Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Nov 1899, p. 5

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a aIr, 'LU lu.aa -'-WE HAVE UT- Ma'kes the Right Kind of Cakes. TURKEY5..MQ2 for Thanksgtvlng, ln tact ail the necessaries that go to make Up a f irst las Thanksgiving Dinner.. We are prepared to fI your wants. Triggs & Taylor, Libertyville m Illinois.1 Phonographs ANID G raphophones. Ail Optical Goods Neatly Repaired. .Fine Watch Repairing.... .... .Ail Word Ouaranteed...... WATCIIES AT WAY-DOWN PRICES. 18 ize (lents"20 year Fillk.d Came, ElinluMuremeut ..$1.0 fi mize Ladies' 15 y ýar - .. 10.00 cal, lu sud seecthlite î $2 00 'adlambab Watcb-Sl.em wlud and *et. Spectail argaioNsin il Ladies' and lel'vth Up-to-date Jewelry of ail Kinds at Popular Prices. Libertyvi lie C. R. SI-ERMAN, - - - -Illinois. ,"Winters Coming!e We are Prepared, are you? We can prepare you in fine men's shoes-at from $1.50 to $4.00, or can show you excellent underwear, such as you wiIl need, and at prices that wil suit. A FINE UNE 0F GLOVES. F. C. SMITH& SON, Butler Bldg. Libertyville Ilîlinois. ALL WOOL 42-INCH ORES S GOOOS AT 35 CENTS PER YARD. GO TJ LOVELLS DRUG STORE FOR... Drugs, Medicines Chemicals, IPERFUMER'w. SOAPS, COtteS, lîruO ri.a '. rî~t~1 g liémulîer [traces. P'nur.v amiu Tuillet Arîilesg, Booîik. andhl ioirv. Dye Stuîfa* .Mass, Pitly, PAINTS AND 0115. VARNISES, PATENT MEDICINES. PamlyIte j uîa î ii i~ a îiîîa'Prser p mu erefullyrom poîuiuieul ail boug... Goods carefully selected. *Libertyvi lle Only the Best.1 FB. LOVELL, ilinois.1 ?rLiberal Offer .... MOUimdb )0lui advtnce wr Av e eChiengo Wéekly Inter Oean anid t1me ouPsNIT one eaz and lb. Fsrm Journal lite r 'PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. tLocal Items of lnterest to L[bertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. LiB1EIITYVILLE-DAILY EX. BUNDAY. ,:115Pf. DM: lio.,M. 10:9. i 8:1. M. 6L80P. lu. 4:10 P. Tbursdny la Thaukugiving DAy. Mms.Da'l Lee visitoli Waukegan friends Thursay of tbis weok. Word Davis loft WodnesdaY for Arcole, IliI, where ho bas a position ln a drug store . Waler Achen bas gresaly lmproved the nppearno c f bis residenco by 1the addition of n porcli tu front. Prof. 8toops, formerly principal of the Libertyvillo achool wus the guest of thoe Bilsfnmly'ovor sunday. Mms. Jos. Hnnby loft Thnrsday for ber home lu Wliiamson, N. Y., alter a monihs tisis wlth L. B. H&nby and fainiiy. nhe Ladies Aid of the M. B. church v W moet sit he home of Mnr. 0. E. Churchill Ibis Friday aflornoon, to quilt. Everybody piume attend Il Possible. There yl be a district convention of the Epvort Lefque in the M. B. cburch Baturday, Dec. th. A good program is belng prepsred. Regular services aItlthei're*byleris'2 churehnoxt Sunday mornlng sud aven- iug. Bot. lHenveru Iboemo lu the even- lng vili ho, -"For Wbat 10 bc Thank- fui." J. J. Davis la seniously III eaIlbIs&home on Lako treot. lHe sifferafrom an ascess, sud lbe tirst of $bis yod bist lite was despalrod of but ho in somes- ehal Improved eaS iIs vrlling. Rat. M. 9. Dix vili preachBuSnday4 morniug et lbe M. E. churcli on *'Bo- lug Fillod Wllb the