Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Oct 1899, p. 2

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~U UUTU TO EIUiU~ ' ~VihIi~IPtL!IeIlBiLUL - EUU~ U"U~ Omijief tht - Abaoeuweblê Eai.dtttSU bail.. wuut eut Imbus muS emietal h. __________________ 1.0. et.. AIU.Amoeleêa Wgw. wlB thoon. They becs.. drnnh UROIISM GAIN A ....~.....tons ceadUete hi gai e~uamlls& htln lu tht b..t. p~OI9WE ViG. Q~iuatnClIek John ~ RAta. I whleh tngnd ey~t antI thegu tàeU lut. TORY AT O -~ 'e I%~.I WmUh« et tht Abeecreunhît expadlttofl. th. wmtoe. They vert ail drounet" I5NUUL l.uoaetrnte the practloehîllty ut an aIl- - I American route to tht Kiondike. ~Capt. WAE VAILS TO AVVECT ImARE. around the Valdea gladtr." amy. 1fr. ~ 0.BluO~i Nipeailas mmd -- 9Fr Ahereromble hic diuroyered route Riet. "We lefI tht glacier by way ut ~ Activ.-WbeBt ~ ~ M. Georgie Clenueucean la agaîn a le- tampilua t. amusas uught Deteusu eldîni tact., I. Vrench politice. No euh. Keyatone canyon, eutered Dutch valley R. Q. Dni & Cea veehly ueIau et Tve Wleee-D.tb Silos Le.. EeevtIi luet can renuaîn la paver. It la aaW. su> antI crosaed tht divîde loto Helkhell val- tride Baye: *ln muet Due. bualamma con- l.y. Atter leavlug thla we reached tii. tinnea to expautI. theugh la ae.~ ibm baS eo 44:~ ON UN village o! Kîntona sud then procettitti 10 are algue that buylng ha. h... chectai. Drltlah arma trlninphed lu a despetat. agaînot It. lt'ew Copper Conter. Laite Ilontasta wai uic tither becaisie ~ have untesa ~ battis fought et Qlaucoe Vrlday. hut mot ut hlatory. neut atopplng place. Near the lahe. a vîewa of bul>'era. or becanat reetut pur- vithout a heavy Ion cf hie. île William He la a doctor ut ~eflevel ahoct dIstance beyoud the Sîmna river, t. .,II*mm hire Lotit 10 hatvi that hody la .t%~ flymone. tht Brltlah commander. vas ~aisia. Et 30 lu-tt lu need. Iricea are .1111 mutvanciug wounded aid It vas maltI hI. hurt vould ~ medlclne. out ut a pas. through tht Alashan nage. 1,110(1 crery ~ rialng tht muet loilueutîml Aatt Dm Suai- ove ses level and easy ut sectes, lu sîmoat hue. hi prove niortal. MaJ. Yul. tooit comniand. - jouruaîîste lu ~ Tevh Cautrel- Proceedlog. we reached tht Tanana rIver Itriceti ut miterlula, sud vorb evftj . , Tht battît, whîch contînued tor thght V~unce a atatea- houri. reaulteul b tii. complet. repula. et aud then Laite Manslleld. 1'rom tht Ket- wheîe are atill crowdcd to thele uunoet t~ mie. chuotaock village on the laite Wt starteti capaclly, t. hIlt~ lit mani poInts It C touud tht Botes. Tht Brltleb losa la estîniated Insu who might for Moaquito tort, and un tht raîfri ot bard tu cet enuugh cumt~etent banda. But et 800 itllIed mmd vouoded ~ ~ et * bave hud nlui~at that name founti good grisa growlng ta tht vulome ut bualueca expreaeed lu val tht Botes thre Ilinea BS ~ glft of tht republie, < ~ UtêthilTe tOOiiiiitttt ot the httght ut three feet ~avlng tht oea rities much more than pricea, shoving Tht actIon began mt SJO Ocleet lu tht I. 05. BWCCÂU. et ont lime an x- Tba~ <~e~ai Compani ai moruloç, whtn tht Botri on Talai. ~ lie, antI nov agaîn tht mater anti shaker tht valiti n-e reacheti Frankilu goleh. anti a relitartible Itucrease lu quantitita 0f aa~elisd au mOt 0f croaains Forti-Ilile creet traveleti aluni gouda eich~~itgtd. Tht outbreak 0! W5~ hegan to sheli Olenco. camp. Tht lIas- of Freuch cabinet.. lie n-us hum lu a~lJtJnaJ stock. Tht Nen- tht ditide lu tht Yutou, ten miles tram lu ilouth Af rica bas bruught nu such llab artillery, tht Tblrteentb aid Bîxti. 1841. lie fougbt a uumhex~LJlotlt. ~'al- changea as mani feareti. lu England tht , m tOUntil ai de, ta Eagle Clii un forti dais. e mares ave rea ai - nlnth batterie.. returued tht Srt. OndIns via deuouneed ai an athelat. md n-ai "Tht fiectiOn 0f Mc. Kagit City. We made tht tnp *~ kt h tted It au oveut aI- tht burgher gucuera oo match fer dieu Gestuel iguteun ta ot ~ dIstance is about 435 muta.' ready overdiseaunted, and relitione witlt Gun citer gun vas ~ ~ Scally arreeted and cauSned lu Jail et tht hbepieflt% Ai It SIlatiti tht itir. thla countni n-tee nat ippreciabli affeet~ lestauttof tht Bollitror for preechîni ut~ Mev tarit. Nen- Battu CROWD CUBAN LABOS MANKIT. ~d. Wheaî bas SecOueS j~e m rite b ..