LAKE COUNTY I'NDEPENDENT., .Vol. Vil[. No. 14, ibryvle Lk Cuty linois, Friday. January 12.1900. 7f. . 7 kOur Winter Begins to do business alter January ,st. ~Ou r OV ERCOATS and U L$TERS do mness as soon as youput 'em on an keep doing it. just ge bus!- ness-Iike inprice econ- omy as in service. Our Spring Samples are now ln. SANBORN & CO., Tailors and Uaberdashers. ,9aiser Block. Or. Chartes Gailoway. >flce ovoir Lovai1le'sOrugi ttore "U" a on àTO ta Sti àTO mt.P. bd. SLb.rtyville.-Illinoi D..L.TAYLOR. Ofieover TriguS & Taylor$.t -1 tu lea.n. i tii sad i. te i P. mý Selfli ittrtaday oppaulte Park Libertyville, Mlinois. Or. H.O0. B. YOUNG. '.PhvSctttfl nandl Surgeoni. ~Dr. E. H. Smith. ,j uvcir Liike County Bank t2! t -. t", ut t I.t1 AIL,' -L iber t vvil le, 111 PAiUL MacGUFFIN, hitrt wai( i t til ut LaC. NOTARY PUBLIC Ai trWi uit- %1, AFCntNTY BANK, Liberty ville, Illinois. At. Himeoif tb Deathl. John AIIp. ot Lake Fî,r,it, felu delui inuh l ty near (iarrity s restaurant At HIgIWoOd 8illidaY atterwIn.i Atlp wue a bsrd diîuhîg matn and Sanudy ho alo tdiilged very bearîîîy iD f<od astI theagbvtiitl IIllî ichni. lu th. morntng abIxîtl10:30tbo lk hi- ste An goiterstew ut GarritY's, it 12 30i, bo retmsed and partook tif a Iîearty dinner conialina <f ehicken Isut a relat lins op. Agant i2:45 ie re- tuned bo lb! restaurant aud orîereil intuber dininer Of Toast beet. Whunboutbhall hrongb rAtAi titi third iml, Alipauddeuiy lnmped iii bts test and ta irtd for the front dîîiir! hurrledty. is rab Ato tlte elley antd teoli. sveral mon sAWbim fi]ansdfite shook as lbongh An s fit FHe Wa" picked np sMd earrled tv, tbe rear if th, rsturntt.Dr. weitctt watt îalied but te nau vasdead. Coroner Knighl. was ittmmonaîl and an inqixest "id iBuuday evenlnig, the jury bing eouîpoesd of W. F H ogal), C.h«i. oberg, J55. Golen, SeltatiaLi Hetttg, Z. 'rottons aud JJ. tecteuwaad. A verdict viu rendered that death renllsd trou heuart faîliire nductrît lîY Clronle AlcohOtisî A l*ip badilieeul vorkl<etold Htgblwtoiifor t-,, r tht.. vesSe. going batek and iîrtb uon tse eorie cor tii ahd irointLake Forcitvûevs h.made big boute At NERVY BURGLARS. Rob Postofftce and Thon Escape ln Stolen Rig. Early 'ritiday nor nngburglars ettered W. M. Heath'@ turniture store. il] wblicb le Ioeltedib e Libertyville atîtîftîesd tUited States Express ('îîmnpiy's office, sud knocking toff the "ttiie tif r. Heath'@ sml@ door. pro- il edtii wîîrk tbee iiuitslln rib a -ire fbrougb the »osif lopenlug ibum aitordeil, asdd aîeeedx. About $501 in sUampii and rooney watt securod. 