Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 Jan 1900, p. 2

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______________________________________________________________________ I DM for eilus Lenfsa uCb!ppewa J'JS, tea eervatlon.a Gea. C. 0. Andrews anbas reliared ILa LUNU.bill ta brngabout :agesement witb i tain rervations fer dis proposed North-a eru Minunesota National Park,. Kt théC brade tIers of the Missisippi river. The *-WO ERISI IN IRE.trrrilory proposed lu ob. taken conmprises ____________ 6115942 acres of land and 218.470 acres of water-thr Cana laite. ChIîPpea M,0U8E 0F EDITOR PULILZER Leech lake and Lake Winnebagoahisb DESTOYEDBYFRE. resrrvation. Undor the at uf Cougrega - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o JETOE YPR. n an, 14. 1819d. the lodians cedetî the 4~o- reservaton lu th. United SlaIrs, usitb 5Ianau mLosa 18 S300,ooo-BostteofuthIe uudersaoding that the reservation E111euwekeever sud Gn-uuA" wold b. aurveyed, taI the t"pns lands" GaveneasAretliereuit shoul alib.esttmused and offvrei Pou" iLu tsMtheiiia-Xlîtary Hale fur sale to the Iigitesî bldder in trty- -ta e e abiahrd lu AaI. acre, tracts and that ail othor lands, ex- cepI aîîcb as mighl be llattird taejil- I§ hb andsome dvi rling Of josopI vidual Indiaus, sholi bc regarded ost Vltrer, the propreîur of the Newe York sgricullîîrsl lands and sli tu actuel st- World. la East St strcrt, Newe Yurk, tiers, the pruceeds of ail sales t0 b. poue me destruyed by Irr and aI leassîone iutothe troasnry outIhe United Ststes lIt nsa alINen the dmes lbai teen 10 the crodit or the Indiaits. If Ibthes_ eztinguiohc'd asoiasesareb nas made of r-ations Balbsîhoperpetnally teli as ha thse ruiuted interior te bodies uf ton-tonallus park, il la expecbed Ihatl ie WumO n-re onîî us1> îîrud Outfrests (berran sell ho managed on for- ig.believed lu brîbuat of Miss Elizabeth estry priciple-lbut tbe matulre timber -Mlontgomerthe igui rues. ouidtheo th' cilI b. cut sud sold froua lime ta tinte. et ss, deoibo a- ibl 0 th bose- thereby sffording revenue, &cash t tI he ieMr s Jelîîdast lu Ofnte tandn-asfresîs -tvil rentoinunimpairoîl. thîs pro- iutcd a ..nall bag. itoo sehieb, t in U--tintte cater suppîr ufthIe Misis- lelrfe. ae l-le toilrut some of ber sîppi river. peionl ffcl bfoe eain br ooa.PAFSENGERS IN DEADLY ]PERaL. Tise buse cutsin i a s utable tistorical- listas- and ma 11c3retii eocei n-orkm Express Train Coltdes n-ith o Frelht et att. Nodig of vaitle n-aus sed The a Then uM sAwsa. .i4 totadleloi la estîmatri ot $300,004 Travelers un a Chicago Great Western passeufer traiu badl a tbrUlîitg ride sud ILJl'AMT MULE FOR ALASKA. a narron- escape troin denth aI Calena - unction. 111. To svoid deatb tbe rugi- Colonel Rendat WitCOinnan the ucer sud iremati of the psaetigertrain Newly CreatiepssrtiiiCî. jompool juat as thelr enîglue crashed tOtO The Presideot bas croaici samiitary the rac uf a disableil freight train stsnd- 'dabstnent conisting nI the lerrilor>' ut ing in a log tunnel. So gret ws ebb miaka, and assigaaod Colonel George M. force ut the colision tha( thc passsngor atadat.Eihlh Uitedl Statesa luat ry, engino buunded bacit and before theoenu te ennmand. Cooel Itandal l on dnly gineer or fireman could climb ihoard the iWU hbis regintent inluiîus, bt iill re' enine tbe train n-si going doasiitel Inl Washington en route 10 Alaska. grsde ail the moutb of the tunnel. 'fice Ireaction of Ibe deparlnîent in Iis coodoctor c-os unable to use the air sud *ther la tautvtftot tathe raloblisb- the train bod t-un a mile and cousithin l'Ut 61 a compiîte ailtary gvcnt ahndr f fa tationsrr freigitt la Alaska,. rapeculîr as to thet ucrîheru ranuiensope. Isau afthebmpas- ir ten. There is nu dispositnu 1 r- sougers jumped sehile oea mougt sute- î in ny nar upon he aticiala ut the îy in the front couches. Th'e is-ecl-.til ltorlI governmeut. but the civil ma- cars5 and the cahooae ini the tannel caught Îî~ea.yn-hich la sai too b otalr if- lire and n-ero dealrayed. e ,coutl Dot bo tregheei and IiLedwtbout guasiderahlo legîaation BT BICYCLE EROM DAW80N. lM.soot mueh valuabe inte. R. P. lhlLeiinistRaie. aRcod LAI<»LO]RU SHOOTS RIS TENANT. Brnakl.ig Trip Ove. te Snis - IL.1). MeLeîîîîiun.a pronut'lt ir- - 4Caafsed t HiaBed witb BruitesnLez, chanttof \'anoitver, atrisei îhcrr the but bises a ]Retolvet-.