LAKE COUNTY I'NDEPeENDENT, Vol. VIII. No. IL. Libertyville. Lake C;ounty- Illinlois, Friday. December 22.1899. $1à50%agazroin Aiaiç Dr. Charles Galloway.1 ciffi ce over Lovoll'r.Drug Store Roux% Faon I TcO Ai, 5310 . ýP. M. Libertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office over Triggs & Trayors. - H otRI 7 tIii1l0ia lu. 2 tU'I4mundîl8-.t. M P-. mu Itoaldelice o~u ilroâadway oppmmite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. ou,-nee - -- ----Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smlith, DENT IST. Soffice over LakeCOunty oank Libertyville. Ill. PAUL MacGUFFIN, mttrney und Cnn"selr yat Law. NOTARY PUBLIC olrrcA Wi1 LAKE 'Oi'NTY BANX, Libertyville. Illinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. lb Iàb. .MlImT BiI.- K. TELCP4ONC no. 2.. ,lm.t mincIs vs ssarNcaa 15 tarimimis W. B. SCHAEF'FERS NURSERY q>.. rl- . of (ris. 1'. 10.,taLmr Ci".. I11. PimîIL, Shiirirt.îIi rrriîmTi tiiTrm. Grmp. vii., nutl mli Fruitt.>. (B-I Mu r plitiron mmisimateîl!. 6.1-Wi W. H. MILLER, TONiIOIIAL AIITIOT, 'A ienl yoil wait a cdean sialve or a h îm air omt erail ou "il. i HOICF. BRANDI 0orl'10A1t. N-il iu'&,r i.)W. C. 'Prigm sSu.'.' tore snmu flgmmii.- lMt. 'ticiiii op,-n eve'r rîmmO vo%, liandmc14umndmit,, on nga.c LAie cou*y Bnk, WRIGHT, DYMONO & CÇ)., 1.1herîyville, Illinois. eutImîtaere on I'erifllCrifi- Modu C991101 Roilwoi. New Ternsiealant Chkago. Ail Passenger Trains of this Company now arrive at and depart froin Central Station Park Row and Twelfth Sreet Lake Front,, Chicago,. il . lmrm'mirted tf aI itLe %% ertern Ti' elinte C ogibtrliîîu(Co., atifîreseut Ilt.<#slio ' l , Soui llth îlî street, (Lagwil reniove mi- maiiiifmcurtug irlatil VLii îtbrop l-imrlr,. 'iThe rc.u cern employa hevermi bLmmulrm.d meni. Tite ('low Mauufacluriug Coumimmuy. of Ciicag, are &leummiI tIre.mmeklug a locattime iat W iulirrîp I 1rhm eoc'<mri lmilone of lihe largéatinrumuh- factmrers of ffimmmer's atipplies lu lthe comutry, and in uthier ew loca*tion will Pumplîîy f1mliv.' toIrcght mt igimred Me-n. A& tIi.-lak (ifAgent Wileeiock, limaI of bnying up laund lu Bouton torwnaip, dia,. t au . mme hiero are Marly guesun 1 m iaalOueutimas té o ilimat amontf(et rollorty lie ibel, rilîlalueýl aud Low muelcimmoney fâlé heen peitifor It ail. Numneioua usai potage luenhave ollered i fgurea, butun investigation of lime dm-moiS and oumwarmzlug timn ail, show iWs t aIoisideralm more landi bas iemm m.emmred liat ai Agoeiirm.iy mui> iio*led. rime figures. lido%. wi'rmocure- fiiy -.îrm ami il mm1. iî. meuhey aire mmjjriluately -ri. ît i'romi i,, lu f. îrmmmmtmîmu tuaitbmLos . Ifer mci 51 " 'mojtthe eirmmor., if te tii'iterfîrme mmv., ,Immiued 4:1107 amurea-inlumi and fori mr,..lof Iii.' limbif. xceptiug lime 20;m ner, a of tle AI lertomiitract') ,thme optionm li, e patit wu» abouit Si lier acre. lieu,, la giveli a taille holmmmig lme total mimimber of acresi iomglit rîmtrîglit mmmii alim utoptiin and lie totai prime liaid fmîr emiclà plece of irropertyasl imeurf as coutili lic learuemi HmrrimF.'rrr S.bwr)>. *m--s ,i Tii. Aiim.rt,im rirmt . xd i r,'. 