Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Dec 1899, p. 1

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LAKE itoI.. ViI. No. 12. COUNTY Libertyville, Lake Cotinty. IDEPENDENT,. Illinois, Friday. December 29.1899. $1.50 a Year in Advance. WB VIllE tor ALLÀ A HPI'y ANDO OI'Eitol'l1 New Vear. The year 1899 ham been a proaperous and satisfactory ont for us Mnd WC vil 6e ia better shape than ever ta caler to the wants of our 'custoiners Our mnotto-"A Satisfied Cutonner la the Bes Adytte.. aent"-wt still adher tof0,and vil in every case endeavor to aatisfy al. We guarantet &Il aur work. both in fit and workmnanship. and can conscientiously Say "once a customer. slways a custom«t."' SANBORN &CO., Tailors and ilaberdashers. Kaiser Block. tir. CharlesGalloway. Botlé PROU I TO 3 AND <TO a . là. Libertyville. - Illnois - Dr. J. L. TAYLOIR. 90Offce over TriggS & Taylor'.. ýâWËéwS on Broadway oppoaite Park 0.B.YOUNG. 'Phyalcian and Surgeon. Ournea.- - - - - ---- nois. Dr. E. H. Smith, O)ffice over Laike County Bank L'.)7a' '5012 î'a,- nd 1 i o 1'p.. m. DAll.? Libertyville. 111. PAUL MacGUFFIN. Attornîey and jounnsIior et Law. NOTARY PUBLIC opFion rrxiTE ABS 000E?? B&N, Illinois.1 BENJAMIN M. MILL R, ATTORNdEY AT LAW. -LISERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. ENIONT 5.0<. *'IL.1-11«0 '0 W. 8. SCMAEFFER'S * NURSERY. on.- mil., oniA Lng Srote .O<. . Akê Proi t bade.anii>)rn*iamailTrs, .Orape- vInes 51,@mal] Fruts. GEl mrpre« on m<dimatediq tock. 4 -- W. H. MILLER. TONSRIIAL ABTIBT, - - Lbertyville. AU ýK E G AN. ffls tbe s.y sest .0iIni.raa '..wheio.'k. tue agent vii, bas been gettlng Options au pr' perly nortiutofthis Cty liq a loviete, vbich teude credlence 14) the tnry tiîstDoe wiii locate lus City of Ziom iiin euton 50wahip lMr. Wheoiock li. accuring more Options lu Ibe localit! of bill operations, aitbtougbh e aYa lie thînts bisl peapis vilaii Ltin Ottvery %con ns lie ieieved abont aili t, 1iîeceaary tend thal ben seeured. ltiiy ef the Bouton ferméer. are brginnîng ta cou- aider what tb.-y auli do, Prom reporta slorne Whjo viii get m< rî'igtufroID tbe deaI i viiCoule ta ,t-t, and tlite easy, '<ibera viii aet farma ,'Is.wbrr sud aliera a iii looîk for Raille defi.'reiît Oerla' ei. %%bluen v i.' a 5 Bsutc<uibe cgthafo.', v fi liegili élan %lit u<t iî.' brui-i ted i1l<.r<l1,v, s.x tbhe o.aruî.ar tua t i-).. l'ur< Of i50. divine lîpier .111 1l". vert dXcil l.'. <'<< 11<1ug theluna K . sru ire. ly ta'Su ter <ily.I'~' iit aucle liasl n 1. i-0R'Iava<îcelvb lu-mIà isaoi teh lbe trt LtbeîrY suIt otters reatiug I, thelopicationî of man<faturi.g Pieuta «n thelieîtîî Rite. Athon'gL the stalemeîît It Bouale Industrial lntitullon vas to sete there îîould ho grâteliy recrivtwi, the reporte Ilit 1ln noue other thu nDowie are qui&@tenruchiave. The efect of the Dcvisiu,îîîl Doie onu Ieton prîîperty Ovneris hua ueu realyait a 4ulg. mauy vi,,, Lise heihobld ing lact <il their prnperty are îîow nîl<,îs katii -ell Fît,' Ire uairin-, «'<'ce tiruet inu and lhe ire departimuît cepowIlet tulnr«ay aîîi T<iî.a<iay. 