'file tiurglary vaus ot i dloved ntitf lte Mtore wttopened I * moruiug lîY <tunar Heath, A8ts. Pfftiaster. EutrauetiUîibeslore badl beel ggined tilîroîgb a ie vindo,awbtcb thougb faitteued witb riails i t t,1î. ras foreed oîpen witb tbe matd(it auite echisel taken front 1î J. Vi etibe bittksmith 8111P, vbleb hait been eutered by tbotrobbers prevtousty by breakîngithe hssp on the front door. Bealdea approprlattug itie tee, lvi rou rode snd a sledge verle takieti.ail of wlîlcb rire foitu ie ur tht. male lîroken mbt. A hit inch bîtie ras bored tirotîgli the outer plate on the sate riear lb. comt.iiuation but the instille steel sbeetlug ras tonolbard to permît 0f tteng hored, sud then It men probaly kuocked offthie sae DOWIE AT BENTON. SsocI*l Trains Carries the Faithful Ntnety folloreru of John Aloxander Doris eaotnpieid ibsir leader te Boltu1tnTownshtp la s speclal train composed of two day coachea and a -dining car Batutday morilug, to tu- apect the as t r os er ~. le bc. Thé train loft the C. A N,. W. dopot ai 8:40, rosoblng lIsesi 9:30. Nt à stop viamaod. on the trip. vhlch vibs-W" accomplieffl ln th. record- ~ u -breaklng lime of litt! mints. t lBeach th party. rhich lneltided nd navrsi rqeoesuttvea of! h eburth rou torilgo lands, altgbtMt. lissidenls of the vlslniy vir res.- eus 'te a consdetable Dtilber, but thsre vas no, daauonstration.~ The visitons csrrigea lu Wsting sud the drive vis Ite<u vithoult de- lay. A nber vile lotIbhinditia the depot, Ith eetaling capsit! o1 the cariages sd 'busem being lusd- eqitate te sccolmodas@ aIL. Fort tbf villa balongtug 10 tb. farmera vho live nier by, vers sont. Prom the depos the procession drove1set eAt Boisson chnreb. At; BuDs Ocrck, just sonti oftheb cbureh, e briefut ilvus idi ubti. lDn. Dowis expWanol thas 'Zlon ho. gast thIe fonce on téloft.- >0 As tse huo tc he havies' hoid$ veto turned northv5rd sud tbe oeIl lle. 111. haiteras 1,Ibo uKilatakes raid. Ttralng, thé proossilCU psaed et the «M tfovks cof th. rond s mil. M ortb sud birs Devis iiiOUR00d tI Iba--&il the land ln sigit et sé emt la ours, selas a @trip Motby rodel la vidtb, exteadig sûrie Mile ts iuthursiem s treqDiOllJ srIt UlbO@htr'vCourt of Ho.-r. b lb. (agu Cititif IfPoluce sud go up "-Were me etai 0Z«S" snd MAI Ai Wmuhigma Tnlesuay moruîîîg I qlrronn dtig ti ut.desenbtng th. Ie oeupanst 10o crniaie Joted 10 05105k Souveurd tht. ctîituy irte anîd rtg. Illie sanie aflernoon be la U t fa l og lb, A t a o miaw t 15. Ci,trt of Honîîr. trireceiveti a tintbis bora. hnd beo swolii1 wi StLv*h d'-- erpesit am liteborn.îteateti nt Mayfaîr, sud Weduesday he AfI debomvee resni ittth tiivt (wand drove the vearied Afé Ubâwlag t1h.@Muttk Off vMim uOwwtrotibîîut theut. a the Md~ae r éto bout sàilepusgrtlwml Sb@ thorgaiatitanIf aaitlfai bomle.Tht. broken remnainti of piasoti ~ 115f mUtantetcîou of couuî i eitr hip iudicuéedithenrobbers At t». l! delgatta iîafiitihrey puuished is aborne. utS eUt uati lim5 -t DO MM 0 m'àStatnto iofdr Hi, ah Jritormed iiy the Chilcago i Ulâ-o t 0his diiighltM tiovers lob.oiteld e tld P.b. 4ib policemnen thatER. Fritleb, of Wbeoel SA tO 1" IM wà thy D. G.M. A Wuêue" att iig, bad t rougbit bin borne tu Msylalr *tia tit, apoin tbe$4»ter 01 E.F. Wiaoi excbsîuged it foîr lais arn, wbieh mile wintfour Mitis. MM "d 5bocit eoa biriu iithte roibers hllit toleu leaviug tir. lIMIdinsue ouba a un eludided luaeetary. Iraîg umlte1tes ZItia.