.4 LAKE COJNTY INDEPENDENT., Vol. VIII. No. 3. Libertyville. Lake County. Illinois. Frlday. October 27. 1899. Geéorge Washing ton threwadoilar &cross the Potomac River. Thta a&bout as jar am a dollar med tb go. We Cau make your dollars go f*Ui- tis a ia. Are yon gettleg hallvlue la a&l tbe lotie' y. bey? Are yen gttîintas low psIe s ayM ugt t1gel? W. challenge any 01k.. concer la tila comaty t0 dupllcate omr stylesa sud motet our prkcea. No malter bow mucls yo u wst--ao USter iow littie you want--youi- dollar wlll go fartier witi us tisn wltla amy otiser TaUnlg Estabishmentl. W. cou prove thia te you. We am r pivg I te etisers every day. * SANBRN &C05, Tailors and Haberdashers. Kaiser Block- Dr. Charles Galloway. Office over Loveil'BDrus Store NOUES VEOU ITO11TOO D& 0Vi. LibertyvillO. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office over ITrigge A£ TaYlOr'B. i 10 1W . m. I2tW é 8ti4. se o P. la. M«Sîdoce on ireudvay opposise Pu*k LIbertyvIllO, Illinois. Dr. K. 0. B. YOUNGt Physiclan and Surgeon. GurnOee- -- - ---lîinole. Dr. E. H.- Smith, DE.NTIrST. office over Lake County Bank Ur.: hste i.la. am. II to à p .m. bAILY ~fLibertyville, [Il. PAUL MacCUFFIN, A ttouoysUd <onilo? Ai Law. NOTrARY PUBLIC opriIit WiTa LàKIL CO>luT1 BÂNK, Libortyville. Illinois. W. B. SCHAEFFERS NU RS ERY. on. mli, s,,,îof 1 Lnbg rovo P. 0.. Lake sID. au'i lOnal lnts W. H. MILLER. - Llbertyviire. 111 WAU KEGAN . sia et la< t et ltrs 0~ e h u sai- Seaus . f1atre à meeting et tue smint deaIers of tuia cty vas beld ti la-dy evenlng anti, a scomasqtleie, 0onsud alti- November lat, the pri-e of lie article in Wauksgan lbaveluses a aisanee one ceat s quart, terataI) price thug belag ailicoent&inat Off ive. DY boying a dollars vorth et tickets nt a Umue. filvas agneedt e sel isetent for tisi anoanulvbIcb bringa i a trige Io- or than etcensé per quai-i. The Imoral of the lais John lllinep vas icit nday aftrnoou li-om thc reldmsee on Washlington s51-0. Tise wvlcca vr. briel sud imnpreé- nite, 1ev. W. B. Ton, ofttelateti Tic body et thc Wsniegau Pioneer lay lunanote lu île epaclone hallvay audte tcparlers woeainadoqeaio tî accommodais ibosee vbucame te pay lb test sac) ibnite the man kuowu sud blovedt y IL. iluial vasmade lu Oakwoot cemeioi-y. Bocausaet9a complicato esi i-cal m-e demi, John W. Millr, a rcsps.cled auuer resort keepor ,of Foi Lake, vas placeti lu îhe coluity jail Sunday mono ing. Mr. Mler osss arrested "alaiday nigli tLaie Villa on a warrant sveru oui by Commodore Oliter Sollit, of Chicago, aise preuil. neni aiFox Laie, and eliarged wyul fi-st uddel for a beariug soilfui- Priday, lu $1I00 bouteswauldrîven serosa lis cyous 0tis iclty wboe le bas aluceibeu lu Jil. Mill clargeti vilh fianti, for i- liug a place ef properij leive parties. Mis tiieud- cýebu hilar s île vicllm oet spi. 0 on sund inoceun t 1auj fi-sud. Undsi-atE Hsie Muiness. C. W. FeteDeetlied suctioneer TONItOIIIAL ART183T, * îoroihly underelaneais m o u Wbeu yo osni dea suve r aanth1en uen males cuuiuded hY WhuFuaal "BII cilamm ehcI ean preve is boa& stivai-1 Coudmit bel- Ilou"Bll-tisemea. bila tai-maaTere roaei. eg0mloi-IIANDSOF osESR. AtdrmeaC. w. PnaiiEbeciflelti. 2-3 Nxi jiote i,. w.a.