'llie giont Neriiîua van ths lire at fieeiliste.huîîige 'artua mrel dienneu « $ierlis nd<u. 'lTh and!- iomeê home vas nearl i ti5(yll. Tiie fire uai ted ini tbe ttiî' frin a de- fective ilte.Is 15 as licoveri'd Liv tbe hire gin s -oaac. IlSu aolc Neigtui<rs an< u ir. nssrked lIt,- beavers carryiîîg î)lit the oihoîîehoid gonds an' a greater iîart 'f the fîîrni- 1tre sa removeil. 'The tîreun cimm 1halrl tcli oun"-Il1.the bouge.,s bleb wsa ompiesi cutotos URAIIDs o OcaAu. bnrued avay. The lhuas 50 the rosi- [faut iàoretoW. C. ?îil ShBoe Store dene ibifîîruifurc- cannol sa yet ho 'unSB'rî* DqL Sh- p ol Avery 'In 'lestli.uated. Fîts tboîîauud dollars .sswuiimed Su~dv momulus. iuaraîîcu< vs carrîedco<mitue tiilld- - - ~-~- -log. whis the furuitîîre sas Dot. moeîl. trit ficrtin.nteiy ittie vasl dumaged, ungle 0f Il beibuf toliLed by i1 ý thb, flsam Austhie )uwrr part of ths C ý1 bouse le msdamsed eave by vaier, h I~T DMONO & Co.. le probable tbe bouse vili1 ho renovatid ONT, Dy mmcîlîatly. Llbetyvtli>,1111ois. AD editoi pints bis paper to gîte1 -mmmmoimm_- Us patrons the beys 0f the day sud for liesInterest Ieiring Certifi- 1h monOYeyboel u Il. Hut a pre- suIPed go tnov cif shle vrton, e4ý% Payable on Demaund. and lie generaly dol .Wbhou lic writtol as hoe dosx a libe Leader Courier, Oscelatile, P., sîthobî fois or hope Mo eardl t"babransCougli OmIiiI lferedy actainns«Icaliv< and vs bave Ijwuî KINNUJ.futind noue botter tnunr bo<sehuuid. If you bave a cougb, tryfi." 1it iew erunesis~ Chlg@. iccptOd au alu lntexepreusion, :A# Passtenger Trainsof this sorlliiOfc <wdeuce For sale Ihv F. ILf. Lat. Lîbertvvihie,J. R. BRAcnp.,ît nw zil lita s cdiepait urnse, UitATMLAxKIi HPIOACY, P' i.Wîsrzluàx, Roucefeller, Jî,Nu Çéntral Statio Park, Row 1 %1 cizu. Ivan bon. ý'.lftba Street. Latte Front. Si NCLAI R, ~tBacJK4ttth andi %orV Bnci 1p au, uoi FORS WANTEO. Hlghest Market Pricel Païo O VONAL. KINDS Or RAW FtJRS BY Chas. Stemple,ý Long Grove, ilnois. culosîls. The Circular rsads: r u bercuisailumille tIlreateua the destruction ofounr erde sud tlb. min .ounr businems. The ltaIs Board of Lite Stock Commssioners appiy the tuberculin, and condernu to siangiiler1 et a fraction of their valus.1 Are v. ready for the acrifice? WhlaS nmuset dot50 le îaved'< i.the1 quiestion for everyone vho miltea a cow or feue a oeil. 15 i.prupo.ed 5 stop au mik from berds that bave flot been lnapected at the Cili iue. Are se prepureo istop ahippifig? A. n-ding WINii ltcd lu the BrIggs tt«nge.<'hicafo. Cor. Randoiph t. and FifLi, '<te. Tuenay. Janary 2, 1900, et aSIl nelock as m. The Lite Stock tf<îsr< illiIbtuepreacut, s'îd (bu% ' wîtlb many other. ofticials ia expected. Cons ont n,,v sud apaak yî«îr ,uinî'. or forpver afler bold youîr pence S.HILL, J. B. T. WFLRII. B. G. Rîr-Mnuorsu Committee. New Yser@Party.. A jolly New earsa Party viiili e gîven iD Bl J. tMeyer& Hall, Prairie View fil.. New Yeuara ight, lMoiday, Jaeu. 1900. GOIuanul muie by Prof. ithab' Chicago orchestre. Tickets 50 ceits 0755cr aipper extra.Iliernisîî Mrvrr, Manager. Evoiution Descendlns Ili the beginunng <iod createi the hu.avenis and the eartb. then the editor. the libers] adverlisler and thse prompt- payiîg sîîtesciher. 