Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Sep 1899, p. 6

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I a -5 .4 g t-h a b o g i 4 :4 icg omreor all.' sa bei throvleg up ber be, aa y Kather than marry yen." malins aailght guntr tbotter, 111 vonld accenst th irt mon thant asked mer' A faint rmslleaînong the bonhbo ut- Bide, a toottep-and Lord Oheiton stops Into vlew. "I hold yen te Font word," cries ho,i gayly: ho steps llghtily wthie the lower- crowned srchvay, and look strlght B Vera. fHe la umilinr, but underecath the amile lies a longing te be taken srloualy. "Yen ive me a chance" ho sait; "i hobrs, bfore wltuesses, declare mYiat a * sutor for Fonr hsnd"-ie sexpression las stUl waverlng betwlzt mirth and gravlty, and ho holdaot te ber both i bande. "Yeu are nt, bowever, theetiret te sait ber"ay Dysart, lua àvolces vhrating wit Man d deep otons. fies brow Iblack aà anger flghts for mastery (MOAPTUEXV-(otnn ) Vra laugro lightly. "No" she srs vltb deipait lu i d&i'k e. ne. Fouveto sprint on mer' crises atin. Vers, paiease death, but wth a lttle h.,u aie ase."Wbat broughnt Fou. "I have lit! I know Itr" oxlaims Doely Indignant trovu, steps between the tWo ej isaIe dooiow was lockd-hab the vise, glanclng np triumphantly; "yen mon. ý«ed for llfty Yatf. je there a are-bhis vite!" "Wbtuua aIold ou e ssastro- ob aomy against me. thon, that ion '[his Innocent bombabeli epreads dis- cent'mtoay"ei jo aesta sla àmsfrce yenrselfbotte Mrpreseuce. mei lu the camp. ged ontut fatarces? [tse, a: toast ho Wb tboteanad bars?" "Who la that pretty ltl ir rgoed enough te assigu ume no part la t." 1 loch gave val," stuemm ers t; theret" Vota asha, vlth a wild Iong"eS he sweepe both meson et et ber patth metha"e been ol, breken by âge. te change thîs embarrann conversa- hy a sight Imprtons geture, and pals- 1~ bed eethiaute d. [tvas hi tien, plustlng te vIser tise girl who had In thein alionawsittly aval in the di- ~s eetchance 1 came bore, 1I am rs attracted ber la sittlng, "quit. oppo- rectien of the honte.. »M Btt." fier voice dieu ln ber sit, le tho red-and-whlte gown? Do (Te ho eentlnned.> Yeu ce ber?"_________ isaot bllse. h; there le more that *"Ohi thal la Mary Buter. Don't yen THE FILIPINO SCI400LBOY. bpk egabhad Speak, girl; speas, 1 hnOevlber? Everybody klnoteeMary But- Ïi$Md ion! Who showed yon the lor. We leve ber, se dot everyhedy go l'enraie ryLtte- Aboaes th. n. .. a.".Uie tts ýT q ave told ye," sys Vera, tremu- "Nomma sais eton does," sasUt- ~h ntt 11 bée'; "rion muet beieve me, If 1 had tlIloaaY, Mldly; 'perbape that Iii I asbenfroçueetly tem- ked 4 aevn 1 abontdtflt have ceme. 1-1am be vo't marriyoye." ' vîthe J(IlPIplus cnidi bave ne conception Nty [hbave se frigbtened yen, bt-" ' *'lvas true. then." thinks Vota. A ofthtie mtent andi remources ot the Uni- '911o11saUis Iam trigbtenedT' fie turne great senteetfdagust tises np vithin ted sltstionor tboy neyer vouiti bave Mmoa ber vith a bitter acovi &nnd a plert- ber, 1wallovle alil other thonghts. And bean decelved i lto tise hallucnaton Mt Élams. "Whî should I cate about jet he vould bave ferzvern imnelf! that they coutisuceeuuly combat un. OlUgdigtnrbed-vhen 1Iavas rueraiy idling Would ave-nl, ho vonld do se stil. la going through thir acheol bre 1 blotr a dm11 heur by looklng tbrougb my Oh, the shamelessnu eo til! foundi a ittle manuscript volume ln Perapesomthlg e be seretscoe vich, le lesu tisai a bundreti manu- sotte" aksVers, finnocnli enough. commncates Itseît te hlm, beeanso oven îipgsoa oepie i tsn «AI. vhote lse?" ho askse, vltb a lu the nidat et bis apparently engre s ripta ew opisda fsn ari et auget. "Whst do yen mea&,Ing conversation be litta i heati abrupt- axnd geogapby tisat Issa tznght th III? Do Fen doutt my verd? WhceA 1y aud is ores seek bers, sud read tbem cîd-nbr.At lme ornm O shOld I be-eh, eh? Go, beave me," as thougb be vould read ber seul. bered tisat Maeoto, before theo