MUOls. asnsceoid-elss Malter. &*IUkme aYES UMADE KSOWU ON APPU- Iwo- P4Wr FermiJournal faa up and Cet Bth Pso)ers et Pri-bSof One.. V. vant &0 gel 200 new subéocribera ta oui juper by new yetas*and are goiue bedo it Uvecan; we Clarefore continuhe OWarvangement u 1h 1the Farm Journalt hy lo a e au send 1the IND£EPE3 nuru and the. Fsrm Journal 5 yeare, bqth for 3.bô. And vemake tbe aue o«erton aII l d aubacribers vho viii p"7 ail arrearagesanad one year lu sdvsace. Yeu know vbakt Our pape? la anld 1h. FarmaiJournal te a goïa- P-OU-i1aiprfgremui v-aciean, honet, un" apper-tuii of gumptian, fuil a1 u.aklne, vith au imueenhe4,eircui$ia amoig tueheus people everywhei-e. laea ought 1ta wke IL. Elain Buttei- Market. Btter advanced 2c on the boai-d of trade Nonday. AI] the offeringe, 177 tubo, ver. aoid; 102 tuba at 281e and V.M Do» a ear ago butter sold for 2010;J um eTpaited for 1the veek, %),600 tube. The ré~ort of the Robai-ta'Committee Wl» b. made lu a ev ilsys. ltobertfl * argu s lii vucase lotlmating hat4 ho. iI go because of is inablilty to hêlavleyera. Cils euh-re argument,I vhieh probabiy did hlm moi-e baim th»n gooci amy ho brleiiy slated abus: I emaand abat seat, becautce the people Whso éec.ted nme Ca it, represeul 1the oc»11 anthority 1 recognize as havlng e rlgbtto pes aupou m«Y illications Me R ouevhlch ordei-ed 1the appoint- 11ý ment of thla eommlttee la campoaed of à k*of ai oumps vha gai tampeded by he shoutiug of women out of 'viabever knavledge of eonstiiutliai ber they uay have liad. The Preident bas lullmâted rather aftougly ta enators ai hie party hai *a vould lite 10 ses lhem pnos1th1 tbienal bill toa vote au early as9 e posible; oonfequeutly the oppouents1 eftat imesure ar-e te bc allowed Ca doà »M o um t he talking. It la na easy job < boever. ta han-y 1the 8enate and là.' le 14na pi-bablity hat anyt ýt*bor vlo vishes ta make a speech tm'OWl bU!. wviii b denled an oppot- toxI4y tu do so. W bo he bill viii b yffe lapon te a malter ai conjecturie. bot 1* a pponenia Bey hat they have d esire ta delay a vote fui-her han am b. asoegaary 10 put hIr abjec- «Saiste tii measure on record. For lI5t lUzoom, t la thonght Chai the ' W4* M vi fot continue moi-e Iban balleSur rv. useks. At la oonceded by S*.àthe b.bill vii pasy a Imrge os>orlty Mud abat Senator Chaudiir. >-' - ieasaenedment vii bedeieie.01 ~7 oinht amaler ajoîy. sonator Hoar'speachIn lulavar 4'tloin Wblhppinere.aiuîionm. vhieanab e guASI"mt roumbis point of view, la Umre ikely 10 do liai-m han gond. Oniy tant vsek Mri. Hoar aaid: -tTbbo .*amrble var lu 1the hilippiuts wigfis $Pm me no heavily a a u e.nat fleep nt'lalght.Y YeC Monriey he wad, ea apeeeb, 1the oniy possil.eleeýt of vhieb vii liehoCa .