* other day froîn Dawsou,.alertnrualutuf Eeciu@e be nai b.hlod in bis rent Nvîhat lu realîr the fIutetst wiiter trip îîY »axld Laffjty tatally abt Ceurge Wer- bicycle front the Klondike. Ho Ift Dawit --bil.ateAut, aI Toledlo, Ohio. LaI- son direr îîe.ks betore, audu aa but fouir iorty la coaflueul lu bis lbed iith s brokentru roudays cumiof tlirauuibthe- nownndit hI. but be et notice lu Werhacb thatl avec Ibe ice 10 Lakte Bonnet. tFfty elgiuil If bis cent n-as not pouett once lie nould miles ws ebr bevl dayas trtuveiiui le dii bue eveted. Before the louant relsrnci hy alîi. l, mdsist edas olic venît 290 ofbýs goeiwsere in the treet. H-e miles. NMrLentau basumade tuhe vsilter bis laudiord in ttc lallers lbei trip wllh dotg siods huif a dozcu tîutîca. 4d"ber and during the argumet Lat- and ho thinka thut Ibe bicy cie is a Lunchb u'*r.ea&ed anier is pillon fora sre- inîre atisfactory nicalus of îrus r, n-lh #eker and iabt Werbaeh in the ide, the sYste ttiaîons alouug te route. - 5,itldiwas rentuved tu a bospittI. Ho cas nerîr drownuil on bis- diffeenut IîiKerty n-as placoîl under arrosI. ucessiono b> goîug thcoagh the ire, sud. iltîogether. bi an exeedingîr roagh AIMUIJESCONTROL THE LIIGUTS. trip___ - Wkacisrgof is Tna lecrl Coi- WILL NOT ANNOY BRITAIN. paintes lai Kanssas City. France Not Dîsposeai Jo liais.Trouble tThe twa electrie lghlt plants in Kansas ln Ne.-foundland FlsloIng Mlitaý 0fty have pamsaod lto the conîcol of the The opinion bas beon expresedi n Ouit ÀtiMu ou f Chicago an Kansas Cty, cial circrs that the mudus vivendilh- aiidthse mean-ho dre associlted wsitb twe.u Great Britain and France regard- iglla th. owneiahip othIe sreet car lui; Newf-ounlani seould le exteuiri fac > ae1 of Kanasa City. The twoanstts anther year. There seema tu bectua dia- i toprSusi~05t, sa n vetenet of about posiio upun the part ut France talaite adivantage of Grat Britnin'a uncomfarl- 1 e*Os't on F*seiu misitna. able stuatiun lu the Transvaal ta forc-e TIre Aserîcata Board or Fa digu Mis- an unfaîr arîtlement ut a malter Dt re- Sasmade public lu eîgihty-nnti gardesi as vital. France la in the Posi- atilana repart. The summary fur te tion of nilliug tu sou hbecr insi sisf talIon-a: Donations, $291820: eg- righits. but ishe cosiiers il proper far o~~$=0219; donations for achool Great Britain ta mgoite the fIrot praposi il" I6.745; donations for Mileronesian liou. Tbuu Ibe mater stands la abey- S - À,.donations for Young m-lanc. ---_ % d, $3140; donations for deb FIERCE FIGHT tIVER A CHXLD. it. 1, 1JUS. $13.002; donations for- ÏWin-oris for vouaqu, $20602;-Willam Zans>' Killed and Hlm Formuer o801 f funda, $7401; total, fflàf,016. wtt. and Mer Brother InJure4L Mca. Chocit ut Thuîuaaville, Ca., in FIn u Oi1Tawn. compaur nitb ber rotber-iu-lsn-, Thom- 'prairie Depot. Ohio, an oil vinlage, n-as as Buiton. drusue lu the bouse of Williamr <ýýsvWted by a dgataos lt-e. entaling a Danay. the wumt'a formser huabani, $Aàg o tram $100,000 ta $150000. The trom n-hum she n-a disrced, and aI- dré_\broke eutinlathe onIl s upply store trmpted toascore a ebli sebieh uv-us i -aud prend, deitroyiug it sud Lenis' the iteping ut Danzy. Danzr, the chi'a *W ster , Reatha ssaloon, Stump's res- fstbor. iterfered and rcive fta tentent. Loudeslagecis bakery, Jffrls' n-unis front a pitol lirei hy Bouoan. ding store. Derm & Sons' hardware store. Buton n-as erlnusiy itabbed lu the lbt. liarebh livery barn and John Wiae's Stra. Cteek stsbrd ber formser biushaid ew8deuce __an_ sd Dauay's presett ite, couin etabis ArefiCouple fIMe uddenly. aid. sil tIirs, Checkit he fot. - -- r. Theophîlus F. Fravel sud sifo. ut Woulville. lui.. diesi sudideuy, thelabler Exposio- c-...... lan -.î,t.. .niurTh.ia--,ubot-ufotho .u..t.tjih xzPrton-llihin s fen- minutes of te tlnaeof ber huzband'a death. Dr. Fravel Ia lyng on a louange n-bm itriciten nith .heat diaae. Ten uiniss Iter Mca. Travel wasa abo trlceîn eitý beirt fal- ta, decth resultinsg hotte the body> ot ber huabaud bai groieu raId. Tank a Fatal Dose of Fois.. Aman auppoori tii b. Benjamin i. Onera, n-ho cas tressurer of the Caban Iua iluNon- York, cas founi dead in tise Lafayette Holol at 'hiladelpbia. Hoe ,_7 Aud comtitted suiide hy taliug landa- Givea LabaratorY ano berttn. presIdeut Barrowa. of Ohelin (Ohio) $feifllvity, stales that Luouis Il. Sever- Utoe. ot Nen- Yack. bad made Ihe gift -$0000 fr the construction of a nen- g*amlcal laborator>' sud the grouuxtiou .whielst itfrbplocated. -Kltied b>' PremaitneBIaI William J. Borden nas tnstantly killei Md Mîke Saratield fatally wnondei b>' à prenlature explosion aIt tse Flagtaf mina at Republie, Wasb. Ses-ral ths.r uiaeta nere mre or bs ljureul. - Two Ua.and t Montras., lPa. -At Montrose, Pa., 'orneliuis Shew a nd janes J. Eagau. the inutitet-ors ut -jackson pepper. an ageul and cealtIt> irmer of Rusb Taivttulilt. cere haugei, Big Buriiar> lie Chicaigo. Burglars etî-ri- bhe t lothung store of Berthoid Cebele & Sous au 22l1 Thry- trnl street, Chcago.siti lî,th taidiclOth- ig Woth $41M anid, lttatutturuthe aate, touk't $4100itu eurreuîuy - Wheel tract, la the aIll-y i 1tbaiti-Ila autagoa wan barked up to thet, i idoti - Burned tu Drth in Nec Tut-lt Twotitîieii uero htruedt l, datuh in a lire that tcarri-il ii 1.1g _Nets Yonk tanemnt hitite.The bliiirusue- reeav- éegd. but havei iti lin ul-îîuî t 8 Ralot. s familier 40 yelmrs f agr 0Texas townuship. N Dilun ie bis sf0 Médeed.The crime ,att cauIittsl hby au Re oot, n"ho tiral rut lits WWfEatbroal IMàS a rasa? and Ibeu LI, it, d bîmitn »m, ane ay. Tw s intail boys survive. 