~~~~ oueo ,u lttd _ ans kf-ritî tramigero wresnotieti about Turaiug Asttbi Uw rwtght.5i ugu d u Xr? t!f.10 t~ Lfht. Tirey V~mt wa»agiubuted te oit bfu fletook IPlace, retltirig amfilli)ws: K t o it ai nticiago sud w Iliglte.9 inlu le et i i lit e tL),-~ i. C. H.Al %%t t.Vi lt-fl11-l .Viat u t h 1e tuiuris I 1ait bai] tickets for fi er î tu.ii- ]le l tf tIii), aie MotF.Htiiw 1-(i.ha-, 1- l Lt c,. .li itîrte ville atndi tht. otherti lfor At tf li etit rîgit-liaid rndttti tht. C.RIl Oirittt. litthrai 1_tl t rt , t ltt li i itt ail gi t ot ait tIie latter Dr [uiladaer tiig tbee h l ,e .-r r;rt-t r..t k i.îî ',eet. uîtleîl walking lIîî4rtbti f a mlile t l ie tr,-lgt. A. China. 1ti. lîiîî..Aîri tt l tti the. rt.itiltt-, ttetetaliti('11ii e rere tuipp. d aUdeverytie lietigbtei. wiiu t>tt-tttli . t- ,*u tI-jlt ttuu ti t ir e P11entV.inig, prohbly Illii. eseat tht. larmn fu an, wbere Mrlt M. Hdlu>i -a. . t..iîtîiît'i it I lîg>' deeraille plares iii Steil Is a lluarter of ttirefilds G. H.t-lrt tt ttit'. Wtîîktw.g i. Ihuertmu t-ariakýç wliiott as in tbe m) the. camI il tue riait lx Ibe pri.pîîsed CMCîtiu .u,, i restarif titi Daru rooni vas nmetiug, mie i r. 'l t tIem-tpIe ot i cu J. I.Cribtli. 1 la î laii bie fiti et vr. lt 1 lie î tf tht. general overileer E B.i(htritiî .tî-Lîî. tî,î't Hati t tre iteilu tut otr arttirs mguliceit arkui - o i.ti H Vile,rii.r tît it ait iît.y itiiD ot havie trotlitleIl 10 M Iltîtiniicen Prkit, 'w M.Ani.. ing tiete meni b uiling. frotut hu- i a. i. IL Shuiîî, . Ltrutti. britit tilt, I i hitiilg lient Z3, Lily OW1tks ecmuo«d M4 peer th lvule..a apres»Sa01 2 u t ' 74ii i li taîi lmei tritil rt. ttt<'l l 1 ititrJuil ai prt-lt Til, leiî.ILiethtt appeani. tii1oýeilvery lttie t- ftit titLilitc fîtiluw'ii, riegertilmitmben citfui iie. lice nionilîs, tlit be ittaes the tehttif is s urrîttîn di itgt.(ili Ptt Utrlusii. te same. itttitit tiI s"it. vi ti"uttbis captire It. it.ltliblias (Weei. 1, or.feit lonîg ago h l ietâte uiare it)idiver-ge tiroat avenues tovîtrîI, i. Il. of G rat?(ravetauie. tir'-.1tti-a-s.etu iititiinu a Ju olitarve en SI~~i Ilsait tleVen iunr baitin il, s "nitttr lbuelfour Pitiitn thu Êe (ittuiPatta.ndattlirocet iltgait t- the itt, ilt ut .ei tuttei t tî,y lIttititalent altbotîgb BENJAMIN H. MILLER, tt.y ala > very day. Hf- pritleatti.fourtitagoital avenues iyliltfflbtiteet tioi, andtI. hi. Ituiin ,?f'Lîllîîotittht- îerptttratohli. uerct.imeily ATTORNtlEY AT LAW, agatittit leavug the t. je owever sudtitheut Arîutîdt Iat psariaiii iiilie dt.Alterîatlu tunîttiar a itthe it-lity tii ueis- LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. si'sliewrttild uitgîtot if the diiiri, velopedltt. co-opersîlve ùonmiitt,,ttiiv-tony Otit thriplanst. Ni, trace vert. uopen.Thrie jaif lird.s art. riuit- ier th tilb. alituettriug venter i") tît. A SiticetIsUI Yer tun e tiJitalfthiîfie Iturgiart, andi il ~~ ~5 ~ log abeit îtose ittra-tui'tare tîulinig tiuitht.itwiudh ot tht. isie shore.. iatiirdz am Ctih e uiy met 1 itoeut eieuitpinion 11ey wslI itIbe 911-1tt t.1 lu aAîtO it art-y ,ittthe Plians. fur Atnaritqre ii arepornter Duie tsalli ie a uiut ug tt]:lî-tutu tf tuitter tt1 1urt euîe. 