lueur- Okae be, tnrlenly; "'and cursed ho thé And then s curions ligbi flashes lte roctlou, vas au important Ciy la tis kiL Feu ever sav my bouse!" bis tace. Ho moikes a movement, qick part e1thtie vend, anid e.whero the vSI aves te ber tu estae hlm sand, ungoverued, As thouigh ho vonld rte sud eblîdren voniti ho expfted t. e eve Ofa. mnnred than she bas evor hune go te ber, but, evenau asho des neerne- tise average educatlen, Tnznng te> eue âý»her tiré belte. elle retreats beblnd Oeesoet treu tbe shadovs bebiud et tise page. le Ibis cd boo let I plhet le8ry e eitalu andtits itia ail ber ber, and, hending over her, bolies out bis down tbe dark corridor vithen adaYun atI wi eat. lez d1sondtenitc, ed laloly etter« ~the step stairvay. sud sueut Into smling vlth an air about him er sud-Ic sSreupim fltyatr 9*Ma*uMgotoiethe hall don, varm delirbi. Nignîcla, andi luit beloee Noici Raes "Yeu remember mer' ho saye, se dis- la tie, tire lot et latormatlea giveis CHATÇRtlnctly ibat eton can boar hlm acrecs. As te th United States, leulise tomu et CHÂ1TF~RX&the -toomi. "To thlak that 1 shonld have questions a" savorsc. "~tg te where Tom Peiton *111 the bsppfinst meeting ion-bore-to- "Wbore la iis ceuntry (tise Unitedi p$nWli peeding, Griselda takes him te day-sud sttor se many vain Inquirles. lse)staei aNrbÂela ~ eirsattHow it bris back the at teseeoyen. *Wisat are Its boedato? Te th. »Atbesetel wmuonerti'de aryuare glait seme!" r oeta mrta e te tUic WW *le àqulte ansggrieved toe. Bomne people valking pet thon, sud Atantic ocezu tand the Babama chan- .'1hu eleisan t. sars Tom. etr1v- suddenly standing atlât. obliterato tbcm net; te the seutb, thse Brat et Florida M id a gtient dock that bas treacher' fren lestons viev, but vhen udxt ho and the Gufeo Mexîce andi te tise Milf pocciled itsot benestb the spread- Iohs the strange? la sttlng heside ber, vest. Mettes andt ie Grande (Pacifie) a4 lffve, .to a 'nagelficent dahlia; *îon sud Vers, witb Onushed cheekesud bil- ocean. ke tb5l," liant eyes. fl et an numitakabie vol- "Wbat la the fers. of goverument? '1osUeus!" says Griseldâ; sud tise, conne, in mnrmuring te hlm in îow, sorit lai a tederal rePubtl. 10 .ten! vhst do yen think ahise etoue. tes o--et once? Bhe ia soing te "Who il the uman taikiug te y "0f vbst la tUic repUable composait? effrt te inuce Uncle Gregory cousin?" sasametn.lndicating Votas 0f ety duReront Btutes. SVota andi me sisi vitb ber et The companion by a iight gesture, sud "What are lis rivet and Mountains? ~s~ On, fancr if she suceeds! spesking is a toue se cbanged thai Miss Tise most notable rivets are the Mis- il 1* eetlî level nt ber te tbink Butter iuioiunlarily lfta ber bead te look ispi (lterai spoWug>, thse Niagara, tise et im. Misstar (agile the literai spellingl, the Z ibeah. s't bad" says ber brother, ~Lord Siseio," shte suis. "George Colora"de th ie St. Lavrence, and lise ý10sIl "bot mai 1 auk bus- she pro- Soudes hocs-as. Dont yeu n buw hlm? principal Mountansaz» thse Cumber- pMtaehliug the olti gentleman?" Great huntilu man. Ho came le fer the landi ant Rockloa. "Oob l estoui" titie about eght months agoe. Thst 'What le lhe. capuitaWashington. ý'j< doatoe helpa br-" hrougt hlm baek frous hfis big game in 'tt wonds die on bis lips, bis Jubilant the Eat, but the Met impotant elty is Nov tb fg»"eshim-bavlng tuned s cer- -York. =et the s1cldeti ptbvay they hati CHAPTER . -.'qtoettism preevails. but there Zoee.boimnrishb lotote eamiet utets ordasPyo a i are cathelle atclsbelohej IblceZgrI'Fer s moment the tvo tn hola tourdisPnoe aos ys- And Ibis lue se etfvisai hakylte àsib thrs oies. ttlsydappae.n u ises-e 1. :l:te e o', t hi asqe- viither, exeept perbaps Griselda, hi ais- tise averago FLUpLa bey hba been » fdesane Dysart preaetly vith tet andt to others. *'North" ho vas go- taugisi about unir m-zier emoiederablo ï *tp'r en "vhst brings yen bore, Ing, hoasid te inquiviua friends. To-day, sud seuwhzt