no- or asaut tir on's t the l istu* *dioetof ington dar theu W. Pattile, naj uHeR- end tan, continuance eofàa "gifts ,%os buragelto ýthe groundissi ing stoeek o dians. lie *igt. More thon etty oft Mrm were defeated by over a two-thi" Me- poltis espblihed mdrpts, in- jority. eblwdtg tWO andnied novrels nd twenty QUIET NOW PuREVAILB IN @EMOA. ltrà-mong thers the Kipling lectute Which tirred literary Chicago last Win- Late Advices Report the Iland" Lant top-wrere destroyed. Al ofzMr. Peut- pacific conditten. otuqaToTX"A ti'a oAsée nd memoranda fot stories and Lote oMial advies frousm tosico--4 & Tesays ere lost, wlith t. hetmaenosris taits ameontisof recenat Meetings of the P gi ! WA TRPHY an he wokinglibary Th tw noelsprovisional gosvernament at Apia, at wIteh were Mmirsleuitte's first ventures lino teps were taken to have native judires e theurealm ofthe«longeretory.lOne-o try cases between natives and native no.i 3egWhehNoele Bl-them. "The Maker of Gods," whichwas e lils to solemnine m narriage and keep tai CPtswmextasees TIlerrye Testn nearlyready foer the printer. contained records of property ownsed by the Be- saghted ech o th ue upardtitofmale,0 ord. the wa maion. Two judges. Tagou and Too- »-Oeeststudy ofeone.of tmis bafling 0.ata, w"eechosen, One being au adherent pheaste o d ie ear thh t ad Mr eofthe former king. Malleto, and the oth-sa Peatiehadgivn yarsto he tud ofer a Mataafan. The provisional athori- tionto Admira Dewey of some of the phienomena attending i. Tetesttdthcaiofheer fth strod voed o hi byBeleaguered »Forest." the secondnov' lat igMleo eueaadrjee tank pWace at nomn Tuedyo a fanciful tale of the pine woods ft li of thserayofheat - &0 epas of the capitol at Washingcton. Michigan, sanidyl in a jogging camp se-t- e nautgo ern nt.catain ehedyLofea a eors atened he ven tig.British sipl Torch was given 'several tour. th wles etusam asmni EuVEN YER OIA BANKER. rants against natives for capital eriméespaA -- Atcomp)anied by an escort of Po- - hc ilb undoe oCifLu Nio an almmiteamnrand haded by the CoxArtfof ApealaConirmeSaentence Of titi for execution. The proceedings lndl- rnebdth one admral wasdriengtoJamseLehacun. cate an entirely pacifie condition -if at- U »T he hit Hose hrogh heeing At St. Paul, Jaidge Thayer of the Uni- fairs on the islands. pod.His programi wat slow and he ed States Cireuit Court of Appealsa theé getdybowed and smailed hbis acknowl- other day handed down four decisionla. GR EAT GROWT H OF DUSINEEB, of the greetingss given hims. Dur- The most importaut one in tat atuirmn heIb parade the avenue rang with th eiinb h ntdSae ort Danse Report au Increase of 4 per $ks4 ingchers, and the banklof hr u- for the district of Utah ln tebasuo cent in Anserica Year. WbitY took Ou life 8and motion As liangs the United States of America against R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly .review oft ai *à andhemerif were waved miadly. AtJaeH Bc.ThdesonfJug trade says: "September ls the twelfth capito the ceremonies were inan- Thayer mene even years in prison for cosctv oth in which the voume- Impressive. The presentatio)n Bacon and hie in ordered to surrmnder of business, both at NewYokndut• mass made by Secretary Long. himself to the United States marshal for aide, has been greater than in the "same " M plaid! a glowing tribute to the mon the district of Utah. Bacon was Indiet- monil th o ny preious