'rlt£PDUENC. 2 .. mut.(I'11taeýitfor Te utre tîaleu thugtu te people are greutly OM file polit-y btAt1e ttht, tiliirtî1 etîiei-teii eery shurtiv io'autltlelah negar-ds atit. andlMy ollotintg, lusursue on ý *. 1-i.lita uai ti Maeon, Trir Nifiutisis. L fi ('AFFRS G I.titi ll lcertaiuly le a bonefil lii gatbertug bait, t- t ottilt,ée of i tri1 -,tboit1-141OFFoI 'unR'Soni g iikero.i. U rtielanareJ MPi Hautloît au-1.Mta.i Jra11Ht-801 uitMr Ewi -~ î.~ kRYMnm, edînager, of 42'2 iliKtnlt. A.- . iîk tîuy Irsdttsaeli latte Iu-tt'tiiilie-ie-uu 1 iripp wrenunit", l jmuanu-lage at 4i- ait. ,,t u ai ti. vs atkaied lty îi- atiitug proeti it Iittitugeittizeltesuil litgreat gîttel lit vîtit ipeet-It nialitîg ..h(itutli, iitiet i o fte rd ' arns r -he [tic ti.îlW"e tt. îîg greal gîti variotue seu.tîîîtîtt'tthe ititute get 1 ituti u t i A.înlt areuti, aMn rl. - ng trîttmteeciei iîbonst- ialllttg ap-îtenrl. 1Ht-e Judsottm A. Matou, neafaanliie, lnt] 41 il rita xt-iii -, ber l Nuiatî.se baitlily duîîîîîber uittut.aiinti. u uiit\ î oîr miut bigtlaltelitaIn u. uesteati iftut (ic m tI. ii ,.ituattiitittt.t 1nngaxmeteit.asd riti a lump i l aalu " Jeu-sat-t.viatngug tî 150,y00people relaie tif tbeîn rulîtutfamtoillîe lt,1 i lt coittraclttng 0f the (1.,t nay b~~hiatiedttueiith.yard Lber ituîtauti'lily. mmiitenîltg aloit aiug thonu-are happy iai tlihenjute iti-iiut i t itoua tile nth cm 101,llolo.atlerward. A. i i sh'itir nwn.tuai fod tatt-e es. mîuiiy, snd thein ntsrttuge, beesus, o! W.H.MILE . u h cîg shous ontMars Re- - dM e 10 ot oxpeci lit oeil tbe lots as "iben the thatlier liat avait titeit. tiît ag claltuesdtncr TONit. RIAL ARTIST, iiger saw s porsn qcouching lu the bas been reported. O( lanu n u furnitbuti by lîot-8tut tht. Milibuii leragecqinnadIu, l . Whn yn wat aclen ghve r àcornr sIll itbut urthr cre nsee thetu. W.bave btreeti 6,00Cbuncb, ins ouIthe louât attractin topuupuu rity watt u eeudt 0f nusual K). a rcucatn aBcl."sv toraeirbrav att Whd heWY 8aud 6.400 iacres sud nIll ned more. policy boiiers lilu the iltîîirni l am ogr .ao Mosupervinlon 0fB t tItuV ttAtliOF CIiJARS. (jenman, ifîy-oue yeurs ot age. rusied AnVoite riuo oüeys tbe covenusuts psuy. Tbey at-e.fri-tted i lue litigesfa N-jatatIor tiM'.iCt t tirds fai01 Starslu, grabbedth ie prorle by the. coat tfZtWhCtyoylceIeei.Tt LthanOibfi- tiajulvgitwigonwîeîsbpec 0 isliuence ou teugu, i h u- rihe i r 'ta ,ullicltieg'Thmotihog emple site viiicompriste ") 1acres, that congregateKt u anthie tabilea at 40 t.