1l sas gond. Neit day a blizzard net lu and He <reated the man vbo didn't helieve Ini daer- timing snd viîo didul toleke i, inne paper; thon lHe rexteti. 'rhen th-c dcvii got n50the nioniding room. licer. ated the mnan vbo lakes the puper for years and neyer pays for IL Aflter completing ii aorry job, an,! havîng a few lumpm of madileft, lio malle tbe eecuse for s man ebo settied is@sih scrlptlu<n by lntractlug the poiituuaa. ter tu mark the piper'ifel. The Tw.entleth Century. ,-The inaipeople to 11,. lu Ibe lventiotli ceutury vîli ho 1h. Frlendly lesanders, for the date lin,' as fi may ho clled, lies lu the Pacifie Ocean Jmut 10 the sat of Ihir group," wrlfem John ltltcble. Jr., lu the Jallusay S SIGNIFICANT. Wheeiock Suva a Mlle of Laxe i Shore Frontage.1 Tb. Wankegan land usai vhîcb la becng promoted hy B. D. Wbeelock. of Cbicago, as the representatîve of nnknovn parties, gave evidencé of maturing Tunsday. Mr. Whbesioek pure haied from the North Wankegan Harbor sud Dock association for $91,000 a tract of 267 512151 of land baTilng a froutage of a mille on tbe laitsmlore and! a deed go lhe propertl «84 deiivered.l'lbc bussof thesml@ vus S.I1',O au acre. This land la ln addition tu the 4,11(101 acre. of land that Mr. W heloek has aenred eltber by pur- ci, amP or by options terminating on Fei). 1 'fl'he land bonglit Tueaday ia cbîity valuabie on aocount oflies lake frontage. Plifteen yearm ago ibIs plece of property was conaîdered pracllcaiily vallielre. RleintSae men I a .ligliessing s to the parties boblnd Mr. Wbieelock. Enîinor Atili connecta the fumes of H. V' Priek and John D.Rocekefeller as the csritaimta lntereatêd but thîs in deuled. Itla persiteniy nnioTed that Dowie intenda buildng a Cty af Zion on the land, but the fact that the mouin I the enterprise bave applied to the govern. meut for permission to bilid a harbor code 5o tbe belief that the land in wanted for monnfaturlng purposes. An authorty on norlli @bore property sald Tueaday tht bec onlderdthie sale sqigtîîlelant; tbat the parties bc- blnd Mr. Wbeeiock musI bc#aise- factory. othervis te North Wankegan Harbor and Dock assoiaion wonid flot bave been tlilng in part vîih o muchà laite frontage, as it boas more than 1,0<10 acre@ remalnlng. This property vouid be deprenssed ln value by udeirabie nelgbbors. Darymen and Stock Sresdors. l'acer above caption le isned a cirriar cailng a meeting to consider the destruction of cattîs by tuber- Ladins Homeuacrnsal, of. "Where ttue îunpîiibad compiloely cnired lier Il Nexl Century viiilteeily leoginu '"At a backing cougb ttuat for maîuy ysare that fne, aithougl i Il v ibe 0aiready hlldmadeIellfo aturdou. Alilother remies and doctors, conid gîte ter Tnessy 0 lbm< Il l. rsI <I Sisno blep, but ellenasys oS ttiîs Rmua vorid vîilho onjoyug sonne phiasof Cure "Il on removed th. pain lu My1 Mouiay, the fias day of the Iileteth cliest and 1ecauî nov sieup aotindiy( ceulur jUceibe :1, 900 - .tli-sornoîbng 1 csri soarcosy remember1 cetiury(Deembr 31 190).At i -dolng'before. 