year. lu theen to-dlay fis the hearts and moinds of ed. tried and convieted la the Un!led twelve months payments through the sentrymen States District Court of Utah for makling elearing houses have been $80,tm0,000 --Js AKA LG false reports to the Comptroller of the (X), against $t61-,.200.00.i0ln the twelve OIEnBAKA L G.: Currency as to the condition of the Amer- mnonths ended with septembaier,1802 The Lean National Bank Dec. 2S. 1893, at demtand still grows, now raning about 610 tnalsderate Flags captured Cii which time hie was president of the insti- per cent greater than in 1802, while popu- i WarRetrue toTexs• tution. He wax sentenced to a terni of lation, according to treasury estifnates. is 16ix bni u a carried back to the 8,outh sesven years In-the Utah penitentiary. is 16 per cent gr-eter and wages are pot -. R ot faederate gag which her soldlie'-s attorney appealed to the Circuit Court of over 10 per cent greater. A reconstrue- autdfrots Terry's Texas Rangers in Appeais, allegting error in the trial tion or bobiness; and industries, of pro.iue- vil war. Acompanied bythe mem- --seIng sand transporting forces, hisin progress bt is staf and the representatires MTGFNS EQETIN. trughout the land..with results which JInn depaertmient of the Grand noiro measure.* of the* Repubic, Goùv. Mount set Presridellt A pproves the PInu for the --ne"I Üîe errand Monay. The formal .. Forthcoming Connes'-FV ME INU D.-.m incident toe reno the Agents taking the next eensus Willinot iEMNIJRM.1-fn-d p"IaeTursay at the Texas be required teo ofend the public by hiuir- Fire and Emploision iestroy tgardirare ai Danls. Te$tate of litg into family secrets and asking que»- itore at-Lanmport. nsie Tpeaain o tions calculated to provokle a fight. The Fv e eemuetosrosy adthere ws aget out- mnmber of questions has been greatly re- by the explosion Of a keg Of powder lnaà meswho se edtheConfed.i-duced and they are timpiler than before. lire that destroyed Chine Brothers bard- zueNA VA L Phe di R A DEIl o" "" tws a NE W YORE's GIPT Ta DEWEKy. WAR ON VENEZUELA. Qo.Ioa ade u ddress Director Merriam has recently had sev- aore store at Logansport, Iad. The BI .N V L•AA E great day for tht. sailoýrmnis. From a thev..«,ont e ran a eeral conferences with President McKin- th t-torybries building was hait con- thasosand gmastsswung tin, gay flags Great Golden Loving toup Prentel Governmenteand BebelEngagtemente theagorTantes Eter- ley, and the President maintained pthat it t rt hen the fire reached the powdler, wich speil.eorigto thinr.ti-nalto the.Amià, -esit in Victorsfor i ech. b bnohasnwise tcaskzenTe ionta trangeAndthe explosion that followed Éfiisest PAGEANT UP THE HUDSON IN coeawlcm tthadra.I ey m up renito e Te antfrte CosulOfteep theTisors flerm Indiana. . t a awok, whib will leb akienup next the destruc iti Tensn a etimated At DEWEY'S HONOR. he Land Paro:le. of 18-kaloYthevgold Neawnble rk.ibute ,i'nsitedispé1ate a uetohe lVee- é"-&Iq ~~Jbas been el oe.The list of $0MOl wtAlilU, uaneFriday was Dewey day ailatand : flits kinid as was ever madcto ItI:onan ela. lin whichts he givsia summary of the YOUTs RLEAED.sprpandby orMeriam Fire at Fcatorta, Ohio, nary marked the sailorIhero flrlitsowni. coquror. Oespt anl a ær vrlecuntensbetwena the govern- IlbeDw »heLPa e as been approved by the President and Fire in the Streuse Block, Fostoria. Grand D)isplay Witnesed