Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Dec 1899, p. 1

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UNTY INDEPENDENT. Vol. VIII. No. 8. Libertyville. Lake County. Illinois. Friday. December 1. 1899. INOW FOR THE Ch ristmas 'Shopping., TO-DAY OUR STOCK STANDS COMPLETgtý1 The mont unique nad the letu" ssorttnent ever &08Msyedtu peaçie of Lake Cowuy. Gme k"elrsbLises 'Hsdefchif. Towels sad T"alm. Lissi 9elected phaomsay by Mar. G, R. Lyon front the largeat MM&he' io the worid nt Deliat, Irelasd. Dry Goodsa sd Notions purchaea persoafy by Cha I L ye. sud Newton Niebergai i New York, and Haeiery sud Usderwew i. Bouton. Together with àa cauiy selected stock of Shoca. DInE Ruhjém Pelt Boots. ermas Socks, ConuasCont,Horne Blashets Md D4, Crockery, Glmswmansd Staple Groceries. We willl b. Pioemdto show youi sur gooda. We tau«ie astiafctieu- rtura your meey. vou'Il save o m onOu vOythlng yo bey. The Mlan -Behid The Shears--The CUTTI3R! itsas h. wha gives th style sMd ""MWta a garaient. The hest cutes are aot empioyed by makere of aedùway clodaew thry arte m.' ployed f0 eut aur kind of clothes ud hais reasos why aur kind bas style thatisi sel, dom equalled sud acter ezceiled. Siiits and Overcoats $.ç.oo and Up. -PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT - SANBORN & CO., Taiors and Plaberdashers. Kaiser Block. Dr. Charles PalIloway. SOffice over Lovell'iDrug Store mou"asolf a àaif I vo là05p. M. Libertyvîlle. - Ililinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trlgge & Taylorse. -Rouas- 7 to 10 m. m. 2 to6aMd 4. to ilp. m. Ileaidean roa i'dway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Phymiclan anid Surteon. @sucu oporve &afflu oe s. » Curnee -- -- ---- llllnolo%. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office over Lake County sank ours: bSto 12s. m. sami i to&i). m. DAILY 1 ( Libertyville. 111. PAUL MacCUFFIN, Attorney and consellor ai Law. NOTARY PUBLIC ()Pie£a WTZ LAxx COUvirr BANr,t Lbertyvilie, Illinois. BENJAM IN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LISERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. &MONT io . U VIDV TtLtIHONE NO. . usa5C,.O W. B. SCIIAEF'FER*S NURSERY. On,. mil.e Sonth M long (iroveP. (M.. Isb PruiLlluhsdaan.i(rnamnantalTrae. Grapo- vines and Inuali Fruts. Cit mr pri.,n on aScilmacd sWck. 6-1-05 W. H. MILLER. TONSORIAL ARTIST. 1% heu YOD vant àa dean s&baveor a gomi 101w cut cil] ison "Bih" cHOiOR BRANDION Cor VGS. Nait docr to W. C. Trighne tore nu Uiw'sn" i99. 8N,r opsu evry day evenum nassd KAndainmrnînge. L* CatOuk, WRiGNT. OYMOND & Co., Llbertyvllle, Illinole. Issues Interest Beariniz Certifi- catem Payable on Demand. - - - Libertyville. 111.1 EýWAU KEGA N. Do~met 1the Cnstr .no 0i5ta"s te 4me Rsiesa. Thes lav firm of Whitney a Upton bas beau ckanged tu Whitney, Uplo. and Whituey. Fred B. Whitney. eidesa on of thte senior member bas beato u tn te firm as lieijunior mambor. lMr. Whitney la a graduais cf 14ortbbcetern college o!1eva. 1He wili regain bis position as manager of tki Oassafe for the promunt. Work onut retillbg oftte W. Work»Iut i n a elunder vsy. Hua. drOe09 o!mn aie empoysd clesmitig ap s10debria. Thei isying c« brick ommacue d loudav ail Sb@ massons tag en1blnsrd are gîven