-couirage te rllincs 10 attempt b. k.i p , h, ievh vcW lm uppaàrcîiCiv oCro'iug 18pos lis lent legs, iin he belIPf that *hey have h. ympathy and asuppoxrt ~', Sa onaleraic umicro .1 jlti întial Asaleaus itegai-dle.m ofai on opinion an 1the Philippin.e iileoti.iî in se longsstlabé*Axaloiles fi«la being i proeeb vaa diav is* ai aSop' J G A LAXELOCA&L NEWS. 1 firel %Ms Mud braire Âmsteane oldiers ed e Wadainute ns MB.. B SURvas,.ai d4k kilil lasta support th1e goveTlient of the Tawney bih for taxin lsoem..a. ýSMAN é tr lni lias efforts 10 iîing rabout posesof tisr illwfle. dam5a1l» UVth a m * 9 afr r U Sherman la atbQrised %0 r i veaubseitIOnadai etinetail rOeMsi ng te historia saYing --MY aese.ceitain elassflet 0f ccl .iii Ab for 1h. [Wzswmau-r aisc aideri. for job prInting. Calnon her fur i-aec. country; à[" li aa a riglit, Iut alue especialir for the ft, wbieh la 1 1ý- riglit or vrong, my country.,, la masutai-ttahig oieoun-gi-rife. B; <snuryArgman.. hall Fild Ex tenidu Timein WhlCh Gi GRAYSLAIKg, ILLIIS. The revival services celosed l'iu.lî Perhaps no simple queation la given Bonds MhlrYBe Paid. Fil 111NO N> T. GON ROUTU. avouang. no ranch discusaion as initeut doas theo Matilda Bl. c se sud the board of A. M1:13 A. W. 7:18X Edith NeCienry, of ('hiiago, lit Nieteni cnCi7 niati11epIe trustees w i iive util Jan. 1, 9:1- u.e Suoday bei-e. Nie"t etr n n h n which ta Il e the' Wooîan'sa TI tx . lM. d4. Nis. Frank Beak. or le, ise lm Tventietbbegin. Therearethoeewho plo in ag emorial te Fren- C"Hmi unday onit 9:31 vliitg fileude bei-e. waidhae l ha Dc.31 1<19, lam1the E. % illard. A bh ur'kfo$1,00 ho m Mu »iaîe N-. Bond in failli, y fliantwlî dlvldlng pointlandiothers Dec. 31, 1900. ît-eu tua hein 'ýliv, ID-lon e i'W l Hoa. a ver y liCle itape- 'I ery. ...on.anRapjîai a-I Il oi, by 11W B>lI ri get 0..e,,.,.terargués hus: ilistorîcalin ertif,10 r§ '. >e a bru , l ohronology doute vith ime pait snd ican wono, aeh a8 ..".> tucon- picifWiUCON11IN 111CENTRAL *5ILWAY CO. 8cIi-i'l 1.unpîeoaieeke. neyvoi lb ime friCure. 'Thhoecauge te $1,000 i-uih. lu additioni the troi-tails - - i gebart l l'îren bac geI-ireti a of the digi hat. every ncv-yesr ai-e arratig.igfoi- s hoîse-to-houseat motingva akelu ui î'îenar a s fron ttie Atlantic to the îPaciiice. s .OFFICIAL PARER OF GRAYSLAEIIE tiii-itlve pamiCtu l u Miwank 0e Unitindlire tallésitlOurieaidndadeié satort Mr. and iqr. ueo. WillhuI-, 'If Wall- literecrd I ayea comletednol0f ts, and cab i-cudent will ic aked X$ e. William Woodl. ofi,i suuIi.-, lowa. lm kegan eipeul a iew ulsym wîli nt. a yea begu. W1ea vatii-s v Date aI a muni of inoey not les& Chau cil bier iltlanid frlue(imtiI.> icIk. Wedge tatlesCwk. A. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n 1> 89 ia ube fyaisi lde 10 hut îa fliorluliit hai Mes. Frank BeaI. cfJl'ufliiu.5so. N cieilaz Chai-let Low relurnei Frudea is l ti rtr oaueîenddei 1 he r->oiýeee adortuluInislei iLîîkî- CossU,, home lu Minneaota,Afler cpetidlug a MOnoretueet vere pait and ve entei-ded cclifter a day's session in the Tem- fol fhan. VWiliîmen Cii for Wau-riY. loir, -de btamnt tioecm Into he ii>Iîh jour, vhlch now beclng dcii." A mesenger sent by Mai- Ch.,lt weyod ta noeaut ais.1.