Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Nov 1899, p. 6

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I.wr aid~d mla Dt artfraient» bt !t Oh. ntIvei Ibave aahud but for one tjttog.and Il bai bée* déni me. l'viah /hid neyer livra bora. Oh, Mr love. vby CîO 700not lOime? I aM fa Ir eaough for tberi.. it, nt for yon?7 1 ean wln other hearta. vby not yours? 1 ould glve my lite for leur love!" The loy. amotbercd aoand etflber bitter e> abbiag ilgid itb h beag ofthe Éae bi ~-~ t" ndam the vbier of the vbni; It de %matstthe hearf of the old aoldler vitb 7 01 CHARLOTTE B RAEME.nutterable pain. He bad reieued hier front whet lhe tbought a shooterai lite. adopted bier, and given ber bis love and protection; he bai ma4e lber boire,» of hi, vUdRAwlagne aVaI on e d thte duchens; ah siniled to b<rself claitfrtn; udtiavi althtwa wtag Dr 090. Someof authe thngtclieneal0fiIt.hititi. va.b sthteed ol *Il hie aiibltou-t0heb. gva i.a er ope, for ber. hva varghe "m, sen; of the ladies bi re- The ye.tag baronot won fer too modestut b e mer lfe e,> foret lov tetbwat a o thgtrent cedar tteee, te take lt; thaf sucb a peerlein beauty,colnerbebaratestttvs ho*@ ad yods. Leab bai gome to sucb a wralth>- beiressa ahouli fuIla nlove tbers. Front the aigbt of the kagetUag bar favoite net the terrais,e. re the and fiai ber ide&]la hi. neyer occurred figure, the clasped banda. tht prend hoad Slae onvera grev lan sucb profusion. to it. If te bai rejected miny noble *0 despairlngly béent, the général turned m, chii~at aIgtbered tmenetoftbe andgreat men, ahe vas doubtîcai look- wt t.. lahsoi. loven s-nihsuagthéDaime "passion-l gf or scame one hlgber. let wbatlhe. se I 1could but die," ahe.»dsa li er- 4~' "laed béat liUa te bornaît. bai hd i ncreaici bis affection aud re- self, "and bceat reit; if icoud but Slop 7%« ber t»hoU bventef Hettie. wvba apecet for ber. Mc liked the ide& of a lve ever wake; if 1 could bat bide my bla oyd thte ueet white Illie, beat. girl who coul olite t0 bei-self an ideal, uoe ni -orrow end pain!" Oev dîtfeest ite vrouild be If thet Wb e ndmi ait pîfieatly until she met wiîh it Hevas tentpted t0 go ta ber. to take ed aditer vet orae, boy ionbly preclous Boynt any vonld bavre yielded ta th;tlber la i armeanmd tri te comforf !er,; rad on" aIf Rettie sbared Ittmp ation ot rank and wealtb. and bave but a cenisé of delicacy tortude bioc. be =a misgeaalg llgt on the river, la the torgottea thetvbellef and aspiratiotn of wsetbnkpr e a esitiewbtat u ba lire et tt erW tpsi.on-dower. ln the early gllood. ie ikrrélIf__e__wtat4 le levers et ths gay parterrethe saw the Possession of ber secret? let thé bitter. sverotfair faée vith. itauaneleofgoldes CRAPTBR Vil. long-drawn soins <cil on hi.ecar sud for- bae. Weald tbey ever met again? Ah- ThtDlbeand floche.. of Roiedeue, turci hlm. He couli not belli ber. Be reptl.y be .5 Sir Atrthur atanding ith their vititors, vert it Dene Abhti. vouli net for the world let bier know te ber, *asxftrangerh ie aide. . withn iglattsud Sound of thé ever-mur- thatlhe bidorerbeari ber; siolhe laid '¶Leh,' aaid th. eeral, "our nclgb- murint Ses. MinaHoateonboid the vhole dons-ahi ievapapcr and paseaoletons- MeBr Bauili Iarîten, has been klad day te herself; ah. bai no great bonse- ly ont tbrongb the open vindov on te the -emoghta valve ceur end ex oil opna bold ta manage n. at Breatwood. ahe bai lava. ad nt until lie bid valked sinme anetoSi Bit asl aiopted daugter no caré about the enfertalantent of vie, litfie distance did h. fiel utttaie. a dear muret, Um B ifato." tori; the loag. brlght houre vert bers, -1 vould neot hava ber guem' that I .A .gémit bal, a great calte came over to *pend aisthe would. bave béeen a wltnemm or that scene for bar. Site w a noble face, fu of ire Lady Mande Trevar baid gladly arcept- treble ml fortune. poor chili!' be mur- agi lasuoaty; ah. sai dark éyla sd cd the duchss Invitation; but pretty ntured. obmulot brui, a tio moth, dark clons- May Luion badl promiati ta par a viit (Te be couinued.) bo of h aïr, oianA a jrk musache. ltfel6ewhere, and coud oet break ber ta- __________ va.ewo met the chef chia. of the gageaient. The. mlitary elentent bai dia- WANTED MuISRfL uiimOgers face; courage nddaunfat . Perse-I. Sr Enail Carlton bai ben de-_____ *habihne thora, Mont people, vhes, llghtei *lth ber grace'. proposai te joîn. Und pr.iaed te Marry lm, ad troi *t met Bi Basll Carlton, vere tht Party ef the Abbey. He llked thtelMe Clisi fer mar.4 *UJK hî hi budiom enfetres anid dchtaa; ber hIndi7 maner pleaiti biba; A black-oyod Young mani came pant- *wk* arln& but tfbr vere attracti ed vai touet by ber kinomi f0e hii.