011 ar (IEniploye ls KiIedL y. . Crennan. maager of th. Te- lak. an. braneh ofthlIe Standard VIl , w' -s u »over and killesi îy a FeOsidib engue. Creonu a -f w« »nmu I hi.ooe lu the rellrOad kaiIllà tiso*ot bis fot cangt toluma Protest n-ms da- ~adf warded tw Waihlata againa t te Pe- tmg. cf the Tanaey bhWlfor taxint aIea. Margarine. Ir a .elted tsat thse Pal- âMag of t-ibibll n-gald &at*gelivestoc tnterests. certain classes of stock belnu of valu.eapeciatly for the fat nhIi hlm utsed la manufaet t'Ing oleemariinl. MAT YET SAVE TUE TEMPLE. Mai-hllFilid Extenda Tînse in Wbtch Bonda May Be Paid. Mrs. Matilda B. Carme and the board of Temple truate"s scîli have until Jan. 1. 11901, il u chi lmake the Wouuan'a Temîple it Chieugo a memorisî 10 Fran- ce-. E, Willard. A checkt toc $1,000 hi'@ liera giveu tn thrnt by Miss Helen Gonii and sunfau apuleai will hocruade by itîs. Corse la persun to nlnety-nise otber Amerclet solutro, usitin tliemtitlacon- Irihate $1,000 raelu. lu addition tet-na- tees are srrauguug tut- s oîtose tohuae convasis fron ttue Atlantic ba the i'acilic. The Unitedstiiteis milittlie iiided lot districtsand i aeb tesident seili ho uskti to donate a suinutf utmner not hirs thtan 10 cents tot.r, c'iliard mornortal fond. Tite knowlrtige that a torî'cltusure hall bren sst-rrii or postîuoued tuamete o the truati-a ofler a iayas session ibte Tom- plie,< A mi-socuger sent b' Mur- shaîl l Fchd vseelsu udjourumew,. >5-- Fieli rî'îîcvs-edis prutuise ta gise the trusteel- $50000in tcash aui $5(000 ta stock j1ti-osinig tlîey lar off and vcilce, the ssotie of $300,000 tur Trtîuîle trust bouus SIIAM DUEL, BUT CEUN Lti&DILD1. onse Oio Boy Kilts Ht@ CorsPluliOn Whilç tint Hutlti. George Stoiter and liorrcvt Gao. 16 yrur-Dii boyos-liting itar Gi-va SPrtuiiiv Ohio, n-exi nt t1jîc v s ilau th îevs litige for the parîtnsu of bîuulîitg Atter sau hi tuf for ganutu for soit-niâituturs and lboîng usac-easfal Ibey deîerîîîîuîrd ta havea mItCr duel. So, paîiug tiff o istttance aI a given signal tht-y viiiitsiappina the triffors of tlir guuîîs t îufurtuuate- ly G1alitas gît a s loti.uîîîd aîud s ttOff. strukîîîg younîg Stariter ln iluct.-. I, sese-ti unit the ;ugîîlur v-titanud Llîiiîucthitlu stantis. N tuîtutitiuuu.u iadI l,,i tlua thuil hi$ a lîî iui uth,.b 1. l tiO erilul> oit-r tliituti allauîî ittut .1N- un- t- uv-rn îuîîu , t il t ua- ttt> u1(13 It FIRtE IN. A CHi (ICAO iLOtCls I).uti.'e uif$25,0004im Ilîitîrii lii oiat Firo ii- li v iii.- lîidiîo ig i 704 NI.tii.ti tj'lrt-ii tiuiîti Mi if 1 il a itage of $2.u.ini (lîtînli-. 110 iiiui uffe,îd lit toý Ilie I'ha ttt-v ca (roit iînianl> sui fuilîi il - masý%j s iItiilt i g. P rn 11-tyv ttus n îui. ont Fi ce. The licettu lu-li-t ~lthe blîcil it tory h e uih t 135 i-i 342 Kavit' i fi> 'Eltutig l e ,Bu-ilu, r tutiltsîti lu îl : l> titeutu ut-t l sttucute svnuî-IttutOi ttl 11Il oI' titi uhiro,' tair-. Il vii- u'u'ul - i0 lUiN lui l-railiii 'M. 't-, îîiutouIiu uni Brown-ut& Siiiitiu-tiiu- 1u1.uturers. Illastiai tîulettre ttrrîl. '10e" Schwnartz, iv un tv. nnted ta dorru citlts frot SNcw Otrleansta 1Si Paul for iiamntod sus tuuinug. il-ts srrrs, ed aI KamisslilY uni lakeilt 10Connu Bluffse on o charge or ssuindiing puys- bruitrs there lir 'svuitibg"iiîond, Ho objocîci rigoruualy to boiîg aearche and ivos cluhubeul by the police. Dianuonu n-orl $4.000 vsetc roundinlu ts pussei aion. Nese Iowa ]Ruai Ope. forrFreiglit. Tue I>uvvitport, Rock Island ai Nortn-ester rond has heu upteo tf freigbl trafie, aoi a passeliger serfsu esablishei. .John W. (Crlts. preaidei of the Federal SIc-el Coiupaur. ta preu dent of the rond. a hieli bas s bri, scruss the Muisiipi lat Davetîtot Ion-s, sud outos tam<Y-one iuit- f truc! Trstps Luae Theilr Li-ea A barn au the Fo.x fur.t, tvo tii. suutb of Ilitutîluion. ou1À., bit n-tu(10b n-et-o Ieeltithe baui-l.itu itt rsix ha been fîîîl yiunve the tiirut Of ht-se ti are fenrttiily ho,aei_ Fi- Dl)etrnya a csersh. St. Cî-î.rgu-'a tlsituu hu Cbiureh tut B ru,-, Ii ut. Y , - as gultt h' i> ý Tre 'l,.