-rcHiînter. bIl itesbC int 1 tecm ooplCdwew-îe e.t90esu Fldcswie iadornri.Ate- A. WihiîuiwD. î,uî.doîe u inctigin1aenhdotan tltoà gi-ad the arrivai o!f11e 201111eeî,tîury. dr-ec i ioie1 ie th e -f ivce.cug b11eueiUeMiue(oh lu ~ ~ ~ c 000 om he1511ya cc*000luisfJ, rI..u ecure. 1111.remedy quiekiy celeail -m $50 i.e irat .ieithc. lyi, iî,iofrme of hroat sud Ilong troublea. la tiillerFol he 19K)thyDar e"ril -- 1 lioutWiuleus lisi'lwek.'lo iarmicas and pleasant Ca tale. Il ended sud the11 mit year lm begau. î. ~N l.rand. Lw Orle.S 314Reilar aloCk. tIi>,tloer place fl uce uefom dlîlt 10prevents consuuptiou. A famions They hoid Ihat a pereoli horn Jen. 1, Cchk . lginw.5thle loalti, Courît cf lin,>ir iitere wvasapeellie foi- grippe sud ii aile? effette 180 voud a o la. 1 190 0e 'ic-ted anscdelegt. tIc >.' "( P. B. LOVACLL, Lib)ertyville. J. 1B. ilionuld bya-ao Jn.sud eW nteg t iSheriff's Sale. Sirinuieldthe Tâcd. BRAituna. Guru... F. L. WiESTEH- sather periid oi 0ne litiudred ye- ai- r ake Coutlty, E'igarHock retiurne-îl r uim Ie ft iltsu it-eeir 111e2011 cenury.publie notice 1. bl,rhy gises tab linvu-cl amoatt ihrcly i,-îoced frainthi- the20h enurc ii-eue oi a crtal in I o auelai ezcîialon msu-sii-linoe heaîxporeei.dwllle tliea Expansion n Northern Wlaccnuln. The INDauPPNgNtT lelievEis 81s ngueieou o th 1e circuit icoart of! tekm i aymnea lI nm- i ak calculation 10 oradicaily vron2g. TheCoucti- and Biaie îIf Mlnl sd i .nutne0us, rend'itas h c. l'he vise pour man wba bouillita meanngo "cnCa-y e eperud lie Ili-eteIj datisi the lTour dur ni Naceeb-A. Hie tiotiior. Mie. fludler icha iîbrol ,nfarci au easy paymeuCe, and te aime meimngoIkcntuy" is& ptioidi I D moIlavai- aiGeorge E. iclhardsocn nrclng film rturnociyhhlhin. adminlsftiator of the eCaâto of Fillte Elle umanufacturer vWho ci-eeted a faectory lu yeara." Tbe FiraC cenuuyy as froot .leoeaaed sud against (leor eW. Elits. i May loyer Hfle. Laîtlofathe Macohees Norîhern Wisconsain a foev ysais ago, abiosTe-li 1e 511dai anr wIhidcphl ntiaia fofcr ben limes vere Dot as proaperna asml A. D. i10 toi>00inclusive; the Second AD lice TuoaChe' sol cfa of lan uar i th dapbi isaltono M iromA. . 11 ta2(1 inlusie; ud A..Aller t o!helhul daoaf onee a o'o!a othe ebing the beatiildill ionaneutod vIII It. Cey are nov, ai-e reaplng thair neroau 10m ilu)fli tt, ofiWaubegan. toontyin buWoodmen Habl oet ThuredayJJli.. tail. revard. Norîberu Wiesconsinhlifel. an, uutill the Ninet.eetb eentiory wam ai Lake auli) Sic-ofoiMubnis. se 1 i etPlilir Thete vli bc no foc of Roîy kt ndoue--y. ing exlkaneio luintet, st emn éea aof irom A. fD. 1801 Co 1900 vendue tho la-hgcmt Older lai- cah ail the h od )»>tiitshv o Irîglît tCîbesoilatte.t ofiGeorge W. Ella î in by IR ordilaf ibeleilel l t o,,' e-eit 11 o-l >laiCllIahv u lother method ooiacleiti lain loue1the foiiovtng ieeii-ihed i-oal ,stOC toe tuad Thomsail lime.,have reeiieil th'e- ii.ijo-oi- passnd, by any mot l itera are îalb In the Coui yaf tek.,and Rialîb linois abtalna a eetuîy vil-b mat c uaul .lesbu-,i(lu hy ,me b i iituof ai ..uivii" ..thý, ai Carmin,.oas iillg i,.