Spirit, the Diffor- ouce." la the evoniug Iboro yull bcoà Thaukigi.ilng service. Special muie. Frank Rende.sudn family aud Mr. o. IlviflotIfor Piano Tharsday. The gentlemon bave acoplod posa. lions vitb th. Rari ladder Company. sud expect tu locale thore permauenlly. Wm. Geliinge trs.d.d bis top buggy for Lewis Lltchld's rmadl wagon Ibis veek. Bill proposes 10 have a top put1 on bie rod vagon, wllb beavy side1 curtatus, tb sb*ld hlm huom the moon1 beai.d Henry Lavreoe sud family movedf wllh their bcuseboid effeeéts 10Lekee bluff lait Tbursday, vhero Mr. lawienco hms cbargeocf Judge Uptensa largo dairy feramof 3MOacres. Frank Clevelaud, engineer on Avriii' train yl occupy Mr. Lawrencesà bouse. Prof. buschick, cf Chicago, conducis s dancing clama aI the Libertyville Town Hall evory Fridayruliâbt sud cur youug people attend lu suilceut numbers 10 afford a moet enjoyable îvonlngs pastime. Prof. Hrtel, of Hall Day presidos nt the piano. ifeifeld cio&ki at MSs. PROTîvE'S. L. J. Webb bus gressly impmoved bag bomne sud surrouudiuge ou Newbermy Ave.. by rmlaing biseJicuse sud ililng lu sud levling off the yard, vblcb nov siopen gradualur 10 the sidewalk aud vil) vOeu seoded make s modal lavo. Bealdes cîhor gonoral Improte- mente ho palnted bis reideuce, vbich us one of the neateul sud prottloat ou the sIreet. Tbursday la Tbauksgiviuig Day We bats mueh 10 be thankful for lu Labrtytille. Noter vus employmeul ut good vagea more plootiful Ibsu it ha been the put fev monlhs. Oui buainsmou are pîospaîing, Our1 vllage impîovlng ln evory vsy, wigh a brightor future than bas beon Liberlyvillesfoi many yeaîs. Thura. day abould lndeod bc à day of lbauks- gitIng. One vonders vhal luIbithevorld posesaod Mis. Proline topos utn cb & large stock of Blelîd clcaks. Il looke like u monoy loing tenture, sud yot as abo deciares, ladaesocoiplalu if1 tboy caunol bave a gond assrimeut fromwhvicb 10choose, sud vbileabe uuay bave beau unvise in purcb»Ing sncb a&lange quantily. tbey ane a par. fouI garemeul, nalty and tylish, sud enablo ber 10 offer equat baigains vlth Chicago stores. We lmnst ahemay dis- pose of Ibham, sud no doubt tbe pucoes ati vhicb ube ins ofering a roally superlor aî'icio sud tbe largo aserîmeul tromn vbilhgo0 choofe vildo the vork. SOi balb.helargest lino of lcaks shovu lu Librtyvillelu ten yeais,ana invites 3oum Inspectioni. A deligbtful surprise was popetist- ed upon Mr. sud Rra. Henry Lawrence oue eveuinuiat veex by their ueigb- borssas a sort of farevell. Thoms vbe preseuted themesives for admission go tbe Lawrence home ovesMoisers. and Mesdames, Avei, Webb, Page. Burge, Bock, (Imummigt, Wells, R. Bulkiey. F. Suyiam, Senti, Dwyec, Smples, Mis. M. Pester, Mm. L. ltsy. Umis Laura Duseuberry, MIss Clara Avertllasd Iapo Doby. The guesis vero laden vilh ediblos sud piocoeded te, enjoy themueilves lu the uneonvenlionai ma». uer so saiential in a thomougbly eujey. able evonlug. Aller e lime spent play- iug cucb, thelincors vere cleared sud a social dance f ollovod. Thon lunch vas served, tu vhich Il Édid ample justice alter the eveulugIs fatigue, lu departiuug Mr. sud Mrs. Lawrence voie assured by ail tIbat their proposaid romoval tram Llbortyvilie vas ln- deod regrettedaud tho fervent god wiabes fer thelr future succeeud happinesi ver. hatteriug evideuce cf the esteenia in bbh thoy are bold by tbelr Liberyvile frenda. The Cbrisîlan Endeavur aociety wili givo a baket social Frlday eveulng, November 241h lu the Preibyterian churcb. Belveen a prugrman sd games asLgood lime in pîoruled. 