enuplo>'- ment 1. larmtov bas tae contracl fore su abutobe nsi sud mucitof the bîrick. hiatoriailàla arriving b>'lte train ioad for ibsi new bildings, and work la being rited 10 lihe ulunosl limie. Agaul libeeloer ilt lcontinues &0 soecure opions on farma lu Bentou andi %latulty.l'iho farta f lira Margaret Logne of about 1001 acres sud fata of Edward Birggs ofr10 scies vere clooed lu at Option Ibis ceai. Thes.,laims lis jung oubveat 0f the James car- man place. They are directiy vent of Dot Yel beeu secutad. The famo! lames Cole coutilning 120 acres vasC aloo sofid on an option itat vek. 8 lu bis fareveil sermon ai the Baptil1 oburcb SHunde>' ev. W. IR Aidcrack "id: "Ver>' manY bave asked me the question duriug te paa& fcu, yack., 'Wby are you goin5? Sboute ihavc Souno mo ar as 10 infer Il vas because -fa langer salar>' sudin luxoile go mysel! I vaut &0 Bas>'tiat sncb linflot the Case. I Le0ver eltared ltae Min- Isîr>' because i iiongbt it cas an easy va>' &0 mois money..l'ho rank aud file of our utînisters are poor uten. 19teI Dot baonse 1 do nol like titis1 City', for i1Ibave met bore $Ooeof te 9 citlcat spliis fas trtb, botba in and V out 0f ake ciurch. Il; la Dot becauae 1 test th&&ainamcomplited tu go, for i am sure tb&$ a ver>' large majorit>' O! Ihe amenibers vonld itoid np bot banda Sc baveomniay>. Bul forlunste- ,Y, or perbapenlottunatsly, I am 80 conStituisd thast it la itard for mo s 0 brookau>' opposition. I crav. ib ultOtisupport cf the brstborn, aud I bave been led 10 bellave tlitI1Ic&n no Songer bave United coopeaiou. Tbis la wv1 Ibavoeasked tit. Lord 10 opon a dont, for nie lu uolther field. Hes did go sud nov un>'dut>' asema plain." 11ev. andoroek begîns bIsnec PastDrate et4 Kank*kee nuit Bunda>'. Annuel MO*tîng. 'Tie annuel meetng fon elctiou 0f omfeeresuad 1lrausection of auc ili.i nimasay>'propeni>' coin. before ise -meh., fib.àe .conunt>'Agtcul- ELOCUTION AND I1USIC. IteaiSoal>'y, dli be beld Wednssday Dec. ti taluthe LibertyviJle Town Hall, Haviîtgi completed a four-ycar et 2 O'OlOok P. En. course ini elocution and music at 0. E. CHuRCinuLL, Sec. hIe Chicago Musical CoUlege, I am preparaîl tu teacl indtîividuutis or Robbîd the Grave. classes tbese branches. For in- ÀA slenilng Incident, of wciicbMr. formation andi rates, apply at uny Job. 1Oie, Of Piîiadelpii, cas the bhomerne Lihertyville. @abject, la cai ed ini camnllos:. t!. s îso CLnS AV MyLL. i>' km as. amîmost yelloe, ejes - . sunkon. tongue oouisd, Pain conttiu- a al>lu Inbock aud aide,nu appetie D.SI NCL.AI Rr radali>' growlng wveaksr d:y h>'day. General Blackernlth and FOflUnel07a iuud adviaed ir'iuag Wagon Maker. *'loroBtea udtm'greal Jo>' ' 4 - d surPrise, the irèAihostie mode s ;Prao-tiatorse Shoor and dooaidd improvement. 1 cotionucd Ferrier,- their use for le, e ean sd smnov n WOU niMt.1Iknoc lie>' aved ni>' t stcsîcungivn b Il iaeaalit@. and nobbeuim alire .of Another lA Oton _____eninmi j ««vlttim.,,nooueaboa kl try hors, estc . ~ ~ .yN Sse ssatu KRUEGER'S TRIAL. WilI Coma off ln Decmber Tom Whioh Beulne Mondai,. Judge Fuller, of Blviders vini prs. aide si tbe December termi of the Ci outCourt, vkiok bsgfinanext lionday, snd vhlcb promises 10 1lieue of tbe mou interestiug ln lb. annea of Laite