Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Oct 1899, p. 8

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CkGothluug Department la »e apaMdUai oifl t lh rny noir hinga ffla msd evanecat. Ourpurchaes e esmaie be- 'ile «t OomaS aivn uoolens mil vu are th uns laa M «sUli god, lotinlg vory Cdca. 1 I uolnesi es. fflité brounmesy top coul ................. $5.50 - ias bisaiKenssy top cosis 58.00 and ..... .......10.00 Haybisai irlab Wtexe usions viii vlîd snd vatmrproot liluhng..... ................... 10.00 Suite, a ioz.n or msoe r tnes, ai55. 00 te ...... 13.00 Vo.amu uvllte aspect or stock sué ii et le Mu&eite boyu.ycu Yr ove judgeaseuttels aYeu __vo acm pelvely SAVE YouJ hONET. aur& Bro., OWrW"UU. famous D. L. & W. Now is, the time to order your winter's supply of coal. ITWILL BE lIIOlERI 'W. handie ail kinds of coal and can supply you with the best to be had, in nut, egg, range or soft coal. rtyviIle, - - - -Illinois. OUIMUsetaipublia 70 e~~ilhstaiay Nov. b 0.L02 11, rop. eq bavhng deoiei go ia kb, 55 puh iauction l cfmv,10ftesli vith Ai tead4lsu mile; golblasn, pu cuier: ~*uks'bosaking J.1 aiv.dis delivery ru*~estbi% 0est liarnous, u "0@44si, blliy gest, mi " j"y li#barn, 1M11bu. beS sontBais arnmesà haraesa, sd and r Geu umetbe.metune. M CEa R AUs,, Prcp. !1 W anAuctioneer.q Bu *d wusgn il sia& public m calieFRRy ogers ama itZE F, ce lilfieny,evea Mlesk MdSomilsm ot Ir. At 10uenfoui a. M.. the ~~VrsebccaBAtkose covi:Bac borne myesFn nod, bey borne 9 eA lgiteen cous, a" miones (4 vih calvec by ide;, M!lressy bill 3 yoaracni. boiter, fi se, 20s@ho&"s, àteesi pover, fomlten-uei (sel elIer vii linmber Bei.,tend gnimier, on" b"er, Dosantgsax- '1 .bey raie, bay rock, Mirindmer, drag, ciliî- 4 pàoya, 2.lâch common MWv, bay fort, 2 bmmd cern *M saïie temrgenarton, Ishok mi l St,4 ciru, s, S 8mii o tes, Wetern boc aelelghbondmaiulilmior. mate ieling, cari, -i lumber vagou, top *M=W]Y na; bigiplb SmpebarneIa, esdouble *sdao.30 ions of aloigii ef millet, stréck or airmu, 6LA mumber of boume- aM mOmmi cisr articles a-aocm. Sale vi bc -ut lreseeI Uti »À Binlimaof $10 ami Ou sesover ibai U'em e ai 6 per cent issiable actas. Tva Jkje «& on Il »am 0h . A.RWE. halbisl Aucitior B1lle. Tii. &action naasu ta ai baud sud IfM yo coniernplaie b&rlng a tale heM WDBPtaWUT offlo. e l te place to bave your blls puiued. W. publiab you notice and liai of artiles lu&hi&e pajer free cf ail charges. Our ancion1 bills areackaovledgedtuobe thie besi tomn, and better prtnted tian otiiea wbicb le aooouuled for frorn the tact reaute a speclalty of that chias cf wr ni.l sesson, and are perfecily equlpped. Bavlug tiie langeai country crculation of amy Lake Couuty pabît. eali, tb. Dotice v. give of --sales" La thas paper la cf gpester beiietit tiau lotber papere. ci REAL EBTATE TRANSFHRb. Purulahsd by Lake Couty Tille & Truat Co. bairata of Tiise.Titica Guarnteled. asonte Temple Bldg. Waniegau, Ill. Lovis J. Sec,. 1 LW. Harvor and wi: ~te itobert Clark part lot 2 iv gr se ai-a-ii a of ceo oDiait roed wd .......... 