by Cheetrin. SAtudywa e"yt ahrand trait of Dewey suprehy oak leavey Aiwnat and rebel forces ln the country. OnnensFa e1Will sauon be prinated. One of the queries Ohio, caused a loss on the building of Milioe - Fiagehip of the Living r .00,00 lYal and ador ug n111dl !'h- and fthe spread eagle-: another pansel r-1 'lthefirstt-ierouter between the firce" an h hethat aroused the most antagonism in 52,00. lMs.Sheehy' milinery stock Nero Paye Tribate to Grant- care c er, drawn fromsa'.: quarter. of the la:id -let. the Olympjlia at men. and the third of rhel gene-ral Castro and those Of the Omba wh wee rcenly 990was whether a person hadinyiacule wax ruined; Strohmeir's bakery, Shafer's lthat Will Be Hietoric 'aid fromt every ëstation inrsociety, 1Jolm- bears an laseription the piir t-iWtielaangovernmentaoccurTed rneur b~uban wo rre eceinstlyor chronie adiseate, and Éthis, salongt with tmusic store. Wright'% bowling Aley and . ned and s hoved for a chance to see the - -- ---- ithcity of San Oha4stobal, near the Co- pforeongthe almilar inquirie, has been omitted. G;aley's restaurant suffered a total loss» Adanra! a face aDi in thiMr rnuiiati- -lombianl boundary lâne. The number o the premises of the of *5,00. The lire in believed to have At New York Friday the greatest sailor cheen triésd to prove ahat the hro of gvrnntfrofeggdwa ewe bi ad ànd fram the ATlAm-IANCPTA- ben incendiary. ln the world reviewed the greatest parade MaJila play twlon;;ed. not toth n go eain Wfunertengcomm and of Gen. -ubaHaaawlbein American hiéstory. It was a trsuimph or the governmeint. or the city of Ntew Iaid401a and thatitloe the r enmo i of isn .the pi te crige peopde antComplthe Unsatehsed Porto James P. Willett la Kinled., for Dewey, for the navy and fur the na. Vork, but to th country at large i% considerably larger. Thse rebels de- to, piress thâte crge andlluas hllway. James P. Willett, postaisster uf Wash- ion. The Victor of the mens usaiup The magnificent weather was rpae.firtedlthegoverniment troupe and rap- declard tha theycould aschareelasun foot to secure Amuerican inton under lPresident Cleveland's tast the Hudson between miles of enthuein- Saturday, by a aspecial dispensat ion oftrethrledGn.ari.Teec eseened. In the catie of capital for the completion of the un'tin- administration and superintendent of the teAeiastte.Gatstm n lrvdne e .r wle ou urd bttk. wa nd San Chñetobali . The as complete, but ished Porto icean Railroad. Edward postoMtie departmnent and city postolice saluted the see of the ico. o an.latnws nup early. Hlours before the ,00t p oft he g n o ernet, cm- t nthngmoe il b iuterbach, . acting for the interests now, building, was killed by falling dogn Au The admirai soodforhous bneahthe eenmo ico:d begin 11heY were crowd- anded by Gs f en.Peaoira. enaet,00oin , as the nouthorities Pre- identind with the road. bas conssultedl elevator shaft fromt the fourth story toenasign of Farragut and lifted his cal) to ing the street£, apprehlenive lent the Ad- rew rs omanded by Gfn enln.en. Ce 2tatr Mhefair as a more expres- wit the authorities at Washi4gton as to. the baisment ut the new Washington the hundreds of thoussands whoil cheered m iiral, who cobi!d takre a nation by sur-r eigh trIo ni ay, esultigv.inattan. gbeae.the Goverament's willingness to adopt postoiice. haimt. priase. bâtd somuething up hain sleeves to UCtr, withdrawing hisetuen. The