Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Dec 1899, p. 4

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et he ffl & etAbny1<s na »»Ud-plam moatea.Amsdt he t d ., ïd m W .. W7w"" usalga vanaova on tiPLi. GAnon0. SauA mdrCha9 n yM.MILLBURN. Joseph Chamberlain, secrtary of stage 1Mr@. Smith la having lber bouseo F »~.,aî for the Britiah Colonies. whlch brought reshingleti. »R p» Fý Jurnal ont Bret*yH&ya's deuial.1fr. Chte 1Mr. George Jamiecon le baviflga s0 ali u aater-dinner speech: LIviduonbsuepnîa. Pene of On*..0Rikliofu athel ilrot. l acros themm, nd te pece o th r. IRichardi Trotter snd MU uli ý*«b »Mt 10 et9O0ew guhacrlbers W wrlti la nsureti," sud Mr . Chamber- Schmid &peut Tbank&glving liIrM. 4,qnby ne, yaro, and aee<0144< lan said. The t7nion-alliance, If 7014 Trotter. jUbttitfweemi ve therefore cotinue plase,betwoeenIhese two <et nations. lit. and M.l) r. Touumbi<hand r.- MRMag entituthe FrniJouirnal Greatilritaiu aud the U.nti t tates la Hertrt roidspuî*tbTbaiikcviiag citAi «r *b ce n senti the I]tN- à a agnarautee of thie peace of 1the worid."1]dru. i'antli. MW d te FeraJournal 5 Ym luInofficiai circlua itl lethoughtthat Mr. The patriotke andi careiong ee4u-t hulti hure Thmafeivinàg ight won l ou fS 81.50. And Vs mals the Rmne Cboata'm laiignage had Do0aolier 111s&11-largely attenaiet. goS ail oi sabsribers vho VIII îng than au expression of g<oaaviii sud 1Mr. and mmra.Weotvùrîb Vent as NU_ @Biarreiages andi on@u ear in frlendshlp, snd Ihat 1Mr, Ch5lla i5in 1Chiago %0 apendi Thankqiviug vithll Ehc.You know vbat Our pajier vas playîng Enropean politics- lAiNTdaughler. 1fr*. lBrowna i *0 St parut Journal is a gaim- Mr. IRobet;Jamiesen crop&incti ~Simlpeoresiv-a ean boeat -by hîs sister lisgs Libblu JanieiceUt MiitggE ppeftîl c uton mi f ,,returned 10 1the iity TbnrM&t iay ght MàbIÈhoVith tan immense circulation atYseiigadyi vîvl i ÏWig tie beut people everyvbere. DFrance la reporteel ho bave aàst9.11rW t nfougisota ke aI.mtuie Davy of auflilcient power tk' VOLO. ________________________ onquer Englauti Oy au expedition MTs. tassie Towout is ou the bict under the Enitlseh channe). Thanks 1ia. gmin Butter Market. to Sobiey and D>eey. Spain basie te Afred -Sîcbois bas oune t1 ('lliacago , MU oEgm on the Elgin Boord monti exclusive surmarine Davy lu the for u.Plovmebt. tTsmalindaîere6tnbWit novorl. Mr&. BeàCommuanu. of Lake SVil. aft d » mie. Offcisl maket M.Robets shoulti bave lakeu his Ida@FAuie Compnton.o Egn. bMe a 26. Butter lata" ee, 161; hma gofnWa.shgton. I hua &ie visillbK relaves beri.. -~ -. talea reorhave or1-"»'william Burneti spont Tbaukogivisig *5a5ftaUt moved t0 pity fr him. ejunce if le the day vitb IGeorge H usas sud fauuîiY. -Richard Compton &ant i fe ref,îrud ' oommon baletietauneie tfaiabout home lmmi vee alier a velsit ihhoiir eomGan-«- -sd Haasbrea . ailth"athteiaverage man ai u < gintaugliter 4inLake %4il l. Mme mi a md> tal= c(*0f »we outientChriamashopC4tpig à* 515401 Jaotn lretachunruriatifanlîr. of