78.,, ii-irir m rImîus r'. 44 .1 Thoms. Cui.' 110 -mi, ii E. W Stiîmmoo.,I limri ,. J",.. WWIJi .rim'l 2.1( T.... BaIri1 lmi". 05 Il -Brmyi. m120..i 6î2Am J1 (,mmm.......1 4milrcM..... 1.7,i bourg, Umrimmii .Iwil'>.mim . ja. tai um ai.'n..m. ,t, ... 1,42174 fie he abomve liaI, il -11ii ire reumeni. imeredmthlimtasooml priiperty ofml lti mocreme wa-pmrciumd oimtrmglit i m price <of$2.i Onm. lulie Aliert,îu tract wbil h Ime oiy pîcce bt>mriiimg on ltme faire fItolit, ihe Prospective bilyerm paeti Mni, mfor lime optionounlime 260 aceremismmit itlaIlIilorvemilime ýpirciiase pirlive blmit 3(m) per aire. lit. cilimimr.gthme $22,01 pall forflie ttimiormmproperty andii lie ioptrin minney, lthe prmoerm. rmm at lig. ires cullmime semmired, hamve tîmertid over $391,IP77 In n y mpY litIate . AWaîmke- gan] pAper @ay@: fIt i emmrmed from lime bPtI anlorllY lIma i le Carniegie- Frlck otory wimiem basîrecevemi su muemcim cr0 e ene, a fiteu e n inl. tereatei tu lime pmir>bmmme mmf lie lien. tou acre. la miot the correct somuimlon of lthe problmeiwilcm i. agllatiug tiî vmm'uity. "liem tenent 1 Poitive, Neilimer air. Carnu-gieunr hîr. Frlck ila iltrerrted Iluthe land semîmred îy kMr wbeliî.k or Ireimiomi leNrrw. liaI tml falt timeol.v lma mtered, peorple are mml thier 1011..enmd 1 mserlime a reaîmîu for lime lavmmim oitmmy of capital wimie bitsîm m0 m xreilImhe mnrloglty of lime emi- Mliiltv as t., wial lime Jiem cmi Lhrialma. Bals. 'The.'Evr'rgreeu CIII,iof l'iierlyville havi' arraîligem to gise il ÉmaisIliifmber- tYvilli' Towîm Hall ii imnisss it J)ec. 25~. Profenxor Sitbl 'mcm ego micietra vii lfuînitilhm i ltiC. Suippor RAILS LAID. Wealher Parmlttlng Track W11m De Comploted IhIa W.ek. 'lime track iaylug uachue which han liecu usomi lu laylug lien and rals on lime waleud o01lime 9. lau] eztensosm ln operatiug boyoud Long Lake and an m'glueer informa na liaI barrlig unfavorable weaherlthe tank wil lisb compleled by Baturday ulgimt, and traîna cati ruun from LîbortYvîlie 10 S Nlppersluk Point. Thsla weok aurvoyora have been pialliug ont town iots nea tl ie lo f lime 89. Paul deo aa Haîneavîlle, aud iundications arelimaI lime rajiroema ino- ffly îîropoue tausue very oudeavor tu Imcae a liriving lowu lier.,. Alreamiy rimumra of a prmpommed factiiry for flalnuavilmare Leard, and wile umt mow lu a poasiiun l4) apeak amtiortivo- lyr yet we are contideut thut gomim Ilîluga are IJistore furr limavillage. Sud ee samotimer year wil ihavit corumemced lIme building of a live lowîm wiere 008w sirops lime aullijîatemi remuant mof a o'mume bîam.y couter will iave commenuim-î Em-.' yoîîr eye ou Haieivîlier I-re<uemil vmilmm of kit. i'miml utiiimr tieumîle thir lteroal lu this ica exlenwionuudmm bemauëe mof occamalonai expremalmus fromu lipe 0f momm iiglm lu the companys iiiervîm'e, we are led lU, Imlijeve au effort inî 10 ,meamde tu deveiîîpe every 1îmmîille site miiimg théIm-r limm. Prominent Tmrfmarr Oies. i'riiiiiY Morjimmg ini Kertostia Henry L.aîmgiliîm, kuowu as .