4' Trie. A bld o1 Uc %le gwS, villi no tihurs. eliuser s île ute U T e m Hr iler lathe m l" ~~So. ma INu rmala1h. Mi 4b Sr l b. P"vern, 9000 bl ONU" etaIibe reemt meeting kêOe r0iwm era1rate, f lester Wes o utO Dico 1 ets, Md t w çe Is selititprimmn. pommuli claermai voliniripare atSm 11e eauge 1.10 effect eb Pli 4 in aexpecied &0~ 06 Ildaccgierbly. Ji UaifgE!impombli 10 gleWygueticU aoui ne, lilmd Ita4caa iui 1h. force now veu-il arm ioulai Luson le pcifle <Ni orUbg dry mea. Bp fer pmte aumber 0f liai 10,000,000 *UMM Ca Bth.slauds are un- liii site1h. jority neyer feut ;pita"iyole, or toiti hItm Mma ove. h clingi ta th. 9Wi rulomirs.Ila ressouable te *wwthit 1h. chromi misef dme- M- whiek preraii ner têhe ~m«4111 icaua. fer Morne ime ti ~uau ou i uuato., "d gly 5 be mtlaud priiesceof a 0 ' idflàedissib teai rouch *bDitititttyvliaaj< al M am b p i aiorder. Au for et*@Uhmla ouulry 0f1th. egols Il a Ihely lIaifor lime 1 0 *0 baawtmt iirrnl owE sOMM.ciIa :he have »-um vb rise cf op" nfor têtes b* th e àl*nseo, the of pop"llrmhturp favStitte @4Ns "h.vu e r emuarble. *6 amsyhimsprodneed no Nicuglimr. e napi o - hv .Odabnil. Dery other Ver va bai him ftheatcandidates i pieidoe Alpamit vithous .he ieDeolUcamade Wali- %liiiet Un epeople. 'Th. mode - Melsua preedeut. tatas.Vr s, ea~ theeider «, Si th. luIeHoma. 'Th. lar er ve sicla a hai. for ii..? lbuglihoimfaweat1 "0e prise. IDmp Prsildeul OIu, *> e .e*pM ttic Mo-0ev udi 0 ellier 'l u htCvii Wmi, va moutos '09b.é anmooul lie. la thé. ve r iI Spei 0 m*7 mmtrya, Meesevoit, buc 64 pollii a eogaittonas a Gmau irais *Ma 0" qà the former nosivua the on of SMsNlio Md the lattei go le a Ixture la the Palac eta embI aeieî hope toi polical 9 scordîug leprient appeer. im Gemnmis,crmbihm $»-co. ime 1 te mus e Pilimo oppomi. s a pommiicetf hir lisuide il Viatera îampuign, ibere la mte b. an lutsuitiag subitla rem over suothter effort bp 11. alisirtio b0 avi lIe reglar t«o teeeeai t hat 100,00ù men. eteameviii lie oppomdeta pecsli as VumtheIesitlarprole. b sie Exil 1111, hiob vas dfeal. p ou"t., 'h. prisaIhmi.v u ma m m ftd&hS ad galoleeu ci T A wondrfui Cure or Darrhoea. à prosainent i Vrginia editor liad - "084 itlvin op but vas broughi limdl éo pmtm*eohemiili by Oliamlurlia Coilc4 Choiera&M aDisruem lemsdy. Rimaihis editorim. Pýrom ithelIais. HilIstili, V. Tue PÂs a' amsnb-Chloro l suieai vtth dlurhosefor a long Naphthoieum ltamFrench remeuty sud lUme sud thoughl I1'wu pasibing buas ben umed ln Fimnce sud Germmny cu%&ai.1Iliit spnt macla lime sud foi hlt d iflein jiare. viere Itglime uoneysdmuleredaomuchmtmrl iltbien uulveraally eudoiied bysaitvoer- 1&aiument dided togveuop &Uhopes ligartans and bourde of beatll. Illinois of rsormy andavi theimaest, but omie. muthotiieshave mlao endorseai &ou"cl, 1h. avrtisement cf Clissa. is superloraiainficlant. 