f qud»m PeaemmitnTUid tia lietoeommeuee, Kuia aConunt. vis.. viAituti reiâtivee pam I*ut by ii. e essai "baie a feu tiys at veek. ni mgg C ig dumetsg YDewey nmsmaSn te of the. na liite a number of ladien mhentied Md re" on othe, nne-Lucisiii th the icGrant cmexery society l1a»% Fridsv ~~ 1 dlupaiUo ho t.. nmadie 0ofleders of eathe h omue otfUra.Douglas Wall..Ali ~ ~ B.eEtXY it.isarrectkm itaalasiUtnited Blasi report a Vary pleas&nt tiue. ~ Sr DaTs, ~u~.Lincoln voulti have bati Jeff Davis âtra. N. bretauhuer lhms.becuviil- Amiom Su«w Daes4 f t e antilie,, bope. tlat iig relatives in Wisconsin the puaI »d 5* Aguin"a sud wei eak. Sh10e~ruI b vua acompaniet honte by m egAmatComme,1a ako "1mag "dbs*s& 'ber huaija nt IMontiay WMPa4petS moflthe PemumBi-ca te da*s tr. Hardin coud n01 atteundthe ~, 1 ,wm f lte emmstir- .eeralMil. vn i jui bujef ruiquarteriy meetng hepiant SU4day lu me~ G. A a. are tu bs "b i:, tour 01 luspection 0f tOe Araiy < th Ibd. E. charch un accoutit of tOcý i. ruil.os."The oliaain eged n iuemaot bas son. Mr. Bamett Watt 1 in"0 Wst i blalY e4mggd lntheent to fil is place. Ail veruP le-asedL preparation of bis aDUnia report.Hic wth hie remarie. laiu k.ougt labo tharougb- La euuhoimUSa lly in avor of tUic1 17 445.siIBi ~'~~ eranntinrus f AÂiyt la aiFOX LAKE. less 65,0(10 mua andtg ilta believedt t ilire. A.Tweed vas, a visîta'r ai Il' lima p-ionofie viU su recouunuud in bis report o'n Suday tAi mirmah A mater of mach inlsereel tu 1r. W. Waiker sîcîted i hcago fhe Bh ouasvhicb for a lime scenetit lian lately develope in n"stra oftIebeveul.' taohecome a pttcet pliti- GogU A vhite eugiueer wv a dly 1fr H. \eWlsn vîaîtei Cbîcj«ý.,n 8., *over raferrlng teeucae 0f = on ,t m.aboude un a Urud qbtinese 4turday. Sca cmmitie befre a.iov-s<~îted tr.T. WIright..1 Ituio 4itvt4-d Sobasornltha ere vauoh- ac den, nt 1althe vonnd beaicti vito 1fr. W 4twe)lruîtv tl shopningsessiozn of exc pt laceabout bye tache. 1)fi".Ilo, Srimes e i. 'îmling le in tohopeougreasTession .f squar. A cored nurse allowed the fatier. 1fr. l.eî.ge Simea lOi. vel lSoeS Coge»v . he ooranrernoval offafev iuches of 5kim from itaises Curs sud Carnie AustID vuru i *-meam"é, hic bot D Oran-hie arm vbicb vas graited un the more the guesta Of 1fr E rowu ove,- lC.îi. #0 pmiacl, vaos Very shortad- sud turued vhite in a few deas. dsy. 111 olloWing the annouzice- 1fr. E Bayle. sud Mfr. A, Tweed, Uilm Premdent Hohart'm deth, The administration seeme to be of Fji l..ake. vîu.îed Lîbrtyville Sml.. afh$4 ate lecSlng Speaker between the devil aud the deep ma i urday. andtheoMers f te lt i* edeaor u lgisateon he one tra. H lulver sud grand-daughhter ast 3h oflocaof ieIse Il edeaorho egslae o îe mu Mise1, Eva Culver vere the gué*"tOio vi hSte exception of 1Mr. question. If itenacîs agold tandard lors. H. t.iihert thanlagilving. CaOnMof WaoonainWhwonas eaure i illii Occharged i vtb legis. tir- sud lira. J. H. <luott visiait! bSeUniaS.rm Inl place of iatlng for Wall atreet and the money friends nea&r iarrington aud aso ai thEil of Mo., vbo lidi leaders, and tif Ibere lbu a failure U, %4asucund". tAietoast of the yack. l~eh ie las Cangrees, andi cuct auj cnrrency raforri mesure 4U ildue.