Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Oct 1899, p. 7

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OtulleTMAlePE ENTthFReE CORNERSTONE9 LAID. s*f* M* s One ef the Grandeet Ofers Ever Mode. Poland of Vermont ar e tstnty eem- EALM grThe r wt Seeenpersons procuring lthe ing tolight.Coneuof the pretlest laIs dot A$ EIJ. ndes han trccBoifomtean old farmer, whom the Judge Invit- M KNLEMY ERTORCHSICMAPO.SpNGgroe wfllech Obtain one large '(le ed to dine Ith him oeeday at the hotel - CR EONYATCHIAGO pckae o "ED CROSS" starch, one ln Lynidon, Vr. Dz&emD- "i - dut'te illarge 10ý c package of *-HUBING lit'S The ldi man's shabby germnent& and nDA sm-1eeatduty ksto Wietda a Filver Tr.wel in the Eser. ES" tarch, two Shakspeare pie- uncouth Cotnunera idnot prevet is fe1pchien t gratNet deiandi Bhankng-tootres, printed in twelve beutifl col- host from being heartily' glad toae frhŠe mecnehsdn ceeatheew-dea dn-orr0s,., sa tural as life, or one T weni-him, andlhe vwas rucheraidlainothe dina lr e. I wel*y miserable aend lons. Great Parade k-ollow.-8oidiers of ehCtuyGrCandtefne ngomwthllheeeece that oudt rf ,abade rul, he as nLn.of ltskind lever printed, all absolutely cgi-oudhave be & e showne Judge' $ate 4 pois about the heurt and free. Ail others procurIng the EnD(le'ss 'most distinguishedfred onmldg ts'dizzy and suffered with Under. a bright sky, in In atmoopbere CanSacÇok iloti ri i aQh amr' rteprec iniMestrutio. Iwasreaingof mlan umnr, it tigs a vng ndtheir grocer two large 10e packaeq e t a hotel, and when the waiter laid the aabG ou Ldia woE. inkham..11th1,tainsof hel'tyi atempeling sof starcht for 5e, and the beautifuillpre' menun card before bhiu hesasked quick- egeta Compundolwrtetoou frth al vind b thrngs t widowsmitums, .whleh are being given awa"y. .Whtshay Mnd aittaking two bottles 1fe ltlikesa ando"Ilof Ille Icorner >stoeof fthe lnes, boty, wbayoura newper*om. YourVegetableComrpound Cia, e ja iiIl t tlad top yism frt in ucemhe framsous *Thebil of rare, air," replied! the t pfl.d hrasaeneoured m and I cann o muing. PresidenIt 31-Kinl!ey spread a a "tDCRtOSS" starch, and the cele- 'Tk taa' adteodmn m U itesor.Wu. -Es.JO.BmADtroweliful of gray imortar ipu fixte fioun- brated "HIUBI.NGERt'S BEST" COUdawith a look of triumph on his brown " A r. I o w W As a uN tio nn m o., M E at c in s e of he i r wi I d er a tr- w ater starch. "R E D C R O S S" la ua dry fa ce. J udg" p ero a nd a t Ithi e sort th at aWeme&Menda ng staI ture. H eci elarit ro sovlha.e tarch Il, something ent.rely new, and tuvltes folks and chien lets 'em pay "" O&.wm à edihim by a hrd carrier. Wnrkmhe nene ls without doubt fthe greatest inven-throwbll.'vknnhmby--- o tiedi nth es doctrand a h a Miln .etonof fthe twentieth eentury t btsh and man, young feler! Perhaps you would hielp me. My trouble was pro- bats. Te1 r> t M wile landitna-nDo equal, and surpasses aj terx. Ttdidn't know S'mn a-vis'ting Judge Po- tu» foing-, times1 wood thik Ilir ilIlle :j:jgýt, la, II%ýeirI fratsawoneufors w tseorfts praise fromrot ailparartanddo -da f1eo-dfowg; atimesI wol ud thik rive in t Iw s tii aslwee fIIdn-ronite dtte.aInlasto y-ied I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ woldwt et.Iwss ekatamwnddri ia h ona fte Uie tts thsspre-The Twaiter bowed with the aspect of that th'e lest work wàuld tire me. flon -IL e driopplang eandhrmta- ed everything heretofore ud oragrenmgbtthJueadhi Readng of nuo manty beeg cured by ly a the -piler bx naiin d .knownu to science linfthe laundry art.agaest mae at c ther ige ndmutua oeur Medicine, 1 made up my mindi touni. and-il I whil b mayvnot .seelight smdefo9het ie n on'filinmlesd pesure, andtheounath write tol you for advice, and I am.sofor inercen 8. ndladceftnically prepreuton -Jdepoeddtoodrfrto glad'that 1 did. f took Lydia, E. Pink- or th.