Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Dec 1899, p. 2

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-MjVIEN LIVE& LOBT IN SURNING Ilstl ires ta Nemw York show a Largte 5JU@tta *4KilaSsui edadly Bamncd JOShUsBouillaud Sîsys s RIivl At amelIsIranens. sveu lire$ ver. 'l vt ltîcutile ass oiumsa hlch -ct-' îtrotsd t', &M, lu Nw Yomk.l'ire rharre-d hodt. Wat oflld on btse 11911r flttrs o! s iurtî qà tellement et 102_d str"tlunîd Tiird &Volase. kova sas the Mentor, and tt',c vaine»su d à 1111e girl, ail batily itrn- a&.entre earried frot t thisitîg hbouse te a sea-by bupital',. lsu trai other ver- ampul>'escaped frotuIt' flîtuit" tlot dense -suioke vith (-t, us uilruss testhoute. earier a d,dly ir, ato, ýkil the Ove-sIen tellement iin Teutt avctutt lasenr Tblrty-eigbth slrc',t turingtut daslh Mr. Matia Fox nd lerht-ittld, y OssgM. 2% jeos.nid. 'Tht-etharretice- malts of hoth ve. found afler the' lre- ainc FOIxls a hsckmsu sudmas îlt i * oe.The iraI lOre las enpoed 1<, htve gorted lu lth-elIs. The Air sîttft in * *a building aud the- tairs sidestithet ire,. vWi"hhad galneud tre.n iîttls eadtvay vbsustle. ressuen arris cd- 39ANDITS]ROB TUE PASSENiERSI. Tv. oed lien Go Thn'ongh A Trait, Nnur sas&.Cits. The passengeq.on te'Mssortl'a diuOmaaa dNebrasska ('il> îa, oeuger train, vhich lîft KatU'-as 'il, ut el3lite other ight, su-ri' roltit-tI iY -two. msked men usho loardî'd 1ltrirnt la Kum C ity, Kan. They Il-tid ill O 0 àdesoaulbation atter the trainît .art- - s bhodng up the passumîger init lite lit thsu elb.dey coach. Tht- ou- à &m' aua Il.gthe persones rtubbt-u. - 'AhNetio, tan., six miles ontî ut the dl>', lhe train elowed sîp for the stationt »udtleba bndts droppeil oit antid sisat The boul>' secured uas fic ut-tlt1 watches and&sout $100 lit iountet- Nu Mat vere fired aud Ito aile mît-tijtrcd. FATAL OPEL ABOUT A WO!I N. * jeailomi Rmhsnd Meets Supposrd Rival and Bell, Shoot te MfII. Haste.e iddIe encoututcrud lWilliattt Schoeuvsld, as tockmatt. on tht- pitli, squatNaI etsdelph, Ksn., the utlter' .1lgb. lu Company' vilIb is ite. fctîns tabeau h. ad heen separated. ith s O.l EJddle suontl>' wouudcd St-bot- irald, and before bu fl-l Scboensuldd saiot t- RMdlp la the uioUth. cttsîting s seriotns wo" Béissillenvasidided in a ft-uu toi a" sud lde tvas arreeteil. Fruit lien Laie b, Fiee. N'ire bre aont, lu the fonr stor uc> btlî bg etI thm sutheLsat corner o e1arburtî &" seti Wster sIreest, Chic'ago. Tht- Oleving imserburledotttGitloî'thî. Cont&Co. Arado, Caaati & C'o., Jtliai nom. & C. Ail of tht-tu arceinthtte f~bt Commission business, andt îtir alz rg ate legs vtll probi> n'ra-b$lltls Wrocksd unuBock.. TMget Fali River litser PI> stîtîî , 00pamic'trlekeu pansenauers os, vo& ent on bbe rocks lu Long Islatnd oR Hag10[nta point, <un the Nov York @be u a dense fog. A hoie tels fel vide end ive fuel long usasl tore lu but ,s ss'besrd aide below the- usattr ni'. No t lies vere leat. Marderer la Shul ta Plecea. BlanfurdWhte, stîperinteudunsit outct- obmMois et the 'W. J. Raýitte>' Coke t ommpsny, vs. sht sud kilued at Dittut bar, Ps.b>' Das-id Pierce, a colores omplgie. Pierce then ied to thteMOUD- ftilss. fllovud b>' su suge> snob. He v«s dlseerned lu bidiug sud riddied viti bllets. Desbh vas instautatteous. Hrlocker lTrtsl Postped. Miss Viols Horlot-ker, cbsrgcd urîlh thv ettcnspted mourder o! Meis. C. F. Morey b>' poison Ma>' 10 at.uas arrated thm District Court lit Hastinga, Neb.. an. bo Cae vas cotiuted tutil tht- apritît toile. lHem bond uas rcttet-u'd suîtb the orignal sureic. Xoîher end ChildrenraOnasned. NÎ&r.-Gret-uheler, Ark., te reidetiet ef George Itoberts vis burned sud is vIte aud twso »alit childire'u u trt- re- mated. Me.. Robrîs mas ii, stlti il iâ sapposed vas asleep. 