@daY Noveniber 29- lutffat l lits m am blirs, alo o dJo n - h e parti m u ba ng hai u ic um 0f tO e bo me f 1fr M . I . ( lflai. a t AI.- te mnoncabment of Mfr. hioken pletigea as Uic National pla- of hi. aident sou. tir. j. H. Olcott snd a bath Represientative fortu of 181<6won explicit lu declaing Ume Mary E. G.Iaiger. of Foi fase,' et Tena., isoalvedthetO for a golti standard. EvidenUth1e illînjos, 1ev. Mfr. Alken. pastor of the nomnation for thie Speaker- Petdent anti bis bunancial adviasraAtiocb M. .churchofitcing. Missi vil e.]hIe akig 1010e oadAounie (;aiger, s1,1er of the bride, snd We in ee tOc Congmmoalessions Mr. <,eorge 4iott, brther of the, beloe te Cogresionl sssio ingroom astientitithe bride sud groom. EUl hmba. matie a demie] over. b.OoEleiti1l.cAl 0 at Throhhing Hoedache. éàM 'he Unitedi Blases bail A FrigatuulBundier Woul. qucly lesve jou it you usuti1 mul anallane or iiitmdted WiîU ofttn cause a horrible buîrae. Dy. bing' Ne LîfuPills. Thonsaclh mmcviii Rgl»ansd Germany scaiti, eut or bruise. Bueblens Arain of suferers have provcd tiietr maIe h memlor any nuier pur..-..e 'Sale. tichat un the vortiviiili ii les@ menit fur ieandi ervous a it. .wu vs rat siacteti ia Wsh.lthe pin sud profuptly heat it,('uru* ache.Tbey mate pure blooti a1ti r tmg a temmct madie by Jutige niod ore., fever mres. ulcers, boi» lsUong nerves aud builti pyour 4MI thuaif Easy té) tate. Tri tîem ai Alablama, &gaICbief Jus-i feous, eoroas, il minieruptioue. Seet <mlv 2.m ts Mone abck if not cureti. &haibe tripie <otn- pia re Ou utth "'y 25 cents as d'yV.I.LEt, liieh auth UmwiSi es G-ray. o.Cure girnie4ed. Sold by F. W vjile,(j R. Tuolgr'505. <raYàtale n o Uiarib n B a t i l v as t& ge- L O Vt E L L ihlA el t l lle . CG . B . T o m p - Imm% taLondon by Uaited. bois, Grajaisaka p.j age ba , !h l". mias' Fais pl1. iinter has ,ome., osH"av Feeed S«t our Big fargaina in Mens Underweua i cial Closing Sale of Men's loves à Mittens.. biwa Buck. Mitteua.-Geine. na Lse-a peir - TUE PAl WYPINI At The Fair. Our Big Bargain in Underwear will go Fast this Weather. 2 5 cents. 25 cents. 50c and 25 cents. GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. i ht ~heIl41Ultl'UU4ao ornierm for Job prlnting. Callon ber for rates. We Ot 49 TIME TABLE GftAYSLAKt, ILLINOiS. a . ssi' .n'laisb Me. Il il iu..Y g' sud uupper lu tue W<odmeu Hall lsst vî'ek Weîlneaday evening. 'Tbe room vas comfortably flleti, anti vu fuel suite aIl enjoyeti both the program sud anpper, uas they vere botO Yen gooti. abtout thirty of ber friands aI ber home asat 'lîjendai evenlng. IL belig tbe oscassion of ber forteenth brithbday. Men% 6%C Stripeti Apron Ovurale ....................... MeO Il Jackets ....... .......... e' Sc Blau anti Whith Stripeti Sbirle Heay Work Sibrs Lot Lsdits' 8.76 tu $S.25S boucst. close onit perliai? IlMon'* $1.25, $1,60 muid $1. 