2e . LPrali sud;r ta b ure Achi part n5 bik a J. B. P11,8'PtFilSeridan @bei wd........ ..................... u Rose B. Seifert and hîaand ta Huro j Acht lots 12 .nd tgElk à hJ. 8. Prall'a Pt Sheridan mub w d ..............70 Km. T. DavaoE, amd wifte taWu. Dawson lot Ie Parker'$ aubin of barrimagon Wvd ..... .......... M Ileral Polnt Zinc Co. of WLa. to Minerai Point Zinc Co. ef N. J. pant n MvW r sec 4-44- 12 bel;,,.,, ILJ. & y n C &N W Ryd ...4001m [Iff. Duan te Chas. B. Barla lot s B. M. tipafford's mcd te Auteeb wd 2Mo Ia. C. B. Wood sud buabaud tn Wmn. B. furpb1,tr. lot il bih 1i4,it U bih leiili 16s outh *muegan qcd ............................. i ug Brogan an idIfle toJamea Brossa lotS& Wlitnadd to Anio,, wd..............................1000 llzabetb M. Furnesa le LlIILn Robertsoo "fl £12v1fii. inu fi er lotUtg hvoud wd ..............110o muaisM L Prutt and îbu t th village et Waueonda motil eti n villageo1 Waueud&a qcjUd...........a 661 n am ilve 1wouldot bc ëvé toybut for ea un SynsM a" ddodo. hW l.te h-M&. YWçlbc- gos taklài=ng-n1iie Iva maatà1bave abti veiL ms al §OM visconsin osINRrAL IUAU.vAY 00. TIME TABLE: ROOKEFELLZE. ELLiIEOt. 001110 NOUTU. 00111 80011. A.M. 10X A. ]I .Mm P. H.2:510 - vueét *W mm0. -&au P. L4:840 Buada, oli . 12 o Dalir except Sunday. x Dairy. ROCKEFELLER. Mrt. Saba, of ÀAtiloch, viited vltb B. 0. Payne one day &hW vek. Mir. and lire. W. L. Eich Suis Tues. day for WaUPACa, Win., for a @hors viols. £MsCo. Gridley rainusi Tmisday of ibis vesk aller a ivo veek via&a Rogoe'aPark. Dr. armam anad farnly, of Ci-i cago, viaised ai A. J. Kngla Tnesday of lIAis Vont. John Gocviller 'ad famly, 0f Diarnond Lake, viied as bié brotter Frýed. over llunday., The. Wisconain Ceou"lsel gaa bas nov reacbed Rockefeller, and are laying beavy nov raila. Mira. J. E. Boloomb tea$a pressut vlatllng Wit ber moiber aisEcBoue. Wié., ber former home. Our postussier, Wmu. Kwaflghba secured on. addiions] mail tu mud frorn Cicago ially, exceps Suaday. This mail beaTes Rockefeller for Chi-. cago at 7:32 . m. Arrivs troms Chf- cago nt 6;49 P. rM. Nz u Body ai lb. ciioi viicopntat io question. In the morning tb. question vili b., -W a sTb@& la Tbine Rani." AI christlana spelaily are mentl.y ad to coine. Tii. evening question wilà bc. "ýAre Ton Sattsfed.» Tbis viii bc a esrneatsalirk 10 ll ibosee uic do Dlot considenlhemmevee a pirlina chiatlane or as leas are nt quite sure wbat ila hem standing vilb Ued. Core nesd lien.and pray. WAUCONPA. J. E. Pratt, of lic Henry vas borne Suada!. Mir. 0. L. Maine.vlsltedl relatives ln Elgin 1ai veek. lira. Br& ra rnuiam returued bc Chiago Tznaday. Misa Roth Neville la spendlmg ithe veek lu Cicago. M. Cozhead, of Chicago @pont Sun- day ln Wauconda. UmsOnu"abDuzon. cf Cicago, la horne for a 5b«S i riit. 8uperitamniMarvin. of Waîke. gau vas ber@ Thuraiay laut. M. T. Lemel and 1. Willratii, of Baringion wve.obes undai:. Depuiy Sheif lBrovn vas on 'Dur tressa Wedneesdy of Isai veek. lira. Torvnoeavu a the .oty lion- day pnrcbaalng rnlitnry