-imuk", Laugimmm wax founiid-dlîmitlits ro u mmiiau oîpen ga. jet toimi theme tiry of demti fron m ap.imysiloin.fHeliatlwiemmin 11 lim-atim for acveral àlltihîaimîimilt giveli hp li hope 0f rmem'ivery. Mr. Lamîglimiiu a.ienruiu f)el.'. vaii,, hliq , forty-firir yeamrs go. At ait mriy âg. le aliowei a foiîmimîfor lorreî imimi viien Imter lie vauimillreil a positioni ut lie J.1f Cole in sok fan mu ltreime bacceptlemi Bea. lime Iralu or aumidrivm-r n .ay Eyc Sec,Ilme fammt trotler. Afler ieavug lime l'ame fmrmim Irý Laughilu hecme manmager if lime l'eh lelui stock fartaI Tr utsicie. i'iree years ago Éli e veuLi0t enogalmasud cugage inlu busine. Laughliln va vanyweii knowîî in Lake Couuty, bavlug drivenm iorsea utl varions racimg ifecta i seartrpot, ai at cime r¶ormmmly fair,. Pheasanta for Lake Con.mty. The Wammikgau <jurl Clii inm. img ma Pmijecel94)stock Lake colmuly wat mIL MmgolJiiimilieaanîs, mder lime protetoriîmiof a iaw pmsed îy lime lit liegisimmiir.'prîîimiitiug lime kli- tg 0f lime lirls for ise years MI.Ingiri î l i iemmîmu its î.î,sl aiouIt $4 50h aliai r. %. F. %% eli,, rIimai nu lIt, Oi lime ciiomomiite-imi charge IflImhe n'allr, 18inlu orr-oioudence with fianciers wimo fiirimilimmomm for huiuh Mr. %%ei" aim huitbaiîn iuterview wilim Stlmte Gaie Wardm-o Loveduiy On lime millret, anmdlime latter li agreed tri ajpomul a memniier of tii,' lorcal gîmu club ami a deprmly gaule warden tir ouforce thee Ove year lamii alfler lime irrrs Lave ireen liberateil. Thme imivprotectiug lime imrda la iîmmiug and itme fpenaly of utn lrrýal log iray. 'The (-Ici) expecwto 10mmet ml,ices j ma îlovtitlmg for tus p)i Tpie fil isa wmr&by propositi rîliammî mmii,î il lim oet .'iti m irreis. Dunn Los. Frii îy ifleru onomtlie jury li timi- IiunmilJeEay came r rm-rui-ii avrrimit of "mlIot gillty.' TLe soîit grec frontlime oxciauge Ofi lime Whimtewrrod Pli'îiuler and Brl,' i'oilim- Bru', limîl Souîthm Dako>ta pu piers by Dehfay Brothers for lime LaI,' Cotîîmly 5and Wamukegmmu egimter liy 14. A. Ilmrinu.1, Sono, lu Sepleujiurr, 18917. Siortiy aller nuit for tiimnages wami beguii by Dîuu .&Sous. Wilb the relmru oîflime verdirt, AI'yl Arnoldi movemi for a new triai audmi le Imoion wuauil be inarnt next wcek. Raffle anci dDance. Tiere wiii ire a rallie foîr a nute foiiowed biy a grand dance aml Aplakili- Hall, Aptakir.ic, Monulay ulgit .imm lit. MUiaI Iy AptakiîliC string bi îmî* lfnr,.eî meiiprovided for, fme.Imîmmumi roiill. Fverybody Invilcîl. Thrare MeoronPour Whoels 'i'ree menun ot ir wimels 1laJerome K. ilerompea ralimer ecceulmie lîhle fuir lime iumoroîîî îtomie.. wblrime ia jumt complealeil for The Smmiîday l-rr.inq. Poi , of Philiadelpiia. Estery one wimo imas nead i tree Men litma iBot and i om bait netm witl wlslm tmmfoilow tlimis. amvulures of 1Mr. Jeromie andbims twru eouuipauioir on tbeir tourmtrommiîgu (;em- nany asîrîde a Immumemu andi a safety. Mr. Jerome ,1 vit i.