Conni>' court bustor>'. Nineteen peope e-@u, sîi>'. vo common ]&v sud niusty-een .acry combine 10 moite up lte titre. docksis, and nmre Of lte casMs are0ofmore thoan ordinar>' importanee. No case set for lb. December gerni vil creste as gencrai intereel as ltse Krueoger Irail (indicilment for murder>. Siaes.Attorney ticydeoker yl 10 asal db>' an abile criminel lavyer front Ibe Cook Connsy Biaisa Attorney,& oilice. lir.Bieydeoker'smanpadmirera tbrougbent lb, conuan aeexpeting mncb from hlm sd arenotilikel>' go bc diaappointied. hunnor bhà1101 atWiney & Upton for tbe defense bave assoclated vîtit theni Attorney Forreal, of Chicago. Be Ibal a asy, tg'iliic 10 Of thie biardent fongbit legal batIes cicr vit- neaed la Laite Count>'. vilste beit legal talent procurable engaed. Ciller Imiportantt cases on lte peoples docitit are lbe Lancaster, reslsing an oflcer> and Gormen (in- dictimeni for burgluan d larcen>'., The petit jurona for lte termi are as folioes: J. W. Oliver...................... Newport m-mns Paddock.................. Atcih James Wlton.. ......... ..... Frank l'ltmac, Jr ............... char" sJohînson............. Clarfl eh ...i...................... Avon Mellwr Ro se ..................... waukesau Dwrld Bart .................... . gdeard Peetn............... A. W. Hawkins ............ WilliamlBarmum......... Cbric Gun ..... . . .Lake Forest Christ lHarding ... .......... Themie. Appleton ............. Ueo. ield........................ Frank Pearea..................Laie Bluff a. J. Close..... .... . 1 lBaty da.-. ................ hields Frank Ae ............. .t-rville Frank DRlton.............. Jar Allanson............. Orner Healli...... ......... Otaries Austin ... ...... m. 3. Base...... . .. Lavisn m» ............... Berner Geaiy..................Wuuonda "e. Bua........... .....-1 James Monsitn. Jr........... J. F. Beribore....................... .Eia W.. Book ....... ........ ...... Vrn.u J. H. (ridiey .................... (Je.. W . Rm ti ...... ...... Ut, O.iIÀd .. ......... .....enld Fr'-d ijunman ..................... W m. Ti liman ............ A Oood Order. A correaodng fron I vanitoc nlis: Witblu a vcek titane bas beau pai Citrougit Ivan boa Lodge. Mystie Workers ofrtae Worid, tie gogo of $1,300 for destit aud dlsabllîy daims and lu Cbis conuection. I sbould like 10 oeIl yonr reade'.a&tg ention go Ctii order. -Tuayone deairiug insurance againat deslt on disaielilty it affords &dvauiagagea excciled b>' no order or conipan> inecxistencc. lie rates are te loveei and ils policy lie muet Ilberal ucosistentl vilugood bulqlusasa mettiode ,-ils oncars auuudirectors are men of the bigitet business standing and nun. qncslloued iotcgrlty. fi ban stiowu oua 01 the muet phenonenal exiibi. tiona of uioetb lu the itory 0f frater. Dai tnaniAUCO. Itla sone tof the fee orders adulig botti mou and vounen under lb. saine rais@ sud condftlona. AnYoue deslrlng citeap andi roliabia instu-ucecando o b tte hiau jolu tti lmordan." Meos Sudd.nty. Robert O')onaii, an aged selticr of te conty, diani snddenly IMonday j about Dnoo24t te boni.0f bis dangit. ter. litse. L. H. Smituer Barrington.i lic badlbeen ialplng tite famîl>' cîsa ponlir>' cben ho began tu actisail1 over. Be trled tu lie docu but eould1 