-tuumiii thbuilhding am! fîurîîisingitfotu stiltitmuted i'milIm 10111 City, 14. <,Naîleaoyd i ' i-tous-a f aii ittlCul>. S Lt, "ss-â Comipany, bcatesI iortb of Manicie, latd., ]y uiu-troyedîl i--Iru ' -Seteh lores ln iu the Biai-Iford Counuy il ellId,. ato t u t.-huii sue- icîTi lc1lovais $1 ienîiu b-i hy au explîosiotn, causntua 11131. a t ver> hutte inularnce. loge of $10.(OO, in additionîth Ie far-t thet ftrty îraîîcîng oU i i-lis Mus a lu. Sislattreprlts fa 'tmm Lala îlie tutîil rtpairs re tmodeoin the 'u-thoa eoju , Tfi. mii l chiner> - Thetire origiuaîeî froua uu aIi-h arerutauv"ervtuf,,tili- igtw eoh, tempI of Oit etniaye toutan-ot a froz- ionhiholîl 'c.cieituvu I htutu t ict'ea Airnities il. Kilht- i n Erau TIhe Sottheru Presb)tIci-ati Board of 'iThre titi-ltvemre kliItd y te failui Mi ssionusonun Naslitvilie bas rrcu-îved leters ut an ecittor utnte fi rutîturoom (roua 1ev. L. C. 'assanatdîles-. Il. '. hi'bu- ia osfititl c> iiin theun.u ,îch iv tu itýaen, ntitiîîziirs of the chutu-h taouf tueIlilitnois Steel 'auîupaut> ini tîcai tluaurd aitattebo, Cîttgo FreStan', Aft rien, givuot acrotînts of the banng at nAtua.T EJtOTATION&s fotirten v iillages nîti the lilliugof îuîîc ty or mure natives by State trîînps. Thcy (bucago- Coule. commtun 10 prit retort thaltdomne of tbç ictimis %%urre $ )to $71.4 it ou. cshîîuiug gradi oîteu by caunihals. $:li su t. $47.>,;hvep, fait to chrutîr, ii tu $s: 00, vv ual, No. 2 td,(35e ta 4(P Aivices front Cuobtia report thue deaîb or Presideot 'Ml A. San Cleuirule. sehich bas crealci a itewsiituiation aitd greatl>' complirated te oitiîal outlîoit The lusitrgeuts are tîaine the moal of the ebangmid couditiuns. SuwsClai- .TIti. ta WItolr Tosi. Sut -s ld in the District Court ot Dals, Texaus, for tbe ovvnrship ut the laud upon whlîb Oakt Cliff. a sohnrb ut Dallai clth 5,000 ibabitauts. la octed. Au alleged mnisiug beir ba@ been fouud. Tise pruperty involvell la Worh Millions. Rob a. Indiana Banik. Three men bien- open the salten the Lucky Bank at W'olf Laite. lad., and tobbed t ut ils contents. Thbeamont seeured la nol kn-wn. t is heliî-sed s ubbecy at NoblesvilIe the ight hefore n-ks comutitlc'd by bbe same men. Hope. tt lend Bi. Fortu-r "o Lîtkr" Baldwint of San liraucisun. n-ho bas onîr a retnuont lWtt ut a uer, ihbg fartuue, îproposesoin the apriug to go, lt Calte Nomtie e.utusmîîiîug cauppunu- t der Ibm arcie circle, oui start a dauce bon-te. 10o No '3e, 30c No 2, 11eto 5-le;2.u21 chait13crîry N. -' 53,tut 4c; bus ftt 20oie canir '>e ttue.coic;eg, 5c l p0er lînvbel. hoce 5co5 perîiisîuaplîa( te bple 30 $0,75, hagu. itoice tl, $300 ta$. $6.e75;î euîtîueu o itte.$3,00 tu $4. n-bpraI o. 2, 6opre, $300e; o $4No -o-bib, 3o. la 69cts.7c;cnu, No. whieto 2e.321;os N.2W' 26ct 2.l-at.$35a$0,li $30t.u $475; alurl. t3.00;tu $5 3.00t o $. 7 sto 7 3.00 cou,5No yeius, N3.2,103e;oai3c, cor2, 2o. 2e; r, 3N o 3 2;ota5. N.2 4 2c; ryie, No. 2t. 2e o504c. i-si $3,0 b $4,75; tie, $2 ,0$.7;toe $3.t0 t o.$4. 7 sto 7 2; ntu.14-o meatt . '2 0 cvI, o 2 mio,o 10ed 3e ryr4,;No. 2, Nc o. 2 m1e. , to 21t;ril Caolle, M$250 l$65;h $3,00 un $450 ed,,.50 ý$31; lh$1 vs-b00t-$N.50,;71ic tii $2.0itu$4.o ym'iiao.2, lu70c tî7,;Sucoahin,No tql.w 27 :1iy'.! 7e tu t , tle. -hté Ttli-t e '217Sa 2 et57c Io 59e 71ce. ucornt. N tli.2 x , t. M('e, a N, '2 itixu-i, 23v li to - ye. StN,-,5 to 58,e Cttteu ed' $tL1.',0lu 411< Tb, bigib.curtl latetrinltt tris. rt- 4titoOecutn,-tu. Sut 30', eIoi ,of dru tue ils. verdict inl it'e onapirrcy atruNa. 2vm bite, 25e teo'26c; ryc. No. 1,i out lrovitmly iîlliajeed of, dci ided, yIl> tuni 5ie; hurler, Ni,. 2, 44- eta 4t;c; pi votu' ut 1361 to 3î. Ilut M. Durolede ~ -12 o$03 I n-s guiiî>. and by a vole of!«20(0 ta 1 $1..,t decided àt,-üuatngalo-CalIanles.gond ihiping stol j erde tn iitiatit crenttacr. : teî1 $6.75; lttrutuutil, cho Dr. Suueuk Fot-eed t.Ret-rc. $3 2 tlu$$4.75; shrîlfuir toe hoico. li the discoserr u tonans utlntlueuring 10$4111 the sex of offsprlns. las been fat-ced tu Ne orkYa--Cattle. $3.25 te $700; b( ietirt tiotu the Vienna University. $8.,00 ta $500; ahe.p, $300 te $4. seheat, No. 2 ced, 74c eta76e; caca.No Objece Ta; iugOousralts. 4eta41c*; aat&, 1a. 2 n-ite, 3iC tua At ia eetngof the.let.-Pul to btter, creamety, 34 te 81c; egga. Wq exChamgp at Boonh lot Paul, - Inýa.,au.r 1e te 25Q. ULEYER BOER lUiSE. LiPSF% O F EAIH A PLIJe, IN CONGRES& _ OhM * Me t., BOUNDEIt THE -"RICALL." FOR A paspblt da 1>7lhuU Iîîý N EMBFAS HÂVE A GOOTiriNe SRITISH TROOPS. a&ltnt tg x-e VahntUý N PERQUISITU. mader ttittlittatistIcal Exhiblit or strensth oof uâter beM. 4)w1 Enish Obeyed thse Bugle end L.ft lutin erviI it lg the Wl? wîth opein, 11on0us.. or Cogre.een @Weil Theoir Their Cmarades ta Be surroutnded-' with Losses train AU Causes." The vol- ~ AO.