- log lnto tht barge ottire thse oter day.i e s-more u the eyes took a tender self. although lie iid aotkbow the cause, bals the New York Commercia.l Ad- Not44R,. u motâtailrmile asamont as Ht diiaDot go vltb the parti front Brr-at- vertîser. 5 ood, huitlie tollowed the, la a fest i Iittpae letttyke =laàbtter than îtaly,' samîîdaas f vaswax àwederful citange front "ethimIgetgilsc hr hyk , Ma auismy, atter a fev rernarka. thegreen, iveet oineo arwiek- r' biboknthtevnte tke inerg- qnmot th" l hat a pictur, y6 sbire ta the countrr bordering on a son-libn ronba c.fft.le- ]Ki eteuaotaaiîa gaif th[a ay soutbern »a..pretera otfte establlshmern t sèetmed ,= - folièa4.mai overa." Loab wai more sity uni tîmid witb to be madie ripot rolUlng ruoand bs. ".t«-have beau la Ita, for matiy Basill than shee bai beeu ut Brentwood. ltecelilg an amfrtnetlive nuidlflhc mati r obeevaii, qsmîtly. gêbc aroîded it a lîttle. but lorr-d bits turned about sud beekoncd ln the di- dreur Juta bis nearer te ber. A Juat us much. She wouid bave gone reetbon ot the open door. Four ufter tlg pmaloetpasiiln-Iowers through lire andi waier for him; ab@ men, allas black tyed au tht Dratmade. hon e e rltendIf, uni ihie ooli have maie anY saariice for ita. their appearauce bo ui it s, strange a colaci- The taîrvel wax tint the Young baronet 'Tbsar ywueos teldra *Uutheb 101 eho e i. vitb neyer iceami of the cotiquent leboiat ee r ywtuao. ttlae b~1a. maie. A for Lesit.%lhe bai fmot lef t e- ut tht »arty a«Id, by vay of introduc- i b« oittelavusWheu I vent gui ta dout; @ahe rflifcertain tb.f bis flou of fwo of the utycomeru, and then * l s$nu I 1ans tveaty- love vouli b bers la the fullues. of lu furolite additi.- And thîs ont in ben, la a va-y .elunchoi flue. tht ierk, and titi, gentleman la then «n p.hl k»«., Sir Arthur Hattan vas a stranger to ail prient. Bo gîve me ml girl sud 1l'il v e . estfithtier .et jour fair ove-reame and veet fanies. ¶Tbat Marty ber at once, au that yen e ntt tmao trmcs Ungiud a bie ahouliunaderatai a nature or a love be ai raid titere le any bnmbng about t onitlvmm, Bir Bull." sid ld1ke Leahi vaon nette li e exptcted: but I, h asonoae day the unvllllag vltnetaof TeItrrtr'atuutb orl loê. &a lm Il boxr@cu a littie iceue that ope is uel«.. dravu upen tuaeiteavily for fbem taei liait nla dIn helibrary ufood a large apoacat >m t~'a t fortib e sbaiev are«a nd iSir Arthtur enjoed Dothing langb ai a acne of fblu sort. Thsy got bu alln oer eurbone.and gmore titan placing this routnd uni, f the angry lutao, manaked hlm vitat hoe S,iald»; ai bicface brigbf- weut bey viniovas adittrencint hil.- vas alkitg about. Ho etujyttian ex-t self therebn vit bbis nevaspaper. One planafti. but ailltiat lieoucceedtdk bu «y tin hw, iel at-morniag therewvu.omiot nldien neya ln ln mailng pain vau that ho wau an he * e.hatW lla Rt-the Tintes vhlch Intcreated hfin greatly- Armnenlau. uni thît bis Bngllah co-a etm r e on. I esmbr-f ttr rtten by feiow olblena vitose alsted la rattllag rs and boontlng bhi.b -qi. a m .tlb leeisafetopinionsulbe vuiued blgbiy. He vished f0 --Why don't yfe te yurur tory la 1 batWud as -eh. here. let b. andltrbtd; go lbe befook binecIf ta reiu'sl n s h nep « tati@Wu Wiiin eyer ia,. hic favorite retreat. Htefrtaid the librra rm la? idoefthfurp- 74*le aisaanu. ycelaidcpythe u li vr-ail tors lu the young man's native tonge $~lu~poea mer he d iravatht ligbt va i utansd plenaii. Tht wounidbe brldegroom foak et- "à ga".o berées*lattes goplaced tht nerea @round i.bisfavorite tenuet. He bai beenti iree yeare n th dii taeett» mai vdov. "Tbsnk gaciatas, hoiesai t t Amenîci, and liboile EagIllh hetter idéb*mm* Sid, sbuo etinet, "that I shalnow be able ta emi titan Armenlan.hoie ad. Flnally lira. bffl tisai; br. Ro la peace!" Cucklen. the "mother of iusiJgraut@,"t o4m.u mevad Seder s F aie was asaina hlm this moraine. tcame up and ibed lighf on the malter. na oneb. ititetaTht doos- opei. If vas Lent ho 51s-Tht mans nume wau Vahi Krlhorlan. ~ma ecril. boekforpearei. Bbia h b ler favorite couors tv.2 er hsduatacd bafta teribl tb« etrofaober andl white, viti crcamy res ew@2 er l n aeàcm L" at ber throet. Be difbot observe the torfable livIng. At home hi outbais ~wi t bxr.bat IvorddPi- Sce, mach leus voader if myoae wo,,cpreft- girl, vitunov came ta juIa hlm.t ai em nit lbey ieep1- beblaIL Rer nome vas Toîhkuynl Gohedian.& *« teb"' "Il he 1er tee minutester. va. amest comn. She irai four yeara yonnger thmn lbe ta 1M nt thtraPief e.