> no iesî keeti Iîr llisimîmor le'ss kiimly, titan wiîeu e sm'red bis firai; greimt iterary Iiîccrs mmmiii mmm- ervemu itverylîody timvitPlye di J 'ir< D. SIN[CtLAIIR, an,,sarimgmandl gîod lime aaureil. Genpnrai1 BiacksmIth andi 9-3 Thal Throbbir.e Hoadaane. Wagon Maker. Wouid quickly leave YOD il you miacîl Dr. King@ New Life Pilla. Tiamuada Pi-acticai HorSe Shoer and Wl CIn'd Paea * 1lof aufaen.. hbave provou t Ieir match- F'errier. Ioilgfrîsmi feeimmmiiicornianmdcob)lets menit for cIcR andi nervmma Leami- Wcmitmcadmauman Salimrmîmmy ,f eacim week achmea. Timey make pnra blond and altrIet mattenionî gîven 10 ail] miei.a's umîi frlimmr nîîhime. F, . sDmLpR. mroug Dervea and blinlld up jor hongs es .,îIvmmuioe, Iii. imf ieaimh. Es" lataRte. Tryith... ________________ Only 25 ets. Monoy bauR if oce. Bold isy 1. Il. LVXLbr Là à flliiLLt L IL,.S~hW , »qwi* Paa8pni ville, q.- il. Titouwoi bkryslake. D. F. Kru.garr Diau.. D. F. Krueger, wso i Ilo eye miles D Morli-Wesl of LIÀ,g irmse,ieilli ti a Cimicao imapital Sialiird.i),,,f luit week. 5Decemiemlevas a sîîumof > ifi. riieger, suad well known Ii emmetralmiiamui memelrim 1Lako Oounly. iFor severai years m e hdmmmi im'ered t itte a chrouie kidimiy troublle mand MautY weu&to10 ivaiigii wiere ou op!tOmwaa porformel. le i.eenmem aI inat mmcim iumiiveîi. [luit lisn veakeneti Conîditmrin iireocmitm,îl e- covery asud iemtbelpe- ilmsruiler. Mir. Kmuegmîr 101m au i4iitriotii farmer andîmi bal eimiiiimteml coimiler- able properly. lie waa amigimid meîgim fieo nd unau llcaL liiioithIem'onidece reiloîcil flil l]iemhi'lho. ilîm1iv lime foct ho Lbstimel m mmemhrrir iEi'lmm '.,lu uh'î fmr a nimbehmr >ofyears, fls ibrîîlier iGeorge msio. iihii-miiued lei. fle <'iiilily J ii mmsmmmî ti ig triaml, iLîrgemi oiht l imîrlm'r f biiiwife simed minhierm-law. foitili lmie deremj is sîrîrugeml dchampiîîî ion k, aslime wumiîfmuiimiimriv liiriwu.fias bien nutirimîg fln is effort lii r'tiiilfle laurîoceuae of tifs acm'îîrm'îi lirîler, A tligrmaiuilinlliil(Imiiîg lime destin of Mfr. Erîîeger, soas lîy iîiî'.lmk3 elAut 1 Giulu i ummhemimi f iimîmter.maniiiheuce il wan t imaI thead Imntelligenîce diidole reacli biîs fauiiy outmîi Moi)iay, vlil Chaîrles >'oss biism fulimer-u-iaw, cîuied lii meeliimiiîi d fîîîmîî [Le limaitmicdm Smmlirilmy, A a île aui flrem- lîiiireii Iirsuve. fIreflu et mmmil]miLontg i roi>>.e melm'r3 ', fi il rtimy. John C. Con Dead. .iiîiîi('iruirul ' of iltim. mi Tiurrdm imflmrio>,Y i,-.. dli mt the mge -f m5ee1113'fu)tur vars, Mr. l'ie v"a atiive rut Neaw )mmm, aund milme tcomling i10 lii tatm-, lLrly ymars agii. i ",eiaî îr mggî-d iu al<rmk rmilr.m g. liem %a .us rrruiii-ut In, L.ak e inmty îiolitii.s, hlin îg served mauy yeu-rii a. ,mchoidtruste.ue andi wa finm over flfleei ym-mrmm a um-mîer of lime LaRe l'ommmty bîrerd o imi smervimrî. He wamm onme ioi lie olu,-rt remidueiitii of Emivimia. le m8as mi sîowor anmml eIt one son, Slriis Ier M. lo'oc a resideut îof Highîlaund Park. CaleraPFun.. (irmrge Cater, s uembiir ofl lie Evastîu lime iuvimlg (-mmmm *maloi cmil Lîlertys ilemm u'omms iupetraîril a jole mîpurru Esaurrtomiýiims imit cec limaI gril l'ms'lamme lîtîm Chicamgo pliper.