prooproina coutryý- tisah. tre", and s-th M br desd seosd srdsta hovever, he bas turne,! up again, admira- Man"iz1L~ttin le L esle.Weokl. o~ ertitaly have ever rigbî te gond conscience sbonld make any mns. ne lima TwO. I , osPeiton. vltb a ruerai glane. "I'm se glad Tom bas gui, bock lu Oui on Lexington, avenue a câble ce" ,0 bé dameabor loting, "bt sureli ime." sais Griselda. -'1 qsite teared stoppe ai tesga et a man by the ý«J«bt tgnon the Rans-r'iThetact Ucl aygsivedehotc mayfoe mien lgabef -Ie-elever",fie moite* dis ce- it. Vers. vbst makea yen look Ilke wili.Tomnvebriete ws idha acaretul artessueesanet te that, daring? Nov toil me s-bat i~la nicri jabbeubi t.B i lm gspsee.that bas snnoe you e. aside stooti z vemati. "lit lavrer' ecictinsDysart, îfrovnîng i muet ho mad te ho snnoyed," nsa s As the àgril> car hatet the ceuducte; sU mots darkly. - Vers. vtth augry elf-contempt. swung trous thc front plattonIur ot the 'QWe se," amiabl;; "Ove fathons :"eton &gain?" traller and stefpcd quiclY l fevemà te Aad onrtater wingse-e--a- lit lislasys eton," vlth an incresse aid lu lbe losdlng. ïdWvt." makint s bard fight for a civil et ber Irritation, -hbeu it i nt bis fada- But the maan vida bis dsengageti arn V, &"I coudnt manage te see bot lu et. Was there ne other patb ie vbwich assiste th ie w0055.flte muthet betepal omY ortbedex tasblon, se I tob service fate conît have flong me, excèpitis? Te h odco ece owr b& Yen, hIs Hn eton." Tsnts otnltrahi ovr k;5Eem vhmr'auk Dyari ebnglg But wby tblnk se mueis about hlm? ansd gtaisbeti the baby, avdent7I le "ne? wom? &.e Dser, cangngH e cnnot Intettore ntb youustu, ho biu tendilur te pasa Il te eba veseis 46Ws. A tndden light flashes loie bis father nover se persistent in is idea ot "No, yen don't," azidthe tiehoreiseade- Oe;te loi- asu te Tom I'eyîeu, thorea imarrilur jou te hlm. becauso ail the mal, as ise qulelbekeIavai.y"G "Whyone "bea" B t ehe te, s-oifd ved cen see ise ls as goodasu eugugod oneoretyour evu.- 'Wsy G-Iela, iysth lttrasifte Miss Butler." "pob," cri-ed tise grlnuiflg conduetel ameaaiti nt the other'.s tupidty. "I pty ber, thon, sitb ail my soulr!.,1, ce gel two! Ail rlrhtr" Àand sbat do yen suppose viii ho the Wbat a famsli te enter! Sho la toe good a qe c--lvln U5ihot et ail Iis?" sternly. te ho sacrifice,! se cruelli. I hlleve ho And tise crioUde.Clvl * "hat mydea folow iss-bt Ihav is employed by bis father te watch me,PliDoet aoecr yet gene lie. Bel mai-iare, te report ail tiait I sai or- Ah!" abc begebreaks off ahrupily. sud pointsaimensot Mlk sud Bas a ][Sad t et. "Pehftwr"' sai s Dyart. lmPatienily; îriumphantlî te tbe ptbvay outuide, ~~Peuple ever 30 would du, veil Ia "aondi vat oet (ilelda?" s-bore ledeed eton tands. Cive up xulik aBd eggs leaeurforimas "Giselds haa coufei, that she-likes Tha t lu one et the most publie vaîka a <îlt," saiti a vdll-knewn physiclaus nos a little. 1 any, Dysar,' sith s sud- ai The Friai-a. thut Seaton mlghtbhave, "Tisese si-e tise strueture-fornislfoOu deu change ot toue. "jeu non't tel j-unr Roy. lndeed bas. comne ibis s-ay s-isth t o animais vblcis mâite lu a shuri dad-eb? Intentiou et soi klnd ste doesnet alev rtime, andvison taken lu quattles b "I an nach 151050 likiltetitoit Faut erselt te hlieve.huanb fl ogstcursav daeri-" sais Beaton, sngrîly. *i lad io," aheBaies, veiemeutti, hmais beigo beetrucltue bai "Yon needn't. She buewse. She s-as la te apy open my evry action ho ssred omelteytnlal ei linro Jat nov, sud is ful et a desire te bore! Oh, foot that 1I s, te dreate of bardealng sud aging et the tlasue& 1 blduap Griselda and carry ber as-sy te being fi-ce fer even these tes- duis!" have "een people vise vere beginniri The Priar#. i ssy, Dy&art, usy sitor de- Bbce bas come s sftop or two fors-ard; a te ti stalt climbiar ilffcuit, anti vi Ponu" u1n11yen tu maoite-our goenour scarlel ido of indignant humiliaetion bus were loslng tiseir oLatilty. smach houe 