- oispate sulitace. Sir Arftur rauli beur thetwvas.and very basittul--to bauttai that MW m'aar im rowconofi etehspeu. Bbc vas vrlîung it ente apolte of ber loye for Vai ~i attheMa bigre rapldly. TIen. aideunly, tbe door open--and hie promise fe marry ber, ber olive tés:dlilb.g"icefa igure d. and Sir Arhur'@ amotherei gruau citeeks glovei and lber bsck eyet -tShis. i.burtat eldv awu 16latlatht voIce of the speaker.. *beplI? Ws i anthe con- t Sah I1 dltnrb yen. Mise H&ttoal gszoi at te leg utfte mal rani chair. Il aothe coi vatwu ir Basil vho Put tht question. *,Havese in guf ny mottty?' th. b. soulivaluet n hibl iram la trouble, f rom vitici a !ild* cierk haut auketi ber. tis l yor lae, u, ~ aloie cautirenesme."No. air. I bave a sireethart" 1i am glai yon sougbf me." $she mid. --But boy do you kisoi belIl marry me. vonld bave Pleaty 0fr"What ea t do for yon?" yen?" *let m, h vdi s o-dy, "¶Tee la an old proverb sicb laas "Becatat Guid ould statngle hlm If W* viS drive 0,cr aidthat '& titcb la tinte gaves bine.' W,,, lho vent bot'kon e" prea ui caneymirie. W maket hat fOnt titchoi novsaire Witenthe two vert brought toget ber Monsesait @tetti, ami 1t tlnk iyetthe aine hereatter. lils atton t' '*Of course i ulli," te repliti. -Wlîcre Vahi offerei ftekLsitste girl, but ihe e uit.i" b lalnpr, the aftch neeiod?" 'erpli l.blrtaitngly beld tack. beuein dyoie br fce.button la neariy off. Woli yeiu Le ae deapair. 'vas 4"ev lb.Siret a Oil ta gond as te restéenit*." '"Yen. but titere ure au many Pr inces1 *0 0ISb0 heS dlofLà Leah laugbei blithely. arouuui. I arn asamed'" i ttthi ituliebtgn. "Certainlî," site sali asgte took te Tht vcding teck place ontalde ot xdaim ua 01Louthe lntlmacy tblck yellov iriylag gioye that hoie u 10 tte barge offeie. a clerk out fhekammi «eAhmith@ hsroaet Increasi. ber. 'Wuil mît excuse me one miauegan ttbublu rsot1 ssta *MWvals-e vrmli ttacici f0 Bir ville Isliaioneettît uni tbreaiT' utc udi ne etd-vhaf vas a tgrenttfhlag ci. fte coremon>' won roi 11 perfortuet, te U Sawi-ba, ifho t ven ha.bita.- Ob@ yenf away. leaving Sir Baril 19k m hn h Irl iwas declartiVuI' tris n, b aoul bae lkti ing over an open voume tit aîy ipon irife anad frse ta "go ontltoiaAinerie.' r»M e Sir BaiL Alil th. iit- thetablhe. ___ tb@ Wtta U5tii2-Sadntlreiad --lhop., thought the genernI f0 hlmi- Polly a t eTaiephone. vas w a général favorite, and self, "that thiRtIegod fellov yllot fini lThe pet-rliar charm of parfis a t t liermare et bis ,time at Breo2t- me aut, sud begin îo air bhsi. dem uon itatedomnbtIflgeriy at (iiIndiean me.' amutig mlscief.omtitng t'bat t1.gte s t te that a greaf love But Sir fusil was lu happy ignorancre ylelds satgoids»tory. 1'robabiy the drug- ~i bIDn vain. @Ir Bac"l goa uth. af the generars pgrozimly. Be eai a fesvgw tvto4gut I ituago Neya rigHe aka.R.umlri ber exceei- lin a lu tht open youme. b-nnt-ds A .- anedo.te> laoevoenprotider ut bis 1pet ~ bo h.neye dranii 0flovag rit air lu himscîf. uiatnd .Leair.-_taon liue&-n efore the Ipet allenafed turned.a uom. ,, îe4 heu. vie a busai toeitersif "I am sryin ohave kepf 3ou waiiflg." 'fmiter v9ktsn ouli not Inferfece, did Ju it ami. "I wil rptýasë parrowt un lua-genuigreen. aIes-t ~,.-Md a t[-&----- Sir Bal of the fev minute.' npop upoeiith 'b" tiophe that Loth bati achlev- Tht sitoier ingera snon iiccompllnlieinme 1e- 11H. -tue baug e --r te mmd lov mIe bai pasai tbl'ougb thrée thrir task. S'ie hi-id ont thec love lu tilOPidion. is-it lt-e rî-tîîtt titfPoUyj e. 4 *Msneat v eea ofthe nMot hlm. aud s. site diiisober cyes feili otaha Ifrýeobou i ut- pr@ti-ntln tele- 4Upt iteatiles bai ten expertucei. the apray of stephanotia flot h. sotr,-la phono tlk - atd fîtral-i.mticb i~j^U.Wm of the Offert 0frumarriag uca.RulOfbtll)futlin Vobv te ber, miboy Ahe bai tr etul"ict. ore ufastesiî:'ht tuiw top vohv dI Je. efs temi, eosf me give ton unther. I huive o suix-cri ieo4t-dyaallsujdis-s- ~ç"~p-ii ee efieth.? b iked. lion that it iTheiuek 10 vur tiaiRrtyllîîg mOu lite ~de nsit sut to do a kindi7 se- iovers" '.ltllg volian caeStits- l an h w4,ben*aauewrei;, " ayilimetasreplace if. if y00 viii h o tif tud illiaulted pernitts' tloause te e Ibua Itées thît are pecliar forgodnogt"brspni.lun.Th d-gialoutll fe th& auoeeetif cetury; tbey rt. Imai She tooh tht Spray ai tepluatis f~tî*-i f no phn.Thilttre ud stpited artitlu ~.~*iitt ~bit endlidiIt openetaet-. Front oupc1flial direction. 'fTestore waa rat ber -He o let 11niOulet ber. abe of tht vase,@liecuhose a ,bestîtiful i m i.i-ivso i h-rbmieunp si?" bakcd-"-lf ntlque%.