*,0-teg Germeri Gatcre Prul Shnts aunteer force coalsted or 10,017 officers SirmFrAoe$,0-i Gaeera GuiýachPouptly Sehootaend 213,218 enlsted men, a total of of 20 Cents àabille Handy, for the Fat. GideWschoe'eDeah. 223.235 who were engager! in the war. Distant Nemehe. -The deathis uumbered 148 officers and Bath honses of Congress reconvened There was no ease for London tu 4,356 men.Wahgtaorerod0:au edcayatrihhldy cas cotupisin of lack of uews train South At- Durlng the war tourteen volunteer rt-Wahigtn HiI soecoensaIo oa n WtedSnsatfe .Ct ter oli ee i- rienaNioîtîly îttorning. Tht- otoi-filcers and four ofcers of the regular cme nsatfion ofmentheîleateMr.d ande r ii îofere bola portant dispatches fibat hlldcrnouir0r aruir holding volunteer commissions we?. the etibies linoîany dil uli tre gis-en out kiliod in action, dire. dled frein wounde, gres le 1aBupposeil lu RepuibLican fluanle coinitttîeetoen agreed Suoaday nigbt by tire. mur (Alce. ( 1te19i>frein dIseaso snd eleven frein other b 500. a. so hags:$îlîggrîuîî sas pîco r orruatiînî-îoaiedthe de- causes, of whotn three were suicides. Of a malter of tact il la reserve. Mr. Ilortîîtai p'oso tous uof anfto 0iîo dr o rmathion ritd e 1 lwr kledl atOn $5,tttt0and perqul- detussd coisdratitt\uL NUr. l'ettîgreW' taifa f soufler Brtish onderor %vhch theen-isedcmtes." wSi niei lu ctionallais" iini the-ain. orl ppilit lotresou 0.ri i euen t es- anloinni tbthe saille tîhîgof-Othe aiuc-78 otbers died front wouuds receved and ~ ~ ~ oa'akpyCn pieo toî a u it i e pr cens of a brilîtuol bit of lBoer strategy. 3,729 traim diseuse. There were. fur- 1. - gres-Ihe Forty- for eniogîe, r-,i . lt,.t tc.rsd Dutring the lrogress of utattrock ao the Itler, 111) deaths of enlisted meu front Il t I 1r d-when diselHobart. 'tMr. AJIlooffrtircloitlon Boers aut 'oleslbîtrg lîy to f (in. svarioas causes, 97 of whorn dicd fronta c-"" mensters raised their caliîtg ,ou S(ii-ot lî-f(or tartespon- Frenîth*s commaid lice,,rs lemtoritrat- cdents, '-Ilacre dcowood. 11 were soi- slre rmi~o-dn. oîNî îiilyI itoi a ed thetr acqutitaîa-e tîttitthe British rides and 30 ivere victimes of motier or - taar$is afront d ose Sio ti loia k fank IYrit cou Lagi,- tal-t. Theo,y oide ficthe reail,' homicide. Deserttouo froanthe runka taretroWactieodte oer Niiot iitîili~t - îttY onda.our and titre,-tomtlîattirvut fuof theItlo afo mbrred 3.060. i etre tcefut the 31 r. Alun. iti »I .ti il rM.ode.iO folks. %it-h tad jut bi-t,' . rditreti to The lotai ousses iu the volunteer forces Mi0r.n oehss r. 1 oî c ta lo.l v1k-1 tdrl OiotiOn charge, oabî'cd the rIt , tting thei- e re 1,718 officeru, incloding Ie.ighl dis- eriaslynoone ansed lu' '. aa - ntad'iil: t>t i. ' 1,rdispositio ututitli 11f -olpltîhu pIott îtî i. i These tîttuard, besidês rolignations and dis- raslyttg tmte sonnI msriai t. s itul- , il. l tf'tItigrefa wür i îrroîintd daloi talira i Iottero by ioreantd 30,588 men, inclttdtog 23,- U ' stind, btrearmafelitîfiiaruoir th, tc îut.o%.%tit nfor the B.Ierv..1Wiiîararged for disabiiity by court siefi u eraýifrain(ls lg il 'grattriaIltvlttg iay crt iirtial sud by order. ter yeac there havetntions %VMa- lit, i- 1 l . ite iir office"t nord thtiyt., tt tt-StiîiIbr o iIa le iidl cin een tuckeoinmbfile corners of appropri- rectionit NI,.Iu b. .irdiill pro- -i -ru- kîle loti îîilititiabottifty tmere tcap- Katnsas sud South Dakota lead with 3 ilion buiseitems which arc lu the nature viîlîtig il t tîilgi ' î- lT ift I 'oto IWOmc. tîtrd. .n.tFrenîch',. auuîîtîulîr vittent flitI' au'h; Nebraska lard 2, chule uo other of a boune lu mombera. lu the I Ndtr.i.' I Sîl, r.i- dregain- t,'etEssex regîti'ntleti.let tu arI Siate huid more fihanonue. 0f iisted The moat substantiel prquisite that lion Ialinîtg tt un tltttil, for Corre' piîu-etie Sîfaih ivtut' utiertathe ;tiet kiiled lu action or dring front gares with asSeat in Cosgrensi iamileage Rsîitdcritcî'i(b tit uo,it 'îty Bs.îk sd iatiîî's frieodo thauatrlistltof ensilai-l' ottodv roîeved in action, Nebraiska lt thelicrate o 0 4croîs pertrile each way, lau itrimtt uai ltîu tIoiYak tlies,a. the Only infî'ret,î'îedule toui-ont30Kansas 30) and South Dakota 24; bta and front the capital, once each .