6-2 There ts an incr&aini lenilency the progressîvenosa vhlcb OOOs oîl have lufused everytlulg sud every. body of late. Y. Proine hired& oIfpoet weet ep aa number of losaIbtis week sud bau led durt onto thue yards of lus Ivo bouses ou Orchard streel, aflerwards ieveilug them oit sd seeding duvu. The im. piotomeut in one pioeling 10 the eye sud vhich greatly enhancer the value of the pcuperty. Two Lawaulîu. Denuis Quirk soughtl ustcelu Judge Mac Oullus court lait Friday. He wanlted 1460 ortb sud vouted Il bad. C. M. Langdon, superiutendeul Of construction cf the nov railcoad grade vau mado defendant becanne of wilbolding said amont froin Deunis' wagea. Noultorneys vere employed, lbough a jury vas aaked. Six 1ued1 and &rue cîtizens, uameiy, F. Prollue, A. Wbeeler, Il. Lusk, E. Brown, F. Croker andIChus. Smith Were ciiosen and the wheels of Justice vere set lu motion. Quirk clsmod thal lvenly. lire cont par day hadi been doduc ted frolu bis pay fur a pariod of eighteen dnys without Jat% reason. Lnugdou did nul bol deuy Ihe charge, but held Qurba vwork lied no$ been properly execulod. The jury retireut before noon sud l vas il ocolocik taI ngbl 0e. fore a verdict bad been reudered, wbicb vas favorable te Qutrk. The Jury dninflg the lime lnterteniug piayed borse, sud Constable Limbeiry vas horse, being driven almosl crazy by bfis nnruly charges, vbo wbooped, feigned sikekuseand lu fuel did everytbing possible te vonry the cou. stable. Au a lust resort a verdict vas brogbt ln s described sud the jury discbargsd. I srlkes usnbtheldgully1 of or Justice court la seriouuly threstened by sucb &ailc& as vo heur 4cceunis cf. PA5KEUT VaCLARE. A replevinunut brougbî by Fred Parkhurss te oblian possession of per- uonal proerly beld by Ed. Clark as securly for a board bill came off bc-1 fore Judgo Me ac u Bu lday, I l acs being a jury trial, tbough net of mach ilerest. Ben Muer appeaied for lbe defendant sud Cisyton Cunnuingham fer the0 platif. A verdict vas mnder. ad lu laver cf piainîiff. For drema gonds, abolis, undervear, bosiory, ebavîs, etc., go te Mas. PROIsouSs. Thanksalvlng Everang. Tbanksgiving eveulug ougbt auvuys 10 bc @peut aI homte. And lot every- body bavo au open tire thal rau. Tumu the kitchon roter 10 the chaudron af lhey vans it. Letbem have puunpkîu tu make Jack-o'.isuleru of or Cinderelis coaches, sncb as Miss Alcoît deacribett tu -Little Mo." Let them poli coin sud uet lhelm mako molosses candy. 