- rosn bi. for bte u. mifscuiparently flkiug lut o the reelver nite lie ifwed? la hi, roufseforehla. la ua~~verei?" He tbunkei ber briely. -tuoi ta iînutsatlhra aml OBEmg OR STAWTLING. FAITI FUILLY REODOB. Ohd larder liyaferirliai BoeitemiUp -Co-pu Vas Net Mer Huiei - fe- mt melsl ol tuii-R*euue 0Officeri, 8.1., Miominle 'uPlant. Aifer tbîrty-two years affinera oft CIi- fluanConty bave cIi-asci up, n fitti tinh. the mysterian disappeurasce of BllJah Rueici, licter knowo as "'Daunt." TheY bave becs tolti thatlte vaxnfuor- itrai fier. 12, 1867, aid tiey baye la their possession the namea oi tht allemed murslerers. The pers"pq isbas um utnit- Pd thia information La George Pelen, mia ires nri-fiorfMidiimmrth. Tiough lie woai soîy 6 itars nid, Polfen maya ttie b mmv RumMIelmurdere4 anal tiathoie - tasiers iiitlnetly mai]the cfreona»&týsn muirouudiug titei-rime. Af thetlhi- ma@piodIn lu scb a paition thut lie ctad at malte kuaisa tht ftt ît le vas a i vtetu. Ht Mayauxtutl iris muiieredInl tthe noeth Peo f Hohianu towntshtip. Tht oficlai, refuse to dis-cuts- tihe »uMesof the pereaa givenra ltonsteu hi Poler. Olsi rpeihiof the section rementhber the myst-niousa iiappeuvuance ef RuieMUJ He bailiten a "ilrIsin the cil van. Der. 12, 1807,.lie vent fa Sbhlpsyifle. undilifwrasrepos'tei fiat lhe bord dravu caneldierable mou on ouf the baui. lHe la knova to-biave blid*790 thef dey. He liv-s inluDrypoint torvn- ship,and it la gonu teesîcrteil home,.bti- noaonc nv bila un lte rami!and tii fat- ily os-ver items-i of lit. No ei ci... Vouai Demi. Hover Oison, bolier huas-n as "Ht-rn- .A.aiesou, the bit Sypie,"wvusrfanai itadinluhi, bouge. fle miles trot Galete. l'or ltwenty-is-e yeasieh- ls-eli te lite ut a rccelltst. Belougins ta a veaithy fini- iyin lis wesea, at20 i-meof utuoe i* raierS- ave hitta yachtAnd h. salled &round tht morul. Alfiaugitfinely tria- cstedlbe vaso! o a q0viug and. nvffltim- oo dixpositlout. He-practcra leurvIb Non- vs>-. Contint Aumner, be ai-Ic Andi Okobup'id. licenitae Inla omluy> B, Elghthu isfntry. Illinois valunfeera. sei-ving tvau yenrs iathe civil uar, mai wus a peusioner. Ar-rangemets' vsr, abnt e oti>etti tonentos-e bimtauisthe molent' homo-at Quittcr. flottic lif- li-Iie cuioti hi-tmreen-t frontthe vorli. Mofnaiien'm Plant tSee. Tht voois surroîndlng L]thAli-trkarc ouii f0 bide mi-m" omuaitotwhisky plantathmn &.y otite-section oulside of Kentucky. UitediStatéa Do-poliMitr- sisal B. O. Tripp ant ims-veralIrcetnue deputies cerentiy reisti s large stilI sip- s-rat-si hytGeos-g-NI. Oshorn. Il as fti-so ml!vs tramntîleYork aihuiala msil' fr-oni tht main ramdiun lb.eivoodis. Ses-oral iaya agu a rev-enute agent lnieurs- lth' efill and ccoved lthe grattet-h rai the tanks and sent il Io lthe lfeortarpe- une offier.. Collec-te au tgherty bs-lis-von Osbo-n tus betu supplylac thet "ftlt-g- <s-"sulthgueule,.utti-no have bm-t-a muny cromplilints ramnttat mue-oa. lourIes Wrog Mias mSpouse. 'T-.hody .of a si ovusoundtinilua pos- turn.,u- .rh tif le-n errenti isaagu moi ientitied Siy 'r. .John Itoitertn un ber laumn. Thter-orouuei-a jury breugs mn a vuriiet of doutb frnmtioteure ami cx- baustlon. 'rT.e-body vas fates-rai hy M"r. Robo-ta ln do- family bitnig grauci. Robe«tn ifflurmuee In the Mctnoiitu Lite laaui-aai'ot'ompany irai ralucte.1 by Mmr. fiabertu. ttur *le rcitlyci a l- ter tramt ber huabani. vi apums i. In the- conaut>'poorbasuae at Ottawa, wir e h bîe,-useat hy tht Supervis- ors. The sitities us-e Insesîlgaîlut the rase. l'tNeu.a confiée fa Arien. At Cuira, a ;llsmpf v« asmdin.buro down lte SIîumn4 scthoolhbuilding, sas- by ro!ered prupils. Batvaat-e vas gain-cul thmougit a glaoa vitafot. and ipile ot palieraaftiuted iifi iul uoùl as set afir la tht midoloteîf th iti clor, sudvm lthe builintg eou-spcil tst-tiot. Fiour youantgogrositt erre arroictiiand conast-- ets tiihie ii-. -rTeold-ert in only 17 yeui-s ohd. WomaCrenite Ir itlt .Mms. H. Gl. Beiatty, viii- of a leuiing Chiatotn basiuu-t-man.,set-t fond airiîu ta deathin laber bonus. Ths erývanitliai gOo f0 oa tîeiglttI'aîs.retu-ncdinl a fewt minute.s ad rundtiert cdeutîl Fo--roe- eral'year. Muts. Hearty bliehti peil tif nuelaneitoly. und l iti. g soouihi set lire to ber ovu t-lotbs-s s ile lu a diesput- dent moral. la-lot State Isapueluath M1irbuu-l iinl. a Chticago tapi-- matn, wsi-ottuait dei nt his boms-. .The boiyt axva. bu onftht ie fluor and haIt s- pend-siIn thelur- hba rapt étong f nom, filuad betipnI. Dhluar! ostiteul frnt .sfrauuglafiinu. t'ont prie-oit îtstt anuIer lumpluntiti- e-agt. t-t>ertilil ttirx itvanî'cd 25 1i-s-ats a luoir. m4atiufic, ns-juil n-rit' $7. rhiie sorftoia ixwrt- iinan-el :15s-nas the- is-ouif of th.nt-i't--c.iotdiug aisunreé ti nrat fti-oitioi-tutioti. 