75 lShuî,N e limclenut lier 1uîir 121Bars mapîs City soap. .... 2 Packages Hulied What ....... ... - .. M4 package. Pearline..................... ................. i eau Cream Pnlf itakiug l'oeer, . 1 Cook@ Ovu a .1.... ..s.... ..".. I' liackberrlen .......... ......1 i"Bitueberrien ... .............. ....... Lima Beauan............. ... WISCONSIN C91tNtR AILWAY Co. Stie reelved a number of baudsoule 311a et Eg " ..... .."......'.... .... 10 pretients, and outertalned ber îrlendia Navy Piug Tobhsuolier lia.. .. .. ... . 34 OFFICIAL PAPER OF GRAYSLARE. rlgbt royaily. As tbey exprssuitie I LtChll.emlruisîbI.crm. si/.5 11<, 2 ... ... 10 tbey bal a fi ne time and Iota tb est.' 1fr.~Mr aund rMrs. JohnW lîiuru g11 1f soîici jr Big eut in the Prices of ail our Ciofhing, some of which arc the ..f In t'hicu4p. four 'r t , tas heNfkKrtliar o ol. onier- 454.1 uMe.NdReshs.0f~oo oedr- ens 20 onae u u Clay Wormtul l'utawuy Suifs., -a-tr. I,501. $13 50 tion $8001). We uuderatand tbis was a MensimHhavy Ail Wol iBrown Suits surv $8< (191, at............... () 0 Mi» siL IillrVur. * i M l 4ii.great Ins: buts sathey do noslotk1e Meus Ail Woo1 Kalita, a good mts............. . 3 00 spns hin lartvun ilifern eaitug snd wautud to rutnu to the Meus Husevy Mlton tjiters, astre $144,ut ...................9 00> yctIî tey sure very 5iii.ios 1.4) 544, Mens lielvy IDurkit BjineVstera, were ' ait .... ........ X o Mi» AlAia Hende, a.. Inl %Visî, .evetn ut a sacrifice. Thebu tMllutitjiI Meus $14 0finllat kIleuv.-r 4vere.,ua ut ................... il 0 bue gucaIt of Mrir a Nrtoit SSmlth. SOu homte wiclî they but on it tabout a Wiii runiali a luonttt, yî*r ago ,as alofle Wortb tabout falf Salverailtif our ouug 1peoplu sfteîded thatStations.t i'bu. viii renlain bure the Tbaukagie îug dianre i i X M,ln rçthlaAInt1<1er. chile others Wellst., AltiO , The tray;lake Ladies' Cbrcbe Aid F. H . K U EBK ER , The (iraysialke W. c.. (*I. ili illeeuî 54w1.17vii lolItheir antnal llazasT etft-c borne tif lits. .1a*1,,,'. Iruein i l* M.. A. Hall Mouday u-v..niug Grayslake Devt. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. D)ý %5h îsitrî ,lou etO. Maiiy usueful us e ailasu ___________________________________________ Mfr. aud lurs a Jobn WIt..iII>Irll lie t .ur uaiuelàtai articlats vili i ld ,l alâo Thaukmgivîng silOtb ,ir îwple in Il' ia aqu1ilt. thebe nu exKitag theC R S MSc- (ait Park Ttîcy ,ee gIlla a wteký. Iuareef n'miber ofIl leIf cutàins I 'r. Ful ls, cal t-il t o b,-v ty e. iv-. the quiilt. 044ly 7ic a g s. A1 guuud proîgramîme wîilleI. gi Teil). i sun ual 'î'il 4 T r.'. wîek î4 leîmIre...supper ul v ifteu .Make Appropriate wittb îL feîI 1 2,f4A W blNuhtre, Jr. a 1 meaIl an.lo uluJ u t î.eo I V4ATCIIES. Christmnas Iresents. Mr . sud Ilra C. lue er lîia% a-ret urned l i.îg he uîaeîtimput JE EIR1 front Ibeir t.eddîag trip. and.1are u.eftle- lIre. f. (Churchill. BIlrîj. Vt.. Ray. E EsY 'd for the the wisîter sîi t rs [tvk..