Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Dec 1899, p. 8

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0hg ,I8 . U R*%-O LDAY-t .51UP P LZîINT-7-«-U*xI*UWw, lou. - to b5 kern es nd that a viomas uever gets to Overdoina Ushe BcbnuG " Bêànjess, visa gcscraily sosme vea tby nobîemsn viho 10 sili o end maney lavisbly au pro- A n ~ i* eiA recor thatdu..g1heFcig nii Eli beth 9M HE rendered unto hlm asu day The good sasnts due -pralse. 1' gratitude. t PUt me lu a jeaisus mouýd Sa wheu secame tu sas>' Good nîght" Aud whisperei l t n y vittilue c, On tip-tua lu hec guvin of white, Softty3'"l love you, papa dear," "'You love me, bu o ua'muclu?" 1stld, Audastier lusnt the sltgtect pause Shecsnswerêd. pulllug dowu mny head: "I1 lave 3 0u more t han Sauty Clas!" The day had beau a happy sue, As ev'ry Chrstmas oaght to he. There wassuo dearîfi uf cheer use fun And ev'ry hell pealed mercly ; Those nearsud dear had sald. "tZood-WLI" Iu mare or esa substantil a ys. And nothing n thIe guise uf 111 H-ad cafled for plly or dspeaIse. But Steias edtlme bouc by fac The happlest vas ta me. because 'Twss thea she found. my ovin brght star, She -loved me more tan Sata Cas!a" -Edward W . Barnlard, lu Judge. RESOLUTIONs ~iFo P u ; LSIE wss sting in *~IlPber pieasant libracyo inetyreading a neat t> pevritten bast as long as her arm. "ýWht jei h"'1lin- quired, vith interesi- "Ncew lears ras- olutions,"hae reaponded, prornptlY- 'Gooduegs, graciaus! " 1exclaîrncd, agasl. ".yau surely areu't goug o try lu keep that Mary? t'Ilsenougls 10 hriug un paresîs even ta attempt o rernember wvItl heY're &bout." "Dnt be siscmed," she returued, "they are flot intcuded for Persoals use. Tbey are rerely slittle Lest I have prepared for nome men 1 kuovi. Yu see, Drothy," she vient o, earueslly, "Itlve heen thînkîng over the mater, and Ive corne ho the conclusion that the trouble viith us viomen je hat vie bave gotten rolo the habit of tryjuz ta mo- nopolize Il the domestic vrtues sud self- sacerifie lau cant pick up s papec viîhb- out aeing a long article au a vosusu duhy ho maire home happy,1 or a wifto's duty to ber busband, or a mothers sscred dutY tu bier childreu. But do you ever bear of its being a mans dutY ta make borne au at- tractive bs viiie vion'h vautto 9gosut n the evenisgs? Dosea nybody ever advise hlm, wbesi he cames home ircd ah ntgt, o t hou bis dress suit sud try to eterhaln b i ie ta keep ber from beng tractedl by yaunger sud baudomer meni'? Noh mucb, Do you ever ses a roosnu fula prosperous, msddle-sged men siting &round in a father'a convention,. dîacuaung boy o do tibeir duty o their chldren? Nobody ever d.d. 1h fut rigt. J'ni in favor of gîvîng the meni a show aud letiing them Ishe s bsnd in thre happines-akiug sud the duîy business. iNavi, wbeu the Nevi lear resolulion time cornea," vent on Eie, sludyîug ber liai, I jut vaut ta get in a fevi ut my do- meshîc princ iples, aud, rny word for it, you '.dl sec it yull do more real good aud brixa about more genoîxe rforme han- al the sweariug off fcum smoking and dninking ai.,. Adam ' Cospaativýely fevi vumen are afflcted asth hushauda viho gel dcuuk or smoke to exceasg, but millions ut us have te put up wth men vibo arc n ixnryîg uccd of "TIEY ARE SOT INTENI PERSONAI. USE. wae ouidh i el ngeloui rerneer ihat ha- ing a vioran doesn't make snone enjay baving aIl their theories sud idea derlded sud scoffed ah. There sre plenty of viomeli who Cant ventuare an opinion un auy sub- ject from the weathec tu the 1îolitical situa- tion without havisig their hushanda tel1 thesu they don't kuovi shst they are halkîîîg about, and they'd better keep quiet. IL may be truc, but if sasman marri'. a foulI idî is ovin fsult. 