- T1 7mry (Gage w ved antal emprinils y pJ. C. Hubinge,-a his lis atd thelnwe:itmbur dir.ctian,, expert ln the laundry profession. ,h Was 0De the Ønthillre Di ha' Vgtal Cmoudan ier ita .oThery tarauuded B nner" has hadl twenty-five years of practical iDon't ive them tteoreraioger. Have PSanwwnd llowed your di ecoan anhe [4,,ln-y athe jlm p. onst indexperience ,In fancy laundering, ani ymI tried the sewsfood drink ealed aMnd o wtellanstoRT org. Isaeo-e n inislt lphprns tad h atecrtscesul doriginal lAm? It is deliious Rand nourisht- Mnnyour .edicnetBal, -ifor l a ite saved ingsfu Law' r;it l uncm ed hadiicheeredMie etro l iegaeeo trh Ing.Il-and ctaketthe pate of coger. The so lf."MssA.P, o 2 Anrr atonr:e ndthe u authm neto falne dso tarch a ore Grais-O you give the children the IowA Thiens f a he indws wl opsthe United States. If you would: bave enore heaitlh ye disribute through their T hr tlo .ate or ndin Il fag-i e4 ied oi r 1 A fil I*Ii,,i I- I ue he l e t n askfor "R E D C R O SS " and s tems. G ra t; i - O u i t a e ofpure graine. o in y tr enoivlienesb . a at ilinHUBING;ER'S BER;T," which are tnei ud w DPEpen y ale tse*lk The idrent ofludI lls of a curi- ub.thi dizzy 3 rn of the rea,tnesstrhsotemakto-a.bot¼amu.ADgcrseli.15 ousinl wa frjiig h aa fNrhrthe Im - l hei;; Aofth l - •The obb)ting housae all hadletit, bthe a 25c.t nter utton aitaImr being bhsel ith a dag- adutxk bli:d-;,kop th m nighty r eai criha.. onhi shlvsy" o outasiel A reffatel •k.5 stte, rnjitings er ak in plein is fru.0'h , X a nuano r Ii ilnd It In all the homes, while the care- The principa reason that coins are srottand aiwrekIiIli-:iy wa deued wo â pmt f tl!w tlus of L FING OF TH12 POSTOFFICE CORNER STONE ful housewife lhas adorned fthe walls struck aa ot ail te wel-known frnio n-ry teat ma-ncm e-thousondsislhocln:dmte, athalot --- ----ofthe house with t-he beautiful Shak- tact u. molte nnels contract on AcTs PEWY ON' orationof theevent.heard a word. but h imek from theos LED BY THE RE1EN. CHICAGO'ci GREAT BUILtDING. speare pictures which are beingivenicooln.Tocntretcis hc ~ - iangileO i fr 79.prositinity lu the Fera,uil' y line. awvay in Introducing "RED CROSS" aor lasisnhwfta aktin D. Fr st-Caa,àto loe,,,dthe o 7'o f bluestt had ¡ 'yhld lithir Grand Civice and uMmtarr Page ant It Will Be the Mont Digntiled Public and "HUBINGER'S BEST" starch. lM ine, w"hameh aetritmped DNt 4ufrh a Ia fr ,thaccuiest- ll> fedn'll'Th eeflr t aa tnding the laying of The na iti isa udng nrethn $4.- A Hymn of Science."' coins do nou. SecondY ly I mpoai- N i of -ther greattor tiet wthenh e nc <l .iih Iügt robte heco'uretone of Chicago'.sLnewpont- I, n t provide quarters m Cica.ti Some "Hymne of Seene have late- blle to get the sache sharpnsof e- chaacer ndreiabliy o te stalih'precion. boy. ailæber f the Fir-st ar- ofice building werefu:lowed in the after-forn the Federal courts and for the tran* ly beeneut forth by an Amuerican pub- lineantim as la iumna m ndlasz NES tu. nt. selliggosuiftu fudlies fromt'ttillery. 1. N. 1;, -.