- resouiontirJtoi liint iresolutlons fithactfla tahai the Sîtfîîlks disgrai-rd I NenYock Iost 15, wlile 241 of the States &a,,n For exemîple, if a inember lvres were offlrîtîl li-Nr Siî,froth, forr e' thetobelves anîd iheir fii;by iolti îg sud hl o oscs. 1,000 miles froanWashington, on arrlv- tarit Of îctttanlxttiîtiîttlts. fiai ieasing a few of tue., tmor'e iîîîcacont'l tretotal number of elsted men iag t lte Captitalllhe fods the sergeaut- and biltiti,-vlu> Ny I-r. uisii.for a radessta fil1 the 1c-trojaiiu ichu, dird froua ail causes, Ne-w York al'arms ut the Hituse,I i be isa Relire' oait ottî iuro tttlaîitiorizing Lorît De La Wtîrr, tn it grapthie île- Iiaeds th 17,oslhos 8,Msscu ettve, or the secritury of the Senate, Cîttgrîss i, elalIti o uui lItie trusta; * ariîtn f he atleofNlîgîroiîtrusert. 7, '-lîil^_i 39 iia25If lhe la a Seustor. has creqiýgd, biga a*- bYNMr. 'i, ]lei. ,- ai, ,t tg lite ,ttrpose of bal one ga ý.caottwith $400, or oosrly an extra thte Uttittai S tli gl-ie 'tllipineslu' says; ~~~and Mithgn25Nsaals monîha psy. The câle of 20 cents par dolicodeiti totitia uugttat.D "il iv uvelos sto fi'sgstifemtIti'otactimartem n. suile was ixed long ago. wlen iransprir' ftatlttt' u uiiiîîouî Nr e a large perreuti tag ýf te trotps are ls h bse t n roa oudr onhu- ainiaslih Th ebrtanofrdabllu tretlila. iug heurt for a iaittîu.itgtîittoinrtaed of a icide lorre three tronti Alabama, three tlo a ib h ebr rm uf-îdoIIl îi.,ili-iot~tI succession utftiatulai attacka on an in troua North Carolina. two each tram the 'acilc dsope are lackiest in the mitle- Onu 'iiri-iitt tre Sîite ,revru-l e s&- visible fbe, secorely iutrettt'iti-d and utitiFlorîda. Kentucîky, Ne York and Vîr- âge baud-coi. Oneofutitees$1,442 lîo to rot 'Nilr l-iltii,-Ii-intg for treacbabir Our rac,îfoiight adîttiraitiy , anttt. îd (tie each fro0. lalue other per session>, or $2884 fur the terni. If Atîteri ii rt-I -i ..t f Piluiintes. with bt lhey ocre sslu'd taulerfîtra uiro -tîî-,lrvdi ro ain h nited R member rides ou rsiroad passez the notice tihîtite -nitt i -k itiiereu the ries. laît iiîe filtiautiioîddont Maille Sîtte-is oiitutera. 0f the saicides of en- mleagi t. al clear gala. followiiug li-.I -> t Il i frant rom-' the gallaîtl gei-rîti, ahoomus te ir.t l- me-noî', three eacb conte front for-gît,,- rîuiiui'uuî t f onl,tîttattiandbut Cougresa aliîîolrirates es-ry year $125 î. -î -i f 1ît lt-ti Nii KiDe opy BOERS MOVINO A BIO (JUN INTO ACTION. pet member for 'stationery. postage and of trsituiîty lîtsfi- aitîl otits by Wa Oow8alier.,.i 'Thtéstaîîonory clerk opeu nvotîît tîîîsvît otîirîest au acculanttwiththie otettber. credtting loitoîtn bhi NI r I.îlýzr uî-îiîî- .îg fils utr it- - ~bita wiîh $125 ait he Atart. le may te ut-o-cv int S-tIti t-liav ii tltr iavel' - - "'~~ is echotce beivi mctdiriitg $125 the lti fr . itnu t a îI-thiltein At- fIl! day of the session, ar lho msy let bis î-îîîîictî 'tcîo tî .îîî adified lsaccoant remaian open durirg file session. Alleiîr) iIIoi,t.tiailitis'ttiiSetcetai 1 'tc drawiug front finte ta Itie sncb supplies ta (' or lton rltt - tt,'tî'rîmtisode- of perre, tak, tapler, etc.. es lhe needa, poutîtsi a ittkstliîiu iro-iderstlall le .- whîch are echargeol la bis accoant as hoeoetSIc. l'itiîgr.-%'îî iit,ittitrestitution h' emba. At the endotiflhe session holie t qjftie in îg NtîtiAilyouard ta o '.-. - sigoa soucher for theunaexpended bal- . la utstuer l'littttig Iot-trit y Mr. ance Welhet hoe draws bis $125 l Ilin ,. ttt tIiulîite on -,tirttney ce- Illei au mpays for whatliho talez trointrîbIill.'Te lîtîtîte Iiil,,t-dîl Sl' fdte alatiourry touai or koeps au open ase --iiitiiitciii îîîtî t-tri Ga ge eunui,.fle member îpays about aur lhiî'd for iîontorîîaîîaîî riiitlressacy de- or nue-hait what aller peuple would puy N. orksII a i.,aer mouilu e -f r b e sa in e a rtic le , t g o r t i l t il, - o p e liq t- e d t a T 'he aliacance for -postage and uews' vpî.î-î hillîî-r,-îîî vs 'ir. l,i-v Dil) .N' paptaPr,' inladed in the I$125. ià anodier y ..- ,ilîi-orneî t suO b- 'yrelie uf the od dus honenbrsutpaljî'frt triilIr ,, iîlîrtî-N. Y),and r * potage stamps an ftleur lelers aud nesea- fibe ijtn t, lîftil ttoI tg Stonday. 't - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~paer-tu whîch ther serre suppused <iNIiia tt'S ttl-îu--îd eon .s fer' lite Public puiao- -cot fancy P"tc's.lion by Mtrl. t t iîtii' i. î-arh cab- Ofà MJfB ,/Ieau-The truoLing priviurge bas cbanged &I inet atitr iti rt iz-loisttient of tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~hul, and Iho Cougressntau dlghts l utin u ',i>silft i--v-fand each m,....~ atltttgmor tu ts hî fr eddrtut t îl Xl-ýl.i ,l-.