1île pckcd lier out froîn amuug aIl the other vomucu in the viurld bc cause she wss the une t.suitcd h,bin ct sud was mosi culugenial lu lus ta-te, sud if ie@le docan't know a hleissed thîug lie ha. no rîght lu sa)y a wo rd. As s genecll îbîg aina til mbtîo ifault ut disparagiug Iheir wves, opinions thcuugh eheer carcleauuciss ot their vcs' feelings sud colîceit ut their owu virvia. flot juatt ioue sop snd sali bimacîlf low he would lîke to le cntinu- slly made ta look chesîr before the chîl- dren sud tic servants,' boxahe vioald lise La have his idesi], sud otten even his ccli grun, cîdiculcd, aîîà seytîme ha îried lu tella jolie or a onud aor'i have aumnebody vho veutouat imb îhe viocld mure sîîd eaw aud liesrd mure rcmîud him Iliat il vas a bosry chealaut. Cîîuid thece he a moure ex qulsite eruelty pra ,ticed" l'et îh,îaaods ut viomeli go tiu'oolgh thîs dsîly mactardoira front men vihu thîtab they are gond hou- bands. 'Tom visIaliys goud to me,' fiaid eted iu heariug that bier hugbsnd loves lier sud apprecîstes hec; sud, ahove al, tO Bave um es ut bis good manners aud good bumor for homte conumptiuli. "l dnt suppose Vliîve 10 sfec auiY utMy iheocica carried ou," added Elsie, dolefuliy, "but 1 rau tell you they are bsdly uecded reforma n a Rlot Of famîlîca I know"-Duro- thy Dix, in N. O. iPicayone. NEW YEAR IN WASHIINGTON Nhen Everîl one Keeps open flouse wlfh LaVlSh SOuthtrfl IOSPItalflg. Mtary Nimmo Baientîne. wriîrue of "Newi Yesa l)sy in the W'hite Ilcisue" in the Woma'a Bomne Coinpanîun, thus desenhbes the public receptions: "«Aunouncements arc publîshed iu Ihe uewapapera prucîsîsuing the levee at tîne white house sud the exact minute at shich the dîflereut officîiasof 1 tie govecumeut service will fie ccer',cd, bîut it la ueoally ucear une r'cluck tîrfore thc 1susercign people arc adîntted luto tce Lground.a " The claIe icoce at the white houoce a fbut the hegînnîng ut the callîva huit coua itinues îhroughîîul the altrnýouli auif el -ino thIe uîght ia officiaI sud pnssatc houces. 1The official social acason îa iniaugurated un rather overdoîing tlîîs being good businessa1' voluaateered one youn g hopeful in confidence te his chum. "Not on yauc lie. I)m,'t Yeu kuovi Christmas ia cumîng?"- plied the youagatec viho vis accuaed of lîeing Lau grîîd. "Yea, thata aIll very ieIl, îlot You msy be makîn' a mîntake." "Yeou don't knovi vihat 3cr taîkîn' about. You ought tii lîar aIl the folksata our houe talkîug about 'whla t 0 good boy Jimmynsya gcttîug ho bc,' and Isov that fake Sauta Claus ia goîng te gîve hîni cadi, a lut uf nice f Ireacflta." "Avi, yes. Thaî's ail cîglît. But, tiien, 1 wsant to tell >05 tlîat il uîay fot turn out the way you viant." "Wshat are>You givîug me?" "Well, 1 ought toekurrw. I tted yorir game ist 3ar, sud I go t fouar BIlîlland lîrce Suuday scfîool booka for ('fri',lnîs. Not a pair of skates or auYtlîug outhlIe sort. '1hey sad tlîey thought 1 -aoîld lîke the lBies sndItie bhoka better. Av. I tell uu, Jim- moy, 3<10 durit w-su t li iccîro hieieg goud husîncos '-'higu 'lies lieraîd. WIhai a breezy o îud therei oia the viords "Begnniug afreali - TIlîy hase a ring (if *:. d,:. The Start for the Last LaD of the Centuru. s poor wrehch of a viomati, viepint us-er the body of s murdecer; 'be neyer beat mce vihere the marks vuuld show ' . 