111cmsure balo4Cle, Chiera and Dîmrlices preveutive aid cure for hog choiera, DinMy ainmd &lie orneme sliuuofltmimchicben choiera, liosdieetper, ibor. shilug ho. nmre vondertul cure l imai in ucove snd luberculoilm. Th«ai bema viotaghlby Shiglefedy, 1 dimiases cannot eximi viaire Chioro ileod" e1 try il. Aler talkiug s fi, Naplbolittm la used freeiy. 16la the domi1i ms utireiy voiti cf iliat gretmti sinfeclsul on icrth.li. maf trouable, sdI li 1tu y firher lgole., tick or Insecte of sud klaid. Ilts my reederiand fellow-aufers liai 1 non poisanous sud non explosive. A arn a hale sud hemrty aman to-day nd good, ai rimidy $bat mias cure. flog as 'dlas 1 iver aid luin y Ille.- Havlug tliorotighly lteai lie vinaies 0. il. Moore. »old by Y. B. LovaLL, on the conufargm, 1 have deaided LibeilpylIle. J. R. HaMmam, Gurnes. 10 hepamquaniyon bond for thome P.L WuvuuAz.Roceieler OarB- vho mfflvimia 10 avalil hemslvem cf tl. JAKU PuÂaaClr, JOUX MuaSIsU ForSsi by C. A. Arînar, Libety- Iruhsville. 46-8 mo L4WTN ON~ CerPel, ftlug sd o O*. hO"Waig SeM. of FeUUuderweer. ail Crpet, reglai 40 grade, bai t tohave yoî se aur iaoek vooSa er esot fift pmberpiles........................ I 28, garmeni for min emur oferiai lu Waulsgan ai cu ne"s Vrpéla..exiri 80e qtaiilj 1h. loy pice .if, emeli......................37 utagom et"................. 74 We vaut von 10uame ,ur germntnfor boys, &ai alau,3 fo« m casMeAig, il grades, su ab................................... 2 liii pilea. ber prd ...... ....10 Gar 9Me ltam'Fa PsUnderviar isea aminer. VI. u P 0o0rCl Chh, I1jit vide, Des coeods. ploube rpicsi pr - ............. ila Wî are elliug 25uxi rise 00dm etsayd ....l2%ç sudMa 8 m Cilb Pitl5r.e Msuai 40c Dresa Oooue ti s.......... ..... M sud Mi crs, . 2o, 9 mit, *E. ..........43 80e sud 40ocDmrue oula .... ........... 3 med&" iM is quM. nitp, mec....... ............ 63 76o Des <cuda ah................... ..SOC muaig& su.,i4 ....ud~,i ................i crus . iqqs Or. Etuh.................. 58 Jackets a" Capes" mw., 1i g.caseS........... ......78 Gui Fail Stook cf Jackes aid Caps are lu-vant jou tb alo .... eel................ 453aie lIeuâ tbey mr. the besi yen ever sav OUG . 9.ugndaihIe priaieSOLOW. I&MM4caenc. ..................... 10 liesvy Colt.. Shlankets. - . <............................tES Wî bongbt a case cf 100 pair cf Large Cotton Bankota S .......... ....20 recenlj ilmi area s 11111.soileu ahb5Me on SelSCE ielSWluaw Siesthi dolar. Anyone vislilug a m a o cou, *Wbargaita viii doieviii ucs ................. . .. 80 le ses llem. AâââNotIon Sua.iue. Eck. à wM.2 can. Boles. ench ...... ............. ...... 0JC I hIiî¶jltl.................:. 7 4 Plt3otlePaCZ a 28e2 Plat BeS apsi, 10duePart5iab..... .......... ..... .......... 554 = il».% ml. $1,1 quel 1 Quart »uitlies.............................. 63c oe#lwb. àair.... 9 ra ossa 116.76- mn i m forlb.IltmvwesU so oret Mr lob printlng. Ciiionhl orrae areaed îhe rguli mmp ta 6,M00 Admintottratari Notice. 1 Min, Mud prorideaifci38,00 voluteers C. 5 UAD U>Ai BLOCK, CEZOAGO. MA ta mAdtion, bat tiIs luiese la ouly i.