third the terms of aýconcessio which the Spant- ,iaepaaFm un Ot The tead of the naval column was, a sprnt while they were %till abed.btl a eoeadi h ono te heclbsla heNa [h Government granted ln 1882 for the Alagetiv-soybrick build in aFil. brond farr. Six torpedo boatis spread BaitteryPark began Alling %witha people latwe.nlieport-ad itth t the bel th mlaes fontine Na-building of the rotad. The mallt tg slnowy A rge vt e Pidelphia, the tret twvo out as the bar, three ont a side from the at daj4ight, and themilie fromtthe bat- E re.efeated -1.50 government roops se a ol Ws. L hing osdu e ed.Aouplte30 aies f the rsr hich are occupied by the Ma- Olympi's quarter. Outide of them a tery tu the City Hall Parka was fringed under the commuland! of e. Moralem. and ..9W4PItbr . L rirod7h-ben opltd.etedng c Fum C etm&., ad the three dying wedge of poIIce Atroi bouts form.- with early ightseer. Ferries fromt Jer-ththe enrluceddn epg a dPitsbrg ..2 7 aoun th esten oas o th ilundulter ur ye omteiancstoge and ea àgreat V, the aplez Of which was the bey and Staten Island and gareet rs NWOKs IT ODwsY. s ith but eventy-t.wo men and the am- 00 Luisville ...r272 W and has been operated since 189.L Fifty- %ûrhous opny asetirely Oypadenigte,-ha n rmu onan roln mte oeoftegf n h aeoftedn uiintan 89 55Chicago .... .71 72 tour miles has yet to bie bilt. The Mse- Crydb r.toehrwt omp nteOty, piate F, were the hbreb ts, spoan-thir tthosand ok liynas tedr-<r h ade ftecpaedlhn l orhecutrto lna .0 57 New York ... 58, 8dcarities of the company are owned chiediy Telo.isetiaeda aot10.0. itgagreat colorons of warter that tuirned ing advanced. Buiness buildings were ofgl.Isnc"sebacdb' oLnuo outiweeGn ed .. 2 64 Washington. 50 95 tby French.and English citizlens. Telg setmt taot$,01L thr«eaeinlytowaord the excurion bate gay with gags, and the fronts Aof sky oemblematIlciithemay:about thea roise matnt with 2,000 gov. ereft tropstred là.77 «4Cleveland ... 20128 Pittahara Plante ceate Weri. on either ide when they attempted !0 scrapers were banded with streamgs are dlpin.oakthe avs adbotstwroght tanstopthe2,19ma rofthne blsrpo rted PATB POR WRONG WIT H DEATH- Thirty-seven of Pittsburg's bigfon- crowd the ]line of march. which exUended fro1h roof'tois tret. ainto pnumerous esybolmdsigs wrTjhe rttol ,i tong.h o hella t«i rprted l1 âgea Pierce Fight. --dries are idle. The mutldera are on astrikue Estiatez place the number of people Everywhen, embedded in dags, the Ad- ibase of the up prnloi erignmedofhourto have eXP mndin a dr fgtaw bortsd c ning erAlbany, I. AJ.Brown Commis@ Fuicide in a for an advance of $3 for a minimum valsewitnessed the naval parade and the iral's face looked out. About city :anchorstresting o ler oed oak rean teavtin a ictoa ryAtany. ateAGen. States ,Iga salo hicago Hotes• day's wage. time and a haitfufr extra Illuminations at more than 3.000,000. All L'all a mass of 150,000 fcpe. e, pessed whch agaeingrstona sqareOb lae nCaitro tn ued his mr.Arch. ailtetown Mitehell and CitrMar- A revolver Ishot brughst to a tragic ch- husaddul im o dywr.the harbor glowed with red lire during solid in its center. and oit utskrts ie siofthi suaebseare na. o Cro n. Gten. C; arw Alathtae-wb iMdBen Person had a bat- Max a. elopement whlen E. J. Brown Tien firms hbave granted the inci-ease and the evening hbours. Lanternas dinging surging and shoving for posiitlon, hadt