î <luT 14a14y Sas 4llvered witb riunuiug Shave a ,Fin te Asortment, of Haîuu.aTiIle 4notes, I)OWitt'n Witteb Hazel Sulve NOVELTIES IN ohave'atfine sLaie nd mir pedaw-gie, hid 1 ur"d b-r ." A eip..clit for piles sud o ace-Lde n lOi ~eago.î'. ic. fbuuulva eledinese. île etive 4of vortblueit OLD 4ND SI LVER. (lents. usi 10 epend Tlt.iîk.,gi, îug. Mî..aee î. .uucfitn. F. IL. Lovaî.î.. Lllerl Dauy spunt il In Ci. and..441Mlr vil le;. IIL. HiASCH vt. 44ret1'I. Fi'ber i lu t.tu'î.. 4'F.TRIMAN, toCkefeller I Table Siiverwear aiways deligbfa the hoîsrwif. 1 have a Mi" flaves. if 1 inl,(;ro,... i-Robbed the Grbv e.- - od ne- roumi], aib0.4 fis1»,-n' 44144 wl lb Attrtling iicileiit. (If vlit. r bers aater. lut. lkrani,îl'os, le. xevsral l.hie, ofatn Phaei Ilatpi wîaf 10e 4414j er't. lauarT4t4Sde lpmus wtfle fine Sets,an odrg t. I., 1er ii'414-.1Itasluai amont dreadfuul coulitiil.u.... xraC rin-n sî 1g t Thbe Lai-s'Aid ~will iio'et 1MY lkilu Vas almàost Y4-l. t. ' ritb Mr . A. W. laurv cuIlîîeI. l u14k141tonglleecoaled, pain rotation- l ila stla1S4ides, upetite' Clocks in varied and unique designs. ),.. 16 b Al ndIulr. 4e 4lrleeflygrsîfumlly grîîving wveker day l.yiliay 'eqltiet, t 1 lri'elut tI arrane" ýfi-r bree phYmicianilba.i givefi meu "î bue Bazsr. Fortuatritely a frieud adileed trviiig Ile.ti rB.ttersliiandudue i. f4e4l444 g MyChristmas Display wmii înteres4t you. weul sith t14r ullabt-r SIre lrigg. decille impro veinient. IcuîuinuiedlfAJîi im~ a îf ~ ~ ~ ~ i Ca b- Iaî Ibr .Io e.their luse for Ibreeues, sud arn Ios W A *CH MY WVINDOW . centiy marriel sud IvlI u a Weil insu 1 boy thuyeY avc.i my 'ý "'llglu ahie, sudnal l45d the grave fit auî,hbur saiairb ofle il,'t1v vîclîm. Ni) one aboulad failt, DROP HEAD SEWING MACHINES. Ur. Blair. If 4lulgu. if)îujt,, ithein. ouly 50 cents,. giiaraul-ed New Royal - - - $19 00 during hoiday ut l. B LOVELiL, Lîb)erhyville, goy &gtsltiug tue Imatr Ifitârtiljg . THoMusqori. (irsysiake. . New Home - - - - 29 75 electrîc light plant. MWaloupe bl ie ii ______ be 44447treults are 4434117 n nuud tif liglittfitOcduri iar îgbf'. W OND¶ERFUL are tbbc cures by ilo'iSitreparilla, snd yul îhey J~ R ~ H I )4A N The Mslvtic Workers hall a very enî- are simple andl natirai. iloEs ar . S H E R M u .. fN A N , joyale sud profitable entertaital4e4t iparilla îî,nkm, PURE *LOOD. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. Prices That Can't be Beat. Cail in Corrugated eibows.... ......................... % 10 Galvanized tubs ý .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. 40 Cotton top maîtresses............................... 2.25 .. . . ... . . . . . . . . 2.75 Wash bcwei and pitcher ............................ 50 Best nie ..........................................o05 Prunes........................... ............... 05 2 set sOcili.eing bobs each.... .................... 12.50 Set ighti bobs .................................... 800 12 inch square tle ........................... 