îtiaut. u., ttfli. the r al ardîf. Sedt hfimp out ud ltheubulding belng iuronued by ssCh yeurly ieettcg 0f nembertu lt ftht.peuple by au iprigit sud honoratble *yu ~~~~thedo.St ltth up onadvanlous iustitutions go0 hoe onudied uasunattte compai, sud Satiirday 't-tirurof Yeas luuhetr mildet. _____________________altboîtgh tht. man tied btîrd 10gtpoe u zeîoitttr tht. solemuveenemony mailng swsy, tht.roman cîttiglo lui eiaac- itan sd vile Ivo non. fiends anti iottaly, sud uotittsladiug tiet-y tor A photograplh of the. psxty îvss The othteens for the tmiiiig ear uuîei r iiotmrn olrt IÀ w Count% RKpt.etetipunibt.lle takt.n aIthet.tle ofthtei.proposedi vere ueletias tutiCt petinaio! agn tuimerons. Thloe cum un y Co. mefît', ntt roeiiietg)Pudfai te asemple anti thetritp nasumedti, stop Stepliene. In'esident pro fcnrtuain.Term as lan eigige whn is i. . -to lpntatrta tnmnts.-on ý hiSý teu Ptrtook ot an eisborae WRIGH-TDYMON tcui eiergei toîietiîn.flaueubat loto ulgmr hntDmIue. tOiiA îatii nctyuiZn tunrat ptta teno il at ied andilezea th felowby neltetiactiug theli satepn 10o tht.eost sud W. l. tewart, I roasuiterwdiginerad&otn fram Libo 0t C ut-iîceî atd situtd tt. llIo by iailutsocial intercourne. arglun ala, âinrantord afe bow Vures osdt.heparty again turued A. ID Welcbl, Nortih Dlv. bitp s t-tte antI lored mnt.d sHer oe atad A- oneret fthet Mrti eNpplecta II St ht. l'iewedditag proisitts more eoatiy RaRdrsat thie rsection Mot-tDailLe OuDi. ta t altbeautifiîl. lttaides s eousidirable >enîcî ItesPiai l anf . taItbey ai-". hlan tt gu irfet' snd leho Sitd igtmtaidltht. rcetasesb taewd lianiel lundSîîti-DlfurSfil.erwr onn nmnywr ayne vuttîlulgladly paY for tht. tro chaokens stwr.mkigbitpue t 5vpîli. iatO-t et .monientos of e8teurrao. ucbaus bonldt - vitîi, it litem.tle lie aialoed1intenvals, reaeiug iBeauch sation 165, h, ile there %ve t 265 rintwals wili.t I th moo@ ie iai Wel a bout tro uclock aud parlaAng of th. umaiing uring thr pean C41;0lînacti glauten tIie bearla of te happy couple escaspe. Mr. antd Mi. Ringnvert.r 0nemeaig ieotmlogy l.fyan eilgt h iaoouday meal in the dluing car. lThe slly uer plIcit.5, t gaitn 0f 41; ,vercOmne t.tîcîng ift.soatispeui the tulait. ITu tniirgitnt.tttnitg andtia«t..- pocial train loft lot- Chicago eaniy AuInte previotîs year. [he necipte fromn FURS WANTED. îîîîîaîeiuttetirsi Cîtigli ei In oie esgutlfie Igte ene 117.4 caig clne fi)yplyd FtW.d.etei'l ofd as iug ta tirSe the cuiprît ta jail, lits tht. sfternooîî. pnemlumns wvet.$m290.t3 sud tht.e petycnuoyF. eneotHi captura titruedtinlmovr. The men aro iriftebiesdgomavne atheir Huaighest Market Price atanteilup tov utollbhebleiken-tiet y piro r oycig ezo, aud $216 1.i RA91D FOR ALL IKINDS OF matigedt tget avsy sud bas nov eifw mt ya uxîýt «ry beard. rTe total tiuilutr tof pa)tîte i s 1718 placeblîeyd v.Alert aneibyMs HI" nsunor la klndiy. bis volet. soti sudthIbe anioirtOf atut......e$""1'6""'Thble antiMn Iro ,Masn. w R Aur a'Eî g- fuIonparts tii kuoro Tht. u Anquesd - Thotofi.trn-t -ite i is ie ptStmiîthCio; svs yvr.: Rivv ru tç~~ tou Ciaa fite latieu Melouiy, a Weiliund subtîs, sud rrapped in the foid Aeainto ntnn~ îrte u ttu ni.SutCiao iaMr tnom 'bhracler rWto bas speut more' o! a pe.cJoua fur overcoat, hbe- 1899 rat. $4i4li otelin2.E.11onadfaiy BYo lg laeIi %n gna nd Ra ie entea istrlkiug liieneese t0the 'Fler"., iiteîuereable dnuloi..liotaDwe Elgiti; EAr satienu itîyl, - ~ ~ ~ ~~elîtt îeliio vtuegnattiNaulti boys'tueal gants Clans. Ht.las'a as clitiai of ILituuututLatncasuter-for aboratne; r a ndMt.