-:sevice. who stood noon by a ageant which surpassed all action of its mamlmothbusiness inthe limiter, designed to tolkerthe place of when thesetampng machine lasoneecet sou.'Thbetgrent eprm fI!le in Ithe pIdnnsal i;;.wagg< d hits imilar civic, and military displays in the district. The new United States o Christi an hymns withlthose who have op the procls oftstrtMng coins la Tn-EFC JonM mt . enedat1c t o Ci, inBg thi .Aiman un a sky -raper in history of the city. It was viewed by-rment buldigwihwl!com-se tt ieu h obpo h ntl hae n oerßta Wes Mdioustret Cicgoha benthei.vidu;ity wig-wýag;d anothier fBag, and thousands who formedtwo compareswalid date fthe ceveral Federal depairtments is &churcbtwostl elareeetta o ntn ve ek e estub): bIed for a thirt of a century. Rugi a third mnan, farther ealst, waved is in.- of humanity mài:eo in lenigth. There were designed in the form of a great tiurue cilrit u h tl ela eetta fcsigev ui i.ý 5j hloi- rnisev.r hui . mionhomes And two ,oserm ili te1stopwatch níof-, ino>threatening skies to mar or concreatcross, covering an area tof 386 by 310 freet lspirihestRn. Gea- i. oo inChcao n vicniy lne Tistimthe cormer tIe of t he ilww I ederal build- the lavish decoraticas of the Court of and lit will bet the most dignlit rubiImsuklyta heagaeo uul gtrni,"adte itbr enjy.thle -coni eeof the(public bylits ing was labl the dep-anl slteof the lionor or to damtpen the patriotic ardor of struc(turein the West. Three oflits doors lhymns will restrict their use toe a lim- *pedest rn o te eyeithewithout i y eai!ir tf fairdalingu. Itha jou aucruii....licI;man and lBattery 1la echovidthe hosits of people. Veteralns of thrcee -the basemnent d andndenestnduited circle. Hereare speelmen stansas, igh imn niisrtd aaou hg hulfo the :ake front and mi:dd ith the wars received their propor measure of ap- storieýwill coiver the entire bilock bound hchw in eritdina x "o'l e unlt,"rsone h bec, nevrfmy.aitdenean dmainof thwplc. plauose. Gray bepards of the Mlexican war ed by Adamis, Deýarbo)rn und Clark street" change:mu no,- pmdthPo giver he prldie.ofveryatile or teure hen l îence rreged again Semctary mandthe aged warriors of the civil con- and Jackson boulevard. pnti ae Uiyo aeslw, rider, s he knockedà the other cown fror hoseol ue.A ampeif!heexoGgewhtehare1 nd isinuihe. iie har ehos f te uge.tietndthe cross-:ike structure roiss six lstoris Comic order, without daw. and ran op bis spne. trordnlaryhevaluesiofferdAbythe gfirm isstond ver the huge block ofr !iuoi, hle- drum. which Sred thir heroism at Bulâna higher, or 128 feet, in the air. Th n i sall thy power *tire. "Yo 211l get rus ta. tao," eid the p- whownin te ilustrtionof te ge t. tne mand said , with dignitied empham.i: Vista, Gettysburg. Vicksburg and Itich- comtes the huge dome, a building lu it- Inor tr faldeinunein s esepdfo ehn v n cdninsmuof o ae.The - t UMitn anoter __--.¯OGlory ofthe Universéel lamppo suad euh" ithe bieyclle. columIvn ofulalca ndr T yrsuts eyare -CHICAGO DAY PARADE IN TH E COURT OF MONOR. Just the% smther scorcher came M tA bu i frthe tho niid andon Sweet Nirvana, along writhcelt a Ilight, s» the policeman le neeful artietes ilhanttrate-d and described Mesm HgetJan!hdt-rmso.snes- a Rapture tweeter rthan aitll esurs in he eauifu ca aogn oftheJoh .Thou the meilsure of all mieusure%. With the Wanie« 4f te Honeyanoon ¼nya omien...-,. Thou the trea"sureof all treasure,iM.Brgg-Tocs deliberately de- IM Ma sulie ttyls i M nti.0OImmortal Buddhahood! Ice ved sae wilets m masked me to marry lio silen who spnte otme at SWANSON'8 "*5 DROPS'" if the mou Peu.isa ne a Mail sy tathi wntr oatieof the sick rooma. it hall, aved the pub. Mr. Bn I duidanthing of the àab«w&h it - eotstaed f auz unereot!ugand- lein lemssthan Ilve yeaire, mure money Aort. whteduk acetutltrusrs ai , .