- '[« i-bu 500store q.SSvA" S Oi 501 5iO aALF DAY ,,vsnlags gai i mnil,, corulH ____________________________ ti.s lalile Sianeýlil! las beau oit the sii liaibîn osoci. nk, ir. Hlolstinl han reniet J. M. Fouiesj lai-w for lihe coing year. LieCounty Bank NIra. J. ihaidm lisvistig lbei- dtngtier, kira, W. L. HuIiiugg i WRIGH, DY OND £CO..(l-It.l-W tbiK vesi. wRiGmi, CO.. Prî-achiîîg Mt lie cdard evnry Suu- LbertYVille, lhnIS. Iday .fie'inouî. ai Ibrea oclocis khy 11ev. Cla, LoI ýeeycue comeaitiudxia -.Rm«olmm»-Ilîn. ont, anday seheol vili aaud actverai Isgues Interest Ilcariing Coititfi. .telegaien bd> tbe Snuay sîocou. veutiln a& ighiauti Park Fridoyan sd etes Payalme oil Denid. lai-rday. IMrnud lire. P. iNouais siedidaugi- lt.lr,iittide epeul a few îajs 1115 yack lu Mlaic- vieling tise 5V FEEDING MCîîvei'o parents. Mr. llocimaml ndsutfeml' of CALIFORNIA Libertyvilb- . 8 Manud fanily antd C RESCENT H. oeet maid famlly viite.) ai Hi-. eaav25FOOD yo sv 25r cont. on agr5lf il ij-isllO.t ltiii i Il us ap V.îtlu -lef- 1 5 11%v W tfltIi -l Isl h Sicb t - d i , wat-il ior ijoi-ad ED. BLEIMEHL, ^firnt. Doorfieli - - 111 lnosi ELOCIJTION AND IIUSIC. Hîîviîîg couîplited a fouryear cournme iii mloution aîîd munie mit the Chicaîgo Musical (Jolloge, I amn pi-Opari-li I i Leach liuduividnals or classesi these baclies. For in- fomation "ud'râlîes, apply at my he m n iiLibrWviile.y Mnr. Kol, or Laie Zurich, oas lae Tn--stsy li-ying, lumaile î al os ielb PacieHios. for tbeir silîra. NI bave ilov. Tanty lectnred the m-churei lmiasu rawday evanng ou '-Thal lMan" andi Fnimay evening on "-Tiat Weman." HIe la lryIsig le place a lib-amyIli Oui- Mir. William Floodi, of Evanlen, viaiet A. W4. Tripps famiîly ovni- k1na- day. M. liallard aud fan>dily, Of Liberlyvibbe sise visita.) Iae ou Siumsiy. D. SINCLAIR, Goneral Bicksmlth and Wagon Maker. Practîcal Hors* Shoor and 1- Ferrier. ....Of hors", tact. A Olatrous Fie. Tuesday zornlug about 8 O'cleci tire vas dîseovereti lu tbe bay loftiof F. 0. EllswortWh'barn, ear Evereil, and lu les, lime $anIL It akea ttell 11 the0 upper portion efthle largo barn vua a oriug furnace. Il vas oulY possible k. relesoibhe lite stock bof or. lie lamea hati gaîued aucihea«dvaY thaite enier tie barn vas oui ot tle queation and ti h asburnedto tlei grouud vib aIl lis contents, bay, 400 huaholâ 0f corn, 350 buaiels et eaia, barnmesetOc. The ioi shedi ad- jelning wà as aebai-et viii ls cotenU, consîating ot mauy faim implemeuis, moyens, bluter andt bols. There vas $1250 Iluanauconouthe bai-n sud $1700 ou conient«. Cb&&. tltib, of Libertyvîlle vrote the huai- uembut a few mouiha ago lu tble Nortberu Assurance Company, o! London, proviens le hilci lime liec bilding. burueul verenuninaureti for quie s urne probsbly iirougbineglecl. Howver thebombas Wittprove a serleon, eue te Mr. Elsworih, lie buildinugs belug tie beai lu liai section. "bo reldeuce vilci, oas s»Yod, ilaa beautifnt counry home, reploie lu ail modern equipmoteisandt l iludidà Dol aise hum ise ndood foi-mugie. Support the Toacher et Home. l'erbaps Do Cîsas et perseus meet vih se muci or se sevoro crliciam as teachoer. Muci of tis criielamn l unut nisd existe solely becauao !»Lai-elsiandi oliers listngon unvorîtieti reportsansd do éoiig 10 acquaini ibemacivea wiii ihe rosi tuner vork- lugs of the eciool-i-oom. Au, person experiencot yul cbidreu kuows ata Moeno reports, eveu vben absolutly Imuful fi-cm Meur pont of vew, eau- net be relled upon. Again, auy