1 feeilDike onding Ils bourn lie people vîli lie guing tb bed, pralses throuîghout the tlnlverse ', 80 for it viti lie nearly bu 0o010<-k; at viliieverYnne vho trtleaDr. llug's Madiià tt yul be tvo bouiras arîler in New Dscovery for suy trouble of the the eveing; t Catcutta the Eîgisb ti roaitclenetorhinuge. FrIc. 60c aund $i.q TrIi1 oties free. Evory lottie resîdeuta vili bie atflng ut tt.eir Xo<m- guaranleed. F. B.' Lovz., Lllert.y- 'hIayItternooli dimner, furir t viii Le ville, 0. B. Tuomî'soN, rayalata. abdit six o'eiîekl; aud in Londlon, 'Bilg!-- utnivi'. fiî the ti<vcr o«t*tb" H olise îf,1 Rafle andi Dance. C.-inuumî, viii bie stclklîîg tuîe b<uur (if There 1%ilI lie a rafle for s' rifle nuu<u. l i1sNe.' Yort &-d SVisb. foloved by s grand dance aI Aptékislc lunalStie peopie .vîli Leeatu Htall, Aptaki4l, Monday night. Jan. lcakot oi Iouay mîrfîlg, arle I. ttuîacliuy Aptakisle strinug baud. <'lucagtt ahi tue' iîreîy consàciotus of' Ituras clilproaîdeai for. fret, Mt,ie the d<uvu. AI hlie samfe moment 8aui inon. Evcryuîouty ivite<. Francisco viilhe iluthe dospest leep 0fha vbîisîopulari! calo.1 Suîudîy That Throbblioe adacne. niglil, thouîg realiy 1he eariy, dark Woulid quiekiy leave you If viiunrît houri of Mondsy rnorning, and hlli Dr. Kingi sew Lite Pilla. 'i'botwàindi of s iuierer, bave prruved ibeir mat.ib. the Paciie yl ho vrapped in theo tesimnt urse u lrOb e dartuess cflb. sare mrnrug bours, suihea. Trbey mate pure Iltoî,utand vblch become a rlex 5 the veut, strotîg mueves sud tîuîld up your îîntii aI Mdvay orBrooks EsaldIt %Ill ieaif h EasybLn utte. Try Shetu. Oly 25 e. Money harte If not oured. ho but a feV Minutes Pust 1mI'lnlglîlOfofhl tq F. B. Lovuxx. Lberty- suau u iZbt." vile, G. 8. TRouvu.Not, Uayse.w what Wiii the New Vear Brins '-With bope millions tand On thne elosing d4ay of the year vltb faces tovarde the futulre.'* Writen. .Hamnil- ton MOU hi itii r january LadienIromie -Jouraai. 'WbaL viii the liev yeur bring me? 'eacb onue akaiiuseif. No one kuowR. Aud liw vel it Llaq thaI vs do not. Il requirea sober tinonglit lo realize that viîat ve are aud wbat ve do are&lonug the hueinoof a alan crî'atî,. It in Olten very easy for iii to feel that ve mlgbt change Ihinge for the better if the power and opportunlity erre but Ourm. Bnt the montastule cievernean of man in a poor affair vbsn ecnnpared villi tbe simplesl viadom ifn niho And cm@ lhing that eau maire this new year belote une lippier la ta have tinat one feeiing.glial; one tbought. tht <one faltt lawayu vlth lia That 'wiî,tever la, ia rigbt' and for thebs braI re- qusutiy vs cannot couprebend ut thc time viîy thus ahouid be go . vhy that shouia bappenand vhy somp partie i. iar triaishonld corn)e 5<us vbir moine great joy cornes n5tue gaame Orne ta another: vhy ve ahonid bave o. lîttie aud otheranûmucb.