Dot, atud h. vent loite ilciten ebere lirs. limit, bis daugier. vas et eork, cdntpwenina about tic pins lu bis body. Tito>'Save hfni bome medi- clan but tbe peina did not abt.. A physIcien wvasusmmoned !rom Berring- Dos, but lir. ODonneil died et 11:45; Connue, Kaight vas auirmoned and au liquese hold Monda>' nigbt, the jury rotirnin a verdict of dcsib Ironi naturel euses. Mr. Oflonueli cas sevenly-lbre ear of aga. To Advertigers. Don't bc slraid o!fitegiuning youtr Citrismas adverlishag 100 early. Be amoug the irt t 10 iold ont a velcomo tu gift bnyers sud make il a point tu Invite peopleoWhoo "ou>' vaut te0look," vitit thesasrance tbat te>' vîlInot b. presed 10 bu>'. Dncas yoar store ln bolida>' attire and ict your vludocs and your advertlalng nenind people tual( i rlia sclose et baud. Begin nov. -"Tic sarI>' bird, etc. A Frlahtful Blunder Wiil ofisu came a horrible tin, "oad, out or bruise. llnckioasArnca Salve, thbutbeinluthe vorld vIlli bih lte pain sud promplybot I i. C ureés old tores, lever sone..Dae, bots felons, corna, ail akin oruptloas. Beai ple cure on ans». Oui>' 25 coulsae bom. Cure guarmted. fild b>'IF. B. Lovmir. l4 baetycville, 0. B. Tuama. P 1 REAL ESTATE TRAPISFERb. Furnlsiped tiy Lake Oonniy Titi. & Trust Co. Abiacîs o! TIlle. TitIes uaranteed. liasonie Temple illdg. Wekegan, Ili. Loris J. OuatNta, Sec>'. Ellen M. Huit to Jas. (lunu lot 36 amd 3s b1k 2a licitub ln Laie Fer,et Wcd............................. .. 8 eoe Ellun M. BoIt lu Jse Ourla lot.IL and If blk 2 Hici/soublu lAke Forest wd w Wun. H. Crevlord aud vira tr John Crawlorda 4 sac 65-4.1ut1 l e (t, tovu of Niewport no Dail. Han tefutur Kirchnuer an Il2 l U Xogy a dd tuWk«n wv 7wtuta Logan D. Wailane antdt cIe to L. J. LebT!an aitlut ilin a3%,se ir 33-44-10 J ohn Wiiliamnou andi cil. te Auinie 19. Tutin et ai It4bit i2tualidte Lai,' blutffvwd..... ....... ............o on C. Frank Wright aud vil, te Jant, Y uerilt 1blk 7 C. Fru-s tWrlgbs' LdtoLibertyvile wd . ....m)n liaitA. Iibb sud buebani oe Jolin C. KneqJe lots ilandi 2 S Monitnd edd to Highland Park wcd ....... sil Frank P. Grandon snd vilr- tG.Sarah P. Davemport litesane li te Biord du lawBluff% wcd. ... 12oa Jas. B. Hebite and wifo te lire. J. I G-elots t aud 2 i31 ulri. add to Lake Bluff s d.............. >.. ...c ai Master Gir G lu flan l .Hock Il i bik t Oray.late d ......................s98 s Netr acW. mai-lousud cire te Emnma J. ripî land ln s,,e -tai i tecu of G.etw d........................ a,no F. H. IMattesen and liulauîd te M-a H. Rioner lot t10 b13 o MEUYsft.l' to Wankèegae v d ..................e i0 lsnaufillB Jackson tc H. P. Dickiuson utttSâeiuaud atalic wqr ae qr s-e-itown of Newportvw d.... 6m esu Isaisila Glage. ta Eiuei L. Webster iut t blk 12i st add ta Port diluton sud le et and )àaiey adj wd ...........ese u Mastar Gir Gitu A. L. P-aillcots 1, t. il. 14 bit il latt add to Peut Clilton d.................................. us Relief E. Veee te Emma Lindatrom lot t blk t Butobluson & Cea& sut lu Wkiu c d ......................... 1i n o F. B. liatteson and buts tu David Y.1 Hanrtus i.i. sud i lih1 lieKars0 add toWkgn v d ................. 