>, auîi bmr.' limCe wuy m.r'irge miul i. micîmrd- iug MIitla mmV mm Inrlu 0«-'(,.,nu rui' m .l . uui,.t h-l', iu i l w' mou thmrrr ui lii.. il, ii ii' ,iu i lmit ici Ui i, .imîr', 'taii. ,i.. s r li -lu fui> li'lu m 1 - u ,u1. k i. 'ii ' J', , î ' m i î i î î i i ' u - ' ' m i d "1 ti a i' l t1 , 1 , . . c ' , l"riduii'uuuri Mui.-iiu lî.ud.iI iîg' iîm r.mmiîkilri l'a-mo ', îîuiî'..iiiluuis iimusm 'u thiiu i i. , ii> ii inluf r'dlîi- Tiir'i' mi trîlà.'- iii' i, u, i - lhm m sit', umm ' il.trl.tilu --uv.'r, mii iu . i'limI.. leori l.' liaI i lu I ii-i r iiu,.iiuuri'wsi mmii-.' ils imin. 1-11 a,mî- mrl lir ii>' T ime Iouîm'îErt.oI i amus til im e wimrîe aff ilam aia joli- gotttu rip Ly tLe lil e savi îg cri' a, irIn riug I milîliut i.awimmu, fmifooi a lumo iîmmj mmi tus',e- iporter. aund Le irastiîim MarrY Christmams! iimro, soc id olIt il mml Aid ilîow, Jl.l>y .'r i)*.,Ir, iaudi agmàiu mmm-get ieabi or î'îir tenderu., himmusoc riîs onue sud misoil no-milu iit onîr imuiere Wlrim lias mtmlirr-a s im t proclimmim. Ontur inms rmpilemxeut ila prcsemtod wltm omnrgretig amni w,.'trust s III hlm-anc amloi rmtirimiu plur. Grat Premlum Olier. Tl'le Nogm-u',omirT is lime I)t-opeS crîmîty liaper. il iads 'cm mi. Sul).- sreriptiim pniî-e. 151pet yemr is, wortîimIL As aiextra imduiremient. iomever, 10e lii for mi shmortLlimuegise1 frec al' aprelinlum a m pieudmd aluu of autbenîmr- imtogrupbs, emmtiebi. ~'Fgbtig lIlime Piblpfpines." 'lm-i over ls elellialmemi witim mipi-itre ofl Admirai Dewm-y. Old mubscrlmemm payiug ma yemr mmmtmiuvsuîc marcallie emiîiemi i 10 10 milp lithmesoailbumsi aier . 1irutfg a mui lii A Thouamd Tongues Un lii nI enlirr- i' ermpiim e Ou Aumie E. Springcr. ofl1i25 , Hwmmnui SI. Pl'iallplàii, iPa ,* oiemu ohm'foummid tiat Dr. Kimîg's New I)i-mevery fuir conm- îmîruptioîm lia i mplrl-l'y mire l imr of a iackiug cîmnmgim lIaI fmr mually Ycars iad madielie a I>urieu Ail iitier remesandu doitoiri mid give lier nuo belip.but filme iava mu t li.. Roîyal Cure "it élîruîmreumiveil Ibm-pain lu mj' 1client andi f canm uososiep scuudiy 1someîinlg f rami mmcrceiy rememben daiug befote. I feel liRe sounding il. îîralaes linoigioultihe Uuivemaa.' Bo 1wIileveryone vimo lnleî Dr. Ktng'î 7New Diaoovery for ammy troubleofaItlie flmot, cieet or lanuge. Prce t0cand $1. TrIal bolîlea fleo. Evary boitte guarantfad. P. B. Lovnaix<,Liberty. CITY 0F ZION. eReporlobi thaI Oowl. WIII Locale ln Lake courtly. Wimeu Il W" . îîggealed somue lime milmce-tY a Wsiikegau papartliaI Lowlo, time miirged '-faitb biealer" wmma lthe imîwer iebuindlime tirourelulimte imlg Boutlon landm demm, anmdi lima ho wonîmi lîrcale his "/.mou' liere, il waa cousid- eree 1 a limnge jokre. flfqwever, Chicago papfrL ave Ibis week puliihed siorlea of lime saine tremmî. 'The Chicago J.our- -Thiiyi>of /i. th"1r ie .'onm( ior iuliiiusr'rm toi milm i ml.mmmgo bytl iii,t orsio ih' m r , Io'î isiii1, fo i dm. iI m miii. omît îîîrilm of Wmmiihî.gou. Opions are'.' i n.ii1Oa. mOr. -i le cm-e m leu ln ownshiplî. iaîdb t 1. thlught emii, ix tu lmtire l e th ie itm'iilo wbhlîu-liiiimiham.llr.'ai,..Iml nîîreai'hed. Trir.