41e bis consent te the girls reing ou a dye,! her cheebu. She stih points tus-ar,! iteri by elînluatiar these arilchafi- 115ht te ber; yen s-cal dsuppoint ber. eton sith, eue treusiilurbaud,.s-hileeior <îlt. Tisatthere hmbas ooma grel h, advsncinr ebewiy, lobks wl nomse "l'Il do s-bat 1 ea." graveiy; 'but t auxieli fi-eus er te Griselda, n-belais s-,s-Incrosse la tbe dotation et lite beloe should't advi'.o ion to ho tee sauguiue ly troubled, su if te deusand an expiosa- the age ot 36 tatisties prove, but hc s te the resait of usy interfereuce"' tien. j-ced tisat perlodt herO bas been ne Lui Truc te bis nord, S'atou mauagod. oa I 1tinb yen must ho mistabon, dat- piovemeut. luasMY opno,1110.tise pers ton a bard figb, te securo bis fathers iiug," abesys. uervouly, Isyur ber over 30 voubti bave as god a chance t eesaient that Vers sud (iri-elda usîgbt baud upon ber miseoi'u ai-u. 'i tOl sure preservé lite as tise chiltiJoest begin r astvo veeki' riait te Lady Rivera- eton n-oubd net nudertake the part yoOuing Its struggle vlth existence If i leI. have ausigned i hm. Seatea, speak to ber-,iol nysi isde ebsya& lt la quite ve o'elet. -heu lhey ai- teolu bot in isimpossible tisai yen thoul,!wd dol uthsdo ebsycr. rive àa"ienter the apacious bal et The do t s t dau." efieiEgih Yviars, tinus- l ilied ilh s dleie, "Whsb 1tbung,? 0f n-bat dos aise ,- Egtb entuber ligbi. A crlm"î'u tirete trous a cuse ter' bs.bow-grosing dork. Frenchs polîtenesa la proverbial. am *pfAited wsindes-. souseshere iu tise dia- 'BbS inugie-er, e or ure. lu la ail dîýsoivedly so, If the ofellng ltai taaoe, ceas sa fftof tilory. blood-red. aest sit.kab-ht se bua. souehov got l exaLmple oetfi. Vmtas fot. aud a cofilltetable lîukliiug jte, ber he1t, i e r br o-to Seene. aasop la a Frencb cty. , t »Duous ciuking iaaint ihina Smites waîebb ei-Y * tyo aehee a Briten -'oley Cee douuy mvav- <blir cars- Iletbat bon- eI sîrikes .yen?" stais h. Ts rpitr-Pro!Mni At the top ef tise tonus, reebjsit lu eIn lonhe a soddonaberSPardonablo baug galber flatite«fashion onstme vel';el breaks trote him. '*go taisaIlu o you on epenb She Englisis le Me. *abl.msuee taro tIle girls. quite lie-etc ob tlGelbesn eîlb u- Irt Whî se? Ca't yFOU undel esoeb l arestthegaz ol au isuat bee lve, jo-ouis s yu-o p riad usy French? ___________méat. la 1910 ho ouffoneti a patulytie pAUGSTE 0F GOERNr okea"udalm 178ho diet& -J " " ..ICMO PAGHE O AGVEN RHis deatis piecîptateti a rupture lie- MSOR SMOfE AT VINCEN- AND WIPE 0F ONIÎ. iveen Mro. Ipragne anti ber husiant. NES, IND. Atter thut event aelesecame leuoi î- 1 Mm. Kste Chose opraguo, Once lhe Cumspect la bot conduet. leus reticeet a-bore Harrison Livot Whsou Be 0ev- S otal ied BoItical Quesa la WseI- about ber domestie troubles, more ex- euned Indiana Territory-tls e ~ "Tet," be sald.,"visejn Is-us Youngi inglen, Died la Obcuil-leue tr iavagant tu ber expeeses. port jela ISi-ceme et the Faeou u s gerly sogbt ufii-r." *"Wiat i-e- o e uemigCre.Fiually the huebandi t emoastrauce. yfrnc ihTeush ard vas ofene,?" aube, tise fs-cet et er elie.iarCamr.cuimIuated la a roquesitishat ise bouîtl Cotoraces-uisteeBssis noenomses rIent lu iyisom ehe bat!- gir Wol h ee rrI Tise deatt et Mm-s.Kate Chat* conhtiece anti sbon be mlgbt fte William fleury Hai-lsousoli bhomne-. ahi-iol Is otsite Spi-agie, vite et a former Gove-r of etjute bis.Site .uggeated lRetsCo k s>d 1 au etVincennes, led., bas Just iseau your cisas? Bobsis-Jucis Bîsger; ho Rhoede Islandi and danghte fthtie lite Ilg. Tise buibanti vas sagerod soldte EB.a.iShepard for 02,000. Tise vnllesthe excuses toi- every felier lns Samon P. Chuaoeeime Governur OonkbUeg vas is enemy, politilcally au building vas ereeteti by Ges. Harrison tise elaas-Judge. et Ohio, lecretaq ofthie TteaanryMudt sellas prsouali, Moi-oen It vas! lun1M4 ta acent et 2ù,000, uearly 400 Employer-Wase here muni peepo unt chiot justice ofthtie Unitedi StatuSu i- CoUklleg'i ne t