17nt ou Edean K. Boit te Wm. Gordon lois ii sud ta bi itellnub Lake Foient wcd................................ien Jennie Wilisrd and busbaud te B. 0. Buter it sa ik u Hihleand ParkWcd Mo es Catharine B. Tlilcrd toe ssis Waiac snd ni t60 acrez lu towu cf Autiocit NO acreln toet 1Aveu 4o acres lu toen of lremonlt qed ............... 1s 0,0. B. Wiun andI ci!. te David A. Botles lot t blk Wrenns unr.. eorded aidd 1 igland Park v d.iMai Chas. O. Hlcb snd cife te Albert L. ilendeaa 'lot i2use'ir se s-té-i tccu of Freinet ................... 2ce Great Prsmlum Offer. Thel iNflPEI5DENT halite people'& couuty paper. ILlescde 'am ait. fiub- serîptlon price, 1i50 pet year. IV&s corit ILi. As an extra Inducemeut, boyever, ce cul for a aitort lime givo Ire as e preminni a splendid album o! authentie phtotographe, eulltled, **Figbilng in te Piippines."' The Covor lantetbelisbied dît a pioturo of Admirai Decwey. OId subscribers meg-a >Yenr luadvance are also olille. 10oule -of titese libanie TILOa. ne 150 pitoogrpe la eeàh Oradeors Louve. Thee Brs&of liais yack lb. large gang of mcn employât! on the railroad grade of ltH. Paul extension go Nipper. $fitk lefs Libertyvîlle. Thte grade la compleed aItitbis enud of lt lina, alîkong it h vli Coke a Sew days te, finish up t$bat portion on lte J. J. Davis fIm ceai of LiLetyville, sud tQe ela &aconome nuconiplateri vork near Long Lake. tl vas expeced lthe truck laylug gang vouid be r. liouday, but lthe> 15Used 10 arrive and nov, lbey viii not be bors before nis; vek;in ail pro beblliiy aishongfh $bey nolIfied lhe contracte"s ibe>' ould commence Tri- daY of thîs veck. Severai ibain fonds of unaterlal, sncb as ties, teligrapit poles, fonce pons, Ciatsin grads, rails, *e., are ail lu read- nose lu &bc Lîbertyrille yards. tg la essimised one of, lthe moden truck iaylag machines vitt iay froin titre. ou four milles pet day, no tbe job viii be but a short ue. 01 course lac s0pplug o! gravîl viii neceusarly ont" àa vsTan&Montiof vork, Ibongit cu ars bc 10 n on lte uav rosd belote tite graveila put ou, sud probsbly viii 10, as tg ia expecsed'muci tee viii 10 sitipped over lte lina ibis chalet. Thte depot ai Idbertyvîlie isàabout compleied sud la tact Indications varrant the. bellef Ibat b>' Christms trains vii b0 runng over lthe lina. Lot the Fermer* Attend. The annuel meeting of lthe Lame Counly Agriculturai Society for lte elction of difeers coeurs next Wednes- day.' There bas been couaidcrable adverse crltlm emong furmera because tac litle attention bas becu given cxibita and too much 10 rades. Tis adverse cniiclsm in ycarly becoming more pronounced émong agrlculturaliste. Il in nos saying 100 mucit vien ve msert the farmers liemnelves are 10 biame for au>' condition that may exial vbici lthe>'deem unfortuuaie for the bout Intesa of thir fuir. Thi> cen ases for oMoîs viom they pieuse. belng lu the majority, sud fiia their dat ul> 0alteii tbe annuel meet- ings and ses to tg ibai the rîgit men are lu office. W. are no% deprecatiug the cork of prenons or previogis officers. Thte resaits ipeuls for tbenmlvea. Let our fermer frielida turu ou$ nez$ Weduesday and nos leaealte responsi. billity of cbooslng oBjierstae1 a lev Llbertyville citizen&, and thon couâ- plain If the lait la not conducled as titey lbluk il sould 10. Nait Wadues. day in time go give expression to yoîir