-the îiaaî ioîauda ai acre. af irh h hidvood loryuré o 9.A la cm o a v1e, Jrperty Il if 1.1ficri- W. EjOlis ta-vît, w.-si or-- asthey uv- --rtr, oh-r rani Il mbelri- 1d1.avaitiag themstler as 1014y.....mna. .... ioîîît 1e noti li-i-,. -gils>(si Ofthi'e kot ),irand ,1cbitt, 0o, l, teisicci.lito, eil au lte matîîaclurer vhlch eau be 3104>t wheu 11e bas bitl$99. Tht' 110011. aof tic nort -cC tuartlei- and th.e tri i, hall f Cli,]îKîrter (If sectin Ili.,'morne bulilliifr,iicr To ;uIi lcree tbtued aI loyfilgutre« anl on easy y'O ein cg but liat tbegu Itr titainl-îworrty threc (23) townshi, ip 'lry lice(45tjk,,l,i wîll il li. t, i,, ahi-r,.ti'... I erme iiGolrone, fin c i-ool bouses oanth Uid Lrqig: uitiie nn 4 t'fte.'chcii, sl 1 l uI b. ,,-e ,, m anid bctt'- îIbikii andîotluc I- npiovementisare lucresa- calaIbueale. I ie 65ii-ug lul.i'eln.iiamte'ilsi iui<and i -îvilii,.tiIou leprogreesing. days Ctuaike a yecr, the' promeut ori-Dutert ct WaIiiieuati is ii>. li. .î., a 11d i cs- toia-iTb ltt<-f ?Ituae ieal 1900tit year ltevlug bc'grin an. lai vîlb iv'.I.tIirele. iiNe.ior. . ý(-i ult t eîcisciîuii e11i-t' lr-t -II Il ln i. îai-iand huila-r lande suîpplilesChe h.. lI lo uti.'he wii. u(-,, .,'.iî,ii li, aili.! Viybu. Treitpontai>ui end Dec. s iltent Ilw viii lili te.uiio.WeohIi-i sud 1. a i-ii.> aii Fatltien ai-e Theueld. '1e WlN. 1-SOisI yeaor rthe 24111 illtry. C. 14fl,.ed. L- vOtite.3-4 - -1 8 tsi.'* -rIî if tait i,.to.i..If itl .'icounsin Cent-alI tatirI,aIt, a atrlctly ch".gs, litlcior, w- eue talîl.b[ iîîi fo ild m. -,il Bt adgar Ilote Btadci, pi-efflthe' riî* -l. IKUS'9Amiitao' ae toikI i.eae ora unii.-îortherîî portion niflte haie, ofcrliag SigleIK Uof" Illdinillst ratar'e Sale iÈi oftic Lio-ryexcellent transit service ta 11emiai-kets îtî fiîol.. t ,eîMiac,,aof »- ithte varld, hIlliciteIterested criai InteCoaatY Court of LaIkeColtwril %tIac-aoiopogme lrîî l{uca paer JoLtnaUten beecs etol Of 7 Iorgre W Ellis. deoscd. GO-uoWi-elu, wstaoboril,,-- ,tir(et iiCig-atilte t.i y applylng Ca. W. IL. RILOFS, âbouk ite IbusC ai Gi-ev ooaîty îr,,sî E iiciueu-,ioiuAdmiltitai- cft11e cste il-i c iia îri,.Ic ti-tugWiiitn-n umClil<mitinr t)(rieW.le lm ceaaed vs (laitasAocn îir ,hy suI OIfuc ilt', it t iL an n nutil(oÉihin bts feet aiti u tfo lariatt lua est vu- i a t . e Wla È. Lande -Eb. E li i.î Smegiiui'iith I, nul, C-i ycit OLDY & ABBOTio idg.. Mîlvaànica, Win., (îiîbtitri-douliai-e guo.lIy il H it. A tE. uldoc tGeai- Mýtlls ilmk, II.,îi i-r Ilacia. .u)tSO . <F. A., jAs. C AmatIt.John Concerse- A. M. Iiii-taui Mciugi .clG iP.lîAi us. N S. Bifrland. Burton 1,.Ki,$tle. Jcmele A. euci. ,,Mandi .