1110H SCH-OOL. NOTES. (o. Lusk vas druimu major WednesaY. He tiîlks lie eau drunu huit wvs lic t. eiuîuiy pesulatarwtD--a b ke-ju otep t0 lia druuuuuing. Maur peuple Who have no ebldreu lu the hisl sehool dIsplar a lamentable lanurance uf the vork honi doue. Neit veek wvs shal phlsh the course ut olady se that aIl mac seo. nul ivo urge that tint onui, the parentls but oerorune conie sud vast un. T'll cir the vbOle throe ,eac'A vork ls helnuadoue and ive auinSr hotte that se longa ifourîl Iceai Insu hoadde'I. The pulllofnIthe high su,hooi 'lostrs 10 expresoslOhis ppclatlou ufth1e roeupuluu ae them Or Prof. snd ira. flottena ui er hume last aturday eveinng. Mca. lîeuuu-u. wvobubt ewouth1e pjuili haupreviouaal> get. pruved t u ho au aumiîrable liostena Gamesout auaniqjlaule rIitI. ver, iln- dulasd lu. Duriez the saening airerai ounsîcal seleutlis versgla".n. Ia.Bettcui vho la s paiuet o are' ahllîf, uaye'i materaIleerluons. NIi, J.ennls Vaille.sangi1 admlrahly. The plauoluiet if M.ttîs Wrght and lira. t5,tton was exteilet. But the orovuing fealare vans Mc. Betteis alui. Iug Fev haut heard that lus sang aenl al vers surprlsed sud delight'-d ut the exhilul. lion 0u1 lus romairkabis auuuîl tlent, l'eut. 8toos :uur former prncipaul. vatt picsct, vhich addod muoh tu the euuîyinenl ofthîe1 ocasion. Bey. Dix sud M'a. Henier ver.' a"s tprenant sud eauh luoke rllluon tio- limportande or aeiioul lits. Fuoluîg Rai. Henver. Mr. Stoufis vas oal,,d apuin to apeak. Ha cxjrcsed lis iuesairo at heinu &guanamena t1Le îupiis vîtO viionilie hud upenttwIo jlsomautyearmis se unamtated $he, an hmiuaslua 1l'iiioial Wvbu ca sutertisn Iu litâto ov isnt. Mr. Ietten Ilîsu couuluded the siusuub uakina vithla s is vell oheenvords. Foiliu the esuuuoh maklng ase xSleleut lunli uva s eraui . Au tlv'e 0olek the uompauiy dlajier-Il,w'ai dealarinua agond Ime wasdai. Beoy Wsmîc. Au apprentiesoila vaîuue i at the. INDE- PENDENT office. A good filî boy con secîlmoeuimployment bofore sud alter sebool, or oeeWho ecu gîte bis vhîîle lime pmefecîed. if Usod by Brltlah Soiders in Aribis. CopI. C. (Î. Deuiniso-n ie velil sOwuî *Il over Alica *as îomudser outheO forces Ibat capluîed the famounseie'l Galishe. Under dateo tf No',. 4, 189#7, frum Vrybnmg, ltechuanalaud, Oc vnltes: -'Belore srliug u the luas campaigu I bougbt s quanlity of Chamberlsiu's (Jolie,Choulera sud Diarrhoea Remedy, vOirlu 1 useul my. self vOeu îruublod vîtO buvel rom- plains and baul gavon 10 my mou sud lu every case il proted mont beneficisi." For sale by'P. JI. Lova", Liberty- ville, J. R. BEsAuHas, (urnes, Gsàvs. 14KI PuAiuMacT, F. L. WBsTnExÀuuN, Bookofeilor. Jos3NUniaKn, Ivanboe. 1 sotios.1 Deorlield, Shermerville, wheoliig, Gleuvlov sud North Noîthtield items lailed te reachuna Ibis veek. Corres- pondons. piesse seud communiction&] sc an 10 wa i net Iater tIbm Wed- nesdY. ably Crus.. lh. rs. Thrungh su l ime men u1 ganus baveW E R EIY uo uocffed et and have idlculed th@ at- ieMPss t pur@@ prend old 'richesse".I Nri isa matter for wondar. Tbey!V L E were sud aue îidicoui. Yulese oet. iempto are repeated every bour. Con siderlng thorm one would suppoge Ibal wSlh.ttlu dgiteare îtalismn@s Jn C lothing. whlch lueurs virtue snd honor anîd per- social worth asud beauty iu those te' whom lbey descend. Tlsmans ar Corne in and sec oui Suite and Overcoats at ....... SicE ridiculous. ndsudmo nf ille& Nobilisy in of blood sud nul of gar- Young Mci's Suite a ......................... Sers, royal sponsors sud cbrislenuingTw PeeSuta. robe&. Pedigrees, portraits sud family w icSutai.....