«,aLIerAdltJ trhf]ii tlec bc b. f o y«ea. Ai the expiration Gorg W. Élie deeesod. ali allouai th Cenir court cf Labo County. atm terza P of tha" lamethe aimy muet bha niduceitthiyribc là ldînai lihi court lOusne lu C wu a c.lu alZda cuni. on th ir On on- ta th* nidhuit 0f 26,000, unh« emCo- day ci Boviýmier non) 1.. il.whiu sud vItre j grimetale turtlairustion. A Sticng Do atavna uoa a lrml tet effortyul le mmdtin aduoaiCongres» cae l sli cui.for adicaiotiou. 10 sthe permsannumber cf .sau e spt.;;cssc. Al. in 0-8mi mi roggulsaetI100000 yul volUtntera lu tah addition. l>imacratac leaders saY n Att onft. 11.7 VI11 Dot tale tle initiative, en .DRNatRAu Lcýeito a seulent 10aiit for 1h. endaith c o ag f itui f sa P lu ti e1017 f LaI., Ceunir. lt, pieralimitation, but lh.p vil vigorons us-oier terckma > 10iuso , @t 17 PPM &UPIOtuIMOUa Prmn î@ptetîof PIde aE itadutasiila Georges ent stadng sany. of 100,000 upon W. Etitas umimn. Intuie LiDMas-Im. molietla brbi ou te ou tL Idimai able country. Thep ca bt $bey du orone w. tilla t a m vnîî sinsmini W! uet oppse th. Administration beinu 0f). oued out of theionci0fLhe £.S ofteCrutCourt cfrmai(Co ac given .au the iroope uiesfasiy %ta--omain-aItii cuit of the calIGorui Lg'loiteardot tainorde, bu thi tbe belevethaï; admimntrator cf liai istti c1fidlib HUila tainaidr, ut bmtlhe bîeve d.a. mcoaxiim et lthe staiof vcu. Liaie Congus shonlai ritaln cosarol of the isai Geoge. U aieforUeriri unduiai l0i>) itllr . adaiinteet. diretei t 1 Ii iuation. If thes rigulararmy la e-Sati fsliCoutcîx .1i, hic se!tvrillai benureturnU i, iceauld lE40 mmenllplncreaied tic 100,000 min, theeaxitauianasfolievas. l-i~Bi virtua cf0iet administrationthut lhapponsate! bc lu vithla itu mhnttWeil. I hava stlalae lhe foiicylus descailteit ra" sat@ lu paver vili bo 10 tha& extaul, indîpeu- a- itLe otcf Lake sud Ste ofliin fu enh cf Cougreas, vheiiaal, If the lu -w L?,1#% smuh treioîîîîts %) of tiad cs hal o th nothtquarter sthîe censela, ilmiteai le aortperiodsg, aitordi. ota-itaf cf the Souh-West iuaetsr. ail ln setIon tvîuiy-Lluoe (i8) ovaslie the expiratloof 1 mnolitisCongre"e fortr-fivi tua) norlà ra à igntain.iet f t prnelpai meridian. Titis mmli dar f bcal non MWp wheher i Ieil ececiairy l. vin j. Grgn a hlif. LTiSetin le ontIunu. 10 màt&iin go large a unait dedmul CergW. Kils neicuna lnMy Cur. ivin J. grima. lif numer f roue.Nov. unies. rau. thei li orsiW. dis d ~~* ~ iei Culourt of cliCunir on tlye11h Thterezm ml.sya hope wville Ihere'c damaof th it t n Lef. hte blidaunLW On. Monte Cougli Cure. -Au attacle W&ukiraau in. sli oiai. on the. iraI, iodenl îe o.u fOternige cf puiommitalefi.17 long% in bo itlon bai nal p.ntul lu> muclitsan shape snd I wuva ear the. Due stagesidafea; viii te eu BdatnaLue, lu sbýavr of the ashffli tiiauni. en Yous Om eompl"y lpaunai m," vrllea WIt.LIAM M.Rox. Clark. Helen mofleamyBismarl, N. iD. Waukooan