-iiiî. .5 n, vil>IP.Alvat-eWi Ici-re is8aoîîew dolilarIn- i, iiiuîatiîti KIlS',Jol,, Wutevay. A la WhiteI. Wilam le-la5 Mocisu uîýveulnil fileu. iiî,,lio-il il tii t,. Whlte. lue Acii, Ii thiknown heurs aio" r c> thley Say. Liu one Bide appeuraie t'Geu<ir Wifli. leueeeud asd tieunnovuwn l'i , iie heMntt'ltgi(i--l h us Otilletrainstatu of Lfayete andon ovuefslte irip,iuty hcrmluaiiordeerilicit. on II ClglCIl h o equetrin tate a Leeyeta ud u îolleio" ta i'eii i-cl ctteu topsy dcli.. At iio, istsiilOu atfiunyI-iuiîi. -t f teneiiy i ever i utd fla fi-'ughcs, Sudî hu othei the pi-aille ai Washingîon )PIlbie loc,île'ln uhu <Irees liaI iti o cIe.Iàt Sit,u"I.iiccuiugaii,,,î .uble in leiîellial fosr vlitoplag sud huelFrenich mar-quiîs. Tti s ul uio.rd fa oor ii ai0cormalletue abiocrre .oi ol tited cod on I. cutlnthe aiDcib- l u,,-i a î'iIciso lu- î,,an,i -sasii liS i. it uil Ilionry If, ilet besi-ay. We have îî>uC ceea .one. %Ie.At> iljue nt aîiilnt raor Geore E t.,, Auitl..- iî ,,îlr..iA o La , il-.Ner iams,t tttentmnvly b aies léhiuld lie delilittcdl isec pevea ,îî,lior.1nord paityl as uu",-'iytuIir- 01,ayta Afîcu- Il. Ins-taclatioin ia iormu.woe i-cmdy thait givcu imnediate renulti. R the (billboane.ift Ieî ac au 1he cucul ont ianecofaithe .' ucoedero'd ,,am.lci avo a e, l'yis .i nuircogbihiod., baaraenees, croup, I. îu.iit I,, ity cf W Il Il , ILoi. c lk-ii liene i-,iu r >. ,, l, a -I l , ,---h i,,puelito'nia. bi-aah itliy aud ahi ront bid ai Stto i Iîbole o e fc sii ci ycurcly yMu- c,îo,. t.lî,.i -'iouu 1 andttlobtng ti-îublew. 11, i-ly il% A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ll niha ,>i, iilvl uat.ut cIpubliec %e doe laI une1lititeut ud e-etpreveata i-onsumpîluun. F. IM. iovie.Lu lîttldd e r ,ru ylle ,n d blo ai -wiaî, IlMi il. . c' iii:.'r l. I cruai.1eth. daeasafor eae1 esta Layited sCl alti.wrgt te u ItrclvitiM-.I,,ik .i;Au iilî -ircB.u anei Ct II-tyvil;i.i Hs cs ( iin. >Iae oi le lae i ua-bing, éasking. 1the salut George W Ellis dmccua-i. i iucut tiîule FIiuc.ii Iyu il-'icit ~~WPSTRtSMAN, lRockefeller,. uuWbet le tinm.te ihIc iest Itli l ta t>,.' failîî wl 5 i, .tlcu ri, i',- t iseii f gd "Wa ayii- Position voklîlhpping 'Ilucribliii-al.Itatc. m t.t er oIN citiidren?" lite yaunadybeimi-eîed lThoikout th k Ii .lhtlie(,)lorthe ai t cci,îuu f everyttli,,g Iîîaet ii.-lcW. "sie Nt "tIy ubîcai position le On a choir 11î1ti.oî.. Celauîvoty-tiueme I and tu->"oii-uiitcl uefteIiic lkt 10, th fijolchldhedfiinuern fmyba i-l)Il iith" soub-vesl quarter ( 5, sneuioe. icuua,îtau il nthiel, chIlihsldtI-my aai-uu Ofmy id élecions tveitY-Ci xi n liuhbîu vs.