gonds. Mir. Lanciai Oak%, cf Cbicago, apen$ luti B nday visiting relatives ber.. lit. and lir&. J. M. Mlark reied âanrday froiliahir souibera trip. Jas. Sensor sud farniiy, cf Aigonqionu apent Snnday viSiilMr. and lira. E. sonsor. lira. E. A. Larnpbene and "ay Lam- phare, of McHcury ver. Wanconda visitora receusti. Mr. and lira. L. Wbeelock snd cbildren vlalted relatives te Wankegaai the tret of the veek. Quit. a nimber of Waueoode a cr B. N. A. violted the Ennia camp B.7Il A. Tuesday aoing. lira. Andrewsanad ims Lucy An. ireva, cfDlarnond Lake, are visitiug relatives hlu luiplac. lira. Ciiu. . ranger and eidrec, of Wankegan vlalied relatives intaii place and vicinity rocently. litae. BuggIes lefi lioaay for lSoutli Dakota. Sie ull maiee$born vigila as Orsyetiaku aid' Trevor, Wia. ou mer vmy. Tuanisiers ersonbmy the lirai of the usa i lling tu thieatea reeity opsueil baivuu B. liaimana ici and Mra. C. L. Pratte propanli. Mispab leige M9. W. W. *iii piresa banquet aid enbortaimmeni lu Shah haal on Wednesdai eveniâg Norembor lat. Ai members micîli try te be presait. lir, auidlKra. NIl. Wyuhcop voe caliei tu Wooduioci tesitvesi by tie Iluses of ibetr son Prev. tUr. Wyii. hcoy relirnei Simiay apd lir*. Wym.' icop returned T ulay. lit, amdi lra. J. C. Prie@ md am Dewvey arrivei fromt SI. Paul Sunday. g. J. C. Prîce reiuriei from Usagel ulili lie titi. Minnesota. Ris mmmy Waicomda friendsanareglad le, usicome iirnac tsu 0Wauconia. PRAIRIE VIEW C. M. WIbcox a i Vietrauace bislnam aithe Coîmhy BSi tTtesday. ilerman Bolîje purcbased a mue lioConnîlck corn buaier mmi abrdar lit. J. 8. Cntdley rolurmed the rs cf the va.h from a 1ev iaya butelue sud piemenre titp Lu Lamnsiand Locipcrt. lira. A. 0. lMaeiber and asttr, Um Lilile Bais are vhitng vhi th Sei aliter lire. V. Hoib, cf Quenlins Corners, tutuvei. J. A. Mason recenély purobabsi s amai @trip of land cf Cbaa. book tu afford lin. Masou accees 10is lami. vilcice uoiotroitton bhghvey. Ber. B. L. Siraa, cf Bis Nev Euglmmd Coiignegaioma cbflic, cf Chicago, torrny psiret RalfDay, tecenlly apens sà day vithU lr. and lira. J. 8. Criley. A largenmbsr of fins borsesbave been mcli as lie Dîcimon »d Craticia Stock faue receitiy. Lake Counly proiicem to hîidcf boisesth"aialg good prîce. Knediet lOtos. ste nialed vig iuda. nu aeveu tethe extoni iisey are nualle10 tuObtalu suflcatbcool and valert 10 hepp unir pleuti ha operallon t0 lis fult oapacliy. 1ev. Schirndt, Who yull ocoupy tbe pulpit in lie Loing Grole Germai LUibermul church nulosied a car Joad of householi gooda ait tlsstation Veineaday, ubîci vere bauted aven- landite, Long Crove. Ciarile W lbola purcbasei a farni lu the tovu cf Libertyvlîe. jusI viii b. seloclai Libertyvîlle u csu' irnagtue unies lbe Thtsle ioui. missioner i.nilluure temtant sud lie People more favorable 10 iithe-e iomninallng aoay machine. H. Shuler, sr., moi vitit a Berloua sacideat -Wedmuiasy murniaff, vail fortunbisly ii ot reuit la more than a fevsaious bruse40 biasIf ami J. C. Lauscu uho vas idlagg vih hlm ai the sine. lMn. 