-o., ~ ha~ ~gan. HaIt ~ ~> 'i". doctrine of litpubllcaniamn. Then h. P anfficed t. prepare for tht charge. but It came lu Mneeice antI tîught Fîto-ix lu p ~utmm t. tht New York ~ apite of anfarorable erop reporta. Woal - to Enaigra hua - boit bonis 0f crewllng. Sgbtlng antI I'Cew York antI et s ichool lu Greenwicb. ~,Ew. U.o*ettllet va. detteS a imesU -assaîsug Oit .s.en tulistoti a powenful apeculatîve inter. , cilmbiug before tht Brltlah troopa n-ou (Jouit.. n-here Le met tht Ameciccu girl ~ <t *a Nov Toit Central a ten- ~ have tiI, anS saki ut 11.21)8,000 poiuttdi toc tht~ Wii, t. tht tuittiL n-ho ittervarda became hia n-if.. lu 18<11) e aid hic brother, j~u~ D. Dunlng tht lest siaty dais there tht n-tek at tht titre. central martela ve neyer beretuturé cool- arrtved aI Havana over 2.0110 Spanlarda, / Tht chars. n-as covered by a heavi ar- M. Clemeucesu aud bis family n-eut hacit E~~r Bessemer tilleri fiee froun Gloncot over tht banda ~~ France and settled et lionîmartre. hsheece lu Nen- Yack Cen- n ho say (bat It la impossible tu obtala cepreatut about tn'ice tht cunsumption. k S d tht tht vernuient Bales ut *2d for neit yoar antI - of tht adysueloz infautnymen. Tht Be sot home Juat bu tîme tu se. tht cul- aJthougls they hmve fumier- n-or un pain an ~ go Bnltlab vent Sghtlng their n-si luth by break 0f tht Fcaueo-Pmuaaian n-ar, nuS bluet cf ita etocit ~a asaistlng (hem ta emigrate ~ CUba. *24.50 for thia yeam at Plttabomg are i - It la belietitti that uver 200,000 ut (hem reitorteti. n-ih blUet seIta et *311 ta *40 lnch ton-ansi di. aummit n-heu vurd lmmedlately developed loto an idminia- ~ hv. been important fadons b viii rame ~ Cuba vithin the oeil fen- md sales cf aheet bars at *30 Ptr ton. reechosi Oleneut that a large force cf trr,îor 0f tht Seat order. Durlug the p~emt o! tht Non- Vont. Non- muntha, cendeniug tht altuation on tht Fallut-et ton tht n-tek have hotu 145 tii Botes n-ma aSvmn~lug on Hattiugprsult, sîege ot Paru he vas at coce Ilayor. est Hartford eyatem. WIlliam lalsuui mure complex. <>~ ~ ~ ~ tht Uniteti Statts, igaluat 221 lait ytar, a hittît lu tht numth. Tht ~ ~n-S~ lutige, dodue soS govenuar ut tht Iniîîb- hfSS.Vs *ctlon te tht exocutlve larda n-ho necenîly arriveS saîs that aud 20 la Canada, aguiii~t 24 lest jear." - meut aid a battery ut aetlllery n-cnt telS lIants ut Mootuuaetme. b 1871 h. wss MBiae et tht Central la, therefare, numen are nul assIsteS (o emignate. tht battît rageS on. At 1:30 tht Gboncot bas since serveS sa preeldent ut tht unis- pétai an IndIcation thel tht union Spaniah govemnolent aîding unîy men uver ~ NOT LEGAL DKFE~4SE. . - off to cheek tht re-euferceineuts, antI tht detteS (o (ho houe. ut Dm-iulims. île shortly 18 items 0f ege to Iteve tht conutni. A - wtv. .atanse n-Dl tollon-. Uîed Asie Court Nuise artillevyuien san- (hein comeades oi ihe ulcipal cauneil ut Parle. t ~emt stap le n-hI .-- '.. ~taite ct-tel ai tii. blîl. Then tht Brltlab ta,- .~.. tht Seel * Lt la ht lange uumetr ot tht.. ,mmgcan~s detitre ut 95t mlry cincled aronod the bIh antI pursued Col. Aiheet D. Shan-, tht 0ev moun- i hy uS-ai mon, ho tht ebeorptlou to n-ont lu tht ointe. bol the Havana Agsinsi l.snesurs Cois garni. ht Resto. mai Alhassi, tht Boattit untrchanta.ane glvlug emploîment to aIl Tht Uuaîted iltites Court et Appeal tht Botes lu theîr ondenli celmeat t. tht mauder-In-chiet ut tht linoS Army. 't Mahu. tht lI'htebhurg cuti t~he haIne for n-ho. thty eau possibli Sud peaitiouus. et ~- 1~<>Ula decîdeti that aulcîde cînno tatan-ard. Seventetu gin. feu lato tht elected ~ ~ ~ tocampunonu ~ i'bul- ~I. .ti~h amalgamation ut ail th Mes. Lelonde, n-ite o! Mîlileni Ouvemnun ho tirgeti by 5h littnnaaCe compeny <>~ bauds 0f tht Bnitisit. adelphîa, bas hotu prouulnentîy î-outiecled Itatu ~e, ibm auspîcta ut (ho Van- LuSlov's acîlug chIot dent, la deed tram other organizetbon lis a remion for ceins- -St. Feuil Pioneer Prune. [t la thought that thîs vletory, comlug n-iîh that unganizatlon store i~i8il. lir. ~q ~jfl ~t ~ helvetu tht icilon- foyer. 8h. n-as (h. tIret Amen- ung lu ttai ou e pulici, unleas il eau ho WAR WILi.. BE ACTIVE. HOW BOERS ARE I5OLATEO. not faO t. have a geoul tifeet on tht n-ar bac continueS eau vomen alure tht occupation (o ~ shon-it that tht indiritituil at tue (luit et ao omnly a stage ut openatlons, cen- Shan- bas gircu bis eountry e~c~ut dip- tract tht tIlitase. About tytni case ut ut aubsemibing for (Le potici contemplaI- Bote,. net ouly becinat ut their halng ~a* TO ASUITEATE. tut te!en among tht Ameniccos la trace- oui suIcide, lu tii decialon tht Court ai able to certain placea troquonted hi Appeals supporteS tht dtclslou la dis Cana pulgu lu tht Phlitpplisae ta Opta Cnt 0f mois (b. Wotld