> Trtue psiiie no , , eeestiy tIlit IL, knee, faeedovu ' Siîl dd n gel 1the foi-lIe .51sotbu casteligne (9) tceci oi the upclgvcle'unsDt on iîli theitîeI ~ ~ D~ F tilu <iipiincipai nieî'iau, . (fIuslcof , 5 ~ u ~ w sechool. But Abie tihdnC cori. er Loank se o (srol. tuIfduIrct ts a ildsy s ri ot S D No deciondeede yl ho dclisei-,ulIisTheou the ,0iiotà,id-.uiei.voili5 lii' yoilng man had galbodaiiitaI @11cor-antli-eeser or portasseof cld treutses Intallaion ~, îc. no..ier.. .. ilo- II.i. eud vus galng for a licue.iutil soi-h sale hasu ecoi.uprov." ub l l ýýao Da)t-iWsoe.tibof 11LIGIole Dec lm",e Tbere vas a coiotis duablite veddlng t tlCt licitÏsONao. Admlsletrstai- af IL)eow-cLoue i fe iàyGeai-Jan e W. tub,, deeeaedStars of a Slave. suit Aion Lydlil, lrothers. marired il_____________________________________1_ Iile- îbouili baiillîi luiot firii-kuîo (eiuani] Mutgaret iCampb.ell, sîsteri. by the idtw - vî.t Th1e geuuiuma wvea sged i8and 17, li- 60VIARII, loitiofilslsveriy lieiuige t1).îlîîe epeýI-tLc'ly, a. ware idal the brides SRX III Miuhet-,MiWIn.. te1ll- uc tulai cloue %kse itiile Ire lie uS.Yc "Mv TIte larepttîr of ail te partie% sppwai-eimille hae bl sunw. h-iples.- ir lo.' hoairf le i .- i-si lutate' juitge usli - eam i-s talut i. i Il tii lli o ve inlu U JIi1 h L ~ bl i lle. Alto,-er ,ing ls î iili-i." gave iiuiisent1til .i 'ulil i)ii ¶ .~ '~' fu s-e iiil ur. c il candidte l-foiru-uuu>.,uîut,. Il.'i RAi e e1 i1ii,11,iiire'ireateVtItvii- > i ll> ti Il., I illOra eI ovm A.- tempî-strir iel.1,iI,lv, Ilio - ment lily man.ltbiier IIt i. îilaies îaîîeuî se, o b cicfie, i-b k.iî.tuîîg atiu lud -ii- 1 iii~~oels ll'lit. uiimces iî,cî-iisrtilîiy Ig ho, ig, agoi-ieni o w'îîk, u' 66Fspah ànd a î; u ffem y ed f- vîlI ~ ~ ba lu'Mi leîîîiîcînsIufwa 561c. E .>iItIuiF, ki.>-> iib. Wtiiîi et hv MIIÉInà.ssiouY nv ans ,'-tuii-iiulog îoX>î , catis and proprietary mcdi- I Paa tebs- c Illî ie-painPilx 111 _ . 1 m . -i.iu-tisi . ,i t1iOs,ic- yj canes faiklsul ho .eim e n, AT THE PAIR Now that Wznter lias corne for gaod will br the time to buy ....UNDF3RWEARu.a We think vi- have toc, many I.adies' Garmenîs sa ihis week we wiii ai-Il au folows Ladies' fleavy Ffeeced Underwear. 25c Griad.- 'ill goi lit . . . . . . ..- tii iii - i n 751- Ail mcciîuii ceigo SI.tCi Ailtcuuouu i l gti lji 20c 60C 85C Men's Underwear Same Reduction. THIE PAIR, D. WYNN, Waukegan. veat hiitul bsjupsm,<li-e i-an pieteiyi-Y lrde "tac Il igectu. 1uit aTn ost sia-u', ru-c a]i iii-nm of ttitora-11 ll'ttttl ii- I t lu:'V', r fal Ii i gi ce t un malaeilIlui , 11e cî,ccl i-uses F Il. OvS ,)eu>ryvi-llie, .1 il BiAcusouin ieue.. L. W TVci-.eN E od -t hce bottiks ouf . Hci Fart Cure made i-e a healty main. J. J. Yasdun-.. Cornesl, Ils. 9 DR. MWILES' ~eau ,,1 &C~ -c--,Con t i n ues--..ý- gains in all ines of goods, a few of which are the foilowing. 15c Dreus Flauneis at .... ........ .S 10 15c aud 17c Dreis Goadsat ai ....-... 12 SOc Eider Dowu at ....... - .. ... 