5h11. vu inivig a aingle nlg vitb a beavy bid .pf .11k opBtheéB"»P gru"de«nMte de" anidboaim 0f a" in UIan ian th. bors vs ciuino bédi.y ast labecome exbdesqi.amndaBa doua mmei 0laer tue ombskasa - yull«» b Uugc. nilmûmod Jyareivas homtetrams Chicago ove =Suda.q Nmla Lus, cf Wavcrth, vwu tu Our toua a mbusimesa Ueu y. li"s rmue Diiiay aOet a fau day la Vhilcagtheblaitr en ar a" mai u Jobli MOIme recmuày Mid a fin. horse te 'Cbtmbgo- parties ai a gond Valu asd liClure ablpped a lot cf ehose b she, th icty liouday mcralng. George Iais ie vet.irelatives la the oestral pari o1thue ccuuty 1mat Chmmléer ami Bratséarcia olng a rutblmg bouslass pressing bay. Tbey bave a Dow aul steel prom. A number tront bore viii attend thie Sunday mscbol convention t10 bc bald1 ai Highland Park Slia Bainuay. Ths vo os Poulein uthe Lahe Coumiy telephone servie vus oni- pilsi ersemlest Biunday ev.tng. The W. C. T. U. echo meeting vas faitly veoi aéienisi lie. atunday evenlng. Good reports vers given. lir. Ralma ec.utiy entenisiber &lintrmmdd other frnt Cbtegc. Throturasithlttier part o!fthe lira,0..W. Soiber'viii emierain tb. W. C. T. U. society irait Ttiray. Tbey motl 1ai vwek i ti lir. 0. J. Ormaby. The "-Piou Boy Prasaher, Meov. J. Kirkman, Belle River, Ill., mye, "Aler snulsrlg frosa bronoblal or long troubla focris e yare. 1 vas cnred by 0n. Minute Cougi Cure. XI la ail thai saelaimei tor Il sud more.» l$ cures ougiis, colis, grippe and aIl Ibroat and long troubles. V. B. LovzxLu. Llbetyville; J. E. lnaauu. G 0uruee P. L. WneTUIMAN, Rockefeller. VOLO. lin. Baldwin, cf Chicago la wothlEEg1 for C. 0. Basou. lir. M. jugéus, 0f9lioBenryvas i lava 1lut Wednesday. Walker Tounseni and farniy are vwstlng ai (fo. Waitem'. E. Eicbariaou lraumacled business lu Chîcago 1mai Tuedy. Grat Lu&i and vif., Suîayod wvtt Nick Knoaschmen and fauiiiy. Biarn Couvéea, of Chicago open& Bondery utilirelativeshers.. lir. Kîrvan ba bean quise sick Visât rbeumaàiisui but la botter. lir. Wright boa beau vietllug ber da hier, nr. Albert Vey ithe pa lira. Siaufond sud famtiy expaci bg movo bock 10 Ivoation lu the iemr fulin. J. W. Torrnce rnored hie hous.- boid goode 10 Wauconda ilut Satîrday vhere they yull moie suir f uture hiome. Bld (Gardiner and family bave re.- iurned from lilohigan aid expoétot remain ber. but have mot learuai ubere lacs viii Ilve. ZHenryWg4 rad ies Kaibertue liftng vr. :arrid.hLiientyvllie Wlmeia lc ilts. sk. They wulli lîve un a fan. near Lilly Lahe. Theîr many frianei uabheni a long andl properosIlite. MILLBURIN. M ra. Samiuel TayloinlavIsing ber amilins. Baser. MrndiUir. Jchn Vulton aqtended ohuncb boe.8Susa m rng. lin. Calangý Duncan opeu&lesat Fr1- day and Baiinday In Chîcago. li. n.mdlira. Caplai Pollocck, of Waakegau visiait habreolioiay. Mir. John Walar, 0f Austin, IliI speat Tueaday viitb eo. Duncau. Mir. a"d lir. J. C. Crî, 0f Newark N J. are apouding aàfu eks oaitlira James Pclock'@. A"icg lb. Chicago viallors the t iratI 6f ihe veek ver. lMr. Barris. lias Jetaie Rarris,aid Wile Thora. Mir. Wi Anderson