Emeepi ai ibm ousied from a potîtion th~ bU occu- ht.'IUbm Wstpesttleu te ueîtte theuu. ion-en court lu tht case ut Rasa B. ian- cou on Ail Lisues, Pîtasure oi ttc I'ughlsb. pIed lu force, but hecanat 0f tht lois 0f M~a DIspute. - . i'LOT To EIIRDER ~, CHARGE». mas agaînat tht Knights Templar ejuul lecyttani Roat bopea tht cempalsu lu Ont greil tIiestivîntage nuder vhlcb their guns. Thîs ast. hi s JutIgetI. viii ~î~nl ~eepedtIou for a peehis- Maaous' Lite Indemuiti U'ompauy. Tht ~ Philippines may be opeotti ail along President Kmuger sud bis Sunghty bunglt- prove tyeu more deiaorsilslug. - cf tht Aimaite dIspute Miseonnia. SalI te Have Couspired voman s buabtuitti, John 1'. Jeemmu, cao- tht hue n-ltblu tht neat ibre. or tour ena laiton is tht fiel that tbey are cuttre- I-lARD SLOW ON TRUSTS. 4lStrtt Irons ber iormer Se- Agaînsi BIs Paihens Lita. mitteti suicide ont yean ago .vbile insane n-teks. Altbouoh thece heve heen some îy Isolateul anti cnt uit fcom communies- -~ vas delîvered t. -l3nilod Great surprIse n-ma croateS lu Sprlng- 'rite insunaitet compani retuseti ~ ~ey mllitary openatiaus meteuttli, he suis tht lion with tht outalde n-ut-id. ezcept ai muairenas Conri olseleis. t. AmerBeau Chaste l~ tht osas.- Seld. Mo.. hy tht arreat 0f Noab Storma. tht *3,000 policy tu bis n-iduiv un tht eampaîun la nul falcly Oit itI. iit~fl. tht itîrsaure ut tiatir eoemy. tht Englisit. 01t Litl~att.u. mn~ Saltenlea, BIt a veli-kuovu yunng achool bicher and gcound that, ber buabanti huvlng tilleS Lan-ton bas buta etat net-lb lu acetipi Nul ouly are tht Tranerail anti tht Or- Trusta anS cumbinationa formeS for t mmiii. h~oaelt hie heicu hati forteited aIl clahI Ban heltiro het-attet ut its stmatsiit tm _______________________________________ Davies. lb la a. toliova: popular mai lu soclety, on tht charge 0f * partance, huit diii la oal~ preîiuoinany t~ N.. - tht pumpose ci coutroiliug prices, regulat- r~ bine b. anhîtratod causpinaci t. inurder bIs father. ose ut _______ tht regulan caiupaign. Seccetami lIant impoeod hy tht vbellbheat antI muet lufiueutial farol- TEBIIE gîluaIiL~ KILLEO. ha. hotu lutormeti that tht rami statua coopetillon recelved a body bbon- aI tht ~ilar te~thoee i.> bauds at tue Illinola Supreme Court lu Mosan iad Gruat Britaln uyen tes of Tausi Conuti. It is chargeS (bat - la about over, bu~t tht cottotni is stilI SpniuagS.Id Thursdsy. lu au ophulon ~hat, se a conubiticu prece- SIens offertS Lerai Len-Is of Bn-au Fît-t aI Klgbsision-.s. lad., Causes i auffeclng trom ils saîttratiun. Thece are n-rilteu hi JustIce Magruder anti coucur- dSiuiai~ prubluluari ta ar- Ct-tek. star Foesythe. n-heretheiltormses Le5e of 5100,000. meni îpuundaliouuui, anti tht sali geutcalIy noS lu unauimously il t, balS IbsI tut antI Dits n-aniS ha biv*, *35 (o do an-ai vîdi bis parent. Tht musI senlous tire un tht histuni of la se actI mc la mate mililaci muvtmt'uttS *40,000,000 Gluceet Bugar Refiualng Cou- . llaited Blatte vîthont Len-la notIfieS fermer Sheclif Jehu L. Knlghtaton-n, luS.. bcute out. Three exce.Singlî diflicuIt. Ammi oftlcees rat-y pany. cosnmenly ituova mi Us. gîtuceme Ut Cnet. vtculved Pyra- Ceoit mud bis brother, WillIam Coot. of lIres n-tee bat anS pruperti vorth *100.- tram tbrte tua six wteka in their estu- P1 F R s c A trust, la lit fart a trust vîthin tht mosa- En ether voida, Canada tht ailegeul propoeltiuu mmd. hi yosîug 000 or muet n-as destroyed. Tht dtnd matte cf tht length ut time t n-lJI liste 4f tht dIcembetI goltIcoun- Stomma. Be baS tht Ivo Cooka conceal mtn n-tnt membera ut tht vulunteet lice ior tho coontry ta St-y auffleieiitiy for Isg ot tht slatute passeS un Joue. 1893, thenaselves n-here Ibti coulS overbear a Separtniei~t sud n-et-t tlghtiug tht tIre tht Amenican tut-ces t.~ mont n-ith cea- >~" dofiubug (muets anS prohbbiîîng hem. lu - mrnlvîng ai thîs conclusion tht court toI- convermatian hotn-teu hbmatIt aid tht n-heu tht front n-aIl ut a Ibret-stoni ~i.iuIt taciliti. Ion-s tht resconine Il leltI dan-i lu (hO caL. ~upgmr lia. sBAv. VO JAIL HOU KISSIXO. achoal temeher about (ho plot lu kilI tht building telI outward. They wtt-e eauchl Tht plans ut tht Wac t>epat-tmettt at-e celabrateti case n-bicb proveS lb. rulu 0f _________ - - -r- - eIder Bloros. It la alleged thet In tho hy tht talliug bricks anti cruabeti lu ~at~i-eS * é~a TeuE Voisin At-- couvensalion tht Setalîs ut tht conîto- Seadi. Tht Masonle Temple, tht langest tor at-tire n-oct as aunu as t ~5 ,u~iI