'l'le chiîlurî-tuitre toeosaiteugis-e the sauatt NtIvl ef SuartTrust. T'h. Colonial Suar RItfiug 1otitîatài lhe slleglei ris-sI o!tht- Atoîrîn Sugar F&eSulug Company,. vas inerporats'd al Dotert, Del., Ils capital bt'lng $1100M0, vllh the pris-liege o! Inreasing tt ta Natin R-Eec e Snalr. At Richmond,Vs.., Unite'd $tates S-t 'tem Thomas Martinuussre- tletbd fu the terui leglnulug NMaru-li4, 1M0, lu bath bouses ot the Asui-nily, ast-îngsepi gatelcy. sSmuit inascIII1. (looesiau sol Smih ltittýIll uffce(t asu ataek et mental paralysiasuwhile play leg et the Grand Opera lou,,Chit-ago sud wvsscompulleul lu dismimsahi stîii oues. Hav& alartCru p. Repiorts ecevcd for Ibis st,tsutas crla the Hawaiien Ioland,; gis-e ls tetlpreduet es,282,807 totu., suit-bi list te larget toc l-ers. 1; Oe«. Lewtots bas buE wu t vmssta in front o! is truit-,, us- ilset lu the braa sud dicul immedialely lioes Wl. 02500,000 Kath. Wdlie Wall street spculatura Itemai ail thelb.losse;b>' lhe arinkage in th valuet thu tueka thu>'beldi, cre>Iu of tlels greed shat the t wo igg- KNEPIO Ur TmE NOUE. WOM bouwdlis 'm so iitan lev thrown lâte a Veda sud usb.dhthse OblinWsan LaouhnAbsent 20 Ton» eud thther fer sa mnas Of emo*es.fuslY Untîl Zltuer Ia Vraes. gettîng ont lu ssfety. The balldi' vas Boaie@ motha mâgo John Zelîner, a Jack- damsged to the extent of! $4.0 on township, Ohio,' German fermer, vas toulced f omlllt, wth hlm brother DpuEESS IN E TOCKS. Paul lu the murder of Altorney E. H. Westeubsver of Hoytviile. He wa6Sil- .prodctive sud SPeslativeilutler«et teuced to serve a terlu of tWentY jean Sobw a Dvrson«. lu the Olà îeitetiarY. John Zelne's R. 0. Dun & 'Co.'% Weeky review of ,vife bas furnlsbed al strikIng exemple trade gays: "'Caususl depression lu stocks of hoy a deteruained womsu may sdapt tbis week has displayed the grest diver- hernaif ta tbe nmont discuuragilig circum- getnce between tbe trading aud the pro- stances. $bce vs, luft itit three samsll duclivei, ndustries of the country sudlits eidren ta cure fo, ud to this burdeu pctlio. Neyer ha, production been was udded the esme f au S-cre farin. greater, the nuiber of bands euuplo.ved $lie uset into the fields like s farin larger, the vages dlstribuled l gher, or baud, belped tu plant sud bars-est the the purcasslug power, based upon corn- crops, sud bss maile s fuli hand ou the ings, greter tIbm si Iis tîme, sud nev- tarn simont everv Iday silice hiem bu. cr bave conditions of trade or returna o! baud', Iuarcrstioa. $lhe bas receetly ecurkiiogm aud traffic gis-un certsinty of co;spleted bsarvctiug fort! arez of coru, greter business for transportera. Yet lunchbof wlich wonsa usked vltb ber owu su the esrnings of the mslway sud man- banda. litaides toe bas fed a berd or ufaturiug cotupsuies mouont upwsrd 150 bogs. ubit-h are remdy' for market, t heir stock, decile as Iri h eme dise%- sud eared for thbrefille sud horses, tilk- trotts for a rosd ta double its esmngaf cd the cwsansd attended lu ber dary. and ruinons for a muil ta reslise uzpre- There ila a uortglaguo!fabout $-W01,oucedlented profits. tuflated captalisationl the farin, sud Ih l lier deturruinationta boahaorfcourse dope much barmtud ispec- keep bier littie fsmily together sud Psy ulative ezitement bas eouuntedl profits lu off the indebledues,. so ibat oben ber man>' cases long belote the>' vere earned. htusbsnd regains iliberty tht-y vill bave Mouey markets tber.sud aboad have a borne of tbeir owu le whi,:h to pasa tbe buen tained by Britîsh reverses lu rematuder of their lives. South Africa. lu spite ofru advsuce of _______2.1 cents lu prices catton exporte lu No FATAL COLLISI IN OHaIO. vember decreused $13020,9W6 lu value. Pasouge Trin rash loo aswichamouuting tu oly 710351 hales, agaluat Pa ugTin tClaseelaand. tcb1,483,126 last yesr. Waal did nol ad- Englu as icveaud. vinte fumîber, though sales acarcel>' di- A Cleveland, Akron sud Columbuis imiulsh sud have been 22,075,000 poundm passeuger train collided wilb a switeb lu ts'o wveaia the tbmce chief markes. englue near the State insane allylum et Fallures for the veek ver. 218 lu the Clieveland, killing two umen sud fstally U'nited States, agaînat 261 lest lear, and IJurlug suother. Bolb englues secte 26 in Canada, agaluat 31 last jear." Ituled frai he rails and landed bottoiu___ ni) lu the ditcheil. one ou earh aide of the CURANS LOOK FOR TROtIEL. tnt-k. The coripling pin behiud flIe pas- seuger engles tenuder broke sud noue Mayor oftTaleI Surreuders Three Can- of the passeuger t-osches letf the track. non end 10,000 Rioma In the cab of the 'twteb