3q 3 Sc end 50c Faseijiators ai ..29 30c Baby Hoodsat.......... .19 $4,25 Ladis'C"pesai ------ -.3 25 $5,25 - ....4..... A 25 $7.0 sud $7.50 Ladies' Siik Lined Jackets ai 5 98 $700 Ladies' Uuned Jackets ai .5 75 Childi-ena $2.50 jackets - - - 1.i75 Boys' Reefer were $250 ai t --1 -i75 .Suit* veauSL75 ai.- -----------i19 $1,00 aud$1.2 5 Rockang Horsesata 59c and 98 50cand60c Doiisat . 39 2Sc and 30c -ai .19 Wall Pockets were 50C ai 39 25Su ad 30e Games ai 18 10c and12c Ganmsat 7 A discourut of 2o per cent on all books. F. H. KUEBKER, rayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. Buy Goods of a Responsible Party whose uarantee is reliable. Don't go to a -Cheap ýhn Store" and expect Something for othing. WATCIIES. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, NOVELTIES IN GOLD &ND SI LVER. Icarry a good lune nt rigrht prices. Table Siverwear aiways deiihts the housewie. i1ihave a 't -od mnfe o- -Extra fine Carving Sets, and sol d right... Clocks in varied and unique designs. tepalrlng of ail klnds. 1 car f ix vour , tch so It ve Royal ltv Home A'11! eep correct time. à)"P HEAD SEWING MACHINES. - - - -$19 0Oduring holldsY4 - - - 29 7S E. B. SIESRMAN, fRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. 1900 )ur ng the present year wiil find my store -.-H EADQUARTERS -- for good ref jable goods at right prices. oti wiII find during the coming year as you have in the past. that my fine of goods is reliable and prices the lowest possible. ~PATENTSHe itW 160" CureiGRAYSLAKE, ILNI Bolo haead ev en iusD.Mls ebaiCmanEkarm. Protection to Purchasers CLEARINO SALE., For 30 days, ail goods wil be sold, regard-i Iess of cost, to make roorn for new goods. Bacon,.pei-lb Ail Yeast. per piig Pice, per lb Fooiacap paper. per quit-e Holiday goodsata hall priie. Ail aid stock Boots and Shocs ai cost. Magnolia Fine Cîmi Tobacco, lb tins Handkerehiels, Lare Border . -..- Menas Mishawake ail knit boots--a Bronze Saab Lochs acd .....i Gaie Fingea. per pair ~ Sai. per bai-iel ...... i Six haie Raunge. No. 8 .. .. 1 pkg eseli of Webb s sud Celiuloid Sît.'ch Saloda,10 Ibo for -..... Cork Insoles, par pair -- "The Dewey" Suspender. pe-r pair s3 08 01 75 75 20 00 10 10 0ol Geo. B3attershaII, IIAIN2SVJLLE, - - - ILLINOIS. w W. caution the public against purchaaiug Imitations of obsolcie foi-me of Aur machines. We leep ýup vith Che latcai icveiopments cin he ai-I. making naîhing but te bilest grade of produci, andl have achileve unu>ualiied auccess lu ils sale ; hence mauy attempleCetimiation. and the iliegal ute ai oui- rado«mre. A Bi-as Medaiion. of lte eiiiptical lai-ni clava ebave. bears oui regla. tee tradecmarl, and ie piaced upon th1e beai of evei-y machine maie by us. NONE GENINE WITHoUTrrIT. m" M EWUS4CUIS a uS OLO LY 5Y 1rTHESuNÇER MAnDfACToURINO CO', omoPISÇ N uvany OîTv N yIls wenke v SUN. 7 _ 14 -I 21 28 ÊVEI TA i LEAI Libi s. ,I1a~ fr~I wif i lenE VLîbe Car G l ý * *- *- ** » * * -> ; * -* *- -* *.-.- b -1 -%