b. vhiaty trust, anti plain terme are Icunaîle as n-cII as martial service. havbug cli netS in deuauncing tht puirpoata baS lu hetu consul il Tununtu, Canada, anS ~m$ tht Case. plateS mueSer n-ere uliscusseti lu adrance, building in tht citi, n-as lu tht paît ot possible lu adretice nlth eus. anS tht ~*watnte o! Nov Heven, (ho taiSent object oi Biorme holug, It la îLe ilamea anti vas deatnoyed, together Amu.nicsut linea n-hI ho puabeti lu ail vlan- hi tht ongautizens ai tht company. Mauchester, Eugtaud. Ht enlisieti et lb. ~ta4est, n-ms atuatenced ta supposeS, te acquire tht n-eîlth tht deadi n-uIt tht buildIng occupieti by E. O. An- ~îîoua against tht lOîpînos Il n-iîî be - Tht came n-sm une hognu hi George F. lime tht cIvil est- bt-utc out sud serreS dma fuse ittealua Mies Mai tif bis fether n-unIS give t. hlm. Stracu, dealen ,n houathoîti goodat Greta ~aibIt tu maintain tbw mev~ci i>e Hendlug ut Chicago anS mates (lie nulil tht eud ut hootîlilles. Ht gradu- Brothers, salon. snd Darti liruthers, cause cf tht ateati>- atreco ot vuloutet-ca ~he n-a. ont valitins n-kit - . ho uS ite ~îîa as re-enfume.- --... Amecicen Glucose Cosupani tht pt-bnci- ated from 81. Lan-rence unleersil>- lu n-me humeS by hlm FAUNES KILLC ~e lABILE. Sealers uit aulluos. Tht Su-e i. supposeS te pour n ~5iii pal Setendint. Tht Auserican Glucose 1867, snti n-as detteS îu tht Nt-n- York Et a Creva etreet cet.. - uaîurmî as M ~ attention bas bren gîven ta tuait- s~., Compmni la une 0f tht six couceuuus Legisiature the sanie yeer. lu recent ~ tati, h~t a ylgllant po A. Inemue Mas Nase Heubvood Faits, g- _______ vountîtti. Bar aston-Ilca sauTa APRîCAN cAnLas. n-blet tht lt-net absorbeS, anti (ho pute- icars he tes hotu lutu-nuated un tht dcccl- - att enS Immeuiimtely an- Misa., Causes VIn-a Desiha. Henni ton Anus, Depantasente mi pmrîaiuns ton tht met anti ______ peut <'f tht lltlitatiau lu 10 pmt5'tISt tht opuueni ut eleetnir pan-et- et Niagana dlsudsnli conduet. Franit E. Bmbcock. e tarmor cesîdini Bi direction ut tht Presideol, îhaJ. Tht pt-tuent huapirits have aceamni-als- foi' doua tut abusît 2.1100 patienta, anti Coi. utîge b'cre ilîste n-ltbtutit a sespont. but sait ut tht American Glucose Comtamnî FsUa. Ho Ilves lu Wiitntun-n, N. Y. star ItotIvooS Talla, Muuu, murdsu-eS Gen. Guy V. lient-y, nusv ou n-aitittg ut- WooShulb reporta unir i.84? htch .wt-~~- tht-y cannut muid a Word b>- teltgnaph to tht IcuaL Tht Supreme Cuuîfl huard 4~.tDovdfhd~betut Se- bis vite anS these ~, *~ ~ Sens bu Nen- Yack Citîhe. hotu assigneS led b patient. î~îuding convalescents ouL-citit ut tlueîr on-o titI. ttt-niturbes tht case uPan s n-cil ut et-rut- laten by Tht Seat statue crut- mmdc cf tht l,~ad- - *~â,ltoiihe pritoner, kuug ant-suge- stithout lite pernutooutîn ut tht Engllab llsrdiug ~tlet- his anteudeti bibI itad been te ut tht Coustc'dermci la non- tueliig en-n. aubusilar case la ~oe~a~t n-a. commîtted lu sOt ut lusmuili, liait- te tht commeud ut tht Sepantunent o! tht Tht NVac Depacîmeut lame îî'tvtmtutnt Tlîe cabîsa n-,hleb tnt-ut-cIe Sîsutissed upon a demumner. Tht court pleted lu Nen- Yurk. Il s seven astI a ~ ~ 10 lai tht tock lomubeS bis shoigun antI n-eut 10 Miseonrî, n-ah helidquit-tena at Omaha, meute ta bave accommotiations ton 8000 Ioth tht tatI autul ..eot cumuls o! Af rica. reverses tht decisiosi ut tht court ho~ow bail terni blgh, anti biaise lu the etreel. n-ber. hI. tn-o 111(1. baya n-tee pluma Neb. ________ patituin, n-hiet la helitreul ta ho mure ~ ,hun-n ou lite msp, at-t otructi ity tii. anti cemauda tht t-mat, villa dIrectIons represenîs Jeffet-- i$ 5.tip5aled tht C5It tb. mundor antI rueheti lu tht bat-n for fig Laushen Fieti ai Dulaila. (han ample even for tht enlargeti mt-my Eastt.i-u sud Soulb Att-bu-an Telegnaph vhich vibI appmreuttîy partly, 51 Icist, sun Davis standing ,g~ e. sateti. Baheocit n-ont mb tht hanse sud Tht largeet bomber huit tIret trer bu In au active esopsatu. (Jompan>- n-bit-b i., ut cout-se. tandem tii. discupî tht lt-ual. Tht titu-ne. sels amide lu a mharacteniuctic ~ ~t"~**~ ~ n-rot, a note b bIs hgothor-bu-lan-, lut-mit tht Dubutla-Supeetar harbor ut ont lIme ANDRU'S PLAN TO SENO WORD. coutrol ai (ho ltcitish Goveruotut. ail lb, caurtîsuete hi n-bich tht trust attitude. dreestut as tht Jopun-GaIê.ua Maaoi, sud thon semethed for anS tonuS n-as there a 1ev daîs ago. Tht fret baS _______ _____________________ t. - hi. n-hie luth. bars aud abat ber throngb a cipacili et 20,000,000 fret ut Inunhor, Esd saoysiuu.DtgeeeeofLatitsdt.Orne ~ beemme tht an-net- ut tht Prupenti ut tht he wîa n-bts t-sp- l~-~1EJ1~. J tht heed, From tht bars h. n-altoS a anS Siffieubti n-as experienreti In gttting lu m. Droaspeut Paisian- Ibm ~ Amenieau Glucose Compani sud aIl as- îurod b>- hIit-hltran i sîgumeuta euS Instrlaunt-atta n-hicb accoun- c a v e I ry lu tht mile nudi ta uhees hIe oldeet sou n-as mca ta basti tht huata. Thece Is nu doubt hbsI Ihe hua>- ce- ~ ~ panieci tht delbvet-y. The Ion-te mont-t le muiluitaitîs ut .