14teven lxi. -wax fufslly etahitti bY Ge-or-ge tlinitb iunin a lia-bt lu t-h. ititet ut Decanur. Ilituit -a -pei. [le-la s brother of Pater tItlî. a nuits-sibisettîl pla)%er miho i.nts huîîgs-'l ueri l i.5 fitr killitg i. i li- ulvaid eîiii. Tite %«17..'ÀI -les-la srecstieat fuit-a semer %voteur if Lake fluuff bas bts-n de- is-ates in theti- ttiu yvCurt at Wuukegau by stlantîsistl l.pri-ty os tra. Tthes-il- lat,- w-l tatikI,- t-etn p In the ('i-Quit Court iiiutptol-a td hr-tou-lutthe verdict. lu aitreititisi-topinuion nDeidthe oths-r tlay -lut'- <iblaotutor(Cicragu de- ciar-iftite-fanitotn. llla âfiat lewas-u cliasIitotitonalutu-iti. Hise r alan i buat sok-ly ripou the provision outhebo- 1w miet tireo to tite intoritnse a portion of tht pco-s-tis fxrtIl tit-es t-btrai yb. lrt- pua-id. Suit-lt a-proriaittlhi-e .I.nt-os- frac> lu the- spirit outhelurt-outitiutl>n asd iniaivt-sIto u Iîit tirli-y and ino.. Ait 'llitt-l!. Its' u-idet- ýof .Issie, Biingit uns bius-uuo-t. iavoliiig a toas ot $1,0Wtl. stillt, îutîno ui- Gcorgi' t. T'l'uts> îf >ttttstIiluulit en Pletesi tolunItulf tit' ssutIilllioias rce luturst,iuif.tninn uik. l'iulgbts o u tiuu- te sureos i . .tlouuu Sîrtis. nalgis's. dciiila eonaithe Ha a Omy e, a Obie-ago. The mnmvasO&ed vthUie. frt rei opea jet. Lei Peri omuitîtfe iilde by bang-, lut étîmalltUig bolus la (çbtfflo ne irai 751yeri nid. und vii despuodeuf o-auie ot hls beipleuiconition. 'te mineci emploe tih ie Coueolîdat- id Goal CompayiftlMount Olive mev thiel pay the other 4y mai quit mork bieaestathe company refusi to inereuse tite drivera' vige. train $1.75 ta $2 per day. S-ren budred men vent ont. Arstin Wagner, a yell-knowu farmer fleur Kenspuon. ptttaped rip a trou froint bois drive Weil =28foit receuli. Hoe-W llevti tbtre tu a sfroeg underground açt-mmvhlch bronght thett fro rm soine oPpot, mer fo the bit*m of the veil., J4més Both of Brimfieli. cdaimts the dinetton of buvlng once avitebettisi son. Chai-île. and Wlllama licIinlty vbo le nos, Prealdeisi. for pllang oakei trous uchool. He ianW Lbe Preultent at Peaia and renînit>lmi.oifte sship- plat. tIWs. W. R. Audereek, vho'bas been Itston of ft.e Wantegaa Bautiat Cburch ton lte paît fhree jo-are. bas tended hls reignation. The acf vas hrought about lty tekuowîtige Ihat ttece vasnus. ilglit i isatlifacllon vithhlm aantg the chlulit peoise. Rtobert Ceundre of Eranston. a metnbcr af îLoe treaben clame lu the scaientlcde- partpeut. bas been avirded the prise af *100 offred hy the Princeton lumal ot Chicago ta the staient trains llinof a vi panmai fie beut entrance examlnstlea ta tht univenuit>-. As 8îreator, (0. I)v>-r. local agent for Nelson Morris & o. ot Chicago. vax held up ani rubbesl oft$200 l a stoi nddratis for a-bout 11M. 'T'eré wcre tre. utrte robhers uni they met bita about f vo imils- ont of the cily asnhoisuas rtturuîag tru a collocting tour. î'e;pr Wilirrn of V'irgil. vite dumun attievkedsi h.Io tepiangiti-ro mitit a hnit*. Wble hie vas alîblng lte oller girl. te youager picked up a bamnuer soif bunledil I it Wtidra'm ktol. intitetlag àa mssions vouni mait endiigthe bottit. Wlireti vili reaer. Tlw Bdwaria-Stanwtt.d $biop Coin- peu:, rompaitiof thte mup!uy"ofut rie Phelita. lii. & Palmeor Comaniy. has titem uneraorati ta coutinue the bag- ass, i fthelatter cotpsny. tviolctt sil wif-ltat-Jan. h arler listiez les- in buusi luInChicago thirty-siz ytrn. Ml. O. Sîilmuau *moi wvle t elebratdtirs golden irediîna- anlirersary if 5beiur home l inaltus. Flfty ytmrs ugo lbeyr vero marrnt nIMenonu. ai ttireyera lofer lbey vontSIn (;siens. lMn. Sîilltiàa in a dîreoer utft.eMerchat,' National Ba-t nk andaeitder la the Southtlret lerlaun tiutrch. 'lbe laids ceumutle of lte Iltte Bus'oai B quatiation maie a clusailiia- fieu of the couile.outsiie ar Couk County. Tbit-!uuilitioun rine tran $ lu *fl per acre. The lowsso-r anesaor'i valastion of iai lao $1.78 average in IloianCounli andi te îghest îsa.eav- crsgm utof815.01 la Dupai-e Connty. 'l'*.minevi t mploed by the ('anton Cuai C'ompay and lowal Brother. veut eutno a %a trike nt Canton for n aisune' of Cvni00 Into70 t'enta per tan. A t-on- pronmue vai iffe'tesd t fhe mini-ns ne- turnes] tao oknt ilM1% crots i ton. The operatoi recenily lacresed tht pri-ie of fte minera coniderei thit they vcre e- tîtîet fa iportionaoutIhe 1 r-snt pet bail- et raine. 