oe wie ban lied the trainiug of cildren bas experienceed the morliylug fact MIai eveu tbe bet-ralued chidren semaeilmea voefllj lapse from Mheir Inuowkdage ut good maunersansd Coeanlsy Wou en vy from home amoug otior chilîdren. Some meilîcra ilîl not tolerate aay corection ofthibir chilîdreus wmanci-aby lhe leacher, saking ILs a adirect Juun1te h eir houme training. vieu it ahut he re- sul of childish ieedleaesaor »Il- viii. Ne greatin ury eau le doue a toacher iSenteO Couemis ber et hbe lu presence et ber puplia. Tiare are. may- they muualy dinde Les àIsmober au aohool-marm.-vbo pereil.. iu ho- llevmmg sud eucoui-aflng iMat a àebeel- tescber lanover kvlbe iii regard.cd otbar than suspIion. weaassIHomae coapasies. lai-mers Ilntituts. [lhe (Xeclto ecommiliceo f the Mcl.-uýry Conty Fui-merst Ingtitioe ecinlly declildte hbld île next soinnaIlusîllola aiutHarvard Jin 31 aud Fob. i an.. 2, î;tai. Exteuhlve pi-cpu-a- lions ai-c loîng madîe 10 Maite thethi-c tay'sa.aiaona grand anceesam. Many Auctione. Auclion sales&aoul moi-eiin ortai- tiiIyear tîdever b$toro. Aucioneer W. H. Appley, of Lherlyvil le andi C. W. Petils, ot D-erileld, vîiedthlia ammer atth lIa.ejri-tlj o)!&ali-s hrcabouls. Au indication of tle pruapeouiacon- dJion of fui-nera Jn the- largo amoai of cah paid ..ver at sales tuis yerar, aloi-c lu fui-mer yeurs notes osai- i,.vaiably gitan. Thînks H. Saw Robbers. A mon oWho gîtes his Dame as S. D. Camirigît, snd in a pri-oner ai tle Canti-el police satioln, Chicago, clisiget I vît» m.llîg atlmOfutboi-ss fr00> stepbeni Keilaur, of Long Gi-ove, bas fîîrntsbe thîe police yulh a pos- sible clos' to the identitY u.f lia men Vbo i-tbbe thle Nortiîesitemu irain. at Eli.oru i-eceutiy. Cartvright baaelitailafer lic vas maiug bise "Y grinemLong Gi-ove ah the eti.en 105 hi- pamisdti lu BinIe Il-nolinersmlv ter île fibery and tacite miles diat(of tle place vhere il ocour-et. 111h osere youg. vol dressing asut liaveliug on fouI. Ont caries a comipact package. Thol siopped vben liey esos lni driving down the i-oic)anti oerae etently tig- urlng upon holinlg llm ap sud laking lin rig ti-om hlm. Ho became bus- picluns and aleppot aisu. When Il-y saàw ie wvit, ola fui-moi ileybontet tu hlm luocime ahead, s ley vara net golng tu molest lin>. if lias iorjr la correci Itme robhei-a woeamakntufooieIb. l'ho informa- lIon given by île Central station Pria- Oaci- ceu.. lututally the dooctilvas say. viih vbat ev c-eys they lave ai- ieady foun c. Woodoppers Waneld Woodchoppei-s oanied tlu Ct, 2W corid of Wood. AUSTIN -Fîsme, lHait DRY. ____ 31f Milliona Gîven AwSY. b sceitainly gratifYiag lu lIn puiblIc lu inoos tfuecoudera bu ihe aud who ai-c nul sfraîd le ho gouereas lu lheue edy and aufering. lie prepricuors of Di. Kîngi Nev Dis- cutai-j fui-cousîtmptilun,(10119118anti coida, have giveilawavY OvO ento million trial botles oet tîlagreSI Medicine-;utdhave the satisfaction of kuoosiug Iibs aSbselnlotj caredthon-u Santise01t bpesa Cases. Astmma, bronebIliî, boarseneisu n didsac of the tireai. chient and Iluugs as .urely coi-st yiv I. <Ge&a tras trial boulea. il1ulsr aise 50ocandi 81. xlriy bottaitguatntéor eprisa nattiiff. I. B. Loymi?, Llbattyvle. G.M. T»o,"u $ n" i*s. 1DOUBLE WEDDING. Thras Couple* United ln Wedlock on W.dnesdav. A very happy anti aolemu occasion, aud une, tee, of toi-y