(ls- s *m abat tIen-n haylsg bete aI votk, anS mt clome rais. Seeti. kililsi alsîîu's Cean- Luet lu ColltsIoe. centi>- pleked up b>- a Sn-edisb vessel n-ca aise diceeteti îu taicuisb eveni relief con- haute. Tht sîstue tht boy lustautiy. Thon reIoadlug bis 1~e Boston Babing schooner Tva Fac- that cet-rietI alose b Andrees halloon lu III (I~IiLJ alatent vitit tht prutier ut tht bih. n-mil 1w en,-ctei l'ut Iho [tarIs lît iii EUROPE 15 AROUSED. veapos he kllloS~f. h n-es t-nu dan-o anS eut in Ivo hi lite ho Srapgutti n-heu ho passeS over tht itule. 1VI3~IJNJU ______ A 330E. tmaop steamer _____________ Ht.:Iyn-tetui Ç,tiîc- alla. t. psy tht sssoclation'a 815030 adLlnmum ~< Ardanhu la tht uppet- Lit-- Ht teok carnier pigeons, anS arrangeS lu ____________ lt-b i - bar et Boston anti fauc ut tht cren- et drop a corit huuy hc-at-lng tht Bn-eSuait Saut Eueuarnd~s tissasense Milliani Puma. tc'r>-. lctii',ulu. Deitbe n-ftb PeIlse ai Levtdo. Texsm- oleven un huard lite tIshenansu vere et trot-y degnet ai latItude sud ont n-heu 'rite populme Idea that ail Bouth Amura s'usa'. Ibe Pouces. Vs.. anl wull 'outuit Umeural Ptvseua Hnr~ dron-nod. Tht veesel sent et once, ho crosstti tht North l'oIe. Thtae. lue la ual tan ramureS trom sayageni Is toit- Il la reput-ted thal Oneat Briteiu's lm~ ho dttiictit'-'t Tii, hobitytti, dnitîing elîber ou tht ice uc la tu-atileleti hi tue tact Ibat lu Cape Cobuni tht clt home ~ Ft-ictiou hotn-een the Lemedo, Texas alune Ibere are 61109 miles cf ttîtgrapb mense muîitsu-y pt-c-paralluua adsinst Ivu tout-e exlt.-ii-"' t n-os deuteoyed hî fie., police anS (ha negro soldiere ai Fort *,1j Jeeten Is HeM WlthosI Bail. tht ocemit cunrenus, woutld bring tht tut-OS paies, emu-nylout mon, tînues (bat number luaiguullicmnt repuululica are vien-eS n-itb 1h. statue n-lIt lu- ~'oM.. __ ___ vu5t tht btliileis ~uetlutta n-et-s hntosh reenlted lu a street dol. A - At Parie, hlu, tht pctIiminary tcîsl et et vbateven discurenîta he might nuike o! nulles ot n-ire. consudenable cutiosit>- lu soute ut (ho berne l'y lIc.. tutu tht n-alla feli Tht huas _________ ______________ helas taiten ont but a ema, c~. Nutacbo. rectived a Krag-Jot-gtn- AlezanSet- Jesten eksed. Judue Musa r.- to civbllaetiuu. Eut-h tuuy cunsiteti ,tf ses huhbel through tht shoitbder. poulet- mandeS îLe dettudant lu Juil nblhaui ballon- ittîlit ut tut-k enciatti ton ~ -. Escututen cspltîs. notatuir ['st-je anti si. vis aul lîur ,lutttit ___________ __________________ aruti that a finent-isî une, Petecabut-ut. Notes have bts'n ezelîsiugt'I tut. Mr-u. blu..-.',t ________ mas William flouer vas hadly hoattit bail 10 an-ait tht actian ut tht grand tht Dt-u-ytus Iclîl et Ilcones n-ms a dIrect (01 the sutuitet sud it la ercu bintetb in Colurouiru. At uIt,' - DIpu et VakeSail, Stase. n-lit cintheti rifles, anS alitait 100 shots jury, ________ luenefit lu France. Alu the telegnapit anti InoIltriat qiactens thal lucînities nill ho 55ittu~ titito tht ~t W*eteld. Mass., tIr. Sestroyed tram lb. aruuy rifles sud piatols n-tee Shirt Cntlsn Causes Deeth. telephone lutta n tht republie beiouug lu mtidrc.uuacd tu tht Bt-itiab Guttroititat me Wîtsuje IttittO t5l~ ~gmM, Hathan-mys largo stable, n-lth fineS hy tht nioting ntgcots. Tht trouble John Gustataun. a Duluth explorer, tht Gorecument, sud lite great demantI lu tht contemitlateti shu-out-ptiou of tht ~ t-lai .ttittte. iwaiueble co~toata; mu togiuo bouce. gren- ouI cf lb. at-ceai o! a soltiber ton -s-bile aslrep toppîtti ouI of btS, tht Jact a tut- uta-a ot tht~ trial Increautti tht ne- ln-~ nepubîlea 1» the linitrat empire. n-hiuh ut tht gîti ut luS't' ucTAuba. g ~evklae bicitk, Poettr's lausdry anS same offesat. ot bis nerliget obint coUac catcblng an a ti.t~t-IPtCu O.ICYS ceipta tcom teittuatOs *120.000 anti tcom Tht Loudun ('reas Assuciation hou an- lite Uttutclît. rouf tht t'utut.du-t-suy, n-lu I~pdvalblns bouses. Tht 1cm exceede cas Suer hinge 1cm titan a foot tram dis rat t-aueYtai lIAIt telu-phone mesatuges *110.000 n-hile tht nutunutul witb an air ot muthoniti thet tht ho ukducutuul, sud t lu î~niuiuic that tht MilleS saut ftise lalurel, Suer vîrsagleti t-sm- n-as ou. ------- Gutet-umeuts itian la to terminale tht ceittaîluul>- nul lut ut a pullule tuulare. Irnttrttra Ont peesen n-as kiOtul antI oInt othens , n-itere te _________ s-r- Now that tht naînt-si gai lu hudîmna n-ar lu tht apeedical mîistu-r possilute at- Veau.. mmd E.asla Mmi vert injureti. sovenai prohabli fateil>-. lu Lasi Etondike GuIS lhlpsstut. anti 0h10 thutra signa ut givbng ont thtj ten tht -forts aî 1'neturla anti Jubauuus- William h.. 