Illinos. Sert. aes a- Gives tuatat relief. Y. B. Lorsx.u, AEUitD u&ui. PlatItr Ator;a. l L Wbertyvils.. Bucaus, (munie Administrator,@ Notice. e C. L.. clus».a614Bmu.Rasoclefiliar.o Clam ce Mlli o n. PUBLIC NOTICE la btebi' giron thug:tliA aubioritbr Adotiltratoi of the esteti cf 1 am prepaeago10grînai jour aPPles iaula tlln ,aioei. viiilait liaih and mal. eider ai li coesper galion. Cenufi r(out of Lake Couay. làa ein satisfaction guarouiesa. Brng ou erale tbodiusiîthe (Cout cugi lu 01 g ue ,la mait Countaîy ou t l i llMes- youir apples. B. a. OL"StOit. alf day of Svem ber ne,).. m. tn ai vherî Dmp, Ini. Tc Oct. Ilila ail pirsona bavn na a4i irlalestati ci otifid andtitre.îueslo 10 PrenntLthei cme@ 10 salitlcurt for edudltleo. COIJNCIL PROCH.EDI NGS. 0005 h LBICnsnaos.Adistrtati 2,19. Waaakogmn. sept. 2wl. e, d- )loudait lua pecial sesion. Pull A WVord to Mohers. a bosiai iiiin..Mthera of cblîdran mfecti itll Pneetaent stteia ht the abject of croup or a Severne cold ained ual meeting vas le cousldei nmter f A. heffilsl. &0 sdailuâleiChamberlain% B. Cool eslale, ln vhieh the village lan(Jongla Rmedy. It eqtalus nt) op""at Bor Barcntinlu aMj f ormai maBly hle interialiai aise 10 îevlev 1h . P <hab i <In aileeouidenilp l e aiboa s 10 mater, relSthve le cuit Ibreàtiei man,.Iduli. The graitnteucua at m a lgsimit village. attended ieilsuse lu lb. treaimeni 0f Pllcvlug the discussion as le Cool colde aid croup limevota for i helbe iglnte motion vas mad by More aidappuoral aud pais. l lias receiviai iliiongloni the Uniteai State maidr Banbp Iliat maller be left ith in lumsny foreigu lansl. Fon sale y P. danai cmmlittee for investigalion B. LOVE!'. LilertYvIlie, J. EB- alU tIsp to rapin t tnext roiglr meeting Guine, O(mIÂTLASEaPHAEMACYP Carried. L. WUsiEMANM, Bocleealier, JOUX No action vas talen on tle Giablube xsIahi rmater. emasnduai mby moveai 10 Id- Pievanu'e Tuben.liioess. joum. Cantlea. 4 ~W. C. 8mbon, Clarb. Mm .Borge sud Mma.Lui ,iemmined gainrday and amoompanteai liptheir dlilîdren ipenithe day tuinonola l>ai. Min. Austin and daugliter Miss Cordé . vimr evefor Colorado luacercli 0f bitter leslli for 1h. former. miss Cors ,ilfollioe s oon aislier boui vlI slo,. bie i. Amuinduinlce yutl remain lu Chicago for the pissent mt lemat, and liai latter viii go le mohool. Dr. ad Mis. Brown villemSve bhre nexlveesk for mcmi laigei place le maIe 1hoir home tIers. Thle voiS n.ccmro inslu tula l u n 0m altmi a field. the locter thonglit il luI le go taile s larger levu vliere lhe can moaeàs pectaty cf aurgery, luti dbe brandif cfletinle liaprovîn hiuself paielolarly proficient. Thle msuy friai of Dr. sud Uli. Bron pirpotrteat csupriseiou ihem lait Mcadap aeaiug blsoing lu s body on th.bouse, mel crrIng »mon lunch.,au U aspe d lngmilirgcod "esniutbiSludupaitume. Darlng lb..eening lhip vere priment- Id villi s beaunilulterling Stilys berry mn mua m icen of thîle eim lu vhi h07 ey ehelai