engilue ure the For saine montieit bos heen suspect' enineer. A. Gl. Sherman; the- iretusu, ni thal large quantîtlen of mlitar>' stores C'harles Ehiems, aind the condortor, Ilalrry mure lu the possession o! Cubons t soute SI-huIlaz. They sure crusliedunuder the point iu the lterlor of the Island. The tender sud terribly scaldesi îy capiug other day the Mayor of Tlunis, a smail1 stetu. Ont-e f hrmr legs Werc îowu lu the district of Holguin, volun- crusled. Botb o!fIthiers legs uere cut taril>' discloted the location sud sorcen- SOff. These mues lied filer t Si. Alexis' dered tbree effective field gang, 10,000 .bospital. The engîneer of the 1asenger rifles sud s large amout Of ammunltilon train, George Carson, a1plied the sendt tb e Americaus. The guns had heen suad air brakeK's vbc hosaw tho danger tored ilu-su obscure plie. ln s rought suad jumped, breaklng onu o! is arma. countlry under peilt lent blinda. It uould Ilii% firemua, Wiliist A. Moore, alla bave heen almot impossible tefilnd them kJUutped, but escapel sith a few bruises. unlnsi thelr wberenbouts aub ep vol- _____ nutaril>' reseîni. The Hoîguin distrt OUTGENEI1ALS HIS GUAIlDIAN. la one of the wildest lum the laland, sud bas beu ergarded as a probable sterling Marlon Lamîbert Marries Florence point for a possible upriaîug. Parker lu Spite of ojectlons. 'he marrlage t ltichmond, N'a.. of U:NITED STATES WHEAT CROP. Misa Florence M. Parker, s dassbng, ibeatiful girl, native of that ciy, tb Na- Ieprtunt ot Agriculture Provides rion Lambert of St. Louis coucluded a Statiotîrset Acreage sud ylrld. t 1rumatie ourtsbip. The two ebidren 'Tbe statlatleiau of the Departmeut o! neither la laver 18 yesrs old-rucently de- Agriculture reporta the wheat erop of the rturmlucd to gel marrled. Thu boy's Unitled Statea for 18m9et 547,3100M0 Iguardian, houreser, demed hlm too youug busýhels, or 12.3 bosheis au acre. The« ite mnare>' sud wthheld bis cousent. Lýatu production of minier wheat la placed et1 hert ihea delcmmined ta take bis pro4pec- 291,1700,000 bttahelasud that of sPriaig ttire bride sud ber attendant& t0 Wash- us eat ai 2M.000,000 buahels. Ever> li-1 sligton lu bis privale car, wbere the lia portant uset-growiug State bas been1 :are more lenieul. This psn mss absu- vlisied b>' specil agents of the depart-1 doned sud anther one more ingeulous met, sud the tcaugeshlu acreugu sre the1 substituted. Carlton Jackson, Miss Par- retuIt o! their invetstigations. The new.- kers hrotber-in-law, sppuared before the 1>' suuded ares Of minter whust la rail Judges of the Chancer>' court and quili- mtet; îet 30,150,000 acre%, whlcb is about àlOedlas Limbert' gauarilo. lie then or 200,000 acres grester tbhon ibat sumu lu "one gave i, consuLs ta tbc union. The tile fal of 1898. Tht-art-rage of ioutil .wedding iook place lmmediately. tlou in 971. SÂTS lHE WAS 19MANGHAIXED. Killied wth asCoRfe. Cp. 1 William Morganrnth died t 1Dayton, I.OfficiaI. Iuv.stigatlu Charge Maillebir Obiltrain tb. effecta of a blov on the' Czudanuti BauessMon. hend wlîh a coffee cup, dulivered by 3.. Govumument ofticiaIs are luveslgsting 1. Joues. The y-uuug men wereruil a rua- lb.thefiels connectai witbth Iere.ported tintant talklng aud joking, When Mur- "ahanghsllug" or Arthur Qirk, a huaI- ganrath glot the laugb on Joues, wicb a neâs man o! Cincnnati, Wwonasaken angered hlm. Jones gribbusl up the- caf- 10t Philadelphie on the British teamahip fec cup aud tbres il at Morganrith, frac- ,tWushawken frain Hull. Qulrk dlaims turing bis skul. 'that wbile ha vas lu Balimore bie as Killld at a Cromis. Iasked toas-lait au outward-bouud (lerman At Marfe, Texte,,as!e.ight train rau teamahip, sud that bie bad uuly heem on jota a hsck at East Croulit. The haek board the vesse] a few mnutes wbeu sellecontained Mrs. Lacey Duncan, Mns. John Proeeeded bu Bremen, where lbu mss laud- Krupp and Mrs. William Canigsu. Ms.. 1ed three weeksatiferward eud told la Lâcey Duncan and Mns. Krupp urere cleavre et once. While or ses bu vas put îirowu agaînst the enginsud instanti>' 1ta Work Panting the. vessel. asl bue va, krnced. i unable bu Perforaz ths dublea of an able- hubdled seaman. Hs mauaged tu get to Cargo o u 5ni th *00.000. eLiverpool, and iually luHuul, W hure the What la prohshly the larger cargo of tl United Statua consul tallk the matter up nager vhlch has ever amrived st Philo- sud lnduced Cspt. Smith, mnter of tihe delphia on asinlgle vessel came on the Weehawken, se hring Qlrk lu Philadel EBritish steamshlp India fromn Samaraug. ,phia. Il consiste o! 7,926 toua o! cane sugar y DEF AN DUM BURED OT. sud la valued ai over $1>00,000. t - Blow for BElIer. 