-.i NMrPetti- tons of buff îbîaîgh file m ail r s gr<-w s -.uiî. t, tutitt fîr Ad i is e'tt54 0ftsba~ h rge. litv l s itu.r i s itt t ii i b - - T he frank îne lirivîli-go bas had ls Dire co ftd ake îttti iat t l hflou. A ter an on.Yeaeago iî c-as pracsically dil.tie pi- urt-t tii ) iîedyMr. si- carte blanche-membors frsnked every-l'iirtcs -otttti îlng an Secte. il -tbiug, but th priviloge seas so mach 15rif 't' aicfttr n fîîrîîiîîîîî as tua i- nvictitu of the terrible disatershchwe- sasu oYork sud Iseaeaaehfrum abused thst the laie sau repenled. Then iitittitut naCii <n. Torres of a. raine fhlictîlgîtiantibrigade. They march-F iduUànnlri l'tnnse. Ieprîsilege ssas limited lau public duc flie tu,,arîîîy ritoullirît rites. ilsA ed ed in quarter triîîîîîîî ta thetr doom. t;en, lit dratît',troa i iserise anong eliaI' umntent. and letters t10offii.ers tif the ov.o- Nir. L.Ii.- ttiStIOtb"efir sîupil ids Wtaucope's la-t oridu - 'For Godallue, ed mteniNwou trk had 380 )ont of sbout eenmr-nîOuon ociaI btîsiness. The test adirtt i bu ot tut i-tccl l'hiipptreinforma- P-men. (do iotioie me frctutis-ili 11.00 rfisted. Ilinîois huid274 ont ut change mtate .sss ln 1>45, nbon memu tit <rt'o.ia,-lilIg.ta lpeak am gladden the lut-uns of bis nîiîîîtluritîisuat,,,..,ussthistl 65oI fbers seere autttortioal toseîid under trank h ilf-a ut l-i frady finds. Thîre nm-as ito accord l,l luis itfrit68WStOthioa 2ji4out11of lemsathon aur commîttuniton 'liaofficiai business"Nr'iugaittit.p-- ti-ti sIque.- ti Cen. leîiiitu-n il I e ;n.- ui-tuli u 14.1)(1,11,l'eîiauslî anin,2Il; carof lemssfima lu alî r p-coi,1r. ided the seeîght dîd ionil, -l-î -îctr i i i- 1.1a leiate Sregard to ftit i.tut- i tihotla tf aît t-tr 17.(40) i tINtî bgîta 20u Ontsole rs tha ol nex.1-t o cooune.. Tirhe segti Iliiitt ui c, ittu fJn e Cru. N planuti- iiîî1res-ilerd, sud fichi- ,txct). îltot a i.gnored by inembers and it ta 2.Itl li l_îtl'vlto mîstauke losî 700 l iti.- In- lu irrion% ftonî tht- cauks NeweYork Dot euforrrd. uci ..- 'ti1î, t -r tiutîstigatiou ,a A pris it-tuttht, Irtsh tachatged %vith 514, or abouît 2% per lieot ilitire'-fur. t .jIoI', .stiutpont- Ig fatîthlt, i St îrîîuluîrg. ita tt ta tohs ct-at,%%slte Notrtht I>ikutia ad l Iic Dis- aifcblcoti tta olisIh îesti. itvci t-tt ii, tt ,su rl ®rt. homeaîrotltaI t hen u Cci treoaOse -i-t u 'tbitI ihalutoneanud Utah had At tile brginuhitlairfltic-fatIs-aoftpîîî..rt Ittiiliiit--guilty k. bliepotitltfletguidedhluiliii the traullua b!t,a errTcnise iîud 241) ont of a Cougrsstht-r.-caminita the Hanse .~t ~ îutu...tltstnt loto ute shot fih i'ttde deui with bai los oalo attî l,>tOnaoît4lirciu . ptoitl eue duy s typecritor, boxe.lcii i ttttit 11-i tttttosat eoes-isc. tOno d,-erttuîtî s tharged t10 grueral or- bo-ruîtitflite (r.anIof a Boston neîepu-rti i, Iitittitiit iiiîrodîurd ho O FROM LIMESTONE. Iera sud staf."îî'Stsc- otfau05lttiti u t- i uuItitiiut~' rn Is The lifeuarkiilrCberlîi Proceas f WERE LOST FOR CENTURIES. ber litfiantu ansd froat bis bornie, 11o1,l utt't-ttittfl<4:1, and Ie 5M (1milv ita ai t>, %tirol>. the famîly mcash it, i,. t r i it,-îiîiim la Yîtît g zSt. Lttail. Trille ot Eskinaîfr, Rctl, Fund on a mluu. tmas lî.otî,î,ce d dretaurd ta im tîî.. k ~ lfiît - -itd F 4 Itilt linif bcmctfr00't tonel>- Island in the Stttdsan fBay. lndcfeitkt litoiublinclss'Anu î l I it-lt fe Lotît-ivboil i fl icb'Union Sun -oni The sIratîgestauihi-opîîlîgicai diacoit' agraria t irtiter mvsa sccasomitd ui-. .t~t "7 atiue- - - îItýI,. s It, ii , 'i titktng terordi-ulinta i, llti ticcdo in tie have suit il, f i- t. i fart frrs. I luip - u i 1, ru . tit -io tii vî I .11 uf ti- tuît' b,.lia laitra nlriîiecrilh (t îuuiy lt l'-n utode oita iplies of but- refl-nti ctgo btad . e-t-- î.- - t-'u fo te i.îry l It Il I, , lurttu il ,,,tI ti-tII\%Icututti fo li-,hi lIl,'r\T e,- lotiely ililta lul B ayiu anuila nut ni(le, d iird theurli' b"' 't ; t uti rcetie, ils ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h la5îî ~u -ttyge înig 1fer htt hi iti,.-alulu f abut trllte Ilu III, tc uîtruî. at t-.Ir2 tck, i.if tiititt iit l ii h 0f f kIni,. ît. baitîl li-cii uithoutltu- uu.'tjtu 1 liin A the-tii l ht ta ii loitt Ii i l- tot-ou-Oc ili t ttiir aîrv'iut s nd "lke <<if ftr.- C(jech. [ttjl- bol- In St.- I t j tilituti,It bc-Il. gît liehavu' îîîî-îîîtmonta lui-t i-c -atrouiisu hile tuIl ai-~ ~~ ~ bobituIttgr iiitîîî I t it ttIla tu-, îîîiîîls agî.t tbîy are stîll "tiutts tt'lttli f cltc c l- S t - lut .1 t u.iireso- oui~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I i iithie -lt,- ,agi- itnottuit 10rit tutls, tht-y eauiI ligt uuui laitlte oauabe-ii. i i 'tut-ti 1iiSI-cre giu u tItîtt. tiîid Ilip-r i, ti#s ie ut i l outti g Ilis i tti orfît il,,, parro- l ut t I iltî'or bu', itlu 1 p I,1 i i tut ut ofut ki lb, ofta tumivroi- pa- li i l t tI i-l iutiueH u ii i.