taivas luheft ares ef landi beiug exeangd eth @ . îm graimetbei-'o tuerai yesîcrduj-? Pi-ome Cout, vbich ccrredLtet go bicksbaglonte. fiers John Scott Rarri- Clora-Tes, ideeti; evri seutlnluthe vooti. #ýr Wauhîngti4 et 11longs 580 sou, tatiser et torner Prenideut Bonis- grand stand vas Occupled. Cloeud a hi g ly dnum!tiC carber. min Harrison, vas hotu, ant ioe leu. Oisela luqui-eti otlittle Hobby if lhe the vsu hoin lealm,.tle only tiaugh- William H.LfHarrison, attorvsrti Prei- haitdbeau s goo i little boy. Bobta- ter et Salmon P. Chase1 andi oving te dent, belti bisesieebrateti conterenee No. I haven't. Uncle-Wby. b hope yen ,the death is e ir other she oaniy ho- - id tthe Indlan chiot, Tecumnseis. Tise baven't heeu very bâti. Bobhî-Oh. Came uisn» reofe ber tathuri bouse- putchaser ofthtie historie borne bas ho- no; lust comfortable. beld, fier tatller, theboset tamous lrue te repaît the damage causoti hi Havblus-I de't ore fi-en ail se- nember et a tamiiy vboeseloins b.d -years ot negl atnsd epniste tmajore Conts that these naval cbap&Iuo du aiready gainel faute ai the barom thse It te flis original appearance anti pro. mucAL Tucker-Ob. 1 dou'u bnew; i boes and ti ehPiotesat epbacepate, --' -serve It ma amemento oet Americanse ae gnt! oal &bout convoi-ted yachtn. v as already- on.e ftise loadIng las-i-rs hsoy Bemn ipt ln Cncnnasti. sheu, lut 180, a coaitoe Tise olti home remauneti ln the bande Cahn(otl)T- r u!ltj et ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o reSelsaniom raieuhm . - et he Harrison tamliutil 1140.fer the hoiler! tirs. ?otttp--Btter! te tbe UnitediStaies Sonate. AI theeamt- ~ ' io upseit hlmPgovobatI--!Goiesahs vsisr Pirat in aett Is b ,leei-. l 8, a on.- isaisdiet ldovn vitb bis ostate te et botter are Stheumen plalur for? visa sînbar oaliion lectti hm Ge- t~ Flavîna Pigeon, vbo ln tors vas tercetilit. Mn-ee ,mgalmu. ci-net et Ohio. la 1857 the Republlcau -~ tee.»Il It te I . Ibhepard. ince.Il The parse.-h bouts de angela doue party returnet i hm te tise gubereate?- passeti eui et the baude et tise Marrl- toeffl 70' Modanv esy blrudilo? fies-mucet bishl*eivancemtent ho son tauely Il bas eci-vet a multitude Little pekanlax-Y.9àea, btnt lb)esh of purposos, ramgng faon a isotol te a @nome loirdemt, angelo piobs ne euh de' oeet te tA.Paronsai Popularity of bis tobti for eheep Sa tise wlntei-. blacbeat babies np devel-LItoe. tiaughter Kota Caunnet hoaetîmatoti. Il .roundti s bflMlag, crftedlun M4 la certain that beore ellehai passoti mise SATIS CUAsU AvTrangr ' rIM W anflthon clalm thtie distinction et Fransb (unmened-D) en OOSislli a eut ot ber Ieme elle vas apoben et net ansa MARRlàirOL botg the laçit preleallous structure man bas a rlgbt te opeu h i slet- only asethe leadlng belle of Cinctnnati, M pau' uteUM ft e o h rer laeo ho e-lor? Robent tmausled»-WoL bcwmlgbt bul as eue oe s ut astute Politiceans e. irarue. uisu M - et thpe ei toalt et oi ofbvete, cee-t1 ont@c ow ln Ohio. Bels-sen ber anti ber tathotlr eo t1.toytralbeey e ha the lgb. ut i s-eon' hev teeexieteti a love tIst a% -sD tte Neveathelos., seotiesperate vere bis ldk &MiebiganIlmaml, an,! wîs- ol aei curg.Bso rv short et mutuel adoration. Ail th lit- traitb-fet even tbea lbe shados-ew mh s-o iotfhlgobacsvsEII le gr's ambitions seemodte bconter lu fluanelal rein vas impedtg-tbs a us aediluns-bat vas klames-ea -. Tramp-Yep. lady, l'm buown' rous in. consted te unbosous hineif anti diai Terrtory," pi-oslded.*ver by Gev. Maites te Californy as 'lrlied Cali- Just ogabsse as renehleg tise rnturt- lay hbore ail bis prirate affaires te bis Marrisent. Flon secouai y-arsIl vas net ce." Lady-What a fuuny n:sme! I%'iy oeiy tisee ffiil reltience and building db ibaey aU yen thel? Tasp" s tY Ot ber charme ber tiber beeane a tee.If yen vont te vasuse l'il mn-Chics- giest figure te natioal pollusas eau- Ou Ang. 10. 