9Western Pennsylvanie Institut. De. Gen. Buller met a serions reverae nuar t tfflYei, but Wthont Lugesut Lire. Coleusio. The British troops ve. agau Fire destroyed the Weatern Peunsyl- led mflle a trsp. Unable to vithataud the vsnia Insltute for the Deaf sud Dnmh forions rslnlng o! batllets fram Buer at Edgevood. There vas s aulrte argi rifles, the Britsb were forred ta rereat .1the 500 pupila lu the building eltishe ime, vitb bea-y loases. in but the teache. msuaged tu ge them ,_uder cotrol aud remove sul ssfely ftroin Ne- South Wales Wheat Ares. ithe building. There wre no accidents The official estimabes of th. vhuat , to chldren or teache.. The puplame. aores e! the colouy ot Ne* South Walea takun to tbe Home for Aged Couples near are 1,361,511 acee, wth s probable yleld by sud to tbe bouses of refilent* or Wîî. o! 13,600,700 bushela; avalîable surplus kiusburg, alliere filer vili bu cared for for exporl. 90.000 toua. temporaril>'. The insttute vas s large Ochool Buildimig Burned. fr oor-stor>' brick building sud covered Fire completely dutroyed the st-boul al about an acre et ground. The Ioela aner building of St. Michael'a oephan (), pla-ceta $150.000, vitb lusursuce o! asaluon ouPius treel, Pittsburg. Losg ta $100,000. The fire la helieved lu bave oo luace800. been csuseid hy the bursttug cf s gis pîpe.$000,nsrce500. ImPotan Coyriht ecil.Minusupqlls Xelsytur Born=. Judge Muses Hallett, ln the United vator Company' et Minneapolis vas hum'. Or Stts Circuit Court t Denver rendered c.Li 5.0 'yadecision lu the case o! the Detrot Pho- -__oos_50000 P*togrspbiug Company stasînit Frank 8. MARKT OTJATIOEU. Thsyer, to the uffecl IbsI phoographe o! naturel srenury or other objecta flot the ti producla o! artiste origlnslly are nol asub- Chicago- CaIlle, common te prime. ,-jects of copyright. This appiiez to ail $30 lu $8.50; bog, mhpplng gradms r.photographe of Itocky Mountain scener>'. $3.00 te $425; aheep. fair te choiee., 88.0 li- la $4.15; urbeat, No. 2 red, 65e ta 67c, Peier J. Stdebaker, jr., Dies., corn, No. 2, 30e ta 32c; uats, No. 2 22e Peter J. Sudebaker, Jr,, sou of the ta 24e; mjc. No. 2, 50e to 5ic; butter. hed o! the uagoumaking flraiofo!Chi. choie. cresmer>'. 24e lu 26e; eggs, tresh, tr csgo. dicil ai San Fraucisco, of hesrt 1ile lu 21c; potstoes, choie., 3SU te 50e ie diseas.. ged 21 yeans. Youtng Stude- per hushel. is bakler hall cousides-abie litenîry abilit>' Indianapols-Catlle, sblpplng, $.00 te end hsd reenlly fiulabeal a play entltied $6.50; bogre, choie. ligbî.$8.00 ta $dm2; 'Ilvurd sud Seepler,"l wbieh vas ta bu sberp, commun lu prime, $800 te. .0 produced at Fisher Opera Ilouse lu San vheal, No. 2, 66e ta 0Me; comas, No. 2 'n. wig an hite, 80e ta8ne; cals. No. 2 white, 26e a." Seersi Buildings@Iùtruycd. ta 2se. ly A number of buildings vere degtroyed St. Louiu-Cattle, $3.25 tu $7,50; hoie, hit fire. aIMorrisdsle, lVa., the plant ha- 83.00 lu $425; sbee:, 13.00 ta $4.75, las kuovu su No. 1 ahaft of tbe Morris- ureal, No. 2. M9e te Tie; crn. Nu. 2 il- dale CORI Company. The value o! the Yellov, 30e ta 82c; cats, No. 2. 24c te I ilas.o-ia i.vdug m -u oi' 2e; r', No. 2,e u 53c. 94, aig. IN lIONOR 0F WASI-INOTON. ExeciseoCommemorsllug is he1001h eti vsj flmiiDmalh. The 100h snuIversarroitheb.deati ef George Wshington, lis liberty' loriot revcluliouarj leader mudtirlimaiPresideul. vai ebaerved lbnougbout lb. Unibedi States Tittnudui. lu ;.Dhingtou City' sud et MontVernon lb.esnîversarit vas celsubated vibh impreasive Matinle ee.mnouisa president McKinley' sud hi cabinet teck pso-tlul the ezerelses. ms welI as delegatleus f nom about lift> iodges lrougiout the. Unitedl Statua. Engiaud. Canada, Nova Scolla and New Zeeland. At urIs. guns froun Fert Washing- Ion begau sending thelr nola>' trIbut. ta the bonored dead I>'ng eb Mount Ven- ne» ou Ibm opposite bank outhlb.