îD. Mi atti ico, .C has. Sternp e, 11 shorrtt ilu stature and ratier liaiy. Ht. vatahît. uog bultuned Inlu ilt ts at-ntalie:MsutU.Dr <n Jack ta o fillysixy yerlaof ae. eeenly nd wiel tueComany a( leuvier; lais.W. Hitehius, (llenvAv; Long Grove, Illinois. Ioslb îlysxyysso bc eiuaa a Is. 1'nIppandanti ightez Flot&a, DIm. oF, ir-MARIS Commence Rigtit.~i the vitdtonsitattuxday weri asgample -lied -10payftr-rt M'asil tnaIlyetGa;C.M uh ndwlad WItLî the Ivnt of 1900 t. mailud 51atut the toîlevuns of Zion, Lake couuty de.idt.d tîtlMn. Lanlcaset-ti poliy j.8 M. Ftot. aud ife, Waukegsn. gaeraent of sccotli ta m nyof 0,11. l nuit thoetujured by Its advent. adlaitînt caver tht. dog. tMr. snd Urut iFrtpp rIl vAit [uxe -t.1viiettrlv ulcîtul itît dlypepsis dsîîîîqnnisuh.crihero. sud wrut facont i'01eil .itititeanid usAIdressed. they î, Cîuny rebati ves forse ouple o! ves, doet tirs iteudtilierai eprI'itailbrewig u u aiksuu tIpitear lu bo ladies sund gentlemen in J. B. Clark, o!fena,1j sythonugoing to Hrrnligton, Kaanas, orst. I iised Nodail Dyle. srgos a ttoop V. .ot nue iesa boui, haï; bee proparoti lq Cul wre. Tust enned mi., It etlIme petq#b tt$ ilas tdioats tsit jeveny ceue othle wrd. qr piles, ut creliet~2hDolegyo.Ch ucipealcriv vàï ,bat yon eut. Clares ifldigeal- adtyl d f eeceu ueueiWtstagCbs H eýët v I t ta position miii a rsulrniad Company! aI itoalbtru i~diiitIts rek y9iiril uiI*t fihyl ite A lt o th uhetitHar! Ueiuoudintehibe fr plussudskIadussee. tt pace lié A lotma<tb the.lAîvguLBevare of cooîttsrei. F.y . B, Kaythunie Rbitale ol happlueme. ?C iriia;liniL1t1tEn. <ýujýw e ow yo îi WW*t aàatsq" " up vla $1lichrru toutu 'Lake o auy. IR. B? LOvY.L. Libryville, J. B .-EnscEua.apouio<ldn"ev*e bp Y~#5fMOe5lmae« Ot!duorIOU 041W.uor! 41. t Grn.,.L.WuraK ooeuwil#, laOur sPemnvAisAi, Wrk $1.50 a Year in Advance. Blankets-.. .STREET BLANKETS.,. Cotmaon Squatre Blankçt - . Large Size, 80x90 (8 lb) 80x90 ... ALL WOOL BLANKETS... Ail Wool Blankets. 76z8â - - I I.84x90 Dock Blankets with Wooi Lining - - ... STABLE BLANLETS.... dock linod Wool Lap Robes 1 0 i 52 - I 2 e t e e - - - - - 2 - - e t e Whips and Horse Furnishinga of ail kinds. Baum's Stock Food Always on Hand,, Chas. Kaiser, LI BE RTYVIL LE, - - - ILLI Drowned Un PlstakeeSBav. Attmntion Diry». The twin sont. of Mr. anidtIdrs. Hveyo bed rat gpW M Matblas B. Adamo, u o Johitaburg, M o- pOdcfoo d. No ot « Henry Cou ty, ased fifteen yeara, veto can boy viii produceý a Me itrowued tli Plstakee Bay liai sesk milS fer MOIsy oP*affl. wednesday. l Inipany ulili their with corn-cob M«,m e, youuger brother, Henry, they îiarted Perfbet iDlk rtion- 1* oui for s skate on the. bey. by mauy o1 lb. mm Ou thb eosai sde of EHaitMoou l Iand vINOInJOnU5yMal r tb e