1879, eccuri'od tise selle- 1goNws dildate for th. Republca.P»tuhentlal fdouai opisede wviichwvastheo rstinervl e prys.h sowu Le noutnInz ln lMM,10and Secretani oi- tmathelIthobretiscpresettge nov the-New the ,Treseti le Llncoln's cabinet a York Boator. Mi. prague, ieturenug -Nov.T ie oy.en bavte îoned tleaw5 ycar later. ln tise latter position hoebouse te Canoachet nnexveiedly troue -Nevw. Toî usynbavoues et toi- siose won a repustatl, eu end oaly te tisat et an laterrupteti journey. sua-pi-seti Cook mm-Pop. l, tllu sba osetering teet Alexander fHamilton. At thse hetght etflias breakfaitlag n-is bis vite, fie BreeblopLite. itckn fe bis pover hoe stabltisbed is home ai gave hlm ,bauten isour te loave thé roly le Bigevood, s-bore hietikaugiter bas juibouse unoti olpanoftdealb. tMrs.City nien (In rural [lok eorîl- dieti. Moi-thUc mont Illustrons nen et Spi-aue, vîth ber secustoeotiaudisel- Rave yen "'euoe,!d a "C:,-rk tise natton, thse mont dîsiteguîebe,! vis- ty, laugiset i a Willie's thi-eats" anti (isbluig-No et e. sa'am; LieSutl'us lei-s trous abroad. s-ee alvays vol- iseatened, tbe enatot te nemaln. but ble eesdy company i sibsSllby eometi. Anti bers 1Cate Chase rui en- tise rotuetofMi. proue wvida aunhXt_ faceede, an' mi pro-spectsaraie good- prmoovr costietadirns tn matie tbe enatu e a precîpi- _kNv o- Worid. A Ittle pit t-Iis lime aise hati met taeeant i lglortouretreat. the bshoeu LD nOUE OF v. B. iiAUItiSOX. -"Yeu are qulie i-un down-u"sidthlie William Iprague. the man vho s-s. te ta bla tear. facettons cyclisi te tise ma be bcd becomo ber buntaat. Ipnague vas Tise igbt et the vIte troue Canon- efthtie Terribei-y, but tise aMMUnîtton 1 knocked over; "j-eu ougist te taise eaoe- chet foleveti ou Ang. 31. Tison came storebouse as s-cllb s- as le tiis boeuse. thig." n- Il" said hibIsvictîns. lump- divor-ce smite. brougbt by th ise v t iat t territorial recpesentatlies met. Ieg up; "I'11 tube your Damue aud ut- aganst tise buabanti and by the bus'e Ilene vers ontertatued Thsomas Jfst dress."' Pick-Me-Up. baud agatndt the vite. Finally aunson. Cemmodoee eiry anti ether Iliusm- "Fredltle, do j-ue s wlhat tise [Il- amîcabla arrangement vas rescisedti, tu i lrts et Ameican hIsstory. Ie anti on May 27. 1882, a deci-ce ef dlvoroe -tise eertisvostt ous John Scott- Hairi- ble sass about a le?" assed bisamiib ci- s-Ibistelgued seveity. "YSî ws grastoti. Mn. Oprague retaincul son. father et ex-Preuldeet Bejamin imasus." lpdFiede a i as the son, William Spi-agiso Jr.. sud Mrs,.Hai-tison, vasnbei-n and lu a ebutte-r Ioe rd ;- i aa Spi-agu 1he tsi-e. daugisiers. Sprague lu thle roon le a boboe made by s bol-- abominatin unte tise Lord sud a very aflervard mnri e daugbter et a- bt Oued ai William Henry Harrison 1refuge t l ieetofIrouble."-Kansas Virginie, tarner. bj- a hostilbe Indien tishatngbt s-bile City Star. - While the Gevennor sent bistitue is he onaspacler tihe flon vlth a nes-- "WiI sous.eue lu tise clas.." aske,! liligatton. I-j-mg te gave sometbbng ont brs habo. the teacher etfriseîerie, 'glvo a boser et the vrecb. Mate Chsase retIre,! te lu 1801,vison WilliamHbeury Hai-rii- mue I esents ee,*'John viani-ie s Edgeweed. tise suali properti icrtiby - ou came te Vincenes, ho recoguizeul1 themule If heue waJont cn ride ber tatsern latise suburbo et Washlng- the tecesslîj- et an officiai i,,î,!, emueftie ulvaahmSe escLThee e@ lveddurn he- suid tise boy sltb tise bail oye.-CIcsa- to To-wms ie! hgts li iicis voulî,!aise serve as a territoriali Otéen yeara, slus .tesdily dviutilg M-i flonse,' as letilas tort, san go Tribtune. fortunes. until a fow mentisa ago aise 1 uiin Ios.TeIdn Yaz ieCtlg"rmre hi - " - 4 vas~~wo offereti by Bocetary Gage a clei-'s muibo arbue Ts eda lya, ise Cuullnaw-r," reus arkî d s postio tutheTreuryDeprtmnttroubles ver, becemnurserions.Ifvasu» y- 1 holleveua-stmroerbttowi- poulien a tie Traanr Deprîme thebegionung oettntcriavis icis Te- iuccsg ismPcseu.ducsr nv ever whicb ber fte bati once pre-eusesboub but n'shchte ais-ays sposk my min,!.