'bllige elevîti tank nl Breese. tirti for Oire protection. culapeand i thot- sruniaf aiilinsof sater vert preemai- tatti ceari 100 ftetlhoi1t a aetood's Wiru$ag. Thtetacou bha ns vasitao- isiteu4is-iitte boae cants asnd ofter prots- -'i-fy belongng ta the Breme vluateer inre iipi. There vere n au -snitit-u. Tsioijaceuf buildings wvetJarreti train fheir tounistioug. 'l'h. total lum i.lII mchet$3,000. Tht tank vas ercit-t about feu yearwsiago. This accident wsa prcibly cnrd by the imon hoops bheeum- mng delicitsd. Tbft.e buoadresi grain inareprsetiolt over section of Illinois, attenrd the seri-mlounaoimtcing offteIlîlunois iruin tseslm*s'Aisocitiot inla hatauaigu. The muat importaft'eolutioa paies vaon e nlliug fur the appointmuet of-a commit- foee rd tbreetf0 e-cirean attorney 10 cep- reas-ait tvery menîher of tht association lu ail liligallon wstlIralînoedand ti er- mintj elevafos- men. Ifla belitvei thet greas relief tronm car famine can bie e- nu rei if the association pushea iotacaral a few t'uses usitre the ruitroasis bave fail(il1tofrnsh cars. Fcv the frai lime la several yemsthe coul miue. aid uperatona ut the l'eoii distictfr.cueharmonieux. At a ,-ilfene a fittuînimpreta rs reso-es-iand it ùa helioeed tht' gond feeling vîli continue. Tite .inashinti tîatlhi-y voulti lite ta sbire#u intuf tare .'osiderei the large pritsmon âacmoltf aithe iners-iscalprie fur fuel. but the operubora nai ftattn-ý der- tht Plttsbiîrg agreeiment wage. coutili mot hpic ntresd. As a compromise thé opertan. nedueei te prier of mail ased by flue miners ia rhelr luttai... Mine nia i- nov Sg,1cet* u ad osce-eni-si -i 1a ton st the tîne. The bouse vont ofthlb mise.s ias ai> ivsdured. Citîl opusalors and ititaer.r nm s-i mons Miilng lovasof nnthoero illintis h' a joint iiee-ting i ts-esaton it- on- ider teîimandeot he tomebfr, tnan incressi-la inti- mlsog sn-aie. thcetîsossos bei-iagMais-nu eunt Of nithtea-tueraI tii- vaut-v in te piiveoutos c oul ppu-salors tionigitout lte iwtriet durit« fbe la-t moînUu. Thteatîaer,,cat-ildgct tittte, ouright10 sbre ulit e silvaneri-Ansi i-tis- su il,-m--axe of 12 centsa stoun. Tht r.p- eratora ri-f iihedinItiaccroe tof0te dentani on Ap egronîni tai lIts-exlsfing &cale vilt teiti- iers is lu forte untII April h, 1l»0, and aiflt tte ,ntire outîputfIlletti disict-fbas lbeen contrsu-Ii toi- during tlite unie Ieriudnt Sfpri<'es ied on fte preseitî scale uni t'slabllsiltt-ibefaretlb., réec: mtaîrke't îîlruîte. As the ranI-acf pi-lu-e hm iaiiag the uperstars itelarci they couti not rchange- lhe itrices or fernia. Onseceourtonias ipitlera epiientie, the siîtoolanad citurtites nt Bluffs ire clostiand allpolWi.-gatherinrs une lpro- bbiei. CapI. NWitlianu 'sM. Cottuti. e Gut- at-iliin. Lullis Rtose Lernte, Obteaa, «asiuo itcy uoffiels,.sveueuc riti hW Bs lad lundees r( . Wblte l1 lac fer pot btvng ptovfiemenae et kuep- li Jb toué ith OLouCs'etu'menfamas amid for net bavinlg maie «y effort te es- tricate th. comuani trou LU %intenabe position. Coi. Carleoin ba iasatifor mt lanviag rtiroi te Ladyssaldi i..- iately aiter the lm. cf bis artlllcry mmi ausuunitlo tirongi the tampede et hlm mules, la nmstequartera Iti e isugoeaed thaf the Cape boys wbo yetdivlng th. mamulaid wne leyalty a basheboisa anaplefgecaniti the itampede la odu te blip tte ercause. Geu, Whsite, l l SVIni defala ett capitu'. of bi it vng, mey: '-Th.estM deimebmuennder Col. -Caftan itartei *tbMy iaygbt ta @Mx*zeNicholsoNaît, hus tunnt gthet em'î tigbl. Carlptoa got orltiin tva samilaset Nicholesnluae ltstid, vhea euiieuy bonaliere r ni- foi treux thebill i&à à teu, ritle shot yen fired. ThM muampeici ds same dravagthe amaunsitin aid tbety disép- PMI" utha d iftciouof the tnesay ultI pruoslelyaUl tise ga uqulpmmct Cagie. to oans. eoqtcw .dhi. forces on a n.lgbbotng hill At 9:30 s.a. .Meaow the Boer@ attaclei the Britlih la bsavy force. lhaitlre u, va ilg and tare fthLb.(ilouoniter regiment overt oblgei tarerfictrout duer edvae- fi position. The eoemy thetn p-- s- la ef cieme munge and aur laien ven anu- trou.. At 8 p. as, our amsasnsitoen as Fracticali i ebstei, When tha Bear atai-mes our postion airr survivm wye capturti. Tbe fallut ifttecousus. b duel.e etampeiusg etthe mui" MILITARY BAL.LOONS. Thia. smi Wlreleu. ?.ltgusphy A»- ie.Unatu lu eth Atroce. TtItissnouzeemeat titat Geas. White andi ster spesit part 0f i day Lnaa captive balloon nt Laîialit recooiter- ing te positoanirtht Boe., mai that they got back la tht groaa la afefy, la la contrait vllh the neya vitiet cause ( - MILITARY DÂLL4JON le AC11ON. frote Bactiage la JuIy. 189&, wbenthe captive ballon nervededy teo concea- trou the Spuailhb un n the "id over wbîcb the troupe were peant. la addi-1 don t. the baliouas beh tthe Engllah bave amt out t Southt Atrica their es-i cinter. are supptied vlth the . per ais-k psatafor aso itwreie lelgrnpinl a conmun"cad viwih the grenai vhen thec bullo« has reoebui a vent Liseut. Tht Illiustration la frois a Phetaget fosse4 et the bllon w la Booth Aies..lit w., tahea lna Bauan ad ovs the bol- lon lmdait. wLtàh au 9ater making oh- wervationn. CHURCH AND CLERGY. 