-historie Potouiac. The echeo esaebed Washlng- ton citit sud gave tlb.ignal tb the boat of Masone gatheredtratmm fin aud near tbsI lb. cerausoules of the dey' bsd b.- can. The pmoesasion tu Wasington'& lomb wova eompoiet o! tise Master Ma- sons et lb. District ut Columbia. Fol- loint th.e cme the officena of lh. grand lotiges e! the District and of Vîr- giula and tiii grand representatives of tie iodges ef Iventi t Bates. together viti varions elvie snd milîtan>' erganlua- tions. An Inlerestilu figure lu the pro- cession vras Gornge Wshington o! Bhep- hendmbcvwn. W, Va., lb. grand uephev o! President Washington sud thu-con o! lb. lstWshingtoneu teov M ount Venson. R. T. W. Duke ef Virginia. tic eigbth descendant tram (Jeu. Washlng- ton, ulso touk part lu the Procesaion. Tise procession, hcaded b>' lb, Tiird Unitedi States cavalr>' baud. mtrcbed iduvu Penusivmnls avenu. aud Bevenîls atreet to tb. river, vier, boats ver. tahen ton Mount Vernon. Meanvhihe. at 10 e'ciock, Prnidenl McKinley' boardeti a speelsl electrie traln te go te Mount Vemnon. fie va. accotu- panîed b>' lie meunhera o! hie cabinet mnd Invitet gusette. Ou rlvlngt etMount Vernon lbe prucemîlnonasretormeti sud mnovedtu 1theb.historie mansion, vuteru Premîdeut McKinley' juuedth te cohumu. rIr Ihen sanchedto te .old vanit, 10 vhhithe remaius or Wasiîngton ver. cousîgnuti Dec. 18. 1799, movleg b>' lbe aune palb sud lu the tame onder as lu lietfuerai procasiounof 100 jeara ago. The plsces o! honom at the vaull*vere given te tbe representatîves of lb. lotiges rvîti vhIci Washington vas identîfict in bis liftime. A solemu dîrge b>' s baud vas toîloveul b>'prayer b>' Bisbep 'Ilsu- dolpb of tb. Soutiseru Eplacopai diorese o! etVinginis. COLONEL J. F. BELL. tAmercu Comimander Who Bas Won Honoraeu inthe Philippine.. Col. JameasiFrankîlinBell. vho mdded uev houons to bis caeu b>' dufustIn and tpottlng tafiigbt tbe Filipino brigades un- sder Gens. San Miguel and Alejaudminu lu th. Mountains near Maugatuneu. Il au ollicer o! the reguthar anu>', lu vicb he boldo tise roui t oflieutenant. Refore golng te the Philippine# be vsx sttnchud 10 lb.heenth caviirj, aud was station' ed et Fort Bile>', lu Kansas. Aa colonel COLONEML 1DSTLL o! the irt>' slithUnIdWStaes velum« lerae Bell dltngulsimd iluisif I mentbhe &go lu the action sent Pomme, vbeu he rode lu advanse. o!fhbisttuop and singbe-baudd c eamged nevenuofthbb eucus>. H. caplumeti s esptaIn sad by privates, aud the remiulug tourm Iili- pace lied butor. the shels fron ils Pi.. loi. For Ibis galbant conduet lbheiraai- dent dieceti that a eoegressloualI medai lie preenledt luhlm. Coi. Bel]leIsàaRâ- tiv.e!fKentuckyt. H. vas uppoiuted 10 île muliaritscadun>' lu 1874 sudva gradoateul lu 187. Tb§*ssud Tisai. Augual Loveil, Bouton, Save $1,O00 te the lualibte o! lechnoîog>'. ichard 9. Berin o! Omaha, Neb, bas heen sppolnted t-ens superv-iser o! thât Pestusaster Balle>', colorea. Iiivleua. FIa&, gels Oive juans lu bbc peu for cm- baalement. olsntusElla Esvlug has erected s bouse etGourlu. Mo., the doues of mbit-h are len feet tâtgi. James Tales, a Chicago welter, vas falahl>'slibbed tl vbaen uibrell lb.h hauts etofa cuibemer. A Boera (Mexice) mina operatunra 00 ver wilb ItheTaquil adans wv on- se Cm tl jesu.k SULTAN OP SULU. Mouurcbh l,.louethiuof su ssu lu A»ercau PoItIsa Mohammed Taunajamalu Kiran, Sultan of Sulu, the Monftrcb who lu somethins of an lssue ln American polîtles. là thO ruler of 140 Islands, or 120.000 sublett and a doxen wives. The Sultan, bis peo- ple. hb% wlveasued the 75,000 @lave@ la bis isiands are now mubjects of the Unît. ed States. He la known hy maftY titi.s other thsa sultan, for ezanaple, -The Stalulesa One," "The Spotlesa One" aud "Tlh. Mountain of Llght." Hlm dresa la simple, couslating of one garmnuet, afte, the fashin of a modern ulght shirt. He sn a short, fat man, wlth a round. bojîi face and bigaueerlike eYua. I<ras Oives lu a isU llhou,. protected bl à SULTAN OF sUit,. atone Wal lte. u- iisdqtl .tc T'h. tireI fluon contains ouI>' on. oom,0 large, bar. apsntmeub. The aleepli roums et tt.e "psiekm an. ute ses-un stor>'. Tic Moro-that in lb. Dame ni the. gutan'i mnhJeet-have the ePuli blon cf beiug an Innocent, harmtess pet pie, bot vIsun beu. Bates visiled lb4 Isands on th. Chaleston b. founti thi mont of lhe inhabitants veut about arn ed. The moîber e! the Sultan le regard ed as the mot besutiful vuman amoni hem people. or Tic four luading candidat"a for Gov eruor lu Florida are gold men. Noîther psrtj expetl more than 5.»l piuraîity lu Maryland thia yese.