by ihom. lhey leave bebtuai. mis. B.a. gâme pmtsveradmy )laiwkt v e t mhCity. Ur. mMdamt W. B. Higliy legs hast bhursiy fou ther vieatip. Mr. A. B. Numn of Si. Aune, 111,. sai ritiven snd aid friende a viel, ais viol. The Ledies Aidvwll meltilb MMs ..ion, 1'0f1lianevîlle, Weuaiueu" dcoler 41i. A. D B mie1veut op te Burlinglon il Tneadap eveulug te maesillethr Who t, verp ini. MoeursC. O. amihsad A. W. lHaivy ldes a aoldam trip 10 Wmtîhegm Ct. lot Mi. Pergumota leavea <Grmys- île and Chas. Thomson vii inn 1h. Pharrnsep bll. Mis. Pred.Heuber, of Antioch, vas thae tof0iem Cousin lire. C. 0J. Smaih over Sundmy. Mr. sud UMi. Bina and thein mon f ilimlad d10eBaldiwin allpons paît cf lia yul lue Chicago. Mi. Bay hmaijon. la Houei Creelise, a" as station àagent aiuig tle licence of the regulmar mam. Mie. M. G Payne. cf IRockefeller, sud son Irving, cf Chicago visiteai mita Ura. C. 0 . Smith Tlauicday. Thuradap Chas. Povellm moved i bs aniiy ta Actioeh visera lie laisacaîpl. ai s posicion n1h. Most market. Dr. C. C. Whitmoia Ii$hieS ekmoviai bis Dental Pariors fîom Rossi Anstin cuth montecom vii Thomson'e Pileu- Macy. Mr. and Mia. 1). 0. Whiute speni Sun- dey sud Mondai as Loon Lake vlth lhiu parent, Ir. suitlia. A. T. Sundap Ces lot Bey. Ouest, of Gages Làaxe M. 9. church viii preait hisfare. Weil sermon afler viiciho i yl cgo Conference. Allen MoMUIlob mad John Besaboli louve nexl Monday for inesota 10te gotki pidbably @mI vinier. Tbey miii eagage lan mtlrced vork. Thi A. J. Loard houai ou Pas Avee. vîlî'be for maie or rin taleIc, on hicl i dite, Mr. Leomsai will be boere 10 altendailotlu pirsoa. Mi. Frank Taylor .111 n>ove his !amlly inso Mr. EGrtRMn houai by the teoin ouasouTaylor Lake nîxi meS. Hi .1ll continu, lu the vigelabie maid fruit busines s hiretofore. Mr. Kinger las 1 ome lad te talle hlm place asncmctiona formata, bain mnoyed bisfarnilyto Ailinglon Win. le liv. yul lits vit'@ parents, vbo ma an ageai couple. Mis. O. B. Diury retlii ler fara maid tast Wedneedsy slariid foi Syracuse New York 10 ha ouneat loag aIl vînler maid à(lier bhîmîllI mproviss may maks il lier futurs home. Madam Burnlejyul larsa mIli eloeution Sardao miiernoon ai 1hd retienci cf Mia. E. B. Shermana. AI s10.e vho deetre &0 taIs lassons si Inviteaitsemeltlier &hors. We regret very mucl 10 aie no man: oid frionei more msy, but ihey g' villa Oui uery bust vishm for Ihel future welofaemaid proopertty, su, v. hope laie themamll tu Grayms" tgita. Mesdames Biargu, Bend alit. Adami Dopdan sd Lad vent as representative frain the Giayulabe Union 10 the W. ( T. U. DimIrtul Convention lu Chlceg lait vuil Tlinrcdar mad Pridsî Our Prices ARE OUR MOST EFFECTIVE ADVgRTISEMENT Rlght Prices. minis b«au il odo y m a ttu, ves17.0, fur ................ . .. $9 M anauvool 1.50 Buite for ........................................r" men'@011 yod 1.00 sutta........................................... 