rare occurrence, vas the double votiuif id llas Jauni o L. Hot!man, ef Evanalon andi Mr.lier- man Elfrlng, of Lîberlyville sud Misa Kate A. ElfrlDg, et Lbertyvilo antiMr. Hienry M. Wagner, of Veto, ai S8. Poeé sud Paul@ chai-ch, Liberiyvilie, ast Wedneaday morniug Kt flue o'cleci. A broiher suddaiter vere secof et cootracilug parties, boii popular ln Libetyville Catiolle cîrclea, andi henne the cdurcI auditorium vu crovted 10 overllowlug. The 1ev. Palier Cardon unied lie bhappy couples lu the buly bonds of vediock accordlng tsebfIulrieofe the Caibolie cburcb. 11gb Umea as celebrased. lesheClark, wvieo sfe fin sud ably prealdesaI lisehe rgan durlng services ai tle Catholle churci. dit se ou &iI occasalon. Thse chnrch choir, led by Mr.r licott, and assisited by Mise Ilpellmu. reuderod s tory excellent musical program. Aller tie mass the 1ev. Fainer addrossed lie neily marrlad people in a hri bultory approprlage disoonnae, on.. lie nature andi respouaihîliluof o AI the Elfring bomne au exîravageul eddlug toast vas preied ovei- aller tbe ceremeuy, by FaLior Cardon. The 1ev. pasier frein Fresueul Couler wvas as preson& sud a beat ef tieuds aud relative». Il vuauan ccassiou hrlm-1 Ming ever wlih mari-y maiing. Glueuleti freni lie aurronndîug eemmunily brongbl numetrena bosulîful sud ceci- 1y gifis a Unmone of 01love andi esieemt sud bearty congratulatiens vere shov- oreti upon Mr. snd Mra. Etrlng sud Mr. sud lra. Wagnei-. The moi-ny makiag conlinuedtIta he inght, aud no eveul hereabonU osîili bnng pleassaler memoriei le lboie preseul iu jeans tecnoe than the unique ~double veddlng" juet deseibet. The chai-ch audtonlnum vierelu thse effmouy lee# place vas healitully1 decered wltb tievera, as vere tie car- riages conveylug the ceulraciing1 parties 10 sud frQmthe etiltice, the aI"ter belug tlaketnlliy rimmed viii overgneen sud tii-pot vlt thle1 Amarlean colora. Paier Cardon pro. aontod euhcofetihe brides viih relgieus emIblemu 18u01&ti A S&COND MARItMAON. Ai3 ocloci lu the smme clureh Ri v. Cardou agaîn perlormedth îe aacred marriage ceremexiy, mailing mas sud vite mi"s Grace Elizabeth Flagg sud 31r. James 1P. Casin, boheu0etChicago. As lu tle morniug tle ciarci vas crowdet, mauy Chicago friends being proeet The brida le a convei-i from a lifptimileburoh lu (hicago bavîng for soe ulie Wbeau uder inuction l.y Falier Cardon. 'i'le moai blesti bitcranei vas given. l'le bride sud groom vwere procedesi to lie allaer hy louer girle accumpauet by nabers. Il va etry prou-r ceremeny. Wilb the two couple mai-net iu the mornlng Mtss Plegg andi M. Cassin hati rectev- cd le Hoiy Communion, aIl liree bcbng lruly Caiholie mariage. AIt te home cf lira. John Gnsy, lie îbride&salome, Fatier Cardon &gaiu preelded ai the festilve beard. TI. promnsoDa ere beatilful snd ludîcatet the hlgh regard lunohicil Mr. sud lina. Casain are bi by their msny friands. Wrecked the Car. Ileyuard Httien, of Llberiyvîlls, vas hadly broisesi andti aaen up lu an accient whiech ocei.rred lu Waukogau Siuuday mrnjing ai b o'cloci. Mr. Rtn IDlaconuaclor uCar Nu. Il o1 the C. 4 hlM Fleclric rond. ohici car vas deratied suîd ovarlurnud ou a s'harp oui-va liween (rand Avenuie sud léClajion 6i-cota. Coming dovu Conuuy nt] eei on lt biliiboivoon Grand avenue sud Cisylol jsarect, Moteruiion 'M agner loi the csr tlly ut anl uuaa.