--tha.nfthentonldebt t ofithiscountry. Mrs. rBrae-, Didn·t you tell me that ai uàb his summeiiýr ceast ume of whHle ducik when you mesure the value orf health re-. you were quite wen of. ....s,46 6 e jael;et and tausers, withom the ganze. stored, suffering humaniy relieved of lits MrBrg-Yan o w;bt agonies and diseasies, Money which oathn- Iwsfoihenht hn ih ---erise would have beene expended in fun- 1W o"euht hn ih C W IT H A TAI LI eraie, doctors and drug bills, Iloss of labour. b etrofltmne EC-rTo Omma Ill li e Dayeu SWAN8ON'S *"fiDROPS'" never falu Tête I. Datie oiQuinine abietsi. Ali o r n "sb Ccur-e. Tilliez cured and is curiaig mib!- dugtrf.shmoet sone EveryOne TaNotwced th New oneof people afthicted withACU'TII and me . .W. or.w'af----emniueâch box.ES0 ••C' in Town.ClRONIC RHICUMATISM, à8C[ATl- GM ICA, NEURALGIA, A8THMA, LA Sapermest a tu as es Boot h. IlM ý»Myw ' ý -M»GICIPPS and CATARRH orf&alLkinde. lit tg a popUlar belief tht a holly " se "W n Icm s tuay wa Us ereermett"•5 DRtOPS" has never failed co cure bush planted mear a dwelHng protects Read "The CalclIlèe, Felle s s in wA e" clithee diseases, when used as directed. Ilt the housefromIlighting. mtonthly paper, beatdgH AwatsitEveywsee-will cure you. Try it. Price of large containing exacta»Idtrmit slized bottle $1.00, sent on receipt of price, 1-hbmlrvem pmpt Sm et Pine'l tinabuCarmlaie !,y soi- a ago tod- uios wascharges iprepaid; 25-cent sample btl peeti m & Mltesfonfrnr l se-o >yi ap«ra m tw u ent frleeon receipt of 10 centsILt pay CWMalaMaqmtt% e,4 e.I & ltesf n M e Si o malig A t an d ATI CIE - Àwasn== hould ever accept a lover es ngand astructm v'PANY, No. 164 Lake street, Chicago, 111- without the eensent of her beart cor a in potae tamps for a bushand wthout the consent of her srpint TECR a t iesini o ejudgment.-Ninomde l'Encies Adams St.,"TChiCos - "The rules of thic club," sanid the see-AdmSi ùgý - retary, "Idemand that each applicant tell a good story before being ad- dicW7at is i aNa e Tnequer 4li leT%.- t ad e asîe .Atr ght," replied the nman who wati vBoyfulig, Y» k alses o not& e hee t ro¡,iyjunpd nt IPua big city two Chlnese conducted rival [li AscandNud a.m of dug e th mewitha Til" s aemne oflauindriesi. Over one dooir was Chang; , hthfIlowed lby a I-oini of happlèess ndovr heoterLI Oe ay 1L1 caught eu toty wth'lsand1ad1-Chang reýading is launidry ickets qhrhRl - a o_ t C.-e le a n rt ion rd - a ke -r--- - - --- - - - --- - - - I nd Lfk Clsh h Lipartof thutrad-markof - ---f-thl -,- n on. th veeranisof the stire)yet fresh -lf, retiebing e,i ht toirs farther to a ithrough the win ow. Lie a fahle M n & of t%. n :. -dilr tt .ae I, e.F Alk I l hoived the rs oif l>at- beILht of . fot 11 frlu. i b ha e ntleman, du o fil e lm t a a p e noo. b rin, thetho une nd he ensof houa ivi oraniatinsgave additionual weigitt and sUpportinig ecar lniof the cross. are "Give i)up? n u n rto t . t I t i wblt eir hem j- trIluam o tesgiteneofthe paradie. The four massive m n fts ifty fe-et hi::h "Li Ibur g Cha-ng. g ta, do. 