'Oid Christ Cburrb" (Philadelphie) las 50 have ieeral coitiy omemoriai windows.( Churidies lu White Plaine, N. Y., aret mnakiug a figlit &aint oaped.hepust- oftlice nBuiada. t (1riee EpLIcopaI Ohards. New York.t bai been foreed te buy a neighborlng si- oo, to :ft coe top. -The Ardibiphop of Canterbury ha* made an appnal for the loning of Lono .Sloons on Slinday. Tht Bey. 1'.M. )MiCabe. Who vas ini- %trumiental ut hhberaUang John Boyle lliceïlly wbto a polifical prioner.Î 'The Be,. Dr. I. D. Beyan.Ku Austra-1 lin Congregationaliwt traveling it AmerT- il-n. MI& reviralms are a detrimettut.. - The Itev,.Dr.John Brown ef Bedford.t Engiand. is delirering the Lyman B"ei- er lectures at Yal* on the subject. *Puîl- tan Preacbing.' 'Mte1ev. Dr. J.oeph Suvermn 1a ct-L ing rabbi of the Temple Emanu-EI ila place of Rabbi Gotthetl, srhtae reaigna-1 ftin hm. been nreepted. Tite Bey. Dr. Wayiind Heyt et Phils- delpia bas .leeided t e cept te aLi giv- en him reýoetrtly trom the Pirst Baptl,.t U%hcetofCambridge. Mans. The Bldtop of Tendon l an expansion- lit, and belleves that the cbureb.h. aving created Chistian (ivilatioet, mo« be the chiief agent Lu ipreading it. .J. Gordon Watt et Aberdeen. Seotland f bai aucceeded the lier. Dr. William 1 Wright au ed4oial SUPeintendenor aitàet British and Foreign Bible Socety. t The Bey. B. F. Hancky or Brick 1 <liuictu, Philundelpbla a"d F. H. Ici.t- ardu «i Zaneaville. Ohio, are te go ai Liîtberan mlstionarie. to Porto io. f la Bishôru Mrfonnell'a charte on Long 400,»00 nwnbers wi spend the ast four moarb. of the Year ln proyer-r foi observance urthtilt loslng century. flie 114,. Stopford Brookeas friendàan-r *.uigfndt foi a leetiireship in Bngliih literatore et Universty Coilege, Oxford,t te ho ralled -*topford BrooksLecture- chip." Novw York ]PrOtestlant have United for1 su inteidenotnlnational *revlval,' vith r tlhe Rev. prs. Hila, Duxon. Adam. Behit- rends. $torrs. Chapmain andidPeion ai l'rncticnlly ail of tient M0renm mended by Indis 0 Commlasioner Joues toivard nationel gos-ernouent Pupport il badian schoolut next yesr wili of noc-set go te Romnan (3atbolles. The 11ev. Robert H. Casnon orfStill- ,vater. N. Y., bai been cnled t. Gracs t'resbytt-riao Ctiumb, Brooklyn. Thet Preabyterian Board of Forelga Miîssions, bouide .-anceling a debt of $45,-t M)lY, baiîi-aied eaongb mare ta guis-un.1 tee support for ixty new mlselonarles. f General Secretary Milii of the Itcthod- it Twmntietfs Century fenid sayi the Nithodist s Rirepnying le,, attention ta tbtulogy and more f0 Ciad-atik w vrk. Chiceeo Theologieal Bemltsary au. nouncea that aid îvill b. grant.d tbf. 7ru noir to, colle egradoagu. v obe as tanila itla aet sf75pert se ai ltuhals f etit bc, @hmentljeeem W pui, Thoit Orteher vas su active iusa vourai buaincafines la dewmastre lthe ciet ing bouse rporta. Tht i* payinenta thassogh the C~lcigao bailles the lai-geuf ove- eponled for, ify meidi lu the blatrofn et lett, oMW a tnifle, bort ai tht *1100 f usant. Tic ltlai ton the lea tondi lngt Oet. 31 tla i-a-h *1.000,000,000la C%. ceaiofet bt ion t he cori-epoodng pV* la 13GB andi ntore thea *11Il ligvth.. for the wholt of187 l* record la a hootoonnu. The stock mas-kets bave ru"rIbo inrja t ithert part of tht iretk_%L the face 0f the tact lthai Caîli mntery bar&lin tourcliti40 par oeuf,1 bas hecu noliquidation te $peti. et, W un thetoter haid titterey.ave bett ai gend bnylag u n M bItte . Op moarket in lis a moi-hboîeter position hl il va, a nientlh ugo at thetdtin.etofthe, Brut mons'î mm>. Tht veait béldes - @Pmte tahave been a Il alsakfe ut, muA<z dola' @toute ta have loiged la the blàé oi prople Wel abtie telle. aleifthe outil î'oulidoaa &gsanb.oseeripifor bull campelma. IL irai a vetit cfdeeîliag prices MI' tht Boari ai Traite. npeelag tht Pl- fituw lest Maoaun'& lirvmtami..nes_ fur a vbeaf vuaioacereu, tdis alnr requlretients thîs îcîr as compared vie' lait. Ripents.oai vita nid too-r tînut luttraI, but