îlot nîtbîng ever cornes intou unr ivea ricept wvtuinlafor our good. And saine duy u'-ahali cieariy nnderstand ail' Wants 05.000. W. P. Dîcekinmonu, Suer nofUthe(Oak. vood Stonck Parm at PairIe Vrv, Iii.. la tunable t0a scuirs a ettiemeuît vith the company holding lnsuranoe on the large barn recentiy burued on bia farm. Aidr. Dckinson cotendi that be ahouid recete $.5,000 wblie the Iuirauce company are wiiiing ta eay t $4,500. Ilowever, ne the eurnîy cannot rebailid the Btrtictiire for that amount vith present priceraof materlirîiing, they viii evcetîaily bo comîîeiied t0a lov Mr. Dlckinmon'e clatu. Frair npurance Annuai Meesting, Famul.' Reunion. (brîsîmas dsy occurred the anniuit retinlonn f the Ronac family nt the hume of Mir. John ltouae. lBr., ln ltockèeier. Slxty relatives, liud- lîîg cidreîî, grand -chldîreu and ollier more dctenît relative@ vere present. 'JTue day vas epent lu featiug, merry making sud gamea appropiale Suo such au occeaion Durîug tue for@ part of the evenluf le b.eidren aenlertalned their eiders vîth bouga aud relitîtlouî. Oid Sauta Clanas qaiso eu baud ici enjoy the Christmas trs<eu ih the iittie oîîes and distrihute the preasutsa. IL sas a deliglitf ni reunnon iborogbiy enjoycd by 01(i and young, and Christmas, 189<9 vilaivapi triug tu the minda of thons prenaint piesant meiînries of good cheer. To Subsaribesa. If yoîîr sîibcriptolon inl arreara, vhat mors approprîate tîme thîn nov go ste top' We need the money aud liaving hundreda if dollars due nei fromn deliuient subacribers, and hope 50 receive a large portion «f onr ont- standing aocounta the dliasof the poar. le youra &mon& tliem? If se klndly attend tu tbhetutter. ASure Cure for Croup. The tiret Indication of croup in hosrsenesa, and Iu a chlld ubjoolto Ihal dîesueIL rnay lbe aken as a urs aigu 0f tb. uppboanli of sn altadi. FoUovlng tibis hoarsnssa is a pecubur rough cough. If Chamberlan'@ Congli Rsmedy te gîven sa aon s thé olîd heomes burase, or aven after th. croup! coug h appeurs, I ll prevent the atlack. ilfi usd IDnmuny thon. maade of bomnes iD Ibis broad land aud nover dîappoînts lb, anxioum motherm. We have yel b Ilearn of a mingle lu- &tance lu wsihîcitlias'. Dol proved effecluiui. Nuo oller preparation cau shiow anclia years' constant use vithout a fallure. For sale hy F. B. LoVULL, Llbertyvile, J. R. BEAcouES. Ournce, F. L. VESTES- MANt. RO(lkfeiisr; <luRAYLAKu PnAa- MACT. JOHNMIt &uu.. Ivanlioe. As onue fer rtieumnatlam Chambeor- lain a Pain BaIns la gsiuing a vide reputation . D.B. Johnatnn, ofnihd moud, ud.. bai been troubil vîbli that sliment stue@ 1862. In ipeskiDg oS ilbe sapa.'"E Doterfornid auythlns thet vouid relieve me unhit I used Chamherlaî' Pain lm. El acta lits Diagie vîi hme. )(Y foot vas mwoolenl and paining me vr mucli, but Que gond application of Pain Bai reloved me. Vonr We by F. B. Lovusi., Lberty- ville, J. R. BuAcxu, Gurnes, OaTa. LAIE PEAu»cT, V. L..WumTaaMAx, Rokefeller. Joux MzIKLzn, Itanhos. After Christmas! What? Why the Remnants, of course. Some cali them Honor Goada becaube they are the short Iength, the ro -int or remainder of the bheu things wc ha&. The main ~ir.the Part that is sold was your choice and pick of the stock at its opening. Remnnants at just price enough to cail it a sale. xxx You may cali this a pre-anventory sale if you wish. anywey ifs a gicat chance for you to pick up good things cheap. MOU$£ EBTAULISM EO NOV. 25. 