- ii . l lu> ýNr. cittitit' fuio tt tt 1 .uu lu0 t I ut 'Fc it - Ie t toý stil g.- îrîî, a l-bh tu t ii t ii ia i v-tttciv li -tI- t t. -, nt el-ititmn ti dotultoi ti. ii tt ~ t i -ti',l, lIii i> tî, b'I,I-t l -fjin aini0 l. in-he alt- iui- f it- :$lI4i îîuuîlryu lt '- iiit tt l i l u I bjef fhc ~tttt tiI -li,,ý.t-- l bi a larmeriî- fr tIt i t- u r t 0f the ci-i-k i l i isi ti lc utnî orsî uttitoir TI.i 'os a tt- u lb e tht- lira Iuc u i cl ,but 'MIc. ilri i ci un vu lonuu i- u tiiSttutarrltp atIît If i- stu tiiibts i-t-tv ther u111 lattilItO uIt t thingi Iitî i I L. 1 tttill l îla - i t-tp-t,- tf watuîr girl terra $114) a i le dtviur ii(tu tue aliigsiad tiqru d i itorho ,, i r r tli t irn ai y av big ali- bIS i ttetuof Mainetuc it,- ha. -1, i, te ait n itil of. u dds. I lutn. l;'-ui- hîiîr titoi _it tîcîî ii I li,,t t uîttuil li tfite iituti t titi f lîtl-tn lBay. clI bcurtttl n l I, l ,, Iriiak,,aIf for Itle \Vututut:11 t't i cu t-!îy sisIte fo (îîam od,. ttia i ut i niii ttl tllut tt it îur-îîll> ht i i-it lit-tut ul i l Iue@ î-îbu- liBt~u -rt a re, t tai , lus 1ut iiut-t Ir lai- u iii ~ it in ihi(h u-ýd,,tvdII Ili lo îi ii,s'isi i 'i "t Il> the sautle ahît h ,tt It. lt L,î - ia- d or ogtî-rd t luII tI l - i - i . i' go. t,-îu-iil, , îlî.î itIi- l ut tht-tdid ilot.i-it ' ti vhale lastbbc 10 luit>, titi-itiutot $Par 1 fuir ti--I ti-e lTh, - ii f,,i, 't 'iu1-ttt ibeSt t fu . o ai te liii' lah, nofthelite 10r,- (fileft ict utof tîuit of titi-e duiig flitc iniiot iii a - - andtiIluis il r.i ii dut-t.I'- il usticti ted 10a blavy stratîge peuple,îtIt. li huiotfib- migbty stitht le t l-i i elI.,hobut iîîreiluîîo '~ t itlciî iuu aiie îî tb sluil'iit'5 il ota cî'îîa îî i i vkiîî bilai.uîtîv uttu-b hIe Irse st'fic ntht' i u. î . iitirartfiour $1010, Pa> li ii. i u t i .I lr. tltrt'ttili Icut- il o poti mui Il hao, til > î.îîîîr l0vhtmttable tolutiis lu ie r bTe tawsas sulthit Istu it h , but lltht ap ta nutl l',' tfrit' itttiist'ii uni> fifi> ightin- "tîtltau -sen $100u,-und a feusinstaunceas ti ru tIii itiiti ti iiItc r iai the war je, lotit ,-uagîoi iseniof. dîuiduai.aot iicttully disidav ua ar n , ltait i a iîccîîctiîîu o base iurtified t" Iituiiliit 'rbethee is i rî'sitiluî iu the harple Of staîl sexes. lista îuuileca paliai a dilert loi oly $ttlor sut A li 'dt.t iitai- ta rafîtuf oamantthe .Ir- brsds ofa f t il e su'ýatÜn(e wus-bh "' c. uliar ttla iruiscves. tund qîite nulilte Sarte unt l i- ii i- egîîî tr lerks 10ta ttI,, , if N , ii i .,e ut lii a. te , Hall b uo tbuv ft heen unuble la 5<t omt thal ctîflOett bY au> other Eskimo. Rerc hailn t Ytit lîîîîu î'î tie $100 stiaghi. Ait atim li't - 4 i m ulî lit amsassînate or. f tho cool. ti- aa n t stitjecb Il t hei a ]or f their iisu-us-try sii1 on o b.em ode Q tli a iti itiiti ,rn t i ghî om n hatidie a l 1 .1" - iti11. i I liebrids.. h' coitbing prou-tii. RaiisbtiDow st sea n <uta the Ainii'ican Mui.rani af Natural 1115- each the N% ucl of tsi 0, thiee or foortumu- ntllslali-II utSou a5e seî riot oft-iiical dissolution vhtrhsetory. bers, rtl-ii-ng troat crah$40 or $541a0 utsai t1ue luit ticu tesriaîtîs. hes lusili mn tht- beuîls 0out and aethie -'ttomantth-the îîîeîîiîerr nîg etttable dis- rlin fii d ler4raiiWh 711 - bainie have a rcîiiitg .ffoclt Uatt i t 'i ý x Povsiîta tht-lebalanace of te $100. A ogtion la' tre of the wooli As it ssoda t.o. in u usluitioti n ut offered-in ithe lestl Coi oi rl ftiler 15> s rare on the .591: tt rd tti e- I0 iio-I.Iite Irs' a rld - I o lcos o n ). 2 IscaosteillO eOlila.grelu to pritlthe cierks ta members on tiitr ui"ll'ietinar-is on le, FEW VICTIMS 0F PLAGUE. d.~ lt s ol îtu hn rase Iheir ownn 'tii.. ioata Di f ....e. tf rilrt- 550 pomtlysbiod. 'Ilr Iy.ltta, litiite o pro fluer o a>htI~~~ ~ Saltiry sltti.-i-y tIloieSucos ad tierl atatlt i- lt-i utri t hcg BishonOfcoureDilsesar luly tifid. TelAliane, apro rise or 00BdllisnChet. titri- ihîro gise the u-tîbuer $6325 a rear. ta aib li itii id, iv -2 There bas- ecittasix draths fron t 'Tho iw' shîcit muetaiehoaiied flitevariable muni JothntIl. Sairiz-t-,Il .a u s i .tiosedn 10 bnie llattietiiittulnii. 'rv ut bru receiveol for mieae. 'This exhausîs hie aous'cii ut îîîug itohlit-Bay lamîl- uciurreil usil ti speriad tif thirlttixi-- --~ --pul ou the treat.iiy, bhît if lhointa 50miindai-ttn " iuin oid mait,,lis, iotaetobcu aga. tirsr, De.. il end 12. The ixtt c London il ounte Thaînesand the 6qui ad lho till hbso te opportunity 10 turu cui"t.ith -letourdeîîînr, s tIn. 25; ~ ~ 1 curdl> 4Strict aquuruliie of tht- vive, a penny by s*liug bîs areda or publice ît'rntitv .-îruîttaîi- Iii Erop

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