11. suive 001 ta unhoad ail fu. troubles u h c family hesrhh. of course, I know cvery day a man has ta go through wi-îh enough 10 try hhe patience ut s saint, but becauce cottun bas gune dovninfotead ut up or thinga havent rn smoothly ah the office îs nu real ressua foc lappîng samttny ond kiekîig thie est as sîoti as bc gets sithin bis uvu duor. A man mîght accasîoally remember that savi-msu has troubles of hi-c uwu sud needs lu be eheered and brîghteued. W'e are cntîcusl> ,told Ith o umsu sbould alviasmccl hec fusband sithi s mle, but nuovirmon can amibe long euouglî Orri hngt ly euuugh lu raîse the tempecature lu a bofuuse vhere a max la sttîngaraound wîth aarroSa n bis face. Il tlob erciIrrOcty, sud is justase much a s mafiabusiueis lu amle aîîdliclp ta mabe homie happy as it is 4DED FOR saionian u. 'Theres alvioys ruum t oc plet? ut ofuc0( resluios 'ew 'iar's da.sysud oiter do> 5. a lîlîle vilcore rctîrmatîuu, anud as-h might muLe us au molli liâipier iftîhcY onlY v viold t 'Whai ssould I saggstt Oh, lote of v thungm.*l'o begîn vithi-'d have tlheuntîîake de a Caticun resolution t l lieu.moirec- ol unr tîrne ai hume. \Vheu .iljan nmarrie os îrmdi an he leoda bier toiii ojîjre lie ducs t bc- ca use he yesnîs Mr unlîuîted quantticc utf hier soc et, onîl il muetbrîke Aiy foir mîudcd lîctaeuti a goud deal lube gtbîug gouda uuder taIe itteluea', f, as soo utua Ile lioti- ci-moîl aile., ie clhase.soufit. the club orilîitivl the miînute ie gets hie dîcuer, leavîng lier ta solitude andd the uuexcîbîmîg delighhu of lier o o tnpatijs - h Ii. a situ- ation thae, lirtuapsa sman ni-sec spprcIatcs, becsuse ie iasa neyer been tfîcre humacîf. Il couldu't hatilen bu hîm, beause the ma ment lac detected s s> mptuîm ut louesome- nesa he mould put an hîs bat and go off ho the theater or the corner saluon, or soute place vihere there vire bghh sud bnigbtnu and gsyely. A asonnlbas no uch resourees. She ant go rotunud at uîgît by hersel! buntîng up eampan y,' lutmuet it AI hume, nu mohier beivilunesoule asd ared ahle rnsy ha Men are torc% er ssondriug ashy asamen vaut 10 rongregte tugether lu boarding boases .One asser lu rthe -ruidrusu la Ibat thie>sant otsebudy o taîlk b as-ile ther husbaîude are duis tutus At iaihtîîb1 bace yet ho scee the sauman ahîîaehasband vis a shume-beeputue ,îîud lîrrae lovîmg man vih.o ianttîci-ltii clu> ilcre, lau. Theres u-ne îdoneg d1al- rtîan sd thal is that if men as re ase auxuola ruf)ta> athohme evetasiusass thcy Sare t- al ut a g1 1 lic- fore umarnage, undift 1or,ýc- l î iai-h trouble and painss îo te> to ritliriu tîlcîr u-vem asîley di, ther sPcthcsrle t, l, d,- Nietie mllennîum viould bc i. hailutug dis tance. -"Another good resolutîuu Ihat asould 'er a nevi leof sud îry ta do fis Part towards Mabîtua homle happv, lu make bis wife su alloo ace sud psy il pruniPtls', as aý ebt if Itunor; lu renlemiler îhah cervatq am mortal, and that >00 i-sut bîce a ihrce- ollax-a-vieb girl ho coob bbc a $1,000 chef, Newi Yea'a day in Wahigton. It is te grand rsll>iug day ut the neighbocly proclisities ufthIle people ut the cxoure dis- trict..Niauy men make Iheir tirtansd ast voit of the ear un thîîc day, ans on]>' sc certain of their frieuds ou tiisneu day ufth Ibyear. Aa the> gros' lder Ihene fi- tival days seer tu coume clu.ser aud -osec trI gether. its are publîahed iu the ticss papera of thse houces aulere receptionu call be bld, aith the namea ufthtIe ladies vilîr wlaistint recels Ina. The aesiug lady uflen stîracha mure calero, than the hoctece, and ueviiy-arnved fam, lîea are un thc loork- sut for populse -ssumcîî toc their Newo Years day receptiora.Tliere la nu ueed ta ioterrophlIte granild round utfials for ucheon or dînner, the carniage la Ilirric for tic day, anîf, dcscd lu hics ery liet, the cller muai ecea Il thîe ld ri-ado îand make as mauy ccviwuuc as hîme asIllier mit.