* Senalor Morgan'a re-election troin AIa bama viii bu oppoued b>' batph P. John sIen, prusunt Goyurnor et the Siaite. Again theme lu s movemonbte tonake th vot, cunt, net ltse eleeloral vote, the bati et repuesunlation aetitepublicau nation& conventions. Auuoug Illinois nt-wu.pappamtlsi',le s general bulle! thâl Carter H. Hanninti viii b. tb. Dumecrt-lie candidate tf Goyvumor. Georgia politielasaare t-vint-ina interei cver a joint debste lu bu engaged ilub, Goy. Jehnson aud Senîtur Morgana Athens. Os. lu Ulîca. N. Y., a 1a.pubiican va, elue cd as a member of the Cil>' Councilb une tuaient>', sud hia eleetion moitt Ceont-Il Republican. A governentlesou lu Minesots lu hav lie University Regeuts sud the Stat Supeulutendent o! Public Instructlo el.ected b>' lb. people. TieC onncticut Bone o! Reprusneni tivea bas lu 1hs memberabip 101 farusu and seveuleen uscbsuics. There are 25 membemsInluthb.Houa. Petîtions are belng cimculated fer tI lsomiusatien ut Major Joues fer Congri lu Ibm Toledc district o! Ohio ton U Noveusbem election iu 1900. Coeamssionem o! Agriculture O. B. St yens. vbu bas been mentlunud ans aun date for Goven o! o Geomala, su>',b bàs s. ambitions lu tiat direction. slate Senater Elsberg yul i ntroduq lut theu New York Legishalure a bi providîng for ceutnshiz-d coutrol c! Ii scheol affaira e! Grester Nev Vork. Accordlug tle Ilb ~iladtlphla Ledji ex-Senator Qui>' doua nul expelltu1 seateti on Gev. Stuus-'s appoîDnment, su bu la Urgingsu extra session of the L-j ilatnre. The Auli-Saloun Leagutin a tkliu u t v ,e p r el b c a m p o lL3 n f r J 0 esl.enlp uot the Ohio Legîisture eppoalieon te A. F . McCorniildisthe les las candidate. InuoeewevYork eleclion district t tbirty-IhIrd of the Tventj-irab Asser hi>' tfhere are oui>' lis-e volers, and t cogi of primarles and cieciIon laI. 5, $ 50 te, a voter. e ouhen y. Koib, vhu eau forGOvert, or Alabamat noms e n jesn mg OUa»n d5pandoalticket la uentiuned Wvllb ose se *.0reaits Deasocrallo ph *Arc*9 e a S UM UAITIUi' COMMANDER SUFFERS ORUM4NUNO DEPIAT. MelmycuOsu.Lent sadUuVMsa-tgllu" sad Woadi tu AtIOmP Ucta oue a u c o n s A tn e k e*t i r e . P la c e s " o n e me1.1 1.e .d â u Neya et anther croîhina dteat te ts dsbhl h aetehI* i~ s British armeiswvanreeved attmdoiibt tien oeth@bmpensoleaw, bhi a je-t Fmdyb'the Britlishvar eUe. lu Le- mission oet junle aand membem e d en . T h i s tim e ev i< iim il a tli m *ttlltfr O a tte ntio n t t e > M D . a l eil onr(Jatacre, bat Jeu. Blle, lu -bo-naviionmletite ht blscanalu the nation lid heen looking 10 edeera t lnt galiou andS. arg'acanal lIa totterlug militer>' prestige. GO. .Bol' he l a et udaskng theogue ler rporte Ibat he vaîs evemel>' defestd thu Seerstro ! Wng a r o lb isl b>' the Ruera at the Tugela river dsiing idopte. The iotusm sdoptmds th e d e y', D no l o u ffe rllug be5v> ' lo is v, lion p ro sid lug for as 11o 1d11 4 Fr m aas te 1110 lu kîlled, aud voondeul. but havîng t0 Svedneidsy, Iec. 20, te Wedncsda>'. Jsu abandon tn gtus Sud loing another tiat 3, andu coutinud tht- dubate ote»Imcr . vas destroycd b>' the em>"s @bll. rutue>l. H e movud sgalag lte B ers Frida>' 'e Scuale un Tbue.da>' b>' svota e , oa itng la uranane. o! hlm purpose et 4110e 20 laid on the table M. PeUtlige. - rejint tie legeut Ldjsmlth. font i sluition ssklng lb. Secretal'>'Of ths' camp near Ohievele>', bIs psn being lu Sas-j vbetber 1h. VliPiuo "9 à" dbemo - tomes tbepassage ot the T ugela slmulta' sulule d et5 >fei s. Ag eed lu the H uila- neousl>' t Ivo drfts or tomd. sîtuataul Chrismas receas resoiutluuad agreed'a. Ivu mile s pot, b>' Ivo brigade. nder muet Feluls>'teurecelve