'lhrt-w - y theoy 1! do thal.t td!o, e t n (>hld d tignshdvsiosfrom Canada, Mier- and ive feet lmtdianelur. The doLrwa pr e th r erI r n": fi. -à t.Mr t ru n hi> e c adfrom Ithis countriiy al! recefive-d andi will lbe arched, thirt-Iý - fetIhigh. E wTry Grain-O! Tey.Grain-O N s l rng.tý d .I ree ...A r -asseln ie - T e rvlw sa :i-u1o ody wre Imade to rea:ize that Chicago has a the immnise 1rowunlh. efndn rom the Ask youtr Groer odyto how foeot ChLag En ed Cain.;. (- \I nir \ ith thle ldeft t'lin fthei warti I n 1: u proportion to is iz.bittn narytoth opofte om ,ofakes the pl te f woffee nTh Thi i te C RC ltT tblt. Pr en wit :wd the I li; fth rnet McKzinkyVs appearance alon:g wil[ roin two gr:uitfI- tairwaysnand >i- cildren a y dik t wth e out injry as vrytalt ofthe unir ge-uine wet m lr II)pofile Ilnne wa-, i l ed the Ulne of marc was ttended lby a ro - levator shnft,ý This rotll a sto. be wll as the aayduri.kAll wtho ut iry l aest ("ns. aret bears the magele lttes tatlitt:e e a bori t 'wieb .al ther 'ac t itinus Iwave ofr a plus. hile %wIth ght ai roonyand will tbe sixty-ive v' I - asta ih selbo n o .*"ln a h l te01 f r e reat or stuall, of tho Iia:: fa n - bai ir hadt he howed to the throngs. feet in .diamelter. Moche or Java, but it i madefromt >are isad sualtlutesfrus. ihthe lyig'f th orn «e Fromthe appointed place through the The builing wl lbe cons'trulted of ganand the most delicate sitmachle J -a --- -- tone t the northrust ( r:rof.-Itre ute fo downtllwn stireets tri the revie- rough granlite fri he l- qutries of NMaine crives it ithout disresis. I% he prc 114 11111 ture whiI!h istIlh le hh w l a etintadthre Presideint lookein t. a sea cfr. lr l.itn5cper package. A&L'ORD p. t l e he most imnM- nz imiin in of - - -- - - -- --a-0ce 1 AI O D ai n i, iyoNintedr-te - U--e itMariscal ofrexcomur- Brel Paragraphs from anotyawait.on. -hi-a---B---------a"My.dear," said thxe bunker to is Chicao Banue --Tasts. onlly daughiter. "i have not1ledia young - matn attIred lu a dress suit lin the par, O R p mlaw m1ýIIiotlor- two or three evenings eaich week tu of laite. What làsbhis occupato? 2 .il the a ee nt ars ad i "lie is at present unemploye, fa- Ourill140. Th e spais l'rnl o nrelrallytuofther." rep)lied the fair girl, a dre-amy* f m anwei i spnd:uniom orereu t rl s'"4 "! fair-Iwa;y look In lher big, bluce.eyes, n a 4 L IC KdE Rme.11 1ur1anhr-smd1 ed.6 TheIL I, æ tIcIaid g lets lf the "but lit-ils thiniking seriouisly of averett - A B b iit a WRL KEP YOU DRYs. " a"'l "t" " ""ine pstinoflfecman«*t s.. l.. r99- chlIor, 'f nJ i a i nannd l; IýIthe ,,I p stono lr c cio ia tb Pmedjà ihýliio lurydpifvar l a matn foryouinglady of mneans. .e,. w Dnteoedwithamakin a shh ir>l la :-uu a et te fiettha -. si tw orruberc yt, ifyu tacmheAetsbi i ulr an lot r;vlingo che Burlington tair d that.wnItkeep yudr" thhr- nn . fth ,scu s u',l·.un l ou erir scstrmbuy theRIl Brand -anyadiayIu esadlvnm. on fthe way to Denver, a little townma, -a= inV=s S he fntor sale In yenr-i r i a rrnt œr o T eMAl etna-Hastings, NebrakIl ! -anenlls "e pined1utaapoint of interewt bê,esp ei 3 n e een - e or nevr o he corn eribs b uilt thee lotng fthe mdu *àen vatadsme - - --to bie tin o edi, 1 in al 1:·i1i sit a s. ln Il yor ilLta t . s. In all there are twenty-fouir b tgs Wil. D UCL S' s[a1tecribs. 12 feet wide and 12 ch.g a I nersLafOUGLAS I estzues are aga nt >nl high. with a total length of 5.44 feet, or - ehautticaatu $3&eŠà .50 SO ES N e - a aRN a ditaee of aparly a mile~nand a quar- 'd as he , Ir- ýhe ng, à y tire et a n ol- :the d .r4t ad ht as Ind-e tu ne Lathé- Lthe re- eut- utter a di onýly i mris Pcon- ikh ofr vante t e wait ula i theyr 1 in th Rd PU Send a yu lu Ulm ýw,é" ICA zz

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