e d enm of New. Yoirks mayozr and rwary .a. gove armen t topsunde William, alias Bob West, of Toronto Ctok his cown life at the their plants continue in operation. their colored flashes% fromt on higha. ele- gathered before rthe Admirailad arrive]. t bc iial th- te fNw oilamyrand Gen. Fe rvrren rnadz i oe th e on er «forty shots gwerte ired. Queen aurotelin Chicago. Brown twent trie Illuminations of the Brooklyn bridge. Popl taa .pr ftercp i ynem ersn i es. Ft-isted of abot n3( fo0e.Atherrible MU ,but It is thought lhe was te Chicago three weeks before with Màs. ri" ttol'ils Hie FansilyF and tscintillating borite of fåreworks were tion committee, including Chaunvey M. 13 E Y ITIN CR AR Yebath, ab ot iht mrtn.pActiglte Violet Bottden, alto of Toronto. Two of A .Sehenson, a promissent %id ignalsa of national pride. Saturday the Depsew and Richard Croker, proceded to ,no h eemn tnal . F Me ~MmrHolden's tour children. aged 1 and vvealthy merchant of Pittsburg, tried te, admirai reviewedl more than 30,000 fight- the Olympia for. Admirai Dewey. HI- e as;os-in If.,a the voag.hlld ndwoned.That uofltrebelsU Baa a tre sney. 2 yeaors, accompansied the couple. Bru.wn kill bis maife &andichild and then cnommit--- -frmMnl.t htobe ht. a olsigeliedepsutment, výhad enandered over the card table $5:,00 tsl suicide. Stephenson ad been drink- Amraleeydopemnco touri u (thenbattk. auther Agatj> th-rca ytew wbihiMre. Hldien had intruted ing heavily for several weeks and duiring Iome after a vjyag- of 118 datym. during both claimedva a victory. tracke, uniforme and gag the proceieds of the sale of a smail lits of meiancholy had frequently threat- -..0]e sonday held an elaborakte in-- meat market buiness Mr. Holden 'eft ened to kaillhimbelf. Iwichthfie Olymi)a touched at ten ion f1iose ollowed by a ball. The in Toronto ln order teommake her abode in lnl a eta .mMy2.CND' I HETSRLS revsewed by Gen. Wood, the Chic ith rilaBrown and her tis>uchil. Misine BOY Wan Kidaped. .m-ihreedays t t w i., nral was. at ---I W E UPLS andthecivl athoi- d Aber Medly, ho as eenmising- . ' s-a . ong Kong;. I Ihrher sted til .hmuw Million. of Bu.hete Reported in Ex- or a d th 'y a t or - dren. M rs. H olden and er ye r-Id on A b r eM y h b s b e i d - mTg-- e n o n , l ert he g a d m di ra c1vof Hoa eq iriuent wer inth rom wenBron sotaim m hoo lir.Ohi. H hà benpo-', arrivin;: there .11mw 11. The, u The final crop esýtimlates show Canada * » w . , ofthe Ampro-mie, se kidniaped by tramapn. Aillfour of the iport w-as CohiCeyX-1, h um bave un appirnttsurplus of 50.000I,- ofteAgl-een -ETROUBLE tEREWING IN fSAMUA. kidnaperx, who had guarded limaby . n*hlJtune =-.Sixd;o later the ship 000 K)bushelx ofwastct for export, as arbtraioncomisson,.--turns, fnally went to sleep, and the boy ' "re Set am u Portn .i 1.Aigaiinst 30.00,000 hast year. Buitth tgO tBritain's eclaims as to the WsintaAmthorities Renard the :esca ped. .Tenx a ee ehdlotS! eulsrlsfrepr ilb agr. osmi n the constare disalowed- >àt=ation ne Menacing. %il enteýred lárpea murs. On)ial Maitoa crop), ao estimated by Plremwir wDistart at the Waini riv- The Samoan situation in regarded lby "letytoenildinca Burned.20he arrived lat Tri-1te. to retst n en. reenlway. lns 00.00000budls: last &ward asunanimous. It is, Washington ogncials as much More m. A rihans upse o aebenth ythi excol dclit, of the unorth for year it was 30,0.00. 