and famlly. of Lai. Forçat, bae bien vlsilîug a few deys wutb elatitveansd frlunu. M.isssZeliaHardie, Louise Perlesl aompaci.d by MesssArnet aud s ':ra undmy vîti Misa Jenle iraug. Mir. Vantal Carne home fror tbe ciiy Saiirday evoîhîg briging Mary' Wbilney viiihlm. lier Msttut abel la on tbe ali Ia. The cyaber aupper given Ly' the lMacaabe.m 1mautiufrsday nlght vas largeiy ttaind. and ui enjoyabie oeahg us &peut. lMr. Lové favored siuvlaivto souge. Presieni Klug, Vîrmtirs ifaîh, Brooklvn, lilth., basn ueu DeWtt's Litle a ari Rier@ alu ilsfarnhly for yeara. Says &bey are $ho bost. Tbeae fernme liiile pills cure conitlpatiîiu. biloua"es aud au i Irn md bovul troubles. V. B. LoryLm., Libentyvtile; J. IL BaoAsa, Cnnnqe, P. L. Wuiir:l- mas, Rockefeler. LAKE VILLA. lir. M. Fearier la vlslltmg relatives es H«arad, . i Wlllle FVarier cama home from Cil sagoeliaiveeh. 11ev. O. Garidbasnrnoved bis faliî hato tic paraciago. 8. R. Liéls spent a day la&i vea vibh bis farnily liers.. Misa-CraWallis returned frcul ber vîsît bc Chicago on Tbiir-itay. The band Lake (fem.'t.'rySociety moi Thirsday vithi lit. Herbert Moulie. lits. J. P. Pesier tipuu a counple iIays receiily yuL honerai, tira. R. Thayer, lira. ALîgail Frauier, ot Grsyslaxe Lile ibis vuek. Mima lins Convurao, cf Fort 11111 la maiayng viii lire John Doonunsd TaftDomevbous e re fa ampla. amulv Piadiar vaà tu Chicago liOn. da". A Dev mauin e erplcyed aitithe cosl chutes. Jo. litishbmrecelved a nnomor eshredder. Won uaith" gravaI pi carne 10 a stop on licuday. H3enny Fisher bas rented the Huici. Ima utami. Y. Shols basaumnapprentie tu bis &hop nov. lirs. J. C. Whitiney ta viaiUug aM Lake Bluff. B. Hçplansd vite vote mt Palatine on liouiay. Cbarley Klepper, of Long Grove, vwu biers Binday. H. P. Sobverman, of Gluier, vua calier lionday. Miss Marthea Dettaîvashorne Sunday for a vieil. irs. P. P. Clark and daughter are viai i theIbeosaI. Work on A. C. Packard', uý,v bouse wushegnuit bis vasi. John uz vas In Zurich Saiurday viLh bis bloomers ou. Chas. Frits, of Dundee, la iendl ng bar for Tony Jensen. Frits Wi, of Barrington Conter, vlaiied lber@ lsterdmy. Frank Tiiorna, of Fronu, vas obaerv.d bore ibis veek, Pote Nugeou bseugmged 10 onr for Augnsi Keuiker on the tearn. Tii. crearnery peud a big dîvideni for Repternber milk Mouday. Charles hhoîz and @inter. ci Cbicago, spont Suuday vIh thetr parent.. Fred Belip, Louis Selp and Wia. Biehuase, of Chicago lîuiimyed here. lira. W. Elchmmu aid sons George and Ernîl vote Chicago vitors Viday. Loua is oillaîba, of Long Greva, vas fieres1tatveek Frlday on buaines. Chas. Foshet aud friend, cf Chicagc, vere out fLare Saturday on a IAuiiig trip. Christ Janséi, cf Chicago, visiaitd viti hia brother ai ibis place' ibis veek. J. Brornmelkamup, of ilarrngton, la dolng cousiderabie rncvlng hore a& preseul. Rineor bas B;l btimi uiav Fledeler vili EUove te D)undeaud coîduci a saloon. Hl. Hilirnan bas another car of Darharn bulltinAteb hi ie al I mt privatealde.. 