sentiments, sud afisîvards cooperate vigthte oflicers elactcd liai lite fait o! 1900 ma>' resrb ltat higit standard of succèes lu ail ils dapartmeuls and deteis chicti yon contend sitould 10 attalned. iTho.,officiai cuit sppeaselu autotiter columu. lie on baud. Miss A. Quentin white visltins et 0. Quentins vwas celled book go Minus- sois boause of the sichnus01o ber &uni. SUnD(JY eveuing ocourred the Obrislenlng of lit. and lira. Bolleu. bacbs ultIle% girl. Quito a boat of neigb bora and frienda voes nviled snd a ver y plissant cvening &peut. Thte Evangelilal claro la iteviug Protratcied meeings. 1ev. Eleimbeil, from Cliloago. aided the pastor during titis week. Il la expected it 11eRv. Haller trom Barringlon vill b. pissent nei eek. Everyoue lis lnviicd 10 attend. NCHOOL NOTESi. Appropriais Tbsnkogiving axercisea vers given. Andrev Bordier bas started io attend again. Eruna Ritzenthbaer vas detiled from scooo a day or ivo. WhY Th*Confsoieraay Falild. Joel Chaudler Hiarris coutribuiea tu ibe Chriaimusnumber 0i Thé Saisr riai Ercnsav.Poei au antlieniic secouas o1 the daring attempi 10 vs.rn tc Con- Ioderai cabinet of thei greai movenieni vixsreby Grant and Sherman vers te coperaie lu cruahing the Confederacy. Hoy lte attempît alled snd vhy il faiied are theeanti iola o! a okapis? o1 the liltie- kaowu bistory ofte SeSre Service. *r. Harr$i han i is tct finit-baud, sud tichbasvYhotbeinl. to a sloriy of sucit absorbiug lutiesa thal fil mgisti eslIy b. nutataken for pure fition. A Sure Cur, for Croup. The liraiindication oi croup in bioarseneas, sud la a cid subjeul 10 tai disesse ihmay ha takennea sosr aigu of the apploabo f aau sok. Foilowing tibis hosrssneaaftl apecUar rongh cougb. If Obarmberlahas Cogà ltemedY li.Kiiven as soon as the.cobfld beqoines boarse, or ae a aer the croupycoongh appeabs.Ilviii preoeu the attack. It il asd ln many %bon. maode of homeslia ibis brcsd land sMd nster disappoinia the suxions moUMe,. WolhavsY& %0leaof a single ha. stance la vieicbilhmanos provsi effetuel. No other prepsrall enu shtov suohis reood-tw.aty.av ears», cons4tant use vîthoubl a fellure, For sale by F. B. Lovu.z.,Lbetyvile, J. a. Bmacuut. Gur.. . I. MAS. lwoeksfel«;en;Gayss.ÀKUA TOO MUCH TAX. elIcrease Wilm Work Hardshlp In Country Diotrîcta. l'be comiuiiiee ou lands of the Niais Board of Equaliasion bas completait is vork of estlutatiug the pet cents of addition to and deductions from the local assensmants lu tbe scierai counties. For Labo Couniy land lte commit tee bas eslated an addiion of 18 per cent, and the. lucreas» differs greatly tfronilthe reoonmmndalons of sur- rounding oounties. Thte commit. tee estimatea a deduction o01i per cent ln Cook Conuty, 1 lper cent lunlicllnry sud à deduction of 2 per cen gin Boone. Thtis per cent, il adopted by tic Board o! EquaUslion, as it probsbly wiii be, wilI put lthe aasesseil vaine of Lake (ounty limite bach almosi vitere the amsesors loft I . The assesors figure vas $3.492.731 on aIl Lake Couniy lands. The Board of ileview llofbte figure ai 83,82,93 and th5e quadlatlor. commîtes bus by adding the 19 ber cent bronght the total ieck te $3, 333,»S2. The average ssesed valuation ot acreage pboperty lu Lake Couney vas about 850 per acre. The Board