'This seajsnfrom a the nattire Of aàcomprOmise acing, beýcause oft the numerous reports, -work of an incendiary âwept the aient eleven1,diays. 0t75prcn.othcrpwlgrd th A s favoring Venezuela. partielarly those froms German sources, ude Of Main street. New Madrid. Moe.. Naples wais rnbdAug;. 5, and No. 1Ilhard; tast lyear legs thon 40 pier rat the Matsaaf natives are grwigdestroyinig twnty-two houses, omees anBd khorn Aug. 131. Thw next long stop was ant enit. gruded No. 1 bard, and as mnuch of I st.ett moremArbrsofthe relative and are being ineited lto another deln h osi stmtda 10-- ,VilleFaP hfrmAu.22trAg i3.the cros was damp or tougha wheat and Inst-egt or emer f herbellion. There has been no Officai ver---ais). partially insured. The suspected la- Ileereithe crew we-re dIilleiid daily for* the unfit for mailig flour uniless dried and 'SM m'a crew were arrested ou their -aio f these reports, but umeinis ne- eday sae.big New York parade. nmixed with gsound wheat, lsess than hiait arW4at MontreuilWhen they were qualinted writhlaffairs there and in ps- L1ke > te7m7r on Fire. . Gibraltar was nande Se-P(. 4, and] ontwas fit for export. The wheat crops in *et"Oser $4,000 ln money was found session of the tlent Information er,:dit The ple-asurelboats Ivanhoe and R. J. ADMIRAL DEWEY IN THE LAND PARADE. Sept 10 the admiral >tar tedt on thle homeé Ontario this yea s2,0.00bses the ad qanit o god ad hereors ndsa ter ae indications Gordon burned uo the vater at their dock stretch. The last leg Of the voyage wasý aginust 32.000,000loit yeair. Teei thsat further trouble la brewing- et the tout of Van Buren street. Chicago. îsng men of the navy and army, with tise was ready, with Fla-lieut. Brumbhy, asit n mrrma : (lik th . onsid nai e uc00 buin he goose-whea crop o n e itl=teer rom Ctan aa. to 1Exclude jeannete Peotat*crevaoftthe Olympia at their head. Bt tpe bad h omtte fortabdel ped of nine kno.t. deusnd for wheat tuoship to France and Th BitshGvenmnths ccptd A circular letter inswbing framied by MARLKvr 90TATIoxE . otsncNah built the ark have so steamner. Ital, o aigmcrn.Mn am taman'smenternofon teers, nd aCa-the verai or the gargest twholeasalenutl- anyoitpeople been agent at onelilme.or A sudden screechIng of tutu and ferry ME-MORAILE DAYS er% who formnerly cultivated barley fer Tradsaa.treg uet istbent to t he merchantas in San Francisco, tu be cir o- Chicago-Cattle, common to plries a fug bhour the mnighty Hudson fromt Har- boats anuncted thbat the Admiraiwats IN OE WEY'S LIPE. export to the United Sgtates have, since ansiaalbt ne. adtian-y htisaelated among th-. senlersoand grower.s i1030 to $7.00; hogs. shbipping grades, lento the Jersey coast was packedithla pproaching. As the little bout camse- that trade has falen off, taken to as alireray een chter»poi the Bitih California. igiîaand other peanut $.00 tu $4.75; asheep. fair tu choice, 1.00 water craft till it looked likre a 10g Jlm into views a greattroar went upfrom .....-....··..-..........--.-.-' ing goose wat, which now, selsat a Govenmen to ransort'roop.hrasingS'ttatesAsking asignsaturs torthe tu64.50; whetat. Nu. 2 red. 72C te 7ie; in, a Wisconsin river. The--big White the crowds. Squadron A. the crack eav,|prmu3to4ensvrwierha. Mith Prisefor ptiiottiCngee.t rise the impo,.rt eirn.No. , 2cleto 34e; ato. No. .2 wrsiswroer niet. They werear top fMahttn wsdrweu, pt.,-1, 5. ..............Mosh man :3 e cnt ve wntr bet .Abr o orace ie atl... ta rifon peanuts- from the preseýnt 1>4cent tu 23c; *rye. No. 2, 57c to 50e; huîttýesuronded, overpowere adobcred by brilliantly naccontered and ready toescort :Jn 9 61 ...