12 Soda crackcers ...... ............................. 041 Butter crackers .. .. ... .. .. 04À Oyster crackers................................. 041 Ginger snaps .......... ...... ............ .......0' Boys winter cape ........10 Fine woolette Blankets .. ... . ... ... . ... 65 Geo. Battershall, H AIN ES VILLE. ILLINOIS.1 PEOIFLES' COLUMN.HerOlae Ad." in thsaua., isP-r v-sk 0-1 lv. 4>-a lImes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s p ts srf~ i e , F M>1 A Lt. - %filk . 1ut I., in d-l4-r, F . A usi-15. LIh.'rtueil11',, 44 tiiANTEI-<i4' -4tiîu.l4 AI.Jlmu' I lALi.l4,lyI"pi W1.. N'ing< .. u A l'4 ', u,'w'uu, lîfr i 1 BslesSueing ,a Locabîcru. (If lîruse g' t.,d.t and ti eu. ,. t wcier,'ll the W, sli furiuaii., ýt(p aliît grroli(wltùl , aut t II 4 14ellelulu 10cm ,n t.. aîî rg.' il. .r It.,'ii4ss I'r flîfîbler Gîîruai t uuic . 4,E. Hî'LI..Drawer ',A,- Futtîrix, Ohiio.'. 4 7 - j7'cents.' W Wa u k e n.mI~a f à*.se 'Vaer,yas~~pp1 a 61arn positive 1 would not bc livin today but for yu wonLi.fl rm= y, Dr.MiÂes' Heart Cure. 1 had heart dis- tae ou eau and doctors faiedtohep ieWhen 1bc- gan taking thii reniedy 1 was unfit for anytfiing, but for six montha 1 have felt perfectly welL.Mre. Mattfl Waidreofr E. Graned Forks, Mtn 9 Hoart la Old by ail desgsso urse BloSon begrt and ànermt nre.. or. UieN" lelC.,paEkhtli And see our fine line of Overails and Suits. ail sizes, for littie money. Aiso a good assortment of Men's and Boys' WooI Pants, Men's and Boys' Wool Shirt Overalis, Men's and Boys' Duck Coats and Underwear. A Good Assortment of al kind., of fioot.s, Shoes, .-and Rubbers A Good Feit und Good Rubber for........... ..... .....$Si 85 The bestto be had at................. .......z 0 A Good Leather Boot. Mens ......150 A Cood Berry Rice, per lb 4 1,2c. 26 lbs for.. ..... 100 A Good Broken Rice, per lb .................. 2 1-2 A Large Box Good Matches. 2400. for .........1 A Smail Box Good Matches, 1200, for ......... 05 A Fine Table Syrup............... ........ ...... .... 3 Good Soda Crackers. broken. pt-r lb O............ 0 Good Tea 35c t0...................................... ... 50 Good Coffece10ce la........................ ........ ........30 W. W. EDWAJD)S, GRAYSLA KE, - - ILLINOIS Protection to .Purchasers We caution the publitl ag.îins4 ptLr. t 1" 4ii,.îîîi', is ofbsoiete Iome cf tuer machines. W r ki.ep111)t u Il, j4 u 1 , -t4 i , t inents in. the art, making notbing but te Iiluit 4t 4., 4 44i,4rand il,tvr ,chieved unqualificti succes n ils sale ;:lten- ,, t. t .îuuooand the lrgal use of tuer (rade narre. A Brase laedallittu, of tlee lIipti,il f4 4 44.:4.t e tittebare .uur regle. ceed îrade.matla. and is placed ua44tîlirhue 4,i, 4i 4 su,,, ua, h,.ue îîadit by us, NONE GIENIJINE WITiIOUIJ T. SINGER SEWluiO-MACHINES SAREiliLu OLY 51 THÇý SINCIER MANUFACT URIN«à 00. orovite "4- <vrI C ITclr I TIIE :W@ALO. Up-j Liber Feuts fia Coonhin Mess F. A FULL c' 1 1 , dL

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