1 Lot Mess 19.00, $1.5 Mmd 11.00 heav7 Top Shirta for.................... 4 mens Blue Apron Ovme ........................................... si MM'a darli Wool Pacte ...................................... . i Baya, mlvool 45. Underehîria................. .. Oc ..6wiZse ..0...... ......................... . 9 SpecIMi-oye' Naturel Wol Underibirle, aises éo160 .0... .............O08 Mini a al ool $1.00 Uudmwehtf.............. ......... 0 mens& extra Heavy 11.8 mUl yo Undervear ......i ..... f0 juat recilviai a fini mamoeni of tadIi suad Mims..Jmdkeim, Cp.. Mud Collerettes ai lovreet possile pris. . - JACKETS - - Latesi styles sumndi idirable coionm le Cheviole, Keriey, Himyer, Yhp Front CoeaiColler, Poinled i dp Fronl6 Rueu Edgim ilitchiai four limeus. bis butlon Box, round corner dip fiont, vide eifla edges, wyul camai tn badli. Double breaslid las dip front. HluSh collai, Preaciback. . . CAPES - - lilacki Mersey Capes, higli Oriug collai, Pur trimmed. Plain plush Md emuai dpluali capes, Bsring coller, collar villi front idged wmhItitatmionaef Thibi fîtr. PinsI capes, bigli iaitng sMd maittoullais, iichiy emrolodred yul acroilivoiS of Jetindmuati li, coller mand front dgid .wimilStation Thibet fui. Mml Collaiettea...................... ......... ..528 F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake Dept. Store. Orayslake, Illinois. 7 HE HJGH-CRADE... Terms to Suit Purchaser. FAIL Y SEWJNG NACHIN Possc.c3a--Ill e modern impiovemeni. 10 ie lo.,.i la a.ijpirsi cîaas machIne. ..ad. - jli j.~ca.Waranietad olyars- ILLINOIS SEWING MACHINE CO. ROCi<I JkO.ILLINOIS. Chemt Muet DuishuMI Ever purchased for the money. ALSO AGENT FOR .NEW HOME.. AiU Drop Hlead, s Drawer Machines. E. B. SHIERMAN, GRAYSLAKE. ILLINOIS. Lentstisy i J:30 lu the Wank egan hospitmi oecurçtd the death of Mr. Jerry BSmith atf'oid resideni of Grays-, 1lako. NHlm hhiliadoguadual bieau faitiog very since lhe desili of bis » lotiltestJauuary. unil £bout ton moniba &go lie Ihonght il boa eetoelu the liapilailobea lie culai get lbe cariho iea mach needed. The tum- modiste cause of desil wva peinictous anent, brongbi on by a siomacl and li er trouble of many jeani standing. Mr. Smith va bora la New York otage *bout ity1-gwo jearz @go. :pent severil jiais la the civil var line vhiob lime h. made bis Dome la tbi voicthy. Hivasa good muatin. baving bieau mpioyed tel play mi eutertalnmenti aud dancea fur mil«a around. lie vus buied Sunday lu ,kOrmyaiake mceaery, Bey.Quiet, of G.aOes lLake, otUcisting ail;ithechuîcb e aud Grsyciahe Camp M. 'W. of A. of vhich hi vma nember ai ltai grave. 