>. .... history when trathfi ltell ne s greal e h v o e rce o d u h s demiashunt the noblity of s as. Tities, W a elw rp ie o d u h s quarterings and patents ame wurthlese, e ta ro au s and the production of a grent geniusilîxr oo au s mn general as hsd a aigu ns the produc- lion of s great profigale. Races tbal , produce geuines shouîld ho airoidod. The best ithe second leuj-tho, normal. Gkials, as some one (Victor Hugo,1i Otîr Underwear Stock thlnk) bas finely said, in s proinoutory atretching co nto bthe oucean outh1e in-! is Complcte ini Cotton. finis.. Look for the descendants 0*eceLne n 'ol Ohakespear, Bacon. Macuay, Wel. leeLne n oI bigul, Nelson, Gibbon, êSwift, Vol- taire, Caurlyle, Bonaparte, Goldsmith, Ouir 50 cent ê1eeced Spencer, Milton, Cromxwell, Disraeli--d$.0 olGr Salaare a few usmes at random-and ad$0 oiGr yon will ind that tbey nie*fnot, for' mentt are baîgains. the gaulas lu always a trauegresom nif the normal- "sport" He la nover synimelrici.l. Sncb s one nature liâtes, nut, sud sh@ maires provision for the ex- tinction ut his race..-Hnmoanitarîau. - A Lite and Death Flant. Mi. W. A. Hines, of Maiceiter, tus vîllng of bis ailunolt niai'îîlîiii escape heom dealb, says- '.Expoiirt aller measIes lndured serioîns luog toubles, vhlcb ended la inîsuuîpîîlIj 1 lpid frequeutbemîîrrhagem 01(1 conghed uighl sud day. Aliny douIonssaildlImuaI soon die. Theti 1 bogan tu use Dr. King* New Olacover -l for consumption, whicb compleîel1y cured me. 1 vould not be vithout i, even il111 cool $5 a botlie. tiuudieu have msed il on my recommeudatioaî aud aIlsasy il neyer fallu cure thiout. cbant sud luug troube@." Regular1 ases 50 cents and $1. Trial bottîrs, fiee nt F. Bl LoVBLL, Llberlyviule, G. B. TmomisoN, Oraysiake. I bave u botter and lisiger stock of nilliueiy aud lrlmmluugs Ibau ever before. Caliland exsmiue îny ste,-k before buyaug, Man. P.iioTiNE. Turksy Shoot. There viii Oc a lurkey oshut a Liberlyville Tbaukigiviug day, Noiv. 30. Good sport la proileed. Comnil tIoustherevitb Long range, (ailrouI.,; off-baud. 30 rode; 22 callbor rmile ut durba hbesd, 12 rode; @hot guus at liv,- turkey, 12 roda; 5 uumber 6l sbot in 6 Inch ring, 12 ruds. Speelal urae arrauged for any caliber guhîs. Shoot begflnualla. M. The Apoetlte uf a Goat la eovlod by aIl pour dyspepties viiose sl.omacb sudIliter are out 0f order. ql sncb should knov IbsI Dr. King's Nov Lîle Pille, the vunderlul slomaeh sud liter reioedy, gîtes a splendid sppotite, 8s111(ld dgestiau sud a regular uodlly lhabit t(ltiameures perfect heaitO sud great eoergy. Oniy 25 cents at F. B. LaVxnL, Liberty- ville, (i. B. TuolitoN, GTayslakeý ',l Oad dy8peptaa if ty arvye ys and never loitnd permateu elmiit f tlI 1 used Koduil Dyspepie ua(ni. Nov I Rua velu sud eel lîke a nov mon.j, vriles S. J. Flemiug, Murray, Nob. it la the beat digestaut kilowiî Cures al forme ot indigestlui. Ply.liinr eterywhere lîremerllîe 1It.F. 1i; LOVELL; Llbeilyvillr; .1. w il liAe-IIî . (iurnee, F. L. WEaTsiîirAN. ituukeliiler If yon need a Cioak or cape, e iii iii MIO. PtOTINF. Wliee yen wil fiit ab fullIS une uf ladies ,, n)i.8jases aio cilidren's eloaka (if lthe fiîrnsui lfelîd make. Yon inever kîiew amlit fbru id fImn.g polalon vîlI tîllî,w eo,t liN ation .lxl the liver ûdean lihi'uý1g lîwitt's LIttle kariv biserma oud you wili avold trouble. l'v ylire tiuiiiiia ttle PUIS1 for couâtipaîiiu andl liver asud lowel troubles. F. B. LoV ELL, liertyVill1e; à. R. BIIAcHEu, Gurnee. F. L. WENTER.