'iVli.îî. tucmtr l'uttuusuler I'cplegeama trous Brusatie annanuce a grade cmosshug accident il Stymutar. iii. Isat big ahlpmî-nt ut guIS tra~ hart discureceti a plentital auppi>- of il buni have bren t-artS sud thea lu pcuuuuul- Cl.-ouu-uul titiS ut iut-u-ou-tut tht hi-ad ut îLe St la tht Tnmumvmal legailoit circle it s hon-i. A vagoit la n-hicb vere te~ yuung tht l<londikt t>- us-o>- ut lite Upper Yn- un Englouti. ba 18911 gas n-as sînuet nemi gale by onderot lite Quteit lu cutîtucli a Uuirt~ruuutr 'ut Vucgnuîia. ou ,uB.-t-iog tu-oui eau chai Fesse. euS Rusaba n-iIb ual men bonuS atroas tht conntt-y lu cL.sci- kon antI Liait Causal ruocheti Statue ou lieolltfidti smnlion lit Emat Essex, an~ uta- couatilution ton a groutît ut tIre te-S- o t-t-ulut-r,-au-m ni hI. euh tht anuexetios cf tht Ta-autaveal van a newly bardeS couple n-as sîruet tht ateliuau-c Dit-igo. Tittre aras uver Si.. tht stmtlon anti t-mut-oaS yard anc non ecal statm-s----Cepe Culouy, tht Tnsusr.îal, luttug îrouubu-,. ont Ilgitteul ultit Il. It la helitved la ho thu Nîtal, tht Onauge River Pt-et State anS u urus a sud tu ici. ml Oruage Vu-e. Blute ta Buglanti. by an teal-baulad meat lt-sm on tht Ruet 030,000 n-urth ut setutal tu-tacot-e. - ~ lIraI pt-st-litaI utoage ot naînu-al gos la Rhoticeisuitdte tht tille 0f tht duituin- itrît-tit-Oui>- gunt, [sisod road euS toucheS f rom tht (rock. ________ Kause. Ituhin-mi Oeil. ~VIll Cupples n-a, kîlleS Dtath 0f Nated PUbtisher. Ion ut Itou Atrlce, lite eron-u lu nulu- ittitl. lit aSti- bute e g eruer gtuermb ~ hua u-ecurtcy la 2utnight. Wiilimm H. Appletout ut tht puhîisblug anti the Ire l~e ~aai Clii sud Eldorado Rail- or m4 bas hotu colS to (te Miemouri, Kan- Fis au AlaCita Lino. bouse ut D. Appleton & Co. ditS aI Jais it tht report-c uut lite eu-binaI tounli slatte havane po*tn ta eleet Ils On-a Ieit- j lion. his aigitu ta i-nd Tenue Railmuati Compmny tom Ite lin. Ton-et-, tht Brbiish charge aI home at Rivet-Sale, N. Y.. aged BS >-eltI5. ut lite Stote ut Nc-n- Yods may ho laites tenant gortrameul *04 te bure locub luit- - affccttd. auJ bu- la sosatof lis boudeS indebledotes, *225.. Wsshingtoit, caibeS il tht Blate Depanl- - as an index iî la ante lu car iâat erimu talatut-es n-Iîh a dominion parîlinîtuît tu - ut tutus I luIsît>- nutut anS hanSeS ta Bterelary Bey a MARKS? QIJOTATIONS, acosE or AXDttgut'a ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ lu lb. U~d Butes, meut aI Cape Tuvn. Wltb ~um~ motuS- lulinul. hoiog ibIs lu Cie, Agates 10 Arbutrats. noie tot-niilhi aecepdng for bis goveru- - It bas been leamneti, bas il î~ mont tht propoiltion for ho ttmpomsnyj Cblragr-~îttle moon lu t-lune (luit bu a copper ueîîing ami paîntu-ti lu lu 1897 lucre wtt-e 4.ii23octlons, a. citions, îLe st-hume la boteti upon hues vuet otîly n-lth tht ta at-blit-ute n-i(b Ihe UnîteS bIne anS itîlon-, tht 8n-ediab culons. Et- agaittut onu 3.5117 lu 1 TMu shon-. simular ttt Ibose ut lite Canadian (iovt,-u- assistance c~f a Sec ~uuultIua. bouudary lino proposeS by Becuetan>- *3.00 lu *7.00; hage, shippîng grsu pou-bouts n-et-e moulu- et fit-st urltb bouis a deerease o! 5116. un utami pr cent. menL _____________________ ________ Où l'- t-tatI, anti buts tom (b. daim rteaabtiug tram (ho sels- Bai. _______ *3.00 lu *4.50; ahetp, faim to choie.. *3 - - Ecboes trous Suiutb Air cm. 4 suceraI n-teks hotu n lu tht Benlng Bts, n-hieh KLtaeu~ b, Ituoleelo. uf Dî.sslte. lu *4.50; n-test, Na. 2 ced, 'lic lu> ~c; mmdc of n-ood. but it n-as tounti (toI n-ms tIlleS at Bowling Gretai. Otio, t>- an te 23e; nyt, Nu. 2, SOc lu corit ittet stand lite Inemetudons concuts- A otn- pt-obtenu us pressing tut- aahttaou Wac pou-ma are populmn un Eng.lah n-. L. vILsOS'. ctuobbe la n-t-île for about eîgbt yesns. Rugeut Cron-iti ai Lmnaing, Micit., eut-n. No. 2. 