retiostas 0lb. -h Ocus. Hart sd Elidjard respectvei>', composition o!fle counusttes fortLlle vlth a third brigade uder Lyttietua lu Congres. Tlhe Houa. conintaed lie de' thse cntr, readY te give itb support bat. on the currne>' bll. viere uoded. TIe Ruers provmd tueluntbe Senste ou Fida>' M. Aldrc. preseuteti s opecial Order laint Ibm stand- ln# eoumîittees andti lir personel tor- the Ifif l>-ilzli VCentres& 'h. e«Mr vit- adptd vitieul dIssent. Adj.ssmnd cuIlL Mondae,. Rebgt. ou flainelalbill e0- cladeti lu theHunts.. ln lthefnouse on Satards>' lhe oumuRe> bill was read for smendmen ude vn- fof the appontament o! thrmeInselberg et' thtu Senale and lire et the Houe t mMe aragemtnt tthbe unveilluget Oli"' aillte oet laniei Webster, presesteil te- lte <.,tretit bj Stiion Huti-il' s Jeu. 18. 1900. Nuterit 1ullitusexpre«ing MYuPS- lb>' wltb thu' Southb Atieu eptblici lus- Ibefir vac mitb lirea i rtaln ver.PMo-. sscutedin te Senuil ou od>'b>' M.- %jaxontt ifIlinuils. %esolutions lu 91>901d- tmA liet he rtentibu ut the Pilpinue Niulroduted by Mr. Tilîmîn snd Mr. Na- N cou. Spveuilub? Mr. Morges la in tsetOe' a ~bis reselution te probîbit rade romblas- t 0"a. s SI 18IR E nanuSa alLLa]. in. iutiourfening Wvttehâinesitate cOàs. a slrong for Hart, vho delivuredthelbr ut-me 'iHntepua umet> l abtak o th veter dnfi.fievasproviîling fotr gtld sandard b>' vt.e o a dris-cu bat-k, îth ligreat loua. sithoug hbis 1140 lit 114.umi seu tlm oatve. vo mit vte tl men behaveti viIh bhe nîmost braver>'. nifeiilu ouit t Then cime lilîdyard'a tmm, aud bis. utttule b'Speaker. à mosemeut vas besun propitloualj, vhen ,The 'Seut-ual0uTuemîi> ah ustltuted. -the cnutsing dîssaler efthIe dsy Occur' $t'uîatu' tîur ijîtuse filumeil bill and r*. mcd. The osmllery undur Col. Long, wblch t-tiNeitl notice f nom Mn. Aldrich 1hg1 h. haul hee6 viîhdravn tromn Ita support O ot uîul t-aliilu îthe former Jeu. 4. 19M, Hart to aid lu Hhid>'ird's attempft tu andtitire-il tbu piasge. Reeeileul rtru croga thet- eîru drift. appromcbed ton Me. Ste'wtart aset-sion grsutlmg tlb. close 10 tht-is-en. and va*sauideul>' cou_ Commril-rt'Clle Comipany' the nlgbl t. fronîcul b> a terrible dri'li re freim & Iay a cible ts u tbe. Passei a bill cr*- large force ofthl,'eutu>'. hicbhsd bus-n aing a i omiuuiion ut Ove tu revlse end. concealcd b>' the ris-tr boulin. IL ancuies î'tslfy lheue ution lewv.. Mr. Allen, ap- te have bt-en a verltable embusacade, aud 1sinti-d fruits Nebraska, teck tb. ostiot' lb. vbuic of the British Artilll eml n olilte. 'l'h.Ilutuse refemredti he Preel- sl ev moments put ot of sction, &Il is dent. n.'ag.' . the varions coansait- t-herses being killed. Géàllnt efforts voreutei' asud lisîeîuî'nl te speeches b>' Mr. Imade to sire the guas, but ail mure lest I (hum Ilt-p.. l'a.> lu support of lhe ad- but tuso. uiiîatotspolit-j lu tie Pliises wh'le1r Ay ecreate.. sud îuj)Mn. 11.1 (Pop., Co.) crtield»g llildysrd's mos-tment von, ot course, the ' lr'*iîIellt's utccsues ou pro&pesIit. ont o! the question vithut tihe support Iol a e Armuadaitat re cf the mtilier', sud lbu vas ordered t ttti o l ' 'h- .Iuies.- » va vltbdrav, sud the vboie force retired lu o h h ic. tb. camp et Chievele>'. The neya cf titis dsastrous revers. ot Gen. Botter'$ entire Odeansd uEn" ami>'basnfilleil the cop uf Britishbbit- iuille "us-bohard emudeiasgolf - teeneas te eserfiousing. The atîck wblc hirs Il. Englishmen venu impallcntlj mvsibing. ;imýrgiassproiition bll vsien ilced ln 0 even demsudiug, for tht- relief o! Lady-i theuS'-uaae. g vimit1à, wo-msdelivemed Frida>' morning. ILt I lnanuu sllej Holel. 1Hot Sprnugs. id net oely fuli complelelj. but he Bell- Ark., burucul Of lob army>'wmu driven back te ls original pos"Ition nI Cieveley. sftur beavj sîsugh- Auglt.Ky',eatulbuilding. Worti ' tee aud the luo!o a lsrge portion et its $2-1,l">.bîteneul. xe artiller'. l'h. Immeuulate couequenices t'bsesGrey, Wclisbou, O., bMosiste lto!fCuti. Rulrs reverse ire ver>'is- .atu,îus lu a mine. "' buarteuiug te theu Bitish. The. le nuo îe î(unluio ftePla ee' teall saj thal tht- nevwu statlied sud uepbStar, la drad. 29 arouscd Eugiaud as nething bai douelnc huFi inlnO. aai> lbm receutLimnes. Fron noon Ib te country Jh dx e>',0.ftll tbg wili,'go tu van as if the lite ut the emplirehis ite lu the breast. dependuti ou thueisuue, as IL trul>' dues. Ituimomu'd (bat the P, C. & T. ban beec Pretoria hait nov bucont- ast vitlIte te suitreul It'tht- R. & Q. prusens-ation o! tht-British empire as the 1Edlison sand l'olamhus. O., dus-trie lilge posseasion et Bombay, Mebourne oce pîmîttu ut-i onnolidate. London itself. 