- Ever> sher eu ~o î ,use io kelri ilî iavîah soutlleru fshirî Tabîlea are lcridcd v th vianda hot ici1 cld, supjîli-uert nf viîtf ceaI soutli efgt togg, ors aposI lîl fruo the houuekei-, r'O iter auipl>of Fis h uosep ouîh, mireil truotiaweIl- Lguardesh formula that ru a ir lîrhrn i & f'.ladelphia famillien. The virl ut reelrY usintense, but thia gala day coules fui s' ahigtuin lu it unce a scar, and it is celcbcted w, th truc southeru viarmîf and ent.husasst." glsd new i lfe la thetu. Thry ptlife îuto the hiari thiat lias gros n alnîîîst dIasura sged by tiilure anîd rcrve it forr fr-ch i-f diasur.Ltlus etter uorîthie lite andît srs ire ut the <-50 s car uîîdcr tIi,icspiratiun vihh ilcigve. ha1tiat Uionu. lier Br1ht Scheme. Firot lad> NIhat Xcvi beara prceut are yuu guîug tii gîve to u rhlusbofd? Si-coud Lady A huudredciae Fîrut Lad>-And viiat dîd >u a py toc theuil Secund Lady--Oh, norrhiug For tlîe loch tes muntai liio taki ol-r tric <out f Jac k 's liox i-sc >) d i, l li lm t un c d it, andîîl sIIlie su pli-ead ssîtlî 01>lttîr ticrs cnt aîd te fiai- iuality oftit icgaru.-Lîîu don TitI Bits. Directed Court Amusements. 1)oou to the reigii ot Ileury IIaind E,,iiuilicort durrilsg the I-lîlî I.lii el'r %ided o00cr the fsislîr, rretureel lite gaules, dtrected thie sport. atîd saur ilit the icocrt ai akeîît 1 îriry uniu,i-d dliirtg wlruma iek. The irflce -vosicdrrl higiluy honorabile. atud hie "Lord cif Misle" haýd l1rrrued n .o dai Oiiiltexte chealifuLî, gi'a "'le hase RoOI hif-i Irtmi Essex, as 'L1ord of Mscule,"# speut in oe Christmgs seson $15 000 of hie own moneY on the court games -Cýhicago Chronicle. For Uhe Chfldren. 'Iyles," maid Mr. llykins, "vie aivisys celebrate (lituias for ile. Iiidre's sakca. They expert t, >uu krîuw, and 1 vouldu't hiavc the hesrh lu disalîîpoîit thetuý But 3ou ad Mca. iii>kias liaays ce- menber each ther?" 'Oh, ye. 1 an goîng t0 gros' lier .1 tso- hundrcd dollar coat a nîd I ha ve e os i t O think édhc ulectu10gvecme- a ffty dollarc chair. NVe alwas>seule -11in I, d"anee vihat our presents wil ie. AIl e have tu hik ci! novi-la-adoIt for h' litlc girl anid a titi agon for lte lu> Vasingtîin Star. After fi- 3ecar Id WNillîe ha,.!-ngUtie11-1cî sti C'iîrî sttîaa arhic nîrîher mortt iiit Ibie roîlu ni t-e il lie hid lîuîg ip hîî o cl iig i prujierl> f-rSatii viu , s N-i11tulier cor- Irise lie friuil lit 11the tile fellîîs h.1 sl, 1,rîîfrîatcil <lieof hers f'ti l'lir<riitaîrru sîl had attocked sasip of palier un vi ihe Cbsîrmatl, 'cause vve got s speech polleue'a.ske jbave gala short psy- amble au' nme resotu nx, .ton. An' 1 wal ta es' Suhmit und ta kinder push 'emo througfi. Wheceaa, -veve hi-can gleclfut su' torget- fut of aur viorfi Wlicreas. wc 've bert tuao rektisa' ton, ufien lpr.