1 have a Party liai viahes 10 rent about frrty acres of good laid. AI. E. icie. Bort lBelpliba talurned bomne agod alter vimlting for sonjo ime ut Frernot uith relaives. The grand dueslant Saturday eveu- lîg ut Fiches bail vass Ruscianad lianial snce""a. Tiie infant cilid cf lir. and lira. A. Jensen vas bonied ut Barringion Ceuter l1mai iîuday. R. i<lbetly and Wn. Larnpbore are gradiug for àanw tuca&aiImrisA Voleys ice boisas. We bave a teamusier lu loun Who bas ail hid of price..Ha bas beau chtriienued -four dollars. " Barrie A Foley are making prepara. tieona terebEiiid uhoir les lide vbtch vas blovi dovi durig ls".aurnrers slorlu. Colatîîey ltos, bave pitcbamed su acre o! laid of E. IL. Clark nea ithe raiiromd truck, tb be umcd for caille yard. and aheds. --If yon @courtheb. orld yeu vili neor fInd a remedy eqnal te Oie Minute t3ougb Cure." m»ya Edîlan Fackler, of the liicanopy. Via., "linstier." il cureil bis farnlly of La Grippe and saris tiioutaude from pieîîmonla, brouchilla, croup aid aIl limoas and iung troubles. F. B. LOVELL. Lîbertyville; J. il. B"aas, Onriaa: F. L. WMTIMAawa. Rockefeller. SHERMERVILLE. it. Funk tg P tiirg np a uv vwagon seale hifotouof hbtsalooni. Alolph Wedall bas beni baîllîg hay for Jaka Bock.14o voudar. A. H. Lange ba saecurad a pollo vit Manille lBron. Chicago. Adolph Bernhardt from Devey, la., ban beei vlitleg relatives ber.. A temperane lecure a rendered lii the A. E. churcli lat Sîînday. It la runiored ibatJohn lBernhardt le E tu kî a %wedîhîog trip 1 ('allforula ibis wlut'r. Quite a il:îmbî'r of ont folhs viftitai ilhe ruina of tLe great tire icar Desplaines laiely. Th,îruday of iai' veek heb,,rGarin Luiberauti eeiubrsidd Ibeir burci fait viii a large alleidance. Tii, îartv coi Dora Aireiza Suaday vas well attendoîl. Everybody reporta havlîîg iSi an eujoyable Uai. Misa Kilo l)ee'ila 10 laenîarrtld at lie iomle 0f ler parnt. li ach Tovn, Baiurday evetilug ct. 28, '99. Bloys gel >'oer cou bal. hlureadine.. Henry Melerboff uho bas been vonk. ing lu Cbicago laieiy la agal u t borne. Ont C. L. sport vas seau ln tovu tant Stinday, as bnrigit sud happy as ever. Do ici hiov the reaaon uhy? P. Staiti bbil hi. auctn amie. lHe expecie b in mve 10 Wbeolug ibis fait vhere b.e ulil open up a grimding Mill. Fred Clavey bongil a teata of borns at the sale of Adamn Weber. The borwsanol belîg mas repteseuted Mn. Clanc i eil Weber for darnage for clairing a bornsesotjil viien nci. lUr. Cla%eri wion hie nuit. Josephi Stoaford, Hodgdoî. lie., heaied a hcre riînuing for seveuieen ,youritaid caired lts piles o! long studing by .i.tîîg DeWibVe Wi"i Hauet salve. Il ciria al)i hn iiseases. V. B. LoETLL, Llbertyvilio; J. R. Bascumu, (Jirn"e; VF. WIBTEAUMI, URoifelie. QUEvNTIN C ORltNERSuc.1 To Have Vour Pleurs Takeà. A l6x20 Platlno-Crayonold enlarged Portrait wIli b. given wlth every order for a dozouï of aur photos at $300 per doz. Photos ail ta b. of the same person. We make aIl Styes and ]Roisheà. AIL WORK GUJARANTEED. Hughes'mStudo Wauconda - - - - - Illinlois. STUDIO OPEN TUEODAY, THURSBDAY AND FAIDAY. A COMPI.KT19STOCK<0F ...... My stock of wutr goods ls nowi counpete and 1, usk the public to oei and Inspoct bi>th zoode and. price.bfor buylng eliuwhoee, for Iarn satistlea that 8 cao give good value for the rnoney. Bad biaket ................. ........................... 