed over Lavîttu andl hyaiciaims nmmouad. Before the' idical men arrived Il vas ittumumm eceas*ry to put a gnard at tima hank'ti [or, as lthe crovd vas gîovlug more brealaniug, aud Il vas faared Ihat lime taugal migmt bha everely haudled. heu limhe pimysiciaus arrived Lawtuu lempted 10 rise, imut teil iack. sayiug ait ha vas badiy vouuded. HeurY iyeand ulÀfrd Banna, marcmauls, ok Lavlon iu cimarga, aller lima ltoora i ad dîuuused iia ounds ha vas carried la lime village lOck-up. Tennis, Shaker. Canton and WooI Flannels in great variety. CCali in and Examine aur Fait une WE GUARANTrEE -'UALITV AND PRICES TO BE RIGHT. M. B. COWv'-LBY & Co.,- ILibertyville, IlIlnoI~ 1One lot of heavy Dark outing flannel . BOYS Blouses, ages 4 to 15, extra wol BLOUS made;they are posltlvely worth 504;, thysell like hot cakes W ITSAnother lot of 35c Blouse2 Walsts. go for... ...... Boys' light Percale Waists f o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Manufacturer's sample line of the BABI ES' flnest Babies' and Misses' S11k and Velvet Caps bought and sold at, CAPS 60 cents on the dollar. There B* 10 dozen of them, no more than tw*,,, of any one style; there ought to be enough varlet3o to suit the most exacting taste. 15 dzenvery fine 81k aIg TAM woolrmixed Plaid and ~jColored Tamn Oash O'5IIANTERS, Caps; others charge *0ý 65c for the identi-2 cal goods, our price is only .............. The Fair, 1Libertyvi lie, - - 111111 PEOPLES' COUD AR FR'Ad'lL ORsuas pst wU* lisa e sas c U. M - lRupture C'Oi lINT-ansesim bofli Commtuicationsifrom Aplakisie, I30,60ASrooma. Mpiyt Ibis afle. Diamotid Lake anti Siîrmervlî vers N 30 'osa DA1 om lllad tis wveak beceuse Of liein r viLlle dr~sl , v lais arrivai sud ovaiug la lime fac v y ie tikuvI-For futhierarticu d h sd aur for as "j il h fone Iiey ca lne N om iur sgl 09-0lttt' n O u . lm a A a. ( r î i . h l. la imaut. W are cîoded fou room Ibis NS"t, et.tratin. ORSAL-A ev rgift«O veek ou account 0aitlim e lugîhy ac a L satti'rme...F a i âtredlnluits M N o P sy itauli C trt'd t l te r at ts À few a i caunt Of lime fair. bo tûbsex ei. C. A. APPL s! iXM U No Rlghl To Uglinss. FoueolaR AL CHAP F 'ri oma o iu vimo tla ovaiy lu face, Every rapturd persan la lu consta l ant imOlic Pturi.. Alpil 10 forum sud tempe!viii aiwayabahvu (anger. T'rieala na vsrniug, sad pneisea B. l. rmeni. friands,ibut u aevimo vanid ha attIa s ran u lti o n tnequeuliy remula l F A.141 E IT l ive muaI kaep ber eaih. If sMie la dast. A rupture iayb s ase as fanvluu aale a vuei, sickiy sud nen dovu, ea im li ha greal deal of auffaniug sud kepa hild- Fourfu=ther iforminsIMMll5 nervaus s d i ri ab e. I l ahe bas fan tram deveiaplug A va l m eutily '0 ' Ce constpatiaoi or kidney trouble, ban sud physicaiiy as $by ougitî. In veri7 - uaf fl imupurs biood viii cause pîmples, case ithe generid b.alb laeimproveda à@ uetlU sremedG ua blo ch s, sk ia e rp tian sa d a aler b in s Cured , lu both id a l d isa li e & " wu " v r e t c e d c o m p le t lo n . Eh a c r le b lit s Y u n .t ori I4b u teth lbae$lmedicina yoh wrl u ug. î fou svesits, bel Mty YO regelats momecb, iver sud kidueya experisuce lu th e talmenî Ofdia sud topunily lima 1imood. Il gives cuitl eus@ vIii ass&"% m e. %i » s, p5 ales i Qo m , slroUg nerves. imigimî ayes, suool uta, Lleryvliis.Tussday 5v6it*Ns Isnes, buJ v i yo7 ki, rlim oampiazloum. Il vIIi andI W edneadea fore o Of W5DW 55L 1 5 NM Mue» a godlookiug, cebsnug vmati If vs os a"noSeu y«. ~ B' l ofaFUn.dovI lvald. Ourl IICet»se#oOsjU &qI6 0115ij1esm B aT. i OV L îertyvillat, Gi. .A .a1 To Change Your Underwear.'.- Ours is the Place to buy it., We have just received an elegant new line comprising ail the best makes in Cotton and WooI At Popular Prices Ranging in price from 25c fo $1.75.' DEALERS IN EVERYTHI Ne 7:45 Addr 'e-- C kk'at-ý ý W. ~-.: WE HAVE-ý The finest line of yard wide Flanlnelettes ln the Market at 12.1c. 'rie district gald modal conteat hm'Id Iu iliur nlstl Saliirday eveaiug vas rgaiy atanded by membera of time W. C. T. U. sud aImera fram adjacent ivuag as vaîl as from Miliburu. lime Yonng eloculioulsti' efforts ara praievmrmY sud aiicited lnch àpplsuse. 'lim petiim waa iiu lathe. Iiliburn Cougregalfoual imuli, rue uiling beiug cravded. Alter ex- cellent muieo lier oiloviugcotta- suis fou time gaid medal recllud: Muriele Knox, EliuCimiltandeu, Orrin Ciitteadea, (Gieu Wsddaii, Dore Guilldge ud lRuth ilyrte Dorr. 'rie irt prîze, a haudaume gold uiedal, vas won by lias Doit vimo le- citeti "'rima Marlyraul Molimr." Secound prize, a book, vas van by ia Doas Guiidga. Ail ai time cotet- muta deserva lima higmeal plaiseanti tha tank ai sehectilig s vinner vab s lîffIcuit una. for lime îudges, Cari Lamb, of Cicago. sud Chas. King, 0f Waukgan, mrviug l imaI caépaaiy.

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