piv'eeant ulpaents rmeý "Mmotpumcha matieeusalessel8.0mie uni lhueebas lutta qitit- rmentyapOM lu the forelgu icuuiai. The u iernce- pailty of the raulmiuia te provide feaCk tics fer thte astvar i movesant et the grnain vian llkeylsean elett tlua e tb- the reluctainer that huycr evmiMto malte purcirimes. Rail rste* trouts lueu'l lite porta veem adianes te thetdm tht usotb, ai"lhs aiba atsrndeoqy. ta dépire« prit-uit î'uýmntiilahithi- Westi. Bueams aahipper oft ua -«M a lihtvll rale lait wvet, vhlé mi",ê doubts of thets-ur-slsem et tbe repterfeé partial faîlune utth ht n-bs--ifOraf Èfha& contry, vitile Argi-atina coatioul 4'W mciiitansirub!e adiIe% outhe .pregriut of tiext mawnavelt croit. That the pmIe et wvitnthtis asarket iteilaral1% cent.saàituae'@lalu uçt clrututani vas bî no mtmi nsmavtabie. - T'he ltpuuslbility ut mailing prompt dlipmeati of t-run vit nytlnugait- pouarbing certaii> t ustedate et liede- llvtn la tht BasftitI, penhapu, a mont itçti-Msug s-ffe >itm,îluthat certal bhau the *&me co"itîm ut affaire bai « vhest. Tht detand ulfor il maipressent, but fie ulser ut tht crtmntcity la the »mat ualuraliy ri-'-uiîrcd sente guamyt au ta dita t fiivery, mn assurace fix- possible for the Wisriirn uitiptser te gin.; natunaliy speiuators liu Itaesvert af- fetitiby lth.parai> r.ti st-te ut tse slip julng s'parfmieat outhe utcbsns. Mur-b ýiuileucetain iter prie.«vw»~ alill expri-muatl.butt lo-ai sent Isaat tavor- ei vc.knee and mouie du-o-in.nesatia. ut-tti tnihnpoavtfun -mpnanieus touid bave overeome thel, glulîi ie urylni r- paçlty sun ftuni a vay te cope viti the vealth ut trîffir by vhieh tbey are iet Itreefft overyhtmei. - RIOT ON THltGOiDtIRoN. Football Gain Phblletphin Xeaii i Pr«er-AII Mllai. Tht santoilfootball emassent ietvec-m Ha-yard aid Pennala aià tPbl*aWl pitia Mulurimi aiersoon. vhlch reuitua tna a sictoa-i fer the mcatfrous C.amb'lgm hy àac st-of c ute l0. enîtila4a qfre-o-- &Ml liglt un the gridirar, uiu ulictplaymv au boit oIes-enad tsaiuda etofapaëta loem lotitparu. Ih took ,-vfer-ai usiuun 41 energ*er ork ity the police te i-ntore a ictabluance utfîuudlu-c eveiIperpeste ve. culubed ianu t uti, aid thtres vere >ce-iouaI>' but. Ai-coi-ding tf0'oLàg-estatdiWbetdifootball custom thet joil e'.nwa lete vlcorioua tem. t. lis-plai-cil ith oltbe-tir#ptii of tittvalo-. Saturday vbt. fins. was ralkinsIthlite seond baht Oyoetd, thei-linge t-enter for le>lsuaa, grab-. bei the hall andtidîsluesl ifumll peed fer ts- i-lb boums. 1 lliustciîorfHanraiy stirtpi afuer hiîtawml dei-unaic the baU. Overfield nu-îîitl uwthua lbard sashaab l the fane. laners and mcîu-iatilîreeoftboth eleveni theu m-gagýint.u rtA fi ntight. Sies' talorasooxli tts-t.ugîsllts- fil-d and sut- mufti dii'ist' nicave iniy fu biova Thti ig fi,e& poli-' aIltut a haid ad b> a jntuîu t-t' moft-ii- eluls. nid- ai by fhe pt3 andlsuilmoral isuw. .as-vtei 5ly tii- t a l.- nidtuaIbeeatti itîmni. gradoilg îsi-vtelth.cerns-. T'ht Barvaurd uta st-rt <uta tht baIl. AGREE TO) DI VIDE SAMOA. tited Itiale,,t.s-etlau-iai. sudi <it- MiaryCo. 10teTerni. Titi-Uniteditis.'.Cu-au Bnîtiu and Gu-rmany is-k'ilcl >.isurray f> tesioyt flac tripartili ~by irbie th~ea Tht fonit'rt Sif.-, lin, t.> ibis 4oliu lu:iu tIslaand ulI, --Jon i-0.a.utI la îîti-isly ti ii-l'azo ['1. beîy. 'The di»iiaîst.ou f ti--ruai,, ti latndia hi 4rtfHi-ii Bi tiii -roei s- ru. iq as smt tes- itit. pt-ubditie. l'lît ,-t ti adisolve lb. tbvt'-jst'.'.-,111-ut1i%1 trioniACbId at a jruointu t theil,-tfut,' l>paltou of Anulaaul it-tu f ty ite Hf$, Bar- ut, N'on Oiî-lifrîotrte. t'r inunait-vori isaffîî-es. adMilrt. Ts- Frituit charge d'afifires. The xuit'.i Si!,-luts gaint.! fa point, wirnc i sthi-ut 4; 1, ut Blt nisoidi.-4 muytn ni@hll.-'i ruth# United States ftîl! control ovin t.,- io:uiiof ut tla atnd Ifs bay o ai 'ugu lango. Osaciawa i that thtemroto,-s, îgr-u-itriwuvasLaeui- tien ppreesut i,,tIt-ontilr-stion by (Ireut Briftai0ndti trn.ur ony igretoent tliey cteufttinplnsîsx a o etebouge, Of er- nuto-y luIn afittu fuir Iîr-iltory o-s'hete. Ho tirRasthe Ituitol States la conceracti, IL il fiildtitit tIh',lti l.ksitnpn'tl lion of Sistoa lm u îî t-t-ouiiiierltact 1>1 ro-nta oiofluhe lnisoît-nt a-tion Leken Bat- urday. OTIS MAS 40.803 SOLOIrR, Ofileni Nov la î'hifilihte ,54- .Eniateil bleu .19.462. Ms. iti. as s -sh:u-i fi- War De-' paraint-ttit; frnlardneitito? -hi, roua- mini tuow inlut(' l'lllli[ltpii elusiveOrn th,- IuouPltnlai ms-ndirai orpi Tise mîn trtunt lurtia le-nnnîbn tfroaps lu

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