îai îpeed. libavare ihal 1l1thecarve wosa u lieur. Whou the e iecesirauck the ci-va, the car, going y yul *sud momenlam, vent traight gaheat aec) vas lierally toi-n frem tbe terrible crash andi vas generalîn te- molisboti The viemia vwent oee ay sud the car- lie olber. Luckily lie mon lu charge of the car osro not kiliei. Wv#guet ivas înhart, but lintaun lujureti hi. baci coslderishiy. The vîndowa of the car vore smashed, li wood vor toi-n antiaplutret, sud île tualde supperte serlously damagot. Supt. Ives sud a cievairvet on tle acane eaily anti hy ulue ecieci bat tle car bac& on the truc» anti toweti it 10 Blghvwood. Iil yul ceaI inudreda cf dollars te pat lie car lu shape il It cau ovni-bho asot &gain. Great Pr.mium Offer. The INDEUPEN-S0NT la lie people'& eoniy paper. itleads'en iL su u. aciiptioît prite, 1.160 paryear. I. oorib it. As au extra lnuuemeul, hovever, we viii for a shortUline gitm free as a pi-cum a asplndid album of suthentie photographe, entIlleti, -Fghliug lu lie Philippin«. Tht coter la embellsied viii s pîcture et Admirai Dewey. Olti aubsorlbera payliug a yean insadvence r.aiu etitie o onuse ofIbhe@salbme. Thor@c ai-a150 piotoompc luaoaci albumi.______ ___ Fear Fout PIsy Heury Pretiberg oldeit sou of Eriesi Plellberg of Barrîngion, bas i,..m isa- log aince Ocioher 59h. 'f11w youhîg man va. worklug for Meyer Blron., mli dealera on Orchard uri-et, C'ils- go, and on tle tiret eveiug uf tle fait festival veui np i,,vu lu sect ie sghia. Tvo compaulon s--ee togo sît bihm. andt hey say tual ith*y walel loi- nome lime lu front ot the bouse and as ho diti Dol appear they wefit aosay. Young pr-llberg h-fithb>flouse and &ail tfrace of hlm aince las leenulofi Ie Lad about iveuty dollars on is por- mou and hbaut quie a snzudue himn>for Wagon, go ihai the iheory of bis leavllng for a tilp in Dol believed by his frIends. àir. Preliberg vent Iu Chicago am soon as ho heard ihat bis son vas mniss. log and, allhough the pollcen and doiectives bave beau searchlug for hlin the aighieui cii-v k. lis whereabouis ba nolbeau recelvd. tir. l'r.-lberg teare liai bis sou bas nmltvsith fout Play whille&tone ou lIai niglîl CeaI in Lake. Count>. A Waukegau dally plli.iîem the folloving: -Durlng tle pasi fi-w vo,-io a min- log prospectorrlhas leeu maktng testa of the soli lu the vicliy of Lake hoe rocentiy %taled,, lu a Wankegan coou dealer, 'Waokogan ueed nol fou a ceai foaine, as ibere la pleniy of fuel lu the soit, wvîl lve miles eft leu.' He atc-mpiod 10 boy a furi near Lake Bluff, offemllîg the <ic ucr $100 an acre, but lie latter wax subpieIonis sud reuased tbe otter, deiatsding l> Laber tbe prospecior ufsred $125, but thla only confirn>sd theaspicluns (ol tbe former, wlho u-uw refuses to sedi ai any pric.- LONG GROVE. S. Fehlman vas Itu Ibis vieinil Mou- day. Mir. aud lira. l'fefer vlvlited ai Mr. siompels ibhis yack. B. Kelier bansuscceeded lu gctilg bis herne agaie, ihat vas siolen. The Y. P. A. bad is unitlly bui- nesm meetng lasaiTbursdsy eveîlng. M. Theobolda autilon lixtMounday aitracled qute a crevd. lIe inlend le moe son is taraiin luthe vesi e The M. W. Lotige ostl hbava seuil- monlnly meting. beailuung osilb nazi moth. Tbey vii le cu the lt and 104 saturdaja. Lai Matnrday avas pîy day ai lie creamery. The dividand declareti vas $1.051 por cyt. Likely tbome Dsmout Laie