1843 FINISHED SUNDAY. Trains Operate Sstwoon 1Llbetyvillîs and Nlpoerelnk Point. Lunday nlgbî the gang of men Smt. pioysd laying truck on tbe St. Paul'% Dcv extension 50 Nipperoink complet- cl their tank, and tbongb ln regular traina are rnnning over the îîev hue yet a conaderahls amunt 0f fretgbt bas been delivered to the Knicker. bockcr les Company at Long Lake, and a train la oparatiîîg belveen Liberlyvîlie and Nipparulnk carrying supplie*. etc., go agang of men engaged lu trnelug or "seurfacing" the track. Another force of men are at vork putling nut toieffapb poies and string- log vire, aSl;eions tuast ownlng to aev@ee eatber the tirat of the veek. Tiîey viii probabi! gel titis week. Noîhing more viii ho done ou tbe road tiIs ioler. la the pring it viii be bI)alaa&ed and graveled. Conaequeuliy I in probable no reguiar traîns vili be run ounili prlng. MUt s hîppers along tbe lIns hsd boped a rilk train vonid be put ounlrnmediately, but present Indications do Dot warrant the helief thut m.lch action la 50 be laken Sq lb. Company. The depot ut Liberlyvitie In coin. pieted except for nmre utIle interlor finish. Depots are go be erected eariy lu lbe sprlng autllaluestîlie, Long Lake, tinck Lake and iipperslnk.1 Grsysiake people are endeavorIng lo 'secure a depot,' and have oitered s site If the company viii erect a buIld- Ing. As yet lbey have recelved no favorable aunver W0 their propoeîtion. Wedding Annivereary. On Saturday eveulng, Dec. 23d ai their homne lu Dlamond Lake, ef. and Mrs. Ueo. Il. Ray osiebralsd Ithe lventleth auniversary of Ibeir mar- niage. Abont aeventy-flve relatives and frîcuda respouded 50 invitattone aud congregilod asilîceir commodlon a hoîne. Aguin Ithe soiemu cereuuoiy reitil lng them lu mariage, as tl vers, vwu performed. sud to add to tbe reallty of the occasslonu oid lime Charivari von pcrpetraged.(Gamtes and aocial inter. course versenjoyed untîl ten ocloot when &aitualdowv o 5à aedding feast. t was mîdnîglit crs the guesls departed, shoverlng upn lioat and hostess expressois of guod cbeer and happy deires that rnsîîy yesrs of wedi<ed life may yet lie Ibeir. 50 snjoy. àIr. and ira. IRay recelved many i.eautilni proseflta. arong vblcliwuva itudeome china dînuer @et frontlirs. Ray's parents, brthersasud slsters and a cousin, 'drë. Ueo. Mtchelil. Arnong gîlcasa fronta distance vere tir. and tIrs. (G. H. LUII aud Mr. aud iru. B. E. Terp)eîîlng, of Chilcago and tir, and lIra 'J. T.iMati, o! Wategan. TEi.EPHONE NO. los STOVFS The best assortment ever shown ln Libertyville, including Garland. Acorns, Universals and Gold Coins. We bought one hundred stoves eýarly Iast spring before any a2vance in price and are prepared to make prices that defy competition. We deliver and set Up stoves free of chasqg .. No f reight or risk of break- age as is the case if they ar e bought in Chicago. Compare our prices with Chicago prices before buyin... M. =Gý= R LIBERTYVILE. ILL. .STREET BLANKETS., Coinmon Square lanket Large Sixe. 60x90 . .