o!rlie. view figures ranged frow in81084« per acre. The 18 par cent rais la alto. geiber toc, mucit on unlmproved property ontide lte labo shtore Soir». Forinsteucee in the central and voatein pari o! the connty much of the. land viii b. raiecd in valuation 10 over 8$0 per acre. la lac$ the averaeo aemile valuation, if mincid 18 per cent. wUl bc $59-98. The aaaesmeni belug loft very uneve nme proporty. more particularly ila vestern pers of the county viilvil h.he18 per cent incrense bc aliogesher too higb. O1 course, ln Beuton the vay land la sellng nov, the figure vonld tic very loir, but ihat la a very nuual and a vety exceptionsau asend con. not bc coluaiderod lu meblng an esti- mais oftheb.failr value. lu ail probability the incisas. vii bc adopssd by lie Board of Equalize. lion in accardance viib the recom. meondations of the oommiee. LONG GROVE. 8. Febiman 100k a peepea ieistarte Inat lionday. liasKatie Filer vas as boue lou a day or tva. lias Emina lolleuhacb visied ai home a day or tao. lir. and lira. F. lieybr veut to Chicago liatTuesday. lin. Front fi ahlpplng four t10tiye hundred Ibo. of mitk. Ye scribe bosd the plisaure of getiiug a fine cake on l& birthday. Th. dividend dolarsd et lte creamery vas 81.22 for Oclotier. 0. lieyer boot bis muther go Tbe Heighte Tueedsy 10 se Dr. Sebt. Ir. Landvîbr, Mls 51er aud lits, H. Bier vent 10 lilanesota on a vîiti. B. Febiman liitdhie cbild chtlisnsd lait veek, 11ev. StIerle OMOtcaing. The Lnsbcran congregation bave denided 10 have Cbhrisimaaexercaea. Mr. Botbaciter lia been ill but a$ prebeut vriting la conslderaitly botter. Mrt. Tbeoiold and lamily moved tu Minnesois las& yack. Mir. Link bas reutod lte taro; The (iossveiler farin bas been reuled, 0. IBorcier tenting part of Si sud Mri. Wickeraheim ste remainder. WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS." STOV3S__ The best assortmnent ever show,,In- Libertyvjlle. including Garà-an-8u Acorns, Universals and GoId Coirisé We bousht one hundred stoves early Iast spring before any advance in price and are prepared to, make prices that defy competition. W. deliver and set up stoves' afv* of charge. No freight or risk of br*a&ýý age as is the case if they are bougbt in Chicago. Compare our prices wlth ChI*aqp prices before buylng.. LIBERTYVILE. ILL. ..STR EET BLANKETS.... I .cmmon Squar eusae LAMg Sue. 801190 S (8 i) SOZ90 - - - - s - - -2- .ALL WOOL BLANKETS.. AU l o ianketa. 761dô . u« 84190 . Duck Blaskeis with Yol Laing - - - $2 - - - 3 - .' 2 .STABLE BLANLETS. Durlington Siay-onlined duck finAed Wool LAP Robes 0 - 1 w - Whips and Horse Furnishings of ail kinde. Baum's Stock Food Aiways on Hand. Chas. Kaiser, ; is Lt BERTYViLLE. - - - ILL The loilowlng Villages an Inoluded lu tbe Lake Couctr Teisphous, Companya Servioe- PA51515viav sccxurul.LEs uuxctsn laîs Tii Gi la Nosahi. Connection lsaiaso afforcled wlth toit Unes of Chicago Telephone Company and ail their exchanges, glvlng acompite service. YOU SHOULD HAVE A, 'PHONL. Contract Department,, Loveli's Drua Store - - Liber"yv 'Our Liberal 0f 1er..... M"lu evvsgte 0 ff 11 muoV y car L in à%avance. . ydqir in TELEPHONIE NO. 1« 1 1 ILLI NOUSI ESTABLîIBNED NOV, 28. 1043 ILIBERTYVILLE.

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