fellows vîll put tibis clear mieo lie abade. Mr. ad Mrâ.inJ.y itzetakeauts tu eoI. Bie oy guad 1 ec i im suweul ii He u eire gardLse10 al bi Long Gi-ove ri-ends (? Leat Sunday Mi-. and Mis J Ritzen. thaler euîeriained S. huedici- anti tamuly fi-ui Prairie Viom sud b, Rltztselale- anti family froni biamond Lako; Olive Bilzaniiaier la goiug 10 say w ili ber aluni for somelime. Mi-. Sturmi move t 11of bis house le .iptakislclant ooek Yiday sud lie uue dsy Mm. ScIa- nioved itb tle bouse boing vacalod. SI. lad eltieni heip ohîle moving lu the persous of Mr. anti Mr&. Westiasui Dusy Wolf. TIc obolir froue the ivaugoliesi cc veu tt u Ni-lb Nurtbtie;d lasI sunday eveuing 10 aîng aI a leltun- given ihere.1 ieo Icînrer spoko le a croostetibouse and fhandied lsts aubjeci ably. We wisbhihm Goti speeçl lu hits tirs. Stark moved lu i'alaiino the former part of the v-etk. ILlml very lard for hier io lbave the place ahi- uinlabired foi- mu manV 3eaxtsuad ber mauy frieuda are vnry son-y tu ion ber go. île nov jastor,11ev. Mr-. Schmitit, will occupy the parsonlage smue Lum1e s i-h. Wheu tle reporter visîltd ut Doosuera Gi-ove bomne lime ago, be veul t e eehie ucle, B. Ihl. Mr-. lehl ta getilg alung preliy ossîl andi vles kW ho remcmbend tl its many fiends. Hie litle boy ls Ibe oi-igi- nater outLIissaying: -Wb. l <1,1ljai a yoilow dog bial- got? Tiiore vas a miniature iusking bec St F. lieyer'» laut atiirday nîgil. Fred dilt net inoos anytbiLig about il unil ye scribe miombluti lu tiare &bout eleven o'cloci sud, toid Ulm. Yen May be aure hec*ent bock ia the fid lu a lu-iy Sud ibemo foundthen> huahig at a 2:44)i-aie. Alter buak.lug a box full he Invîledt ibm 10 sappen. Fredt libe tiey eau cume again. Lent veek Tueadaj theletîlaugel caIid t itle home cf lira E. Quentin tn cahotd ber fi-cm labor 10 rosarti The tunerai occuirresl Frldsy, 11ev. Hoffmelaler oiiating aud the romains vero Interoc) ln tic cemelei-j near the Dchai-ch. Mrs. Queutin batl net be 1Iii long wvieh makes the &hockiose m much bander it u e ftsily. Ve nym- 0pstilzo oith Mr. Quentin andtihle tbree chidron aud commendt hoint t Etho love sud aympatij 1 o! (otWho (atone eau mssialy, tornlho ayn: «- Come uno uts ali je vIe are veary anti ieavy baden sud 1 vîli gîte yo eosi.' HCttOOh NOTES. lqime nov wail picturea have beau Nev sculls books bave hi-eu atdet t'O the echool. The ilgi ichool clos couîslslug ai prenn, of Franki tail anti Clara Boieubsel vîlli ni isin Dp the nov studies untilltic resunt o teleusei Lloyd anti Erma RItz-ulfîiai- can ha preomut. Eat plenty, Kotol DyspepsiE Cure viii digeoatwviaIon et. Itucitronailtoi-ms of tyspepeis Sud siomaeb troubles. 9. a . Gambie, Venon, Tex , Baye, -IL relieveti me freai lie star& anti cnot me. Il la mev rny evorlaatlng triantd." P. B, Lovaun, Llentytîlie, J. IL. Buàouua. Gurnas, F. L. WN5TEB-, $1.50 a Vear in Advanço, PUIRE FOOD SELLERý What You Buy of Us Is Oood .. ....Prices on Articles of Known Vals.. Klipfer's KenuebaCrcrs 3 11)8 for .................. ...... .8 (lue Pound of good uncoiored tes- per Pound .. . .2.8 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . The fumona '-Woodford Brand" Tomatoe.... 3 cane for ...... The lamonu"s dor ad"SgrCoru pereau.................... c rose &k Dlucwel1's SOc aiza lrkupckles- par botle ... ......2.5... ..... ft las. Kirk k Cos -*Domo" vaabîng soap- at 12 bats for ........... ........ .............. ....... 28e Anierican tamlly vaablug aoap- 6 bars for........... .................... .. ..... ....28 Lenoi washiug s.,.p- 10 tiare for ............. ...... .. ... ..ai ]'lut bottle of l>esi Ammonla or Bluelug- fo................. ............... ....... ..... Sc Lyouj's Wauaegan llaking powder- per Pound....... ......................... .... ...... As IJ-NAed.a-good-coffee-. per Pound package .............. ...... ... . i <Jrauulated augar-beai grade-20 potindb for ...S......@1O par Pound ..ý..................... .....8S .... ITr PAYS TO TRADE WITH US .... WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TELEPHONC NO. 109 STOVES The best assortmnent ever shown ln Libertyville. including GarIandç, Acorns, Universals and GoId Coins. We bought one hundred stoves early Iast spring before any advance in price and are prepared to make prices that defy competition. We deliver and set up stoves frqê. of charge. No f reight or risk of bràskew age as is the case if they are bought: in Chicago. Compare our prices with Chkagg~ ..prices before buylng.. - M. Cr=m LISEATYVIJ..LE, ILL. A Remarkçable Machine. 1 have reeeuily purehase.l a Landîs bard wax, loei alibi, lînrues machine oeallug $250. Alger ion yeare of pracieal exporlmeuig by the Invenlor Ib naeh tue was tirai placoti on the muarket about aevon jeara ago andi therefore la no experimoul. Ih bas been lmproved Ir=n a? 1 yeur Rince thug lime juil H bas reached sncb a asate of pefeetio giali doos botter vork iban fi la possible tu do by band. As eompared vith band vork the machine uses a amalier avl, larger and aironger ilsread, tice as muoh hard wax wvici la n.eltud sud pumpod Imb he siicha making ihem vater prool, more stIiches tu the inch and every eticb pulied lu tIgbler liaU la possible by band. A man sewing by band pulls the ihrad ibrough hole aftoi lole lu the leaiber lina veakening tbe ihread with each atliob lakeïa l)aforo Iltg nde Ils place lu tbe compieed vork, whereas the ma- ehina uses a nov ptece 0f ibread for eaeh and every etilic. Consumer. of barnoa on tirai ihought consider ail machine Mati. liarneo as belug taciory biarues«, bul ibis ia uol righi, as thora leaa vast differouco belveeu faciory made barnieas aud barneai mati. Ou a Landie machine iu my sbup, because 1 I botter stock aud vil)i berciso greaier cure lu aolectlng lbe bout paris of the leaiber for paria of tbe barnees anbjectod lau te groaiesi airain; 1 vili alsoo usboiter ihread anti give clooe attenion than the faciory io detalta vhich go 10 maire a tiret Clan biarns. Mr. H. A. Canfleld, Illinota reproeouaive of thoeLtl o Machine Ce. saIs ho bas a aianding offor le forfoi $1000 Il bannes. nmade on tbe Landia machine vill Dot outwear baud verk vhen th. Raninctockslasod. The gonoral public la respectfully inviied le cati ai My abop aud me ibis machine vork. Chas. Kaiser, LIBERTYVILLE. - - ILLI" The foliowinuaVillagesogTLK me ncldedin he DEUCI LI Lait. Ceunty T,i",hone P5A[5M E a Comîsu>, Hrvie- ROCKKVEMLLKR DIAMOND LARE Con nection is also afforded with toi lines of Chicago Telephon. Compayw and ali their exchanges, Ëiving a comp1eti service. ______ YOU SHOULD HAVE A. 'PHOI'â Contract Departmenti Lovel's Drug Store - - 171bd m 1 th I u5»NNT r oe*j7w emd Yean for 0U.75. 11 A 10 là