-mld .mnlxmm im iniîîiemtl i.tou t0wl miim andlttre 'mtil-s'of i i. aurrordimiz tir Llii, i li- auririrr hloi lth., tion. wli b.' asinuou,î li.0mmThi- . dtyplluhedby >,thi. ofi' ..rciIiî, iîlii ot m Iii mi b,.' .. us. tmiliirmg.buIt lii mil-.. tiiiliiu' i'.um. Dîiwic .'xlu..tsto mliii>,for a olOe "liailer, &Imd 18 ssiitoi lissm rs- mrit immt iie, wn ci iîumtiîîr.,,a . al o f 21.i-4ilumà oomrt of h'.A 'oîing ti. dr.ui-iîîiluîotiifl. Li> 1). Wl.'ouI. ci.. imiwser r'lîmmltaus«Y miîî,îîi 1l" m os î'.Pr'mmeitiimg. C-îitilriiatltmmm oîr ofr'iilî iii l rl tiiI ,',iiii mci b,l m.-Imr.d froîî iii hwie i i-iýfbut liii sonioimir rt rairdmuiln iiirîrmtownmship .matii>' ii th., f t h. i ii. iî u. Aliotiier Chicîago paper devstI tem wu ,cmii ImUmuLil hpae 10 a i.lmry lu sub.m smmlce mih per lime mbovr. MillEShlpper's 10 Act. At a meetiug fmiliuR simpperii, miry farmoorsm m tîrcl bimYena t of rrleru Iliimisemlîl mUu li rigg<a Houe (211m roouiCicagoi, tLe tirt woeslu nDeceum b>er, 1t ilisurm lime miieim agtîte.i tubercuulsinproliemnd mi orusdor ILhe lutereîts of dimirymem, iIti a vie, go rîiraiumug justlsiegislslon, nlorem.l becatme su intense tliIIl am drieio to ral i aotier mfeetinmg atlime samt' place Jauîîmry 2ud. At thLls mteing (tom. Tanner, lthe State Ve1mrluaraou, Dr. L'îvejoy aund lime Boardl of Live Stock Oomnmia ainers aulif be Proetlaud ail aides nf lime queilon are 10 lia praseoml. Rliulonî viiilimhes liaofferemi aug- gemming propor eielaiou nI lime mnalter sud tue Slale officiais declare lieir wiiilugueaa te &saint ln olilal 'Dmg thepasage (if laiva viemim il [)iter Isoteet lariuers iman lime meiim of proiueedîure ai preseul lu vogue. fil buimportlimaugaii inlorealedi le preselît aItlima meeting. Let onr Laike CiîrulY ilirYmen iiui stock bayera bc- on imad. asm matiîaclory ronuits aulli emilalo frirm lte gatimoing, wlic i i Pire Near Everett. ltîmI'dYlî mtrîîo a disamitroumtire oc'urrd on lime DeunuisLmmceser lrin, Whiidli le sWestI of }:vmrelt stationi. A large lbarmi wibimail il& 'mmota sca, ci>umiiumed. excepl ltme stock. viic %m, savemi. Fiâme-ms wre diacoveremi commmîg timroîugim lie roiof, Juat ail r diiiiirr sidmmiL tie lime thme stoc>k bâti miel fiiîrrldomt, lime enh re lililg ma- lîriîmg fîrioiy. Huis.thelime îeOigiuialed lîa apuzzle andî iuauy Ieieve tramps were perhmapa inm lime iîmrîm andi mparks frrmu a plie fe[ lu thLe l'v. We iearu limat tLe io.a us ouiy pmriaiiy ceord my iiurance. 'ihe hari wa,. lumiirei im eiilimîru coumimmuy. Abouîît ifty trus of iay and 101>1 brîsîmieis 0f gralunaaud commierable fatin mmm'imimery wereecoumulimem y lime jaume>.. Fîrel Century Flun. l'lie Amoremmu Ceulury Wimeaimueu recîlerir roîu lie ('eutiîry IRoudiclîmhun wiii imriim tieir rsI aunîuai New lean'@ ceuluîrY rmmîm over lime Liberlyvilie- Waîmkegruu comrse, time saarting point beimg lIme Cicago aveue waler worka. l'h iiilaurh 10 tarI at îldmmigil, lime lirrI twor mîera llmishimg gettiug priâtes. A Msmmoth le Houa.. 