590 Boresl blalakl................................ ..... ........ .100 AU ic mitons........................,. ......... ..... 48 Duch ci......................... 0o Flsecsd everabinia............................ go* LiamiUie»... .... u un sDaum$na. ....... .... .2 Wlnter cass2 noya cap@ .......... ..... 25 Fiansiette pan yard .........................0 Men'@ go"d basvy cadervear suit....... ... .. ..... ....... 99 ladies Jersey ribbed ndervear sunts..........9 AboIee .alsu ,prioson my gonds..1 im ars, avafuil ln. of Cblldms tUnd.nvr, Wccl Hose. Fait Boots and hRibera, Eit Boot aeranssBoaka. Oreraboo for amis, vomen and cldren, Knitlig Yaru, Tennis Piannae, AU r Waol Plannel, etc. b 1a18lso veA'ea, BIves, Buck Baa", Steve Pipe. Eibovs, Dampm ers,ia MOTvO Boards. rireshovals, Coai Seailles. Scoop Siovels, Basts,lNette Mmd fothe Hardware. My Onocery Stock la alto heeplug ochers thblîtng. 6 Ibo................................ 2 Il barsnscsp.................... ............2 4 lb soda cracher, ....... .... ...............2 9 lIbosatm. .. 2 le Ibo otasi ....2..... 4Ihboglnger Maps.................... ..... ..... ..... ... ....25s 1 lb aveet biscit baking pouder.............. ............ ... la ô p.okagesOGold liMai. .......... .... a I àbox«smatch"s........................................ ,l 2 packages YOMt......................... ...... ...... 1 Uvwan chocolat. psr package ........................... S 1, 4 quarts eranberrie.... .... ....................2 Apies per peck . . ....... 2as Appies par barretl..... ........ g Bveet pcistoePOTrlb........................ ............. Gond oR.. epar . . ............ 10 fialmon par eau....... .... .. .................... ....... .... 10 Lamons pan dos . .-. 1..... .......0 These are only a few 0f them. i mîoo vleb yon teremernier &liat i ive a discount of byefor cash traIe. F, Le Westerman, 1Rockefeller - Ilinois. Cross Creek Lehigh Coal. r Cross Creek Lehigh la mined in the heart of the LEHIGH REGION and no expense, or trouble is spared in its preparation. It is re- S markable for its purity, durability, freedom from siate and clinker, and smati per cent. of ash. A TRIAL WiiI demronstrate its superior qualities. Leave your order now for your winter's supftIy. GI. liaSCIiANCK, Libertrville - - - - - Illinois. 4tomcbes ou bis nov realdoî,ca. Phil M Piagge aid C. Wow.ltug vii sien Yom« gvida the brusb. atari for Collaea. W. M.weallug 4 ir. Gao. Bectertevillar tor Logataried tIAre. veeksa goý Grave caltai on him olîl friendu ai the litas Lilllai Kemper aisd lier %iça corner" leai Snnday. lîrothru, Harvey and Edie. viel*ivi W.. smitb bai ithe rnlaforîuiîî b th@rernau Of the Olre ut Fiebanèvile 10cm. à ibrae$biswvei. i hlu t Ed&Y afiennoon

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