30e lu Sic; eats, No. 2, abon neenlîlout iront hting dropp~d out ot on tht Facile cuit. il pt-omlata 10 he- nen-opapena. butter, mut-h. Wlsun tas neru'r been ut roituat explosion ut dyuanaite. H. n-as blsaling choIe. t-recuit-t>-, 21c 10 23e; egga. fresh, e baiboon. Tht tut-t n-ai toîtud 10 nu-sial came ercu mare serions Ibso tht ttChln- It ~" »oaab Sentants Is ASinusel. ut thinti tues vîthont erlisit- tee question." Accot-dini te tht ceuses ai>- bas sent a ct-tiser ta tIouth Af- heatîti. anti ducing tht îîreparallon ut itis Court et Ailpeale et Albani, N. Y., Itiepbant pale boita, muS n-as luatlag 111e lu 17e; potatues, choie., 25e ta 21: ~i~t-~te lb. verdict <ut conviedoit lu over a boIt n-here a blaul baS taîleti tu ~ buabel. o~uper enS there n-sa senen-- ut 1890 litere vert il thal lime 2,4139 rîcan n-ittca. tamous tut-lit actu-titule. n-hile te n-as is 0f Revend Benbmm, lb. bouter exploSe, n-hen tht chat-go n-eut off. Bis îudiaitapolii-(tuttlt shîppîng ~ eS a moulu Sugalaif niade ut Get-man îît- ~ un lite United Stales. Bise. thon Pcesidcot Knugen's n-ealth la estimaI- Congru-as, be n-as otuliged la lite a tnihs via. moateaced t. dcath toc n-Lt. head -cc-as blovu lu pleeta. ~en vînt anti sîtrînounteti ni tht top ny ~ loimlgrilluit tii steadîli iscreised eS aI *3,000000. le hh-xico ta gain atretuglit foc tht figlal ast h. viii ho resenteoced. _______ *6-JO. Loge, chaire ligitI, *IL'l5 10 ~ s 8n-ediah Sag macle ut abeol octal. uutil the total numben ut Japautie n-ho Engbish pu[ters sut>- titet moiti et tht upan n-tbct te n-as atout 10 mulet-. Thrte Kîtleci ei s flancs. .beep, commun lu prime, *8.23 lu *4.30 ______________ cante to tht Unileul Blatte bu tht fiscal Ou-ange Fret Blale Ilotes opluoso the glv- . - - Mlapittar ut Argeatina. Thene bas hotu ~ n-heat, Nu 2 ced. 68e lu 413e; cura. No. 2 STATUARY AT P-uîLaoELPi-ilA. rein 1899 n-as 3,3u1. To-day, mccording lui ut ait lu Knugtc. This Is lite mon appabiuted b>- Chiet triple killlag in EvIlli n-hile, 33e te 34e; ooîs, No. 2 n-hile, ast le tht estimaIt ot the Jatuinese oouaatl Tht Laotien Mail's ciccuîluttion is non- Mcii luit->- t r ut nu V. Lord of Oregon bus been Count>-. 1<3-. AI a dune. given hi John lu 27e. <lmeeiihtllauudaoissGrosuua8bun-aat aI Sen Franeisco. litent art ou lees than 0,cr 050.000. havi COtait ct-nota a licover nean Waget-svilit a general SuthI Bt LeuIs(Jaillt *325 ~* *5,75- hogi tht ~ Eu iii ug inu-meosed bt- nS de-lau- .n-voy txtu-aordiusry anS utulu- 20,000 "Jmps~~ bu Ibis cotaulci, muet ut ut ils attitude tun-artia îLe n-ar. bog peape. Mut-ph>- * ary 10 tht Argentine île- tout plat-e, lu n-Iuie1i~î Ivo meat ami 00e *300 lu *4.50; sheep. *3.00 to *4.00; Ttc accumpauyiog illuatnsliou~ shows hem ou tht Pacifie ramaI. Battra are boiuug entbatu-ti lu go ta is tht "living un- ~ killeul Ont- jellun-, ~ 2, 7Oe to 72c;coni, No. 2 ose ut thu' vet-y iauîutiiuutegnutipsof e~ut: Tht punchase ~ lit-g. number ut SuaIt Afu-Ica ta hutte bread u age' ut tht Pt-tsi- f -: -- GIn-tu 'lueuiy'Yemrs. vanudeul. ueta, 23e nsny au bis baertiiug bouse la lu tht St-st roututi atter cestpi. 10 20e; t-je No. 2, 113e la (lite g ~ - a firnuditausen vas sentenceS Silittut lu a NIas. 24e; rît, Na. 2, fuSe to 57e. port exposItion avhicb la uon- takîng pîare torses lu tht Ltuittd SuIes toc (h. use Rujuol nlghta tu îîegcues are SeuleS hy dent, airS tiuriug the Iattet-'s star y.suu' Imprbsoument by a Jury WlItlanu WUke n-as tilleS bu au amm- Cmoeinuatm-Coltte. *210 to*6.23; huis, ho lb. cil>- ut Phîladelphia muS vibi con- ai -~ Eitgbish armi in Bouît Atricut s (be cunel ut (heu-e ho n-as îuuî * ~ahees tonrt lu Ciaicegu a. un tout- aparring match n-itb Cherita Cht- 311.00 to *4.75; oheets, *2.50 10 *4.00; liane there ujutil Nu,. 30. This ~ mmd. soteesani hi Use lsd thîl evea publie. cf Rleliard Honetit foc l~ bIne au an exhiluitlon ibreat hi Ivo clubs whest, No. 2, Tic lu 72e; conu. No. 2 la typlesl ut tht voolen (rade, anti la a vhth tht ebabaraît horst negisimatbon eya- Jobsunesituci att-tel cars st-t flot ron- tom-sud ocvasluutîal- Walter F. Koe:let-, n-ha n-ca at Chicagu. Tht tuacitout hion- trac itulzu-ti. 33e la 30e; omta, No. 2 mixeS, 211e __________________________________ t<m bu fane, lu Groal fritain it la 1w- oing. as lb. horsts have hotit sueS by ly lu onder tu give - -given - a uf . - poasîble lu set-ut-e ail îLe anImais seedeti lite Boora. lit-. McKialu-î a ~t eTtulut cf - l>elt-oit-C#ttlo,- *2.50 lu *11.10; hogi, for immoduale menu-ire ut home. in tlme l'anis nen-spOpers complais becuttat, litol. Last rt-an Sept. 2. minute, Sghtiug. *300 t. ~ shrep, *2.50 tu *4.25; o! pose. t-be mibtIaci eslsitbishmenl of n-hile there is un bt-mit sud i Gecîuas n-heu lbc- 1'ceoiulu-ut tiN. Oiviti'uIt-. os W.tulrnu's IclanS, Palissa Absonlis Vuaner. niteat. Nu. 2, 70e to 72e; cou-n. No. 2 Engienti reqitires for Ils ose i total ot ~'uluntret- t-ucpa in lite Buer tOntes, flot e n-as lu Chit-ago. il s raid Mutrphy tva -, - bols Weslan-ey, Captait AiS reenît 0f tht Ivo daja' cunfereoce icilon-, 311e lu 37e; osta. Nu. 2 vitîte. 