î MAN, Rockefeller, A trienîl lu îîeed la a frîsuul indeel. That la exaetly wljat Cfîiînîherfisin'e Coîîgb Renedy lm. It ai the inther'i. belp wheu slje fla aîddleulv awakeneîl lr, the niglit by Élie ouîlnoîia husky cougb. 0suit lsbîreîl breatbiîîg uof ber babe. Il l8 the sale remoit of the youtb or aduit when Os lias 'cangbt oid" sud there lacouîghingosud irrita- tlon of the mîîeouia ninoîrane uof tOe throat. Il aliays the, Irritation ud cures the coid. For sale lîy F. B. LovELO.LLibertvville, J. IL. BitA<HF.R Gnrnee, <iIAYSILAKE PHABIAt. ,F. L. WESTERMIAN, ituCkefeller. JOHN ME1KLE, ltauboe. osdmetol lsa sgo r pht, l sb dssnl lias.~~~~~rý Wsdlslms i.b.o ma. l1e moaI . Addeu4 O.A.smOW&CO. 0.ft PACtNT Omet. Waam5155t0. 0. O Cross Creek Lehigh Coal Worth 10 per cent. more than any other hard coal. Also best grades Soft Coal, Coke. Lime and Cernent. G. H. SCl-ANCK, Librtyvilll . . . Illinois. Washburn's Superlative Flour THE BEST. New Lot Just Recelved.- We deal only in Reliable Goods at' Bottom Prices. .Corne in and let us save you money., M. B. COLBY & Co. DEALERS IN EVERYTItING 1Libertyville, Dress Goods. Woolen Dress Goods are rapidly advancinée in price. We have a splendid assortment& of these goods which we can seil you at, almost ONE HALF 0F THE OLD PRICES. $100 44,inch Ail Wool Silk Finîshed Hennietas... $50 $100 44-anch Ail WooI Serges........................5 $100 44-anch Black Crepons....................... 65c 44,inch Back Cashmeres............. ......... 45c 36,inch Brown and Green Cashmeres..............2 35c 36-,inch Green Cashimere........................ 8 We carry a fulll une of Black and Colorodý.. Velvets and Velveteens, Plain and' Fancy Braids and Gimps, Brush Bind5. ing, Nearsilk Lininus and Double Faced Selisia. We can save you money on those goods. The Fair, Libertyville, 1Rtuptture, I N 30 TO 60 04V8 JIN Il., %,.Il Ou.- iiiJ«J dNuI ti, ie-îul F.very riurcîl fersuin tm Inu eolistgalîu danger. iliure iln u) voîulîîg, ai1 strangulatiunu teuueuitiy esuiti inu deali. A riptilre aivavKancoues s got demi of .aîifferlig îîuîiketib iacldu- mcli frouuîetuloplng asu viii uoitallv sud physically as tboy otught. Iunos'ory case lthe geueral lhealtO la tiproa'ed aller beiug iû'ured, in bîîlh oil aîîi A meieiallal usîlb ovor lua,'uiuiyeura expecieuieiî iuthe treatuneuit off ith- tul î'sîa iii asait tnte. '%t f)eeuiea Bolel. Lilu,'tvvil)e. uemay oy tniug, andl Weutuîouday forenîuîuîit fcurry weelt If a'e -ain lut cirs yu ii Itl ai nol tuiet x'uui rel"Vt. Callu'110 ae, fi % 1t. TB,%, 18. M O ufl9~ Mliné Slîlinois. 'F. BAIRSTOW. MANUFACTUREROF Marbie and Granite WORD OF EVERV somis&a Csfhpsdouss MEN OF GÉ.«Y;i.,ý;- 1

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