'iLe Knickerboc'ker Ire Compauy bave lu course of construîction aI Long Lmake a 0,Mi)ilIton Ire ions@. A ide traîl- froilimbe mew St. Paul euleuilmni mmilamît-liate asimpplug aund noit arilmmem uimy train loads of Ire sili parusmisevrlime ,ew Unîe W Cimcago. Price of Mlk Flxedl. At kt mu nulmeetIug 0f dreclora 0fi tlii. Chicmagor hlik Shimiiîem's fUnionm lie lînime of ilk fmr Jauuary anmi February waî m l mt $i per em' andmiifomr Manc mt 9I0ivents per can. A Sur* Cure for Croup. Thee ral indicatIon of croup i. iorseneli, snd lu a eilid aubjact la limaI dlîeaae il May lie taken a. a aura sîigu of thme appîoacm 0f 80an ak. Folimivlug imiforaea n la apeeniar raughimcmglm. itiCiamuielaua Cougm Ilomeiiy la a. lie chld irecomea homre, on aveu alter th@e croup! Oomigim lpeara, I illiipravaul lime altack. Itl la mmed ln many lthon. sanda of iomeas im ia moami land and neyer disappolula lime anxlone molimars. We Lava jt ob <>leru 01ai aingla lun. stance In wviloi Ilah Dotlprovedl effectum.i. No aImer preparaln eau sLow such'a record-lvaniy.five yeara, consati use vhtimonl a failure. FOr mie ý.y F. B. LoVELL, ibanIyvila,. J J. R. DRA Oxus, Durs«a. r. L. Wurnjaa- MAS. 1ockefeflar; O'aATaLÂKU Puas- rMAcTr. Jo» ua Mta. Ivauo. After Christmas! Sanie caii them Honor Goods becaube lhey are the short lamgth her». ~ nani or remainder of the best tbîngs we ha&. The uMai part. the part thati i soid -as your choice and Pick of the stock ati ha pening. Remnants at just price enough to cali it a sale. XxX You may call Ihus a preqnvenlory sale if you wish. anywey is a great chance for you to pick up good thinga cheap. MOUSE ESTABLISM ED NOV. 25. 1843a WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TELEPHONE NO. fIO STOVES The best assortmnent ever shown ýn Libertyville, including Garlands., Acorns, Universals and GoId Coins. We bought one hundred stoves early Iast spring before any advance in price and are prepared to make prices that defy 'competition. We deliver and set Up stoves fr» of charge. No freight or risk of break- age as is the case if they are bought in Chicago. Compare our prices with- Chicago prices before buyng . -0. M.-=(-MIM LISERTYVILE. ILL. Blankets-.,, ~.STREET BLANKETS.,. Comnion Square Blanket - - - Large Suze. 80x90 .(8 lb) 80x90 - S 7S 1 50 - 200 .ALL WOOL BLANKETS.. Ail Wool Blankets. 76z80 Il .. Il 84x90 Duck Blankets wiih Vool Lining $ 20 ..STABLE BLANLETS.. Buringon Stayon. lined duck lined Wool Lap Robes - - 200 - 175 Whips and Horse Furaishings of ail kinds. Baum's Stock Food Aîways on Hand. Chas. Kaiser, LIBE RTrYVILLE, areimmimdeilu tii'- Lal.' ( 'm ii> , 'cîmî - - ILLINOIS. PRAIRIEliAit PIAfOIS VLAAR The Css~ la No~d. 'i. Connection is also afforded wlth toli linos of Chicago Telephone Company and ail their exchanges, gvlng acomploe. service. YOU SHOULD HAVE A,PHOV Contract Departmena ; WE WISlI OUR CUSTOMERS A "Merry Ch'lt"af, Sanborn & Co. 1 1 1 COursa. 1 1 $1.50 a Year in Advanea-