½sd11imn:Pralni of Tie.ven. A edoffutenpieliimidndty to at least 3 eent-. The objecti.istochoice creamusery. 22e tu 23e; eest , freh a Spatless @Warmn ofamaeler vesselt. Al the Admirai'» carriage. After the boat :Feb. 2, 1861.......... ....... ....MAister: The fare-register on a trolley car in sters d ind te hof, hut out Japanese lwanuts, tice to 15ec; coice, 2ue to 3U the, twise men of Gothm and 200.000vwasdtidup the Admirai was e :crMeaPets at'oa.l mhiadelphiawastln et thCicgo sokyards it 7a am ehbselatr tet to sea in a tub. after every- to, the carriage in waitiog. The commit-:Apa1,12........Cm ndr: TetnroofahseiMaynk whchi te ihetprcephlnA4asA ta obbed. P ni pl&-ate.bilig 30 ethi dmsethat would Boat hadl bee Aflled. tee nlled up baronchaen behind, and the :Sept. 27, 1M8......*--...........Captain: Otersince 188-1. The sage runining between Atlin ad Idinpli-Ctteihipn, C t hat las mysterious and rasenating cavalry trotted forward in the lead.with:Joune 17, IMM6............... Commondore: Pa.. was remnoved one night. Discovery, Alaska. %was held up 1by a loue $4.25;. hut., choice ist. $2.75 toe$500 bout the tire aof men who go down into a b!are of bugles. The pocssonmoe 21, 1 aî.... .orde ed As ie stana Paris is laughing at a deteetWre.whose Two Women nur=ed to l'sentis. ihwama. Teewr iepnu el', ..Minon, to prime. U325 tu 64.25,» he. a nshpswsn.evdec.3hreatamoeat8pc,1iin1tecrw.a:.a.1.........toy. fMaia ay wtc asstln ya icpckt landhber inval r, ngeida ),gers, but nnle carried imuch imone-y or t3cto e-hi e ehitoric battleships, big, square- linse chance to see Dewey's face. The 3a oaar AIr08Wile a funera.....was in prógress iela burnd t deth n a irewh ,b.d- lvluables. and theiplunder securedj ý,Was ,.3e uU:ut u hie t rgedsilngsi, casting schionneraile drive to City hall wlas one long ova- :Mrh2 89..........dia rolnathief ran away with the co- > «b ed ther home, at Pierrepout Må- ilgt h obrecpd LusCtl 35t 67;hgwhieh lknow every reef from a ndy Hook tion. ........ ..-..-.-.....-..-..--.......----*in. . . onlcie , at-1 5 o . Y.$ to$4 •to Portland, ocean liners, thgrie y11unds At 8:45 a. m., the Admirat's coaag, Aburglar bhuike into a Philadelahlia Seven barber paie% were stolen vne e'Conquering lBenr, a prom.inen-t Sioux hea No', 73, tu -4e; NMA o of the s"a. and even an old-time Ya P drawn by a pair of bigha stepper, roildaa elerss]padtokntiige-ngh rm1nfotfbrersosin Win Fata ache. hief fromt Pine Ridge agny aue eb.31 -e asN H ewaling brig, black: and smelling of whaleonto the promectnade Of the City Hall c'lit a*'monkey.Sa Franciseo. Geke i , ntat bew by fits and at the 01maha1àexposition grounds, was al. 2->e; ry, 3 No -l';"ts N' -• aoil.But Il the Hudson was Blied, th Park.O Atremendous cheer aroeson- - ndea dkif h irto te mt instantly killed bIy jumiI)ilag from icint2ate $5t $.5 h ,s:ae n ihr ieweee e n igliete rasieoebggnthtAeIA EW YSNA EILArA LTES orthe Ame-rica a cup between the trolley car while it was moving- lie.t0 to0:$h« blotted ont by the peuple hcgo o was 0 combination of cheer, yell nnd DIRLDE E' A EI tfl NL M and the lihamrock, and it left aeh ol-aFi a oesm yhw nd lated for moinutes without -