1.Hi have. à ion Lyle, 1,0 broîbîra and nmany frueuds to mOurn bis dosth. CuJUNCIL PIIUCESDINOB. OEÀTBLAKZ, ILL., SxPT. I1899. ;o Village board mes in specimi mession gvilli Preidemai Sherman lu tiai chair. oTraileis preseni al; rollmil: Wllbur. le ichardlsona, iimriou. ilierahali, Lof Lui. Caii foi meeting by l'reqgdent Sbîr- 3rmatafoi the purpoe f maktng appro- prliions provideai for by liai gînermi 91 ax iivy mlo hier report of com- initie. oha public groundoand tb &et on In Wilbnî pneeîtpd à potitton for mu le ordicanop e catigled --au ordinance M providing for tbe frvy, ammetttsud re collection of iaxes for the fiscal Yer mnding April 30 , 19M0." Vole by roll cmil: Avo--Wiibur. Ricbardson, ]y BatiirsaaL&l, Barron. Cauriet. go Motion bv Lotusan ad Batteralali àr hst the couimitie on public groundal idbe givin power 10 purcase s lot, coilt ke of mmme notto10 xcecai thyme uadueai dollars ($*4)0.) Vote by roil cml. t, Ayii-Wtibnr, Iticharden, Balierchmil, eBarrcu, Loflua. Cariid. C.Motion by Richardson mud ai tler- go aa 10ts'ljouru. Omrieai. Y. E. T. DaVon, Clubk Here are a Few of the Many Bargains -Some Maney Savlng Quotations that are a fair We Offer. .... index to PriCc on a cur geods .... Minis 3 piy Linon Collara........... ..... $04 S 1-lb Bars soap .... ... ....... 5 13 .. .... ... 23 Fini Pillov lipe 3frtoi...... 35 Ladl.W aJckits .. .... 35 L&dUee Capes ...... ......... 35 Granite lippu .. ..... , -....... 13 Granite Waier Pailsý. .................... 235 ...... . .... 35 eliiiing Spoons ....... ... os Wflle Suera, per doz ........ .30 .. 4UP14 ........ . .30 Large Granita ici Bolier ......5 0 Medium - . ... ......... 40 Round Store Zincs ................. 63 Geo. Battershail, 1 FAINESVILLE. - - ILLINOIS.1 Protection to .Puirchasers W. caution the public agalausi purchd-Ia.a. imitations of obsolete formi of t rmachinue. W. hep up mut ttie Iaît .iveiopaetits la the art. malleg aotliing but the ligtesi grsade cf iruduci. sud have achieynit unqualîflel uccess It-itcsame ; hence mac>' utempts 51 imitation. ad thei legal ses cf oui trade naine. A Bise Medilton, cf the cliptical forimshova above. liai-e ocr egis. uni tade'maib, ma la placeupon teliait of every machine made by us. NONIE (IRNU E WITHOUT fl'. Boje' brovu ducS frcoka ................... ..$ 20 s.aile...................................... 25 Mens 25. Ie tu................ ..................3 .Sbos900ctu ............................ 00 Boys' aiomce o ... ..... .......... I1 73 lioja, 3 pleee vool cutte, 310 S .................I1 28 mona'@ sulis as loy sas....................... 2 50 Lavua, fant colora, la lou. par jai....... .......O3 18 lbo Granuleteulgaug"............... .. ....i1 00 Il bais Lenoi soap .................. 2 12 bsn Noali aep................... ... .. Z5 Miausbeiut ari fruit jars, par da......30 A lot of ladies' elippera, su clame ................. 73 (about hllitpriai.l A lot cf chilirenaechose mt 20 peu cet. discoul. Straw hat&etai our ovu priai. W. W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLA KE. F. BAIRSTOW. MANUFACTIJSEROF Marbie and Granite Mea.Umts. - - - ILLINOIS. . FSULE! ure PLYrMOUII1 sudSISAL undleîttsbiyliiith he graude made.. Fori Fal Sovlug a Cemphute &ek if CHAS. STEMPLE, Long Crove - Ilihnois. EYURY 0 - aId neOM t AS LOW AS THE LOWEST.