-"'Tlsuh's lb, siet. Bshe declined tise pace, and ealy- ee ruh bot n hc 4Il"ptl h ougld;- fe a t es- s-ckage, Eigevooui. cevereti close, vida tise habile ot Tippecenoo. i.ptl ieyogld," to r ATZ cEasa BP5AOt5 vl soiaea -e ree, uho Tise erecteul te meet ail t of n,!Deied s-hiyeunadigo se tile te sa-." Il - ______________________t______roqiremnt -Pilad!elphie Record. i, bora n IiModie Island, le 1830. In 1M50solti.tesrquem t. boliehat succeededte tise management Of bet ciildren tise son committeot1 Thoutis it bas ste,>, for aimentat "n!.iy tise s-ai,"asbe, the od te - seboolmate. "visaI bas bocomeofetMowe- et the prlet vorbu, establisbed biy bts suicide la Seatle la 1890. but bei- tsi-e. cetuty ilb ts piobablY tise mosantiu-1 r gisuttatson au, cotine,!byhis dauglaters survive bei-. Tis e ltet, eglaaibuilding lu Vncennes te-day. Iy. viseuse,! ho telb s e suc but de- s atisot snd uncle. lis 18M410 laîtss been EtheL. veut on tAc stage, but a shsort Il la by ne menus autedated lnl areiîvtn-i iet ptSn înld eleledGoyrno ofhieStae. n Sp-tite ago se married anti roured tron tecture. Evory bit et tise matei-tube- Dld nh oge ttutise mtuliry?" "Nu," publceevieGevornorntettheisnstruceio wonHmp-eansweroul bhe otier scbeelmnate. "hoe tomber oft ta ear be beaded pbIcve-.-bietietiecnsrnIn -smoe t he oeater business.",! iin,!te She orcm- leisbeul bj-baud. The rattersarai- a.dedilcatten oethtie statue et Commodore Aun ObuesLabel, etrs-atout aud tise filishng ta le tise fe-i an surprIse, ati D-. Whie. Porn li Clvebati.Il -sa ise tht Bglisis mercisanta are isavIng a bord 1 iluest bbla s- atout tisaicoul,! ho feue,! Ater bîng oui- famliy doctor for j-cars he tatmtMs bae lvscase tino tu Constaibtelhe. owttu teinlutise fui-este oftInilana. Tise asaliea.ati retugus o ihsriut'sn et, lov e 'I"f-a Cghta'I ntio o. i.causpalg A c'rnlcton sy tise Turkflsh dora, siados. cti. w salnscottng aud iasdti e uhlub et ail tise mseyeeîs-ve ve et13 tise ve to ari d i feon ua.b2,ecesser agaluet rrdenearbs and dcci-- i 1.isneiniis biglty pcllled Ipsid hlm. to! Sie-W'ist bas ho donc? et1and officiai Wasinlgton beag i-cpi-e- tisemnts entering tise ceuni-y. A fi-lislook*aâasbrigbbte t-as ws-th rsc-- e-Be euld't posme for tise lite sente,! ahtise votidlng. Mn. ptague ba,! tise sdsertisemeni ansd directioss vro Iut lu place. Tise vorb s-as done insurance couspansj-TiS BlSe. r, d hatusi been cbeciod Unte,! States tisai aceouspanied ibeir recus-s ao- - y -tise liesi sorbmen lne coul,! briig One day Tommy accompanbuldbil Senator trous, Rhode Island!. d1baa tsa-innlSu ieA- ii-crm tise Ealt. Tisn' are big ut,!- nothor ou a shbopping exIs-dihion. sud, tdTisbe iouoOIs-a pont ln Proci- abe. Tise translatton s-as donc lu Lon- ta-'ilouu'd il-opiaces lu every room, seelug a large candi meus lu a ceufeý- deuoe. Mrs. Spi-ague casi boa-oye over don,and le tise phrase s-bic-blu Engilas au,! even ln tise relai-. Tise buildinug tioners s-indus-, ho î,used buntirwr et ber isuasuilsbroati ancestral eràIn reand, "Respusaiers te iser majetey the s-a made a ecarly ii'pi-ectas posi- It itisà aittul teck; te-n. Iurulug tist tvni-amd tise spot Canonciset, Queen," appearodti~btte s-hic-h l iti y pas-ing day bt-tcccn bise cebi as-ai rcgrelfulty, taid: . Mauissa.1 n sud' pi-oe u ei-pace tise oid uman- bey la ouI>' applioti te the Sultan, legs aed tise ftors au,!bois-cen tise coid licb tisait ehton nlt tSh baude igo ies-tA a splendid nos- palace. ht The ceuser offeredth ie Importer n-ails. led bobînd mue."-Troy Times. a. li romnains an uanulisoti Alatidiane tise lteratilve et reiui-ningtise Tise building oeilobke,!tise Wabias lirbeacbeet lauguge-" *bat dues Spalace. soap te Engiand or rexneviug the oh- river, and was le oee coi-uer etfliai-I usaiYOmg mas propose s ueo?"tu- i- PossiblyIlti as the beadloug exîravu- nexteus label. lu bise meantiuso.Brit - sens 'plant iiîot Iof .