tee gave svsy ad the vin bro hers a u 10 1tasAn " 1Theodore and Nichoi.8 plungsd la. Byron Coliby,n; 0. The yotiuger brother's skate atrap boust aaabý broke and lhe stoppod 1&0 topai theb damiage, &tilas ivoiding as liltar tais. R'oe, .M Ijearîng à callofu help, ury looltod Mr. Na.Uft Fup intn ue te ses bis broihors Pettj adisippeer ln lb. vat«r. Met Pitsen tof Jobufebug, rimed -taithe Cel rq-W for belp. but bis uEff oW tuti. leMmd IW &ho bodies voi ts ual t.o.ed.unt) U WMiW aaller beagIDE lb Ie valu ioaly tW of Ut l homik Î 1 M Mot ,à IPU! ,g m ~t^d the inquet mverameni taid h b re tiit tibndie.. Aller openlig tbe outer door WeOU ibuffly befove l- Écti -'Id net. ty. started t bore tlbrough the nide had Soid thon ho vas gîiu tii t-e a doonrlitîout tryiug to open sanie, ho»s umon d gi s put <tir MundMy. whicb they sonu iâcovered va ol Aistp vos a middle aged mant and tuiekeu, as tbey borod buisa 11111e vay. rai generalyi anvu tfoD5lu thewirk- 1I )cn> guîtg t bifibarn Ttusnday mn a tulb.vicintty oid HgbIwîî. u tii uuîruig Était Kaiser, who lives tree [.5. Vorelt. The Ibreé iibtrtrt ileaIlti itiikefront tht. postoflice found bis vo»t omuch for bim tai i ich h- r t b r8e, 1arniettit suittwo neaied carnage Intervatt.iîîitting.le irnrucdiatýe1y telepboned - - - Lbertyvil W'7G n EA N. ew 04te metsu .0s aupervison s Bayer, cook,.ai l for quimuq, M., te alien %ii sw* emvmumo f eow eommlwdmeto &"ts upev couyeme ed 1a! anudti n th Ivo dapu toioviitg. lm covulîtrs hem tu bondel The emptoyeau ot thebmovs Mud WIra Company ue ls trime 01 if dti tisltil bairl iveitolformabtm seapoyorsblied 6gAnsa thesi s compesuy Mt isade si pur e. aianal o! htIl îeu'.-rge L.ait aI tttS it' tîmt L rti lbv uinit ii" *55~~* DIAZLV n garden er-potaîtîl roaderlul bit/k. If '~ i.,- 1 Special for_ __ Janwir TO1) UEt BEGItN filE ANNI AL SALE F. HOUSEHOLD LINENS. Damask Linens. bleached and unbleached. in nev pateras. with ta match. Patern Table Cloths. Tri7 Clothoansd everYiZ=4 Linon for table use. C077ON SHEETINGS-by the yard-aUl the leading ýsod reff" brands-beacbod and tunbleschod--3 6 ta 90 anches wide. SHEE]TS AND PILLOW CASES-ready Wo use-ail wasbed, fro4%M snd hommed. Sheets 81X90 inches. Slip. 36X45 mId 36XSO anches. OUILTS AN4D COMFORTERS-an erceptional exhibit and specW isipe for the month, MEN'S UNLAUNDERED WHITE SHIRTS-built for Style, Condut a Servie--enema iuaanszosd stron¶gly reinfrced- - c i nmsln tlh good linen ......... coeitSUL2WPRli MOUSE ESTABLISHED NOV. 25. 1043 WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TLPON .i STOVF3S- The best assortment ever shown,,Ié. Libertyville, including GarIandtý, Acorns. Universals and Gold CoIi#.u*î We bought one hundred stoves early Iast spring before any advance in price and are prepared to make prices that defy competition. W.e- S1 bd . Up stîly. of charge. No freight or risk of bý age as is the case if they are boôu in Chicago. Compare our prices with Ch1c* ..prices before buying. LISERTYVILE. ILL. ý -a