'The struggle lu Sentit Af- liittht- bttuill'ua portionofetCusit>' rirs viii nov bu Ireateul as a greal van, Tex-, bttuu'd. Lou 11a 85,. vhicb il l, ,and net uts su expedition. ih ieeMngmrA&,wr Euglaisnd winow nmolilize tise milii .ad ighl lireuanazolielsin>' ..vm Oe cotelniltrouipsansd ai"o tal fer vln iJr'dIyagiliuepui tuera, if nî'cest.îtry. She yl pour soi- Utniont Pacifie peuple deuil tist lie dierg snd guns luit, Suth Alnica vith- INorhbvcateti haleaacd Ihat rond. o' ut nuber. Btut thet iraI lhing %lie uili T'rasent-t ert- asîthyxiutcd b>' ss lu a do in te rail a hait. Tht-me villlbu no lutile n.tme ceciairlut abop lu Brookyn. turther atteuitututluinvadu bbe Ruer ru llit'xicuns are abil puratliug the ia publics outil a riatam>'in msssedil ln iats. A long csutpaign la uxpesteil. Afrin, aîtd usure tlun a utoutb li !tts e la s e e f r e h i c a i e d u eI M a rIs ti i n u,. (C a n to n , O. . p a iti$ 1 8 elsîsu cfor tiia ati ue out. f~i uaitlolsdhotuinds, Chattanooga, Tenu. QUAKER CIT'Y WIN& Ctiutagttanarc igttrng fer cheapef 00 10t-un by baving l hrougbb vis vsler trousi Phladelphie Chueco as Place of Roîd Eit'.l'a. IngeItcpnblcn ConventIon. Sella Brus.' ulutus mi>' remeve hesti la - Te Itipub lean nation l co nveution nu will ietelnu 1hlladelphis on Jonc 19, uteiru le Rridgeporl* Coun.. froin Ce- 110. Tutîs vas deeidt'd lu the national lujbx ho bCe cumtuîitbcî' meeting ut Washlngton Fi Titan heuîll bhourd bas establ'tsbed i% day aftiîrlleun. Tht-finluta vote stood 25 i quartttint- s <alreslon alenst shilia ai1 for lîbiiadt-ipii te 24 for Chicago, vith feti Santo%, Brazil, vbeme plagneia.e &a Ohio atndi 'tlorado absent. Chicage boit WilliJ.Abhnt, veli kuevu lun oa a tutti iotes et tht- WesternBSttes and paptetieles. mill toie t-barge .ethe . gola mn tour trotue St-vEngimnul. Philadlphie btteau-osth Ie Iemocrable national -cou- fr hait thteueno! bbc Souîheru Statesa, nittt-e. thet- trrîîîînles undl tmo frotuNev Eut- %Minnîsîlta raileoida bave concludei et 1sd -,'nlats fr the- deivery of 60,000,000 b' The arguîments iu fsvur et Philadel- 1fî'et ùt fpine log. te Milnle lb. the iit et phia m-ee sntimnt, eold cash sud Soout-of ihbin. Prîtdt'egsle@. Tîte Presideul sîloved L iT he pilot boul Jantes Cordon Beopt et- tu beusuid-rsbttod thst becmouId nulet sus rîeeyadunh,'aoifrdto b>' jece b uina rcmominsted lunh uIclthehe SCiy a it ouit itaovina aouul id u s bue us-er., since bhe civil min, à Bepublîcan t>' Sdueuugul -vnggan adbd Presidetlwas renomittateil sud lecled.l miigd tve Grant usas reuouiiiuted lunPhiladelphie P,'te t'bomîîeu waxu iiuui at El utet l 872. Tht- ru euaisoe esentiment- Okla.. h>' John Curtis, son e! Robert on1 ai arguiment IbsI Pbilisdslpbla van the Curtis, a vellh ite bî.mon, vio sa- Craie o! libert>', the place vbeme the rled lot the Cuddo Indien tribc. ta- constitiution wvies s-ttun, sud lteeut>' Jallt'r Win. Shoc-kley>'andlbig gsu. Ha, ®rs vbere the lgag haditls engIn. More lus- r>' Shîekl-y, tColtumus, Ohio,.vers 1gu 32 portant than Ibis sentimental argmeldicîcu b>' tht- United StmIensgrand jprp vus the eetlied che'ck for j;100,000 t.or- lnte charge o! sidlug CapI. 1. T. jèýo buferedte luthe cummillee. b>'Phîladuiphis. toesae f r £omin . - the___________lUnited States uililhave an irimgali legs 610 BOSTON FAILURE. exhibit nl the l'amis shov. he Cotton nlla o! New Hampshire bav#, Bilce & Boa, Poil, Packers, Vereil lncmuaaud mages 10 pe cent. le- le suspend. 'odtaîuor Howard, -Newark, 0. vas, idi- lTh. lirai ut John P. Squire & Bous. kilied i liasCollision near Mansfield. ,$W, b u Boston, bbc lagen I pork-p cki ug estab gacer P i-erm uan ad i>' in ured . lîsu--t u ov - gsn-- bA h.fslIc h. ..he

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