(Macres.,s-hidi qulrcd tirs. Cumri- tIbis, mara-_ à gance of the vite ta tiIs anti otboi-mat-.lis nereisansare vai-neti againal ho nameai -'11y 'lantation (ireuselan,!." uma." surs-orotiber deugister, lus a tonil veter-m viicis made ttierifntu lu tisesentIngRMY igeouls te Toi-bey iearteg The yard s-as auri-eneduiby bIglapal- ot alîgist annoYanoe, "tissu ho purposes matrimonial loto, but, la tact. tise tiretrademarbe. or circulera s-btcb coulti bades' usabbng tise luerlot au Indien te propos.'! "Oh, yen tbiuk biset, do er.nbridsaela at IDe lsbi asi stroeh ot tise Imagination ho le fot,i.Tiselieuse t&cit s-as orlgluaily j-ou? Wels-aIdeteeba- cisrecter, La ambiioes. Mra. pragsse aey s-ny conuect iet vl llamiaus er surrounde,! by a colonial verauda. Wtt j about bts purpese la tubs: WVhen des rig loukfti-more Interest ln beci- ather'a tbe Sultan ho ihainsBoni-y liari-iiou s-a seatesi on -ho purpeee te quit pui-poeing au,! pr- poitical future tiss uInboa- ubnad'a. tiIs s-heu Tecumehlaarrive,! on tisab poue?"-Wasisingtofl Stan. c- ishe tivoledbiernsait te the fermer vlth Easi Blecllan. nmerabte mission, lu 180W. Mr-. lIer- suuuiy sciool teacier-Who vas bise u sy ev ue assîduty than bhore ber Tise Sultan et Mo-oceo bas a tome- ri-iouha,! tabou precatilenary stops visesi usas. Johnnj-? Josun j-Soie- nt mariage- Wltb tise veaitis ai ber cous-s-bat imperlal usetisotiof amusisg hlm- l e Senti eff trouble. Tise councilichian- mon. Sunday seboul teacier-That'e s- nanti. s-tusber brillsncy, ber itactber self vida cyclur. À coucisla rilUOd bon tac-o!dathes-Indes-. Hie secrete,! rigst. Nos-. Willie, vise sas tis esti-ug- 'C unfailtur cisarin etfniaisen, gaso cslly up bots-con tise vieels, aud on tisis the. r fs- ullcompunies oetterri-toral mi- est usas? Whhie - Jouait. Buutay e- remnînoti the conter- et attraction luDusouareis recit5es, stutytug thse cyclon- îias nte schamber. As Tecumsehs haislteacier-Wrong; but s-bat rea- ou W.ahlisgton soleti. Ail tbese gIft« et eter asdthie ceniasas, -bile bis attend,- ansd lis n-niors came up tise pulls,$son bave yen for bleviug Jouaiswvas te fortune wvote nillzet Inlathe offort teaia pedal fer hlm. Itise>' ha,!lilieaonthèy sere lu range teocletmn ile'aa h In- mal almon P. Chsae Presitient oethtie ts icga a?~ilo'as ha enît tts t '2154>musisets. s-iis eouh aa blu o-!-s-aie ceuldn't boîd hlm after haboaet Untehaes. s aileitSDmoislleepng la Corsets, ou sisutier bots-en tison. Hai-rison gohbindov Denvcr Times. Party on the siavery lsue. sai llînt leepIng ta tlgisi-laceul corasets-as ha,!evidenti>' atudîed lbis bertug. He T.. erbat s-astcerlahnly ioveiy, .dte beoe a candidate et a roconstruet- oncre tise custeun et Engliis ladies. Girls-was seate,! on tise Porcin, lunlis ai-t thong Is lu ad cent but elgisteon doUlai-a ot emeaiet ls168 -euioitth sioupleg shouldera bati a faot piec. steo os. lelaui-ely smoking and îeadlug. and,!tsi-tees conte; quille as lovely su- ahr naIoa eoeynion vaS beltiluths-etofboard bounutiOpen tlier isske te He dld net sec Tecumehisuntil h tSi mtis wmas's. s-hIcShmd cost Tok re Snapeopnei p uaTera skel> iti-rsisoulders etraigist. . i,.cîeu ie oc-.n,!te h -nt searu a undreti. "But tise Snbtbs Iboro lu the Initel et ber tather. rdes-n. aboisbads ad 1uce, hm are able te os-n a more couspîceuu. - Eveti effort wsaimatie te brlng the DanelefoRe b HlmOolco. tte b sptalit>' et the bouse. Toc-us- pes- la churc ttssu se are," taibereti: mir man andthtie plattorue loie saimelous Tise Pi-isces otWales sais tisat lie fa- soismaetained tile diguilleul reserve ber bosissist. "Welh. tbey caut Com.. relation&, but tfalled. Tise convention vorlte book s-bon b. vas a boy s-as ot a represeutativi? ut au ottende,! peo- i l n hajter tisas vo cas.,"abse ex,- KS'- veuld amolgo tae nougis tu suit Ma. "RobliseonCrumee." 1pIe, and dtecleltise invitation lu- .lcainod- railsuuy.-IDetroit Journal - fisr iai-iIou that hbe sd tirdugis _________

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