-u.rlutk. Wbcr' as evel hi'nounmtudful 'bout lhe A' tutu d xrdc ' klcda,t', wh>. l'm gin' Risolv"ui. a-, l i hmuef.,itlîfuanau'mure R' . , it al1iii ii, 'li iteoti i w I Ot! rauuiitot os lb, nsic t vii> eiotr. (,lier't ruvteiî-'ean'humua An- theru K. t00 enclnet ea i h ttlnuat hur da,,ty . al1'kO A u n îMal t s l l u' î* ally asilli bis re su lu - -1Y 0 llik, in luAtlanta Constituition. We Should llach and AIl TrU b l9akt 1h.b Dac Tfloroughlg Enfouable. .Ici- a e vie r i nAuî î h la s ,' l e le log sud tradltîi,tIal t-roi îg, eus!ai c vrefssme the ilwh Ifcc t utiraui le -al MAî,blabcd toc ce> - ul s Ilrriî e Hall %'j îîtvrlîsru, vnt- lcîg inthie - Suint iftlîiou tro-i ithe %%Vumaua Hmunirapmatilot. -orI f even iie t,îîuie, thec îîîll eantd fleii'fa mîY gatlieriiiiîarc lie 'itiuso, tes-t se dI.daînb ie h aîictbtigalîte -,iie stans radîatur,antid itri,îtin fuite dstY elalîrratci tirasf a sarI I Oreal tailil., -01er- Ing t,, tre, île,1 r c utilfi,' c r aréié? su i é, t iltt,rrt'1t, 9îîr - t I, lu" u g a tia -re l i t ý u I lr ai s "'t - - î uot h îini lu " îlîanîî nu r I Ire v Ii, ll fa t d ri --ld sas Ys vI, ii ît tic, 1Il.lbitter tili ,iî, gîîttlîng cutl ritrtsaiilit ie litw a-1ethli,t ive5 iirir rot, rÇemiIiefr l,riiig, ird (ler in tarri, thrnîoirrré 'il ei-j"sit 5ilig ctrfltc dl ig1.1 ,1,e- lé,.1i.t>5 v ,1 rat ie Ic 'Ut Usi- a i t iOferuiii' t h lipiur l ic t.i re It lîîugi Ilrr s isil, ahifîIllayu ffr ,clrikt il,,î-tn-îu frrcciîl r gil ivre rot sud ai ' Inl i e <o ~jue f lc i tîrs te se 'ut e arliii-lts,,,t rr a v-clou h .armuize til i iî leitl if vileirisiofnlieI îs hý ormntue lra lîr)-lt-'lînsîmas d Ih j.L - as re u01d là,tqIolîem'tratitue- îlîcî ci-, rt, tet -tîa rckoi nd i- 1<, ha1î1,,tic If tiOi f euI-as wîthlm c,eu, agiirdu ise, vandîh riiet ljad tilous culi0ot itlesia moul i liaiesea- -av, % 1.iate rfili , t e q al i ha *5* *% t. bkeag li I asu ta c'I clîg rr achen ri, th t.-11,,, vilI uoevehrtoarto i resteme oif 1y lrgiîa a lîres re seîtlîriltIa sesâ lucîrI 1î fil rue crf ihetho IlILrlLl .4lasl't l 1vcti'd ourlerd n 'I îuruIî'h cf i-lea.rie u Il cos g lreaîtlierlra ,m hclce tht 6:.vmaug rfieî-on leîrhursitrs AI w _11iveP I nc-l d s lu rcc-ogirzc ud admîrth ivlry o d ta rt e ut c r , u ae a l n g V » BIS REASON. -'es - thlic chuId rei c tes t o 1rlse tlîerr nthier mui,rl ulietîîee tri ice fic-- trait IFree t rcss A Backward Look. C'lres'uius in lic uî.îrl-e su 10 h leoint i-c efthteistcru jorauit lill uclu lst lD*ir saa ,rrbok tesa tii,-tîfrue c il icu n ui de a ilcs tar dteol' i hrttiircy lic-11-Ci iiîic -N. Tact Required. lit rurc crliiO« ev laiir5 I rrc tun ot tact tr,ý,,or'n tlaîlul aIt Cirrr'tmî,o tir quarer. if 3p'U I<or tutîrol iun lad, the lt ut t ir iss aucod tiunie tu refuran thenu - b. A. NV. Bulletin. "WNilii," aaid hiu fathsr, "cofat gond ce- suives are yuu goîia Icoinsabe for thie New' X'ert" "luni nut groiug tu figItIvith Jobn- nic oe uacaoy ulur," refîiîed Wiliic.'ue gisd ho hîîarihial," sautîfthe fsthîecl "but shy dîd% tria mobeitot el"c'""'Cause," asas the anser, "I alcays gel liced'- Chicago Dsîly Neasa. ImPeiShable. The Christmnas belle viti sileut lbe, The Christmas ighîs grov i dm. Th, brlghucss fadcd ftram the tree May leave ih gaunt and grdm. Buh Christmasaf eer visa never go; lit echo lingers on, Wltb memnorfez of long &go Ansd bope Of loy. 10 davin. S0, o'cr aItllime uts mlgbl extends And ready bornage vIns; As anc gtad Cbrslmss season ends Auotber strslgbl begina. -Washingtont Star. WLse Precaition. "There," said the prudenthbousevit e, as she loobcd 00cr the Chrimtmas decorahoons, 111 thîub that vaill do ver> nicely. Only vie mnuet Dot turget 10 tabe the mistletue from the chandelier sud move il lu i dfferent parts ot the roorn inna thc day." "1Vhat ist that torc" asked lier hushand- "I dont viîsh 10 ear the carpet sut aIU in une spot "-NVashington Star, f ;

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