20e 13,500 bat-ste. bu tîme ut n-ar Ibis total cingle F'rtuebmon Las uup ta lite present boul con.pieuuuu' tumurîmub..uiad nîtun>- t,0 Jumpa at once lu 28,741). Horst huions demandeS (Le favur 0f hoing allon-eS lu cheened Liai as the t-bief executive ut lb - - salleS ironu Banhadota fat- bobS lu Chicigo b>- Ibe officiais ut tht 28e; t-rt, Oic lu 113e. - - Nov Tort. sîcautieti aI Puhîmeit PmIace Car Compiuy It la an- TuleSo-Wlueat. No. 2 mixeS, 111)'e tu ton lb. st-titi are non- aI n-ou-t. toI oaly pentorate an Engttahotutu on h. cou ng itoU a id. eue ai tht ltahauia noumeesi that îLe Wagntt- Car Compuuy Tic; eut-n. No. 2 mixu-ul. 13e lu 34e; unts, lu (bis t-alunît-i luol mIse la Canada, in hattiuullelda. Au ug b s ad s tu-s ut Itea bU been about-ted by lite rit-ai tut-pure- No. 2 mixed. at- lu 25e; ryt. No. -~ ruet- Atisîcaîla anti lu Austt-ia. Neacli tret-! Canatiiuan sewsp-upec la Ad uî Is h M s Fl a MeCiellia la a agu sho liai (o (lie; t-loren sceti, *Zt'J5 tu *605. tiemauditut that est-b memben ut bis Lord Rotiascitllul ia rais g a tuonS tue ut W~sh agIo ~ ~ on Col an cnSlu'sa trallsitr ebevelur ai,, baud Oulîti ai Cuusaubrmcî. Milwuukeo-~~'heut. so. 2 Narîbenu ipa - - enthualastle in toron of hi. ttut 66e la tiSe: cou-o, Nu. 11, 32c ta 33e; oaîs. - c t-bondi pay ut-et- tuitu--tttilh ut luIs Itîttil lia- -tht- chat-tenue ut a lied C o s -s I dur cita n lu ruila eviel b7 LatItr & At Philadelpitia (te jury iii (ho lt-te. No 2 n-bilt 24e lu 20e; nie "Jo ~î~1ut - - came. "Dr." loba Dun-it la alitipl>- toI lIt>- lite irar. n uev ton lb ta tht ground. The hmm-Nevbtl counlentelliug couîpinecy t. 59e; benîti, No. 2, 411e to 47e; pot-k, - ChoraL. As au exonultie ut wîuot sot-b Ku-ugun la ual as rlîlslotto mai upu-gît ai - hi tht -Quand 'rt-ont trial hrought lu a verdict et guilty. A *72- 5750 tun-ing îLe e~auiplt ut tht iîou-inuuu Louton utn-spapet-s spy bat h mes I ut iti î ose ut a loy pain. 'rn-anti iecouauoeudatiau toc meivi la olsuit. Bisffaîu-Caltie, good shlppiug sîrers, - canînihutlous nIa>- amuinot lu n tht he la paintet. ut h tom tht viteat t-esc o Imînal, but Bn 5t0t-55t Mutîber auj Chiluteen fursel. *3.00 lu *6.50; hogs, commun lu chulce, courae ut a 3-tam, il la aliteS that hast jean A nuojot- la tht Benkait t-e t'g utut he t uS la gnon- lin la 8100.000. At St. Ano. Miss., hl~a. J. H. Gamitreli *3.23 tu *4.75; she.p. talc 10 ehoîre n-eh. . tht Morntoiî Chou-mb neetiveti tu-usui tithea n-ho haut hotu attacheS to tht lu or i nes~ g ce repldly anS - ~ anS tour chiISre-n n-or huit-seS lu dealh. eta. *3.00 lu *4.50; Iambm. contocu ta - - aione over *9(10.000. Titis item 1111 cutI1- de pot aI Cut-tilif, receireci actera lu pro- oui ses 10 receL ~ natIon Tht Ointes apreed s rapîdli that ihe esîr., 84.30 t. *3-50- mateS thel tht lut-orne frtm tithes wll~ ___ - 11.5 a oceupanta raniS ~ Nen- Tort-CaIlle, *32510 *4.21k ut tht fininelil proopet-Iti o! tht Mormon u ~ heas~n~ ho cousit-i Sttot-~aiueS t. bul 1h. - n-ltb *3.00 t. *3.00; aheel>. *6.75; boas, .~ reach *1,500,000. As a turtben ludi-tollan immedieteli lu Bunth Atrica but ut-h pruposîlputa ['n-o fiaberuta -e la la ~ 'lut; cota. Ne. 2, - - kuet vas Ue~l at tb.OmatII# 'W. eechuspe!erbl~a~ -~ - - -' - Obla, brumgbe a et. et lb. ~mvi~iis ~ te tIlç OSInu Ne. 2 n-bIte1 80e lu> Uit; ped e~noiult et tht dlffeuutat repealoita- liaI o! lb. tvesliy-îeae beau., et n-hl& ugblee et s London physhelas Tht Sais SI CI ELLAII tht tutuS e - - - - -'T~ M~sutwuad, - n-btat, Ne 2 red,-lSt ~ *3.00 te ________________________ Cbnecb, Preeldout Boan- atetti that (h - tom youus led>- ot 11) tht tee lu chaegt ~q4~ butter. ~at~err, Ils la 11.1 ehîtu ~~his t ha nsm p (bu ualqucig *1,000,000 n-u** vete us4tI ~ 5W, ipfj[ .upil~1 ~. ~. ~ - n-ueo. - ~sitta~~ a ~htugst1yé un aeec ~qaspeu !~h4e~p. ~ ~-- - --............---. - - ~- r-.-~-4----------------t. - - .0 - -----c>-ti~&4~ W; S - W~ t-tO ft

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