(8 lb) 80zr90 - - S 7ý - 150 - - 200 ...ALL WOOL BLANKETS.. Ail Wool Blankets. 76zô0 84190 Duck Blankets wh Wool Liaing - - - $2225 -~ ~ - 25" - - - 200 ..STABLE BLANLETS.. Durlingon Stayeon. lined duck lined Wool Lap Robes 1- - -2 50& LIBERTYVI LLE. - ILL arm lnoludeui lunthe lancs tLAKE a aLr liA? Lake County Telephone p.XAIRI vixa Coman'@Brthe- aOCREIvsLE oIN05m0 LAKE la mulu Connection is also afforde4 witIî toli lunes of Chicago Telephone Comps»w and ail their exchanges, glvlng acospMfl service. YOU SIIOULD RIAVE A PHOW, Contract DepartMon4 habsm~hosiliDMIssPisU1 LoveII's Dr Stor Whips and Horse Furnishingu of ail kinds. Baum's Stock Food Always on Hand. Chas. Kaiser, . WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. The Annual ire f usurance Meetinga of the Mliburu Mutuail lnancee Comipsny viii hobehldiln Forestersa .Hall, Miburu, finolo,, Sturday Jannary a;, 19w0, ai 11:04. M. go receive the ofliciai reporta 0f the management end stageofo the company, to malke ny change ln by-iaws that may tue beneticial. ifor tue electiîîîî of <mdeerK, and for the transaction of ether uecessurvy business or the Company. A fuil alteludRîcis l earueattly reqiîîeted. 12-2 Jouit A. Tumsit. 8cv To Be Trled ln March, Tue case .1 (jeu hriieger. îioit&d for miîrdi'r, wii l, e tried at the Itî.reii terunif court. Statea Ateurnet Iiay- deeter waa advised Lta y <îîfgr Fiilirr not It' r i ug tue vaseiii1) j'i the i)ecemiîer ternil a8 there wamasa 'l ies.tln or u.t tuliemiiaer erin is a "reguliar-tl im aloi the caei in8t t.e trie.! t a '-rt-giitr terni of flhe airrîlît Samuel J Breakweii Located. Sainuîel ..Breaks li. tuec i-ghs<mod nereb<îut wtuosc maysteriona îiiaippear auce ou D". 'ith va. noted lu a rrcen': ai ilS fthe INIPF.ix).iENT. ban beenl heard frein. He ha s itten a letter to taiasaif. -frotu Oreg<o,sasyiug lie ' as ii<kiug laver anme milie He u<lered un ripianatîonufor bis laudden depar. taire, nor ditt lie nake any inîiiry about hala i bnalueR. He ouly înaked after the weifaère of5 bla fîumIiy. A. E. Wicktuamu, of Higbiii l lart, wbo mysterl«nsly dIippuaed rariier than iiî'eakwei, ha retitrncd to hi.n faiiuîly. Great Premium OSier. 'The Iti)RPENDENT la the îîeiîpie'a coanty papler. Et leada 'cma&il. solb. scriptionularie, $.1501 pertyv'ai.Its worth IL As au extra lîîduveiueut. buwver, we viii for a shiort time give free as a preium a apiendid album of auîlhentle photographe, entitled. "PFigblîng Iu the Phililppne."'The coter l.e eblellisbed vllh a pîcture of Admrai'Xewev. 01d anliscribers pa3lig a year lu advancc are Ilio eutitle<i 10 nue of these iiîume There are 15(a ptutograpa iin each album. A Thousandl Tongusa couid not express lb. rsptîîîe ot Annis E. Sprlngsr. of 1125 Hlovard Si. Piadolphiî a.a *heu he fond thal Dr. ing'a 'eti Diseoyery for con- 1 1 Lib'ertyville.

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